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With an approximately 7.77 million species of animals on the planet, the animal empire is an
undebatable diverse place. All the animals are unique and unusual in their behaviour. So, we have put
together a list of all the very interesting and funny facts about animals we could find.

Have a look!

1. Tigers have stripped skin as well. Each pattern is as unique as a fingerprint.

2. Animals specialists have concluded that cats don’t meow as a way to

communicate to each other. It’s a method they use to grab attention from
3. Around 50% of orangutans have fractured bones, due to falling out of trees
on a regular basis.
4. A cow gives around 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime.

5. Nearly 3% of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.

6. Slugs have four noses.

7. Koala’s fingerprints are indistinguishable from humans. Sometimes they have

been confused at crime scene.
8. Anteaters don’t have teeth.

9. Reindeer eyes turn blue during winters.

10. Sloths can take a week to digest their food.

11. Otters have world’s thickest fur.

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