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Obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea: Mechanisms for increased

collapsibility of the passive pharyngeal airway resp_2093 32..42


Department of Anesthesiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan

Key words: closing pressure, collapsibility, fat distribu-

ABSTRACT tion, obstruction, pharynx.
Epidemiological evidence suggests there are significant
links between obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea
(OSA), with a particular emphasis on the importance of INTRODUCTION
fat distribution in the development of OSA. In patients
with OSA, the structure of the pharyngeal airway col-
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterized by
lapses. A collapsible tube within a rigid box collapses
either due to decreased intraluminal pressure or repetitive pharyngeal narrowing and closure during
increased external tissue pressure (i.e. reduction in sleep, with obesity being an important feature associ-
transmural pressure), or due to reduction in the longi- ated with the presence and development of this disor-
tudinal tension of the tube. Accordingly, obesity should der. Longitudinal studies in the general population
structurally increase the collapsibility of the pharyn- consistently demonstrate that weight changes are
geal airway due to excessive fat deposition at two directly associated with increases or decreases in the
distinct locations. In the pharyngeal airway region, severity of OSA in both genders, although the associa-
excessive soft tissue for a given maxillomandibular tion is less robust in women than in men1,2 (Fig. 1).
enclosure size (upper airway anatomical imbalance) Large cross-sectional studies in the general popula-
can increase tissue pressure surrounding the pharyn- tion have also identified BMI as an independent pre-
geal airway, thereby narrowing the airway. Even mild dictor of OSA. However, other factors impact on the
obesity may cause anatomical imbalance in individu- association between obesity and OSA, with gender,
als with a small maxilla and mandible. Lung volume age and neck circumference also being significant
reduction due to excessive central fat deposition may predictors of sleep disordered breathing.3 Notably,
decrease longitudinal tracheal traction forces and pha- there are similar associations between weight and
ryngeal wall tension, changing the ‘tube law’ in the pha- OSA across different races, despite a wide range of
ryngeal airway (lung volume dependence of the upper BMI, suggesting an interaction between obesity
airway). The lung volume dependence of pharyngeal and craniofacial dimensions in the development of
airway patency appears to contribute more signi-
OSA.4–7 In clinical populations, BMI is not a good pre-
ficantly to the development of OSA in morbidly
dictor of OSA, with neck and waist circumferences
obese, apnoeic patients. Neurostructural interactions
required for stable breathing may be influenced by being more sensitive parameters for prediction of
obesity-related hormones and cytokines. Accumulat- OSA.8–10 Furthermore, the amounts of adipose tissue
ing evidence strongly supports these speculations, but adjacent to the pharyngeal airway and in the intra-
further intensive research is needed. peritoneal space are directly associated with AHI
but not with BMI.11,12 Differences in fat distribution
between men and women, and the resulting mechani-
cal and functional influences, may partly explain
The Author: Dr. Isono is Associate Professor in the Department
of Anesthesiology, Graduate School of Medicine of Chiba Uni-
gender differences in the prevalence of OSA.13,14
versity in Chiba, Japan. His areas of research interest include Epidemiological and clinical evidence strongly sug-
respiratory physiology and sleep medicine, particularly the gests that there is a complex interaction between
pathophysiology of upper airway maintenance in unconscious obesity and OSA. This review discusses the possible
subjects. contributions of obesity, and in particular, the role of
Correspondence: Shiroh Isono, Department of Anesthesiology, fat deposition in the neck, surrounding the pharyn-
Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, 1-8-1 Inohana-
cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260-8670, Japan. Email: shirohisono@
geal airway, as well as intra-abdominal fat deposition, in the pathogenesis of OSA, based on accumulating
Received 5 August 2011; invited to revise 25 August 2011; knowledge of the pathophysiology of upper airway
revised 19 September 2011; accepted 25 September 2011. (UA) obstruction in humans.
© 2011 The Author Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2011.02093.x
Role of obesity in pharyngeal obstruction 33

COLLAPSIBILITY OF THE PHARYNGEAL such as the tongue, soft palate, tonsils and pharyngeal
AIRWAY IN PATIENTS WITH OSA fat pads, while it is also enclosed by bony structures,
such as the mandible, maxilla and cervical spine.16
A collapsible tube as a model for This structure is mechanically analogous to an artifi-
understanding the behaviour of the cial collapsible tube in a rigid chamber (Fig. 2), and
human pharyngeal airway the behaviour of an atonic or hypotonic pharyngeal
airway (passive pharynx) can be demonstrated by a
The pharynx, which is the site where OSA develops, is simple mechanical model.17
inherently collapsible during sleep when the activity In this mechanical model, the cross-sectional area
of muscles dilating the UA decreases.15 The pharyn- of the tube is determined by a ‘tube law’, representing
geal airway is structurally surrounded by soft tissues the intrinsic mechanical properties of the tube and
transmural pressure (Ptm), the difference between
intraluminal and tissue pressures (Ptm = Plumen - Ptissue).
Plumen is defined as the lateral wall pressure acting on
the luminal surface of the tube, while Ptissue is defined
as the tissue pressure acting on the outside surface of
the tube. Two distinct mechanisms result in collapse
of the tube: reduction of Ptm due either to a decrease in
Plumen or an increase in Ptissue (A to B in Fig. 2), or reduc-
tion in the longitudinal tension of the tube (A to C in
Fig. 2), making the tube more compliant and there-
fore the slope of the ‘tube law’ more steep.18 In the
human pharyngeal airway, Ptissue may be increased by
anatomical imbalance of the UA due to the deposition
of fat surrounding the pharyngeal airway within
the maxillomandibular bony enclosure,16 while longi-
tudinal traction of the pharyngeal airway may be
decreased by lung volume reduction as discussed

How can we assess pharyngeal airway

collapsibility in humans?
Figure 1 Five year follow-up of changes in weight and
respiratory disturbance index (RDI) indicates a clear direct Because of the difficulty in measuring the Ptissue
relationship between the two, which was more marked surrounding the pharyngeal airway in humans, static
in males than in females. (From Newman et al.1 with Plumen-area relationships have been determined by
permission) measuring the pharyngeal cross-sectional area during

Figure 2 Most pharyngeal airway

behaviour can be modelled by a
collapsible tube in a rigid box. The
cross-sectional area of the tube is
determined by a ‘tube law’ repre-
senting the intrinsic mechanical
properties of the tube. Two distinct
mechanisms result in collapse of the
tube: reduction in transmural pres-
sure (Ptm) due either to a decrease in
intraluminal pressure (Plumen) or an
increase in surrounding tissue pres-
sure (Ptissue) (A to B), or a reduction
in longitudinal tension of the tube (A
to C), making the tube mechanically
more compliant and therefore the
slope of the ‘tube law’ more steep
(‘tube law’ 1 to ‘tube law’ 2).
© 2011 The Author Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
34 S Isono

Table 1 Agreements among three different experimen-

tal approaches for exploring pharyngeal airway collaps-
ibility in responses to various mechanical interventions.
(summarized based on the references)

Conditions (references) Ptissue Pcrit Pclose

Neck flexion21,25,34 ↑ ↑ ↑
Mandibular advancement22,26,35 ↓ ↓ ↓
Tracheal traction or lung ↓ ↓ ↓
Mass loading28 ↑ N/A (↑)
UA muscle contraction24,29,36 ↓ ↓ ↓

Figure 3 Relationship between closing pressure (Pclose)

step reductions of Plumen in cadavers of infants19 and in at the velopharynx (retropalatal airway) and Pclose at the
anaesthetized humans20 as substitute models for the oropharynx (retroglossal airway), as determined in
‘tube law’. The static Plumen-area relationship is not anaesthetized and paralyzed age- and BMI-matched indi-
linear and is described by an exponential function, viduals without OSA (closed circles), or with mild OSA
irrespective of age, gender and the coexistence of (open squares), and in patients with severe OSA (closed
OSA, indicating that pharyngeal wall compliance, triangles). Note that the patients with OSA had higher
defined as the slope of the curve, varies with changes Pclose at both segments and that retropalatal Pclose values
in Plumen.21 Over the steep portion in the lower range of were greater than retroglossal Pclose. (From Isono et al.20:
Plumen, significant pharyngeal narrowing occurs even this is an original work of the author)
for a small reduction in Plumen, inducing inspiratory
flow limitation.22 In contrast, the pharyngeal airway is
stable along the flat portion in the higher range of
Plumen. The closing pressure of the pharyngeal airway OSA, 2.2 ⫾ 3.0 cm H2O for severe OSA) was signifi-
(Pclose), as determined by the intercept of the curve cantly greater than that in age- and BMI-matched
on the Plumen axis, is an important mechanical param- subjects without OSA (-4.4 ⫾ 4.2 cm H2O), providing
eter representing collapsibility of the pharyngeal evidence for abnormally collapsible pharyngeal
airway. structures in OSA patients (Fig. 3). Interestingly, the
Although not a direct measure of Ptissue, the critical reported passive Pcrit values determined during sup-
closing pressure (Pcrit), which is determined by assum- pression of the UA dilating muscles agreed well with
ing the UA to be a Starling resistor that collapses the Pclose determined during anaesthesia and paraly-
when Ptissue exceeds Plumen, is considered to reflect Ptissue sis, suggesting that the higher Pclose in OSA patients is
and is measurable in sleeping humans.23 However, at least partly due to a higher Ptissue.37
caution is required when interpreting Pcrit values
because Pcrit can be measured while the UA dilating
muscles are actively contracting (active Pcrit) or when Is Ptissue increased in obese patients with OSA?
they are suppressed (passive Pcrit).24 Recently, Kairaitis
et al. developed a technique for measuring Ptissue sur- In the collapsible tube model, an increase in Ptissue
rounding the pharyngeal airway in anaesthetized narrows the cross-sectional area of the tube. The pha-
rabbits and demonstrated changes in Ptissue and UA ryngeal airway shares space with soft tissues within
resistance in response to various mechanical inter- the maxillomandibular bony enclosure. The balance
ventions, thereby providing support for the ‘tube between the size of the bony enclosure and the
law’ concept and the increase in Ptissue as a mechanism amount of soft tissue may determine the airway space
for increasing Pclose of the pharyngeal airway.25–29 and Ptissue.16,38 An increase in the amount of soft tissue
Table 1 shows the agreement among Pclose,30–33 Pcrit34–36 within the bony enclosure or a decrease in the size of
and Ptissue25–29 in response to various mechanical the bony enclosure would result in limitation of the
interventions. space available for the airway and consequently, a
narrowing of the airway and increase in Ptissue. Winter
et al. inflated a balloon inside the bony enclosure at
the level of the pharynx in anaesthetized pigs and
Is the pharynx structurally more collapsible showed that UA resistance increased during balloon
in individuals with OSA than in those inflation.39 Kairaitis et al. confirmed that an increase
without OSA? in the mass of tissue surrounding the pharyngeal
airway resulted in increases in both Ptissue and UA
Isono et al. assessed the collapsibility of the passive resistance in anaesthetized rabbits.28 Tsuiki et al.
pharynx under general anaesthesia and muscle found that OSA patients had significantly larger
paralysis by eliminating neuromuscular control tongues for any given maxillomandibular size com-
mechanisms.20 They showed that Pclose of the passive pared with BMI-matched subjects without OSA,
pharynx in OSA patients (0.6 ⫾ 1.5 cm H2O for mild suggesting that increased Pclose and Ptissue were due
Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42 © 2011 The Author
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Role of obesity in pharyngeal obstruction 35

Only two techniques can successfully achieve

both these conditions. Remmers and colleagues sup-
pressed UA muscle activity in patients with OSA by
applying optimal CPAP and manipulating Plumen to
induce pharyngeal obstruction during either natural
or diazepam-induced sleep. They then determined
segmental Pclose by endoscopic observation during
measurements of airflow and pharyngeal pres-
sures.21,46,47 As described previously, Isono et al. elimi-
nated UA muscle activity under general anaesthesia
and total paralysis and measured segmental Pclose
during step Plumen reduction in OSA patients and age-
and BMI-matched control subjects.20 Both techniques
identified two distinct patterns of primary site(s)
of pharyngeal closure. Approximately half the OSA
patients showed a Pclose greater than atmospheric
pressure exclusively in the retropalatal segment,
while the other half showed a positive Pclose in both the
retropalatal and retroglossal segments. Furthermore,
obesity appeared to be more frequently associated
with the former type of airway closure, whereas cran-
Figure 4 Relationship between passive Pcrit and BMI in iofacial abnormalities were more common in the
male and female patients with OSA. In both genders, there latter type.16 Structurally, the tongue is located ante-
was a significant correlation between passive Pcrit and BMI rior to the soft palate and the retropalatal airway is
(adjusted for age) for the entire sample. Note that the narrower than the retroglossal airway. In anaesthe-
distribution of subjects in the subset that was matched for tized and paralyzed humans, Pclose at the retropalatal
respiratory disturbance index, and BMI (closed symbols) airway has been shown to be greater than Pclose at
did not differ from the distribution of the entire subject the retroglossal airway20 (Fig. 3). It is likely that as a
group (open and closed symbols). Dashed lines represent consequence of these structural arrangements, the
95% CIs. (From Kirkness et al.37 with permission) retropalatal airway narrows earlier than the retroglo-
ssal airway when there is accumulation of fat in both
the lateral pharyngeal wall and the tongue.
to an anatomical imbalance in OSA patients.40 The
dependence of the passive Pcrit on BMI in both men
and women is clear37 (Fig. 4). A 10 kg/m2 difference in
BMI has been estimated to produce 1.67 and 0.95 cm
H2O differences in passive Pcrit in men and women, FAT DEPOSITION WITHIN THE
respectively.37 Interestingly, weight loss equivalent MAXILLOMANDIBULAR ENCLOSURE
to a 10 kg/m2 reduction in BMI resulted in a more ON PHARYNGEAL COLLAPSIBILITY
significant change in active Pcrit from 3.1 ⫾ 4.2 to
-2.4 ⫾ 4.4 cm H2O, suggesting improvement in neural Is fat deposited excessively within the
control mechanisms in addition to anatomical maxillomandibular enclosure in patients
balance.41,42 with OSA?

Shelton et al. demonstrated a correlation between

In which pharyngeal segments does obesity the amount of fat enclosed by the mandibular ramus
increase collapsibility? and AHI, but not BMI.11 Horner et al. showed that
there was significantly more fat deposition at the level
Various techniques, including multi-sensor catheter, of the soft palate in OSA patients compared with
pharyngeal endoscopy, fluoroscopy, dynamic MRI weight-matched control subjects without OSA.48 Even
and fast CT scanning have been used to determine relatively non-obese OSA patients show excess fat
the sites of pharyngeal obstruction during sleep in deposition, especially anterolateral to the UA, as com-
patients with OSA. Although obstruction may occur at pared with individuals without OSA with similar BMI
any segment along the pharyngeal airway, it is most and neck circumferences.49
frequently observed in either the retropalatal and/or In order to better understand the anatomical
retroglossal regions of the airway. The pattern and risk factors for OSA, Schwab et al. performed detailed
severity of pharyngeal occlusion are significantly three dimensional volumetric soft tissue measure-
influenced by a number of factors, including dynamic ments at various UA regions in a group of subjects
changes in respiratory effort, varying activity of the with OSA (44 ⫾ 25 events/h) and compared this
UA dilator muscles and the level of consciousness with data from a group of control subjects who
during natural OSA.43–45 Therefore, in order to deter- were matched for gender, age and ethnicity.50 While
mine the airway segment(s) primarily responsible for enlargement of the soft tissues at all UA regions in
OSA, Plumen should ideally be controlled and the activ- OSA patients was observed, multivariate analysis
ity of UA muscles suppressed. identified tongue volume and lateral pharyngeal wall
© 2011 The Author Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
36 S Isono

balance of the UA, as assessed by the ratio of relative

soft tissue volume to maxillomandibular dimensions,
differed between OSA patients and control subjects
without OSA. Furthermore, patients with position
dependent OSA, defined as a ratio of AHI in the lateral
position to AHI in the supine position of 0.5 or less,
had a smaller lateral pharyngeal wall volume than
patients with non-positional OSA, indicating the
importance of regional anatomical balance.59
In summary, fat may be deposited in any part of the
soft tissue surrounding the UA, thereby increasing the
total volume of soft tissue within the maxilloman-
dibular enclosure. However, fat accumulation in the
lateral pharyngeal wall and posterior tongue appears
to play an important role in the development of OSA.

How much of an increase in UA soft tissue

volume is necessary for the development
of OSA?

As discussed previously, during weight gain fat may

Figure 5 (A) Standardized digital image of sagittal accumulate within the UA soft tissues, leading to an
section of the tongue, demonstrating extramyocellular anatomical imbalance. However, it remains unclear
fat within the posterior third of the tongue and in the how much of an increase in soft tissue volume is
sublingual region just below the intrinsic tongue muscu- necessary before OSA develops. Schwab et al. reported
lature. (B) Average percentage fat content in the anterior, that total UA soft tissue volumes were approximately
posterior,and sublingual regions (95% CI of mean). (From 30 cm3 greater in obese patients with OSA than in non-
Nashi et al.51 with permission) obese control subjects, although BMI and craniofacial
dimensions were not controlled.50 Interestingly, the
difference in soft tissue volumes within the maxillo-
volume as independent risk factors for sleep apnoea. mandibular enclosure were unexpectedly small, con-
Although fat deposits are easily identifiable in the sidering the significant differences in BMI between the
lateral pharyngeal wall, it is difficult to accurately groups (36 vs 26 kg/m2). It should be noted that the
assess fat deposition within the tongue musculature. participants in that study were primarily Caucasians
However, using consecutive autopsy specimens from and African-Americans, and that according to the UA
the general population, Nashi et al. showed that fat anatomical balance concept, the amount of excess soft
content in the posterior tongue (30%) was signifi- tissue underlying the development of OSA may differ
cantly higher than that in the anterior tongue (11%) or between races and in those with craniofacial abnor-
other somatic muscles (3%), and was correlated with malities.40 In fact, three dimensional soft tissue mea-
BMI51 (Fig. 5). surements performed on Japanese males showed that
Saito et al. recently demonstrated that in rats that the difference in UA soft tissue volumes between OSA
became obese after being fed a high-fat diet, the per- patients and subjects without OSA, who were matched
centages of oil droplet areas increased in the genio- for craniofacial size, was approximately 20 cm3, which
glossus and geniohyoid muscles but not in the is smaller than the difference reported by Schwab
masseter muscle. This resulted in an increase in et al..59 Sutherland et al. showed that a decrease in
muscle fibre diameter, particularly in the slow-type total UA fat volume of approximately 17 cm3 after
myofibres, but there was no change in the composi- moderate weight reduction (7.8 ⫾ 4.2 kg) resulted in a
tion of the fibre types in these muscles.52 However, 31% reduction in AHI in Caucasian patients with
intermittent hypoxaemia, which frequently occurs as OSA.61 To my knowledge, no other study has measured
a consequence of upper airway obstruction, appears changes in UA soft tissue volume before and after
to induce a transition from endurance type IIa fibres successful weight loss and resolution of OSA. Upper
to more fatigable type IIb fibres.53 In patients with airway imaging studies in adults suggest that OSA
OSA, this transition has been shown to be reversible would presumably develop following a 20–30 cm3
with CPAP treatment.54 increase in UA soft tissue volume, depending on the
Tongue volume, however, is not always greater55–59 size of the maxillomandibular enclosure.
and does not necessarily decrease after moderate
weight reduction in OSA patients.60 It should be
noted that measurements of soft tissue volume alone, Why do patients with OSA have excessive UA
without controlling for craniofacial dimensions, do soft tissue in the submandibular region?
not reflect the anatomical balance of the UA and Ptissue.
In fact, in two studies in which tongue volumes were Unlike the cranial space, the maxillomandibular bony
not greater in patients with OSA,58,59 the anatomical enclosure is not a closed space. Excessive soft tissue
Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42 © 2011 The Author
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Role of obesity in pharyngeal obstruction 37

surrounding the pharynx may be displaced outside the volume, but not subcutaneous fat volume, is directly
bony enclosure through the submandibular space, associated with AHI in patients with OSA.12 Despite
possibly offsetting its impact on Ptissue and pharyngeal having a similar BMI and total fat weight, patients
airway patency. This excess submandibular soft tissue with OSA accumulate more visceral adipose tissue
may be detected in patients with OSA as an increased than individuals without OSA.68,69 Short-term nasal
neck circumference, a ‘double chin’, or reduced crico- CPAP reduces visceral fat and serum leptin levels even
mental space, which have high negative predictive without changes in BMI.70 Interestingly, in women,
values for exclusion of OSA.62 Although caudal dis- both the prevalence of OSA and increases in visceral
placement of the hyoid bone is a common finding in fat are accelerated by menopause.71,72 Furthermore,
lateral cephalograms of patients with OSA, this may the prevalence of sleep disordered breathing is
arise as a result of UA anatomical imbalance rather lower in postmenopausal women receiving hormone
than being a cause of OSA.63 A significantly greater replacement therapy72,73 and higher in women with
distance between the hyoid and mandibular planes polycystic ovarian syndrome.74,75 Despite the potential
(MP-H) (26 mm vs 16 mm) has been measured in importance of visceral fat in the pathogenesis of OSA,
patients with OSA compared to control subjects we still have little understanding of the link between
without OSA, who were matched for BMI and cranio- OSA and visceral fat volume. As discussed below, both
facial dimensions.40 Mandibular advancement, with mechanical and functional influences of increased
either an oral appliance or by surgery, which improves visceral fat on OSA need to be considered, although
the anatomical imbalance, was reported to decrease these associations have yet to be proven.
the MP-H.64,65 The caudal displacement of excessive
soft tissue not only compensates for the UA anatomi-
cal imbalance but, at the same time, elongates the Does obesity-related reduction in lung volume
pharyngeal airway. Some researchers consider that influence UA patency?
lengthening of the pharyngeal airway by 15–30% may
contribute to the development of OSA. As the airway is A reduction in FRC due to reduced expiratory reserve
longer in males than in females, even after normaliza- volume without changes in residual volume is the
tion for body height, this may partly explain the gender most significant and consistent effect of obesity on
difference in the prevalence of OSA, despite the pulmonary function76–79 (Fig. 6). Clinically significant
relatively small impact of airway length on airway impairment of dynamic pulmonary function param-
resistance, as compared with that of cross-sectional eters such as FVC and FEV1 only occurs in extremely
area.61,66,67 Alternatively, a longer UA in patients with obese subjects. Contrary to general belief, Babb et al.
OSA and in males could be considered beneficial in failed to demonstrate that abdominal fat distribution
increasing the longitudinal tension of the pharyngeal was a predominant factor accounting for the reduc-
airway. Shortening of the long UA in patients with tion in end expiratory lung volume (EELV) either in
OSA, without changes in other structural dimensions,
would further increase UA collapsibility. In the
mechanical collapsible tube model, shortening of the
tube will increase its collapsibility by decreasing lon-
gitudinal tension, and therefore increasing the slope of
the ‘tube law’. Caudal displacement of the trachea
has been demonstrated to decrease Ptissue, Pcrit and UA
resistance in experimental animal models.27,34 Further
studies are required, but a thick neck, double chin and
lower hyoid bone are clinical markers of UA anatomi-
cal imbalance and caudal displacement of excessive
UA soft tissue. These changes may serve to compen-
sate for UA anatomical imbalance by decreasing Ptissue
and increasing longitudinal pharyngeal wall tension,
although further investigations are necessary to
confirm this.


Do patients with OSA have excessive
visceral fat?

Although the ratio of visceral fat volume to subcuta-

neous fat volume is small, metabolic consequences
such as metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes are Figure 6 Relationship between BMI and FRC with an
predominantly caused by intra-abdominal adipose exponential regression line, in 373 individuals of both
tissue. This may also hold true for the pathogenesis genders with normal FEV1/FVC. (From Jones and
of OSA and associated consequences. Visceral fat Nzekwu78 with permission)
© 2011 The Author Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
38 S Isono

obese men or obese women. They concluded that the was greater during tongue displacement84 and neck
reduction in EELV most likely arose from the cumula- extension,34 suggesting an interaction between UA
tive effect of increased chest wall fat rather than any anatomical balance and lung volume dependence.
specific regional distribution of chest wall fat.80 In Kairaitis and colleagues showed that there were small
morbidly obese patients, weight loss significantly but significant reductions in Ptissue in response to tra-
improved expiratory reserve volume as well as resting cheal traction in anaesthetized rabbits.27
blood gas parameters.81 Tagaito et al. showed that following an increase
While a reduction in FRC underlies the develop- in lung volume of 0.7 litre, there was a small but sig-
ment of severe hypoxaemia during OSA, decreased nificant reduction in retropalatal Pclose of 1.2 cm H2O,
lung volume per se, is thought to contribute to pha- in anaesthetized, paralyzed patients with OSA (BMI
ryngeal airway obstruction; this is based on the land- 23.1–30.8 kg/m2).32 Although this study included
mark work of Hoffstein et al., who demonstrated the few obese patients with OSA, the direct association
dependence of pharyngeal airway patency on aug- between changes in retropalatal Pclose and BMI sug-
mented lung volume in obese, awake patients with gests there are differences in the lung volume depen-
OSA.82 Using acoustic reflection, this group showed dence of pharyngeal collapsibility between obese and
that pharyngeal cross-sectional area decreased sig- non-obese patients with OSA.32 A greater reduction
nificantly more during slow exhalation from total lung in Pcrit (2.2 cm H2O to -1.0 cm H2O) was observed in
capacity to residual volume in obese patients with response to a 0.6 litre lung inflation during non-rapid
OSA than in weight-matched control subjects without eye movement sleep in more obese patients with OSA
OSA. Notably, the FRC of obese, apnoeic subjects was (BMI 25.5–45.5 kg/m2).87 Squier et al. elegantly dem-
significantly lower than that of obese non-apnoeic onstrated an indirect relationship between Pcrit and
subjects, suggesting the possible importance of the EELV in non-obese men and women88 (Fig. 7). These
type of obesity. Interestingly, the same investigators authors estimated that there was approximately a
also reported significant differences in lung volume 2 cm H2O reduction in Pcrit in response to an increase
dependence between females with or without in lung volume of one litre in these subjects. Interest-
OSA, despite similar reductions in FRC, suggesting ingly, the Pcrit value for a given lung volume was more
an interaction between reduced lung volume and negative in women than in men, suggesting that
increased pharyngeal collapsibility.83 protective factors other than lung volume may be
operating in women.
If a reduction in lung volume is involved in the
How do tonic and phasic tracheal traction development of OSA, lung inflation during sleep
forces influence pharyngeal airway should decrease the frequency of OSA. Such a finding
has been documented in a case report89 and in a

Although the lung is located at a distance from the

pharyngeal airway, the trachea connects the two
mechanically. Static and dynamic inflation of the lung
produces tonic and phasic tracheal traction forces,
respectively. The tonic force may be reduced in obese
patients with lower FRC through alterations in the
intrinsic mechanical properties of the pharyngeal
airway, that is, ‘tube law’ or static Plumen-area curve.
The phasic tracheal traction force varies during the
respiratory cycle and may serve to stabilize the pha-
ryngeal airway and airflow during inspiration, as pre-
dicted by the behaviour of an artificial collapsible

Does reduction in lung volume increase

pharyngeal airway collapsibility?

In both animal and human studies, UA resistance

and collapsibility decreases in response to either
direct changes in tonic tracheal traction force or lung
inflation.27,32,34,84–88 In sleeping individuals without Figure 7 Relationships between absolute end expiratory
OSA, genioglossus activity decreases in response lung volume (EELV) and upper airway critical closing
to lung inflation, despite a reduction in UA resis- pressure (Pcrit), as determined by the isovolumetric tech-
tance,85,86 indicating that the lung volume depen- nique in men (n = 11) and women (n = 7) without OSA.
dence of pharyngeal airway patency is primarily due There was an inverse relationship between EELV and Pcrit
to structural mechanisms, such as increased tonic in both genders with the upper airway being more col-
tracheal traction forces. In anaesthetized cats, the lapsible in men than in women for the same EELV. (From
impact of direct tracheal traction on UA patency Squier et al.88 with permission)
Respirology (2012) 17, 32–42 © 2011 The Author
Respirology © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Role of obesity in pharyngeal obstruction 39

clinical trial of obese patients with OSA90 but could reduced lung volumes because of the increased dia-
not be confirmed in another trial involving less obese phragmatic curvature at lower lung volumes.95
patients with OSA.91 However, these conflicting results
based on just 22 individuals with OSA do not provide
conclusive evidence for the lung volume hypothesis. Visceral fat and stability of UA neural
Nevertheless, the difference in the severity of obesity
between these studies is worthy of note, and the find-
control mechanisms
ings are likely to be explained by differences in study
protocols and populations. While the main focus of this paper has been the
mechanisms promoting increased pharyngeal airway
collapsibility, recent evidence suggests possible con-
tribution of increased visceral fat, and particularly cir-
What is the role of tracheal tug during OSA? culating leptin, to breathing instability during sleep in
some patients with OSA. In short, obesity is associ-
In humans, the trachea is reported to move caudally, ated with increased levels of circulating leptin, which
even during tidal breathing.92 Van de Graaff demon- is possibly a respiratory stimulant.96 In obese patients
strated that a phasic inspiratory increase in tracheal with OSA, any increase in the loop gain of negative
traction forces was evident in anaesthetized dogs feedback to the respiratory system will promote res-
breathing through a tracheostomy, but this disap- piratory instability and consequently produce more
peared after mechanical disconnection of the trachea frequent OSA oscillations. While this is speculative,
from the UA.93 Furthermore, as illustrated in Figure 8, patients with OSA have been shown to have a higher
he showed that augmentation of oesophageal pres- respiratory loop gain during sleep,97 and this loop gain
sure and a decrease in caudal movement of the carina was significantly associated with AHI in OSA patients
during inspiratory occlusion increased tracheal trac- with a Pclose near atmospheric pressure.98 Increased
tion, but maintenance of the carina in position during gas exchange efficacy because of a low lung volume,
expiratory obstruction failed to maintain the tracheal low dead space, low metabolic rate, low cardiac
traction forces.94 This suggests that lung inflation may output and high arterial carbon dioxide, all of which
not be essential for producing and maintaining are common in obese patients with OSA, may also
phasic tracheal traction forces. A ‘tracheal tug’ is often contribute to the increased respiratory loop gain.99
evident in patients with OSA during progressively Patients with OSA who are eucapnic but not those
increasing respiratory drive in OSA. This has two con- with hypercapnia, have higher serum leptin levels
tradictory influences on pharyngeal obstruction; it and hypercapnic ventilatory responses than BMI-
serves to terminate obstruction by a progressive matched individuals without OSA.100 Interestingly,
increase in tracheal traction forces and also maintains higher leptin levels in obese patients with OSA were
obstruction by increasing the negative Plumen. The independent of obesity and were reversed by short
phasic tracheal traction force is believed to operate term use of CPAP.70,101. Evidence that serum leptin
more efficiently during OSA in obese patients with levels are higher in obese individuals and those with
OSA suggests the potential for leptin resistance
to contribute to the development of obesity and
resistance to weight loss. Excess visceral adipose
tissue secretes a number of other hormones and
pro-inflammatory cytokines that may also influence
breathing in obese patients with OSA.102 While this
line of investigation may be fruitful, further intensive
research is still required to better understand the
pathogenesis of OSA.


Obese individuals may develop OSA due to excessive

deposition of fat at two distinct locations, as summa-
rized in Figure 9. In the pharyngeal airway region,
excessive soft tissue within the maxillomandibular
enclosure may increase tissue pressure, leading to
pharyngeal airway narrowing. Even mild obesity may
Figure 8 Respiratory changes in tracheal traction force cause an anatomical imbalance in patients with a
(Ttx) in a spontaneously breathing, anaesthetized and small maxilla and mandible. Excessive submandibu-
tracheotomized dog. Note that inspiratory occlusion (4th lar soft tissue indicates and serves to compensate
breath) resulted in augmentation of oesophageal pres- for this anatomical imbalance. Excessive central fat
sure (Pes) and Ttx but decreased caudal movement of the deposition may decrease lung volumes and longitu-
carina (Dcar). Maintenance of the carina in position during dinal pharyngeal wall tension. The lung volume
expiratory obstruction (9th breath) failed to maintain Ttx. dependence of pharyngeal airway patency may be
(From Van de Graaff 94 with permission) more significant in obese patients with OSA. Obesity-
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