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Ana Sofia Pacheco Jara Denyi

Michelle Cortes Castro

Mónica Yissell Suarez Alfonso
Luisa Alexandra Trujillo Yanten

Synthesis Project
Group names: Mónica Suarez, Luisa Trujillo, Ana Pacheco and Michelle Cortes
 Consist
- This invention consists of an article that is an aid to insert the stockings on the
 Advantages
- The advantages of this article is that it serves as support for people who have
any medical condition that prevents them from doing it or in its effect of help
for pregnant women.
- Another fantastic sale of this product is that it can be found at a value of
between $ 100,000 and $ 115,000 Colombian pesos, another very important
advantage is that this product can be used as a product purely for medical
 Disadvantages:
 The disadvantages of this useless invention could be infinite, but the ones that
we can highlight the most are those that I will mention below: Being a plastic
product it could easily break and would force us to buy this product again
several times a year, another disadvantage that we find is that being a plastic
product we would be encouraging the use of polluting products and chemicals
and the last disadvantage of this product is that it makes us lazy and
sedentary people
 Description of the target or population:
- Help the population that has mobility difficulties, that is, pregnant women,
people with obesity and those who have a condition in the vertebral column,
hip and knee joints; so that the foot makes its natural movement when putting
on the sock without straining the posture
 Information

These are the populations that are indicated to use the invention
 People with obesity
- It’s important knows that when people eat more calories than they burn, the
body stores the excess calories as fat. So, in the future, it reaches a point
where the amount of fat in the body can be harmful to a person's health
- When there is a person with obesity, the body has to carry more weight puts
more stress on the body, especially the bones and joints of the legs
 Pregnant
- As the pregnancy progresses, women may suffer an increase not only in kilos
but also forgetfulness, lack of concentration and motor skills. This is due to
hormonal changes. It is a normal phenomenon in the face of which you have
to remain calm and accept it as such.
 People with osteoarthritis
Ana Sofia Pacheco Jara Denyi
Michelle Cortes Castro
Mónica Yissell Suarez Alfonso
Luisa Alexandra Trujillo Yanten

- Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the hip and knee joints mainly,
generating symptoms such as pain, weakness and muscle stiffness, which
prevents normal movement; this makes the patient unable to carry out
activities of daily living such as putting on socks.

 Bibliography

 Ríos. (March 7th, 2016). Symptoms. If a person hurts when putting on socks,
they may suffer from osteoarthritis of the hip or a disease of the femoral head.
Diario de Almería.

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