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1. Things (~つ)
2. Person ~人(にん)
3. Order ~番(ばん)
4. Frequency ~回(かい)
5. Small Things ~個(こ)
6. Shoes and Socks ~足(そく)
7. Houses ~軒(けん)
8. Machines and Vehicles ~台(だい)
9. Age ~歳(さい)
10. Books and Notebooks ~冊(さつ)
11. Clothes ~着(ちゃく)
12. Floors of the Building ~階(かい)
13. Thin and Long Things ~本(ほん)
14. Drinks and so on in Cups and Glasses ~杯(はい)
15. Small Animals, Fish, and Insects ~匹(ひき)

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