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Weekly Response

The Doctrine

Nadila Ika Arifianti

Christianity is a religion that has a strong doctrinal system. Although according to some
Christians themselves, the term doctrine is feared to actually cause division. The doctrines
summarized in Christianity are a collection of doctrines compiled after the death of Jesus.
Woodhead explained it in her book with the title Christianity a very short introduction that He
(Jesus) laid down few clear rules, left no systematic body of teaching, and founded no school to
pass on his wisdom. The mystery is also a function of the sources on which we have to rely. We
cannot consult the books Jesus wrote because he wrote no books, and we cannot turn to
contemporary accounts of his life and works for there are no such accounts (Woodhead, 2004, 6).

They (Christians) try to make interpretations. So that in some references we find the
different stories of Jesus. The Christian faith is far more doctrinally based than any other
religion. The doctrines of Christ's divinity, Christ's sacrifice in our place, Christ's resurrection,
and salvation through grace through faith alone should be regarded as the inviolable principle
doctrine. If any of these doctrines are removed, then our faith as a whole is empty and useless.
As for other doctrines in the Christian faith that are very important, such as the Trinity of God,
the inspiration of the Bible, and the reality regarding our eternal state after death. It was
mentioned by Woodhead that to press the message home the gospels marshal the most
convincing evidence they can find. It falls into four main categories: teaching, miracles,
resurrection, and fulfilled prophecy.

These doctrines are important, at least each Christian doctrine does have its own weight.
But these doctrines should not be worthy of causing division. There are various believers who
truly love Christ who support the views of their camp. The split should not be caused by an issue
that has little impact, especially to the point of questioning the validity of his brother's faith in
There are many other doctrines besides the main doctrine. In some cases, it is these
doctrines that lead to divisions within the Church or denomination. Things like this are actually
not rare in the concept of the principle of religious life. Almost all religions or beliefs have
several values with different interpretations. So that several sects were born in each religion.

The existence of these sects or denominations can actually also be a problem solving to
avoid an increasingly sustainable division. If interpretations are always clashed under one name
or must produce a definite decision, disputes or conflicts between religions are unavoidable. If
divisions over less important doctrines are needed to avoid a larger conflict, then they are

Interpretations that are born are also something dynamic. These interpretations move with
the changing times. This does not always have to be a problem in addition to the main doctrines
is still maintained. Changes in the times and environmental conditions of each different region
are also an absolute thing. So different doctrines even though they are in the same era but in
different places are natural, and vice versa.

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