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8/19/2021 Why Do We Work?

Why Do We Work?
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Why Do We Work? | PBS Digital Studios

Why Do We Work?

In the first example, explain why the fisherman works: *

The fisherman works so that the fish he catches can be self-sufficient for his own needs.

He does not do it for the money, but instead to put food on the table and to feed himself.

He has a quite contrary approach to the tourist, who thinks in the term of money, and
explains that extra fish could be sold to purchase other wants.

Why did Adam Smith think we need to pay people to make people work? *

Adam Smith, the founding father of economics, thought that people were inherently lazy,
and will only work once they are paid a wage.… 1/2
8/19/2021 Why Do We Work?

List the 3 things that Daniel Pink says motivate us: *

Daniel Pink, an author, mentions that once financial rewards are obtained, 3 other things
motivate us:

1. Autonomy = The feeling of having control over things.

2. Mastery = The feeling of getting better at a particular job / task.

3. Purpose = Finding deeper meaning behind what we do on a day-to-day basis.

If you didn't have to work and had an endless allowance, would you still choose
to have a job? What job would it be & why OR why would you not choose to have
a job & what would you do instead? *

If I didn't have to work and had an endless allowance, I would still choose to have a job

1. Money = Along with the endless allowance I am being paid, working can help me earn a
steady income, and thus, I can have more money in my collection. This can help increase my
standard of living and my rank in society.

2. Purpose = Acquiring a job can help me learn additional skills, and they can be used to my
benefit. For example, if I had worked in a graphic design company, I can use those skills to
start up a YouTube Channel, which brings in more revenue.

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