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Mock Trial

Questions to Consider

1. Have you ever served on a jury?

2. Why is a jury of your peers important to our judicial system?

For Further Thought

Why have none of you been asked to serve on a jury?

❏ Collaborate with your team and list your ideas
Roles in the Courtroom

● Judge
● Defense Attorney (2)
● Prosecuting Attorney (2)
● Defendant
● Plaintiff
● Eye Witnesses (2)
● Jury (4)
A Courtroom Tour
The order of events in the process of civil trials includes:

1. Opening statements.
2. Presentation of evidence by plaintiff.
3. Direct examination of witnesses.
4. Cross-examination of witnesses.
5. Dismissal motions, or motion for direct verdict.
6. Presentation of evidence by defendant.
7. Rebuttals by plaintiff.
A Sample Mock Trial
Next Steps

Draw popsicle sticks to assign each student their role. The order of events in
the process of civil trials includes:
Day 2
Ask students are to work through the steps of a civil trial, fulfilling their assigned role, as if they
were in a real trial.

Opening statements.
Presentation of evidence by plaintiff.
Direct examination of witnesses.
Cross-examination of witnesses.
Dismissal motions, or motion for direct verdict.
Presentation of evidence by defendant.
Rebuttals by plaintiff.
A Case to Try

On April 23 at approximately 7 PM, an automobile driven by

Max Paulson made a left turn from the northbound lane of
Elm Street to Third Avenue, colliding in the crosswalk with a
bicycle ridden by Sam Smith, throwing Sam Smith across the
street, breaking his leg. Max Palson is charged with violating
Minn. Stat. 169.13 Reckless or Careless Driving.
Deliberation by the Jury
When all of the steps of the mock trial have been completed, have the jury members deliberate on and write down their
verdict.They should pass their verdict to the judge who will announce the verdict.
Announcement of the Verdict

Finally, have the jury announce what their verdict would have been. Do all agree? If not, why could there
have been a discrepancy?
a. What does this say about the justice system in America?
b. DIscuss these points as a class?

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