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1:Today many people who live in large 

metropolitan areas such as Paris

and New York leave the city in the summer. They go to the mountains
or to the seashore to escape the city noise and heat.

2:  Over 2,000 years ago, many rich Romans did the same thing. They
left the city of Rome in the summer. Many of these wealthy Romans
spent their summers in the city of Pompeii. P.

3: The city of P. was at the foot of Mt. V..When the volcano first erupted,
many people were able to flee the city and to escape death. In fact,
18,000 people escaped the terrible disaster.

4: In the year of 1748 an Italian farmer was digging on his farm. As he

was digging, he uncovered a part of a wall of the ancient city of P.. Soon
archaeologists began to excavate – to dig -- in the area

5: As time went by, much of the ancient city of P. was uncovered. Today
tourists from all over the world come to see the ruins of the famous city
of Pompeii.

Việt- Anh


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