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In the example below we show how Ivy's concatenation function is compatible

with tensors from different frameworks. This is the same for ALL Ivy functions.
They can accept tensors from any framework and return the correct result.

import jax.numpy as jnp

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
import torch

import ivy

jax_concatted = ivy.concatenate((jnp.ones((1,)), jnp.ones((1,))), -1)

tf_concatted = ivy.concatenate((tf.ones((1,)), tf.ones((1,))), -1)
np_concatted = ivy.concatenate((np.ones((1,)), np.ones((1,))), -1)
mx_concatted = ivy.concatenate((mx.nd.ones((1,)), mx.nd.ones((1,))),
torch_concatted = ivy.concatenate((torch.ones((1,)), torch.ones((1,))),

To see a list of all Ivy methods, type ivy. into a python command prompt and
press tab . You should then see output like the following:

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