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Scent Guessing


Sensory stimulation with familiar scents.


A metre of calico fabric in a natural colour.

Ground coffee, cinnamon stick or powder, dried lavender and rose petals.

Rubber bands and colourful ribbons.


Cut 4 pieces of calico into 8" x 6" (20cm x 15cm) pieces.

Sew pieces on three sides to make squarish ‘pockets’ and leaving one side open.

Insert each pocket with one of your chosen scents and close the opening; first with a rubber
band, then with a nice colourful ribbon. Ensure residents cannot untie them.

Seat residents (2 or 3 only) around a table and pass around one pocket at a time. Encourage
them by giving clues e.g.
‘It smells like something we drink in the mornings’
‘It smells like something we sprinkle on donuts'

Praise them for participating!

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Scent Guessing
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Scent Guessing

Scent Guessing
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