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Task 2.


To begin with,Aquaphobia is a specific phobia. Is the fear of any source of

water.Is often mistaken with hydrophobia, they both involve water but they are not
the same. Hydrophobia is an aversion to water that develops in humans during the
later stages of rabies.
Firstly,in my experience with aquaphobiaI had lots of problems to deal with. I
get triggered easy when I see deep waters like oceans, rivers, lakes and in special
cascades but even by deep pools. I get anxious, my heart starts beating faster, my
hands get sweaty and most of the time Iget nauseous and I collapse.
Secondly, the first time I realised that I have aquaphobia was when I was 8
years old, me and my parents went to Ireland and we went to the North Atlantic
Ocean, when we got there a storm started and a ship got hit by a lightning and sinked.
I got so scared and I collapsed. Since that day I couldn’t even go swimming in pools
that are one and a half meter deep. Most of the time when I go to seaside I stay on the
sand and go swimming when the waves aren’t big.
All in all, not many people deal withaquaphobia, is a specific phobiais an
intense fear of something that poses little or no actual danger but people can even get
heart strokes because of the fear.
In my opinion, it may not be such a dangerous phobia but most of the people
who have it need a treatment like Hypnosis and Systematic Desensitization.

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