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Zachary John V.

Duterte Duterte 1
Mrs. Ramirez
English 4
29 November 2021

The Lost City of Atlantis

A city that has been searched for years. Philosopher Plato was the first person to ever

speak of this Lost City and It has been going ever since. Where exactly is this so-called Atlantis?

Many have said under Europe, the coast of Britain, or on the mudflats of Spain. We are still yet

to find it. Why is it taking us so long to find it? There is satellite evidence that Atlantis is on the

coast of Britain. Some say that Atlantis was minoan and was destroyed before touching the sea.

What was Plato’s first encounter with Atlantis, who made it? How did Plato explain this city to

the world? Atlantis is a lost city. It's been searched for years. Who knows the riches that are

hidden in this city. Should we even worry if it's still hidden? Or does it even exist?

A satellite seems to catch a weird formation of rock near the coast of Britain. For years

we are still dedicated to finding this lost city. In a video posted on Youtube a channel called

Ancient Architects believe that Atlantis is located on Rockall. I believe that Rockall is a possible

ruin of Atlantis. Mr Sibson, a professor, Identifies Rockall. A inhabitable anda away from land

granite rock. He says “ The only sizable piece of continental crust under the sea on our side of

the Pillars Hercules is Rockall”. Is this a rock that’s holding down Atlantis and is the opening to

it? Sibson recalled why these biological pursuits near Rockall caused it to fall into the Atlantic

Ocean, He also said “It is still the case that this is too shallow to sail over, with numerous ships

in history caught in the rocks”. In my opinion they made it shallow to fit the entrance to the city

and make it hard for ships to dock and explore. I think that Rockall isn't the exact location to the

city but is the entrance of Atlantis.

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Many have said that Atlantis was Minoan and was located in the Mediterranean. Atlanta

was to surface again at an institution back in 1966, more that 30 years, after the Bigeloew and

Iselin expedition. An Oceanographic Engineer James Mavor worked with scholars in Greece to

find the city on the bottom of the Mediterranean. Atlantis can be in the Mediterranean, I believe

that it's there, in Greek mythology Poseidon Rules the seas and Atlantis is his kingdom. On the

coast of Thera an Island in the Aegean Sea. Mavor, a professor and other researchers found

evidence of a Minoan City dating to 1,400 B.C.E. In my case I believe that Atlantis technology

is so advanced they made a camouflage to cover the city in the Mediterranean. The city

happened to be destroyed by a powerful earthquake and volcanic eruptions; it also mirrored

Plato’s description of the fall of Atlantis. But Mavor found skepticism among the public. Plato

knew where this city was; maybe he didn't want to share it out to the world and kept everything

to himself. The Minoan may have inherited the city and passed it on to expand it.

Philosopher Plato was the first to mention Atlantis. In Plato’s texts, Atlantis was “larger

than Libya and Asia combined”. He says that it was situated in the Atlantic. SOmewhere from

the strait of Gibraltar. I believe that Atlantis is larger than Libya and Asia Combined that they are

really good at hiding this enormous city. They say it is a landmass large enough that, if it existed

somewhere underwater in the Atlantic. They would have appeared on the sonar maps of the

floor. Atlantis must be so advanced they made anti-sonars to stop scans. According to Professor

Donnelly, Atlantis was the original source of many ancient civilizations around the world. The

greek loved Atlantis that they made structures of Poseidon to worship his lost city. The Greek

may be right to respect Poseidon who knows he may strike. The way Plato describes this lost city
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baffles me. How does he know about it? Why does he know so much? His description could be


Plato’s description of Atlantis. 2,400 years ago Plato described Atlantis as a mighty state

that possessed 10,000 charitos, advanced technology, immense numbers of elephants and bulls,

and a series of complicated canals. In a new documentary a Uk group claims to find the exact

ruins in the Atlantic coast of Spain. In my opinion it could be in the Atlantic. Plato’s description

of it seems to be legit, but what if the city isn't broken? An archaeologist said that the ruins likely

belong to another ancient culture. Many researchers were interviewed by scientists who can hold

their excitement. I would be excited too but I don't think those are exact ruins of Atlantis; it may

be ruins from nearby cities, I don't think Atlantis was really destroyed. It is debatable whether

this lost city even existed. PLato describes this ancient society in about 360 B.C. A politician

“Critias” heard about the society back in ancient Egypt. Atlantis was the perfect example of a

corrupted city. Corrupted by its wealth, advanced technology, and military. “Then, the Gods

destroyed Atlantis about 9,000 years ago in a cataclysmic event.” Plato wrote. Plato might have

tricked the people into thinking that it is destroyed but wanted to keep all the riches to himself.

Plato’s description can be real but who knows. He’s the only one that first mentioned this city.

In conclusion, through immeasurable research, the existence and exact location of

Atlantis has yet to be proven by ruins and history. If we find this ancient city, we may find riches

and technology that can boost humanity. Something to maybe help the world. Architects believe

Atlantis is located in Rockall. Mavor and fellow researchers find evidence of a Minoan city
dating to 1,400 B.C.E. A UK group claims to discover the ruins of this society on what is now


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Atlantic coast of Spain. This city refuses man to see its glory and hides under the waves, hoping

one day it will be unveiled by man. “Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans

drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was a

Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles

beneath the stars.” - Robert E. Howard.

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