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Understanding mathematics using the GeoGegra Math Calculators


6th grade

The triangle

COURSE: Mathematics

LEARNING UNIT: The triangle

LESSON TITLE: The Triangle

TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson of learning new knowledge

DURATION: 50 minutes

PURPOSE: Acquiring the notion of triangle.


1. Identify mathematical data, quantities, and relationships in the context in which they occur

2. Processing of mathematical data of quantitative, qualitative, structural type, included in

various information sources

3. Use of specific concepts and algorithms in various mathematical contexts

4. Expression in mathematics-specific language of information, conclusions and solutions for

a given situation

5. Analyzing the mathematical characteristics of a given situation

6. Mathematical modeling of a given situation, by integrating acquisitions in different fields


1.6. Recognition of elements of plane geometry associated with the notion of triangle

2.6. Calculation of segment lengths, measures of angles in the context of triangle geometry
4.6. Expression in symbolic and figurative geometric language of the characteristics of
triangles and of important lines in a triangle

5.6. Analysis of geometric constructions in order to highlight some properties of triangles

6.6. Translating, in specific language, a given situation related to the geometry of the triangle,
solving the obtained problem and interpreting the result


1. Recognize the elements of a triangle.

2. Classify the triangles according to the measures of the sides and the angles, respectively

3. To apply correctly the properties of the types of triangles studied

4. Argue correctly to place a triangle in a certain category (depending on the measure of

sides / angles)

TEACHING METHODS AND PROCEDURES: heuristic conversation, explanation,

demonstration, observation, independent work.

TEACHING MEDIA: Blackboard, notebook, textbook, worksheets, Graphing Calculators

tablets, geometry tools.

FORMS OF ORGANIZATION: Front and individual


Tatiana Udrea, Daniela Nițescu, Mathematics, 6th grade textbook, Didactic and Pedagogical
Publishing House

Sorin Peligrad, Ioan Șerdean, Adrian Țurcanu, Mathematics, collection of math problems
2000+ standard, Parallel Publishing House 45
Conducting the lesson






Capturing students' attention

(2 minutes)

O1 The optimal conditions for the development of the lesson are ensured: the absences are
noted, it is checked if there is chalk and sponge on the board and if all the students have the
necessary ones on the bench.

The teacher will choose, for the introduction of the notion of triangle, a worksheet in which
are represented by drawings different figures in which students discover triangles. The teacher
distributes worksheets 1 to his students and together they try to identify triangles in the
pictures presented. Discussions will be based on the fact sheet.

They are preparing with what they need for the lesson. Order and discipline are ensured.

Announcing the lesson title and objectives

(1 minute) O1, O2

Write the title of the lesson on the board: "The Triangle" and announce the objectives pursued
in this lesson. Students listen carefully, become aware of the objectives, and write the title in
notebooks. conversation

Introducing new material and guiding learning

(30 minutes)

Definition: The geometric figure obtained by joining three segments [AB], [BC], [CA] is
called a triangle, where A, B, C are three noncollinear points (fig. 1).

I mention that the triangle is denoted by the sign, so we denote the triangle in the figure

and we read the "triangle ABC".

I present the elements of the triangle: sides and vertices.

The elements of a triangle are:

→ Sides:

→ Peaks A, B, C
→ Angles

I identify with helpful questions, together with the students, the vertices next to one side and
the sides next to a vertex (respectively opposite):

- I mention that, to denote the sides, we can also use the lowercase letters a, b, c. Thus, the
side that opposes the angle is denoted by a; the side opposite the angle is denoted by b; the
side opposite the angle is denoted by c.

So AB = c; AC = b; BC = a.

- Define the perimeter of a triangle = the sum of the sides of that triangle and denote by. The
perimeter is half of the perimeter and is denoted by.

I present the classifications of triangles:

→ by the length of the sides

The scalene triangle, or any triangle in which the sides have different lengths:.

The isosceles triangle, which has two congruent sides.

It is common to call the side BC the base of the isosceles triangle, the sides AB and AC
congruent, and the side A, the top of the isosceles triangle.

Equilateral triangle, which has all sides congruent.

→ by measuring angles:

The sharp angle triangle with all the sharp angles.

The right triangle, which has an angle of 90 degrees, ie a right angle:

- I define the notions of leg and hypotenuse: the sides that form the right angle of the right
triangle are called legs and the side that opposes the right angle is called hypotenuse.

So AB and AC are legs, and BC is hypotenuse.

- Together with the students I deduce the following result: The sum of the angles of a triangle

Students are asked to open the tablets to draw the triangle on the worksheet.

One method of constructing a triangle is as follows:

Being a polygon with three sides, we select the polygon icon and then select the vertices and
then click on the first vertex.

There are several possibilities to draw a triangle, in this case the teacher teaches the students
how to insert three points A, B, C in the entry base.

Step 1 - Enter the three points A, B, C which are also the vertices of the triangle ∆ABC

Step 2 - Construct the sides of the triangle ABC.

The image above shows the AB side of the triangle, the other sides do the same for their

Step 3 - You can see that all three sides of the triangle have been drawn, the teacher provides
helpful information if needed, and then explains to his students how they will show the length
of the sides built on the drawing.
If we draw with the cursor the tip of the triangles we can see how the length of the sides of the
drawn triangle changes.

The elements of the triangle ΔABC are: its vertices, sides and angles.

In the example above we have:

The ABC peaks are points A, B, C.

The sides ΔABC are the segments [AB], [BC], [CA].

The angles ΔABC are ∡BAC, ∡ABC, ∡ACB, these angles are called

interior angles

If [BX is half-right opposite the half-line BC, then the angle ∡ABX is called the outer angle

The outer angle is the angle formed by one side with the extension of another side.

NOTE: A triangle has three interior angles and six exterior angles, two at each end of the

NOTE: Sometimes the lengths of the sides of a triangle are marked in lower case
corresponding to the tip of the angle opposite that side.

Example: AB = c; AC = b; BC = a.

Definition: The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides.

If we change the length of the sides we get different values for the perimeter of the triangle
Notice the figure above. The perimeter of the triangle ABC is denoted as follows: PΔABC =
AB + AC + BC or PΔABC = a + b + c. The notation pΔABC represents the semiperimeter of
the triangle ABC, so pΔABC = (a + b + c): 2. To practice the perimeter formula, the teacher
gives the students a worksheet 2.

We move on to the second stage of drawing the isosceles triangle:

For the ΔABC triangle to remain an isosceles triangle, we will need to make the vertices of
the ΔABC triangle fixed as in the figure below:

We move on to the third stage of drawing the equilateral triangle:

The simplest way to draw an equilateral triangle:

The simplest variant to show that the angles of the equilateral triangle are 60 °:


* Source used for the image:

In the following, we will draw using the GeoGebra Math Calculators application. Workseet
preparation: all the steps for the construction of the triangle ABC are followed, a cursor is
made to be able to change the measurements of the angles, it connects with the sides of the



Students pay attention to the teacher's explanations and actively participate in the lesson,
answering the teacher's questions.
Students write notes carefully in their notebooks.

Students will discover that no matter how we associate or reverse the factors of a product, we
get equal results.

Perform ex.2 from worksheet no. 1

After performing the calculations, students will notice that the results obtained are equal.
Students write notes carefully in their notebooks.


Systematic observation of students

Knowledge fixing

(10 minutes) O2, O3, O4 Students will have to solve problems 1 and 2 in worksheet 3, the rest
of the problems remaining as homework.

Then they will write in notebooks the solutions of the two exercises. After they finish solving
the two exercises, two students will come to the board to present the solutions. Explication

The exercise

Individual work

Systematic observation of students

Analysis of the answers

The exercise



O2, O3, O4 After the students finish the activity in groups, the teacher asks them ref

What did you learn most easily from this lesson?

How did the tablet app help you solve problems and draw?

Do you think this application is useful in learning the basics of geometry?

Highlighted students will be graded.

Students answer questions. Conversation Verbal appreciations

Activity analysis

Homework O1, O2, O3, O4

Announce homework.

Unresolved exercises on the worksheet

Write down the homework. conversation


1) Identify the number of triangles in the image below:

2) In the pictures above, identify the sides of a triangle.

3) Identify the angles of a chosen triangle from the pictures above.

4) Write a chosen triangle from the image above.


Write all the triangles in the figure below:

Write all the sides of the triangle ΔABC, and all the angles.

Write all the sides identified in the triangles above.

Determine the perimeter and semi-perimeter of the triangles ΔABC, ΔBDF, ΔAEF.

Draw a sharp triangle EFG and specify:

Angle opposite side [EG];

Opposite side ∡EGF;

Angles next to [FG].

The perimeter of an isosceles triangle ABC is 17 cm and AB is 5 cm. Find the length of the
sides AC and BC, respectively.

If a, b, c represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle, 2a = 3b = 5c and the perimeter of the
triangle is 31 cm, find out what percentage represents c from a + b.

The lengths of the sides of a triangle ABC are expressed by natural numbers. The perimeter of
the triangle is 23 cm and BC = 2 cm. Find the lengths of sides AB and AC.

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