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 1.

What's infinity plus infinity?

o A. 

We cannot add Infinity to infinity unless infinity is a finite number, which itself
doesn't make any sense.

o B. 


o C. 


o D. 

It can not be counted.


 2. 
Which of these is the sound of fish slapping against human flesh?

o A. 


o B. 


o C. 


 3. 
What was the first thing that happened after the universe was created?

o A. 

It had to take a chill pill.

o B. 

Earth was created.

o C. 

Nobody knows.

o D. 

This question is stupid!


 4. 
Where is the smallest circle (or dot) in this sentence?

o A. 

"Where is"

o B. 

"Or dot"

o C. 


 5. 
What is the second word/letter of "The Alphabet Song"?

o A. 


o B. 

o C. 

o D. 

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