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Fallacious Ads!

Name: Miguel Camesa

Grade Level and Section: 10-3

Directions: Look for one commercial or advertisement that has fallacious statement/s. Copy and paste
the link or photo of the commercial or ads below. After which, identify the type/s of fallacy committed in
the statement/s and explain what makes it/them wrong. (20 points)

Video Link:


Fallacious statement/s: “Growing up with champion energy, growing up with Milo. Milo Everyday”

Fallacy/ies in the statement/s: Hasty Generalization

What makes the statement/s wrong? Explain. The Commercial is about a kid who aspires to be a
professional gymnast and he ends up achieving his dream in the end. What the commercial is trying to
imply though is that when you drink Milo, you get this so called “Champion energy”. Then you end up
actually become a champion. We know for a fact that becoming a champion is not attained by simply
drinking some sugary substance. We also know that there is no such “energy” that guarantees you
success in life. It’s a little bit of an exaggeration for me which makes me think this fallacy falls on Hasty

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