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Os sfenoid

1 -body sphenoid, 2 - little wing, 3 - upper orbital slot, 4 - orbital surface, 5 - temporal surface, 6
- infratemporal surface 7 - oval hole 8 - Upper jaw surface 9 - Pterygopalatine palate-furrow 10 -
lateral plate of the pterygoid process, 11 - wing-clipping, 12 -krylovidny hook 13 - medial plate of
the pterygoid process, 14 - palato-vaginal furrow 15 - processus vaginalis, 16 - wedge-shaped
ridge 17 - vomeronasal vaginal furrow 18 - a wing channel 19 - a round hole, 20 - infratemporal
crest, 21 - the zygomatic region, 22 - the frontal edge of 23 - aperture of sphenoid sinus, 24 -
wedge-shaped beak, 25 - back seat.
1 - the body of the sphenoid bone, 2 - back seat, 3 - a small wing, 4 - upper orbital slot, 5 -
cerebral surface of the large wing, 6 - a round hole, 7 - oval hole 8 - pterygoid canal 9 -
navicular fossa, 10 - webbed pit 11 - wing-clipping, 12 - furrow pterygium hook 13 - medial plate
14 - processus vaginalis, 15 - vomeronasal vaginal furrow 16 - wedge-shaped beak, 17 - palato-
vaginal furrow 18 - lateral plate of pterygoid process 19 - carotid groove, 20 - spine of the
sphenoid bone, the wedge-shaped tab 21, 22 - the parietal region, 23 - visual channel, 24 - front
sloping process, 25 - rear sloping process, 26 - bump seat.

OS maxilar
1 - frontal process, 2 - infraorbital region, 3 - suborbital hole 4 - nasal notch, 5 - canine fossa, 6 -
anterior nasal spine, 7 - alveolar elevation 8 - incisors, 9 - Fang, 10 - premolars, 11 - molars, 12
- alveolar bone, 13 - the zygomatic process, 14 - alveolar holes, 15 - maxillary tuberosity, 16 -
suborbital groove, 17 - orbital surface of the body of the maxilla, 18 - lacrimal groove.
1 - orbital process of the palatine bone, 2 - lower orbital slot 3 - orbital surface of the greater
wing of the sphenoid bone, 4 - orbital surface of the maxilla, 5 - sub-orbital fissure, 6 - whine-
maxillary suture, 7 - orbital surface of the zygomatic bone,

8 - lateral surface of the zygomatic bone,

9 - the front surface of the body of the maxilla, 10 - front lacrimal crest,

11 - lacrimal groove, 12 - the frontal process of the maxilla, 13 - posterior lacrimal crest, 14 -
lacrimal bone, 15 - front lattice cell 16 - lattice-tear seam 17 - the average of the lattice cell, 18 -
orbital plate of the ethmoid bone 19 - grid-maxillary suture, 20 - rear lattice cell 21 - the body of
the sphenoid bone.
1 - anterior lacrimal crest of the maxilla, 2 - the frontal process of the maxilla, 3 - infraorbital
edge of the maxilla, 4 - nasal notch, 5 - infraorbital canal (opened), 6 - acanthion,

7 - anterior superior alveolar canals,

8 - alveolar elevation 9 - cutters, 10 - Fang, 11 - premolars, 12 - molars,

13 - Back-upper alveolar channels

14 - alveolar holes, 15 - suborbital groove, 16 - maxillary sinus, 17 - orbital surface of the
maxilla, 18 - lacrimal groove.

1 - frontal process of the maxilla,

2 - slatted comb 3 - lacrimal groove, 4 - maxillary sinus. 5 - large palatal furrow, 6 - nasal ridge,
7 - palatine grooves, 8 - alveolar bone, 9 - molars, 10 - palatal process, 11 - premolars, 12 -
Fang, 13 - incisors, 14 - chisel channel, 15 - front nasal spine, 16 - the nasal surface of the
maxilla, 17 - sink crest.

1 - incisive bone, 2 - chisel channel, 3 - incisors, 4 - incisive seam 5 - Fang, 6 - Palatine

process of the maxilla, 7 - premolars, 8 - the zygomatic process of the maxilla,

9 - molars, 10 - palatine groove, 11 - the median palatal suture 12 - mezhkornevyh partitions,

13 - anterior surface of the maxilla, 14 - interalveolar partitions, 15 - tooth

Fig. 52. Palatine process of maxilla and horizontal plate of the palatine bone. View from
above. Horizontal section at the level of the maxillary sinus.

1 - anterior nasal spine, 2 - chisel channel, 3 - palatine process of the maxilla, 4 - the front
surface of the body of the maxilla, 5 - the zygomatic process, 6 - temporal surface of the
maxillary bone, 7 - maxillary sinus, 8 - the nasal surface of the maxilla, 9 - perpendicular plate of
the palatine bone, 10 - lateral plate of the pterygoid process,

11 - medial plate of the pterygoid process, 12 - large palatal canal, 13 - posterior nasal spine, 14
- transverse palatal suture 15 - pyramidal process of the palatine bone, 16 - horizontal plate of
the palatine bone, 17 - infraorbital channel 18 - the nasal crest.
Fig. 54. palatine bone. Back view. 1 - posterior fossa lattice cells 2 - orbital process, 3 - wedge-
palatal notch, 4 - surface Pterygopalatine-palatine fossa, 5 - large palatal furrow, 6 - tion
perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, 7 - part wing fossa, 8 - the horizontal plate of the
palatine bone, 9 - palatal surface of the horizontal plate 10 - palatal ridge 11 - nasal ridge, 12 -
nose horizontal surface of the plate, 13 - sink comb 14 - nose perpendicular to the surface of the
plate, 15 - wedge-shaped appendage.
Fig. 55. palatine bone. Rear view from the inside. 1 - wedge-palatal notch, 2 - wedge-shaped
appendage 3 - nasal surface, 4 - perpendicular to the plate, 5 - pyramidal process, 6 - large
palatal furrow 7 - horizontal plate 8 - posterior nasal spine, 9 - bow ridge 10 - sink comb 11 -
slatted comb 12 - orbital bone.
Fig. 56. palatine bone. Back and side view. 1 - wedge-palatal notch, 2 - orbital process, 3 -
maxillary surface, 4 - bow ridge 5 - horizontal plate 6 - large palatal furrow 7 - pyran midalny
process, 8 - pterygoid fossa (the lower part), 9 - perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, 10 -
medial wall pterygopalatine-palatine fossa, 11 - wedge-shaped appendage.
Fig. 64. The lower jaw. Left view.

1 - coronoid process, 2 - cutting the lower jaw, 3 - the head of the mandible, 4 - pterygoid fossa,
5 - the neck of the mandible, 6 - oblique line, 7 - chewing tuberosity, 8 - the angle of the
mandible, 9 - the body of the mandible, 10 - mental foramen, 11 - chin projection, 12 - alveolar
part, 13 - alveolar arc 14 - Fang, 15 - premolars, 16 - molars, 17 - a branch of the lower jaw.
Fig. 65. The lower jaw. View from above.

1 - a head mandible 2 - pterygoid fossa, 3 - coronary process, 4 - mandibular pocket 5 - molars,

6 - the body of the mandible, 7 - premolars, 8 - canine, 9 - cutters, 10 - genial tubercle, 11 - chin
elevation, 12 - interalveolar partitions, 13 - tooth alveoli, 14 - mental foramen, 15 -
mezhkornevyh partitions, 16 - the angle of the mandible, 17 - the outer walls of the alveoli, 18 -
oblique line, 19 - the inner wall of the alveoli, 20 - pozadimolyarnaya fossa 21 - buccal ridge, 22
- okolomolyarnaya groove, 23 - the tongue of the lower jaw, 24 - neck of the mandible.

NLRB bulge forward. The lower edge of the body of the jaw, or the base of the lower jaw (basis
mandibulae), thickened and rounded. The upper edge of the body of the mandible - alveolar
part (pars alveolaris) - forms the alveolar arc (arcus alveolaris), which can be seen deepening
- dental alveoli (alveoli dentales), separated by a thin bony mezhalveolyarnyh partitions (septa
interalveolaria) (Figure 65). On the outer surface of the alveolar arch are convex alveolar
elevation (juga alveolaria) (Fig. 66) corresponding to the alveoli. The plot is located behind the
third molar large, triangular in shape and is called pozadimolyarnym triangle (trigonum
retromolare). Near this triangle is pozadimolyarnaya fossa (fossa retromolaris). Laterally of the
pits on the outer surface of the alveolar part of the mandible during the second and third molars
to the coronoid process is the so-called mandibular pocket (Fig. 65). According to the median
line in front of the body of the mandible has a small chin protrusion (protuberantia
mentalis). Posteriorly and laterally from this ledge on the second bicuspid is located mental
foramen (foramen mentale). Behind the mental foramen begins oblique line (linea obliqua), is
directed backwards and upwards and ending at the base of the coronoid process (Fig. 64).

Fig. 66. The lower jaw. Front view.

1 - alveolar elevation 2 - coronary process, 3 - condylar process, 4 - oblique line, 5 - chewing

tuberosity, 6 - the angle of the mandible, 7 - mental foramen, 8 - podrez- tsovoe impression 9 -
chin projection, 10 - the body of the mandible, 11 - alveolar part, 12 - pozadimolyarny triangle,
13 - the branch of the mandible, 14 - pterygoid fossa, 15 - molars, 16 - premolars, 17-fang, 18 -

There is a small ledge in the middle of the concave inner surface of the lower jaw - chin
spine (spina mentalis) (Fig. 67), on either side of which there is a digastric fossa (fossa
digastrica) - the place of attachment digastric (Fig. 68). Upwards from chin spine closer to the
alveoli, each side is sublingual fossa (fossa sublingualis) - fit trail sublingual salivary glands (Fig.
69). On the inner surface of the body of the mandible obliquely upwards is jaw-hyoid line (linea
mylohyoidea) - the place of attachment of the same name muscle. Under this line at the level of
the molars located submandibular fossa (fossa submandibularis), which is adjacent to the
salivary gland of the same name. Above the jaw-hyoid line is oriented longitudinally elevation
- mandibular roller (torus mandibulae) (Fig. 69).

A branch of the mandible (ramus mandibulae), steam room, goes upwards and backwards from
the body of the mandible. At the transition body of the mandible in its branch has the angle of
the mandible (angulus mandibulae). On the outer side of the mandible is chewing
tuberosity (tuberositas masseterica), and on the inner surface - webbed tuberosity (tuberositas
pterygoidea) (see Figure 64, 66, 67, 68, 69..). On the inner side of the mandible is also the
opening of the mandible (foramen mandibulae), leading to the eponymous channel ending chin
bore (Fig. 70). In this channel are inferior alveolar artery and nerve Vienna. Mandibular opening
front and top covered with a non-permanent bony protrusion - the tongue of the lower
jaw (lingula mandibulae). From channel upwards depart thin tubules open at the bottom of the
alveoli, serving for the passage of vessels and nerves to the tooth roots.

The lower jaw is changed with age. A newborn and early childhood, when there are no teeth,
the angle of the mandible blunt branch of its short and as it bent backward.

Fig. 67. The lower jaw. Back view.

1 - cutters, 2 - canine, 3 - premolars, 4 - molars, 5 - coronary process, 6 - condylar process, 7 -

the tongue of the lower jaw, 8 - oral and sublingual sulcus, 9 - jaw-hyoid line, 10 -
submandibular fossa 11 - pterygoid tuberosity, 12 - digastric fossa, 13 - chin beard, 14 -
sublingual fossa, 15 - the angle of the mandible, 16 - the channel of the lower jaw, 17 - neck of
the mandible.
Fig. 68. The lower jaw, the right half. Inside view. The left half of the lower jaw removed. 1 -
buccal ridge, 2 - temporal crest 3 - cutting the lower jaw and 4 - the head of the lower jaw, 5 -
the neck of the mandible, 6 - the tongue of the lower jaw, 7 - the opening of the mandible, 8 -
but chelyust--hyoid groove 9 - mandibular roller 10 - pterygoid tuberosity, 11 -
chelyustnopodyazychnaya line 12 - the angle of the mandible, 13 - submandibular fossa, 14 -
sublingual fossa, 15 - digastric fossa, 16 - a compact substance of the mandible, 17 - cancellous
bone of the lower jaw, 18 - cutters, 19 - Fang, 20 - premolars, 21 - molars.
Fig. 69. The lower jaw. Rear view and bottom.

1 - head of the mandible, 2 - the neck of the mandible, 3 - hole of the lower jaw, 4 -
chelyustnopodyazychnaya furrow 5 - the angle of the mandible, 6 - mandibular roller, 7 - upper
chin beard, 8 - digastric fossa, 9 - lower chin beard 10 - sublingual fossa, 11 - pterygoid
tuberosity, 12 - the tongue of the lower jaw, 13 - molars, 14 - premolars, 15 - Fang, 16 - incisors.
Fig. 70. The lower jaw. Right side view and front view. Record compact substance
removed. Channel mandible partially opened, it entered the probe.

1 - condylar process, 2 - coronary process, 3 - hole of the lower jaw, 4 - tab of the lower jaw, 5 -
buccal ridge, 6 - pozadimolyarnaya fossa, 7 - cutters, 8 - alveolar elevation 9 - chin elevation, 10
- Fang, 11 - premolars, 12 - the roots of teeth, 13 - the channel of the lower jaw, 14 - the angle
of the mandible, 15 - chewing tuberosity, 16 - cutting the lower jaw, 17 - the tongue of the lower
jaw (outside view), 18 - molars.

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