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Business Ethics

Module 5

1 Belief Systems

Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating back nearly 4,000 years.
Followers of Judaism believe in one God who revealed himself through ancient
prophets. The history of Judaism is essential to understanding the Jewish faith, which
has a rich heritage of law, culture and tradition.

Confucianism is based entirely on kindness, mutual respect and an appreciation for

character virtues. It is founded on the belief that society can flourish only when people
learn to interact positively with each other.

Taoism is regarded as the oldest of China's three religion-philosophies (Confucianism

and Buddhism are the other two). Taoism has both a philosophical and a religious
tradition in China. Although philosophical Taoism flourished early in the fifth century
Shintoism has been a major part of Japanese life and culture throughout the
country's history, but for the greater part of that history Shinto has shared its
spiritual, cultural, and political roles with Buddhism and Confucianism. It has its
origin dating back to the 1000 BC. Early records don’t refer to a unified or organized
religion that we now recognize as Shintoism. Instead it is a collection of native beliefs
and mythology, with its roots in worshipping nature and natural objects ranging from
trees, lakes, mountains, flowers, and rocks.

Directions: 4Pics1Word. Carefully analyze the pictures in every number, then write
the correct religious belief system on the space above each group of pictures.

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________

3. ______________________

4. _____________________ 5. _______________________


Belief systems are something that affect our everyday lives. They are commonly
associated with religions. A religious belief system is usually structured around a
moral code, the belief of one or more deities, and the ability for supernatural
occurrences to affect us in the universe that we exist in. A spiritual belief system is
closely related to this, but it is not structured. Some choose to believe in an after-life
and follow a moral code of conduct but do not affiliate with a particular church or
denomination. Since it affects the way a person views the world and defines how they
treat others, it still counts as a belief system.
Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism, Taoism and
Shinto. These are the world’s eight major religions. Each has its own organized system
of beliefs, ceremonies and worship and each offers prescription for positive endeavor in
both life-and in business.

Impact of Christianity on Business Practice

Jesus warns against greed, an excessive anxiety
toward future needs, and in serving money instead of
serving God. Human dignity and concern and for persons
are crucial in Christianity.
Basic Beliefs: There is one God, and Jesus was
crucified but was resurrected. Followers reach salvation by
following the teachings of Jesus.
This religion stresses a sense of justice in business, such
as the strict observance of contracts, observing regulations
and working for the sake of the common good.

Figure 2

Impact of Hinduism on Business Practice

Hinduism, the first of the five religions based on
ancient Asian cultures, is a cluster of religious traditions
that evolved in India between 3,000 and 1,500 B.C.

Today, there are about 780 million followers.

Basic Beliefs: Souls continue to be reborn. The
cycle of rebirth ends only when the soul achieves
enlightenment, or freedom from earthly desires.
When it comes to business, we can make two
observations: Hinduism has a positive attitude towards
business and creating wealth, yet wealth is not the
supreme goal. Ethics (dharma) and salvation (moksha) are Figure 3 more

Impact of Islam on Business Practice

Islam, with more than 1 billion practitioners, is the
second largest religion in the world and growing.
The history of Islam started with Muhammad, who was
born in Mecca around 570 A.D. Muhammad believed in
one God, Allah, and recorded his divine revelations in
the Koran.
Several Islam business scholars agree that a central
concept of the religion is tawhid, or unity with God.
Life is unified because it provides the practical way to
pattern all facets of human life in accordance with
God’s will.
Figure 4
Basic Beliefs: There is one God. Followers must follow the Five Pillars of Islam in order
to achieve salvation.

1. Shahadah – Bearing witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is
His prophet
2. Salat – Praying five times daily
3. Zakat – Giving charity or alms to those in need
4. Sawm – Fasting during the month of Ramadan
5. Hajj – Making pilgrimage to Mecca
Business is included and should be run according to the laws of nature dictated by

Impact of Buddhism on Business Practice

Buddhism, is based on the teachings of Siddhartha
Gautama, called “Buddha” or “The Enlightened One”
which began in India around 560 B.C. and searches to
find relief for human suffering.

Basic beliefs: People reach enlightenment, or

wisdom by following the Eightfold
Path and understanding the Four Noble Truths.
The Eightfold Path

1. Right View or Right Understanding: Insight into the

Figure 5 true
nature of reality
2. Right Intention: The unselfish desire to realize enlightenment
3. Right Speech: Using speech compassionately
4. Right Action: Using ethical conduct to manifest compassion
5. Right Livelihood: Making a living through ethical and nonharmful means
6. Right Effort: Cultivating wholesome qualities and releasing unwholesome
7. Right Mindfulness: Whole body-and-mind awareness
8. Right Concentration: Meditation or some other dedicated, concentrated practice
Four Noble Truth

1. Truth of suffering
2. Truth of the cause of suffering
3. Truth of the end of suffering
4. Truth of the way that leads to the end of suffering or Nirvana
In business, Buddhists search for the “right livelihood” and are generally against
companies that do not care for the environment or that abuse animals.

Impact of Judaism on Business Practice

Judaism has 15 million adherents, started with
the original covenant made between God and Abraham
around 1900 B.C.
The main source for understanding business ethics in
Judaism is the Torah. “The legitimacy of business
activity and profit, conducted within a framework of
religious and ethical norms, is one of the guiding principles for business ethics
highlighted in the Jewish tradition”.
Basic Beliefs: There is one God. People serve God by living according to his teachings.
God handed down the Ten
Commandments to guide human behavior. Figure 6

In Judaism, work, including manual of work, is held in great esteem, like a sort of
human partnership with the divine.

Impact of Confucianism on Business Practice

Confucianism, one of the three traditional
religions of China, along with Taoism and Buddhism,
is based on the teachings of Confucius during 5th and
6th century B.C.
According to Confucius, “A gentleman takes as much
trouble to discover what is right as lesser men take to
discover what will pay.”
Confucius emphasizes that profit in business is
acceptable as long as it is acquired with

Figure 7

Impact of Taoism on Business Practice

Taoism coexists with Confucianism in China. It seeks to promote the inner
peace of individuals and harmony with their surroundings.
“Tao” could be translated as “path” or the “the way.” It’s like a force that flows
through life and pervades all things.

In business, Taoism encourages companies to nourish people, and the aim should not
be personal success or gain, but the common good.
According to Tao Te Ching, “Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill…Do your work,
then step back.”
World map/Globe

What you have to do:
Locate from the globe where each religion originated. Write the name of the religion in
the appropriate continent it belongs then identify the impact of it in business.

Figure 10

Assessment 1
Directions: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. Write the correct word/s
from the choices inside the parenthesis which best define or describe the given word.

1. Shinto: the ways of gods; Tao: _______________ (enlightened, legitimacy, path)

2. Right action: ethical conduct; _________________: Meditation (right
concentration, right speech, right view)
3. Islam: _______________; Shintoism: kami (enlightenment, salvation, tawhid)
4. Buddhism: ________________; Taoism: nourish people (divine partnership, family
emphasis, right livelihood)
5. Torah: Judaism; Five pillars: ______________ (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)

Enrichment Activity 2: Photograph Analysis

1. Analyze the three traditional religions of China.

2. Take note of its basic beliefs and influence on the business.
Figure 11- Buddhism Figure 12- Confucianism

Figure 13- Taoism


Directions: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.
Write only the letter of the best answer for each test item.

1. Which of the following belief system of religion is based on the teachings of

Siddhartha Gautama?

A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Shintoism

2. Which of the following belief system was inextricably tied to the origin and
development of Japan?
A. Christian B. Hindu C. Shinto D. Tao

3. What belief system coexists with Confucianism?

A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Shintoism D. Taoism

4. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. Right Concentration B. Right Mindfulness

C. Right Understanding D. Truth of Suffering

5. What belief system nourishes people and aim not to focus on personal success
but for the common good?

A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Judaism D. Taoism

6. What is the emphasis of Confucius regarding acquiring profit?

A. Enlightenment B. Nourishment C. Righteousness D. Tactfulness

7. What belief system emphasizes on benefits for the group which is like a family?

A. Christian B. Hindu C. Tao D. Shinto

8. What belief system considers that when it comes to business, it has positive
attitude towards wealth but emphasizes more on ethics and salvation?

A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Shintoism D. Taoism

9. What records Muhammad’s divine revelations?

A. Bible B. Kojiki C. Koran D. Tripitaka

10. What belief system said that “life is unified because it provides the practical
way to pattern all facets of human life in accordance with God’s will?

A. Buddhism B. Christianity C. Islam D. Taoism

11. What belief system stresses out for a sense of justice in business, such as the
strict observance of contracts and observing regulations?

A. Buddhism B. Christianity C. Hinduism D. Shintoism

12. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the Five Pillars of Islam?

A. Salat B. Sawm C. Zalat D. Zakat

13. What belief system emphasizes work, including manual of work as a great
esteem like a sort of human partnership with the divine?

A. Buddhism B. Judaism C. Shintoism D. Taoism

14. What term refers to a set of ideology or set of principles which helps people to
interpret everyday reality?
A. Belief System
B. Business Conduct
C. Code of Conduct
D. Manual of Contract
15. Which of the following Eightfold Path uses ethical conduct to manifest
A. Right Action B. Right Effort C. Right Intention D. Right Speech

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