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Activity 1: Find the P’s

Directions: Think of words or terms related to the topic that starts with letter “P”
and find the words in the grid horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Write the Words or
Terms on the space provided and write something about the word using your own

1. Product
2. Place
3. People
4. Packaging
5. Promotion
6. Price
7. Positioning
Activity 1: Pictionary Style
Direction: Follow the task guide below.

My target market is/are women in the age group of 12 to 55 years old who have a fixed
budget for household items that deal with skin dryness due to a variety of factors in doing
laundry. However, every business is different and hence unique, so the easiest way to figure
out who my customers are is to ask myself what I am attempting to achieve with this
enterprise. To be able to answer that question, I have to know my target market well enough
not only in the context of this project but for other projects as well. Delivering exactly what
my target market actually needs requires me to do a lot of research on them. For this project,
I reasoned out that the existence of multiple sources for household products makes it
imperative for me to build my business around the internet/social marketing because it's
there where all the consumers are. I would like to introduce my new product to alleviate
people's worry about side effects when doing laundry. I set out to create a detergent with a
natural composition and a therapeutic smell that is chlorine-free. The genuine purpose of this
product lies in its formula. The plant essence with a fresh scent, the antioxidant enzyme with
the property of cleaning, and the natural surfactants make up this great natural cleaning
detergent. It's absolutely safe to use on bedding or fabrics intended for adults but is also
effective on clothing intended for babies. This laundry detergent is gentle enough to use on
delicate fabrics without leaving behind any residue or unpleasant smell. My ultimate goal is
for this product to become a part of everyone's routine cleaning regimen. This product is
perfect for everyday cleaners in everyday use. I choose the name “Tining Bubbly”. Tining is
shortened version of Tinining, which is my humorous nickname. But, the way I read and hear
it, I adore it. Then, bubbly because I really love bubble and circle. Whenever I make a
personal decision or plan, I constantly use my life experiences to fully enlighten others that no
matter what happens, you always have yourself to support and give focus to your dreams. I
used this quote because it was taken from one of my favorite bible verses in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under
heaven." I saw the meaning in the words were perfect to help me remember that no matter
what happens I always have myself . While the bubble or circle represents life for me as a
symbol of birth, survival, and death. This is the life we've all been given, so while there’s still
time persevere, learn, and be thankful to God for all the blessings he's given.

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