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Significance of the Month November

November 18th marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Soka Gakkai. This November 18 th, Soka
Gakkai is celebrating its 90th anniversary. It was in 1930, this date, when Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, first
president of the Soka Gakkai, and his disciple Josei Toda (second president) published the first in a series
of writings outlining the system of soka, or value-creating pedagogy – the Soka Kyoikugaku Taikei – The
System of Value-Creating Education. The word “soka,” which was coined by Toda and Makiguchi, is a
combination of Chinese characters meaning “create” and “value.” Subsequently, the date got
designated as the Founding Date of Soka Gakkai. The group’s aim was to reform the Japanese education
system in order to foster the unique creative potential of every child, and this endeavor was further
strengthened by the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism which also stresses the vast untapped potential of
every individual. Makiguchi Sensei was openly critical of the militarist authorities of the time who were
vigilant against any form of independence of thought or opinion, and in July 1943, he and Toda were
arrested and imprisoned as “thought criminals.” He refused to give up his beliefs and died in prison on
November 18, 1944. After being released from prison, Josei Toda, his disciple, determined to share
widely his mentor Tsunesaburo Makiguchi’s ideals of value creation and the profound teachings of
Nichiren Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra on which it is based. He was convinced that peace can be
actualized through individuals taking responsibility to actively engage in an inner transformation, or
“human revolution,” in order to draw forth their highest potential of compassion and wisdom, or
Buddhahood. Outlining the mission of the Soka Gakkai, Toda remarked, “While laying the groundwork
for peace that will last hundreds or even thousands of years so as to repay our debt of gratitude to
Nichiren, we must build a foundation for the happiness of all people that will endure throughout

Ikeda Sensei writes “The Daishonin was absolutely convinced that a steady stream of disciples will
surely arise to succeed his legacy. In our modern-day context, this refers to our great network of Soka
initiated by Makiguchi Sensei and Toda Sensei through their shared struggle of mentor and disciple,
which went on to inspire one person after another to stand up in exact accord with the Daishonin’s
teachings, thereby forming their ranks to blaze the great path of Kosen-Rufu. Today this solidarity has
expanded to 192 countries and territories”. Soka Gakkai is truly the organization carrying out the
Buddha’s will and decree. November 18 has come to symbolize a day when each individual
strengthens their own determination and sense of responsibility to contribute to the welfare of
society and world peace in the spirit of the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai. The
members of the Soka Gakkai are committed to putting into action the ideals and teachings of Nichiren
Buddhism and becoming protagonists of peace within their local communities.

The Soka Gakkai is now advancing dynamically towards its centennial in 2030. The future of every
organization and society depends on capable individuals. Fostering the future division members, in that
respect is critical in securing the development of Soka Gakkai and holds the key to the very future of
Kosen-Rufu and represents the hope for the fulfillment of humanity’s earnest wish for an age of peace.

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