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Student Code: SE130230

Student Name: Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn Nam

Class Name: 10W_1_SE1322_Slot3

Chapter 1

1/ Question 1: Match the columns

1. Strategic information A. OLTP applications

2. Information crisis B. produce ad hoc reports

3. Information technology C. explosive growth

4. Extract programs D. despite lots of data

5. Data staging area E. data cleaned and transformed

6. Executive information F. users go to get information

7. Order processing G. used for decision making

8. Data warehouse H. environment, not product

9. Operational systems I. for day-to-day operations

10. Information center J. simple, easy to use

Your answer 1:

(A ... J)

1 G

2 D

3 C

4 B

5 E

6 J

7 A

8 H

9 I

10 F

2/ Question 2: Why are operational systems not suitable for providing strategic information? Give three specific reasons and explain.

Your answer 2: …

There are 3 main reasons:

- First, operational systems put data in the database and collect various types of data e.g. customer name, product name, sales amount, etc.

- Second, collected data is converted into meaningful information to produce reports for decision making

- Third, operational systems perform daily business of the company

Strategic information is used for decision making, later used for analysis and monitoring performance.
Chpater 2

3/ Question 3: Explain data granularity and how it is applicable to the data warehouse.

Your answer 3: …

Data granularity is the level of detail of data in the data warehouse, varies from the most general level to the most specific level. The lower the level of detail, the finer the data granularity. The

deeper and lower level of data granularity, the more flexible and adaptable for future usage the data warehouse begin.

4/ Question 4: A data warehouse is subject-oriented. What would be the major critical business subjects for a domestic hotel chain ?

Your answer 4: …

These are major critical business subjects for a domestic hotel chain:

- Customer

- Sales

- Room

- Claims

- Locations

- Branches

- Bed capacities of each branch

- Infrastructure

Chapter 3

5/ Question 5: Describe any one of the options available to integrate ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) with data warehousing.

Your answer 5: …

Risk management:

1) Generally associate project risks with the cost of the project:

a) If the project fails, how much money will go down the drain?

2) But the assessment of risks is more than calculating the loss from the project costs.

a) What are the risks faced by the company without the benefits derivable from a data warehouse?

b) What losses are likely to be incurred?

c) What opportunities are likely to be missed?

3) Risk assessment is broad and relevant to each business.

Include this assessment as part of your planning document.

6/ Question 6: Indicate if true or false

A. Data warehousing helps in customized marketing.

B. It is as important to include unstructured data as structured data in a data warehouse.

C. ERP systems may be substituted for data warehouses.

D. Most of a corporation’s knowledge base contains unstructured data.

Your answer 6:






Chapter 4

7/ Question 7: Explain the difference between the top-down and bottom-up approaches for building data warehouses. Do you have a preference? If so, why?

Your answer 7: …

Top-down approach: is to start at the enterprise-wide data warehouse, although possibly build it iteratively. Then data from the overall, large enterprise-wide data warehouse flows into

departmental and subject data marts.

Bottom-up approach: is to start by building individual data marts, one by one. The conglomerate of these data marts will make up the enterprise data warehouse. Make sure that the individual

data marts are conformed to one another. Have to first plan and define requirements at the overall corporate level.

There is no best approach for building data warehouses, it’s based on what do you need, no matter what the architecture, its go back to the purpose to build datawarehouse where we need to

deliver database environment which can create best sql performance when access data from datawarehouse.

Chapter 5

8/ Question 8: Explain business dimensions. Why and how can business dimensions be useful for defining requirements for the data warehouse?

Your answer 8: …

Business dimensions describe the business-specific objects within the model, such as products, customers, regions, employees, and so on. These dimensions and members are created in

Performance Management Architect.

9/ Question 9: What are dimension hierarchies (for any subject that you know)? Give three examples.

Your answer 9: …

1) When a user analyzes the measurements along a business dimension:

a) The user usually would like to see the numbers first in summary and then at various levels of detail.

b) The user traverses the hierarchical levels of a business dimension for getting the details at various levels.

2) Example for auto sales analysis, the hierarchies and categories for each dimension as follows:

a) Product: Model name, model year, product line, product category, exterior color, interior color, first model year.

b) Dealer: Dealer name, city, state, single brand flag, date first operation.

c) Customer demographics: Age, gender, income range, marital status, household size, vehicles owned, home value, own or rent.
Chapter 7

10/ Question 10: List five major functions and services in the data storage area.

Your answer 10: …

1. Load data for full refreshes of data warehouse tables.

2. Perform incremental loads at regular prescribed intervals.

3. Support loading into multiple tables at the detailed and summarized levels.

4. Optimize the loading process.

5. Provide backup and recovery for the data warehouse database.

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