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Child labor

Child labor is one of modern society's biggest challenges. Radfar’s article says that child

work obstructs children's natural evolution, encompassing their bodily, cognitive, spiritual, and

psychological well-being. Ibrahim’s article gives a thorough overview of the physical and mental

health consequences of child work. Sadly, the findings indicate that these youngsters are at risk

for both short and long-term physical and cognitive health issues. Regarding the date, the

information is up to date, as both sources were printed in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Both

articles were written by authors who have studies in the field and who have done various

research based on the knowledge gained in colleges and universities, such as medicine and

psychiatry. Everyone is trying to present some real conclusions, but also limitations, as it is a

topic that deserves further discussion.

Works Cited

Ibrahim, Abdalla, et al. "Child labor and health: a systematic literature review of the impacts of

child labor on child’s health in low-and middle-income countries." Journal of public

health 41.1, 2019, pp. 18-26.

Radfar, Amir, et al. "Challenges and perspectives of child labor." Industrial psychiatry

journal 27.1, 2018.

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