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Seat No. Enrolment No. GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ME - SEMESTER- 2 (New) * EXAMINATION — SUMMER - 2021 Subject Code:3721317 Date: 25 Aug 2021 Subject Name:Road Safety Audit e: 0 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Describe in detail road traffic accidents scenarios in India. (b) Write the difference between accident and crash. What are the characteristics of accidents? Q.2 (a) What are the Multidisciplinary approaches to planning for traflic safety and injury control? (b) Write a short note on empirical Bayes method identification of hazards road location. OR (b) What are pre-crash and post-crash models? Describe the details of pre-crash and post-crash models? Q3_ (a). State objectives and principles of road safety audit. Describe various stages in road safety audit, (b) What are the legislative measures for making effective road safety program? OR Q3_ (a) Discuss with sketches the road safety measures for the pedestrians (b) What are the different applications of ITS to decrease the road accidents scenario in India, Q4 (a) Explain with sketches condition diagram and collision diagram. (b) Discuss with sketch the conflict points on three arm junction with two way traffic ‘on all approaches. OR Qe (a) Describe the details included in typical accident report form and interpretation of crash data (b) Write a short note Drag and Acceleration scenarios. Q5 (a) Explain with sketches different types of speed breakers on road with their suitability. (b) Discuss about the role of 4 B's for controlling road traffic accidents. OR jons? What are the various measures for Q.5° (a) What are the impacts of vehicular emi controlling air pollution from road traffic? (b) Briefly Deseribe Parameters and Analysis of vehicular Emission, 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07

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