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If epinephrine and histamine are given at the same time to an experimental animal, they antagonize

each other by occupying two different receptors. Which of the following phenomenon they represent?

A. partial antagonism

B. Irreversible antagonism

C. chemical antagonism

D. pharmacokinetic antagonism

E. Physiological antagonism*

Which of the following provides information about the variation in sensitivity to a drug within the
population studies?

A. Drug potency

B. Graded dose response cure

C. Maximal efficacy

D. Quantal dose response curve*

E. Therapeutic index

Receptors for which no endogenous ligand has been identified are called as;

A. Silent receptors

B. Spare receptors

C. Orphan receptors*

D. Macro receptors

E. Naked receptors

A 72-year-old patient presents complaining of shaking in his right hand and trouble starting movements.
The man's face is expressionless. He also has a slightly stooped posture and a slow shuffling gait. Which
one of the following drugs given for this disease works by inhibiting the peripheral metabolism of
dopamine so that it may easily enter the CNS?
A. Benztropine

B. Bromocriptine

C. Carbidopa*

D. Levodopa

E. Pergolide

A 23 years old girl was brought to emergency department in drowsy state. Her relatives told that she
had just taken a handful of diazepam tablets to commit suicide. Keeping in view the worsening condition
of the girl, along with general measures (gastric lavage, breathing and circulatory support) which
antidote would you administer?

A. Aminophylline

B. Atropine

C. Flumazenil*

D. Nalexone

E. Vit. B6

Which of the following is an atypical antipsychotic drug?

A. Chlorpromazine

B. Droperidol

C. Fluphenazine

D. Haloperidol

E. Risperidone*

Which of the following is the main mechanism of action of local anesthetics?

Blocking of Cl- channels

Blocking of K+ channels
Blocking of Na+ channels*

Opening of Ca++ channels

Stimulating NMDA receptors

A young boy of 18 years of age sustained multiple injuries while performing stunt on motor bike. He was
brought to a nearby hospital where physical and radiological examination revealed tension
pneumothorax of right side of chest for which he needs an immediate surgery. As anesthetist on duty
which of the following anesthesia you should avoid?

A. Halothane

B. Enfluorane

C. Nitrous oxide*

D. Ketamine

E. Propofol

An epileptic patient sustained multiple injuries during road traffic accident. He was also having fits at the
time of admission. As a senior anesthetist, which one of the following anesthetics would you like to use
for the control of fits?

B. Midazolam

C. Ketamine

D. Propofol*

E. Thiopentone

A15 years old boy was diagnosed as a case of absence seizures. Medical specialist prescribed medication
and the patient started gaining weight, had an episode of pancreatitis and later on died due to fulminant
hepatitis. Which one of the following drugs was used?

A. Topiramate

B. Phenytoin

C. Valproic acid*
D. Ethosuximide

E. Gabapentin

A 30 years old woman desires a combined oral contraceptive for pregnancy protection. Which of the
following patient factors would lead a health professional to recommend an alternative form of

a. Evidence of hirsutism
b. Drug history of taking omeprazole
c. History of pelvic inflammatory disease
d. History of migraine controlled by sumatriptan*
e. Pt is short statured

Which of the following is an estrogen that is used in most combined hormonal contraceptives?

a. Clomiphene

b. Estrone

c. Ethinyl estradiol*

d. Diethylstibestrol

e. Norgestrel

A 25 years old female presented at 8wks of pregnancy with symptoms of palpitation, tachycardia
nervousness, tremors & heat intolerance. Which of the following would be a safer choice in first

A. Carbimazole

B. Levothyroxine

C. Liothyroxine

D. Mehtimazole

E. Propylthiouracil*

The beta adrenoceptor blocking agent of choice for controlling the sympathetic symptoms of
thyrotoxicosis is
a. Acebutalol
b. Pindolol
c. Propranolol*
d. Penbutalol
e. Carteolol

Bald people are usually prescribed inhibitors of androgens after the hair transplantation. Which
of the following is the most commonly prescribed drug for this purpose?

A. Biclutamide
B. Finasteride*
C. Flutamide
D. Nilutamide
E. Spironolactone

Which of the following conditions is the most common complications of the insulin therapy?

a. Diabetes insipidus
b. Hypertension
c. Orthostatic hypertension
d. Hypoglycemia*
e. Retinal degeneration

Skipping the meals in patients with diabetes mellitus may be a greater risk for hypoglycemia especially
when some oral hypoglycemic agents are used. Which one of the following drugs is the most notorious
for this adverse effect?

A. Acarbose

B. Glyburide*

C. Metformin

D. Pioglitazone

E. rapaglinide

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