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Martynchuk Kateryna, group 44


There are 20 major Branches of Agriculture:

1. Agronomy
2. Horticulture
3. Plant Breeding and Genetics
4. Seed Science
5. Crop-Physiology
6. Plant Pathology
7. Plant Protection
8. Soil Science
9. Entomology
10. Agriculture Biotechnology
11. Agriculture Engineering
12. Agriculture Economics
13. Forestry
14. Animal Husbandry
15. Environmental Sciences
16. Food Science and Technology
17. Land and Water Management
18. Agricultural Chemistry
19. Agricultural Microbiology
20. Home Science


Farming: (arable) farming, screening, dryland farming, arable land, forestry, layering, cultivation,
weeds, tillage, crashing of soil, harrowing, rough, plow, irrigation, arable crops, importation.
Horticulture: husbandry, germination, shelling, bulblike, packing, runners, sow, augmentation,
layering, foliage plant, growing, cultivation, conservation, rear, transplanting, arable crops, vegetable
crop, harvest.
Livestock: dairying, cattle production, herd, sheep production, pig production, farm animals,
augmentation, fishing, cultivation, grazing, rear, fattening, livestock breeders, suckler, propagation,
plow, importation, beef cattle production.
Pest control: pesticide, potato blight.


1. Fallow – uncultivated
2. Moisture - wetness
3. Soil - earth
4. Weeds – wild plants
5. Exposure – display
6. Erosion – wearing away
7. Straw – dried stems of wheat
8. Residue – remainder
9. Chisel – metal tool with a sharp edge
10. Implements – equipment
11. Consevation – preservation


1. Plow – turn over the eart using a plow so that seeds can be planted
2. Till – prepare land for growing crops
3. Sow – plant
4. Alternate – interchange
5. Cultivate - prepare and use land for growing crops and plants
6. Deplete – reduce

Word combinations:

Crop season - means the season in which anyone grow crop

Sowing season - the act of scattering seeds on land so that they may grow.

Water intake - means water used by a facility from surface water, groundwater, commercial, or
other sources. “Intermittent” describes a stream which contains flowing water for extended periods
during a year, but does not carry flow at all times.

Contour tillage - the practice of tilling sloped land along lines of consistent elevation in order
to conserve rainwater and to reduce soil losses from surface erosion.
Compacted zones - the increase in soil bulk density.

Power machinery - A program that prepares individuals to operate specialized farm, ranch,
and agribusiness power equipment of a stationary, mobile, and/or hand-operated nature.
Volunteer grain - arise from seed shed at or before crop harvest.

Rod weeder - an implement that destroys weeds in plowed land by means of a square rod
that revolves backward as it is drawn forward across a field a few inches below the surface
of the soil and lifts weeds and clods to the surface.

1. f
2. j
3. b
4. i
5. a
6. k
7. h
8. d
9. l
10. g
11. e
12. c

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