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Name: ________________________________________ Score: _______________


DIRECTION. Listen to your teacher as he/she reads a listening text twice, then answer the
questions that follow.

1. The whole passage is mainly a ______.

A. history of the Philippine revolution
B. book review and biography
C. biography
D. description of the women’s role in the revolution
2. The purpose of the selection is ______.
A. to liberate the women
B. to praise the women at the expense of men
C. to rewrite the history
D. to shed light on the role of women in the Philippine revolution
3. The passage specifically mentions Josephine Bracken who became the wife of _______.
A. Andres Bonifacio C. Jose Rizal
B. Apolinario Mabini D. Paciano Rizal
4. Josephine Bracken was born in _______.
A. Manila on August 9, 1876
B. Hongkong on August 9, 1876
C. Dapitan on August 9, 1876
D. Ireland on August 9, 1876

5. Josephine Bracken went to Dapitan to accompany an American widower to see Dr. Jose Rizal
who was a well-known ______.
A. hero C. ophthalmologist
B. exile D. poet


DIRECTION. Read, understand, and answer the sentences in every number carefully. Encircle the
letter of your choice.

6. Which animal is _______________: horse or carabao?

A. best useful B. more useful C. better useful D. most useful
7. It _______________ hard last night.
A. rained B. rains C. raining D. has rained
8. Mark is ____________ Gabriel.
A. busy than C. as busy as
B. as busy with D. as busy of

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by:Teacher Sirus Karl Rubio Page1

9. There are _______________ job opportunities in the city than in the barrio.
A. most B. more C. many D. much
10. My friend _____________ his eyeglasses yesterday.
A. break C. broken
B. broke D. breaks
11. In a series of adjectives, which is followed by proper adjective?
A. size B. color C. age D. opinion
12. Given the following adjectives, which do you think comes first?
A. sports C. new
B. Italian D. shiny
13. It's in the ________ container.
A. large blue metal B. blue large metal C. blue metal large D. none of the above
14. The article a/an is classified under __________.
A. opinion B. size C. number D. age
15. Which adjective does not belong to the group?
A. elliptical B. enormous C. vast D. narrow

16. Which series of adjectives will properly describe a machine?

A. recycling, powerful, two, Japan-made C. two, recycling, powerful, Japan-made
B. powerful, two, Japan-made, recycling D. two, powerful, Japan-made, recycling

17. We waited for hours, __________ no one came.

A. yet B. and C. or D. so
18. Would you rather have a hot dog ____________ a hamburger?
A. for B. and C. but D. or
19. ______ you hear of a part-time job, please let me know.
A. since B. if C. until D. though
20. We all went out for pizza __________ we finished painting the house.
A. while C. unless
B. after D. although

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21. She searched in the warehouse, in the cabinet, and in the garage. Which is expressed by the
conjunction “and” in this sentence?
A. addition C. contrast
B. alternation D. consequence
22. In the sentence, “Aetas do not only tend to work in the field but also they live a life close to
nature”, the underlined correlative conjunction expresses_____.
A. addition C. contrast
B. alternation D. consequence
23. If a group of words can stand alone as a sentence and expresses a single idea, it is considered
a/an _____________.
A. independent clause
B. simple phrase
C. dependent clause
D. correlative conjunction
24. A compound sentence is composed of ___________.
A. one complete subject and one complete predicate
B. an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
C. more than one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
D. two or more independent clauses
25. The sentence “Dogs can help in many everyday situations” is an example of ___________
A. simple C. compound
B. complex D. compound-complex
26. The simple sentence “A dog might have to navigate a crowded bus or a noisy restaurant,” has
one complete subject. Which is it?
A. a crowded bus
B. a dog
C. a dog might have to navigate
D. a noisy restaurant
27. How many independent clauses can be found in the sentence “After I had searched everywhere,
I found my ring, and I put it in my jewelry box”?
A. one C. two

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B. three D. none
28. The dependent clause in the sentence “When the weather is hot, gardening can be drudgery,” is
A. when the weather is hot
B. the weather is hot
C. hot gardening can be drudgery
D. gardening can be drudgery
29. In the sentence “My mother bought Mario a new pair of shoes as a New Year’s gift”, what is the
function of the underlined noun?
A. Object Complement
B. Indirect Object
C. Subject Complement
D. Direct Object
For numbers 30-39
DIRECTION. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb. Take note of the time
expressions. Encircle the letter of your choice.
30. Crystal usually _______the classroom after classes.
A. clean C. will clean
B. cleans D. cleaned
31. This afternoon she _________ to do it.
A. forget C. will forget
B. forgets D. forgot
32. She ______it tomorrow early in the morning.
A. do C. will do
B. does D. did
33. Arjay and Khalid often _____ her with her work.
A. help C. will help
B. helps D. helpedy
34. But, tomorrow, Crystal ______to do it by herself.
A. has C. will have
B. have D. had
35. Alwyn and Jelwin _____ go to school that early.

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A. does not C. will not

B. do not D. did not
36. Right now I _______ of helping poor Susan.
A. think C. will think
B. thinks D. thought
37. Trisha _______ to need a lot of care.
A. seem C. will seem
B. seems D. seemed
38. She is a good girl and she _______ her way through school.
A. support C. will support
B. supports D. supported
39. On that day I ________bad that I got sick.
A. feel C. will feel
B. feels D. felt

For numbers 40-51, which word is synonymous with the underlined word in the sentence?
40. Thomas went to the apex of the mountain, and because it was so high, he had to take a tank of
oxygen with him.
A. bottom B. breath C. top D. clear
41. The apparatus that Jill used to connect the fabric was similar to a sewing machine, but this one
did all of the work while she just pushed a button.
A. idea C. zipper
B. instrument D. singular
42. The crowd was boisterous. They screamed and yelled and cheered wildly.
A. noisy C. calm
B. peaceful D. quiet
43. You don’t seem to trust me. Why are you skeptical?
A. trusting B. doubtful C. sad D. happy
44. If everyone is to have a good place to live, the city must augment housing allowances.
A. increase B. prohibit C. decrease D. forbid

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45. He was awed by her beauty; he stared at her for a very long time.
A. dumbstruck C. tantalized
B. afraid D. sleepy
46. They enjoyed the mouth-watering dishes served in the party.
A. hot and spicy C. tasty
B. rotten D. moldy
47. The policemen scour the squatter’s site in search of the criminals who escaped from the jail.
A. reach across
B. self-satisfied
C. adjust easily from misfortunes
D. move about quickly in search
48. My fingers have grown flaccid after two hours of continuous playing computer games.
A. nerve, strength
B. lacking vigor or force
C. suggestive of coldness
D. longer
49. The poor usually live in a squalid cramped crowded place.
A. square C. spacious
B. dirty D. clean
50. The students conducted classes in makeshift classrooms after a huge fire accidentally burned
their rooms into ashes.
A. improvised C. comfortable
B. permanent D. strong
51. The residents tenaciously remained in their houses when the demolition team arrived.
A. bravely C. pleadingly
B. eagerly D. persistently

DIRECTION. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
52. Which figure of speech is about the animation of objects because these are given human
A. Simile C. Metaphor

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B. Personification D. Hyperbole
53. The repetition of consonants at the beginning of words is known as _______________.
A. Assonance C. Alliteration
B. Consonance D. Rhyme
54. A form of poetry characterized by its diamond shape and is flexible. It may or may not rhyme at
the end of every line.
A. Acrostic Poem C. Cinquian Poem
B. Diamante Poem D. Synonym Poem
55. A type of poem that does rhyme or use figurative language. Its most common form is that is
composed of 17 syllables divided into three lines, the first and third having the same length, while
the middle is a little bit longer.
A. Object poem C. Tanka
B. Formula Poem D. Haiku
56. In the elements of poetry, the group of lines in a poem refer to _____________.
A. line C. rhyme
B. stanza d. rhythm
For items 57-69, which figure of speech is used in the following sentences?
57. Ron’s lie was like a dagger to his mother.
A. simile C. metaphor
B. irony D. personification
58. The morning breeze greets me as I wake up.
A. personification C. simile
B. metaphor D. irony
59. The twins were carbon copies of my mother.
A. personification C. metaphor
B. hyperbole D. juxtaposition
60. Old man winter slumbered in his giant feather bed.
A. simile C. irony
B. personification D. metaphor
61. There is noise in a very quiet room.
A. metaphor C. irony
B. simile D. hyperbole

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by:Teacher Sirus Karl Rubio Page7

For numbers 62-66, study the card catalogue entry below.

62. What is the title of the article in the entry above?

A. Philippine Star C. Alumni Homecoming
B. Grand Alumni D. Mar T. Dayrit

63. What is the subject heading of the periodical?

A. Philippine Star C. Alumni Homecoming
B. Grand Alumni D. Mar T. Dayrit

64. What is the year of issue of the magazine?

A. 2012 C. 2013
B. 2015 D. 2014

65. What is the name of the magazine?

A. Philippine Star C. Alumni Homecoming
B. Grand Alumni D. Mar T. Dayrit

66. On which pages could the article be found?

A. 20-29 C. 10-11
B. 14-20 D. 12-15

For items 67-68, read the information.

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by:Teacher Sirus Karl Rubio Page8

67. What heading fits the information below?

A. Date of birth
B. Date of graduation
C. Date of school opening
D. Date of board examination

68. What is the heading for this information?

A. Educational attainment
B. Scholastic record
C. Personal record
D. Address
For numbers 69-72, read and understand the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
Amparo R. Asuncion

The sad little houses, the poor little houses

Crowd by the riverside
The holes in their roofs, the cracks in their walls
Vainly they tried to hide.

The stench of the river, the dark muddy river

Is with them night and day
Pure, fresh air may be had for the moving,
But they can’t move away.

They can only stand by the bank of the river

Buried knee-deep in clay,
They can only stare at the drifting garbage
Until they, too, decay.

And, pass away into ghosts of houses

Killed by a burning sun,
Smothered with dust
And then forgotten – forgotten by everyone.

69. The poem makes use of sad little houses to symbolize _________.
A. abandoned houses C. squatter houses
B. burned houses D. haunted houses
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70. “The stench of the river” is a line appealing to which of the following senses?
A. smell C. sight
B. touch D. hearing

71. The line “killed by a burning sun” shows __________.

A. simile C. metaphor
B. personification D. onomatopoeia

72. How does the author feel as suggested in his lines in the poem?
A. troubled C. lonesome
B. doubtful D. skeptical

For questions 73-75.

One day a carabao cart was passing through a muddy road. At first it was travelling smoothly though
very slowly. Suddenly the wheels sank in deep in the mud. The carabao tried hard to pull the cart. Though
the carabao pulled it with its greatest strength the cart couldn’t go any further. The good-for-nothing driver
just looked on and feel down on his knees. He prayed to the God of strength. He prayed for strength in his
arms to pull out the wheels.
After sometime there came along a sturdy farmer riding on the back of his carabao and passing the
same road. He whispered, “God only helps those who also help themselves.”

73. It can be inferred in the story that the driver ______.

A. raised his arms while praying
B. helped the carabao pull the cart
C. did not exert effort to help the carabao
D. prayed hard in order to help the carabao

74. What does the idiom “good for nothing” mean?

A. lazy B. wealthy
C. strong D. weak
75. Which among the following statements is an opinion?
A. The carabao exerted much effort.
B. The farmer was so helpful.
C. The driver should have worked hard.
D. The driver just prayed.

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