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Amity School of Business

Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Dissertation 2022


Student Name : Ashish Jakhar

Enrollment No : A3906419110
Program : BBA

Report No :
Week Commencement Dates : 17th January 2022

Faculty Guide Name : Dr. Neha Gupta

Project Title : Impact of e-commerce on India’s Commerce

Objectives of the week:

 Research on concept of e-commerce

 Research on India's perspective of e-commerce
 Reviewed certain websites and reports related to e-commerce

Work Done/Objectives Achieved:

 Understood the concept of e-commerce and started drafting the dissertation

 Analyze ample data to prepare the draft on India's perspective on e-commerce

Plan/Objectives for next week:

 Research on factors affecting e-commerce

 Challenges faced by e commerce
 Research on factors affecting growth of E commerce

Student Signature

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