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Which one of the following is included in Phase-II reactions?

A. Oxidation

B. Reduction

C. Conjugation*

D. Hydrolysis

E. Sublimation

When a drug follows zero order kinetics; it means:

A. zero amount of the drug is being eliminated from the body

B. maximum amount of the drug is being eliminated from the body

C. a constant amount of drug is being eliminated from the body*

D. a constant fraction of the drug is being eliminated from the body

E. absorption and elimination are in equilibrium

A multigravida, 40 years old female reported to rural health center with severe backache and difficulty in
walking. All baseline investigations were found normal except vitamin D3 level which was less than 20
ng/mL. Medical officer should decide to start therapy with which form of vitamin D preparation?

A. Calcitriol*

B. Calcipotriene

C. Doxercalciferol

D. Paricalcitol

A 55 years old patient of chronic renal failure presented with severe anemia with Hb - 5gm/dl. Which of
the following is specific for production of RBCs in this case?

A. Erythropoietin*

B. Romiplostim
C. Granulocyte Stimulating factor

D. Interleukin-11 (eleven)

E. Granulocyte macrophage CSF

Children are usually prone to have iron poisoning by ingesting flavored iron tablets in homes. Besides
general supportive measures what is the main antidote in this case?

A. Dopamine

B. Adrenaline

C. Deferoxamine*

D. Amityrptyline

Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world affecting 1.3 Billion people (24
% of world population). Which of the following condition is a contraindication for iron therapy?

A. Iron deficiency due to poor diet

B. Pregnancy 1st trimester*

C. Babies weaned later on

D. Coeliac disease

An athletic team went to Barcelona to participate in an international game event where the doping test
was positive in two of the players. They were banned from the event because their reticulocyte count
was very high. They were found guilty of using which one of the following drugs?

A. Durabolin

B. Erythropoietin*

C. Filgrastim (G-CSF)

D. Sargramostim (GM-CSF)
A mother brought her two years child to emergency in panic, stating that her chocolate flavored iron
pills were taken by her son. Toxicity associated with acute iron poisoning usually includes which of the

A. Dizziness, hypertension, and cerebral hemorrhage

B. Hyperthermia, delirium and coma

C. Hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias and seizures

D. Necrotizing gastroenteritis, shock and metabolic acidosis*

E. Severe hepatic injury, encephalitis and coma

Chloroquine is traditionally used to treat sensitive plasmodium vivax malaria. In which of the following
conditions this drug may also be used?

Typhoid fever



Amebic liver disease*

You diagnose a middle aged female patient in your private clinic with the help of RDT (rapid diagnostic
testing) as a case of falciparum malaria.

Which of the following is the best treatment for this patient?

A. Artemisinin based combined therapy*

B. Artemether monotherapy

C. Artesunate monotherapy

D. Chloroquine monotherapy

E. Primaquine monotherapy

An 8 years old boy is having complaint of diarrhea and fever for the last 2 days. Which drug is
contraindicated in this situation?

A. dimenhydrinate
B. meclizine

C. metochlopramide*

D. ondanetron

E. pectin

A 48 year old man, known to have hypertension, diabetes and CCF is having constipation for the last one
month. What is the laxative of choice for him?

A. carboxymethyl cellulose

B. glycerine suppository

C. polyethylene glycol*

D. sodium phosphate

E. sorbitol

A patient takes an opioid for moderate diarrhea. To avoid its central adverse effects what measure can
be taken?

A. add metochlopramide to it

B. add anti-muscarinic to it*

C. take on full stomach

D. take once a day

E. take at night

A new post graduate trainee in pediatrics is on duty. His senior advises him to be cautious in treating
babies with acute diarrhea and also reminds him to avoid anti-motility agents in them especially of
narcotic origin. What is the risk involved?

A. constipation

B. hepatitis
C. pancreatitis

D. respiratory depression*

E. volvulus

Small abrasions on the skin usually do not need administration of systemic antibiotics and they may be
treated by topical drugs. Which one of the following aminoglycosides is used as a topical antibiotic and is
not used systemically due to its adverse effects?

A. Streptomycin

B. Amikacin

C. Gentamicin

D. Neomycin*

E. Tobramycin

A GP prescribed a uric acid lowering agent to an old man suffering from acute gouty arthritis, but he
forgot that the prescribed drug may itself cause precipitation of gouty arthritis in the inflamed joints.
Which drug was prescribed?

A. Colchicine

B. Probenecid

C. Sulfinpyrazone

D. Allopurinol*

A middle aged woman was prescribed some medicine for her Gouty arthritis. After taking first dose she
experienced troublesome diarrhea and severe abdominal cramping. Which one of the following was
responsible for this condition?

A. Allopurinol

B. Colchicine*

C. Indomethacin

D. Sulfinpyrazone
E. Aspirin

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