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Anglais expert

Course objective

By the end of the course student should be able to : plan, write and present the scientific
paper (text)

Scientific texts : are part of informative text as they provide information for their readers. The
objectify of such a text is to discuss a scientific problem with forms a subject of their study

Topic characteristics of a good scientific writing (text)

Good scientific text should be able to have the follow features :

1. Clear it avoids unnecessary details

2. Simple it uses direct language avoiding vague or complicated sentences technical
terms and jargon and use only when they are necessary for accuracy
3. Impartial it avoids making assumptions (everyone knows that …) and unproven
statements (it can never be proved that …) this means how and where the data is
collected most be supported by evidence
4. Structure logically a good scientific text most be structured logical ideas and
processes should be expressed in a logical order the text should be divided in to
5. Accurate it avoids vague and ambiguous language such as about approximately
almost etc.
6. Objective statements and ideas are supported by accurate evidence that is shown in
the conclusion if the works of order writers have been used in a paper it should be


in reading and interpreting scientific text, the following steps are important to be considered,
me think of meaning as cumulative paragraph by paragraph.

 To not get stuck in individual words of phrases during your first reading
 To translate or think through the ideas in the text as you read Pretend that you are
having a conversation with the author
 Read the whole text (or a larger portion of the text before you take notes) it’s
important to read the whole text before taking down notes
 Focus first and on the standing concept and details
 Go back after your first reading on the text to use visuals or graphics and diagrams to
help you summarize the text


The structure of a scientific paper consists of : the introduction, the body and a conclusion

NB : the physical structure of a scientific paper most reflect the IMRAD method (introduction
methods results and discussion )

Topic : the five content structures of a scientific paper

Common text structures use in scientific writing include description, sequence, cause and
effect, compare and contrast and problem and solution

1. Description

this is a pretty straight forward method text that use this structure simply descript something
with few exceptions these texts also present plenty of details about what they are descript a
text using the structure might also :

 tell you why something is being described

 I tell you the raison of the description(importance, my prova…. Of a description)

2. Sequence

This text structure covers the few purposes :

 Sequential instruction (steps 1, steps 2, …. )

 Chronological events (this happened, then this, and that, …)
 Arguments that use evident to support a claim (presenting evidences from the , from
the least to the most converted )
 When we write a text following the sequence structure order, order is the key. The
text that using this format usually does not present any event out of order.

Example of words that at use in this structure include : after, eventually, how to, next, before,
finally, in order, now, during, first, lastly, until
3. Cause / effect

Cause are effect structure is the pretty simple structure but text that use this structure; can
become very complex when and inject has multiples causes or vice versa person. Students
will encounter when they read his historical text. Many events in history had more than

Related in ways that can in difficult explain.

Example of words and phrases : that can use order this structure include : because, result,
so, due to

4. Compare / contrast
 Title page gives information to the reader regarding the author the type of work a
study program and the higher institute
 Abstract an abstract summarize the main contents of a scientific essay and give the
reader a well defined a their of what the essay is all about
 The body

Body is the main part of the essay and should also be the longest depending of length of the
text, the body main divided is to section and sub-section. If you essay is divided into sub-
section, always remember to briefly introduce each section

The practically this is information with is recommendations for practical application which is
inspected with done by the reader after reading the essay this simply indicates the published
research result

Literature Review is an academic reading with include current knowledge as well as

theoretical contribution to the topic

 Conclusion

It is the intended help given to reader by the writer to help him understand why the essay is
important. The conclusion is therefore a run over statement that covers the entire discussion
of the essay


When you are to do a scientific presentation a number of theses are to be consider :

 Who are you speaking to no you audience is you first step to convey you message
successfully is you audience made of expanse in you research file?
 Work on a presentation flow make sure your audience follow streamlining in every
step of your presentation the problem process and results show be clearing identify
throughout the presentation
 Engage the audience think of ways keep your presentation interest and memory
include charts, figures, and stunning infographics to show important data


When a scientific paper is accomplished it must be present in one way or in other, they are
two ways of presenting in scientific paper with are :

 Written scientific presentation it might happen that sooner or later you would need to
adapt you research paper or article to another written format like a poster or a
website in this case the major issue we have to a address is that you work as to be
self-explanatory living no room for doubts or miss conception references and legends
should never be forgotten or illegible an image must mention you source do to
copyright and intellectual propriety locks
 Live presentations this might be the most fearsome of scientific presentation for the
most scientific because the take to meet their audience face to face. Inevitably
individual skills like public speaking, a good presence on stage improvision and acting
play in huge part in you live presentation; but look at the bright side that is farl to be
all nowadays the are meaning ways to give the audience attention more focus on the
screen and less on you a interesting mooting media content an use orality to
compliment what is under screen …. duplicate the information

unlike reader presentation you have a change to clarify or underline information that might
not rich you target probably

remember to keep a good balance between image oral information and the text but image
should to clear and essay to read you can also use tables and concise statement as much as
as a business owner communication is what on the most important sky we should possess.
Effective communication is necessary for the growth of your business because it impacts
every aspect of you company strong communication skills affect your relationship with your
employee’s suppliers and costumers proven communication techniques the must strake
strong leadership skills and give your employee’s confidence in your ability to growth you
company communicatee effectible also as to development a positify work place culture when
teen members feel valued.

types of communication techniques there are three mean times of communication technique
which are verbal communication, no verbal communication and written communication. A
good communicator makes use of all the times

 Verbal communication is use to discuss I dear express opinion and relay orders as
well as persuading listeners or an effective verbal communicator is clear about the
message is what to convey and is weeling to listens to opposite argument Verbal
communication also invoice be prepare to oppose argument with concrete examples

Element of scientific text Question answered

Not verbal communication is the conveying of messages true the use of postures and
gestures it is reported that over ninety percent(90%) on

The style of your reading communication would depend on the method you use for instance
email should be as brief as possible

Topic effective communication techniques

The three time of communication above : can’t be incorporated effective communication

techniques for your business. The follow are some effective communication techniques that
can’t be use to relay your message in a professional wait.
The first is one-on-one your individual team menber have different personality and the for
some a be mor confortable discussing issue in one-on-one basis. This communication
thecnique is


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