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Direction. Carefully read and analyze each question. Choose the correct answer from the

given options. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A group where the flow of communication is restricted.

a. formal community

b. informal community

c. rural community

d. urban community

2. Each area typically specializes in a particular form of livelihood, such as farming.

a. formal community

b. informal community

c. rural community
d. urban community

3. A group sharing the same environment and conditions.

a. social spaces

b. sectors of community

c. local community

d. global community

4. This sector of community includes newspapers, magazines and other available

materials that can be glanced from the internet.

a. human services

b. media

c. culture

d. sports and recreation

5. A sector of community that includes musicians, dancers, writers, actors, among


a. human services

b. media

c. culture

d. sports and recreation

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