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Name : Sanggari vina winanta

Class : X Miia 1
Number absen : 25

Snakes area group of non-legged reptiles. Snakes are carnivorous
animals. Snake has latin serpents. Snake was first discovered in England.
Snakes have many tipes. Snake spoon is are one example. Snake
spoon has the caracteristics of the neck that flatters, the head resembles
the shape of a spoon and can enforce the neck.
Snakes include carnivorous animals. Snakes eat all the flesh of
animals and even humans.
Snakes live every where. Snakes cannot live in cold areas like at
the poles. The forest is the most cammon snake habitat.
Snakes breed by eggs. One laid eggs for hundreds of grains.
Snakes have various colours. Red, white, and black are some of the
Snakes have long bodies. Snake’s body length starts from 10 cm to
2,5 meters.
Snakes change skin every year. When snakes change their skin 4-8
time ayear
Snake skin is used for craft materials. Craft examples are bags of
shoes and jackets.
Snakes including animals that can. Usually located on the lower
side of the head and back of the year.

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