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Scientific Method Scenario:

David read that Fox break pads and Best Break pads were the best on the market. He always
used NAPA pads and believed they performed the best. He decided to test all three pads and
determine which was the best. David used the same car for each set of pads. He drove 25 mph
and applied the breaks at the same point on the track. David then measured how many feet the
car took to stop after the breaks were applied.

1. The hypothesis was: _______which of the three pads were the best

2. The effects of the ___3____break pads_________(independent variable)

on the same car took to stop and measured in feet after the brakes were applied.

(dependent variable).

  The effects of the ___3____break pads__

3. List three constants (control variables):

• ___________David used the same_car__________________________

• __________________He drove 25 mph ____________________

• ____________He applied the breaks at the same point on the


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