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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (obligatory)

A. Last week we finally 1) ……moved….. (move) into our new house. We 2) ……have been
waiting…… (wait) to move for so long that I 3) ……began…… (begin) to wonder if we ever
would. We 4) ………have been unpacking … (unpack) for days now, and we still 5) …have not
finished………. (not/finish). Now the house 6) ……starts…… (start) to look like a place to live
in, and I’m sure we 7) …will be……….. (be) happy here. Next time, though, I 8) ……will
use……… (use) a different removal company to do the work.

B. Joanna wishes she 9) ……were/ would be…….. (be) a ballet dancer. If she 10) ………
could…. (can), she 11) …would joined………. (join) the Royal Ballet, but she hasn’t been
trained. “If only I 12) …had taken……… (take) lessons!” she says. Her parents told her that they
13) …would have sent……. (send) her to ballet school when she was a girl(cand era mica) if
they 14) ………had had….. (have) enough money but, unfortunately, they weren’t as well-off
then as they are now. “How I wish my parents 15) …had been able…… (be able) to afford to
send me to the Academy,” she says. “If I have a daughter, I 16) ……will make……… (make)
sure she has the opportunity to study there if she wants to.

C. My friend Jessica 17) ……has recently changed…….. (recently/change) jobs. She 18) …had
worked……… (work) as a nurse before she 19) ……decided…… (decide) she wanted to do
something different. At the moment she20) ……is working….. (work) in a temporary job in a
school near Leeds.

D. Last summer, I 21) ……visited…… (visit) the United States. I 22) ……had been
looking……. (look forward) to the trip for ages and I 23) ………enjoyed…… (enjoy) myself
very much. On the 4th of July a friend 24) ……suggested….. (suggest) we go and watch the
fireworks. I 25) ……had seen…….. (see) fireworks before, but I 26) ……had never
experienced…… (never/experience) anything like the spectacle we 27) ……were
witnessed……… (witness) that night.

E. Sarah 28) ……left……. (leave) school two years ago and for the last year she 29) ………has
been looking…. (look) for a decent job. She 30) ……hopes……. (hope) to find work as a
secretary but as she 31) ……has never done (sunt in anul respective in care ea cauta jobul)…….
(never/do) a secretarial course before, I think she 32) ……will have……. (have) some difficulty
in finding such a job.

F. Peter 33) ……was driving…… (drive) to work yesterday when a dog 34) ……ran…… (run)
into the middle of the road. Peter 35) ………managed….. (manage) to stop in time but the car
which 36) ……was following…… (follow) behind him 37) ……crashed……. (crash) into the
back of his car. Then the two cars 38) ……collided…… (collide) with a police car which 39)
……was traveling……… (travel) in the opposite direction. After the accident Peter 40) ……
went…….. (go) to the police station to fill in some documents.
2. Translate the following text into English:
Trăim vremuri interesante. Deși suntem mai liberi, mai sănătoși și mai înstăriți ca oricând,
cumva, totul pare să se fi defectat într-un mod oribil și ireparabil: planeta se încălzește, guvernele
eșuează, economiile se prăbușesc și toată lumea se declară ofensată pe Twitter. În acest punct al
istoriei, când avem acces la tehnologie, educație și comunicare cu o ușurință la care strămoșii
noștri nici n-ar fi visat, prea mulți dintre noi se simt lipsiți de speranță.
Manson analizează relația noastră cu banii, cu industria de divertisment și cu internetul, arătând
că, oricât de bun ar fi un lucru, dacă este consumat în exces, ne poate omorî – psihologic
vorbind. Mason pune sub semnul întrebării definițiile comune ale credinței, fericirii și libertății –
ba chiar și ale speranței.
Cu erudiție și umor, Manson ne ia de guler și ne provoacă să fim mai sinceri cu noi înșine și mai
conectați cu lumea în moduri la care probabil că nu ne-am mai gândit până acum.

We live in interesting times. Although we are freer, healthier and richer than ever, everything
seems to have broken down in a horrible and irreparable way: the planet is heating up,
governments are failing, economies are collapsing, and everyone is offended on Twitter. At this
point in history, when we have access to technology, education, and communication with an ease
that our ancestors never dreamed of, too many of us feel hopeless.
Manson analyzes our relationship with money, the entertainment industry and the internet,
showing that no matter how good a thing is, if it is consumed in excess, it can kill us -
psychologically speaking. Mason questions common definitions of faith, happiness, and freedom
- even hope.
With erudition and humor, Manson takes us by the collar and challenges us to be more honest
with ourselves and more connected to the world in ways we probably never thought of before.

III. Puneti Verbele din Paranteza la Timpul Potrivit:

1. I first met her twenty years ago when I (live) in Paris. - lived
2. I (have) a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarter and I (earn) barely enough money to keep body
and soul together. - had/earned
3. She had read a book of mine and (write) to me about it. - wrote
4. I (answer), thanking her, and presently I (receive) from her another letter saying that she (pass)
through Paris and (like) to have a chat with me. - answered/received/will pass/would like
5. I (answer) that I (meet) her at the theatre on Thursday at half-past twelve. answered/will meet
6. She (be) not so young as I (expect) and in appearance imposing rather than attractive.
7. She (be) in fact a woman of forty - a charming age, but not one that (excite) a sudden and
devastating passion at first sight. -was/excited
8. She also (give) me the impression of having more teeth than (be) necessary for any practical
purpose. -gave/was
9. I (be) startled when the bill of fare (be) brought for the prices (be) a great deal higher than I
(anticipate). -was/was/were
10. I (know) exactly how much money I (have) and if the bill (come) to more I (make up) my
mind that I (put) my hand in my pocket and with a dramatic cry start up and say it (be) picked.
-knew/had/would came/made up/put/was
11. Of course it (be) awkward if she (have) not money enough either to pay the bill. -would
be/didn’t have
12. Then the only thing to do (be) to leave my watch and say I (come) back and pay later. -
would be/would come

IV. Translate into English

1. Muzica pe care am ascultat-o aseara era de George Enescu.

The music I listened to last night was George Enescu s.
2. Va veni de îndata ce-si va termina treaba.
He will come as soon as he finishes his work.
3. A fost asa de frig în ultima vreme încât au înghetat râurile.
It has been so cold lately that the rivers have frozen.
4. Mary a plecat în graba, de teama sa nu întârzie.
Mary left in a hurry for fear of being late.
5. Tom a vizitat expozitia ca sa le poata povesti prietenilor despre ea.
Tom visited the exhibit to be able to tell his friends about it
6. Daca el ar fi aici, ne-ar putea ajuta. / If he were here, he could help us.
7. Ea va veni mâine acasa daca si-a terminat examenele. / She will come home tomorrow if she
finishes her exams.
8. As fi trecut pe la ea daca mi-ar fi spus unde locuieste. / I would have passed by her place, if
she had told me where she lived.
9. I-am promis Paulei ca o voi ajuta când am sa ma întorc din vacanta. / I promised Paula that I
will help her when I come back from holiday.
10. Dan a spus ca-i place sa studieze gramatica.
Dan said he liked to study grammar. (simultana)- pun prezentul in a 2 cand e vb de o situatie care
nu are intoarcere: My mother said to us that our neighbours is a widow(e vaduva si nu se mai
casatoreste)….adevaruri : Dana told me that water boils at 100 grade Celsius

11. E ciudat ca încearca sa telefoneze la aceasta ora târzie.

It’s weird that she is trying to phone this late.

12. Tata propune sa fim gata pe la ora 12.

Dad is suggesting to be ready at twelve o’clock.

13. Duminica trecuta am stat acasa pentru ca a fost vreme rea.

Last Sunday we stayed at home because the weather was bad.

14. Ne-a asigurat aseara ca te va astepta pâna te vei întoarce.

He assured us last night that he would wait until you returned.
15. Tata a cumparat o masina veche, desi prietenii lui l-au sfatuit sa nu o faca.
My dad bought an old car even though his friends advised him not to.

16. Azi dimineata secretara a ajuns la birou mai devreme decât de obicei.
This morning the secretary arrived at the office earlier than usual.

17. Oriunde ne duceam, ne opream si ceream informatii.

Wherever we went we stopped and asked for information.

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