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Jeremiah G.

Stem11 – Blessed Fredric Ozanam

Knowing yourself is Life’s eternal homework. Some people said that

the most difficult thing to do is to know yourself, but for me it’s not.
Because the only person that can know who you are and what you
are is only yourself. Yes, it is true that knowing yourself is hard
because knowing yourself is a process. You have to overcome first a
lot of obstacles before you can truly know yourself. knowing who
you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong
sense of self-confidence. Knowing who you are has a lot of benefits
especially right know that we are living in a Judge mental society.
Because the more that we know ourself, the less we are affected by
others opinion.
For me it is also important that by knowing yourself you should also
know how to developed yourself. Because this will give you peace
and contentment. According to Brian Tracy “If you wish to achieve
worthwhile things in you personal and career life, you must become
a worthwhile person in your own self development.” Because when
you develop yourself to the point where you belief in yourself is so
strong that you know that you can accomplish anything you put
your mind to, your future will be unlimited. Always remember that
the only thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Knowing
yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

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