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Fall 2020
Department of Computer Science
Fundamentals of Programming Lab 7

Lab Task Sheet

Task 1:
Write a C++ program using for loop to find from first 10 integers that how many of them are
divisible by 2, 5 and 7.

Task 2:
Write a C++ program using for loop to find a given number is prime or not.

Task 3:
Write a C++ program to display the report card using for loop and escape sequences.

S.No Subject Marks Obtained Total Marks

1. FOP 10 20
2. Calculus 8 20
3. English 15 20

Total: 33 60

Submission Details:
1. Make a separate file for every task named after the task number e.g Task1.cpp
2. Submit all tasks under the tab of Lab 7 on google classroom.
3. Late submissions will not get accepted.
4. Copied tasks will get zero credit.


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