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hr OCTOBER, 1747.

four of thefe pills twice a day—and fpruce-beer, with a drachm of hip
after each dofe, drink half a pint of Hate powdered in it.

An excellent Remedy againji Agues and Intermitting Fevers.

TAKE Jefuits-bark one ounce,

fnake-root one drachm, and
much fyrup of cloves as will make it
hours between the fits. And if you
take it two or three days at the inter-
vals of fix hours, after the fit is flop-
an ele&uary ; of which take the ped, it will certainly cure, and pre-
quantity of a chefnut every' three vent any return.

The ANGLER* and SPORTSMAN injiriiffed in


TH E Angler muft now be think-

ing to provide rods for the
next feafon. For this end, let him
fhould be five yards long For the

New-River, a line of two yards is

long enough In fine, you muft pro-

remark, that thofe fifhing-rods will portion your rods and lines to the
do him moft fervice, that are cut af- breadth and rapidnefs of the water in
ter the fap is down, i. e. from the Iat7 which you feek for fport.
ter end of this month, to the middle ' A Pfot the ftrength of your lines,
of January. they muft be proportioned to the fifh
TTe hafle, black-thorn, and crab- fought for. The common way is to
The Universal Magazine
vous knees. Its eyes are brojvn and Hare never walks or treads, but jumps
dim, but they are continually open, or leaps, and runs quickeft in paths
and feldom look forward. It is a and highways. This is the creature
fubtile creature, but not bold. The reprefented in the following cut.

The bed: time to hunt the' Hare, is to the middle of its

orr * tne head, the feathers
middle of September to the are of a reddifh afh colour. It has a

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