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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Art Grade 2/3 

Unit: Growth Mindset- Health  
Lesson: Growth Mindset: Intro to Mood March
Duration: 1 hour
Date: March 1st and March 2nd 

 Students will practice Observations

Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours displaying a growth Rubric 
that show respect for self and others mindset  Check-ins
 Students will practice
positive self talk 
 Students will learn how to
respect themselves and


Resource #1: 

Resource #2: 
Resource #3: Book: what do you do with a problem
Resource #4: Video: 


 Poster paper
 Smelling markers
 Pipe cleaners
 Beads 
 Feeling tracker sheets 
 Book


Introduction ( 3 min.):
Attention Grabber:
 Mood March 
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
 Students have learned briefly about growth mindset in health class
 Students have discussed “positive self-talk”
 Students understand goal setting 
Expectations for Learning and Behavior:
-Students will raise their hand before speaking or asking questions
-Students will listen and not talk while others are speaking
-Students will listen intently to instructions and follow them 
-Students will participate fully in the lesson
-Students will cooperate well with others
Transition to Body:
 “Hands on top, that means stop” to get students attention
 ALL students will come to the front to sit down 

Body (30 mins):

  What are the students doing?
Learning Activity #1: 15 minutes   
-Listening to instructions and looking at
Direct Instruction: Class Discussion  me
  -Mimicking the steps I am demonstrating
 Students will listen to a brief discussion/ review of what a for the art project
growth mindset is, and what a fixed mindset is -Asking questions if unsure on something
 Students will listen to a breakdown of what the lesson will
entail  Sponge Activity: 

Assessment/Differentiation:  -Students can work on one of the

  following activities if they finish early:
-        Ensure R and G understand instructions fully- check-in 1. Reading
with them  2. Doodling 
Learning Activity #2:  15 mins
Direct Instruction Not Yet Activity 
 Provide students with a brief review of how discussion on
things we cant do yet
 Explain the importance of the word yet (it is important to
not say I cant do this, instead say I cant do this yet- there is
always room for improvement and trying again) 
 On the poster paper will be the title “things I can do”
 Students will each give me something they can do, and are
proud they can do, which I will write on a sticky note with
their name 
 I will begin so students have an example
 I will explain that I want students to focus on things they
are proud they can do
 I will add all sticky notes onto the poster  
Learning Activity #3:  15 mins

Direct Instruction: Intro to Mood March

 Explain to students that March will focus on moods/

feelings/ emotions
 Show students a fun video of Inside Out: Guess the
 After the video, students will have a discussion about
 Students will talk about what happens when they feel
certain emotions
 Students will talk about things that calm them down/ make
them feel better when they are sad/angry/upset/ in a
grumpy ot bad mood (breathing, going on walks, doing
things they like) 
 After the discussion, students will work on feelings tracker
 Students will each be given a calendar
 Everyday for the school week in the month of march,
students will color how they are feeling that day. Students
will do this every morning, for how they were feeling the
day before 

Learning Activity #4:  25 mins

Direct Instruction: Breathing Bead Activity

 Students will listen to the book “What do you do with a

 After the book, students will discuss the key ideas they
noticed from the book, and talk about how it compares to
having a growth mindset 
 Students will create “breathing sticks” 
 Students will receive a pipe cleaner and 10 beads
 These breathing sticks will help students with mindful
breaths for when they are experiencing those harder
emotions. Students will breathe in and out for every bead
they move 
 Each bead will be a different colour, and will represent a
different feeling 

 -        Ensure R and G understand instructions fully- check-in with
Transition to Closure
-        Provide students with the signal to stop what they are
doing and listen to the next instructions 
-        Let students know it is time to clean up

Closure (5 min.):  
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
-        Observations
-        Check-ins
-        Rubric 
Feedback From Students:
Frequent check-ins with students, ask:
-        Why did you choose these words?
-        Do these words have significance to you?
-        Do you enjoy this project? If yes, why? If not, why?
-        What else would you like to learn about having a growth mindset? 
-        Did the breakdown of steps make sense to you?
-        Is there anything you are struggling with?
Feedback To Students:
From the observations and check-ins, tell the students:
-        What they are doing well on
-        How they could improve their project
-        What I find interesting about their project
-        Useful tips to assist them 

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