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Week 02: Listening Skill

Day 01: Introduction

What is listening skill?
Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of
speech and processing them into words and sentences. Listening in any language requires
focus and attention, listening to a second language requires even greater focus.

To become a fluent speaker in English, you need to develop strong listening skills.

Being able to understand English is the key to speaking it, without the ability to

understand spoken English, you can’t really use it.

You can’t have a conversation with someone if you can’t understand what they’re

saying. Listening is the first step to being able to have a conversation.

Listening helps you build basic language skills so that when you start speaking.

It helps you learn how to pronounce words properly, how to use intonation, and where

to place stress in words and sentences.

Listening skill improve the other skills of language, when you engage in a listening

activity, you are working on your grammar, building your vocabulary, and even

improving your English speaking skills.

The way to improve your listening skills is to be an active listener; In order to do this

you must pay attention to the other person very carefully.

Avoid being distracted by environmental factors, and put aside distracting thoughts.

Tip: If you're finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying,

try repeating their words mentally as they say them. This will reinforce their message

and help you to stay focused.

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