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Name: R a s l i n a A r m a n

NIM: N011211079

Exercise 3

Make predictions about what might be in the article based on the photograph

"According to my prediction, the photo shows students celebrating graduation,

because graduation is the culmination of a long study process that's why they look

very happy."

Exercise 5

1. Where do you think this passage originally appeared?

Answer: This passage originally appeared in a newspaper.

2. Where does this take place?

Answer: This take place in Sao Paulo.

3. Who is Carmelita?

Answer: Carmelita is a two-year-old girl.

4. What happened to her?

Answer: She fell out from fifth floor apartment window.

5. Who is Alfonso and what did he do?

Answer: Alfonso works in an auto repair shop near where Carmelita lives. He
with his father and daughter caught Carmelita when she fell.

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