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Group 2

Anwesha Samal G21066

Bhavya Yadav  G21071  
Jayita Das G21078
Sharmistha Parija   G21099
Swaroop Sagar G21105
Decision Variables
Let W(t) = Number of workers in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let H(t) = Number of workers hired in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let L(t) = Number of workers in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let O(t) = Worker months overtime in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let P(t) = Units produced in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let O(t) = Units in the inventory in a month where t=1,2,…12
Let D(t) = Demand in a month where t=1,2,…12

Objective Function

Minimise 2400*(W1+W2…+W12) + 3300*(O1+O2…+O12) + 8* (I1+I2+I3…+I12) + 1800* (H1+H2+…+H12) +1200 * (L1+L2+…+L

W(t) = W(t-1) + H(t) -L(t)
P(t) <= W(t) *40 +O(t)*40
I(t-1) + P(t) = D(t) + I(t)
P(t) <= 13000
W(t), H(t), O(t) and L(t) are integers
W(t), H(t), O(t) ,L(t), P(t) and I(t) are non- negative
WorkForce Constraint
Capacity Constraint
Inventory Constraint
Production Constraint
Integer Constraint
Non- negativity constraint
* Assumed that Shipment equals S
Month Dec Jan Feb Mar

Production Plan

Shipment Forecast 4400 4400 6000

Production Plan (Pt) 6400 6400 6400
Shipments (Dt) 4400 4400 6000

Inventory (It) 240 2240 4240 4640

Extraordinary Labour Costs

Number of Workers (Wt) 160 160 160 160

Hirings (Ht) 0 0 0
Layoffs (Lt) 0 0 0
Worker Months Overtime (Ot) 0 0 0
Month Dec Jan Feb Mar
WorkForce Constraint 0 0 0
Capacity Constraint -9E-13 0E+00 0E+00
Inventory Constraint 0 0 0
Production Plan per month <= 13000
Hiring, Layoff, Overtime are integers
Inventory >= 0
Production Plan >= 0
Workforce,Hiring, Layoff, Overtime >= 0
Cost of Alternative 4
Hiring Costs 136800
Layoff Costs 115200
Inventory Holding Costs 188480
Labour Costs
Regular 5520000
Overtime 260700

Total Costs 6221180

* Assumed that Shipment equals Shipment Forecast
Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov

8000 6600 11800 13000 11200 10800 7600 6000

6400 9440 9440 9480 11200 10800 7600 6000
8000 6600 11800 13000 11200 10800 7600 6000

3040 5880 3520 0 0 0 0 0

160 236 236 236 236 236 190 150

0 76 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 46 40
0 0 0 1 44 34 0 0

Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0E+00 0E+00 0E+00 -1E-12 0E+00 0E+00 0E+00 0E+00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec Total

5600 95400
5600 95160
5600 95400

0 23560

140 2300
0 76
10 96
0 79


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