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 Study the difference of phase between the current and the voltage of R, L and C circuit.
 Identify resistance R, inductance L and capacitance C.
In particular, if a coil rotates in the presence of a magnetic field, the induced emf varies
sinusoidally with time and generates an alternating current (AC), and provides a source of AC
Vt = V଴ sinωt (1)
Where the maximum value V0 is called amplitude.
After an initial “transient time,” an AC current will flow in the circuit as a response to the
driving voltage source. The current in the circuit is also sinusoidal:
It = I଴ sinωt + ϕ (2)
+ Alternating current: i = I0sin (ωt + φ) is characterized by three quantities: amplitude I0;
angular frequency ω and phase ϕ.
Because the frequency is the same for entire circuit, to characterize the current in a branch of
the circuit, we need only two quantities: amplitude I0 and phase ϕ. In general there is a certain phase
difference between the current and voltage. It depends on the elements in the circuit.
+ Three special cases:

~ R ~ L ~ C

Figure 1. The circuit with an element.

i = I଴ sinωt i = I଴ sinωt
i = I଴ sinωt
u = L. = I଴ ωLsin ωt +  sin ωt − 
di π q I଴ π
u = iR = I଴ Rsinωt u= =
dt 2 C ωC 2

U I 
To characterize the resistance of alternating current through a certain element, we use the
concept of impedance, denoted Z, the unit is Ω.
+ When a current pass through a circuit:
Impedance of a resistor is ZR= R
Impedance of a coil having inductance L is ZL= ωL

Impedance of a capacitor having capacitance C is Zେ = ωେ

Use a oscilloscope to observe the phase difference between the current and voltage on R, L
and C , we can determine their impedances.

R0 CH1 CH2

Figure 2. Circuit for measuring impedance Z of a device.

+ When resistor R0 and element Z are in series with each other and connected into an AC
source (Figure 2), the current through R0 and Z is the same. The current and the voltage on R0 are in
phase with each other. If the current in the circuit is i = I0sinωt, the voltage on the resistor R0 is
connected to input CH1 of the oscilloscope (ie X input) is:
uX = R0I0sinωt is in phase with the current i.
The voltage on Z element is connected to input CH2 (ie Y input):
uY= UZ0sin(ωt +ϕ) is out of phase ϕ with the current i through Z
Therefore on the oscilloscope, we obtain the sum of two oscillators on 2 perpendicular axes
with the phase difference ϕ, which is the phase difference between the current and the voltage on Z.
a. If the element Z is the resistor RX.
+ Sigal input to X channe is uX = I0.R0.sinωt
+ Sigal input to Y channel is uY = I0.RX.sinωt
These two signals are in phase, the Lissajou on the oscilloscope is a straigt line. If the
amplitudes are equal, we obtain a straight line at an angle to the axis of coordinates by 45o.
At this condition : R0 = RX.
b. If the element Z is the capacitor with capacitive resistance ZC.
The difference of phase between the current and the voltage is ϕ = 900 (the current leads the
voltage by 900).
+ Sigal input to X channe is : uX = I0Rsinωt
sin ωt − ଶ
బ ୍ π
+ Sigal input to Y channe is : uଢ଼ = ωେ
The Lissajou appears on the oscilloscope screen as an ellipse. If amplitudes of these two
signals are equal, the ellipse becomes a circle.

At this condition: Zc= R0 we obtain: C = ଶπ୤ୖ

c. If the element Z is the inductor with inductive resistance ZL.
The difference of phase between the current and the voltage is 900(the current lags the voltage
by 90o).
+ Signal input to X channe is : ux=I0Rsinωt
+ Signal input to Y channe is : uଢ଼ = I଴ ωLsin ωt + ଶ

The Lissajou appears on the oscilloscope screen as an ellipse. If amplitudes of these two
signals are equal, the ellipse becomes a circle. At this condition: ZL=R0, we obtain :

1. Apparatus.
The apparatus of this experiment are shown in table 1.
Table 1. Apparatus and materials for experiment
Equipment Quantity
Oscilloscope, two channels 1
Function generator 1
Rheostat 1
Unknown resistors 2
Unknown inductor 2
Unknown capacitor 2

2. Determine the value of resistance RX and observe the difference of phase between the
current and the voltage.
+ Standard scale voltages for CH1 and CH2 input;
+ Connect the circuit according to Figure 2 with Z replaced by the resistance RX;
+ Set VOL/DIV of CH1 and CH2 input at the same value;
+ Input the voltge on R0 standard resistance U0 = IR0 into CH1 input, the signal on measured
Rx UX = IRX into CH2 input.
+ Set MODE switch at DUAL position, on the oscilloscope screen, we obtain two sinusoidal
+ Adjust the function generator so that the amplitude sinusoidal signal is easily observable
(height of signals is complete in the screen of the oscilloscope);
+ Set TIME/DIV at position X-Y;
+ We obtain a straigt line on the screen of oscilloscope.

+ Read R0.
+ Set TIME/DIV out of X-Y position to obtain two sinusoidal signals on the screen of
+ Determine the amplitude U0 and URX of the voltage on R0 and RX.
+ Determine RX using the equation: R ଡ଼ = ୙బ
R ଴ . Write your results in table.
+ Determine error of your measurement: change R0, write the value UX and U0 in the table 1
and then calculate RX


Table 1. Determination of Rx.

+ Represent:
R = R ଡ଼ ± ∆R ଡ଼ 
R ଡ଼ = R ଡ଼ ± ε%

3. Determine the value of capacitance CX and observe the difference of phase between the
current and the voltage.
+ Repelace Z by CX.
+ Redo the same steps as for the resistor RX; determine the value of R0 and two voltages U0
and UCX. Notice that we do not get a straight line when the TIME/DIV swich is set at X-Y position,
the Lissajou becomes an ellipse.
+ If VOLT/DIV of CH1 and CH2 are in the same position, adjust R0 such that the voltage on
capacitor and on resistor R0 are the same (Uc = U0), the Lissajou becomes a circle.

+ The value of capacitance CX is determined by: C = ଶπ୤ୖ

+ Change R0, f to obtain different circles on the screen of oscilloscope, write the results in the
table 2.

Experiment f R0 CX
Table 2. Determination of capacitance CX.
+ Represent:
C = Cଡ଼ ± ∆Cଡ଼ 
Cଡ଼ = Cଡ଼ ± ε%
4. Determine the value of capacitance LX and observe the difference of phase between the
current and the voltage.
+ Repelace Z by LX.
+ Redo the same steps as for the resistor RX; determine the value of R0 and two voltages U0
and ULX. Notice that we do not get a straight line when the TIME/DIV swich is set at X-Y position,
the Lissajou becomes an ellipse.
+ If VOLT/DIV of CH1 and CH2 are in the same position, adjust R0 such that the voltage on
inductor and on resistor R0 are the same (UL = U0), the Lissajou becomes a circle.

+ The value of inductance LX is determined by: Lଡ଼ = ଶπ୤బ
+ Change R0, f to obtain different circles on the screen of oscilloscope, write the results in the
table 3.

Experiment f R0 LX
Table 3. Value of LX.
+ Represent:
Lଡ଼ = Lଡ଼ ± ∆Lଡ଼

Lଡ଼ = Lଡ଼ ± ε%
1. In the measurements of C and L, why would you obtain an ellipse and a circle?
2. In the measurements RX, why would you obtain a straight line?
3. In the measurement inductance L, what is the difference of phase between the current and
the voltage?


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