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Hindi OCR Image Collection

Note that photos taken cannot contain any personal information, including face,
driver's license, credit card number, ID, account password, license plate, personal name,
private phone number, address, property status, itinerary, communication records, medical
diagnosis, etc. information

For some commonly used scenes in life, simulate the picture shooting, and
ask different users to collect text pictures of various scenes, types and fonts as
much as possible.
Collection requirements:
1) Language: Hindi is the main body;
2) Acquisition equipment: no requirements, mainly smart phones;
3) Collection environment: streets, railway stations, subway stations, bus
stations, parks, squares, etc.;
4) Collection categories: including but not limited to signs, store names,
menus, billboards, cashiers, posters, product packaging, etc., all of which are
photographed images;
Image requirements:
1) Picture format: jpg, jpeg;
2) Pixel requirements: more than 5 million pixels;
3) Clarity: the text content can be recognized by the naked eye;
4) Camera information: The camera information must be retained;
5) Shooting angle: the angle in the horizontal direction should be within 15
degrees, which is in line with the conventional photography habits;
6) Subject size: The target text area should occupy more than 50% of the
entire photo, focus on the subject as much as possible, the shooting environment
should not be too complicated, and reduce the shooting of debris with text, which
will interfere with the text recognition of the target;
7) Lighting conditions: cover natural light/light, strong light/weak light;
8) Repeatability requirements: Only take one picture of the same target
object, avoid taking pictures with the same text content, such as the store name
signs of the same chain store, signs with the same text content, road signs (because
there are many collection locations, so the national chain stores do not shoot, such
as McDonald's, KFC, etc.);
9) Privacy requirements: do not photograph personal privacy information
and faces;
Category Definition:
1) Slogan: Banner style advertisement or slogan
2) Menu:
3) Map: floor indication map, fire map, scenic spot map, etc.
4) Store name:
5) Cashier slip:
6) Signs:
7) Billboards:
8) Propaganda boards: signboards with propaganda significance in public
areas such as scenic spots, libraries, schools, squares, etc.
9) Poster:
10) Commodity packaging: including but not limited to boxed, bagged,
bottled, etc., photograph the front, do not photograph the ingredient list;
11) Flyers: Promotional flyers, leaflets, etc., need to be distinguished from
posters. Posters are generally posted on the wall, and flyers are generally held in

Qualified pictures
some unqualified data





Too many distractions

picture with watermark
background is too cluttered
It is forbidden to shoot a scene twice
The text is too small and dense to affect the recognition
Image blur affects recognition
The part of the product packaging that does not collect nutrients

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