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General Bibliography

Augustine of Hippo. The Trinity. Edited by Hermigild Dressler. Translated by Stephen McKenna.
Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1963.
Bobrinskoy, Boris. “Models of Trinitarian Revelation.” St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 39
(1995): 115-26. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Bracken, Joseph A. “Trinity: Economic and Immanent.” Horizons 25 (1998): 7–22. Accessed
February 28, 2019.
Butakov, Pavel. “Relations in the Trinitarian Reality: Two Approaches.” Schole: Ancient
Philosophy and the Classical Tradition 8 (2014): 505-19. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Carl, Harold F. “Relational Language in John 14-16: Implications for the Doctrine of the
Trinity.” Global Journal of Classical Theology 2 (1999). Accessed February 27, 2019.
Cartledge, Mark J. “Empirical-Theological Models of the Trinity: Exploring the Beliefs of
Theology Students in the United Kingdom.” Journal of Empirical Theology 19
(2006): 137-62. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Chalamet, Christophe, and Marc Vial. Recent Developments in Trinitarian Theology: An
International Symposium. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.
Chapman, Mark D. “The Social Doctrine of the Trinity: Some Problems.” Anglican Theological
Review 83 (2001). Accessed February 28, 2019.
Cross, R. “Two Models of the Trinity?” Heythrop Journal 43 (2002): 275-94. Accessed February
28, 2019.
Cunnington, Ralph. “A Critical Examination of Jonathan Edwards’s Doctrine of the Trinity.”
Themelios 39 (2014): 224-40. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Davis, Stephen T. “A Somewhat Playful Proof of the Social Trinity in Five Easy Steps.”
Philosophia Christi 1 (1999): 103-05. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Erickson, Millard J. God in Three Persons: A Contemporary Interpretation of the Trinity. Grand
Rapids: Baker Books, 1995.
Fisher, Matthew Zaro. “A Supervenient Trinity: An Alternative to Latin and Social Trinitarian
Theories.” Heythrop Journal, 57 (2016): 964-73. Access February 25, 2019.
Hasker, William. “Can a Latin Trinity Be Social? a Response to Scott M. Williams.” Faith and
Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers 35 (2018): 356-66.
Accessed February 28, 2019.
Holmes, Stephen R., Paul D. Molnar, Thomas H. McCall, and Paul S. Fiddes. Two Views on the
Doctrine of the Trinity. Edited by Jason S. Sexton and Stanley N. Gundry. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 2014.
Horrell, J. Scott. “Toward a Biblical Model of the Social Trinity: Avoiding Equivocation of
Nature and Order.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 47 (2004): 397-421.
Kiesling, Christopher. “On Relating to the Persons of the Trinity.” Theological Studies 47
(1986): 599–616. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Kimble, Jeremy M. “I Will Be Their God, They Will Be My People: Trinitarian Doctrine and the
Ontology of the Church.” Criswell Theological Review 15 (2018): 67–85. Accessed
February 26, 2019.
Marsh, Charles. “Two Models of Trinitarian Theology: A Way Beyond the Impasse?”
Perspectives in Religious Studies 21 (1994).
Metzger, Paul Louis, ed. Trinitarian Soundings in Systematic Theology. London; New York:
T&T Clark International, 2005.
Paulsen, David, and Brett McDonald. “Joseph Smith and the Trinity: An Analysis and Defense of
the Social Model of the Godhead.” Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of
Christian Philosophers 25 (2008): 47–74. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Rahner, Karl, and J. F. Donceel. The Trinity. London: Continuum, 2001.
Sanders, Fred. “Redefining Progress in Trinitarian Theology: Stephen R. Holmes on the Trinity.”
Evangelical Quarterly 86 (2014): 6–20. Accessed February 25, 2019.
———. The Triune God. Edited by Michael Allen and Scott R. Swain. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 2016.
Sanders, Fred, and Klaus Issler, eds. Jesus in Trinitarian Perspective: An Introductory
Christology. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2007.
Swinburne, Richard G. “The Social Theory of the Trinity.” Religious Studies 54 (2018): 419-37.
Accessed February 25, 2019. doi:10.1017/s0034412518000203.
Thompson, John. Modern Trinitarian Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Tolliday, Phillip, and Myk Habets. Trinitarian Theology After Barth. Cambridge: James Clarke,
Williams, Scott M. “Unity of Action in a Latin Social Model of the Trinity.” Faith and
Philosophy 34 (2017): 321-46. Accessed February 28, 2019.
Yarnell, Malcolm B. God the Trinity: Biblical Portraits. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2016.

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