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Welcome to Heroes of Newerth!

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^292-^* Added in a missing texture
^970Version 2.0.26^*
^292-^* Fixed shop stock decreasing even if you had a full inventory when trying
to buy a limited quanity item
^292-^* Fixed a longstanding annoyance where on screen health bars that appear a
bove units would occlude other health bars
^717*^* This was most prevalent when a full health creep was standing to the lef
t of a low health creep. The full health creep's health bar would end up occuldi
ng the health bar of the low hp creep, making it much harder to last hit/deny
^292-^* Added 4 new Account Icons

^970== Heroes ==^*

^292-^* Added a new Agility hero: ^079Silhouette^*
^292-^* Introducing a Limited Edition Alt Avatar: ^079Bunny Predator^*
^292-^* Added a new Premium Alt Avatar: ^079Wretched Hottie^*
^292-^* Added a new Alt Avatar: ^079White Lotus Silhouette^*
^292-^* Fixed her ^256Emerald Lightning^* so it will stun the first target even
if the target enters fog on the same frame the ability goes off
^079Blood Hunter^*
^292-^* Made his ^256Blood Sense^* map icon have the proper icon when you hover
over it on the minimap
^292-^* Made ^256Blood Sense^* map icon slightly smaller so it doesn't clutter s
tuff up as much
^292-^* Optimized ^256Boom Dust^* performance
^292-^* Lifesteal streak effects play again when attacking with his aura. Derp.
^292-^* Made ^256Unholy Expulsion's^* tooltip list it as a Physical spell
^292-^* Added a 30 second timer to ^256Unholy Expulsion^*
^717*^* Timer starts when skill is cast, so it will indicate when the spirits st
art to fade away
^292-^* Made the damage source equal to Empath if Empath goes inside someone and
uses ^256Essence Link^*
^717*^* Fixes your ally getting the kill credit rather than yourself if they die
from ^256Essence Link^*
^292-^* Added cliffwalking, treewalking and buildingwalking to ^256Burning Shado
ws'^* illusions
^717*^* Allows them to chase without being blocked by obstacles
^292-^* Sped up her attack time when under the effects of ^256Reflection^* so yo
u do not stand there after attacking out of stealth
^292-^* ^256Grapple's^* gadget now doesn't draw on minimap.
^292-^* Fixed a bug where ^256Grapple^* was hitting heroes directly behind him i
f the hero was hugging Gauntlet's back
^079Night Hound^*
^292-^* Fixed Teen Night Hound's ^256Pounce^*; it now plays its sound + animatio
n when used on an enemy unit
^292-^* Fixed all of the sounds while his Alt Avatar is active
^292-^* Fixed an extremely rare bug with Ophelia/Nymphora teleporting Pharaoh to
fountain and Pharaoh teleporting all the enemy heroes to his fountain
^079Puppet Master^*
^292-^* Made ^256Puppet Show^* not issue a stop command on the target if the tar
get doesn't find another target to attack
^717*^* This fixes a hitch if the target never attacks anything
^292-^* Fixed ^256Puppet Show^* to not cancel when the acquired target goes invu
lnerable for a split second
^717*^* Magmus able to cancel the ability completely if he is targeted, for exam
^292-^* Fixed ^256Puppet Show^* to not cancel when the acquired target gets fogg
^717*^* Fixing bad and buggy behavior
^292-^* Fixed a server crash with ^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^292-^* Changed the assist mechanics of ^256Voodoo Puppet^*
^717*^* Now awards kill credit to Puppet Master instead of the allied hero attac
king the Puppet if the allied hero lands the killing blow
^292-^* Fixed a mod-enabled exploit
^292-^* Changed ^256Marksman Shot^* so it won't be targetable on siege units
^292-^* Fixed ^256Swift Slashes^* from making his corpse stand up at the end if
he dies while using it
^292-^* Fixed ^256Elemental Void^* so people can use tablet on allies caught wit
^292-^* ^256Dark Swarm^* damage scaling from 20/40/60/80 to 32/48/64/80
^292-^* ^256Terrorform^* tweaked so Tremble is now revealed 1 second after an en
emy hero enters the same mound as him
^292-^* Linger time when leaving Mounds and retaining the perks is reduced to 1
second from 2 seconds
^292-^* ^256Shudder^* can no longer be killed by Nullfire Blade
^292-^* ^256Shudder's^* disable is a now properly a Debuff
^292-^* Tweaked how he gains Intelligence so he can gain an unlimited amount
^717*^* The amount of Intelligence a single enemy can lose is still capped at 12

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