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Personality Measurements

Personality can be measure by applying variety of tests and methods these can be divided
into three categories.

 Subjective method
 Objective method
 Projective method/tests

1. Subjective Method

These are the methods which are subjective in nature and in most of the techniques the
subject himself about his inner personality tendencies, habits, attitude.


When two people talk upon some topic or subject in such a manner that one asked
question and other applies it is called an interview. There are two types of interview for
measuring personality first one is exhaustive and second is stress.
The person who ask question is known as interviewer and the other one who replies as

In this method the complete information about the subject is collected from his birth to
present day. For this parents friends relatives teachers and approached.


It is another important way to know the personality of the subject some people have the
habit to note down in diary lucky moment of the life such a valuable material is helpful in in
understanding the personality of a person.


This method is widely used in Psychology. In it questionnaire are developed which

consists of various questions related to different traits of personality. In most of the
questionnaires alternative answers are provided in front of every question and the subject is
required to tick the suited answer.
For example; I feel shy when I met with strangers.

1. True

2. Uncertain

3. False

2. Objective Method

These are the methods which do not rely on the subjective replies of subject. Assessment
is made very objectively, So that the result should be more reliable and valid.


In this method trained observer observes the behaviour of subject in different situation
which may be controlled or uncontrolled. Behaviour of the subject is recorded and for this
electronic devices can also be used. In observation variables of situation can be manipulated to
find the changes in the reactions of subject.


This test involves the presentation of an imaginary are hypothetical in front of the subject
and he is asked to give possible reactions to the given situation. Sometimes subject’s possible
reply is blocked with modification in situation and he is encouraged to give more replies.

For Example, Subject is asked to imagine that you are at home alone and some anti-social
elements enter into your home what you will do?


Such skills are helpful to have the measurement about the different personality traits of a
subject. Parents, teachers, psychologist friends etc. can we ask you to read the subject for a
particular personality trait.

For Example, A teacher can be asked to rate a student for his behaviour in class on following
1. Very Good

2. Good

3. Average

4. Poor


It is the method founded by the Mereno. This method is used to study the structure of a
group and the relationship between the members of a group. A statement is given to the members
of a group to give their reply.


Projective word means Inner needs, fears, impulses, desired etc. Freud mentioned
projection as a defense mechanism. According to Freud, it is a defense system or process in
which a pulses, wishes and ideas are externalized because their conscious recognition would be
too painful to the ego. Some of the projective tests are following;

Rorschach ink Blot Test

This test was developed by Hermann Rorschach (1921). It consists of ten plates with
unstructured ink spots on it which are developed by spreading ink on ink blot papers. Five plates
have black and white ink forms and rest colored forms. These plates are standardized. Subject is
presented these plates one by one and subject has to tell what he observes in these ink
formations. Subject can give as many responses as he desires by viewing the plate from as
many angles as he wants. These responses are interpreted from various perspectives.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

It was developed by Murray and Morgan (1953). It consists of 31 cards. 30 cards have
different pictures and one card is blank. Amongst these some cards are for males, some for
females. Every subject is presented 20 cards and one blank card. Subject is instructed to develop
a story for each card one by one narrating that who are the characters in the picture. What they
are doing and
what will be the end result of this story. When subject construct a story in some of the characters
he view himself. The needs, problems and personality traits of those characters actually belongs
to the subject himself. This helps to assess the personality of the subject.
Word Association Test

This test was developed by Jung. This test consists of 100 words. Subject is instructed
that he will be presented 100 words one by one. After listening the word subject has to respond
with a word that comes immediately in his mind. Time taken is noted in making the response.
The response is also noted. During this process whatever feelings, expressions arise on his face
and in body posture that are also noted. From these responses various complexes and sensitive
areas of his life are identified that help to understand the personality of the subject.

Dream Analysis

As said by Freud that dreams are the royal road to the unconscious of a person. So,
according to Freud analysis of dream contents helps to find of various unconscious personality
tendencies Of the subject. Some contents are manifested in nature which displays the matter in
original form. However, in other dreams the content is of latent form. It means the matter is not
displayed in original form. It is required to interpret. Such latent content dreams are important in
understanding the personality of the subject. Freud has given a directory mentioning the meaning
of different things observed in the dreams.

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