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Cebu Graduate School of Theology Name ________________________________

BI 521 New Testament Studies II

Instructor: Steven M. Wilkinson
Second Semester 2020-21

Reading Assignment 5: The assignment for this week is in Carson & Moo, pp. 391-411, on Romans. If you have
not yet read all of Romans, please do so this week.

Reading Check List. Be specific. Indicate the exact pages/chapters you have carefully read:
How much of Carson & Moo, Chapter 10, pages 391-411, have you read? _________________________
How much of Romans have you read? Give number of chapters. _________________________

1. What was true about the relationship between Jew & Christian (in the first century) that explains why Claudius
(in A.D. 49) expelled Christians from Rome along with the Jews (cf. Acts 18:2)?

2. Were the addressees of this letter Jewish-Christians, Gentile-Christians, or both? Why?

3. What is the "best" and "earliest" explanation for why chapters 15 and 16 are missing from some ancient
manuscripts of Romans?

4. What are the literary devices Paul uses to develop his argument?

5. What is the main component of "Romans as a tractate letter"?

6. In chapters 14 & 15 of Romans, who are the "weak" and the "strong"? What groups are intended by these terms?

7. What does the term "Paul's missionary situation" mean? What does it have to do with the purpose of the letter?

8. Concerning the subject of E. P. Sanders' "covenantal nomism," what is the heart of his argument?

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