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CHE 137 --Chemistry Cooks

Spring 2022
University of Illinois at Springfield

Lab Report Write-Up Guidelines / Grading Criteria

Bill Bloemer
(adapted from Marc Klingshirn, Gary Trammell)

Each lab report will be evaluated using the following criteria: Each section should be set off by a
title (except the Title and Investigators sections; no section exists for Writing Mechanics or
Timeliness). You won’t have to write volume each week, but the report should include each of
these elements, clearly labeled.

• Title
Identify the experiment by giving its title, or making up an appropriate title for such a report.

• Investigators
Your name and the names of any others who assisted you.

• Introduction (sometimes called Abstract)

A sentence or two to tell the reader what you were trying to do. This should state the questions or
problems to be studied. It should not summarize data like a conclusion.

• Procedure
You don't need to repeat the exact directions we give you. If you use the directions as given
without modification, then simply put something like “as given” in this section. If you need to
modify the directions in some meaningful way, you should note those changes.

Some experiments ask you to design your own experiment and these should be reported. All of
the directions should be easy to follow so someone else could repeat your work. Your approach
should be a logical approach to the problem. Usually several approaches are equally valid.

• Data and Observations

Give all data collected. You may want to organize the data in tables or graphs if appropriate. Make
sure to include units (seconds, cm, cups, etc.). Clearly but briefly state your observations (color
changes, fizzing, heat given off, etc.). Your observations should be based on the data you collect.
Generally, comments on the data (temperature higher than expected, brown color instead of red,
etc.) belong in the Conclusion section, which follows.

• Conclusion
An interpretation of your data and observations. Conclusions are logical explanations of all of your
data. Explanations should use appropriate scientific terms and concepts from the chapters we are
studying. Include here any answers to questions posed in the directions to the assignment (“What
would have happened if...”, for example).

The conclusion section should do more than restate the observations. It should do more than
point out that a factor or ingredient caused a particular effect. Ideally, it should explain why the
factor or ingredient caused the effect based on the chemistry involved.

• Feedback
We would like a one-paragraph statement of your comments on the experiment. Include any
suggestions for improvement, places where the directions were confusing, improvements you
made in the procedure, anything you found interesting, etc.

• Writing mechanics
Your report should be written in complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling,
describing the work in past tense, passive voice, third person (“The Alka-Seltzer was allowed to fall
into the cup containing the water ...”).

• Timeliness

Your report should be submitted on time. The due dates are in the LMS (Learning Management
System). 10% will be deducted from the report score for each week the report is late, based on
the times recorded by the LMS.

The criteria for grading of the lab write-ups are listed below along with expectations for each part.
Please read these carefully since careful attention to these guidelines will help you obtain the
highest grade possible. The form below will be used to summarize the grading of your report.

If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Component Points Points Comments

Possible Achieved
Title/Introduction 3
Procedure 2
Data and 4
Conclusions 7
Feedback 2
Writing Mechanics 2
Total 20
3. Presents a concise (one paragraph) lead-in to the report. States problem or investigation.
Stimulates interest.
2. Omits some essential parts of the experiment.
1. Introduction not clearly related to investigation. Problem or investigation not stated.

2. All of the directions are easy to follow and approach to the problem is well planned.
1. Some of the directions are hard to follow or approach to the problem has significant flaws.

Data and Observations

4. Data are accurate and presented clearly. Tables and graphs are used to organize data.
Proper units are used. Observations are based on data.
3. Data are reasonable and presented clearly. Tables and graphs are used to organize data.
Observations are based on data. Data are mostly reasonable.
2. Some data are missing. Observations are tenuously related to data.
1. Data are incorrectly collected or unreasonable. Large portions of the data are missing.
Observations are not based on data.

7. Conclusions are logical explanations of all of the observations. Good answers to any
questions. Explanations use appropriate scientific terms and concepts.
5. Conclusions are logical explanations of most or all of the data. Conclusions explain only
some of the data, or answer only some of the questions.
3. Simply restates the observations, without explanation.
1. Explanations and answers to questions are unclear or incorrect.
0. Conclusions do not explain any of the data or are absent.

2. Gives reasonable suggestions for improving lab. Notes any errors or confusing directions.
1. Little more than “did or didn’t like it.”

Writing Mechanics
8. Well written with few errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence construction.
1. Several errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence construction.
0. Poorly written with many errors in spelling, grammar, or sentence construction.

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