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Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2016) -, -e-

A case of an unexplained eosinophilic

myocarditis in a dog*
T.P. Keeshen, DVM a,*, M. Chalkley, BSc, BVSc (Hons),
MANZCVSc (Pathobiology), DACVP b, C. Stauthammer, DVM,
DACVIM-Cardiology c

University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, United States
University of Minnesota, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Pathology Department,
United States
University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cardiology Department

Received 30 April 2015; received in revised form 5 March 2016; accepted 18 March 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract An 8-year-old spayed female Munsterlander was evaluated for a chronic
Canine; low grade fever and a two month history of exercise intolerance. On physical ex-
Cardiac infiltrate; amination, tachycardia and a grade II/VI right systolic heart murmur were de-
Eosinophilia; tected. Echocardiography revealed marked thickening of the atrial and
Hypereosinophilic ventricular walls with mixed echogenicity and concentric hypertrophy of the left
syndrome and right ventricles and equivocal systolic dysfunction. Serum cardiac troponin I le-
vel was markedly elevated. Endomyocardial biopsy was attempted; however, the
patient arrested during the procedure and resuscitation was unsuccessful. Post-
mortem examination revealed severe, chronic atrial and ventricular eosinophilic
myocarditis associated with marked interstitial fibrosis. Serological testing, histo-
pathology and immunohistochemistry staining did not reveal an underlying infec-
tious agent or neoplasm. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of

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1760-2734/Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),
2 T.P. Keeshen et al.

primary eosinophilic myocarditis in the absence of a peripheral eosinophilia and

multi-organ eosinophilic inflammation in a dog.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

An 8-year-old spayed female Munsterlander myocardial hyperechogenicity and subepicardial

weighing 23.8 kg was referred to the University of hypoechogenicity (Fig. 1A, Videos 1 and 2). Systolic
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center for evaluation left ventricular wall motion appeared diminished
of a one month history of low grade fever ranging globally. The myocardium of the right atrium and
from 102.6 to 103.0 F (39.2e39.4  C) and a two auricle was also severely thickened and irregular
month history of exercise intolerance. The symp- with an echogenicity similar to the ventricles
toms were characterized by frequent breaks during (Fig. 1B, Video 3). The left ventricular chamber
walks, reluctance to perform tricks, and inter- diameter on M-mode was diminished in size during
mittent thoracic limb weakness. The dog presented diastole (2.7 cm; range 3.3e4.8 cm) and systole
to its regular veterinarian one month before eval- (2.0 cm; range 2.0e3.5 cm) with a low normal
uation with a normal physical examination other fractional shortening value of 25%. The left atrial
than the fever and an elevated alanine trans- dimension appeared subjectively normal relative to
aminase value of 284 U/L (range 10e118 U/L). the aorta and measured within reference range on
Additional diagnostics were declined by the owners, M-mode at 2.3 cm (range 1.8e2.9 cm). Mitral inflow
and the patient was prescribed doxycycline profiles were summated secondary to the patient’s
(7.7 mg/kg [3.5 mg/lbs] q12 h). The clinical signs heart rate. There was a mild amount of effusion
and fever did not improve with treatment and the present within the pericardium. Serum cardiac
doxycycline was subsequently discontinued after Troponin-Id was measured due to the above echo-
three weeks. The patient had no history of travel cardiographic findings and was markedly elevated
outside of Northern Midwest USA. at 20.9 ng/mL (range <0.03 mg/dL).
On physical examination, tachycardia with a Based on the clinical suspicion of an infiltrative
heart rate of 200 beats per minute with synchronous inflammatory or neoplastic disease of the myocar-
femoral pulses and a grade II/VI right systolic mur- dium, an endomyocardial biopsy was recom-
mur were noted. The patient was markedly mended. The patient was induced with intravenous
depressed and lethargic and had a low grade fever diazepam (0.1 mg/kg) and etomidate (1 mg/kg)
of 102.6 F. complete blood count revealed following premedication with morphine (0.5 mg/kg)
increased neutrophils at 12.11  10^3/uL (range and maintained on inhaled sevoflurane. The right
2.1e11.2  10^3/uL), decreased lymphocytes at jugular vein was isolated via a cut down, and a 10 Fr
0.58  10^3/uL (range 0.78e3.36  10^3/uL), and a Vascular access sheathe was inserted into the ves-
normal number of eosinophils at 0.87  10^3/uL sel. A 7 Fr sheath with dilatorf in place was then
(range 0.0e1.2  10^3/uL). Serum biochemistry directed into the right atrium under fluoroscopic
analysis revealed an elevated creatine kinase at guidance. A number 18 bronchoscopic biopsy for-
2398 U/L (range 36e348 U/L), alanine transferase cepsg were then inserted into the sheath lumen
at 139 U/L (range 22e92 U/L), and aspartate after removal of the dilator. As the biopsy forceps
transferase at 158 U/L (range 16e44 U/L). Uri- were moved adjacent to the myocardium within the
nalysis was unremarkable. SNAP 4DX Plus Test right ventricular apex, the patient underwent car-
(Idexx) was negative for Dirofilaria immitis, Ana- diopulmonary arrest characterized by pulseless
plasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Borrelia burgdor- electrical activity with a normal sinus rhythm seen
feri. Urine blastomycosis antigen testing and on electrocardiogram. Cardiopulmonary resuscita-
Toxoplasma serology were also negative. Systolic tion was immediately performed; however the
blood pressure was considered normal at patient was unable to be revived.
130 mmHg. ECG revealed a sinus tachycardia with a The dog was subsequently submitted to Uni-
heart rate of 200 BPM and left bundle branch block. versity of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Labo-
A transthoracic echocardiographic study was ratory for post-mortem examination. The most
performed using a 4e2 MHz phased-array trans-
ducer. The interventricular septum and left and
right ventricular free walls were markedly Advia Centaur CP Ultra-TnI, Erlangen Germany.
increased in thickness. The myocardium within the Percutaneous Sheath Introducer Set, Arrow International
Inc., Reading, PA.
thickened walls was mottled with mixed echoge- f
Flexor Check Flo Cook, Bloomington IN.
nicity in conjunction with subendocardial g
Olympus Biopsy Forceps, Olympus Japan.

Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),
Unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog 3

Figure 1 A: Right parasternal four chamber echocardiographic image recorded at mid-diastole demonstrating
marked ventricular wall thickening of mixed echogenicity. B: Echocardiographic image from a left cranial view of the
right atrium and auricle demonstrating marked thickening of the atrial wall of similar echogenicity as noted within the
ventricular myocardium.

significant post-mortem finding was marked thick- interconnecting, broad bands of pleocellular,
ening with white and tan mottling of the atrial and myocardial inflammatory infiltrates accompanied
ventricular myocardium (Fig. 2). The epicardium by marked interstitial to replacement fibrosis
displayed numerous, variably sized, multifocal to within the ventricular walls, and similar, multifocal
coalescing, tan pink, slightly raised areas of dis- nodular inflammatory infiltrates and fibrosis
coloration. Expanding the myocardium and elevat- expanding the atrial endocardium and myocardium
ing the endocardium of the right atrium were (Fig. 4A). The pleocellular inflammatory infiltrates
multiple raised, smooth, dark red and tan, moder- predominantly comprised mature eosinophils, with
ately firm nodules (Fig. 3). There was mild hemo- lesser infiltrates of macrophages, mast cells, small
pericardium and the heart was moderately mature lymphocytes and plasma cells (Fig. 4B).
enlarged and weighed 308 g; 1.3% of the body There was marked cardiomyofiber atrophy and loss
weight (normal 0.85e1% body weight). There was within the inflammatory/fibrotic regions. Histo-
no evidence of myocardial perforation from the pathological examination of other organs and tis-
biopsy forceps. Representative samples from vari- sues did not reveal any significant lesions.
ous organs and tissues were harvested for histo-
pathology. Microscopically, there were numerous,

Figure 3 Gross cross section taken from the apical

aspect of the left and right atria. Multiple raised,
Figure 2 Cross section views of the left ventricle dem- smooth, dark red to tan nodules are evident on the
onstrating the tan discoloration throughout the myocar- endocardial surface of the right atrium located on the
dium. The endocardium appears largely unaffected. left hand side of the image.

Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),
4 T.P. Keeshen et al.

Figure 4 A: Low power microscopic image of the left ventricle demonstrating numerous, interconnecting, broad
bands of pleocellular myocardial inflammatory infiltrates accompanied by marked interstitial fibrosis. B: High power
microscopic image of the left ventricle demonstrating a pleocellular inflammatory infiltrate predominantly comprised
of mature eosinophils, with lesser infiltrates of macrophages, mast cells, small mature lymphocytes and plasma cells.

Infectious agents including, but not limited to, hypersensitivity reaction (drug or non-drug
bacteria, fungi, intra-cellular and extra-cellular induced), parasitic infection (e.g. heartworm dis-
protozoa and parasitic elements were not evident ease, Toxocariasis, Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora
on extensive examination of routinely stained rep- caninum and Sarcocystis spp.), fungi and proto-
resentative sections of multiple organs and tissues, theca, paraneoplastic syndrome (most commonly
including the heart. Special stains including Gram mast cell tumor/mastocytosis and T-lymphoma),
stain, acid-fast stain, Periodic Acid-Schiff, and granulocytic leukemia, and HES.1 The common
Grocott’s Methenamine Silver and Giemsa stains feature of most of these conditions is concurrent
were negative for bacteria, mycobacterial species, peripheral eosinophilia.1 In contrast, peripheral
fungal elements, prototheca and protozoa. Immu- eosinophils were within the normal reference
nohistochemical markers for T-lymphocytes, B- range in the present case and eosinophils were
lymphocytes and mast cells failed to reveal an exclusively confined to the heart.
emergent round cell neoplastic population within Protozoal infections including Sarcocystis spp.,
the inflammatory infiltrates. Immunohistochemis- Toxoplasma gondii, and Neospora spp., frequently
try for Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, and induce eosinophilic inflammation in tissues such as
Sarcocystis neurona did not reveal any immunor- the brain, eyes, heart, liver, and skeletal muscle.3
eactive infectious elements. Common species infected by these protozoa are
opossums, cats, marine mammals, and horses; dogs
are uncommonly affected.3 In cattle, Sarcocystis
Discussion spp. are commonly associated with bovine eosino-
philic myositis, a condition characterized by eosi-
This was a unique case of eosinophilic myocarditis. nophilic infiltrates within skeletal muscle,
To our knowledge, there have been no reported diaphragm, tongue, heart, and esophagus.4 Similar
cases of eosinophilic myocarditis affecting dogs in cardiac gross and histopathological changes to those
the absence of a recognizable infectious etio- observed in bovine eosinophilic myositis were pres-
logical agent, multi-organ eosinophilic inflamma- ent in the current case, however, no parasitic ele-
tion and/or peripheral eosinophilia. There are ments were seen on any histological examination of
certain diseases such as eosinophilic leukemia and the tissue from this patient.4 Pythium insidiosum is
hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) wherein eosi- an infectious fungal-like disease that can infect
nophils infiltrate multiple organs and are asso- humans and animals.5 This disease can also cause
ciated with a peripheral eosinophilia; however massive accumulation of eosinophils within infected
these are more common in cats and very rare in tissues.5 The diagnosis is usually reliant on histo-
dogs.1,2 HES is a condition described in people and logical detection of large branching hyphae.5 In the
animals where eosinophils infiltrate into organs present case, thorough investigation of
leading to damage of the tissues and the under- routinely and specially stained histological sections
lying cause is not found.1 Eosinophilic inflamma- did not reveal any infectious agents in any tissue,
tion may occur in association with an allergic or including heart, skeletal muscle, and diaphragm.

Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),
Unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog 5

A previous case report in a dog described a vis- myocarditis in the presence or absence of eosino-
ceral mast cell tumor causing hypereosinophilia and philia and no identifiable cause.9 In a recent case
eosinophilic inflammation of secondary organs; series examining seven human patients with eosi-
including the liver, spleen, duodenum, mediastinal nophilic myocarditis, clinical signs varied between
lymph nodes, and heart.6 This specific case had low grade fever, dyspnea, systolic heart murmur,
evidence of myocarditis, necrosis, and fibrosis along and neurological abnormalities.10 All of the patients
with an elevated serum troponin concentration.6 had peripheral eosinophilia and all but one had
The authors characterized this as Loeffler’s endo- elevations of cardiac enzymes. On echocardiogram,
carditis according to the criteria described in people patients had left ventricular hypertrophy, left ven-
as having myocarditis based on echocardiography or tricular focal asynergy, diffuse severe hypokinesis,
MRI imaging and hypereosinophilia.7 This is a case pericardial effusion, and/or thrombosis in the right
where the neoplastic mast cells caused a hyper- ventricle, left ventricle, or pulmonary artery.10 The
eosinophilia leading to the changes seen post- diagnosis of eosinophilic myocarditis was based on
mortem within other organs.6 In contrast, the cur- the presence of eosinophilia, chest pain or dyspnea,
rent case of myocarditis was not associated with elevated cardiac enzymes, changes in ECG, or
hypereosinophilia; there was no evidence of neo- changes on echocardiogram.10 The changes seen on
plastic mast cells in any of the tissues examined echocardiogram in the present case included left
microscopically and the inflammatory infiltrates and right ventricular hypertrophy and hypokinesis of
were isolated to the cardiac tissue with no involve- the left ventricle, which have been reported in the
ment of other internal organs. human literature.10 In a study reviewing 42 con-
The patient in the present case had no history of firmed cases of all forms of myocarditis, left ven-
hypersensitivity to any drugs or administration of tricular dysfunction was commonly observed in 69%
drugs before initiation of clinical signs. The dog of cases and 23% of cases also involved the right
was placed on doxycycline; however this occurred ventricle.11,12 The authors in that study concluded
after the development of clinical signs. Churge- that the echocardiographic findings in patients with
Strauss syndrome is a very rare disease in people eosinophilic myocarditis can be variable and non-
characterized by systemic vasculitis, eosinophilic specific.12 The study concluded that response to
infiltration, and peripheral eosinophilia.8 This therapy should be evaluated by serial, rather than
condition has never been described in veterinary solitary echocardiograms.
patients and does not fit the clinical picture with The gold standard for the diagnosis of eosino-
this patient. With no clear infectious cause found philic myocarditis in people is endomyocardial
with the samples submitted and the tests run on biopsies.9 This is a highly invasive procedure and
this patient, we are left to conclude that this is a can lead to the death of the patient as shown in
case of idiopathic eosinophilic endomyocarditis. It the present case. Therefore, combinations of
is impossible to determine if necrosis and fibrosis preliminary diagnostic tests including echo-
of the myocardium led to eosinophilic infiltration, cardiography and hematology are useful in
or alternatively, if eosinophilic infiltration caused screening potential eosinophilic endomyocarditis
the necrosis and fibrosis. cases and validating the need for endomyocardial
The human medical literature has reported less biopsies. In people, if echocardiographic changes
than 30 cases of primary eosinophilic myocarditis.9 in myocardial architecture and peripheral eosino-
Eosinophilic myocarditis can be caused by distinct philia are present alone without any other abnor-
mechanisms of myocardial inflammation.9 They malities on the initial diagnostics then the heart is
include infectious myocarditis, allergic/hyper- the likely source of the pathology and confirmatory
sensitivity reaction to certain drugs, systemic dis- endomyocardial biopsy is warranted.9 The treat-
orders such as ChurgeStrauss syndrome, some forms ment in people when a specific infectious cause is
of idiopathic restrictive myocarditis, idiopathic not found is an immunosuppressive dose of corti-
eosinophilic myocarditis or secondary to acute ful- costeroids. If the eosinophilic myocarditis was
minating necrotic myocarditis.9 These conditions caused by a parasitic infection, the infection was
are usually associated with a peripheral eosino- treated first, and then the patient was placed on
philia. The clinicopathological presentation in this steroids. Prognosis can be difficult to determine
case, particularly the absence of recognized infec- and is dependent on the underlying condition;
tious causes of eosinophilic inflammation, neo- however, with appropriate therapy, this condition
plastic disease and eosinophilia, most closely can be managed in people and therefore treat-
resembles that of idiopathic eosinophilic myocardi- ment can be applied to veterinary patients as well.
tis in human beings, a rare subtype of myocarditis This case report details a case of eosinophilic
characterized by focal to diffuse eosinophilic myocarditis in a Munsterlander dog. Eosinophilic

Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),
6 T.P. Keeshen et al.

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Please cite this article in press as: Keeshen TP, et al., A case of an unexplained eosinophilic myocarditis in a dog, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology (2016),

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