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Submitted By: Rabiya Tahir

Emotional Intelligence and Personal Growth

Submitted To: Mam Saba Ameer

Subject: Report Writing Skills

What Is Emotional Intelligence? 3

Components of Emotional Intelligence: 3

Being Smart About Feelings: 6

13 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence: 6

What is Personal Growth 8

Five stages of Personal Growth 8

Importance of Personal Growth……………………………………………………………………….9

Stimulate Personal Growth………………………………………………………………………....10

How Emotional Intelligence can help with your Personal Growth……….15


What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage
one’s own emotions, as well as emotions of others. Though there
is some disagreement among psychologists as to what constitutes
true emotional intelligence, it is generally said to include at least
three skills:

1. Emotional awareness; the ability to identify and name one’s

own emotions.
2. The ability to harness those emotions and apply them to
task like thinking and problem solving.
3. The ability to manage emotions, which includes both
regulating one’s own emotions when necessary and cheering
up or calming down other people.

Components of Emotional Intelligence:

According to Daniel Goleman ( an American psychologist who
helped to popularize emotional intelligence ), there are five key
elements to it:

1. Self-awareness.
2. Self-regulation.
3. Motivation.
4. Empathy.
5. Social Skills.

1. Self-awareness: The ability to recognize an emotion as it
happens is the key to your Emotional Intelligence. If you
evaluate your emotions, you can manage them. The major
elements of self-awareness are:
 Emotional awareness: Your ability to recognize your own
emotions and their effects.
 Self-confidence: Sureness about your self-worth and

2. Self-regulation: You often have little control over when you

experience emotions. By using number of techniques to
alleviate negative emotions such as anger, anxiety or
depression. Self-regulation involves:
 Self-control: Managing disruptive impulses.

 Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honesty and

 Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for your own
 Adaptability: Handling change with flexibility.
 Innovation: Being open to new ideas.

3. Motivation: To motivate your-self for any achievement

requires clear goals and a positive attitude. Motivation is
made up of:
 Achievement drive: Your constant striving to improve oe to
meet a standard of excellence.
 Commitment: Aligning with the goals of the group or
 Initiative: Readying your-self to act on opportunities.

 Optimism: Pursuing goals persistently despite obstacles and

4. Empathy: The ability to recognize how people feel is

important to success in your life and career. An empathetic
person excels at:
 Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing and meeting

clients’ needs.
 Developing others: Sensing what others need to progress

and bolstering their abilities.

 Leveraging Diversity: Cultivating opportunities through diverse

 Political awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents

and power relationships.

 Understanding others: Discerning the feelings behind the

needs and wants of others.

5. Social Skills: The development of good interpersonal skills is

the tantamount to success in your life and career. The most
useful skills are:
 Influence: Wielding effective persuasion tactics.

 Communication: Sending clear messages.

 Leadership: Inspiring and guiding group and people.

 Change catalyst: Initiating or managing change.

 Conflict management: Understanding, negotiating and

resolving disagreements.
 Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships.

 Collaboration and cooperation: Working with others towards

shared goals.

 Team capabilities: Creating group synergy in pursuing
collective goals.

Being Smart About Feelings:

An emotionally intelligent individual is both highly conscious of his
or her own emotional states, even negativity-frustration, sadness, or
something more subtle-and able to identify and manage them. These
people are also especially tuned in to the emotions others
experience. It’s easy to see how a sensitivity to emotional signals
from within and from within and from the social environment could
make one a better friend, parent, leader, or life partner. Fortunately
these skills can be honed.

13 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence:

1. You think about feelings: Emotional Intelligence begins with what
is called self- and social awareness, the ability to recognize
emotions in both yourself and others.
2. You pause: The pause is as simple as taking a moment to stop
and think before you speak or act.
3. You strive to control your thoughts: You don’t have much control
over emotion you experience in a given moment. But you can
control your reaction to those emotions by focusing on your
4. You benefits from criticism: You know that criticism is a chance
to learn, even if it’s not delivered in the best way.

5. You show authenticity: Saying what you mean and sticking to
your values and principles above all else.
6. You demonstrate empathy: The ability to show empathy, which
includes understanding others’ thoughts and feelings, helps you
connects with others.
7. You praise others: When you command others, you satisfy that
craving and build trust in the process.
8. You give helpful feedback: You reframe criticism as constructive
feedback, so the recipient sees it as helpful instead of harmful.
9. You apologize: Saying sorry demonstrates humility, a quality that
will naturally draw others to you.
10. You forgive and forget: When forgive and forget, you prevent
others from holding your emotions hostage.
11. You keep your commitments: When you make a habit of
keeping your word in things big and small you develop a strong
reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.
12. You help others: One of the best ways to positively impact the
emotions of others is to help them.
13. You protect yourself from emotional sabotage: When individuals
attempt to manipulate others’ emotions to promote a personal
agenda or for some other selfish cause.


What is Personal Growth:

Personal Growth covers activities that improve awareness and
identity, developed talents and potential build human capital and
facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to
the realization of dream and aspirations.

Five stages of Personal Growth:

We are constantly learning lessons and growing. While we need to
give ourselves permission not to know everything now, it is
important to know where we are in the process no matter our
current face, though, these three rules stays the same:

1. Don’t expect yourselves to be anywhere other than where you

are. Accept your current place on the path.
2. Anticipate the very next phase beyond the one you are in, so
you can be prepared for it when it arrives.
3. Be compassionate and understanding to others, regardless of
their progress on their own personal journey.

The five overarching phases are below:

1. Asleep
2. Awakening
3. Integration
4. Acceptance
5. Application and Service

Importance of Personal Growth:
Personal growth is the ongoing process of understanding and
developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential.
Personal growth is a vital path in persons growth, maturity, success
and happiness. It is the foundation of emotional, physical,
intellectual and spiritual health.

Personal growth has a profound effect on every single aspect of our

life. As we grow on personal level, we begin to feel more passionate
about life in general. We are naturally more motivated because
learning and growing add motivation and a sense of excitement.

Personal growth and development provides us with both the

incentive and the means to become the best possible version of
ourselves. Ironic as it seems, personal growth expands our frame of
reference to include the people around us instead of becoming
more self centered. As our world expands, so does our awareness
of the possibilities and opportunities around us. This possibility
mindset fills us with an attitude of eager anticipation as we start
each new day.

Working on personal growth is quite easy and starts with the

smallest of choices. Choose to do something kind of yourself and
someone else. Notice the shift in energy after doing any of the
following activities:

 Listen to music that makes you feel good, try dancing on it.
 Open a door for someone.
 Quiet your mind for five minutes and focus on breathing.
 Take a walk in nature.
 Say thank you and give a smile.
 Get organized, clean out a drawer, a file etc.
 Offers someone else to go ahead of you.

 Choose more positive media to expose yourself to.
 Make a healthier food choice and notice how it affects you.
 Asks someone how they are and truly listen with your whole
 Give someone else the benefit of doubt. Until you have in their
shoes, you cannot know if you do better.
 When in judgment, ask yourself, is it possible that…? Then
consider at least three potential reasons or scenarios to
broaden your perspective.

Personal growth and self development are arguably some of the

most important activities you can do. Rather than perceiving this as
a selfish act, working on yourself to become a better person
benefits those around you, as well as those in your community and
work place making you more world minded.

Your life is now-made up of a series of moments. Live

internationally in the present moment and you will begin to
experience the joy and happiness you seek.

Stimulate Personal Growth:

1. Know yourself: Self knowledge it’s not just about knowing your
likes and dislikes, it’s about knowing who you truly are as a
person how you look at life. How you interact with others. What
fires you up. What leaves you shaking. What gets your heart
pumping. A person who sincerely knows who they are shines with

This kind of knowledge is learned by personal reflection lots of

time alone and situations outside of your comfort zone, to solo
travel. You learn a lot about yourself by jumping into an unfamiliar
environment and what you break through what you previously

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thought you were capable of, you will feel like you can achieve

2. Surround Yourself with Beautiful People:

We are talking here about inner beauty, off course. People that
will make you look at the world in a new kind of way. People
that do the extraordinary things. People that exude the qualities
that you would love have rub of on you; kindness, compassion,
bravery, drive. People that have to tell a story, give to share
gifts and give lessons to teach.
3. Get rid yourself of People who bring you down:
This a very tough action to take, as the person who bring you
down might be the person you share your bed with. Or the
person you have known since you were a little kid. Or the
person who employee you ( your boss ). Only you can decide
whether or not you should do this or want to and how best to
do it. Every situation is different. Sometimes it calls for the
situation in person, sometimes it calls for the fading contact
between you and sometimes it calls for leaving one and never
ever looking back at it. This is absolutely way easier said than
done. The one instance where you should immediately remove
yourself is if you are physically or emotionally at risk. Often,
these situations will require an outside help -- ask for that help.
4. ‘Three good things’ practice:
Each day, you write down three good things that happen
throughout your day, or the three things you are thank full for it
can be as simple as “I am thank full for such a warm sunny day
5. Avoid comparing yourself to what you see on social media:

Here is a thing about social media; it is a clipped cropped and

cultivated represention of who we are it is not really who we are
we accentuate to it the best of ourselves. We filter edit and tweet

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what we want others to see and know and to be honest that is
perfectly okay. It is not difficult to quickly clean your house when
someone says that they are dropping by. We like to present
ourselves in the best light. This to be mind full that this is what
everyone is doing.

So when you just scroll through facebook or twiter or instagram

you should know that all those updates photos and comments
have been carefully considered. And when we compare ourselves
we have tendency to compare the worst of ourselves to the best
of everyone else. The funny thing is, People are probably
comparing themselves to you this is not a very healthy past time.

6. Write:

Whether it’s a public blog or a private journal writing is a

therapeutic outlet for your thoughts. Totally up to you however you
do it. A diary that you might go for once without writing in or
random notes typed on to your mobile phone (or any electronic

7. Meet new people:

If you shy or introvert person, this will serve as you are getting
outside of your comfort zone spending time with new people will
broaden your horizon and open up different adventure and
opportunities in your life. Friend of friends is always a good start.
Get your selves invited in to different house parties and make it
your mission to talk to someone you don’t know. Introduce yourself
to the person you always see at your favorite park, or beach.

8. De-clutter:

We get emotionally attached to some stuff when you finally purge

and rid your selves of the clutter that you have hoarded over a

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life time, you feel empowered. It is freeing. Bin, Donate, cull down.
Be especially mind full of what bring in to your life in the future.

9. Turn off the TV:

Emotions in other stimulate emotions in you, and if a movie or a

show has ever made you cried or laugh, you will get what I mean.
You know it is not real, but you still get caught up in the story
and emotionally react to it. A good movie will leave you full of
whatever emotion they try portray it is a job well done.

But what about those dramatic reality shows? Shows that thrive or
conflict for the story line? What sort of emotions do shows like
that stimulate and leave you with? There is nothing worse than
walking into a room and you see people watching a screen that is
filled other people that are fighting, arguing, complaining and back
stabbing it is something that most of would probably avoid like the
plague in the real life. So it does not make any sense to give up
your free time to watch it play out on that screen. We should
spend that time learning something new instead of it.

10. Get in touch with nature:

Take a little time out each and every day to get some good and
fresh air, walk through a beautiful and lovely park or garden, visit
the beach or just sit and relax and watch the clouds moving
around. It is a mini escape and plants you firmly in the real
natural world as opposed to the virtual and fake world. Watch the
stars shining brightly swim in the beach, walk through a forest or
toast marshmallows over a burning hot fire. The world is very
beautiful and taking out time every day to enjoy it’s beauty is very

11. Read:

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12. Reading connects you with a person that may have lived
decades or even hundreds of years before you were born. It
gives you an insight into the other huge big world and it’s
perspective. And it grows you in the most easiest way that is
possible all from the comfort of your very favorite chair. If you
are not that a big reader, the best way to start is to either pick
up one of you favorite topic and go for the most popular book
in that genrey, or just go the most popular books lists on
amazon and start with something that have less pages.
13. Develop a child like sense of humor:

It is a very easy job to make children happy. Children are so luckily

creatures on the earth who do not take stress of small or big
things happens in life, We should have a behavior like little children
who care less about this bloody things happening in this damn

14. Make someone’s day:

Whether it is for a stranger, a friend or your mother, do something

to brightens someone special’s day. It can be a simple act of
kindness towards others a genuine compliment or an unexpected
thought full gift. Seeing the affect of your kindness towards others
will also have a lasting impact on your personal growth.

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How Emotional Intelligence can help with your Personal

Personal growth is something we are continually working towards.
We all want to be the version of ourselves but how do we start?

We start by gaining knowledge and understanding of emotional

intelligence. It is a guide to using your emotion intelligently
inappropriate situations and is a crucial factor in your personal
growth process.

Emotional intelligence is the psychological version of an IQ. People

with the up high emotional intelligence can better manage and
understand there psychological well being and because of this they
are less likely to susceptible to anxiety and depression.

Emotional intelligence is a key part of your personal growth if your

emotionally intelligence is on the lower end of the scale, do not
fret, this is something that you can or everyone can learn, develop,
and work on. You should understand your own emotions and
increase yourself awareness so that you can live a very happy and
beautiful life, ignore negativity that revolves around you in the world.
Remember what your goals are in life and know that by attaining
appropriately you are increasing day by day the possibility of
attaining those goals in life. As you improve upon your emotional
intelligence you will simultaneously improve upon your own selves
mentally, physically, emotionally, virtually and become a better,
happy and a success full person in every aspects of your life.

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Maintain your perspective which will lead to the feeling of self
control and adaptability.


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