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== dumpstate: 2022-02-15 07:45:54


Build: QP1A.190711.020
Build fingerprint:
Bootloader: unknown
Radio: MOLY.LR12A.R3.MP.V107.5.P101,MOLY.LR12A.R3.MP.V107.5.P101
Network: NOS,
Module Metadata version: 311323000
Kernel: Linux version 4.9.190-perf-g21fbef2 ( (Android
(5484270 based on r353983c) clang version 9.0.3
60cf23e54e46c807513f7a36d0a7b777920b5881) (based on LLVM 9.0.3svn)) #1 SMP PREEMPT
Fri Jul 2 23:50:53 CST 2021
Command line: console=tty0 console=ttyS0,921600n1 vmalloc=400M slub_debug=OFZPU
page_owner=on swiotlb=noforce androidboot.hardware=mt6765 maxcpus=8 loop.max_part=7
firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware has_battery_removed=1
androidboot.boot_devices=bootdevice,11230000.mmc is_lcm_connected=1
androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.chipid=0x60e51a3115e0db672054640b2966b2e3
androidboot.cpuid=0x60e51a3115e0db672054640b2966b2e318c81e3a root=/dev/ram
androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.1 androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked
androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.veritymode.managed=yes
androidboot.verifiedbootstate=green bootopt=64S3,32N2,64N2 buildvariant=user
androidboot.opt_sim_count=2 androidboot.product.hardware.sku=dsds
androidro.vendor.mtk_data_config=1 androidboot.ddrsize=2 androidboot.atm=disabled
androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 printk.disable_uart=1 bootprof.pl_t=1255
bootprof.lk_t=2759 bootprof.logo_t=1109 androidboot.serialno=R4IRDQVSWWPZXKAQ
androidboot.hwname=dandelion androidboot.hwlevel=MP androidboot.hwc=VDF
androidboot.hwversion=1.49.0 androidboot.lockdown=4231323445050501
androidboot.read_bc_buf=0x4 androidboot.secureboot=1 androidboot.mic.num=2
androidboot.product.hw.sku=pro androidboot.bootreason=reboot_longkey gpt=1
usb2jtag_mode=0 mrdump_ddrsv=yes mrdump_cb=0x10e800,0x1400 androidboot.dtb_idx=0
Uptime: up 0 weeks, 0 days, 6 hours, 53 minutes
Bugreport format version: 2.0
Dumpstate info: id=1 pid=25775 dry_run=0 args=/system/bin/dumpstate -S -d -z -o

------ DUMPSYS CRITICAL (/system/bin/dumpsys) ------


Display identification data:

Display 0 (HWC display 0): no identification data

Wide-Color information:
Device has wide color built-in display: 0
Device uses color management: 0
DisplayColorSetting: Managed
Display 0 color modes:
ColorMode::NATIVE (0)
Current color mode: ColorMode::NATIVE (0)

Sync configuration: [using: EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync]

VSYNC configuration:
app phase: 8300000 ns SF phase: 8300000 ns
early app phase: 8300000 ns early SF phase: 8300000 ns
GL early app phase: 8300000 ns GL early SF phase: 8300000 ns
present offset: 0 ns VSYNC period: 16666667 ns

Scheduler enabled.+ Smart 90 for video detection: off

app: state=VSync VSyncState={displayId=0, count=318184}

pending events (count=0):
connections (count=56):
Connection{0xf58256e0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf5827490, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e7b80, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39130f0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913140, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913190, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913410, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39134b0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913500, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e89e0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913050, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3913230, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39130a0, VSyncRequest::Single}
Connection{0xf3915760, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39133c0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e7c20, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e8080, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e88a0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39162a0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39170b0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917100, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39169d0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917560, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917d80, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917e20, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e95c0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917f60, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398a1e0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3916610, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398b8b0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e8030, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3916520, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15ea830, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf0cff140, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39132d0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39167a0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917420, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e9840, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39165c0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3916890, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3916660, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398a370, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf15e7fe0, VSyncRequest::Single}
Connection{0xf0d02390, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3916700, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf39167f0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf3917f10, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398abe0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398b810, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398d200, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398bcc0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398d160, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398d2a0, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398bd60, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398b310, VSyncRequest::None}
Connection{0xf398bd10, VSyncRequest::None}

Static screen stats:

< 1 frames: 849.755 s (13.9%)
< 2 frames: 1663.086 s (27.3%)
< 3 frames: 942.357 s (15.5%)
< 4 frames: 59.421 s (1.0%)
< 5 frames: 20.875 s (0.3%)
< 6 frames: 56.064 s (0.9%)
< 7 frames: 26.538 s (0.4%)
7+ frames: 2478.670 s (40.7%)

Total missed frame count: 41054

HWC missed frame count: 37709
GPU missed frame count: 9644

Buffering stats:
[Layer name] <Active time> <Two buffer> <Double buffered> <Triple buffered>
558.34 0.000 0.000 1.000
[StatusBar#0] 282.38 0.213 0.667 0.333
246.53 0.053 0.454 0.546
[com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity#0] 195.21 0.198 0.553
[com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0] 105.01 0.207 0.548 0.450
[com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity#0] 103.45
0.410 0.707 0.293
[NavigationBar#0] 87.92 0.644 0.933 0.067

chNowActivity#0] 84.29 0.274 0.834 0.166
[SurfaceView -] 49.81 0.010 1.000
[com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity#0] 48.19 0.545 0.873 0.127
[com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivityWeatherMain#0] 39.33 0.035 0.736
[com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity#1] 37.06
0.320 0.502 0.498
[] 34.71 0.965 1.000
[BootAnimation#0] 19.42 0.000 1.000 0.000
[] 18.42 0.637 0.637 0.363

vity#0] 17.57 0.426 0.736 0.264
[SurfaceView - com.crazy.juicer.xm/com.crazy.juicer.xm.UnityPlayerActivity#0]
14.91 0.008 0.008 0.992
[MiuiVolumeDialogImpl#0] 12.27 0.399 0.797 0.203
[com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity#1] 11.37 0.658 0.898
[ColorFade#0] 10.01 0.079 0.264 0.736
[com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity#0] 9.41 0.000 0.147
[LauncherMinusOneScreen#0] 9.26 0.146 0.610 0.390
[] 8.31
0.481 0.842 0.158
[com.miui.calculator/] 8.16 0.474
0.836 0.164
[com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity#1] 7.85 0.000
0.000 1.000
[PopupWindow:79a2f58#0] 7.72 0.000 0.000 1.000
[] 4.98 0.054 0.408 0.592
[com.miui.calculator/] 4.84 0.390
0.609 0.391
[MiuiGlobalActions#0] 3.99 0.000 1.000 0.000

nListActivity#0] 3.84 0.315 0.463 0.537

gsActivity#0] 3.15 0.733 1.000 0.000
2.82 0.423 0.639 0.361
[InputMethod#0] 2.70 0.602 1.000 0.000
[] 2.62 0.296 0.473 0.527
[com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity#2] 2.21 0.808
1.000 0.000
[] 1.89 0.537
0.742 0.258
[] 1.87 0.842
1.000 0.000
[#0] 1.54 0.907 0.907 0.093
[com.crazy.juicer.xm/com.crazy.juicer.xm.UnityPlayerActivity#0] 1.47 0.780 1.000

tactActivity#0] 1.29 0.284 0.700 0.300
[] 0.93 0.217 0.484 0.516
[ScreenOnProximitySensorGuide#0] 0.90 0.000 0.000 1.000
[PopupWindow:4aaf9d6#0] 0.79 0.000 0.627 0.373

creen.ConversationActivity#0] 0.77 0.483 1.000 0.000
[] 0.71
0.554 1.000 0.000
0.67 0.409 1.000 0.000
[com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity#2] 0.60 0.485 0.485
[com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity#0] 0.54 0.441 1.000
0.49 0.795 1.000 0.000
gsActivity#1] 0.48 0.000 0.833 0.167
0.48 1.000 1.000 0.000
[com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity#0] 0.44 1.000
1.000 0.000
[Informação da operadora#0] 0.40 1.000 1.000 0.000
[com.miui.bugreport/com.miui.bugreport.ui.SubmitDialogActivity#0] 0.39 0.000
0.000 1.000
[PopupWindow:11be5f7#0] 0.38 1.000 1.000 0.000
[PopupWindow:11be5f7#1] 0.31 0.000 1.000 0.000
[com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivitySearchCity#0] 0.29 0.000 0.565 0.435
[] 0.29
1.000 1.000 0.000
[PopupWindow:66d3aac#0] 0.29 1.000 1.000 0.000
[com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity#1] 0.28 0.000 0.000
[pip-dismiss-overlay#0] 0.10 1.000 1.000 0.000
[com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity#0] 0.10
1.000 1.000 0.000

.GrantPermissionsActivity#0] 0.06 1.000 1.000 0.000

Visible layers (count = 79)

GraphicBufferProducers: 7, max 4096
+ ContainerLayer (Display Background#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= -1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000002, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Display Root#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000002, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (mBelowAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Display Root#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WallpaperWindowToken{18b42d token=android.os.Binder@e210b44}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mBelowAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (d7058df screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WallpaperWindowToken{18b42d token=android.os.Binder@e210b44}#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer ( screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=1 count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 720,1600), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=1, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBx_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000),
flags=0x00000002, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=d7058df screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 720x1600: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:2013, ownerUID:1000}
mTexName=10 mCurrentTexture=-1
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x1600] default-format=2 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=14
this=0xf39af000 (,
mConnectedApi=0, mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=4, mPid=593, producer=[-], consumer=[593:/system/bin/surfaceflinger])
[00:0x0] state=FREE
[01:0x0] state=FREE
[02:0x0] state=FREE
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=0)
[-1] mLastAcquiredBuf->mGraphicBuffer->handle=0xf398f240
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 06:35:01.348 fps=0.00 dur=2150457.21 max=2150457.21 min=2150457.21
(1) 06:54:13.363 fps=0.00 dur=1152014.50 max=1152014.50 min=1152014.50
(2) 07:45:39.169 fps=0.00 dur=459504.67 max=459504.67 min=459504.67
(3) 03:17:59.297 fps=0.00 dur=487596.79 max=487596.79 min=487596.79
(4) 03:19:51.973 fps=0.01 dur=103206.48 max=103206.48 min=103206.48
(5) 03:55:02.197 fps=0.00 dur=893085.35 max=893085.35 min=893085.35
(6) 04:45:44.736 fps=0.00 dur=1667320.19 max=1667320.19 min=1667320.19
(7) 04:47:42.191 fps=0.01 dur=117455.31 max=117455.31 min=117455.31
(8) 05:53:15.731 fps=0.00 dur=1534536.54 max=1534536.54 min=1534536.54
(9) 05:59:10.891 fps=0.00 dur=350284.63 max=350284.63 min=350284.63

+ ContainerLayer (WallpaperWindowToken{1c7fda9
token=android.os.BinderProxy@359dd30}#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mBelowAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (61ebf59
screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WallpaperWindowToken{1c7fda9 token=android.os.BinderProxy@359dd30}#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer
screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 720,1600), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBA_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000),
flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 720x1600: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:2013, ownerUID:1000}
mTexName=12 mCurrentTexture=-1
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x1600] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=618
r#0, mConnectedApi=0, mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=6, mPid=593, producer=[-], consumer=[593:/system/bin/surfaceflinger])
[00:0x0] state=FREE
[01:0x0] state=FREE
[02:0x0] state=FREE
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=0)
[-1] mLastAcquiredBuf->mGraphicBuffer->handle=0xf3990080
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:05:38.487 fps=3.40 dur=1174.97 max=863.14 min=24.76
(1) 07:39:04.23 fps=0.16 dur=203628.00 max=202792.18 min=4.52
(2) 07:39:13.927 fps=0.40 dur=9903.39 max=9675.41 min=19.42
(3) 07:45:22.485 fps=0.55 dur=60237.97 max=59419.31 min=3.76
(4) 07:45:39.330 fps=0.24 dur=16844.58 max=16799.25 min=4.32
(5) 06:56:04.212 fps=1.72 dur=1165.54 max=1136.53 min=29.01
(6) 06:56:20.148 fps=0.31 dur=15936.56 max=15158.83 min=3.45
(7) 06:56:59.876 fps=6.17 dur=5352.16 max=4522.26 min=3.17
(8) 06:57:09.842 fps=0.40 dur=9965.74 max=9658.01 min=22.46
(9) 07:05:37.312 fps=1.24 dur=25773.59 max=24951.86 min=4.22

+ ContainerLayer
($TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0 screenFlags =
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Display Root#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (animationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (splitScreenDividerAnchor#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{a62b6fd android.os.BinderProxy@6391754}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
zOrderRelativeOf=splitScreenDividerAnchor#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (4772ff2 DockedStackDivider#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{a62b6fd android.os.BinderProxy@6391754}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Stack=0#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}
+ ColorLayer (animation background stackId=0#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=0#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Task=1#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=0#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={taskId:1}

+ ContainerLayer (AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921

u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Task=1#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (ef20984 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=1 count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 720,1600), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBA_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000),
flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=ef20984 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 screenFlags =
activeBuffer=[ 720x1600: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:1, ownerUID:10086}
mTexName=465 mCurrentTexture=1
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x1600] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=32
this=0xf39d8000 (mConsumerName=com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0,
mConnectedApi=1, mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=456, mPid=593,
producer=[1687:com.miui.home], consumer=[593:/system/bin/surfaceflinger])
>[01:0xf3957860] state=ACQUIRED 0xefe73900 frame=32 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[02:0xf3959340] state=FREE 0xf398fa80 frame=30 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[00:0xf3956d20] state=FREE 0xefe73180 frame=31 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=1)
[00] handle=0xefe73900, fence=0xf39055d8, time=0x8bc19bcea1c, xform=0x00
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:49.496 fps=0.61 dur=4935.64 max=4842.73 min=25.87
(1) 07:45:55.44 fps=3.97 dur=5547.85 max=5153.91 min=11.49

+ ContainerLayer (ebb3276 LauncherMinusOneScreen#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer (LauncherMinusOneScreen#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=1 count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 720,1600), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBA_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000),
flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=ebb3276 LauncherMinusOneScreen#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 720x1600: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:4, ownerUID:10173}
mTexName=467 mCurrentTexture=2
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x1600] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=43
this=0xefe93000 (mConsumerName=LauncherMinusOneScreen#0, mConnectedApi=1,
mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=458, mPid=593,
>[02:0xf3959980] state=ACQUIRED 0xf39905c0 frame=43 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[00:0xf0ec60a0] state=FREE 0xf1607fc0 frame=41 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[01:0xf39595c0] state=FREE 0xf398fb40 frame=42 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=1)
[00] handle=0xf39905c0, fence=0xf3905ab8, time=0x8bc18e857d7, xform=0x00
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:50.27 fps=0.36 dur=5488.24 max=5374.27 min=113.97
(1) 07:45:55.95 fps=7.10 dur=5068.23 max=4295.82 min=4.61

+ ContainerLayer (homeAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 2, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Stack=51#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 3, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Task=195#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=51#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={taskId:195}

+ ColorLayer (Letterbox - left#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= -1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
55, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ColorLayer (Letterbox - bottom#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= -1, pos=(55,720), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
665, 880], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e

u0 t195}}}#0 screenFlags =
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Task=195#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (d4ac10c

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Input Consumer pip_input_consumer#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
zOrderRelativeOf=d4ac10c screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ColorLayer (animation background stackId=51#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=51#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Stack=39#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 5, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 1600], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ColorLayer (animation background stackId=39#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=39#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Task=186#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Stack=39#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={taskId:186}

+ ColorLayer (Letterbox - top#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= -1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 55], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1 ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1 ActivityRecord{2f5a898

u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000001, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Task=186#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{59c79bc

token=Token{7cf41af ActivityRecord{9b2b2b7 u0 t149}}})/@0x1b1a624 -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(47,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{3bdbdbd

token=Token{7150114 ActivityRecord{f326f67 u0 t152}}})/@0x531506e
- animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(215,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{c13879f

token=Token{1921d3e ActivityRecord{1c319f9 u0 t153}}})/@0x8375e48 -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(47,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{ec58f41

token=Token{ee2d628 ActivityRecord{81bfbc5 u0 t157}}})/@0xb438fad -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(47,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{82d918a

token=Token{3c5bff5 ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity
t159}}})/@0xbddea79 - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(551,468), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{e764b4a

token=Token{cba48b5 ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164}}})/@0x4ac6390 -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(551,1325), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{c93ae89

token=Token{2f44590 ActivityRecord{7c24853 u0
com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t170}}})/@0x5b24596 - animation-leash#0
screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(47,1055), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{2e79da

token=Token{332d785 ActivityRecord{7ac4fc u0
com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t171}}})/@0x350d920 - animation-leash#0
screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(47,1055), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{3f3a437

token=Token{114ed36 ActivityRecord{f7fced1 u0
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity t183}}})/@0x50f1d14 -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(551,1113), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{cf3430f

token=Token{ed6e06e ActivityRecord{ac12be9 u0
t185}}})/@0xa39da4d - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(383,1267), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{239acd6

token=Token{98748f1 ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}})/@0x4d02240 - animation-leash#0
screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(215,1267.14), size=( 0, 0),
crop=[ 0, 0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0,
invalidate=1, dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.97]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{3f0766f

token=Token{f45454e ActivityRecord{2c89849 u0
t187}}})/@0xa131456 - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(551,182), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{154f367

token=Token{5da3b26 ActivityRecord{252de81 u0 t188}}})/@0xccac07 -
animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(215,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{d83c32

token=Token{d2b4c3d ActivityRecord{b9db994 u0
t189}}})/@0x9a064ac - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(551,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{c324d56

token=Token{741b71 ActivityRecord{2203518 u0
t192}}})/@0x329fba7 - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(436,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{25a224c

token=Token{86ef27f ActivityRecord{89ee79e u0
t193}}})/@0x561447 - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(436,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (Surface(name=thumbnail anim: AppWindowToken{43aede7

token=Token{e098fa6 ActivityRecord{10b501 u0
t194}}})/@0x86ee484 - animation-leash#0 screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=-2147483648, pos=(436,1382), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, 122, 122], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[1.00, 0.00][0.00, 1.00]
parent=boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (boostedAnimationLayer#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 6, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 2, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Display Root#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{16e44db android.os.BinderProxy@1216dd5}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (1503b78 AssistPreviewPanel#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,1600), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
-1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{16e44db android.os.BinderProxy@1216dd5}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{6c15ca1 android.os.BinderProxy@521fd08}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 2, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (13aec6 Aspect#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(360,1504), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0,
0, -1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{6c15ca1 android.os.BinderProxy@521fd08}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (mImeWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= -1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=Display Root#0 screenFlags = 0
zOrderRelativeOf=WindowToken{fc6c2eb android.os.BinderProxy@a3463a}#0
screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{2cadefa android.os.Binder@fdb1d25}#0 screenFlags =

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mImeWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (8cc3115 InputMethod#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(55,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
-1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{2cadefa android.os.Binder@fdb1d25}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{fc6c2eb android.os.BinderProxy@a3463a}#0 screenFlags

= 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 3, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (3c6c848 RoundCorner#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{fc6c2eb android.os.BinderProxy@a3463a}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{8558bb5 android.os.BinderProxy@3615e9f}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 4, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (ffbd24a StatusBar#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{8558bb5 android.os.BinderProxy@3615e9f}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer (StatusBar#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=1 count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 55]
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 720, 55), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 55], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBA_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000),
flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=ffbd24a StatusBar#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 720x 55: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=2, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:2000, ownerUID:1000}
mTexName=9 mCurrentTexture=2
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x55] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=20828
this=0xf394d000 (mConsumerName=StatusBar#0, mConnectedApi=1,
mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=3, mPid=593, producer=[],
00:0xf15c9b00 crop=[0,0,0,0] xform=0x00 time=9604.2098 scale=FREEZE
01:0xf0cf34e0 crop=[0,0,0,0] xform=0x00 time=9604.2281 scale=FREEZE
[00:0xf15c9b00] state=QUEUED 0xf58f0940 frame=20827 [ 720x 55: 736, 1]
[01:0xf0cf34e0] state=QUEUED 0xf1528b00 frame=20828 [ 720x 55: 736, 1]
>[02:0xf3959c00] state=ACQUIRED 0xefe73a80 frame=20826 [ 720x 55: 736, 1]
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=1)
[00] handle=0xefe73a80, fence=0xf583fad0, time=0x8bbfd57b33d, xform=0x00
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:41.736 fps=26.65 dur=1013.27 max=575.23 min=3.90
(1) 07:45:42.738 fps=35.94 dur=1001.68 max=427.31 min=5.72
(2) 07:45:49.643 fps=3.48 dur=6905.05 max=6525.30 min=7.89
(3) 07:45:50.911 fps=28.38 dur=1268.39 max=707.46 min=5.13
(4) 07:45:51.921 fps=54.47 dur=1009.65 max=117.32 min=5.65
(5) 07:45:52.933 fps=61.25 dur=1012.21 max=33.63 min=5.48
(6) 07:45:53.956 fps=58.65 dur=1022.97 max=34.85 min=7.14
(7) 07:45:55.422 fps=29.33 dur=1466.05 max=707.34 min=4.99
(8) 07:45:39.721 fps=33.56 dur=1013.04 max=188.73 min=9.23
(9) 07:45:40.723 fps=34.93 dur=1002.05 max=428.10 min=7.74

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{f5990d9 android.os.BinderProxy@d95ff20}#0

screenFlags = 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 5, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=mAboveAppWindowsContainers#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (41afa9e NavigationBar#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,1504), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
-1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{f5990d9 android.os.BinderProxy@d95ff20}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ BufferLayer (NavigationBar#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=1 count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,1504), size=( 720, 96), crop=[ 0, 0,
720, 96], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=0,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=RGBA_8888, color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000),
flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=41afa9e NavigationBar#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 720x 96: 736,RGBA_8888], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00] queued-
frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={windowType:2019, ownerUID:1000}
mTexName=458 mCurrentTexture=0
mCurrentCrop=[0,0,0,0] mCurrentTransform=0
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=2
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x96] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=471
this=0xf0d29000 (mConsumerName=NavigationBar#0, mConnectedApi=1,
mConsumerUsageBits=2304, mId=451, mPid=593, producer=[],
>[00:0xf0ec6640] state=ACQUIRED 0xf58ef500 frame=471 [ 720x 96: 736, 1]
[02:0xf0ec6aa0] state=FREE 0xf58f0280 frame=469 [ 720x 96: 736, 1]
[01:0xf0ec68c0] state=FREE 0xf58ee180 frame=470 [ 720x 96: 736, 1]
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=1)
[00] handle=0xf58ef500, fence=0xf3905ae8, time=0x8bbe8679ea7, xform=0x00
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:53.717 fps=9.10 dur=4065.37 max=3434.69 min=6.78
(1) 07:45:40.867 fps=0.73 dur=1377.43 max=1377.43 min=1377.43
(2) 07:45:42.272 fps=27.04 dur=1405.26 max=790.52 min=10.89
(3) 07:45:43.282 fps=58.43 dur=1009.68 max=30.61 min=11.84
(4) 07:45:44.291 fps=32.71 dur=1008.96 max=460.39 min=12.14
(5) 07:45:45.298 fps=59.58 dur=1006.97 max=28.98 min=9.28
(6) 07:45:46.308 fps=58.40 dur=1010.23 max=28.83 min=10.89
(7) 07:45:47.318 fps=58.43 dur=1009.67 max=26.31 min=9.96
(8) 07:45:48.324 fps=48.67 dur=1006.82 max=192.54 min=13.41
(9) 07:45:49.651 fps=32.41 dur=1326.87 max=625.39 min=13.29

+ ContainerLayer (Display Overlays#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 1, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000002, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (WindowToken{e6a5d5 android.os.BinderProxy@e9e9a8c}#0 screenFlags

= 0)
Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z=1073741826, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0,
-1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

+ ContainerLayer (4e0d378 RoundCorner#0 screenFlags = 0)

Region TransparentRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region VisibleRegion (this=0 count=0)
Region SurfaceDamageRegion (this=0 count=0)
layerStack= 0, z= 0, pos=(0,0), size=( 0, 0), crop=[ 0, 0, -
1, -1], cornerRadius=0.000000, isProtected=0, isOpaque=0, invalidate=1,
dataspace=Default, defaultPixelFormat=Unknown/None,
color=(0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000), flags=0x00000000, tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
parent=WindowToken{e6a5d5 android.os.BinderProxy@e9e9a8c}#0 screenFlags = 0
activeBuffer=[ 0x 0: 0,Unknown/None], tr=[0.00, 0.00][0.00, 0.00]
queued-frames=0, mRefreshPending=0, metadata={}

Composition layers
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf394f54c (
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 1600] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 1600] geomCrop=[0 0 -1

-1] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf394f5f8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000]
blend=NONE (1) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=DEVICE (2)
buffer: buffer=0xf3956640 slot=0
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf588b60c
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 1600] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 1600] geomCrop=[0 0 -1

-1] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf588b6b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=CLIENT (1)
buffer: buffer=0xf3957a40 slot=2
sideband stream=0x0
color=[99 111 108]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf588754c (animation background stackId=0#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 -1 -1]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf58875f8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
blend=INVALID (0) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=INVALID (0)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[112 107 128]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf3950f8c
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 1600] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 1600] geomCrop=[0 0

720 1600] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf3951038, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=DEVICE (2)
buffer: buffer=0xf3957860 slot=1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf3951f4c (LauncherMinusOneScreen#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 1600] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 1600] geomCrop=[0 0

720 1600] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf3951ff8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=DEVICE (2)
buffer: buffer=0xf3959980 slot=2
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf588d90c (Letterbox - left#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 55 720]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf588d9b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 55.000000 720.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=SOLID_COLOR (3)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf39514cc (Letterbox - bottom#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 -1 -1]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf3951578, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
blend=INVALID (0) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=INVALID (0)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf3951d8c (animation background stackId=51#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 -1 -1]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf3951e38, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
blend=INVALID (0) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=INVALID (0)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf394fa8c (animation background stackId=39#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 -1 -1]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf394fb38, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
blend=INVALID (0) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=INVALID (0)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf395130c (Letterbox - top#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=false
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0.1690 0.0000 218.3508
0.0000 0.0740 1267.2325
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 -1 -1] geomContentCrop=[0 0 -1 -1] geomCrop=[0 0 720 55]

Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf39513b8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 55.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=0.000864
type=0 appId=0 composition type=CLIENT (1)
buffer: buffer=0x0 slot=-1
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf394f1cc (StatusBar#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 55] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 55] geomCrop=[0 0 720

55] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf394f278, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 55.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=DEVICE (2)
buffer: buffer=0xf3959c00 slot=2
sideband stream=0x0
color=[0 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
* compositionengine::Layer 0xf588a64c (NavigationBar#0)
isSecure=false geomUsesSourceCrop=true
geomBufferUsesDisplayInverseTransform=false geomLayerTransform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 )
1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 1504.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

geomBufferSize=[0 0 720 96] geomContentCrop=[0 0 720 96] geomCrop=[0 0 720

96] geomBufferTransform=0
Region geomActiveTransparentRegion (this=0xf588a6f8, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
geomLayerBounds=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 96.000000]
blend=PREMULTIPLIED (2) alpha=1.000000
type=0 appId=0 composition type=DEVICE (2)
buffer: buffer=0xf0ec6640 slot=0
sideband stream=0x0
color=[1 0 0]
dataspace=UNKNOWN (0) hdr metadata types=0
Displays (1 entries)
+ DisplayDevice{0, primary, "Internal display"}
powerMode=2, activeConfig=0, numLayers=5
mIsScreenProjection=0, Composition Display State: ["Internal display"]
isVirtual=false hwcId=0
isEnabled=true isSecure=true layerStack=0 layerStackInternal=true
transform 0x00000000 (ROT_0 ) 0x00 (IDENTITY )
1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 1.0000

frame=[0 0 720 1600] viewport=[0 0 720 1600] scissor=[0 0 720 1600]

colorMode=NATIVE (0) renderIntent=COLORIMETRIC (0) dataspace=UNKNOWN (0)
Composition Display Color State:
HWC Support: wideColorGamut=false hdr10plus=false hdr10=false hlg=false dv=false
Composition RenderSurface State:
size=[720 1600] ANativeWindow=0xf58f7008 (format 1) flips=161583
FramebufferSurface: dataspace: Default(0)
- BufferQueue mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=2 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=1
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
mQueueBufferCanDrop=0 mLegacyBufferDrop=1
default-size=[720x1600] default-format=1 transform-hint=00 frame-counter=11121
this=0xf58a7000 (mConsumerName=FramebufferSurface, mConnectedApi=1,
mConsumerUsageBits=6656, mId=0, mPid=593,
>[00:0xf5872ea0] state=ACQUIRED 0xf5877b00 frame=11121 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[02:0xf5873080] state=FREE 0xf5877c80 frame=11119 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
[01:0xf5872f40] state=FREE 0xf5877bc0 frame=11120 [ 720x1600: 736, 1]
*BufferQueueDump mIsBackupBufInited=0, mAcquiredBufs(size=1)
[00] handle=0xf5877b00, fence=0xf0cd7190, time=0x8bac7f20263, xform=0x00
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:33.650 fps=40.92 dur=1270.92 max=429.18 min=15.30
(1) 07:45:34.774 fps=1.78 dur=1124.18 max=942.59 min=181.58
(2) 07:45:36.310 fps=13.02 dur=1536.10 max=1223.70 min=15.07
(3) 07:45:37.714 fps=2.14 dur=1403.83 max=1214.78 min=90.56
(4) 07:45:38.723 fps=55.47 dur=1009.47 max=98.77 min=15.25
(5) 07:45:44.623 fps=7.97 dur=5899.14 max=5058.22 min=13.54
(6) 07:45:49.460 fps=9.72 dur=4837.02 max=4080.41 min=12.54
(7) 07:45:30.203 fps=58.66 dur=1005.72 max=31.59 min=10.79
(8) 07:45:31.207 fps=60.73 dur=1004.37 max=20.37 min=12.38
(9) 07:45:32.379 fps=44.37 dur=1171.87 max=331.29 min=8.47

5 Layers# - Output Layer 0xf0d3e400 (Composition layer 0xf394f54c)

Region visibleRegion (this=0xf0d3e414, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
hwc: layer=0x082d1 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xf0d3d500 (Composition layer 0xf3950f8c)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xf0d3d514, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
hwc: layer=0x082d2 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xf1587a00 (Composition layer 0xf3951f4c)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xf1587a14, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 1600]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 1600.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0)
hwc: layer=0x082d3 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xf1596b00 (Composition layer 0xf394f1cc) (StatusBar#0)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xf1596b14, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 720, 55]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 0 720
55] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 55.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0) z-
hwc: layer=0x082c6 composition=DEVICE (2)
- Output Layer 0xf0d3d000 (Composition layer 0xf588a64c) (NavigationBar#0)
Region visibleRegion (this=0xf0d3d014, count=1)
[ 0, 1504, 720, 1600]
forceClientComposition=false clearClientTarget=false displayFrame=[0 1504 720
1600] sourceCrop=[0.000000 0.000000 720.000000 96.000000] bufferTransform=0 (0) z-
hwc: layer=0x082c9 composition=DEVICE (2)

SurfaceFlinger global state:

EGL implementation : 1.4 build 1.11@5425693
EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image
EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_IMG_cl_image
EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer EGL_ANDROID_recordable
EGL_ANDROID_framebuffer_target EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_wait_sync
EGL_EXT_create_context_robustness EGL_IMG_image_plane_attribs
EGL_IMG_image_debug_dump EGL_KHR_partial_update EGL_EXT_buffer_age
EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers
EGL_EXT_yuv_surface EGL_IMG_context_priority EGL_KHR_create_context
EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_KHR_mutable_render_buffer EGL_ANDROID_image_crop
EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace
EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_scrgb EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_scrgb_linear
EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3 EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_linear
EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_passthrough EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_bt2020_pq
GLES: Imagination Technologies, PowerVR Rogue GE8320, OpenGL ES 3.2 build
GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_clear_texture GL_EXT_clip_control
GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_conservative_depth
GL_EXT_copy_image GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_draw_buffers
GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
GL_EXT_external_buffer GL_EXT_float_blend GL_EXT_geometry_point_size
GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_memory_object
GL_EXT_memory_object_fd GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2
GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp
GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_EXT_pvrtc_sRGB GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
GL_EXT_shader_group_vote GL_EXT_shader_implicit_conversions GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage
GL_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage2 GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_sparse_texture
GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_EXT_YUV_target
GL_IMG_framebuffer_downsample GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture
GL_IMG_program_binary GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_shader_binary
GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2
GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_IMG_texture_npot GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness
GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed
GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external
GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_element_index_uint
GL_OES_fragment_precision_high GL_OES_geometry_point_size GL_OES_geometry_shader
GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_mapbuffer
GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_shader_image_atomic
GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation
GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_surfaceless_context
GL_OES_tessellation_point_size GL_OES_tessellation_shader
GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array
GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot
GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array
GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float
RenderEngine supports protected context: 0
RenderEngine is in protected context: 0
RenderEngine program cache size for unprotected context: 62
RenderEngine program cache size for protected context: 0
RenderEngine last dataspace conversion: (Default) to (Default)
Region undefinedRegion (this=0xf58799b0, count=1)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0]
orientation=0, isPoweredOn=1
transaction-flags : 00000000
gpu_to_cpu_unsupported : 0
refresh-rate : 59.999999 fps
x-dpi : 268.941010
y-dpi : 269.139008
transaction time: 0.000000 us
Tracing state: disabled
number of entries: 0 (0.00MB / 0.00MB)
Display 0 HWC layers:
Layer name
Z | Window Type | Comp Type | Transform | Disp Frame (LTRB) |
Source Crop (LTRB)
rel 0 | 2013 | DEVICE | 0 | 0 0 720 1600 |
0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
rel 0 | 1 | DEVICE | 0 | 0 0 720 1600 |
0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
rel 0 | 4 | DEVICE | 0 | 0 0 720 1600 |
0.0 0.0 720.0 1600.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
rel 0 | 2000 | DEVICE | 0 | 0 0 720 55 |
0.0 0.0 720.0 55.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
rel 0 | 2019 | DEVICE | 0 | 0 1504 720 1600 |
0.0 0.0 720.0 96.0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -

h/w composer state:

h/w composer enabled
visible_layers:5 invisible_layers:0 commit_layers:6 ct_handle:0xf0e53000 ct_fbdc:0
| layer id | handle | fmt | blend | comp | tr|
ds |c(isG2G)| pq |
| 721 | 0xf0e53900 |0x 2 | NON | DEV( UI,DEV,DEV, HWCL: 236) | 0|
0 | 0(0)|0, 0,0,0,0|
| 722 | 0xf0e536c0 |0x 1 | PRE | DEV( UI,DEV,DEV, HWCL: 236) | 0|
0 | 0(0)|0, 0,0,0,0|
| 723 | 0xf0e53c00 |0x 1 | PRE | DEV( UI,DEV,DEV, HWCL: 236) | 0|
0 | 0(0)|0, 0,0,0,0|
| 710 | 0xf0e530c0 |0x 1 | PRE | DEV( UI,DEV,DEV, HWCL: 236) | 0|
0 | 0(0)|0, 0,0,0,0|
| 713 | 0xf0e53240 |0x 1 | PRE | DEV( UI,DEV,DEV, HWCL: 236) | 0|
0 | 0(0)|0, 0,0,0,0|
FPS ring buffer:
(0) 07:45:46.780 fps=58.49 dur=1008.67 max=32.09 min=14.32
(1) 07:45:47.786 fps=48.74 dur=1005.41 max=197.68 min=15.22
(2) 07:45:48.794 fps=58.53 dur=1007.95 max=33.06 min=15.74
(3) 07:45:49.803 fps=58.44 dur=1009.50 max=50.83 min=10.52
(4) 07:45:50.809 fps=52.67 dur=1006.28 max=132.98 min=14.08
(5) 07:45:51.815 fps=50.70 dur=1005.83 max=97.80 min=3.31
(6) 07:45:52.824 fps=61.46 dur=1008.71 max=18.23 min=2.63
(7) 07:45:53.830 fps=60.62 dur=1006.33 max=17.23 min=15.14
(8) 07:45:55.62 fps=44.67 dur=1231.25 max=321.76 min=13.36
(9) 07:45:45.772 fps=59.98 dur=1000.31 max=32.01 min=11.88
[HRT] [(0) active_config_id:0] [(0,0) s_wh:720,1600 d_xywh:0,0,720,1600 caps:0]
[(0,1) s_wh:720,1600 d_xywh:0,0,720,1600 caps:0] [(0,2) s_wh:720,1600
d_xywh:0,0,720,1600 caps:0] [(0,3) s_wh:720,55 d_xywh:0,0,720,55 caps:0] [(0,4)
s_wh:720,96 d_xywh:0,1504,720,96 caps:0] [(1) active_config_id:0]

[HWC Compose State (0)]

(0) f=0x2 x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600 -> x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600
(1) f=0x1 x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600 -> x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600
(2) f=0x1 x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600 -> x=0 y=0 w=720 h=1600
(3) f=0x1 x=0 y=0 w=720 h=55 -> x=0 y=0 w=720 h=55
(4) f=0x1 x=0 y=0 w=720 h=96 -> x=0 y=1504 w=720 h=96
Total size: 14258880 bytes

[HWC DBG Dump] log threshold:I

SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do skip vali
SkipV(3: do
DBGLBM: 89/99 used

[HWC Statistics]
0 - displayFrame over range

[Driver Support]

[HWC Property]
0,0,1,1,0,1, 1,1,I,1,0, 0,0.000000,1, 1,0,A-0,A-0,0, 0,1,0,0,1,1,1, 0.10,1,0,0,1,
0 0 0,0,0,-1,0

[PQ Support]

Allocated buffers:
0xefe73180: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xefe73900: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xefe73a80: 158.12 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 55 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf1528b00: 158.12 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 55 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf1607f00: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf1607fc0: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf398f240: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf398fa80: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf398fb40: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf3990080: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf39905c0: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf3990800: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf5877b00: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x1a00 |
0xf5877bc0: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x1a00 |
0xf5877c80: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0x1a00 |
0xf58ee180: 276.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 96 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf58ef500: 276.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 96 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf58f0040: 4600.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 1600 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf58f0280: 276.00 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 96 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
0xf58f0940: 158.12 KiB | 720 ( 736) x 55 | 1 | 1 | 0xb00 |
Total allocated (estimate): 65702.38 KB
IMG Graphics HAL state:
handle | format | refcount | ID

Scheduler state:
+ Idle timer interval: 0 ms
+ Touch timer interval: 0 ms

+ Smart video mode: off

+ Refresh rate: running time in seconds

60fps: 0d02:39:55.068
ScreenOff: 0d00:00:01.445

TimeStats miniDump:
Number of tracked layers is 0

--------- 0.055s was the duration of dumpsys SurfaceFlinger, ending at: 2022-02-15
[dump_debug] dumpAppId:-1, dumpPackage:null
ACTIVITY MANAGER ACTIVITIES (dumpsys activity activities)
Display #0 (activities from top to bottom):

Stack #0: type=home mode=fullscreen

mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
Task id #1
mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
* TaskRecord{bd91dc2 #1 I=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher U=0 StackId=0 sz=1}
userId=0 effectiveUid=u0a86 mCallingUid=0 mUserSetupComplete=true
intent={act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10800100 cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher}
autoRemoveRecents=false isPersistable=false numFullscreen=1 activityType=2
rootWasReset=false mNeverRelinquishIdentity=true mReuseTask=false
Activities=[ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}]
askedCompatMode=false inRecents=true isAvailable=true
hasBeenVisible=true mResizeMode=RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE
mSupportsPictureInPicture=false isResizeable=true
supportsSplitScreenWindowingMode=true lastActiveTime=24790841 (inactive for 5s)
* Hist #0: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}
packageName=com.miui.home processName=com.miui.home
launchedFromUid=0 launchedFromPackage=null userId=0
app=ProcessRecord{38b180c 1687:com.miui.home/u0a86}
Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10800100
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher }
frontOfTask=true task=TaskRecord{bd91dc2 #1
I=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher U=0 StackId=0 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=true componentSpecified=false mActivityType=home
compat={320dpi} labelRes=0x7f10008c icon=0x7f080151 theme=0x7f1100c4
mGlobalConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.465 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mOverrideConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.26 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
CurrentConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.42 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
RequestedOverrideConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp
?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?
keyb/?/? ?nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=home
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
taskDescription: label="null" icon=null iconResource=0 iconFilename=null
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=-2h39m38s655ms
haveState=false icicle=null
state=RESUMED stopped=false delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=true visible=true mIsCastMode=false
mIsLastFrame=false sleeping=false idle=true
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=2
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
nowVisible=true lastVisibleTime=-10s123ms

Running activities (most recent first):

TaskRecord{bd91dc2 #1 I=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher U=0 StackId=0 sz=1}
Run #0: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}

mResumedActivity: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher

mLastPausedActivity: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher

Stack #39: type=standard mode=fullscreen

mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)

Task id #186
mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
* TaskRecord{493ff10 #186 A=com.crazy.juicer.xm U=0 StackId=39 sz=1}
userId=0 effectiveUid=u0a210 mCallingUid=u0a86 mUserSetupComplete=true
intent={act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity}
autoRemoveRecents=false isPersistable=true numFullscreen=1 activityType=1
rootWasReset=true mNeverRelinquishIdentity=true mReuseTask=false
Activities=[ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}]
askedCompatMode=false inRecents=true isAvailable=true
mSupportsPictureInPicture=false isResizeable=true
supportsSplitScreenWindowingMode=true lastActiveTime=19443579 (inactive for 5353s)
* Hist #0: ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity
packageName=com.crazy.juicer.xm processName=com.crazy.juicer.xm
launchedFromUid=10086 launchedFromPackage=com.miui.home userId=0
Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[219,1275][341,1397] (has extras)
frontOfTask=true task=TaskRecord{493ff10 #186 A=com.crazy.juicer.xm U=0
StackId=39 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=false componentSpecified=true mActivityType=standard
compat={320dpi} labelRes=0x7f0a0000 icon=0x7f090000 theme=0x0
mGlobalConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.371 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mOverrideConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.1 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
CurrentConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.21 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
taskDescription: label="null" icon=null iconResource=0 iconFilename=null
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=-45m53s196ms
haveState=true icicle=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=492]
state=DESTROYED stopped=true delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=true visible=false mIsCastMode=false
mIsLastFrame=false sleeping=false idle=true
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=2
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
nowVisible=false lastVisibleTime=-45m52s605ms

Stack #51: type=standard mode=fullscreen

mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)

Task id #195
mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
* TaskRecord{3f4b307 #195 U=0 StackId=51 sz=1}
userId=0 effectiveUid=u0a194 mCallingUid=u0a86 mUserSetupComplete=true
intent={act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
autoRemoveRecents=false isPersistable=true numFullscreen=1 activityType=1
rootWasReset=true mNeverRelinquishIdentity=true mReuseTask=false
Activities=[ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}]
askedCompatMode=false inRecents=true isAvailable=true
hasBeenVisible=true mResizeMode=RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE
mSupportsPictureInPicture=true isResizeable=true
supportsSplitScreenWindowingMode=true lastActiveTime=24785220 (inactive for 11s)
* Hist #0: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
launchedFromUid=10086 launchedFromPackage=com.miui.home userId=0
Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[302,1385]
[424,1507] (has extras) }
frontOfTask=true task=TaskRecord{3f4b307 #195 U=0
StackId=51 sz=1}
stateNotNeeded=false componentSpecified=true mActivityType=standard
compat={320dpi} labelRes=0x7f130193 icon=0x7f080191 theme=0x7f140283
mGlobalConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mOverrideConfig={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.59 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
CurrentConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.59 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
taskDescription: label="null" icon=null iconResource=0 iconFilename=null
launchFailed=false launchCount=0 lastLaunchTime=-37m31s200ms
haveState=true icicle=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=5168]
state=STOPPED stopped=true delayedResume=false finishing=false
keysPaused=false inHistory=true visible=false mIsCastMode=false
mIsLastFrame=false sleeping=false idle=true
fullscreen=true noDisplay=false immersive=false launchMode=2
frozenBeforeDestroy=false forceNewConfig=false
nowVisible=false lastVisibleTime=-15s354ms
supportsEnterPipOnTaskSwitch: false

Running activities (most recent first):

TaskRecord{3f4b307 #195 U=0 StackId=51 sz=1}
Run #0: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}

mLastPausedActivity: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}

ResumedActivity:ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}

ResumedActivity: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}

ActivityStackSupervisor state:
topDisplayFocusedStack=ActivityStack{41f540e stackId=0 type=home mode=fullscreen
visible=true translucent=false, 1 tasks}
displayId=0 stacks=3
mHomeStack=ActivityStack{41f540e stackId=0 type=home mode=fullscreen
visible=true translucent=false, 1 tasks}
mLastFocusedStack=ActivityStack{41f540e stackId=0 type=home mode=fullscreen
visible=true translucent=false, 1 tasks}
isHomeRecentsComponent=true KeyguardController:
Occluded=false DismissingKeyguardActivity=null at display=0
mLockTaskPackages (userId:packages)=
[dump_debug] dumpAppId:-1, dumpPackage:null
SERVICE e79da32 pid=1413
dumping service:
Dumping existing controllers:
NetworkController state:
- telephony ------
- connectivity ------
- NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1) -----
Current State:
Previous State(1):
Previous State(2):
Previous State(3):
Previous State(4):
Previous State(5):
Previous State(6):
Previous State(7):
Previous State(8):
Previous State(9):
Previous State(10):
Previous State(11):
Previous State(12):
Previous State(13):
Previous State(14):
Previous State(15):
Previous State(16):
Previous State(17):
Previous State(18):
Previous State(19):
Previous State(20):
Previous State(21):
Previous State(22):
Previous State(23):
Previous State(24):
Previous State(25):
Previous State(26):
Previous State(27):
Previous State(28):
Previous State(29):
Previous State(30):
Previous State(31):
Previous State(32):
Previous State(33):
Previous State(34):
Previous State(35):
Previous State(36):
Previous State(37):
Previous State(38):
Previous State(39):
Previous State(40):
Previous State(41):
Previous State(42):
Previous State(43):
Previous State(44):
Previous State(45):
Previous State(46):
Previous State(47):
Previous State(48):
Previous State(49):
Previous State(50):
Previous State(51):
Previous State(52):
Previous State(53):
Previous State(54):
Previous State(55):
Previous State(56):
Previous State(57):
Previous State(58):
Previous State(59):
Previous State(60):
Previous State(61):
Previous State(62):
Previous State(63):
Previous State(64):
mSubscription={id=1, iccId=893510xxxxxxxxxxxx2F, slotId=0, displayName=NOS,
displayNumber=, isActivated=true},
mServiceState={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1500, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=NOS, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=NOS,
mDataOperatorAlphaLong=NOS, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=NOS,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO]
cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=268 mMnc=03 mAlphaLong=NOS
mAlphaShort=NOS} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=-1
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=268 mMnc=03 mAlphaLong=NOS mAlphaShort=NOS}
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 1
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=NOS, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=NOS, mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril
Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1, mProprietaryDataRadioTechnology=0,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647
evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647
ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma:
ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0
level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647
rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647
rsrp=-87 rsrq=-10 rssnr=25 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=5 level=2,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:
{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp =
2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level =
0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=0, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false,
mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null,
- NetworkController.WifiSignalController -----
Current State:
Previous State(1):
Previous State(2):
Previous State(3):
Previous State(4):
Previous State(5):
Previous State(6):
Previous State(7):
Previous State(8):
Previous State(9):
Previous State(10):
- NetworkController.EthernetSignalController -----
Current State: Empty State
- wifi tracker ------
FlashlightController state:
TopIsLauncher: false
BluetoothController state:
Bluetooth Devices:
HotspotController state:
mState=0 (SHD)
mLastState=1 (KGRD)
Historical states:
(1)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 07:45:39
(2)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 06:56:04
(3)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 06:54:13
(4)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 06:54:05
(5)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 06:35:01
(6)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 06:34:57
(7)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 05:59:11
(8)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 05:58:55
(9)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 05:53:15
(10)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 04:49:19
(11)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 04:47:42
(12)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 04:47:39
(13)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 04:45:44
(14)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 04:08:47
(15)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 03:55:02
(16)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 03:32:25
(17)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 03:19:52
(18)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 03:19:26
(19)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 03:17:59
(20)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 01:13:27
(21)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 01:12:07
(22)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 01:03:12
(23)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 00:58:56
(24)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 00:55:29
(25)state=0 (SHD)lastState=1 (KGRD)timestamp=02-15 00:53:19
(26)state=1 (KGRD)lastState=0 (SHD)timestamp=02-15 00:53:10

VolumeDialogControllerImpl state:
mDestroyed: false
mState: {
mShowDndTile: true
mHasVibrator: true
mRemoteStreams: []
mShowA11yStream: false

MediaSessions state:
mInit: true
mRecords.size: 0
MiuiChargeManager state:
isChargeAnimationDisabled =false
mLevel =95
mWireState =-1
mChargeSpeed =0
BatteryController state:
OverviewProxyService state:
quickStepIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.QUICKSTEP_SERVICE
pkg=com.miui.home }
PaperModeController state:
userId: -1, cache size: 1, valid bitmaps: 0
userId: 0, cache size: 6, valid bitmaps: 4
userId: -1, quiet drawable cache size: 0, valid bitmaps: 0
userId: 0, quiet drawable cache size: 0, valid bitmaps: 0

SecurityController state:
StatusBarWindowManager state:
Window State {
backdropShowing: false
blurRatio: 0.0
bouncerShowing: false
bubbleExpanded: false
bubblesShowing: false
dozing: false
forceCollapsed: false
forceDozeBrightness: false
forcePluginOpen: false
forceStatusBarVisible: false
forceUserActivity: false
headsUpShowing: false
keygaurdTransparent: false
keyguardFadingAway: false
keyguardNeedsInput: false
keyguardOccluded: false
keyguardShowing: false
notTouchable: false
panelExpanded: false
panelVisible: false
qsExpanded: false
remoteInputActive: false
statusBarFocusable: false
statusBarState: 0
State of miui keyguard wallpaper
NotificationPanelView -> 0.0
icon views: 12
[0] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=call_record
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080890)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[1] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=quiet
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0808fd)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[2] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=managed_profile
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0808ec)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[3] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=sync_active
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080b2d)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[4] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=cast
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080892)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[5] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=location
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0808e0)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[6] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=bluetooth
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080893)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[7] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=tty
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080b32)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[8] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=speakerphone
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080b21)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[9] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=mute
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080875)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[10] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=volume
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080965)
user=0 ) notification=null)
[11] icon=StatusBarIconView(slot=alarm_clock
icon=StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f08087c)
user=0 ) notification=null)
icon slots: 33
0: (micphone) null
1: (headset) null
2: (mikey) null
3: (call_record) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080890) user=0 )
4: (privacy_mode) null
5: (ble_unlock_mode) null
6: (quiet) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE
id=0x7f0808fd) user=0 )
7: (gps) null
8: (missed_call) null
9: (managed_profile) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0808ec) user=0 )
10: (ime) null
11: (sync_failing) null
12: (sync_active) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080b2d) user=0 )
13: (cast) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE
id=0x7f080892) user=0 )
14: (location) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0808e0) user=0 )
15: (bluetooth) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080893) user=0 )
16: (bluetooth_handsfree_battery) null
17: (nfc) null
18: (tty) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE
id=0x7f080b32) user=0 )
19: (speakerphone) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f080b21) user=0 )
20: (zen) null
21: (mute) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE
id=0x7f080875) user=0 )
22: (volume) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE
id=0x7f080965) user=0 )
23: (wifi) null
24: (wimax) null
25: (cdma_eri) null
26: (data_connection) null
27: (phone_evdo_signal) null
28: (phone_signal) null
29: (battery) null
30: (alarm_clock) StatusBarIcon(icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f08087c) user=0 )
31: (secure) null
32: (clock) null
SilentModeObserverController state:
NextAlarmController state:
mSystemUiVisibility=0x0 mFullscreenStackVisibility=0x0
mFullscreenLight=false mDockedLight=false
mLastFullscreenBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mLastDockedBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0,
mNavigationLight=false mHasLightNavigationBar=false
mLastStatusBarMode=4 mLastNavigationBarMode=0
mScrimAlpha=0.0 mScrimAlphaBelowThreshold=true

mTransitionDeferring=false mTransitionPending=false mTintChangePending=false
mPendingDarkIntensity=1.0 mDarkIntensity=0.0 mNextDarkIntensity=0.0

CastController state:
dumping service:
dumping service:$CommandQueueStart
dumping service:
mSystemReady: true
mBootCompleted: true
mBootSendUserPresent: false
mExternallyEnabled: true
mShuttingDown: false
mNeedToReshowWhenReenabled: false
mShowing: false
mInputRestricted: false
mOccluded: false
mDelayedShowingSequence: 28
mExitSecureCallback: null
mDeviceInteractive: true
mGoingToSleep: false
mHiding: false
mWaitingUntilKeyguardVisible: false
mKeyguardDonePending: false
mHideAnimationRun: false
mPendingReset: false
mPendingLock: false
mWakeAndUnlocking: false
mDrawnCallback: null
mHideLockForLid: false
isLockScreenDisabled: false
dumping service:
dumping service:
MiuiVolumeDialogImpl state:
mShowing: false
mExpanded: false
mActiveStream: -1
mDynamic: {}
mAutomute: true
mSilentMode: false
mAccessibility.mFeedbackEnabled: false
dumping service:
dumping service:
Current Status Bar state:
mExpandedVisible=false, mTrackingPosition=0
mDisplayMetrics=DisplayMetrics{density=2.0, width=720, height=1449,
scaledDensity=2.0, xdpi=268.941, ydpi=269.139}
mStackScroller: [(26,0)(694,55) 668x55] scroll 0,0
disable1=0x00800000 disable2=0x00000000
OLEDScreenHelper: [IS_OLED_SCREEN=f mDirection=0 mInterval=120 mPixels=3
mStatusBarMode=0 mIsScreenOn=T]
f9 I.E...... ......ID 0,0-720,55 #7f0a0327 app:id/notification_panel}
params=ViewGroup.LayoutParams={ width=match-parent, height=match-parent }
[PanelView: expandedHeight=0,000000 maxPanelHeight=55 mOpening=f
closing=f tracking=f justPeeked=f peekAnim=null timeAnim=null touchDisabled=f
mIsDefaultTheme=T mStretchLength=0,0 mSpringLength=0,0]
[NotificationPanelView: mQsExpansionHeight=55,000000
mQsMinExpansionHeight=233 mQsMaxExpansionHeight=55 mIntercepting=T mPanelExpanded=f
mQsExpanded=f mQsFullyExpanded=f mKeyguardShowing=f mBlockTouches=f
mOnlyAffordanceInThisMotion=f isTrackingHeadsUp=f mConflictingQsExpansionGesture=f
mIsExpansionFromHeadsUp=f mOrientation=port orientation=port
mClockPositionAlgorithm={mHeight=1600, mKeyguardStatusHeight=378,
mKeyguardVisibleViewsHeight=378.0, mClockMarginTop=0.0,
mClockNotificationsPadding=31.0, mClockBottom=0, clockY=296, mDarkAmount=0.0}]
[QsFrame: ViewGroup.LayoutParams={ width=match-parent, height=match-
parent } width=668 pv-width=720]
[NotificationStackScrollLayout: mExpandedHeight=0,000000
mCurrentStackHeight=27 mContentHeight=603 mMaxLayoutHeight=55 mOwnScrollY=0
scrollRange=548 mTopPadding=233 mIntrinsicPadding=233 mIsBeingDragged=f
mIsQsBeingCovered=f mIsQsCovered=f mQsExpanded=f mSpringLength=0]
active notifications: 2
[0] StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.miui.bugreport user=UserHandle{0} id=13
tag=null key=0|com.miui.bugreport|13|null|1000:
Notification(channel=bugreport_channel_id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
pkgName=com.miui.bugreport appUid=1000 sdk=30 imp=3 sysApp=T priApp=F
hasShown=F float=F keyguard=F peek=F fullscreen=F
showMiuiAction=F enableFloat=T enableKeyguard=T floatTime=5000
messageCount=1 persistent=F customHeight=F customHideBorder=F
[1] StatusBarNotification( user=UserHandle{0} id=0
tag=null key=0||0|null|9802:
Notification(channel=updater_channel_id pri=2 contentView=null vibrate=[0]
sound=null tick defaults=0x4 flags=0x20 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)) appUid=9802 sdk=29 imp=5 sysApp=T priApp=F
hasShown=F float=T keyguard=T peek=F fullscreen=F
showMiuiAction=F enableFloat=T enableKeyguard=T floatTime=5000
messageCount=1 persistent=F customHeight=F customHideBorder=F
inactive notifications: 0
AppMiniWindowManager state:
HeadsUpManager state:
snoozed packages: 0
GroupManager state:
number of groups: 2

key: 0||0|null|9802
summary expanded=false suppressed=false:
StatusBarNotification( user=UserHandle{0} id=0
tag=null key=0||0|null|9802:
Notification(channel=updater_channel_id pri=2 contentView=null vibrate=[0]
sound=null tick defaults=0x4 flags=0x20 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE)) appUid=9802 sdk=29 imp=5 sysApp=T priApp=F
hasShown=F float=T keyguard=T peek=F fullscreen=F
showMiuiAction=F enableFloat=T enableKeyguard=T floatTime=5000
messageCount=1 persistent=F customHeight=F customHideBorder=F
children size: 0

key: 0|com.miui.bugreport|13|null|1000
summary expanded=false suppressed=false:
StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.miui.bugreport user=UserHandle{0} id=13
tag=null key=0|com.miui.bugreport|13|null|1000:
Notification(channel=bugreport_channel_id pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
pkgName=com.miui.bugreport appUid=1000 sdk=30 imp=3 sysApp=T priApp=F
hasShown=F float=F keyguard=F peek=F fullscreen=F
showMiuiAction=F enableFloat=T enableKeyguard=T floatTime=5000
messageCount=1 persistent=F customHeight=F customHideBorder=F
children size: 0

isolated entries: 0
KeyguardUpdateMonitor state:
SIM States:
Service states:
2147483646={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=NOS,
mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=NOS, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=NOS,
mDataOperatorAlphaShort=NOS, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic),
getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE), getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1,
mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false,
isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN
registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE
rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 1
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=-1 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=null, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=null, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}
1={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1500, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=NOS, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=NOS,
mDataOperatorAlphaLong=NOS, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=NOS,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO]
cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=268 mMnc=03 mAlphaLong=NOS
mAlphaShort=NOS} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=-1
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=268 mMnc=03 mAlphaLong=NOS mAlphaShort=NOS}
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 1
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 3
mIsUsingCarrierAggregation = false } nrState=NONE}], mNrFrequencyRange=-1,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=NOS, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=NOS, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}

Disabled, to enable: setprop debug.falsing_log 1

float_whitelist=[, com.xiaomi.drivemode, com.mi.AutoTest,
com.tencent.qq, com.xunmeng.pinduoduo, com.tencent.mobileqq,
com.tencent.androidqqmail, jp.auone.wallet, com.xiaomi.mipicks,,
com.miui.huanji,,,,, com.uplus.musicshow,,, com.kokteyl.mackolik,,,,,, com.miui.hybrid.accessory,, com.miui.cloudservice, com.kiteguard,,,,
com.miui.userguide,,,,,,, com.miui.home,
com.turkcell.bip, com.viber.voip,, com.tencent.tim,
org.telegram.messenger, com.xiaomi.account, com.facebook.mlite,, com.mi.oa, com.facebook.katana, com.xiaomi.smarthome,
com.miui.networkassistant,,,,,,, ru.mail.mailapp,,,
miui.test.cases,,, com.bsb.hike,,, com.miui.cleanmaster,
com.miui.securitycore, com.miui.systemAdSolution, jp.netstar.familysmile,,, com.xiaomi.vipaccount,, com.miui.core, com.miui.packageinstaller,
org.thoughtcrime.securesms,, edu.okstate.membership,, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.greenguard,
com.miui.voiceassist, com.miui.thirdappassistant,,
com.miui.securitycenter,, com.miui.backup,,,,
com.xiaomi.gameboosterglobal,, com.baidao.ytxaegis,,,,
com.fihtdc.fqc,, android, com.bbm, com.xiaomi.misettings,,,,
com.miui.notes, com.miui.miservice,,,
com.facebook.orca,,,, com.whatsapp,, com.duolingo,,,,, com.miui.personalassistant, com.xiaomi.calendar,,,,, com.miui.yellowpage,]
keyguard_whitelist=[, com.xiaomi.drivemode,
com.mi.AutoTest, com.tencent.qq, com.xunmeng.pinduoduo, com.tencent.mobileqq,
com.tencent.androidqqmail, jp.auone.wallet, com.xiaomi.mipicks,,
com.miui.huanji,,,,, com.uplus.musicshow,,,,,,,, com.miui.hybrid.accessory,, com.miui.cloudservice, com.kiteguard,,,,
com.miui.userguide,,,,,,, com.miui.home,
com.turkcell.bip, com.viber.voip,, com.tencent.tim,
org.telegram.messenger, com.xiaomi.account, com.facebook.mlite,, com.mi.oa, com.facebook.katana, com.xiaomi.smarthome,
com.miui.networkassistant,,,,,,, ru.mail.mailapp,,,
com.bsb.hike,,, com.miui.cleanmaster,
com.miui.securitycore, com.miui.systemAdSolution, jp.netstar.familysmile,, com.gohipo.hipochat,,
com.xiaomi.vipaccount,, com.miui.core,
com.miui.packageinstaller, org.thoughtcrime.securesms,,
com.miui.greenguard, com.miui.voiceassist, com.miui.thirdappassistant,, com.miui.securitycenter,,
com.miui.backup,,,,, com.xiaomi.gameboosterglobal,,
com.baidao.ytxaegis,,,, com.fihtdc.fqc,, android, com.bbm,
com.xiaomi.misettings,,,,, com.miui.notes, com.miui.miservice,,, com.facebook.orca,,,, com.whatsapp,, com.duolingo,,,, com.fastrack.driver,, com.miui.personalassistant, com.xiaomi.calendar,,,,, com.miui.yellowpage,]
mNavigationBarView=NavigationBarView {
this: [(0,0)(720,96) 720x96] VISIBLE
window: [0,1504][720,1600] VISIBLE
mCurrentView: (720x96) VISIBLE
disabled=0x00800000 vertical=false menu=false
back: [(453,0)(563,96) 110x96] VISIBLE alpha=1.0
home: [(0,0)(110,96) 110x96] VISIBLE alpha=1.0
rcnt: [(155,0)(265,96) 110x96] VISIBLE alpha=1.0
menu: [(20,0)(116,96) 96x96] INVISIBLE alpha=1.0
aspect: [(20,0)(116,96) 96x96] INVISIBLE alpha=1.0
a11y: [(20,0)(116,96) 96x96] INVISIBLE alpha=1.0
mMiuiStatusBarPrompt.isStateNormal()= true
mLeftSideLayout.getVisibility()= 0
mClockContainer.getVisibility()= 0
savedInstanceState= Bundle[{clock_visible=false, panel_state=1,
mDisabled1= 800000
statusBar cutout type = DRIP
statusBar ishidden = false
dumping service:
dumping service:
PowerUI state:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:$Service
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
dumping service:
mMovementBounds=Rect(32, 87 - 304, 1256)
mNormalBounds=Rect(304, 1256 - 688, 1472)
mNormalMovementBounds=Rect(32, 87 - 304, 1256)
mExpandedBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 569, 320)
mExpandedMovementBounds=Rect(32, 87 - 119, 1152)
mDownTouch=PointF(489.0, 1402.0)
mDownDelta=PointF(0.0, 0.0)
mLastTouch=PointF(489.0, 1402.0)
mLastDelta=PointF(0.0, 0.0)
mVelocity=PointF(0.0, 0.0)
mBounds=Rect(119, 1152 - 688, 1472)
mStableInsets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 96)
dumping service:
--------- 0.133s was the duration of dumpsys activity, ending at: 2022-02-15
Load: 27.24 / 27.51 / 28.01
CPU usage from 54850ms to 40178ms ago (2022-02-15 07:42:40.213 to 2022-02-15
07:43:32.030) with 28% awake:
7.4% 1201/system_server: 4.4% user + 2.9% kernel / faults: 927 minor
6.8% 455/android.system.suspend@1.0-service: 0.2% user + 6.5% kernel / faults: 11
2.5% 369/ueventd: 2.3% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 3 minor
0.8% 2757/com.miui.securitycenter.remote: 0.5% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 959
0.8% 1095/mtkfusionrild: 0.2% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 31 minor
0.6% 707/statsd: 0.5% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 42 minor
0.6% 1612/ 0.2% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 144 minor
0.4% user + 0% kernel / faults: 22 minor
0.4% 384/logd: 0.2% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 6 minor 1 major
0.4% 551/ 0.1% user + 0.3% kernel
0.4% 1018/gsm0710muxd: 0.1% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 36 minor
0.1% 129/kswapd0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.4% 312/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.3% 22475/com.miui.powerkeeper: 0.2% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 167 minor
0.2% 43/cpuhp/7: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 536/netd: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 5 minor 1 major
0.2% 1413/ 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 49 minor
0.2% 16537/kworker/u16:11: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 7/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 28/cpuhp/4: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.1% 38/cpuhp/6: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 274/ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 597/fuelgauged: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 43 minor
0.1% 1011/emdlogger1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.2% 2871/com.xiaomi.xmsf: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 82 minor
0.2% 24349/kworker/u16:16: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.1% 10/migration/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 18/cpuhp/2: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 33/cpuhp/5: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 39/migration/6: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 44/migration/7: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 196/pbm: 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 310/exe_cq/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 540/ 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 672/mi_thermald: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 742/thermalloadalgod: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 5 minor
0% 760/vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.2-service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 23
0.1% 2074/charge_logger: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 27 minor
0% 2306/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 27 minor
0.1% 15939/com.miui.notification:remote: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 85 minor
0.1% 15972/com.miui.notification: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 50 minor
0.1% 23256/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 39 minor
0.1% 24432/kworker/7:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 24865/kworker/4:1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 8/rcu_sched: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 13/cpuhp/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 14/migration/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 19/migration/2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 23/cpuhp/3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 29/migration/4: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 34/migration/5: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 35/ksoftirqd/5: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 45/ksoftirqd/7: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 59/conn-md-thread: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 205/chre_kthread: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 217/ccci_ipc_3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 275/EEM_CTRL_L: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 287/pvr_device_wdg: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 366/init: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 155 minor
0% 398/vold: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 441/mqsasd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 454/teei_daemon: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 537/zygote: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 550/ 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 560/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel /
faults: 31 minor
0% 587/lmkd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 599/ccci_fsd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 603/ccci_fsd: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor
0% 618/wfca: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 686/connsyslogger: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 705/mobile_log_d: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor
0% 723/wificond: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 46 minor
0% 726/mtk_stp_psm: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 731/mtk_wmtd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 732/android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 736/thermal: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 746/mtk_agpsd: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 29 minor
0% 956/bip: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 4 minor
0% 967/volte_imcb: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1464/iptables-restore: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1465/ip6tables-restore: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 4 minor
0% 2090/batterywarning: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2585/com.miui.daemon: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 20 minor
0% 4227/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 51 minor
0% 16739/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-mediatek: 0% user + 0% kernel /
faults: 140 minor
0% 16785/main_thread: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 16786/hif_thread: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 16790/wpa_supplicant: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 21 minor
0% 23034/ 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 23609/com.miui.bugreport: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 449 minor 77 major
0% 23853/kworker/5:1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 24186/kworker/u16:3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 24207/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 23 minor
0% 24295/kworker/5:0: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 24540/com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 100
0% 24700/com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 19 minor
0% 25169/kworker/6:1: 0% user + 0% kernel
4.3% TOTAL: 1.4% user + 2.3% kernel + 0.6% iowait
--------- 0.002s was the duration of dumpsys cpuinfo, ending at: 2022-02-15
INPUT MANAGER (dumpsys input)

Input Manager State:

Interactive: true
System UI Visibility: 0x8708
Pointer Speed: 0
Pointer Gestures Enabled: true
Show Touches: false
Pointer Capture Enabled: false

Event Hub State:

BuiltInKeyboardId: -2
-1: Virtual
Classes: 0x40000023
Path: <virtual>
Enabled: true
Descriptor: a718a782d34bc767f4689c232d64d527998ea7fd
ControllerNumber: 0
UniqueId: <virtual>
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Virtual.kcm
HaveKeyboardLayoutOverlay: false
VideoDevice: <none>
Classes: 0x00000081
Path: /dev/input/event0
Enabled: true
Descriptor: 1c78f7e0d16d4dbc8d3ab93943523f379203f90b
ControllerNumber: 0
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
HaveKeyboardLayoutOverlay: false
VideoDevice: <none>
2: swtp-input
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event1
Enabled: true
Descriptor: cdd5e8ec5a9c4b6c47908cde828bbf2cd9072eca
ControllerNumber: 0
Identifier: bus=0x0000, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
HaveKeyboardLayoutOverlay: false
VideoDevice: <none>
3: NVTCapacitiveTouchScreen
Classes: 0x00000015
Path: /dev/input/event3
Enabled: true
Descriptor: 4d66f665abaf83d5d35852472ba90bd54ccd79ae
Location: input/ts
ControllerNumber: 0
Identifier: bus=0x001c, vendor=0x0000, product=0x0000, version=0x0000
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
HaveKeyboardLayoutOverlay: false
VideoDevice: <none>
4: mtk-kpd
Classes: 0x00000001
Path: /dev/input/event2
Enabled: true
Descriptor: f0d2e427e7a05eb6d316f5e14800c5ac7b6aee79
ControllerNumber: 0
Identifier: bus=0x0019, vendor=0x2454, product=0x6500, version=0x0010
KeyLayoutFile: /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl
KeyCharacterMapFile: /system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm
HaveKeyboardLayoutOverlay: false
VideoDevice: <none>
Unattached video devices:

Input Reader State:

Device -1: Virtual
Generation: 2
IsExternal: false
AssociatedDisplayPort: <none>
HasMic: false
Sources: 0x00000301
KeyboardType: 2
Keyboard Input Mapper:
OrientationAware: false
HandlesKeyRepeat: false
KeyboardType: 2
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Device 1: ACCDET
Generation: 10
IsExternal: false
AssociatedDisplayPort: <none>
HasMic: false
Sources: 0x80000101
KeyboardType: 1
Switch Input Mapper:
SwitchValues: 0
Keyboard Input Mapper:
OrientationAware: false
HandlesKeyRepeat: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Device 2: swtp-input
Generation: 8
IsExternal: false
AssociatedDisplayPort: <none>
HasMic: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
OrientationAware: false
HandlesKeyRepeat: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Device 3: NVTCapacitiveTouchScreen
Generation: 30
IsExternal: false
AssociatedDisplayPort: <none>
HasMic: false
Sources: 0x00001103
KeyboardType: 1
Motion Ranges:
X: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=719.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000,
Y: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1599.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000,
PRESSURE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000,
SIZE: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1.000, flat=0.000, fuzz=0.000,
TOUCH_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1754.537, flat=0.000,
fuzz=0.000, resolution=0.000
TOUCH_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1754.537, flat=0.000,
fuzz=0.000, resolution=0.000
TOOL_MAJOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1754.537, flat=0.000,
fuzz=0.000, resolution=0.000
TOOL_MINOR: source=0x00001002, min=0.000, max=1754.537, flat=0.000,
fuzz=0.000, resolution=0.000
Keyboard Input Mapper:
OrientationAware: false
HandlesKeyRepeat: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 0
Touch Input Mapper (mode - direct):
GestureMode: multi-touch
DeviceType: touchScreen
AssociatedDisplay: hasAssociatedDisplay=true, isExternal=false,
OrientationAware: true
Raw Touch Axes:
X: min=0, max=719, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Y: min=0, max=1599, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Pressure: min=0, max=1000, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMajor: min=0, max=255, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
TouchMinor: unknown range
ToolMajor: unknown range
ToolMinor: unknown range
Orientation: unknown range
Distance: unknown range
TiltX: unknown range
TiltY: unknown range
TrackingId: min=0, max=65535, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
Slot: min=0, max=9, flat=0, fuzz=0, resolution=0
touch.size.calibration: geometric
touch.pressure.calibration: physical
touch.orientation.calibration: none
touch.distance.calibration: none
touch.coverage.calibration: none
Affine Transformation:
X scale: 1.000
X ymix: 0.000
X offset: 0.000
Y xmix: 0.000
Y scale: 1.000
Y offset: 0.000
Viewport INTERNAL: displayId=0, uniqueId=local:0, port=0, orientation=0,
logicalFrame=[0, 0, 720, 1600], physicalFrame=[0, 0, 720, 1600], deviceSize=[720,
SurfaceWidth: 720px
SurfaceHeight: 1600px
SurfaceLeft: 0
SurfaceTop: 0
PhysicalWidth: 720px
PhysicalHeight: 1600px
PhysicalLeft: 0
PhysicalTop: 0
SurfaceOrientation: 0
Translation and Scaling Factors:
XTranslate: 0.000
YTranslate: 0.000
XScale: 1.000
YScale: 1.000
XPrecision: 1.000
YPrecision: 1.000
GeometricScale: 1.000
PressureScale: 0.001
SizeScale: 0.004
OrientationScale: 0.000
DistanceScale: 0.000
HaveTilt: false
TiltXCenter: 0.000
TiltXScale: 0.000
TiltYCenter: 0.000
TiltYScale: 0.000
Last Raw Button State: 0x00000000
Last Raw Touch: pointerCount=0
Last Cooked Button State: 0x00000000
Last Cooked Touch: pointerCount=0
Stylus Fusion:
ExternalStylusConnected: false
External Stylus ID: -1
External Stylus Data Timeout: 9223372036854775807
External Stylus State:
When: 9223372036854775807
Pressure: 0.000000
Button State: 0x00000000
Tool Type: 0
Device 4: mtk-kpd
Generation: 4
IsExternal: false
AssociatedDisplayPort: <none>
HasMic: false
Sources: 0x00000101
KeyboardType: 1
Keyboard Input Mapper:
OrientationAware: false
HandlesKeyRepeat: false
KeyboardType: 1
Orientation: 0
KeyDowns: 0 keys currently down
MetaState: 0x0
DownTime: 9571244638000
ExcludedDeviceNames: []
VirtualKeyQuietTime: 100.0ms
PointerVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=500.000,
highThreshold=3000.000, acceleration=3.000
WheelVelocityControlParameters: scale=1.000, lowThreshold=15.000,
highThreshold=50.000, acceleration=4.000
Enabled: true
QuietInterval: 100.0ms
DragMinSwitchSpeed: 50.0px/s
TapInterval: 150.0ms
TapDragInterval: 200.0ms
TapSlop: 20.0px
MultitouchSettleInterval: 100.0ms
MultitouchMinDistance: 15.0px
SwipeTransitionAngleCosine: 0.3
SwipeMaxWidthRatio: 0.2
MovementSpeedRatio: 0.8
ZoomSpeedRatio: 0.3
Viewport INTERNAL: displayId=0, uniqueId=local:0, port=0, orientation=0,
logicalFrame=[0, 0, 720, 1600], physicalFrame=[0, 0, 720, 1600], deviceSize=[720,

Input Classifier State:

Motion Classifier:

Input Dispatcher State:

DispatchEnabled: true
DispatchFrozen: false
InputFilterEnabled: false
FocusedDisplayId: 0
displayId=0, name='AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}',
displayId=0, name='Window{ef20984 u0
TouchStates: <no displays touched>
Display: 0
0: name='Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-
1, paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true,
canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x01840068, type=0x000007e3, layer=0, frame=[0,1504]
[720,1600], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000),
touchableRegion=[0,1504][720,1600], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1413,
ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=8000.000ms
1: name='Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1,
paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=true,
canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x81840048, type=0x000007d0, layer=0, frame=[0,0]
[720,55], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000),
touchableRegion=[0,0][720,55], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1413,
ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=8000.000ms
2: name='pip_input_consumer', displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1,
paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false, visible=false,
canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00000020, type=0x000007e6, layer=61000, frame=[0,0]
[720,1600], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000),
touchableRegion=[0,0][569,320], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1201,
ownerUid=1000, dispatchingTimeout=8000.000ms
3: name='Window{ebb3276 u0 LauncherMinusOneScreen}', displayId=0,
portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false, hasWallpaper=false,
visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x85850118, type=0x00000004, layer=0,
frame=[0,0][720,1600], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000),
touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1600], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=21584,
ownerUid=10173, dispatchingTimeout=8000.000ms
4: name='Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}',
displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=true, hasWallpaper=true,
visible=true, canReceiveKeys=true, flags=0x85910120, type=0x00000001, layer=0,
frame=[0,0][720,1600], globalScale=1.000000, windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000),
touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1600], inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1687,
ownerUid=10086, dispatchingTimeout=8000.000ms
5: name='Window{61ebf59 u0}',
displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false,
hasWallpaper=false, visible=false, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00010318,
type=0x000007dd, layer=0, frame=[0,0][720,1600], globalScale=1.000000,
windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000), touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1600],
inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1413, ownerUid=1000,
6: name='Window{d7058df u0}',
displayId=0, portalToDisplayId=-1, paused=false, hasFocus=false,
hasWallpaper=false, visible=true, canReceiveKeys=false, flags=0x00010318,
type=0x000007dd, layer=0, frame=[0,0][720,1600], globalScale=1.000000,
windowScale=(1.000000,1.000000), touchableRegion=[0,0][720,1600],
inputFeatures=0x00000000, ownerPid=1413, ownerUid=1000,
Global monitors in display 0:
0: 'PointerEventDispatcher0 (server)',
RecentQueue: length=10
MotionEvent, age=395.6ms
MotionEvent, age=387.9ms
MotionEvent, age=378.7ms
MotionEvent, age=371.1ms
MotionEvent, age=362.2ms
MotionEvent, age=354.5ms
MotionEvent, age=346.2ms
MotionEvent, age=338.6ms
MotionEvent, age=330.1ms
MotionEvent, age=322.9ms
PendingEvent: <none>
InboundQueue: <empty>
ReplacedKeys: <empty>
0: channelName='PointerEventDispatcher0 (server)',
windowName='PointerEventDispatcher0 (server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=true,
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
1: channelName='ebb3276 LauncherMinusOneScreen (server)', windowName='ebb3276
LauncherMinusOneScreen (server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false,
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
2: channelName='8cc3115 InputMethod (server)', windowName='8cc3115 InputMethod
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
3: channelName='61ebf59 (server)',
windowName='61ebf59 (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
4: channelName='d7058df (server)',
windowName='d7058df (server)', status=NORMAL,
monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
5: channelName='4772ff2 DockedStackDivider (server)', windowName='4772ff2
DockedStackDivider (server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false,
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
6: channelName='d4ac10c
(server)', windowName='d4ac10c (server)', status=NORMAL,
monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
7: channelName='1503b78 AssistPreviewPanel (server)', windowName='1503b78
AssistPreviewPanel (server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false,
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
8: channelName='ffbd24a StatusBar (server)', windowName='ffbd24a StatusBar
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
9: channelName='Letterbox_left_AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}} (server)', windowName='Letterbox_left_AppWindowToken{7cde84c
token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}} (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
10: channelName='Letterbox_left_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', windowName='Letterbox_left_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
11: channelName='41afa9e NavigationBar (server)', windowName='41afa9e
NavigationBar (server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
12: channelName='ef20984 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher
(server)', windowName='ef20984 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
13: channelName='13aec6 Aspect (server)', windowName='13aec6 Aspect (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
14: channelName='pip_input_consumer (server)', windowName='pip_input_consumer
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
15: channelName='3c6c848 RoundCorner (server)', windowName='3c6c848 RoundCorner
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
16: channelName='4e0d378 RoundCorner (server)', windowName='4e0d378 RoundCorner
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
17: channelName='Letterbox_top_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', windowName='Letterbox_top_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
18: channelName='Letterbox_right_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', windowName='Letterbox_right_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
19: channelName='Letterbox_top_AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}} (server)', windowName='Letterbox_top_AppWindowToken{7cde84c
token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}} (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
20: channelName='Letterbox_right_AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}} (server)', windowName='Letterbox_right_AppWindowToken{7cde84c
token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}} (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
21: channelName='Letterbox_bottom_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', windowName='Letterbox_bottom_AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
(server)', status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
22: channelName='Letterbox_bottom_AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}} (server)', windowName='Letterbox_bottom_AppWindowToken{7cde84c
token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}} (server)',
status=NORMAL, monitor=false, inputPublisherBlocked=false
OutboundQueue: <empty>
WaitQueue: <empty>
AppSwitch: not pending
KeyRepeatDelay: 50.0ms
KeyRepeatTimeout: 500.0ms

--------- 0.021s was the duration of dumpsys input, ending at: 2022-02-15 07:45:55
Notification List:
NotificationRecord(0x0c709141: user=UserHandle{0} id=0
tag=null importance=5 key=0||0|null|
9802appImportanceLocked=false: Notification(channel=updater_channel_id pri=2
contentView=null vibrate=[0] sound=null tick defaults=0x4 flags=0x20
color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
uid=9802 userId=0
icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x7f0803c1) /
contentIntent=PendingIntent{175d6e6: PendingIntentRecord{e3a7371 startActivity (whitelist: 6d9b958:+30s0ms)}}
color=0x00000000 timeout=unknown
android.reduced.images=Boolean (true)
android.appInfo=ApplicationInfo (ApplicationInfo{28ac427})
posttimeToFirstClickMs=-1, posttimeToDismissMs=-1, airtimeCount=34,
airtimeMs=261771, currentAirtimeStartElapsedMs=-1, airtimeExpandedMs=0,
posttimeToFirstVisibleExpansionMs=-1, currentAirtimeExpandedStartElapsedMs=-1,
requestedImportance=4, naturalImportance=5, isNoisy=true}
mSuppressedVisualEffects= 0
mSound= null
mVibration= [J@a0396d4
mAttributes= AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
mLight= null
mName=Atualizações, mDescription=, mImportance=5, mBypassDnd=false,
mLockscreenVisibility=-1000, mSound=null, mLights=false, mLightColor=0,
mVibration=[0], mUserLockedFields=0, mFgServiceShown=false, mVibrationEnabled=true,
mShowBadge=true, mDeleted=false, mGroup='null', mAudioAttributes=AudioAttributes:
bundle=null, mBlockableSystem=false, mAllowBubbles=true,
mImportanceLockedByOEM=false, mImportanceLockedDefaultApp=false}
NotificationRecord(0x0e67c235: pkg=com.miui.securitycenter user=UserHandle{0}
id=20006 tag=null importance=5 key=0|com.miui.securitycenter|20006|null|
Notification(channel=securitycenter_resident_notification pri=0 contentView=null
vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0xff607d8b vis=PRIVATE))
uid=1000 userId=0
icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.miui.securitycenter id=0x7f080140) /
contentIntent=PendingIntent{95806ca: PendingIntentRecord{6ac92e4 android
color=0xff607d8b timeout=unknown
android.reduced.images=Boolean (true)
android.appInfo=ApplicationInfo (ApplicationInfo{6c8a03b
posttimeToFirstClickMs=-1, posttimeToDismissMs=-1, airtimeCount=0, airtimeMs=0,
currentAirtimeStartElapsedMs=-1, airtimeExpandedMs=0,
posttimeToFirstVisibleExpansionMs=-1, currentAirtimeExpandedStartElapsedMs=-1,
requestedImportance=3, naturalImportance=5, isNoisy=true}
mSuppressedVisualEffects= 0
mSound= null
mVibration= [J@ce06358
mAttributes= AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
mLight= null

ication', mName=Notificações de Segurança, mDescription=, mImportance=5,
mBypassDnd=false, mLockscreenVisibility=-1000, mSound=null, mLights=false,
mLightColor=0, mVibration=[0], mUserLockedFields=0, mFgServiceShown=true,
mVibrationEnabled=true, mShowBadge=true, mDeleted=false, mGroup='null',
mAudioAttributes=AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null,
mBlockableSystem=false, mAllowBubbles=true, mImportanceLockedByOEM=false,
NotificationRecord(0x07df4cb1: pkg=com.miui.bugreport user=UserHandle{0} id=13
tag=null importance=3 key=0|com.miui.bugreport|13|null|
1000appImportanceLocked=false: Notification(channel=bugreport_channel_id pri=0
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000
uid=1000 userId=0
icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.miui.bugreport id=0x7f0804fe) /
color=0x00000000 timeout=unknown
android.reduced.images=Boolean (true)
android.progress=Integer (1)
android.progressMax=Integer (100)
android.appInfo=ApplicationInfo (ApplicationInfo{557c596
android.progressIndeterminate=Boolean (false)
posttimeToFirstClickMs=-1, posttimeToDismissMs=-1, airtimeCount=1, airtimeMs=2744,
currentAirtimeStartElapsedMs=-1, airtimeExpandedMs=0,
posttimeToFirstVisibleExpansionMs=-1, currentAirtimeExpandedStartElapsedMs=-1,
requestedImportance=3, naturalImportance=3, isNoisy=false}
mSuppressedVisualEffects= 0
mSound= null
mVibration= null
mAttributes= AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
mLight= null
mName=Comentários, mDescription=, mImportance=3, mBypassDnd=false,
mLockscreenVisibility=-1000, mSound=null, mLights=false, mLightColor=0,
mVibration=null, mUserLockedFields=0, mFgServiceShown=true,
mVibrationEnabled=false, mShowBadge=true, mDeleted=false, mGroup='null',
mAudioAttributes=AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null,
mBlockableSystem=false, mAllowBubbles=true, mImportanceLockedByOEM=false,
NotificationRecord(0x0c970517: pkg=com.miui.notification user=UserHandle{0}
id=1 tag=null importance=3 key=0|com.miui.notification|1|null|
1000appImportanceLocked=false: Notification(channel=id_notification_center pri=0
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000
uid=1000 userId=0
icon=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.miui.notification id=0x7f080084) /
color=0x00000000 timeout=unknown
android.reduced.images=Boolean (true)
android.appInfo=ApplicationInfo (ApplicationInfo{6a45d04
posttimeToFirstClickMs=-1, posttimeToDismissMs=-1, airtimeCount=0, airtimeMs=0,
currentAirtimeStartElapsedMs=-1, airtimeExpandedMs=0,
posttimeToFirstVisibleExpansionMs=-1, currentAirtimeExpandedStartElapsedMs=-1,
requestedImportance=3, naturalImportance=3, isNoisy=true}
mSuppressedVisualEffects= 0
mSound= content://settings/system/notification_sound
mVibration= null
mAttributes= AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null
mLight= null

mName=Notificações de aplicações, mDescription=, mImportance=3, mBypassDnd=false,
mLockscreenVisibility=-1000, mSound=content://settings/system/notification_sound,
mLights=false, mLightColor=0, mVibration=null, mUserLockedFields=0,
mFgServiceShown=true, mVibrationEnabled=false, mShowBadge=true, mDeleted=false,
mGroup='null', mAudioAttributes=AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_NOTIFICATION
content=CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null,
mBlockableSystem=false, mAllowBubbles=true, mImportanceLockedByOEM=false,
--------- 0.186s was the duration of dumpsys notification, ending at: 2022-02-15
Captured at: 07:45:55.837
Sensor Device:
Total 15 h/w sensors, 15 running:
0x00000005) active-count = 2; sampling_period(ms) = {200.0, 200.0}, selected =
200.00 ms; batching_period(ms) = {0.0, 0.0}, selected = 0.00 ms
0x00000065) active-count = 1; sampling_period(ms) = {200.0}, selected = 200.00 ms;
batching_period(ms) = {300000.0}, selected = 300000.00 ms
0x0000001b) active-count = 1; sampling_period(ms) = {66.7}, selected = 66.67 ms;
batching_period(ms) = {0.0}, selected = 0.00 ms
0x00000048) active-count = 1; sampling_period(ms) = {200.0}, selected = 200.00 ms;
batching_period(ms) = {0.0}, selected = 0.00 ms
Sensor List:
0x00000001) ACCELEROMETER | sc7a20 | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.accelerometer(1) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000000
continuous | minRate=50.00Hz | maxRate=200.00Hz | FIFO (max,reserved) =
(4500, 3000) events | non-wakeUp |
0x00000003) ORIENTATION | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.orientation(3) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000000
continuous | minRate=50.00Hz | maxRate=200.00Hz | no batching | non-wakeUp |
0x00000005) LIGHT | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.light(5) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000002
on-change | minRate=1.00Hz | minDelay=0us | no batching | non-wakeUp |
0x00000008) PROXIMITY | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.proximity(8) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000003
on-change | minRate=1.00Hz | minDelay=0us | FIFO (max,reserved) = (4500, 100)
events | wakeUp |
0x00000011) SIGNIFICANT_MOTION | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.significant_motion(17) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000005
one-shot | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=-1us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x00000012) STEP_DETECTOR | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.step_detector(18) | perm: android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION |
flags: 0x00000006
special-trigger | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=0us | FIFO (max,reserved) = (4500,
100) events | non-wakeUp |
0x00000013) STEP_COUNTER | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.step_counter(19) | perm: android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION |
flags: 0x00000002
on-change | minRate=1.00Hz | minDelay=0us | no batching | non-wakeUp |
0x00000016) TILT_DETECTOR | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.tilt_detector(22) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000007
special-trigger | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=0us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x00000018) GLANCE_GESTURE | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.glance_gesture(24) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000005
one-shot | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=-1us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x00000019) pickup Wakeup | xiaomi | ver: 1 | type: xiaomi
pick up sensor(33171036) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000003
on-change | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=0us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x0000001b) DEVICE_ORIENTATION | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.device_orientation(27) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000002
on-change | minRate=1.00Hz | minDelay=0us | no batching | non-wakeUp |
0x0000001d) STATIONARY_DETECT | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.stationary_detect(29) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000005
one-shot | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=-1us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x0000001e) MOTION_DETECT | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.motion_detect(30) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000005
one-shot | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=-1us | no batching | wakeUp |
0x00000048) SAR | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.sar(65608) | perm: n/a | flags: 0x00000003
on-change | minRate=1.00Hz | maxRate=100.00Hz | no batching | wakeUp |
0x00000065) STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP | MTK | ver: 1 | type:
android.sensor.step_detector(18) | perm: android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION |
flags: 0x00000007
special-trigger | maxDelay=0us | minDelay=0us | FIFO (max,reserved) = (4500,
100) events | wakeUp |
Fusion States:
9-axis fusion disabled (0 clients), gyro-rate= 200.00Hz, q=< 0, 0, 0, 0 > (0), b=<
0, 0, 0 >
game fusion(no mag) disabled (0 clients), gyro-rate= 200.00Hz, q=< 0, 0, 0, 0 >
(0), b=< 0, 0, 0 >
geomag fusion (no gyro) disabled (0 clients), gyro-rate= 200.00Hz, q=< 0, 0, 0, 0 >
(0), b=< 0, 0, 0 >
Recent Sensor events:
DEVICE_ORIENTATION: last 10 events
1 (ts=21695.269646416, wall=06:54:13.962) 1.00,
2 (ts=21710.507326571, wall=06:54:29.199) 0.00,
3 (ts=21793.309989268, wall=06:55:52.002) 1.00,
4 (ts=21805.038387807, wall=06:56:03.730) 1.00,
5 (ts=21805.571418499, wall=06:56:04.263) 0.00,
6 (ts=21861.571154886, wall=06:57:00.263) 3.00,
7 (ts=22379.264810601, wall=07:05:37.957) 0.00,
8 (ts=24385.570305526, wall=07:39:04.262) 0.00,
9 (ts=24390.155683449, wall=07:39:08.848) 1.00,
10 (ts=24764.512856455, wall=07:45:23.205) 0.00,
ACCELEROMETER: last 50 events
1 (ts=19911.657239942, wall=06:24:30.371) 1.86, 9.81, 1.99,
2 (ts=19911.676775677, wall=06:24:30.371) 1.88, 9.81, 2.01,
3 (ts=19911.696315261, wall=06:24:30.410) 1.88, 9.81, 2.03,
4 (ts=19911.715854836, wall=06:24:30.410) 1.90, 9.81, 2.03,
5 (ts=19911.735393342, wall=06:24:30.449) 1.90, 9.81, 2.05,
6 (ts=19911.754931845, wall=06:24:30.449) 1.91, 9.81, 2.03,
7 (ts=19911.774464689, wall=06:24:30.488) 1.91, 9.81, 2.03,
8 (ts=19911.793997538, wall=06:24:30.488) 1.90, 9.81, 2.01,
9 (ts=19911.813539279, wall=06:24:30.527) 1.90, 9.81, 2.01,
10 (ts=19911.833081004, wall=06:24:30.527) 1.88, 9.81, 1.99,
11 (ts=19911.852609817, wall=06:24:30.566) 1.88, 9.81, 1.97,
12 (ts=19911.872138634, wall=06:24:30.566) 1.86, 9.81, 1.95,
13 (ts=19911.891675667, wall=06:24:30.606) 1.84, 9.81, 1.93,
14 (ts=19911.911212702, wall=06:24:30.606) 1.84, 9.81, 1.91,
15 (ts=19911.930754559, wall=06:24:30.644) 1.82, 9.81, 1.90,
16 (ts=19911.950296442, wall=06:24:30.644) 1.82, 9.81, 1.90,
17 (ts=19911.969835000, wall=06:24:30.683) 1.82, 9.81, 1.88,
18 (ts=19911.989373543, wall=06:24:30.683) 1.84, 9.81, 1.86,
19 (ts=19912.008914972, wall=06:24:30.722) 1.84, 9.81, 1.86,
20 (ts=19912.028456393, wall=06:24:30.722) 1.86, 9.81, 1.84,
21 (ts=19912.047991105, wall=06:24:30.761) 1.86, 9.81, 1.84,
22 (ts=19912.067525840, wall=06:24:30.761) 1.86, 9.81, 1.84,
23 (ts=19912.087074092, wall=06:24:30.800) 1.86, 9.81, 1.86,
24 (ts=19912.106622355, wall=06:24:30.800) 1.86, 9.81, 1.86,
25 (ts=19912.126169563, wall=06:24:30.840) 1.86, 9.81, 1.86,
26 (ts=19912.145716796, wall=06:24:30.840) 1.86, 9.81, 1.88,
27 (ts=19912.165256090, wall=06:24:30.879) 1.84, 9.81, 1.88,
28 (ts=19912.184795403, wall=06:24:30.879) 1.84, 9.81, 1.90,
29 (ts=19912.204335750, wall=06:24:30.918) 1.82, 9.81, 1.90,
30 (ts=19912.223876095, wall=06:24:30.918) 1.82, 9.81, 1.91,
31 (ts=19912.243419576, wall=06:24:30.957) 1.82, 9.81, 1.91,
32 (ts=19912.262963037, wall=06:24:30.957) 1.82, 9.81, 1.91,
33 (ts=19912.282500296, wall=06:24:30.996) 1.82, 9.81, 1.93,
34 (ts=19912.302037571, wall=06:24:30.996) 1.82, 9.81, 1.93,
35 (ts=19912.321577881, wall=06:24:31.035) 1.82, 9.81, 1.95,
36 (ts=19912.341118186, wall=06:24:31.035) 1.82, 9.81, 1.95,
37 (ts=19912.360658603, wall=06:24:31.074) 1.80, 9.81, 1.95,
38 (ts=19912.380199028, wall=06:24:31.074) 1.80, 9.81, 1.93,
39 (ts=19912.399736010, wall=06:24:31.115) 1.80, 9.81, 1.93,
40 (ts=19912.419273013, wall=06:24:31.115) 1.80, 9.81, 1.93,
41 (ts=19912.438820518, wall=06:24:31.152) 1.82, 9.81, 1.93,
42 (ts=19912.458368013, wall=06:24:31.152) 1.84, 9.81, 1.91,
43 (ts=19912.477904033, wall=06:24:31.191) 1.86, 9.81, 1.91,
44 (ts=19912.497440042, wall=06:24:31.191) 1.88, 9.81, 1.91,
45 (ts=19912.516982589, wall=06:24:31.230) 1.91, 9.81, 1.90,
46 (ts=19912.536525124, wall=06:24:31.230) 1.93, 9.81, 1.90,
47 (ts=19912.556062827, wall=06:24:31.269) 1.95, 9.81, 1.90,
48 (ts=19912.575600524, wall=06:24:31.269) 1.95, 9.81, 1.88,
49 (ts=19912.595139288, wall=06:24:31.308) 1.95, 9.81, 1.88,
50 (ts=19912.614678057, wall=06:24:31.308) 1.95, 9.81, 1.88,
STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP: last 10 events
1 (ts=24793.906800611, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
2 (ts=24793.906803226, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
3 (ts=24793.906805842, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
4 (ts=24793.906808457, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
5 (ts=24793.906811073, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
6 (ts=24793.906813688, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
7 (ts=24793.906816303, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
8 (ts=24793.906818919, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
9 (ts=24793.906821534, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
10 (ts=24793.906824150, wall=07:45:52.600) 1.00,
1 (ts=23000.900286788, wall=07:15:59.672) 1.00,
2 (ts=23727.580927365, wall=07:28:06.277) 1.00,
3 (ts=24329.301222834, wall=07:38:08.011) 1.00,
LIGHT: last 50 events
1 (ts=24787.302377380, wall=07:45:45.994) 553.00, 0.00, 0.00,
2 (ts=24787.502377995, wall=07:45:46.194) 549.00, 0.00, 0.00,
3 (ts=24787.702226841, wall=07:45:46.394) 560.00, 0.00, 0.00,
4 (ts=24787.901762841, wall=07:45:46.594) 554.00, 0.00, 0.00,
5 (ts=24788.102386457, wall=07:45:46.794) 558.00, 0.00, 0.00,
6 (ts=24788.302235688, wall=07:45:46.994) 560.00, 0.00, 0.00,
7 (ts=24788.502520149, wall=07:45:47.194) 558.00, 0.00, 0.00,
8 (ts=24788.702708457, wall=07:45:47.395) 555.00, 0.00, 0.00,
9 (ts=24788.902682765, wall=07:45:47.595) 546.00, 0.00, 0.00,
10 (ts=24789.102227611, wall=07:45:47.794) 537.00, 0.00, 0.00,
11 (ts=24789.302450688, wall=07:45:47.994) 548.00, 0.00, 0.00,
12 (ts=24789.503058611, wall=07:45:48.195) 541.00, 0.00, 0.00,
13 (ts=24789.702303611, wall=07:45:48.394) 552.00, 0.00, 0.00,
14 (ts=24789.902443226, wall=07:45:48.594) 549.00, 0.00, 0.00,
15 (ts=24790.102964149, wall=07:45:48.795) 544.00, 0.00, 0.00,
16 (ts=24790.302248688, wall=07:45:48.994) 542.00, 0.00, 0.00,
17 (ts=24790.502286919, wall=07:45:49.194) 547.00, 0.00, 0.00,
18 (ts=24790.704138534, wall=07:45:49.396) 543.00, 0.00, 0.00,
19 (ts=24790.902428226, wall=07:45:49.594) 558.00, 0.00, 0.00,
20 (ts=24791.102266457, wall=07:45:49.794) 543.00, 0.00, 0.00,
21 (ts=24791.302366226, wall=07:45:49.994) 547.00, 0.00, 0.00,
22 (ts=24791.502275072, wall=07:45:50.194) 541.00, 0.00, 0.00,
23 (ts=24791.702303303, wall=07:45:50.394) 536.00, 0.00, 0.00,
24 (ts=24791.902313226, wall=07:45:50.594) 540.00, 0.00, 0.00,
25 (ts=24792.103186149, wall=07:45:50.795) 510.00, 0.00, 0.00,
26 (ts=24792.302455688, wall=07:45:50.994) 889.00, 0.00, 0.00,
27 (ts=24792.502268149, wall=07:45:51.194) 496.00, 0.00, 0.00,
28 (ts=24792.702281765, wall=07:45:51.394) 521.00, 0.00, 0.00,
29 (ts=24792.902235996, wall=07:45:51.594) 512.00, 0.00, 0.00,
30 (ts=24793.102252380, wall=07:45:51.794) 507.00, 0.00, 0.00,
31 (ts=24793.302234534, wall=07:45:51.994) 479.00, 0.00, 0.00,
32 (ts=24793.502106765, wall=07:45:52.194) 464.00, 0.00, 0.00,
33 (ts=24793.702241457, wall=07:45:52.394) 471.00, 0.00, 0.00,
34 (ts=24793.906759380, wall=07:45:52.600) 486.00, 0.00, 0.00,
35 (ts=24794.102408150, wall=07:45:52.795) 523.00, 0.00, 0.00,
36 (ts=24794.302383457, wall=07:45:52.994) 539.00, 0.00, 0.00,
37 (ts=24794.502373457, wall=07:45:53.194) 548.00, 0.00, 0.00,
38 (ts=24794.702367073, wall=07:45:53.394) 539.00, 0.00, 0.00,
39 (ts=24794.902369226, wall=07:45:53.594) 547.00, 0.00, 0.00,
40 (ts=24795.102329765, wall=07:45:53.794) 554.00, 0.00, 0.00,
41 (ts=24795.302757765, wall=07:45:53.995) 552.00, 0.00, 0.00,
42 (ts=24795.502608380, wall=07:45:54.195) 547.00, 0.00, 0.00,
43 (ts=24795.702267227, wall=07:45:54.394) 543.00, 0.00, 0.00,
44 (ts=24795.902342919, wall=07:45:54.594) 554.00, 0.00, 0.00,
45 (ts=24796.102366919, wall=07:45:54.795) 526.00, 0.00, 0.00,
46 (ts=24796.302389534, wall=07:45:54.994) 451.00, 0.00, 0.00,
47 (ts=24796.502248765, wall=07:45:55.194) 457.00, 0.00, 0.00,
48 (ts=24796.702238304, wall=07:45:55.394) 516.00, 0.00, 0.00,
49 (ts=24796.902442842, wall=07:45:55.594) 530.00, 0.00, 0.00,
50 (ts=24797.102269996, wall=07:45:55.794) 527.00, 0.00, 0.00,
PROXIMITY: last 30 events
1 (ts=21805.211204730, wall=06:56:03.904) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
2 (ts=21810.011026038, wall=06:56:08.705) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
3 (ts=21810.410815807, wall=06:56:09.103) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
4 (ts=21861.411745963, wall=06:57:00.104) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
5 (ts=21861.611453424, wall=06:57:00.304) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
6 (ts=21862.411758809, wall=06:57:01.104) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
7 (ts=21862.811738347, wall=06:57:01.504) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
8 (ts=21864.014505347, wall=06:57:02.708) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
9 (ts=21864.212268886, wall=06:57:02.906) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
10 (ts=21864.412590809, wall=06:57:03.106) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
11 (ts=21864.614599040, wall=06:57:03.309) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
12 (ts=21865.612329271, wall=06:57:04.306) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
13 (ts=21866.012302963, wall=06:57:04.706) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
14 (ts=21870.812314886, wall=06:57:09.506) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
15 (ts=21871.012251886, wall=06:57:09.706) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
16 (ts=21871.212123348, wall=06:57:09.905) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
17 (ts=22378.851137294, wall=07:05:37.544) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
18 (ts=24385.469561064, wall=07:39:04.162) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
19 (ts=24390.870151757, wall=07:39:09.564) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
20 (ts=24391.269907911, wall=07:39:09.964) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
21 (ts=24392.070131142, wall=07:39:10.763) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
22 (ts=24392.269657834, wall=07:39:10.963) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
23 (ts=24392.670144680, wall=07:39:11.364) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
24 (ts=24392.870043142, wall=07:39:11.564) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
25 (ts=24393.070724911, wall=07:39:11.765) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
26 (ts=24393.470057142, wall=07:39:12.164) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
27 (ts=24393.672582065, wall=07:39:12.367) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
28 (ts=24764.000047225, wall=07:45:22.693) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
29 (ts=24765.399801302, wall=07:45:24.092) 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
30 (ts=24765.599850609, wall=07:45:24.293) 1.00, 0.00, 0.00,
SAR: last 10 events
1 (ts=24781.822787995, wall=07:45:40.515) 1.00, 4279.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
2 (ts=24781.822807764, wall=07:45:40.515) 1.00, 4279.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
3 (ts=24792.222863072, wall=07:45:50.915) 2.00, 381.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
4 (ts=24792.222883457, wall=07:45:50.915) 2.00, 381.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
5 (ts=24794.222964765, wall=07:45:52.916) 1.00, 14394.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
6 (ts=24794.222997996, wall=07:45:52.916) 1.00, 14394.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
7 (ts=24796.422823842, wall=07:45:55.115) 2.00, 348.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
8 (ts=24796.422841611, wall=07:45:55.115) 2.00, 348.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
9 (ts=24796.622834611, wall=07:45:55.315) 1.00, 1758.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
10 (ts=24796.622847765, wall=07:45:55.315) 1.00, 1758.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,
Active sensors:
LIGHT (handle=0x00000005, connections=2)
DEVICE_ORIENTATION (handle=0x0000001b, connections=1)
SAR (handle=0x00000048, connections=1)
STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP (handle=0x00000065, connections=1)
Socket Buffer size = 984 events
WakeLock Status: not held
Sensor Privacy: disabled
5 active connections
Connection Number: 0
Operating Mode: NORMAL | WakeLockRefCount 0 |
uid 1000 | cache size 0 | max cache size 0
DEVICE_ORIENTATION 0x0000001b | status: active | pending flush events 0
Connection Number: 1
Operating Mode: NORMAL
hidl_client_pid_760 | WakeLockRefCount 0 | uid 1000 | cache size 0 | max
cache size 0
LIGHT 0x00000005 | status: active | pending flush events 0
Connection Number: 2
Operating Mode: NORMAL | WakeLockRefCount 0 | uid 1000
| cache size 0 | max cache size 0
LIGHT 0x00000005 | status: active | pending flush events 0
Connection Number: 3
Operating Mode: NORMAL
com.miui.powerkeeper.stepsprovider.StepsService | WakeLockRefCount 0 | uid
1000 | cache size 0 | max cache size 0
STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP 0x00000065 | status: active | pending flush events 0
Connection Number: 4
Operating Mode: NORMAL
com.longcheertel.sarauth.SarSensorEventListener | WakeLockRefCount 0 | uid
1001 | cache size 0 | max cache size 0
SAR 0x00000048 | status: active | pending flush events 0
0 direct connections
0 controlled connections
controlled apps :
10064, 10142, 10196, 10198, 10199, 10200,
10201, 10202, 10203, 10204, 10205, 10206, 10207,
10208, 10209, 10210, 10211, 10212, 10213, 10214,
10215, 10216, 10217, 10218, 10219, 10220, 10221,
10222, 10223, 10224, 10225,
Previous Registrations:
07:45:52 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
07:45:29 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:45:29 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:45:29 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:45:22 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
07:45:22 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:45:22 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
07:45:22 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
07:45:22 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:45:22 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:45:22 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:45:22 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
07:39:14 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:39:14 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:39:14 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:39:14 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:39:14 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
07:39:14 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:39:04 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
07:39:04 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:39:04 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
07:39:04 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
07:39:03 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:39:03 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
07:39:03 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:39:03 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:38:07 + 0x00000011 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=0us
07:28:06 + 0x00000011 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=0us
07:11:22 + 0x00000011 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=0us
07:05:39 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:05:38 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:05:38 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:05:38 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
07:05:38 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:05:38 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:05:37 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
07:05:37 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:05:37 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
07:05:37 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
07:05:37 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:05:37 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
07:05:37 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
07:05:37 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
06:57:10 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:57:10 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:57:10 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:57:10 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:57:10 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:57:10 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:57:01 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
06:57:00 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:59 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
06:56:59 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
06:56:59 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:59 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:59 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:59 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:20 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:20 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:20 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:20 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:20 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:56:20 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:05 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
06:56:04 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:04 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
06:56:04 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:03 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:03 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
06:56:03 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:03 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:03 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:03 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:03 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:03 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:56:03 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:56:03 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:54:08 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
06:54:08 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:54:08 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
06:54:08 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
06:54:08 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:54:08 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:54:08 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:54:08 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
06:54:04 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:54:04 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:54:04 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:54:04 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:54:04 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:54:04 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:34:58 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
06:34:57 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:34:57 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
06:34:57 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:34:57 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
06:34:56 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
06:34:56 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:34:56 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:34:56 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:34:56 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:34:56 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:34:56 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:34:56 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:34:56 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:24:31 - 0x00000001 pid= 1687 uid=10086
06:24:17 + 0x00000001 pid= 1687 uid=10086
package=com.miui.home.launcher.ShakeMonitor samplingPeriod=20000us
06:23:48 - 0x00000001 pid=23034 uid= 1000
06:23:11 + 0x00000001 pid=23034 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=20000us
06:20:35 - 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072
06:20:32 + 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072 samplingPeriod=20000us
06:20:29 - 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072
06:19:17 + 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072 samplingPeriod=20000us
06:19:01 - 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072
06:18:54 + 0x00000001 pid=22788 uid=10072 samplingPeriod=20000us
06:18:44 - 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
06:18:42 - 0x00000001 pid=22073 uid=10070
06:18:42 - 0x00000001 pid=22073 uid=10070
06:18:42 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:18:41 - 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
06:18:18 + 0x00000001 pid=22073 uid=10070 samplingPeriod=20000us
06:18:08 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:18:08 - 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
06:18:08 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:18:03 + 0x00000065 pid=22475 uid= 1000
package=com.miui.powerkeeper.stepsprovider.StepsService samplingPeriod=200000us
06:18:01 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:18:01 - 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
06:17:47 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:17:47 - 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
06:17:47 + 0x00000001 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_734
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:17:46 + 0x00000001 pid=22073 uid=10070
package=android.view.OrientationEventListener samplingPeriod=20000us
06:16:42 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210 package=unknown_package_pid_20787
06:16:27 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
06:16:27 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:26 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
06:16:26 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:26 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
06:16:26 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:26 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
06:16:26 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:25 - 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
06:16:24 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:20 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210 package=unknown_package_pid_20787
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:16:18 + 0x00000001 pid=20787 uid=10210 package=unknown_package_pid_20787
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:15:56 - 0x00000001 pid=20544 uid= 1000
06:15:56 + 0x00000001 pid=20544 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:15:31 - 0x00000001 pid=20302 uid= 1000
06:15:31 + 0x00000001 pid=20302 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=20000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:10:43 - 0x00000001 pid=18680 uid=10199 package=X.23P
06:08:22 + 0x00000001 pid=18680 uid=10199 package=X.23P samplingPeriod=20000us
06:04:36 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:04:35 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:04:34 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
06:04:34 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:04:34 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
06:02:11 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
06:02:11 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:02:11 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:02:11 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
06:01:58 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
05:59:06 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
05:59:06 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:59:06 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
05:59:06 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
05:59:05 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:59:05 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:59:05 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:59:05 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
05:58:55 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:58:55 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:58:55 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:58:55 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:58:55 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:58:55 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
05:54:48 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:54:48 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000
samplingPeriod=250000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:54:48 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=200000us
05:53:11 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
05:53:10 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:53:10 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
05:53:10 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
05:52:44 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:52:43 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
05:52:28 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
05:52:28 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:52:28 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
05:52:28 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
05:52:28 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
05:52:28 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
05:52:27 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
05:52:27 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
05:52:27 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
05:52:27 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
04:51:12 - 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
04:51:12 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
04:50:39 - 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
04:50:39 + 0x00000005 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=hidl_client_pid_760
samplingPeriod=200000us batchingPeriod=0us
04:50:39 + 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000 samplingPeriod=66667us
04:50:39 + 0x00000008 pid= 1201 uid= 1000 package=miui.util.ProximitySensorWrapper
samplingPeriod=0us batchingPeriod=0us
04:49:19 - 0x0000001b pid= 1201 uid= 1000
--------- 0.011s was the duration of dumpsys sensorservice, ending at: 2022-02-15
Dump time : 2022-02-15 07:45:55.846

WINDOW MANAGER LAST ANR (dumpsys window lastanr)
<no ANR has occurred since boot>

WINDOW MANAGER POLICY STATE (dumpsys window policy)
mSafeMode=false mSystemReady=true mSystemBooted=true
mLidKeyboardAccessibility=0 mLidNavigationAccessibility=0
mHasSoftInput=true mHapticTextHandleEnabled=false
mDismissImeOnBackKeyPressed=false mIncallPowerBehavior=sleep
mIncallBackBehavior=<nothing> mEndcallBehavior=sleep
mDisplayHomeButtonHandlers= mKeyguardOccluded=false
mKeyguardOccludedChanged=false mPendingKeyguardOccluded=false
mAllowLockscreenWhenOnDisplays=false mLockScreenTimeout=60000
Looper state:
Looper (android.ui, tid 19) {1c2a522}
(Total messages: 0, polling=true, quitting=false)
Dump time: 2022-02-15 07:45:55.849 WET
Package: system_server
Current looper: Looper (android.ui, tid=1230)
History of long time messages on Looper (android.ui, tid=1230):
Msg #1: seq=8936 plan=07:45:39.047 late=0ms wall=110ms running=1ms
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate w=2
Msg #2: seq=8859 plan=07:39:03.948 late=0ms wall=117ms running=8ms
runnable=10ms io=80ms$2 w=1
Msg #3: seq=8805 plan=07:20:44.843 late=7ms wall=103ms running=3ms
runnable=5ms$UiHandler w=68
Msg #4: seq=8760 plan=06:58:05.457 late=0ms wall=926ms running=3ms
runnable=2ms$UiHandler w=53
Msg #5: seq=8606 plan=06:56:04.034 late=27ms wall=163ms running=4ms
runnable=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
Msg #6: seq=8590 plan=06:56:03.786 late=0ms wall=211ms running=1ms
runnable=5ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=android.view.-$
Msg #7: seq=8486 plan=06:54:13.962 late=1ms wall=117ms running=24ms
io=1ms h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable
Msg #8: seq=8453 plan=06:54:08.411 late=1ms wall=145ms running=11ms
runnable=8ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
Msg #9: seq=8232 plan=06:34:57.028 late=38ms wall=494ms running=105ms
runnable=43ms io=45ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler

mKeyPressed=10000 mKeyPressing=0 mShortcutPressing=0
KEYCODE_MENU KeyBitmask=10
KEYCODE_HOME KeyBitmask=1000
KEYCODE_BACK KeyBitmask=10000
KEYCODE_POWER KeyBitmask=100000
KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN KeyBitmask=1000000
KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP KeyBitmask=10000000
ElSE KEYCODE KeyBitmask=1
Smart Cover Mode: mSmartCoverLidOpen=true

WINDOW MANAGER ANIMATOR STATE (dumpsys window animator)
DisplayContentsAnimator #0:
Window #0: WindowStateAnimator{87cdbb3}
Window #1: WindowStateAnimator{78c4570}
Window #2: WindowStateAnimator{881e0e9}
Window #3: WindowStateAnimator{f09f16e
Window #4: WindowStateAnimator{7df800f LauncherMinusOneScreen}
Window #5: WindowStateAnimator{dc8489c DockedStackDivider}
Window #6: WindowStateAnimator{90ea2a5 AssistPreviewPanel}
Window #7: WindowStateAnimator{167b67a Aspect}
Window #8: WindowStateAnimator{f1e0e2b RoundCorner}
Window #9: WindowStateAnimator{85f5288 StatusBar}
Window #10: WindowStateAnimator{8ebc421 NavigationBar}
Window #11: WindowStateAnimator{4aac046 RoundCorner}
Window #12: WindowStateAnimator{f6d6207 InputMethod}
no ScreenRotationAnimation

mCurrentTime=9604152 (496 ms ago)


WINDOW MANAGER SESSIONS (dumpsys window sessions)
Session Session{65e49d 23256:u0a10194}:
mNumWindow=1 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=false mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{19e4908 23034:1000}:
mNumWindow=0 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{1a465aa 21584:u0a10173}:
mNumWindow=1 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=false mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{3951c72 1413:1000}:
mNumWindow=9 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{80a007a 2484:u0a10193}:
mNumWindow=1 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=false mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{b30242d 23609:1000}:
mNumWindow=0 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{cab88b8 1687:u0a10086}:
mNumWindow=1 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{d5cdf74 1201:1000}:
mNumWindow=0 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false
Session Session{ebfef7a 1612:1001}:
mNumWindow=0 mCanAddInternalSystemWindow=true mAppOverlaySurfaces=[]
mAlertWindowSurfaces=[] mClientDead=false

WINDOW MANAGER DISPLAY CONTENTS (dumpsys window displays)
Display: mDisplayId=0
init=720x1600 320dpi cur=720x1600 app=720x1449 rng=720x665-1449x1449
deferred=false mLayoutNeeded=false mTouchExcludeRegion=SkRegion((0,0,720,1600))

mCurrentFocus=Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}

mWallpaperTarget=Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
mLastWallpaperX=0.0 mLastWallpaperY=0.0

mSystemGestureExclusion=<no lstnrs>

Application tokens in top down Z order:

appTokens=[AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}]
Activity #0 AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}
windows=[Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}, Window{ebb3276 u0
windowType=2 hidden=false hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=1 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}] mdr=false}
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=1
hiddenRequested=false mClientHidden=false reportedDrawn=true
mNumInterestingWindows=2 mNumDrawnWindows=2 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=true lastAllDrawn=true mIsCastMode=false)
startingData=null removed=false firstWindowDrawn=true mIsExiting=false
appTokens=[AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}]
Activity #0 AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}
windowType=2 hidden=true hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=186 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}]
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=1
hiddenRequested=true mClientHidden=true reportedDrawn=false
mNumInterestingWindows=1 mNumDrawnWindows=1 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=false lastAllDrawn=false mIsCastMode=false)
appTokens=[AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
Activity #0 AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
windows=[Window{d4ac10c u0}]
windowType=2 hidden=true hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=195 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}}] mdr=false}
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=-1
hiddenRequested=true mClientHidden=true reportedDrawn=false
mNumInterestingWindows=1 mNumDrawnWindows=1 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=true lastAllDrawn=true mIsCastMode=false)
startingData=null removed=false firstWindowDrawn=true mIsExiting=false



mDisplayInfo=DisplayInfo{"Ecrã Integrado, displayId 0", uniqueId "local:0", app
720 x 1449, real 720 x 1600, largest app 1449 x 1449, smallest app 720 x 665, mode
1, defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0}], colorMode 0,
supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, rotation 0, density 320 (268.941 x
269.139) dpi, layerStack 0, appVsyncOff 8300000, presDeadline 9366667, type
BUILT_IN, address {port=0}, state OFF, FLAG_SECURE,

DisplayFrames w=720 h=1600 r=0

mDisplayCutout=WmDisplayCutout{DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0)
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}, mFrameSize=720x1600}

DisplayPolicy mCarDockEnablesAccelerometer=true
mAwake=true mScreenOnEarly=true mScreenOnFully=true
mKeyguardDrawComplete=true mWindowManagerDrawComplete=true
mLastSystemUiFlags=0x8708 mResettingSystemUiFlags=0x0
mShowingDream=false mDreamingLockscreen=false mDreamingSleepToken=null
mStatusBar=Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar} isStatusBarKeyguard=false
mNavigationBar=Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
mFocusedWindow=Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
mFocusedApp=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}
mTopFullscreenOpaqueWindowState=Window{ebb3276 u0 LauncherMinusOneScreen}
mTopFullscreenOpaqueOrDimmingWindowState=Window{ebb3276 u0
mTopIsFullscreen=false mForceStatusBar=false
mContentFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 55)
mContentFrame=Rect(0, 1504 - 720, 1600)
Looper state:
Looper (android.ui, tid 19) {1c2a522}
(Total messages: 0, polling=true, quitting=false)
Dump time: 2022-02-15 07:45:55.866 WET
Package: system_server
Current looper: Looper (android.ui, tid=1230)
History of long time messages on Looper (android.ui, tid=1230):
Msg #1: seq=8936 plan=07:45:39.047 late=0ms wall=110ms running=1ms
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate w=2
Msg #2: seq=8859 plan=07:39:03.948 late=0ms wall=117ms running=8ms
runnable=10ms io=80ms$2 w=1
Msg #3: seq=8805 plan=07:20:44.843 late=7ms wall=103ms running=3ms
runnable=5ms$UiHandler w=68
Msg #4: seq=8760 plan=06:58:05.457 late=0ms wall=926ms running=3ms
runnable=2ms$UiHandler w=53
Msg #5: seq=8606 plan=06:56:04.034 late=27ms wall=163ms running=4ms
runnable=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
Msg #6: seq=8590 plan=06:56:03.786 late=0ms wall=211ms running=1ms
runnable=5ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=android.view.-$
Msg #7: seq=8486 plan=06:54:13.962 late=1ms wall=117ms running=24ms
io=1ms h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable
Msg #8: seq=8453 plan=06:54:08.411 late=1ms wall=145ms running=11ms
runnable=8ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
Msg #9: seq=8232 plan=06:34:57.028 late=38ms wall=494ms running=105ms
runnable=43ms io=45ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler

mLandscapeRotation=ROTATION_90 mSeascapeRotation=ROTATION_270
mPortraitRotation=ROTATION_0 mUpsideDownRotation=ROTATION_180
mSensor={Sensor name="DEVICE_ORIENTATION", vendor="MTK", version=1, type=27,
maxRange=3.0, resolution=1.0, power=0.001, minDelay=0}

mCarDockRotation=-1 mDeskDockRotation=-1
mUserRotationMode=USER_ROTATION_FREE mUserRotation=ROTATION_0
mDemoHdmiRotation=ROTATION_90 mDemoHdmiRotationLock=false

name=pip_input_consumer pid=1413 user=UserHandle{0}

InsetsSource type=TYPE_UNKNOWN_10 frame=[0,0][0,0] visible=false
InsetsSource type=TYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT frame=[0,1504][720,1600]
InsetsSource type=TYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT frame=[0,0][720,55] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES frame=[720,0][720,1600] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_LEFT_GESTURES frame=[0,0][0,1600] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_BOTTOM_GESTURES frame=[0,1504][720,1600] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_TOP_GESTURES frame=[0,0][720,55] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_SIDE_BAR_1 frame=[0,1504][720,1600] visible=true
InsetsSource type=TYPE_TOP_BAR frame=[0,0][720,55] visible=true
Control map:

WINDOW MANAGER TOKENS (dumpsys window tokens)
All tokens:
Display #0
AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}:
windows=[Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher},
Window{ebb3276 u0 LauncherMinusOneScreen}]
windowType=2 hidden=false hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=1 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}] mdr=false}
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=1
hiddenRequested=false mClientHidden=false reportedDrawn=true
mNumInterestingWindows=2 mNumDrawnWindows=2 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=true lastAllDrawn=true mIsCastMode=false)
startingData=null removed=false firstWindowDrawn=true mIsExiting=false
AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}:
windows=[Window{d4ac10c u0}]
windowType=2 hidden=true hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=195 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f
ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0
t195}}}] mdr=false}
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=-1
hiddenRequested=true mClientHidden=true reportedDrawn=false
mNumInterestingWindows=1 mNumDrawnWindows=1 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=true lastAllDrawn=true mIsCastMode=false)
startingData=null removed=false firstWindowDrawn=true mIsExiting=false
WallpaperWindowToken{18b42d token=android.os.Binder@e210b44}:
windows=[Window{d7058df u0}]
windowType=2013 hidden=false hasVisible=true
WallpaperWindowToken{1c7fda9 token=android.os.BinderProxy@359dd30}:
windows=[Window{61ebf59 u0}]
windowType=2013 hidden=false hasVisible=true
WindowToken{6c15ca1 android.os.BinderProxy@521fd08}:
windows=[Window{13aec6 u0 Aspect}]
windowType=2003 hidden=false hasVisible=false
WindowToken{a62b6fd android.os.BinderProxy@6391754}:
windows=[Window{4772ff2 u0 DockedStackDivider}]
windowType=2034 hidden=false hasVisible=false
WindowToken{e6a5d5 android.os.BinderProxy@e9e9a8c}:
windows=[Window{4e0d378 u0 RoundCorner}]
windowType=2015 hidden=false hasVisible=false
WindowToken{16e44db android.os.BinderProxy@1216dd5}:
windows=[Window{1503b78 u0 AssistPreviewPanel}]
windowType=2033 hidden=false hasVisible=false
WindowToken{f5990d9 android.os.BinderProxy@d95ff20}:
windows=[Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}]
windowType=2019 hidden=false hasVisible=true
AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1 ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}:
windowType=2 hidden=true hasVisible=true
app=true mVoiceInteraction=false
task={taskId=186 appTokens=[AppWindowToken{239acd6 token=Token{98748f1
ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}}}]
mFillsParent=true mOrientation=1
hiddenRequested=true mClientHidden=true reportedDrawn=false
mNumInterestingWindows=1 mNumDrawnWindows=1 inPendingTransaction=false
allDrawn=false lastAllDrawn=false mIsCastMode=false)
WindowToken{fc6c2eb android.os.BinderProxy@a3463a}:
windows=[Window{3c6c848 u0 RoundCorner}]
windowType=2017 hidden=false hasVisible=false
WindowToken{8558bb5 android.os.BinderProxy@3615e9f}:
windows=[Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}]
windowType=2000 hidden=false hasVisible=true
WindowToken{2cadefa android.os.Binder@fdb1d25}:
windows=[Window{8cc3115 u0 InputMethod}]
windowType=2011 hidden=false hasVisible=true

WINDOW MANAGER WINDOWS (dumpsys window windows)
Window #0 Window{8cc3115 u0 InputMethod}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{80a007a 2484:u0a10193} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@4424acc
mOwnerUid=10193 mShowToOwnerOnly=true appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan}
blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=INPUT_METHOD fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x1030056
Requested w=720 h=1545 mLayoutSeq=3610
mIsImWindow=true mIsWallpaper=false mIsFloatingLayer=true
mBaseLayer=141000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{2cadefa
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,720][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,720][0,0]
mTouchableInsets=2 mGivenInsetsPending=false
touchable region=SkRegion()
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.371 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[55,0][1600,720] parent=[55,0][1600,720]
display=[55,0][1600,720] overscan=[0,0][1600,720]
content=[55,0][1600,720] visible=[55,0][1600,720]
mFrame=[55,0][1600,720] last=[0,55][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,55][96,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,55][96,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{f6d6207 InputMethod}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=true
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,1545] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,1545]
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=false mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #1 Window{4e0d378 u0 RoundCorner}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@e9e9a8c
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan}
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY
Requested w=0 h=0 mLayoutSeq=4005
mBaseLayer=311000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{e6a5d5
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp
?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?
nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,0] visible=[0,55][720,0]
mFrame=[0,0][720,0] last=[0,0][0,0]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{4aac046 RoundCorner}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=true mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=true seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #2 Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@d95ff20
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0
Requested w=720 h=96 mLayoutSeq=4209
mBaseLayer=231000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{f5990d9
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,1504][720,1600] parent=[0,1504][720,1600]
display=[0,1504][720,1600] overscan=[0,1504][720,1600]
content=[0,1504][720,1600] visible=[0,1504][720,1600]
mFrame=[0,1504][720,1600] last=[0,1504][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{8ebc421 NavigationBar}:
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 96 transform=(1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,96] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,96]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #3 Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@943ebec
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillx55) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=resize}
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=STATUS_BAR
Requested w=720 h=55 mLayoutSeq=4209
mBaseLayer=181000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{8558bb5
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mTouchableInsets=3 mGivenInsetsPending=false
touchable region=SkRegion((0,0,720,55))
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1504]
content=[0,0][720,55] visible=[0,0][720,55]
mFrame=[0,0][720,55] last=[0,0][720,55]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,96] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,96]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{85f5288 StatusBar}:
mAnimationIsEntrance=true mSurface=Surface(name=StatusBar)/@0xc02006c
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 55 transform=(1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,55] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,55]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #4 Window{3c6c848 u0 RoundCorner}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@a3463a
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxwrap) gr=TOP CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan}
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL
Requested w=0 h=0 mLayoutSeq=4006
mBaseLayer=171000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{fc6c2eb
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp
?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?
nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,0][720,0] visible=[0,0][720,0]
mFrame=[0,0][720,0] last=[0,0][0,0]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{f1e0e2b RoundCorner}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=true mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #5 Window{13aec6 u0 Aspect}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@521fd08
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false
mAttrs={(0,0)(wrapx206) gr=BOTTOM CENTER_VERTICAL sim={adjust=pan}
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=SYSTEM_ALERT
Requested w=0 h=0 mLayoutSeq=18
mBaseLayer=111000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{6c15ca1
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp
?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?
nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1504] parent=[0,0][720,1504]
display=[0,0][720,1504] overscan=[0,0][720,1504]
content=[360,1504][360,1504] visible=[360,1504][360,1504]
mFrame=[360,1504][360,1504] last=[0,0][0,0]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{167b67a Aspect}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=true mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #6 Window{1503b78 u0 AssistPreviewPanel}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@270d9ea
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=true appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillx500) gr=BOTTOM START CENTER sim={state=unchanged
adjust=nothing} blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=VOICE_INTERACTION_STARTING
Requested w=0 h=0 mLayoutSeq=4
mBaseLayer=41000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{16e44db
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x700
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp
?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?
nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,55][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,1600][720,1600] visible=[0,1600][720,1600]
mFrame=[0,1600][720,1600] last=[0,0][0,0]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,0] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,0] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{90ea2a5 AssistPreviewPanel}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=true mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #7 Window{4772ff2 u0 DockedStackDivider}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@6391754
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillx96) sim={adjust=pan} blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0
Requested w=720 h=96 mLayoutSeq=4209
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WindowToken{a62b6fd
mViewVisibility=0x4 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x700
mPolicyVisibility=false mLegacyPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim=false
mAppOpVisibility=true parentHidden=false mPermanentlyHidden=false
mHiddenWhileSuspended=false mForceHideNonSystemOverlayWindow=false
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mTouchableInsets=3 mGivenInsetsPending=false
touchable region=SkRegion((-96,0,96,96))
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp
?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?
nav/? winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0
extraData = Bundle[{}]}
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,55][720,1600] parent=[0,55][720,1600]
display=[0,55][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,55][720,1504]
mFrame=[0,0][0,0] last=[0,0][0,0]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0]
stable=[0,0][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] stable=[0,0][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{dc8489c DockedStackDivider}:
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mOrientationChanging=false configOrientationChanging=true mAppFreezing=false
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #8 Window{ebb3276 u0 LauncherMinusOneScreen}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{1a465aa 21584:u0a10173} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@eeae111
mOwnerUid=10173 mShowToOwnerOnly=true package=com.miui.home appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=LEFT CENTER_HORIZONTAL sim={adjust=resize}
layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=DRAWN_APPLICATION
fmt=TRANSPARENT wanim=0x10302f8
Requested w=720 h=1600 mLayoutSeq=4209
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2
token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher
mAppToken=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}
mAppDied=false drawnStateEvaluated=true mightAffectAllDrawn=true
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x700
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.42 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.40 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,1504] visible=[0,55][720,1504]
mFrame=[0,0][720,1600] last=[0,0][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96]
stable=[0,55][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96] stable=[0,55][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{7df800f LauncherMinusOneScreen}:
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 1600
transform=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,1600] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,1600]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #9 Window{ef20984 u0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{cab88b8 1687:u0a10086} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@9159397
mOwnerUid=10086 mShowToOwnerOnly=true package=com.miui.home appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always
blurRatio=1.0 blurMode=0 ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=RGBA_8888 wanim=0x10302f8
Requested w=720 h=1600 mLayoutSeq=4209
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2
token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher
mAppToken=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}
mAppDied=false drawnStateEvaluated=true mightAffectAllDrawn=true
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x700
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.42 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.40 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=true mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,1504] visible=[0,55][720,1504]
mFrame=[0,0][720,1600] last=[0,0][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96]
stable=[0,55][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96] stable=[0,55][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]
WindowStateAnimator{f09f16e com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}:
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 1600
transform=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,1600] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,1600]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
mWallpaperX=0.0 mWallpaperY=0.0
mWallpaperXStep=1.0 mWallpaperYStep=0.0
Window #10 Window{d4ac10c u0}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=51 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{65e49d 23256:u0a10194} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@3d7d43f
mOwnerUid=10194 mShowToOwnerOnly=true appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={state=always_hidden adjust=resize} blurRatio=1.0
blurMode=0 ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x10302fe
surfaceInsets=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) (manual) (!preservePreviousSurfaceInsets)
Requested w=720 h=1600 mLayoutSeq=4161
mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=AppWindowToken{7cde84c
token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}
mAppToken=AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}
mAppDied=false drawnStateEvaluated=true mightAffectAllDrawn=true
mViewVisibility=0x8 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=1 mSystemUiVisibility=0x2010
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.59 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=standard mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.57 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=false isReadyForDisplay()=false
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[0,0][720,1600] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,1504] visible=[0,55][720,1504]
mFrame=[0,0][720,1600] last=[0,0][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96]
stable=[0,55][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,55][0,96] visible=[0,55][0,96] stable=[0,55][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]
mDrawState=NO_SURFACE mLastHidden=true
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][720,1600] mLastClipRect=[0,0][720,1600]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
Window #11 Window{61ebf59 u0}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@590d7a0
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=false appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(720x1600) gr=TOP START CENTER layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always
blurRatio=0.0 blurMode=0 ty=WALLPAPER fmt=TRANSLUCENT alpha=0.0
Requested w=720 h=1600 mLayoutSeq=4209
mIsImWindow=false mIsWallpaper=true mIsFloatingLayer=true
mBaseLayer=11000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WallpaperWindowToken{1c7fda9
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[-10000,-10000][10000,10000] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,1600] visible=[0,0][0,0]
mFrame=[0,0][720,1600] last=[0,0][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,55][0,0] visible=[0,0][720,1600]
stable=[0,55][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,55][0,0] visible=[0,0][720,1600] stable=[0,55][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]

Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=0.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 1600
transform=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mShownAlpha=0.0 mAlpha=0.0 mLastAlpha=0.0
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
mWallpaperX=0.0 mWallpaperY=0.0
mWallpaperXStep=1.0 mWallpaperYStep=0.0
Window #12 Window{d7058df u0}:
mDisplayId=0 stackId=0 mMiuiPendingSeamlessRotate=null
getConfiguration().orientation = 1
mSession=Session{3951c72 1413:1000} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@6866b7e
mOwnerUid=1000 mShowToOwnerOnly=true appop=NONE
mAttrs={(0,0)(720x1600) gr=TOP START CENTER layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=always
blurRatio=0.0 blurMode=0 ty=WALLPAPER fmt=RGBX_8888 wanim=0x103030e
Requested w=720 h=1600 mLayoutSeq=4209
mIsImWindow=false mIsWallpaper=true mIsFloatingLayer=true
mBaseLayer=11000 mSubLayer=0 mToken=WallpaperWindowToken{18b42d
mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=true
mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0
mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0]
mFullConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi
nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastReportedConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp
320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
canReceiveKeys()=false mHasSurface=true isReadyForDisplay()=true
Frames: containing=[0,0][720,1600] parent=[0,0][720,1600]
display=[-10000,-10000][10000,10000] overscan=[0,0][720,1600]
content=[0,55][720,1600] visible=[0,0][0,0]
mFrame=[0,0][720,1600] last=[0,0][720,1600]
cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
last=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 - 0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0,
0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,55][0,0] visible=[0,0][720,1600]
stable=[0,55][0,96] outsets=[0,0][0,0] Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0]
content=[0,55][0,0] visible=[0,0][720,1600] stable=[0,55][0,96] outset=[0,0][0,0]
Surface: shown=true layer=0 alpha=1.0 rect=(0.0,0.0) 720 x 1600
transform=(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false
mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][0,0] mLastClipRect=[0,0][0,0]
mForceSeamlesslyRotate=false seamlesslyRotate: pending=null
mWallpaperX=0.0 mWallpaperY=0.0
mWallpaperXStep=1.0 mWallpaperYStep=0.0

mGlobalConfiguration={1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi

nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
mLastDisplayFreezeDuration=+912ms due to Window{61ebf59 u0}
mLastWakeLockHoldingWindow=null mLastWakeLockObscuringWindow=Window{61ebf59 u0}
Entry taskId=195
topApp=AppWindowToken{7cde84c token=Token{bde107f ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}}}
tivity (360x800) mColorSpace=sRGB
IEC61966-2.1 (id=0, model=RGB) mOrientation=1 mContentInsets=[0,55][0,96]
mReducedResolution=true mScale=0.5 mIsRealSnapshot=true mWindowingMode=1
mSystemUiVisibility=8208 mIsTranslucent=true
mObscuringWindow=Window{61ebf59 u0}
mSystemBooted=true mDisplayEnabled=true
mDisplayFrozen=false windows=0 client=false apps=0 mRotation=0
mLastWindowForcedOrientation=-1 mLastOrientation=1
Animation settings: disabled=false window=1.0 transition=1.0 animator=1.0
DefaultDisplayContent.mAppTransition: mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
mBackHOME = false mIsStartHome = false mStartActivityFromRecents = false
mLastOpeningApp=AppWindowToken{b03bbd2 token=Token{91c865d
ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}}}
mLastClosingApp=AppWindowToken{e728452 token=Token{a5f20dd
ActivityRecord{cdf7cb4 u0 com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity t196}}}
WINDOW MANAGER TRACE (dumpsys window trace)
Status: Disabled
Log level: 1
Buffer size: 2097152 bytes
Buffer usage: 0 bytes
Elements in the buffer: 0
dump of gesture:
gesture performance statistics:
Total Action: 0
Total Action Janky Count: 0
Total Action Janky Time: 0.0
Action Down: 0/0
Action Move: 0/0
Action Up: 0/0
Total Frame: 0
Total Frame Janky Count: 0
Total Frame Janky Time: 0.0
Home: 0/0
Recent: 0/0
Cancel: 0/0
Cast Privacy Blacklist:
#0 : StatusBar
#1 : Splash Screen
#2 :
#3 : FloatAssistantView
#4 : MiuiFreeformBorderView
#5 : SnapshotStartingWindow for
#6 : ScreenshotThumbnail
#7 : com.milink.ui.activity.ScreeningConsoleWindow
#8 : FloatNotificationPanel
#9 : com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.av.ui.AVActivity
#10 : com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.av.ui.AVLoadingDialogActivity
#11 : com.tencent.mobileqq/com.tencent.av.ui.VideoInviteActivity
#12 : com.tencent.mobileqq/.FloatingWindow
#13 : Splash Screen
#14 :
#15 :
#16 : com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.voipcalling.VoipActivityV2
#17 :
#18 :
#19 : com.miui.yellowpage/com.miui.yellowpage.activity.MarkNumberActivity
#20 : com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow
#21 : com.milink.service.ui.PrivateWindow
#22 : com.milink.ui.activity.NFCLoadingActivity
--------- 0.083s was the duration of dumpsys window, ending at: 2022-02-15 07:45:55
------ 0.501s was the duration of 'DUMPSYS CRITICAL' ------
------ 35.659s was the duration of 'DUMP TRACES' ------
------ IPTABLES (iptables -L -nvx) ------
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 10 packets, 1205 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
162685 204957465 bw_INPUT all -- * *
162685 204957465 fw_INPUT all -- * *
162685 204957465 oem_in all -- * *

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_fwd all -- * *
0 0 fw_FORWARD all -- * *
0 0 bw_FORWARD all -- * *
0 0 tetherctrl_FORWARD all -- * *

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 1245 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
42704 8517250 oem_out all -- * *
42704 8517250 fw_OUTPUT all -- * *
42704 8517250 st_OUTPUT all -- * *
42704 8517250 bw_OUTPUT all -- * *

Chain bw_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain bw_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
162685 204957465 bw_global_alert all -- * *
0 0 RETURN esp -- * *
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
mark match 0x100000/0x100000
162685 204957465 MARK all -- * * MARK or 0x100000

Chain bw_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
42704 8517250 bw_global_alert all -- * *
0 0 RETURN all -- * ipsec+
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
policy match dir out pol ipsec

Chain bw_costly_shared (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 bw_penalty_box all -- * *

Chain bw_data_saver (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
199422 211245827 RETURN all -- * *

Chain bw_global_alert (2 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
201020 211873903 all -- * * ! quota globalAlert: 2097152 bytes

Chain bw_happy_box (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
5668 2193670 RETURN all -- * *
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_whitelist_xtbpf
199422 211245827 bw_data_saver all -- * *

Chain bw_penalty_box (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 REJECT all -- * *
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_blacklist_xtbpf reject-with icmp-
205090 213439497 bw_happy_box all -- * *

Chain fw_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain fw_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain fw_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_cta_all (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_cta_mobile (5 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_data (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
42704 8517250 oem_priou all -- * *
42704 8517250 oem_priot all -- * *

Chain oem_fwd (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_in (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_out (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all -- * ppp+
42573 8504255 oem_cta_mobile all -- * ccmni+
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all -- * ccemni+
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all -- * usb+
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all -- * cc2mni+
42704 8517250 oem_cta_all all -- * *
42704 8517250 oem_data all -- * *

Chain oem_priot (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_priou (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_clear_caught (2 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_clear_detect (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 REJECT all -- * *
connmark match 0x2000000/0x2000000 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
connmark match 0x1000000/0x1000000
0 0 CONNMARK tcp -- * *
0x3c@0x4&0xff0000=0x10000" CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 CONNMARK udp -- * *
CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
connmark match 0x1000000/0x1000000
0 0 st_clear_caught tcp -- * * state ESTABLISHED u32
0 0 st_clear_caught udp -- * *

Chain st_penalty_log (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 CONNMARK all -- * *
CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 NFLOG all -- * *
Chain st_penalty_reject (0 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 CONNMARK all -- * *
CONNMARK or 0x2000000
0 0 NFLOG all -- * *
0 0 REJECT all -- * *
reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain tc_limiter (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 DROP all -- * *

Chain tetherctrl_counters (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IP6TABLES (ip6tables -L -nvx) ------
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 bw_INPUT all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 fw_INPUT all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_in all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_fwd all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 fw_FORWARD all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 bw_FORWARD all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 tetherctrl_FORWARD all * *
::/0 ::/0

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_out all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 fw_OUTPUT all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 st_OUTPUT all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 bw_OUTPUT all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain bw_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain bw_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 bw_global_alert all * *
::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN esp * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
mark match 0x100000/0x100000
0 0 MARK all * * ::/0 ::/0
MARK or 0x100000

Chain bw_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 bw_global_alert all * *
::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN all * ipsec+ ::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
policy match dir out pol ipsec

Chain bw_costly_shared (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 bw_penalty_box all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain bw_data_saver (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain bw_global_alert (2 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 all * * ::/0 ::/0
! quota globalAlert: 2097152 bytes

Chain bw_happy_box (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_whitelist_xtbpf
0 0 bw_data_saver all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain bw_penalty_box (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 REJECT all * * ::/0 ::/0
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_blacklist_xtbpf reject-with icmp6-
0 0 bw_happy_box all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain fw_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain fw_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain fw_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_cta_all (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_cta_mobile (5 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_data (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_priou all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_priot all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain oem_fwd (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_in (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_out (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all * ppp+ ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all * ccmni+ ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all * ccemni+
::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all * usb+ ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_cta_mobile all * cc2mni+
::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_cta_all all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 oem_data all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain oem_priot (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_priou (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_clear_caught (2 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain st_clear_detect (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 REJECT all * * ::/0 ::/0
connmark match 0x2000000/0x2000000 reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
connmark match 0x1000000/0x1000000
0 0 CONNMARK tcp * * ::/0 ::/0
CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 CONNMARK udp * * ::/0 ::/0
u32 "0x30&0xffff0000=0x16fe0000&&0x3c&0xff0000=0x10000" CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
connmark match 0x1000000/0x1000000
0 0 st_clear_caught tcp * *
::/0 ::/0 state ESTABLISHED u32
0 0 st_clear_caught udp * *
::/0 ::/0

Chain st_penalty_log (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 CONNMARK all * * ::/0 ::/0
CONNMARK or 0x1000000
0 0 NFLOG all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain st_penalty_reject (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 CONNMARK all * * ::/0 ::/0
CONNMARK or 0x2000000
0 0 NFLOG all * * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 REJECT all * * ::/0 ::/0
reject-with icmp6-port-unreachable

Chain tc_limiter (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_counters (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IPTABLES NAT (iptables -t nat -L -nvx) ------
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 27 packets, 3069 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
27 3069 oem_nat_pre all -- * *

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 27 packets, 3069 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 1773 packets, 545201 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 1773 packets, 545201 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
1773 545201 oem_epdg_nat_POSTROUTING all -- * *
1773 545201 tetherctrl_nat_POSTROUTING all -- * *

Chain oem_epdg_nat_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_nat_pre (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_nat_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IPTABLES MANGLE (iptables -t mangle -L -nvx) ------
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 1245 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
162717 204958745 oem_mangle_pre all -- * *

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 10 packets, 1205 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
162685 204957465 wakeupctrl_mangle_INPUT all -- * *
162685 204957465 routectrl_mangle_INPUT all -- * *

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 tetherctrl_mangle_FORWARD all -- * *

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 1245 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
42704 8517250 oem_epdg_mangle_OUTPUT all -- * *

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 1245 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
42704 8517250 oem_mangle_post all -- * *
42704 8517250 bw_mangle_POSTROUTING all -- * *
42704 8517250 idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING all -- * *

Chain bw_mangle_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all -- * ipsec+
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
policy match dir out pol ipsec
42704 8517250 MARK all -- * *
MARK and 0xffefffff
42704 8517250 all -- * *
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_egress_xtbpf

Chain idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_epdg_mangle_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_mangle_post (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_mangle_pre (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain routectrl_mangle_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tc_idletimer (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tc_wmm (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_mangle_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 TCPMSS tcp -- * *
tcp flags:0x02/0x02 TCPMSS clamp to PMTU

Chain wakeupctrl_mangle_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IP6TABLES MANGLE (ip6tables -t mangle -L -nvx) ------
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_mangle_pre all * * ::/0 ::/0

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 wakeupctrl_mangle_INPUT all * * ::/0
0 0 routectrl_mangle_INPUT all * * ::/0

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 tetherctrl_mangle_FORWARD all * * ::/0

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_epdg_mangle_OUTPUT all * * ::/0

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 oem_mangle_post all * *
::/0 ::/0
0 0 bw_mangle_POSTROUTING all * * ::/0
0 0 idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING all * * ::/0

Chain bw_mangle_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all * ipsec+ ::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
policy match dir out pol ipsec
0 0 MARK all * * ::/0 ::/0
MARK and 0xffefffff
0 0 all * * ::/0 ::/0
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_egress_xtbpf

Chain idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_epdg_mangle_OUTPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_mangle_post (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain oem_mangle_pre (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain routectrl_mangle_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tc_idletimer (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tc_wmm (0 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_mangle_FORWARD (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain wakeupctrl_mangle_INPUT (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IPTABLES RAW (iptables -t raw -L -nvx) ------
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 13 packets, 1325 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
162717 204958745 clat_raw_PREROUTING all -- * *
162717 204958745 bw_raw_PREROUTING all -- * *
162717 204958745 idletimer_raw_PREROUTING all -- * *
162717 204958745 tetherctrl_raw_PREROUTING all -- * *

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 13 packets, 1325 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain bw_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all -- ipsec+ *
0 0 RETURN all -- * *
policy match dir in pol ipsec
162717 204958745 all -- * * match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_ingress_xtbpf

Chain clat_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain idletimer_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IP6TABLES RAW (ip6tables -t raw -L -nvx) ------
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 clat_raw_PREROUTING all * * ::/0
0 0 bw_raw_PREROUTING all * *
::/0 ::/0
0 0 idletimer_raw_PREROUTING all * * ::/0
0 0 tetherctrl_raw_PREROUTING all * * ::/0

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain bw_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
0 0 RETURN all ipsec+ * ::/0 ::/0
0 0 RETURN all * * ::/0 ::/0
policy match dir in pol ipsec
0 0 all * * ::/0 ::/0
match bpf pinned /sys/fs/bpf/prog_netd_skfilter_ingress_xtbpf

Chain clat_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain idletimer_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source

Chain tetherctrl_raw_PREROUTING (1 references)

pkts bytes target prot opt in out source
------ IP XFRM POLICY (ip xfrm policy) ------
------ XFRM STATS (/proc/net/xfrm_stat) ------
XfrmInError 0
XfrmInBufferError 0
XfrmInHdrError 0
XfrmInNoStates 0
XfrmInStateProtoError 0
XfrmInStateModeError 0
XfrmInStateSeqError 0
XfrmInStateExpired 0
XfrmInStateMismatch 0
XfrmInStateInvalid 0
XfrmInTmplMismatch 0
XfrmInNoPols 0
XfrmInPolBlock 0
XfrmInPolError 0
XfrmOutError 0
XfrmOutBundleGenError 0
XfrmOutBundleCheckError 0
XfrmOutNoStates 0
XfrmOutStateProtoError 0
XfrmOutStateModeError 0
XfrmOutStateSeqError 0
XfrmOutStateExpired 0
XfrmOutPolBlock 0
XfrmOutPolDead 0
XfrmOutPolError 0
XfrmFwdHdrError 0
XfrmOutStateInvalid 0
XfrmAcquireError 0

------ DETAILED SOCKET STATE (ss -eionptu) ------

Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
------ IOTOP (iotop -n 1 -m 100) ------
*** command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed: exit code 1
------ UPTIME (uptime) ------
07:46:32 up 6:53, 0 users, load average: 29.32, 28.09, 28.18
------ DUMP BLOCK STAT ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram11) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop15) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-1) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-1/stat : 1291893 0 42732336 8772236 0
0 0 0 0 228972 8782788
/dm-1/stat : perf(ios) rd: 95668KB/s(5649/s) q: 38

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram2) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop1) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop1/stat : 988 0 42040 5060 0
0 0 0 0 1728 5056
/loop1/stat : perf(ios) rd: 12446KB/s(571/s) q: 3

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop13) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram0) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/mmcblk0rpmb) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-8) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-8/stat : 537 0 60272 2208 0
0 0 0 0 1724 2212
/dm-8/stat : perf(ios) rd: 17932KB/s(312/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop11) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram9) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop8) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop8/stat : 10 0 102 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-6) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-6/stat : 2240 0 251288 7352 0
0 0 0 0 5012 7356
/dm-6/stat : perf(ios) rd: 25684KB/s(447/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram7) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop6) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop6/stat : 1609 0 72630 9212 0
0 0 0 0 3644 9204
/loop6/stat : perf(ios) rd: 10196KB/s(441/s) q: 3

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram14) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-4) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-4/stat : 25740 0 2882912 208788 0
0 0 0 0 33656 211728
/dm-4/stat : perf(ios) rd: 44475KB/s(776/s) q: 6

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram5) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop4) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop4/stat : 596 0 60737 1768 0
0 0 0 0 1344 1768
/loop4/stat : perf(ios) rd: 23138KB/s(443/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/mmcblk0boot0) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram12) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-2) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-2/stat : 140867 0 3803928 838820 0
0 0 0 0 32176 839848
/dm-2/stat : perf(ios) rd: 60604KB/s(4383/s) q: 26

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram3) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop2) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop2/stat : 2303 0 251785 5660 0
0 0 0 0 3600 5664
/loop2/stat : perf(ios) rd: 35835KB/s(640/s) q: 2

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram10) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop14) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-0) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-0/stat : 361498 0 17694888 1644840 0
0 0 0 0 137328 1649132
/dm-0/stat : perf(ios) rd: 66144KB/s(2639/s) q: 12

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram1) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop0) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop0/stat : 23 0 782 76 0
0 0 0 0 60 76
/loop0/stat : perf(ios) rd: 6673KB/s(383/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop12) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop9) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop9/stat : 40995 0 327960 108868 65536
0 524288 3612 0 38112 112456
/loop9/stat : perf(ios) rd: 4551KB/s(1111/s) wr:
219287KB/s(53537/s) q: 3

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-7) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-7/stat : 276 0 26504 936 0
0 0 0 0 744 936
/dm-7/stat : perf(ios) rd: 18239KB/s(371/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop10) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram8) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop7) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop7/stat : 18489 0 854616 105876 0
0 0 0 0 39296 105864
/loop7/stat : perf(ios) rd: 11134KB/s(470/s) q: 3

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram15) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-5) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-5/stat : 151874 0 16017912 583256 0
0 0 0 0 157528 587832
/dm-5/stat : perf(ios) rd: 52470KB/s(972/s) q: 4

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram6) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/zram0) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/zram0/stat : 431130 0 3449040 8212 817336
0 6538688 28436 0 35588 36644
/zram0/stat : perf(ios) rd: 221421KB/s(54058/s) wr:
121225KB/s(29596/s) q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop5) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop5/stat : 471 0 27178 3428 0
0 0 0 0 1012 3428
/loop5/stat : perf(ios) rd: 13750KB/s(465/s) q: 3

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/mmcblk0boot1) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/mmcblk0) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p4/stat : 2 0 64 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p12/stat : 169 224 3852 164 93
24 936 360 0 416 524
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p12/stat : perf(ios) rd: 15148KB/s(1298/s) wr: 1677KB/s(325/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p40/stat : 61 24 1588 28 23
12 796096 52 0 68 80
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p40/stat : perf(ios) rd: 34162KB/s(2563/s) wr:
9221746KB/s(520/s) q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p20/stat : 5 0 160 8 0
0 0 0 0 8 8
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p20/stat : perf(ios) rd: 10240KB/s(625/s) q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p2/stat : 2 0 16 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p10/stat : 14 1 4144 24 2
0 16 4 0 28 28
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p10/stat : perf(ios) rd: 88405KB/s(583/s) wr: 2048KB/s(500/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p39/stat : 1 0 256 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p9/stat : 2 0 264 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p7/stat : 618 63 5466 136 0
0 0 0 0 116 136
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p7/stat : perf(ios) rd: 24126KB/s(5328/s) q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p15/stat : 92 127 2100 92 182
20 1616 588 0 568 680
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p15/stat : perf(ios) rd: 13991KB/s(1197/s) wr: 1685KB/s(371/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p33/stat : 2 0 16 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p5/stat : 8 0 64 16 4
0 32 8 0 24 24
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p5/stat : perf(ios) rd: 2048KB/s(500/s) wr: 2048KB/s(500/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p13/stat : 27 23 418 4 6
4 36424 4 0 8 8
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p13/stat : perf(ios) rd: 53504KB/s(6750/s) wr:
4662272KB/s(1500/s) q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p41/stat : 496481 26733 39193864 1810388 90919
11192 37173960 618960 0 341552 2429972
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p41/stat : perf(ios) rd: 78861KB/s(1951/s) wr:
218771KB/s(1045/s) q: 7
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/stat : 1428791 847223 98322252 7711096 108063
11815 38020320 709640 0 586304 8448380
/mmcblk0/stat : perf(ios) rd: 94071KB/s(2670/s) wr:
395274KB/s(2194/s) q: 14
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p11/stat : 91 141 2148 88 637
521 9264 5572 0 5280 5660
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p11/stat : perf(ios) rd: 13397KB/s(1109/s) wr: 913KB/s(123/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p38/stat : 931065 819737 59104088 5899880 0
0 0 0 0 300032 5959632
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p38/stat : perf(ios) rd: 101882KB/s(3135/s) q: 20
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p18/stat : 49 25 1412 28 25
23 384 48 0 56 76
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p18/stat : perf(ios) rd: 35041KB/s(2375/s) wr: 5559KB/s(707/s)
q: 1
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p8/stat : 2 0 264 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p16/stat : 90 125 1988 76 180
19 1592 612 0 552 688
/mmcblk0/mmcblk0p16/stat : perf(ios) rd: 16693KB/s(1476/s) wr: 1660KB/s(367/s)
q: 1

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram13) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/dm-3) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/dm-3/stat : 345801 0 35163600 2774108 0
0 0 0 0 251196 2841464
/dm-3/stat : perf(ios) rd: 73412KB/s(1410/s) q: 11

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/ram4) ------

------ BLOCK STAT (/sys/block/loop3) ------

Block-Dev : R-IOs R-merg R-sect R-wait W-IOs W-
merg W-sect W-wait in-fli activ T-wait
/loop3/stat : 304 0 26721 704 0
0 0 0 0 572 704
/loop3/stat : perf(ios) rd: 23918KB/s(531/s) q: 1

------ /d/mmc0/mmc0:0001/ext_csd Extended CSD ------

rev 1.8 (MMC Unknown)
DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_A 1 (MMC 0-10% of device lifetime used)
DEVICE_LIFE_TIME_EST_TYP_B 1 (MMC 0-10% of device lifetime used)

------ POWERUP_REASON (/sys/bootinfo/powerup_reason) ------


------ MEMORY INFO (/proc/meminfo) ------

MemTotal: 1819984 kB
MemFree: 29812 kB
MemAvailable: 425976 kB
Buffers: 564 kB
Cached: 492508 kB
SwapCached: 71620 kB
Active: 543568 kB
Inactive: 535188 kB
Active(anon): 341616 kB
Inactive(anon): 334308 kB
Active(file): 201952 kB
Inactive(file): 200880 kB
Unevictable: 84188 kB
Mlocked: 84188 kB
SwapTotal: 1048572 kB
SwapFree: 620348 kB
Dirty: 444 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages: 666660 kB
Mapped: 340580 kB
Shmem: 6052 kB
Slab: 169936 kB
SReclaimable: 53984 kB
SUnreclaim: 115952 kB
KernelStack: 43360 kB
PageTables: 62116 kB
NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
Bounce: 0 kB
WritebackTmp: 0 kB
CommitLimit: 1958564 kB
Committed_AS: 49073704 kB
VmallocTotal: 263061440 kB
VmallocUsed: 0 kB
VmallocChunk: 0 kB
CmaTotal: 0 kB
CmaFree: 0 kB

------ CPU INFO (top -b -n 1 -H -s 6 -o pid,tid,user,pr,ni,

%cpu,s,virt,res,pcy,cmd,name) ------
Threads: 2684 total, 1 running, 2683 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Mem: 1.7G total, 1.7G used, 30M free, 564K buffers
Swap: 1.0G total, 418M used, 606M free, 484M cached
800%cpu 53%user 29%nice 73%sys 643%idle 2%iow 0%irq 0%sirq 0%host
26032 26032 shell 0 -20 65.8 R 12M 5.5M fg top top
1201 1210 system 24 4 19.1 S 2.2G 274M ta HeapTaskDaemon system_server
129 129 root 20 0 14.1 S 0 0 fg kswapd0 [kswapd0]
1413 1413 system 10 -10 8.3 S 2.1G 160M ta ndroid.systemui
1201 1313 system 18 -2 3.3 S 2.2G 274M ta CompactionThrea system_server
1201 2046 system 20 0 2.5 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_C system_server
593 645 system -3 -8 2.5 S 105M 9.3M fg app surfaceflinger
23768 23768 root 20 0 1.6 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:2
1201 2927 system 20 0 1.6 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_13 system_server
593 1732 system 20 0 1.6 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_4 surfaceflinger
1201 1201 system 10 -10 1.6 S 2.2G 274M ta system_server system_server
25353 25353 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:6
24809 24809 u0_a138 20 0 0.8 S 1.3G 69M bg com.miui.core com.miui.core
1413 24369 system 30 10 0.8 S 2.1G 160M bg AsyncTask #16
23609 23641 system 20 0 0.8 S 1.4G 101M fg Binder:23609_3
2377 21313 u0_a175 30 10 0.8 S 1.8G 129M bg lowpool[27]
2685 17583 system 20 0 0.8 S 1.3G 59M fg Binder:2685_3 com.miui.face
15714 15714 u0_a94 20 0 0.8 S 1.3G 75M fg
1413 10570 system 20 0 0.8 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_D
2053 4664 radio 20 0 0.8 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_7
2306 3962 u0_a175 29 9 0.8 S 1.6G 119M fg GoogleLocationS
1201 3011 system 20 0 0.8 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_15 system_server
2484 2484 u0_a193 10 -10 0.8 S 1.5G 101M ta putmethod.latin
2306 2306 u0_a175 20 0 0.8 S 1.6G 119M fg .gms.persistent
2053 2053 radio 20 0 0.8 S 1.3G 70M fg om.mediatek.ims
1201 1230 system 18 -2 0.8 S 2.2G 274M ta android.ui system_server
1201 1211 system 24 4 0.8 S 2.2G 274M ta ReferenceQueueD system_server
560 610 system 20 0 0.8 S 17M 2.1M fg mtkPowerService
384 395 logd 18 -2 0.8 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.writer logd
385 385 system 20 0 0.8 S 9.3M 932K servicemanager servicemanager
310 310 root -2 0 0.8 S 0 0 bg exe_cq/0 [exe_cq/0]
196 196 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg pbm [pbm]
45 45 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/7 [ksoftirqd/7]
35 35 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/5 [ksoftirqd/5]
30 30 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/4 [ksoftirqd/4]
15 15 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/1 [ksoftirqd/1]
7 7 root 20 0 0.8 S 0 0 fg rcu_preempt [rcu_preempt]
26020 26020 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/0:1 [kworker/0:1]
25974 25995 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg pool-2-thread-1
25974 25994 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg background_task
25974 25993 u0_a111 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Profile Saver
25974 25992 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Binder:25974_3
25974 25991 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Binder:25974_2
25974 25990 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Binder:25974_1
25974 25986 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25974 25989 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg FinalizerWatchd
25974 25988 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg FinalizerDaemon
25974 25987 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg ReferenceQueueD
25974 25980 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Jit thread pool
25974 25985 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg Signal Catcher
25974 25974 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 87M bg
537 25975 root 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg HeapTaskDaemon zygote
537 25976 root 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg ReferenceQueueD zygote
537 25977 root 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg FinalizerDaemon zygote
537 25978 root 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg FinalizerWatchd zygote
537 25979 root 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg Jit thread pool zygote
25094 25969 u0_a72 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg glide-active-re
25613 25968 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25967 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25966 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25965 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25964 25964 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:15
25963 25963 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:14
2484 25962 u0_a193 39 19 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P19-4
1413 25961 system 4 -16 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta AudioTrack
707 25949 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M Binder:707_4 statsd
25796 25947 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg mi_analytics_up
25796 25946 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-5-thread-2
702 25937 media 20 0 0.0 S 27M 2.2M fg Binder:702_4 media.metrics
699 25931 media 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.5M fg Binder:699_2 mediadrmserver
25768 25928 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Binder:25768_4
580 25908 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg HwBinder:580_3 audioserver
550 25891 system -3 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg HwBinder:550_3
550 25892 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg Binder:550_3
546 25880 media 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.4M fg HwBinder:546_3
545 25874 media 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.5M fg HwBinder:545_3
544 25868 media 20 0 0.0 S 21M 1.3M fg HwBinder:544_3
541 25862 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg HwBinder:541_3
25768 25854 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg mi_analytics_up
398 25850 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg Binder:398_4 vold
25796 25841 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg SimActivateExec
25796 25842 u0_a146 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg queued-work-loo
25796 25840 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-5-thread-1
25768 25839 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg pool-1-thread-1
25796 25838 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FileObserver
25796 25837 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg mistat_db
25796 25836 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-1-thread-1
25796 25824 u0_a146 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Profile Saver
25768 25823 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg pool-4-thread-1
21584 25822 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GAC_Executor[13
21584 25821 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GAC_Executor[12
25796 25820 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:25796_3
25796 25819 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:25796_2
25796 25818 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:25796_1
25796 25817 u0_a146 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FinalizerWatchd
25796 25816 u0_a146 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FinalizerDaemon
25796 25815 u0_a146 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ReferenceQueueD
25796 25814 u0_a146 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25796 25812 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Signal Catcher
25768 25810 u0_a114 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg pool-3-thread-1
25796 25806 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Jit thread pool
25768 25805 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg mistat_db
25768 25804 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg pool-2-thread-1
25796 25796 u0_a146 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ctivate.service
25768 25799 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg FileObserver
25768 25795 u0_a114 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg AsyncTask #2
25613 25792 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg MemoryInfra
25768 25789 u0_a114 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Profile Saver
25768 25788 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Binder:25768_3
25768 25787 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Binder:25768_2
25768 25786 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Binder:25768_1
25768 25783 u0_a114 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg ReferenceQueueD
25768 25784 u0_a114 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg FinalizerDaemon
25768 25785 u0_a114 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg FinalizerWatchd
25768 25782 u0_a114 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25768 25781 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Signal Catcher
25768 25776 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg Jit thread pool
25775 25775 shell 0 -20 0.0 S 17M 4.5M fg dumpstate dumpstate
23609 25774 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg AsyncTask #1
25768 25768 u0_a114 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 82M bg dservice:remote
2585 25754 system 12 -8 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg process reaper
21584 25750 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg UserFacingBlock
21584 25749 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg UserFacingBlock
21584 25748 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Blocking Thread
21584 25747 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Blocking Thread
2484 25745 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
23609 25744 system 12 -8 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg process reaper
23609 25742 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg IntentService[B
25385 25738 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Binder:25385_5
23609 25720 system 10 -10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg ged-swd
23256 25719 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg GAC_Executor[3]
23256 25652 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg GAC_Executor[2]
23256 25649 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg pool-6-thread-1
25613 25643 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg CompositorTileW
25613 25644 u0_i2 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg CompositorTileW
25613 25642 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolSingl
25613 25641 u0_i2 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Compositor
25613 25640 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg GpuMemoryThread
25613 25636 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25637 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25638 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolForeg
25613 25639 u0_i2 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Chrome_ChildIOT
25613 25635 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ThreadPoolServi
25613 25633 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg CrRendererMain
25613 25631 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Binder:25613_3
25613 25630 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Binder:25613_2
25613 25626 u0_i2 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ReferenceQueueD
25613 25629 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Binder:25613_1
25613 25628 u0_i2 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg FinalizerWatchd
25613 25627 u0_i2 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg FinalizerDaemon
25613 25625 u0_i2 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25613 25624 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Signal Catcher
25613 25623 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Runtime worker
25613 25622 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Runtime worker
25613 25621 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Runtime worker
25613 25620 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Runtime worker
25613 25619 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg Jit thread pool
25613 25613 u0_i2 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 87M bg ocessService0:2
23316 25618 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg Jit thread pool
23316 25617 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg FinalizerWatchd
23316 25616 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg FinalizerDaemon
23316 25615 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg ReferenceQueueD
23316 25614 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg HeapTaskDaemon
25385 25588 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Binder:25385_4
25385 25586 u0_a182 39 19 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg GmsDynamite
25385 25585 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg ConnectivityThr
25385 25584 u0_a182 31 11 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Blocking Thread
25385 25578 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Firebase-Messag
25385 25576 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Firebase-Messag
25385 25573 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg ScionFrontendAp
25385 25569 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg pool-4-thread-1
25385 25568 u0_a182 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg queued-work-loo
25385 25566 u0_a182 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg AsyncTask #5
25385 25564 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg SimStateTracker
25385 25561 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #0
23361 25555 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ThreadPoolForeg
2484 25532 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
2484 25531 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
2484 25528 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
2484 25527 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
23256 25515 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
23256 25514 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
21584 25508 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Blocking Thread
2306 25503 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg lowpool[87]
2306 25504 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg lowpool[88]
24207 25502 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-11-thread-
25385 25465 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #2
25385 25463 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #0
25385 25464 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #1
25385 25466 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #3
25385 25467 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #4
25385 25468 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Lite Thread #5
25385 25451 u0_a182 31 11 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Blocking Thread
25385 25442 u0_a182 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg GoogleApiHandle
25385 25437 u0_a182 31 11 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Blocking Thread
25385 25413 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Scheduler Threa
25385 25412 u0_a182 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg BG Thread #3
25385 25411 u0_a182 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg BG Thread #2
25385 25410 u0_a182 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg BG Thread #1
25385 25409 u0_a182 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg BG Thread #0
25385 25408 u0_a182 31 11 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Blocking Thread
25385 25407 u0_a182 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Profile Saver
25385 25405 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Binder:25385_3
25385 25404 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Binder:25385_2
25385 25402 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Binder:25385_1
25385 25397 u0_a182 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25385 25396 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Signal Catcher
25385 25400 u0_a182 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg FinalizerWatchd
25385 25399 u0_a182 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg FinalizerDaemon
25385 25398 u0_a182 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg ReferenceQueueD
25385 25391 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg Jit thread pool
25385 25385 u0_a182 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 113M bg .apps.messaging
4227 25383 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg ApexDownloader
4227 25382 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg UpdateDownloade
21584 25380 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ThreadPoolForeg
2484 25374 u0_a193 22 2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P2-31
2484 25375 u0_a193 39 19 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P19-4
25355 25355 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:13
25354 25354 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:8
25352 25352 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:4
2306 25350 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ThreadPoolForeg
2484 25349 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ThreadPoolForeg
25348 25348 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:1
25327 25327 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/2:0 [kworker/2:0]
2484 25323 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
2484 25293 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
2484 25269 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-F-P10-1
1413 25249 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta pool-1-thread-2
2306 25178 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg lowpool[84]
25169 25169 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/6:1 [kworker/6:1]
25094 25158 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Okio Watchdog
25094 25157 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg OkHttp Connecti
25094 25152 u0_a72 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg AsyncTask #2
25094 25147 u0_a72 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg awaitEvenIfOnMa
25094 25146 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg pool-10-thread-
25094 25144 u0_a72 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg lytics.startup1
25094 25143 u0_a72 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Crashlytics Exc
25094 25138 u0_a72 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg queued-work-loo
25094 25119 u0_a72 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Profile Saver
25094 25114 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Binder:25094_3
25094 25112 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Binder:25094_2
25094 25110 u0_a72 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg FinalizerWatchd
25094 25111 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Binder:25094_1
25094 25107 u0_a72 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25094 25108 u0_a72 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg ReferenceQueueD
25094 25109 u0_a72 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg FinalizerDaemon
25094 25100 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Jit thread pool
25094 25105 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg Signal Catcher
25094 25094 u0_a72 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 94M bg m.miui.weather2
24207 25093 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Binder:24207_4
684 25091 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_7 cameraserver
24207 25084 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-25-thread-
24207 25082 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg OkHttp Connecti
25045 25081 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg ChildProcessMai
25045 25079 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:25045_3
24207 25078 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ThreadPoolSingl
24207 25076 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg PlatformService
25045 25074 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:25045_2
24207 25073 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg CookieMonsterBa
24207 25072 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg CookieMonsterCl
25045 25071 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:25045_1
24207 25070 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg NetworkService
24207 25068 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ThreadPoolSingl
25045 25065 u0_i9005 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg ReferenceQueueD
25045 25067 u0_i9005 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg FinalizerWatchd
25045 25064 u0_i9005 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg HeapTaskDaemon
25045 25063 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Signal Catcher
25045 25066 u0_i9005 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg FinalizerDaemon
25045 25061 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Runtime worker
25045 25062 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Runtime worker
25045 25060 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Runtime worker
25045 25059 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Runtime worker
25045 25058 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Jit thread pool
24207 25057 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg AudioThread
24207 25051 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ThreadPoolServi
24207 25056 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg MemoryInfra
24207 25052 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ThreadPoolForeg
24207 25055 u0_a111 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Chrome_IOThread
24207 25053 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ThreadPoolForeg
1494 25046 webview_zygote 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg HeapTaskDaemon webview_zygote
1494 25050 webview_zygote 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg Jit thread pool webview_zygote
1494 25049 webview_zygote 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg FinalizerWatchd webview_zygote
1494 25048 webview_zygote 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg FinalizerDaemon webview_zygote
1494 25047 webview_zygote 24 4 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg ReferenceQueueD webview_zygote
25045 25045 u0_i9005 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg ocessService0:0
24207 25044 u0_a111 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg GoogleApiHandle
24207 25042 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Chrome_ProcessL
2757 25017 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_9
25010 25010 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/0:0 [kworker/0:0]
23256 24890 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_A
24809 24867 u0_a138 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg queued-work-loo com.miui.core
24865 24865 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/4:1 [kworker/4:1]
24809 24863 u0_a138 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Profile Saver com.miui.core
24809 24836 u0_a138 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:24809_3 com.miui.core
24809 24835 u0_a138 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:24809_2 com.miui.core
24809 24834 u0_a138 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Binder:24809_1 com.miui.core
24809 24829 u0_a138 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Signal Catcher com.miui.core
24809 24833 u0_a138 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg FinalizerWatchd com.miui.core
24809 24832 u0_a138 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg FinalizerDaemon com.miui.core
24809 24831 u0_a138 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg ReferenceQueueD com.miui.core
24809 24830 u0_a138 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg HeapTaskDaemon com.miui.core
24809 24824 u0_a138 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M bg Jit thread pool com.miui.core
24700 24736 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg queued-work-loo
24700 24735 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg recvHandlerThre
24700 24734 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg sendHandlerThre
24700 24732 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg BleDiscovery
24700 24733 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg BleAdvertising
24700 24729 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg CoapServer(seco
24700 24731 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg UDP-Sender-::/:
24700 24730 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg UDP-Receiver-::
24700 24728 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg CoapServer(seco
24700 24726 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg CoapServer(main
24700 24727 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg CoapServer(main
24700 24725 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg CoapServer(main
24724 24724 mdnsr 20 0 0.0 S 3.4M 340K fg mdnsd mdnsd
24700 24723 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg NsdManager
24670 24722 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M fg mi_analytics_up
24700 24719 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Profile Saver
24700 24718 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:24700_3
24700 24716 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:24700_1
24700 24717 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:24700_2
24700 24712 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg HeapTaskDaemon
24700 24713 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg ReferenceQueueD
24700 24714 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg FinalizerDaemon
24700 24711 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Signal Catcher
24700 24715 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg FinalizerWatchd
24700 24706 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Jit thread pool
24700 24700 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg connect_service
24670 24696 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg queued-work-loo
24670 24697 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M fg FileObserver
24670 24695 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M fg mistat_db
24670 24691 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg AsyncTask #1
24690 24690 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/1:2 [kworker/1:2]
24670 24689 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Profile Saver
24670 24688 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Binder:24670_3
24670 24686 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Binder:24670_1
24670 24687 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Binder:24670_2
24670 24683 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg ReferenceQueueD
24670 24685 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg FinalizerWatchd
24670 24682 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg HeapTaskDaemon
24670 24684 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg FinalizerDaemon
24670 24681 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Signal Catcher
24670 24676 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg Jit thread pool
24670 24670 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 79M bg settings:remote
2377 24663 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolForeg
593 24494 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 24493 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
24432 24432 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/7:1 [kworker/7:1]
24391 24391 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/3:1 [kworker/3:1]
24351 24351 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:18
24349 24349 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:16
24347 24347 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:12
23256 24345 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
23256 24344 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
24295 24295 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/5:0 [kworker/5:0]
24294 24294 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/0:2 [kworker/0:2]
24293 24293 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/6:0 [kworker/6:0]
24207 24285 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-22-thread-
24207 24281 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ConnectivityThr
24207 24280 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Log2FileHandler
24207 24276 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Thread-5
24207 24273 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-20-thread-
24207 24269 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-18-thread-
24207 24267 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Log2FileHandler
24207 24266 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-15-thread-
24207 24262 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-14-thread-
24207 24254 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-12-thread-
24207 24244 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg background_task
24207 24238 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg pool-6-thread-1
24207 24239 u0_a111 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg awaitEvenIfOnMa
24207 24237 u0_a111 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg lytics.startup1
24207 24236 u0_a111 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Crashlytics Exc
24207 24233 u0_a111 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg queued-work-loo
24207 24226 u0_a111 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Profile Saver
24207 24225 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Binder:24207_3
24207 24224 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Binder:24207_2
24207 24223 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Binder:24207_1
24207 24222 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg FinalizerWatchd
24207 24213 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Jit thread pool
24207 24220 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg ReferenceQueueD
24207 24221 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg FinalizerDaemon
24207 24218 u0_a111 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg Signal Catcher
24207 24219 u0_a111 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg HeapTaskDaemon
24207 24207 u0_a111 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 95M bg
24188 24188 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/4:2 [kworker/4:2]
24186 24186 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:3
21584 24105 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_6
16130 24099 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg OkHttp Connecti
21584 24069 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg CookieMonsterBa
21584 24068 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg CookieMonsterCl
21584 24063 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Cookies thread0
763 24007 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_A media.swcodec
24005 24005 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/7:2 [kworker/7:2]
24003 24003 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/1:1 [kworker/1:1]
593 23991 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 23990 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
23256 23984 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_9
23853 23853 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/5:1 [kworker/5:1]
23256 23849 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_8
23791 23791 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/3:2 [kworker/3:2]
23773 23773 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/2:2 [kworker/2:2]
23770 23770 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:10
23769 23769 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:5
23717 23717 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/4:0 [kworker/4:0]
23712 23712 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:0
23682 23682 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/7:0 [kworker/7:0]
23609 23681 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimThread-5
23609 23679 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg hwuiTask0
23609 23680 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg hwuiTask1
23609 23678 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimThread-4
23609 23677 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimThread-3
23609 23672 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimThread-2
23609 23670 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg pool-6-thread-1
23609 23668 system 25 5 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimRunnerThrea
23609 23664 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg LogThread
23609 23663 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg AnimThread-1
23609 23659 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg pool-9-thread-1
23609 23657 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg pool-8-thread-1
23609 23653 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg pool-7-thread-1
23609 23652 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg queued-work-loo
23645 23645 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:7
23609 23642 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg RenderThread
23609 23637 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg pluginQueue
23609 23632 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Thread-4
23609 23636 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg aliverequest
23609 23635 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg stageQueue
23609 23634 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Thread-6
23609 23633 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Thread-5
23609 23631 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Thread-3
23609 23630 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Thread-2
23609 23629 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Profile Saver
23609 23626 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Binder:23609_2
23609 23625 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Binder:23609_1
23609 23623 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg FinalizerDaemon
23609 23622 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg ReferenceQueueD
23609 23624 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg FinalizerWatchd
23609 23615 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Jit thread pool
23609 23620 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg Signal Catcher
23609 23621 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg HeapTaskDaemon
23609 23609 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M fg .miui.bugreport
23600 23600 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/6:2 [kworker/6:2]
23568 23568 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/5:2 [kworker/5:2]
593 23565 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 23564 system -2 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
23361 23563 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg MemoryInfra
23361 23526 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Binder:23361_3
23487 23487 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/1:0 [kworker/1:0]
23361 23454 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg HwBinder:23361_
23361 23448 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ThreadPoolSingl
23256 23443 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_7
23256 23433 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg pool-2-thread-1
23256 23432 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Chrome_DevTools
23256 23429 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg pool-3-thread-1
23256 23424 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_6
23256 23423 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_5
23256 23422 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_4
23256 23413 u0_a194 18 -2 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg hwuiTask1
23256 23412 u0_a194 18 -2 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg hwuiTask0
23256 23409 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolSingl
23361 23404 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ThreadPoolForeg
23361 23407 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg VizCompositorTh
23361 23406 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Chrome_ChildIOT
23361 23402 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ThreadPoolServi
23361 23391 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ged-swd
23361 23389 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg GpuWatchdog
23256 23390 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg SAFE_BROWSING_U
23361 23388 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg CrGpuMain
23256 23387 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_3
23361 23385 u0_a194 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Profile Saver
23256 23384 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg CompositorTileW
23361 23375 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg FinalizerDaemon
23361 23373 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg HeapTaskDaemon
23361 23374 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ReferenceQueueD
23361 23377 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg FinalizerWatchd
23361 23378 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Binder:23361_1
23361 23379 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Binder:23361_2
23361 23367 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Jit thread pool
23361 23372 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg Signal Catcher
23361 23361 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 89M bg ileged_process0
23256 23349 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolSingl
23256 23341 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg NetworkService
23256 23339 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg AudioThread
23256 23340 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg BrowserWatchdog
23256 23336 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
23256 23338 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolForeg
23256 23335 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg MemoryInfra
23256 23334 u0_a194 16 -4 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Chrome_IOThread
23256 23330 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ThreadPoolServi
23316 23316 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 30M fg d.chrome_zygote
23256 23304 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Chrome_ProcessL
23256 23295 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Gservices
23256 23292 u0_a194 18 -2 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg queued-work-loo
23256 23291 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg RenderThread
23256 23290 u0_a194 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg GoogleApiHandle
23256 23289 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg magnifier pixel
23256 23288 u0_a194 39 19 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg GmsDynamite
23256 23276 u0_a194 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Profile Saver
384 23275 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.reader.per logd
23256 23273 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_2
23256 23268 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg HeapTaskDaemon
23256 23272 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Binder:23256_1
23256 23271 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg FinalizerWatchd
23256 23270 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg FinalizerDaemon
23256 23269 u0_a194 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg ReferenceQueueD
23256 23262 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Jit thread pool
23256 23267 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg Signal Catcher
23256 23256 u0_a194 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 144M bg
23034 23249 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23230 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23222 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23214 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Binder:23034_5
23034 23212 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Binder:23034_4
23034 23208 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23198 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg queued-work-loo
23034 23156 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg hwuiTask0
23034 23157 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg hwuiTask1
23034 23133 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23100 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Binder:23034_3
23034 23096 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg mi_analytics_up
23034 23097 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg SettingsIntelli
23034 23094 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg ConnectivityThr
23034 23074 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg pool-5-thread-1
23034 23064 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg FileObserver
23034 23062 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg mistat_db
23034 23060 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg RenderThread
23034 23056 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg AsyncTask #1
23034 23053 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Profile Saver
23034 23048 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg FinalizerDaemon
23034 23051 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Binder:23034_2
23034 23050 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Binder:23034_1
23034 23049 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg FinalizerWatchd
23034 23047 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg ReferenceQueueD
23034 23046 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg HeapTaskDaemon
23034 23045 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Signal Catcher
23034 23040 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg Jit thread pool
23034 23034 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 101M bg ndroid.settings
1687 22948 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AsyncTask #1 com.miui.home
1413 22943 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta AsyncQueryWorke
2306 22889 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg grpc-timer-0
2484 22878 u0_a193 10 -10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ged-swd
763 22857 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_9 media.swcodec
730 22856 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg HwBinder:730_4 media.codec
580 22855 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_B audioserver
1687 22785 u0_a86 10 -10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg ged-swd com.miui.home
22475 22649 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_7
22475 22648 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_6
22475 22647 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_5
22475 22646 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_4
734 22534 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M fg HwBinder:734_4
22475 22531 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-6-thread-1
22475 22524 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FileObserver
22475 22522 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-1-thread-1
22475 22521 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ThermalInfoColl
22475 22520 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-4-thread-1
22475 22519 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FeedbackControl
22475 22517 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerStateMachi
22475 22518 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-3-thread-1
22475 22515 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg pool-2-thread-1
22475 22511 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg NightStandbyRec
22475 22510 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerCheckerSer
22475 22508 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PeThermalBreak
22475 22507 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Perfengine_clou
22475 22506 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ConnectivityThr
22475 22505 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerKeeperConf
384 22504 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.reader.per logd
22475 22502 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg
22475 22503 system 12 -8 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg NativePowerKeep
22475 22501 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ProcessObserver
22475 22500 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerKeeperPack
22475 22499 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerKeeperServ
22475 22498 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg queued-work-loo
22475 22497 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg PowerChecker_Se
22475 22494 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_3
22475 22492 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_2
22475 22491 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Binder:22475_1
22475 22489 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FinalizerDaemon
22475 22488 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg ReferenceQueueD
22475 22487 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg HeapTaskDaemon
22475 22490 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg FinalizerWatchd
22475 22486 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Signal Catcher
22475 22485 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Runtime worker
22475 22484 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Runtime worker
22475 22483 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Runtime worker
22475 22482 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Runtime worker
22475 22481 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg Jit thread pool
22475 22475 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg iui.powerkeeper
734 22347 cameraserver 12 -8 0.0 S 317M 1.9M ta MDP-1
734 22346 cameraserver 12 -8 0.0 S 317M 1.9M ta MDP-0
734 22316 cameraserver 18 -2 0.0 S 317M 1.9M fg fpipe.tpi.1
734 22189 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M fg HwBinder:734_3
22068 22068 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/3:0 [kworker/3:0]
21584 21985 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_5
21261 21877 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg MemoryInfra
21584 21718 u0_a173 39 19 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GmsDynamite
21584 21702 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GcoreGoogleApiC
21584 21694 u0_a173 29 9 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg glide-disk-cach
21584 21688 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GoogleApiClient
21584 21685 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Network File Th
21584 21683 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg SharedPreferenc
21584 21679 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ChromiumNet
21584 21678 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ThreadPoolForeg
21584 21677 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ThreadPoolServi
21584 21651 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg AudioPortEventH
21584 21650 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg CronetInit
21584 21649 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg queued-work-loo
21584 21647 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg TimerThread0
21584 21646 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg EventBus0
21584 21645 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg hwuiTask1
21584 21644 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg hwuiTask0
21584 21636 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg glide-active-re
21584 21635 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg RenderThread
21584 21634 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg magnifier pixel
21584 21632 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #5
21584 21631 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ConnectivityThr
21584 21630 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg SharedPreferenc
21584 21629 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #4
21584 21628 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #3
21584 21626 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #2
21584 21625 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #1
21584 21624 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg pool-3-thread-1
21584 21623 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ProtoDataStore-
21584 21622 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg BG Thread #3
21584 21620 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg BG Thread #2
21584 21621 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #0
21584 21619 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg SharedPreferenc
21584 21618 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg SharedPreferenc
21584 21616 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg BG Thread #1
21584 21614 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Scheduler Threa
21584 21613 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg BG Thread #0
21584 21611 u0_a173 29 9 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg GoogleApiHandle
21584 21610 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Primes-2
21584 21609 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Primes-1
21584 21608 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Lite Thread #0
21584 21607 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Blocking Thread
21584 21604 u0_a173 29 9 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Profile Saver
21584 21603 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_4
21584 21602 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_3
21584 21601 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_2
21584 21600 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Binder:21584_1
21584 21599 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg FinalizerWatchd
21584 21598 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg FinalizerDaemon
21584 21597 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg ReferenceQueueD
21584 21596 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg HeapTaskDaemon
21584 21595 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Signal Catcher
21584 21590 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg Jit thread pool
21584 21584 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 153M bg earchbox:search
2563 21554 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Binder:2563_5
21261 21390 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg ThreadPoolForeg
2377 21356 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg JavaBridge
2377 21341 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg VizCompositorTh
21261 21337 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg CompositorTileW
21261 21336 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg ThreadPoolSingl
21261 21338 u0_i9004 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg CompositorTileW
21261 21335 u0_i9004 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Compositor
21261 21334 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg GpuMemoryThread
21261 21332 u0_i9004 16 -4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Chrome_ChildIOT
21261 21329 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg ThreadPoolServi
2377 21326 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ged-swd
2377 21325 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Chrome_ChildIOT
2377 21324 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Chrome_InProcGp
2377 21322 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg CleanupReferenc
21261 21315 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg CrRendererMain
2377 21298 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg highpool[12]
2377 21296 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg highpool[10]
2377 21295 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg highpool[9]
2377 21294 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg highpool[8]
21261 21290 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Binder:21261_3
2377 21289 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolSingl
21261 21288 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Binder:21261_2
21261 21287 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Binder:21261_1
2377 21285 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg PlatformService
21261 21281 u0_i9004 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg HeapTaskDaemon
21261 21282 u0_i9004 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg ReferenceQueueD
21261 21283 u0_i9004 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg FinalizerDaemon
21261 21284 u0_i9004 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg FinalizerWatchd
21261 21277 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Runtime worker
21261 21278 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Signal Catcher
21261 21273 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Jit thread pool
21261 21274 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Runtime worker
21261 21276 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Runtime worker
21261 21275 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg Runtime worker
2377 21280 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg CookieMonsterBa
2377 21279 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg CookieMonsterCl
2377 21272 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg NetworkService
2377 21271 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolSingl
2377 21267 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg AudioThread
21261 21261 u0_i9004 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 65M bg ocessService0:0
2377 21260 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg MemoryInfra
2377 21259 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Chrome_IOThread
2377 21255 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolServi
2377 21257 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolForeg
2377 21254 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GoogleApiHandle
2377 21252 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Chrome_ProcessL
697 21191 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg Binder:697_5 installd
15825 20886 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Binder:15825_3
15714 20504 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Okio Watchdog
4072 20500 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Binder:4072_5
20137 20137 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/2:1 [kworker/2:1]
543 19773 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 972K fg HwBinder:543_2
701 19457 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_7
16130 18832 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg RtiExecutor #5
16130 18748 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg RtiExecutor #4
16130 18741 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg RtiExecutor #3
16130 18679 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg RtiExecutor #2
16130 18677 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg RtiExecutor #1
18563 18563 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u17:1
15714 18326 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_6
701 18227 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_6
702 18226 media 20 0 0.0 S 27M 2.2M fg Binder:702_3 media.metrics
593 17813 system 16 -4 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_5 surfaceflinger
2608 17584 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2608_3 system
2628 17582 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2628_3
1687 17385 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_6 com.miui.home
2377 17207 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg T_LOG_COLLECTOR
2484 17199 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_7
2377 17178 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg lowpool[25]
2377 17179 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg lowpool[26]
2281 17167 u0_a171 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg AsyncTask #6
2377 17144 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg safety-net-call
2306 16995 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_10
4227 16876 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:4227_4
16130 16849 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg pool-3-thread-1
16130 16834 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Binder:16130_4
16130 16740 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg pool-4-thread-1
2306 16699 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ThreadPoolForeg
2377 16698 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolForeg
2484 16694 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ThreadPoolForeg
16537 16537 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:11
16418 16418 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u16:9
15714 16416 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_5
2484 16357 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
2484 16356 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
2484 16351 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
2484 16350 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
2484 16352 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
15714 16331 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_4
15714 16322 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg onetrack_pubsub
15714 16321 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg mi_analytics_up
15714 16319 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-3-thread-1
15714 16239 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_3
15972 16208 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg queued-work-loo
16130 16182 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg pool-2-thread-1
16130 16177 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg pool-1-thread-1
16130 16168 u0_a91 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg queued-work-loo
16130 16162 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared8
16130 16161 u0_a91 39 19 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Bg_Shared1
16130 16157 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared6
16130 16159 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared7
16130 16158 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared5
16130 16156 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared4
16130 16155 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared3
16130 16153 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared2
16130 16152 u0_a91 34 14 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Norm_Shared1
16130 16149 u0_a91 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Profile Saver
16130 16148 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Binder:16130_3
16130 16147 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Binder:16130_2
16130 16146 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Binder:16130_1
16130 16144 u0_a91 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg FinalizerDaemon
16130 16143 u0_a91 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg ReferenceQueueD
16130 16142 u0_a91 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg HeapTaskDaemon
16130 16145 u0_a91 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg FinalizerWatchd
16130 16141 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Signal Catcher
16130 16136 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg Jit thread pool
16130 16130 u0_a91 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 77M bg
15972 16043 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg mi_analytics_up
15939 16040 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg mi_analytics_up
15939 16035 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg arch_disk_io_3
15939 16031 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg arch_disk_io_1
15939 16032 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg arch_disk_io_2
15939 16029 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg queued-work-loo
15939 16030 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg arch_disk_io_0
15939 16027 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg stat_work_threa
15939 16026 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg work_thread
15939 16025 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg AsyncTask #1
15972 16015 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FileObserver
15972 16014 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg mistat_db
15972 15995 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Profile Saver
15972 15990 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:15972_3
15972 15989 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:15972_2
15972 15984 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg HeapTaskDaemon
15972 15985 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ReferenceQueueD
15972 15988 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:15972_1
15972 15987 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerWatchd
15972 15986 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerDaemon
15972 15978 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Jit thread pool
15972 15983 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Signal Catcher
15972 15972 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ui.notification
15939 15971 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg NcBg
15939 15968 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg DefaultDispatch
15939 15969 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg DefaultDispatch
15939 15966 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg FileObserver
15939 15965 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg mistat_db
15939 15960 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Profile Saver
15939 15958 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:15939_4
15939 15957 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:15939_3
15939 15956 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:15939_2
15939 15953 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg FinalizerDaemon
15939 15952 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ReferenceQueueD
15939 15954 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg FinalizerWatchd
15939 15955 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:15939_1
15939 15950 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Signal Catcher
15939 15951 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg HeapTaskDaemon
15939 15945 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Jit thread pool
15939 15939 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg fication:remote
15825 15885 u0_a176 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Profile Saver
15825 15853 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Binder:15825_2
15825 15852 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Binder:15825_1
15825 15849 u0_a176 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg FinalizerDaemon
15825 15847 u0_a176 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg HeapTaskDaemon
15825 15851 u0_a176 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg FinalizerWatchd
15825 15848 u0_a176 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg ReferenceQueueD
15825 15844 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Signal Catcher
15825 15837 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg Jit thread pool
15825 15825 u0_a176 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 58M fg gearhead:shared
15714 15774 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-1-thread-8
15714 15771 u0_a94 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg queued-work-loo
15714 15770 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg AbstractDeliver
15714 15768 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-1-thread-5
15714 15764 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg onetrack_db
15714 15759 u0_a94 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Profile Saver
15714 15731 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_2
15714 15730 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:15714_1
15714 15729 u0_a94 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerWatchd
15714 15726 u0_a94 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg HeapTaskDaemon
15714 15727 u0_a94 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg ReferenceQueueD
15714 15728 u0_a94 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerDaemon
15714 15725 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Signal Catcher
15714 15720 u0_a94 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Jit thread pool
2757 15674 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_8
15640 15640 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/u17:2
2377 15627 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_D
2757 14864 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_7
2377 14677 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg lowpool[24]
2306 14560 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_F
2306 14420 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg lowpool[55]
2757 14402 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-12-thread-
2306 14270 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg highpool[9]
3042 14239 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:3042_4
13683 13686 system 20 0 0.0 S 22M 1.2M fg HwBinder:13683_
13683 13685 system 20 0 0.0 S 22M 1.2M fg HwBinder:13683_
13683 13684 system 20 0 0.0 S 22M 1.2M fg mms@1.5-service
13683 13683 system 20 0 0.0 S 22M 1.2M fg mms@1.5-service
540 13679 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg writer
2484 13527 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
763 13428 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_8 media.swcodec
2484 13419 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_6
2484 13237 u0_a193 21 1 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-P1-1
2484 13236 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta glide-active-re
2484 13235 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
1413 12876 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_10
1413 12853 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_F
1413 12740 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_E
763 12555 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_7 media.swcodec
703 12550 media 4 -16 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg NPDecoder-CL mediaserver
703 12549 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg CCodecWatchdog mediaserver
540 12333 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg HwBinder:540_4
701 12277 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_5
702 12203 media 20 0 0.0 S 27M 2.2M fg Binder:702_2 media.metrics
701 12200 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_3
701 12202 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_4
688 12145 drm 20 0 0.0 S 46M 2.3M fg Binder:688_2 drmserver
763 12071 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_6 media.swcodec
763 12064 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_5 media.swcodec
2757 11819 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg SCLIGHTTask #1
2871 11403 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-8-thread-2
2871 11400 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg PackageProcesso
2871 11399 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-8-thread-1
2871 11398 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Okio Watchdog
684 11388 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_6 cameraserver
2668 11251 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Okio Watchdog
4227 11247 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Okio Watchdog
2871 10692 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_6
1413 10525 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_C
1612 10517 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_10
2306 10494 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Okio Watchdog
1413 10265 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta magnifier pixel
2306 10216 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_E
1612 9341 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_F
1201 9311 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg HwBinder:1201_5 system_server
2377 9285 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Okio Watchdog
2757 9236 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_6
1687 8944 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-15-thread- com.miui.home
1612 8929 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg AsyncTask #4
1687 8863 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-15-thread- com.miui.home
1413 8828 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ScreenOff
1413 8803 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta GrallocUploadTh
2377 8754 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg arch_disk_io_3
2377 8753 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg arch_disk_io_2
2377 8752 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg arch_disk_io_1
2377 8751 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg arch_disk_io_0
549 8681 system 20 0 0.0 S 20M 2.0M fg HwBinder:549_3
1612 8619 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_E
1413 8620 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_B
8593 8593 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg fs_suspend_syss
2306 8547 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg resolverService
2668 8332 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_7
3409 8280 u0_a68 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg AsyncTask #4
684 8145 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_5 cameraserver
3409 8144 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:3409_5
1687 8122 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_5 com.miui.home
2306 8063 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_D
2377 8001 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Network File Th
2377 7994 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ChromiumNet
2377 7992 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ThreadPoolServi
2377 7990 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg CronetInit
2377 7988 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg grpc-timer-0
2306 7976 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_C
540 7945 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg readSpeechMessa
1612 7938 radio 4 -16 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg AudioTrack
2377 7654 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg pool-115-thread
580 7430 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_A audioserver
580 7429 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_9 audioserver
580 7428 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_8 audioserver
580 7403 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_6 audioserver
580 7404 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_7 audioserver
1201 7401 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta CompletableFutu system_server
1201 7397 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta tonegenerator-d system_server
2871 7181 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_5
1201 7141 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_20 system_server
3042 7129 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg queued-work-loo
2757 7006 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-7-thread-2
2668 6996 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_6
2306 6960 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_B
2306 6958 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg tron.oc.mrc.rt
2377 6940 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg AsyncTask #1
541 6915 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg HwBinder:541_2
2377 6856 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg LIT-TimeoutSche
2377 6831 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg LIT-TimeoutSche
2377 6826 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_C
3409 6668 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:3409_4
2306 6577 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_A
1201 6414 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1F system_server
2377 6333 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_B
2377 6293 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_9
2377 6294 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_A
2377 6280 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg DG
2377 6149 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GoogleApiHandle
2377 6148 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ProcessStablePh
1201 6146 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1E system_server
2377 6145 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ProcessStablePh
2585 6069 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg MiSpeedUtilsHan
2585 6067 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Thread-3
2585 6056 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg NotificationUti
2585 6055 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg HandlerThread
2377 5992 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalScheduler
2377 5954 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg pool-74-thread-
2377 5952 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GoogleApiHandle
2377 5950 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalDispatchi
2377 5948 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalScheduler
2563 5661 u0_a173 18 -2 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg queued-work-loo
2563 5659 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Binder:2563_4
1201 5660 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1D system_server
2306 5586 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Network File Th
2306 5583 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ChromiumNet
2306 5581 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ThreadPoolServi
2306 5580 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg CronetInit
2484 5577 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MicoreScheduled
1201 5574 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg first_use_threa system_server
2484 5488 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_5
2484 5266 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta DecoderWrapper
2484 5258 u0_a193 10 -10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta RenderThread
2484 5257 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta DecoderWrapper
536 5251 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_5 netd
2484 5243 u0_a193 22 2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta voice-control-1
2484 5230 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Tiresias
573 5077 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 768K fg HwBinder:573_3 mtd@1.2
573 5076 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 768K fg HwBinder:573_2 mtd@1.2
678 4923 system 20 0 0.0 S 44M 2.3M fg Binder:678_3 shelld
678 4915 system 20 0 0.0 S 44M 2.3M fg Binder:678_2 shelld
1612 4843 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ONSNetworkScanC
1612 4844 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ONSProfileSelec
2668 4813 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Find device for
2668 4781 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Find device bac
2668 4776 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Find device for
2757 4773 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_5
2668 4771 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Find device bac
1612 4769 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg magnifier pixel
2668 4767 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Find device for
2757 4745 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
1612 4687 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg RenderThread
1201 4650 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AsyncQueryWorke system_server
4072 4618 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Binder:4072_4
2484 4593 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_4
2281 4594 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_5
2281 4595 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_6
2377 4521 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GoogleApiHandle
2377 4520 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ProcessStablePh
1201 4499 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MtkAgpsHandler system_server
2563 4418 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #5
4227 4361 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg mi_analytics_up
4227 4300 updater 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg queued-work-loo
4227 4291 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FileObserver
4227 4288 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg mistat_db
1413 4277 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta RSMessageThread
4227 4272 updater 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Profile Saver
1413 4273 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4268 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4269 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4270 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4271 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4274 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4275 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
1413 4267 system 19 -1 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
4227 4245 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:4227_3
4227 4244 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:4227_2
4227 4243 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:4227_1
4227 4238 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Signal Catcher
4227 4240 updater 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg ReferenceQueueD
4227 4241 updater 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerDaemon
4227 4239 updater 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg HeapTaskDaemon
4227 4233 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Jit thread pool
4227 4242 updater 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerWatchd
4227 4227 updater 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg android.updater
2377 4209 u0_a175 39 19 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GmsDynamite
2585 4204 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Binder:2585_4
2585 4205 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Binder:2585_5
2377 4201 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalScheduler
4072 4190 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta btif_sock
4072 4189 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BT Service Call
4072 4186 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta bt_main_thread
4072 4185 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta bt_startup_thre
541 4182 bluetooth -2 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg bt_hal_msg_hand
4072 4181 bluetooth -2 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta HwBinder:4072_1
4072 4180 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta bt_hci_thread
4072 4178 bluetooth 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta queued-work-loo
4072 4179 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta btlogwatcher
4072 4176 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BluetoothAdvert
4072 4177 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BluetoothScanMa
4072 4169 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BondStateMachin
4072 4156 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Binder:4072_3
4072 4150 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta CLEANUP_NATIVE_
4072 4148 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BTDeviceInfoMan
4072 4149 bluetooth 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta AsyncTask #1
4072 4147 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BluetoothDataba
4072 4146 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta AudioPortEventH
4072 4145 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BluetoothActive
4072 4143 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta BT Service Call
4072 4141 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta alarm_dispatche
4072 4139 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta POSIX timer 1
4072 4138 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta POSIX timer 0
4072 4140 bluetooth -2 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta alarm_default_c
4072 4137 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta bt_stack_manage
4072 4136 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta AdapterState
4072 4111 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta OnetrackForBlue
4072 4110 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta MiStatForBlueto
2377 4104 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg pool-39-thread-
4072 4098 bluetooth 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Profile Saver
4072 4089 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Binder:4072_1
4072 4091 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Binder:4072_2
4072 4088 bluetooth 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta FinalizerWatchd
4072 4084 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Signal Catcher
4072 4086 bluetooth 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta ReferenceQueueD
4072 4087 bluetooth 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta FinalizerDaemon
4072 4085 bluetooth 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta HeapTaskDaemon
4072 4078 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta Jit thread pool
4072 4072 bluetooth 10 -10 0.0 S 1.3G 69M ta droid.bluetooth
2306 4054 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg NearbyDiscovery
2306 4049 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg pool-145-thread
2306 4044 u0_a175 30 10 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg netscheduler-qu
2563 4029 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg AsyncTask #1
2563 4027 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #3
2563 4028 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #4
2306 4025 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg MSMuxTR-0
2563 4024 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #2
2306 4019 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg DG
3409 4013 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg mi_analytics_up
2281 3989 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ProtoDataStore-
2281 3980 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ProtoDataStore-
2306 3972 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_9
2281 3953 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ProtoDataStore-
2281 3927 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg SimStateTracker
2281 3913 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg RCS Engine Hand
2281 3906 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ProvisioningSta
2281 3903 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ConnectivityThr
2563 3901 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Scheduler Threa
2484 3895 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ProcessStablePh
2484 3881 u0_a193 31 11 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Primes-2
2757 3880 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2757 3877 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2281 3860 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ProcessStablePh
2757 3821 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg PowerStatistics
2757 3812 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2757 3811 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
703 3810 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg Binder:703_5 mediaserver
2306 3803 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg GeofencerStateM
2757 3787 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg GuardService
2757 3778 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg BatteryHistoryM
1201 3770 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1C system_server
1201 3768 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1B system_server
1201 3752 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_1A system_server
1201 3742 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_19 system_server
1201 3740 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_18 system_server
2757 3736 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg SuperPowerLaunc
1201 3731 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_17 system_server
2757 3717 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg FileObserver
2757 3706 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg PowerNoticeUI
2757 3672 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2871 3657 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg remote_job_disp
2484 3654 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Network File Th
2757 3650 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg ConnectivityThr
2757 3649 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2757 3639 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg TrafficManageSe
703 3602 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg Binder:703_4 mediaserver
2484 3600 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ChromiumNet
2484 3598 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ThreadPoolServi
2563 3594 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg BG Thread #3
2757 3593 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg NetdFirewall
441 3582 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg Binder:441_4 mqsasd
441 3578 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg Binder:441_3 mqsasd
2563 3575 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #1
3409 3569 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FileObserver
3409 3565 u0_a68 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg queued-work-loo
2757 3563 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
3409 3560 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg mistat_db
2757 3555 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2484 3554 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta CronetInit
3409 3549 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg AppOpsAdapter
3409 3550 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg PermissionRecor
2306 3548 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg FlpThread
3409 3543 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg work_permission
441 3506 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg Binder:441_2 mqsasd
2563 3498 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg BG Thread #2
2563 3493 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg BG Thread #1
2668 3483 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_5
2377 3490 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_8
2306 3489 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_8
1413 3484 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_A
2757 3482 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_4
3409 3466 u0_a68 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Profile Saver
2563 3462 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #0
3409 3430 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:3409_3
2484 3429 u0_a193 39 19 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta GmsDynamite
2871 3427 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_4
3409 3425 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:3409_1
3409 3426 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:3409_2
3409 3421 u0_a68 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg HeapTaskDaemon
3409 3423 u0_a68 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerDaemon
3409 3424 u0_a68 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerWatchd
3409 3422 u0_a68 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ReferenceQueueD
3409 3420 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Signal Catcher
3409 3415 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Jit thread pool
3409 3409 u0_a68 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg
2757 3408 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-10-thread-
2306 3392 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_7
2306 3388 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_6
2377 3387 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_7
2377 3386 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_6
2484 3384 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta AsyncTask #1
2757 3330 system 39 19 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg GmsDynamite
3042 3324 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg LocationSystemA
3042 3322 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg gpslocation
3042 3320 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg LocationEngine
3042 3321 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg location_usage
3042 3318 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg FusionEngine
3042 3316 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg metoknlp_cl
3042 3314 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg btmonitor
3042 3306 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg wifimonitor
3042 3305 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg ConnectivityThr
3042 3301 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg quality_manager
3042 3299 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg metokflp_privac
3042 3297 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg metoknlp_cloud
3042 3296 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg cellmonitor
2757 3287 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg AsyncTask #1
2306 3273 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg highpool[4]
2377 3235 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_5
1413 3236 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_9
2871 3232 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-3-thread-1
2871 3225 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Connection Cont
2757 3224 system 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg queued-work-loo
2757 3216 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-7-thread-1
2757 3212 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg awaitEvenIfOnMa
2281 3213 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_4
2757 3209 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg pool-5-thread-1
2563 3203 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg ConnectivityThr
2377 3204 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ConnectivityThr
2306 3201 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_5
3042 3195 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Profile Saver
2757 3197 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg lytics.startup1
2668 3198 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-2-thread-1
2484 3194 u0_a193 30 10 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-P10-1
2757 3190 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 88M bg Crashlytics Exc
2563 3182 u0_a173 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg BG Thread #0
2484 3177 u0_a193 22 2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta DFacilitator-1
2484 3139 u0_a193 22 2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta sp-control-1
2668 3131 finddevice 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg queued-work-loo
3042 3128 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:3042_3
2484 3124 u0_a193 22 2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta DecoderWrapper
2668 3114 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg rAccountTracker
2281 3106 u0_a171 31 11 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Primes-2
3042 3099 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:3042_2
2484 3100 u0_a193 31 11 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta AnrDetector
2668 3098 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
3042 3090 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Binder:3042_1
3042 3089 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg FinalizerWatchd
2871 3091 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-5-thread-1
3042 3088 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg FinalizerDaemon
3042 3087 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg ReferenceQueueD
2484 3085 u0_a193 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta GoogleApiHandle
3042 3084 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg HeapTaskDaemon
2668 3081 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-5-thread-1
2484 3073 u0_a193 31 11 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Primes-1
2668 3069 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_4
3042 3047 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Jit thread pool
3042 3052 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg Signal Catcher
2871 3054 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-4-thread-1
2668 3046 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
2668 3045 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-4-thread-1
3042 3042 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M bg .location.fused
2668 3034 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg PackageProcesso
2484 3033 u0_a193 39 19 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta MetricsManager
2668 3024 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg pool-3-thread-1
2668 3025 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
1201 3013 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_16 system_server
2871 3010 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg pool-2-thread-1
2563 3005 u0_a173 29 9 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg GoogleApiHandle
2871 2997 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg local_job_dispa
2871 2995 u0_a99 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg queued-work-loo
2668 2989 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
2281 2988 u0_a171 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg GoogleApiHandle
2871 2985 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg LogFileWriteThr
2281 2979 u0_a171 31 11 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Primes-1
2668 2976 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
2563 2961 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Primes-2
2668 2960 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg HwBinder:2668_1
2585 2956 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg HwBinder:2585_1
2563 2958 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Primes-1
2668 2955 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg MTService Guard
2563 2953 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Lite Thread #0
2563 2950 u0_a173 31 11 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Blocking Thread
1201 2952 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_14 system_server
2668 2947 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg QueueTaskManage
2668 2946 finddevice 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg AsyncTask #1
2585 2942 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg FileObserver
2585 2939 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg AsyncTask #1
2668 2935 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FileObserver
2585 2930 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg
2585 2929 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg BluetoothEventH
2871 2923 u0_a99 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Profile Saver
2757 2920 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Profile Saver
2685 2919 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg serv_worker com.miui.face
2585 2918 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg TelephonyEventH
2585 2913 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Binder:2585_3
2585 2911 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg ConnectivityThr
2585 2910 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg WcnsEventManage
2585 2909 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg HeavyWorkThread
2585 2907 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg MQSEventManager
2585 2906 system 30 10 0.0 S 1.3G 85M bg MQSActionExecut
2668 2902 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_3
2871 2900 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_3
2871 2899 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_2
2871 2896 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Binder:2871_1
2871 2895 u0_a99 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg FinalizerWatchd
2871 2893 u0_a99 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg ReferenceQueueD
2871 2894 u0_a99 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg FinalizerDaemon
2871 2892 u0_a99 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg HeapTaskDaemon
1201 2890 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_11 system_server
1201 2891 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_12 system_server
2871 2884 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Jit thread pool
2871 2889 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg Signal Catcher
2668 2883 finddevice 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Profile Saver
2871 2871 u0_a99 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 76M fg com.xiaomi.xmsf
2685 2870 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg auth_worker com.miui.face
1201 2843 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_10 system_server
1201 2840 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_F system_server
2685 2821 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg Profile Saver com.miui.face
2757 2814 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_3
2757 2791 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_2
2645 2790 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg ervice_30003000
2645 2789 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Binder:2645_3
2757 2785 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg FinalizerDaemon
2757 2784 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg ReferenceQueueD
2757 2788 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Binder:2757_1
2757 2786 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg FinalizerWatchd
2628 2787 secure_element 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Profile Saver
2757 2783 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2757 2781 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Signal Catcher
2757 2771 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg Jit thread pool
2645 2766 u0_a148 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Profile Saver
2757 2757 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 88M fg tycenter.remote
2585 2754 system 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Profile Saver
2563 2743 u0_a173 29 9 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Profile Saver
2685 2723 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg Binder:2685_2 com.miui.face
2685 2720 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg Binder:2685_1 com.miui.face
2685 2716 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg FinalizerDaemon com.miui.face
2685 2717 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg FinalizerWatchd com.miui.face
2685 2715 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg ReferenceQueueD com.miui.face
2685 2714 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg HeapTaskDaemon com.miui.face
2685 2706 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg Signal Catcher com.miui.face
2685 2701 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg Jit thread pool com.miui.face
2668 2700 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_2
2668 2698 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Binder:2668_1
2668 2688 finddevice 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2668 2689 finddevice 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg ReferenceQueueD
2668 2691 finddevice 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerDaemon
2668 2692 finddevice 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg FinalizerWatchd
1201 2696 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_E system_server
2685 2685 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 59M fg com.miui.face com.miui.face
2668 2684 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Signal Catcher
2668 2679 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg Jit thread pool
2645 2676 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Binder:2645_2
2645 2674 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Binder:2645_1
2668 2668 finddevice 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 75M fg aomi.finddevice
2645 2667 u0_a148 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg FinalizerWatchd
2645 2666 u0_a148 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg FinalizerDaemon
2645 2665 u0_a148 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg ReferenceQueueD
2645 2664 u0_a148 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2645 2663 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Signal Catcher
2645 2658 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg Jit thread pool
2628 2657 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2628_2
2628 2656 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2628_1
2628 2655 secure_element 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg FinalizerWatchd
2628 2654 secure_element 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg FinalizerDaemon
2628 2653 secure_element 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg ReferenceQueueD
2628 2652 secure_element 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2645 2645 u0_a148 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 57M fg aomi.xmsfkeeper
2628 2649 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Signal Catcher
2628 2640 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Jit thread pool
2628 2628 secure_element 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg
2377 2626 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_4
2608 2623 u0_a55 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg FinalizerWatchd system
2608 2625 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2608_2 system
2608 2617 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Runtime worker system
2608 2618 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Runtime worker system
2608 2619 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Signal Catcher system
2608 2620 u0_a55 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg HeapTaskDaemon system
2608 2621 u0_a55 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg ReferenceQueueD system
2608 2622 u0_a55 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg FinalizerDaemon system
2608 2624 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Binder:2608_1 system
2608 2615 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Runtime worker system
2608 2616 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Runtime worker system
2608 2614 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg Jit thread pool system
2608 2608 u0_a55 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 56M fg system system
2585 2606 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Binder:2585_1
2585 2607 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Binder:2585_2
2585 2605 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg FinalizerWatchd
2585 2602 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2585 2603 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg ReferenceQueueD
2585 2604 system 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg FinalizerDaemon
2585 2593 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Jit thread pool
2585 2598 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg Signal Catcher
2585 2585 system 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 85M fg com.miui.daemon
580 2584 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_5 audioserver
2563 2583 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Binder:2563_3
2563 2581 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Binder:2563_2
2563 2580 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Binder:2563_1
2563 2575 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Signal Catcher
2563 2578 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg FinalizerDaemon
2563 2577 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg ReferenceQueueD
2563 2579 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg FinalizerWatchd
2563 2576 u0_a173 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2563 2570 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg Jit thread pool
1201 2567 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg pool-3-thread-1 system_server
2563 2563 u0_a173 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 72M fg hbox:interactor
1201 2562 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg backup-0 system_server
684 2557 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_4 cameraserver
2484 2549 u0_a193 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-P9-1
1201 2545 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_D system_server
1201 2531 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg GrallocUploadTh system_server
1201 2522 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg pool-1-thread-1 system_server
1201 2520 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg LazyTaskWriterT system_server
2484 2514 u0_a193 18 -2 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta queued-work-loo
2484 2515 u0_a193 31 11 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ExUtils-P11-1
1687 2508 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimThread-5 com.miui.home
1687 2507 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimThread-4 com.miui.home
1687 2506 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimThread-3 com.miui.home
1687 2505 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimThread-2 com.miui.home
1687 2504 u0_a86 25 5 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimRunnerThrea com.miui.home
2484 2503 u0_a193 29 9 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Profile Saver
2484 2502 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_3
2484 2500 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_1
2484 2501 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Binder:2484_2
2484 2490 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Jit thread pool
2484 2495 u0_a193 20 0 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta Signal Catcher
2484 2496 u0_a193 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta HeapTaskDaemon
2484 2497 u0_a193 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta ReferenceQueueD
2484 2498 u0_a193 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta FinalizerDaemon
2484 2499 u0_a193 24 4 0.0 S 1.5G 101M ta FinalizerWatchd
540 2480 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg writer
540 2476 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg MiSoundSetParam
1687 2457 u0_a86 18 -2 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg hwuiTask1 com.miui.home
1687 2456 u0_a86 18 -2 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg hwuiTask0 com.miui.home
1413 2453 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta pool-4-thread-1
2306 2442 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ConnectivityThr
2306 2440 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg .gms.persistent
2306 2431 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_4
2377 2425 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ice] processing
2377 2426 u0_a175 18 -2 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg queued-work-loo
2377 2424 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GoogleApiHandle
2377 2418 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalDispatchi
2377 2415 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg GlobalScheduler
2377 2411 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg FileObserver
1612 2409 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Stk App Service
1413 2406 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_8
2377 2399 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_3
2377 2398 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_2
2377 2397 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Binder:2377_1
2377 2391 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Runtime worker
2377 2396 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg FinalizerWatchd
2377 2395 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg FinalizerDaemon
2377 2394 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg ReferenceQueueD
2377 2393 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg HeapTaskDaemon
2377 2392 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Signal Catcher
2377 2390 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Runtime worker
2377 2389 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Runtime worker
2377 2388 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Runtime worker
2377 2387 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg Jit thread pool
2306 2384 u0_a175 18 -2 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg queued-work-loo
2306 2383 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ice] processing
2377 2377 u0_a175 16 -4 0.0 S 1.8G 129M bg
2306 2373 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg GlobalDispatchi
2306 2370 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg GoogleApiHandle
2281 2369 u0_a171 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg queued-work-loo
2281 2367 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_3
1612 2368 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ImsServiceContr
2306 2364 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg highpool[2]
2306 2361 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg GlobalScheduler
2306 2356 u0_a175 29 9 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg highpool[0]
2306 2354 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg FileObserver
593 2348 system 20 0 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_5 surfaceflinger
2306 2327 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_3
2306 2323 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_2
2306 2322 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Binder:2306_1
2306 2321 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg FinalizerWatchd
2306 2317 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Signal Catcher
2306 2320 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg FinalizerDaemon
2306 2319 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg ReferenceQueueD
2306 2314 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Runtime worker
2306 2315 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Runtime worker
2306 2316 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Runtime worker
2306 2318 u0_a175 24 4 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2306 2312 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Jit thread pool
2306 2313 u0_a175 20 0 0.0 S 1.6G 119M fg Runtime worker
2281 2305 u0_a171 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Profile Saver
2281 2297 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_1
2281 2298 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Binder:2281_2
2281 2296 u0_a171 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg FinalizerWatchd
2281 2292 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Signal Catcher
2281 2294 u0_a171 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg ReferenceQueueD
2281 2295 u0_a171 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg FinalizerDaemon
2281 2293 u0_a171 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2281 2287 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg Jit thread pool
2281 2281 u0_a171 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 72M fg
1413 2279 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta pool-7-thread-1
2053 2277 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsUtImplResult
2053 2278 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg MtkImsUtImplRes
2053 2272 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg MtkImsUtImplRes
2053 2271 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsUtImplResult
1612 2223 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_D
1413 2222 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Thread-3
1413 2201 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta hwuiTask1
1413 2200 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta hwuiTask0
1612 2183 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_C
1612 2182 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_B
1612 2177 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg jector.Database
2053 2165 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_6
1612 2166 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_A
2053 2143 radio 18 -2 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg queued-work-loo
1413 2144 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SystemUIStat
1612 2142 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ImsServiceContr
2053 2122 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_5
1612 2121 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_9
2053 2118 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_4
2053 2117 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ProviderHandler
2089 2116 system 20 0 0.0 S 19M 1.0M fg Binder:2089_1 mcd
2053 2115 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg MwiServiceHandl
2053 2113 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsConfigThread
2053 2114 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsEventThread-
1201 2112 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Okio Watchdog system_server
2053 2111 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsEventThread-
2053 2109 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg MtkSSExt
2053 2110 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsConfigThread
2053 2108 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsDcHandlerThr
2053 2107 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ConnectivityThr
2053 2106 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ImsDcHandlerThr
2053 2101 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg HwBinder:2053_1
2053 2093 radio 29 9 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Profile Saver
2090 2090 system 20 0 0.0 S 10M 1.1M fg batterywarning batterywarning
2089 2089 system 20 0 0.0 S 19M 1.0M fg mcd mcd
1612 2083 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellularDataSer
1612 2084 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg IwlanDataServic
1612 2086 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellularDataSer
1612 2087 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg IwlanDataServic
2082 2082 root 20 0 0.0 S 8.1M 800K fg MI_RIC MI_RIC
1612 2077 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg IWlanNetworkSer
1612 2079 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkQualifiedNet
1612 2080 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg IWlanNetworkSer
1612 2078 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellularNetwork
1612 2075 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkQualifiedNet
1612 2076 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellularNetwork
2074 2074 system 20 0 0.0 S 8.8M 0.9M fg charge_logger charge_logger
2053 2072 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_3
2053 2071 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_2
2053 2070 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Binder:2053_1
2053 2065 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Signal Catcher
2053 2067 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg ReferenceQueueD
2053 2066 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg HeapTaskDaemon
2053 2068 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerDaemon
2053 2069 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg FinalizerWatchd
2053 2060 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.3G 70M fg Jit thread pool
1413 2049 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SysUiBg
455 2048 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.3M fg Binder:455_2
1413 2047 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta keyguard_analyt
1201 2045 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_B system_server
1201 2041 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_A system_server
1201 2040 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_9 system_server
1201 2039 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ged-swd system_server
1201 2038 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg work-thread system_server
1612 2036 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_8
1612 2034 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 2033 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 2031 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg NetworkService
1612 2030 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg NetworkService
1612 2029 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg QualifiedNetwor
1612 2027 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg RilMessageDecod
1612 2028 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Cat Icon Loader
1612 2026 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg UsimPhoneBookMa
1612 2025 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_7
1612 2024 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_6
1612 2023 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_5
1413 2018 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta MiuiKeyguardPic
1413 2017 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ged-swd
1413 2016 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_7
1612 2014 radio 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg HingeNetworkMan
1612 2012 radio 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg PhoneWorkThread
1612 2009 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MiuiCloudDataMa
1413 2007 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta pool-5-thread-1
1413 2006 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_6
1687 2002 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg MAML RenderThre com.miui.home
1687 2001 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AsyncQueryWorke com.miui.home
1413 2000 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Keyboard
1413 1997 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta RoundedCorners
1413 1999 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta NcSystem
1201 1994 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg RenderThread system_server
1612 1988 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkSuppServMana
1413 1983 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_5
1687 1982 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-14-thread- com.miui.home
1687 1981 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-13-thread- com.miui.home
1687 1980 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-12-thread- com.miui.home
1687 1978 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-11-thread- com.miui.home
1687 1976 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-10-thread- com.miui.home
1687 1971 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_4 com.miui.home
1413 1970 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SysUiBtBg
1612 1966 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_4
1612 1946 radio 30 10 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg
1687 1945 u0_a86 0 -20 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg FsGesturePriori com.miui.home
1687 1944 u0_a86 12 -8 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg FsGestureSecond com.miui.home
1687 1941 u0_a86 4 -16 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg NDK MediaCodec_ com.miui.home
1687 1942 u0_a86 4 -16 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg HwBinder:1687_1 com.miui.home
1687 1940 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg CCodecWatchdog com.miui.home
1612 1939 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg SSRequestHandle
1612 1938 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-9
1687 1937 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg cmd com.miui.home
1687 1934 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg SoundPool com.miui.home
1687 1935 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg SoundPoolThread com.miui.home
1687 1933 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg LauncherTask #4 com.miui.home
1612 1931 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DcHandlerThread
1612 1932 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 1930 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-8
1413 1929 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta FlashlightContr
1612 1928 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 1927 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DcHandlerThread
1612 1926 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkHandlerThrea
1687 1915 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg LogThread com.miui.home
1612 1916 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CdmaServiceCate
1687 1913 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg AnimThread-1 com.miui.home
1612 1909 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CdmaInboundSmsH
1612 1906 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg GsmInboundSmsHa
1612 1908 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellBroadcastHa
1612 1905 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkGsmCellBroad
1687 1904 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg rs_blur com.miui.home
1612 1901 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg SSRequestHandle
1413 1900 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta face_unlock
1612 1899 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ConnectivityThr
1612 1898 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-7
1612 1897 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 1896 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DcHandlerThread
1612 1895 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-6
1687 1891 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg LauncherTask #3 com.miui.home
1687 1885 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg magnifier pixel com.miui.home
1687 1884 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg LauncherTask #2 com.miui.home
1612 1880 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DataService
1612 1879 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg DcHandlerThread
1687 1876 u0_a86 18 -2 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg UiThreadHelper com.miui.home
1612 1873 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkHandlerThrea
1687 1850 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-6-thread-1 com.miui.home
1612 1848 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CdmaServiceCate
1612 1847 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CdmaInboundSmsH
1612 1846 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg CellBroadcastHa
1201 1845 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta queued-work-loo system_server
1612 1841 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MtkGsmCellBroad
1612 1844 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg GsmInboundSmsHa
1612 1840 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg MiuiIccPhoneBoo
1612 1838 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-5
1413 1837 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ToggleManager
1612 1833 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-2
1612 1834 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Thread-3
1413 1832 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta StatusBar
1413 1830 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta WifiTracker{416
1413 1829 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta MiuiWifiManager
1413 1828 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ConnectivityThr
1413 1827 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SysUiNetBg
1612 1824 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg PowerSM
1687 1800 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-2-thread-2 com.miui.home
1612 1799 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg HwBinder:1612_1
1687 1794 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg RenderThread com.miui.home
1687 1793 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-7-thread-1 com.miui.home
1687 1792 u0_a86 30 10 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg LauncherTask #1 com.miui.home
1687 1791 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg launcher-loader com.miui.home
1687 1789 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg pool-2-thread-1 com.miui.home
1687 1778 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg cher.Background com.miui.home
1413 1777 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_4
1612 1775 radio 18 -2 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg queued-work-loo
1201 1770 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg HwBinder:1201_4 system_server
1687 1769 u0_a86 18 -2 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg queued-work-loo com.miui.home
763 1767 mediacodec 4 -16 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_1 media.swcodec
1413 1761 system 4 -16 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta NDK MediaCodec_
1413 1762 system 4 -16 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta HwBinder:1413_1
1201 1760 system 4 -16 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg NDK MediaCodec_ system_server
1413 1759 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta CCodecWatchdog
1201 1758 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg CCodecWatchdog system_server
763 1756 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_4 media.swcodec
763 1753 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_3 media.swcodec
1201 1748 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta RingerFlash system_server
1201 1750 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ConnectionSvrFo system_server
1201 1747 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta VoiceReporter system_server
1201 1749 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta CallAudioModeSt system_server
1201 1746 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta uteStateMachine system_server
1413 1743 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SysUiBg
1201 1745 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MissedCallNotif system_server
1413 1741 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta VolumeDialogCon
1201 1740 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AudioPortEventH system_server
1201 1739 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta BluetoothRouteM system_server
1612 1737 radio 29 9 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Profile Saver
684 1733 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_3 cameraserver
1687 1731 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_3 com.miui.home
1201 1729 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_8 system_server
1687 1706 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_2 com.miui.home
1687 1705 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Binder:1687_1 com.miui.home
1687 1703 u0_a86 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg FinalizerDaemon com.miui.home
1687 1701 u0_a86 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg HeapTaskDaemon com.miui.home
1687 1702 u0_a86 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg ReferenceQueueD com.miui.home
1687 1704 u0_a86 24 4 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg FinalizerWatchd com.miui.home
1687 1695 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Runtime worker com.miui.home
1687 1696 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Runtime worker com.miui.home
1687 1697 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Runtime worker com.miui.home
1687 1698 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Runtime worker com.miui.home
1687 1699 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Signal Catcher com.miui.home
1687 1694 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg Jit thread pool com.miui.home
1687 1687 u0_a86 20 0 0.0 S 2.0G 119M fg com.miui.home com.miui.home
1201 1686 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Thread-9 system_server
1612 1685 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_3
1201 1684 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_7 system_server
763 1683 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg mediaswcodec media.swcodec
763 1682 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg mediaswcodec media.swcodec
1201 1643 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_6 system_server
1612 1634 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_1
1612 1635 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Binder:1612_2
1612 1629 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Signal Catcher
1612 1619 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg Jit thread pool
1612 1633 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg FinalizerWatchd
1612 1632 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg FinalizerDaemon
1612 1631 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg ReferenceQueueD
1612 1630 radio 24 4 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg HeapTaskDaemon
1612 1612 radio 20 0 0.0 S 1.4G 103M fg
1201 1618 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_5 system_server
1413 1604 system 10 -10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta RenderThread
1201 1587 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_4 system_server
1413 1571 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta
1413 1558 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta recents.fg
1413 1554 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Recents-TaskRes
703 1557 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg Binder:703_3 mediaserver
703 1556 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg Binder:703_2 mediaserver
1413 1553 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SoundPoolThread
1413 1551 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta pool-3-thread-1
1413 1552 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta SoundPool
1413 1549 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta mi_analytics_up
1413 1550 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta queued-work-loo
1413 1543 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta TimeTick
1413 1542 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ImageWallpaper
1413 1541 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta FileObserver
1413 1539 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta mistat_db
1494 1494 webview_zygote 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 26M fg webview_zygote webview_zygote
548 1490 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg POSIX timer 0
548 1489 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg gnss@2.0-servic
1201 1485 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NetworkTimeUpda system_server
730 1480 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg HwBinder:730_3 media.codec
1201 1468 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta EmergencyAfford system_server
703 1467 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg HwBinder:703_1 mediaserver
1465 1465 root 20 0 0.0 S 8.1M 1.0M fg ip6tables-resto ip6tables-
1464 1464 root 20 0 0.0 S 8.0M 980K fg iptables-restor iptables-
701 1460 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_2
1201 1458 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg Binder:1201_3 system_server
684 1459 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_2 cameraserver
688 1454 drm 20 0 0.0 S 46M 2.3M fg Binder:688_1 drmserver
688 1455 drm 20 0 0.0 S 46M 2.3M fg Binder:688_1 drmserver
1201 1436 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg AsyncTask #1 system_server
1201 1437 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NetworkStatsObs system_server
1201 1434 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg SoundPoolThread system_server
1201 1433 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg SoundPool system_server
1413 1432 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_3
1201 1431 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Thread-7 system_server
1413 1430 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_2
1413 1428 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta FinalizerWatchd
1413 1429 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Binder:1413_1
1413 1424 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Signal Catcher
1413 1427 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta FinalizerDaemon
1413 1426 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta ReferenceQueueD
1413 1425 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta HeapTaskDaemon
1413 1423 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Runtime worker
1413 1422 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Runtime worker
1413 1421 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Runtime worker
1413 1420 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Runtime worker
1413 1419 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.1G 160M ta Jit thread pool
1201 1412 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta UsbService host system_server
1201 1411 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg SyncManager system_server
1201 1394 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PhotonicModulat system_server
1201 1391 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta OsuServerHandle system_server
1201 1390 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MiuiFreeFormGes system_server
1201 1389 system 12 -8 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta miui.gesture system_server
1201 1388 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg TaskSnapshotPer system_server
1201 1387 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta EthernetService system_server
1201 1386 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MiuiWifiService system_server
1201 1385 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta RedirectListene system_server
1201 1384 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg HwBinder:1201_3 system_server
1201 1380 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta SyncHandler-0 system_server
1201 1379 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta vibrator-inject system_server
1201 1378 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PowerHalWifiMon system_server
1201 1377 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta StatsCompanionS system_server
1201 1376 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta CameraService_p system_server
1201 1375 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg SliceManagerSer system_server
1201 1374 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg GraphicsStats-d system_server
1201 1372 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ScreenEffectThr system_server
1201 1373 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg backup system_server
1201 1371 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PowerKeeperPoli system_server
1201 1370 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ProcessManager system_server
1201 1369 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta SystemPressureC system_server
1201 1368 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg system_server
1201 1367 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg MiuiBackup system_server
1201 1364 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta SecurityManager system_server
1201 1363 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg SecurityWriteHa system_server
760 1362 system 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg HwBinder:760_2
1201 1361 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta miui.fg system_server
555 1360 system 20 0 0.0 S 12M 1.0M fg usb@1.1-service
1201 1358 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta UEventObserver system_server
580 1356 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_4 audioserver
580 1355 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_3 audioserver
540 1357 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg HwBinder:540_3
1201 1353 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AudioService system_server
1201 1354 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AudioDeviceBrok system_server
580 1352 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg TimeCheckThread audioserver
1201 1351 system RT 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg hidl_ssvc_poll system_server
1201 1350 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg HwBinder:1201_2 system_server
1201 1349 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ConnectivityThr system_server
1201 1348 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta LocationPolicy system_server
1201 1347 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg DeviceStorageMo system_server
1201 1346 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg onProviders.ECP system_server
1201 1345 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg ranker system_server
1201 1344 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg notification-sq system_server
1201 1343 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta mDnsConnector system_server
1201 1342 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NsdService system_server
1201 1341 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta TetheringIntern system_server
1201 1340 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Tethering system_server
1201 1339 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta roid.pacmanager system_server
1201 1338 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ConnectivitySer system_server
1201 1337 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta WifiScanningSer system_server
1201 1333 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ClientModeImpl system_server
1201 1332 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta WifiService system_server
1201 1334 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta WifiP2pService system_server
1201 1330 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta tworkPolicy.uid system_server
1201 1331 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MiuiNetworkPoli system_server
1201 1329 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NetworkPolicy system_server
1201 1328 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NetworkStats system_server
1201 1327 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta NetworkStatInte system_server
1201 1324 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MiuiActivityCon system_server
1201 1322 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta StorageManagerS system_server
1201 1321 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg NetworkWatchlis system_server
1201 1319 system 10 -10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg InputDispatcher system_server
1201 1320 system 12 -8 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg InputReader system_server
1201 1317 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta DisplayPolicy system_server
1201 1314 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AlarmManager system_server
1201 1311 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg SettingsProvide system_server
1201 1310 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AccountManagerS system_server
1201 1307 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta RollbackPackage system_server
1201 1306 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta RollbackManager system_server
697 1305 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg Binder:697_4 installd
697 1304 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg Binder:697_3 installd
684 1303 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta Binder:684_1 cameraserver
1201 1302 system RT -8 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg SensorService system_server
1201 1301 system 12 -8 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg SensorEventAckR system_server
1201 1299 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta HealthServiceRe system_server
732 1300 system 18 -2 0.0 S 17M 1.5M fg sensors@2.0-ser
1201 1297 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg SaveDataTofile system_server
1201 1296 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PackageInstalle system_server
1201 1257 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Cta_PermRecords system_server
1201 1255 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M bg PackageManager system_server
1201 1254 system 30 10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PackageManager system_server
593 1253 system 20 0 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_3 surfaceflinger
1201 1252 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta MiuiLightsHandl system_server
1201 1251 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta BatteryStats_wa system_server
1201 1250 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta HwBinder:1201_1 system_server
1201 1249 system 10 -10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PowerManagerSer system_server
1201 1248 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta AnrMonitorThrea system_server
1201 1247 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta CpuTracker system_server
1201 1246 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta FileObserver system_server
1201 1245 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta batterystats-wo system_server
1201 1243 system 10 -10 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta OomAdjuster system_server
1201 1241 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ActivityManager system_server
1201 1239 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ActivityManager system_server
1201 1238 system 25 5 0.0 S 2.2G 274M fg system_server
1201 1240 system 18 -2 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta ActivityManager system_server
1201 1242 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta PeriodicCleaner system_server
1201 1232 system 17 -3 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta android.display system_server
1201 1231 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta system_server
1201 1229 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta android.fg system_server
1201 1233 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta android.anim system_server
1201 1234 system 16 -4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta android.anim.lf system_server
1201 1235 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta watchdogWorkerT system_server
1201 1236 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta watchdog system_server
721 1216 root 30 10 0.0 S 19M 1.5M HwBinder:721_1 storaged
1201 1215 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Binder:1201_2 system_server
1201 1214 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Binder:1201_1 system_server
1201 1208 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Jit thread pool system_server
1201 1209 system 20 0 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta Signal Catcher system_server
1201 1212 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta FinalizerDaemon system_server
1201 1213 system 24 4 0.0 S 2.2G 274M ta FinalizerWatchd system_server
684 1198 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta HwBinder:684_4 cameraserver
684 1197 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta HwBinder:684_3 cameraserver
734 1196 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M fg HwBinder:734_2
734 1195 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M fg HwBinder:734_1
978 1193 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 980K fg epdg_wod epdg_wod
978 1192 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 980K fg epdg_wod epdg_wod
1095 1189 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_8 mtkfusionrild
1095 1183 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_5 mtkfusionrild
1095 1184 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg CCCIThread mtkfusionrild
1095 1182 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RtcSmsThread mtkfusionrild
1095 1181 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RtcAgpsThread mtkfusionrild
1095 1179 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg StateThread mtkfusionrild
1095 1180 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg StateThread mtkfusionrild
1095 1167 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_18 mtkfusionrild
1095 1162 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_16 mtkfusionrild
1095 1163 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_11 mtkfusionrild
1095 1164 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_16 mtkfusionrild
1095 1165 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_17 mtkfusionrild
1095 1166 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_17 mtkfusionrild
1095 1174 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_21 mtkfusionrild
1095 1173 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_21 mtkfusionrild
1095 1172 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_20 mtkfusionrild
1095 1171 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_20 mtkfusionrild
1095 1170 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_19 mtkfusionrild
1095 1169 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_19 mtkfusionrild
1095 1168 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_18 mtkfusionrild
1095 1154 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_13 mtkfusionrild
1095 1155 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_14 mtkfusionrild
1095 1156 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_14 mtkfusionrild
1095 1178 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_23 mtkfusionrild
1095 1157 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_4 mtkfusionrild
1095 1159 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_15 mtkfusionrild
1095 1177 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_23 mtkfusionrild
1095 1176 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_22 mtkfusionrild
1095 1175 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_22 mtkfusionrild
1095 1160 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_11 mtkfusionrild
1095 1161 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_15 mtkfusionrild
1095 1148 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_10 mtkfusionrild
1095 1146 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_9 mtkfusionrild
1095 1145 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_4 mtkfusionrild
1095 1144 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_8 mtkfusionrild
1095 1143 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_8 mtkfusionrild
1095 1129 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_1 mtkfusionrild
1095 1130 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_1 mtkfusionrild
1095 1131 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_2 mtkfusionrild
1095 1132 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_2 mtkfusionrild
1095 1133 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_3 mtkfusionrild
1095 1134 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_3 mtkfusionrild
1095 1135 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_4 mtkfusionrild
1095 1141 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_7 mtkfusionrild
1095 1140 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_6 mtkfusionrild
1095 1139 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_6 mtkfusionrild
1095 1138 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_5 mtkfusionrild
1095 1137 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_5 mtkfusionrild
1095 1136 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_4 mtkfusionrild
1095 1153 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_13 mtkfusionrild
1095 1152 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_11 mtkfusionrild
1095 1151 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_11 mtkfusionrild
1095 1150 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_10 mtkfusionrild
1095 1149 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_4 mtkfusionrild
1095 1142 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_7 mtkfusionrild
1095 1147 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_9 mtkfusionrild
1095 1123 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_0 mtkfusionrild
1095 1121 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg Ril Proxy reque mtkfusionrild
1095 1120 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg Ril Proxy reque mtkfusionrild
1095 1119 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg Ril Proxy reque mtkfusionrild
1095 1117 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg Ril Proxy Main mtkfusionrild
1095 1126 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_12 mtkfusionrild
1095 1125 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxReader_12 mtkfusionrild
1095 1124 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RfxSender_0 mtkfusionrild
1095 1122 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg Ril Proxy reque mtkfusionrild
1095 1113 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg mtkfusionrild mtkfusionrild
1095 1115 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg RILD MCL Dispat mtkfusionrild
1095 1116 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg POSIX timer 0 mtkfusionrild
1011 1099 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_seek_filter emdlogger1
1095 1095 radio 20 0 0.0 S 109M 4.6M fg mtkfusionrild mtkfusionrild
1011 1093 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_log_wt emdlogger1
1011 1092 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_log_rd emdlogger1
1011 1094 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_log_rate emdlogger1
1011 1089 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_sock_host emdlogger1
1011 1091 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg log_sdwrite emdlogger1
580 1088 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg AudioOut_1D audioserver
580 1086 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg AudioOut_15 audioserver
1011 1085 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_log_flow emdlogger1
1011 1084 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg mdl_ctrl_reader emdlogger1
1018 1076 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1078 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1079 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1080 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1081 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1082 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1075 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1077 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1068 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1074 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1073 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1072 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1071 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1070 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1069 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1067 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1066 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1065 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1064 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1063 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1062 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1055 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1060 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1059 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1058 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1057 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
1018 1056 root 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
580 1061 audioserver 1 -19 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg AudioOut_D audioserver
957 1053 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
957 1054 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
967 1047 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
536 1049 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg HwBinder:536_1 netd
536 1051 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_4 netd
967 1046 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
536 1032 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
536 1045 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_2 netd
536 1044 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_2 netd
536 1043 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_2 netd
536 1042 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_1 netd
536 1037 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
536 1036 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg NFLogListener netd
536 1035 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
536 1034 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
536 1033 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
540 1029 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg audio@5.0-servi
1018 1018 radio 20 0 0.0 S 39M 988K fg gsm0710muxd gsm0710muxd
960 1022 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1021 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1028 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1027 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1024 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1023 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1026 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
960 1025 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
684 1016 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta HwBinder:684_2 cameraserver
684 1014 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta HwBinder:684_1 cameraserver
540 1015 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg audio@5.0-servi
1011 1011 shell 20 0 0.0 S 83M 704K fg emdlogger1 emdlogger1
686 1013 shell 20 0 0.0 S 11M 608K fg csl_sock_host connsyslogger
540 1008 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg eventThread_540
540 1007 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg readSpeechMessa
540 1009 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg eventThread_540
540 1006 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg processElementT
959 1000 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 1003 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 1002 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 1001 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 999 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 998 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 997 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
959 996 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
536 1004 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg SkDestroyListen netd
960 995 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
967 990 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
967 989 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
967 992 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
967 991 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
573 993 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 768K fg HwBinder:573_1 mtd@1.2
978 978 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 980K fg epdg_wod epdg_wod
956 977 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg bip bip
696 979 system 20 0 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg HwBinder:696_1 vtservice
557 981 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 888K fg vtservice_hidl vtservice_hidl
557 980 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 888K fg vtservice_hidl vtservice_hidl
967 967 system 20 0 0.0 S 25M 928K fg volte_imcb volte_imcb
957 970 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
957 968 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
957 972 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
957 974 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
957 969 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
956 976 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg POSIX timer 1 bip
956 971 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg bip bip
956 973 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg bip bip
956 975 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg POSIX timer 0 bip
696 964 system 4 -16 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg downlink_thread vtservice
696 965 system 20 0 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg Binder:696_1 vtservice
960 960 root 20 0 0.0 S 22M 400K fg volte_ua volte_ua
959 959 root 20 0 0.0 S 21M 0.9M fg volte_stack volte_stack
696 963 system 20 0 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg vtservice vtservice
696 962 system 4 -16 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg IMCB msg handle vtservice
696 961 system 4 -16 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg IMCB msg dispat vtservice
957 957 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 200K fg volte_imsm_93 volte_imsm_93
956 956 root 20 0 0.0 S 16M 924K fg bip bip
618 944 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 848K fg wfca wfca
618 945 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 848K fg wfca wfca
618 943 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 848K fg wfca wfca
701 932 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg Binder:701_1
703 925 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg Binder:703_1 mediaserver
570 915 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg HwBinder:570_1 mlipayd@1.1
570 916 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg HwBinder:570_2 mlipayd@1.1
593 908 system -3 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg SWWatchDog surfaceflinger
763 905 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_1 media.swcodec
763 906 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg HwBinder:763_2 media.swcodec
734 899 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M ta camerahalserver
559 901 system 12 -8 0.0 S 17M 1.2M fg gpu@1.0-service
811 893 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.0M fg netdagent netdagent
811 894 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.0M fg HwBinder:811_1 netdagent
811 895 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.0M fg HwBinder:811_2 netdagent
885 885 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg fm_eint_wq [fm_eint_wq]
884 884 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg fm_timer_wq [fm_timer_wq]
540 881 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg audio@5.0-servi
678 879 system 20 0 0.0 S 44M 2.3M fg Binder:678_1 shelld
688 874 drm 20 0 0.0 S 46M 2.3M fg Binder:688_1 drmserver
705 872 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 996K fg mobile_log_d.wc mobile_log_d
536 871 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg netd netd
721 867 root 30 10 0.0 S 19M 1.5M Binder:721_1 storaged
721 865 root 30 10 0.0 S 19M 1.5M storaged storaged
730 864 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg HwBinder:730_2 media.codec
730 863 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg HwBinder:730_1 media.codec
702 862 media 20 0 0.0 S 27M 2.2M fg Binder:702_1 media.metrics
760 860 system 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg AALLightSensor
760 856 system 16 -4 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg AALMain
760 857 system 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg HwBinder:760_1
730 858 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg Binder:730_2 media.codec
760 854 system 16 -4 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg PQServiceHAL
730 855 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg Binder:730_1 media.codec
672 853 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 848 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 850 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 849 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 852 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 851 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
707 833 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M statsd.writer statsd
672 834 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 835 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 838 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 825 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 826 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 827 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 828 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 829 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 830 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 831 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 832 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 836 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 837 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 839 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 840 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 841 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 842 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 843 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 844 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 845 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
672 846 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
746 820 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 38 mtk_agpsd
746 822 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 40 mtk_agpsd
746 821 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 39 mtk_agpsd
746 823 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 41 mtk_agpsd
746 816 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 35 mtk_agpsd
746 819 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 37 mtk_agpsd
746 818 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 36 mtk_agpsd
734 817 cameraserver 30 10 0.0 S 317M 1.9M bg ULogGuardMonito
814 814 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 732K fg thh@2.0-service
707 813 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M Binder:707_3 statsd
811 811 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.0M fg netdagent netdagent
707 812 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M HwBinder:707_1 statsd
707 810 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M Binder:707_2 statsd
707 809 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M Binder:707_1 statsd
746 805 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 32 mtk_agpsd
746 804 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 31 mtk_agpsd
746 803 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 30 mtk_agpsd
746 802 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 29 mtk_agpsd
746 801 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 28 mtk_agpsd
746 800 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 27 mtk_agpsd
746 799 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 26 mtk_agpsd
746 798 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 25 mtk_agpsd
746 797 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 24 mtk_agpsd
746 796 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 23 mtk_agpsd
746 806 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 33 mtk_agpsd
746 807 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 34 mtk_agpsd
732 795 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 1.5M fg sensors@2.0-ser
793 793 tombstoned 20 0 0.0 S 8.3M 1.1M tombstoned tombstoned
746 792 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 22 mtk_agpsd
746 789 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 20 mtk_agpsd
746 774 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 5 mtk_agpsd
746 791 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg mtk_agpsd mtk_agpsd
746 790 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 21 mtk_agpsd
746 788 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 19 mtk_agpsd
746 787 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 18 mtk_agpsd
746 786 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 17 mtk_agpsd
746 785 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 16 mtk_agpsd
746 784 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 15 mtk_agpsd
746 783 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 14 mtk_agpsd
746 782 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 13 mtk_agpsd
746 781 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 12 mtk_agpsd
746 780 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 11 mtk_agpsd
746 779 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 10 mtk_agpsd
746 778 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 9 mtk_agpsd
746 777 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 8 mtk_agpsd
746 776 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 7 mtk_agpsd
746 775 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 6 mtk_agpsd
746 773 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 4 mtk_agpsd
746 772 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 3 mtk_agpsd
746 771 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 2 mtk_agpsd
746 770 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 1 mtk_agpsd
746 769 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg POSIX timer 0 mtk_agpsd
768 768 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 1.4M gatekeeperd gatekeeperd
746 766 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg mtk_agpsd mtk_agpsd
746 767 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg mtk_agpsd mtk_agpsd
549 764 system 20 0 0.0 S 20M 2.0M fg HwBinder:549_2
763 763 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 54M 3.0M fg mediaswcodec media.swcodec
761 761 wifi 20 0 0.0 S 8.6M 404K fg wlan_assistant wlan_assistant
704 762 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg Binder:704_3 miuibooster
760 760 system 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.3M fg pq@2.2-service
704 759 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg miuibooster miuibooster
704 757 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg Binder:704_1 miuibooster
704 758 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg miuibooster miuibooster
704 748 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg Binder:704_2 miuibooster
704 747 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg miuibooster miuibooster
698 749 keystore 20 0 0.0 S 17M 2.2M fg HwBinder:698_1 keystore
593 750 system 20 0 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg HwBinder:593_1 surfaceflinger
550 754 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg HwBinder:550_2
550 756 system 12 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg VSyncThread_0
550 751 system 12 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg UEventThreadHWC
550 755 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg HwBinder:550_2
550 753 system -2 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg Dispatcher_0
550 752 system -2 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg OverlayEngine_0
746 746 gps 20 0 0.0 S 60M 988K fg mtk_agpsd mtk_agpsd
744 744 system 0 -20 0.0 S 9.1M 964K fg ipsec_mon ipsec_mon
550 743 system -3 -20 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg HwBinder:550_2
742 742 system 20 0 0.0 S 8.9M 1.0M fg thermalloadalgo
706 741 shell 20 0 0.0 S 11M 924K fg netdiag netdiag
699 739 media 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.5M fg Binder:699_1 mediadrmserver
593 737 system 12 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg ged-swd surfaceflinger
736 736 system 20 0 0.0 S 8.6M 1.0M fg thermal thermal
734 734 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 317M 1.9M ta camerahalserver
733 733 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_wmtd_worker
732 732 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 1.5M fg sensors@2.0-ser
731 731 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_wmtd [mtk_wmtd]
730 730 mediacodec 20 0 0.0 S 43M 2.9M fg omx@1.0-service media.codec
728 728 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_stp_btm [mtk_stp_btm]
694 729 incidentd 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg Binder:694_3 incidentd
726 726 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_stp_psm [mtk_stp_psm]
723 723 wifi 20 0 0.0 S 12M 1.5M fg wificond wificond
694 724 incidentd 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg Binder:694_1 incidentd
675 725 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 7 mnld
675 727 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 8 mnld
721 721 root 30 10 0.0 S 19M 1.5M storaged storaged
697 722 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg Binder:697_1 installd
675 720 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 6 mnld
675 717 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 5 mnld
675 716 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 4 mnld
675 715 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 3 mnld
675 714 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 2 mnld
675 709 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
675 710 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
675 712 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 0 mnld
675 719 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
675 718 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
675 711 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
675 713 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg POSIX timer 1 mnld
707 707 statsd 20 0 0.0 S 23M 3.1M Binder:707_2 statsd
675 708 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
706 706 shell 20 0 0.0 S 11M 924K fg netdiag netdiag
705 705 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 996K fg mobile_log_d mobile_log_d
704 704 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 1.0M fg miuibooster miuibooster
703 703 media 20 0 0.0 S 91M 3.5M fg mediaserver mediaserver
702 702 media 20 0 0.0 S 27M 2.2M fg mediametrics media.metrics
701 701 mediaex 20 0 0.0 S 62M 3.8M fg mediaextractor
699 699 media 20 0 0.0 S 16M 1.5M fg mediadrmserver mediadrmserver
698 698 keystore 20 0 0.0 S 17M 2.2M fg keystore keystore
679 700 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 976K fg Binder:679_1 fdpp
697 697 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg Binder:697_2 installd
696 696 system 20 0 0.0 S 52M 1.9M fg vtservice vtservice
695 695 system 20 0 0.0 S 8.8M 1.0M fg thermald thermald
694 694 incidentd 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg Binder:694_2 incidentd
676 692 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 760K fg HwBinder:676_1 lbs_dbg
688 688 drm 20 0 0.0 S 46M 2.3M fg drmserver drmserver
676 690 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 760K fg lbs_dbg lbs_dbg
676 689 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 760K fg lbs_dbg lbs_dbg
676 691 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 760K fg lbs_dbg lbs_dbg
686 686 shell 20 0 0.0 S 11M 608K fg connsyslogger connsyslogger
580 685 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_1 audioserver
580 687 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg Binder:580_2 audioserver
684 684 cameraserver 20 0 0.0 S 45M 2.7M ta cameraserver cameraserver
682 682 root 20 0 0.0 S 8.0M 560K fg qadaemon qadaemon
599 681 radio 0 -20 0.0 S 12M 1.0M fg ccci_fsd ccci_fsd
679 679 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 976K fg Binder:679_2 fdpp
678 678 system 20 0 0.0 S 44M 2.3M fg shelld shelld
676 676 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 760K fg lbs_dbg lbs_dbg
675 675 gps 20 0 0.0 S 35M 1.4M fg mnld mnld
580 674 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg ApmOutput audioserver
580 673 audioserver 4 -16 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg ApmAudio audioserver
672 672 root 0 -20 0.0 S 38M 1.0M fg mi_thermald mi_thermald
580 668 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg HwBinder:580_1 audioserver
580 670 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg HwBinder:580_2 audioserver
664 664 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx7_worker [rx7_worker]
663 663 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx6_worker [rx6_worker]
662 662 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx5_worker [rx5_worker]
661 661 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx4_worker [rx4_worker]
660 660 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx3_worker [rx3_worker]
659 659 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx2_worker [rx2_worker]
658 658 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx1_worker [rx1_worker]
657 657 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg rx0_worker [rx0_worker]
656 656 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cldma_rxq0 [cldma_rxq0]
655 655 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_rx0_worker
654 654 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_tx3_worker
653 653 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_tx2_worker
652 652 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_tx1_worker
651 651 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_tx0_worker
593 648 system 12 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 647 system 12 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 646 system -3 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg sf surfaceflinger
593 644 system 12 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
593 643 system -3 -9 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg DispSync surfaceflinger
593 642 system 20 0 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_2 surfaceflinger
593 641 system 20 0 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg Binder:593_1 surfaceflinger
605 632 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 0.9M fg ccci_mdinit ccci_mdinit
582 633 gpu_service 20 0 0.0 S 15M 524K fg Binder:582_1 gpuservice
540 631 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg HwBinder:540_2
540 630 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg HwBinder:540_1
559 628 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 1.2M fg HwBinder:559_1
550 629 system -3 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg HwBinder:550_1
558 627 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg POSIX timer 0
558 626 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg lbs_hidl_servic
558 625 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg lbs_hidl_servic
549 624 system 20 0 0.0 S 20M 2.0M fg HwBinder:549_1
623 623 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_misr [pvr_misr]
622 622 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_misr [pvr_misr]
621 621 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_misr [pvr_misr]
618 618 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 848K fg wfca wfca
550 615 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M composer@2.1-se
550 614 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M composer@2.1-se
550 613 system 12 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg SWWatchDog
540 616 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg Binder:540_2
612 612 radio 20 0 0.0 S 10M 1.0M fg ccci_rpcd ccci_rpcd
560 609 system 19 -1 0.0 S 17M 2.1M fg mtkPowerManager
540 608 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg Binder:540_1
605 605 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 0.9M fg ccci_mdinit ccci_mdinit
546 606 media 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.4M fg HwBinder:546_2
603 603 radio 20 0 0.0 S 11M 708K fg ccci_fsd ccci_fsd
575 604 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 940K fg HwBinder:575_2 vsimd
575 601 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 940K fg HwBinder:575_1 vsimd
569 602 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 832K fg HwBinder:569_1
599 599 radio 0 -20 0.0 S 12M 1.0M fg ccci_fsd ccci_fsd
546 600 media 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.4M fg HwBinder:546_1
544 598 media 20 0 0.0 S 21M 1.3M fg HwBinder:544_2
597 597 system 20 0 0.0 S 9.3M 1.0M fg fuelgauged fuelgauged
568 596 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 900K fg HwBinder:568_2
593 593 system 12 -8 0.0 S 105M 9.3M fg surfaceflinger surfaceflinger
568 590 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 900K fg HwBinder:568_1
564 592 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 0.9M fg HwBinder:564_1
562 591 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.1M fg HwBinder:562_2
544 594 media 20 0 0.0 S 21M 1.3M fg HwBinder:544_1
587 587 lmkd 20 0 0.0 S 8.8M 0.9M lmkd lmkd
566 588 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 852K fg HwBinder:566_2
566 584 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 852K fg HwBinder:566_1
562 586 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.1M fg HwBinder:562_1
545 585 media 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.5M fg HwBinder:545_2
545 583 media 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.5M fg HwBinder:545_1
582 582 gpu_service 20 0 0.0 S 15M 524K fg Binder:582_2 gpuservice
580 580 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 74M 5.2M fg audioserver audioserver
558 579 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg HwBinder:558_2
577 577 nobody 20 0 0.0 S 10M 1.1M fg ashmemd ashmemd
558 578 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg HwBinder:558_1
575 575 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 940K fg vsimd vsimd
573 573 root 20 0 0.0 S 18M 768K fg mtd@1.2 mtd@1.2
550 572 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg Binder:550_1
550 574 system 20 0 0.0 S 39M 2.9M fg Binder:550_2
570 570 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.0M fg mlipayd@1.1 mlipayd@1.1
543 571 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 972K fg HwBinder:543_1
569 569 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 832K fg misys@3.0-servi
568 568 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 900K fg misys@2.0-servi
566 566 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 852K fg misys@1.0-servi
542 567 media 20 0 0.0 S 15M 840K fg HwBinder:542_1
564 564 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 0.9M fg capi@2.0-servic
562 562 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 1.1M fg nwk_opt@1.0-ser
541 565 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg HwBinder:541_1
541 563 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg bt_hal_msg_hand
561 561 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 836K fg nvram@1.1-servi
560 560 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 2.1M fg mtkpower@1.0-se
559 559 system 20 0 0.0 S 17M 1.2M fg gpu@1.0-service
558 558 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.0M fg lbs_hidl_servic
557 557 system 20 0 0.0 S 16M 888K fg vtservice_hidl vtservice_hidl
556 556 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 1.1M fg vibrator@1.0-se
555 555 system 20 0 0.0 S 12M 1.0M fg usb@1.1-service
554 554 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 1.0M fg thermal@1.0-ser
553 553 system 20 0 0.0 S 14M 1.6M fg memtrack@1.0-se
552 552 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 1.3M fg light@2.0-servi
551 551 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 1.5M fg health@2.0-serv
550 550 system -3 -8 0.0 S 39M 2.9M composer@2.1-se
549 549 system 20 0 0.0 S 20M 2.0M fg allocator@2.0-s
548 548 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.2M fg gnss@2.0-servic
547 547 system 20 0 0.0 S 11M 1.2M fg gatekeeper@1.0-
546 546 media 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.4M fg drm@1.2-service
545 545 media 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.5M fg drm@1.2-service
544 544 media 20 0 0.0 S 21M 1.3M fg drm@1.0-service
543 543 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 972K fg configstore@1.1
542 542 media 20 0 0.0 S 15M 840K fg cas@1.1-service
541 541 bluetooth 20 0 0.0 S 20M 1.5M fg bluetooth@1.0-s
540 540 audioserver 20 0 0.0 S 56M 4.8M fg audio@5.0-servi
539 539 system 20 0 0.0 S 12M 1.4M fg allocator@1.0-s
537 537 root 20 0 0.0 S 1.7G 48M fg main zygote
536 536 root 20 0 0.0 S 35M 2.7M fg Binder:536_3 netd
528 528 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop9 [loop9]
398 522 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg Binder:398_3 vold
485 519 root 20 0 0.0 S 17M 732K fg Binder:485_2 apexd
517 517 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
485 518 root 20 0 0.0 S 17M 732K fg Binder:485_1 apexd
516 516 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop8 [loop8]
515 515 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
514 514 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop7 [loop7]
513 513 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
512 512 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop6 [loop6]
511 511 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
510 510 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop5 [loop5]
509 509 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
508 508 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
507 507 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
506 506 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
505 505 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
502 502 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop4 [loop4]
501 501 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/3:1H [kworker/3:1H]
500 500 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
499 499 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg irq/20-11240000 [irq/20-
498 498 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
497 497 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
496 496 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
495 495 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
493 493 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop3 [loop3]
492 492 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
491 491 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
490 490 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
489 489 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
488 488 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
486 486 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop2 [loop2]
485 485 root 20 0 0.0 S 17M 732K fg apexd apexd
398 467 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg HwBinder:398_1 vold
455 465 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.3M fg Binder:455_2
455 464 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.3M fg Binder:455_1
462 462 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg Secure Call [Secure Call]
458 458 system 20 0 0.0 S 8.6M 576K fg wmt_launcher wmt_launcher
456 456 system 20 0 0.0 S 12M 1.1M fg keymaster@4.0-s
455 455 system 20 0 0.0 S 18M 1.3M fg suspend@1.0-ser
454 454 system 20 0 0.0 S 10M 900K fg teei_daemon teei_daemon
451 451 root RT 0 0.0 S 15M 884K aee_aed aee_aed
450 450 root RT 0 0.0 S 11M 476K aee_aedv aee_aedv
449 449 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg f_mtp [f_mtp]
441 446 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg CaptureServerTh mqsasd
441 448 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg Binder:441_1 mqsasd
441 447 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg mqsasd mqsasd
443 443 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
442 442 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p7-
441 441 root 20 0 0.0 S 23M 912K fg mqsasd mqsasd
440 440 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
439 439 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p18
435 435 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
434 434 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p11
430 430 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
429 429 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p12
425 425 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
424 424 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p16
420 420 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
419 419 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p15
415 415 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
414 414 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p40
410 410 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg f2fs_gc-259:9 [f2fs_gc-
409 409 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg f2fs_discard-25 [f2fs_discard-
408 408 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg f2fs_flush-259: [f2fs_flush-
398 404 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg vold vold
398 405 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg Binder:398_2 vold
398 403 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg Binder:398_1 vold
384 402 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.auditd logd
398 398 root 20 0 0.0 S 24M 2.1M fg vold vold
397 397 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kauditd [kauditd]
388 393 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 140K fg volte_md_status
384 396 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.control logd
384 394 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.reader logd
384 392 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.loglevel logd
384 391 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd.daemon logd
390 390 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/2:1H [kworker/2:1H]
388 388 root 20 0 0.0 S 12M 140K fg volte_md_status
387 387 system 20 0 0.0 S 10M 148K vndservicemanag
386 386 system 20 0 0.0 S 15M 2.0M hwservicemanage
384 384 logd 18 -2 0.0 S 31M 6.7M fg logd logd
383 383 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
382 382 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop1 [loop1]
381 381 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
380 380 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg loop0 [loop0]
371 371 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/1:1H [kworker/1:1H]
369 369 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 1.9M fg ueventd ueventd
367 367 root 20 0 0.0 S 13M 732K fg init init
366 366 root 20 0 0.0 S 31M 1.4M fg init init
364 364 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/7:1H [kworker/7:1H]
363 363 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/0:1H [kworker/0:1H]
362 362 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
361 361 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
360 360 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
359 359 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
358 358 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
357 357 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
356 356 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
354 354 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
353 353 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
352 352 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
351 351 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
350 350 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
349 349 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
348 348 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
346 346 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/4:1H [kworker/4:1H]
341 341 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/6:1H [kworker/6:1H]
340 340 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
339 339 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
338 338 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
337 337 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
336 336 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kverityd [kverityd]
335 335 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
334 334 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
331 331 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ext4-rsv-conver [ext4-rsv-
330 330 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg jbd2/mmcblk0p13
329 329 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
328 328 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
326 326 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
325 325 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
323 323 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
322 322 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kdmflush [kdmflush]
320 320 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/5:1H [kworker/5:1H]
318 318 root -2 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg mmcqd/0rpmb [mmcqd/0rpmb]
317 317 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
316 316 root -2 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg mmcqd/0boot1 [mmcqd/0boot1]
315 315 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
314 314 root -2 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg mmcqd/0boot0 [mmcqd/0boot0]
313 313 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
312 312 root -2 0 0.0 S 0 0 bg mmcqd/0 [mmcqd/0]
311 311 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
308 308 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-7 [wdtk-7]
307 307 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-6 [wdtk-6]
306 306 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-5 [wdtk-5]
305 305 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-4 [wdtk-4]
304 304 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-3 [wdtk-3]
303 303 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-2 [wdtk-2]
302 302 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-1 [wdtk-1]
301 301 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg qos_recv [qos_recv]
300 300 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg wdtk-0 [wdtk-0]
299 299 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mt-wdk [mt-wdk]
298 298 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg charger_thread
297 297 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg nvt_ts_workqueu
296 296 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg nvt_esd_check_w
295 295 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg nvt_fwu_wq [nvt_fwu_wq]
294 294 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg irq/19-NVT-ts [irq/19-NVT-
292 292 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk-tpd [mtk-tpd]
291 291 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg sys_timer_wq [sys_timer_wq]
290 290 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_fce_status
289 289 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mwp [mwp]
288 288 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_cacheop [pvr_cacheop]
287 287 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_device_wdg
286 286 root 39 19 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_defer_free
285 285 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pvr_timer [pvr_timer]
284 284 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg baro_polling [baro_polling]
283 283 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg accel_polling
282 282 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ksched_hint [ksched_hint]
281 281 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg hps_main [hps_main]
280 280 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg Init_1_Stress
279 279 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg EEM_CTRL_2L_HI
278 278 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg EEM_CTRL_L_HI
277 277 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg EEM_CTRL_CCI [EEM_CTRL_CCI]
276 276 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg EEM_CTRL_2L [EEM_CTRL_2L]
275 275 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg EEM_CTRL_L [EEM_CTRL_L]
274 274 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt
273 273 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ion_fb_heap [ion_fb_heap]
272 272 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg present_fence_w
271 271 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg disp_od_trigger
270 270 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg disp_delay_trig
269 269 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg display_check_a
268 268 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg decouple_trigge
267 267 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg decouple_update
266 266 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg disp_check [disp_check]
265 265 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg disp_idlemgr [disp_idlemgr]
263 263 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg ddp_irq_log_kth
261 261 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ipv6_addrconf
255 255 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg nanohub [nanohub]
252 252 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg dm_bufio_cache
251 251 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg gauge_timer_thr
250 250 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg power_misc_thre
249 249 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg battery_thread
248 248 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg gauge_coulomb_t
247 247 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg uether_rx1 [uether_rx1]
246 246 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg uether [uether]
245 245 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32761 [spi32761]
244 244 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32762 [spi32762]
243 243 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32763 [spi32763]
242 242 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32764 [spi32764]
241 241 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32765 [spi32765]
240 240 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg spi32766 [spi32766]
239 239 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_io_boost [mtk_io_boost]
238 238 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mem_thrash_dete
237 237 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg lt_wq [lt_wq]
236 236 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mt_fstb [mt_fstb]
235 235 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg fpsgo_notifier_
234 234 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpu_loading_wor
233 233 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mt_usrtch__work
232 232 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg krtatm [krtatm]
231 231 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg dram_vcore_wq
230 230 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpu_core_wq [cpu_core_wq]
229 229 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpu_freq_wq [cpu_freq_wq]
228 228 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg disp_switch_mod
227 227 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg hang_detect1 [hang_detect1]
226 226 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg hang_detect [hang_detect]
225 225 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg teei_switch_thr
224 224 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccu-enque [ccu-enque]
223 223 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg md1_cldma_worke
222 222 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_ctrl [ccci_ctrl]
221 221 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_sys [ccci_sys]
220 220 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_ipc_8 [ccci_ipc_8]
219 219 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_ipc_7 [ccci_ipc_7]
218 218 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_ipc_6 [ccci_ipc_6]
217 217 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_ipc_3 [ccci_ipc_3]
216 216 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_udc [ccci_udc]
215 215 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ccci_rpc_k [ccci_rpc_k]
214 214 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg ccci_poll1 [ccci_poll1]
213 213 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg ccci_fsm1 [ccci_fsm1]
212 212 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ged_kpi [ged_kpi]
211 211 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ged_dump_fw_log
210 210 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ged_notify_sw_v
209 209 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg SCP_RESET_WQ [SCP_RESET_WQ]
208 208 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg SCP_LOG_WQ [SCP_LOG_WQ]
207 207 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg SCP_WQ [SCP_WQ]
206 206 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg scp_power_reset
205 205 root RT 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg chre_kthread [chre_kthread]
204 204 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg ipi_master [ipi_master]
203 203 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg usb20_low_power
202 202 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg usb20_st_wq [usb20_st_wq]
201 201 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg mtk_vibrator [mtk_vibrator]
200 200 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg btif_rxd [btif_rxd]
199 199 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg accdet_eint [accdet_eint]
198 198 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg dismicQueue [dismicQueue]
197 197 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg accdet [accdet]
195 195 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
194 194 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
193 193 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
192 192 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
191 191 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
190 190 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
189 189 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
188 188 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
187 187 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
186 186 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
185 185 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
184 184 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
183 183 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
182 182 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
181 181 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
180 180 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
179 179 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
178 178 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
177 177 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
176 176 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
175 175 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
174 174 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
173 173 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
172 172 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
171 171 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
170 170 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
169 169 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
168 168 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
167 167 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
166 166 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
165 165 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
164 164 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
163 163 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
130 130 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg vmstat [vmstat]
116 116 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg rtmm_reclaim [rtmm_reclaim]
115 115 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg rtmm_pool [rtmm_pool]
114 114 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ion_history [ion_history]
113 113 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ion_mm_heap_for
111 111 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ion_mm_heap [ion_mm_heap]
109 109 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cfinteractive
108 108 root 20 0 0.0 D 0 0 fg mdrt_thread [mdrt_thread]
107 107 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg dlpt_notify_thr
106 106 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg bat_percent_not
105 105 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg lbat_service [lbat_service]
104 104 root 1 -19 0.0 S 0 0 fg pmic_thread [pmic_thread]
100 100 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cfg80211 [cfg80211]
98 98 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg devfreq_wq [devfreq_wq]
97 97 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg charger_in [charger_in]
96 96 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg tcpc_power_off
95 95 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg chgdet_thread
94 94 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_mdp_task
93 93 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_resource
92 92 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
91 91 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
90 90 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
89 89 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
88 88 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
87 87 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
86 86 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
85 85 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
84 84 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
83 83 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
82 82 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
81 81 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
80 80 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
79 79 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
78 78 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
77 77 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_auto_relea
76 76 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
75 75 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
74 74 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
73 73 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
72 72 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
71 71 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
70 70 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
69 69 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
68 68 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
67 67 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
66 66 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
65 65 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
64 64 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
63 63 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
62 62 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
61 61 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_flushq [cmdq_flushq]
60 60 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg pool_reload_wor
59 59 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg conn-md-thread [conn-md-
58 58 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kblockd [kblockd]
57 57 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg bioset [bioset]
56 56 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg crypto [crypto]
55 55 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kcompactd0 [kcompactd0]
54 54 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg writeback [writeback]
53 53 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg oom_reaper [oom_reaper]
52 52 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_timeout_ha
51 51 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg cmdq_buf_dump
49 49 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg SSPM_WQ [SSPM_WQ]
47 47 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/7:0H [kworker/7:0H]
44 44 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/7 [migration/7]
43 43 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/7 [cpuhp/7]
42 42 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/6:0H [kworker/6:0H]
40 40 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/6 [ksoftirqd/6]
39 39 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/6 [migration/6]
38 38 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/6 [cpuhp/6]
37 37 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/5:0H [kworker/5:0H]
34 34 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/5 [migration/5]
33 33 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/5 [cpuhp/5]
32 32 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/4:0H [kworker/4:0H]
29 29 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/4 [migration/4]
28 28 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/4 [cpuhp/4]
27 27 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/3:0H [kworker/3:0H]
25 25 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/3 [ksoftirqd/3]
24 24 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/3 [migration/3]
23 23 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/3 [cpuhp/3]
22 22 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/2:0H [kworker/2:0H]
20 20 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/2 [ksoftirqd/2]
19 19 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/2 [migration/2]
18 18 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/2 [cpuhp/2]
17 17 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/1:0H [kworker/1:0H]
14 14 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/1 [migration/1]
13 13 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/1 [cpuhp/1]
12 12 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg cpuhp/0 [cpuhp/0]
11 11 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg lru-add-drain [lru-add-
10 10 root RT 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg migration/0 [migration/0]
9 9 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg rcu_bh [rcu_bh]
8 8 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg rcu_sched [rcu_sched]
6 6 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg ksoftirqd/0 [ksoftirqd/0]
4 4 root 0 -20 0.0 S 0 0 fg kworker/0:0H [kworker/0:0H]
2 2 root 20 0 0.0 S 0 0 fg kthreadd [kthreadd]
1 1 root 20 0 0.0 S 60M 2.6M fg init init
------ 2.196s was the duration of 'CPU INFO' ------
Skipping '/system/xbin/su root procrank' on user build.
------ VIRTUAL MEMORY STATS (/proc/vmstat) ------
nr_free_pages 8642
nr_zone_inactive_anon 83094
nr_zone_active_anon 82345
nr_zone_inactive_file 50752
nr_zone_active_file 50774
nr_zone_unevictable 21047
nr_zone_write_pending 90
nr_mlock 21047
nr_slab_reclaimable 15627
nr_slab_unreclaimable 29121
nr_page_table_pages 15274
nr_kernel_stack 43056
nr_overhead 0
nr_bounce 0
nr_zspages 14943
nr_free_cma 0
nr_inactive_anon 83094
nr_active_anon 82345
nr_inactive_file 50752
nr_active_file 50774
nr_unevictable 21047
nr_isolated_anon 0
nr_isolated_file 0
nr_pages_scanned 0
workingset_refault 9862111
workingset_activate 3073485
workingset_restore 1787540
workingset_nodereclaim 19515
nr_anon_pages 163134
nr_mapped 84868
nr_file_pages 141987
nr_dirty 88
nr_writeback 2
nr_writeback_temp 0
nr_shmem 1507
nr_shmem_hugepages 0
nr_shmem_pmdmapped 0
nr_anon_transparent_hugepages 0
nr_unstable 0
nr_vmscan_write 819498
nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim 9369
nr_dirtied 396260
nr_written 1191844
nr_dirty_threshold 20957
nr_dirty_background_threshold 5220
pgpgin 53760353
pgpgout 1764636
pswpin 431105
pswpout 817362
pgalloc_dma 33189175
pgalloc_normal 0
pgalloc_movable 0
allocstall_dma 0
allocstall_normal 1824
allocstall_movable 852
pgskip_dma 0
pgskip_normal 0
pgskip_movable 0
pgfree 33697170
pgactivate 5078543
pgdeactivate 9133682
pgfault 40983298
pgmajfault 626561
pgfmfault 195126
pglazyfreed 0
pgrefill 11283063
pgsteal_kswapd 12682155
pgsteal_direct 260681
pgscan_kswapd 18872472
pgscan_direct 455194
pgscan_direct_throttle 0
pginodesteal 19
slabs_scanned 8732865
kswapd_inodesteal 24709
kswapd_low_wmark_hit_quickly 3553
kswapd_high_wmark_hit_quickly 1621
pageoutrun 6895
pgrotated 14160
drop_pagecache 0
drop_slab 0
pgmigrate_success 496600
pgmigrate_fail 3399
compact_migrate_scanned 7084306
compact_free_scanned 46521779
compact_isolated 999819
compact_stall 252
compact_fail 13
compact_success 239
compact_daemon_wake 660
unevictable_pgs_culled 21112
unevictable_pgs_scanned 0
unevictable_pgs_rescued 65
unevictable_pgs_mlocked 21128
unevictable_pgs_munlocked 65
unevictable_pgs_cleared 4
unevictable_pgs_stranded 4
zmc_lru_migrated 0
zmc_lru_migration_nomem 0

------ VMALLOC INFO (/proc/vmallocinfo) ------

0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 266240 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=c000000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10200000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10200000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10200000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=10001000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10001000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10006000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=14002000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=1020e000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=18004000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=18002000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10000000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=10000000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=1000c000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=1000c000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=1000c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11220000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c10000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c11000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c12000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c13000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c14000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=11c15000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=1a000000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=14000000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=14000000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=15020000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10008000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 ram_console_early_init+0xa8/0x838
phys=10e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 ram_console_early_init+0x1a0/0x838
phys=10d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 log_store_early_init+0x50/0x18c
phys=10e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 266240 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=c000000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 plat_dbg_info_init+0x230/0x2b8
phys=10e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 plat_dbg_info_init+0x230/0x2b8
phys=10e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 plat_dbg_info_init+0x230/0x2b8
phys=10e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10001000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 of_iomap+0xc8/0x10c phys=10007000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c90000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c91000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 69632 syscon_node_to_regmap+0x19c/0x2ec
phys=17000000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c92000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c93000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c94000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c95000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c96000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c97000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c98000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c99000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47c9f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca6000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca8000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ca9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47caa000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cab000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cac000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cad000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cae000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47caf000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb6000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb8000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cb9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cba000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cbb000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cbc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cbd000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cbe000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cbf000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc6000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc8000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cc9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47cca000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ccb000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
phys=47ccc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 persistent_ram_new+0x34c/0x4ec
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vmalloc vpages
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[wmt_drv] phys=be068000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf000000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf001000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf002000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf003000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf004000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf005000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf005000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf006000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf007000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf008000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf009000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf105000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf00f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf010000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf011000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf012000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf013000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf014000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf015000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf016000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf017000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf018000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf019000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf01f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf020000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf021000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf022000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf023000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf024000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf025000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf026000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf027000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf028000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf029000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf02f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf030000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf031000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf032000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf033000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf034000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf035000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf036000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf037000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf038000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf039000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf03f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf040000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf041000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf042000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf043000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf044000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf045000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf046000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf047000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf048000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf049000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf04f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf050000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf051000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf052000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf053000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf054000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf055000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf056000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf057000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf058000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf059000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf05f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf060000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf061000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf062000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf063000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf064000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf065000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf066000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf067000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf068000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf069000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf06f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf070000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf071000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf072000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf073000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf074000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf075000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf076000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf077000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf078000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf079000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf07f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf080000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf081000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf082000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf083000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf084000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf085000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf086000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf087000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf088000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf089000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf08f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf090000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf091000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf092000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf093000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf094000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf095000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf096000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf097000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf098000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf099000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf09f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0a9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0aa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ab000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ac000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ad000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ae000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0af000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0b9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ba000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0bb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0bc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0bd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0be000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0bf000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0c9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ca000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0cb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0cc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0cd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ce000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0cf000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0d9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0da000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0db000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0dc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0dd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0de000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0df000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0e9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ea000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0eb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ec000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ed000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ee000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ef000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0f9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0fa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0fb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0fc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0fd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0fe000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf0ff000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf100000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf101000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf102000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf103000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf104000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf105000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf106000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf106000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf107000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf107000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf108000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf109000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf109000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf10f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf110000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf111000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf111000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf112000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf112000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf113000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf113000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf114000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf115000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf115000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf116000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf116000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf117000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf118000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf118000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf119000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf119000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf11f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf120000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf120000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf121000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf121000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf122000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf122000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf123000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf124000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf124000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf125000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf125000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf126000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf126000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf127000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf128000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf128000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf129000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf129000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf12f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf130000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf130000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf131000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf131000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf132000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf133000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf133000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf134000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf134000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf135000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf135000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf136000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf137000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf137000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf138000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf138000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf139000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf139000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf13f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf140000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf140000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf141000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf141000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf142000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf143000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf143000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf144000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf144000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf145000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf145000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf146000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf147000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf147000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf148000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf148000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf149000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf149000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf14f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf150000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf150000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf151000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf152000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf152000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf153000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf153000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf154000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf154000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf155000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf156000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf156000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf157000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf157000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf158000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf158000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf159000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf15f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf160000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf160000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf161000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf162000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf162000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf163000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf163000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf164000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf164000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf165000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf166000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf166000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf167000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf167000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf168000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf168000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf169000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf16f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf170000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf171000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf171000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf172000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf172000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf173000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf173000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf174000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf175000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf175000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf176000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf176000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf177000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf177000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf178000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf179000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf179000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf17f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf180000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf181000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf181000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf182000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf182000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf183000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf183000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf184000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf185000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf185000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf186000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf186000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf187000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf187000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf188000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf189000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf189000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf18f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf190000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf190000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf191000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf191000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf192000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf192000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf193000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf194000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf194000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf195000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf195000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf196000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf196000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf197000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf198000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf199000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf199000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf19f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1a9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1aa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1aa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1aa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ab000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ab000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ac000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ac000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ac000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ad000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ad000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ae000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ae000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ae000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1af000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1af000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1b9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ba000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ba000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ba000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1be000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1be000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1be000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bf000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1bf000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c6000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c6000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c8000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c8000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1c9000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ca000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ca000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cb000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cb000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cb000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cd000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cd000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ce000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ce000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ce000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cf000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1cf000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d0000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d1000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d2000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d3000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d4000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d5000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d7000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1d9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1da000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1da000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1db000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1db000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1db000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1dc000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1dc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1dc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1dd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1dd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1de000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1de000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1de000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1df000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1df000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1e9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ea000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ea000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1eb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1eb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1eb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ec000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ec000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ec000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ed000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ed000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ee000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ee000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ee000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ef000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ef000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f0000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f1000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f2000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f3000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f4000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f5000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f6000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f7000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f8000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1f9000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fa000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fb000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fc000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fd000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fe000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fe000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1fe000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ff000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf1ff000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf200000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf200000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf200000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf201000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf201000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf202000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf202000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf202000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf203000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf203000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf204000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf204000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf204000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf205000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf205000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf205000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf206000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf206000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf207000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf207000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf207000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf208000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf208000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf209000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf209000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf209000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf20f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf210000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf210000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf210000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf211000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf211000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf212000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf212000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf212000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf213000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf213000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf214000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf214000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf214000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf215000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf215000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf216000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf216000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf216000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf217000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf217000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf217000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf218000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf218000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf219000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf219000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf219000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf21f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf220000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf220000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf220000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf221000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf221000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf222000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf222000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf222000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf223000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf223000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf224000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf224000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf224000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf225000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf225000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf226000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf226000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf226000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf227000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf227000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf227000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf228000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf228000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf229000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf229000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf229000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf22f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf230000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf230000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf230000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf231000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf231000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf232000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf232000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf232000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf233000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf233000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf234000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf234000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf234000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf235000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf235000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf236000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf236000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf236000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf237000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf237000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf237000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf238000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf238000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf239000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf239000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf239000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf23f000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf240000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf240000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf240000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf241000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf241000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf242000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf242000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf242000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf243000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf243000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf244000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf244000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf244000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf245000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf245000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf246000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf246000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf246000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf247000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf247000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf248000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf248000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf248000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf249000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf249000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf249000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24a000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24b000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24c000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24d000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24e000 ioremap
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[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf24f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf250000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf250000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf250000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf251000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf251000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf252000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf252000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf252000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf253000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf253000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf254000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf254000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf254000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf255000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf255000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf256000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf256000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf256000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf257000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf257000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf258000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf258000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf258000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf259000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf259000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf259000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf25f000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf260000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf260000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf261000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf261000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf261000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf262000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf262000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf262000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf263000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf263000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf264000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf264000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf264000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf265000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf265000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf266000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf266000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf266000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf267000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf267000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf268000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf268000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf268000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf269000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf269000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf269000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26a000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26b000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26c000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26d000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 12288 glRegisterBus+0xc7c/0x118c
[wlan_drv_gen4m] phys=bf26e000 ioremap
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 16384 n_tty_open+0x18/0xa4 pages=3 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 8192 dma_pool_alloc+0x11c/0x23c user
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 815104 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=198
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 1220608 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=297
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 32768 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=7
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 192512 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=46
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 69632 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=16
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 32768 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=7
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 2002944 load_module+0x2318/0x31e8 pages=488
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 15466496 setup_arch+0x200/0x688 phys=40080000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 5111808 setup_arch+0x200/0x688 phys=40f40000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 5570560 setup_arch+0x200/0x688 phys=41420000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 10248192 setup_arch+0x200/0x688 phys=41970000
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 819200 pcpu_get_vm_areas+0x0/0x820 vmalloc
0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000000 819200 pcpu_get_vm_areas+0x0/0x820 vmalloc

*** Error dumping /proc/slabinfo (SLAB INFO): No such file or directory

------ ZONEINFO (/proc/zoneinfo) ------
Node 0, zone DMA
per-node stats
nr_inactive_anon 83094
nr_active_anon 82345
nr_inactive_file 50800
nr_active_file 50774
nr_unevictable 21047
nr_isolated_anon 0
nr_isolated_file 0
nr_pages_scanned 0
workingset_refault 9862111
workingset_activate 3073485
workingset_restore 1787540
workingset_nodereclaim 19515
nr_anon_pages 163135
nr_mapped 84868
nr_file_pages 142035
nr_dirty 88
nr_writeback 0
nr_writeback_temp 0
nr_shmem 1507
nr_shmem_hugepages 0
nr_shmem_pmdmapped 0
nr_anon_transparent_hugepages 0
nr_unstable 0
nr_vmscan_write 819498
nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim 9369
nr_dirtied 396314
nr_written 1191909
pages free 8580
min 1276
low 4903
high 5357
node_scanned 0
spanned 524287
present 491615
managed 454996
protection: (0, 0, 0)
nr_free_pages 8580
nr_zone_inactive_anon 83094
nr_zone_active_anon 82345
nr_zone_inactive_file 50800
nr_zone_active_file 50774
nr_zone_unevictable 21047
nr_zone_write_pending 79
nr_mlock 21047
nr_slab_reclaimable 15627
nr_slab_unreclaimable 29121
nr_page_table_pages 15274
nr_kernel_stack 43056
nr_overhead 0
nr_bounce 0
nr_zspages 14943
nr_free_cma 0
cpu: 0
count: 174
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 1
count: 184
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 2
count: 166
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 3
count: 66
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 4
count: 139
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 5
count: 61
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 6
count: 26
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
cpu: 7
count: 167
high: 186
batch: 31
vm stats threshold: 40
node_unreclaimable: 0
start_pfn: 262144
node_inactive_ratio: 0

------ PAGETYPEINFO (/proc/pagetypeinfo) ------

Page block order: 10
Pages per block: 1024

Free pages count per migrate type at order 0 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10
Node 0, zone DMA, type Unmovable 1867 224 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Node 0, zone DMA, type Movable 4712 471 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Node 0, zone DMA, type Reclaimable 16 89 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Node 0, zone DMA, type HighAtomic 105 68 33 5 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Node 0, zone DMA, type CMA 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Node 0, zone DMA, type Isolate 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

Number of blocks type Unmovable Movable Reclaimable HighAtomic

CMA Isolate
Node 0, zone DMA 114 359 6 1
0 0
------ BUDDYINFO (/proc/buddyinfo) ------
Node 0, zone DMA 6700 852 34 5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0

------ FRAGMENTATION INFO (/d/extfrag/unusable_index) ------

Node 0, zone DMA 0.000 0.780 0.979 0.995 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

------ KERNEL WAKE SOURCES (/d/wakeup_sources) ------

name active_count event_count wakeup_count expire_count
active_since total_time max_time last_change prevent_suspend_time
ApmAudio 2 2 0 0
0 22 19 9588097 0
ApmOutput 23 23 0 0
0 31 3 9626319 0
IdleMaint 8 8 0 0
0 2123 2112 9630972 0
PowerManagerService.Broadcasts 14 14 0 0
0 8200 2379 9633404 0
SensorService_wakelock 518 518 0 0
0 5519 111 9633912 0
radio-interface 377 572 1 0
0 3269 124 9632938 0
PowerManager.SuspendLockout 13 13 0 0
0 3730768 1822291 9633169 0
PowerManagerService.Display 11 11 0 0
0 3731167 2969970 9633170 0
PowerManagerService.WakeLocks 2181 2181 70 0
69817 3626257 1097268 9574067 0
event2 438 438 9 0
0 3780 447 9632432 0
event3 67107 67107 1672 0
0 24506 75 9623746 0
event1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 19022 0
event0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 19017 0
eventpoll 67542 67570 1680 0
0 220 0 9632432 0
KeyEvents 34112 34112 867 0
0 22412 455 9632432 0
gpswakelock 1 1 0 0
0 29854 29854 1010534 0
bt_drv 58 460 41 58
0 8623 291 9498536 0
wmtFuncCtrl 87 87 2 0
0 3637 1356 9633194 0
MT662x 929 929 35 0
0 39872 1009 9633225 0
PE+20 suspend wakelock 493 493 112 0
0 12 0 5190136 0
PE+ suspend wakelock 493 493 112 0
0 667 275 5190136 0
charger suspend wakelock 1024 1024 147 0
0 45070 309 9632871 0
input4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 805 0
cqdma_wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 778 0
cqdma_wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 778 0
situation_wakelock-10 381 1042 111 381
0 125950 874 9634172 0
situation_wakelock-8 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
situation_wakelock-7 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
situation_wakelock-6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
situation_wakelock-4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
situation_wakelock-3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
situation_wakelock-1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 774 0
ps_wake_lock 223 223 13 223
0 6796 35 9631152 0
leds wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 772 0
spm 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 756 0
pri_disp_wakelock 36 37 1 0
0 6147043 1822087 9633164 0
nanohub_wakelock_read 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 678 0
alarm 726 774 63 0
0 18104 307 9608790 0
gtime timer wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 671 0
battery 384 384 46 0
0 381 3 9552699 0
gauge coulomb wakelock 89 89 13 0
0 684 23 9271166 0
battery wakelock 1 1 0 0
0 5 5 665 0
kpd wakelock 38 88 2 38
0 29904 3206 9501628 0
fdvt_lock_wakelock 6 6 0 0
0 0 0 6999298 0
dpe_lock_wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 620 0
isp_lock_wakelock 4 4 0 0
0 54160 33118 6999278 0
mt-rtc 495 495 155 0
0 945 11 9558947 0
ccu_lock_wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 607 0
md1_cldma_peer 213 213 0 213
0 217575 1037 9567420 0
md1_cldma_trm 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ttyC6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ttyC5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ccci_ccb_meta 1 48 0 1
0 1048 1048 11036 0
ccci_ccb_md_monitor 1 48 0 1
0 1048 1048 11036 0
ccci_raw_mdm 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ccci_raw_lwa 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ccci_raw_audio 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ccci_raw_usb 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 603 0
ccci_raw_netd 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_raw_dhl 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_ccb_dhl 1 48 0 1
0 1048 1048 11036 0
ccci_ccb_ctrl 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_raw_dbm 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_poll 637 637 105 637
0 325515 538 9629404 0
ccci_ctrl 1 2 0 1
0 985 985 9116 0
ccci_sys 1 1 0 1
0 503 503 9308 0
ccci_ipc_9 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_ipc_8 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 602 0
ccci_ipc_7 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_ipc_6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_ipc_5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_ipc_4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_ipc_3 259 410 13 259
0 142384 1573 9575644 0
ccci_ipc_2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_ipc_1220_0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_udc 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_bip 2 3 0 2
0 1050 525 12060 0
ccci_ss_xcap 2 4 0 2
0 1090 564 12156 0
ccci_c2k_agps 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_c2k_ppp 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_woa 11 38 0 11
0 5788 589 9575228 0
ccci_imsm 10 56 6 10
0 5350 662 688476 0
ccci_imsem 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 601 0
ccci_rpc_k 4 22 0 4
0 2565 1003 5505852 0
ccci_rpc 1 1 0 1
0 523 523 9308 0
ccci_mdl_monitor 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_lb_it 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_it 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_ioctl4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_ioctl3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_ioctl2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_ioctl1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_ioctl0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_imsdc 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ccci_imsa 1 1 0 1
0 506 506 9148 0
ccci_imsc 25 80 13 25
0 14634 876 738940 0
ccci_imsv 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ttyC1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 600 0
ttyC3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ttyC2 34 53 2 34
0 18634 1533 9271904 0
ccci_fs 26 2130 255 26
0 22592 4319 4671298 0
ttyC0 4275 14029 720 4275
0 2516868 10556 9635644 0
ccci_md_log_ctrl 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccci_aud 10 69 4 10
0 6776 896 727452 0
ccmni-lan 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni20 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni19 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni18 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni17 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni16 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni15 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni14 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni13 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni12 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni11 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni10 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni9 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni7 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 599 0
ccmni_md1 1050 169747 390 1050
0 2174634 160241 9550748 0
ccmni0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 594 0
md1_wakelock 2 2 0 1
0 10797 10027 18652 0
scp reset wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 584 0
scp wakelock 1 1 0 0
0 2 2 2686 0
sync_time 2979 2980 233 0
0 5232 32 9639389 0
rawbulk-ets 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-dummy2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-dummy1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-gps 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-at 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-dummy0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-modem 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
rawbulk-pcv 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 575 0
dual-role-usb20 1 1 0 1
0 2013 2013 2588 0
USB suspend lock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 562 0
accdet_timer_lock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 554 0
accdet_irq_lock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 554 0
alarmtimer 142 142 142 142
0 287251 2036 9498782 0
MDRT Monitor wakelock 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 439 0
mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc 21898 21898 2427 0
0 23040 49 9642205 0
dlpt_notify_lock wakelock 651 651 129 0
0 21158 52 9636865 0
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock 963 963 212 0
0 13 0 9641272 0
PTIM_wakelock 2812 2813 197 0
0 20103 25 9636863 0
pmicThread_lock wakelock 971 971 254 0
0 1898 540 9632430 0
mt_charger 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 392 0
usb 1558 1558 4 0
0 734 1 9569750 0
main 1554 1554 4 0
0 1253 2 9569751 0
ac 1558 1558 4 0
0 893 0 9569750 0
charger 1554 1554 4 0
0 547 0 9569750 0
cmdq_wake_lock 37 37 1 0
0 6140527 1821921 9632983 0
cmdq_wakelock 37 37 1 0
0 6140521 1821921 9632983 0

------ KERNEL CPUFREQ (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state)

2001000 189492
1961000 2730
1927000 2760
1897000 1558
1868000 2839
1838000 1300
1809000 2740
1779000 4369
1750000 19625
1617000 10448
1484000 6173
1351000 79513
1218000 9299
1085000 106231
979000 8095
900000 517137

------ KERNEL SYNC (/d/sync) ------

*** /d/sync: Failed to read from fd: Is a directory
------ PROCESSES AND THREADS (ps -A -T -Z -O pri,nice,rtprio,sched,pcy,time) ------
u:r:init:s0 root 1 1 0 61360 2672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:28 init
u:r:kernel:s0 root 2 2 0 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kthreadd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 4 4 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/0:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 6 6 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 7 7 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:35 rcu_preempt
u:r:kernel:s0 root 8 8 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 rcu_sched
u:r:kernel:s0 root 9 9 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rcu_bh
u:r:kernel:s0 root 10 10 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:13 migration/0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 11 11 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lru-add-drain
u:r:kernel:s0 root 12 12 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cpuhp/0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 13 13 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 cpuhp/1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 14 14 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:11 migration/1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 15 15 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 17 17 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/1:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 18 18 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 cpuhp/2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 19 19 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:08 migration/2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 20 20 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 22 22 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/2:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23 23 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 cpuhp/3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24 24 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:09 migration/3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25 25 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 27 27 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/3:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 28 28 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 cpuhp/4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 29 29 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:12 migration/4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 30 30 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ksoftirqd/4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 32 32 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/4:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 33 33 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 cpuhp/5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 34 34 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:11 migration/5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 35 35 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ksoftirqd/5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 37 37 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/5:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 38 38 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 cpuhp/6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 39 39 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:10 migration/6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 40 40 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ksoftirqd/6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 42 42 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/6:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 43 43 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:10 cpuhp/7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 44 44 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:10 migration/7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 45 45 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ksoftirqd/7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 47 47 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/7:0H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 49 49 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SSPM_WQ
u:r:kernel:s0 root 51 51 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_buf_dump
u:r:kernel:s0 root 52 52 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_timeout_ha
u:r:kernel:s0 root 53 53 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 oom_reaper
u:r:kernel:s0 root 54 54 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 writeback
u:r:kernel:s0 root 55 55 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:08 kcompactd0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 56 56 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 crypto
u:r:kernel:s0 root 57 57 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 58 58 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kblockd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 59 59 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 conn-md-thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 60 60 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool_reload_wor
u:r:kernel:s0 root 61 61 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 62 62 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 63 63 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 64 64 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 65 65 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 66 66 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 67 67 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 68 68 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 69 69 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 70 70 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 71 71 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 72 72 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 73 73 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 74 74 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 75 75 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 76 76 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_flushq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 77 77 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 78 78 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 79 79 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 80 80 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 81 81 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 82 82 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 83 83 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 84 84 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 85 85 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 86 86 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 87 87 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 88 88 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 89 89 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 90 90 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 91 91 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 92 92 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_auto_relea
u:r:kernel:s0 root 93 93 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_resource
u:r:kernel:s0 root 94 94 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmdq_mdp_task
u:r:kernel:s0 root 95 95 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 chgdet_thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 96 96 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 tcpc_power_off
u:r:kernel:s0 root 97 97 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 charger_in
u:r:kernel:s0 root 98 98 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 devfreq_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 100 100 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cfg80211
u:r:kernel:s0 root 104 104 2 0 0 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pmic_thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 105 105 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbat_service
u:r:kernel:s0 root 106 106 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bat_percent_not
u:r:kernel:s0 root 107 107 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:19 dlpt_notify_thr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 108 108 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdrt_thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 109 109 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 cfinteractive
u:r:kernel:s0 root 111 111 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 5 fg 00:00:02 ion_mm_heap
u:r:kernel:s0 root 113 113 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 5 fg 00:00:00 ion_mm_heap_for
u:r:kernel:s0 root 114 114 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 5 fg 00:00:01 ion_history
u:r:kernel:s0 root 115 115 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rtmm_pool
u:r:kernel:s0 root 116 116 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 rtmm_reclaim
u:r:kernel:s0 root 129 129 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:03:00 kswapd0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 130 130 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vmstat
u:r:kernel:s0 root 163 163 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 164 164 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 165 165 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 166 166 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 167 167 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 168 168 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 169 169 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 170 170 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 171 171 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 172 172 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 173 173 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 174 174 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 175 175 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 176 176 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 177 177 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 178 178 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 179 179 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 180 180 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 181 181 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 182 182 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 183 183 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 184 184 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 185 185 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 186 186 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 187 187 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 188 188 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 189 189 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 190 190 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 191 191 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 192 192 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 193 193 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 194 194 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 195 195 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 196 196 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:42 pbm
u:r:kernel:s0 root 197 197 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 accdet
u:r:kernel:s0 root 198 198 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 dismicQueue
u:r:kernel:s0 root 199 199 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 accdet_eint
u:r:kernel:s0 root 200 200 2 0 0 0
0 S 120 0 80 1 fg 00:00:00 btif_rxd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 201 201 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_vibrator
u:r:kernel:s0 root 202 202 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 usb20_st_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 203 203 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 usb20_low_power
u:r:kernel:s0 root 204 204 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ipi_master
u:r:kernel:s0 root 205 205 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:03 chre_kthread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 206 206 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 scp_power_reset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 207 207 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SCP_WQ
u:r:kernel:s0 root 208 208 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SCP_LOG_WQ
u:r:kernel:s0 root 209 209 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SCP_RESET_WQ
u:r:kernel:s0 root 210 210 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged_notify_sw_v
u:r:kernel:s0 root 211 211 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged_dump_fw_log
u:r:kernel:s0 root 212 212 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged_kpi
u:r:kernel:s0 root 213 213 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_fsm1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 214 214 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_poll1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 215 215 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_rpc_k
u:r:kernel:s0 root 216 216 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_udc
u:r:kernel:s0 root 217 217 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_ipc_3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 218 218 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_ipc_6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 219 219 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_ipc_7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 220 220 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_ipc_8
u:r:kernel:s0 root 221 221 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_sys
u:r:kernel:s0 root 222 222 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_ctrl
u:r:kernel:s0 root 223 223 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_cldma_worke
u:r:kernel:s0 root 224 224 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccu-enque
u:r:kernel:s0 root 225 225 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:15 teei_switch_thr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 226 226 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 hang_detect
u:r:kernel:s0 root 227 227 2 0 0 0
0 S 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 hang_detect1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 228 228 2 0 0 0
0 S 134 0 94 2 fg 00:00:00 disp_switch_mod
u:r:kernel:s0 root 229 229 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cpu_freq_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 230 230 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cpu_core_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 231 231 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 dram_vcore_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 232 232 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 krtatm
u:r:kernel:s0 root 233 233 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mt_usrtch__work
u:r:kernel:s0 root 234 234 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cpu_loading_wor
u:r:kernel:s0 root 235 235 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 fpsgo_notifier_
u:r:kernel:s0 root 236 236 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mt_fstb
u:r:kernel:s0 root 237 237 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lt_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 238 238 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mem_thrash_dete
u:r:kernel:s0 root 239 239 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_io_boost
u:r:kernel:s0 root 240 240 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 spi32766
u:r:kernel:s0 root 241 241 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 spi32765
u:r:kernel:s0 root 242 242 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 spi32764
u:r:kernel:s0 root 243 243 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 spi32763
u:r:kernel:s0 root 244 244 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 spi32762
u:r:kernel:s0 root 245 245 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 spi32761
u:r:kernel:s0 root 246 246 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 uether
u:r:kernel:s0 root 247 247 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 uether_rx1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 248 248 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gauge_coulomb_t
u:r:kernel:s0 root 249 249 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 battery_thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 250 250 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 power_misc_thre
u:r:kernel:s0 root 251 251 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gauge_timer_thr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 252 252 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 dm_bufio_cache
u:r:kernel:s0 root 255 255 2 0 0 0
0 S 89 0 49 1 fg 00:00:00 nanohub
u:r:kernel:s0 root 261 261 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ipv6_addrconf
u:r:kernel:s0 root 263 263 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ddp_irq_log_kth
u:r:kernel:s0 root 265 265 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:12 disp_idlemgr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 266 266 2 0 0 0
0 D 127 0 87 2 fg 00:00:01 disp_check
u:r:kernel:s0 root 267 267 2 0 0 0
0 S 134 0 94 2 fg 00:00:00 decouple_update
u:r:kernel:s0 root 268 268 2 0 0 0
0 D 134 0 94 2 fg 00:00:00 decouple_trigge
u:r:kernel:s0 root 269 269 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 display_check_a
u:r:kernel:s0 root 270 270 2 0 0 0
0 S 134 0 94 2 fg 00:00:05 disp_delay_trig
u:r:kernel:s0 root 271 271 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 disp_od_trigger
u:r:kernel:s0 root 272 272 2 0 0 0
0 S 127 0 87 2 fg 00:00:20 present_fence_w
u:r:kernel:s0 root 273 273 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 5 fg 00:00:00 ion_fb_heap
u:r:kernel:s0 root 274 274 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:27 ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt
u:r:kernel:s0 root 275 275 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 EEM_CTRL_L
u:r:kernel:s0 root 276 276 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 EEM_CTRL_2L
u:r:kernel:s0 root 277 277 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 EEM_CTRL_CCI
u:r:kernel:s0 root 278 278 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 EEM_CTRL_L_HI
u:r:kernel:s0 root 279 279 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 EEM_CTRL_2L_HI
u:r:kernel:s0 root 280 280 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Init_1_Stress
u:r:kernel:s0 root 281 281 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 hps_main
u:r:kernel:s0 root 282 282 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ksched_hint
u:r:kernel:s0 root 283 283 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 accel_polling
u:r:kernel:s0 root 284 284 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 baro_polling
u:r:kernel:s0 root 285 285 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_timer
u:r:kernel:s0 root 286 286 2 0 0 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 fg 00:00:08 pvr_defer_free
u:r:kernel:s0 root 287 287 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_device_wdg
u:r:kernel:s0 root 288 288 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 pvr_cacheop
u:r:kernel:s0 root 289 289 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mwp
u:r:kernel:s0 root 290 290 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_fce_status
u:r:kernel:s0 root 291 291 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 sys_timer_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 292 292 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk-tpd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 294 294 2 0 0 0
0 S 90 0 50 1 fg 00:00:11 irq/19-NVT-ts
u:r:kernel:s0 root 295 295 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 nvt_fwu_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 296 296 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 nvt_esd_check_w
u:r:kernel:s0 root 297 297 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 nvt_ts_workqueu
u:r:kernel:s0 root 298 298 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 charger_thread
u:r:kernel:s0 root 299 299 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mt-wdk
u:r:kernel:s0 root 300 300 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 301 301 2 0 0 0
0 D 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 qos_recv
u:r:kernel:s0 root 302 302 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 303 303 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 304 304 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 305 305 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 306 306 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 307 307 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 308 308 2 0 0 0
0 D 139 0 99 1 fg 00:00:00 wdtk-7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 310 310 2 0 0 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 bg 00:03:11 exe_cq/0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 311 311 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 312 312 2 0 0 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 bg 00:01:15 mmcqd/0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 313 313 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 314 314 2 0 0 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 bg 00:00:00 mmcqd/0boot0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 315 315 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 316 316 2 0 0 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 bg 00:00:00 mmcqd/0boot1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 317 317 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 318 318 2 0 0 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 bg 00:00:00 mmcqd/0rpmb
u:r:kernel:s0 root 320 320 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/5:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 322 322 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 323 323 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 325 325 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 326 326 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 328 328 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 329 329 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 330 330 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p13
u:r:kernel:s0 root 331 331 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 334 334 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 335 335 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 336 336 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 337 337 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 338 338 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 339 339 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 340 340 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 341 341 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/6:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 346 346 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/4:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 348 348 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 349 349 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 350 350 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 351 351 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 352 352 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 353 353 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 354 354 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 356 356 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 357 357 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 358 358 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 359 359 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 360 360 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 361 361 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 362 362 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 363 363 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/0:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 364 364 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 kworker/7:1H
u:r:vendor_init:s0 root 366 366 1 31996 1488 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 init
u:r:vendor_init:s0 root 367 367 1 13308 732 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 init
u:r:ueventd:s0 root 369 369 1 13308 1980 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:01:44 ueventd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 371 371 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/1:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 380 380 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 381 381 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 382 382 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 383 383 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 384 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 logd
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 391 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 3 fg 00:00:01 logd.daemon
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 392 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 3 fg 00:00:00 logd.loglevel
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 394 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 logd.reader
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 395 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:01:32 logd.writer
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 396 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 logd.control
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 402 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:01 logd.auditd
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 22504 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 logd.reader.per
u:r:logd:s0 logd 384 23275 1 32080 6904 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 logd.reader.per
u:r:servicemanager:s0 system 385 385 1 9544 932 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:22 servicemanager
u:r:hwservicemanager:s0 system 386 386 1 15456 2088 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:12 hwservicemanage
u:r:vndservicemanager:s0 system 387 387 1 10108 148 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 vndservicemanag
u:r:volte_md_status:s0 root 388 388 1 11988 140 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_md_status
u:r:volte_md_status:s0 root 388 393 1 11988 140 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_md_status
u:r:kernel:s0 root 390 390 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/2:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 397 397 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kauditd
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 398 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vold
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 403 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:398_1
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 404 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 vold
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 405 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:398_2
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 467 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:398_1
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 522 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:398_3
u:r:vold:s0 root 398 25850 1 25028 2248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:398_4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 408 408 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 f2fs_flush-259:
u:r:kernel:s0 root 409 409 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 f2fs_discard-25
u:r:kernel:s0 root 410 410 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 f2fs_gc-259:9
u:r:kernel:s0 root 414 414 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p40
u:r:kernel:s0 root 415 415 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 419 419 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p15
u:r:kernel:s0 root 420 420 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 424 424 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p16
u:r:kernel:s0 root 425 425 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 429 429 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p12
u:r:kernel:s0 root 430 430 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 434 434 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p11
u:r:kernel:s0 root 435 435 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 439 439 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p18
u:r:kernel:s0 root 440 440 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 441 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mqsasd
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 446 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CaptureServerTh
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 447 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mqsasd
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 448 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:441_1
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 3506 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:441_2
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 3578 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:441_3
u:r:mqsasd:s0 root 441 3582 1 23280 912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:441_4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 442 442 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 jbd2/mmcblk0p7-
u:r:kernel:s0 root 443 443 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 449 449 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 f_mtp
u:r:aee_aedv:s0 root 450 450 1 10824 476 0
0 S 68 0 28 2 00:00:00 aee_aedv
u:r:aee_aed:s0 root 451 451 1 15248 884 0
0 S 68 0 28 2 00:00:00 aee_aed
u:r:tee:s0 system 454 454 1 10720 900 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 teei_daemon
u:r:system_suspend:s0 system 455 455 1 18504 1392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:18 suspend@1.0-ser
u:r:system_suspend:s0 system 455 464 1 18504 1392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:455_1
u:r:system_suspend:s0 system 455 465 1 18504 1392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:455_2
u:r:system_suspend:s0 system 455 2048 1 18504 1392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:03:48 Binder:455_2
u:r:hal_keymaster_default:s0 system 456 456 1 12616 1212 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 keymaster@4.0-s
u:r:mtk_wmt_launcher:s0 system 458 458 1 8896 576 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wmt_launcher
u:r:kernel:s0 root 462 462 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Secure Call
u:r:apexd:s0 root 485 485 1 17816 732 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 apexd
u:r:apexd:s0 root 485 518 1 17816 732 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:485_1
u:r:apexd:s0 root 485 519 1 17816 732 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:485_2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 486 486 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 488 488 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 489 489 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 490 490 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 491 491 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 492 492 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 493 493 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 495 495 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 496 496 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 497 497 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 498 498 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 499 499 2 0 0 0
0 S 90 0 50 1 fg 00:00:00 irq/20-11240000
u:r:kernel:s0 root 500 500 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 501 501 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/3:1H
u:r:kernel:s0 root 502 502 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 505 505 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kdmflush
u:r:kernel:s0 root 506 506 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 507 507 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kverityd
u:r:kernel:s0 root 508 508 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bioset
u:r:kernel:s0 root 509 509 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 510 510 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 511 511 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 512 512 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 513 513 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 514 514 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:05 loop7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 515 515 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 516 516 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 loop8
u:r:kernel:s0 root 517 517 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ext4-rsv-conver
u:r:kernel:s0 root 528 528 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:07 loop9
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 536 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:536_3
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 871 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1004 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 SkDestroyListen
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1032 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1033 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1034 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1035 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1036 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NFLogListener
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1037 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netd
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1042 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:536_1
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1043 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:536_2
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1044 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:536_2
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1045 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:536_2
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1049 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:536_1
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 1051 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:536_4
u:r:netd:s0 root 536 5251 1 35640 2852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:536_5
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 537 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:10 main
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 25975 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 25976 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 25977 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 25978 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:zygote:s0 root 537 25979 1 1803300 49132 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:hal_allocator_default:s0 system 539 539 1 12068 1472 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 allocator@1.0-s
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 540 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 audio@5.0-servi
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 608 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:540_1
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 616 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:540_2
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 630 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:540_1
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 631 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:540_2
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 881 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 audio@5.0-servi
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1006 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 processElementT
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1007 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:01 readSpeechMessa
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1008 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 eventThread_540
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1009 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 eventThread_540
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1015 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 audio@5.0-servi
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1029 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 audio@5.0-servi
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 1357 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:540_3
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 2476 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MiSoundSetParam
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 2480 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:01:03 writer
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 7945 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 readSpeechMessa
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 12333 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:540_4
u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0 audioserver 540 13679 1 57000 4976 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:03:47 writer
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 541 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bluetooth@1.0-s
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 563 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bt_hal_msg_hand
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 565 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:541_1
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 4182 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 fg 00:00:00 bt_hal_msg_hand
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 6915 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:541_2
u:r:mtk_hal_bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 541 25862 1 20420 1588 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:541_3
u:r:hal_cas_default:s0 media 542 542 1 14912 840 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cas@1.1-service
u:r:hal_cas_default:s0 media 542 567 1 14912 840 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:542_1
u:r:hal_configstore_default:s0 system 543 543 1 15248 972 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 configstore@1.1
u:r:hal_configstore_default:s0 system 543 571 1 15248 972 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:543_1
u:r:hal_configstore_default:s0 system 543 19773 1 15248 972 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:543_2
u:r:hal_drm_default:s0 media 544 544 1 21032 1404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 drm@1.0-service
u:r:hal_drm_default:s0 media 544 594 1 21032 1404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:544_1
u:r:hal_drm_default:s0 media 544 598 1 21032 1404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:544_2
u:r:hal_drm_default:s0 media 544 25868 1 21032 1404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:544_3
u:r:hal_drm_clearkey:s0 media 545 545 1 18516 1560 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 drm@1.2-service
u:r:hal_drm_clearkey:s0 media 545 583 1 18516 1560 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:545_1
u:r:hal_drm_clearkey:s0 media 545 585 1 18516 1560 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:545_2
u:r:hal_drm_clearkey:s0 media 545 25874 1 18516 1560 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:545_3
u:r:hal_drm_widevine:s0 media 546 546 1 20220 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 drm@1.2-service
u:r:hal_drm_widevine:s0 media 546 600 1 20220 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:546_1
u:r:hal_drm_widevine:s0 media 546 606 1 20220 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:546_2
u:r:hal_drm_widevine:s0 media 546 25880 1 20220 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:546_3
u:r:hal_gatekeeper_default:s0 system 547 547 1 11120 1248 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gatekeeper@1.0-
u:r:mtk_hal_gnss:s0 system 548 548 1 18440 1264 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gnss@2.0-servic
u:r:mtk_hal_gnss:s0 system 548 1489 1 18440 1264 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gnss@2.0-servic
u:r:mtk_hal_gnss:s0 system 548 1490 1 18440 1264 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 system 549 549 1 20272 2060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 allocator@2.0-s
u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 system 549 624 1 20272 2060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:549_1
u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 system 549 764 1 20272 2060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:549_2
u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 system 549 8681 1 20272 2060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HwBinder:549_3
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 550 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 42 -8 2 1 00:02:18 composer@2.1-se
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 572 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:550_1
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 574 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:550_2
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 613 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SWWatchDog
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 614 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 composer@2.1-se
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 615 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 composer@2.1-se
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 629 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 42 -8 2 1 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:550_1
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 743 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 42 -20 2 1 fg 00:03:47 HwBinder:550_2
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 751 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 UEventThreadHWC
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 752 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:05:17 OverlayEngine_0
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 753 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:03:42 Dispatcher_0
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 754 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:35 HwBinder:550_2
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 755 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:550_2
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 756 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:04 VSyncThread_0
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 25891 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 42 0 2 1 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:550_3
u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 system 550 25892 1 39944 2988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:550_3
u:r:hal_health_default:s0 system 551 551 1 11136 1624 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:21 health@2.0-serv
u:r:mtk_hal_light:s0 system 552 552 1 11632 1380 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 light@2.0-servi
u:r:hal_memtrack_default:s0 system 553 553 1 13900 1640 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 memtrack@1.0-se
u:r:hal_thermal_default:s0 system 554 554 1 11052 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 thermal@1.0-ser
u:r:mtk_hal_usb:s0 system 555 555 1 12052 1064 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 usb@1.1-service
u:r:mtk_hal_usb:s0 system 555 1360 1 12052 1064 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 usb@1.1-service
u:r:hal_vibrator_default:s0 system 556 556 1 11032 1220 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vibrator@1.0-se
u:r:vtservice_hidl:s0 system 557 557 1 15948 888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vtservice_hidl
u:r:vtservice_hidl:s0 system 557 980 1 15948 888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vtservice_hidl
u:r:vtservice_hidl:s0 system 557 981 1 15948 888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vtservice_hidl
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 558 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_hidl_servic
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 578 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:558_1
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 579 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:558_2
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 625 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_hidl_servic
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 626 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_hidl_servic
u:r:lbs_hidl_service:s0 system 558 627 1 18740 1044 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:mtk_hal_gpu:s0 system 559 559 1 17304 1240 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gpu@1.0-service
u:r:mtk_hal_gpu:s0 system 559 628 1 17304 1240 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:559_1
u:r:mtk_hal_gpu:s0 system 559 901 1 17304 1240 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gpu@1.0-service
u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 system 560 560 1 17508 2216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtkpower@1.0-se
u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 system 560 609 1 17508 2216 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 fg 00:00:52 mtkPowerManager
u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 system 560 610 1 17508 2216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:22 mtkPowerService
u:r:nvram_agent_binder:s0 root 561 561 1 11980 836 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 nvram@1.1-servi
u:r:mtk_hal_nwk_opt:s0 system 562 562 1 15212 1212 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 nwk_opt@1.0-ser
u:r:mtk_hal_nwk_opt:s0 system 562 586 1 15212 1212 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:562_1
u:r:mtk_hal_nwk_opt:s0 system 562 591 1 15212 1212 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:562_2
u:r:hal_capi_default:s0 system 564 564 1 14188 1020 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 capi@2.0-servic
u:r:hal_capi_default:s0 system 564 592 1 14188 1020 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:564_1
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 566 566 1 15040 852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 misys@1.0-servi
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 566 584 1 15040 852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:566_1
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 566 588 1 15040 852 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:566_2
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 568 568 1 15100 900 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 misys@2.0-servi
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 568 590 1 15100 900 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:568_1
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 568 596 1 15100 900 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:568_2
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 569 569 1 14508 832 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 misys@3.0-servi
u:r:hal_misys_default:s0 system 569 602 1 14508 832 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:569_1
u:r:hal_mlipay_default:s0 system 570 570 1 15240 1024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mlipayd@1.1
u:r:hal_mlipay_default:s0 system 570 915 1 15240 1024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:570_1
u:r:hal_mlipay_default:s0 system 570 916 1 15240 1024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:570_2
u:r:hal_mtdservice_default:s0 root 573 573 1 18136 768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtd@1.2
u:r:hal_mtdservice_default:s0 root 573 993 1 18136 768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:573_1
u:r:hal_mtdservice_default:s0 root 573 5076 1 18136 768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:573_2
u:r:hal_mtdservice_default:s0 root 573 5077 1 18136 768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:573_3
u:r:hal_vsimapp_default:s0 system 575 575 1 15104 940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vsimd
u:r:hal_vsimapp_default:s0 system 575 601 1 15104 940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:575_1
u:r:hal_vsimapp_default:s0 system 575 604 1 15104 940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:575_2
u:r:ashmemd:s0 nobody 577 577 1 10112 1196 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:20 ashmemd
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 580 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 audioserver
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 668 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:580_1
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 670 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:580_2
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 673 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ApmAudio
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 674 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ApmOutput
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 685 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_1
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 687 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_2
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1061 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:18 AudioOut_D
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1086 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:40 AudioOut_15
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1088 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AudioOut_1D
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1352 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 38 -19 - 0 fg 00:00:00 TimeCheckThread
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1355 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_3
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 1356 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_4
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 2584 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:580_5
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 7403 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:580_6
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 7404 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_7
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 7428 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_8
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 7429 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_9
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 7430 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_A
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 22855 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:580_B
u:r:audioserver:s0 audioserver 580 25908 1 75416 5368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:580_3
u:r:gpuservice:s0 gpu_service 582 582 1 15080 524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:582_2
u:r:gpuservice:s0 gpu_service 582 633 1 15080 524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:582_1
u:r:lmkd:s0 lmkd 587 587 1 9072 1004 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:19 lmkd
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 593 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:06:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 641 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:45 Binder:593_1
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 642 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:34 Binder:593_2
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 643 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 42 -9 2 1 fg 00:01:59 DispSync
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 644 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 645 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 42 -8 2 1 fg 00:02:25 app
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 646 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 42 -8 2 1 fg 00:00:42 sf
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 647 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:01 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 648 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:06 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 737 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 750 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:593_1
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 908 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 42 -8 2 1 fg 00:00:01 SWWatchDog
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 1253 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:58 Binder:593_3
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 1732 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:01:09 Binder:593_4
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 2348 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:51 Binder:593_5
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 17813 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 fg 00:00:31 Binder:593_5
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 23564 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 23565 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 23990 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 23991 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 24493 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 system 593 24494 1 107844 9544 0
0 S 41 -8 1 1 fg 00:00:00 surfaceflinger
u:r:fuelgauged:s0 system 597 597 1 9532 1060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 fuelgauged
u:r:ccci_fsd:s0 radio 599 599 1 12072 1116 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ccci_fsd
u:r:ccci_fsd:s0 radio 599 681 1 12072 1116 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_fsd
u:r:ccci_fsd:s0 radio 603 603 1 10896 708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_fsd
u:r:ccci_mdinit:s0 system 605 605 1 14472 1020 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_mdinit
u:r:ccci_mdinit:s0 system 605 632 1 14472 1020 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_mdinit
u:r:ccci_rpcd:s0 radio 612 612 1 10240 1100 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ccci_rpcd
u:r:wfca:s0 root 618 618 1 11944 848 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wfca
u:r:wfca:s0 root 618 943 1 11944 848 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wfca
u:r:wfca:s0 root 618 944 1 11944 848 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wfca
u:r:wfca:s0 root 618 945 1 11944 848 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wfca
u:r:kernel:s0 root 621 621 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_misr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 622 622 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_misr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 623 623 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pvr_misr
u:r:kernel:s0 root 651 651 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_tx0_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 652 652 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_tx1_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 653 653 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_tx2_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 654 654 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_tx3_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 655 655 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 md1_rx0_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 656 656 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:06 cldma_rxq0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 657 657 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx0_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 658 658 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx1_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 659 659 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx2_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 660 660 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx3_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 661 661 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx4_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 662 662 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx5_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 663 663 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx6_worker
u:r:kernel:s0 root 664 664 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rx7_worker
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 672 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 825 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 826 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 827 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 828 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 829 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 830 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 831 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 832 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 834 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 835 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 836 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 837 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 838 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 839 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 840 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 841 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 842 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 843 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 844 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 845 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 846 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 848 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 849 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:03 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 850 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 851 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 852 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mi_thermald:s0 root 672 853 1 39196 1056 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_thermald
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 675 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 708 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 709 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 710 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 711 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 712 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 713 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 1
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 714 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 2
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 715 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 3
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 716 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 4
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 717 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 5
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 718 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 719 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 mnld
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 720 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 6
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 725 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 7
u:r:mnld:s0 gps 675 727 1 35716 1496 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 8
u:r:lbs_dbg:s0 system 676 676 1 17056 760 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_dbg
u:r:lbs_dbg:s0 system 676 689 1 17056 760 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_dbg
u:r:lbs_dbg:s0 system 676 690 1 17056 760 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_dbg
u:r:lbs_dbg:s0 system 676 691 1 17056 760 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lbs_dbg
u:r:lbs_dbg:s0 system 676 692 1 17056 760 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:676_1
u:r:shelld:s0 system 678 678 1 45380 2404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 shelld
u:r:shelld:s0 system 678 879 1 45380 2404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:678_1
u:r:shelld:s0 system 678 4915 1 45380 2404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:678_2
u:r:shelld:s0 system 678 4923 1 45380 2404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:678_3
u:r:fdpp:s0 root 679 679 1 12956 976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:679_2
u:r:fdpp:s0 root 679 700 1 12956 976 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:679_1
u:r:qadaemon:s0 root 682 682 1 8276 560 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 qadaemon
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 684 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 cameraserver
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1014 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 HwBinder:684_1
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1016 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HwBinder:684_2
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1197 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HwBinder:684_3
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1198 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HwBinder:684_4
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1303 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_1
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1459 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_2
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 1733 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_3
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 2557 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_4
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 8145 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_5
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 11388 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_6
u:r:cameraserver:s0 cameraserver 684 25091 1 46208 2792 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:684_7
u:r:connsyslogger:s0 shell 686 686 1 11340 608 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 connsyslogger
u:r:connsyslogger:s0 shell 686 1013 1 11340 608 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 csl_sock_host
u:r:drmserver:s0 drm 688 688 1 47232 2408 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 drmserver
u:r:drmserver:s0 drm 688 874 1 47232 2408 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:688_1
u:r:drmserver:s0 drm 688 1454 1 47232 2408 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:688_1
u:r:drmserver:s0 drm 688 1455 1 47232 2408 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:688_1
u:r:drmserver:s0 drm 688 12145 1 47232 2408 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:688_2
u:r:incidentd:s0 incidentd 694 694 1 15296 1104 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:694_2
u:r:incidentd:s0 incidentd 694 724 1 15296 1104 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:694_1
u:r:incidentd:s0 incidentd 694 729 1 15296 1104 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:694_3
u:r:thermald:s0 system 695 695 1 9076 1064 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 thermald
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 696 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vtservice
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 961 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IMCB msg dispat
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 962 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IMCB msg handle
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 963 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 vtservice
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 964 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 downlink_thread
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 965 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:696_1
u:r:vtservice:s0 system 696 979 1 53208 2024 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:696_1
u:r:installd:s0 root 697 697 1 18608 1284 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 Binder:697_2
u:r:installd:s0 root 697 722 1 18608 1284 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:697_1
u:r:installd:s0 root 697 1304 1 18608 1284 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:697_3
u:r:installd:s0 root 697 1305 1 18608 1284 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:697_4
u:r:installd:s0 root 697 21191 1 18608 1284 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:697_5
u:r:keystore:s0 keystore 698 698 1 17792 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 keystore
u:r:keystore:s0 keystore 698 749 1 17792 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:698_1
u:r:mediadrmserver:s0 media 699 699 1 16668 1536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediadrmserver
u:r:mediadrmserver:s0 media 699 739 1 16668 1536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:699_1
u:r:mediadrmserver:s0 media 699 25931 1 16668 1536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:699_2
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 701 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediaextractor
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 932 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_1
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 1460 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_2
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 12200 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_3
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 12202 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_4
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 12277 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_5
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 18227 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_6
u:r:mediaextractor:s0 mediaex 701 19457 1 63192 3896 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:701_7
u:r:mediametrics:s0 media 702 702 1 28052 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediametrics
u:r:mediametrics:s0 media 702 862 1 28052 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:702_1
u:r:mediametrics:s0 media 702 12203 1 28052 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:702_2
u:r:mediametrics:s0 media 702 18226 1 28052 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:702_3
u:r:mediametrics:s0 media 702 25937 1 28052 2304 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:702_4
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 703 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediaserver
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 925 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:703_1
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 1467 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:703_1
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 1556 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:703_2
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 1557 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:703_3
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 3602 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:703_4
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 3810 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:703_5
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 12549 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CCodecWatchdog
u:r:mediaserver:s0 media 703 12550 1 92740 3672 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NPDecoder-CL
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 704 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 miuibooster
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 747 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 miuibooster
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 748 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:704_2
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 757 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:704_1
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 758 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 miuibooster
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 759 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 miuibooster
u:r:miuibooster:s0 root 704 762 1 23108 1040 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:704_3
u:r:mobile_log_d:s0 system 705 705 1 13880 996 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mobile_log_d
u:r:mobile_log_d:s0 system 705 872 1 13880 996 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mobile_log_d.wc
u:r:netdiag:s0 shell 706 706 1 10888 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netdiag
u:r:netdiag:s0 shell 706 741 1 10888 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netdiag
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 707 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 Binder:707_2
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 809 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 Binder:707_1
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 810 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:21 Binder:707_2
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 812 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 HwBinder:707_1
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 813 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 Binder:707_3
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 833 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:10 statsd.writer
u:r:statsd:s0 statsd 707 25949 1 23084 3216 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 Binder:707_4
u:r:storaged:s0 root 721 721 1 19084 1560 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 00:00:00 storaged
u:r:storaged:s0 root 721 865 1 19084 1560 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 00:00:02 storaged
u:r:storaged:s0 root 721 867 1 19084 1560 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 00:00:00 Binder:721_1
u:r:storaged:s0 root 721 1216 1 19084 1560 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 00:00:01 HwBinder:721_1
u:r:wificond:s0 wifi 723 723 1 12316 1632 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 wificond
u:r:kernel:s0 root 726 726 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_stp_psm
u:r:kernel:s0 root 728 728 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_stp_btm
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 730 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:18 omx@1.0-service
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 855 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:730_1
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 858 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:730_2
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 863 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:730_1
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 864 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:23 HwBinder:730_2
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 1480 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 HwBinder:730_3
u:r:mediacodec:s0 mediacodec 730 22856 1 44316 3000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:730_4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 731 731 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mtk_wmtd
u:r:mtk_hal_sensors:s0 system 732 732 1 17024 1580 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 sensors@2.0-ser
u:r:mtk_hal_sensors:s0 system 732 795 1 17024 1580 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:06 sensors@2.0-ser
u:r:mtk_hal_sensors:s0 system 732 1300 1 17024 1580 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 sensors@2.0-ser
u:r:kernel:s0 root 733 733 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_wmtd_worker
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 734 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:03 camerahalserver
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 817 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ULogGuardMonito
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 899 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 camerahalserver
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 1195 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:734_1
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 1196 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:734_2
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 22189 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HwBinder:734_3
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 22316 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 fpipe.tpi.1
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 22346 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MDP-0
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 22347 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MDP-1
u:r:mtk_hal_camera:s0 cameraserver 734 22534 1 324844 2028 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:734_4
u:r:thermal:s0 system 736 736 1 8900 1068 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 thermal
u:r:thermalloadalgod:s0 system 742 742 1 9172 1052 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 thermalloadalgo
u:r:ipsec_mon:s0 system 744 744 1 9336 964 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ipsec_mon
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 746 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_agpsd
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 766 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_agpsd
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 767 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_agpsd
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 769 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 770 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 1
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 771 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 2
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 772 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 3
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 773 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 4
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 774 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 5
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 775 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 6
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 776 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 7
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 777 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 8
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 778 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 9
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 779 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 10
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 780 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 11
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 781 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 12
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 782 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 13
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 783 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 14
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 784 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 15
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 785 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 16
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 786 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 17
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 787 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 18
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 788 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 19
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 789 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 20
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 790 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 21
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 791 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtk_agpsd
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 792 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 22
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 796 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 23
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 797 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 24
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 798 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 25
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 799 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 26
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 800 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 27
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 801 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 28
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 802 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 29
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 803 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 30
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 804 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 31
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 805 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 32
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 806 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 33
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 807 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 34
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 816 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 35
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 818 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 36
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 819 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 37
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 820 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 38
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 821 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 39
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 822 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 40
u:r:mtk_agpsd:s0 gps 746 823 1 61720 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 41
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 760 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pq@2.2-service
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 854 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 fg 00:00:01 PQServiceHAL
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 856 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 fg 00:01:46 AALMain
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 857 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:760_1
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 860 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 AALLightSensor
u:r:mtk_hal_pq:s0 system 760 1362 1 24888 2392 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:760_2
u:r:wlan_assistant:s0 wifi 761 761 1 8840 404 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 wlan_assistant
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 763 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mediaswcodec
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 905 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_1
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 906 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_2
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 1682 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediaswcodec
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 1683 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mediaswcodec
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 1753 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_3
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 1756 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_4
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 1767 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_1
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 12064 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_5
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 12071 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_6
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 12555 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_7
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 13428 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_8
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 22857 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_9
u:r:mediaswcodec:s0 mediacodec 763 24007 1 55240 3152 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:763_A
u:r:gatekeeperd:s0 system 768 768 1 13940 1448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 gatekeeperd
u:r:tombstoned:s0 tombstoned 793 793 1 8588 1192 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 00:00:00 tombstoned
u:r:netdagent:s0 system 811 811 1 16112 1060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netdagent
u:r:netdagent:s0 system 811 893 1 16112 1060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 netdagent
u:r:netdagent:s0 system 811 894 1 16112 1060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:811_1
u:r:netdagent:s0 system 811 895 1 16112 1060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:811_2
u:r:hal_thh_default:s0 system 814 814 1 11300 732 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 thh@2.0-service
u:r:kernel:s0 root 884 884 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 fm_timer_wq
u:r:kernel:s0 root 885 885 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 fm_eint_wq
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 956 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bip
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 971 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bip
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 973 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bip
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 975 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 976 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 1
u:r:bip:s0 root 956 977 1 16480 924 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 bip
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 957 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 968 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 969 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 970 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 972 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 974 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 1053 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_imsm_93:s0 root 957 1054 1 18924 200 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imsm_93
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 959 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 996 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 997 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 998 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 999 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 1000 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 1001 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 1002 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_stack:s0 root 959 1003 1 21740 1012 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_stack
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 960 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 995 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1021 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1022 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1023 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1024 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1025 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1026 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1027 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_ua:s0 root 960 1028 1 23004 400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_ua
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 967 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 989 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 990 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 991 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 992 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 1046 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:volte_imcb:s0 system 967 1047 1 25812 928 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 volte_imcb
u:r:epdg_wod:s0 root 978 978 1 13616 980 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 epdg_wod
u:r:epdg_wod:s0 root 978 1192 1 13616 980 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 epdg_wod
u:r:epdg_wod:s0 root 978 1193 1 13616 980 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 epdg_wod
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1011 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 emdlogger1
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1084 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdl_ctrl_reader
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1085 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdl_log_flow
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1089 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdl_sock_host
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1091 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 log_sdwrite
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1092 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdl_log_rd
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1093 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdl_log_wt
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1094 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 mdl_log_rate
u:r:emdlogger:s0 shell 1011 1099 1 85356 704 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mdl_seek_filter
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 radio 1018 1018 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1055 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:05 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1056 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1057 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1058 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1059 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1060 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1062 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1063 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1064 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1065 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1066 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1067 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1068 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1069 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1070 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1071 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1072 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1073 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1074 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1075 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1076 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1077 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1078 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1079 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1080 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1081 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:gsm0710muxd:s0 root 1018 1082 1 40340 988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gsm0710muxd
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1095 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mtkfusionrild
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1113 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mtkfusionrild
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1115 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 RILD MCL Dispat
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1116 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1117 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 Ril Proxy Main
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1119 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Ril Proxy reque
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1120 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Ril Proxy reque
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1121 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Ril Proxy reque
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1122 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Ril Proxy reque
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1123 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 RfxReader_0
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1124 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:08 RfxSender_0
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1125 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_12
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1126 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_12
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1129 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 RfxReader_1
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1130 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 RfxSender_1
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1131 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_2
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1132 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_2
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1133 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_3
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1134 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_3
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1135 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_4
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1136 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_4
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1137 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_5
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1138 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 RfxSender_5
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1139 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_6
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1140 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 RfxSender_6
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1141 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_7
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1142 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_7
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1143 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_8
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1144 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_8
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1145 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_4
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1146 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_9
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1147 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_9
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1148 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_10
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1149 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_4
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1150 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_10
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1151 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_11
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1152 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_11
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1153 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_13
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1154 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_13
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1155 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_14
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1156 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_14
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1157 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_4
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1159 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_15
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1160 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_11
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1161 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_15
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1162 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_16
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1163 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_11
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1164 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_16
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1165 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_17
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1166 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_17
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1167 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_18
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1168 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_18
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1169 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_19
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1170 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_19
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1171 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_20
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1172 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_20
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1173 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_21
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1174 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_21
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1175 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_22
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1176 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_22
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1177 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxReader_23
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1178 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_23
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1179 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 StateThread
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1180 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 StateThread
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1181 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RtcAgpsThread
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1182 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RtcSmsThread
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1183 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_5
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1184 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CCCIThread
u:r:rild:s0 radio 1095 1189 1 111616 4772 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RfxSender_8
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1201 537 2390948 276956 0
0 R 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:33 system_server
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1208 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1209 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1210 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:01:22 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1211 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:02 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1212 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:01 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1213 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1214 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:11 Binder:1201_1
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1215 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:10 Binder:1201_2
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1229 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:06 android.fg
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1230 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:22 android.ui
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1231 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:07
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1232 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 22 -3 - 0 ta 00:00:18 android.display
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1233 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:28 android.anim
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1234 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:07 android.anim.lf
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1235 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 watchdogWorkerT
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1236 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 watchdog
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1238 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 14 5 - 0 fg 00:01:02
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1239 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:27 ActivityManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1240 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:01 ActivityManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1241 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ActivityManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1242 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:02 PeriodicCleaner
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1243 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:25 OomAdjuster
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1245 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:17 batterystats-wo
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1246 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1247 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 CpuTracker
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1248 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AnrMonitorThrea
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1249 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:35 PowerManagerSer
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1250 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:02 HwBinder:1201_1
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1251 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:01 BatteryStats_wa
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1252 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiLightsHandl
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1254 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 PackageManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1255 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PackageManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1257 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Cta_PermRecords
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1296 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 PackageInstalle
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1297 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SaveDataTofile
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1299 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HealthServiceRe
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1301 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SensorEventAckR
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1302 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 50 -8 10 1 fg 00:00:10 SensorService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1306 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RollbackManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1307 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RollbackPackage
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1310 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AccountManagerS
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1311 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:01 SettingsProvide
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1313 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:01:04 CompactionThrea
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1314 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:03 AlarmManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1317 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 DisplayPolicy
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1319 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 fg 00:00:19 InputDispatcher
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1320 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:17 InputReader
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1321 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:11 NetworkWatchlis
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1322 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 StorageManagerS
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1324 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiActivityCon
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1327 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NetworkStatInte
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1328 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NetworkStats
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1329 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:02 NetworkPolicy
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1330 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:01 tworkPolicy.uid
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1331 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiNetworkPoli
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1332 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 WifiService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1333 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:05 ClientModeImpl
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1334 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 WifiP2pService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1337 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:03 WifiScanningSer
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1338 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:02 ConnectivitySer
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1339 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 roid.pacmanager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1340 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Tethering
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1341 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 TetheringIntern
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1342 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NsdService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1343 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 mDnsConnector
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1344 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 notification-sq
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1345 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ranker
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1346 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 onProviders.ECP
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1347 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 DeviceStorageMo
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1348 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 LocationPolicy
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1349 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1350 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:1201_2
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1351 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 50 0 10 1 fg 00:00:03 hidl_ssvc_poll
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1353 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AudioService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1354 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AudioDeviceBrok
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1358 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 UEventObserver
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1361 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:08 miui.fg
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1363 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SecurityWriteHa
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1364 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SecurityManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1367 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MiuiBackup
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1368 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1369 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SystemPressureC
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1370 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ProcessManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1371 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 PowerKeeperPoli
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1372 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ScreenEffectThr
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1373 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 backup
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1374 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GraphicsStats-d
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1375 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SliceManagerSer
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1376 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CameraService_p
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1377 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 StatsCompanionS
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1378 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 PowerHalWifiMon
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1379 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 vibrator-inject
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1380 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SyncHandler-0
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1384 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:1201_3
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1385 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RedirectListene
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1386 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiWifiService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1387 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 EthernetService
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1388 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:01 TaskSnapshotPer
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1389 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 ta 00:00:00 miui.gesture
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1390 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiFreeFormGes
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1391 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 OsuServerHandle
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1394 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:19 PhotonicModulat
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1411 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SyncManager
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1412 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 UsbService host
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1431 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Thread-7
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1433 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SoundPool
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1434 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SoundPoolThread
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1436 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1437 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NetworkStatsObs
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1458 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:13 Binder:1201_3
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1468 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 EmergencyAfford
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1485 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NetworkTimeUpda
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1587 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:12 Binder:1201_4
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1618 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:19 Binder:1201_5
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1643 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:12 Binder:1201_6
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1684 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:16 Binder:1201_7
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1686 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-9
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1729 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:15 Binder:1201_8
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1739 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BluetoothRouteM
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1740 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AudioPortEventH
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1745 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MissedCallNotif
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1746 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 uteStateMachine
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1747 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 VoiceReporter
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1748 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RingerFlash
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1749 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CallAudioModeSt
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1750 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ConnectionSvrFo
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1758 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CCodecWatchdog
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1760 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NDK MediaCodec_
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1770 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:1201_4
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1845 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 1994 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:06 RenderThread
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2038 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 work-thread
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2039 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2040 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:22 Binder:1201_9
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2041 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:10 Binder:1201_A
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2045 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:13 Binder:1201_B
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2046 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:13 Binder:1201_C
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2112 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2520 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:01 LazyTaskWriterT
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2522 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-1
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2531 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GrallocUploadTh
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2545 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:19 Binder:1201_D
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2562 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 backup-0
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2567 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2696 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:13 Binder:1201_E
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2840 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:11 Binder:1201_F
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2843 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 Binder:1201_10
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2890 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 Binder:1201_11
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2891 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 Binder:1201_12
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2927 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:17 Binder:1201_13
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 2952 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:18 Binder:1201_14
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3011 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:16 Binder:1201_15
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3013 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:11 Binder:1201_16
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3731 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 Binder:1201_17
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3740 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:22 Binder:1201_18
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3742 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:13 Binder:1201_19
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3752 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 Binder:1201_1A
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3768 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:11 Binder:1201_1B
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 3770 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:09 Binder:1201_1C
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 4499 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MtkAgpsHandler
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 4650 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AsyncQueryWorke
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 5574 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 first_use_threa
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 5660 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:18 Binder:1201_1D
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 6146 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 Binder:1201_1E
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 6414 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:15 Binder:1201_1F
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 7141 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:12 Binder:1201_20
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 7397 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 tonegenerator-d
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 7401 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CompletableFutu
u:r:system_server:s0 system 1201 9311 537 2390948 276956 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 HwBinder:1201_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1413 537 2226948 163960 0
0 R 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:03:08 ndroid.systemui
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1419 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1420 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1421 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1422 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1423 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1424 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1425 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:21 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1426 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:03 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1427 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:01 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1428 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1429 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1430 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1432 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1539 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1541 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1542 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ImageWallpaper
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1543 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 TimeTick
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1549 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1550 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1551 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1552 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SoundPool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1553 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SoundPoolThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1554 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1558 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 recents.fg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1571 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1604 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:03:05 RenderThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1741 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 VolumeDialogCon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1743 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:27 SysUiBg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1759 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CCodecWatchdog
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1761 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NDK MediaCodec_
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1762 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HwBinder:1413_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1777 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1827 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:58 SysUiNetBg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1828 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1829 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiuiWifiManager
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1830 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 WifiTracker{416
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1832 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 StatusBar
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1837 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ToggleManager
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1900 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 face_unlock
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1929 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FlashlightContr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1970 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SysUiBtBg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1983 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1997 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RoundedCorners
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 1999 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 NcSystem
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2000 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Keyboard
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2006 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_6
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2007 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2016 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:02 Binder:1413_7
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2017 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 ta 00:00:02 ged-swd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2018 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:03 MiuiKeyguardPic
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2047 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 keyguard_analyt
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2049 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SysUiBg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2144 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 SystemUIStat
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2200 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2201 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2222 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Thread-3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2279 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 pool-7-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2406 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_8
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 2453 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 3236 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_9
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 3484 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_A
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4267 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4268 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4269 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4270 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4271 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4273 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4274 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4275 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 20 -1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Recents-TaskRes
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 4277 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 RSMessageThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 8620 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_B
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 8803 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 GrallocUploadTh
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 8828 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ScreenOff
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 10265 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 magnifier pixel
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 10525 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_C
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 10570 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_D
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 12740 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:1413_E
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 12853 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_F
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 12876 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:01 Binder:1413_10
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 22943 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AsyncQueryWorke
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 24369 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #16
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 25249 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 1413 25961 537 2226948 163960 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AudioTrack
u:r:netd:s0 root 1464 1464 536 8288 980 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 iptables-restor
u:r:netd:s0 root 1465 1465 536 8296 1120 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ip6tables-resto
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 1494 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 webview_zygote
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 25046 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 25047 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 25048 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 25049 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:webview_zygote:s0 webview_zygote 1494 25050 537 1814896 26140 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1612 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:58
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1619 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1629 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1630 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:08 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1631 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:02 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1632 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1633 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1634 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1612_1
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1635 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1612_2
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1685 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:1612_3
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1737 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1775 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1799 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:10 HwBinder:1612_1
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1824 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PowerSM
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1833 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-2
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1834 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-3
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1838 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-5
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1840 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MiuiIccPhoneBoo
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1841 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkGsmCellBroad
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1844 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GsmInboundSmsHa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1846 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellBroadcastHa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1847 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CdmaInboundSmsH
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1848 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CdmaServiceCate
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1873 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkHandlerThrea
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1879 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DcHandlerThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1880 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1895 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-6
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1896 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DcHandlerThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1897 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1898 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-7
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1899 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1901 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SSRequestHandle
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1905 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkGsmCellBroad
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1906 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GsmInboundSmsHa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1908 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellBroadcastHa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1909 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CdmaInboundSmsH
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1916 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CdmaServiceCate
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1926 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkHandlerThrea
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1927 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DcHandlerThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1928 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1930 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-8
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1931 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DcHandlerThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1932 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1938 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-9
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1939 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SSRequestHandle
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1946 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:02
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1966 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:06 Binder:1612_4
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 1988 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkSuppServMana
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2009 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MiuiCloudDataMa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2012 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PhoneWorkThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2014 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HingeNetworkMan
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2023 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:1612_5
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2024 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 Binder:1612_6
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2025 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1612_7
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2026 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 UsimPhoneBookMa
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2027 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RilMessageDecod
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2028 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Cat Icon Loader
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2029 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QualifiedNetwor
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2030 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NetworkService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2031 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NetworkService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2033 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2034 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DataService
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2036 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 Binder:1612_8
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2075 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkQualifiedNet
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2076 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellularNetwork
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2077 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IWlanNetworkSer
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2078 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellularNetwork
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2079 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkQualifiedNet
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2080 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IWlanNetworkSer
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2083 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellularDataSer
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2084 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IwlanDataServic
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2086 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CellularDataSer
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2087 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IwlanDataServic
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2121 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:09 Binder:1612_9
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2142 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsServiceContr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2166 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:1612_A
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2177 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 jector.Database
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2182 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:08 Binder:1612_B
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2183 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:1612_C
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2223 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 Binder:1612_D
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2368 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsServiceContr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 2409 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Stk App Service
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 4687 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:08 RenderThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 4769 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 magnifier pixel
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 4843 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ONSNetworkScanC
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 4844 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ONSProfileSelec
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 7938 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AudioTrack
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 8619 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:1612_E
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 8929 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #4
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 9341 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1612_F
u:r:radio:s0 radio 1612 10517 537 1553340 105524 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:1612_10
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1687 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:31 com.miui.home
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1694 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1695 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1696 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1697 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1698 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1699 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1701 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:04 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1702 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1703 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1704 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1705 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1706 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1731 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1769 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1778 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 cher.Background
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1789 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1791 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 launcher-loader
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1792 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LauncherTask #1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1793 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-7-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1794 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:41 RenderThread
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1800 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1850 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-6-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1876 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 UiThreadHelper
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1884 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LauncherTask #2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1885 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 magnifier pixel
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1891 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LauncherTask #3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1904 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rs_blur
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1913 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1915 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LogThread
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1933 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LauncherTask #4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1934 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SoundPool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1935 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SoundPoolThread
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1937 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 cmd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1940 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CCodecWatchdog
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1941 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NDK MediaCodec_
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1942 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 35 -16 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:1687_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1944 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FsGestureSecond
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1945 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FsGesturePriori
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1971 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1976 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1978 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-11-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1980 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-12-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1981 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-13-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 1982 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-14-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2001 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncQueryWorke
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2002 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MAML RenderThre
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2456 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2457 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2504 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 14 5 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimRunnerThrea
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2505 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2506 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2507 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 2508 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 8122 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 8863 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-15-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 8944 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-15-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 17385 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:1687_6
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 22785 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a86 1687 22948 537 2174964 121400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2053 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 om.mediatek.ims
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2060 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2065 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2066 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2067 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2068 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2069 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2070 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_1
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2071 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_2
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2072 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_3
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2093 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2101 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:2053_1
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2106 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsDcHandlerThr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2107 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2108 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsDcHandlerThr
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2109 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkSSExt
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2110 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsConfigThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2111 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsEventThread-
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2113 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsConfigThread
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2114 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsEventThread-
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2115 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MwiServiceHandl
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2117 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProviderHandler
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2118 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_4
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2122 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_5
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2143 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2165 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_6
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2271 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsUtImplResult
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2272 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkImsUtImplRes
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2277 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ImsUtImplResult
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 2278 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MtkImsUtImplRes
u:r:radio:s0 radio 2053 4664 537 1446536 71620 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2053_7
u:r:charge_logger:s0 system 2074 2074 1 9052 1020 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 charge_logger
u:r:mi_ric:s0 root 2082 2082 1 8300 800 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MI_RIC
u:r:mcd:s0 system 2089 2089 1 19492 1092 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mcd
u:r:mcd:s0 system 2089 2116 1 19492 1092 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2089_1
u:r:batterywarning:s0 system 2090 2090 1 10064 1160 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 batterywarning
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2281 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2287 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2292 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2293 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2294 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2295 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2296 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2297 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2298 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2305 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2367 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2369 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2979 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Primes-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 2988 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3106 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Primes-2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3213 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3860 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProcessStablePh
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3903 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3906 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProvisioningSta
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3913 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RCS Engine Hand
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3927 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SimStateTracker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3953 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProtoDataStore-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3980 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProtoDataStore-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 3989 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ProtoDataStore-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 4594 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 4595 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2281_6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a171 2281 17167 537 1440840 74048 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2306 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:14 .gms.persistent
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2312 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2313 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2314 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2315 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2316 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2317 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2318 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:17 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2319 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2320 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:01 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2321 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2322 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2323 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2327 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2354 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2356 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:06 highpool[0]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2361 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GlobalScheduler
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2364 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:14 highpool[2]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2370 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:04 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2373 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GlobalDispatchi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2383 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ice] processing
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2384 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2431 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2440 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 .gms.persistent
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 2442 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3201 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3273 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:04 highpool[4]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3388 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:2306_6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3392 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_7
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3489 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_8
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3548 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FlpThread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3803 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GeofencerStateM
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3962 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:01 GoogleLocationS
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 3972 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_9
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 4019 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DG
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 4025 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MSMuxTR-0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 4044 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:09 netscheduler-qu
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 4049 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-145-thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 4054 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NearbyDiscovery
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 5580 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 CronetInit
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 5581 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 5583 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:01 ChromiumNet
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 5586 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Network File Th
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 6577 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:2306_A
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 6958 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 tron.oc.mrc.rt
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 6960 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:2306_B
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 7976 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_C
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 8063 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2306_D
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 8547 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 resolverService
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 10216 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_E
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 10494 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 14270 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:13 highpool[9]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 14420 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:03 lowpool[55]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 14560 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_F
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 16699 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 16995 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2306_10
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 22889 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 grpc-timer-0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 25178 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lowpool[84]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 25350 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 25503 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lowpool[87]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2306 25504 537 1744556 121796 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 lowpool[88]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2377 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:13
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2387 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2388 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2389 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2390 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2391 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2392 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2393 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:34 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2394 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2395 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2396 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2397 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2398 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 Binder:2377_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2399 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 Binder:2377_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2411 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2415 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalScheduler
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2418 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalDispatchi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2424 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:02 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2425 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 ice] processing
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2426 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 2626 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 3204 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 3235 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 3386 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 3387 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_7
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 3490 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_8
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 4104 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-39-thread-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 4201 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalScheduler
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 4209 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 4520 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ProcessStablePh
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 4521 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 5948 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalScheduler
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 5950 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalDispatchi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 5952 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 5954 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-74-thread-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 5992 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GlobalScheduler
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6145 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ProcessStablePh
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6148 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ProcessStablePh
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6149 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6280 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 DG
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6293 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_9
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6294 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_A
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6333 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_B
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6826 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_C
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6831 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 LIT-TimeoutSche
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6856 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 LIT-TimeoutSche
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 6940 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 7654 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-115-thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 7988 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 grpc-timer-0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 7990 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CronetInit
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 7992 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 7994 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ChromiumNet
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 8001 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Network File Th
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 8751 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 8752 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 8753 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 8754 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 9285 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 14677 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:04 lowpool[24]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 15627 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:2377_D
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 16698 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 17144 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 safety-net-call
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 17178 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 lowpool[25]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 17179 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:03 lowpool[26]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 17207 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 T_LOG_COLLECTOR
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21252 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ProcessL
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21254 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21255 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21257 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21259 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_IOThread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21260 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21267 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AudioThread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21271 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21272 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 NetworkService
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21279 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterCl
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21280 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterBa
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21285 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PlatformService
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21289 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21294 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 highpool[8]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21295 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:01 highpool[9]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21296 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 highpool[10]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21298 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:01 highpool[12]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21313 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 lowpool[27]
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21322 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CleanupReferenc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21324 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_InProcGp
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21325 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ChildIOT
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21326 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21341 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 VizCompositorTh
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 21356 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 JavaBridge
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a175 2377 24663 537 1921172 130060 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2484 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:16 putmethod.latin
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2490 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2495 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2496 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:03 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2497 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2498 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2499 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2500 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2501 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2502 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2503 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2514 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2515 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-P11-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 2549 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-P9-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3033 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 ta 00:00:01 MetricsManager
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3073 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Primes-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3085 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 ta 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3100 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AnrDetector
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3124 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 17 2 - 0 ta 00:00:05 DecoderWrapper
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3139 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 17 2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 sp-control-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3177 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 17 2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 DFacilitator-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3194 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3384 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3429 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 ta 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3554 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CronetInit
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3598 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3600 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ChromiumNet
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3654 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Network File Th
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3881 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Primes-2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 3895 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ProcessStablePh
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 4593 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5230 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Tiresias
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5243 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 17 2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 voice-control-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5257 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 DecoderWrapper
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5258 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:06 RenderThread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5266 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 DecoderWrapper
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5488 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_5
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 5577 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 13235 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 13236 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 glide-active-re
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 13237 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 18 1 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-P1-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 13419 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_6
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 13527 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16350 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16351 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16352 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16356 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16357 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MicoreScheduled
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 16694 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 17199 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:2484_7
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 22878 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25269 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25293 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25323 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25349 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25374 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 17 2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P2-31
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25375 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P19-4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25527 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25528 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25531 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25532 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25745 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P10-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 25962 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P19-4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c193,c256,c512,c768 u0_a193 2484 26034 537 1609300 103564 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ExUtils-F-P19-4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2563 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 hbox:interactor
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2570 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2575 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2576 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2577 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2578 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2579 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2580 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2563_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2581 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2563_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2583 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2563_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2743 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2950 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2953 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2958 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Primes-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 2961 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Primes-2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3005 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3182 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 BG Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3203 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3462 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3493 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 BG Thread #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3498 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 BG Thread #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3575 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3594 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 BG Thread #3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 3901 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Scheduler Threa
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 4024 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 4027 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 4028 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 4029 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 4418 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 5659 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2563_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 5661 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 2563 21554 537 2119116 73272 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2563_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2585 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 com.miui.daemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2593 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2598 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2602 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2603 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2604 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2605 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2606 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2585_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2607 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2585_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2754 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2906 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MQSActionExecut
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2907 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MQSEventManager
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2909 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeavyWorkThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2910 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 WcnsEventManage
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2911 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2913 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2585_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2918 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 TelephonyEventH
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2929 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BluetoothEventH
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2930 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:02
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2939 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2942 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 2956 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:2585_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 4204 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2585_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 4205 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2585_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 6055 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HandlerThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 6056 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NotificationUti
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 6067 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 6069 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MiSpeedUtilsHan
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2585 25754 537 1451204 86708 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 process reaper
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2608 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 system
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2614 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2615 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2616 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2617 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2618 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2619 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2620 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2621 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2622 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2623 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2624 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2608_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 2625 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2608_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a55 2608 17584 537 1407776 56968 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2608_3
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2628 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2640 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2649 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2652 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2653 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2654 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2655 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2656 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2628_1
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2657 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2628_2
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 2787 537 1407904 57584
0 0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:secure_element:s0:c44,c260,c512,c768 secure_element 2628 17582 537 1407904
57584 0 0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2628_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2645 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 aomi.xmsfkeeper
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2658 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2663 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2664 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2665 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2666 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2667 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2674 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2645_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2676 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2645_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2766 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2789 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2645_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a148 2645 2790 537 1409232 58664 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ervice_30003000
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2668 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 aomi.finddevice
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2679 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2684 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2688 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2689 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2691 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2692 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2698 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2700 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_2
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2883 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2902 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_3
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2935 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2946 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2947 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2955 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 MTService Guard
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2960 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:2668_1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2976 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 2989 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3024 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3025 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3034 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PackageProcesso
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3045 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3046 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3069 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_4
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3081 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3098 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 QueueTaskManage
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3114 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 rAccountTracker
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3131 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3198 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 3483 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_5
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 4767 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Find device for
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 4771 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Find device bac
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 4776 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Find device for
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 4781 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Find device bac
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 4813 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Find device for
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 6996 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_6
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 8332 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2668_7
u:r:platform_app:s0 finddevice 2668 11251 537 1449884 76888 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2685 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 com.miui.face
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2701 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2706 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2714 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2715 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2716 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2717 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2720 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2685_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2723 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2685_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2821 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2870 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 auth_worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 2919 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 serv_worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2685 17583 537 1445364 60204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2685_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2757 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:06 tycenter.remote
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2771 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2781 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2783 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:15 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2784 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2785 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2786 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2788 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2757_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2791 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2757_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2814 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2757_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 2920 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3190 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Crashlytics Exc
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3197 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 lytics.startup1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3209 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3212 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 awaitEvenIfOnMa
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3216 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-7-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3224 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3287 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:03 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3330 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3408 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3482 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 Binder:2757_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3555 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3563 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3593 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NetdFirewall
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3639 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 TrafficManageSe
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3649 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3650 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3672 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3706 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerNoticeUI
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3717 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3736 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 SuperPowerLaunc
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3778 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:12 BatteryHistoryM
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3787 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 GuardService
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3811 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3812 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3821 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PowerStatistics
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3877 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 3880 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 4745 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 4773 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:2757_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 7006 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-7-thread-2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 9236 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 Binder:2757_6
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 11819 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SCLIGHTTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 14402 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-12-thread-
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 14864 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2757_7
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 15674 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 Binder:2757_8
u:r:system_app:s0 system 2757 25017 537 1527996 89768 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2757_9
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2871 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 com.xiaomi.xmsf
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2884 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2889 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2892 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2893 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2894 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2895 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2896 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2899 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2900 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2923 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2985 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LogFileWriteThr
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2995 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 2997 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 local_job_dispa
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3010 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3054 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3091 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3225 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Connection Cont
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3232 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3427 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 3657 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 remote_job_disp
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 7181 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 10692 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:2871_6
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 11398 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 11399 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-8-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 11400 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PackageProcesso
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a99 2871 11403 537 1430132 78048 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-8-thread-2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3042 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 .location.fused
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3047 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3052 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3084 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:02 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3087 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3088 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3089 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3090 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 Binder:3042_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3099 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:3042_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3128 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:3042_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3195 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3296 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:06 cellmonitor
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3297 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 metoknlp_cloud
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3299 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 metokflp_privac
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3301 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 quality_manager
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3305 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3306 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 wifimonitor
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3314 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 btmonitor
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3316 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 metoknlp_cl
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3318 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FusionEngine
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3320 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 LocationEngine
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3321 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 location_usage
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3322 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 gpslocation
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 3324 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 LocationSystemA
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 7129 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 3042 14239 537 1424700 71884 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:3042_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3409 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3415 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3420 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3421 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3422 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3423 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3424 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3425 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:3409_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3426 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:3409_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3430 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:3409_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3466 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3543 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 work_permission
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3549 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AppOpsAdapter
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3550 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 PermissionRecor
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3560 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3565 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 3569 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 4013 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 6668 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:3409_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 8144 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:3409_5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a68 3409 8280 537 1423020 71880 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #4
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4072 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 droid.bluetooth
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4078 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4084 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4085 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4086 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4087 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4088 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 ta 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4089 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:4072_1
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4091 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:4072_2
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4098 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4110 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 MiStatForBlueto
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4111 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 OnetrackForBlue
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4136 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AdapterState
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4137 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 bt_stack_manage
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4138 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 POSIX timer 0
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4139 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 POSIX timer 1
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4140 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 alarm_default_c
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4141 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 alarm_dispatche
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4143 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BT Service Call
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4145 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BluetoothActive
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4146 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AudioPortEventH
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4147 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BluetoothDataba
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4148 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BTDeviceInfoMan
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4149 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4150 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 CLEANUP_NATIVE_
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4156 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:4072_3
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4169 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BondStateMachin
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4176 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BluetoothAdvert
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4177 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BluetoothScanMa
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4178 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 ta 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4179 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 btlogwatcher
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4180 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 bt_hci_thread
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4181 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 0 1 1 ta 00:00:00 HwBinder:4072_1
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4185 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 bt_startup_thre
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4186 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 41 -10 1 1 ta 00:00:00 bt_main_thread
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4189 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 BT Service Call
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4190 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 ta 00:00:00 btif_sock
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 4618 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:4072_4
u:r:bluetooth:s0 bluetooth 4072 20500 537 1455108 70460 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 ta 00:00:00 Binder:4072_5
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4227 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 android.updater
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4233 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4238 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4239 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:07 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4240 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4241 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4242 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4243 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:4227_1
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4244 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:4227_2
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4245 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:4227_3
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4272 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4288 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4291 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4300 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:02 queued-work-loo
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 4361 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 11247 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 16876 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:4227_4
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 25382 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 UpdateDownloade
u:r:updater:s0:c512,c768 updater 4227 25383 537 1427484 76644 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ApexDownloader
u:r:kernel:s0 root 8593 8593 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 fs_suspend_syss
u:r:mtk_hal_mms:s0 system 13683 13683 1 22816 1260 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mms@1.5-service
u:r:mtk_hal_mms:s0 system 13683 13684 1 22816 1260 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mms@1.5-service
u:r:mtk_hal_mms:s0 system 13683 13685 1 22816 1260 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HwBinder:13683_
u:r:mtk_hal_mms:s0 system 13683 13686 1 22816 1260 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HwBinder:13683_
u:r:kernel:s0 root 15640 15640 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u17:2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15714 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15720 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15725 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15726 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15727 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15728 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15729 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15730 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15731 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15759 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15764 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 onetrack_db
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15768 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15770 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AbstractDeliver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15771 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 15774 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-8
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16239 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16319 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16321 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16322 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 onetrack_pubsub
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16331 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 16416 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 18326 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15714_6
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a94 15714 20504 537 1426256 76536 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15825 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 gearhead:shared
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15837 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15844 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15847 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15848 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15849 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15851 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15852 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15825_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15853 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15825_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 15885 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a176 15825 20886 537 1408188 59448 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15825_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15939 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 fication:remote
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15945 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15950 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15951 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15952 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15953 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15954 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15955 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15939_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15956 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15939_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15957 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15939_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15958 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15939_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15960 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15965 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15966 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15968 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DefaultDispatch
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15969 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 DefaultDispatch
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 15971 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 NcBg
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16025 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16026 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 work_thread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16027 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 stat_work_threa
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16029 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:01 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16030 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_0
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16031 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16032 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16035 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 arch_disk_io_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15939 16040 537 1452068 73912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mi_analytics_up
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15972 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ui.notification
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15978 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15983 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15984 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15985 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15986 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15987 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15988 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15972_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15989 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15972_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15990 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:15972_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 15995 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 16014 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 16015 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 16043 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 mi_analytics_up
u:r:system_app:s0 system 15972 16208 537 1422552 72288 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:01 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16130 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16136 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16141 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16142 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16143 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16144 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16145 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16146 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:16130_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16147 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:16130_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16148 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:16130_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16149 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16152 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16153 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16155 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16156 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16157 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16158 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16159 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared7
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16161 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Bg_Shared1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16162 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 5 14 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Norm_Shared8
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16168 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16177 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16182 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16740 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16834 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:16130_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 16849 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 18677 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RtiExecutor #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 18679 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RtiExecutor #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 18741 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RtiExecutor #3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 18748 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RtiExecutor #4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 18832 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RtiExecutor #5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a91 16130 24099 537 1433848 79312 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 OkHttp Connecti
u:r:kernel:s0 root 16418 16418 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:15 kworker/u16:9
u:r:kernel:s0 root 16537 16537 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:15 kworker/u16:11
u:r:kernel:s0 root 18563 18563 2 0 0 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u17:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 20137 20137 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/2:1
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21261 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ocessService0:0
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21273 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21274 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21275 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21276 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21277 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21278 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21281 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21282 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21283 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21284 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21287 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21261_1
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21288 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21261_2
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21290 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21261_3
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21315 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 CrRendererMain
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21329 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21332 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ChildIOT
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21334 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GpuMemoryThread
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21335 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Compositor
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21336 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21337 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CompositorTileW
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21338 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CompositorTileW
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21390 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9004 21261 21877 1494 1481468 66400 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21584 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:04 earchbox:search
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21590 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21595 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21596 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:06 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21597 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21598 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21599 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21600 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21601 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21602 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21603 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21604 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21607 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21608 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21609 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Primes-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21610 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Primes-2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21611 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21613 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21614 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Scheduler Threa
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21616 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21618 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SharedPreferenc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21619 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SharedPreferenc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21620 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21621 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21622 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21623 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ProtoDataStore-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21624 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21625 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21626 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21628 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21629 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #4
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21630 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SharedPreferenc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21631 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21632 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21634 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 magnifier pixel
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21635 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 RenderThread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21636 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 glide-active-re
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21644 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21645 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21646 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:03 EventBus0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21647 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 TimerThread0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21649 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21650 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CronetInit
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21651 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AudioPortEventH
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21677 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21678 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21679 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ChromiumNet
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21683 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SharedPreferenc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21685 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Network File Th
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21688 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiClient
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21694 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 glide-disk-cach
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21702 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GcoreGoogleApiC
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21718 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 21985 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_5
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 24063 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Cookies thread0
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 24068 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterCl
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 24069 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterBa
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 24105 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:21584_6
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25380 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25508 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25747 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25748 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25749 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 UserFacingBlock
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25750 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 UserFacingBlock
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25821 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GAC_Executor[12
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a173 21584 25822 537 2210968 156164 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GAC_Executor[13
u:r:kernel:s0 root 22068 22068 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/3:0
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22475 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 iui.powerkeeper
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22481 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22482 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22483 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22484 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22485 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22486 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22487 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:02 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22488 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22489 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22490 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22491 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22492 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22494 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22497 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerChecker_Se
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22498 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22499 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerKeeperServ
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22500 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerKeeperPack
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22501 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ProcessObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22502 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22503 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 bg 00:00:00 NativePowerKeep
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22505 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:02 PowerKeeperConf
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22506 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22507 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Perfengine_clou
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22508 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PeThermalBreak
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22510 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerCheckerSer
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22511 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 NightStandbyRec
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22515 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22517 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PowerStateMachi
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22518 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22519 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FeedbackControl
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22520 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22521 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThermalInfoColl
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22522 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22524 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22531 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-6-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22646 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22647 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22648 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_6
u:r:system_app:s0 system 22475 22649 537 1458844 87204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:22475_7
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23034 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:04 ndroid.settings
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23040 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23045 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23046 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23047 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23048 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23049 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23050 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23034_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23051 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23034_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23053 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23056 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23060 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:02 RenderThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23062 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23064 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23074 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23094 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23096 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23097 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23100 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23034_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23133 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23156 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23157 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23198 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23208 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23212 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23034_4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23214 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23034_5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23222 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23230 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23034 23249 537 1526616 102940 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SettingsIntelli
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23256 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:51
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23262 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23267 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23268 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:01 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23269 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23270 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23271 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23272 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23273 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23276 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23288 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23289 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 magnifier pixel
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23290 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23291 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 RenderThread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23292 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23295 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Gservices
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23304 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ProcessL
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23330 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23334 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:29 Chrome_IOThread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23335 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23336 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:04 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23338 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:04 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23339 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AudioThread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23340 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BrowserWatchdog
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23341 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:35 NetworkService
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23349 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23384 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CompositorTileW
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23387 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23390 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SAFE_BROWSING_U
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23409 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23412 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23413 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23422 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23423 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_5
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23424 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_6
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23429 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23432 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_DevTools
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23433 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23443 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_7
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23849 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_8
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 23984 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_9
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 24344 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 24345 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 24890 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23256_A
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 25514 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 25515 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 25649 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-6-thread-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 25652 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GAC_Executor[2]
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23256 25719 537 1599192 147940 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GAC_Executor[3]
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 23316 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 d.chrome_zygote
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 25614 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 25615 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 25616 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 25617 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 u0_a194 23316 25618 537 1875820 30948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23361 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:26 ileged_process0
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23367 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23372 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23373 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:03 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23374 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23375 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23377 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23378 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:23361_1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23379 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:01 Binder:23361_2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23385 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23388 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:03:49 CrGpuMain
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23389 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GpuWatchdog
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23391 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23402 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23404 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23406 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:01:09 Chrome_ChildIOT
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23407 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:04:47 VizCompositorTh
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23448 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:02:10 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23454 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:18 HwBinder:23361_
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23526 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:24 Binder:23361_3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 23563 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c194,c256,c512,c768 u0_a194 23361 25555 537 1584528 91232 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23487 23487 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/1:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23568 23568 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 kworker/5:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23600 23600 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/6:2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23609 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 .miui.bugreport
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23615 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23620 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23621 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23622 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23623 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23624 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23625 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:23609_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23626 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:23609_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23629 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23630 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23631 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23632 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23633 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23634 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Thread-6
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23635 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 stageQueue
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23636 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 aliverequest
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23637 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pluginQueue
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23641 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 Binder:23609_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23642 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 RenderThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23652 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23653 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-7-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23657 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-8-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23659 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-9-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23663 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23664 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 LogThread
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23668 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 14 5 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimRunnerThrea
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23670 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 pool-6-thread-1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23672 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23677 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23678 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-4
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23679 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 hwuiTask0
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23680 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 fg 00:00:00 hwuiTask1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 23681 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 AnimThread-5
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 25720 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 29 -10 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ged-swd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 25742 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 IntentService[B
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 25744 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 27 -8 - 0 fg 00:00:00 process reaper
u:r:system_app:s0 system 23609 25774 537 1492928 103920 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23645 23645 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:07 kworker/u16:7
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23682 23682 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/7:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23712 23712 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 kworker/u16:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23717 23717 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/4:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23768 23768 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 kworker/u16:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23769 23769 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:04 kworker/u16:5
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23770 23770 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:08 kworker/u16:10
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23773 23773 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/2:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23791 23791 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/3:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 23853 23853 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/5:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24003 24003 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/1:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24005 24005 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 kworker/7:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24186 24186 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:03 kworker/u16:3
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24188 24188 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/4:2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24207 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24213 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24218 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24219 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24220 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24221 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24222 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24223 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24207_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24224 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24207_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24225 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24207_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24226 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24233 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24236 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Crashlytics Exc
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24237 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 lytics.startup1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24238 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-6-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24239 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 awaitEvenIfOnMa
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24244 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 background_task
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24254 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-12-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24262 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-14-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24266 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-15-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24267 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Log2FileHandler
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24269 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-18-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24273 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-20-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24276 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Thread-5
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24280 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Log2FileHandler
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24281 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 24285 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-22-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25042 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ProcessL
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25044 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25051 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25052 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25053 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25055 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_IOThread
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25056 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25057 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AudioThread
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25068 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25070 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 NetworkService
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25072 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterCl
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25073 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CookieMonsterBa
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25076 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 PlatformService
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25078 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25082 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 OkHttp Connecti
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25084 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-25-thread-
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25093 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24207_4
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 24207 25502 537 1485964 96880 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-11-thread-
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24293 24293 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/6:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24294 24294 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/0:2
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24295 24295 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/5:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24347 24347 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 kworker/u16:12
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24349 24349 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/u16:16
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24351 24351 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:02 kworker/u16:18
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24391 24391 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/3:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24432 24432 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/7:1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24670 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 settings:remote
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24676 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24681 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24682 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24683 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24684 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24685 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24686 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24670_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24687 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24670_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24688 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24670_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24689 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24691 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24695 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24696 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24697 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24670 24722 537 1491712 80756 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24690 24690 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/1:2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24700 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 connect_service
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24706 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24711 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24712 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24713 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24714 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24715 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24716 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24700_1
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24717 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24700_2
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24718 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24700_3
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24719 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24723 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 NsdManager
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24725 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CoapServer(main
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24726 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CoapServer(main
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24727 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CoapServer(main
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24728 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CoapServer(seco
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24729 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CoapServer(seco
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24730 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 UDP-Receiver-::
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24731 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 UDP-Sender-::/:
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24732 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BleDiscovery
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24733 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BleAdvertising
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24734 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 sendHandlerThre
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24735 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 recvHandlerThre
u:r:system_app:s0 system 24700 24736 537 1426364 71988 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:mdnsd:s0 mdnsr 24724 24724 1 3512 340 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 mdnsd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24809 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 com.miui.core
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24824 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24829 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24830 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24831 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24832 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24833 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24834 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24809_1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24835 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24809_2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24836 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:24809_3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24863 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c138,c256,c512,c768 u0_a138 24809 24867 537 1411496 70700 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:kernel:s0 root 24865 24865 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/4:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25010 25010 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/0:0
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25045 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ocessService0:0
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25058 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25059 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25060 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25061 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25062 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25063 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25064 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25065 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25066 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25067 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25071 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25045_1
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25074 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25045_2
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25079 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25045_3
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i9005 25045 25081 1494 1424224 70912 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ChildProcessMai
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25094 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 m.miui.weather2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25100 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25105 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25107 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25108 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25109 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25110 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25111 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25094_1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25112 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25094_2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25114 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25094_3
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25119 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25138 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25143 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Crashlytics Exc
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25144 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 lytics.startup1
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25146 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-10-thread-
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25147 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 awaitEvenIfOnMa
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25152 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #2
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25157 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 OkHttp Connecti
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25158 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Okio Watchdog
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a72 25094 25969 537 1442064 96368 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 glide-active-re
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25169 25169 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/6:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25327 25327 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/2:0
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25348 25348 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:01 kworker/u16:1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25352 25352 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:4
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25353 25353 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:6
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25354 25354 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:8
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25355 25355 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:13
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25385 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 .apps.messaging
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25391 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25396 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25397 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25398 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25399 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25400 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25402 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25385_1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25404 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25385_2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25405 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25385_3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25407 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25408 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25409 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #0
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25410 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25411 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25412 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 BG Thread #3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25413 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Scheduler Threa
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25437 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25442 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GoogleApiHandle
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25451 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25463 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25464 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25465 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #2
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25466 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #3
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25467 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25468 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #5
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25561 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Lite Thread #0
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25564 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SimStateTracker
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25566 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #5
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25568 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25569 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25573 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ScionFrontendAp
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25576 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Firebase-Messag
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25578 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Firebase-Messag
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25584 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 8 11 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Blocking Thread
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25585 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ConnectivityThr
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25586 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 0 19 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GmsDynamite
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25588 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25385_4
u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768 u0_a182 25385 25738 537 1529372 115948 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25385_5
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25613 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ocessService0:2
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25619 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25620 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25621 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25622 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25623 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Runtime worker
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25624 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25625 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25626 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25627 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25628 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25629 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25613_1
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25630 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25613_2
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25631 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25613_3
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25633 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CrRendererMain
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25635 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolServi
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25636 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25637 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25638 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25639 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Chrome_ChildIOT
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25640 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 GpuMemoryThread
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25641 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 23 -4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Compositor
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25642 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolSingl
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25643 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CompositorTileW
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25644 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 CompositorTileW
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25792 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 MemoryInfra
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25965 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25966 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25967 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_i2 25613 25968 23316 1534248 88688 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ThreadPoolForeg
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25768 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 dservice:remote
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25776 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25781 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25782 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25783 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25784 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25785 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25786 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25768_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25787 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25768_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25788 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25768_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25789 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25795 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 AsyncTask #2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25799 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25804 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25805 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25810 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 9 10 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-3-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25823 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-4-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25839 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25854 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a114 25768 25928 537 1431464 84204 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25768_4
u:r:dumpstate:s0 shell 25775 25775 1 17112 4708 0
0 S 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 dumpstate
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25796 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ctivate.service
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25806 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25812 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25814 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25815 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25816 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25817 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25818 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25796_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25819 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25796_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25820 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25796_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25824 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25836 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-1-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25837 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mistat_db
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25838 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FileObserver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25840 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25841 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 SimActivateExec
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25842 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 21 -2 - 0 bg 00:00:00 queued-work-loo
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25946 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-5-thread-2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a146 25796 25947 537 1426076 87000 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 mi_analytics_up
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25963 25963 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:14
u:r:kernel:s0 root 25964 25964 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/u16:15
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25974 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25980 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Jit thread pool
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25985 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Signal Catcher
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25986 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 HeapTaskDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25987 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 ReferenceQueueD
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25988 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerDaemon
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25989 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 15 4 - 0 bg 00:00:00 FinalizerWatchd
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25990 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25974_1
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25991 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25974_2
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25992 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Binder:25974_3
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25993 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 10 9 - 0 bg 00:00:00 Profile Saver
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25994 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 background_task
u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a111 25974 25995 537 1397216 88736 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 bg 00:00:00 pool-2-thread-1
u:r:kernel:s0 root 26020 26020 2 0 0 0
0 S 19 0 - 0 fg 00:00:00 kworker/0:1
u:r:dumpstate:s0 shell 26036 26036 25775 11068 5312 0
0 R 39 -20 - 0 fg 00:00:00 ps
------ 1.014s was the duration of 'PROCESSES AND THREADS' ------
Skipping '/system/xbin/su root librank' on user build.
------ HARDWARE HALS (lshal -lVSietrpc --types=b,c,l,z) ------
| All binderized services (registered with hwservicemanager)
R VINTF Status Interface
Thread Use Transport Arch Server Clients
? FM non-responsive
android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive
android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive
android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
Y DM,FC alive N/A
hwbinder 32 N/A
? DM non-responsive android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
Y DM,FC alive
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.power@1.1::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.power@1.2::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.power@1.3::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC non-responsive android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
Y DM,FC alive android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
? FM non-responsive android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AgpsDebugInterface
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AgpsInterface
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/OpImsRILd1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/OpImsRILd2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/em1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/em2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsAospSlot1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsAospSlot2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsSlot1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsSlot2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/internal/0
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkAssist1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkAssist2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkSlot1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtkSlot2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_agps2framework
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_debugService2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_framework2agps
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lbs_log_v2s
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_agps
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_bt
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_ipaddr
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_lbs
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_network
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_sensor
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_lppe_socket_wlan
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_meta2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_mnld2debugService
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_mnld2mtklogger
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_mnld2nlputils
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/mtk_mtklogger2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/se1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/se2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? X non-responsive android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
Y FM alive android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
Y FM alive android.hidl.manager@1.1::IServiceManager/default
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
Y FM alive android.hidl.manager@1.2::IServiceManager/default
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
? FM non-responsive android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? FM non-responsive
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
Y FM alive android.system.suspend@1.0::ISystemSuspend/default
N/A hwbinder 32 N/A
? FM non-responsive android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.gpu@1.0::IGraphicExt/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/AgpsDebugInterface
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/AgpsInterface
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_agps2framework
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_debugService2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_framework2agps
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lbs_log_v2s
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_agps
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_bt
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_ipaddr N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_lbs
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_network N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_sensor N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_lppe_socket_wlan
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_meta2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_mnld2debugService
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_mnld2mtklogger
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_mnld2nlputils
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.lbs@1.0::ILbs/mtk_mtklogger2mnld
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.0::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.1::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.2::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.3::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.4::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.5::IMms/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0::IMtkPerf/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0::IMtkPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.0::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.1::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.2::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.3::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.4::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/imsSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkAssist2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkCap2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkEm2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkRcs2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSe2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot1 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkradioex@1.5::IMtkRadioEx/mtkSlot2 N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.netdagent@1.0::INetdagent/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.0::INvram/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.1::INvram/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.nwk_opt@1.0::INwkOpt/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.power@2.0::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.power@2.1::IPower/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.0::IPictureQuality/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.1::IPictureQuality/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.2::IPictureQuality/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.3::IPictureQuality/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio_op@2.0::IRadioOp/OpImsRILd1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio_op@2.0::IRadioOp/OpImsRILd2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio_op@2.0::IRadioOp/slot1
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.mediatek.hardware.radio_op@2.0::IRadioOp/slot2
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.mediatek.hardware.videotelephony@1.0::IVideoTelephony/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive
vendor.microtrust.hardware.capi@2.0::IClientApiDevice/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.microtrust.hardware.thh@2.0::IThhDevice/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM non-responsive vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A

| All interfaces that getService() has ever returned as a passthrough interface;

| PIDs / processes shown below might be inaccurate because the process
| might have relinquished the interface or might have died.
| The Server / Server CMD column can be ignored.
| The Clients / Clients CMD column shows all process that have ever dlopen'ed
| the library and successfully fetched the passthrough implementation.
R VINTF Status Interface
Thread Use Transport Arch Server Clients
? FC N/A
N/A passthrough 32 540 540
? FC N/A
N/A passthrough 32 540 540
? FC N/A N/A
passthrough 32 540 540
? FC N/A android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default
N/A passthrough 32 541 541
? FC N/A
N/A passthrough 32 734 734
? FC N/A android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default
N/A passthrough 32 544 544
? FC N/A android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default
N/A passthrough 32 544 544
? FC N/A android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default
N/A passthrough 32 547 547
? FC N/A android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default
N/A passthrough 32 548 548
? FC N/A
N/A passthrough 32 549 549
? FC N/A
N/A passthrough 32 550 550
N/A passthrough ? N/A 550 593 684 730 734 1201 1413 1612 1687 2484
21584 23034 23256 23361 23609
? FC N/A android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default
N/A passthrough 32 552 552
? FC N/A android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default
N/A passthrough 32 553 553
? FC N/A android.hardware.power@1.3::IPower/default
N/A passthrough 32 560 560
? FC N/A android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default
N/A passthrough 32 554 554
? FC N/A android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default
N/A passthrough 32 556 556
? FM N/A android.hidl.memory@1.0::IMapper/ashmem
N/A passthrough 32 N/A 550 580 593 730 734 760 13683 23361
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.5::IMms/default
N/A passthrough 32 13683 13683
? X N/A
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkcodecservice@1.1::IMtkCodecService/default N/A
passthrough 32 1488
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0::IMtkPerf/default
N/A passthrough 32 560 560
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0::IMtkPower/default
N/A passthrough 32 560 560
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.1::INvram/default
N/A passthrough 32 561 561
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.power@2.1::IPower/default
N/A passthrough 32 560 560
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.3::IPictureQuality/default
N/A passthrough 32 760 760
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.videotelephony@1.0::IVideoTelephony/default
N/A passthrough 32 557 557

| All available passthrough implementations (all files).

| These may return subclasses through their respective HIDL_FETCH_I* functions.
R VINTF Status Interface
Thread Use Transport Arch Server Clients
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-mediatek)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-
mediatek) N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-mediatek)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-
mediatek) N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.drm@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.gnss@2.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-mediatek)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? DM N/A*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-2.1)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.light@2.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-mediatek)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.power@1.3::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/) (-mediatek)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.thermal@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FC N/A android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FM N/A android.hidl.memory@1.0::I*/* (/system/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? FM N/A android.hidl.memory@1.0::I*/* (/system/lib/vndk-sp-29/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A*/*
(/vendor/lib/hw/) N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.keymaster_attestation@1.1::I*/*
(/vendor/lib/hw/) N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.5::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkcodecservice@1.1::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.1::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.power@2.1::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.3::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.mediatek.hardware.videotelephony@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A
? X N/A vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
N/A passthrough 32 N/A

| All HALs that are declared in VINTF manifest:

| - as hwbinder HALs but are not registered to hwservicemanager, and
| - as hwbinder/passthrough HALs with no implementation.
R VINTF Status Interface
Thread Use Transport Arch Server Clients
? DM,FC declared android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.1::IHostapd/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC declared android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM,FC declared android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared
vendor.mediatek.hardware.apmonitor@2.0::IApmService/apm_hidl_service N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.atci@1.0::IAtcid/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.dmc@1.0::IDmcService/dmc_hidl_service
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.engineermode@1.2::IEmd/EmHidlServer
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared
vendor.mediatek.hardware.keymaster_attestation@1.1::IKeymasterDevice/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/ATMWiFiHidlServer
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/ConnsysFWHidlServer
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/MobileLogHidlServer
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/ModemLogHidlServer
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/aee
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.log@1.0::ILog/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.mdmonitor@1.0::IMDMonitorService/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared
vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkcodecservice@1.1::IMtkCodecService/default N/A
hwbinder ? N/A
? DM declared vendor.mediatek.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.0::ISupplicant/default
N/A hwbinder ? N/A

*** command 'lshal -lVSietrpc --types=b,c,l,z' failed: exit code 136

------ 1.455s was the duration of 'HARDWARE HALS' ------
------ 34.613s was the duration of 'DUMP HALS' ------
------ PRINTENV (printenv) ------
------ NETSTAT (netstat -nW) ------
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign
Address State
Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 15360 /dev/socket/volte_ut
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 9596 /dev/socket/mnld
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12731
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 44775 @mtk_agps2framework
unix 13 [ ] DGRAM 17681 /dev/socket/statsdw
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19542 @mtk_lppe_socket_agps
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 17357 @mtk_agps_soc_soc
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 19990
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 19486 @mtk_agps_soc_mmi
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 19737 /dev/socket/wod_action
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17360 @mtk_framework2agps
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16811 @mtk_lppe_socket_ipaddr
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12734
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16807 @mtk_lppe_socket_wlan
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 19742 /dev/socket/wod_sim
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12732
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16809 @mtk_lppe_socket_sensor
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17363 @mtk_agps_soc_is801
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 17361 @mtk_agps_soc_lpp
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17359 @mtk_agps_soc_tls
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 19487 @mtk_agps_soc_gps
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 16176 /dev/socket/lbs_dbg
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 17980 /dev/socket/vendor.bip
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16814 @mtk_mnld2debugService
unix 153 [ ] DGRAM 579 /dev/socket/logdw
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12737 @mtk_mtklogger2mnld
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14035
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12730
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12736 @mtk_debugService2mnld
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19488 @mtk_agps_soc_l4c
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16815 @mtk_mnld2mtklogger
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17489
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12724
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12733
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16198
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 17261 /dev/socket/agpsd
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16808 @mtk_lppe_socket_bt
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 17909 @agps_cp_mgr
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12722
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13029 @c2kagpsd2
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12725
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 16562 /dev/socket/volte_vt
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16810 @mtk_lppe_socket_network
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 12729 @mtk_agps2mnl
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16813 @mtk_mnld2nlputils
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12735 @mtk_meta2mnld
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16199
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 17356 @mtk_agps_soc_supl
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19499 @mtk_mnl2agps
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 17569 /dev/socket/miui_booster
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17362 @mtk_agps_soc_rrlp
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 19476 @mtk_agps_op01
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16812 @mtk_lppe_socket_lbs
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18608 @mtk_agps_cdma_mgr
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16806 @mtk_lbs_log_v2s
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12723
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 19484 @mtk_agps_soc_main
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 19495 @mtk_agps_mgr
unix 2 [ ] STREAM 15357 /dev/socket/volte_imsa2
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 336999
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 525816
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 371550
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22237
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19378
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 41768
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19496
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 349524
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370441
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 343081
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7640
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 371596
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 459350
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 439028
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17355
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 377436
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15804
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 343623
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 74727
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 36690
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 414358
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 49449
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21138
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16622
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 336997
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25908
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 21539 /dev/socket/volte_ua
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 448250
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360438
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 36691
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19379
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16723
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 339249
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 233047
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19498
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 38478
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 25972
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 337039
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16760
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 44614
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21742
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370405
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 352988
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15878
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22238
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 441665
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 26421
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 372981
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14207
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 8053
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 343622
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 24385
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 9597
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 372969
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16829
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19377
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16757
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7880
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 376968
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 343640
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 336542
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 49452
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 370380
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 349525
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 377437
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 56859
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 45859
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12859
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19477
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7851
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 449013
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 38477
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 39100
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 452129
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25907
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 333519
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22236
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 20056
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12783
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 44611
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 379070
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16773
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 342683
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375508
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13215
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19707
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 15510
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16196
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360435
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 341940
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 25634
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24299
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 371592
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360505
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19485
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7971
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 439027
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 441663
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13213
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19678
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 372459
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 371597
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360504
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 344965
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 56856
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 45860
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 41767
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13214
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 357517 /dev/socket/logdr
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 335523
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 42718
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16168
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 49451
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19607
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 46900
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25889
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 9744 /dev/socket/volte_imsvt1
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25632
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 58500
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7979
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 925
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373075
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 372959
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 341941
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 74180
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25890
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 380014
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 333520
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 335521
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 339250
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 995
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 370379
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13212
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16662
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13484
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 372460
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 336998
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 42270
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14206
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 350305
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14120
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13494
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370442
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 442606
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14121
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25633
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 20771
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21743
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370404
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373076
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 374134
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 21781
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 377857
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 41376
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 44612
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 39254
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 856
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 37259
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 24285
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 343058
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 39155
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12400
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 342684
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25163
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13736
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19608
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 372982
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 337000
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19380
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13091 /dev/socket/lmkd
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 376969
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 343080
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 42271
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19368
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 532622 /dev/socket/rild-oem
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 335522
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 55381
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 49450
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17868
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 21038
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375515
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 368214
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 40394
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360436
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 56855
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17415
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 10114
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13098 /dev/socket/mdns
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 131631
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 350304
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 337038
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19376
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14705
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 45378
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16698
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 471194
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 42149
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13095 /dev/socket/zygote
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 446729
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 360437
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21139
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14761
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17640
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 441664
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 448246
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 335524
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 344966
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 44613
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16336
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17417
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 355295
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 25255
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 336543
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 244613
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 46899
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 36591
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24300
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 380013
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 343639
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 247183
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 74728
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22235
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 40351
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 459351
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 449014
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 37258
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13036
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13193
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 56858
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17825
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7937
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 19389
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19706
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 74181
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 42717
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13218
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375509
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 48609
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25162
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 374133
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 372958
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 39179
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 20937
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 40352
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 437399
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 38994
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 428755
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 377011
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21657
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 131611
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15585
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 51927
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17288
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25144
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 18387
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12574
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24949
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14565
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12195
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 449288
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 22171
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 18386
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373449
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14210
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 51928
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25914
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 435826
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 342688
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 41235
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 18385
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18757
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24948
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 334781
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19756
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 339300
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17933
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16498
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 450791
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24943
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 36782
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14205
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 369359
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 340642
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 374130
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21696
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 334784
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13937
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18960
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 233031
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 75250
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24941
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 343085
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21658
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 20729 /dev/socket/volte_imsa1
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12825
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 37134
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13544
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21636
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 452793
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 18046
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 371124
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 185131
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 51926
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 13938
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370368
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21697
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24942
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7403
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 36754
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14204
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17908
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 377010
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 372953
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18770
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 371123
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24944
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 51929
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14448
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 26731
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 447171
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 370426
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 63356
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16081
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 450792
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375514
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 340641
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 451070
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 452193
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13800
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 18974
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15508
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 18384
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17396
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 9648
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 450837
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375511
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 246355
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17271
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12285
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 468357
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 339301
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18604
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12830
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14578
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 58499
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20999
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24945
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12832
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 37941
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24959
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18943
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17393
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 15511
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 448249 /dev/socket/dumpstate
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 350299
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20998
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24946
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15640
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24958
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375154
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375513
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 376110 /dev/socket/logdr
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 377858
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 40224
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13803
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22051
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25915
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18800
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 447172
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13804
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 435825
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 14209
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20996
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 343517
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18015
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17343
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19851
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20994
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 15964
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13807
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 370369
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17928
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 369358
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 419456
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20993
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17998
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 450836
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17358
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24950
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 334783
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 437400
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 435222
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7814
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 39784
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13842
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 21635
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17910
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 343086
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18813
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 445426
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 41226
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 24951
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 27506
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 27678
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14454
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12598
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 7491
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 26732
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 20995
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 442053
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 377909
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 27677
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 19853
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 341831
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 125709
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373450
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 451071
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 334782
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 27505
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375155
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 22050
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12455
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 341830
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17403
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 21121
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13795 /dev/socket/volte_stack
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 36776
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25902
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 55382
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 10127
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 21654
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 374131
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 350300
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 37942
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 16334
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 449287
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12600
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12471
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 25652
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375510
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 13802 /dev/socket/volte_stack
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 14519
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25901
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 435823
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13609
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373475
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 75249
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 375512
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 342689
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 25143
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 19375
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18295
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 452192
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 373474
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 13638
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17326
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 9494
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 12485
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 600
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 370024
unix 3 [ ] SEQPACKET CONNECTED 377910
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 18971
------ LSMOD (lsmod) ------
Module Size Used by
wlan_drv_gen4m 1998848 0
wmt_chrdev_wifi 28672 1 wlan_drv_gen4m
gps_drv 65536 0
fmradio_drv 188416 0
bt_drv 28672 1
wmt_drv 1216512 6
fpsgo 811008 0
------ KERNEL LOG (dmesg) ------
<5>[ 9319.226349] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9319.227697] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9319.228425] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9319.228896] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9319.228921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9319.229308] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9319.229329] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9319.229985] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9319.230408] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.158 msecs
<6>[ 9319.235423] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.977 msecs
<6>[ 9319.240481] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.014 msecs
<6>[ 9319.240519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9319.265712] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.282985] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.283015] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9319.308859] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.326981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.327009] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9319.352735] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.370974] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.371002] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9319.397768] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.415023] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.415056] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9319.441101] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.458977] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.459007] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9319.484847] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.503073] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.503101] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<6>[ 9319.503326] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.503363] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9319503352375] 2022-02-15
07:16:00.835407 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:16:00.835407
<5>[ 9319.528777] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9319.546982] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9319.546995] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa317d50d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x45
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 2264019, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd8a24117,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x45, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1334
<5>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9319.549945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 69.098 seconds
<6>[ 9319.549966] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9319.549994] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9319.550319] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9319.551507] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9319.551542] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9319.551591] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9319.551595] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.552075] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.552661] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9319.553961] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9319.553990] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9319.554022] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9319.554027] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.554398] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.555042] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9319.556249] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9319.556277] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9319.556311] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9319.556315] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.556709] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.557491] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9319.559266] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9319.559325] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9319.559394] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9319.559404] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.559985] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.560368] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9319.563181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9319.564887] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9319.564938] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9319.564993] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9319.565003] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.565523] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.567860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9319.569434] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9319.569485] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9319.569547] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9319.569556] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.570073] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.572685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9319.574238] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9319.574290] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9319.574351] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9319.574361] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9319.574977] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9319.580545] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9319.584044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.213 msecs
<5>[ 9319.584475] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9319.584532] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9319.584564] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9319.584625] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9319.587871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.170 msecs
<5>[ 9319.588262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9319.589697] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9319.589954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9319.590212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9319.590596] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9319.592086] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9319.592725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9319.592788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9319.594196] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9319.595067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9319.595218] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9319.595919] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9319.597701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9319.597778] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9319.597802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9319.598279] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9319.598308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9319.598349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.445 msecs
<6>[ 9319.601823] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9319.616228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9319.616254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9319.616628] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -691
<12>[ 9319.616808] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4267 t=19.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9319.617147] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x8fd, adc_result=1011
<6>[ 9319.618555] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9319.619056] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62e, adc_result=695
<5>[ 9319.619183] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23284.223000000
<5>[ 9319.619215] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23284223000000
<5>[ 9319.619256] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23121.308000000
<6>[ 9319.620178] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x625, adc_result=691
<12>[ 9319.620315] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4267 t=19.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9319.622154] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4267 t=19.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9319.625107] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9319.625247] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9319.625534] -(6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<12>[ 9319.626154] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4267 t=19.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9319.626458] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:17:10.056631715 UTC
<5>[ 9319.656883] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23284.223000000
<5>[ 9319.656933] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23284223000000
<5>[ 9319.656970] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23121.308000000
<6>[ 9319.727726] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:17:10.157896946 UTC
<6>[ 9319.727768] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9319.730505] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9319.751452] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9319.795105] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9319.796186] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9319.824886] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9319.824977] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 360, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9319.841669] done.
<6>[ 9319.843303] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9319.843358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9319.843543] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9319.847149] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<4>[ 9319.858362] (elapsed 0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9319.858413] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9319.866497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9319.866521] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9319.866542] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9319.869575] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9320.091327] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9320.091383] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9320.102715] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9320.102744] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9320.102896] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9320.105083] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9320.107998] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9320.108340] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9320.110484] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23284223000000
to 2022/02/15 07:20:42 (now = 2022/02/15 07:17:09)
<5>[ 9320.113703] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:20:43 (1)
<5>[ 9320.113866] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9320.114193] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9320.115538] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9320.116260] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9320.116735] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9320.116760] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9320.117147] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9320.117167] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9320.117794] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9320.118148] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.625 msecs
<6>[ 9320.123168] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.983 msecs
<6>[ 9320.128211] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.999 msecs
<6>[ 9320.128248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9320.153597] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.170870] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.170897] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9320.196715] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.214854] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.214883] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9320.240594] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.258857] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.258885] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9320.277619] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.294895] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.294926] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9320.320984] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.338856] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.338885] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9320.372725] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.390843] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.390871] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9320.408924] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9320.426792] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9320.426806] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd950f260,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x45
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 1121878, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf3d9016d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x45, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1335
<5>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9320.429649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 34.241 seconds
<6>[ 9320.429671] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9320.429698] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9320.429925] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9320.431106] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9320.431141] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9320.431188] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9320.431193] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.431672] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.432250] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9320.433565] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9320.433592] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9320.433623] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9320.433627] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.433995] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.434583] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9320.435888] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9320.435917] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9320.435950] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9320.435954] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.436349] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.437151] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9320.438959] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9320.439020] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9320.439087] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9320.439097] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.439683] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.440068] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9320.442920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9320.444655] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9320.444705] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9320.444761] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9320.444771] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.445293] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.447631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9320.449201] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9320.449252] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9320.449311] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9320.449321] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.449833] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.452434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9320.454009] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9320.454060] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9320.454121] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9320.454131] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9320.454728] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9320.460352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9320.462348] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9320.462365] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9320.462455] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9320.462466] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9320.463890] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.255 msecs
<5>[ 9320.464332] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0xf9e]=0x200
<5>[ 9320.464468] (6)[104:pmic_thread]GM3log-nafg 23106 9320 42824 42968 107854
134 -10739
<5>[ 9320.464493] (6)[104:pmic_thread][fg_nafg_int_handler][fg_bat_nafg]
<5>[ 9320.464823] (6)[104:pmic_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -562
<6>[ 9320.465528] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x901, adc_result=1012
<5>[ 9320.465780] (6)[104:pmic_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 19 lt 19 ht
<5>[ 9320.466015] (6)[104:pmic_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -537
<5>[ 9320.467241] (6)[104:pmic_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[19] V[21 19] C[37 17] h[10530 10064]
<6>[ 9320.467677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.137 msecs
<5>[ 9320.468072] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9320.469372] (6)[104:pmic_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -578
<5>[ 9320.469502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9320.469528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9320.469787] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9320.470181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9320.471791] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9320.472447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9320.472510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9320.473899] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9320.474770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9320.474924] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9320.475634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9320.477429] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9320.477507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9320.477530] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9320.477991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9320.478020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9320.478061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.353 msecs
<6>[ 9320.481573] (5)[597:fuelgauged]Restarting tasks ...
<5>[ 9320.489955] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -710
<4>[ 9320.496214] done.
<5>[ 9320.496268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9320.496292] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9320.496628] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -609
<6>[ 9320.498884] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9320.501645] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4280 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9320.507157] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:It is
long time (prev(1644909153), now(1644909465), > 300 sec) not to query, query temp
<6>[ 9320.507293] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9320.507961] (6)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42782 cur 729
<5>[ 9320.508434] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -716
<5>[ 9320.509674] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9987,9884],high=97,fg_volt_withIR=33807 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9320.509793] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<12>[ 9320.510324] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4280 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9320.510444] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<5>[ 9320.511408] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10080,9976],high=97,fg_volt_withIR=35265 > ori_voltage=33870
<5>[ 9320.511497] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9320.512095] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<12>[ 9320.512103] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4280 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9320.513436] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -807
<4>[ 9320.513474] -(5)[369:ueventd]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 32 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9320.513500] -(5)[369:ueventd]btif_bbs_write: 18 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9320.513622] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4280 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9320.515163] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4280 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9320.517510] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -936
<5>[ 9320.518620] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:19 19 20 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:3:9997:43644:-3262:48549:674:9326:9326 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9320.518876] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_LT]soc:9443 fg_c_soc:9443 fg_v_soc:9326 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:117
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42750 T:[19 V 19 C 27 avg:26] D0_C 10000 D0_V 9997 CAR[c:-2722 v:-
3262] Q:[48549 48549 48794 48794] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -80 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-102
<6>[ 9320.518984] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9320.522210] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -968
<6>[ 9320.524765] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 109, 37, 49,
42, 125, 132, 138, 93, success counter cpu: 28, 1, 7, 5, 16, 17, 5, 3, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 38, 5, 7, 5, 27, 31, 13, 12, o:
0-3, p: , f: , t: 9320720754167, 9321152591785, 9340699403862, 9340701759093,
9320698478478, 9320692000000, 9320692000000, 9320692000000,
<5>[ 9320.524954] -(7)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9320.524976] -(7)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9320.525156] (7)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9493
<12>[ 9320.526815] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4276 t=19.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9320.529349] (5)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4275
<5>[ 9320.529516] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9320.530166] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -908
<5>[ 9320.531435] (5)[597:fuelgauged][read_nafg_vbat] i:0 nag_vbat_reg 0xe5da
nag_vbat_mv 42968:26074
<5>[ 9320.531517] (5)[597:fuelgauged][read_nafg_vbat1] 0 0 10 1 0 0 25986 6455 0
<5>[ 9320.531584] (5)[597:fuelgauged][read_nafg_vbat2] 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
<6>[ 9320.535447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 28144 usec
<5>[ 9320.539741] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9320.544180] (4)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_BAT_INT1_GAP = 242
<5>[ 9320.545372] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [fg_bat_int2_handler]car:-2767
pre_car:-2722 ht:58 lt:241 u_type:0 type:2
<5>[ 9320.551279] (4)[597:fuelgauged][fr][fg_bat_int2]
<4>[ 9320.551317] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x10
<6>[ 9320.553205] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9320.553283] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9320.553561] -(5)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9320.554341] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:17:45.225786794 UTC
<5>[ 9320.554581] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1273
<6>[ 9320.562294] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9320.563291] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:19 19 20 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:3:9997:43644:-3085:48549:638:9362:9362 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9320.563362] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9320.563431] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_NAFG_VOLTAGE]soc:9433 fg_c_soc:9433 fg_v_soc:9362 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:71
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42730 T:[19 V 19 C 27 avg:26] D0_C 10000 D0_V 9997 CAR[c:-2767 v:-
3085] Q:[48549 48549 48794 48794] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -80 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-102
<5>[ 9320.567752] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1342
<5>[ 9320.572264] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9320.572300] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9320.572429] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9483
<5>[ 9320.577500] (5)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4270
<5>[ 9320.577658] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<6>[ 9320.657182] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:17:45.328626564 UTC
<6>[ 9320.657214] -(6)[0:swapper/6]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9320.736593] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9320.736693] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 909, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9320.766928] done.
<6>[ 9320.768377] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9320.768441] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9320.768664] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.015 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9320.783815] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9320.792051] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9320.792075] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9320.792095] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9320.795131] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9321.019187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9321.019243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9321.030576] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9321.030605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9321.030757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9321.032862] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9321.035741] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9321.036090] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9321.038237] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23284223000000
to 2022/02/15 07:20:42 (now = 2022/02/15 07:17:44)
<5>[ 9321.041490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:20:43 (1)
<5>[ 9321.041647] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9321.041980] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9321.043360] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9321.044085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9321.044561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9321.044585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9321.044972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9321.044993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9321.045650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9321.045983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.902 msecs
<6>[ 9321.051032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.012 msecs
<6>[ 9321.056126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.050 msecs
<6>[ 9321.056164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9321.081441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.098745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.098773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9321.124666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.142730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.142758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9321.168439] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.186723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.186751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9321.213625] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.230763] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.230795] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9321.256917] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.274754] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.274782] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9321.296672] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.314816] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.314844] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9321.341417] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9321.358698] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9321.358711] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9321.361738] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9321.361862] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9321.361873] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9321.362979] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9321.363017] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9321.363068] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9321.363072] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.363525] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.363570] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9321363559532] 2022-02-15
07:17:46.35010 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:17:46.35010
<6>[ 9321.364083] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9321.365370] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9321.365398] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9321.365434] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9321.365439] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.365799] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.366387] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9321.367551] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9321.367581] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9321.367615] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9321.367620] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.368015] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.368786] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9321.370553] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9321.370613] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9321.370681] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9321.370691] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.371273] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.371648] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9321.374211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9321.376078] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9321.376130] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9321.376185] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9321.376195] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.376711] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.379048] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9321.380606] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9321.380658] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9321.380719] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9321.380729] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.381234] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.383890] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9321.385431] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9321.385486] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9321.385547] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9321.385556] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9321.386082] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9321.391724] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9321.395185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.176 msecs
<6>[ 9321.399032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.182 msecs
<5>[ 9321.399423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9321.400848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9321.400876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9321.401131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9321.401516] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9321.401820] -(6)[0:swapper/6][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9321.403004] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9321.403643] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9321.403707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9321.405147] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9321.405941] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9321.406090] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9321.406863] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9321.408653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9321.408730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9321.408753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9321.409200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9321.409229] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9321.409271] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.202 msecs
<6>[ 9321.412993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9321.427460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9321.427488] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9321.427830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -716
<4>[ 9321.428574] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 25 callbacks
<6>[ 9321.428610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x900, adc_result=1012
<6>[ 9321.429965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x655, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9321.430164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9321.454862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24686 usec
<4>[ 9321.460815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x10
<6>[ 9321.461410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62e, adc_result=695
<6>[ 9321.461861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x625, adc_result=691
<6>[ 9321.462820] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9321.462953] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9321.464169] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:17:46.135608948 UTC
<6>[ 9321.542953] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9321.562910] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9321.606312] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9321.607369] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9321.665797] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:17:46.337232179 UTC
<6>[ 9321.665845] (4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9321.728135] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [1]
= 2, [4] = 16, [5] = 10, [6] = 5, [7] = 6, Total = 40, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9321.728241] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 116, 55, 38, 39, 112, 112, 122, 102,
cluster : 121, 39, pause = 81, multi core = 86, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 81, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9321.732511] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9321.732601] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9321.770814] done.
<6>[ 9321.772293] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9321.772354] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9321.772570] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]Freezing user space processes ...
<3>[ 9321.782846] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<4>[ 9321.787593] (elapsed 0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9321.787645] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9321.795812] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9321.795835] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9321.795855] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9321.798900] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9322.019185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9322.019241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9322.030571] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9322.030601] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9322.030753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9322.032839] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9322.035707] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9322.035728] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9322.035776] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9322.035787] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9322.035820] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9322.036157] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9322.038277] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23284223000000
to 2022/02/15 07:20:42 (now = 2022/02/15 07:17:45)
<5>[ 9322.041570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:20:43 (1)
<5>[ 9322.041721] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9322.042058] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9322.043401] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9322.044124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9322.044597] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9322.044622] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9322.045007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9322.045027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9322.045638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9322.045977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.124 msecs
<6>[ 9322.050882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.868 msecs
<6>[ 9322.055917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.991 msecs
<6>[ 9322.055954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9322.081489] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.098742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.098770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9322.124699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.142730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.142758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9322.168443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.186723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.186751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9322.213634] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.230763] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.230795] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9322.248860] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.266770] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.266801] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9322.292555] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.310719] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.310748] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9322.336892] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9322.354726] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9322.354740] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf557a58a,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x45
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 5798299, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x7e762dae,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1336
<5>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9322.357664] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 176.960 seconds
<6>[ 9322.357686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9322.357713] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9322.358041] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9322.359230] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9322.359266] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9322.359314] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9322.359319] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.359796] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.360369] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9322.361642] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9322.361671] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9322.361706] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9322.361711] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.362078] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.362715] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9322.363918] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9322.363946] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9322.363980] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9322.363985] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.364376] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.365154] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9322.366950] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9322.367010] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9322.367080] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9322.367090] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.367673] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.367764] (4)[305:wdtk-4][thread:305][RT:9322367742842] 2022-02-15
07:20:44.79 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:20:44.079
<6>[ 9322.368093] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9322.371022] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9322.372682] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9322.372734] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9322.372789] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9322.372799] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.373316] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.375637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9322.377208] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9322.377261] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9322.377320] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9322.377329] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.377835] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.380442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9322.382005] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9322.382059] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9322.382120] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9322.382130] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9322.382730] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9322.388300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9322.391773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.188 msecs
<5>[ 9322.392205] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9322.392262] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9322.392294] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9322.392353] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9322.395648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9322.396043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9322.397452] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9322.397758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9322.398016] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9322.398415] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9322.399920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9322.400618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9322.400680] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9322.402153] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9322.403058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9322.403210] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9322.403919] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9322.405698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9322.405776] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9322.405799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9322.406250] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9322.406280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9322.406321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.639 msecs
<6>[ 9322.409883] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]Restarting tasks ...
<5>[ 9322.422970] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23286.133000000
<5>[ 9322.423034] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23286133000000
<4>[ 9322.424573] done.
<5>[ 9322.424617] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9322.424641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9322.424991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -663
<6>[ 9322.430120] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x912, adc_result=1020
<6>[ 9322.432054] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9322.432225] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9322.438406] -(4)[0:swapper/4]btif_bbs_write: 27 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9322.458997] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26757 usec
<4>[ 9322.466405] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x10
<6>[ 9322.467163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x630, adc_result=696
<6>[ 9322.467635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x627, adc_result=692
<6>[ 9322.468682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9322.468774] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9322.469061] -(5)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9322.469902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:20:44.102228728 UTC
<6>[ 9322.481186] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9322.493800] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23286.133000000
<5>[ 9322.493858] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23286133000000
<6>[ 9322.499117] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9322.541856] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9322.542929] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9322.562948] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23286.133000000
<5>[ 9322.562988] -(4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23286133000000
<6>[ 9322.570144] -(5)[22503:NativePowerKeep][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD
<6>[ 9322.572622] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:20:44.204946420 UTC
<6>[ 9322.572661] (6)[15640:kworker/u17:2]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9322.574696] (6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<6>[ 9322.679333] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9322.679425] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 388, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9322.680438] done.
<6>[ 9322.681928] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9322.681984] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9322.682177] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9322.696894] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9322.704976] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9322.705000] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9322.705020] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9322.708135] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9322.931124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9322.931181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9322.942347] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9322.942469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccmni_md1
<3>[ 9322.942586] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9322.942967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9322.942997] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9322.943036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.419
<6>[ 9322.946744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9322.960539] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9322.960568] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9322.960953] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1788
<6>[ 9322.961472] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x911, adc_result=1019
<6>[ 9322.962991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x655, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9322.965199] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9322.965344] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9322.966930] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:20:44.599255190 UTC
<6>[ 9322.972564] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9322.991015] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9323.033875] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9323.034932] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9323.068144] (7)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23286.133000000
<5>[ 9323.068202] -(7)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23286133000000
<5>[ 9323.071484] (7)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23286.133000000
<5>[ 9323.071538] -(7)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23286133000000
<5>[ 9323.193926] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9323.193999] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9323.221446] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9323.221533] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9323.222484] (7)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9323.222677] (7)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9323.223540] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9323.223606] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9323.231353] (4)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9323.231428] (4)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9323.238841] (6)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:100:K2D]
Scan flags=0x8 [mac]addr=02:00:00:00:00:00 mask=03:00:00:00:00:00 n_ssids=1:
n_channels=13: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<6>[ 9323.238937] (6)[723:wificond][wlan][723]mtk_cfg80211_scan:(REQ INFO)
n_ssid=(1->0) n_channel(13==>13) wildcard=0x1 random_mac=00:0c:e7:a1:31:32
<6>[ 9323.239155] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9323.239216] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scanSetRequestChannel:(SCN
INFO) channel num(13=>13) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00003FFE
<6>[ 9323.239501] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]cnmTimerStartTimer:(CNM INFO)
[WLAN-LP] Start timer 15000 ms -handler(aisFsmRunEventIbssAloneTimeOut
<6>[ 9323.239636] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9323.239709] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:200:D2F] ScanReqV2:
=0,Min=0,Func=0x1,Mac=00:0c:e7:a1:31:32,Ch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<5>[ 9323.247137] (6)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<6>[ 9323.247904] (6)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[8000 us]
<6>[ 9323.248007] -(6)[16786:hif_thread][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<6>[ 9323.259487] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicRxCheckWakeupReason:(RX
INFO) MGMT frame subtype: 5 SeqCtrl 31888 wakeup host
<5>[ 9323.329321] (4)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.331946] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.332058] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.411513] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.411597] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.419641] (6)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.715111] (5)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.745551] (2)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.784960] (6)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<6>[ 9323.789098] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan]
[16785]scanP2pProcessBeaconAndProbeResp:(P2P INFO) indicate [ac:e2:d3:34:94:7e]
[Probe Response][DIRECT-7D-HP DeskJet 3630 seriesh��][ch 6][r 58][t 9023848]
<5>[ 9323.842228] (2)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.881768] (0)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.881849] (0)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.893127] (0)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9323.980767] (6)[2696:Binder:1201_E]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<36>[ 9324.006618] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644909153.685:9836): avc:
denied { search } for comm="ocessService0:0" name="theme" dev="mmcblk0p41" ino=793
scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0 duplicate messages suppressed
<36>[ 9324.006676] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644909645.633:9839): avc:
denied { read } for comm="m.miui.weather2" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<5>[ 9324.008053] (0)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9324.016440] (0)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<31>[ 9324.079381] (7)[394:logd.reader]logd: logdr: UID=10175 GID=10175 PID=2377 n
tail=0 logMask=4 pid=0 start=0ns timeout=0ns
<31>[ 9324.080151] (7)[25121:logd.reader.per]logd: Add, log_reader_count: 3
<31>[ 9324.175264] (5)[25121:logd.reader.per]logd: Del, log_reader_count: 2
<5>[ 9324.203803] (4)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<4>[ 9324.203839] -(4)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarmtimer_enqueue: 22 callbacks
<5>[ 9324.203844] -(4)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23301180000000
<5>[ 9324.233017] (1)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9324.233049] -(1)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23301180000000
<5>[ 9324.240159] (1)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23301.180000000
<5>[ 9324.240191] -(1)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23301180000000
<6>[ 9324.296499] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] scnEventScanDone Version3!size of
ScanDone340,ucCompleteChanCount[13],ucCurrentState7, u4ScanDurBcnCnt[44],Seq[176]
<6>[ 9324.296588] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] 26:
<6>[ 9324.296606] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Country Code = PT, Detected_Channel_Num = 13
<6>[ 9324.296622] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
<6>[ 9324.296647] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
BAndPCnt : 8 0 0 1 2 10 7 0 0 1
15 0 0
<6>[ 9324.296672] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9324.296700] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmRunEventScanDone:(AIS
INFO) ScanDone 176, status(0) native req(176)
<6>[ 9324.296737] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Total:19/26 OPTICENTER-CHAVES; MEO-WiFi; MEO-68074D; gv; MEO-CD0D60;
AFFY_D-LINK; Domingos; DIRECT-7D-HP DeskJet 3630 series; A3-18-A05D7; NOS-49D3;
casadecor; TP-Link_2.4GHz_045D34; NET II; NOS-15D4; AMW-CLIENTES; AMW-CHAVES; MEO-
<6>[ 9324.297305] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] 26:
<6>[ 9324.297336] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Call cfg80211_scan_done (aborted=0)
<6>[ 9324.297401] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9324.297425] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=0 OwnMac=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<6>[ 9324.297476] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicActivateNetwork:(RSN INFO)
[wlan index]=0 OwnMac1=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<5>[ 9324.302037] (0)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9324.302072] -(0)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9324.302089] (0)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9324.303052] (7)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<6>[ 9324.866889] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9325.533492] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 222, 234, 122,
110, 129, 144, 123, 139, success counter cpu: 33, 29, 42, 21, 12, 13, 7, 18, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 46, 31, 41, 23, 15, 14,
12, 22, o: 1-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9325700302170, 9328850228785, 9342627612632,
9325774301555, 9325700000000, 9326328377793, 9325752019632, 9325729651324,
<6>[ 9325.878606] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39368), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9325.878657] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116744,147659030,39368), tx=(26799,21750,5049), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9325.878730] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32906-32906,
9109-9109, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9326.134775] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39368), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9326.134833] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116744,147659030,39368), tx=(26799,21750,5049), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9326.203964] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.204003] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9326.204026] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.204075] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.204086] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9326.204101] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.207977] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.208017] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9326.208036] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.208082] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.208093] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9326.208108] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9326.390664] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9326.391707] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9326.391979] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3750
<5>[ 9326.440641] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.440697] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23346140000000
<5>[ 9326.440743] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.440848] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.440887] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.449228] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.449290] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.449390] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23346.140000000
<5>[ 9326.449428] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9326.753185] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 6, [5]
= 5, [6] = 4, [7] = 5, Total = 20, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9326.753282] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 202, 204, 111, 103, 143, 164, 141,
121, cluster : 110, 12, pause = 30, multi core = 36, latency = 0, residency = 0,
last core = 30, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9327.712879] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9327.712969] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1252, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9328.456034] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<4>[ 9328.456094] -(6)[]alarmtimer_enqueue: 3 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9328.456107] -(6)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9328.456163] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.456272] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23296.391000000
<5>[ 9328.456297] -(6)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23296391000000
<6>[ 9328.729337] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:20:50.361665498 UTC
<6>[ 9328.729370] (1)[1361:miui.fg]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9328.771215] (1)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23291.391000000
<5>[ 9328.771255] -(1)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23291391000000
<5>[ 9328.771344] (1)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23291.391000000
<5>[ 9328.771352] -(1)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23291391000000
<4>[ 9328.838581] done.
<6>[ 9328.839561] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9328.839602] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9328.839703] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9328.845971] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9328.846049] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: alarm
<3>[ 9328.846108] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.006
<6>[ 9328.846121] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9328.853647] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9328.853663] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9328.854002] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2222
<4>[ 9328.854651] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 2 callbacks
<6>[ 9328.854673] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x910, adc_result=1019
<6>[ 9328.855541] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9328.856510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62b, adc_result=693
<6>[ 9328.856966] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x621, adc_result=689
<6>[ 9328.857738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9328.857830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9328.858925] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:20:50.491257421 UTC
<5>[ 9328.861018] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9328.861057] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400001000000
<5>[ 9328.861078] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.864013] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9328.864063] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.865961] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9328.866014] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.866063] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9328.866078] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.979379] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9328.979427] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9328.979495] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9328.979511] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9329.011092] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9329.011137] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9329.022883] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9329.022938] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9329.854816] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9329.854908] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9330.542046] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 80, 61, 37,
45, 174, 188, 153, 111, success counter cpu: 11, 7, 6, 2, 41, 34, 26, 12, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 31, 10, 8, 8, 54, 49,
46, 19, o: 0-6, p: , f: , t: 9330844000000, 9330777026786, 9330776950478,
9330776998171, 9330738443709, 9330759829017, 9330706654171, 9330738287940,
<6>[ 9330.681359] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9331.392548] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<4>[ 9331.392608] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue: 7 callbacks
<5>[ 9331.392621] -(7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400001000000
<5>[ 9331.392672] (7)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9331.440679] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9331.440737] -(4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9331.440779] (4)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9331.767173] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [1]
= 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 25, [5] = 16, [6] = 36, [7] = 18, Total = 101, ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9331.767271] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 80, 62, 39, 42, 157, 132, 115, 99,
cluster : 73, 21, pause = 101, multi core = 99, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 101, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9331.775777] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9331.775822] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 77,
[BY_CLK] = 7,
<5>[ 9331.775857] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9331.775857]
<6>[ 9331.775883] -(7)[0:swapper/7][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9331.876549] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9331.876641] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 26, r13 = 0x46040124, debug_flag = 0x1910f0 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9331.994678] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9331.994736] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9331.994779] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9331.994893] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9331.994916] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9331.994952] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9332.003776] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9332.003831] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9332.003873] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9332.003986] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9332.004025] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9332.281987] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9332.282076] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe400112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9332.591966] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9332.592057] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9332.764591] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9332.764681] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 2022, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x11,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9333.722835] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9333.722925] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6604012c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9334.003942] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<4>[ 9334.003999] -(5)[]alarmtimer_enqueue: 1 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9334.004010] -(5)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9334.004062] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9334.004150] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.000000000
<5>[ 9334.004173] -(5)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400000000000
<5>[ 9334.004208] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<6>[ 9334.099003] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:20:55.731327344 UTC
<6>[ 9334.099046] (4)[1361:miui.fg]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9334.178296] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9334.178351] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400001000000
<5>[ 9334.178379] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9334.178445] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9334.178460] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400001000000
<5>[ 9334.178482] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9334.183265] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9334.183290] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23400001000000
<5>[ 9334.183312] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<5>[ 9334.183363] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9334.183384] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23301.308000000
<4>[ 9334.206623] done.
<6>[ 9334.208073] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9334.208148] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9334.208297] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.013 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9334.222042] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9334.230262] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9334.230286] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9334.230307] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9334.233340] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9334.233400] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]wlanWakeDumpRes:(OID INFO)
[WLAN-LP] CMD(3:4)= 0x03-1 0x11-2 0x14-1 EVENT(2:2)= 0x0d-1 0x07-1
<5>[ 9334.455054] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9334.455111] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9334.466448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9334.466477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9334.466629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9334.468731] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9334.471621] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9334.471641] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9334.471688] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9334.471699] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9334.471732] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9334.472074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9334.474193] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23392762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:22:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:20:55)
<5>[ 9334.477447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:22:32 (1)
<5>[ 9334.477610] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9334.477935] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9334.479281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9334.480007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9334.480476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9334.480501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9334.480882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9334.480902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9334.481565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9334.482044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.752 msecs
<6>[ 9334.487031] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.949 msecs
<6>[ 9334.492096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.020 msecs
<6>[ 9334.492135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9334.517289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.534605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.534634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9334.560560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.578611] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.578638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9334.604321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.622635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.622667] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9334.649378] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.666655] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.666687] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9334.692781] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.710600] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.710630] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9334.744538] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.762586] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.762616] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9334.781191] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9334.798545] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9334.798558] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x881ad80f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 175450, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8c41705f, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x46, 26M_off_pct = 57
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1337
<5>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9334.801900] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 5.357 seconds
<6>[ 9334.801922] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9334.801949] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9334.802195] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9334.803644] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9334.803681] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9334.803728] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9334.803733] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.804133] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.804177] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9334804167179] 2022-02-15
07:21:01.794194 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:21:01.794194
<6>[ 9334.804805] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9334.806085] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9334.806112] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9334.806145] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9334.806150] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.806495] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.807165] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9334.808353] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9334.808381] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9334.808416] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9334.808420] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.808729] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.809576] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9334.811351] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9334.811411] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9334.811479] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9334.811490] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.812075] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.812453] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9334.815291] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9334.817001] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9334.817051] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9334.817107] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9334.817117] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.817642] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.819958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9334.821524] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9334.821576] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9334.821635] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9334.821645] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.822157] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.824764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9334.826331] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9334.826384] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9334.826446] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9334.826456] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9334.827061] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9334.832657] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9334.836116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.177 msecs
<6>[ 9334.839957] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.184 msecs
<5>[ 9334.840351] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9334.841773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9334.841800] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9334.842051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9334.842485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9334.843975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9334.844622] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9334.844684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9334.846083] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9334.846941] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9334.847091] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9334.847790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9334.849566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9334.849643] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9334.849666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9334.850104] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9334.850134] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9334.850177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.183 msecs
<6>[ 9334.853691] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]Restarting tasks ...
<5>[ 9334.864952] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23400.001000000
<5>[ 9334.865040] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24653.162000000
<4>[ 9334.867780] done.
<5>[ 9334.867833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9334.867858] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9334.868226] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1087
<6>[ 9334.869021] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x912, adc_result=1020
<12>[ 9334.869635] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9334.870247] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x654, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9334.871176] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62d, adc_result=694
<6>[ 9334.871870] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x623, adc_result=690
<6>[ 9334.872945] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9334.873081] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9334.873314] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9334.873369] -(7)[1201:system_server][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9334.874310] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:21:01.864328114 UTC
<12>[ 9334.877475] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9334.880282] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9334.981469] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9334.981549] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 563, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9335.276666] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9335.276758] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9335.552742] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 76, 15, 13,
12, 153, 144, 171, 92, success counter cpu: 12, 0, 1, 1, 22, 25, 31, 6, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 33, 0, 3, 0, 37, 38,
52, 16, o: 0-6, p: , f: , t: 9335728883167, 9336025241632, 9355072154171,
9336025241479, 9335900000000, 9335712000000, 9335796700862, 9335744849709,
<6>[ 9335.639568] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9335.658645] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9335.676789] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42635 cur 1458
<6>[ 9335.684078] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42612 cur 2102
<6>[ 9335.691401] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42680 cur 2159
<6>[ 9335.698691] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42652 cur 1835
<6>[ 9335.701928] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9335.702982] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9335.704986] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42629 cur 1779
<6>[ 9335.705022] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9335.706872] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x4763, NOW = 0x4801,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9335.706913] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x64e7, adc_result=4256
<6>[ 9335.706926] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4256(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9335.706966] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9335.754324] -(4)[0:swapper/4][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(0/1)
<6>[ 9335.754423] (4)[0:swapper/4][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_MD wakeup source:(0/1/0)(129)
<6>[ 9336.120129] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39398), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9336.120179] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116794,147679078,39398), tx=(26851,21781,5070), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9336.120252] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32937-32937,
9130-9130, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9336.120576] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9336.376375] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39398), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9336.376422] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116794,147679078,39398), tx=(26851,21781,5070), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9336.804060] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 6, [4]
= 27, [5] = 21, [6] = 28, [7] = 12, Total = 94, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9336.804156] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 55, 13, 11, 11, 117, 145, 123, 55,
cluster : 48, 19, pause = 98, multi core = 95, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 98, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9336.856764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:21:03.846775191 UTC
<6>[ 9336.856814] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9336.970344] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9336.970653] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9336.970846] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9336.985522] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9336.993666] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9336.993690] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9336.993710] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9336.996833] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9337.218943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9337.218999] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9337.230357] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9337.230432] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9337.230535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9337.232625] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9337.235463] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9337.235483] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9337.235531] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9337.235543] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9337.235575] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9337.235910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9337.238035] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23392762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:22:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:21:03)
<5>[ 9337.241256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:22:32 (1)
<5>[ 9337.241419] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9337.241745] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9337.243124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9337.243848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9337.244326] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9337.244351] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9337.244738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9337.244759] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9337.245392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9337.245816] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.036 msecs
<6>[ 9337.250726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.873 msecs
<6>[ 9337.255835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.065 msecs
<6>[ 9337.255873] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9337.281183] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.298478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.298506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9337.324417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.342484] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.342511] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9337.368192] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.386472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.386500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9337.413373] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.430511] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.430543] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9337.452661] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.470472] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.470501] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9337.496399] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.514464] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.514494] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9337.540186] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9337.558421] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9337.558434] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8e650609,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 281739, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x879, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x950f20a7, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x46, 26M_off_pct = 60
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1338
<5>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9337.561491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.601 seconds
<6>[ 9337.561513] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9337.561539] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9337.561758] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9337.562939] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9337.562978] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9337.563025] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9337.563030] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.563502] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.563546] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9337563535492] 2022-02-15
07:21:13.155349 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:21:13.155349
<6>[ 9337.564102] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9337.565399] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9337.565428] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9337.565460] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9337.565465] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.565833] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.566490] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9337.567688] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9337.567716] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9337.567750] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9337.567754] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.568150] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.568949] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9337.570734] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9337.570794] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9337.570863] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9337.570873] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.571462] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.571842] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9337.574797] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9337.576506] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9337.576558] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9337.576615] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9337.576625] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.577145] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.579462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9337.581026] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9337.581078] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9337.581137] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9337.581147] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.581666] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.584304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9337.585867] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9337.585920] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9337.585982] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9337.585992] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9337.586600] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9337.592150] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9337.595608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.176 msecs
<6>[ 9337.599398] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.136 msecs
<5>[ 9337.599799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9337.601215] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9337.601243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9337.601501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9337.601889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9337.603438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9337.604099] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9337.604161] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9337.605578] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9337.606437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9337.606586] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9337.607283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9337.609040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9337.609116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9337.609138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9337.609579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9337.609608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9337.609650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.215 msecs
<6>[ 9337.613179] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9337.627431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9337.627459] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9337.627807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1056
<6>[ 9337.629422] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x912, adc_result=1020
<12>[ 9337.630244] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9337.630447] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x655, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9337.631235] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62e, adc_result=695
<6>[ 9337.632177] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x624, adc_result=690
<12>[ 9337.632225] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9337.633998] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9337.634376] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9337.634516] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9337.634802] -(6)[1250:HwBinder:1201_1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9337.636216] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:21:13.228018498 UTC
<12>[ 9337.641120] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9337.654571] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9337.654848] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9337.736336] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9337.736427] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 266, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9337.868925] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9337.886573] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9337.930254] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9337.931495] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9338.614770] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:21:14.206566652 UTC
<6>[ 9338.614819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9338.730463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9338.730518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9338.730702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9338.745692] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9338.753911] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9338.753935] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9338.753956] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9338.756990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9338.978808] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9338.978866] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9338.990199] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9338.990228] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9338.990381] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9338.992557] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9338.995443] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9338.995466] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9338.995516] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9338.995526] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9338.995559] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9338.995888] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9338.998029] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23392762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:22:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:21:13)
<5>[ 9339.001283] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:22:31 (1)
<5>[ 9339.001449] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9339.001771] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9339.003112] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9339.003836] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9339.004313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9339.004337] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9339.004722] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9339.004742] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9339.005382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9339.005782] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.843 msecs
<6>[ 9339.010908] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.087 msecs
<6>[ 9339.015972] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.017 msecs
<6>[ 9339.016010] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9339.041077] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.058405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.058433] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9339.084266] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.102344] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.102372] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9339.128067] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.146347] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.146375] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9339.173098] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.190349] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.190378] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9339.216515] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.234370] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.234397] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9339.260196] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.278333] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.278362] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9339.296080] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9339.314421] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9339.314434] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x966b9f3d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 2525788, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd226ca30,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1339
<5>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9339.317450] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 77.087 seconds
<6>[ 9339.317473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9339.317500] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9339.317857] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9339.319049] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9339.319083] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9339.319131] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9339.319136] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.319661] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.319706] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9339319696188] 2022-02-15
07:22:31.998672 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:22:31.998672
<6>[ 9339.320282] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9339.321569] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9339.321598] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9339.321634] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9339.321639] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.322011] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<4>[ 9339.322097] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 23256 ( no longer affine
to cpu4
<6>[ 9339.322679] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9339.323886] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9339.323913] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9339.323949] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9339.323954] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.324353] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.325124] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9339.326927] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9339.326988] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9339.327058] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9339.327068] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.327659] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.328038] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9339.330856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9339.332577] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9339.332628] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9339.332683] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9339.332693] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.333223] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.335550] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9339.337143] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9339.337196] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9339.337254] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9339.337263] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.337778] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.340395] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9339.341966] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9339.342018] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9339.342080] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9339.342090] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9339.342830] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.348384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9339.351826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.157 msecs
<5>[ 9339.352261] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9339.352316] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9339.352348] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9339.352406] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9339.355832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.201 msecs
<5>[ 9339.356227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9339.357631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9339.357874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9339.358211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9339.358599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9339.360101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9339.360757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9339.360820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9339.362270] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9339.363149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9339.363301] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9339.364010] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9339.365770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9339.365847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9339.365871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9339.366400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9339.366430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9339.366473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.606 msecs
<6>[ 9339.369950] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<4>[ 9339.375151] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv]alarmtimer_enqueue: 2 callbacks
<5>[ 9339.375177] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23992762388583
<12>[ 9339.377068] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9339.384584] done.
<5>[ 9339.384637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9339.384661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9339.385033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -697
<6>[ 9339.385545] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x91b, adc_result=1024
<6>[ 9339.386906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9339.387543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x630, adc_result=696
<6>[ 9339.388370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x627, adc_result=692
<12>[ 9339.392811] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9339.396431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9339.396593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9339.396895] -(5)[6414:Binder:1201_1F][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9339.398533] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:22:32.077496502 UTC
<6>[ 9339.417263] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9339.434522] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9339.477774] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9339.478837] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9339.602821] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9339.628156] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9339.628248] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 265, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9339.990470] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:22:32.669435194 UTC
<6>[ 9339.990514] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9340.099126] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9340.099170] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9340.099284] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9340.107790] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9340.114049] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9340.114059] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9340.114067] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9340.116946] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9340.338682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9340.338739] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9340.350079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9340.350108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9340.350257] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9340.352331] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9340.355169] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9340.355190] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9340.355237] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9340.355248] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9340.355280] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9340.355623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9340.357742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23400001000000
to 2022/02/15 07:22:38 (now = 2022/02/15 07:22:32)
<5>[ 9340.361029] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:22:39 (1)
<5>[ 9340.361186] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9340.361523] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9340.362871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9340.363594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9340.364070] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9340.364094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9340.364483] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9340.364503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9340.365119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9340.365445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.549 msecs
<6>[ 9340.370356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.874 msecs
<6>[ 9340.375425] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.026 msecs
<6>[ 9340.375463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9340.400929] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.418220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.418248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9340.444087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.462231] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.462259] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9340.487921] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.506221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.506249] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9340.533091] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.550253] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.550285] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9340.568331] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.586261] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.586292] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9340.612051] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.630241] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.630270] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9340.656482] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9340.674203] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9340.674225] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd334ada3,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 217508, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x10000,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd859c426, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46,
26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1340
<5>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9340.677177] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 6.640 seconds
<6>[ 9340.677200] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9340.677228] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9340.677481] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9340.678662] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9340.678699] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9340.678746] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9340.678751] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.679223] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.679267] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9340679256575] 2022-02-15
07:22:39.998863 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:22:39.998863
<6>[ 9340.679811] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9340.681109] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9340.681137] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9340.681170] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9340.681175] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.681539] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.682197] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9340.683402] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9340.683430] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9340.683465] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9340.683470] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.683865] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.684641] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9340.686422] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9340.686482] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9340.686550] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9340.686560] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.687148] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.687527] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9340.690462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9340.692165] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9340.692215] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9340.692271] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9340.692281] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.692804] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.695126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9340.696711] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9340.696763] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9340.696822] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9340.696832] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.697342] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.699950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9340.701509] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9340.701563] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9340.701625] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9340.701635] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9340.702244] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9340.707809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9340.711255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.159 msecs
<5>[ 9340.711689] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9340.711745] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9340.711777] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9340.711837] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9340.715111] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9340.715503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9340.716923] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9340.716951] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9340.717204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9340.717595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9340.719153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9340.719802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9340.719864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9340.721276] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9340.722124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9340.722275] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9340.722975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9340.724726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9340.724804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9340.724826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9340.725239] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 66, 20, 23,
25, 151, 128, 139, 116, success counter cpu: 12, 0, 5, 3, 13, 14, 27, 10, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 24, 3, 4, 1, 25, 26,
37, 20, o: 2-3, p: , f: , t: 9340952000000, 9360945288402, 9360947581710,
9360949908094, 9340892000000, 9340896000000, 9340896000000, 9340892000000,
<6>[ 9340.725276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9340.725306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9340.725347] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.201 msecs
<6>[ 9340.728804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9340.742985] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9340.743014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9340.743377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -713
<6>[ 9340.744005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x91d, adc_result=1025
<6>[ 9340.745081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x659, adc_result=714
<5>[ 9340.745269] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23623.398000000
<5>[ 9340.745302] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23623398000000
<5>[ 9340.745344] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23421.308000000
<6>[ 9340.747094] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x631, adc_result=696
<6>[ 9340.747633] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x627, adc_result=692
<6>[ 9340.750315] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9340.750453] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9340.750740] -(5)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9340.751672] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:22:40.071268656 UTC
<12>[ 9340.753517] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9340.755790] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9340.757644] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9340.760550] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23623.398000000
<5>[ 9340.760601] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23623398000000
<5>[ 9340.760641] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23421.308000000
<12>[ 9340.767853] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9340.783399] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9340.795628] (6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23623.398000000
<5>[ 9340.795672] -(6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23623398000000
<5>[ 9340.795701] (6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23421.308000000
<6>[ 9340.802379] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9340.806746] -(4)[1413:ndroid.systemui][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD
<6>[ 9340.814229] (6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<6>[ 9340.845419] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9340.846481] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9340.852949] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:22:40.172546117 UTC
<6>[ 9340.852985] (7)[59:conn-md-thread]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9340.857059] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][CONN-MD-DFT][I]conn_md_log_print_msg:send
message to Modem, 9316.541
<6>[ 9340.857184] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9340.863166] -(7)[0:swapper/7]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 77 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9340.863187] -(7)[0:swapper/7]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9340.882123] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24936 usec
<6>[ 9340.959659] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9340.959751] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 175, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9340.960626] done.
<6>[ 9340.962162] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9340.962230] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9340.962428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9340.973064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9340.973185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccci_ipc_3
<3>[ 9340.973263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9340.973289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9340.984470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9340.984496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9340.984866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1298
<6>[ 9340.985623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x91a, adc_result=1023
<6>[ 9340.988378] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9340.988510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9340.989756] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:22:40.309351502 UTC
<6>[ 9341.238251] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9341.495853] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9341.497390] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9341.497751] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3750
<5>[ 9341.812397] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [4]
= 18, [5] = 15, [6] = 19, [7] = 5, Total = 58, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9341.812466] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 89, 26, 34, 34, 127, 118, 138, 121,
cluster : 96, 26, pause = 80, multi core = 85, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 80, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9342.363351] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:22:41.682941733 UTC
<6>[ 9342.363400] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9342.471406] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9342.471461] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9342.471630] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.012 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9342.484344] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9342.492535] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9342.492559] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9342.492579] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9342.495731] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9342.506282] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9342.506321] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 87,
[BY_CLK] = 7,
<5>[ 9342.506357] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9342.506357]
<6>[ 9342.506383] -(7)[0:swapper/7][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<5>[ 9342.718544] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9342.718603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9342.729934] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9342.729963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9342.730114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9342.732191] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9342.735030] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9342.735052] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9342.735100] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9342.735110] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9342.735143] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9342.735468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9342.737570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23472227000000
to 2022/02/15 07:23:50 (now = 2022/02/15 07:22:41)
<5>[ 9342.740823] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:23:51 (1)
<5>[ 9342.740990] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9342.741311] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9342.742672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9342.743396] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9342.743870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9342.743895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9342.744283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9342.744304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9342.744968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9342.745371] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.686 msecs
<6>[ 9342.750315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.906 msecs
<6>[ 9342.755479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.120 msecs
<6>[ 9342.755517] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9342.780773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9342.798094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9342.798123] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9342.823917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9342.842102] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9342.842129] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9342.867819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9342.886094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9342.886122] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9342.912993] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9342.930126] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9342.930158] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9342.948237] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9342.966137] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9342.966167] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9342.991890] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9343.010083] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9343.010112] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<4>[ 9343.034038] -(7)[0:swapper/7]process 23334 (Chrome_IOThread) no longer affine
to cpu4
<5>[ 9343.036701] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9343.054090] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9343.054105] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xda320a30,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 264940, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x879, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xe0767c3a, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x46, 26M_off_pct = 55
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1341
<5>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9343.057135] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.089 seconds
<6>[ 9343.057157] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9343.057184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9343.057406] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9343.058587] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9343.058622] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9343.058670] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9343.058675] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.059148] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.059191] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9343059181042] 2022-02-15
07:22:50.467948 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:22:50.467948
<6>[ 9343.059750] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9343.061045] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9343.061073] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9343.061105] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9343.061110] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.061472] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.062119] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9343.063322] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9343.063351] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9343.063383] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9343.063388] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.063778] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.064561] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9343.066349] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9343.066409] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9343.066477] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9343.066487] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.067071] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.067451] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9343.070530] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9343.072234] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9343.072284] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9343.072339] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9343.072349] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.072865] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.075185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9343.076758] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9343.076810] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9343.076872] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9343.076882] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.077389] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.080008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9343.081578] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9343.081630] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9343.081691] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9343.081700] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9343.082304] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9343.087860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9343.091278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.141 msecs
<6>[ 9343.095093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.156 msecs
<5>[ 9343.095481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9343.096886] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9343.096915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9343.097164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9343.097560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9343.099125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9343.099786] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9343.099848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9343.101318] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9343.102196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9343.102344] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9343.103037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9343.103818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9343.103895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9343.103919] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9343.104356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9343.104385] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9343.104428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 9.299
<6>[ 9343.107889] (5)[59:conn-md-thread]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9343.108674] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9343.114733] -(6)[605:ccci_mdinit]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 15 callbacks
<4>[ 9343.114772] -(6)[605:ccci_mdinit]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9343.116680] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9343.121858] done.
<5>[ 9343.122020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9343.122044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9343.122416] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1100
<4>[ 9343.122969] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9343.123004] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x91b, adc_result=1024
<6>[ 9343.124996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9343.125688] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x62f, adc_result=695
<6>[ 9343.126906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x625, adc_result=691
<12>[ 9343.127640] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9343.129575] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9343.131599] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9343.132322] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9343.132414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9343.132698] -(7)[25168:Thread-445][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9343.133531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:22:50.542290425 UTC
<6>[ 9343.134047] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 25377 usec
<4>[ 9343.193660] -(6)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 20 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9343.193677] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9343.422904] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9343.422996] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 229, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9344.113789] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9344.118127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:22:51.526882656 UTC
<6>[ 9344.118163] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9344.134201] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9344.177877] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9344.179117] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9344.232359] done.
<6>[ 9344.234002] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9344.234061] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9344.234244] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9344.249105] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9344.257301] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9344.257325] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9344.257346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9344.260384] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9344.482421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9344.482476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9344.493807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9344.493836] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9344.493986] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9344.496062] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9344.498896] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9344.498916] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9344.498964] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9344.498975] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9344.499007] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9344.499346] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9344.501468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23472227000000
to 2022/02/15 07:23:50 (now = 2022/02/15 07:22:50)
<5>[ 9344.504787] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:23:51 (1)
<5>[ 9344.504943] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9344.505276] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9344.506618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9344.507341] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9344.507816] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9344.507840] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9344.508227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9344.508247] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9344.508889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9344.509287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.953 msecs
<6>[ 9344.514256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.931 msecs
<6>[ 9344.519327] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.025 msecs
<6>[ 9344.519365] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9344.544662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.561968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.561996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9344.587948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.605968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.605995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9344.631714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.649975] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.650007] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9344.676862] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.693962] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.693990] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9344.716277] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.733964] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.733992] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9344.767897] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.785967] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.785996] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9344.811691] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9344.829966] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9344.829979] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xe1d6eadf,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x46
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 1958019, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1024e082,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47, 26M_off_pct = 87
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1342
<5>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9344.832989] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 59.759 seconds
<6>[ 9344.833011] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9344.833038] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9344.833422] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9344.834607] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9344.834643] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9344.834692] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9344.834697] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.835157] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.835201] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9344835191046] 2022-02-15
07:23:52.3449 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:23:52.3449
<6>[ 9344.835754] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9344.837062] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9344.837090] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9344.837123] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9344.837128] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.837491] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.838117] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9344.839322] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9344.839350] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9344.839383] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9344.839387] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.839779] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.840550] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9344.842351] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9344.842410] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9344.842479] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9344.842489] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.843073] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.843451] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9344.846273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9344.847992] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9344.848043] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9344.848098] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9344.848107] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.848632] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.850963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9344.852538] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9344.852590] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9344.852649] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9344.852658] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.853165] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.855774] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9344.857350] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9344.857403] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9344.857464] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9344.857473] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9344.858191] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9344.863629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9344.867078] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.168 msecs
<5>[ 9344.867519] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9344.867575] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9344.867611] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9344.867668] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9344.870921] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.186 msecs
<5>[ 9344.871323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9344.872758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9344.873058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9344.873315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9344.873718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9344.875287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9344.875943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9344.876006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9344.877478] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9344.878363] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9344.878512] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9344.879220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9344.880989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9344.881066] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9344.881089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9344.881525] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9344.881553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9344.881595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.639 msecs
<6>[ 9344.885140] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9344.891849] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9344.895914] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9344.899134] done.
<5>[ 9344.899179] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9344.899204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<6>[ 9344.899350] (0)[6915:HwBinder:541_2][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: STP speed rx:0 tx:4
<6>[ 9344.899373] (0)[6915:HwBinder:541_2][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: Low speed,Enable monitor
<5>[ 9344.899657] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -760
<5>[ 9344.899924] -(1)[4180:bt_hci_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 1073741824000000000
<6>[ 9344.900243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x928, adc_result=1030
<6>[ 9344.901942] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x659, adc_result=714
<6>[ 9344.902669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x632, adc_result=696
<5>[ 9344.903678] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23623.398000000
<5>[ 9344.903727] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23623398000000
<5>[ 9344.903774] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23580.530000000
<5>[ 9344.904581] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23623.398000000
<5>[ 9344.904624] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23623398000000
<5>[ 9344.904664] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23580.530000000
<5>[ 9344.905298] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23725.676000000
<5>[ 9344.905338] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23725676000000
<5>[ 9344.905377] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23580.530000000
<6>[ 9344.906368] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x629, adc_result=693
<5>[ 9344.906532] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23725.676000000
<5>[ 9344.906563] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23725676000000
<5>[ 9344.906603] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23580.530000000
<6>[ 9344.907496] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<4>[ 9344.907626] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9344.907643] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9344.907929] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9344.908868] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:23:52.077113121 UTC
<6>[ 9345.011415] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9345.011496] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 421, r13 = 0xc604012c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9345.033329] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:23:52.201570044 UTC
<6>[ 9345.033377] (5)[205:chre_kthread]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<3>[ 9345.034277] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9345.037254] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<3>[ 9345.038501] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<3>[ 9345.042685] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<3>[ 9345.046932] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9345.054085] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9345.097430] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9345.098512] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9345.144326] done.
<6>[ 9345.145964] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9345.146018] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9345.146201] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9345.161080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9345.169258] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9345.169282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9345.169303] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9345.172337] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9345.394650] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9345.394706] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9345.406115] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9345.406144] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9345.406243] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9345.408338] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9345.411185] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9345.411537] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9345.413656] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23725676000000
to 2022/02/15 07:28:03 (now = 2022/02/15 07:23:51)
<5>[ 9345.416878] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:28:04 (1)
<5>[ 9345.417045] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9345.417367] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9345.418713] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9345.419435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9345.419909] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9345.419934] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9345.420321] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9345.420341] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9345.420962] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9345.421363] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.077 msecs
<6>[ 9345.426319] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.919 msecs
<6>[ 9345.431413] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.049 msecs
<6>[ 9345.431450] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9345.456558] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.473841] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.473869] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9345.499769] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.517837] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.517864] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9345.543567] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.561837] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.561865] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9345.588567] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.605834] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.605863] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9345.632008] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.649886] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.649916] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9345.675722] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.693815] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.693844] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9345.719677] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9345.737836] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9345.737850] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x10d9205c,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 1907250, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3df3d5ba, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x47, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1343
<5>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x2
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9345.740786] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 58.210 seconds
<6>[ 9345.740807] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9345.740834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9345.741057] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9345.742245] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9345.742283] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9345.742331] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9345.742336] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.742809] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.743381] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9345.744661] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9345.744687] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9345.744720] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9345.744724] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.745084] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.745742] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9345.746937] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9345.746965] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9345.747001] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9345.747005] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.747399] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.748206] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9345.749977] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9345.750037] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9345.750106] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9345.750116] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.750698] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.751083] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9345.754134] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9345.755841] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9345.755891] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9345.755947] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9345.755957] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.756477] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.758817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9345.760388] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9345.760438] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9345.760501] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9345.760510] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.761027] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.763633] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9345.765185] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9345.765237] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9345.765299] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9345.765309] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9345.765928] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9345.771491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9345.773531] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9345.773548] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9345.773790] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9345.773803] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9345.775123] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.350 msecs
<6>[ 9345.775762] (6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cif]CCIF_MD wakeup source:
<6>[ 9345.776081] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9345.778988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.223 msecs
<5>[ 9345.779394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9345.780833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9345.780862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9345.781116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9345.781502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<4>[ 9345.782250] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 40 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9345.783567] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9345.783560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9345.784967] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9345.785877] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9345.786029] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9345.786726] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9345.788491] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9345.788570] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9345.788594] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9345.788961] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9345.788993] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9345.789010] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 113, 33, 35,
36, 138, 152, 130, 98, success counter cpu: 18, 0, 3, 4, 10, 26, 11, 3, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 43, 1, 4, 3, 28, 41,
26, 7, o: 1-4, p: , f: , t: 9346060874941, 9346440700001, 9366011504864,
9366013821402, 9366017155633, 9345956000000, 9345956000000, 9345956000000,
<6>[ 9345.789048] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9345.789077] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9345.789120] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.096 msecs
<6>[ 9345.790047] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: CONNSYS
<6>[ 9345.790073] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd]query current consys chipid (0x6765)
<6>[ 9345.790100] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[I]consys_resume_dump_info:0x180c1340: 0x4a
<6>[ 9345.792699] (6)[59:conn-md-thread]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9345.801886] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 25801 usec
<4>[ 9345.807479] done.
<5>[ 9345.807533] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9345.807558] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9345.807907] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2018
<6>[ 9345.808495] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x93f, adc_result=1040
<12>[ 9345.812459] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=19.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9345.812705] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9345.812821] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9345.813110] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<12>[ 9345.814655] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9345.814689] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:24:51.193374817 UTC
<12>[ 9345.816402] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<3>[ 9345.823878] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<12>[ 9345.826309] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<3>[ 9345.828208] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9345.832461] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<3>[ 9345.837052] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:9, tail:10
<3>[ 9345.841401] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9345.846059] -(5)[2327:Binder:2306_3][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(0/1)
<6>[ 9345.846127] (5)[2327:Binder:2306_3][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_MD wakeup source:
<6>[ 9345.967079] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9345.967136] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 128, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9346.359305] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39401), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9346.359355] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116802,147680017,39401), tx=(26860,21789,5071), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9346.359428] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32945-32945,
9131-9131, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9346.359757] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9346.614110] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39401), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9346.614158] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116802,147680017,39401), tx=(26860,21789,5071), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9346.614446] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9346.633910] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9346.677930] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9346.679013] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9346.814291] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 4, [3]
= 1, [4] = 18, [5] = 12, [6] = 22, [7] = 3, Total = 60, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9346.814389] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 104, 39, 28, 33, 115, 113, 111, 84,
cluster : 106, 33, pause = 86, multi core = 82, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 86, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9347.225021] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9347.225113] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9347.356389] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:24:52.735072201 UTC
<6>[ 9347.356439] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9347.468451] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9347.468503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9347.468694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9347.483444] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9347.491669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9347.491693] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9347.491715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9347.494790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9347.718167] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9347.718224] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9347.729555] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9347.729585] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9347.729737] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9347.731807] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9347.734647] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9347.734668] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9347.734716] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9347.734727] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9347.734759] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9347.735083] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9347.737218] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23725676000000
to 2022/02/15 07:28:04 (now = 2022/02/15 07:24:52)
<5>[ 9347.740467] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:28:05 (1)
<5>[ 9347.740629] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9347.740956] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9347.742311] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9347.743031] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9347.743506] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9347.743529] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9347.743917] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9347.743938] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9347.744586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9347.745002] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.261 msecs
<6>[ 9347.750009] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.968 msecs
<6>[ 9347.755079] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.024 msecs
<6>[ 9347.755119] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9347.780432] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9347.797718] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9347.797746] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9347.823667] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9347.841716] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9347.841745] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9347.867436] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9347.885713] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9347.885741] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9347.912453] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9347.929714] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9347.929743] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9347.955876] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9347.973763] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9347.973793] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9347.999522] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9348.017686] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9348.017716] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<4>[ 9348.029648] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 23290 (GoogleApiHandle) no longer affine
to cpu4
<5>[ 9348.044272] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9348.061657] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9348.061670] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3fc0f919,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 277986, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x879, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x46545d62, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x47, 26M_off_pct = 55
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1344
<5>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9348.064612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.487 seconds
<6>[ 9348.064634] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9348.064661] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9348.064883] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9348.066067] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9348.066105] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9348.066154] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9348.066158] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.066632] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.066676] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9348066665822] 2022-02-15
07:25:01.932585 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:25:01.932585
<6>[ 9348.067229] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9348.068527] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9348.068553] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9348.068585] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9348.068589] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.068953] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.069610] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9348.070807] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9348.070833] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9348.070866] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9348.070871] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.071264] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.072057] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9348.073838] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9348.073899] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9348.073968] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9348.073978] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.074558] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.074935] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9348.078009] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9348.079722] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9348.079772] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9348.079825] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9348.079835] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.080352] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.082681] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9348.084245] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9348.084297] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9348.084357] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9348.084366] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.084872] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.087488] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9348.089049] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9348.089101] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9348.089163] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9348.089173] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9348.089782] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9348.095372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9348.098855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.196 msecs
<6>[ 9348.102695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.186 msecs
<5>[ 9348.103091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9348.104518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9348.104781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9348.105034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9348.105423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9348.106914] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9348.107554] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9348.107617] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9348.109027] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9348.109918] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9348.110071] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9348.110768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9348.112520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9348.112595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9348.112619] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9348.113074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9348.113103] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9348.113144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.413 msecs
<6>[ 9348.116637] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9348.126201] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9348.130490] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9348.131077] done.
<5>[ 9348.131108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9348.131130] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9348.131484] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1021
<4>[ 9348.132647] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9348.132680] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x948, adc_result=1044
<6>[ 9348.133211] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9348.133903] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x65a, adc_result=714
<6>[ 9348.136150] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x633, adc_result=697
<6>[ 9348.138031] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x629, adc_result=693
<12>[ 9348.138656] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9348.139375] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9348.139525] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9348.139814] -(7)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9348.141218] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:25:02.007126355 UTC
<12>[ 9348.142051] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9348.154114] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9348.165196] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9348.171241] -(7)[0:swapper/7]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 13 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9348.171275] -(7)[0:swapper/7]btif_bbs_write: 24 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9348.189851] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24660 usec
<6>[ 9348.197221] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9348.198298] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9348.274721] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9348.274813] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 984, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9349.115736] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:25:02.981639894 UTC
<6>[ 9349.115785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9349.229024] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9349.229079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9349.229265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9349.244206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9349.252419] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9349.252442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9349.252463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9349.255561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9349.478040] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9349.478096] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9349.489430] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9349.489459] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9349.489608] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9349.491698] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9349.494541] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9349.494563] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9349.494611] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9349.494622] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9349.494655] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9349.494997] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9349.497138] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23725676000000
to 2022/02/15 07:28:04 (now = 2022/02/15 07:25:02)
<5>[ 9349.500392] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:28:05 (1)
<5>[ 9349.500553] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9349.500881] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9349.502231] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9349.502954] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9349.503430] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9349.503454] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9349.503843] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9349.503864] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9349.504473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9349.504932] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.419 msecs
<6>[ 9349.509867] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.899 msecs
<6>[ 9349.514962] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.052 msecs
<6>[ 9349.515000] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9349.540331] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.557584] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.557613] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9349.583448] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.601584] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.601613] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9349.627294] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.645576] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.645605] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9349.672456] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.689632] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.689664] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9349.715793] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.733635] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.733666] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9349.767453] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.785570] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.785599] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9349.811794] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9349.829527] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9349.829540] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x47b338bb,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 3703354, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9f47a56d, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x47, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1345
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46389)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/17/6/4/0
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9349.832497] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 113.027 seconds
<6>[ 9349.832519] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9349.832546] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9349.832861] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9349.834050] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9349.834087] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9349.834135] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9349.834139] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.834615] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.834660] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9349834649518] 2022-02-15
07:26:56.727946 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:26:56.727946
<6>[ 9349.835218] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9349.836521] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9349.836548] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9349.836581] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9349.836586] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.836954] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.837638] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9349.838851] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9349.838880] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9349.838917] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9349.838921] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.839321] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.840110] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9349.841916] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9349.841976] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9349.842046] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9349.842056] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.842644] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.843025] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9349.845844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9349.847562] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9349.847611] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9349.847667] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9349.847676] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.848202] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.850543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9349.852128] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9349.852180] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9349.852241] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9349.852251] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.852767] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.855375] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9349.856946] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9349.856999] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9349.857061] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9349.857070] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9349.857798] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9349.863274] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9349.866845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.288 msecs
<4>[ 9349.867371] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 1 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9349.867387] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9349.870717] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.215 msecs
<5>[ 9349.871112] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9349.871484] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<5>[ 9349.872547] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9349.872778] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9349.873036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9349.873491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9349.874999] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9349.875560] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9349.875646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9349.875708] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9349.877181] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9349.878136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9349.878286] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9349.878994] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9349.879747] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9349.880768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9349.880838] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9349.880861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9349.881300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9349.881329] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9349.881456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.704 msecs
<3>[ 9349.883854] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9349.884934] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9349.887984] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<3>[ 9349.892378] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<12>[ 9349.894856] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<3>[ 9349.896857] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<12>[ 9349.897525] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=18.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9349.899232] done.
<5>[ 9349.899278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9349.899301] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9349.899675] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -788
<5>[ 9349.900050] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 23725.676000000
<4>[ 9349.900086] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue: 3 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9349.900098] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 23725676000000
<5>[ 9349.900149] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24823.377000000
<6>[ 9349.901159] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x98d, adc_result=1074
<3>[ 9349.901317] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9349.902781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x662, adc_result=718
<4>[ 9349.902881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:It is
long time (prev(1644909644), now(1644910016), > 300 sec) not to query, query temp
<6>[ 9349.903023] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<3>[ 9349.905773] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<4>[ 9349.909157] -(5)[0:swapper/5]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9349.929638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26603 usec
<4>[ 9349.936787] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x10
<6>[ 9349.937607] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63c, adc_result=701
<6>[ 9349.938061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x632, adc_result=696
<6>[ 9349.938891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9349.939005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9349.939294] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9349.940205] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:26:56.833492516 UTC
<6>[ 9349.945226] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9349.965745] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9350.009375] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9350.010633] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9350.068237] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:26:56.961517285 UTC
<6>[ 9350.068287] -(6)[0:swapper/6]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9350.114739] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9350.114839] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 232, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9350.173758] done.
<6>[ 9350.175227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9350.175281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9350.175475] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9350.190356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9350.198697] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9350.198720] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9350.198742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9350.201760] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9350.421913] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9350.421968] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9350.433317] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9350.433345] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9350.433496] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9350.435589] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9350.438436] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9350.438786] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9350.440943] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23725676000000
to 2022/02/15 07:28:04 (now = 2022/02/15 07:26:56)
<5>[ 9350.444191] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:28:05 (1)
<5>[ 9350.444353] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9350.444680] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9350.446027] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9350.446753] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9350.447227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9350.447252] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9350.447638] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9350.447659] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9350.448278] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9350.448704] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.989 msecs
<6>[ 9350.453635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.893 msecs
<6>[ 9350.458739] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.059 msecs
<6>[ 9350.458778] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9350.484174] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.501456] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.501485] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9350.527315] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.545453] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.545481] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9350.571189] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.589449] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.589477] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9350.608239] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.625509] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.625541] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9350.651597] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.669455] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.669483] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9350.703317] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.721441] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.721469] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9350.739684] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9350.757410] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9350.757423] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9fffdae9,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 2239931, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd4f89d28,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1346
<5>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9350.760346] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 68.363 seconds
<6>[ 9350.760369] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9350.760396] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9350.760721] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9350.761911] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9350.761948] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9350.761997] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9350.762002] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.762472] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.763056] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9350.764355] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9350.764386] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9350.764418] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9350.764423] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.764793] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.765451] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9350.766666] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9350.766698] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9350.766735] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9350.766739] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.767135] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.767918] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9350.769721] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9350.769783] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9350.769853] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9350.769863] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.770447] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.770829] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9350.773706] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9350.775429] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9350.775481] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9350.775539] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9350.775548] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.776065] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.778409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9350.779985] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9350.780038] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9350.780098] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9350.780107] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.780619] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.783220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9350.784795] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9350.784849] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9350.784910] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9350.784919] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9350.785536] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9350.791084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9350.793145] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9350.793163] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9350.793409] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9350.793422] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9350.794763] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.397 msecs
<5>[ 9350.795181] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9350.795235] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9350.795268] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9350.795328] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9350.798687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.207 msecs
<5>[ 9350.799078] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9350.800489] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9350.800795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9350.801061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9350.801513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9350.803029] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9350.803676] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9350.803797] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9350.805316] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9350.806117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9350.806271] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9350.806978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9350.808768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9350.808846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9350.808869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9350.809361] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 92, 32, 26,
35, 130, 119, 116, 71, success counter cpu: 28, 8, 2, 4, 11, 7, 12, 3, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 36, 6, 0, 4, 30, 15, 30, 10, o:
1-3, p: , f: , t: 9351019741633, 9371029276095, 9371031596480, 9371033940864,
9350980000000, 9350980000000, 9350980000000, 9350980000000,
<6>[ 9350.809392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9350.809424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9350.809466] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.745 msecs
<6>[ 9350.812968] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9350.823445] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=17.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9350.827217] done.
<5>[ 9350.827272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9350.827296] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9350.827648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -638
<6>[ 9350.828273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0x9bc, adc_result=1095
<6>[ 9350.829865] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<12>[ 9350.831327] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=17.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9350.834217] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.000000000
<5>[ 9350.834267] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24000000000000
<5>[ 9350.834302] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24823.377000000
<12>[ 9350.835204] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9350.836095] -(4)[369:ueventd]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 38 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9350.837849] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9350.858582] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 28710 usec
<4>[ 9350.869029] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x10
<6>[ 9350.872699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9350.872783] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9350.873063] -(6)[587:lmkd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9350.873844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:28:06.130867057 UTC
<5>[ 9350.880618] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.000000000
<5>[ 9350.880661] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24000000000000
<5>[ 9350.880694] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<5>[ 9350.895199] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.000000000
<5>[ 9350.895241] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24000000000000
<5>[ 9350.895270] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<5>[ 9350.901655] (5)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.000000000
<5>[ 9350.901695] -(5)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24000000000000
<5>[ 9350.901722] (5)[3770:Binder:1201_1C]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<6>[ 9350.905750] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9350.910743] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.000000000
<5>[ 9350.910795] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<6>[ 9350.925595] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9350.968615] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9350.969683] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9351.022933] (5)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.001000000
<5>[ 9351.022983] (5)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<5>[ 9351.023525] (5)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.001000000
<5>[ 9351.023569] (5)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 23781.307000000
<6>[ 9351.474040] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9351.474131] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 877, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9351.675808] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9351.707823] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:28:06.964836442 UTC
<6>[ 9351.707948] (4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9351.818469] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [3]
= 1, [4] = 30, [5] = 9, [6] = 8, [7] = 3, Total = 52, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9351.818573] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 146, 84, 65, 55, 99, 125, 96, 84,
cluster : 129, 19, pause = 68, multi core = 66, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 68, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9351.818649] done.
<6>[ 9351.820139] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9351.820205] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9351.820393] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9351.835157] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9351.843196] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9351.843219] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9351.843241] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9351.846261] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9352.069790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9352.069847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9352.081180] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9352.081208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9352.081361] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9352.083452] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9352.086357] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9352.086378] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9352.086428] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9352.086439] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9352.086472] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9352.086808] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9352.088955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23992762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:32:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:28:06)
<5>[ 9352.092203] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:32:32 (1)
<5>[ 9352.092359] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9352.092692] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9352.094031] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9352.094757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9352.095234] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9352.095260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9352.095648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9352.095668] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9352.096322] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9352.096700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.486 msecs
<6>[ 9352.101725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.988 msecs
<6>[ 9352.106853] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.083 msecs
<6>[ 9352.106891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9352.132110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.149348] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.149376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9352.175225] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.193332] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.193360] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9352.219074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.237333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.237361] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9352.264234] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.281368] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.281400] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9352.303528] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.321330] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.321360] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9352.347408] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.365335] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.365363] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9352.390973] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9352.409276] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9352.409290] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd6407e26,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x47
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7535512, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag =
0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b,
req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095,
wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8874c56a,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48, 26M_off_pct = 90
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1347
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46410)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/17/6/4/0
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9352.412419] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 229.983 seconds
<6>[ 9352.412441] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9352.412468] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9352.412780] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9352.413960] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9352.413995] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9352.414041] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9352.414046] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.414446] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.414490] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9352414479600] 2022-02-15
07:31:57.654775 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:31:57.654775
<6>[ 9352.415118] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9352.416418] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9352.416448] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9352.416482] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9352.416487] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.416793] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.417497] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9352.418708] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9352.418739] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9352.418774] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9352.418779] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.419100] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.419936] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9352.421739] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9352.421800] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9352.421869] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9352.421879] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.422470] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.422846] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9352.425785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9352.427505] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9352.427556] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9352.427613] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9352.427623] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.428146] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.430472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9352.432058] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9352.432108] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9352.432168] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9352.432177] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.432708] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.435390] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9352.436964] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9352.437018] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9352.437080] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9352.437089] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9352.437662] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9352.443426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9352.446884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.171 msecs
<6>[ 9352.450746] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.204 msecs
<5>[ 9352.451136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9352.452562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9352.452818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9352.453072] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9352.453515] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9352.455006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9352.455644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9352.455706] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9352.457179] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9352.458020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9352.458170] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9352.458875] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9352.460658] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9352.460735] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9352.460758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9352.461262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9352.461293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9352.461334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.552 msecs
<6>[ 9352.464784] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9352.471494] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9352.474001] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9352.476048] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9352.477473] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24000.001000000
<4>[ 9352.477527] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue: 3 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9352.477539] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24000001000000
<5>[ 9352.477593] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 25309.024000000
<12>[ 9352.478216] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=15.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9352.479107] done.
<5>[ 9352.479143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9352.479166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9352.479523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -814
<4>[ 9352.480052] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9352.480083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa3a, adc_result=1150
<6>[ 9352.481501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66f, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9352.481679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9352.487887] -(6)[369:ueventd]btif_bbs_write: 26 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9352.505538] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<6>[ 9352.509485] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27794 usec
<4>[ 9352.515881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0xb
<6>[ 9352.516531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9352.517014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x640, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9352.518149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9352.518288] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9352.518578] -(6)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9352.520098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:31:57.760382840 UTC
<6>[ 9352.767759] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9352.767851] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 2816, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9353.115508] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:31:58.355788455 UTC
<6>[ 9353.115557] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9353.118766] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9353.137418] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9353.181534] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9353.182614] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9353.227763] done.
<6>[ 9353.229402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9353.229463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9353.229646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9353.244035] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9353.252067] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9353.252092] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9353.252112] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9353.255157] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9353.477599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9353.477654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9353.489009] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9353.489038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9353.489189] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9353.491261] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9353.494124] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9353.494144] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9353.494191] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9353.494202] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9353.494235] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9353.494573] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9353.496694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 23992762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:32:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:31:57)
<5>[ 9353.500008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:32:31 (1)
<5>[ 9353.500175] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9353.500497] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9353.501844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9353.502562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9353.503037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9353.503061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9353.503448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9353.503469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9353.504074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9353.504420] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.311 msecs
<6>[ 9353.509418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.961 msecs
<6>[ 9353.514463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.003 msecs
<6>[ 9353.514502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9353.539977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.557206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.557234] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9353.583215] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.601216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.601243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9353.626914] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.645236] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.645268] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9353.668053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.685198] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.685227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9353.711508] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.729205] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.729234] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9353.763066] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.781266] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.781293] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9353.799222] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9353.817200] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9353.817214] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x898c302f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 1080349, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa31901e4,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1348
<5>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9353.820108] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 32.974 seconds
<6>[ 9353.820130] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9353.820157] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9353.820467] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9353.821650] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9353.821686] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9353.821733] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9353.821738] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.822213] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.822257] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9353822247296] 2022-02-15
07:32:32.37209 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:32:32.37209
<6>[ 9353.822812] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9353.824082] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9353.824109] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9353.824142] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9353.824146] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.824508] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.825187] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9353.826406] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9353.826433] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9353.826466] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9353.826470] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.826864] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.827658] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9353.829463] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9353.829523] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9353.829593] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9353.829603] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.830188] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.830568] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9353.833463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9353.835185] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9353.835236] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9353.835292] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9353.835301] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.835827] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.838156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9353.839744] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9353.839796] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9353.839856] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9353.839866] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.840400] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.843115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9353.844685] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9353.844738] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9353.844801] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9353.844810] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9353.845424] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9353.851200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9353.854770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.287 msecs
<5>[ 9353.855197] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9353.855253] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9353.855285] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9353.855343] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9353.858636] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.194 msecs
<5>[ 9353.859025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9353.860459] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9353.860487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9353.860735] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9353.861171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9353.862663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9353.863306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9353.863369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9353.864773] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9353.865686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9353.865838] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9353.866542] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9353.868328] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9353.868405] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9353.868428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9353.868870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9353.868899] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9353.868941] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.271 msecs
<6>[ 9353.872484] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9353.886469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9353.886496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9353.886892] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -722
<5>[ 9353.887389] -(5)[551:health@2.0-serv]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24592762388583
<6>[ 9353.887987] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa46, adc_result=1155
<6>[ 9353.889287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<12>[ 9353.889325] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9353.890884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<12>[ 9353.891466] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9353.891641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9353.892580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9353.892708] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9353.892992] -(7)[1684:Binder:1201_7][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9353.894603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:32:32.109552533 UTC
<6>[ 9353.992913] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9353.992978] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 333, r13 = 0x46040124, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9354.458839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:32:32.673784995 UTC
<6>[ 9354.458888] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9354.467680] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9354.485360] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9354.528319] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9354.529400] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9354.571651] done.
<6>[ 9354.573291] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9354.573369] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9354.573559] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9354.588196] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9354.596204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9354.596227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9354.596248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9354.599343] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9354.821534] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9354.821592] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9354.832938] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9354.832967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9354.833118] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9354.835210] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9354.838072] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9354.838093] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9354.838140] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9354.838151] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9354.838184] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9354.838526] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9354.840645] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24000001000000
to 2022/02/15 07:32:38 (now = 2022/02/15 07:32:32)
<5>[ 9354.843899] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:32:39 (1)
<5>[ 9354.844056] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9354.844388] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9354.845764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9354.846485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9354.846960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9354.846985] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9354.847371] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9354.847392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9354.848015] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9354.848421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.128 msecs
<6>[ 9354.853376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.917 msecs
<6>[ 9354.858471] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.046 msecs
<6>[ 9354.858510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9354.883815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9354.901085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9354.901113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9354.927096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9354.945080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9354.945108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9354.970826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9354.989074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9354.989101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9355.015967] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9355.033115] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9355.033146] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9355.055259] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9355.073118] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9355.073148] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9355.098888] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9355.117102] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9355.117131] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9355.142959] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9355.161023] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9355.161036] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa423bb23,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 218032, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x10000,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa94c060c, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48,
26M_off_pct = 88
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1349
<5>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9355.163867] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 6.656 seconds
<6>[ 9355.163889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9355.163916] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9355.164171] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9355.165361] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9355.165396] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9355.165444] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9355.165448] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.165923] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.165967] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9355165956991] 2022-02-15
07:32:40.37709 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:32:40.37709
<6>[ 9355.166528] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9355.167824] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9355.167853] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9355.167885] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9355.167890] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.168253] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.168943] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9355.170151] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9355.170180] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9355.170217] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9355.170221] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.170617] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.171411] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9355.173207] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9355.173266] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9355.173334] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9355.173344] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.173930] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.174312] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9355.177158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9355.178871] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9355.178921] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9355.178977] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9355.178987] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.179502] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.181858] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9355.183436] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9355.183488] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9355.183547] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9355.183557] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.184089] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.186788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9355.188362] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9355.188414] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9355.188474] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9355.188484] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9355.189090] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9355.194851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9355.198235] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.102 msecs
<5>[ 9355.198666] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9355.198723] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9355.198754] -(6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9355.198813] (6)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9355.202144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.182 msecs
<5>[ 9355.202529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9355.203944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9355.203972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9355.204221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9355.204610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9355.206158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9355.206845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9355.206908] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9355.208334] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9355.209227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9355.209379] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9355.210084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9355.211868] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9355.211944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9355.211968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9355.212409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9355.212438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9355.212480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.302 msecs
<6>[ 9355.215977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9355.229505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9355.229532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9355.229877] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -748
<6>[ 9355.236018] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9355.236299] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa49, adc_result=1157
<6>[ 9355.238726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66f, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9355.240487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<5>[ 9355.240508] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9355.240534] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9355.240566] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24021.308000000
<6>[ 9355.241612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9355.244295] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9355.244437] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9355.244729] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9355.245668] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:32:40.117410225 UTC
<6>[ 9355.253299] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9355.260747] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9355.260797] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9355.260834] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24021.308000000
<5>[ 9355.298229] (5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9355.298270] -(5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9355.298297] (5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24021.308000000
<6>[ 9355.300506] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9355.301573] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9355.308739] -(7)[22487:HeapTaskDaemon][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD
<6>[ 9355.313102] (5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<4>[ 9355.330905] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 78 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9355.330920] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9355.359033] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9355.365081] -(7)[22487:HeapTaskDaemon]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 51 callbacks
<4>[ 9355.365108] -(7)[22487:HeapTaskDaemon]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9355.385133] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26093 usec
<6>[ 9355.564908] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9355.564999] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 851, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9355.817961] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 176, 98, 72,
62, 116, 131, 113, 100, success counter cpu: 46, 10, 17, 11, 12, 26, 9, 3, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 62, 15, 19, 16, 19, 34,
18, 8, o: 1-7, p: , f: , t: 9355996000000, 9356388198249, 9375435439095,
9356389111326, 9356040080557, 9355983615480, 9356393427172, 9356860000000,
<6>[ 9356.534804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:32:41.406539764 UTC
<6>[ 9356.534852] (0)[0:swapper/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9356.602983] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9356.603038] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9356.603112] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32946-32946,
9132-9132, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9356.603676] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9356.609718] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9356.609985] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3748
<6>[ 9356.611012] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42793 cur 361
<6>[ 9356.618314] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42775 cur 396
<6>[ 9356.625596] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42728 cur 1100
<6>[ 9356.632958] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42807 cur 864
<6>[ 9356.639323] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42817 cur 267
<6>[ 9356.639356] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9356.641194] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x4801, NOW = 0x529a,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9356.641242] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6578, adc_result=4280
<6>[ 9356.641268] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4280(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9356.641342] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<4>[ 9356.641350] done.
<6>[ 9356.642768] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9356.642822] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9356.643005] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9356.654005] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9356.654125] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccci_poll
<3>[ 9356.654204] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9356.654231] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9356.665088] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9356.665116] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9356.665479] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -694
<6>[ 9356.666216] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa4b, adc_result=1157
<6>[ 9356.667184] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66e, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9356.667744] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9356.668188] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63f, adc_result=702
<6>[ 9356.669122] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9356.669247] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9356.670479] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:32:41.542220841 UTC
<5>[ 9356.853091] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [3]
= 1, [4] = 15, [5] = 18, [6] = 8, [7] = 10, Total = 54, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9356.853188] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 107, 37, 32, 39, 119, 123, 135, 74,
cluster : 115, 36, pause = 81, multi core = 93, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 81, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9356.853776] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9356.853823] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9356.853889] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9356.873386] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9356.873476] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 29, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9357.141303] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:32:42.013039994 UTC
<6>[ 9357.141353] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9357.255244] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9357.255304] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9357.255500] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9357.270119] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9357.278275] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9357.278298] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9357.278319] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9357.281363] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9357.505413] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9357.505470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9357.516799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9357.516828] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9357.517027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9357.519110] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9357.521985] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9357.522007] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9357.522056] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9357.522067] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9357.522099] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9357.522436] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9357.524561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:32:41)
<5>[ 9357.527815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9357.527972] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9357.528303] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9357.529679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9357.530402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9357.530878] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9357.530903] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9357.531289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9357.531309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9357.531922] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9357.532330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
251.019 msecs
<6>[ 9357.537382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.016 msecs
<6>[ 9357.542443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.016 msecs
<6>[ 9357.542480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9357.567715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.584950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.584978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9357.610873] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.628951] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.628979] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9357.654778] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.672943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.672970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9357.699837] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.716986] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.717017] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9357.735105] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.752993] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.753023] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9357.778818] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.797041] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.797068] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9357.823224] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9357.840944] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9357.840957] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xab5fdd12,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 262177, r13 = 0xe604012c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97d, req_sta =
0x420020e8, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb1938c2d, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 58
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1350
<5>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9357.844009] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.004 seconds
<6>[ 9357.844031] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9357.844057] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9357.844274] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9357.845456] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9357.845491] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9357.845539] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9357.845544] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.846020] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.846064] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9357846054381] 2022-02-15
07:32:50.722583 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:32:50.722583
<6>[ 9357.846620] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9357.847911] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9357.847940] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9357.847972] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9357.847977] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.848335] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.848993] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9357.850191] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9357.850221] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9357.850255] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9357.850260] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.850658] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.851430] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9357.853212] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9357.853271] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9357.853341] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9357.853351] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.853936] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.854313] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9357.857384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9357.859117] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9357.859169] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9357.859224] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9357.859234] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.859753] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.862108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9357.863674] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9357.863726] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9357.863787] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9357.863797] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.864326] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.867042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9357.868598] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9357.868650] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9357.868714] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9357.868724] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9357.869428] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9357.875298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9357.878749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.168 msecs
<6>[ 9357.882585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.174 msecs
<5>[ 9357.882976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9357.884392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9357.884421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9357.884674] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9357.885128] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9357.886636] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9357.887315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9357.887378] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9357.888850] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9357.889717] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9357.889866] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9357.890570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9357.892354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9357.892431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9357.892454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9357.892972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9357.893001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9357.893042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.422 msecs
<6>[ 9357.896397] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9357.896581] -(7)[369:ueventd]Restarting tasks ...
<4>[ 9357.902457] -(7)[369:ueventd]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 13 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9357.902504] -(7)[369:ueventd]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9357.910350] done.
<5>[ 9357.910400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9357.910424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9357.910790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1081
<12>[ 9357.911216] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9357.911788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa4c, adc_result=1158
<6>[ 9357.913144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66e, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9357.914493] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9357.915875] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63e, adc_result=702
<6>[ 9357.917224] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9357.917377] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9357.917676] -(4)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<12>[ 9357.918131] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9357.919093] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:32:50.795610687 UTC
<6>[ 9357.920962] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24563 usec
<12>[ 9357.922932] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9357.924496] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=13.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9357.962231] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9357.962322] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 25, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x179, req_sta = 0x420020e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9358.021758] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9358.021840] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 235, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9358.134257] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9358.134348] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9358.849435] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9358.869020] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9358.901176] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:32:51.777693764 UTC
<6>[ 9358.901204] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9358.912916] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9358.914005] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9359.015737] done.
<6>[ 9359.017317] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9359.017372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9359.017569] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9359.032345] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9359.040365] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9359.040388] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9359.040409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9359.043568] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9359.265291] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9359.265346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9359.276679] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9359.276708] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9359.276862] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9359.279054] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9359.281963] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9359.281987] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9359.282039] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9359.282050] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9359.282083] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9359.282414] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9359.284519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:32:51)
<5>[ 9359.287776] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9359.287934] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9359.288264] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9359.289601] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9359.290332] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9359.290806] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9359.290830] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9359.291217] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9359.291238] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9359.291875] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9359.292248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.731 msecs
<6>[ 9359.297493] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.210 msecs
<6>[ 9359.302468] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.924 msecs
<6>[ 9359.302505] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9359.327620] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.344823] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.344851] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9359.370742] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.388821] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.388849] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<6>[ 9359.409443] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.409481] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9359409471385] 2022-02-15
07:32:52.286000 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:32:52.286000
<5>[ 9359.414586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.432815] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.432842] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9359.451578] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.468863] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.468894] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9359.494983] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.512829] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.512860] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9359.538667] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.556788] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.556817] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9359.583088] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9359.600808] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9359.600821] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb2f0c69f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 1082527, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xcc8abad4, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 87
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1351
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46452)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9359.603686] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 33.040 seconds
<6>[ 9359.603708] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9359.603735] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9359.604046] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9359.605235] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9359.605271] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9359.605318] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9359.605323] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.605795] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.606377] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9359.607680] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9359.607711] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9359.607744] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9359.607748] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.608116] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.608762] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9359.609964] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9359.609992] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9359.610024] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9359.610029] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.610423] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.611195] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9359.612985] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9359.613044] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9359.613112] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9359.613122] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.613709] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.614090] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9359.617052] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9359.618763] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9359.618813] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9359.618868] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9359.618877] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.619399] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.621738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9359.623316] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9359.623367] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9359.623426] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9359.623436] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.623967] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.626683] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9359.628259] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9359.628310] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9359.628370] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9359.628379] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9359.628987] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9359.634822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9359.638338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.228 msecs
<3>[ 9359.638852] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9359.642181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.185 msecs
<5>[ 9359.642569] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9359.642943] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<5>[ 9359.643987] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9359.644241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9359.644503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9359.644963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9359.646471] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9359.647028] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9359.647133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9359.647194] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9359.648718] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9359.649554] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9359.649703] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9359.650411] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9359.651188] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9359.652168] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9359.652238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9359.652261] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9359.652814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9359.652845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9359.652888] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.672 msecs
<3>[ 9359.655308] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9359.656343] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9359.659686] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<3>[ 9359.663787] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<3>[ 9359.667971] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:7, tail:8
<5>[ 9359.668365] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9359.668404] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9359.668447] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 25396.892000000
<4>[ 9359.670490] done.
<5>[ 9359.670536] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9359.670559] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9359.670851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -675
<6>[ 9359.671554] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa59, adc_result=1164
<3>[ 9359.672381] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:7, tail:8
<6>[ 9359.673026] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9359.673698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<12>[ 9359.674642] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9359.674666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9359.675773] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9359.675917] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9359.676227] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9359.677196] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:25.594605919 UTC
<6>[ 9359.677825] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9359.680796] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9359.682702] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9359.684577] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9359.701276] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9359.744084] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9359.745156] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9359.818193] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9359.818284] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1237, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9360.245120] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:26.162524227 UTC
<6>[ 9360.245170] -(4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9360.275095] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9360.275193] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9360.357996] done.
<6>[ 9360.359523] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9360.359578] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9360.359757] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9360.374397] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9360.382345] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9360.382368] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9360.382389] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9360.385449] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9360.609148] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9360.609204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9360.620536] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9360.620565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9360.620712] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9360.622816] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9360.625708] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9360.625729] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9360.625776] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9360.625787] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9360.625819] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9360.626157] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9360.628283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:25)
<5>[ 9360.631631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9360.631788] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9360.632119] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9360.633494] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9360.634218] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9360.634694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9360.634718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9360.635105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9360.635126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9360.635754] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9360.636158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.758 msecs
<6>[ 9360.641049] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.855 msecs
<6>[ 9360.646163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.068 msecs
<6>[ 9360.646201] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9360.671452] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.688690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.688719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9360.710595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.728668] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.728697] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9360.754410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.772686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.772715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9360.799579] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.816725] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.816757] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9360.838869] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.856730] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.856761] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9360.882493] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.900713] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.900743] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9360.927243] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9360.944633] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9360.944646] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xcd957bc4,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 1756, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xcda06ff5, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 90
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1352
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46461)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9360.947571] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.055 seconds
<6>[ 9360.947593] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9360.947620] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9360.947841] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9360.949025] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9360.949061] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9360.949109] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9360.949114] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.949586] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.949631] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9360949620696] 2022-02-15
07:33:26.923149 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:33:26.923149
<6>[ 9360.950189] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9360.951483] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9360.951511] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9360.951543] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9360.951548] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.951915] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.952574] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9360.953787] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9360.953816] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9360.953848] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9360.953853] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.954249] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.955032] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9360.956829] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9360.956889] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9360.956957] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9360.956967] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.957548] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.957922] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9360.960952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9360.962664] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9360.962714] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9360.962769] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9360.962779] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.963300] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.965647] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9360.967213] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9360.967266] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9360.967326] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9360.967336] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.967865] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.970566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9360.972139] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9360.972192] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9360.972250] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9360.972260] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9360.972875] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9360.978690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9360.982135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.164 msecs
<6>[ 9360.986007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.211 msecs
<5>[ 9360.986400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9360.987818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9360.987845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9360.988098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9360.988594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9360.990091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9360.990516] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 87, 21, 26,
32, 177, 150, 140, 89, success counter cpu: 17, 1, 2, 3, 15, 15, 21, 3, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 45, 3, 0, 3, 30, 36,
38, 13, o: 2-3, p: , f: , t: 9361193685323, 9381217184403, 9381219489403,
9381221824172, 9361160000000, 9381230905557, 9361160000000, 9361160000000,
<6>[ 9360.990733] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9360.990795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9360.992231] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9360.993115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9360.993266] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9360.993970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9360.995722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9360.995800] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9360.995823] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9360.996269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9360.996299] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9360.996342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.298 msecs
<6>[ 9360.999845] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9361.008412] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9361.013835] done.
<5>[ 9361.013889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9361.013914] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9361.014272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1018
<6>[ 9361.014821] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa58, adc_result=1163
<6>[ 9361.015964] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66f, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9361.017042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9361.017761] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x640, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9361.018787] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9361.018939] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9361.019239] -(4)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9361.020174] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:26.993694380 UTC
<12>[ 9361.020214] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9361.878088] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [4]
= 29, [5] = 23, [6] = 12, [7] = 6, Total = 72, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9361.878185] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 88, 21, 28, 30, 124, 104, 92, 99,
cluster : 81, 26, pause = 92, multi core = 113, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 92, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9361.943145] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9361.943237] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 32, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913fc 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9362.683795] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9362.749010] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9362.749101] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9363.092930] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:29.066446996 UTC
<6>[ 9363.092975] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9363.096317] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9363.116786] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9363.159994] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9363.161074] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9363.162579] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9363.162601] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 114,
[BY_CLK] = 1,
<5>[ 9363.162620] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9363.162620]
<6>[ 9363.162633] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<4>[ 9363.202483] done.
<6>[ 9363.204014] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9363.204069] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9363.204240] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9363.215024] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9363.215113] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9363.215202] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9363.215228] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9363.225993] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9363.226020] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9363.226357] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -757
<6>[ 9363.227115] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5b, adc_result=1164
<6>[ 9363.229740] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9363.230290] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9363.230743] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9363.231605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9363.231734] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9363.233027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:29.206544304 UTC
<6>[ 9363.886441] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9363.886532] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 26, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9364.030296] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9364.030356] -(0)[0:swapper/0][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9364.090419] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:30.063932073 UTC
<6>[ 9364.090469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9364.202720] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9364.202774] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9364.202955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9364.217409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9364.225485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9364.225508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9364.225529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9364.228559] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9364.449019] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9364.449076] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9364.460406] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9364.460435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9364.460586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9364.462690] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9364.465528] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9364.465550] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9364.465596] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9364.465607] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9364.465640] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9364.465978] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9364.468127] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:29)
<5>[ 9364.471384] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9364.471547] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9364.471873] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9364.473219] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9364.473943] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9364.474419] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9364.474444] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9364.474831] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9364.474852] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9364.475476] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9364.475807] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.374 msecs
<6>[ 9364.480699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.854 msecs
<6>[ 9364.485722] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.981 msecs
<6>[ 9364.485760] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9364.511364] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.528583] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.528610] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9364.554471] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.572574] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.572602] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9364.598277] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.616560] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.616588] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9364.635320] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.652594] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.652627] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9364.682768] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.700611] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.700643] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9364.726409] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.744582] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.744611] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9364.770563] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9364.788506] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9364.788519] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd09b165b,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 37801, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd180417b, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 87
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1353
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46492)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9364.791394] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.155 seconds
<6>[ 9364.791416] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9364.791443] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9364.791663] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9364.792847] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9364.792885] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9364.792933] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9364.792938] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.793417] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.793461] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9364793450858] 2022-02-15
07:33:31.923097 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:33:31.923097
<6>[ 9364.794014] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9364.795320] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9364.795348] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9364.795380] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9364.795385] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.795746] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.796431] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9364.797639] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9364.797668] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9364.797701] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9364.797706] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.798099] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.798889] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9364.800692] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9364.800750] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9364.800819] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9364.800829] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.801416] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.801792] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9364.804729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9364.806445] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9364.806494] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9364.806549] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9364.806559] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.807085] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.809422] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9364.811000] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9364.811049] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9364.811110] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9364.811120] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.811652] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.814370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9364.815955] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9364.816006] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9364.816068] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9364.816078] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9364.816688] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9364.822491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9364.825979] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.204 msecs
<6>[ 9364.829845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.205 msecs
<5>[ 9364.830235] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9364.831662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9364.831690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9364.831940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9364.832322] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9364.833879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9364.834519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9364.834582] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9364.836005] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9364.836846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9364.836992] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9364.837691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9364.839456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9364.839533] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9364.839555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9364.839996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9364.840025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9364.840067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.185 msecs
<6>[ 9364.843562] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9364.852707] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9364.856999] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9364.857427] done.
<5>[ 9364.857457] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9364.857479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9364.857799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -779
<6>[ 9364.858435] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5b, adc_result=1164
<6>[ 9364.859590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9364.860546] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9364.861105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9364.864198] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9364.869706] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9364.870238] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9364.870379] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9364.870667] -(6)[1250:HwBinder:1201_1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9364.871600] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:32.001235072 UTC
<6>[ 9364.953291] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9364.953382] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 872, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9365.946022] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:33.075652072 UTC
<6>[ 9365.946071] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9365.949592] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9365.968654] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9366.011473] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 62, 17, 20,
23, 180, 162, 161, 131, success counter cpu: 10, 0, 1, 1, 4, 14, 31, 7, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 30, 0, 0, 0, 20, 37,
46, 16, o: 0-4,6, p: , f: , t: 9366185634557, 9366185726173, 9366185849096,
9366185833942, 9367040122096, 9366185697250, 9366440700001, 9366197025942,
<6>[ 9366.012109] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9366.013161] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9366.059131] done.
<6>[ 9366.060826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9366.060881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9366.061051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9366.075535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9366.083480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9366.083503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9366.083524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9366.086557] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9366.308897] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9366.308952] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9366.320136] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9366.320194] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9366.320285] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9366.320699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9366.320731] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9366.320770] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.457
<6>[ 9366.324510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9366.338335] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9366.338362] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9366.338691] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<6>[ 9366.339441] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5c, adc_result=1165
<6>[ 9366.340411] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9366.340959] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9366.341425] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9366.342310] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9366.342446] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9366.343751] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:33.473386303 UTC
<6>[ 9366.617353] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9366.636766] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9366.680283] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9366.681545] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9366.836427] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9366.836476] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9366.836546] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32946-32946,
9132-9132, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9366.880484] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 5, [4]
= 21, [5] = 23, [6] = 15, [7] = 11, Total = 75, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9366.880564] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 67, 22, 21, 26, 180, 169, 159, 138,
cluster : 71, 24, pause = 93, multi core = 82, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 93, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9367.098782] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9367.098832] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9367.674097] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9367.674188] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26046000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000400, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9367.767062] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:34.896692380 UTC
<6>[ 9367.767111] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9367.874004] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9367.874073] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9367.874300] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9367.889118] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9367.897450] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9367.897474] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9367.897495] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9367.900538] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9368.120887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9368.120943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9368.132287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9368.132316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9368.132463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9368.134518] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9368.137388] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9368.137409] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9368.137458] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9368.137469] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9368.137501] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9368.137839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9368.139958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:34)
<5>[ 9368.143273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9368.143440] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9368.143762] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9368.145109] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9368.145832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9368.146306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9368.146330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9368.146717] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9368.146737] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9368.147384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9368.147798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.308 msecs
<6>[ 9368.152740] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.905 msecs
<6>[ 9368.157788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.002 msecs
<6>[ 9368.157826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9368.183230] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.200451] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.200479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9368.226397] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.244434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.244462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9368.270183] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.288408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.288437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9368.315321] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.332471] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.332503] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9368.354652] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.372426] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.372457] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9368.372478] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9368.372580] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9368.372836] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<5>[ 9368.398309] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.416551] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.416579] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9368.442885] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9368.460421] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9368.460434] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd458dafc,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 10535, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x201913fc
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000400, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a9, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd498f406, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1354
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46518)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9368.463563] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.323 seconds
<6>[ 9368.463585] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9368.463612] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9368.463833] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9368.465023] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9368.465059] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9368.465106] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9368.465111] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.465590] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.465634] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9368465624251] 2022-02-15
07:33:35.919257 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:33:35.919257
<6>[ 9368.466188] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9368.467492] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9368.467520] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9368.467552] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9368.467557] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.467917] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.468560] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9368.469773] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9368.469803] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9368.469837] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9368.469841] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.470235] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.471003] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9368.472804] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9368.472862] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9368.472932] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9368.472942] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.473521] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.473900] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9368.476916] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9368.478637] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9368.478687] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9368.478742] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9368.478752] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.479274] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.481625] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9368.483203] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9368.483253] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9368.483311] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9368.483321] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.483849] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.486533] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9368.488109] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9368.488161] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9368.488223] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9368.488233] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9368.488970] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9368.494767] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9368.498308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.250 msecs
<6>[ 9368.502091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.120 msecs
<5>[ 9368.502478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9368.503917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9368.503945] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9368.504194] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9368.504630] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<6>[ 9368.506805] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9368.506868] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9368.508321] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9368.509155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9368.509305] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9368.510005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9368.511762] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9368.511838] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9368.511862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9368.512396] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9368.512423] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9368.512436] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9368.512468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.339 msecs
<6>[ 9368.512495] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9368.513527] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: CONNSYS
<6>[ 9368.513548] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd]query current consys chipid (0x6765)
<6>[ 9368.513575] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[I]consys_resume_dump_info:0x180c1340: 0x104a
<6>[ 9368.515891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9368.529265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9368.529293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9368.529657] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1442
<6>[ 9368.530202] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5c, adc_result=1165
<6>[ 9368.531448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66e, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9368.533378] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9368.534180] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63c, adc_result=701
<6>[ 9368.535272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9368.535402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9368.535686] -(7)[0:swapper/7][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9368.536686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:35.990309149 UTC
<12>[ 9368.539611] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9368.542177] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9368.545247] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9368.547130] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9368.827451] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9368.827542] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 32, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x1910fc 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000400, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a9, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9368.890251] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9368.908520] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9368.952557] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9368.953638] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9369.109386] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:36.563002764 UTC
<6>[ 9369.109434] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9369.218436] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9369.218490] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9369.218673] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9369.233274] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9369.241251] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9369.241275] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9369.241296] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9369.244334] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9369.464707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9369.464764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9369.475971] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9369.476027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9369.476118] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9369.476540] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9369.476571] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9369.476610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.464
<6>[ 9369.480385] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9369.494272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9369.494300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9369.494701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1100
<6>[ 9369.495514] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5d, adc_result=1165
<6>[ 9369.498259] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9369.498395] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9369.499645] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:36.953266995 UTC
<4>[ 9369.549017] -(4)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 1 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9369.549039] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9369.637086] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9369.637177] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1461, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x1910fc 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000400, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a9, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9370.074469] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:37.528085610 UTC
<6>[ 9370.074521] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9370.078286] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9370.096542] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9370.140595] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9370.141679] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9370.187123] done.
<6>[ 9370.188805] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9370.188861] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9370.189046] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9370.203555] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9370.211514] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9370.211537] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9370.211557] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9370.214595] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9370.436617] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9370.436682] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9370.448015] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9370.448043] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9370.448143] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9370.450281] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9370.453263] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9370.453285] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9370.453333] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9370.453344] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9370.453377] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9370.453685] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9370.455839] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:36)
<5>[ 9370.459091] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9370.459258] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9370.459581] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9370.460924] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<6>[ 9370.461458] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9370.461513] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9370.461600] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9370.462175] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9370.462224] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9370.463686] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9370.464570] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9370.464717] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9370.465421] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9370.467094] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9370.467170] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9370.467193] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9370.467650] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9370.467679] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9370.467721] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 6.093
<6>[ 9370.471257] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9370.477922] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9370.480744] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9370.484392] done.
<5>[ 9370.484439] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9370.484462] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<12>[ 9370.484686] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9370.484824] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -757
<4>[ 9370.485367] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9370.485398] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5d, adc_result=1165
<6>[ 9370.486621] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66f, adc_result=723
<12>[ 9370.486944] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4269 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9370.487267] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9370.487817] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x640, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9370.488932] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9370.489071] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9370.490303] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:37.943921533 UTC
<6>[ 9371.019555] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 92, 27, 30,
34, 234, 182, 165, 147, success counter cpu: 15, 0, 1, 1, 14, 25, 8, 5, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 33, 3, 0, 2, 25, 35,
13, 17, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9371196809942, 9371690758481, 9371690722096,
9371690783173, 9371292000000, 9371262307250, 9371181257865, 9379804000000,
<6>[ 9371.417019] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:38.870635995 UTC
<6>[ 9371.417067] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9371.426589] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9371.444531] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9371.488199] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9371.489491] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9371.528340] done.
<6>[ 9371.529783] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9371.529838] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9371.530033] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9371.544668] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9371.552797] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9371.552820] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9371.552841] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9371.555892] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9371.700829] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9371.707429] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9371.707801] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<5>[ 9371.776777] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9371.776833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9371.787983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9371.788040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<6>[ 9371.788074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccci_poll
<3>[ 9371.788151] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9371.788573] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9371.788603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9371.788642] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.463
<6>[ 9371.792377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9371.806053] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9371.806080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9371.806555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -741
<6>[ 9371.807321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5f, adc_result=1166
<6>[ 9371.808349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x66f, adc_result=723
<6>[ 9371.808899] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9371.809346] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9371.810426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9371.810558] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9371.811812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:39.265433533 UTC
<5>[ 9371.896391] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [4]
= 30, [5] = 21, [6] = 6, [7] = 9, Total = 68, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9371.896490] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 79, 23, 30, 36, 196, 148, 160, 117,
cluster : 87, 33, pause = 94, multi core = 102, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 94, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9372.318544] (5)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -103
<6>[ 9372.319312] (5)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa5f, adc_result=1166
<5>[ 9372.319546] (5)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 12 lt 18
ht 20
<5>[ 9372.319791] (5)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -97
<5>[ 9372.321346] (6)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[12] V[20 18] C[37 17] h[11996 11597]
<5>[ 9372.321609] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -260
<5>[ 9372.323562] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -458
<5>[ 9372.325374] (6)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<12>[ 9372.329037] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4283 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9372.329639] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -348
<6>[ 9372.329858] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9372.330439] (6)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9372.330481] (6)[249:battery_thread]car[-2800,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 348 vbat:4280 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9372.330528] (6)[249:battery_thread]tmp:12 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24061 sw_iavg:-165 -165 0 nafg_m:95 0 0
<5>[ 9372.330596] (6)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24061 9372 42883 42803
79 95 -4943
<6>[ 9372.333086] (4)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42793 cur 477
<5>[ 9372.333947] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -572
<5>[ 9372.334915] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9887,9785],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=33884 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9372.335051] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9372.336371] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -694
<5>[ 9372.340729] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<5>[ 9372.342067] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:12 12 20 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:3:9997:43644:-3085:48549:638:9362:9362 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9372.342276] (4)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TMP_C_LT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9362 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:34
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42800 T:[12 V 19 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9997 CAR[c:-2800 v:-
3085] Q:[48549 48549 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -80 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-165
<5>[ 9372.345442] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -619
<6>[ 9372.348823] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<12>[ 9372.349921] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4279 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9372.391672] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9372.392748] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9372.403623] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [GM3_old_data] soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396
fg_v_soc:9362 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:34 vc_mode 1 VBAT 42800 T:[12 V 19 C 12] D0_C
9978 D0_V 9997 CAR[c:-2800 v:-3085] Q:[48549 48549 48090 48090] aging 10000
bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1] Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -80 DC_ratio 100
dodinit[8][0] Iavg:-165,dis[0 0 0],ncar[7034],dlpt_sd[0]
<5>[ 9372.403747] -(6)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.403763] -(6)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.404067] -(6)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.404083] -(6)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.404288] (6)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<5>[ 9372.408037] (6)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4276
<5>[ 9372.408102] (6)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9372.408299] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:0 0
<5>[ 9372.408736] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1056
<6>[ 9372.416688] (6)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42785 cur 663
<5>[ 9372.417102] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -663
<5>[ 9372.418176] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9887,9785],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=33884 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9372.418288] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9372.419084] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -597
<5>[ 9372.420089] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10071,9967],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=35874 > ori_voltage=34360
<5>[ 9372.420195] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9372.420946] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -578
<5>[ 9372.422238] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -578
<5>[ 9372.425934] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -612
<5>[ 9372.426910] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:12 12 12 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:12:9988:43644:-3085:48090:653:9347:9347 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9372.427090] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_LT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9347 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:49
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42800 T:[12 V 12 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9988 CAR[c:-2800 v:-
3085] Q:[48090 48090 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -71 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-165
<5>[ 9372.429490] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -452
<5>[ 9372.431457] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.431491] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9372.431658] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<12>[ 9372.434023] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9372.435754] (4)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4272
<5>[ 9372.435897] (4)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<6>[ 9372.620177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:40.073794380 UTC
<6>[ 9372.620365] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9372.732548] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9372.732604] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9372.732797] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9372.743385] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9372.743474] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9372.743563] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9372.743589] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9372.754332] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9372.754359] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9372.754699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -675
<6>[ 9372.759676] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9372.759810] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9372.761049] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:40.214670380 UTC
<6>[ 9373.659266] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9374.734199] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9374.734279] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 268, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9374.811082] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:42.264699226 UTC
<6>[ 9374.811132] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9374.923962] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9374.924015] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9374.924315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9374.938788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9374.946891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9374.946915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9374.946935] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9374.950043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9374.952535] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9374.952574] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 132,
[BY_CLK] = 1,
<5>[ 9374.952611] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9374.952611]
<6>[ 9374.952638] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<5>[ 9375.176767] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9375.176823] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9375.188163] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9375.188193] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9375.188340] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9375.190437] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9375.193275] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9375.193296] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9375.193345] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9375.193356] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9375.193388] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9375.193728] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9375.195848] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:41)
<5>[ 9375.199131] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9375.199292] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9375.199620] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9375.200964] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9375.201689] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9375.202164] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9375.202189] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9375.202577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9375.202597] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9375.203222] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9375.203615] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
253.623 msecs
<6>[ 9375.208572] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.920 msecs
<6>[ 9375.213690] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.072 msecs
<6>[ 9375.213729] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9375.239098] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.256313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.256341] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9375.282254] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.300321] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.300349] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9375.326063] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.344345] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.344376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9375.371223] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.388308] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.388337] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9375.414550] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.432357] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.432386] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9375.458217] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.476314] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.476341] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9375.502887] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9375.520308] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9375.520322] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xda118536,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 24300, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xdaa4f4ab, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 89
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1355
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46573)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9375.523314] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.744 seconds
<6>[ 9375.523336] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9375.523362] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9375.523584] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9375.524773] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9375.524808] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9375.524855] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9375.524860] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.525336] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.525380] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9375525369651] 2022-02-15
07:33:43.723145 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:33:43.723145
<6>[ 9375.525936] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9375.527242] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9375.527273] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9375.527305] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9375.527310] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.527678] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.528334] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9375.529538] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9375.529567] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9375.529603] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9375.529608] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.530007] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.530782] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9375.532588] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9375.532648] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9375.532718] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9375.532728] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.533318] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.533695] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9375.536778] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9375.538514] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9375.538566] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9375.538625] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9375.538635] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.539157] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.541489] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9375.543079] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9375.543132] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9375.543198] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9375.543207] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.543738] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.546456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9375.548037] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9375.548090] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9375.548156] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9375.548166] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9375.548705] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9375.554572] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9375.558112] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.253 msecs
<6>[ 9375.561954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.183 msecs
<5>[ 9375.562344] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9375.563782] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9375.563810] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9375.564061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9375.564513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9375.566005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9375.566651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9375.566714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9375.568244] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9375.569076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9375.569227] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9375.569932] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9375.571715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9375.571792] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9375.571815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9375.572339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9375.572369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9375.572412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.421 msecs
<6>[ 9375.575848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9375.589768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9375.589796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9375.590117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -832
<4>[ 9375.591355] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 30 callbacks
<6>[ 9375.591392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa60, adc_result=1167
<6>[ 9375.592610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9375.593228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9375.593696] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9375.594795] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9375.594992] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9375.595150] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9375.595438] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9375.596438] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:43.794205456 UTC
<12>[ 9375.598949] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9375.600840] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9375.602843] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9376.020883] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 79, 19, 21,
28, 185, 151, 132, 146, success counter cpu: 10, 0, 0, 1, 17, 13, 4, 27, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 26, 0, 1, 0, 31, 24,
12, 46, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9376187401628, 9376440700001, 9376749599250,
9376749629481, 9376412000000, 9376340414173, 9376752355943, 9376254292712,
<6>[ 9376.250014] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:44.447774763 UTC
<6>[ 9376.250065] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9376.258775] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9376.276914] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9376.320767] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9376.321848] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9376.362261] done.
<6>[ 9376.363691] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9376.363747] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9376.363922] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9376.378313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9376.386428] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9376.386451] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9376.386472] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9376.389507] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9376.608553] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9376.608618] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9376.619952] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9376.619980] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9376.620125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9376.622209] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9376.625160] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9376.625181] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9376.625230] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9376.625240] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9376.625273] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9376.625581] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9376.627704] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:43)
<5>[ 9376.630995] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9376.631151] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9376.631488] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9376.632828] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9376.633554] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9376.634031] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9376.634055] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9376.634442] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9376.634463] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9376.635109] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9376.635476] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.017 msecs
<6>[ 9376.640397] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.884 msecs
<6>[ 9376.645285] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.840 msecs
<6>[ 9376.645323] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9376.670963] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.688180] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.688208] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9376.706081] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.724225] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.724255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9376.749959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.768190] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.768217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9376.795070] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.812204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.812232] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9376.846326] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.864215] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.864246] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9376.882007] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.900251] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.900280] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9376.925909] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9376.944167] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9376.944180] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xdbbf8b99,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 398877, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xe52eb740, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1356
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46584)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9376.947027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 12.176 seconds
<6>[ 9376.947049] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9376.947075] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9376.947296] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9376.948482] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9376.948517] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9376.948564] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9376.948569] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.949046] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.949090] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9376949080500] 2022-02-15
07:33:57.323155 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:33:57.323155
<6>[ 9376.949639] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9376.950947] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9376.950975] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9376.951007] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9376.951012] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.951377] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.952050] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9376.953260] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9376.953290] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9376.953326] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9376.953331] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.953725] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.954518] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9376.956318] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9376.956381] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9376.956449] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9376.956459] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.957049] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.957430] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9376.960338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9376.962039] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9376.962091] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9376.962145] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9376.962155] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.962672] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.965001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9376.966578] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9376.966632] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9376.966692] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9376.966702] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.967232] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.969918] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9376.971483] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9376.971538] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9376.971601] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9376.971610] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9376.972241] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9376.978060] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9376.981581] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.233 msecs
<6>[ 9376.985450] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.207 msecs
<5>[ 9376.985841] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9376.986160] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 4, [4]
= 23, [5] = 15, [6] = 10, [7] = 18, Total = 70, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9376.986243] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 68, 19, 18, 23, 150, 114, 110, 105,
cluster : 71, 24, pause = 91, multi core = 88, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 91, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9376.987278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9376.987306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9376.987560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9376.987945] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9376.989501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9376.990145] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9376.990206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9376.991610] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9376.992460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9376.992608] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9376.993309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9376.995049] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9376.995127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9376.995150] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9376.995591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9376.995620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9376.995662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.175 msecs
<6>[ 9376.999171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9377.013414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9377.013442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9377.013829] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -688
<6>[ 9377.014369] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa64, adc_result=1168
<6>[ 9377.015579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9377.016132] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9377.016719] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9377.017740] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9377.018050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9377.018174] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9377.018453] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9377.019824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:33:57.393889302 UTC
<12>[ 9377.045662] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9377.047572] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9377.051115] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9377.076035] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9377.076084] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9377.076155] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32946-32946,
9132-9132, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9377.210547] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9377.210638] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 804, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9377.338440] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9377.338489] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9377.690655] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:33:58.064714918 UTC
<6>[ 9377.690705] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9377.699474] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9377.716291] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9377.760486] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9377.761567] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9377.802103] done.
<6>[ 9377.803524] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9377.803578] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9377.803758] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9377.818338] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9377.826475] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9377.826498] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9377.826519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9377.829600] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9378.048518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9378.048574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9378.059906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9378.059935] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9378.060082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9378.062169] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9378.065028] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9378.065049] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9378.065098] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9378.065108] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9378.065141] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9378.065479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9378.067603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:33:57)
<5>[ 9378.070917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9378.071078] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9378.071411] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9378.072754] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9378.073477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9378.073950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9378.073974] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9378.074362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9378.074382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9378.074991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9378.075442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.890 msecs
<6>[ 9378.080400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.921 msecs
<6>[ 9378.085454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.009 msecs
<6>[ 9378.085494] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9378.110839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.128058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.128087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9378.154053] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.172068] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.172096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9378.197812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.216091] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.216122] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9378.238828] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.256052] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.256082] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9378.282211] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.300104] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.300135] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9378.325869] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.344048] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.344077] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9378.369692] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9378.388044] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9378.388058] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xe64d4c4d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 201627, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xeb1247b8, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1357
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46595)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9378.390889] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 6.156 seconds
<6>[ 9378.390912] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9378.390939] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9378.391158] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9378.392336] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9378.392371] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9378.392419] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9378.392424] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.392907] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.392951] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9378392941426] 2022-02-15
07:34:04.923165 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:04.923165
<6>[ 9378.393505] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9378.394808] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9378.394837] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9378.394870] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9378.394875] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.395237] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.395918] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9378.397116] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9378.397147] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9378.397181] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9378.397186] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.397580] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.398367] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9378.400168] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9378.400230] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9378.400299] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9378.400310] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.400895] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.401272] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9378.404254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9378.405976] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9378.406027] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9378.406084] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9378.406093] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.406616] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.408956] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9378.410547] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9378.410598] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9378.410657] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9378.410667] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.411200] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.413898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9378.415468] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9378.415521] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9378.415583] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9378.415593] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9378.416198] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9378.421996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9378.425540] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.261 msecs
<3>[ 9378.426059] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9378.429340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.144 msecs
<5>[ 9378.429725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9378.430150] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<5>[ 9378.431146] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9378.431173] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9378.431426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9378.431814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9378.433361] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9378.433998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9378.434061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9378.434222] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9378.435466] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9378.436334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9378.436485] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9378.437186] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9378.438297] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9378.438947] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9378.439015] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9378.439038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9378.439470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9378.439500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9378.439543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.168 msecs
<3>[ 9378.442390] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9378.443062] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9378.446741] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<12>[ 9378.452759] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9378.455021] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9378.457309] done.
<5>[ 9378.457350] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9378.457374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9378.457690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -729
<6>[ 9378.458274] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa65, adc_result=1169
<6>[ 9378.459580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9378.460359] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9378.461064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9378.462197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9378.462349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9378.462665] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9378.463715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:04.993921994 UTC
<6>[ 9378.532318] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9378.532410] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 477, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9378.685217] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42833 cur 578
<6>[ 9378.692566] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42833 cur 223
<6>[ 9378.699904] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42833 cur 223
<6>[ 9378.707220] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42835 cur 223
<6>[ 9378.713497] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42831 cur 229
<6>[ 9378.713532] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9378.715470] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x529a, NOW = 0x535f,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9378.715516] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6585, adc_result=4282
<6>[ 9378.715542] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4282(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9378.715622] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9379.290992] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:05.821199610 UTC
<6>[ 9379.291039] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9379.300153] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9379.320336] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9379.363623] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9379.364686] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9379.402526] done.
<6>[ 9379.404077] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9379.404130] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9379.404312] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9379.418867] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9379.426868] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9379.426892] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9379.426913] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9379.429944] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9379.455202] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9379.455252] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9379455242198] 2022-02-15
07:34:05.985466 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:05.985466
<5>[ 9379.648390] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9379.648445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9379.659779] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9379.659808] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9379.659961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9379.662070] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9379.664933] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9379.664953] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9379.665002] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9379.665013] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9379.665046] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9379.665383] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9379.667501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:05)
<6>[ 9379.668748] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9379.670817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9379.670973] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9379.671305] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9379.672686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9379.673407] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9379.673885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9379.673909] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9379.674298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9379.674318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9379.674961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9379.675329] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.433 msecs
<6>[ 9379.680300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.934 msecs
<6>[ 9379.685380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.036 msecs
<6>[ 9379.685418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9379.710703] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.727929] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.727957] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9379.753817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.771937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.771965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9379.797658] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.815924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.815952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9379.842811] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.859962] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.859995] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9379.886069] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.903977] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.904008] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9379.929735] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.947919] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.947947] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9379.973881] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9379.991924] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9379.991937] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xec509ec4,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 517484, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf88dd337, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1358
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46606)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9379.994804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 15.796 seconds
<6>[ 9379.994826] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9379.994853] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9379.995077] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9379.996264] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9379.996301] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9379.996349] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9379.996354] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9379.996830] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9379.997400] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9379.998704] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9379.998731] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9379.998764] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9379.998769] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9379.999135] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9379.999795] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9380.001002] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9380.001029] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9380.001063] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9380.001068] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9380.001465] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9380.002251] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9380.004048] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9380.004110] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9380.004179] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9380.004189] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9380.004771] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9380.005148] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9380.008155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9380.009876] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9380.009927] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9380.009982] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9380.009992] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9380.010514] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9380.012864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9380.014445] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9380.014497] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9380.014557] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9380.014566] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9380.015097] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9380.017794] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9380.019373] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9380.019424] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9380.019486] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9380.019496] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9380.020102] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9380.025922] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9380.029467] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.260 msecs
<3>[ 9380.029984] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9380.033332] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9380.033718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9380.034074] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<5>[ 9380.035130] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9380.035158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9380.035411] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9380.035851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9380.037341] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9380.037984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9380.038046] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9380.038143] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<3>[ 9380.039453] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9380.040316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9380.040469] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9380.041179] (7)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9380.042225] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9380.042958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9380.043027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9380.043050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9380.043476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9380.043505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9380.043547] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.181 msecs
<6>[ 9380.047187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9380.061699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9380.061726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9380.062082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -738
<6>[ 9380.064104] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa6d, adc_result=1172
<6>[ 9380.066409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9380.067516] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9380.068136] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9380.069064] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9380.069197] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9380.069487] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9380.070446] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:22.396797456 UTC
<6>[ 9380.259546] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9380.259637] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 971, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9380.989991] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9381.008051] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9381.023203] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 75, 24, 24,
28, 150, 150, 144, 114, success counter cpu: 13, 1, 2, 1, 10, 14, 7, 9, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 33, 6, 0, 0, 21, 26,
20, 21, o: 0-3, p: , f: , t: 9381220572097, 9381221345943, 9381221346097,
9400269799789, 9381192000000, 9381192000000, 9382040097558, 9381192000000,
<6>[ 9381.051232] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9381.052307] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9381.622417] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9381.622508] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 26, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x20191000 0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17d, req_sta = 0x42002000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9381.990608] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [4]
= 21, [5] = 17, [6] = 13, [7] = 7, Total = 60, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9381.990705] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 69, 22, 21, 23, 142, 160, 139, 127,
cluster : 64, 26, pause = 82, multi core = 90, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 82, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9382.549994] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:24.876341072 UTC
<6>[ 9382.550044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9382.663594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9382.663649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9382.663984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9382.678700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9382.686671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9382.686695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9382.686715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9382.689744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9382.912282] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9382.912338] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9382.923671] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9382.923700] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9382.923850] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9382.925950] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9382.928788] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9382.928809] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9382.928856] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9382.928867] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9382.928899] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9382.929242] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9382.931387] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:24)
<5>[ 9382.934645] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9382.934806] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9382.935133] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9382.936479] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9382.937204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9382.937677] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9382.937701] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9382.938088] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9382.938109] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9382.938770] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9382.939176] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.480 msecs
<6>[ 9382.944077] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.864 msecs
<6>[ 9382.949118] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.995 msecs
<6>[ 9382.949155] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9382.974586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9382.991816] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9382.991844] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9383.017688] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.035798] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.035826] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9383.061533] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.079798] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.079826] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9383.106539] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.123801] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.123830] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9383.150049] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.167803] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.167832] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9383.193685] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.211786] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.211815] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<3>[ 9383.219841] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<5>[ 9383.229456] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9383.247754] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9383.247767] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfb13e05e,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 4634, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfb3041c8, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x48, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1359
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46633)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9383.250773] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.143 seconds
<6>[ 9383.250795] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9383.250822] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9383.251129] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9383.252318] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9383.252357] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9383.252405] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9383.252410] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.252883] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.252928] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9383252917436] 2022-02-15
07:34:25.723210 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:25.723210
<6>[ 9383.253488] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9383.254792] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9383.254820] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9383.254853] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9383.254858] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.255226] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.255879] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9383.257091] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9383.257121] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9383.257155] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9383.257160] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.257559] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.258331] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9383.260132] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9383.260193] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9383.260262] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9383.260272] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.260853] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.261228] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9383.264182] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9383.265903] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9383.265954] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9383.266009] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9383.266019] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.266543] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.268890] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9383.270461] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9383.270513] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9383.270571] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9383.270581] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.271112] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.273833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9383.275413] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9383.275468] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9383.275528] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9383.275538] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9383.276278] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9383.282097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9383.285557] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.176 msecs
<6>[ 9383.289442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.224 msecs
<5>[ 9383.289836] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9383.291278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9383.291672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9383.291933] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9383.292320] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9383.293810] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9383.294445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9383.294508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9383.296001] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9383.296828] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9383.296980] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9383.297687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9383.299418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9383.299497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9383.299520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9383.300033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9383.300064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9383.300106] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.627 msecs
<6>[ 9383.303736] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9383.313085] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9383.315370] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9383.317481] done.
<5>[ 9383.317523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<12>[ 9383.317534] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9383.317567] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9383.317950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -776
<6>[ 9383.318537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa6e, adc_result=1173
<12>[ 9383.319501] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9383.319947] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9383.321268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9383.322518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9383.323824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9383.323977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9383.324285] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9383.325371] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:25.795646687 UTC
<6>[ 9384.262583] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9384.279889] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9384.324023] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9384.325106] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9384.404034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:26.874313687 UTC
<6>[ 9384.404078] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9384.512678] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9384.512728] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9384.512833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9384.521457] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9384.527640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9384.527651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9384.527660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9384.530526] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9384.752129] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9384.752186] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9384.763519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9384.763548] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9384.763699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9384.765800] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9384.768668] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9384.768689] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9384.768737] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9384.768748] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9384.768781] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9384.769102] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9384.771206] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:26)
<5>[ 9384.774458] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9384.774625] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9384.774947] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9384.776301] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9384.777023] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9384.777497] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9384.777521] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9384.777908] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9384.777928] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9384.778590] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9384.779033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.554 msecs
<6>[ 9384.784003] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.932 msecs
<6>[ 9384.789102] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.055 msecs
<6>[ 9384.789140] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9384.814447] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9384.831672] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9384.831700] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9384.857577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9384.875644] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9384.875672] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9384.897416] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9384.915679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9384.915710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9384.938450] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9384.955705] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9384.955738] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9384.977849] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9384.995709] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9384.995741] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9385.007699] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9385.021486] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9385.039691] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9385.039720] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9385.066082] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9385.083653] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9385.083666] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfc9c9215,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12
= 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfc9ceee8, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1360
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46647)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9385.086481] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9385.086502] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9385.086519] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9385.086642] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9385.087921] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9385.087957] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9385.088005] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9385.088010] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.088487] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.088532] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9385088521671] 2022-02-15
07:34:27.561586 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:27.561586
<6>[ 9385.089084] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9385.090392] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9385.090417] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9385.090449] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9385.090453] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.090816] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.091401] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9385.092700] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9385.092726] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9385.092759] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9385.092764] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.093157] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.093946] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9385.095751] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9385.095811] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9385.095879] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9385.095890] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.096478] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.096859] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9385.099828] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9385.101546] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9385.101596] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9385.101652] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9385.101662] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.102181] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.104508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9385.106095] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9385.106148] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9385.106207] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9385.106217] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.106752] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.109450] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9385.111027] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9385.111081] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9385.111141] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9385.111151] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9385.111884] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9385.117513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9385.121007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.211 msecs
<6>[ 9385.124831] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.166 msecs
<5>[ 9385.125222] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9385.126667] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9385.126697] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9385.126948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9385.127325] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9385.127638] -(6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<3>[ 9385.128817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9385.129456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9385.129519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9385.130924] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9385.131786] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9385.131940] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9385.132649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9385.134394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9385.134472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9385.134495] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9385.134937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9385.134966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9385.135007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.141 msecs
<6>[ 9385.139037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9385.152938] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9385.152965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9385.153286] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9385.154205] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa70, adc_result=1174
<6>[ 9385.155386] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9385.156122] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9385.156731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9385.158148] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9385.158313] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9385.159804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:27.632853609 UTC
<12>[ 9385.161819] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9385.166114] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9385.168332] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9385.170125] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9385.595251] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9385.595341] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 60, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9385.715951] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:28.188999917 UTC
<6>[ 9385.716000] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9385.719761] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9385.739844] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9385.783514] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9385.784594] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9385.823584] done.
<6>[ 9385.825033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9385.825089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9385.825285] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9385.839955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9385.847940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9385.847964] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9385.847985] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9385.851037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9386.070526] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 82, 39, 48,
48, 164, 194, 136, 101, success counter cpu: 15, 1, 6, 3, 16, 22, 15, 3, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 32, 8, 6, 4, 30, 39,
24, 11, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9386240775790, 9386314546559, 9386478708020,
9386478663328, 9386240000000, 9386315570251, 9386319595020, 9389032475018,
<5>[ 9386.071985] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9386.072017] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9386.083349] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9386.083378] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9386.083528] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9386.085626] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9386.088486] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9386.088507] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9386.088555] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9386.088565] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9386.088597] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9386.088936] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9386.091061] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:27)
<5>[ 9386.094342] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9386.094503] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9386.094831] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9386.096180] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9386.096901] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9386.097375] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9386.097400] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9386.097785] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9386.097806] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9386.098443] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9386.098806] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.817 msecs
<6>[ 9386.103771] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.927 msecs
<6>[ 9386.108855] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.041 msecs
<6>[ 9386.108892] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9386.134357] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.151549] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.151577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9386.177412] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.195543] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.195571] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9386.221270] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.239542] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.239570] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9386.266284] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.283544] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.283572] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9386.309701] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.327563] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.327592] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9386.353432] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.371529] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.371557] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9386.390024] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9386.407705] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9386.407720] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfda3c368,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x48
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 446759, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x834c746, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 86
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1361
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46655)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9386.410606] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 13.637 seconds
<6>[ 9386.410627] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9386.410654] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9386.410878] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9386.412065] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9386.412102] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9386.412149] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9386.412154] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.412633] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.412678] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9386412668289] 2022-02-15
07:34:42.523172 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:42.523172
<6>[ 9386.413235] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9386.414540] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9386.414567] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9386.414602] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9386.414606] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.414973] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.415615] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9386.416813] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9386.416840] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9386.416874] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9386.416878] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.417267] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.418027] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9386.419817] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9386.419877] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9386.419945] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9386.419955] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.420532] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.420912] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9386.423940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9386.425660] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9386.425709] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9386.425763] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9386.425773] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.426294] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.428643] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9386.430229] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9386.430280] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9386.430337] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9386.430347] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.430879] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.433579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9386.435156] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9386.435207] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9386.435267] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9386.435276] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9386.435980] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9386.441775] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9386.445482] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.402 msecs
<4>[ 9386.445999] -(4)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 2 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9386.446015] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9386.449307] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.169 msecs
<5>[ 9386.449699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9386.450113] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<5>[ 9386.451171] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9386.451200] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9386.451516] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9386.451907] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9386.453396] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9386.454045] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9386.454108] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9386.454184] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9386.455598] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9386.456377] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9386.456524] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9386.457227] (4)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9386.458265] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9386.459008] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9386.459077] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9386.459101] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9386.459603] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9386.459635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9386.459676] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.336 msecs
<3>[ 9386.462360] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9386.463160] (4)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9386.466479] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<12>[ 9386.469691] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<3>[ 9386.470892] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<12>[ 9386.472179] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9386.477153] done.
<5>[ 9386.477201] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9386.477224] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9386.477597] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -722
<6>[ 9386.478214] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa74, adc_result=1175
<6>[ 9386.479714] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9386.480829] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9386.481416] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9386.482621] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9386.482777] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9386.483091] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9386.484142] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:42.594633456 UTC
<6>[ 9386.688899] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9386.688980] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 120, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9386.809893] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9386.816089] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9386.816239] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3748
<5>[ 9387.073423] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [1]
= 1, [4] = 14, [5] = 23, [6] = 7, [7] = 5, Total = 53, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9387.073520] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 89, 40, 52, 54, 123, 146, 123, 102,
cluster : 124, 20, pause = 67, multi core = 65, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 67, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9387.093065] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9387.093159] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0,
r12 = 0x810, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9387.577097] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9387.577144] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9387.893571] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9387.893662] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<3>[ 9387.894217] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<6>[ 9388.493572] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9388.493664] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9388.570471] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:44.680959380 UTC
<6>[ 9388.570520] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9388.579613] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9388.599603] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9388.643821] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9388.644902] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9388.682068] done.
<6>[ 9388.683640] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9388.683710] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9388.683905] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9388.698427] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9388.706343] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9388.706366] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9388.706387] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9388.709528] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9388.931873] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9388.931930] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9388.943261] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9388.943289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9388.943437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9388.945333] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9388.948186] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9388.948207] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9388.948256] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9388.948267] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9388.948300] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9388.948637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9388.950794] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:44)
<5>[ 9388.954042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9388.954198] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9388.954531] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9388.955909] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9388.956632] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9388.957109] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9388.957133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9388.957518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9388.957539] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9388.958163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9388.958551] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.071 msecs
<6>[ 9388.963458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.871 msecs
<6>[ 9388.968570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.067 msecs
<6>[ 9388.968608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9388.994171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.011417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.011446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9389.037282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.055423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.055450] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9389.081158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.099411] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.099439] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9389.126284] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.143452] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.143485] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9389.161530] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.179457] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.179488] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9389.205223] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.223407] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.223436] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9389.249525] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9389.267412] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9389.267425] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa6c34ba, wlk_cntcv_h
= 0x49
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 76600, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc3c4654, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 89
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1362
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46676)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9389.270246] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.340 seconds
<6>[ 9389.270268] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9389.270295] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9389.270518] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9389.271704] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9389.271741] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9389.271788] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9389.271793] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.272273] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.272318] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9389272308142] 2022-02-15
07:34:47.723188 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:47.723188
<6>[ 9389.272872] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9389.274179] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9389.274206] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9389.274238] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9389.274243] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.274606] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.275282] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9389.276491] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9389.276517] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9389.276553] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9389.276557] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.276951] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.277748] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9389.279542] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9389.279603] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9389.279675] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9389.279685] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.280271] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.280648] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9389.283589] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9389.285302] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9389.285351] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9389.285407] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9389.285416] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.285937] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.288271] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9389.289847] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9389.289898] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9389.289959] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9389.289968] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.290501] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.293206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9389.294775] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9389.294827] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9389.294888] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9389.294898] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9389.295630] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9389.301281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9389.304834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.264 msecs
<6>[ 9389.308827] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9389.309221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9389.310644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9389.310672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9389.310924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9389.311366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9389.312860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9389.313500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9389.313562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9389.314980] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9389.315902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9389.316052] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9389.316753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9389.318513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9389.318589] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9389.318612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9389.319047] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9389.319075] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9389.319117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.253 msecs
<6>[ 9389.322653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9389.336847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9389.336874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9389.337266] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -760
<6>[ 9389.338049] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa76, adc_result=1176
<6>[ 9389.339148] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9389.340271] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9389.340855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9389.341517] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9389.341851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9389.341982] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9389.342283] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9389.343410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:47.794277379 UTC
<12>[ 9389.349794] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9389.356352] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9389.359717] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9389.557182] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9389.557275] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 796, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9390.009134] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:48.459998071 UTC
<6>[ 9390.009182] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9390.017542] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9390.035508] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9390.079923] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9390.081004] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9390.121293] done.
<6>[ 9390.122668] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9390.122719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9390.122893] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9390.137631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9390.145664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9390.145687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9390.145708] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9390.148731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9390.367742] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9390.367798] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9390.379131] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9390.379160] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9390.379311] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9390.381386] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9390.384225] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9390.384246] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9390.384293] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9390.384303] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9390.384336] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9390.384675] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9390.386827] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:47)
<5>[ 9390.390079] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9390.390246] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9390.390568] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9390.391946] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9390.392670] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9390.393157] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9390.393182] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9390.393569] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9390.393589] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9390.394221] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9390.394574] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.892 msecs
<6>[ 9390.399550] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.938 msecs
<6>[ 9390.404624] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.028 msecs
<6>[ 9390.404662] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9390.430067] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.447301] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.447330] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9390.473176] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.491289] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.491317] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9390.517061] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.535284] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.535313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9390.562031] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.579289] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.579317] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9390.605437] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.623309] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.623338] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9390.649170] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.667274] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.667303] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<6>[ 9390.675961] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9390.685050] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9390.703234] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9390.703247] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd5943ad, wlk_cntcv_h
= 0x49
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12
= 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd59a04d, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1363
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46687)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9390.706064] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9390.706085] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9390.706102] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9390.706225] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9390.707497] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9390.707533] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9390.707581] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9390.707585] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.708059] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.708103] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9390708093299] 2022-02-15
07:34:49.161689 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:49.161689
<6>[ 9390.708661] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9390.709962] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9390.709990] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9390.710023] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9390.710027] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.710397] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.710992] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9390.712301] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9390.712330] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9390.712363] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9390.712367] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.712767] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.713557] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9390.715364] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9390.715426] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9390.715494] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9390.715504] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.716094] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.716472] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9390.719409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9390.721148] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9390.721198] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9390.721253] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9390.721263] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.721783] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.724136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9390.725697] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9390.725749] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9390.725809] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9390.725819] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.726349] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.729059] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9390.730616] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9390.730668] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9390.730728] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9390.730737] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9390.731347] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9390.737174] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9390.740688] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.230 msecs
<6>[ 9390.744641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.291 msecs
<5>[ 9390.745038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9390.746473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9390.746502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9390.746756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9390.747200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9390.747491] -(2)[0:swapper/2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9390.748696] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9390.749342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9390.749404] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9390.750891] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9390.751748] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9390.751902] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9390.752612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9390.754376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9390.754454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9390.754477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9390.754915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9390.754944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9390.755305] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.625 msecs
<6>[ 9390.758841] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9390.771208] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9390.772554] done.
<5>[ 9390.772595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9390.772618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9390.772958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<12>[ 9390.773509] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9390.774171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa76, adc_result=1176
<6>[ 9390.775650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9390.776709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<12>[ 9390.777354] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9390.777556] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9390.779856] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9390.781931] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9390.782103] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9390.783410] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:49.236996302 UTC
<6>[ 9391.071756] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 60, 22, 22,
26, 139, 128, 130, 151, success counter cpu: 9, 0, 0, 2, 12, 15, 12, 4, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 23, 3, 0, 0, 24, 26,
24, 14, o: 0-3,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9391433585482, 9391933667790, 9391933716944,
9391933652944, 9397824245403, 9391253116790, 9392939348866, 9391516000000,
<6>[ 9391.347321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:49.800900302 UTC
<6>[ 9391.347371] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9391.351220] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9391.371363] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9391.415597] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9391.416678] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9391.461265] done.
<6>[ 9391.462704] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9391.462758] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9391.462933] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9391.477440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9391.485448] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9391.485471] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9391.485492] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9391.488509] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9391.707620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9391.707677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9391.718830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9391.718887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9391.718978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9391.719391] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9391.719421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9391.719461] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.456
<6>[ 9391.723235] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9391.736581] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9391.736609] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9391.736977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -810
<6>[ 9391.737731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa77, adc_result=1177
<6>[ 9391.740529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9391.740684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9391.741920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:50.195504532 UTC
<5>[ 9392.120357] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [1]
= 1, [4] = 17, [5] = 17, [6] = 16, [7] = 18, Total = 71, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9392.120453] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 62, 21, 23, 28, 134, 154, 139, 152,
cluster : 65, 36, pause = 99, multi core = 113, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 99, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9392.408910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:50.862489840 UTC
<6>[ 9392.408958] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9392.417750] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9392.435573] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9392.479527] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9392.480608] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9392.515250] done.
<6>[ 9392.516695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9392.516751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9392.516943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9392.531438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9392.539448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9392.539470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9392.539492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9392.542446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9392.763619] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9392.763678] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9392.775011] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9392.775040] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9392.775188] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9392.777267] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9392.780165] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9392.780186] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9392.780235] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9392.780246] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9392.780279] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9392.780617] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9392.782730] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:50)
<5>[ 9392.785983] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9392.786145] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9392.786476] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9392.787852] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9392.788577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9392.789053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9392.789078] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9392.789466] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9392.789486] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9392.790107] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9392.790503] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.104 msecs
<6>[ 9392.795417] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.877 msecs
<6>[ 9392.800510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.049 msecs
<6>[ 9392.800548] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9392.825934] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9392.843164] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9392.843192] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9392.869142] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9392.887162] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9392.887190] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9392.912906] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9392.931161] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9392.931190] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9392.949931] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9392.967203] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9392.967234] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9392.993293] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9393.011160] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9393.011188] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9393.037041] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9393.055253] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9393.055281] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9393.081098] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9393.099158] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9393.099171] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf351342, wlk_cntcv_h
= 0x49
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 25000, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfccbec5, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1364
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46705)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9393.102013] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.765 seconds
<6>[ 9393.102034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9393.102061] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9393.102283] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9393.103470] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9393.103506] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9393.103553] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9393.103558] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.104030] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.104075] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9393104064689] 2022-02-15
07:34:52.323129 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:52.323129
<6>[ 9393.104621] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9393.105932] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9393.105958] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9393.105990] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9393.105994] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.106361] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.107027] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9393.108242] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9393.108270] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9393.108301] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9393.108306] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.108701] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.109480] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9393.111286] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9393.111345] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9393.111413] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9393.111423] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.112009] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.112393] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9393.115407] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9393.117134] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9393.117184] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9393.117242] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9393.117252] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.117772] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.120124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9393.121712] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9393.121765] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9393.121826] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9393.121835] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.122370] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.125067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9393.126649] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9393.126700] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9393.126761] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9393.126771] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9393.127383] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9393.133152] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9393.136654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.220 msecs
<6>[ 9393.140552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.236 msecs
<5>[ 9393.140943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9393.142369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9393.142397] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9393.142650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9393.143091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9393.144580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9393.145218] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9393.145280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9393.146691] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9393.147525] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9393.147674] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9393.148374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9393.150141] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9393.150217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9393.150241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9393.150672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9393.150701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9393.150744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.155 msecs
<6>[ 9393.154247] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9393.163387] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9393.165647] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9393.168076] done.
<5>[ 9393.168119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9393.168142] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9393.168519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1247
<4>[ 9393.169402] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9393.169433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa77, adc_result=1177
<6>[ 9393.170556] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9393.171185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9393.171711] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9393.178311] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9393.178479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9393.178796] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9393.180005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:52.399048379 UTC
<6>[ 9393.320629] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9393.339305] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9393.367487] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9393.367543] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 139,
<5>[ 9393.367579] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9393.367579]
<6>[ 9393.367605] -(6)[0:swapper/6][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9393.382884] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9393.384128] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9393.847775] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9393.847865] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1844, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9393.848863] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:53.067915840 UTC
<6>[ 9393.848889] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9393.962124] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9393.962179] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9393.962360] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9393.977045] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9393.985204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9393.985227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9393.985248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9393.988271] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9394.211497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9394.211553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9394.222885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9394.222913] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9394.223063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9394.225128] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9394.228002] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9394.228023] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9394.228070] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9394.228081] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9394.228114] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9394.228453] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9394.230572] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:52)
<5>[ 9394.233887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9394.234048] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9394.234376] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9394.235724] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9394.236446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9394.236921] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9394.236946] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9394.237333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9394.237354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9394.237995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9394.238321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.098 msecs
<6>[ 9394.243319] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.961 msecs
<6>[ 9394.248423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.061 msecs
<6>[ 9394.248460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9394.273820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.291054] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.291083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9394.317025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.335037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.335065] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9394.360789] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.379036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.379065] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9394.405948] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.423074] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.423106] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9394.445231] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.463074] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.463105] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9394.488857] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.507029] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.507058] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9394.533011] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9394.551037] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9394.551050] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x10eceb5e,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12
= 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x10ed4812, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1365
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46717)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9394.553920] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9394.553941] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9394.553959] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9394.554083] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9394.555354] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9394.555390] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9394.555438] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9394.555443] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.555923] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.555968] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9394555957538] 2022-02-15
07:34:53.777746 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:53.777746
<6>[ 9394.556511] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9394.557812] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9394.557837] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9394.557868] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9394.557872] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.558234] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.558902] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9394.560103] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9394.560130] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9394.560164] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9394.560168] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.560558] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.561341] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9394.563133] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9394.563192] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9394.563261] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9394.563271] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.563855] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.564234] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9394.567309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9394.569023] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9394.569073] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9394.569130] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9394.569140] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.569659] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.572002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9394.573580] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9394.573631] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9394.573690] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9394.573700] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.574231] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.576947] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9394.578521] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9394.578573] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9394.578634] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9394.578644] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9394.579249] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9394.585025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9394.588517] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.209 msecs
<6>[ 9394.592382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9394.592781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9394.594213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9394.594241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9394.594501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9394.594969] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9394.596816] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9394.597461] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9394.597524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9394.598977] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9394.599876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9394.600026] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<5>[ 9394.600638] -(6)[0:swapper/6][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9394.600736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9394.602507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9394.602583] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9394.602606] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9394.603321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9394.603353] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9394.603395] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.975 msecs
<6>[ 9394.606954] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9394.616666] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9394.619369] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9394.620825] done.
<5>[ 9394.620865] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9394.620888] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9394.621219] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -870
<6>[ 9394.622149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa77, adc_result=1177
<6>[ 9394.622414] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9394.623436] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9394.624388] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9394.625124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9394.627128] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9394.627290] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9394.628610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:53.850383993 UTC
<6>[ 9394.639214] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9394.682322] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9394.683396] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<12>[ 9394.685175] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9394.686522] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9395.187034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:54.408807686 UTC
<6>[ 9395.187083] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9395.300903] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9395.300968] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9395.301184] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9395.311823] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9395.311914] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9395.312003] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9395.312028] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9395.323284] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9395.323311] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9395.323637] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9395.324932] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa79, adc_result=1178
<6>[ 9395.327791] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9395.327930] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9395.329194] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:54.550969224 UTC
<6>[ 9396.051268] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:55.273040916 UTC
<6>[ 9396.051319] -(7)[0:swapper/7]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9396.123198] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 87, 23, 27,
34, 162, 209, 129, 164, success counter cpu: 11, 0, 1, 2, 17, 27, 4, 13, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 29, 4, 0, 1, 32, 48,
14, 18, o: 0-6, p: , f: , t: 9396287136098, 9396786287405, 9396786350405,
9396786287251, 9396572000000, 9396440700001, 9396340720713, 9396328000000,
<4>[ 9396.164894] done.
<6>[ 9396.166350] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9396.166405] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9396.166588] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9396.181377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9396.189364] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9396.189387] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9396.189408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9396.192494] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9396.415370] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9396.415426] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9396.426773] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9396.426802] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9396.426952] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9396.429046] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9396.431912] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9396.431933] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9396.431980] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9396.431991] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9396.432023] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9396.432365] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9396.434482] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:54)
<5>[ 9396.437740] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9396.437897] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9396.438228] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9396.439575] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9396.440299] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9396.440775] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9396.440799] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9396.441186] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9396.441207] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9396.441823] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9396.442323] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.879 msecs
<6>[ 9396.447228] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.868 msecs
<6>[ 9396.452296] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.023 msecs
<6>[ 9396.452335] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9396.477685] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.494910] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.494939] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9396.520894] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.538904] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.538932] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9396.564642] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.582906] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.582934] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9396.609667] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.626910] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.626940] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9396.653112] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.659576] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9396.670923] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.670951] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9396.704819] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.722998] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.723027] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9396.749251] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9396.766898] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9396.766912] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x12a5061d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 95905, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x14e9f21a, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1366
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46734)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9396.769886] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.929 seconds
<6>[ 9396.769908] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9396.769935] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9396.770158] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9396.771347] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9396.771383] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9396.771430] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9396.771435] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.771914] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.771958] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9396771948389] 2022-02-15
07:34:58.923128 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:34:58.923128
<6>[ 9396.772508] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9396.773804] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9396.773832] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9396.773864] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9396.773868] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.774234] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.774880] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9396.776085] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9396.776113] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9396.776145] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9396.776149] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.776543] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.777312] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9396.779105] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9396.779164] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9396.779231] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9396.779242] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.779821] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.780199] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9396.783237] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9396.784955] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9396.785004] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9396.785059] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9396.785068] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.785589] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.787925] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9396.789498] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9396.789547] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9396.789607] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9396.789617] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.790145] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.792836] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9396.794410] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9396.794462] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9396.794524] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9396.794534] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9396.795149] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9396.800996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9396.804465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.187 msecs
<6>[ 9396.808356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.228 msecs
<5>[ 9396.808749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9396.810171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9396.810200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9396.810453] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9396.810897] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9396.812387] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9396.813020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9396.813083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9396.814496] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9396.815381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9396.815532] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9396.816238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9396.818007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9396.818083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9396.818107] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9396.818548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9396.818577] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9396.818617] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.226 msecs
<6>[ 9396.822093] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9396.834975] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9396.836122] done.
<5>[ 9396.836165] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9396.836188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9396.836477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -754
<4>[ 9396.837643] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9396.837680] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7a, adc_result=1178
<12>[ 9396.838496] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9396.841220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9396.841367] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9396.844732] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9396.845412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9396.845503] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9396.850474] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9396.850640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9396.851077] -(7)[1618:Binder:1201_5][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9396.852115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:34:59.003279686 UTC
<6>[ 9396.947502] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9396.947582] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 463, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9396.953427] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9396.971346] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9397.014461] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9397.015541] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9397.132177] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 20, [5] = 21, [6] = 6, [7] = 8, Total = 58, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9397.132275] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 85, 25, 29, 33, 134, 154, 80, 137,
cluster : 90, 29, pause = 77, multi core = 84, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 77, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9397.497005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:34:59.648168917 UTC
<6>[ 9397.497053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9397.610833] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9397.610909] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9397.611088] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9397.625509] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9397.633422] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9397.633446] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9397.633466] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9397.636554] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9397.811118] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39402), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9397.811168] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116803,147680081,39402), tx=(26862,21790,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9397.859187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9397.859245] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9397.870619] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9397.870648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9397.870801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9397.872878] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9397.875713] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9397.875735] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9397.875784] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9397.875795] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9397.875827] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9397.876169] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9397.878323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:34:58)
<5>[ 9397.881571] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9397.881731] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9397.882060] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9397.883409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9397.884132] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9397.884606] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9397.884630] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9397.885017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9397.885037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9397.885660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9397.886088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.582 msecs
<6>[ 9397.891203] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.079 msecs
<6>[ 9397.896045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.791 msecs
<6>[ 9397.896082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9397.921585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9397.938837] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9397.938865] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9397.964672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9397.982784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9397.982812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9398.008536] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9398.026784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9398.026812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9398.053684] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9398.070819] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9398.070851] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9398.088926] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9398.106827] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9398.106858] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9398.132578] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9398.150776] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9398.150805] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9398.176533] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9398.194783] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9398.194797] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x16055a97,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 25218, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x169e58a9, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 89
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1367
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46745)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9398.197781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.771 seconds
<6>[ 9398.197802] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9398.197829] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9398.198050] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9398.199234] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9398.199270] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9398.199319] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9398.199323] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.199798] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.199843] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9398199832853] 2022-02-15
07:35:01.123129 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:01.123129
<6>[ 9398.200407] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9398.201710] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9398.201737] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9398.201768] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9398.201772] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.202134] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.202816] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9398.204034] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9398.204062] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9398.204098] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9398.204102] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.204497] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.205290] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9398.207091] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9398.207150] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9398.207221] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9398.207231] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.207824] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.208201] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9398.211134] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9398.212855] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9398.212904] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9398.212961] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9398.212970] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.213492] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.215832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9398.217418] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9398.217470] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9398.217531] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9398.217541] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.218071] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.220790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9398.222364] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9398.222417] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9398.222478] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9398.222487] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9398.223144] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.228952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9398.232418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.182 msecs
<6>[ 9398.236343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.266 msecs
<5>[ 9398.236736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9398.238158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9398.238185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9398.238441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9398.238887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9398.240375] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9398.241018] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9398.241079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9398.242498] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9398.243359] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9398.243508] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9398.244213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9398.245986] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9398.246064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9398.246088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9398.246518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9398.246547] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9398.246666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.287 msecs
<6>[ 9398.250149] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9398.259816] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9398.262036] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9398.264654] done.
<5>[ 9398.264699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9398.264723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9398.265067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -741
<6>[ 9398.265577] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7a, adc_result=1178
<6>[ 9398.266824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9398.268038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9398.269349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9398.270458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9398.270753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9398.271059] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9398.272085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:01.195367532 UTC
<6>[ 9398.520237] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9398.936626] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:01.859907147 UTC
<6>[ 9398.936675] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9398.939743] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9398.959048] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9399.003149] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9399.004231] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9399.042687] done.
<6>[ 9399.044151] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9399.044206] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9399.044407] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9399.058817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9399.066775] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9399.066798] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9399.066819] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9399.069774] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9399.091173] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9399.091548] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9399.098698] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42831 cur 521
<6>[ 9399.105016] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42826 cur 257
<6>[ 9399.112315] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42828 cur 251
<6>[ 9399.119613] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42831 cur 242
<6>[ 9399.126919] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 242
<6>[ 9399.126954] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9399.129682] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x535f, NOW = 0x53db,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9399.129729] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6585, adc_result=4282
<6>[ 9399.129754] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4282(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9399.129779] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<5>[ 9399.291110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9399.291166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9399.302320] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9399.302377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9399.302466] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9399.302883] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9399.302912] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9399.302952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.458
<6>[ 9399.306715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9399.321069] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9399.321096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9399.321456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -641
<6>[ 9399.322212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7b, adc_result=1179
<6>[ 9399.324782] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9399.325335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9399.325781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9399.326752] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9399.326869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9399.328102] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:02.251388301 UTC
<6>[ 9399.955103] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:02.878383301 UTC
<6>[ 9399.955152] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9399.962935] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9399.982832] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9400.025913] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9400.026966] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9400.063114] done.
<6>[ 9400.064541] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9400.064594] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9400.064765] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9400.079404] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9400.087412] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9400.087435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9400.087455] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9400.090410] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9400.311120] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9400.311176] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9400.322512] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9400.322540] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9400.322691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9400.324787] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9400.327663] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9400.327683] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9400.327731] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9400.327742] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9400.327774] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9400.328114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9400.330230] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:02)
<5>[ 9400.333544] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9400.333705] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9400.334033] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9400.335380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9400.336095] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9400.336567] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9400.336592] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9400.336975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9400.336995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9400.337605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9400.338018] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.652 msecs
<6>[ 9400.342910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.855 msecs
<6>[ 9400.347964] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.012 msecs
<6>[ 9400.348002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9400.373443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.390656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.390684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9400.416549] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.434665] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.434692] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9400.460406] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.478650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.478678] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9400.505556] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.522691] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.522723] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9400.540778] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.558696] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.558727] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9400.584478] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.602645] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.602673] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9400.628605] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9400.646681] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9400.646694] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1884e0ab,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 24433, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x19191e15, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 89
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1368
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46764)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9400.649633] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.748 seconds
<6>[ 9400.649655] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9400.649682] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9400.649901] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9400.651088] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9400.651124] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9400.651171] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9400.651176] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.651650] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.651694] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9400651684320] 2022-02-15
07:35:04.323109 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:04.323109
<6>[ 9400.652239] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9400.653531] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9400.653558] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9400.653590] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9400.653595] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.653956] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.654593] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9400.655802] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9400.655831] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9400.655863] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9400.655868] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.656256] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.657039] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9400.658830] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9400.658893] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9400.658964] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9400.658974] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.659679] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.660077] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9400.663064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9400.664815] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9400.664866] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9400.664923] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9400.664932] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.665452] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.667788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9400.669381] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9400.669433] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9400.669491] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9400.669501] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.670027] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.672725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9400.674331] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9400.674383] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9400.674449] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9400.674459] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9400.675142] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9400.680955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9400.684464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.212 msecs
<3>[ 9400.684990] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9400.688294] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.168 msecs
<5>[ 9400.688682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9400.689083] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<5>[ 9400.690119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9400.690146] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9400.690399] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9400.690843] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9400.692339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9400.692974] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9400.693037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9400.693157] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<3>[ 9400.694576] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9400.695372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9400.695522] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9400.696222] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9400.697240] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9400.697995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9400.698063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9400.698087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9400.698605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9400.698635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9400.698678] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.349 msecs
<3>[ 9400.701343] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9400.702142] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9400.705723] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<12>[ 9400.715706] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9400.715899] done.
<5>[ 9400.715924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9400.715947] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9400.716280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -810
<6>[ 9400.718417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7b, adc_result=1179
<12>[ 9400.719486] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9400.719625] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9400.720874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9400.721620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9400.722806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9400.722961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9400.723255] -(5)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9400.724254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:04.395667532 UTC
<12>[ 9400.724918] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9400.728724] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9400.811818] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9400.811909] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1285, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9401.136891] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 84, 27, 38,
38, 154, 130, 139, 123, success counter cpu: 12, 0, 4, 3, 9, 13, 13, 3, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 33, 3, 2, 2, 23, 26,
16, 10, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9401308000000, 9401876784713, 9401377539713,
9401877621175, 9401387359175, 9401564000000, 9401308000000, 9420944780021,
<6>[ 9401.139357] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9401.139448] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9401.400331] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:05.071741070 UTC
<6>[ 9401.400381] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9401.409152] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9401.427288] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9401.470852] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9401.471932] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9401.508313] done.
<6>[ 9401.509771] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9401.509851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9401.510024] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9401.524700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9401.532832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9401.532855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9401.532876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9401.535905] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9401.754982] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9401.755040] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9401.766372] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9401.766401] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9401.766552] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9401.768647] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9401.771493] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9401.771514] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9401.771563] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9401.771573] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9401.771606] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9401.771943] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9401.774089] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:04)
<5>[ 9401.777343] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9401.777504] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9401.777831] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9401.779177] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9401.779899] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9401.780373] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9401.780398] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9401.780787] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9401.780808] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9401.781428] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9401.781771] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.917 msecs
<6>[ 9401.786748] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.939 msecs
<6>[ 9401.791852] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.060 msecs
<6>[ 9401.791890] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9401.817314] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9401.834542] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9401.834570] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9401.860405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9401.878527] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9401.878555] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9401.904261] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9401.906546] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9401.906574] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9401.922524] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9401.922553] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9401.949326] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9401.966528] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9401.966557] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9401.992791] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9402.010577] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9402.010605] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9402.036353] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9402.054616] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9402.054644] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9402.080995] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9402.098514] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9402.098527] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1a393eb7,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 =
0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97d, req_sta = 0x42002000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1a399b7f, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1369
<5>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x1
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9402.101307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9402.101327] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9402.101344] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9402.101467] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9402.102736] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9402.102772] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9402.102822] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9402.102827] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.103303] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.103347] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9402103336707] 2022-02-15
07:35:05.777490 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:05.777490
<6>[ 9402.103899] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9402.105203] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9402.105231] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9402.105265] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9402.105270] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.105637] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.106218] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9402.107513] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9402.107542] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9402.107576] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9402.107580] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.107976] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.108761] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9402.110570] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9402.110633] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9402.110701] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9402.110711] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.111295] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.111670] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9402.114670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9402.116395] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9402.116444] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9402.116502] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9402.116511] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.117030] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.119363] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9402.120956] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9402.121008] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9402.121067] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9402.121076] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.121609] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.124300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9402.125879] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9402.125933] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9402.125992] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9402.126002] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9402.126612] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9402.132418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9402.135858] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.151 msecs
<6>[ 9402.136589] (5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cif]CCIF_MD wakeup source:
<6>[ 9402.136626] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9402.136724] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3693
<5>[ 9402.138407] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [2]
= 2, [4] = 22, [5] = 10, [6] = 11, [7] = 5, Total = 53, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9402.138471] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 68, 23, 35, 36, 138, 119, 128, 112,
cluster : 73, 33, pause = 80, multi core = 101, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 80, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9402.139677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.167 msecs
<5>[ 9402.140066] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9402.141487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9402.141514] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9402.141765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9402.142158] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9402.142543] -(5)[0:swapper/5][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9402.143651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9402.144290] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9402.144351] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9402.145778] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9402.146696] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9402.146847] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9402.147552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9402.149281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9402.149358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9402.149381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9402.149825] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9402.149854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9402.149896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.187 msecs
<6>[ 9402.153723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9402.167527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9402.167554] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9402.167903] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -650
<6>[ 9402.168457] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7c, adc_result=1179
<12>[ 9402.168626] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9402.169552] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9402.170473] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9402.171715] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9402.171796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9402.172966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9402.173089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9402.173422] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9402.174273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:05.848417531 UTC
<12>[ 9402.175987] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9402.648297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:06.322434839 UTC
<6>[ 9402.648346] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9402.656708] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9402.674617] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9402.717662] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9402.718717] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9402.754442] done.
<6>[ 9402.755889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9402.755944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9402.756137] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9402.770690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9402.778693] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9402.778716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9402.778736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9402.781692] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9403.002861] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9403.002920] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9403.014265] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9403.014293] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9403.014444] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9403.016527] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9403.019359] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9403.019381] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9403.019430] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9403.019441] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9403.019474] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9403.019813] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9403.021931] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:05)
<5>[ 9403.025194] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9403.025347] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9403.025684] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9403.027028] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9403.027750] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9403.028225] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9403.028249] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9403.028636] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9403.028657] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9403.029300] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9403.029748] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.104 msecs
<6>[ 9403.034658] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.873 msecs
<6>[ 9403.039718] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.015 msecs
<6>[ 9403.039756] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9403.065207] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.082402] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.082431] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9403.108399] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.126401] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.126429] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9403.152128] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.170396] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.170425] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9403.197279] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.214377] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.214405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9403.248836] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.266409] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.266436] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9403.300339] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.318492] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.318520] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9403.344592] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9403.362390] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9403.362403] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1b347b5d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 22258, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1bbb8d20, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1370
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46782)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9403.365173] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.681 seconds
<6>[ 9403.365195] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9403.365223] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9403.365519] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9403.366700] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9403.366737] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9403.366785] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9403.366790] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.367267] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.367311] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9403367301478] 2022-02-15
07:35:07.723154 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:07.723154
<6>[ 9403.367870] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9403.369172] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9403.369198] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9403.369232] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9403.369237] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.369603] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.370267] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9403.371470] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9403.371498] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9403.371532] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9403.371537] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.371930] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.372725] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9403.374525] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9403.374585] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9403.374654] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9403.374664] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.375253] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.375636] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9403.378479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9403.380204] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9403.380254] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9403.380312] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9403.380322] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.380840] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.383186] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9403.384766] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9403.384817] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9403.384878] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9403.384887] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.385423] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.388122] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9403.389685] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9403.389739] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9403.389800] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9403.389810] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9403.390424] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9403.396234] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9403.399746] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.226 msecs
<6>[ 9403.403604] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.198 msecs
<5>[ 9403.404001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9403.405435] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9403.405463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9403.405717] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9403.406101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9403.407595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9403.408240] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9403.408302] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9403.409716] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9403.410608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9403.410759] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9403.411460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9403.413199] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9403.413276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9403.413299] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9403.413728] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9403.413757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9403.413798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.157 msecs
<6>[ 9403.417266] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9403.431278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9403.431306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9403.431663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -694
<6>[ 9403.432248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7d, adc_result=1179
<12>[ 9403.433109] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9403.433718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9403.436318] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=12.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9403.438626] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9403.439207] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9403.440151] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9403.440297] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9403.440583] -(7)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9403.441528] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:07.797371915 UTC
<6>[ 9404.216232] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:08.572070222 UTC
<6>[ 9404.216281] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9404.224065] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9404.242466] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9404.286630] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9404.287712] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9404.322338] done.
<6>[ 9404.323805] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9404.323863] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9404.324062] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9404.338820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9404.346814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9404.346838] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9404.346859] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9404.349797] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9404.570735] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9404.570791] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9404.582120] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9404.582149] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9404.582301] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9404.584393] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9404.587261] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9404.587282] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9404.587331] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9404.587341] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9404.587374] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9404.587717] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9404.589827] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:07)
<5>[ 9404.593142] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9404.593303] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9404.593641] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9404.594988] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9404.595711] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9404.596189] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9404.596214] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9404.596602] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9404.596623] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9404.597245] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9404.597679] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.929 msecs
<6>[ 9404.602650] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.934 msecs
<6>[ 9404.607768] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.074 msecs
<6>[ 9404.607808] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9404.633072] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.650293] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.650320] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9404.676346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.694326] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.694353] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9404.720018] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.738276] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.738304] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9404.765032] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.782274] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.782302] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9404.808534] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.826285] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.826318] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9404.852093] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.870351] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.870380] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9404.896428] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9404.914273] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9404.914286] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1cef930e,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 21152, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1d6ff421, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1371
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46794)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9404.917122] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.647 seconds
<6>[ 9404.917144] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9404.917171] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9404.917391] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9404.918577] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9404.918613] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9404.918661] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9404.918666] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.919137] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.919181] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9404919171020] 2022-02-15
07:35:09.923149 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:09.923149
<6>[ 9404.919731] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9404.921033] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9404.921061] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9404.921094] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9404.921098] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.921460] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.922046] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9404.923342] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9404.923371] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9404.923404] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9404.923409] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.923803] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.924592] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9404.926392] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9404.926452] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9404.926521] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9404.926532] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.927124] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.927506] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9404.930487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9404.932197] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9404.932247] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9404.932306] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9404.932316] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.932840] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.935177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9404.936758] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9404.936809] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9404.936869] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9404.936878] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.937415] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.940131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9404.941706] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9404.941760] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9404.941822] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9404.941831] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9404.942447] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9404.948252] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9404.951702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.170 msecs
<6>[ 9404.955512] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.150 msecs
<5>[ 9404.955902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9404.957325] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9404.957352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9404.957602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9404.957984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9404.959473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9404.960117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9404.960179] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9404.961574] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9404.962485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9404.962634] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9404.963330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9404.965093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9404.965169] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9404.965193] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9404.965632] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9404.965661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9404.965704] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.155 msecs
<6>[ 9404.969212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9404.983208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9404.983236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9404.983593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1178
<6>[ 9404.984202] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7d, adc_result=1179
<6>[ 9404.985318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9404.985976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9404.986336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9404.993923] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9404.994221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9404.994525] -(5)[1239:ActivityManager][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9404.995488] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:09.999455376 UTC
<6>[ 9405.203874] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9405.203935] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 524, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9405.656795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:10.660758684 UTC
<6>[ 9405.656845] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9405.665466] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9405.682380] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9405.682613] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9405.682643] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 143,
<5>[ 9405.682678] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9405.682678]
<6>[ 9405.682705] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9405.726473] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9405.727555] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9405.762178] done.
<6>[ 9405.763624] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9405.763685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9405.763877] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9405.778434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9405.786382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9405.786406] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9405.786427] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9405.789388] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9406.010557] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9406.010615] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9406.021968] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9406.021996] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9406.022146] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9406.024227] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9406.027094] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9406.027116] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9406.027164] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9406.027175] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9406.027207] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9406.027549] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9406.029667] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:09)
<5>[ 9406.032981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9406.033143] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9406.033470] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9406.034822] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9406.035544] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9406.036019] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9406.036043] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9406.036430] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9406.036451] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9406.037101] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9406.037515] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.173 msecs
<6>[ 9406.042602] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.050 msecs
<6>[ 9406.047501] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.849 msecs
<6>[ 9406.047539] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9406.072921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.090165] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.090193] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9406.116018] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.134153] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.134182] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9406.159869] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.178149] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.178177] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9406.204900] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.222150] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.222179] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9406.248304] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.266201] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.266231] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9406.291980] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.310143] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.310172] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9406.335817] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9406.354149] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9406.354163] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1e8dc1c4,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 90355, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x20b113e2, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1372
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46805)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9406.357052] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.759 seconds
<6>[ 9406.357074] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9406.357102] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9406.357321] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9406.358508] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9406.358543] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9406.358590] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9406.358595] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.359074] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.359119] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9406359108715] 2022-02-15
07:35:14.123077 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:14.123077
<6>[ 9406.359676] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9406.360978] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9406.361007] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9406.361039] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9406.361043] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.361409] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.362063] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9406.363259] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9406.363286] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9406.363319] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9406.363323] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.363714] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.364494] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9406.366294] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9406.366354] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9406.366423] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9406.366434] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.367017] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.367395] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9406.370442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9406.372162] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9406.372212] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9406.372268] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9406.372278] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.372796] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.375133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9406.376702] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9406.376752] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9406.376811] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9406.376821] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.377351] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.380045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9406.381612] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9406.381664] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9406.381726] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9406.381736] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9406.382346] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9406.388146] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9406.391609] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.183 msecs
<6>[ 9406.395441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.173 msecs
<5>[ 9406.395828] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9406.397272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9406.397300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9406.397550] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9406.397992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9406.399485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9406.400124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9406.400187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9406.401587] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9406.402463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9406.402610] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9406.403309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9406.405067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9406.405143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9406.405166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9406.405606] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9406.405635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9406.405678] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.201 msecs
<6>[ 9406.409201] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9406.409620] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 69, 25, 32,
34, 141, 123, 107, 95, success counter cpu: 9, 2, 4, 3, 11, 6, 10, 7, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 22, 6, 4, 0, 24, 18, 22, 12, o:
0,2-3, p: , f: , t: 9406812000000, 9407440700001, 9426631519252, 9426633823944,
9406580000000, 9406580000000, 9426647490483, 9406580000000,
<4>[ 9406.423248] done.
<5>[ 9406.423295] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9406.423318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9406.423660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -669
<6>[ 9406.424613] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7e, adc_result=1180
<12>[ 9406.424642] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9406.425936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9406.426732] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9406.427231] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9406.428331] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9406.428502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9406.428800] -(5)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9406.429815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:14.193771145 UTC
<12>[ 9406.431464] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9406.433640] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9406.435735] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9406.943437] (6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9406.943486] -(6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9406.943525] (6)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 25396.892000000
<6>[ 9406.956327] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9406.974276] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9407.017442] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9407.018514] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9407.061488] -(4)[0:swapper/4][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(f1/0)
<6>[ 9407.066123] (5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<6>[ 9407.090216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:14.854172991 UTC
<6>[ 9407.090243] (4)[59:conn-md-thread]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9407.110753] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9407.116950] -(4)[0:swapper/4]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 10 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9407.116982] -(4)[0:swapper/4]btif_bbs_write: 5 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9407.138055] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27315 usec
<5>[ 9407.141028] (0)[0:swapper/0]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 16, [5] = 15, [6] = 10, [7] = 4, Total = 48, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9407.141092] (0)[0:swapper/0]mcdi cpu: 71, 27, 29, 34, 146, 123, 117, 106,
cluster : 69, 22, pause = 73, multi core = 82, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 73, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9407.199994] done.
<6>[ 9407.201441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9407.201498] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9407.201684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9407.212667] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9407.212790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccci_ipc_3
<3>[ 9407.212866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9407.212893] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9407.223936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9407.223963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9407.224331] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1524
<6>[ 9407.224830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa7d, adc_result=1179
<6>[ 9407.228253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9407.228410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9407.229651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:14.993608376 UTC
<6>[ 9407.344213] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9407.344303] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CLDMA_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x4000000, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9407.666893] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9408.050268] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39407), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9408.050318] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116811,147684017,39407), tx=(26871,21799,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<4>[ 9408.370901] -(0)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9408.370928] (0)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9408.371880] (0)[23769:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9408.402458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:16.166417683 UTC
<6>[ 9408.402492] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9408.511384] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9408.511425] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9408.511529] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.009 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9408.520741] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9408.527000] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9408.527013] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9408.527023] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9408.529177] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9408.750478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9408.750512] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9408.761619] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9408.761653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9408.761707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9408.761909] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9408.761919] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9408.761953] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.234
<6>[ 9408.765049] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9408.774033] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9408.774050] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9408.774350] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -968
<6>[ 9408.775007] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa80, adc_result=1181
<6>[ 9408.775846] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9408.776293] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9408.777899] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9408.778041] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9408.779188] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:16.543152222 UTC
<6>[ 9409.330391] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:17.094350684 UTC
<6>[ 9409.330427] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9409.333428] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9409.350171] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9409.393360] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9409.394411] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9409.438567] done.
<6>[ 9409.439603] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9409.439662] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9409.439764] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.009 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9409.448835] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9409.455126] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9409.455138] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9409.455148] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9409.457309] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9409.678451] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9409.678495] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9409.689722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9409.689731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9409.689785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9409.691504] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9409.693786] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9409.693795] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9409.693815] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9409.693818] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9409.693829] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9409.693989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9409.695857] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:16)
<5>[ 9409.699008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9409.699156] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9409.699458] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9409.700339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9409.700764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9409.701037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9409.701045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9409.701262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9409.701269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9409.701669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9409.701904] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
244.631 msecs
<6>[ 9409.704755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
2.834 msecs
<6>[ 9409.707636] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 2.855 msecs
<6>[ 9409.707658] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9409.732525] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.750008] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.750021] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9409.776030] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.794086] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.794099] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9409.819716] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.838016] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.838028] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9409.863168] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.881990] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.882005] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9409.914873] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.934015] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.934029] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9409.958772] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9409.977985] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9409.978001] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9410.004487] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9410.022056] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9410.022069] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2388daae,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 161368, r13 = 0x604010c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000a0, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x275a3b77, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 53
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1373
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46831)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9410.025133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 4.927 seconds
<6>[ 9410.025155] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9410.025182] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9410.025403] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9410.026588] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9410.026625] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9410.026673] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9410.026678] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.027071] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.027115] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9410027104416] 2022-02-15
07:35:22.719106 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:22.719106
<6>[ 9410.027746] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9410.029059] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9410.029088] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9410.029121] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9410.029125] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.029496] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.030142] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9410.031350] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9410.031379] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9410.031414] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9410.031418] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.031818] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.032600] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9410.034410] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9410.034470] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9410.034543] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9410.034553] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.035137] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.035514] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9410.037458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9410.038557] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9410.038576] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9410.038601] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9410.038604] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.038853] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.039668] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9410.040767] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9410.040788] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9410.040814] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9410.040816] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.041068] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.042009] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9410.043103] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9410.043125] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9410.043154] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9410.043157] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9410.043419] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9410.045309] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9410.047752] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
2.341 msecs
<3>[ 9410.048124] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9410.050490] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
2.247 msecs
<5>[ 9410.050793] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9410.052123] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9410.052138] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<3>[ 9410.052162] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<5>[ 9410.052312] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9410.052565] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9410.053978] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9410.054349] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9410.054387] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9410.055212] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9410.055652] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9410.055759] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9410.056185] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<3>[ 9410.056226] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9410.057784] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9410.057902] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9410.057914] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9410.058206] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9410.058220] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9410.058245] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 7.736
<3>[ 9410.060208] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<6>[ 9410.060582] (1)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9410.064445] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<12>[ 9410.066267] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9410.068688] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9410.069789] done.
<5>[ 9410.069892] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9410.069904] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9410.070146] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1961
<4>[ 9410.070769] -(1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9410.070788] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa82, adc_result=1182
<12>[ 9410.070856] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9410.071852] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9410.072310] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9410.072686] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9410.072896] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9410.075636] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9410.075758] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9410.076037] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9410.076947] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:22.768944376 UTC
<6>[ 9410.309253] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9410.326341] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9410.369769] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9410.371060] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9410.770239] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:23.462231222 UTC
<6>[ 9410.770274] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9410.879220] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9410.879263] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9410.879371] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.009 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9410.888495] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9410.894748] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9410.894761] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9410.894771] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9410.896939] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9411.118337] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9411.118380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9411.129492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9411.129599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<3>[ 9411.129619] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9411.129867] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9411.129879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9411.129896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.266
<6>[ 9411.132961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9411.144548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9411.144566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9411.145105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -895
<6>[ 9411.145936] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa81, adc_result=1181
<6>[ 9411.147009] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9411.147469] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9411.148083] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9411.149283] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9411.149400] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9411.150515] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:23.842513145 UTC
<6>[ 9411.250664] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9411.270112] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9411.317775] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9411.319128] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9411.351751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:24.043740376 UTC
<6>[ 9411.351792] -(3)[0:swapper/3]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9411.416319] -(3)[0:swapper/3]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 403, 98, 80,
61, 162, 205, 185, 179, success counter cpu: 58, 4, 5, 5, 20, 12, 10, 7, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 81, 9, 6, 9, 23, 23,
14, 14, o: 0-2,4,6, p: , f: 3, t: 9411586344252, 9411586418483, 9415238048329,
9411586328637, 9411628000000, 9411588000000, 9411607764791, 9411588000000,
<4>[ 9411.458241] done.
<6>[ 9411.459211] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9411.459257] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9411.459363] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.010 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9411.469572] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.006 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9411.475712] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9411.475723] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9411.475732] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9411.477849] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9411.698253] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9411.698292] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9411.709602] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9411.709614] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9411.709673] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9411.711355] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9411.713697] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9411.713707] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9411.713730] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9411.713735] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9411.713748] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9411.713948] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9411.715841] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:23)
<5>[ 9411.719012] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9411.719138] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9411.719447] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9411.720390] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9411.720851] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9411.721156] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9411.721166] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9411.721403] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9411.721411] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9411.721878] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9411.722060] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
244.288 msecs
<6>[ 9411.725129] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
3.053 msecs
<6>[ 9411.728213] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 3.057 msecs
<6>[ 9411.728240] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9411.752399] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.769884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.769896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9411.795661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.813860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.813871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9411.839407] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.857846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.857857] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9411.883137] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.901895] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.901911] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9411.934833] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.953927] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.953944] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9411.978737] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9411.997820] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9411.997832] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9412.023533] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9412.041842] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9412.041854] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x28eb0c6e,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 17417, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x101, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2954d34e, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 46
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1374
<5>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9412.044918] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.533 seconds
<6>[ 9412.044940] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9412.044966] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9412.045186] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9412.046373] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9412.046412] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9412.046460] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9412.046464] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.046863] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.046906] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9412046895574] 2022-02-15
07:35:25.273016 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:25.273016
<6>[ 9412.047523] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9412.048822] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9412.048850] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9412.048882] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9412.048886] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.049253] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.049910] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9412.051121] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9412.051149] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9412.051184] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9412.051188] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.051583] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.052359] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9412.054158] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9412.054218] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9412.054287] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9412.054297] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.054884] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.055264] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9412.057291] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9412.058406] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9412.058428] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9412.058454] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9412.058457] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.058734] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.059690] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9412.060789] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9412.060813] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9412.060841] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9412.060845] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.061125] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.062249] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9412.063367] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9412.063394] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9412.063427] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9412.063431] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9412.063726] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9412.066102] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9412.068558] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
2.350 msecs
<6>[ 9412.071301] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
2.252 msecs
<5>[ 9412.071613] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9412.072942] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9412.072958] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9412.073133] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9412.073383] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9412.074845] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9412.075222] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9412.075261] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9412.076092] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9412.076529] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9412.076634] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9412.077089] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9412.078690] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9412.078736] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9412.078747] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9412.079047] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9412.079061] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9412.079085] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 7.759
<6>[ 9412.081413] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9412.090777] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9412.090794] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9412.091086] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1458
<6>[ 9412.091767] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa81, adc_result=1181
<12>[ 9412.096127] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9412.098648] (3)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9412.098770] (3)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9412.099055] -(4)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<12>[ 9412.099576] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9412.100029] (3)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:25.326141529 UTC
<12>[ 9412.101662] (3)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9412.102982] (3)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9412.131934] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9412.137970] -(4)[25174:snet.XLB_UPDATE]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 10 callbacks
<4>[ 9412.137997] -(4)[25174:snet.XLB_UPDATE]btif_bbs_write: 5 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9412.141376] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 1, [5]
= 2, Total = 3, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9412.142049] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 398, 102, 95, 72, 123, 167, 166, 140,
cluster : 353, 35, pause = 35, multi core = 35, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 35, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9412.157866] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 25933 usec
<6>[ 9412.200430] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9412.218114] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9412.261135] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9412.262190] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9412.971297] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9412.971346] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 509, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9413.075228] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9413.075383] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:26.301489067 UTC
<6>[ 9413.075418] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9413.184124] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9413.184175] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9413.184364] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9413.199059] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9413.207029] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9413.207052] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9413.207073] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9413.210174] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9413.434518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9413.434573] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9413.445917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9413.445946] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9413.446044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9413.448110] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9413.450984] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9413.451005] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9413.451053] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9413.451064] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9413.451096] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9413.451437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9413.453551] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:25)
<5>[ 9413.456805] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9413.456968] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9413.457294] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9413.458665] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9413.459387] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9413.459862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9413.459887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9413.460277] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9413.460297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9413.460939] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9413.461280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
251.156 msecs
<6>[ 9413.466237] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.918 msecs
<6>[ 9413.471343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.061 msecs
<6>[ 9413.471380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9413.496533] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.513771] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.513800] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9413.539730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.557773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.557802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9413.583521] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.601764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.601792] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9413.628624] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.645801] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.645832] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9413.663944] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.681807] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.681839] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9413.707613] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.725759] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.725788] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9413.751893] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9413.769760] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9413.769773] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2aabc0ad,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6604012c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0,
r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000e8, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2aac1d1c, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1375
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46855)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9413.772812] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9413.772832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9413.772849] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9413.772971] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9413.774240] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9413.774275] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9413.774323] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9413.774328] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.774723] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.774766] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9413774756424] 2022-02-15
07:35:27.3546 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:27.3546
<6>[ 9413.775390] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9413.776671] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9413.776699] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9413.776733] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9413.776737] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.777103] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.777744] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9413.778953] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9413.778980] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9413.779014] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9413.779018] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.779336] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.780174] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9413.781976] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9413.782037] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9413.782106] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9413.782115] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.782702] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.783079] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9413.784961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9413.786623] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9413.786673] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9413.786729] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9413.786738] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.787256] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.789500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9413.791161] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9413.791214] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9413.791272] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9413.791281] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.791811] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.794520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9413.796098] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9413.796151] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9413.796212] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9413.796221] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9413.796759] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9413.802598] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9413.806064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.185 msecs
<6>[ 9413.809856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.136 msecs
<5>[ 9413.810247] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9413.811686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9413.811983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9413.812238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9413.812620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9413.812967] -(1)[0:swapper/1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9413.814110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9413.814764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9413.814827] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9413.816292] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9413.817081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9413.817230] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9413.818018] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9413.819801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9413.819878] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9413.819902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9413.820361] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9413.820390] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9413.820658] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.765 msecs
<6>[ 9413.824154] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9413.838396] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9413.838424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9413.838757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1427
<4>[ 9413.839331] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9413.839364] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa82, adc_result=1182
<6>[ 9413.840633] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9413.841265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9413.841781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9413.842691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9413.842859] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9413.843122] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9413.844121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:27.072898836 UTC
<12>[ 9413.846051] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9413.849766] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9413.852803] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9414.423177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:27.651948990 UTC
<6>[ 9414.423226] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9414.426433] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9414.445908] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9414.489993] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9414.491073] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9414.529670] done.
<6>[ 9414.531131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9414.531213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9414.531406] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9414.546013] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9414.554041] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9414.554064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9414.554085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9414.557049] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9414.778115] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9414.778172] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9414.789505] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9414.789534] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9414.789687] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9414.791768] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9414.794595] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9414.794615] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9414.794662] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9414.794672] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9414.794704] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9414.795041] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9414.797140] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:26)
<5>[ 9414.800455] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9414.800622] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9414.800944] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9414.802290] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9414.803011] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9414.803487] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9414.803511] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9414.803897] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9414.803918] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9414.804541] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9414.804921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.919 msecs
<6>[ 9414.809931] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.972 msecs
<6>[ 9414.814995] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.021 msecs
<6>[ 9414.815033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9414.840408] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9414.857641] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9414.857671] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9414.883538] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9414.901639] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9414.901669] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9414.927364] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9414.945637] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9414.945664] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9414.964396] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9414.981635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9414.981664] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9415.015862] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9415.033681] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9415.033713] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9415.059455] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9415.077734] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9415.077761] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9415.103404] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9415.121636] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9415.121649] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2bb867ac,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 90608, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2ddd4711, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 86
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1376
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46866)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9415.124464] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.767 seconds
<6>[ 9415.124486] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9415.124512] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9415.124734] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9415.125913] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9415.125948] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9415.125995] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9415.126000] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.126474] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.126518] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9415126508196] 2022-02-15
07:35:31.123087 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:31.123087
<6>[ 9415.127071] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9415.128363] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9415.128391] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9415.128424] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9415.128428] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.128789] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.129384] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9415.130686] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9415.130714] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9415.130746] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9415.130751] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.131140] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.131934] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9415.133723] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9415.133782] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9415.133848] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9415.133858] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.134445] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.134820] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9415.137809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9415.139527] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9415.139576] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9415.139630] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9415.139640] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.140158] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.142510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9415.144087] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9415.144137] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9415.144195] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9415.144205] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.144731] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.147434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9415.149003] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9415.149054] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9415.149113] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9415.149123] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9415.149863] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9415.155534] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9415.159071] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.248 msecs
<6>[ 9415.162953] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.221 msecs
<5>[ 9415.163343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9415.164776] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9415.164804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9415.165057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9415.165501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9415.166992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9415.167634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9415.167697] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9415.169090] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9415.170002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9415.170151] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9415.170848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9415.172629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9415.172705] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9415.172729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9415.173169] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9415.173198] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9415.173239] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.249 msecs
<6>[ 9415.176770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9415.190695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9415.190721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9415.191144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -700
<12>[ 9415.191519] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9415.191685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa84, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9415.193093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9415.193777] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9415.194059] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9415.194562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9415.198081] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9415.198178] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9415.198467] -(4)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9415.199291] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:31.195863066 UTC
<6>[ 9415.275852] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9415.275932] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 622, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9415.857888] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:31.854451066 UTC
<6>[ 9415.857939] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9415.866781] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9415.885776] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9415.928785] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9415.929865] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9415.971960] done.
<6>[ 9415.973616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9415.973671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9415.973852] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9415.984570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9415.984715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ttyC0
<3>[ 9415.984785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9415.984811] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9415.995855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9415.995882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9415.996245] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9415.996993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa85, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9416.001137] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9416.001264] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9416.002601] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:31.999168143 UTC
<6>[ 9416.369375] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9416.369466] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9416.517910] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 201, 51, 41,
45, 124, 128, 110, 110, success counter cpu: 35, 7, 14, 2, 7, 10, 8, 7, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 55, 11, 12, 4, 13, 25,
13, 18, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9416684281943, 9417353401637, 9417353557330,
9417353604945, 9416764000000, 9416687283560, 9417160276022, 9416827835483,
<6>[ 9416.882843] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9416.882934] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9416.883861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:32.880428143 UTC
<6>[ 9416.883888] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9416.997139] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9416.997192] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9416.997368] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9417.012005] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9417.020136] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9417.020158] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9417.020179] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9417.023208] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9417.179043] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 15, [5] = 16, [6] = 8, [7] = 12, Total = 54, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9417.179142] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 198, 43, 23, 31, 133, 133, 97, 113,
cluster : 203, 28, pause = 76, multi core = 94, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 76, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9417.246206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9417.246263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9417.257481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9417.257538] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9417.257627] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9417.257994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9417.258024] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9417.258065] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.409
<6>[ 9417.261784] (0)[0:swapper/0]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9417.265497] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39407), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9417.265549] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116811,147684017,39407), tx=(26871,21799,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9417.265622] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32955-32955,
9132-9132, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9417.265874] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9417.271867] -(7)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9417.273013] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<4>[ 9417.275647] done.
<5>[ 9417.275696] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9417.275719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9417.276053] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -823
<4>[ 9417.276814] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9417.276846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa84, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9417.277933] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9417.278487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9417.278934] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9417.279987] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9417.280119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9417.281369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:33.277936605 UTC
<6>[ 9417.574857] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9417.574947] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9417.873795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:33.870356220 UTC
<6>[ 9417.873845] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9417.877713] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9417.897910] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9417.942015] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9417.943096] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9417.985559] done.
<6>[ 9417.987010] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9417.987066] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9417.987246] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9418.001807] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9418.009959] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9418.009982] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9418.010003] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9418.012964] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9418.233974] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9418.234030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9418.245195] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9418.245252] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9418.245341] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9418.245755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9418.245785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9418.245824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.455
<6>[ 9418.249595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9418.263094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9418.263121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9418.263460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<5>[ 9418.264647] (4)
<6>[ 9418.264696] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa85, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9418.267486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9418.267616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9418.268876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:34.265444220 UTC
<6>[ 9418.289771] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9418.289817] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9418289806665] 2022-02-15
07:35:34.286386 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:34.286386
<6>[ 9418.289879] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39407), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9418.289903] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116811,147684017,39407), tx=(26871,21799,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9418.289967] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<3>[ 9419.006013] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9419.072337] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:35.068901836 UTC
<6>[ 9419.072389] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9419.075832] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9419.094149] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9419.137953] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9419.139034] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9419.178774] done.
<6>[ 9419.180305] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9419.180361] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9419.180540] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9419.195034] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9419.203105] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9419.203128] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9419.203149] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9419.206240] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9419.426014] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9419.426072] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9419.437406] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9419.437485] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9419.437587] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9419.439683] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9419.442578] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9419.442599] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9419.442646] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9419.442657] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9419.442690] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9419.443029] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9419.445149] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:34)
<5>[ 9419.448435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9419.448592] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9419.448929] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9419.450281] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9419.451003] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9419.451478] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9419.451503] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9419.451891] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9419.451911] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9419.452536] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9419.452998] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.805 msecs
<6>[ 9419.457904] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.868 msecs
<6>[ 9419.462985] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.038 msecs
<6>[ 9419.463024] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9419.488303] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.505530] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.505557] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9419.531422] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.549514] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.549542] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9419.575230] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.593511] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.593539] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9419.636323] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.653533] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.653561] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<6>[ 9419.673637] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42823 cur 392
<6>[ 9419.679939] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42798 cur 389
<5>[ 9419.687942] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.688077] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42747 cur 634
<6>[ 9419.695362] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42810 cur 675
<6>[ 9419.702652] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42815 cur 330
<6>[ 9419.702670] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9419.704616] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53db, NOW = 0x53e1,
CNT = 0
<4>[ 9419.704650] -(6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9419.704679] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x657a, adc_result=4281
<6>[ 9419.704715] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4281(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9419.704762] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9419.705519] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.705546] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9419.731559] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.749518] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.749546] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9419.775184] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9419.793458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9419.793471] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9419.796321] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9419.796447] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
dlpt_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9419.796458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9419.797563] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9419.797601] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9419.797651] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9419.797657] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.798102] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.798146] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9419798136207] 2022-02-15
07:35:35.794715 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:35.794715
<6>[ 9419.798672] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9419.799957] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9419.799987] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9419.800024] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9419.800029] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.800390] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.800974] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9419.802144] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9419.802176] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9419.802212] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9419.802216] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.802610] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.803412] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9419.805189] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9419.805250] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9419.805319] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9419.805329] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.805974] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.806348] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9419.808962] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9419.810855] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9419.810907] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9419.810963] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9419.810972] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.811492] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.813830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9419.815381] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9419.815435] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9419.815494] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9419.815503] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.816032] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.818756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9419.820318] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9419.820373] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9419.820436] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9419.820446] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9419.820977] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9419.826854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9419.830284] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.148 msecs
<6>[ 9419.834265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.320 msecs
<5>[ 9419.834666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9419.836095] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9419.836123] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9419.836381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9419.836771] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9419.837074] -(7)[0:swapper/7][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9419.838263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9419.838925] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9419.838987] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9419.840443] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9419.841265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9419.841414] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9419.842187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9419.843978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9419.844057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9419.844080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9419.844527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9419.844557] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9419.844599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.297 msecs
<6>[ 9419.848153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9419.862433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9419.862461] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9419.862792] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -644
<6>[ 9419.863636] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa85, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9419.865308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9419.865634] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9419.866982] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9419.867995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9419.868036] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9419.871323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9419.871487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9419.871515] (7)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24196.939000000
<5>[ 9419.871542] -(7)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24196939000000
<5>[ 9419.871574] (7)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 25396.892000000
<6>[ 9419.873419] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:35.869982836 UTC
<12>[ 9419.880619] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9419.882711] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9420.359764] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9420.359856] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 368, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9420.862578] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9420.862670] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9421.524206] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 65, 27, 22,
30, 179, 93, 173, 97, success counter cpu: 9, 1, 0, 1, 10, 5, 21, 22, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 24, 5, 0, 0, 24, 12, 37, 32, o:
0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9421788000000, 9422029142791, 9440071012714, 9422029293407,
9421756000000, 9421732216251, 9421695239715, 9422026440560,
<6>[ 9422.066339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:38.062899836 UTC
<6>[ 9422.066389] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9422.075811] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9422.093704] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9422.137828] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9422.138908] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9422.173554] done.
<6>[ 9422.175006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9422.175063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9422.175254] (6)[0:swapper/6]Freezing user space processes ...
<5>[ 9422.179069] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [1]
= 2, [4] = 31, [5] = 12, [6] = 25, [7] = 8, Total = 80, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9422.180087] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 62, 26, 23, 32, 148, 82, 174, 102,
cluster : 71, 34, pause = 108, multi core = 100, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 108, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9422.189711] (elapsed 0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9422.189757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9422.197752] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9422.197776] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9422.197796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9422.200753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9422.421969] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9422.422025] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9422.433176] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9422.433233] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9422.433323] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9422.433733] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9422.433764] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9422.433804] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.454
<6>[ 9422.437576] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9422.451880] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9422.451907] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9422.452364] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -691
<6>[ 9422.453162] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa84, adc_result=1183
<6>[ 9422.454812] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9422.455430] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9422.455927] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9422.456846] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9422.456990] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9422.458363] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:38.454930836 UTC
<6>[ 9423.672500] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9425.463489] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9425.463580] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 268, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9425.660067] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:41.656629144 UTC
<6>[ 9425.660117] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9425.668800] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9425.669297] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9425.669331] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 145,
[BY_CLK] = 5,
<5>[ 9425.669366] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9425.669366]
<6>[ 9425.669393] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9425.685962] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9425.729955] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9425.731038] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9425.767275] done.
<6>[ 9425.768815] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9425.768870] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9425.769048] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9425.783585] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9425.791598] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9425.791621] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9425.791642] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9425.794671] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9426.013973] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9426.014027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9426.025362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9426.025391] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9426.025537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9426.027613] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9426.030476] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9426.030497] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9426.030544] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9426.030555] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9426.030587] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9426.030929] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9426.033051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:54 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:40)
<5>[ 9426.036304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:55 (1)
<5>[ 9426.036462] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9426.036793] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9426.038165] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9426.038890] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9426.039365] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9426.039389] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9426.039776] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9426.039796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9426.040438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9426.040819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.198 msecs
<6>[ 9426.045770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.914 msecs
<6>[ 9426.050861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.045 msecs
<6>[ 9426.050898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9426.076308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.093517] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.093546] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9426.119523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.137528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.137555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9426.163253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.181549] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.181580] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9426.204280] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.221511] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.221539] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9426.247759] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.265517] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.265545] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9426.291360] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.309487] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.309516] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9426.327780] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9426.345458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9426.345471] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x368fd771,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 45012, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x37a0a9d1, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 81
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1377
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46944)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9426.348312] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.376 seconds
<6>[ 9426.348334] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9426.348361] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9426.348581] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9426.349768] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9426.349805] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9426.349854] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9426.349859] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.350333] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.350377] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9426350366838] 2022-02-15
07:35:43.723169 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:43.723169
<6>[ 9426.350927] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9426.352226] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9426.352252] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9426.352285] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9426.352289] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.352657] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.353246] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9426.354542] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9426.354571] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9426.354605] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9426.354610] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.354999] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.355784] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9426.357580] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9426.357638] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9426.357706] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9426.357717] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.358292] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.358671] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9426.361564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9426.363303] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9426.363353] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9426.363408] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9426.363418] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.363927] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.366253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9426.367827] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9426.367877] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9426.367936] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9426.367945] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.368466] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.371171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9426.372746] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9426.372797] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9426.372857] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9426.372868] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9426.373464] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9426.379238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9426.382692] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.172 msecs
<6>[ 9426.386507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.156 msecs
<5>[ 9426.386904] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9426.388334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9426.388362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9426.388616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9426.389007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9426.390559] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9426.391197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9426.391260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9426.392690] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9426.393610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9426.393761] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9426.394465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9426.396194] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9426.396269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9426.396292] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9426.396730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9426.396759] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9426.396800] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.256 msecs
<6>[ 9426.400312] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9426.414671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9426.414699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9426.415076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<6>[ 9426.415656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa87, adc_result=1184
<6>[ 9426.417818] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9426.418860] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9426.421592] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9426.423080] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9426.423614] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9426.425569] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9426.427414] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9426.429049] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9426.429189] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9426.429480] -(5)[1239:ActivityManager][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9426.430455] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:43.803246989 UTC
<6>[ 9426.537475] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 52, 29, 18,
23, 216, 125, 124, 97, success counter cpu: 3, 0, 0, 1, 36, 18, 10, 7, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 15, 9, 2, 0, 61, 30, 18, 18, o:
0-4,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9426844000000, 9427077159176, 9446623407407, 9427577266638,
9426719365251, 9426781707023, 9426876000000, 9426702253715,
<6>[ 9426.555297] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9426.573682] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9426.617216] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9426.618297] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9427.094810] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:44.467596528 UTC
<6>[ 9427.094860] (4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9427.207324] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [1]
= 4, [4] = 43, [5] = 18, [6] = 5, [7] = 8, Total = 79, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9427.207424] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 49, 24, 16, 19, 171, 102, 107, 84,
cluster : 55, 33, pause = 101, multi core = 88, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 101, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9427.207500] done.
<6>[ 9427.208929] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9427.208981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9427.209177] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9427.219912] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9427.220057] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ttyC0
<3>[ 9427.220125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9427.220151] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9427.231090] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9427.231118] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9427.231455] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -685
<6>[ 9427.232227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa87, adc_result=1184
<6>[ 9427.236819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9427.236946] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9427.238057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:44.610848989 UTC
<6>[ 9427.510442] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39407), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9427.510493] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116811,147684017,39407), tx=(26871,21799,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9427.510566] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32955-32955,
9132-9132, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9428.311503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:45.684288989 UTC
<6>[ 9428.311552] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9428.419197] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9428.419267] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9428.419462] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9428.434076] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9428.442188] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9428.442212] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9428.442233] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9428.445191] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9428.529806] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39407), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9428.529853] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116811,147684017,39407), tx=(26871,21799,5072), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9428.665912] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9428.665976] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9428.677350] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9428.677379] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9428.677479] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9428.679575] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9428.682439] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9428.682461] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9428.682508] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9428.682518] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9428.682551] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9428.682893] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9428.685016] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:45)
<5>[ 9428.688301] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9428.688458] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9428.688790] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9428.690131] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9428.690854] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9428.691329] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9428.691354] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9428.691741] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9428.691762] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9428.692383] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9428.692770] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.623 msecs
<6>[ 9428.697837] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.029 msecs
<6>[ 9428.702757] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.870 msecs
<6>[ 9428.702796] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9428.728174] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.745385] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.745413] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9428.771377] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.789381] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.789409] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9428.815126] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.833414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.833445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9428.860283] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.877391] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.877420] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<6>[ 9428.889443] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9428.911626] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.929398] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.929426] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9428.963294] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9428.981463] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9428.981490] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9429.007304] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9429.025373] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9429.025386] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x39b47684,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 16955, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3a1b6ebf, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 84
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1378
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46964)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9429.028320] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.519 seconds
<6>[ 9429.028341] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9429.028368] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9429.028587] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9429.029772] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9429.029808] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9429.029857] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9429.029862] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.030328] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.030372] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9429030362381] 2022-02-15
07:35:46.923094 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:46.923094
<6>[ 9429.030928] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9429.032218] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9429.032245] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9429.032277] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9429.032281] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.032635] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.033325] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9429.034543] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9429.034571] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9429.034607] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9429.034611] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.034991] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.035768] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9429.037563] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9429.037622] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9429.037690] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9429.037700] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.038266] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.038642] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9429.041662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9429.043380] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9429.043429] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9429.043486] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9429.043495] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.044000] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.046339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9429.047910] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9429.047962] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9429.048024] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9429.048034] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.048550] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.051227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9429.052798] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9429.052851] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9429.052912] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9429.052922] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9429.053517] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9429.059284] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9429.062769] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<6>[ 9429.066641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.211 msecs
<5>[ 9429.067032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9429.068464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9429.068491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9429.068741] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9429.069126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9429.070616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9429.071260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9429.071322] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9429.072723] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9429.073561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9429.073714] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9429.074420] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9429.076196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9429.076273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9429.076296] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9429.076736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9429.076764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9429.076807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.129 msecs
<6>[ 9429.080328] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9429.091261] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9429.094314] done.
<5>[ 9429.094364] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9429.094387] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9429.094726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -760
<4>[ 9429.095310] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9429.095341] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa88, adc_result=1184
<6>[ 9429.097843] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9429.098152] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9429.098892] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9429.099682] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9429.100370] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9429.101290] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9429.101613] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9429.101741] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9429.102024] -(6)[1216:HwBinder:721_1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9429.102947] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:46.995670451 UTC
<12>[ 9429.105683] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9429.117508] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9429.160787] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9429.161863] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9429.182198] -(5)[0:swapper/5][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(f1/0)
<6>[ 9429.189503] (7)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<6>[ 9429.350195] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9429.350287] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CLDMA_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1263, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x4000000,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9429.490968] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9429.491058] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 32, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9429.811624] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9429.812008] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9430.200607] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9430.200698] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9430.511356] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9430.511447] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 30, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9431.154537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:49.047252682 UTC
<6>[ 9431.154586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9431.264609] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9431.264678] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9431.264854] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9431.279382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9431.287322] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9431.287346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9431.287367] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9431.290373] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9431.513726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9431.513782] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9431.525114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9431.525143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9431.525289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9431.527369] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9431.530214] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9431.530235] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9431.530283] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9431.530293] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9431.530326] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9431.530669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9431.532780] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24196939000000
to 2022/02/15 07:35:55 (now = 2022/02/15 07:35:48)
<5>[ 9431.536096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:35:56 (1)
<5>[ 9431.536257] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9431.536589] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9431.537967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9431.538686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9431.539161] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9431.539185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9431.539574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9431.539594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9431.540233] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9431.540672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.350 msecs
<6>[ 9431.545541] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.834 msecs
<6>[ 9431.545910] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 58, 18, 28,
19, 185, 181, 151, 140, success counter cpu: 9, 0, 4, 1, 11, 10, 8, 8, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 3, 3, 0, 27, 26, 16, 25, o:
0-3,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9431766906869, 9449301226561, 9439964000000, 9449305866561,
9431720000000, 9431991247944, 9432594611715, 9434844000000,
<6>[ 9431.550593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.009 msecs
<6>[ 9431.550626] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9431.576034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.593237] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.593265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9431.619260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.637256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.637284] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9431.663008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.681257] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.681285] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9431.708204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.725293] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.725325] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9431.751454] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.769297] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.769326] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9431.795232] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.813249] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.813278] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9431.839515] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9431.857266] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9431.857280] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3c4d5430,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 5429, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3c6e855e, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 65
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1379
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(46985)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9431.860170] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.168 seconds
<6>[ 9431.860192] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9431.860218] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9431.860439] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9431.861627] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9431.861662] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9431.861709] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9431.861714] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.862176] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.862221] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9431862210542] 2022-02-15
07:35:49.923123 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:49.923123
<6>[ 9431.862777] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9431.864089] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9431.864117] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9431.864150] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9431.864154] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.864509] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.865162] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9431.866361] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9431.866388] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9431.866420] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9431.866425] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.866804] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.867565] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<4>[ 9431.869073] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 23386 (CrRendererMain) no longer affine
to cpu4
<6>[ 9431.869355] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9431.869415] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9431.869484] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9431.869495] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.870057] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.870446] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9431.873433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9431.875151] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9431.875201] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9431.875256] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9431.875266] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.875767] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.878092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9431.879674] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9431.879727] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9431.879786] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9431.879796] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.880314] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.883008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9431.884586] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9431.884639] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9431.884699] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9431.884710] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9431.885330] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9431.891149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9431.894819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.383 msecs
<6>[ 9431.898673] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.192 msecs
<5>[ 9431.899067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9431.900491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9431.900518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9431.900772] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9431.901206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9431.902700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9431.903340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9431.903402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9431.904847] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9431.905725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9431.905875] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9431.906578] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9431.908334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9431.908410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9431.908433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9431.908872] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9431.908901] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9431.908943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.234 msecs
<6>[ 9431.912441] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9431.922411] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9431.926852] done.
<5>[ 9431.926901] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9431.926925] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9431.927263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1235
<6>[ 9431.927903] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa88, adc_result=1184
<6>[ 9431.929300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9431.930412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9431.931679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9431.933712] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9431.935822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9431.936012] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9431.936035] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9431.936351] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9431.937465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:49.998363065 UTC
<12>[ 9431.942757] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4281 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9432.143067] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9432.143144] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 7, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9432.223066] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [1]
= 1, [2] = 1, [4] = 35, [5] = 23, [6] = 11, [7] = 11, Total = 85, --- SODI: No
enter ---
<6>[ 9432.223162] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 58, 21, 32, 26, 141, 139, 129, 128,
cluster : 75, 27, pause = 99, multi core = 108, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 99, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9432.328121] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -355
<6>[ 9432.328879] (4)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8a, adc_result=1185
<5>[ 9432.329361] (4)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 11 lt 11
ht 13
<5>[ 9432.329599] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -273
<5>[ 9432.330971] (4)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[11] V[13 11] C[22 2] h[12178 11803]
<5>[ 9432.331249] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -273
<5>[ 9432.333246] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -264
<5>[ 9432.335826] (6)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<6>[ 9432.339191] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9432.339890] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -364
<12>[ 9432.340064] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4278 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9432.341529] (7)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42752 cur 364
<5>[ 9432.341763] (6)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9432.341807] (6)[249:battery_thread]car[-2809,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 314 vbat:4276 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9432.341991] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -521
<5>[ 9432.342023] (6)[249:battery_thread]tmp:11 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24191 sw_iavg:-295 -295 0 nafg_m:108 0 0
<5>[ 9432.342077] (6)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24191 9432 42883 42896
107986 108 -4762
<5>[ 9432.344210] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9888,9785],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=33780 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9432.344357] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9432.345323] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -716
<5>[ 9432.346587] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10081,9976],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=35813 > ori_voltage=34430
<5>[ 9432.346732] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9432.347391] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -700
<5>[ 9432.348497] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -700
<5>[ 9432.352588] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<5>[ 9432.353774] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:11 11 12 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:13:9987:43644:-3085:48044:655:9345:9345 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9432.353990] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_LT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9345 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:51
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42750 T:[11 V 11 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9987 CAR[c:-2800 v:-
3085] Q:[48044 48044 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -81 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-295
<6>[ 9432.357742] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9432.357869] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<5>[ 9432.361600] -(7)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9432.361655] -(7)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9432.361856] (7)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<12>[ 9432.363663] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9432.366189] (7)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4273
<5>[ 9432.366369] (7)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9432.366628] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:0 0
<6>[ 9432.370344] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9432.371040] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9432.376093] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9432.400843] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9432.401903] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9432.922281] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9432.922372] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x66040124, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<3>[ 9432.943889] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9433.202452] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:51.263349219 UTC
<6>[ 9433.202501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9433.311055] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9433.311110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9433.311306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9433.322281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9433.322372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9433.322463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9433.322489] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9433.333350] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9433.333377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9433.333702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -958
<4>[ 9433.334440] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 17 callbacks
<6>[ 9433.334470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa89, adc_result=1185
<6>[ 9433.335454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9433.335994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9433.336460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9433.337394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9433.337521] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9433.338770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:51.399671989 UTC
<6>[ 9433.876084] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:51.936980681 UTC
<6>[ 9433.876132] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9433.984473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9433.984529] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9433.984722] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9433.999264] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9434.007332] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9434.007355] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9434.007376] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9434.010402] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9434.233589] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9434.233644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9434.244794] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9434.244851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9434.244941] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9434.245362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9434.245392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9434.245433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.464
<6>[ 9434.249197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9434.262718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9434.262746] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9434.263147] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -839
<6>[ 9434.263891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8b, adc_result=1186
<6>[ 9434.266520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9434.266631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9434.267869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:52.328770681 UTC
<6>[ 9434.364088] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9434.364179] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 185, r13 = 0x46040124, debug_flag = 0x201910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0a5, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9434.423284] (0)[25010:kworker/0:0]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9434.999728] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:53.060624604 UTC
<6>[ 9434.999777] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9435.009393] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9435.029329] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9435.072734] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9435.073816] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9435.107408] done.
<6>[ 9435.108860] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9435.108912] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9435.109276] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9435.123802] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9435.131748] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9435.131771] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9435.131791] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9435.134815] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9435.198446] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9435.198496] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9435198485934] 2022-02-15
07:35:53.259399 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:35:53.259399
<5>[ 9435.353593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9435.353649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9435.364801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9435.364858] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9435.364950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9435.365362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9435.365393] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9435.365433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.456
<6>[ 9435.369210] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9435.382785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9435.382812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9435.383231] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -691
<4>[ 9435.383971] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9435.384002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa89, adc_result=1185
<6>[ 9435.384981] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x671, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9435.385793] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9435.386241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9435.389130] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9435.389220] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9435.390059] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9435.390287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9435.391740] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:53.452641527 UTC
<6>[ 9436.198795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:35:54.259691604 UTC
<6>[ 9436.198845] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9436.208458] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9436.225580] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9436.268419] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9436.269496] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9436.271000] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9436.271025] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 141,
[BY_CLK] = 5,
<5>[ 9436.271044] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9436.271044]
<6>[ 9436.271057] -(6)[0:swapper/6][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<4>[ 9436.311694] done.
<6>[ 9436.313250] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9436.313342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9436.313518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9436.324066] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9436.324156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9436.324244] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9436.324270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9436.335005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9436.335033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9436.335370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -754
<6>[ 9436.336119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8b, adc_result=1186
<6>[ 9436.338882] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9436.339014] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9436.340250] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:35:54.401151835 UTC
<6>[ 9436.557414] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 74, 29, 28,
35, 197, 190, 194, 153, success counter cpu: 8, 0, 0, 1, 38, 6, 16, 7, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 22, 3, 0, 0, 52, 14, 27, 15, o:
0-6, p: , f: , t: 9436828000000, 9437099889639, 9437100043946, 9437100016715,
9436774447331, 9437152818945, 9436722346715, 9437040086946,
<6>[ 9437.055866] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9437.055957] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9437.274740] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [4]
= 44, [5] = 9, [6] = 23, [7] = 16, Total = 93, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9437.274837] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 67, 26, 24, 29, 170, 200, 186, 131,
cluster : 72, 23, pause = 109, multi core = 107, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 109, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9437.571904] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9437.571957] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9437.572000] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24325.676000000
<5>[ 9437.573751] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9437.573802] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9437.573842] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.941000000
<5>[ 9437.595262] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9437.595310] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9437.595349] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.941000000
<5>[ 9437.596743] (5)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9437.596789] -(5)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9437.596826] (5)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.941000000
<5>[ 9437.603654] (5)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24255.969000000
<5>[ 9437.603703] -(5)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24255969000000
<5>[ 9437.603745] (5)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.941000000
<5>[ 9437.660989] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24255.969000000
<5>[ 9437.661251] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.941000000
<5>[ 9437.702484] (7)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9437.702544] (7)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9437.780710] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9437.780761] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9437.780808] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9437.780826] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9437.990563] (6)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9437.990614] (6)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.013441] (2)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.013487] (2)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.021949] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.021995] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.113397] (5)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.113436] (5)[2952:Binder:1201_14]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.134384] (5)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.134427] (5)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.134480] (5)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.134495] (5)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.144503] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.144542] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.227041] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.227081] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.328760] (2)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.328799] (2)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9438.335959] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9438.335996] (1)[1684:Binder:1201_7]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<4>[ 9438.449598] -(7)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9438.449626] (7)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63f, adc_result=702
<6>[ 9438.450075] (5)[23769:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9438.769641] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39419), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9438.769687] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116825,147686888,39419), tx=(26890,21810,5080), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9438.978966] (4)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9438.979028] (4)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9438.979044] -(4)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9438.979069] (4)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<5>[ 9439.090325] (4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<4>[ 9439.090367] -(4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue: 14 callbacks
<5>[ 9439.090373] -(4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9439.090406] (4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9439.101326] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9439.101367] -(0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9439.101389] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<6>[ 9439.281134] (0)[23819:lowpool[77]][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39423), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9439.281172] (0)[23819:lowpool[77]][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116829,147687924,39423), tx=(26895,21812,5083), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9439.281234] (0)[23819:lowpool[77]][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32968-
32968, 9143-9143, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9439.537116] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9440.135313] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9440.135402] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 122, r13 = 0xc604012c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9440.670652] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42787 cur 575
<6>[ 9440.677995] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42785 cur 317
<6>[ 9440.685296] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42782 cur 311
<6>[ 9440.693620] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42744 cur 443
<6>[ 9440.698926] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42696 cur 939
<6>[ 9440.698961] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9440.700910] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53e1, NOW = 0x53ad,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9440.700955] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6545, adc_result=4272
<6>[ 9440.700981] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4272(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9440.701109] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<5>[ 9440.782951] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9440.783008] -(5)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9440.783051] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<5>[ 9440.783154] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9440.783177] -(5)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9440.783212] (5)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24201.307000000
<15>[ 9440.901790] (4)[25199:Binder:398_3]vold: idle maintenance started
<15>[ 9440.919834] (4)[25199:Binder:398_3]vold: Start GC on
<36>[ 9441.225789] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644909646.249:9840): avc:
denied { read } for comm="m.miui.weather2" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9441.225845] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644910559.280:9841): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ps.walletnfcrel" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c190,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<6>[ 9441.573181] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 280, 149, 99,
99, 224, 202, 233, 225, success counter cpu: 38, 13, 42, 36, 41, 26, 45, 35, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 52, 21, 43, 42, 57, 33,
53, 45, o: 1-3, p: , f: , t: 9441820000000, 9442101725254, 9450277200408,
9442102049254, 9441748000000, 9441748000000, 9441748000000, 9441748000000,
<6>[ 9441.746957] (2)[24186:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63c, adc_result=701
<6>[ 9441.747448] (0)[16537:kworker/u16:11]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<5>[ 9441.939003] (0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9441.939033] -(0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9441.939046] (0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9441.957881] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9441.957912] -(0)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9441.957928] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9441.957963] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9441.957968] -(0)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9441.957976] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9441.996517] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9441.996549] -(0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9441.996564] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9441.996612] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24257.029000000
<5>[ 9441.996618] -(0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24257029000000
<5>[ 9441.996627] (0)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9442.275452] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [1] = 1, [4]
= 7, [5] = 2, [6] = 5, [7] = 7, Total = 22, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9442.275504] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 370, 161, 189, 139, 187, 182, 227,
215, cluster : 149, 60, pause = 22, multi core = 22, latency = 0, residency = 0,
last core = 22, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9442.816613] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9442.816693] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9442.816790] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24207.180000000
<5>[ 9442.816829] (4)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<15>[ 9443.013481] (4)[25243:Binder:398_3]vold: aborting idle maintenance
<15>[ 9443.013718] (4)[25199:Binder:398_3]vold: Stop GC on /sys/fs/f2fs/mmcblk0p41
<15>[ 9443.014291] (4)[25199:Binder:398_3]vold: idle maintenance completed
<15>[ 9443.015973] (4)[25243:Binder:398_3]vold: The trim thread is not running
<15>[ 9443.016403] (4)[25243:Binder:398_3]vold: idle maintenance stopped
<5>[ 9443.022099] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24202.180000000
<4>[ 9443.022137] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue: 2 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9443.022143] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24202180000000
<5>[ 9443.022301] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9443.022376] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24202.180000000
<5>[ 9443.022386] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24202180000000
<5>[ 9443.022408] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29601.307000000
<5>[ 9443.023456] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.023493] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9443.023510] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.025692] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.025729] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9443.025748] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.025959] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.025976] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9443.025990] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.030093] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.030140] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.030199] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.030214] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.038093] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.038137] (6)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.102411] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.102452] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.102491] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.102503] (0)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.142552] (5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.142613] (5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9443.153329] (5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9443.153386] (5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<6>[ 9444.372149] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9444.372240] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 21, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9444.658496] (0)[25010:kworker/0:0]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9445.094753] (4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<4>[ 9445.094812] -(4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue: 7 callbacks
<5>[ 9445.094824] -(4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9445.094873] (4)[1618:Binder:1201_5]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<6>[ 9445.144134] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9445.144226] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 209, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9446.106053] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9446.106104] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9446.106139] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9446.106223] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9446.106241] -(4)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9446.106269] (4)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9446.449749] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -279
<6>[ 9446.450522] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8d, adc_result=1186
<6>[ 9446.632119] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 207, 76, 155,
85, 151, 130, 132, 143, success counter cpu: 33, 5, 42, 26, 28, 21, 14, 25, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 59, 9, 46, 33, 33, 44,
19, 35, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9446844000000, 9447111399024, 9447111438408,
9447111539254, 9446990637021, 9446798003408, 9447680872024, 9446876000000,
<5>[ 9447.276249] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 4, [4]
= 29, [5] = 35, [6] = 16, [7] = 13, Total = 97, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9447.276342] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 112, 63, 65, 45, 131, 126, 116, 130,
cluster : 89, 11, pause = 98, multi core = 91, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 98, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9447.475853] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9447.481995] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9447.482106] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3748
<5>[ 9448.134787] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.134844] -(7)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9448.134885] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9448.134974] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.134997] -(7)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9448.135031] (7)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9448.301624] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.301664] -(6)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9448.301685] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9448.301732] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.301742] -(6)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9448.301757] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9448.304998] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.305025] -(6)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9448.305140] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<5>[ 9448.305188] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<5>[ 9448.305206] (6)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24261.308000000
<3>[ 9448.659252] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9449.009349] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9449.009396] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9449.522703] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9449.522753] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9449.522828] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32997-32997,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9449.623427] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:07.684324913 UTC
<6>[ 9449.623477] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9449.734056] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9449.734131] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9449.734333] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9449.748762] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9449.756825] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9449.756849] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9449.756869] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9449.759901] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9449.981593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9449.981649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9449.992984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9449.993012] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9449.993163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9449.995248] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9449.998151] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9449.998172] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9449.998220] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9449.998231] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9449.998264] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9449.998602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9450.000713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:06 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:07)
<5>[ 9450.003967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:07 (1)
<5>[ 9450.004134] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9450.004456] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9450.005807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9450.006532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9450.007008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9450.007033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9450.007423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9450.007444] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9450.008101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9450.008527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.674 msecs
<6>[ 9450.013496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.931 msecs
<6>[ 9450.018569] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.028 msecs
<6>[ 9450.018607] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9450.043879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.061138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.061166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9450.087014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.105135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.105163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9450.130868] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.149129] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.149156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9450.176034] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.193172] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.193204] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9450.211289] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.229175] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.229206] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9450.241284] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9450.254970] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.273160] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.273189] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9450.298923] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9450.317078] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9450.317091] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4abc84b5,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 17477, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000e8, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4b26aa6f, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 58
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1380
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47120)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9450.320273] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.535 seconds
<6>[ 9450.320295] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9450.320321] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9450.320543] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9450.321726] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9450.321763] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9450.321810] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9450.321815] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.322200] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.322244] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9450322233892] 2022-02-15
07:36:08.919116 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:08.919116
<6>[ 9450.322874] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9450.324161] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9450.324188] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9450.324219] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9450.324224] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.324508] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.325202] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9450.326410] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9450.326438] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9450.326471] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9450.326476] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.326777] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.327627] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9450.329412] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9450.329472] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9450.329542] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9450.329552] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.330113] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.330492] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9450.332424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9450.334318] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9450.334368] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9450.334424] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9450.334434] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.334932] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.337268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9450.338836] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9450.338886] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9450.338947] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9450.338957] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.339462] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.342130] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9450.343690] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9450.343742] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9450.343803] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9450.343812] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9450.344325] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9450.350017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9450.353483] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.176 msecs
<6>[ 9450.357364] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.227 msecs
<5>[ 9450.357763] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9450.359220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9450.359249] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9450.359499] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9450.359900] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9450.361406] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9450.362061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9450.362123] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9450.363570] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9450.364383] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9450.364532] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9450.365288] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9450.367092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9450.367170] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9450.367193] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9450.367642] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9450.367671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9450.367711] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.311 msecs
<6>[ 9450.371181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9450.385306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9450.385332] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9450.385663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1568
<12>[ 9450.388784] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9450.391460] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9450.392216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8c, adc_result=1186
<6>[ 9450.393198] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<6>[ 9450.393998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<12>[ 9450.395180] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9450.397207] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9450.397650] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9450.398761] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9450.398898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9450.399186] -(5)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9450.400128] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:08.996998451 UTC
<6>[ 9450.502637] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9450.502717] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 638, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9450.878275] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9450.878365] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0xe604012c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9451.057528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:09.654394374 UTC
<6>[ 9451.057578] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9451.060568] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9451.081281] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9451.125133] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9451.126214] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9451.165048] done.
<6>[ 9451.166518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9451.166574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9451.166763] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9451.177379] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9451.177562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<3>[ 9451.177620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9451.177646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9451.188475] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9451.188503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9451.188843] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -722
<6>[ 9451.189598] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8e, adc_result=1187
<6>[ 9451.192296] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9451.192433] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9451.193690] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:09.790559682 UTC
<6>[ 9451.598546] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9451.598637] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9451.669945] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 59, 17, 15,
18, 192, 211, 159, 155, success counter cpu: 6, 1, 0, 1, 37, 21, 4, 19, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 2, 0, 3, 54, 35,
16, 28, o: 0-5,7, p: , f: , t: 9451836000000, 9452548626178, 9452548700947,
9452548689255, 9451836000000, 9451921735253, 9451964000000, 9452547307639,
<6>[ 9451.885877] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9451.885927] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9451885916588] 2022-02-15
07:36:10.482798 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:10.482798
<6>[ 9452.055191] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:10.652057297 UTC
<6>[ 9452.055241] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9452.163929] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9452.163983] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9452.164165] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9452.178751] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9452.186795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9452.186818] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9452.186839] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9452.189861] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9452.374164] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 29, [5] = 19, [6] = 19, [7] = 12, Total = 82, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9452.374262] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 60, 16, 16, 19, 167, 180, 150, 136,
cluster : 70, 15, pause = 91, multi core = 95, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 91, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9452.413464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9452.413519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9452.424876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9452.424905] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9452.425056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9452.427130] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9452.429967] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9452.429988] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9452.430035] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9452.430045] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9452.430079] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9452.430423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9452.432537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:09)
<5>[ 9452.435851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9452.436012] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9452.436340] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9452.437689] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9452.438412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9452.438885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9452.438909] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9452.439297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9452.439318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9452.439972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9452.440399] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.588 msecs
<6>[ 9452.445414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.977 msecs
<6>[ 9452.450623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.163 msecs
<6>[ 9452.450662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9452.475727] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.493014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.493042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9452.518895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.537021] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.537048] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9452.562732] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.581047] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.581079] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9452.607753] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.625005] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.625033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9452.651156] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.669019] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.669047] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9452.702871] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.721010] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.721039] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9452.746719] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9452.764998] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9452.765011] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4d0c5db5,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0,
r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4d0cbab2, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1381
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47139)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9452.767957] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9452.767978] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9452.767995] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9452.768119] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9452.769405] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9452.769443] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9452.769493] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9452.769498] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.769962] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.770531] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9452.771840] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9452.771866] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9452.771897] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9452.771901] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.772251] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.772908] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9452.774134] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9452.774161] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9452.774195] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9452.774199] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.774583] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.775372] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9452.777190] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9452.777248] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9452.777317] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9452.777327] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.777890] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.778268] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9452.781275] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9452.782998] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9452.783047] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9452.783103] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9452.783113] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.783615] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.785962] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9452.787545] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9452.787596] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9452.787658] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9452.787667] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.788182] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.790835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9452.792417] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9452.792469] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9452.792529] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9452.792539] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9452.793131] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9452.798729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9452.802194] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.180 msecs
<6>[ 9452.806030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.174 msecs
<5>[ 9452.806421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9452.807864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9452.807893] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9452.808150] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9452.808535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9452.808927] -(6)[0:swapper/6][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9452.810081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9452.810729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9452.810791] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9452.812236] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9452.813141] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9452.813291] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9452.813995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9452.815732] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9452.815809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9452.815832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9452.816292] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9452.816322] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9452.816363] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.297 msecs
<6>[ 9452.819886] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9452.834287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9452.834314] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9452.834629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1505
<12>[ 9452.834666] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9452.835398] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9452.835431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8d, adc_result=1186
<12>[ 9452.837063] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9452.837395] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x670, adc_result=724
<12>[ 9452.839500] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9452.841520] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9452.842124] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9452.843131] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9452.844329] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9452.844470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9452.845656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:11.445248989 UTC
<6>[ 9453.248499] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9453.269058] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9453.312322] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9453.313384] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9453.393149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:11.992742604 UTC
<6>[ 9453.393186] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9453.502485] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9453.502545] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9453.502792] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9453.517518] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9453.525522] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9453.525546] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9453.525567] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9453.528624] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9453.749342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9453.749401] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9453.760734] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9453.760763] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9453.760912] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9453.762993] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9453.765850] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9453.765871] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9453.765919] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9453.765929] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9453.765962] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9453.766304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9453.768455] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:11)
<5>[ 9453.771712] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9453.771874] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9453.772201] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9453.773548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9453.774266] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9453.774742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9453.774766] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9453.775154] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9453.775175] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9453.775815] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9453.776165] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.589 msecs
<6>[ 9453.781089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.889 msecs
<6>[ 9453.786126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.992 msecs
<6>[ 9453.786162] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9453.811631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9453.828863] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9453.828892] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9453.854885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9453.872896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9453.872924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9453.898618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9453.916918] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9453.916949] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9453.935661] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9453.952925] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9453.952956] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9453.987026] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9454.004886] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9454.004915] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9454.030747] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9454.048869] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9454.048897] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9454.067300] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9454.084828] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9454.084841] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4e12bee7,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 66549, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4fa5f625, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 87
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1382
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47148)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9454.087895] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.033 seconds
<6>[ 9454.087917] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9454.087944] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9454.088163] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9454.089350] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9454.089385] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9454.089433] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9454.089438] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.089900] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.089944] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9454089934054] 2022-02-15
07:36:14.723163 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:14.723163
<6>[ 9454.090492] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9454.091804] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9454.091829] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9454.091862] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9454.091866] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.092214] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.092860] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9454.094072] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9454.094100] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9454.094134] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9454.094139] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.094522] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.095297] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9454.097092] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9454.097153] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9454.097221] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9454.097231] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.097791] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.098170] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9454.101272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9454.102993] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9454.103043] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9454.103100] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9454.103109] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.103613] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.105948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9454.107529] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9454.107580] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9454.107639] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9454.107649] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.108165] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.110831] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9454.112404] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9454.112454] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9454.112514] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9454.112524] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9454.113096] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9454.118763] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9454.122235] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.182 msecs
<6>[ 9454.126031] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.137 msecs
<5>[ 9454.126423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9454.127845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9454.127872] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9454.128126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9454.128513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9454.130033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9454.130669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9454.130730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9454.132161] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9454.133055] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9454.133205] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9454.133910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9454.135672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9454.135749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9454.135773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9454.136227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9454.136256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9454.136298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.231 msecs
<6>[ 9454.139794] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9454.146805] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9454.149197] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9454.153775] done.
<5>[ 9454.153822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9454.153846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9454.154206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -779
<6>[ 9454.155297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8f, adc_result=1187
<6>[ 9454.156620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9454.157820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9454.158621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9454.159916] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9454.160073] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9454.160385] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9454.162105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:14.795317527 UTC
<6>[ 9454.370552] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9454.370616] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 265, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9454.770992] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9454.771084] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9455.026790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:15.660002296 UTC
<6>[ 9455.026840] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9455.030875] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9455.049028] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9455.092668] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9455.093908] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9455.132783] done.
<6>[ 9455.134241] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9455.134318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9455.134510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9455.145443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9455.145535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9455.145625] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9455.145651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9455.156620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9455.156648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9455.157043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -729
<6>[ 9455.157784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa8f, adc_result=1187
<6>[ 9455.158744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9455.159306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9455.159751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9455.160602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9455.160851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9455.162089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:15.795307450 UTC
<6>[ 9455.671723] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9455.831267] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:16.464479142 UTC
<6>[ 9455.831316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9455.940157] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9455.940213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9455.940391] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9455.954955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9455.963096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9455.963120] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9455.963141] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9455.966172] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9455.968966] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9455.969003] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 62,
<5>[ 9455.969038] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9455.969038]
<6>[ 9455.969065] -(7)[0:swapper/7][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<5>[ 9456.189226] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9456.189282] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9456.200431] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9456.200489] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9456.200579] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9456.201003] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9456.201034] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9456.201074] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.467
<6>[ 9456.204842] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9456.218732] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9456.218760] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9456.219122] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -713
<6>[ 9456.219867] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa90, adc_result=1188
<6>[ 9456.220847] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9456.221420] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9456.221866] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9456.222892] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9456.223016] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9456.224264] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:16.857482296 UTC
<6>[ 9456.602671] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9456.621105] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9456.664351] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9456.665406] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9456.676717] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 75, 22, 30,
31, 183, 172, 194, 131, success counter cpu: 12, 0, 1, 2, 19, 14, 19, 7, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 30, 1, 4, 0, 34, 26,
26, 19, o: 0-4,6, p: , f: 5, t: 9457031169640, 9457381820255, 9456881851178,
9457382015101, 9457040078794, 9456848000000, 9457033100560, 9456852000000,
<6>[ 9456.823201] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:17.456413758 UTC
<6>[ 9456.823250] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9456.930335] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9456.930397] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9456.930641] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9456.945365] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9456.953512] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9456.953534] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9456.953555] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9456.956515] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9457.177039] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9457.177104] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9457.188435] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9457.188464] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9457.188564] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9457.190692] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9457.193525] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9457.193546] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9457.193594] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9457.193605] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9457.193637] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9457.193957] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9457.196079] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:16)
<5>[ 9457.199328] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9457.199489] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9457.199821] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9457.201159] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9457.201880] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9457.202352] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9457.202376] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9457.202759] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9457.202780] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9457.203423] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9457.203808] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.339 msecs
<6>[ 9457.208757] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.911 msecs
<6>[ 9457.213701] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.894 msecs
<6>[ 9457.213739] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9457.239466] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.256757] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.256785] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9457.282716] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.300748] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.300775] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9457.326483] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.344751] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.344779] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9457.371547] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.388751] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.388780] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9457.430874] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.448793] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.448825] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9457.470613] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.488743] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.488771] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9457.514575] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9457.532754] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9457.532768] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x52521382,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 50772, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5385c8aa, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1383
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47176)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9457.535798] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.551 seconds
<6>[ 9457.535820] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9457.535847] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9457.536068] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9457.537255] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9457.537291] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9457.537338] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9457.537343] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.537805] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.537850] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9457537839677] 2022-02-15
07:36:19.723154 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:19.723154
<6>[ 9457.538407] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9457.539716] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9457.539742] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9457.539777] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9457.539781] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.540136] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.540816] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9457.542023] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9457.542050] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9457.542083] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9457.542088] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.542473] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.543251] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9457.545049] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9457.545109] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9457.545176] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9457.545186] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.545758] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.546141] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9457.549181] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9457.550903] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9457.550953] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9457.551009] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9457.551018] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.551523] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.553881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9457.555459] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9457.555510] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9457.555570] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9457.555579] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.556099] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.558768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9457.560331] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9457.560381] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9457.560441] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9457.560450] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9457.561117] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9457.566741] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9457.570276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.256 msecs
<6>[ 9457.574077] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.140 msecs
<5>[ 9457.574468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9457.574771] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [2]
= 2, [4] = 19, [5] = 14, [6] = 13, [7] = 7, Total = 57, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9457.574844] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 74, 23, 30, 33, 165, 155, 158, 128,
cluster : 80, 22, pause = 77, multi core = 83, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 77, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9457.575893] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9457.575920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9457.576173] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9457.576620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9457.578110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9457.578749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9457.578811] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9457.580224] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9457.581126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9457.581275] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9457.581979] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9457.583736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9457.583812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9457.583835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9457.584267] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9457.584296] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9457.584339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.226 msecs
<6>[ 9457.587829] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9457.597280] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9457.601480] done.
<5>[ 9457.601528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9457.601552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9457.601864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<12>[ 9457.604519] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9457.606993] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9457.614466] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa90, adc_result=1188
<12>[ 9457.618658] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9457.619382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x672, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9457.621258] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9457.622289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9457.623960] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9457.624099] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9457.624382] -(5)[1239:ActivityManager][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9457.625274] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:19.810577604 UTC
<6>[ 9457.721723] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9457.740864] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9457.784885] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9457.785965] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9457.822751] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9457.822844] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 267, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9457.825627] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9457.825719] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9458.487330] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:20.672628450 UTC
<6>[ 9458.487382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9458.600131] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9458.600187] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9458.600373] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9458.614981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9458.623165] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9458.623188] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9458.623209] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9458.626241] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9458.849197] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9458.849258] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9458.860410] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9458.860465] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9458.860606] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9458.860973] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9458.861003] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9458.861042] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.404
<6>[ 9458.864764] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9458.878490] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9458.878517] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9458.878873] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<6>[ 9458.879653] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa91, adc_result=1188
<6>[ 9458.880679] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9458.881247] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9458.881706] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9458.882778] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9458.882924] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9458.884160] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:21.069463604 UTC
<6>[ 9459.218847] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9459.218939] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9459.254860] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9459.254909] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9459.478510] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:21.663808835 UTC
<6>[ 9459.478559] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9459.481354] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9459.500911] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9459.544302] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9459.545382] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9459.584693] done.
<6>[ 9459.586152] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9459.586212] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9459.586421] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9459.600800] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9459.608843] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9459.608867] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9459.608887] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9459.611838] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9459.761028] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9459.761078] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9459.761150] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32997-32997,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9459.833081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9459.833139] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9459.844473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9459.844502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9459.844653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9459.846832] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9459.849702] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9459.849724] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9459.849774] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9459.849785] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9459.849818] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9459.850153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9459.852265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:20)
<5>[ 9459.855579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9459.855742] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9459.856068] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9459.857414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9459.858136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9459.858613] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9459.858638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9459.859025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9459.859045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9459.859691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9459.860053] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.262 msecs
<6>[ 9459.865140] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.046 msecs
<6>[ 9459.870408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.219 msecs
<6>[ 9459.870448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9459.895366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9459.912686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9459.912714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9459.938505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9459.956631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9459.956660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9459.982350] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9460.000627] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9460.000654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9460.027510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9460.044663] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9460.044695] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9460.062774] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9460.080671] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9460.080703] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9460.114473] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9460.132615] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9460.132644] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9460.150725] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9460.168564] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9460.168578] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5590cc05,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 90489, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x57b4f3a4, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1384
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47196)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9460.171560] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.764 seconds
<6>[ 9460.171582] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9460.171609] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9460.171831] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9460.173016] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9460.173052] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9460.173101] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9460.173106] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.173564] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.173608] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9460173598298] 2022-02-15
07:36:25.123171 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:25.123171
<6>[ 9460.174167] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9460.175467] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9460.175494] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9460.175524] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9460.175529] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.175879] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.176569] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9460.177783] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9460.177811] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9460.177845] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9460.177850] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.178235] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.179015] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9460.180806] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9460.180866] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9460.180934] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9460.180944] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.181505] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.181876] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9460.185003] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9460.186715] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9460.186766] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9460.186820] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9460.186830] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.187336] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.189656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9460.191229] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9460.191282] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9460.191341] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9460.191351] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.191871] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.194526] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9460.196088] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9460.196141] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9460.196202] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9460.196212] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9460.196800] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9460.202447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9460.205955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.222 msecs
<3>[ 9460.206475] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9460.209866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.253 msecs
<5>[ 9460.210258] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9460.210561] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<5>[ 9460.211709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9460.211737] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9460.211993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9460.212378] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9460.213926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9460.214568] (5)[205:chre_kthread]vcodec_resume ok
<3>[ 9460.214631] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9460.214648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9460.216027] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9460.216893] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9460.217041] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9460.217746] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9460.218732] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9460.219517] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9460.219586] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9460.219610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9460.220045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9460.220074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9460.220116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.216 msecs
<3>[ 9460.222826] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<6>[ 9460.223632] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9460.227203] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<12>[ 9460.233710] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9460.236105] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9460.237520] done.
<5>[ 9460.237558] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9460.237580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9460.237954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -876
<12>[ 9460.238313] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9460.238562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa91, adc_result=1188
<6>[ 9460.239701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9460.240348] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9460.240765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9460.241310] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9460.242316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9460.242455] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9460.242762] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9460.243799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:25.193355219 UTC
<6>[ 9460.362431] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9460.362511] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 268, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9460.528764] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9460.529139] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9461.014369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:25.963926065 UTC
<6>[ 9461.014418] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9461.022877] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9461.040697] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9461.084860] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9461.085943] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9461.126914] done.
<6>[ 9461.128389] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9461.128536] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9461.128745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9461.139637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9461.139818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<3>[ 9461.139876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9461.139902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9461.150920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9461.150948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9461.151282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -735
<6>[ 9461.152025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa93, adc_result=1189
<6>[ 9461.156265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9461.156467] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9461.157679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:26.107240835 UTC
<6>[ 9461.654126] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9461.661532] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42825 cur 430
<6>[ 9461.668873] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42826 cur 264
<6>[ 9461.676174] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42826 cur 257
<6>[ 9461.683486] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42825 cur 245
<6>[ 9461.689788] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42823 cur 245
<6>[ 9461.689823] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9461.691735] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53ad, NOW = 0x53f4,
CNT = 0
<4>[ 9461.691767] -(6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9461.691796] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6582, adc_result=4282
<6>[ 9461.691830] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4282(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9461.691906] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9461.692157] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 74, 24, 35,
32, 160, 180, 136, 121, success counter cpu: 14, 1, 2, 1, 6, 31, 7, 7, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 28, 3, 7, 1, 16, 48, 15, 13, o:
0-5, p: , f: , t: 9462354917164, 9462401394332, 9461906744025, 9462401705563,
9462044000000, 9461935993717, 9461864000000, 9462040442640,
<6>[ 9461.910915] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:26.860472527 UTC
<6>[ 9461.910965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9462.024185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9462.024238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9462.024598] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9462.039004] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9462.047012] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9462.047036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9462.047057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9462.050092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9462.272936] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9462.272994] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9462.284145] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9462.284202] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9462.284292] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9462.284715] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9462.284745] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9462.284785] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.465
<6>[ 9462.288564] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9462.302097] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9462.302124] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9462.302574] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -669
<6>[ 9462.303325] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa93, adc_result=1189
<6>[ 9462.304312] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9462.305110] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9462.305560] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9462.308490] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9462.308580] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9462.309405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9462.309563] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9462.310828] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:27.260390296 UTC
<5>[ 9462.581071] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [2] = 3, [4]
= 24, [5] = 23, [6] = 8, [7] = 9, Total = 67, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9462.581168] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 83, 28, 39, 35, 175, 167, 168, 130,
cluster : 93, 30, pause = 100, multi core = 99, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 100, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9462.581887] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9462.587996] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9462.588112] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9463.094159] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:28.043716681 UTC
<6>[ 9463.094209] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9463.103643] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9463.120734] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9463.164698] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9463.165779] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9463.206565] done.
<6>[ 9463.207979] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9463.208035] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9463.208220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9463.222959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9463.231091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9463.231115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9463.231136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9463.234153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9463.453393] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9463.453450] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9463.464780] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9463.464809] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9463.464908] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9463.467000] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9463.469842] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9463.469863] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9463.469910] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9463.469920] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9463.469953] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9463.470297] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9463.472410] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:27)
<5>[ 9463.475697] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9463.475854] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9463.476191] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9463.477534] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9463.478256] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9463.478730] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9463.478755] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9463.479143] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9463.479164] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9463.479775] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9463.480149] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.047 msecs
<6>[ 9463.485103] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.916 msecs
<6>[ 9463.490220] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.072 msecs
<6>[ 9463.490258] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9463.515254] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.532515] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.532542] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9463.558381] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.576509] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.576536] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9463.602242] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.620506] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.620534] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9463.663305] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.680508] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.680535] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9463.714660] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.732468] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.732496] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9463.766415] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.784500] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.784529] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9463.810193] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9463.828493] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9463.828506] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5a8b1c2c,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 50256, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5bbbafeb, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1385
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47224)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9463.831423] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.536 seconds
<6>[ 9463.831445] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9463.831472] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9463.831694] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9463.832880] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9463.832916] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9463.832964] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9463.832969] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.833433] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.833477] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9463833467460] 2022-02-15
07:36:30.319276 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:30.319276
<6>[ 9463.834036] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9463.835338] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9463.835365] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9463.835397] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9463.835402] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.835757] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.836403] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9463.837615] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9463.837644] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9463.837678] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9463.837683] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.838064] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.838855] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9463.840659] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9463.840719] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9463.840787] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9463.840798] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.841362] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.841744] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9463.844816] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9463.846533] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9463.846582] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9463.846637] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9463.846647] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.847148] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.849485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9463.851061] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9463.851112] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9463.851171] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9463.851180] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.851688] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.854355] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9463.855926] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9463.855979] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9463.856039] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9463.856048] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9463.856635] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9463.862272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9463.865742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.188 msecs
<6>[ 9463.869594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.195 msecs
<5>[ 9463.869984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9463.871417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9463.871710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9463.871965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9463.872417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9463.873923] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9463.874564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9463.874627] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9463.876081] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9463.876958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9463.877108] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9463.877813] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9463.879505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9463.879581] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9463.879604] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9463.880046] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9463.880075] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9463.880117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.485 msecs
<6>[ 9463.883583] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9463.897970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9463.897998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9463.898338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -694
<6>[ 9463.900660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa94, adc_result=1190
<6>[ 9463.902726] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9463.903712] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9463.904236] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9463.904727] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9463.906813] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9463.908816] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9463.908910] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9463.909199] -(5)[587:lmkd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9463.910017] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:30.395818988 UTC
<12>[ 9463.917995] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9463.919792] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9464.098032] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9464.098112] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1842, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9464.785935] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:31.271727911 UTC
<6>[ 9464.785986] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9464.794395] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9464.812788] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9464.856478] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9464.857559] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9464.892408] done.
<6>[ 9464.893869] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9464.893928] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9464.894118] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9464.905128] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9464.905214] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9464.905304] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9464.905331] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9464.916212] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9464.916240] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9464.916771] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -594
<6>[ 9464.917519] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa94, adc_result=1190
<6>[ 9464.918457] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9464.919009] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9464.919456] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9464.920369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9464.920504] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9464.921928] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:31.407725835 UTC
<6>[ 9465.137626] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9465.137716] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9465.584661] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:32.070455373 UTC
<6>[ 9465.584711] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9465.699943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9465.699998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9465.700191] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9465.714856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9465.722996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9465.723019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9465.723041] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9465.726067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9465.948830] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9465.948886] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9465.960225] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9465.960254] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9465.960405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9465.962489] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9465.965322] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9465.965344] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9465.965393] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9465.965404] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9465.965437] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9465.965775] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9465.967937] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:31)
<5>[ 9465.971185] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9465.971342] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9465.971675] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9465.973026] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9465.973749] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9465.974227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9465.974251] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9465.974640] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9465.974661] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9465.975285] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9465.975715] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.696 msecs
<6>[ 9465.980734] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.982 msecs
<6>[ 9465.985802] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.023 msecs
<6>[ 9465.985839] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9466.011104] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.028373] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.028402] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9466.054227] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.072367] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.072395] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9466.098089] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.116370] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.116398] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9466.159155] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.176367] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.176395] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9466.202603] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.220406] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.220437] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9466.246190] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.264343] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.264372] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9466.290756] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9466.308316] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9466.308329] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5da7bf3d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 17091, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5e0f88e3, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 90
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1386
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47244)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9466.311184] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.523 seconds
<6>[ 9466.311205] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9466.311233] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9466.311456] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9466.312636] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9466.312672] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9466.312719] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9466.312724] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.313190] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.313233] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9466313223542] 2022-02-15
07:36:33.323158 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:33.323158
<6>[ 9466.313785] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9466.315091] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9466.315118] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9466.315150] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9466.315154] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.315507] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.316099] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9466.317400] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9466.317428] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9466.317461] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9466.317465] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.317844] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.318644] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9466.320448] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9466.320508] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9466.320577] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9466.320588] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.321157] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.321537] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9466.324581] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9466.326303] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9466.326354] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9466.326412] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9466.326421] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.326926] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.329265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9466.330853] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9466.330906] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9466.330966] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9466.330975] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.331491] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.334153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9466.335731] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9466.335783] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9466.335844] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9466.335854] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9466.336568] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9466.342108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9466.345653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.264 msecs
<6>[ 9466.349499] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.185 msecs
<5>[ 9466.349894] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9466.351352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9466.351380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9466.351637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9466.352022] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9466.353513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9466.354151] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9466.354213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9466.355631] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9466.356519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9466.356669] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9466.357371] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9466.359144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9466.359221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9466.359244] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9466.359687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9466.359716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9466.359758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.222 msecs
<6>[ 9466.363248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9466.377359] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9466.377388] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9466.377674] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -650
<6>[ 9466.378226] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa94, adc_result=1190
<6>[ 9466.379333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9466.379987] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9466.380585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9466.381217] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9466.384263] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9466.384418] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9466.384725] -(4)[0:swapper/4][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9466.385627] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:33.395552988 UTC
<12>[ 9466.385843] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9466.387642] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9466.389601] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9466.470151] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9466.470242] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9466.601480] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9466.601571] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 26, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910fc 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9466.678182] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9466.781795] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 68, 23, 37,
32, 202, 134, 149, 105, success counter cpu: 4, 0, 1, 1, 42, 18, 6, 2, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 18, 4, 6, 4, 54, 28, 14, 6, o:
0-5,7, p: , f: , t: 9467047108178, 9467440700001, 9467040918948, 9467541087794,
9466949506871, 9486598851486, 9467308256484, 9467040098333,
<6>[ 9466.934510] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:33.944428219 UTC
<6>[ 9466.934559] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9466.943571] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9466.944098] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9466.944129] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 79,
<5>[ 9466.944165] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9466.944165]
<6>[ 9466.944191] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9466.960654] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9467.004564] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9467.005646] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9467.040343] done.
<6>[ 9467.041795] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9467.041849] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9467.042041] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9467.056814] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9467.064825] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9467.064849] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9467.064870] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9467.067830] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9467.288706] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9467.288761] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9467.299912] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9467.299968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9467.300058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9467.300478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9467.300509] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9467.300550] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.463
<6>[ 9467.304317] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9467.317991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9467.318019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9467.318358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -807
<6>[ 9467.319110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa95, adc_result=1190
<6>[ 9467.323673] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9467.323784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9467.325138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:34.335060526 UTC
<5>[ 9467.598454] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [2]
= 2, [4] = 25, [5] = 16, [6] = 9, [7] = 5, Total = 59, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9467.598549] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 65, 25, 34, 34, 142, 133, 109, 111,
cluster : 74, 28, pause = 84, multi core = 101, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 84, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9467.862767] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:34.872685219 UTC
<6>[ 9467.862817] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9467.872409] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9467.892429] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9467.936552] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9467.937634] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9467.973857] done.
<6>[ 9467.975283] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9467.975337] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9467.975512] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9467.989955] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9467.998048] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9467.998072] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9467.998093] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9468.001118] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9468.220694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9468.220749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9468.232095] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9468.232124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9468.232276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9468.234347] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9468.237189] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9468.237211] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9468.237259] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9468.237270] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9468.237302] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9468.237641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9468.239756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:06 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:34)
<5>[ 9468.243043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:07 (1)
<5>[ 9468.243210] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9468.243532] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9468.244881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9468.245600] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9468.246076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9468.246101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9468.246488] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9468.246508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9468.247131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9468.247627] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.557 msecs
<6>[ 9468.252553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.888 msecs
<6>[ 9468.257664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.066 msecs
<6>[ 9468.257702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9468.282960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.300242] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.300270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9468.326085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.344242] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.344270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9468.369934] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.388238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.388267] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9468.415125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.432279] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.432309] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9468.454410] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.472238] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.472267] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9468.506164] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.524211] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.524239] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9468.550422] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9468.568240] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9468.568253] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5fcffe2c,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 24170, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x6062a1b2, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1387
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47260)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9468.571091] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.739 seconds
<6>[ 9468.571113] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9468.571140] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9468.571363] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9468.572549] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9468.572584] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9468.572632] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9468.572637] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.573101] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.573145] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9468573135239] 2022-02-15
07:36:36.323114 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:36.323114
<6>[ 9468.573699] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9468.574994] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9468.575020] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9468.575050] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9468.575055] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.575405] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.575990] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9468.577334] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9468.577362] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9468.577396] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9468.577401] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.577782] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.578575] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9468.580359] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9468.580418] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9468.580486] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9468.580496] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.581064] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.581443] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9468.584506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9468.586211] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9468.586261] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9468.586317] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9468.586326] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.586828] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.589149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9468.590720] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9468.590771] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9468.590830] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9468.590839] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.591355] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.594003] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9468.595563] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9468.595617] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9468.595677] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9468.595687] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9468.596276] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9468.601926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9468.605430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.223 msecs
<6>[ 9468.609254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.164 msecs
<5>[ 9468.609646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9468.611053] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9468.611081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9468.611332] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9468.611716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9468.613266] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9468.613905] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9468.613967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9468.615370] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9468.616253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9468.616402] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9468.617101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9468.618880] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9468.618956] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9468.618980] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9468.619416] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9468.619445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9468.619487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.197 msecs
<6>[ 9468.622978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9468.636766] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9468.636793] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9468.637193] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -817
<4>[ 9468.637706] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9468.637738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa95, adc_result=1190
<6>[ 9468.638765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9468.639399] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9468.639945] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<12>[ 9468.641005] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9468.641083] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9468.641216] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9468.641494] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9468.642431] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:36.392401065 UTC
<12>[ 9468.643093] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9468.770387] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9468.770478] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 812, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9469.328692] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:37.078654834 UTC
<6>[ 9469.328741] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9469.337918] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9469.356306] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9469.399397] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9469.400452] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9469.442166] done.
<6>[ 9469.443589] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9469.443643] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9469.443816] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9469.458244] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9469.466372] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9469.466396] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9469.466416] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9469.469441] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9469.488574] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9469.488622] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9469.688574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9469.688631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9469.699961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9469.699991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9469.700143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9469.702233] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9469.705069] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9469.705090] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9469.705138] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9469.705148] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9469.705181] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9469.705506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9469.707608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:36)
<5>[ 9469.710866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9469.711028] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9469.711355] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9469.712705] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9469.713426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9469.713902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9469.713926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9469.714315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9469.714335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9469.714976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9469.715401] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.009 msecs
<6>[ 9469.720373] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.936 msecs
<6>[ 9469.725492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.074 msecs
<6>[ 9469.725530] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9469.750862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.768119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.768147] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9469.794074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.812125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.812153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9469.837854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.856117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.856144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9469.883026] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.900150] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.900181] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9469.918239] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.936158] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.936189] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9469.961935] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9469.980212] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9469.980241] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<6>[ 9470.000053] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9470.000091] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9470.000164] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32997-32997,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9470.013741] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9470.032060] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9470.032073] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x6185247b,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 24044, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x6217089e, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1388
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47271)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9470.034840] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.736 seconds
<6>[ 9470.034862] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9470.034888] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9470.035108] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9470.036298] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9470.036334] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9470.036382] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9470.036387] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.036845] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.036890] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9470036879780] 2022-02-15
07:36:38.523193 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:38.523193
<6>[ 9470.037441] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9470.038736] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9470.038762] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9470.038795] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9470.038799] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.039152] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.039742] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9470.041028] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9470.041055] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9470.041088] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9470.041092] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.041473] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.042268] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9470.044073] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9470.044134] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9470.044204] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9470.044214] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.044780] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.045162] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9470.048163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9470.049902] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9470.049952] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9470.050005] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9470.050015] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.050520] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.052868] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9470.054449] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9470.054501] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9470.054558] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9470.054568] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.055080] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.057729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9470.059293] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9470.059346] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9470.059407] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9470.059417] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9470.060001] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.065655] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9470.069173] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.229 msecs
<3>[ 9470.069693] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9470.073048] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.217 msecs
<5>[ 9470.073433] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9470.073790] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<5>[ 9470.074854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9470.074882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9470.075138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9470.075524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9470.077084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9470.077727] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9470.077790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9470.077859] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9470.079211] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<3>[ 9470.080027] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9470.080101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9470.080250] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9470.080958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9470.082687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9470.082764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9470.082787] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9470.083211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9470.083239] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9470.083281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.199 msecs
<3>[ 9470.084109] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9470.086748] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9470.088202] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9470.092275] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9470.096694] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<12>[ 9470.097347] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9470.100708] done.
<5>[ 9470.100755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9470.100779] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9470.101116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<6>[ 9470.101879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa97, adc_result=1191
<6>[ 9470.104447] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<12>[ 9470.104918] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9470.105130] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9470.105782] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9470.106769] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9470.106912] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9470.107137] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9470.107206] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9470.108279] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:38.594580757 UTC
<12>[ 9470.111457] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9470.390075] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9470.774216] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:39.260513603 UTC
<6>[ 9470.774265] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9470.781617] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9470.800393] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9470.844300] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9470.845381] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9470.880093] done.
<6>[ 9470.881564] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9470.881623] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9470.881854] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9470.896514] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9470.904528] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9470.904552] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9470.904572] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9470.907522] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9471.128443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9471.128498] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9471.139650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9471.139707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9471.139796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9471.140217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9471.140248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9471.140287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.461
<6>[ 9471.144057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9471.157538] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9471.157565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9471.157961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -766
<6>[ 9471.158735] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa97, adc_result=1191
<6>[ 9471.159701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9471.160410] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9471.162550] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9471.163629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9471.163742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9471.165293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:39.651594219 UTC
<6>[ 9471.629610] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9471.648339] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9471.691603] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9471.692677] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9471.760113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:40.246413449 UTC
<6>[ 9471.760152] -(7)[0:swapper/7]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9471.790089] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 83, 28, 35,
38, 185, 192, 134, 144, success counter cpu: 8, 2, 1, 2, 24, 16, 8, 5, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 31, 6, 3, 2, 39, 27, 18, 15, o:
0-6, p: , f: , t: 9472211597254, 9472321757333, 9472321789102, 9472321757410,
9472026867102, 9472320802179, 9471956000000, 9472040126410,
<4>[ 9471.868079] done.
<6>[ 9471.869493] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9471.869549] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9471.869753] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.013 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9471.883183] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9471.890639] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9471.890662] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9471.890683] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9471.893704] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9472.120456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9472.120512] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9472.131844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9472.131873] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9472.132020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9472.134095] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9472.136928] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9472.136949] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9472.136997] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9472.137008] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9472.137041] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9472.137384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9472.139507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:39)
<5>[ 9472.142821] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9472.142982] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9472.143310] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9472.144652] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9472.145374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9472.145851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9472.145874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9472.146260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9472.146281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9472.146923] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9472.147330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
253.676 msecs
<6>[ 9472.152327] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.959 msecs
<6>[ 9472.157393] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.018 msecs
<6>[ 9472.157434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9472.182718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.199989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.200017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9472.225885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.243988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.244016] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9472.269751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.287981] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.288010] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9472.314897] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.332025] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.332058] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9472.350136] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.368031] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.368062] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9472.380148] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9472.393827] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9472.411980] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.412009] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9472.438222] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<4>[ 9472.455944] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 25239 (Measurement Wor) no longer affine
to cpu6
<6>[ 9472.456039] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9472.456052] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x63f8171a,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 572037, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x717f92e6, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1389
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47290)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/17/6/4/0
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9472.459062] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 17.460 seconds
<6>[ 9472.459084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9472.459111] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9472.459329] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9472.460514] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9472.460551] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9472.460599] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9472.460604] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.461066] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.461110] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9472461100016] 2022-02-15
07:36:58.408494 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:58.408494
<6>[ 9472.461667] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9472.462973] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9472.463001] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9472.463032] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9472.463036] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.463387] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.464037] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9472.465242] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9472.465272] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9472.465304] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9472.465309] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.465690] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.466461] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9472.468255] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9472.468316] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9472.468385] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9472.468395] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.468953] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.469326] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9472.471219] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9472.473172] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9472.473223] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9472.473279] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9472.473288] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.473788] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.476131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9472.477712] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9472.477763] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9472.477820] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9472.477830] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.478343] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.481025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9472.482590] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9472.482642] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9472.482702] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9472.482712] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9472.483222] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9472.488937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9472.492365] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.145 msecs
<3>[ 9472.492892] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<3>[ 9472.495906] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<6>[ 9472.496204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.181 msecs
<5>[ 9472.496596] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9472.498036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9472.498064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9472.498317] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9472.498712] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9472.500218] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9472.500874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9472.500936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9472.502416] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9472.503236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9472.503386] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9472.504152] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9472.505942] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9472.506019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9472.506042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9472.506478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9472.506507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9472.506548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.312 msecs
<6>[ 9472.510025] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9472.522008] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9472.524459] done.
<5>[ 9472.524505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9472.524529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9472.524866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1106
<6>[ 9472.525722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa9b, adc_result=1193
<6>[ 9472.527451] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x675, adc_result=726
<4>[ 9472.527552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:It is
long time (prev(1644910317), now(1644910618), > 300 sec) not to query, query temp
<6>[ 9472.527676] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<12>[ 9472.531325] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9472.533397] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9472.534100] -(6)[395:logd.writer]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 14 callbacks
<4>[ 9472.534134] -(6)[395:logd.writer]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9472.535312] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9472.552036] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24350 usec
<4>[ 9472.560706] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x9
<6>[ 9472.561308] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x650, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9472.561791] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<6>[ 9472.562645] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9472.562719] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9472.562997] -(7)[][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9472.563875] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:58.511262912 UTC
<5>[ 9472.599845] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [4]
= 5, [5] = 9, [6] = 14, [7] = 7, Total = 37, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9472.599923] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 95, 28, 35, 38, 164, 148, 113, 111,
cluster : 97, 31, pause = 66, multi core = 86, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 66, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9472.627775] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9472.627866] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 320, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9472.742337] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9472.760017] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9472.804180] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9472.805261] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9473.078361] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:36:59.025738912 UTC
<6>[ 9473.078412] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9473.185406] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9473.185463] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9473.185653] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9473.200259] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9473.208363] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9473.208387] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9473.208408] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9473.211367] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9473.432318] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9473.432375] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9473.443707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9473.443736] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9473.443888] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9473.445959] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9473.448856] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9473.448877] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9473.448924] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9473.448935] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9473.448967] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9473.449310] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9473.451427] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:36:58)
<5>[ 9473.454681] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9473.454839] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9473.455170] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9473.456548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9473.457270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9473.457744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9473.457768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9473.458156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9473.458177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9473.458825] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9473.459172] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.851 msecs
<6>[ 9473.464085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.876 msecs
<6>[ 9473.469135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.007 msecs
<6>[ 9473.469173] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9473.494618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.511864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.511892] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9473.537856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.555869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.555896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9473.581596] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.599856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.599884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9473.626755] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.643899] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.643930] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9473.666108] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.683899] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.683930] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9473.709727] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.727852] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.727881] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9473.753648] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9473.771848] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9473.771862] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x7284ca09,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12
= 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x728526fb, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1390
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47298)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9473.775027] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9473.775048] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9473.775065] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9473.775190] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9473.776467] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9473.776503] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9473.776551] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9473.776556] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.777020] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.777064] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9473777053558] 2022-02-15
07:36:59.727186 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:36:59.727186
<6>[ 9473.777612] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9473.778915] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9473.778942] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9473.778974] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9473.778978] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.779331] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.779976] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9473.781185] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9473.781214] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9473.781249] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9473.781253] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.781638] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.782406] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9473.784200] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9473.784259] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9473.784329] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9473.784339] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.784905] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.785285] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9473.787166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9473.789114] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9473.789165] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9473.789221] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9473.789231] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.789737] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.792079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9473.793654] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9473.793706] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9473.793766] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9473.793775] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.794286] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.796977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9473.798539] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9473.798592] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9473.798652] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9473.798662] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9473.799177] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9473.804899] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9473.808389] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.207 msecs
<6>[ 9473.812265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.215 msecs
<5>[ 9473.812662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9473.814087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9473.814114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9473.814372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9473.814774] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9473.816602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9473.817265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9473.817328] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9473.818780] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9473.819605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9473.819819] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<5>[ 9473.820431] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<3>[ 9473.820768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9473.822551] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9473.822628] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9473.822652] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9473.823090] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9473.823119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9473.823161] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.859 msecs
<6>[ 9473.826685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9473.841079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9473.841107] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9473.841476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -754
<6>[ 9473.842026] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa9d, adc_result=1193
<6>[ 9473.843100] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9473.843279] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<12>[ 9473.845217] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9473.846450] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9473.847555] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9473.849962] -(6)[1770:HwBinder:1201_4]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9473.863533] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9473.867888] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24605 usec
<4>[ 9473.880602] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x9
<6>[ 9473.881217] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x650, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9473.881706] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9473.882799] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9473.882899] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9473.884104] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:36:59.834223835 UTC
<6>[ 9473.903029] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9473.904103] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9474.057719] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24327.587000000
<4>[ 9474.057776] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue: 1 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9474.057787] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24327587000000
<5>[ 9474.057838] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29661.314000000
<6>[ 9474.517646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:00.467763373 UTC
<6>[ 9474.517695] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9474.630969] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9474.631027] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9474.631214] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9474.645809] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9474.653896] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9474.653920] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9474.653941] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9474.656967] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9474.880059] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9474.880113] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9474.891314] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9474.891369] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9474.891460] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9474.891855] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9474.891885] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9474.891927] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.439
<6>[ 9474.895552] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9474.909579] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9474.909606] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9474.909940] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -729
<6>[ 9474.910697] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa9d, adc_result=1193
<6>[ 9474.911712] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9474.911865] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9474.918147] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 48 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9474.918182] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9474.939861] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27994 usec
<4>[ 9474.946301] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x9
<6>[ 9474.946888] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x650, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9474.947338] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9474.948352] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9474.948501] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9474.949737] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:00.899858681 UTC
<6>[ 9475.510279] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:01.460395296 UTC
<6>[ 9475.510327] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9475.519901] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9475.540206] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9475.584082] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9475.585164] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9475.621890] done.
<6>[ 9475.623312] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9475.623368] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9475.623539] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9475.638189] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9475.646311] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9475.646335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9475.646356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9475.649382] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9475.868250] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9475.868308] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9475.879781] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9475.879811] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9475.879910] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9475.881989] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9475.884826] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9475.884847] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9475.884896] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9475.884907] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9475.884940] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9475.885282] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9475.887395] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:00)
<5>[ 9475.890677] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9475.890838] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9475.891166] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9475.892517] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9475.893240] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9475.893716] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9475.893741] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9475.894128] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9475.894148] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9475.894800] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9475.895172] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.839 msecs
<6>[ 9475.900244] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.035 msecs
<6>[ 9475.905408] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.117 msecs
<6>[ 9475.905444] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9475.930452] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9475.947750] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9475.947777] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9475.973736] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9475.991737] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9475.991766] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9476.017476] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9476.035769] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9476.035798] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9476.062512] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9476.079785] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9476.079817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9476.113885] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9476.131777] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9476.131809] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9476.157551] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9476.175706] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9476.175734] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9476.202497] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9476.219733] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9476.219746] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x746add5f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 89965, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x768bd94c, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1391
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47318)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9476.222688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.748 seconds
<6>[ 9476.222710] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9476.222738] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9476.222959] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9476.224144] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9476.224180] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9476.224227] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9476.224232] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.224690] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.224734] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9476224724487] 2022-02-15
07:37:04.923090 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:04.923090
<6>[ 9476.225283] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9476.226585] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9476.226613] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9476.226643] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9476.226648] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.227004] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.227657] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9476.228868] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9476.228896] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9476.228930] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9476.228934] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.229321] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.230116] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9476.231911] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9476.231970] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9476.232039] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9476.232049] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.232612] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.232989] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9476.236080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9476.237795] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9476.237846] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9476.237901] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9476.237911] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.238410] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.240748] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9476.242329] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9476.242380] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9476.242439] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9476.242448] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.242961] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.245624] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9476.247194] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9476.247247] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9476.247307] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9476.247316] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9476.247905] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9476.253527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9476.257022] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.211 msecs
<6>[ 9476.260857] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.175 msecs
<5>[ 9476.261251] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9476.262671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9476.262700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9476.262951] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9476.263334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9476.264821] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9476.265482] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9476.265545] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9476.266975] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9476.267834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9476.267984] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9476.268687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9476.270432] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9476.270510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9476.270532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9476.270978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9476.271006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9476.271048] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.156 msecs
<6>[ 9476.274602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9476.288632] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9476.288660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9476.288996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -678
<6>[ 9476.289575] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xa9e, adc_result=1194
<6>[ 9476.290807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x675, adc_result=726
<12>[ 9476.291374] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9476.291409] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x651, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9476.292190] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<12>[ 9476.293502] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9476.293995] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9476.294132] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9476.294434] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9476.295723] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:04.994075681 UTC
<12>[ 9476.304397] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9476.306212] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9476.422126] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9476.422218] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 755, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9476.799803] -(3)[0:swapper/3]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 98, 27, 31,
41, 154, 151, 105, 138, success counter cpu: 14, 1, 2, 2, 15, 14, 10, 4, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 30, 3, 1, 4, 24, 26,
19, 10, o: 0-2,4-7, p: , f: , t: 9477049582238, 9477451991102, 9482729349754,
9477452865487, 9477308000000, 9476966192102, 9477148000000, 9477884000000,
<6>[ 9476.878816] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9476.878908] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9476.975962] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:05.674312296 UTC
<6>[ 9476.976012] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9476.984773] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9477.003793] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9477.047925] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9477.049006] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9477.083716] done.
<6>[ 9477.085163] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9477.085219] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9477.085409] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9477.100116] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9477.108203] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9477.108227] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9477.108248] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9477.111208] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9477.332068] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9477.332125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9477.343455] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9477.343484] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9477.343631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9477.345699] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9477.348540] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9477.348561] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9477.348608] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9477.348619] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9477.348652] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9477.348995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9477.351110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:06 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:05)
<5>[ 9477.354430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:07 (1)
<5>[ 9477.354585] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9477.354918] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9477.356255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9477.356978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9477.357452] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9477.357478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9477.357865] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9477.357886] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9477.358520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9477.358898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.737 msecs
<6>[ 9477.363809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.873 msecs
<6>[ 9477.368857] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.006 msecs
<6>[ 9477.368895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9477.394336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.411612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.411640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9477.437577] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.455622] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.455650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9477.481321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.499643] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.499674] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9477.526444] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.543664] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.543696] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<6>[ 9477.551771] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9477.569794] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.587659] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.587689] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9477.613502] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.631752] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.631781] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9477.658128] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9477.675558] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9477.675572] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x77acc6d6,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 908969, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8d2c15b0, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1392
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47329)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9477.678449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 27.744 seconds
<6>[ 9477.678471] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9477.678498] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9477.678799] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9477.679964] (0)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9477.679981] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9477.680016] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9477.680064] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9477.680069] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.680501] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.680545] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9477680534874] 2022-02-15
07:37:34.123176 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:34.123176
<6>[ 9477.681113] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9477.682414] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9477.682442] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9477.682475] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9477.682479] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.682831] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.683488] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9477.684704] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9477.684734] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9477.684768] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9477.684773] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.685154] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.685928] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9477.687726] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9477.687787] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9477.687856] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9477.687866] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.688434] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.688815] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9477.691813] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9477.693538] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9477.693588] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9477.693644] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9477.693654] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.694157] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.696496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9477.698081] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9477.698135] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9477.698195] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9477.698204] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.698722] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.701389] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9477.702965] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9477.703018] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9477.703080] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9477.703089] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9477.703812] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9477.709326] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9477.712835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.222 msecs
<4>[ 9477.713378] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 8 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9477.713393] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9477.713732] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9477.713831] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3742
<5>[ 9477.715500] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [3]
= 2, [4] = 22, [5] = 18, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, Total = 57, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9477.715570] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 74, 23, 23, 36, 147, 142, 94, 122,
cluster : 85, 31, pause = 84, multi core = 112, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 84, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9477.716715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.159 msecs
<5>[ 9477.717108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9477.717495] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<5>[ 9477.718532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9477.718780] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9477.719037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9477.719486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9477.720983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9477.721565] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9477.721627] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9477.721688] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9477.723120] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9477.723990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9477.724137] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9477.724847] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9477.725653] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9477.726528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9477.726596] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9477.726619] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9477.727056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9477.727085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9477.727127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.378 msecs
<3>[ 9477.729771] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9477.730650] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9477.734126] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9477.738288] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<3>[ 9477.742765] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<4>[ 9477.744850] done.
<5>[ 9477.744903] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9477.744928] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9477.745269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -782
<3>[ 9477.747168] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<12>[ 9477.747954] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9477.749101] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaa8, adc_result=1198
<6>[ 9477.750207] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<12>[ 9477.750231] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9477.752622] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9477.753169] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x648, adc_result=706
<12>[ 9477.754869] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9477.757040] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9477.767283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9477.767497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9477.767784] -(5)[1239:ActivityManager][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9477.768601] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:34.211235989 UTC
<6>[ 9477.868647] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9477.868739] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 786, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9478.279259] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9478.299673] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9478.343800] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9478.344881] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9478.421482] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:34.864108374 UTC
<6>[ 9478.421619] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9478.534473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9478.534525] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9478.534711] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9478.549311] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9478.557351] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9478.557375] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9478.557396] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9478.560496] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9478.783935] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9478.783992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9478.795324] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9478.795353] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9478.795504] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9478.797605] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9478.800469] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9478.800491] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9478.800538] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9478.800549] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9478.800581] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9478.800921] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9478.803042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:06 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:34)
<5>[ 9478.806324] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:07 (1)
<5>[ 9478.806491] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9478.806813] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9478.808163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9478.808885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9478.809360] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9478.809384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9478.809770] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9478.809790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9478.810416] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9478.810799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.354 msecs
<6>[ 9478.815864] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.028 msecs
<6>[ 9478.820921] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.013 msecs
<6>[ 9478.820959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9478.846208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9478.863487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9478.863515] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9478.889470] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9478.907497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9478.907524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9478.933223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9478.951485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9478.951513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9478.978382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9478.995519] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9478.995551] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9479.013626] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9479.031528] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9479.031559] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9479.057304] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9479.075504] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9479.075534] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9479.101408] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9479.119428] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9479.119442] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8e4aa801,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 90228, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x906d360b, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 90
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1393
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47340)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9479.122293] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.756 seconds
<6>[ 9479.122315] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9479.122342] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9479.122560] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9479.123750] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9479.123787] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9479.123834] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9479.123839] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.124301] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.124345] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9479124335185] 2022-02-15
07:37:38.323134 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:38.323134
<6>[ 9479.124904] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9479.126209] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9479.126236] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9479.126265] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9479.126269] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.126618] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.127202] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9479.128512] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9479.128540] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9479.128573] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9479.128578] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.128962] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.129745] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9479.131546] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9479.131607] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9479.131677] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9479.131687] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.132253] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.132634] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9479.135677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9479.137393] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9479.137444] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9479.137501] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9479.137510] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.138015] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.140351] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9479.141941] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9479.141994] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9479.142055] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9479.142065] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.142577] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.145256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9479.146824] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9479.146876] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9479.146938] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9479.146948] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9479.147538] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9479.153218] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9479.156684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.180 msecs
<6>[ 9479.160507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.161 msecs
<5>[ 9479.160911] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9479.162340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9479.162368] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9479.162626] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9479.163017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9479.164571] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9479.165260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9479.165323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9479.166751] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9479.167633] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9479.167784] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9479.168492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9479.170243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9479.170320] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9479.170343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9479.170796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9479.170824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9479.170866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.321 msecs
<6>[ 9479.174375] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9479.184331] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9479.187437] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=11.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9479.188538] done.
<5>[ 9479.188579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9479.188602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9479.188989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -669
<6>[ 9479.189508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaaa, adc_result=1199
<6>[ 9479.190818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9479.191523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9479.192045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x648, adc_result=706
<6>[ 9479.193064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9479.193217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9479.193525] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9479.194591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:38.393377912 UTC
<6>[ 9479.204084] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9479.227705] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9479.270861] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9479.271941] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9479.733689] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9479.733738] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26939,21841,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9479.861153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:39.059936835 UTC
<6>[ 9479.861203] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9479.968854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9479.968907] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9479.969094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9479.983712] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9479.991710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9479.991735] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9479.991755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9479.994714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9480.215785] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9480.215841] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9480.227248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9480.227324] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9480.227426] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9480.229512] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9480.232378] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9480.232399] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9480.232446] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9480.232457] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9480.232489] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9480.232836] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9480.234953] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:38)
<5>[ 9480.238271] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9480.238433] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9480.238760] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9480.240103] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9480.240825] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9480.241298] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9480.241323] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9480.241708] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9480.241729] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9480.242365] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9480.242790] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.123 msecs
<6>[ 9480.247897] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.071 msecs
<6>[ 9480.252762] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.816 msecs
<6>[ 9480.252800] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9480.278117] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.295357] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.295385] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9480.321258] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.339356] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.339384] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9480.357132] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.375355] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.375383] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9480.402120] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.419349] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.419378] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9480.445483] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.463398] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.463430] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9480.481161] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.499430] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.499458] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9480.525690] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9480.543402] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9480.543416] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9187e172,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 195722, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x96291ca8, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1394
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47351)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9480.546449] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 5.975 seconds
<6>[ 9480.546472] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9480.546499] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9480.546719] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9480.547914] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9480.547950] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9480.547998] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9480.548003] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.548470] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.548515] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9480548504880] 2022-02-15
07:37:45.723123 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:45.723123
<6>[ 9480.549071] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9480.550374] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9480.550402] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9480.550434] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9480.550438] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.550794] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.551446] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9480.552652] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9480.552680] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9480.552714] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9480.552718] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.553101] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.553878] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9480.555689] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9480.555749] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9480.555817] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9480.555827] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.556392] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.556770] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9480.558703] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9480.560667] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9480.560717] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9480.560770] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9480.560780] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.561288] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.563638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9480.565237] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9480.565288] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9480.565348] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9480.565357] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.565872] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.568564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9480.570144] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9480.570197] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9480.570257] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9480.570267] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9480.570784] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9480.576526] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9480.580058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.254 msecs
<6>[ 9480.583910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.198 msecs
<5>[ 9480.584306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9480.585728] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9480.585755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9480.586006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9480.586385] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9480.587874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9480.588548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9480.588610] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9480.590019] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9480.590840] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9480.590987] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9480.591743] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9480.593523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9480.593600] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9480.593623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9480.594068] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9480.594097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9480.594138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.191 msecs
<6>[ 9480.597603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9480.611584] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9480.611611] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9480.611961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -675
<6>[ 9480.612459] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaad, adc_result=1201
<6>[ 9480.613485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<6>[ 9480.614079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9480.614848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9480.616029] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9480.616176] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9480.616470] -(5)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9480.617446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:45.792052989 UTC
<6>[ 9480.745718] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9480.745810] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 819, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<3>[ 9480.834122] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9481.295796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:46.470398682 UTC
<6>[ 9481.295846] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9481.299307] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9481.319461] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9481.363045] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9481.364126] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9481.403267] done.
<6>[ 9481.404733] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9481.404792] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9481.404983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9481.419552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9481.427541] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9481.427564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9481.427585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9481.430623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9481.651397] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9481.651461] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9481.662793] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9481.662821] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9481.662920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9481.665062] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9481.667922] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9481.667943] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9481.667991] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9481.668002] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9481.668035] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9481.668370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9481.670469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:45)
<5>[ 9481.673756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9481.673913] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9481.674250] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9481.675579] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9481.676305] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9481.676788] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9481.676812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9481.677200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9481.677221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9481.677872] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9481.678199] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.626 msecs
<6>[ 9481.683280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.045 msecs
<6>[ 9481.688136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.807 msecs
<6>[ 9481.688171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9481.714007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.731231] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.731258] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9481.757197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.775270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.775298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9481.792965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.811241] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.811273] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9481.834046] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.851323] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.851355] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9481.885384] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.903221] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.903249] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9481.929017] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.947214] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.947242] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9481.965195] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9481.983172] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9481.983185] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9746d759,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 234533, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9cd30ace, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1395
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47362)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9481.986035] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 7.160 seconds
<6>[ 9481.986056] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9481.986083] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9481.986303] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9481.987492] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9481.987530] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9481.987578] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9481.987583] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9481.988040] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9481.988085] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9481988074960] 2022-02-15
07:37:54.323117 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:54.323117
<6>[ 9481.988647] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9481.989950] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9481.989979] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9481.990011] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9481.990016] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9481.990371] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9481.990962] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9481.992263] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9481.992292] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9481.992325] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9481.992329] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9481.992712] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9481.993504] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9481.995303] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9481.995364] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9481.995433] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9481.995444] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9481.996007] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9481.996384] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9481.999404] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9482.001126] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9482.001177] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9482.001234] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9482.001243] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9482.001746] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9482.004082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9482.005663] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9482.005714] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9482.005772] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9482.005782] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9482.006295] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9482.008956] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9482.010527] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9482.010580] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9482.010642] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9482.010652] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9482.011243] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9482.016874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9482.020349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.192 msecs
<6>[ 9482.024372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.230 msecs
<5>[ 9482.024769] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9482.026188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9482.026215] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9482.026467] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9482.026853] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9482.028342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9482.028992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9482.029054] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9482.030469] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9482.031344] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9482.031496] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9482.032199] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9482.033952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9482.034028] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9482.034051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9482.034491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9482.034520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9482.034562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.152 msecs
<6>[ 9482.038037] -(0)[0:swapper/0]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9482.038555] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 75, 31, 22,
43, 147, 117, 102, 95, success counter cpu: 12, 1, 1, 1, 10, 20, 5, 9, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 25, 6, 0, 9, 21, 28, 14, 17, o:
1-3, p: , f: , t: 9482354918087, 9502261101641, 9502263409026, 9502265751026,
9482212000000, 9482212000000, 9482212000000, 9482212000000,
<12>[ 9482.046227] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9482.052212] done.
<5>[ 9482.052265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9482.052289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9482.052607] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<6>[ 9482.053105] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab0, adc_result=1202
<6>[ 9482.054516] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9482.055629] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9482.056150] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9482.057881] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9482.058019] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9482.058308] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9482.059298] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:54.394331604 UTC
<12>[ 9482.060802] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9482.062660] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9482.064888] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9482.143183] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9482.143273] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1112, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9482.739994] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [3] = 3, [4]
= 25, [5] = 5, [6] = 9, [7] = 12, Total = 54, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9482.740091] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 80, 31, 24, 40, 117, 104, 98, 97,
cluster : 85, 33, pause = 83, multi core = 79, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 83, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9482.740846] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:55.075877912 UTC
<6>[ 9482.740873] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9482.749679] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9482.767491] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9482.811584] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9482.812665] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9482.852192] done.
<6>[ 9482.853539] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9482.853594] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9482.853793] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9482.868441] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9482.876423] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9482.876447] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9482.876468] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9482.879586] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9483.099549] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9483.099606] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9483.110965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9483.110994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9483.111147] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9483.113239] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9483.116113] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9483.116134] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9483.116182] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9483.116193] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9483.116226] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9483.116566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9483.118679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:54)
<5>[ 9483.121993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9483.122154] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9483.122482] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9483.123833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9483.124557] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9483.125031] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9483.125056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9483.125442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9483.125463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9483.126102] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9483.126501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.966 msecs
<6>[ 9483.131456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.917 msecs
<6>[ 9483.136509] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.010 msecs
<6>[ 9483.136547] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9483.161858] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.179114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.179141] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9483.205076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.223096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.223124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9483.248828] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.267098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.267126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9483.293976] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.311135] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.311166] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9483.333261] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.351138] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.351169] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9483.363213] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9483.370518] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42825 cur 298
<5>[ 9483.376905] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.377129] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42808 cur 273
<6>[ 9483.384415] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42821 cur 462
<6>[ 9483.391717] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42825 cur 270
<6>[ 9483.395087] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.395113] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<6>[ 9483.398232] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42802 cur 254
<6>[ 9483.398271] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9483.400146] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53f4, NOW = 0x553d,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9483.400191] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x657e, adc_result=4281
<6>[ 9483.400217] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4281(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9483.400261] (7)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<5>[ 9483.421797] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9483.439041] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9483.439054] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9483.441853] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9483.441976] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
dlpt_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9483.441987] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9483.443087] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9483.443123] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9483.443173] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9483.443178] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.443614] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.443659] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9483443649194] 2022-02-15
07:37:55.778692 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:37:55.778692
<6>[ 9483.444177] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9483.445462] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9483.445492] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9483.445525] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9483.445530] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.445881] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.446471] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9483.447633] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9483.447660] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9483.447695] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9483.447699] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.448086] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.448873] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9483.450653] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9483.450713] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9483.450783] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9483.450793] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.451452] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.451829] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9483.454594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9483.456487] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9483.456538] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9483.456594] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9483.456603] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.457107] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.459454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9483.461005] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9483.461057] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9483.461116] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9483.461125] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.461639] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.464329] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9483.465870] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9483.465922] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9483.465984] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9483.465994] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9483.466507] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9483.472239] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9483.475715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.191 msecs
<6>[ 9483.479508] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.131 msecs
<5>[ 9483.479895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9483.481319] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9483.481347] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9483.481594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9483.481975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9483.482280] -(6)[0:swapper/6][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9483.483465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9483.484100] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9483.484162] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9483.485576] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9483.486388] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9483.486538] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9483.487356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9483.489099] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9483.489178] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9483.489201] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9483.489642] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9483.489670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9483.489710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.167 msecs
<6>[ 9483.493472] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9483.506345] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9483.507148] done.
<5>[ 9483.507182] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9483.507204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9483.507532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -722
<6>[ 9483.508051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab0, adc_result=1202
<12>[ 9483.509101] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9483.511435] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9483.513255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<12>[ 9483.513565] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9483.514394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9483.515267] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x648, adc_result=706
<6>[ 9483.516420] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9483.516577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9483.517817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:37:55.852851604 UTC
<6>[ 9483.725550] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:37:56.060576297 UTC
<6>[ 9483.725599] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9483.734296] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9483.751331] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9483.794366] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9483.795420] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9483.831215] done.
<6>[ 9483.832683] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9483.832738] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9483.832921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9483.847440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9483.855522] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9483.855546] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9483.855567] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9483.858520] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9484.079553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9484.079608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9484.090942] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9484.090970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9484.091121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9484.093209] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9484.096061] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9484.096409] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9484.098523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24327587000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:37:55)
<5>[ 9484.101777] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:06 (1)
<5>[ 9484.101934] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9484.102265] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9484.103647] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9484.104370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9484.104846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9484.104871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9484.105256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9484.105277] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9484.105908] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9484.106276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.802 msecs
<6>[ 9484.111286] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.971 msecs
<6>[ 9484.116356] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.025 msecs
<6>[ 9484.116394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9484.141839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.159099] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.159127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9484.184995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.203098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.203126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9484.228832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.247091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.247119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9484.273977] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.291130] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.291161] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9484.317242] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.335150] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.335183] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9484.360884] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.379089] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.379118] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9484.405170] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9484.423098] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9484.423111] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9eb72ca9,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 337196, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x10000,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa6b0e619, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1396
<5>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9484.425857] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 10.293 seconds
<6>[ 9484.425879] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9484.425907] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9484.426161] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9484.427349] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9484.427383] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9484.427430] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9484.427435] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.427896] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.428469] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9484.429776] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9484.429804] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9484.429838] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9484.429842] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.430193] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.430776] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9484.432071] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9484.432099] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9484.432133] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9484.432137] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.432515] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.433314] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9484.435118] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9484.435178] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9484.435246] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9484.435256] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.435824] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.436204] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9484.439193] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9484.440939] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9484.440991] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9484.441048] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9484.441057] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.441560] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.443867] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9484.445447] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9484.445500] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9484.445560] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9484.445570] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.446082] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.448738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9484.450316] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9484.450369] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9484.450429] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9484.450439] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9484.451026] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9484.451112] (7)[308:wdtk-7][thread:308][RT:9484451090426] 2022-02-15
07:38:07.79800 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:07.79800
<6>[ 9484.456723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9484.458714] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9484.458732] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9484.458823] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9484.458834] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9484.460256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.250 msecs
<5>[ 9484.460678] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9484.460734] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9484.460766] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9484.460827] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9484.464041] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.122 msecs
<5>[ 9484.464430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9484.465846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9484.465874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9484.466127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9484.466523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9484.468080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9484.468726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9484.468789] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9484.470214] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9484.471121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9484.471269] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9484.471973] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9484.473753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9484.473830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9484.473853] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9484.474304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9484.474334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9484.474375] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.302 msecs
<6>[ 9484.477853] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9484.491963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9484.491990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<12>[ 9484.492051] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.8 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9484.492348] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -700
<6>[ 9484.493321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab4, adc_result=1204
<12>[ 9484.494500] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9484.495397] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<5>[ 9484.495797] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9484.495833] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9484.495877] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29661.314000000
<6>[ 9484.496054] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<5>[ 9484.497487] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9484.497535] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9484.497574] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24381.308000000
<6>[ 9484.497805] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9484.502504] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9484.502654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9484.502946] -(5)[0:swapper/5][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9484.503922] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:07.132620989 UTC
<5>[ 9484.523372] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9484.523421] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9484.523459] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24381.308000000
<5>[ 9484.562272] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9484.562314] -(5)[]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9484.562343] (5)[]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24381.308000000
<3>[ 9484.573779] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<6>[ 9484.605296] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:07.233996220 UTC
<6>[ 9484.605337] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9484.608160] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9484.627169] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9484.670749] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9484.671830] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9484.716556] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9484.716648] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 904, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9484.717410] done.
<6>[ 9484.719037] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9484.719091] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9484.719273] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9484.733623] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9484.741639] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9484.741662] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9484.741683] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9484.744699] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9484.963431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9484.963486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9484.974859] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9484.974939] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9484.975041] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9484.977114] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9484.979972] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9484.980326] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9484.982430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:06)
<5>[ 9484.985713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9484.985875] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9484.986207] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9484.987562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9484.988283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9484.988757] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9484.988781] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9484.989169] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9484.989189] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9484.989842] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9484.990188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.539 msecs
<6>[ 9484.995150] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.926 msecs
<6>[ 9485.000216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.023 msecs
<6>[ 9485.000255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9485.025731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.042985] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.043013] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9485.068829] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.086969] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.086998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9485.112731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.130967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.130995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9485.157863] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.175001] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.175034] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9485.193090] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.211011] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.211043] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9485.236778] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.254962] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.254991] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9485.280715] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.298956] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.298970] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa75ed8e3,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 7, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12
= 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa75f3590, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49,
26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1397
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47387)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/16/6/4/0
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9485.301834] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.002 seconds
<6>[ 9485.301855] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9485.301872] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma ao register: No
need ...
<6>[ 9485.301996] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9485.303268] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9485.303303] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9485.303352] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9485.303356] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.303820] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.304403] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9485.305709] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9485.305735] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9485.305767] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9485.305771] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.306121] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.306713] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9485.308015] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9485.308043] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9485.308077] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9485.308081] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.308462] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.309259] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9485.311055] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9485.311117] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9485.311186] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9485.311196] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.311765] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.312144] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9485.315199] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9485.316923] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9485.316976] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9485.317031] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9485.317040] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.317547] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.319883] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9485.321458] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9485.321512] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9485.321572] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9485.321582] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.322102] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.324785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9485.326353] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9485.326408] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9485.326469] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9485.326479] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9485.327189] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9485.332700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9485.336149] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.168 msecs
<6>[ 9485.339926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.114 msecs
<5>[ 9485.340313] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9485.341745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9485.341775] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9485.342029] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9485.342407] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9485.342709] -(6)[0:swapper/6][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9485.343959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9485.344597] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9485.344659] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9485.346080] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9485.346988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9485.347139] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9485.347839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9485.349609] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9485.349686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9485.349709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9485.350160] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9485.350402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9485.350448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.486 msecs
<6>[ 9485.353971] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9485.367538] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9485.367569] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9485.367835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -694
<6>[ 9485.368403] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab4, adc_result=1204
<3>[ 9485.374144] (5)[23770:kworker/u16:10][SCP] scp_ipi_send:SCP A 8 mutex busy,
<3>[ 9485.374196] (5)[23770:kworker/u16:10][SCP] scp_ipi_send:SCP A 8 mutex busy,
<6>[ 9485.377485] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9485.377656] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9485.379001] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:08.010470988 UTC
<5>[ 9485.384502] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9485.384553] -(6)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9485.384587] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24381.308000000
<5>[ 9485.385358] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9485.385396] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24381.308000000
<6>[ 9485.480311] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:08.111774450 UTC
<6>[ 9485.480355] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9485.483111] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9485.503415] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9485.546337] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9485.547418] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9485.593282] done.
<6>[ 9485.594925] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9485.594981] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9485.595159] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9485.609539] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
<3>[ 9485.615183] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<4>[ 9485.617411] (elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9485.617456] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9485.617480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9485.617501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9485.620555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9485.839306] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9485.839361] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9485.850694] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9485.850722] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9485.850870] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9485.852941] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9485.855783] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9485.855805] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9485.855852] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9485.855863] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9485.855896] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9485.856237] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9485.858351] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:07)
<5>[ 9485.861666] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9485.861833] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9485.862160] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9485.863511] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9485.864233] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9485.864706] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9485.864730] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9485.865116] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9485.865136] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9485.865795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9485.866190] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.684 msecs
<6>[ 9485.871144] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.916 msecs
<6>[ 9485.876234] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.041 msecs
<6>[ 9485.876272] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9485.901617] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.918859] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.918887] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9485.944696] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9485.962842] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9485.962871] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9485.988581] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9486.006841] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9486.006869] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9486.033583] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9486.050886] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9486.050918] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9486.073005] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9486.090890] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9486.090921] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9486.116650] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9486.134869] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9486.134898] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9486.161569] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9486.178789] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9486.178803] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa80dedb9,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 593238, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb615b6e8, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1398
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47396)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9486.181656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 18.107 seconds
<6>[ 9486.181677] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9486.181705] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9486.181930] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9486.183116] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9486.183152] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9486.183199] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9486.183204] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.183665] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.183710] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9486183699737] 2022-02-15
07:38:26.923124 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:26.923124
<6>[ 9486.184263] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9486.185564] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9486.185592] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9486.185623] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9486.185628] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.185978] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.186561] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9486.187852] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9486.187879] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9486.187913] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9486.187918] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.188299] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.189080] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9486.190872] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9486.190932] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9486.191001] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9486.191012] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.191576] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.191953] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9486.195011] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9486.196720] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9486.196770] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9486.196826] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9486.196836] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.197338] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.199681] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9486.201242] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9486.201294] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9486.201354] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9486.201364] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.201877] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.204542] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9486.206103] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9486.206155] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9486.206216] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9486.206226] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9486.206814] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9486.212477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9486.215992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.228 msecs
<3>[ 9486.216509] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9486.218722] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9486.219887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.238 msecs
<5>[ 9486.220278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9486.221724] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9486.221752] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9486.222005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9486.222396] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9486.222740] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9486.223937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9486.224572] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9486.224635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9486.226067] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<3>[ 9486.226756] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9486.226920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9486.227069] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9486.227768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9486.229540] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9486.229616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9486.229639] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9486.230073] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9486.230101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9486.230143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.222 msecs
<3>[ 9486.230834] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9486.233630] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9486.234734] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9486.239055] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<4>[ 9486.247152] done.
<5>[ 9486.247197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9486.247220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9486.247555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -782
<4>[ 9486.248040] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9486.248071] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaba, adc_result=1206
<6>[ 9486.249197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x678, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9486.249911] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9486.250463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9486.251728] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9486.251885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9486.252191] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9486.253228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:26.992637835 UTC
<6>[ 9486.314222] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9486.320379] -(4)[]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 26 callbacks
<4>[ 9486.320411] -(4)[]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9486.338805] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24584 usec
<6>[ 9486.637460] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9486.637550] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 2515, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9486.644676] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9486.654814] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11923), [5] = (10780), [6] = (7232), [7] =
<5>[ 9486.654848] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 181,
<5>[ 9486.654884] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9486.654884]
<6>[ 9486.654911] -(4)[0:swapper/4][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9486.662968] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9486.706904] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9486.707983] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9486.927662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:27.667071758 UTC
<6>[ 9486.927713] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9487.037068] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9487.037134] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9487.037314] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9487.039345] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 97, 34, 38,
46, 123, 125, 109, 92, success counter cpu: 24, 1, 2, 4, 16, 14, 4, 4, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 32, 3, 1, 5, 21, 24, 9, 8, o:
0-3, p: , f: , t: 9487673288334, 9487414825257, 9487673558872, 9487673561872,
9487220000000, 9487216000000, 9487422790334, 9487216000000,
<4>[ 9487.051952] (elapsed 0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9487.052002] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9487.059958] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9487.059981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9487.060002] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9487.063095] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9487.287165] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9487.287223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9487.298555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9487.298584] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9487.298734] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9487.300817] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9487.303650] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9487.303672] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9487.303719] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9487.303730] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9487.303762] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9487.304106] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9487.306221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:26)
<5>[ 9487.309473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9487.309634] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9487.309962] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9487.311314] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9487.312037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9487.312513] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9487.312538] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9487.312926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9487.312947] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9487.313569] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9487.314011] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.965 msecs
<6>[ 9487.318887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.839 msecs
<6>[ 9487.323917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.987 msecs
<6>[ 9487.323955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9487.349441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.366719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.366747] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9487.392558] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.410726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.410753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9487.436444] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.454714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.454742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9487.481615] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.498754] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.498786] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9487.516863] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.534760] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.534790] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9487.560552] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.578737] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.578767] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9487.604970] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9487.622661] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9487.622674] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb7344f88,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 32918, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb7fbf313, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 59
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1399
<5>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9487.625597] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.007 seconds
<6>[ 9487.625618] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9487.625644] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9487.625865] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9487.627042] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9487.627077] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9487.627125] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9487.627130] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.627589] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.627633] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9487627623048] 2022-02-15
07:38:29.374340 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:29.374340
<6>[ 9487.628187] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9487.629476] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9487.629503] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9487.629535] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9487.629540] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.629892] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.630475] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9487.631760] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9487.631787] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9487.631818] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9487.631822] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.632203] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.632985] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9487.634761] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9487.634823] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9487.634893] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9487.634904] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.635468] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.635846] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9487.637765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9487.639472] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9487.639521] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9487.639576] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9487.639586] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.640086] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.642309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9487.643951] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9487.644000] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9487.644060] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9487.644070] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.644584] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.647260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9487.648834] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9487.648885] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9487.648946] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9487.648955] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9487.649470] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9487.655183] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9487.658653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.183 msecs
<6>[ 9487.662349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.041 msecs
<5>[ 9487.662861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9487.664278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9487.664308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9487.664559] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9487.664945] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9487.666438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9487.667133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9487.667196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9487.668608] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9487.669408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9487.669557] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9487.670255] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9487.672108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9487.672185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9487.672208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9487.672644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9487.672672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9487.672713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.331 msecs
<6>[ 9487.676203] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9487.690611] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9487.690641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9487.691019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1637
<6>[ 9487.692354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab9, adc_result=1206
<6>[ 9487.693497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<6>[ 9487.694399] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9487.695038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<12>[ 9487.698202] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9487.701511] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9487.701675] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9487.701994] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9487.703132] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:29.449827142 UTC
<12>[ 9487.704729] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9487.707115] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9487.709331] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9487.742567] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [1] = 1, [4]
= 5, [5] = 8, [6] = 3, [7] = 2, Total = 19, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9487.742650] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 97, 38, 40, 47, 104, 111, 98, 72,
cluster : 111, 36, pause = 54, multi core = 67, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 54, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9487.808628] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9487.826804] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9487.870465] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9487.871680] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9488.656749] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9488.688273] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:30.434973065 UTC
<6>[ 9488.688323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9488.799798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9488.799869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9488.800050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9488.814900] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9488.822970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9488.822994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9488.823014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9488.825968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9489.047047] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9489.047105] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9489.058449] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9489.058478] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9489.058630] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9489.060707] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9489.063542] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9489.063563] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9489.063611] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9489.063622] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9489.063654] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9489.064001] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9489.066117] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:29)
<5>[ 9489.069399] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9489.069560] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9489.069888] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9489.071234] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9489.071957] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9489.072431] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9489.072456] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9489.072843] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9489.072863] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9489.073487] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9489.073938] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.017 msecs
<6>[ 9489.078904] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.928 msecs
<6>[ 9489.083992] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.044 msecs
<6>[ 9489.084030] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9489.109361] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.126592] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.126620] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9489.152468] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.170588] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.170616] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9489.196330] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.214583] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.214611] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9489.241345] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.258588] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.258617] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9489.284748] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.302639] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.302670] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9489.328398] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.346582] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.346612] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9489.372584] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9489.390584] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9489.390598] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xb95ad673,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 201705, r13 = 0x6604612c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97d, req_sta =
0x420024e8, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xbe205c90, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 58
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1400
<5>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9489.393608] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 6.158 seconds
<6>[ 9489.393630] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9489.393656] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9489.393962] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9489.395138] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9489.395174] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9489.395222] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9489.395227] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.395688] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.395731] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9489395721051] 2022-02-15
07:38:37.301348 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:37.301348
<6>[ 9489.396290] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9489.397554] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9489.397582] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9489.397613] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9489.397618] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.397968] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.398622] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9489.399817] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9489.399845] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9489.399880] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9489.399884] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.400265] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.401032] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9489.402815] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9489.402874] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9489.402940] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9489.402950] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.403512] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.403890] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9489.407065] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9489.408743] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9489.408794] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9489.408847] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9489.408857] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.409351] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.411718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9489.413293] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9489.413344] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9489.413403] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9489.413413] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.413926] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.416607] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9489.418172] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9489.418224] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9489.418284] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9489.418294] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9489.418976] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9489.424685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9489.428152] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.184 msecs
<6>[ 9489.432001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.192 msecs
<5>[ 9489.432389] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9489.433805] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9489.434098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9489.434353] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9489.434816] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<6>[ 9489.437007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9489.437071] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9489.438542] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9489.439434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9489.439581] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9489.440281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9489.442034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9489.442113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9489.442136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9489.442546] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9489.442580] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9489.442668] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9489.442698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9489.442741] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.705 msecs
<6>[ 9489.443612] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: CONNSYS
<6>[ 9489.443634] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd]query current consys chipid (0x6765)
<6>[ 9489.443661] (5)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[I]consys_resume_dump_info:0x180c1340: 0x104a
<6>[ 9489.446227] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9489.452794] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9489.455387] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9489.457882] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9489.460019] done.
<5>[ 9489.460062] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<12>[ 9489.460073] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9489.460106] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9489.460447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1367
<6>[ 9489.461039] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xabb, adc_result=1207
<6>[ 9489.462119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<6>[ 9489.462834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9489.463462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9489.464447] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9489.464686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9489.464843] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9489.465134] -(5)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9489.466762] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:37.372374142 UTC
<4>[ 9489.467113] -(5)[23386:CrRendererMain]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 14 callbacks
<4>[ 9489.467146] -(5)[23386:CrRendererMain]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9489.490599] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26154 usec
<3>[ 9489.497034] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:9, tail:10
<6>[ 9489.645988] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9489.646080] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 2410, r13 = 0x6046000, debug_flag = 0x1910fc 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000400, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a0a9, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9489.968697] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9489.968746] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9490.159615] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9490.446898] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:38.352509065 UTC
<6>[ 9490.446947] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9490.450495] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9490.470675] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9490.513719] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9490.514775] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9490.554497] done.
<6>[ 9490.555956] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9490.556027] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9490.556222] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9490.570980] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9490.579017] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9490.579040] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9490.579061] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9490.582019] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9490.802917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9490.802975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9490.814307] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9490.814336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9490.814481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9490.816562] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9490.819425] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9490.819447] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9490.819493] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9490.819504] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9490.819537] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9490.819879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9490.822000] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:37)
<5>[ 9490.825285] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9490.825443] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9490.825774] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9490.827117] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9490.827840] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9490.828314] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9490.828338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9490.828727] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9490.828747] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9490.829400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9490.829755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.786 msecs
<6>[ 9490.834650] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.858 msecs
<6>[ 9490.839693] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.000 msecs
<6>[ 9490.839731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9490.865198] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9490.882465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9490.882493] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9490.908431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9490.926474] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9490.926501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9490.952206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9490.970494] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9490.970526] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9490.993312] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.010459] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.010488] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9491.036636] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.054512] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.054542] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9491.080307] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.098459] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.098488] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9491.124244] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.142461] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.142474] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9491.145316] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9491.145441] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9491.145452] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9491.146552] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9491.146587] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9491.146637] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9491.146641] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.147075] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.147120] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9491147109133] 2022-02-15
07:38:39.52736 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:39.52736
<6>[ 9491.147642] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9491.148920] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9491.148948] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9491.148983] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9491.148988] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.149338] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.149915] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9491.151078] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9491.151108] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9491.151142] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9491.151147] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.151528] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.152332] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9491.154107] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9491.154170] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9491.154237] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9491.154247] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.154867] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.155241] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9491.158033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9491.159926] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9491.159977] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9491.160032] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9491.160042] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.160547] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.162889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9491.164445] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9491.164497] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9491.164557] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9491.164567] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.165080] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.167758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9491.169299] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9491.169354] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9491.169414] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9491.169423] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9491.169939] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9491.175656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9491.179166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.230 msecs
<6>[ 9491.182978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.147 msecs
<5>[ 9491.183372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9491.184801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9491.184830] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9491.185088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9491.185479] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9491.185827] -(1)[0:swapper/1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9491.187629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9491.187694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9491.189142] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9491.189940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9491.190089] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9491.190884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9491.192661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9491.192738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9491.192762] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9491.193133] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9491.193168] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9491.193207] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9491.193236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9491.193507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.491 msecs
<6>[ 9491.194200] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: CONNSYS
<6>[ 9491.194222] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd]query current consys chipid (0x6765)
<6>[ 9491.194249] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[I]consys_resume_dump_info:0x180c1340: 0x104a
<6>[ 9491.197014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9491.211458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9491.211486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9491.211829] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1313
<6>[ 9491.212918] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xabd, adc_result=1208
<6>[ 9491.214142] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x674, adc_result=725
<6>[ 9491.214899] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x650, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9491.215731] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x642, adc_result=704
<12>[ 9491.215889] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9491.216710] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9491.216832] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9491.218080] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:39.123694142 UTC
<12>[ 9491.220573] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4275 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9491.246745] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9491.247087] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9491.421762] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:39.327372527 UTC
<6>[ 9491.421812] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9491.430103] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9491.450694] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9491.493749] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9491.494805] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9491.526825] done.
<6>[ 9491.528280] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9491.528338] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9491.528530] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9491.543209] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9491.551199] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9491.551222] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9491.551243] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9491.554197] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9491.774923] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9491.774980] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9491.786311] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9491.786340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9491.786492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9491.788575] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9491.791436] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9491.791791] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9491.793895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:38)
<5>[ 9491.797209] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9491.797370] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9491.797703] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9491.799049] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9491.799768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9491.800243] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9491.800268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9491.800656] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9491.800677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9491.801329] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9491.801652] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.500 msecs
<6>[ 9491.806570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.880 msecs
<6>[ 9491.811676] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.063 msecs
<6>[ 9491.811713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9491.837213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.854476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.854503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9491.880360] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.898462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.898490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9491.924171] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.942462] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.942490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9491.969379] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9491.986499] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9491.986532] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9492.004575] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9492.022503] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9492.022535] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9492.048254] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9492.066454] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9492.066483] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9492.092807] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9492.110464] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9492.110478] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc03c0916,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 95009, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc27b8a9b, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1401
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47433)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9492.113318] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.902 seconds
<6>[ 9492.113340] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9492.113367] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9492.113587] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9492.114772] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9492.114809] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9492.114856] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9492.114861] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.115325] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.115901] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9492.117205] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9492.117234] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9492.117267] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9492.117272] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.117623] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.118219] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9492.119521] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9492.119550] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9492.119586] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9492.119590] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.119978] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.120769] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9492.122568] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9492.122628] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9492.122697] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9492.122707] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.123272] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.123652] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9492.126701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9492.128418] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9492.128472] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9492.128529] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9492.128539] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.129042] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.131393] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9492.132975] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9492.133028] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9492.133088] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9492.133098] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.133613] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.136293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9492.137858] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9492.137912] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9492.137972] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9492.137982] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9492.138573] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9492.144222] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9492.146211] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9492.146229] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9492.146403] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9492.146415] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9492.147753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.253 msecs
<6>[ 9492.151607] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.205 msecs
<5>[ 9492.152000] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9492.153416] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9492.153443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9492.153698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9492.154081] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9492.155573] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9492.156221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9492.156281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9492.157689] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9492.158531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9492.158680] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9492.159380] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9492.161138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9492.161213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9492.161236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9492.161689] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9492.161718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9492.161760] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.118 msecs
<6>[ 9492.165227] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9492.165691] -(3)[0:swapper/3]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 75, 30, 27,
32, 126, 103, 95, 90, success counter cpu: 19, 1, 1, 1, 7, 9, 9, 8, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 30, 4, 1, 0, 18, 13, 24, 17, o:
0-2, p: , f: , t: 9492354918702, 9512389124257, 9512391422796, 9512393779488,
9492340000000, 9492340000000, 9492340000000, 9492340000000,
<4>[ 9492.179117] done.
<5>[ 9492.179164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9492.179188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9492.179519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -829
<6>[ 9492.180091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac0, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9492.188069] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9492.188259] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9492.188558] -(5)[395:logd.writer][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9492.189541] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:42.997318449 UTC
<6>[ 9492.308792] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9492.308883] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 520, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x800,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9492.339847] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -638
<4>[ 9492.340620] -(7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9492.340654] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xabf, adc_result=1208
<5>[ 9492.340946] (7)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 10 lt 10
ht 12
<5>[ 9492.341195] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -638
<6>[ 9492.341912] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xabe, adc_result=1208
<5>[ 9492.342831] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -534
<5>[ 9492.342854] (7)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[10] V[12 10] C[22 2] h[12398 11991]
<6>[ 9492.345104] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6568, adc_result=4278
<5>[ 9492.345423] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -581
<6>[ 9492.345963] (6)[597:fuelgauged]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac0, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9492.346765] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xabe, adc_result=1208
<5>[ 9492.347069] (7)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<6>[ 9492.351524] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9492.354640] (6)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42780 cur 590
<5>[ 9492.355007] (5)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -590
<5>[ 9492.355214] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -590
<5>[ 9492.355747] (6)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9492.355791] (6)[249:battery_thread]car[-2821,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 660 vbat:4276 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9492.355838] (6)[249:battery_thread]tmp:10 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24364 sw_iavg:-114 -114 0 nafg_m:125 0 0
<5>[ 9492.355909] (6)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24364 9492 42883 42803
79 125 -5097
<5>[ 9492.359957] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9888,9785],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=33678 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9492.360119] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9492.361018] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -653
<5>[ 9492.361924] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10091,9986],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=35887 > ori_voltage=34500
<5>[ 9492.362054] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9492.362842] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -669
<5>[ 9492.364010] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -678
<5>[ 9492.369573] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -713
<6>[ 9492.370720] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9492.372265] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:10 10 12 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:14:9986:43644:-3085:47996:656:9344:9344 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9492.372481] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_LT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9344 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:52
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42770 T:[10 V 10 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9986 CAR[c:-2800 v:-
3085] Q:[47996 47996 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -91 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-114
<5>[ 9492.375034] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -807
<5>[ 9492.377279] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9492.377333] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9492.377546] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<5>[ 9492.381786] (6)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4278
<5>[ 9492.381975] (6)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9492.382179] (6)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:0 0
<6>[ 9492.413695] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9492.414764] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9492.786576] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 10, [5] = 6, [6] = 20, [7] = 11, Total = 50, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9492.786672] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 82, 25, 26, 31, 133, 108, 92, 88,
cluster : 91, 30, pause = 74, multi core = 98, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 74, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9492.787448] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9492.795686] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9492.796040] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3748
<6>[ 9493.333208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:44.140981757 UTC
<6>[ 9493.333258] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9493.446544] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9493.446621] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9493.446814] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9493.461324] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9493.469347] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9493.469370] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9493.469391] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9493.472427] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9493.694936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9493.694994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9493.706373] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9493.706403] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9493.706502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9493.708584] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9493.711425] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9493.711446] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9493.711493] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9493.711504] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9493.711536] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9493.711859] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9493.713994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:43)
<5>[ 9493.717248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9493.717416] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9493.717737] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9493.719082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9493.719804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9493.720278] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9493.720302] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9493.720689] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9493.720709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9493.721338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9493.721719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.343 msecs
<6>[ 9493.726605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.848 msecs
<6>[ 9493.731782] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.132 msecs
<6>[ 9493.731820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9493.757074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.774338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.774366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9493.800282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.806348] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9493.818349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.818377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9493.844113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.862338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.862366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9493.889214] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.906372] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.906403] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9493.924449] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.942379] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.942411] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9493.968146] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9493.986329] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9493.986357] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9494.012225] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9494.030323] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9494.030337] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc3f891d6,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 41859, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc4f64f8b, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1402
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47446)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9494.033237] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.279 seconds
<6>[ 9494.033258] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9494.033285] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9494.033504] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9494.034691] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9494.034728] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9494.034776] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9494.034781] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.035241] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.035285] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9494035274831] 2022-02-15
07:38:46.123146 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:46.123146
<6>[ 9494.035847] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9494.037140] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9494.037168] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9494.037200] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9494.037204] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.037558] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.038243] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9494.039448] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9494.039477] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9494.039511] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9494.039515] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.039900] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.040690] (2)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9494.042475] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9494.042535] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9494.042603] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9494.042613] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.043178] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.043554] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9494.046603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9494.048313] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9494.048363] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9494.048418] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9494.048427] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.048928] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.051254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9494.052827] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9494.052876] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9494.052937] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9494.052947] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.053454] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.056115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9494.057682] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9494.057734] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9494.057793] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9494.057803] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9494.058424] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9494.064063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9494.067601] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.253 msecs
<6>[ 9494.071511] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.250 msecs
<5>[ 9494.071901] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9494.073323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9494.073351] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9494.073604] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9494.073988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9494.075477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9494.076112] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9494.076174] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9494.077594] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9494.078487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9494.078637] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9494.079335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9494.081096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9494.081173] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9494.081197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9494.081640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9494.081669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9494.081711] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.163 msecs
<6>[ 9494.085196] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9494.098864] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9494.099230] done.
<5>[ 9494.099260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9494.099282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9494.099566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -660
<4>[ 9494.100070] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 13 callbacks
<6>[ 9494.100103] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac0, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9494.101266] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9494.101916] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9494.102439] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<12>[ 9494.103917] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9494.106979] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9494.107147] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9494.107446] -(4)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9494.108444] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:46.196306910 UTC
<12>[ 9494.108495] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9494.112833] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9494.771638] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:46.859493833 UTC
<6>[ 9494.771765] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9494.780265] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9494.798408] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9494.842527] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9494.843609] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9494.878286] done.
<6>[ 9494.879757] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9494.879819] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9494.880016] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9494.894507] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9494.902580] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9494.902604] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9494.902625] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9494.905583] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9495.126670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9495.126726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9495.138055] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9495.138084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9495.138234] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9495.140320] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9495.143210] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9495.143231] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9495.143279] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9495.143289] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9495.143322] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9495.143663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9495.145785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24373390000000
to 2022/02/15 07:38:51 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:46)
<5>[ 9495.149100] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:38:52 (1)
<5>[ 9495.149261] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9495.149594] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9495.150938] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9495.151659] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9495.152135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9495.152160] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9495.152547] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9495.152568] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9495.153220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9495.153631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.096 msecs
<6>[ 9495.158531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.863 msecs
<6>[ 9495.163566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.990 msecs
<6>[ 9495.163604] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9495.188958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.206211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.206240] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9495.232212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.250211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.250239] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9495.275944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.294208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.294236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9495.321090] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.338245] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.338277] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9495.356344] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.374253] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.374283] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9495.400015] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.418201] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.418231] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9495.443936] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9495.462234] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9495.462247] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc612824f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 57854, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc7711343, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1403
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47457)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9495.465053] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.768 seconds
<6>[ 9495.465075] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9495.465101] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9495.465323] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9495.466518] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9495.466553] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9495.466601] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9495.466606] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.467068] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.467113] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9495467103218] 2022-02-15
07:38:49.323131 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:49.323131
<6>[ 9495.467676] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9495.468986] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9495.469014] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9495.469046] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9495.469051] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.469404] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.470075] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9495.471294] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9495.471323] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9495.471357] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9495.471361] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.471740] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.472527] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9495.474344] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9495.474406] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9495.474476] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9495.474486] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.475053] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.475435] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9495.478438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9495.480155] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9495.480207] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9495.480263] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9495.480272] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.480780] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.483106] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9495.484688] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9495.484742] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9495.484799] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9495.484809] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.485325] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.488025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9495.489603] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9495.489657] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9495.489718] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9495.489727] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9495.490322] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9495.496003] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9495.499440] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.153 msecs
<6>[ 9495.503282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.182 msecs
<5>[ 9495.503666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9495.505098] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9495.505125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9495.505379] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9495.505766] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9495.507301] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9495.507940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9495.508003] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9495.509414] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9495.510253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9495.510401] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9495.511101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9495.512884] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9495.512960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9495.512983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9495.513415] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9495.513445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9495.513486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.170 msecs
<6>[ 9495.516961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9495.531013] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9495.531040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9495.531445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -785
<6>[ 9495.532265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac1, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9495.533381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x678, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9495.533952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9495.534509] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<12>[ 9495.534876] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9495.536915] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9495.536992] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9495.537118] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9495.537397] -(4)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9495.538395] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:49.394412602 UTC
<12>[ 9495.540490] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9495.543920] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9495.626876] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9495.626956] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1518, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<3>[ 9495.661321] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:7, tail:8
<6>[ 9495.948211] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9495.948303] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9496.212549] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:50.068560910 UTC
<6>[ 9496.212598] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9496.221430] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9496.238540] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9496.282806] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9496.283887] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9496.318172] done.
<6>[ 9496.319641] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9496.319701] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9496.319899] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9496.334609] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9496.342611] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9496.342634] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9496.342654] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9496.345610] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9496.366224] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9496.366275] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9496.366347] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32999-32999,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9496.566540] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9496.566595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9496.577934] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9496.577963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9496.578111] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9496.580204] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9496.583041] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9496.583063] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9496.583111] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9496.583122] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9496.583155] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9496.583494] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<3>[ 9496.584044] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]dpm_run_callback():
platform_pm_suspend+0x0/0x6c returns -16
<3>[ 9496.584070] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Device alarmtimer failed to suspend:
error -16
<3>[ 9496.584096] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9496.584424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9496.584526] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9496.585057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9496.586740] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9496.586809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9496.586832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9496.587286] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9496.587316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9496.587357] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 3.231
<6>[ 9496.590961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9496.605082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9496.605110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9496.605487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -704
<6>[ 9496.605974] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac1, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9496.607033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9496.607580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9496.608040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9496.608928] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9496.609063] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9496.610383] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:50.466400218 UTC
<6>[ 9497.228046] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 92, 28, 32,
36, 145, 148, 138, 95, success counter cpu: 13, 1, 2, 2, 14, 22, 6, 0, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 41, 3, 0, 1, 27, 38, 18, 9, o:
0-4,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9497529528488, 9497771180950, 9497771130565, 9515745792257,
9497397914411, 9497775997104, 9497685400225, 9512932676605,
<6>[ 9497.356552] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9497.356644] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9497.547751] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9497.547843] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9497.856962] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 4, [4]
= 29, [5] = 20, [6] = 13, [7] = 3, Total = 69, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9497.857059] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 70, 25, 28, 31, 109, 123, 108, 84,
cluster : 71, 35, pause = 98, multi core = 98, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 98, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9498.231649] (4)[6915:HwBinder:541_2][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: STP speed rx:21 tx:14
<6>[ 9498.231700] (4)[6915:HwBinder:541_2][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: Low speed,Enable monitor
<4>[ 9498.232475] -(6)[4180:bt_hci_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9498.232492] -(6)[4180:bt_hci_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 1073741824000000000
<4>[ 9498.238110] -(6)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 8 callbacks
<4>[ 9498.238150] -(6)[6414:Binder:1201_1F]btif_bbs_write: 5 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9498.244715] -(4)[0:swapper/4]wmt_lib_ps_handler: 1 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9498.244733] -(4)[0:swapper/4]conn2ap_btif0_wakeup_out_b EIRQ handler
<5>[ 9498.248336] -(0)[4186:bt_main_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25273412000000
<5>[ 9498.251019] -(0)[4180:bt_hci_thread]alarmtimer_enqueue, 1073741824000000000
<5>[ 9498.260205] -(4)[4181:HwBinder:4072_1]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25273412000000
<6>[ 9498.547999] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9498.548092] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 25, r13 = 0xa604110c, debug_flag = 0x20191000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000a2, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9498.608911] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:52.464922603 UTC
<6>[ 9498.608959] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9498.611389] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9498.630350] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9498.673661] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9498.674715] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9498.714123] done.
<6>[ 9498.715593] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9498.715649] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9498.715838] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9498.730360] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9498.738358] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9498.738382] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9498.738403] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9498.741481] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9498.742429] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9498.742466] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 183,
<5>[ 9498.742502] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9498.742502]
<6>[ 9498.742529] -(7)[0:swapper/7][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<5>[ 9498.962542] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9498.962600] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9498.973953] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9498.973982] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9498.974135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9498.976218] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9498.979113] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9498.979134] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9498.979182] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9498.979193] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9498.979226] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9498.979560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9498.981685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:51)
<5>[ 9498.984971] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9498.985128] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9498.985465] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9498.986810] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9498.987531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9498.988005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9498.988030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9498.988417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9498.988437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9498.989083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9498.989448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.016 msecs
<6>[ 9498.994426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.942 msecs
<6>[ 9498.999556] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.084 msecs
<6>[ 9498.999594] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9499.024855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.042097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.042125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9499.067924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.086084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.086113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9499.111801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.130080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.130108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9499.156969] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.174120] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.174152] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9499.200228] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.218135] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.218168] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9499.230131] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9499.243888] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.262077] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.262105] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9499.287993] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9499.306069] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9499.306082] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xca6bbae8,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 5035, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xca8a88a5, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 93
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1404
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47484)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9499.308923] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.156 seconds
<6>[ 9499.308945] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9499.308972] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9499.309193] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9499.310373] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9499.310409] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9499.310457] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9499.310462] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.310927] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.310970] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9499310960304] 2022-02-15
07:38:53.323130 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:38:53.323130
<6>[ 9499.311523] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9499.312823] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9499.312850] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9499.312884] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9499.312889] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.313241] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.313828] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9499.315119] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9499.315147] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9499.315182] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9499.315186] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.315564] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.316344] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9499.318139] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9499.318197] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9499.318267] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9499.318277] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.318843] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.319219] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9499.322309] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9499.324021] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9499.324071] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9499.324130] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9499.324140] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.324637] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.326988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9499.328562] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9499.328612] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9499.328675] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9499.328685] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.329197] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.331862] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9499.333429] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9499.333481] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9499.333543] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9499.333553] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9499.334144] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9499.339764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9499.343208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.162 msecs
<6>[ 9499.347016] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.151 msecs
<5>[ 9499.347413] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9499.348831] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9499.348860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9499.349115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9499.349502] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9499.351056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9499.351701] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9499.351764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9499.353170] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9499.354063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9499.354213] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9499.354915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9499.356683] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9499.356761] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9499.356784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9499.357223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9499.357251] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9499.357293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.241 msecs
<6>[ 9499.360791] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9499.369229] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9499.374598] done.
<5>[ 9499.374649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9499.374672] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9499.375007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -779
<6>[ 9499.375521] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac1, adc_result=1209
<12>[ 9499.377577] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9499.378212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9499.380256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<12>[ 9499.380529] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9499.380877] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9499.382144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9499.382287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9499.382585] -(5)[1250:HwBinder:1201_1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<12>[ 9499.383385] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9499.383578] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:38:53.395736218 UTC
<6>[ 9499.885778] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9499.885869] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9500.051731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:38:54.063884602 UTC
<6>[ 9500.051781] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9500.060613] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9500.078511] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9500.122340] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9500.123422] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9500.164240] done.
<6>[ 9500.165665] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9500.165719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9500.165980] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9500.180588] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9500.188677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9500.188700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9500.188721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9500.191819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9500.206338] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9500.206385] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<5>[ 9500.410411] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9500.410466] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9500.421801] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9500.421829] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9500.421979] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9500.424070] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9500.426913] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9500.426935] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9500.426982] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9500.426993] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9500.427026] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9500.427365] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9500.429479] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:38:53)
<5>[ 9500.432791] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9500.432952] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9500.433285] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9500.434630] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9500.435353] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9500.435829] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9500.435853] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9500.436240] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9500.436261] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9500.436880] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9500.437240] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.472 msecs
<6>[ 9500.442142] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.864 msecs
<6>[ 9500.447243] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.056 msecs
<6>[ 9500.447281] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9500.472713] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.489971] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.489999] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9500.515816] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.533955] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.533982] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9500.559689] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.577958] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.577986] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9500.604720] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.621956] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.621985] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9500.648194] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.665954] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.665982] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9500.691908] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.709952] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.709981] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9500.735894] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9500.753953] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9500.753966] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xcba9e94f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by R12_KP_IRQ_B,
timer_out = 296587, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x4,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xd2adc47f, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49, 26M_off_pct
= 91
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1405
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9500.756776] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 9.054 seconds
<6>[ 9500.756799] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9500.756826] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9500.757070] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9500.758257] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9500.758293] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9500.758340] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9500.758345] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.758808] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.758852] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9500758841461] 2022-02-15
07:39:03.825207 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:39:03.825207
<6>[ 9500.759410] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9500.760713] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9500.760741] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9500.760773] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9500.760778] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.761131] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.761710] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9500.763012] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9500.763040] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9500.763074] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9500.763078] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.763460] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.764235] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9500.766034] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9500.766096] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9500.766163] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9500.766173] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.766732] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.767113] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9500.770088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9500.771807] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9500.771858] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9500.771912] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9500.771922] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.772423] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.774756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9500.776337] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9500.776388] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9500.776446] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9500.776456] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.776966] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.779615] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9500.781176] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9500.781231] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9500.781290] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9500.781300] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9500.781887] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9500.787531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9500.791022] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.202 msecs
<5>[ 9500.791450] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x1
<6>[ 9500.795288] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.257 msecs
<5>[ 9500.795682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9500.797112] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9500.797139] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9500.797394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9500.797841] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9500.799331] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9500.799969] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9500.800032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9500.801461] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9500.802306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9500.802455] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9500.803156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9500.804920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9500.804997] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9500.805020] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9500.805469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9500.805499] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9500.805541] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.217 msecs
<6>[ 9500.809114] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]Restarting tasks ...
<5>[ 9500.822753] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9500.822817] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9500.822859] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 29785.196000000
<4>[ 9500.823340] done.
<5>[ 9500.823370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9500.823392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9500.823753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -638
<6>[ 9500.824360] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac5, adc_result=1211
<12>[ 9500.824919] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9500.825501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x678, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9500.826256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x654, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9500.827008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9500.827924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9500.828064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9500.828358] -(5)[1245:batterystats-wo][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9500.829316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:03.895669834 UTC
<12>[ 9500.837517] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9500.842158] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9500.844535] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9500.857700] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20952)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9500.869840] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9500.873487] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9500.876265] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9500.890065] (1)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9500.894878] (1)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.001000000
<5>[ 9500.894899] -(1)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600001000000
<5>[ 9500.894912] (1)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24441.307000000
<4>[ 9500.897492] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_UNBLANK
<6>[ 9500.897815] (1)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9500.897822] (1)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9500.897834] (1)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<6>[ 9500.898567] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is on (1023), power:(1), pwm id: (0)
<3>[ 9500.898710] (2)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9500.898714] (2)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9500.899066] (2)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9500.899587] (2)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9500.904818] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_resume_power
<6>[ 9500.904824] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_resume
<6>[ 9500.905243] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x646a, adc_result=4236
<5>[ 9500.906061] (4)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -4784
<5>[ 9500.906921] (5)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4236,Ibat=-
4777,I=0,VChr=0,T=10,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<5>[ 9500.907186] (5)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -4793
<3>[ 9500.907319] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<6>[ 9500.931853] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9500.932883] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9500.942431] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x4
<15>[ 9500.980308] (1)[25248:Binder:398_3]vold: The trim thread is not running
<15>[ 9500.980667] (1)[25248:Binder:398_3]vold: idle maintenance stopped
<5>[ 9500.986804] (4)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9500.986815] -(4)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9500.987303] (1)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:750:K2D] -->
<6>[ 9500.987757] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSchedScanStopRequest:
(SCN INFO) ucBssIndex = 0
<6>[ 9500.987767] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:850:D2F] sched scan action = 1
<6>[ 9500.988959] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]priv_support_driver_cmd:
(REQ INFO) priv_support_driver_cmd: driver cmd "SETSUSPENDMODE 0" on wlan0
<6>[ 9500.988977] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan]
[16790]priv_driver_set_suspend_mode:(REQ INFO) priv_driver_set_suspend_mode: Set
suspend mode [0]
<6>[ 9500.995854] (4)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[7953 us]
<4>[ 9500.995889] -(4)[16786:hif_thread]mtk_axi_interrupt: 47 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9500.995892] -(4)[16786:hif_thread][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<6>[ 9500.996049] (2)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetMulticastList:(OID
INFO) MCAST white list: total=1 MAC0=01:00:5e:00:00:01 MAC1=00:00:00:00:00:00
MAC2=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC3=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC4=00:00:00:00:00:00
<6>[ 9500.996218] (1)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[0]
<6>[ 9500.996296] (0)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<6>[ 9500.996462] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[1]
<6>[ 9500.996585] (4)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<4>[ 9500.998541] -(6)[25169:kworker/6:1]connlog_ring_emi_to_cache: 1 callbacks
<4>[ 9500.998549] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1]wifi_fw cache is full.
<4>[ 9500.998553] -(6)[25169:kworker/6:1]connlog_log_data_handler: 5 callbacks
<6>[ 9500.998555] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][connlog] bt_fw emi ring is empty!!
<4>[ 9500.998559] -(6)[25169:kworker/6:1]connlog_log_data_handler: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9500.998563] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][connlog] irq counter=698 module=0x0001
<5>[ 9500.999635] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9500.999645] -(0)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9501.004377] (0)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:100:K2D]
Scan flags=0x8 [mac]addr=02:00:00:00:00:00 mask=03:00:00:00:00:00 n_ssids=1:
n_channels=13: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<6>[ 9501.004402] (0)[723:wificond][wlan][723]mtk_cfg80211_scan:(REQ INFO)
n_ssid=(1->0) n_channel(13==>13) wildcard=0x1 random_mac=00:0c:e7:25:0c:8c
<6>[ 9501.004526] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9501.004546] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scanSetRequestChannel:(SCN
INFO) channel num(13=>13) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00003FFE
<6>[ 9501.004650] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]cnmTimerStartTimer:(CNM INFO)
[WLAN-LP] Start timer 15000 ms -handler(aisFsmRunEventIbssAloneTimeOut
<6>[ 9501.004724] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9501.004747] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:200:D2F] ScanReqV2:
=0,Min=0,Func=0x1,Mac=00:0c:e7:25:0c:8c,Ch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<5>[ 9501.030930] (4)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9501.030939] -(4)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9501.037955] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicRxCheckWakeupReason:(RX
INFO) MGMT frame subtype: 8 SeqCtrl 39872 wakeup host
<5>[ 9501.066028] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:1 locked:0
<5>[ 9501.066292] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<5>[ 9501.066400] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff = 1
<6>[ 9501.066405] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(571)
<3>[ 9501.066410] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3034:
event=9, *blank=0
<3>[ 9501.066414] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2881: start
<3>[ 9501.066419] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] update_firmware_request 316:
filename is novatek_ts_djn_fw.bin
<3>[ 9501.066432] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_need_write_size 70:
fw_need_write_size = 110592(0x1b000), NVT end flag
<3>[ 9501.066439] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_bin_header_parser 177:
ovly_info = 1, ilm_dlm_num = 2, ovly_sec_num = 4, info_sec_num = 13, partition = 19
<14>[ 9501.080317] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24385.377691 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24385.378793
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24385.381064 Done
<5>[ 9501.095369] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<3>[ 9501.155194] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_update_firmware 911: Update
firmware success! <88732 us>
<3>[ 9501.155365] (4)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_info 761: fw_ver =
0x0F, fw_type = 0x01
<3>[ 9501.155576] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_read_pid 702: PID=5934
<3>[ 9501.165905] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=1,
<3>[ 9501.165916] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2941: end
<4>[ 9501.165925] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter UNBLANK @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9501.165942] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][wlan][743]kalPerMonEnable:(SW4 INFO)
enter kalPerMonEnable
<4>[ 9501.166446] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(3) type(9) start
<6>[ 9501.166508] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9501.167195] -(3)[2668:aomi.finddevice]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 51 callbacks
<4>[ 9501.167212] -(3)[2668:aomi.finddevice]btif_bbs_write: 26 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9501.184690] (4)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 233), old = 0
<6>[ 9501.184754] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 233 lcd_bl_en = 0
<14>[ 9501.192303] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogF PropSet
[gsm.operator.orig.alpha]=[NOS]24385.494614 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS]24385.495806
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS]24385.497433 [gsm.operator.numeric]=[26803]24385.499651
[persist.vendor.sys.pq.picmode]=[1 ]24385.561024 [odm.display_cabc]=[1]24385.565266
<14>[ 9501.192346] (7)[1:init]init 16: processing action (odm.display_cabc=1) from
<6>[ 9501.193969] (4)[366:init]xinj:_###_dsi_display_set_cabc,set_cabc_cmd: 1
<6>[ 9501.194654] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 28143 usec
<4>[ 9501.195715] (4)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]opfunc_utc_time_sync:Send
<4>[ 9501.195743] (4)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
ON]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:2 lpbk:2 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9501.195966] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3)
type(9) ok
<6>[ 9501.199244] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 243 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.238476] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan]
[16785]scanP2pProcessBeaconAndProbeResp:(P2P INFO) indicate [86:a9:3e:96:bc:df]
[Probe Response][DIRECT-DF-HP ENVY Photo 6200][ch 3][r 48][t 9201416]
<5>[ 9501.259585] (2)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17183)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9501.281266] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 248 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.299130] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 252 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.314335] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 253 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.330612] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 255 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.347203] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 257 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.363496] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 259 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.396541] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 260 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.429668] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 261 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.479242] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 262 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.529045] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 263 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.594909] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 264 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.710571] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 263 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.908739] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 262 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9501.975260] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 261 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9502.041055] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 260 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9502.128131] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 259 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9502.173256] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 258 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9502.184309] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] scnEventScanDone Version3!size of
ScanDone340,ucCompleteChanCount[13],ucCurrentState7, u4ScanDurBcnCnt[19],Seq[177]
<6>[ 9502.184415] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] 12:
<6>[ 9502.184444] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Country Code = PT, Detected_Channel_Num = 13
<6>[ 9502.184481] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
<6>[ 9502.184534] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
BAndPCnt : 1 0 3 5 0 6 0 1 0 1
2 0 0
<6>[ 9502.184577] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9502.184620] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmRunEventScanDone:(AIS
INFO) ScanDone 177, status(0) native req(177)
<6>[ 9502.184675] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Total:10/12 MEO-613EA0; DIRECT-DF-HP ENVY Photo 6200; RESTAURANTE
ESSENCIA; NOS-4854; MEO-1C98BB; MEO-WiFi; MEO-618D10; Vodafone-976B6C; Victor pinto
<6>[ 9502.185390] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] 12:
<6>[ 9502.185429] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Call cfg80211_scan_done (aborted=0)
<6>[ 9502.185521] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9502.185564] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=0 OwnMac=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<5>[ 9502.190503] (2)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 22787.512000000
<5>[ 9502.190537] -(2)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 22787512000000
<5>[ 9502.191683] (0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9502.191710] -(0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9502.192704] (5)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<6>[ 9502.192723] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan]
[16785]qmHandleEventBssAbsencePresence:(QM INFO) NAF=0,0,0
<5>[ 9502.199956] (7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9502.200007] -(7)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9502.230205] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 161, 94, 141,
138, 114, 128, 92, 79, success counter cpu: 30, 25, 35, 30, 25, 7, 5, 6, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 51, 30, 42, 27, 35, 16,
5, 8, o: 0-3, p: , f: , t: 9502489573027, 9502989577181, 9502404549523,
9502989657104, 9502408000000, 9502408000000, 9502404462830, 9502440700001,
<6>[ 9502.582300] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9502.582390] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 49, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<3>[ 9502.647875] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<5>[ 9502.857833] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [4]
= 16, [5] = 9, [6] = 3, [7] = 4, Total = 33, --- SODI: [4] = 2, [7] = 2, Total =
4, ---
<6>[ 9502.858263] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 178, 127, 171, 145, 110, 140, 101,
115, cluster : 196, 20, pause = 57, multi core = 54, latency = 0, residency = 1,
last core = 57, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<14>[ 9503.302713] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-77,3]24387.479613 Done
<6>[ 9503.670526] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42639 cur 1153
<6>[ 9503.675868] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42652 cur 1335
<6>[ 9503.683190] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42645 cur 1131
<6>[ 9503.690508] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42647 cur 1317
<6>[ 9503.696817] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42647 cur 1131
<6>[ 9503.696851] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9503.698768] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x553d, NOW = 0x55b6,
CNT = 0
<4>[ 9503.698803] -(6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9503.698830] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6506, adc_result=4261
<6>[ 9503.698865] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4261(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9503.698934] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9504.229617] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9504.229709] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9504.654577] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9504.817333] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9504.817425] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9505.907090] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9505.907168] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 21, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9506.495793] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<6>[ 9506.606003] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9506.606054] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9506.606128] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32999-32999,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9506.650268] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9506.650359] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9506.895557] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<6>[ 9507.233913] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 79, 73, 127,
18, 391, 404, 435, 404, success counter cpu: 6, 0, 13, 0, 58, 52, 64, 111, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 31, 5, 17, 1, 60, 57,
46, 95, o: 0-3,5-6, p: , f: , t: 9507493436873, 9507993515335, 9507993515258,
9507993515181, 9507413137181, 9507464408335, 9508034225873, 9507408142302,
<6>[ 9507.268561] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9507.268652] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9507.598743] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9507.598834] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 390, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9507.695783] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<6>[ 9507.825671] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 216 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9507.838809] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 178 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9507.855117] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 140 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9507.858892] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: [4] = 16, [5] = 19, [6] = 24, [7] = 23, Total = 82, ---
<6>[ 9507.859304] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 65, 40, 109, 17, 397, 400, 463, 383,
cluster : 178, 1, pause = 82, multi core = 296, latency = 0, residency = 12, last
core = 82, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9507.871510] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 102 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9507.886042] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9507.887182] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9507.887274] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3750
<6>[ 9507.887861] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 62 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9507.895338] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<6>[ 9507.904517] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 25 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9507.921000] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 19 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9508.295628] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<14>[ 9508.423667] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-81,8]24392.600651 Done
<5>[ 9508.495691] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<5>[ 9508.696078] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<5>[ 9509.095557] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<6>[ 9509.297019] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9509.297111] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9509.298079] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<6>[ 9509.518607] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9509.518655] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9509518645635] 2022-02-15
07:39:12.585011 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:39:12.585011
<6>[ 9510.446137] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9510.446185] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9510.446254] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9510.753632] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9510.753724] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 25, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9510.880425] (4)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12835)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9510.945512] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9084)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9510.958227] (6)[24186:kworker/u16:3][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2209
<6>[ 9510.958931] (6)[24186:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac7, adc_result=1212
<5>[ 9510.962484] (5)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11097)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9510.996033] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13310)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9510.996572] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13310)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<12>[ 9511.260362] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9511.263179] (6)[552:light@2.0-servi][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b
backlight: level = 0 lcd_bl_en = 1
<12>[ 9511.270369] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9511.277315] (6)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 0), old = 19
<4>[ 9511.311972] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN
<3>[ 9511.312032] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3028:
event=16, *blank=4
<3>[ 9511.312050] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=0,
<3>[ 9511.312056] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2808: cancel
delayed work sync
<3>[ 9511.312072] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2815: start
<6>[ 9511.312924] (2)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9511.312937] (2)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9511.312960] (2)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9511.313659] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9511.313667] (0)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9511.314548] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9511.315143] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9511.317825] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x64d5, adc_result=4253
<6>[ 9511.319657] (4)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9511.319893] (4)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2244
<6>[ 9511.320693] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac5, adc_result=1211
<5>[ 9511.321608] (6)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4253,Ibat=-
2260,I=0,VChr=0,T=10,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9511.321691] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<5>[ 9511.322375] (6)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1964
<6>[ 9511.323047] (6)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac6, adc_result=1212
<3>[ 9511.373837] (7)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2860: end
<5>[ 9511.405318] (5)[23712:kworker/u16:0][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<5>[ 9511.438196] (4)[743:HwBinder:550_2][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:0 locked:1
<6>[ 9511.454733] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_suspend
<14>[ 9511.601348] (5)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24395.801895 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24395.804863
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24395.808598 Done
<6>[ 9511.609891] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_suspend_power
<6>[ 9511.617243] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is off, power:(0), pwm id: (0)
<3>[ 9511.619314] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][ION]ion_fb_event: + screen-off +
<3>[ 9511.619332] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][ION]ion_fb_event: - screen-off -
<5>[ 9511.619363] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff = 0
<6>[ 9511.619375] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(578)
<4>[ 9511.619398] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter early POWERDOWN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9511.619454] (6)[743:HwBinder:550_2][wlan][743]kalPerMonDisable:(SW4 INFO)
enter kalPerMonDisable
<6>[ 9511.620410] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9511.626763] -(4)[593:surfaceflinger]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 12 callbacks
<4>[ 9511.626806] -(4)[593:surfaceflinger]btif_bbs_write: 9 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9511.648766] (4)[2891:Binder:1201_12]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24405.360000000
<5>[ 9511.648815] -(4)[2891:Binder:1201_12]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24405360000000
<6>[ 9511.649928] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 29517 usec
<4>[ 9511.652469] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(4) type(9) start
<4>[ 9511.652693] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
OFF]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:2 lpbk:0 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9511.652856] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(4)
type(9) ok
<5>[ 9511.682586] (2)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.000000000
<5>[ 9511.682631] -(2)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600000000000
<5>[ 9511.682656] (2)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24441.307000000
<6>[ 9511.685201] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]priv_support_driver_cmd:
(REQ INFO) priv_support_driver_cmd: driver cmd "SETSUSPENDMODE 1" on wlan0
<6>[ 9511.685265] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan]
[16790]priv_driver_set_suspend_mode:(REQ INFO) priv_driver_set_suspend_mode: Set
suspend mode [1]
<5>[ 9511.692860] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.000000000
<5>[ 9511.692898] -(0)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600000000000
<5>[ 9511.692921] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24441.307000000
<6>[ 9511.693609] (6)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[7780 us]
<4>[ 9511.693695] -(7)[0:swapper/7]mtk_axi_interrupt: 28 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9511.693701] -(7)[0:swapper/7][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<4>[ 9511.694258] -(5)[24295:kworker/5:0]connlog_ring_emi_to_cache: 1 callbacks
<4>[ 9511.694271] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0]wifi_fw cache is full.
<4>[ 9511.694308] -(5)[24295:kworker/5:0]connlog_log_data_handler: 5 callbacks
<6>[ 9511.694314] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][connlog] bt_fw emi ring is empty!!
<4>[ 9511.694340] -(5)[24295:kworker/5:0]connlog_log_data_handler: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9511.694348] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][connlog] irq counter=700 module=0x0001
<6>[ 9511.694514] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetMulticastList:(OID
INFO) MCAST white list: total=1 MAC0=33:33:00:00:00:01 MAC1=00:00:00:00:00:00
MAC2=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC3=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC4=00:00:00:00:00:00
<6>[ 9511.694900] (6)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]kalGetIPv4Address:(INIT
INFO) IPv4 address is not available for dev(0x0000000068e1365b)
<6>[ 9511.695003] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[0]
<6>[ 9511.695541] (6)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<6>[ 9511.696256] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]kalGetIPv4Address:(INIT
INFO) IPv4 address is not available for dev(0x00000000c744b3d6)
<6>[ 9511.696338] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[1]
<6>[ 9511.696508] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<6>[ 9511.700067] (4)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:700:K2D]
<6>[ 9511.700385] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicActivateNetwork:(RSN INFO)
[wlan index]=0 OwnMac1=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<6>[ 9511.700427] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSchedScanRequest:(SCN
INFO) V(1)seq(8)sz(1224)chT(0)chN(13)ssid(0)match(1)IE(0=>0)MSP(0)Func(0x1)
<6>[ 9511.700449] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:800:D2F] sched scan action = 0
<5>[ 9511.850761] (4)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.000000000
<5>[ 9511.850797] -(4)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600000000000
<5>[ 9511.850815] (4)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24441.307000000
<6>[ 9512.234876] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 275, 184, 264,
249, 334, 358, 326, 352, success counter cpu: 49, 20, 57, 66, 55, 38, 47, 99, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 90, 36, 81, 95, 53, 36,
60, 87, o: 1,3, p: , f: , t: 9512412000000, 9512428130643, 9512412000000,
9512497006028, 9512412000000, 9512412000000, 9512412000000, 9512414688655,
<6>[ 9512.302319] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:15.368672834 UTC
<6>[ 9512.302363] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9512.412989] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9512.413059] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9512.413288] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9512.427665] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9512.435488] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9512.435510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9512.435531] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9512.438457] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9512.438518] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]wlanWakeDumpRes:(OID INFO)
[WLAN-LP] CMD(8:17)= 0x61-2 0x0a-2 0xc1-2 0x10-4 0x58-4 0x03-1 0x11-1 0x62-1
<5>[ 9512.662346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9512.662408] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9512.673730] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9512.673804] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9512.673903] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9512.675977] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9512.678796] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9512.678817] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9512.678864] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9512.678874] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9512.678907] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9512.679226] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9512.681326] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:39:14)
<5>[ 9512.684612] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9512.684775] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9512.685100] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9512.686401] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9512.687105] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9512.687562] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9512.687587] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9512.687958] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9512.687978] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9512.688598] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9512.688988] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.579 msecs
<6>[ 9512.693730] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.706 msecs
<6>[ 9512.698553] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.698 msecs
<6>[ 9512.698590] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9512.723815] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.741946] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.741976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9512.767196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.785868] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.785896] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9512.811003] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.829836] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.829864] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9512.852501] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.869881] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.869913] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9512.895988] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.913808] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.913837] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9512.947729] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9512.965832] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9512.965860] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9512.991596] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.009788] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.009795] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xdc2d0ea1,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CONN2AP_SPM_WAKEUP_B, timer_out = 49399, r13 = 0x8604e010, debug_flag =
0x201913fc 0x0, r12 = 0x20, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f,
req_sta = 0x42000700, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80059095,
wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xdd5862aa,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49, 26M_off_pct = 0
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1406
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9513.012666] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.509 seconds
<6>[ 9513.012684] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9513.012702] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9513.012887] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9513.013897] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9513.013923] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9513.013960] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.013963] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.014246] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.014270] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9513014265413] 2022-02-15
07:39:17.590375 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:39:17.590375
<6>[ 9513.014690] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9513.015768] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9513.015787] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9513.015810] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.015812] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.016006] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.016393] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9513.017384] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9513.017400] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9513.017424] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.017427] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.017666] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.018170] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9513.019749] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9513.019804] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9513.019871] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.019881] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.020397] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.020749] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9513.022891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9513.024536] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9513.024584] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9513.024640] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.024650] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.025137] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.027405] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9513.028920] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9513.028969] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9513.029028] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.029038] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.029538] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.032122] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9513.033625] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9513.033677] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9513.033738] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.033748] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.034287] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.039733] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9513.043154] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.150 msecs
<6>[ 9513.044156] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicRxCheckWakeupReason:(RX
INFO) Event 0x07 wakeup host
<5>[ 9513.044275] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: [4] = 5, [5] = 8, [6] = 17, [7] = 11, Total = 41, ---
<6>[ 9513.044347] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 276, 188, 260, 250, 294, 317, 259,
303, cluster : 215, 8, pause = 46, multi core = 185, latency = 0, residency = 4,
last core = 46, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9513.044404] (5)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<6>[ 9513.046882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.105 msecs
<5>[ 9513.047257] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9513.048670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9513.048698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9513.048944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9513.049320] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9513.050896] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9513.051527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9513.051588] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9513.052974] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9513.053832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9513.053979] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9513.054662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9513.056423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9513.056498] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9513.056522] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9513.056960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9513.056989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9513.057030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.115 msecs
<6>[ 9513.060408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9513.074524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9513.074550] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9513.074885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -669
<4>[ 9513.075475] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 2 callbacks
<6>[ 9513.075506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac8, adc_result=1212
<6>[ 9513.077991] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x673, adc_result=725
<4>[ 9513.078090] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO]
[I]wmt_dev_tra_poll:**poll_during_time = 213580 > 3000, during_count = 1152 > 200,
<6>[ 9513.078211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9513.084617] -(6)[16753:Blob Reader (0)]btif_bbs_write: 6 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9513.088068] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9513.100166] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9513.105878] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27664 usec
<12>[ 9513.110819] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9513.115768] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x7
<6>[ 9513.116356] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9513.116741] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9513.116823] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x645, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9513.127829] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9513.127915] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9513.128205] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9513.129033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:17.705136603 UTC
<6>[ 9513.231981] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:17.808083603 UTC
<6>[ 9513.232017] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9513.234136] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9513.253911] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9513.296989] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9513.298047] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9513.337715] done.
<6>[ 9513.338643] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9513.338684] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9513.338764] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9513.352942] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9513.360770] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9513.360794] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9513.360815] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9513.363960] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9513.364008] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]wlanWakeDumpRes:(OID INFO)
[WLAN-LP] EVENT(1:4)= 0x07-4
<5>[ 9513.586163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9513.586215] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9513.597584] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9513.597613] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9513.597761] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9513.599840] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9513.602681] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9513.603027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9513.605155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:39:17)
<5>[ 9513.608412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9513.608575] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9513.608901] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9513.610223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9513.610930] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9513.611393] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9513.611417] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9513.611797] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9513.611817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9513.612428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9513.612767] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.854 msecs
<6>[ 9513.617512] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.709 msecs
<6>[ 9513.622440] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.881 msecs
<6>[ 9513.622477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9513.647813] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.665723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.665751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9513.691071] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.709722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.709750] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9513.726966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.745722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.745750] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9513.772469] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.789747] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.789775] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9513.815800] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.833848] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.833879] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9513.859563] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.877803] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.877830] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9513.903379] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9513.921739] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9513.921748] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xde0d61a9,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 721446, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xef1d069d, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1407
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47600)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9513.924330] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 22.018 seconds
<6>[ 9513.924349] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9513.924369] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9513.924627] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9513.925676] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9513.925705] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9513.925743] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.925747] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.926096] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.926513] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9513.927620] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9513.927640] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9513.927663] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.927666] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.927926] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.928323] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9513.929346] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9513.929366] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9513.929390] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9513.929392] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.929707] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.930229] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9513.931845] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9513.931904] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9513.931971] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.931981] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.932508] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.932866] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9513.935553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9513.937204] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9513.937254] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9513.937307] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.937317] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.937882] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.940088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9513.941609] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9513.941660] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9513.941718] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.941727] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.942235] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.944722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9513.946224] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9513.946275] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9513.946333] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9513.946343] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9513.946843] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9513.952317] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9513.954505] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9513.954522] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9513.954610] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9513.954621] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9513.955932] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.341 msecs
<3>[ 9513.956421] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<6>[ 9513.959717] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.159 msecs
<5>[ 9513.960093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9513.960506] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<5>[ 9513.961500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9513.961850] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9513.962104] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9513.962487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9513.963970] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9513.964579] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<6>[ 9513.964643] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9513.964704] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9513.966276] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9513.967006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9513.967153] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9513.967846] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9513.968672] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<6>[ 9513.969647] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9513.969716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9513.969739] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9513.970153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9513.970182] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9513.970223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.473 msecs
<3>[ 9513.972781] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<6>[ 9513.973699] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9513.977137] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<3>[ 9513.981348] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9513.985670] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<12>[ 9513.987803] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9513.987910] done.
<5>[ 9513.987936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9513.987958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9513.988295] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -710
<6>[ 9513.988860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xacc, adc_result=1214
<12>[ 9513.990662] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9513.993035] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9513.994174] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9513.994920] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9514.004106] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9514.004199] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9514.004482] -(5)[24682:HeapTaskDaemon][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9514.005281] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:40.600471373 UTC
<6>[ 9514.018117] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9514.061191] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9514.062251] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9514.543317] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9514.543407] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 657, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9514.676565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:41.271745142 UTC
<6>[ 9514.676615] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9514.783108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9514.783186] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9514.783377] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9514.798441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9514.806621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9514.806644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9514.806665] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9514.809692] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9515.030069] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9515.030125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9515.041472] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9515.041500] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9515.041652] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9515.043722] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9515.046588] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9515.046610] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9515.046658] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9515.046669] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9515.046702] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9515.047039] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9515.049157] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:39:40)
<5>[ 9515.052472] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9515.052638] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9515.052961] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9515.054315] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9515.055037] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9515.055510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9515.055534] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9515.055922] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9515.055942] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9515.056574] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9515.056930] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.285 msecs
<6>[ 9515.061880] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.912 msecs
<6>[ 9515.067053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.131 msecs
<6>[ 9515.067091] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9515.092314] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.109622] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.109651] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9515.135445] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.153608] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.153636] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9515.179329] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.197608] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.197636] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9515.224366] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.241608] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.241637] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9515.267814] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.285630] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.285658] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9515.311541] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.329594] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.329623] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9515.347677] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9515.365703] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9515.365717] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf03baf44,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 103327, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf2ad83e9, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1408
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47610)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9515.368628] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 3.155 seconds
<6>[ 9515.368649] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9515.368676] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9515.368898] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9515.370084] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9515.370121] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9515.370169] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9515.370174] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.370641] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.370685] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9515370675340] 2022-02-15
07:39:45.121730 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:39:45.121730
<6>[ 9515.371237] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9515.372546] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9515.372573] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9515.372605] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9515.372610] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.372965] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.373623] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9515.374836] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9515.374865] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9515.374899] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9515.374904] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.375294] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.376062] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9515.377857] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9515.377918] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9515.377987] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9515.377997] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.378561] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.378938] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9515.382019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9515.383733] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9515.383785] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9515.383842] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9515.383852] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.384361] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.386675] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9515.388245] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9515.388297] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9515.388357] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9515.388366] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.388883] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.391507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9515.393077] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9515.393131] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9515.393192] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9515.393202] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9515.393796] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9515.399256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9515.402695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.155 msecs
<6>[ 9515.406572] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.218 msecs
<5>[ 9515.406965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9515.408411] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9515.408438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9515.408691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9515.409075] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9515.410634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9515.411280] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9515.411342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9515.412763] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9515.413620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9515.413770] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9515.414474] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9515.416206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9515.416282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9515.416305] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9515.416733] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9515.416762] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9515.416803] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.195 msecs
<6>[ 9515.420327] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9515.434537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9515.434563] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9515.434917] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -672
<4>[ 9515.435760] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9515.435794] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xace, adc_result=1215
<6>[ 9515.436984] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x679, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9515.437715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x655, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9515.438841] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9515.440663] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9515.440754] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9515.441049] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9515.441880] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:45.192923834 UTC
<6>[ 9515.662555] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9515.987344] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9516.005721] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9516.049730] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9516.050810] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9516.109694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:45.860733834 UTC
<6>[ 9516.109744] -(6)[0:swapper/6]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9516.149961] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9516.150060] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9516.218052] done.
<6>[ 9516.219487] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9516.219568] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9516.219766] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9516.234506] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9516.242649] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9516.242673] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9516.242694] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9516.245738] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<3>[ 9516.334126] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<5>[ 9516.469937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9516.469994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9516.481343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9516.481372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9516.481524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9516.483613] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9516.486450] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9516.486471] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9516.486519] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9516.486530] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9516.486562] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9516.486901] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9516.489019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:39:45)
<5>[ 9516.492304] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9516.492462] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9516.492800] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9516.494136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9516.494860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9516.495334] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9516.495358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9516.495745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9516.495765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9516.496392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9516.496799] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
251.109 msecs
<6>[ 9516.501836] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.999 msecs
<6>[ 9516.506920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.037 msecs
<6>[ 9516.506959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9516.532196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.549492] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.549520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9516.575333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.593476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.593504] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9516.619211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.637478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.637506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9516.664435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.681511] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.681543] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9516.703721] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.721516] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.721548] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9516.747336] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.765565] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.765593] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9516.791519] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9516.809473] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9516.809486] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf3cc1bb6,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 344943, r13 = 0xe400112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfbf49809, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 66
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1409
<5>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x2
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9516.812505] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 10.529 seconds
<6>[ 9516.812526] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9516.812553] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9516.812771] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9516.813950] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9516.813986] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9516.814034] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9516.814039] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.814503] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.814548] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9516814538112] 2022-02-15
07:39:57.94984 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:39:57.94984
<6>[ 9516.815102] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9516.816393] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9516.816421] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9516.816454] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9516.816458] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.816810] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.817452] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9516.818648] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9516.818675] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9516.818712] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9516.818717] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.819101] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.819875] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9516.821650] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9516.821710] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9516.821778] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9516.821789] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.822353] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.822726] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9516.824678] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9516.826394] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9516.826445] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9516.826500] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9516.826510] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.827014] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.829231] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9516.830876] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9516.830926] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9516.830986] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9516.830996] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.831508] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.834141] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9516.835701] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9516.835752] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9516.835811] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9516.835821] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9516.836335] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9516.841874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9516.845237] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.083 msecs
<6>[ 9516.845318] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39453), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9516.845338] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116863,147696843,39453), tx=(26941,21843,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9516.845406] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):32999-32999,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9516.846063] (5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cif]CCIF_MD wakeup source:
<6>[ 9516.846357] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9516.849198] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.126 msecs
<5>[ 9516.849668] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9516.851097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9516.851125] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9516.851374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9516.851755] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<4>[ 9516.852561] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 35 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9516.852587] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9516.853804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9516.853866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9516.855252] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9516.856002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9516.856149] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9516.856844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9516.858699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9516.858775] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9516.858798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9516.859204] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9516.859238] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: TIME/CPUPCR:
<6>[ 9516.859250] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9516.859268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9516.859302] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.072 msecs
<6>[ 9516.860309] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][STPDbg]stp_dbg_poll_cpupcr: CONNSYS
<6>[ 9516.860330] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd]query current consys chipid (0x6765)
<6>[ 9516.860357] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[I]consys_resume_dump_info:0x180c1340: 0x4a
<6>[ 9516.862814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9516.877617] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9516.877644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9516.877995] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1892
<12>[ 9516.879280] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9516.880213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xacf, adc_result=1215
<6>[ 9516.881660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x678, adc_result=727
<12>[ 9516.883649] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9516.890220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x654, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9516.891427] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9516.892531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9516.892677] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9516.892973] -(7)[1413:ndroid.systemui][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9516.893972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:57.174406065 UTC
<6>[ 9516.895986] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 49625 usec
<12>[ 9516.899128] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9516.900996] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9516.926063] -(6)[6414:Binder:1201_1F][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(0/1)
<6>[ 9516.926151] (6)[6414:Binder:1201_1F][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_MD wakeup source:
<6>[ 9516.933179] (6)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: STP speed rx:25 tx:10
<6>[ 9516.933225] (6)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: Low speed,Enable monitor
<6>[ 9516.996116] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9517.013689] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<3>[ 9517.031734] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<6>[ 9517.056590] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9517.057652] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9517.187537] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9517.187594] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 484, r13 = 0xc604012c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9517.235248] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 98, 40, 104,
48, 174, 192, 184, 93, success counter cpu: 17, 2, 30, 7, 36, 39, 22, 6, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 32, 6, 42, 6, 39, 42,
40, 10, o: 0-6, p: , f: , t: 9517440700001, 9517543331336, 9518043481028,
9518043480951, 9523764423453, 9517420481578, 9517660000000, 9517446018797,
<6>[ 9517.968481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:58.248912219 UTC
<6>[ 9517.968530] (2)[0:swapper/2]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<5>[ 9518.051971] (2)[0:swapper/2]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 16, [5]
= 15, [6] = 25, [7] = 12, Total = 68, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9518.052084] (2)[0:swapper/2]mcdi cpu: 96, 37, 98, 42, 196, 229, 210, 109,
cluster : 159, 28, pause = 88, multi core = 101, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 87, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9518.073423] done.
<6>[ 9518.074876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9518.074936] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9518.075138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9518.086002] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9518.086094] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9518.086184] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9518.086209] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9518.097444] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9518.097472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9518.097822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1232
<6>[ 9518.098566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad1, adc_result=1216
<6>[ 9518.099529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<6>[ 9518.100077] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9518.100524] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9518.101428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9518.101556] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9518.102795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:39:58.383230450 UTC
<6>[ 9518.436311] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9518.436401] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 22, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9518.959855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:39:59.240286373 UTC
<6>[ 9518.959905] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9519.066854] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9519.066913] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9519.067108] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9519.081793] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9519.089784] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9519.089809] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9519.089829] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9519.092845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9519.313816] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9519.313871] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9519.325219] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9519.325248] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9519.325398] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9519.327486] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9519.330346] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9519.330368] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9519.330415] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9519.330425] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9519.330457] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9519.330797] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9519.332921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:39:58)
<5>[ 9519.336204] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9519.336365] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9519.336698] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9519.338039] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9519.338762] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9519.339236] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9519.339260] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9519.339648] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9519.339669] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9519.340289] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9519.340666] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.868 msecs
<6>[ 9519.345587] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.883 msecs
<6>[ 9519.350680] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.048 msecs
<6>[ 9519.350717] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9519.376068] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.393356] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.393384] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9519.419318] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.437354] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.437381] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9519.463090] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.481347] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.481374] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9519.500136] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.517407] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.517439] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9519.555550] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.573344] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.573372] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9519.599286] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.617359] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.617387] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9519.643444] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9519.661957] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9519.661979] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xfe2a9810,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x49
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 53142, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xff6caf7f, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x49, 26M_off_pct = 57
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1410
<5>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9519.665004] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.624 seconds
<6>[ 9519.665024] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9519.665051] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9519.665561] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9519.666736] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9519.666773] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9519.666820] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9519.666825] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.667287] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.667330] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9519667320349] 2022-02-15
07:40:01.572391 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:40:01.572391
<6>[ 9519.667881] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9519.669167] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9519.669195] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9519.669229] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9519.669233] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.669593] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.670191] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9519.671378] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9519.671407] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9519.671439] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9519.671444] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.671817] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.672593] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9519.674386] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9519.674446] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9519.674515] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9519.674525] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.675093] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.675472] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9519.678372] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9519.680091] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9519.680140] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9519.680197] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9519.680206] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.680709] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.683012] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9519.684579] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9519.684630] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9519.684690] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9519.684701] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.685285] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.687833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9519.689396] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9519.689448] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9519.689511] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9519.689521] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9519.690040] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9519.695561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9519.698986] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.143 msecs
<6>[ 9519.699394] -(1)[0:swapper/1][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(0/1)
<6>[ 9519.699436] (1)[0:swapper/1][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_MD wakeup source:(0/1/0)(136)
<6>[ 9519.702860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.218 msecs
<5>[ 9519.703256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9519.704682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9519.704710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9519.704958] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9519.705459] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9519.706965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9519.707621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9519.707684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9519.709203] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9519.710011] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9519.710164] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9519.710870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9519.712645] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9519.712722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9519.712745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9519.713273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9519.713303] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9519.713345] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.447 msecs
<6>[ 9519.716761] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9519.724449] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9519.730457] done.
<5>[ 9519.730505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9519.730527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9519.730879] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1625
<6>[ 9519.731465] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad1, adc_result=1216
<12>[ 9519.732951] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9519.733336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x676, adc_result=726
<6>[ 9519.733993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9519.734608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x648, adc_result=706
<12>[ 9519.735673] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9519.738016] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9519.739243] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24600.000000000
<5>[ 9519.739297] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24600000000000
<5>[ 9519.739341] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24622.948000000
<6>[ 9519.742354] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9519.742600] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9519.742892] -(4)[1770:HwBinder:1201_4][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9519.743832] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:40:01.648894296 UTC
<6>[ 9520.227332] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9520.227392] -(2)[0:swapper/2][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 21, r13 = 0xe600112c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9520.251608] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9520.269659] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9520.313560] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9520.314641] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9520.575709] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9520.575799] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 513, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9520.687389] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39457), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9520.687438] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116873,147698093,39457), tx=(26951,21853,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9520.687511] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9520.869957] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9520.870006] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9520869995505] 2022-02-15
07:40:02.775066 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:40:02.775066
<6>[ 9520.944556] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9520.944646] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe400112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9521.645988] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:40:03.551042296 UTC
<6>[ 9521.646037] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9521.761534] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9521.761605] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9521.761800] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9521.776370] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9521.784447] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9521.784471] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9521.784492] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9521.787525] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9521.965629] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9521.966010] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<5>[ 9522.013287] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9522.013346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9522.024696] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9522.024724] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9522.024823] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9522.026951] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9522.029792] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9522.029813] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9522.029861] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9522.029872] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9522.029904] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9522.030234] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9522.032358] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:40:02)
<5>[ 9522.035673] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9522.035835] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9522.036163] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9522.037512] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9522.038233] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9522.038707] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9522.038731] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9522.039112] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9522.039133] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9522.039779] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9522.040189] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
252.714 msecs
<6>[ 9522.045057] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.833 msecs
<6>[ 9522.050047] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.944 msecs
<6>[ 9522.050085] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9522.075928] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.093233] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.093261] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9522.119168] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.137240] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.137267] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9522.162952] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.181265] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.181295] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9522.208114] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.225228] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.225256] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9522.251356] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.269230] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.269258] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9522.295036] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.313233] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.313262] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9522.339413] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9522.357229] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9522.357243] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x1837ceb, wlk_cntcv_h
= 0x4a
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 278669, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x879, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x81b0fc8, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 54
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1411
<5>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9522.360178] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.508 seconds
<6>[ 9522.360199] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9522.360226] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9522.360444] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9522.361621] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9522.361658] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9522.361706] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9522.361711] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.362177] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.362220] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9522362209816] 2022-02-15
07:40:12.775604 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:40:12.775604
<6>[ 9522.362765] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9522.364051] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9522.364078] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9522.364111] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9522.364116] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.364469] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.365127] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9522.366330] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9522.366359] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9522.366393] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9522.366398] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.366779] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.367565] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9522.369332] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9522.369391] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9522.369460] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9522.369470] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.370034] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.370415] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9522.372340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9522.374030] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9522.374080] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9522.374135] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9522.374144] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.374644] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.376869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9522.378497] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9522.378548] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9522.378606] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9522.378616] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.379129] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.381752] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9522.383304] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9522.383355] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9522.383417] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9522.383426] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9522.383935] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9522.389473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9522.392850] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.081 msecs
<6>[ 9522.396992] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.089 msecs
<5>[ 9522.397530] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9522.398969] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9522.398998] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9522.399253] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9522.399638] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9522.401127] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9522.401535] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 50, 15, 38,
21, 250, 247, 260, 129, success counter cpu: 5, 1, 5, 0, 27, 27, 73, 17, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 24, 6, 13, 2, 44, 46,
87, 33, o: , p: , f: , t: 9522844000000, 9523440700001, 9542639504951,
9542641815490, 9522580000000, 9522580000000, 9542654195336, 9522580000000,
<6>[ 9522.401795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9522.401856] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9522.403265] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9522.404085] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9522.404232] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9522.404928] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9522.406773] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9522.406851] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9522.406875] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9522.407313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9522.407342] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9522.407383] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.221 msecs
<6>[ 9522.410914] (6)[59:conn-md-thread]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9522.413102] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][CONN-MD-DFT][I]conn_md_log_print_msg:send
message to Modem, 9516.933
<6>[ 9522.413252] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9522.419380] -(4)[1056:gsm0710muxd]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 28 callbacks
<4>[ 9522.419421] -(4)[1056:gsm0710muxd]btif_bbs_write: 15 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9522.425239] done.
<5>[ 9522.425291] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9522.425315] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9522.425670] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -911
<12>[ 9522.426436] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=10.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9522.426535] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad5, adc_result=1218
<6>[ 9522.427666] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9522.428431] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9522.428982] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<12>[ 9522.429461] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9522.432037] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9522.435305] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9522.435473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9522.435775] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9522.437400] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:40:12.850776911 UTC
<6>[ 9522.444668] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 31407 usec
<12>[ 9522.450507] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9522.453819] (4)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: STP speed rx:4 tx:0
<6>[ 9522.453866] (4)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: Low speed,Enable monitor
<3>[ 9522.500504] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:13, tail:14
<6>[ 9522.576296] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9522.576387] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1089, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9522.627446] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9522.627538] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x179, req_sta = 0x420020ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9522.628982] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9522.657193] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 28201 usec
<6>[ 9522.995151] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9523.003510] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9523.003822] (7)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3748
<5>[ 9523.106559] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [2]
= 2, [4] = 25, [5] = 29, [6] = 48, [7] = 19, Total = 124, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9523.106654] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 61, 19, 41, 26, 189, 184, 163, 87,
cluster : 80, 31, pause = 148, multi core = 169, latency = 0, residency = 2, last
core = 148, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9523.328029] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9523.345338] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9523.389196] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9523.390276] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9523.537733] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:40:13.951114450 UTC
<6>[ 9523.537776] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9523.651457] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9523.651509] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9523.651700] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9523.666610] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9523.674679] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9523.674702] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9523.674722] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9523.677756] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9523.901567] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9523.901625] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9523.912972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9523.913001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9523.913153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9523.915238] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9523.918080] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9523.918102] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9523.918148] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9523.918159] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9523.918191] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9523.918529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9523.920651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:40:13)
<5>[ 9523.924026] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9523.924189] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9523.924520] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9523.925870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9523.926591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9523.927067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9523.927092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9523.927477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9523.927497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9523.928082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9523.928407] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.700 msecs
<6>[ 9523.932673] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.233 msecs
<6>[ 9523.937226] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.292 msecs
<6>[ 9523.937259] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9523.963813] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9523.981114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9523.981142] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9524.006944] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.020539] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42795 cur 289
<6>[ 9524.025104] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.025132] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<6>[ 9524.027869] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42780 cur 267
<6>[ 9524.035205] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42798 cur 484
<6>[ 9524.042511] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42800 cur 254
<6>[ 9524.049797] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42798 cur 235
<6>[ 9524.049831] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9524.051724] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x55b6, NOW = 0x55fb,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9524.051770] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6573, adc_result=4279
<6>[ 9524.051796] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4279(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9524.051866] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<5>[ 9524.058887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.077133] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.077165] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9524.099859] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.117095] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.117124] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9524.143272] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.161149] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.161182] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9524.190983] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.209192] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.209219] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9524.235306] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.253140] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.253153] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9524.255948] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9524.256071] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
dlpt_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9524.256083] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9524.257177] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9524.257214] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9524.257264] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9524.257269] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.257701] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.257747] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9524257736589] 2022-02-15
07:40:14.671130 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:40:14.671130
<6>[ 9524.258266] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9524.259538] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9524.259568] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9524.259602] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9524.259607] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.259952] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.260534] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9524.261697] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9524.261726] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9524.261760] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9524.261764] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.262138] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.262929] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9524.264692] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9524.264752] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9524.264819] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9524.264830] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.265484] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.265863] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9524.268116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9524.269794] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9524.269844] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9524.269898] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9524.269908] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.270416] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.272618] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9524.274251] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9524.274304] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9524.274362] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9524.274372] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.274885] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.277504] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9524.279046] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9524.279100] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9524.279163] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9524.279173] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9524.279688] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9524.285298] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9524.288726] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.132 msecs
<6>[ 9524.292599] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.058 msecs
<5>[ 9524.292976] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9524.294568] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9524.294597] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9524.294856] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9524.295245] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9524.295592] -(3)[0:swapper/3][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9524.296737] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9524.297465] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9524.297528] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9524.298975] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9524.299820] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9524.299969] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9524.300679] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9524.302545] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9524.302625] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9524.302649] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9524.303326] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9524.303356] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9524.303398] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.763 msecs
<6>[ 9524.306976] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9524.321398] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9524.321425] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9524.321745] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -644
<6>[ 9524.322313] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad5, adc_result=1218
<6>[ 9524.323733] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x677, adc_result=727
<6>[ 9524.324338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9524.324798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9524.326029] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9524.326171] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9524.327360] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:40:14.740744757 UTC
<12>[ 9524.330856] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9524.332722] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9524.334810] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9524.336587] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9524.528787] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:40:14.942164681 UTC
<6>[ 9524.528836] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9524.537589] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9524.557709] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9524.601409] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9524.602489] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9524.639893] done.
<6>[ 9524.641464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9524.641519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9524.641710] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9524.656365] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9524.664330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9524.664353] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9524.664374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9524.667415] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9524.889556] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9524.889612] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9524.900944] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9524.900974] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9524.901125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9524.903227] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9524.906142] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9524.906496] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9524.908641] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:40:14)
<5>[ 9524.911885] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9524.912046] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9524.912374] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9524.913718] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9524.914438] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9524.914915] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9524.914940] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9524.915329] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9524.915349] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9524.915992] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9524.916428] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.062 msecs
<6>[ 9524.921331] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.866 msecs
<4>[ 9524.924113] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 4 callbacks
<5>[ 9524.924131] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9524.924221] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 4 callbacks
<5>[ 9524.924232] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9524.926534] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.159 msecs
<6>[ 9524.926562] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9524.951817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9524.969114] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9524.969141] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9524.995053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.013097] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.013125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9525.038826] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.057103] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.057132] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9525.083854] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.101099] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.101127] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9525.127261] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.145150] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.145181] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9525.170907] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.189092] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.189121] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9525.215179] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9525.233099] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9525.233112] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa55ae56, wlk_cntcv_h
= 0x4a
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 1345710, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2a286872, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 85
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1412
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47670)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9525.235958] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 41.070 seconds
<6>[ 9525.235981] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9525.236008] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9525.236311] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9525.237492] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9525.237528] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9525.237578] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9525.237583] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.238044] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.238619] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9525.239911] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9525.239938] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9525.239971] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9525.239975] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.240329] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.240997] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9525.242203] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9525.242231] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9525.242267] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9525.242271] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.242665] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.243456] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9525.245239] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9525.245299] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9525.245369] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9525.245379] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.245951] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.246328] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9525.249357] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9525.251069] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9525.251118] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9525.251175] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9525.251184] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.251692] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.254021] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9525.255587] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9525.255637] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9525.255698] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9525.255707] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.256226] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.258856] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9525.260413] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9525.260464] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9525.260525] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9525.260534] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9525.261126] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9525.261214] (7)[308:wdtk-7][thread:308][RT:9525261191899] 2022-02-15
07:40:56.744951 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:40:56.744951
<6>[ 9525.266685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9525.270123] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.154 msecs
<3>[ 9525.270645] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9525.273031] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9525.273961] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.183 msecs
<5>[ 9525.274349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9525.275767] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9525.276047] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9525.276301] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9525.276687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9525.277111] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9525.278188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9525.278848] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9525.278911] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9525.280329] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<3>[ 9525.281191] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9525.281256] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9525.281405] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9525.282105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9525.283878] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9525.283954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9525.283976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9525.284434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9525.284464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9525.284506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.513 msecs
<3>[ 9525.285280] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<6>[ 9525.287997] (4)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9525.289020] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9525.293078] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:11, tail:12
<3>[ 9525.297235] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<3>[ 9525.301190] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<4>[ 9525.302237] done.
<5>[ 9525.302288] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9525.302312] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9525.302657] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -729
<6>[ 9525.303187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae1, adc_result=1223
<6>[ 9525.304326] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9525.305335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9525.305869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<12>[ 9525.308534] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9525.311055] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9525.314279] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9525.314588] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9525.314889] -(7)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9525.315845] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:40:56.799593298 UTC
<6>[ 9525.394741] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9525.394832] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 519, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x201910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9525.970873] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:40:57.454615529 UTC
<6>[ 9525.970922] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9525.976232] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9525.993335] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9526.037140] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9526.038224] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9526.067763] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<4>[ 9526.076994] done.
<6>[ 9526.078459] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9526.078514] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9526.078698] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9526.093563] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9526.101669] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9526.101693] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9526.101714] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9526.104668] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9526.325666] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9526.325721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9526.337097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9526.337126] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9526.337225] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9526.339298] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9526.342138] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 2 callbacks
<5>[ 9526.342159] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9526.342207] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 2 callbacks
<5>[ 9526.342218] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9526.342251] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9526.342592] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9526.344709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:40:56)
<5>[ 9526.347990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9526.348151] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9526.348479] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9526.349827] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9526.350546] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9526.351022] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9526.351047] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9526.351434] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9526.351454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9526.352064] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9526.352449] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.826 msecs
<6>[ 9526.357308] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.822 msecs
<6>[ 9526.362373] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.022 msecs
<6>[ 9526.362412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9526.387647] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.405030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.405057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9526.430915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.448972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.449001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9526.474700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.492968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.492997] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9526.519861] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.537011] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.537042] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9526.559143] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<3>[ 9526.573089] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<6>[ 9526.577012] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.577042] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9526.602833] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.621056] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.621084] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9526.647140] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9526.664956] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9526.664969] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2b449f36,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 136458, r13 = 0x4604012c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000e8, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2e7f0037, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1413
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47680)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9526.667832] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 4.166 seconds
<6>[ 9526.667854] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9526.667880] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9526.668102] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9526.669279] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9526.669315] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9526.669365] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9526.669370] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.670284] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.670330] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9526670320595] 2022-02-15
07:41:02.320992 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:02.320992
<6>[ 9526.670939] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9526.672248] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9526.672278] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9526.672315] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9526.672319] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.672670] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.673316] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9526.674516] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9526.674545] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9526.674583] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9526.674587] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.674972] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.675729] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9526.677522] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9526.677582] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9526.677653] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9526.677663] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.678228] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.678609] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9526.681217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9526.682943] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9526.682994] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9526.683052] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9526.683061] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.683563] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.685876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9526.687462] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9526.687514] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9526.687575] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9526.687585] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.688096] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.690723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9526.692293] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9526.692346] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9526.692410] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9526.692420] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9526.693004] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9526.698520] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9526.701943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.136 msecs
<6>[ 9526.705747] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.144 msecs
<5>[ 9526.706137] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9526.707558] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9526.707586] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9526.707841] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9526.708224] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9526.709716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9526.710355] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9526.710418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9526.711819] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9526.712635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9526.712784] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9526.713620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9526.715379] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9526.715458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9526.715481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9526.715916] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9526.715945] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9526.715985] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.203 msecs
<6>[ 9526.719436] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9526.733537] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9526.733565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9526.733904] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9526.734413] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae3, adc_result=1224
<6>[ 9526.735425] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9526.737128] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9526.738051] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9526.738970] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9526.739089] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9526.739374] -(6)[1245:batterystats-wo][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9526.740313] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:02.390975529 UTC
<6>[ 9526.817715] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9526.817784] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 949, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9527.090479] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39457), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9527.090531] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116873,147698093,39457), tx=(26951,21853,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9527.090605] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):33009-33009,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9527.402603] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 86, 34, 39,
38, 143, 138, 100, 103, success counter cpu: 12, 3, 2, 1, 15, 10, 7, 9, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 5, 6, 0, 30, 22,
10, 23, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9527594343644, 9527899680567, 9527900418336,
9527900528259, 9527627235182, 9527580000000, 9546963418029, 9528040261029,
<6>[ 9527.411954] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:03.062609605 UTC
<6>[ 9527.412004] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9527.420361] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9527.437214] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9527.480549] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9527.481626] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9527.516954] done.
<6>[ 9527.518418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9527.518476] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9527.518671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9527.533503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9527.541590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9527.541614] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9527.541636] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9527.544591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9527.765298] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9527.765356] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9527.776701] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9527.776730] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9527.776880] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9527.778961] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9527.781836] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9527.781858] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9527.781905] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9527.781915] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9527.781948] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9527.782291] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9527.784401] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:02)
<5>[ 9527.787654] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9527.787821] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9527.788143] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9527.789494] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9527.790218] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9527.790693] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9527.790718] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9527.791106] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9527.791126] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9527.791776] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9527.792168] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.623 msecs
<6>[ 9527.797110] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.907 msecs
<6>[ 9527.802161] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.009 msecs
<6>[ 9527.802199] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9527.827574] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9527.844858] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9527.844886] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9527.870795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9527.888847] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9527.888875] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9527.914555] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9527.932843] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9527.932871] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9527.951620] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9527.968879] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9527.968911] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9527.994981] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9528.012840] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9528.012870] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9528.046774] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9528.064830] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9528.064859] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9528.083120] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9528.100788] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9528.100802] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x2f9bffcc,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 555841, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3cc12620, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1414
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47690)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9528.103665] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 16.965 seconds
<6>[ 9528.103687] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9528.103713] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9528.103933] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9528.105121] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9528.105156] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9528.105204] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9528.105209] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.105666] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.105710] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9528105700366] 2022-02-15
07:41:20.721784 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:20.721784
<6>[ 9528.106265] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9528.107572] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9528.107601] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9528.107632] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9528.107637] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.107989] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.108590] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9528.109886] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9528.109913] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9528.109946] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9528.109950] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.110334] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.111132] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9528.112925] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9528.112988] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9528.113056] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9528.113067] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.113639] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.114016] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9528.117056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9528.118784] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9528.118835] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9528.118891] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9528.118901] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.119402] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.121715] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9528.123295] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9528.123347] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9528.123407] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9528.123417] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.123928] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.126535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9528.128109] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9528.128162] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9528.128223] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9528.128233] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9528.128820] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9528.134320] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9528.137812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.205 msecs
<4>[ 9528.138330] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 6 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9528.138345] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<3>[ 9528.140791] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<5>[ 9528.140948] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [2] = 2, [4]
= 18, [5] = 2, [6] = 2, [7] = 14, Total = 38, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9528.141017] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 73, 32, 34, 35, 129, 118, 88, 90,
cluster : 86, 31, pause = 67, multi core = 81, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 67, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9528.141670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.205 msecs
<5>[ 9528.142063] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9528.143490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9528.143518] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9528.143773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9528.144164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9528.144872] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<3>[ 9528.145730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9528.146370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9528.146431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9528.147854] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9528.148707] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<3>[ 9528.148756] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<5>[ 9528.148857] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9528.149562] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9528.151342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9528.151418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9528.151442] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9528.151877] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9528.151906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9528.151948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.245 msecs
<3>[ 9528.152836] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<6>[ 9528.155434] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9528.156927] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<3>[ 9528.161349] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:5, tail:6
<12>[ 9528.166366] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9528.169057] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9528.169439] done.
<5>[ 9528.169468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9528.169490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9528.169845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -744
<6>[ 9528.171704] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae8, adc_result=1226
<6>[ 9528.172954] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9528.173661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9528.174225] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9528.174692] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9528.176735] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9528.176840] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9528.176981] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9528.177262] -(5)[395:logd.writer][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9528.178197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:20.794270836 UTC
<6>[ 9528.285238] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9528.285331] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 567, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9528.501423] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9528.501514] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9528.850510] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:21.466577529 UTC
<6>[ 9528.850559] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9528.855844] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9528.856348] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9528.856381] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 92,
[BY_CLK] = 132,
<5>[ 9528.856416] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9528.856416]
<6>[ 9528.856442] -(6)[0:swapper/6][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9528.873143] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9528.917153] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9528.918234] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9528.962714] done.
<6>[ 9528.964135] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9528.964203] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9528.964372] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9528.978926] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9528.986993] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9528.987015] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9528.987036] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9528.990125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9529.209172] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9529.209228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9529.220560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9529.220588] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9529.220738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9529.223119] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9529.226018] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9529.226038] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9529.226087] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9529.226098] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9529.226130] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9529.226460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9529.228583] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:20)
<5>[ 9529.231897] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9529.232063] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9529.232386] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9529.233731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9529.234457] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9529.234935] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9529.234960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9529.235348] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9529.235369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9529.236001] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9529.236428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.354 msecs
<6>[ 9529.241347] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.884 msecs
<6>[ 9529.246440] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.048 msecs
<6>[ 9529.246478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9529.271464] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.288731] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.288758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9529.314574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.332713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.332740] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9529.358429] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.376718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.376746] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9529.403615] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.420749] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.420781] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9529.438843] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.456755] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.456786] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9529.482534] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.500734] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.500765] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9529.527208] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9529.544659] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9529.544672] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3ddfbb32,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 50910, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x3f143d79, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1415
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47700)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9529.547493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.556 seconds
<6>[ 9529.547515] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9529.547542] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9529.547766] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9529.548950] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9529.548986] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9529.549035] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9529.549040] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.549497] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.549542] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9529549531984] 2022-02-15
07:41:23.721784 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:23.721784
<6>[ 9529.550101] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9529.551394] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9529.551423] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9529.551455] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9529.551459] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.551807] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.552396] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9529.553688] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9529.553719] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9529.553754] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9529.553758] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.554138] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.554929] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9529.556732] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9529.556794] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9529.556864] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9529.556874] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.557439] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.557817] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9529.560860] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9529.562594] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9529.562645] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9529.562703] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9529.562713] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.563218] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.565542] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9529.567133] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9529.567184] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9529.567244] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9529.567254] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.567763] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.570393] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9529.571972] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9529.572025] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9529.572086] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9529.572096] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9529.572681] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9529.578161] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9529.581612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.169 msecs
<3>[ 9529.582133] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<3>[ 9529.584662] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<6>[ 9529.585633] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.213 msecs
<5>[ 9529.586026] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9529.587448] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9529.587477] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9529.587730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9529.588116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9529.588744] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<3>[ 9529.589669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9529.590314] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9529.590376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9529.591787] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9529.592720] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9529.592871] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9529.593574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9529.595346] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9529.595423] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9529.595446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9529.595885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9529.595914] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9529.595955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.289 msecs
<6>[ 9529.599420] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9529.613556] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9529.613584] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9529.613966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -766
<6>[ 9529.614457] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae9, adc_result=1227
<6>[ 9529.615426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9529.615990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9529.616447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9529.617332] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9529.617593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9529.617734] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9529.618022] -(7)[1216:HwBinder:721_1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9529.618976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:23.791217990 UTC
<12>[ 9529.622357] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9529.626247] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9529.629909] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9530.285245] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:24.457481605 UTC
<6>[ 9530.285295] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9530.294081] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9530.312840] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9530.356107] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9530.357188] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9530.392870] done.
<6>[ 9530.394329] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9530.394386] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9530.394602] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9530.409186] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9530.417232] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9530.417256] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9530.417277] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9530.420232] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9530.641045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9530.641100] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9530.652443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9530.652472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9530.652620] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9530.654684] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9530.657519] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9530.657540] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9530.657588] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9530.657599] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9530.657631] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9530.657972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9530.660124] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:23)
<5>[ 9530.663379] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9530.663544] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9530.663871] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9530.665216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9530.665938] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9530.666413] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9530.666438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9530.666826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9530.666847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9530.667491] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9530.667872] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.686 msecs
<6>[ 9530.673133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.225 msecs
<6>[ 9530.678043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.857 msecs
<6>[ 9530.678082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9530.703283] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.720585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.720612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9530.746506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.764593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.764621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9530.790300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.808581] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.808609] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9530.835482] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.852619] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.852652] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9530.874768] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.892581] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.892609] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9530.918480] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.924583] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39457), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9530.924618] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116873,147698093,39457), tx=(26951,21853,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9530.936595] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.936624] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9530.962260] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9530.980529] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9530.980542] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x40313c34,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 18403, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x40a0f720, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 90
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1416
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47710)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9530.983364] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.563 seconds
<6>[ 9530.983386] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9530.983413] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9530.983633] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9530.984822] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9530.984859] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9530.984907] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9530.984912] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9530.985369] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9530.985413] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9530985403065] 2022-02-15
07:41:25.721764 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:25.721764
<6>[ 9530.985971] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9530.987277] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9530.987305] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9530.987338] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9530.987342] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9530.987695] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9530.988277] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9530.989584] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9530.989612] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9530.989647] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9530.989652] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9530.990032] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9530.990838] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9530.992647] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9530.992707] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9530.992777] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9530.992788] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9530.993353] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9530.993735] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9530.996637] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9530.998412] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9530.998463] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9530.998520] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9530.998529] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9530.999028] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9531.001363] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9531.002945] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9531.002995] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9531.003057] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9531.003067] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9531.003580] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9531.006174] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9531.007746] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9531.007799] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9531.007860] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9531.007870] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9531.008448] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9531.013960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9531.017378] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.135 msecs
<6>[ 9531.021376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.337 msecs
<5>[ 9531.021769] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9531.023190] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9531.023218] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9531.023472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9531.023861] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9531.025352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9531.025998] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9531.026061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9531.027483] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9531.028301] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9531.028509] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9531.029212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9531.030992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9531.031069] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9531.031093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9531.031519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9531.031548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9531.031590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.177 msecs
<6>[ 9531.035102] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9531.049374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9531.049400] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9531.049769] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -795
<6>[ 9531.050383] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaea, adc_result=1227
<6>[ 9531.051452] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<12>[ 9531.058832] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9531.060559] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<12>[ 9531.061054] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9531.061932] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9531.064085] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9531.064225] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9531.064515] -(7)[1384:HwBinder:1201_3][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9531.067380] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:25.803729682 UTC
<6>[ 9531.178909] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9531.178970] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 30, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9531.181115] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9531.181176] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 6, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9531.230417] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9531.230509] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 385, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9531.249260] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9531.249351] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9531.665920] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9531.730804] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:26.467149759 UTC
<6>[ 9531.730852] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9531.734308] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9531.752745] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9531.796691] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9531.797772] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9531.836977] done.
<6>[ 9531.838414] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9531.838473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9531.838703] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9531.853557] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9531.861599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9531.861622] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9531.861643] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9531.864676] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9532.084911] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9532.084968] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9532.096301] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9532.096331] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9532.096479] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9532.098561] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9532.101427] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9532.101447] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9532.101496] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9532.101507] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9532.101539] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9532.101877] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9532.103994] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:25)
<5>[ 9532.107314] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9532.107470] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9532.107803] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9532.109149] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9532.109872] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9532.110347] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9532.110372] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9532.110761] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9532.110782] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9532.111404] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9532.111777] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.152 msecs
<6>[ 9532.116669] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.854 msecs
<6>[ 9532.121750] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.038 msecs
<6>[ 9532.121787] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9532.147187] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.164457] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.164486] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9532.190305] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.208453] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.208481] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9532.234181] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.252448] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.252476] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9532.279222] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.296511] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.296542] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9532.322596] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.340455] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.340483] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9532.374349] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.392442] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.392471] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9532.410585] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9532.428397] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9532.428411] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x41c05920,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 319477, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x494ea5a5, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1417
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47720)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9532.431257] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 9.751 seconds
<6>[ 9532.431280] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9532.431307] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9532.431528] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9532.432717] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9532.432752] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9532.432799] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9532.432804] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.433260] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.433305] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9532433294760] 2022-02-15
07:41:36.921734 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:36.921734
<6>[ 9532.433853] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9532.435150] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9532.435179] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9532.435210] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9532.435215] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.435564] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.436152] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9532.437440] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9532.437469] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9532.437502] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9532.437506] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.437884] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.438681] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9532.440470] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9532.440530] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9532.440599] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9532.440609] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.441176] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.441554] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9532.444600] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9532.446316] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9532.446367] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9532.446423] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9532.446433] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.446939] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.449235] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9532.450816] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9532.450869] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9532.450927] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9532.450937] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.451445] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.454030] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9532.455591] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9532.455645] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9532.455705] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9532.455715] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9532.456227] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9532.461783] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9532.465375] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.308 msecs
<6>[ 9532.469184] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.151 msecs
<5>[ 9532.469574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9532.470989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9532.471017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9532.471267] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9532.471662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9532.473155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9532.473837] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9532.473900] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9532.475321] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9532.475787] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 64, 25, 38,
32, 129, 110, 125, 86, success counter cpu: 13, 1, 3, 2, 14, 9, 10, 9, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 5, 10, 2, 22, 23, 20, 14,
o: 2-3, p: , f: , t: 9532828000000, 9533440700001, 9552711370413, 9552713693875,
9532652000000, 9532656000000, 9532652000000, 9532652000000,
<6>[ 9532.476116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9532.476265] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9532.477027] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9532.478812] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9532.478889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9532.478912] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9532.479349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9532.479378] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9532.479419] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.198 msecs
<6>[ 9532.482898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9532.496207] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9532.496354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9532.496726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -757
<6>[ 9532.497702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaec, adc_result=1228
<6>[ 9532.498802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9532.507135] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9532.507724] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9532.508665] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9532.508795] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9532.509079] -(6)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9532.509982] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:36.998412682 UTC
<6>[ 9532.613518] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9532.632622] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9532.675792] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9532.676874] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9532.777802] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9532.777893] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 2471, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9532.927633] -(6)[21298:highpool[12]][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD L2(f1/0)
<6>[ 9532.932492] (5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<5>[ 9533.165623] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [2] = 4, [4]
= 22, [5] = 16, [6] = 13, [7] = 5, Total = 60, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9533.165718] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 79, 28, 35, 33, 110, 96, 131, 98,
cluster : 89, 26, pause = 83, multi core = 85, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 83, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<4>[ 9533.227592] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 4 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9533.227615] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<6>[ 9533.428337] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9533.428428] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 23, r13 = 0xe604012c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9534.158248] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:38.646671682 UTC
<6>[ 9534.158297] -(4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9534.227154] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9534.227252] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x46040124, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9534.266097] done.
<6>[ 9534.267565] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9534.267618] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9534.267817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9534.282369] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9534.290586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9534.290609] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9534.290630] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9534.293650] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9534.516802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9534.516859] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9534.528192] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9534.528221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9534.528370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9534.530469] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9534.533331] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9534.533353] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9534.533402] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9534.533413] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9534.533446] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9534.533785] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9534.535931] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:37)
<5>[ 9534.539155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9534.539317] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9534.539654] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9534.540994] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9534.541714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9534.542191] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9534.542216] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9534.542605] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9534.542626] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9534.543258] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9534.543642] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.040 msecs
<6>[ 9534.548549] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.870 msecs
<6>[ 9534.553595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.004 msecs
<6>[ 9534.553634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9534.579023] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.596330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.596358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9534.622163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.640330] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.640357] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9534.666040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.684327] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.684355] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9534.711309] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.728363] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.728395] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9534.746520] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.764372] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.764403] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9534.790174] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.808320] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.808349] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9534.834417] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9534.852324] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9534.852337] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4b2fafad,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 11776, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4b774f4c, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 56
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1418
<5>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9534.855381] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.361 seconds
<6>[ 9534.855402] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9534.855429] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9534.855649] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9534.856827] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9534.856862] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9534.856909] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9534.856914] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.857372] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.857416] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9534857405919] 2022-02-15
07:41:39.707844 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:39.707844
<6>[ 9534.857962] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9534.859249] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9534.859276] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9534.859308] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9534.859313] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.859668] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.860327] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9534.861523] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9534.861551] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9534.861587] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9534.861591] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.861976] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.862753] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<4>[ 9534.864143] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 23386 (CrRendererMain) no longer affine
to cpu4
<6>[ 9534.864540] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9534.864602] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9534.864669] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9534.864679] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.865246] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.865630] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9534.867565] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9534.869515] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9534.869566] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9534.869622] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9534.869631] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.870131] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.872453] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9534.874023] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9534.874074] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9534.874134] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9534.874144] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.874653] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.877276] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9534.878838] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9534.878892] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9534.878952] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9534.878961] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9534.879471] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9534.885040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9534.888487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.161 msecs
<6>[ 9534.892267] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.123 msecs
<5>[ 9534.892664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9534.894110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9534.894138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9534.894391] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9534.894782] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9534.896270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9534.896937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9534.896999] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9534.898431] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9534.899210] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9534.899360] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9534.900061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9534.901898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9534.901977] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9534.902000] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9534.902444] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9534.902474] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9534.902516] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.212 msecs
<6>[ 9534.906045] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9534.913133] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9534.916352] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9534.918562] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9534.919682] done.
<5>[ 9534.919721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9534.919744] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9534.920062] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1505
<6>[ 9534.920898] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaeb, adc_result=1228
<12>[ 9534.922167] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9534.923552] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x679, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9534.929975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9534.930576] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9534.931509] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9534.931666] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9534.931954] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9534.933042] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:39.783472143 UTC
<6>[ 9535.917486] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:40.767909143 UTC
<6>[ 9535.917535] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9535.920602] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9535.940401] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9535.984525] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9535.985605] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9536.024268] done.
<6>[ 9536.025737] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9536.025791] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9536.025973] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9536.040915] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9536.049025] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9536.049049] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9536.049069] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9536.052022] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9536.272832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9536.272887] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9536.284268] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9536.284297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9536.284397] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9536.286502] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9536.289392] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9536.289413] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9536.289460] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9536.289471] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9536.289503] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9536.289845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9536.291968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:40)
<5>[ 9536.295221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9536.295388] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9536.295711] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9536.297050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9536.297773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9536.298246] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9536.298270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9536.298658] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9536.298679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9536.299297] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9536.299654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.677 msecs
<6>[ 9536.304631] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.940 msecs
<6>[ 9536.309807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.132 msecs
<6>[ 9536.309847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9536.334895] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.352206] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.352233] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9536.378040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.396204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.396232] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9536.421933] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.440196] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.440224] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9536.467086] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.484240] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.484273] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9536.502314] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.520245] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.520276] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9536.546001] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.564194] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.564223] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9536.590535] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9536.608204] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9536.608217] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4cd3bc3d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 47578, r13 = 0x604010c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x420000a0, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4df41c06, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 61
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1419
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47747)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9536.611016] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 1.454 seconds
<6>[ 9536.611038] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9536.611065] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9536.611286] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9536.612468] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9536.612503] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9536.612551] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9536.612556] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.613020] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.613064] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9536613054461] 2022-02-15
07:41:42.918045 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:42.918045
<6>[ 9536.613616] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9536.614875] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9536.614902] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9536.614935] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9536.614939] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.615292] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.615875] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9536.617164] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9536.617193] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9536.617226] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9536.617231] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.617614] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.618411] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9536.620209] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9536.620271] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9536.620344] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9536.620354] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.620925] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.621305] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9536.624420] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9536.626105] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9536.626156] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9536.626214] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9536.626223] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.626727] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.629066] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9536.630647] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9536.630699] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9536.630761] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9536.630770] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.631288] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.633910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9536.635478] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9536.635530] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9536.635593] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9536.635602] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9536.636196] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9536.641699] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9536.645145] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.163 msecs
<6>[ 9536.648988] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.181 msecs
<5>[ 9536.649385] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9536.650808] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9536.650836] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9536.651089] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9536.651478] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9536.652968] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9536.653608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9536.653670] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9536.655120] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9536.655922] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9536.656143] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9536.656847] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9536.658626] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9536.658702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9536.658725] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9536.659160] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9536.659189] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9536.659230] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.206 msecs
<6>[ 9536.662741] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9536.677111] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9536.677138] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9536.677528] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9536.678583] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaed, adc_result=1229
<6>[ 9536.679654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9536.680293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9536.680773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9536.681700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9536.681845] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9536.682136] -(7)[1245:batterystats-wo][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<12>[ 9536.682809] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9536.683121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:42.988100297 UTC
<12>[ 9536.688828] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9536.692203] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9536.695420] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9536.812408] (0)[25010:kworker/0:0]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9536.910979] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9536.911049] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 997, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9537.362531] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:43.667506066 UTC
<6>[ 9537.362580] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9537.371410] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9537.388555] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9537.432389] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9537.433470] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9537.470254] done.
<6>[ 9537.471720] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9537.471773] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9537.472069] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9537.486679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9537.494767] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9537.494790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9537.494811] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9537.495292] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 68, 27, 34,
31, 153, 143, 155, 92, success counter cpu: 11, 1, 2, 0, 23, 21, 13, 4, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 25, 4, 7, 0, 33, 39,
24, 10, o: 1-3, p: , f: 0, t: 9537671156029, 9538095620106, 9537849759029,
9538095464875, 9537672000000, 9537672000000, 9537672000000, 9537672000000,
<6>[ 9537.497813] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9537.716532] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9537.716590] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9537.727923] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9537.727951] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9537.728098] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9537.730190] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9537.733051] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9537.733072] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9537.733120] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9537.733131] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9537.733163] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9537.733506] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9537.735624] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:42)
<5>[ 9537.738938] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9537.739105] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9537.739432] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9537.740774] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9537.741496] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9537.741971] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9537.741995] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9537.742382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9537.742403] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9537.743033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9537.743405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.641 msecs
<6>[ 9537.748341] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.899 msecs
<6>[ 9537.753440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.054 msecs
<6>[ 9537.753478] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9537.778811] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9537.796078] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9537.796107] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9537.822018] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9537.840071] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9537.840100] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9537.865804] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9537.884072] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9537.884100] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9537.910871] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9537.928124] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9537.928155] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9537.954222] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9537.972075] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9537.972104] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9538.005965] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9538.024064] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9538.024093] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9538.041712] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9538.060022] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9538.060035] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x4f14489c,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 109566, r13 = 0xc400112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x879, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x51abf658, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 57
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1420
<5>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9538.062942] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 3.346 seconds
<6>[ 9538.062963] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9538.062990] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9538.063205] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9538.064392] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9538.064430] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9538.064478] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9538.064483] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.064943] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.064986] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9538064975771] 2022-02-15
07:41:47.716539 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:47.716539
<6>[ 9538.065542] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9538.066836] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9538.066864] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9538.066896] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9538.066900] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.067250] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.067846] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9538.069133] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9538.069162] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9538.069195] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9538.069200] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.069579] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.070376] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9538.072153] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9538.072214] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9538.072283] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9538.072293] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.072854] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.073232] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9538.076282] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9538.077986] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9538.078034] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9538.078089] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9538.078099] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.078598] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.080910] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9538.082483] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9538.082533] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9538.082593] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9538.082602] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.083111] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.085716] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9538.087288] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9538.087339] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9538.087398] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9538.087408] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9538.087992] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9538.092087] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9538.093484] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9538.096989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.227 msecs
<6>[ 9538.097712] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9538.097817] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9538.100897] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.197 msecs
<5>[ 9538.101300] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9538.102720] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9538.102748] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9538.103006] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9538.103395] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9538.104960] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9538.105597] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9538.105659] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9538.107094] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9538.107978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9538.108130] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9538.108833] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9538.110516] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9538.110592] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9538.110616] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9538.111050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9538.111079] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9538.111121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.190 msecs
<6>[ 9538.114660] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9538.128576] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9538.128604] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9538.128926] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -876
<6>[ 9538.129992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaef, adc_result=1230
<6>[ 9538.131281] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x679, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9538.131973] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9538.132472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<12>[ 9538.133546] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9538.133622] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9538.133771] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9538.134062] -(7)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9538.135076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:47.786627604 UTC
<12>[ 9538.139294] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9538.168057] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [2] = 3, [4]
= 17, [5] = 25, [6] = 17, [7] = 3, Total = 65, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9538.168075] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 58, 26, 31, 33, 119, 112, 117, 83,
cluster : 70, 24, pause = 85, multi core = 93, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 85, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9538.608435] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9538.608528] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 2433, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9539.122611] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:48.774158912 UTC
<6>[ 9539.122660] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9539.125152] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9539.144150] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9539.188251] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9539.189333] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9539.228001] done.
<6>[ 9539.229467] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9539.229524] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9539.229725] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9539.244550] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9539.252591] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9539.252615] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9539.252636] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9539.255592] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9539.476370] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9539.476425] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9539.487576] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9539.487632] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9539.487721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9539.488121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9539.488151] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9539.488191] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.442
<6>[ 9539.491796] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9539.506041] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9539.506068] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9539.506391] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -612
<6>[ 9539.507145] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf0, adc_result=1230
<6>[ 9539.508093] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9539.508651] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9539.510750] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9539.511624] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9539.511745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9539.513136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:49.164687374 UTC
<6>[ 9539.794718] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9539.794769] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9539794759699] 2022-02-15
07:41:49.446322 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:49.446322
<6>[ 9540.267892] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9540.267982] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9540.370260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:50.021807604 UTC
<6>[ 9540.370310] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9540.373302] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9540.392337] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9540.435834] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9540.437189] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9540.476205] done.
<6>[ 9540.477671] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9540.477726] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9540.477921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9540.492473] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9540.500527] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9540.500551] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9540.500572] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9540.503531] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9540.724406] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9540.724463] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9540.735795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9540.735824] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9540.735975] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9540.738064] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9540.740956] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9540.740977] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9540.741024] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9540.741035] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9540.741068] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9540.741392] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9540.743498] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:49)
<5>[ 9540.746752] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9540.746913] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9540.747241] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9540.748621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9540.749340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9540.749814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9540.749839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9540.750226] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9540.750246] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9540.750876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9540.751290] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.808 msecs
<6>[ 9540.756188] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.861 msecs
<6>[ 9540.761287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.055 msecs
<6>[ 9540.761323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9540.786657] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9540.803965] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9540.803993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9540.829882] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9540.847949] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9540.847978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9540.873709] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9540.891950] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9540.891978] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9540.918831] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9540.935986] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9540.936018] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9540.958142] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9540.975945] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9540.975974] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9541.001860] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9541.020037] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9541.020065] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9541.046479] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9541.063949] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9541.063962] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x540005d0,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 278682, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5a9763e6, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 88
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1421
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47777)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/17/6/4/0
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9541.067034] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.507 seconds
<6>[ 9541.067055] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9541.067082] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9541.067388] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9541.068575] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9541.068613] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9541.068661] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9541.068666] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.069122] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.069165] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9541069155470] 2022-02-15
07:41:59.227993 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:41:59.227993
<6>[ 9541.069721] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9541.071014] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9541.071042] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9541.071073] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9541.071078] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.071427] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.072064] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9541.073266] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9541.073297] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9541.073329] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9541.073334] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.073713] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.074476] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9541.076269] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9541.076329] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9541.076395] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9541.076405] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.076968] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.077347] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9541.080441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9541.082163] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9541.082214] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9541.082268] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9541.082277] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.082776] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.085103] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9541.086677] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9541.086729] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9541.086785] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9541.086794] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.087309] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.089906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9541.091476] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9541.091529] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9541.091586] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9541.091596] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9541.092187] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9541.097718] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9541.101254] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.252 msecs
<3>[ 9541.101764] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<6>[ 9541.105080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.168 msecs
<5>[ 9541.105468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9541.105853] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<5>[ 9541.106881] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9541.107147] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9541.107402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9541.107841] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9541.109333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9541.109924] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<6>[ 9541.109982] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9541.110045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9541.111461] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9541.112349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9541.112498] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9541.113200] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9541.114007] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<6>[ 9541.114981] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9541.115050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9541.115073] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9541.115505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9541.115534] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9541.115576] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.462 msecs
<3>[ 9541.118107] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<6>[ 9541.119077] (0)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9541.122214] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:15, tail:0
<3>[ 9541.126408] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<12>[ 9541.132392] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9541.133284] done.
<5>[ 9541.133316] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9541.133339] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9541.133667] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1078
<6>[ 9541.135653] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf2, adc_result=1231
<6>[ 9541.137114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67c, adc_result=729
<12>[ 9541.137202] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9541.138074] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9541.138663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9541.140120] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9541.140272] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9541.140577] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9541.141578] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:41:59.300403220 UTC
<12>[ 9541.143532] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9541.148544] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9541.164018] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39458), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9541.164068] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116874,147698182,39458), tx=(26952,21854,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9541.209726] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9541.209806] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 390, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9541.274021] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9541.274113] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x20011000 0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17d, req_sta = 0x42002000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9541.754518] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9541.754610] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x66040124, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9541.809817] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:41:59.968638374 UTC
<6>[ 9541.809867] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9541.815234] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9541.832019] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<5>[ 9541.839435] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap CNT(soidle): [0] = (661), [1] =
(586), [2] = (503), [3] = (288), [4] = (11946), [5] = (10807), [6] = (7273), [7] =
<5>[ 9541.839491] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 210,
[BY_CLK] = 5,
<5>[ 9541.839527] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap soidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9541.839527]
<6>[ 9541.839554] -(5)[0:swapper/5][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9541.876166] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9541.877248] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9541.917423] done.
<6>[ 9541.918866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9541.918928] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9541.919127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9541.933937] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9541.942077] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9541.942100] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9541.942121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9541.945144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9542.164294] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9542.164350] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9542.175682] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9542.175710] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9542.175860] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9542.177948] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9542.180814] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9542.180836] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9542.180883] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9542.180893] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9542.180926] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9542.181261] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9542.183382] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:31 (now = 2022/02/15 07:41:59)
<5>[ 9542.186728] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:32 (1)
<5>[ 9542.186891] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9542.187217] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9542.188600] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9542.189320] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9542.189796] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9542.189822] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9542.190210] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9542.190231] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9542.190850] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9542.191267] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.172 msecs
<6>[ 9542.196269] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.967 msecs
<6>[ 9542.201381] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.069 msecs
<6>[ 9542.201418] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9542.226568] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.243841] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.243867] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9542.269682] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.287826] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.287854] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9542.313537] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.331818] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.331847] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9542.358600] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.375876] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.375908] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<6>[ 9542.387963] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9542.401970] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.419822] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.419851] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9542.453718] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.471813] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.471842] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9542.489880] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9542.507768] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9542.507781] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x5bb5ecb0,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 289918, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97b, req_sta =
0x420000ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x62914ba3, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1422
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47787)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9542.510659] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 8.849 seconds
<6>[ 9542.510680] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9542.510707] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9542.510927] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9542.512108] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9542.512146] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9542.512195] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9542.512200] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.512659] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.512703] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9542512692703] 2022-02-15
07:42:09.521569 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:09.521569
<6>[ 9542.513252] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9542.514551] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9542.514580] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9542.514613] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9542.514617] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.514968] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.515565] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9542.516871] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9542.516899] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9542.516933] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9542.516938] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.517322] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.518096] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9542.519893] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9542.519952] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9542.520020] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9542.520030] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.520589] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.520968] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9542.524007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9542.525728] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9542.525778] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9542.525834] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9542.525843] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.526340] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.528635] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9542.530216] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9542.530265] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9542.530324] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9542.530334] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.530848] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.533460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9542.535029] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9542.535079] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9542.535139] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9542.535149] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9542.535731] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9542.541227] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9542.544739] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.225 msecs
<6>[ 9542.548591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.194 msecs
<5>[ 9542.548987] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9542.550430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9542.550458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9542.550713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9542.551101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9542.552590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9542.553232] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9542.553294] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9542.554711] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9542.555506] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9542.555726] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9542.556430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9542.558194] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9542.558270] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9542.558293] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9542.558721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9542.558749] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9542.558791] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.164 msecs
<6>[ 9542.562262] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9542.562704] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 73, 21, 24,
31, 164, 130, 123, 98, success counter cpu: 17, 0, 1, 2, 18, 23, 10, 4, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 32, 0, 1, 2, 30, 30,
19, 6, o: 0,2-3, p: , f: , t: 9542844000000, 9543440700001, 9562791409953,
9562793763722, 9542740000000, 9542976000000, 9542740000000, 9542740000000,
<4>[ 9542.576530] done.
<5>[ 9542.576585] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9542.576608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9542.576871] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -634
<6>[ 9542.577822] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9542.578157] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf3, adc_result=1231
<6>[ 9542.579323] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67c, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9542.580069] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9542.580819] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9542.581468] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9542.581891] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9542.582040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9542.582328] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<6>[ 9542.583298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:09.592162066 UTC
<12>[ 9542.587110] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9542.592233] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9542.594601] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9542.595978] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9542.639303] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9542.640383] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9542.710251] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9542.710343] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 773, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9542.961993] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39458), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9542.962043] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116874,147698182,39458), tx=(26952,21854,5098), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9542.962116] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):33010-33010,
9158-9158, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9543.179184] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 3, [4]
= 26, [5] = 14, [6] = 7, [7] = 9, Total = 59, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9543.179282] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 79, 18, 22, 28, 162, 133, 127, 76,
cluster : 79, 28, pause = 81, multi core = 89, latency = 0, residency = 2, last
core = 81, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9543.249285] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:10.258145681 UTC
<6>[ 9543.249335] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9543.362118] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9543.362174] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9543.362360] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9543.376771] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9543.384797] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9543.384819] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9543.384840] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9543.387870] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9543.608146] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9543.608204] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9543.619535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9543.619564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9543.619714] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9543.621809] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9543.624703] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9543.624724] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9543.624771] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9543.624782] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9543.624814] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9543.625156] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9543.627275] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:09)
<5>[ 9543.630591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9543.630757] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9543.631079] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9543.632431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9543.633152] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9543.633624] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9543.633648] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9543.634035] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9543.634056] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9543.634676] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9543.635015] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.195 msecs
<6>[ 9543.639957] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.903 msecs
<6>[ 9543.645003] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.004 msecs
<6>[ 9543.645040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9543.670367] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.687695] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.687723] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9543.713517] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.731702] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.731730] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9543.757403] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.775694] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.775721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9543.802551] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.819726] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.819758] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9543.837793] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.855735] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.855768] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9543.881504] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.899714] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.899743] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9543.925837] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9543.943637] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9543.943651] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x63ae4d98,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 11852, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x63f660cf, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 92
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1423
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47797)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9543.946566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 0.364 seconds
<6>[ 9543.946587] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9543.946614] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9543.946835] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9543.948025] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9543.948062] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9543.948110] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9543.948115] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.948568] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.948612] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9543948602245] 2022-02-15
07:42:11.321786 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:11.321786
<6>[ 9543.949167] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9543.950471] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9543.950498] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9543.950529] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9543.950534] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.950883] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.951561] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9543.952766] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9543.952794] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9543.952828] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9543.952833] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.953212] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.954003] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9543.955794] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9543.955853] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9543.955922] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9543.955932] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.956496] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.956874] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9543.959889] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9543.961595] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9543.961646] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9543.961702] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9543.961711] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.962209] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.964543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9543.966115] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9543.966169] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9543.966227] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9543.966237] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.966748] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.969362] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9543.970921] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9543.970975] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9543.971034] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9543.971043] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9543.971629] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9543.977113] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9543.980671] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.275 msecs
<6>[ 9543.984555] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.225 msecs
<5>[ 9543.984945] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9543.986367] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9543.986394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9543.986647] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9543.987034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9543.988592] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9543.989228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9543.989290] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9543.990732] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9543.991583] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9543.991734] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9543.992445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9543.994211] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9543.994289] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9543.994312] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9543.994748] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9543.994777] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9543.994818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.227 msecs
<6>[ 9543.998310] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9544.007749] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9544.010158] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9544.012294] done.
<5>[ 9544.012335] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9544.012358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9544.012681] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -744
<6>[ 9544.013319] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf5, adc_result=1232
<6>[ 9544.014461] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67c, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9544.015143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9544.016187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9544.018635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9544.018811] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9544.019106] -(6)[1245:batterystats-wo][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9544.020194] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:11.393369065 UTC
<6>[ 9544.666110] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 534
<6>[ 9544.673456] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 254
<6>[ 9544.680765] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 260
<6>[ 9544.688094] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 238
<6>[ 9544.694386] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42830 cur 242
<6>[ 9544.694422] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9544.696341] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x55fb, NOW = 0x5755,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9544.696387] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6587, adc_result=4283
<6>[ 9544.696414] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4283(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9544.696490] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9544.882414] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:12.255580758 UTC
<6>[ 9544.882463] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9544.885539] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9544.903762] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9544.947671] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9544.948753] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9544.994170] done.
<6>[ 9544.995806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9544.995863] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9544.996045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9545.010646] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9545.018664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9545.018687] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9545.018708] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9545.021738] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9545.244027] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9545.244082] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9545.255439] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9545.255468] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9545.255618] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9545.257710] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9545.260569] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9545.260589] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9545.260636] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9545.260646] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9545.260679] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9545.261025] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9545.263144] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:11)
<5>[ 9545.266397] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9545.266554] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9545.266885] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9545.268266] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9545.268986] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9545.269461] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9545.269486] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9545.269873] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9545.269894] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9545.270538] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9545.270931] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.242 msecs
<6>[ 9545.275903] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.935 msecs
<6>[ 9545.280949] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.001 msecs
<6>[ 9545.280986] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9545.306298] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.323568] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.323597] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9545.349403] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.367562] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.367591] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9545.393302] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.411563] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.411592] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9545.438291] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.455563] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.455591] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9545.481726] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.499619] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.499650] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9545.525405] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.543559] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.543588] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9545.569590] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9545.587555] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9545.587569] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x653ca4ee,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 103336, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x67ae873a, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1424
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47808)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9545.590442] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 3.155 seconds
<6>[ 9545.590463] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9545.590491] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9545.590712] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9545.591897] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9545.591935] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9545.591982] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9545.591987] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.592439] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.592483] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9545592473326] 2022-02-15
07:42:16.121745 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:16.121745
<6>[ 9545.593025] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9545.594322] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9545.594350] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9545.594381] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9545.594385] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.594734] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.595321] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9545.596602] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9545.596630] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9545.596662] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9545.596667] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.597043] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.597817] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9545.599614] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9545.599675] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9545.599742] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9545.599752] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.600315] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.600695] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9545.602615] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9545.604321] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9545.604371] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9545.604426] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9545.604436] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.604933] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.607164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9545.608843] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9545.608894] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9545.608953] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9545.608963] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.609475] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.612121] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9545.613691] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9545.613746] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9545.613807] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9545.613816] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9545.614328] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9545.619890] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9545.623252] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.081 msecs
<3>[ 9545.623865] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9545.627114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.114 msecs
<5>[ 9545.627624] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<3>[ 9545.627974] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<5>[ 9545.629057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9545.629085] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9545.629341] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9545.629726] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9545.631219] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9545.631597] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9545.631951] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9545.632014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9545.633427] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9545.634238] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9545.634387] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9545.635092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9545.636906] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9545.636983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9545.637007] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9545.637445] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9545.637473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9545.637515] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.366 msecs
<6>[ 9545.641032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9545.655104] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9545.655131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9545.655649] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -710
<6>[ 9545.656421] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf6, adc_result=1233
<6>[ 9545.657722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67c, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9545.658454] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x659, adc_result=714
<6>[ 9545.659067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9545.663639] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9545.663806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9545.664106] -(7)[2399:Binder:2377_3][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9545.665139] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:16.194396603 UTC
<6>[ 9545.771984] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9545.772075] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 533, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9546.737635] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:17.266891065 UTC
<6>[ 9546.737685] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9546.747570] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9546.767829] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9546.811752] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9546.812833] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9546.849950] done.
<6>[ 9546.851578] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9546.851633] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9546.851815] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9546.866330] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9546.874346] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9546.874369] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9546.874390] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9546.877422] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<3>[ 9547.052016] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<5>[ 9547.095897] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9547.095955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9547.107106] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9547.107161] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9547.107252] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9547.107663] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9547.107693] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9547.107734] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.452
<6>[ 9547.111503] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9547.124817] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9547.124844] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9547.125205] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -700
<6>[ 9547.125963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaf6, adc_result=1233
<6>[ 9547.126949] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67c, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9547.127529] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9547.127990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9547.129058] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9547.129198] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9547.130418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:17.659679065 UTC
<6>[ 9547.590610] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 82, 27, 28,
34, 160, 188, 160, 95, success counter cpu: 11, 2, 1, 2, 12, 28, 20, 2, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 30, 5, 1, 0, 16, 43,
24, 10, o: 0-4,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9547828305568, 9547828270107, 9547828239030,
9547828191953, 9547828245107, 9547802527184, 9548040098107, 9547836000000,
<6>[ 9547.639679] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9547.659642] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:18.188897373 UTC
<6>[ 9547.659690] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9547.659742] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9547.660611] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9547.702920] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9547.704002] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9547.773498] done.
<6>[ 9547.775028] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9547.775083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9547.775262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9547.789915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9547.797967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9547.797990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9547.798010] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9547.801034] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9548.023710] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9548.023766] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9548.035102] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9548.035130] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9548.035229] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9548.037376] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9548.040268] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9548.040289] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9548.040337] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9548.040348] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9548.040380] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9548.040710] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9548.042808] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24592762388583
to 2022/02/15 07:42:30 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:17)
<5>[ 9548.046066] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:31 (1)
<5>[ 9548.046228] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9548.046555] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9548.047902] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9548.048627] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9548.049100] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9548.049125] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9548.049512] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9548.049533] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9548.050188] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9548.050630] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.644 msecs
<6>[ 9548.055777] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.112 msecs
<6>[ 9548.060641] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.812 msecs
<6>[ 9548.060678] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9548.086173] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.103455] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.103482] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9548.129281] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.147441] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.147469] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9548.173171] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.191440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.191469] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9548.218205] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.235440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.235469] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9548.261619] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.279462] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.279491] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9548.301581] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.319433] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.319461] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9548.337864] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.355504] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.355518] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x69d3c94d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 431600, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x10000,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x7408d889, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a,
26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1425
<5>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9548.358473] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 13.173 seconds
<6>[ 9548.358493] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9548.358520] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9548.358831] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9548.360016] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9548.360052] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9548.360100] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9548.360105] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.360562] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.360606] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9548360595640] 2022-02-15
07:42:32.63848 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:32.63848
<6>[ 9548.361165] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9548.362439] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9548.362467] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9548.362500] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9548.362505] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.362860] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.363544] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9548.364746] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9548.364774] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9548.364808] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9548.364812] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.365195] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.365981] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9548.367781] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9548.367840] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9548.367908] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9548.367919] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.368479] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.368859] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9548.371765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9548.373486] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9548.373538] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9548.373595] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9548.373604] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.374105] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.376420] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9548.377998] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9548.378050] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9548.378110] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9548.378120] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.378629] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.381247] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9548.382820] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9548.382872] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9548.382934] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9548.382944] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9548.383647] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9548.389035] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9548.392487] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.170 msecs
<5>[ 9548.392913] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9548.392968] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9548.393000] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9548.393060] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<5>[ 9548.395396] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [4]
= 10, [5] = 27, [6] = 10, [7] = 7, Total = 55, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9548.395465] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 69, 28, 28, 35, 123, 153, 157, 95,
cluster : 77, 29, pause = 80, multi core = 90, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 79, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9548.396273] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.135 msecs
<5>[ 9548.396664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9548.398087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9548.398116] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9548.398369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9548.398758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9548.400312] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9548.400983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9548.401045] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9548.402469] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9548.403354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9548.403505] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9548.404210] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9548.405972] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9548.406048] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9548.406070] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9548.406515] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9548.406544] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9548.406586] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.281 msecs
<6>[ 9548.410062] -(1)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<4>[ 9548.410606] -(1)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 3 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9548.410617] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<3>[ 9548.414880] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<5>[ 9548.421823] -(6)[551:health@2.0-serv]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25192762388583
<4>[ 9548.424013] done.
<5>[ 9548.424059] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9548.424083] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9548.424408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -735
<6>[ 9548.424903] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafb, adc_result=1235
<12>[ 9548.425204] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.3 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9548.426081] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67d, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9548.427012] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x659, adc_result=714
<12>[ 9548.429352] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9548.430511] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<12>[ 9548.435970] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9548.440187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9548.440340] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9548.440629] -(5)[1229:android.fg][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9548.441599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:32.144843065 UTC
<12>[ 9548.444560] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9548.448598] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9548.540234] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9548.542765] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:32.246010912 UTC
<6>[ 9548.542785] (7)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9548.559688] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9548.602703] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9548.603769] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9548.647495] done.
<6>[ 9548.648806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9548.648855] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9548.649014] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9548.663364] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9548.671395] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9548.671418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9548.671439] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9548.674394] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9548.895776] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9548.895832] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9548.907165] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9548.907193] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9548.907340] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9548.909424] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<5>[ 9548.912274] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9548.912628] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9548.914743] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24600000000000
to 2022/02/15 07:42:38 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:31)
<5>[ 9548.917995] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:42:39 (1)
<5>[ 9548.918158] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9548.918485] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9548.919865] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9548.920588] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9548.921063] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9548.921088] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9548.921475] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9548.921496] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9548.922134] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9548.922538] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
248.191 msecs
<6>[ 9548.927480] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.905 msecs
<6>[ 9548.932537] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.012 msecs
<6>[ 9548.932575] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9548.958011] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9548.975313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9548.975341] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9549.001150] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.019313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.019340] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9549.037016] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.055312] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.055341] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9549.078070] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.095307] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.095335] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9549.121552] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.139362] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.139393] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9549.165157] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.183334] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.183364] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9549.210039] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9549.227252] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9549.227265] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x74b5f135,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 233497, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0,
r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta = 0x42000000,
event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x10000,
pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x7a3bc79c, wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a,
26M_off_pct = 91
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1426
<5>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9549.230166] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 7.128 seconds
<6>[ 9549.230187] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9549.230214] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9549.230465] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9549.231650] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9549.231683] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9549.231731] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9549.231736] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.232190] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.232759] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9549.234045] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9549.234073] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9549.234106] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9549.234110] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.234462] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.235057] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9549.236357] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9549.236385] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9549.236419] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9549.236424] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.236809] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.237593] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9549.239393] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9549.239452] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9549.239522] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9549.239532] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.240096] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.240478] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9549.243507] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9549.245183] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9549.245234] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9549.245291] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9549.245300] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.245803] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.248143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9549.249722] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9549.249775] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9549.249836] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9549.249846] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.250359] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.252993] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9549.254562] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9549.254615] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9549.254676] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9549.254686] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9549.255275] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9549.260826] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<4>[ 9549.262835] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9549.262852] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9549.262942] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 5 callbacks
<5>[ 9549.262953] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<6>[ 9549.264441] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.333 msecs
<5>[ 9549.264862] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9549.264931] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9549.264963] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9549.265023] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<6>[ 9549.268294] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.187 msecs
<5>[ 9549.268691] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9549.270115] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9549.270143] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9549.270399] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9549.270786] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9549.272336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9549.273005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9549.273068] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9549.274503] (4)[24188:kworker/4:2][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9549.275355] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9549.275504] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9549.276209] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9549.277962] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9549.278038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9549.278061] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9549.278505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9549.278534] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9549.278574] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.246 msecs
<6>[ 9549.282152] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9549.288784] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9549.291486] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9549.293577] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9549.295478] done.
<5>[ 9549.295525] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9549.295548] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9549.295744] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24627.464000000
<5>[ 9549.295778] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24627464000000
<12>[ 9549.295800] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4277 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9549.295824] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24621.308000000
<5>[ 9549.295880] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -697
<6>[ 9549.296384] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafb, adc_result=1235
<6>[ 9549.303625] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9549.303752] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9549.304041] -(4)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9549.304981] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:40.136577604 UTC
<5>[ 9549.319008] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24627.464000000
<5>[ 9549.319058] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24627464000000
<5>[ 9549.319241] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24621.308000000
<5>[ 9549.351045] (6)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24627.464000000
<5>[ 9549.351173] -(6)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24627464000000
<5>[ 9549.351207] (6)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24621.308000000
<6>[ 9549.362118] -(5)[1245:batterystats-wo][ccci1/cldma]wake up by CLDMA_MD
<6>[ 9549.367250] (4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/cldma]CLDMA_AP wakeup source:
<6>[ 9549.406372] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:40.237971142 UTC
<6>[ 9549.406413] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9549.408400] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9549.411963] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][CONN-MD-DFT][I]conn_md_log_print_msg:send
message to Modem, 9522.453
<6>[ 9549.412081] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9549.418366] -(7)[1313:CompactionThrea]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 28 callbacks
<4>[ 9549.418395] -(7)[1313:CompactionThrea]btif_bbs_write: 17 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9549.427431] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9549.439190] (6)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27107 usec
<6>[ 9549.474580] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9549.475666] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9549.507760] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9549.511161] done.
<6>[ 9549.512250] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9549.512293] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9549.512440] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9549.519989] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9549.520057] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: MT662x
<6>[ 9549.520087] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: ccci_ipc_3
<3>[ 9549.520142] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.007
<6>[ 9549.520160] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9549.527817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9549.527836] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9549.528145] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1713
<4>[ 9549.528796] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9549.528819] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafb, adc_result=1235
<6>[ 9549.529928] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9549.530403] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9549.530796] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9549.531622] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9549.531716] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9549.532921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:40.364523834 UTC
<6>[ 9549.535266] (4)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27501 usec
<6>[ 9549.544310] (5)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: STP speed rx:4 tx:0
<6>[ 9549.544341] (5)[728:mtk_stp_btm][STP-PSM]
[I]stp_psm_disable_by_tx_rx_density: Low speed,Enable monitor
<6>[ 9549.623249] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9549.623340] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 200, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9550.374890] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9550.399467] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 24577 usec
<4>[ 9550.444930] -(0)[0:swapper/0]btif_bbs_write: 26 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9550.925738] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:41.757330758 UTC
<6>[ 9550.925787] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9551.034380] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9551.034435] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9551.034606] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9551.049230] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9551.057414] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9551.057437] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9551.057458] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9551.060481] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9551.283586] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9551.283641] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9551.294811] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9551.294959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<3>[ 9551.295013] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9551.295415] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9551.295447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9551.295486] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.445
<6>[ 9551.299274] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9551.313073] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9551.313101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9551.313432] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -660
<5>[ 9551.315607] (7)
<6>[ 9551.315663] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafc, adc_result=1235
<6>[ 9551.315841] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9551.316658] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9551.317209] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9551.317662] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9551.318534] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9551.318658] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9551.319960] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:42.151556988 UTC
<6>[ 9551.335434] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9551.378624] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9551.379687] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9551.403449] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9551.403496] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,21855,5099), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9551.721448] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:42.553039604 UTC
<6>[ 9551.721496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9551.831412] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9551.831497] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9551.831669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9551.846295] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9551.854358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9551.854381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9551.854402] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9551.857430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9552.079640] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9552.079696] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9552.091025] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9552.091054] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9552.091206] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9552.093291] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9552.096131] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9552.096153] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9552.096199] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9552.096210] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9552.096243] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9552.096581] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9552.098698] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24627464000000
to 2022/02/15 07:43:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:41)
<5>[ 9552.102013] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:43:06 (1)
<5>[ 9552.102179] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9552.102506] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9552.103855] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9552.104577] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9552.105052] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9552.105077] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9552.105465] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9552.105486] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9552.106116] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9552.106487] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
249.105 msecs
<6>[ 9552.111429] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.905 msecs
<6>[ 9552.116481] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.008 msecs
<6>[ 9552.116519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9552.141917] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.159201] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.159229] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9552.185053] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.203195] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.203222] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9552.228908] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.247219] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.247250] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9552.273956] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.291234] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.291265] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9552.317341] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.335181] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.335210] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9552.353093] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -232
<6>[ 9552.353788] (6)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafc, adc_result=1235
<5>[ 9552.354046] (6)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 9 lt 9 ht
<5>[ 9552.354280] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -223
<6>[ 9552.354943] (6)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafd, adc_result=1236
<5>[ 9552.355632] (6)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[9] V[11 9] C[22 2] h[12613 12179]
<6>[ 9552.357518] (6)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6570, adc_result=4279
<5>[ 9552.357784] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -235
<6>[ 9552.358441] (6)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafd, adc_result=1236
<5>[ 9552.358744] (6)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<6>[ 9552.361946] (6)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x656f, adc_result=4279
<5>[ 9552.362584] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -257
<5>[ 9552.363437] (6)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9552.363476] (6)[249:battery_thread]car[-2838,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 279 vbat:4279 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9552.363521] (6)[249:battery_thread]tmp:9 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24604 sw_iavg:-174 -174 0 nafg_m:149 0 0
<5>[ 9552.363584] (6)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24604 9552 42883 42955
107927 149 -5380
<5>[ 9552.369155] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.387170] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.387199] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9552.404997] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9552.423128] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9552.423140] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9552.426126] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9552.426251] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source: mt-pmic:mt635x-
<6>[ 9552.426262] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9552.427369] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9552.427404] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9552.427454] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9552.427459] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.427886] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.427930] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9552427920341] 2022-02-15
07:42:43.259529 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:43.259529
<6>[ 9552.428458] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9552.429710] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9552.429738] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9552.429774] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9552.429778] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.430129] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.430713] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9552.431889] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9552.431919] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9552.431953] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9552.431957] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.432333] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.433120] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9552.434885] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9552.434946] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9552.435011] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9552.435021] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.435671] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.436047] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9552.438801] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9552.440695] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9552.440744] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9552.440800] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9552.440809] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.441307] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.443629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9552.445183] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9552.445234] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9552.445291] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9552.445301] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.445807] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.448430] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9552.449969] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9552.450022] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9552.450082] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9552.450092] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9552.450597] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9552.456146] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9552.459599] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.174 msecs
<6>[ 9552.463358] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.101 msecs
<5>[ 9552.463754] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9552.465202] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9552.465230] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9552.465485] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9552.465874] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9552.466217] -(1)[0:swapper/1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9552.467367] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9552.468092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9552.468155] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9552.469659] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9552.470418] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9552.470568] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9552.471366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9552.473114] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9552.473190] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9552.473213] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9552.473885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9552.473915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9552.473959] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.564 msecs
<6>[ 9552.477523] (6)[597:fuelgauged]Restarting tasks ...
<5>[ 9552.483622] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1357
<12>[ 9552.483994] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4279 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9552.491204] done.
<5>[ 9552.491251] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9552.491274] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9552.491638] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -660
<6>[ 9552.502350] (4)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42744 cur 653
<5>[ 9552.502781] (4)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -779
<6>[ 9552.503834] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<5>[ 9552.503960] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9778,9675],high=95,fg_volt_withIR=34033 > ori_voltage=33370
<5>[ 9552.504063] (7)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9552.504706] (7)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -776
<6>[ 9552.504999] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9552.505182] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9552.506369] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:43.337963604 UTC
<5>[ 9552.506511] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10010,9904],high=95,fg_volt_withIR=36347 > ori_voltage=34530
<5>[ 9552.506597] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9552.507346] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -782
<5>[ 9552.508555] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -942
<5>[ 9552.515974] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -889
<5>[ 9552.517893] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:9 9 12 rdnafg:0 vc:1
disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:18:9982:43644:-3085:47883:662:9338:9338 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9552.518073] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_LT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9338 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:58
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42730 T:[9 V 9 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9982 CAR[c:-2800 v:-3085]
Q:[47883 47883 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -10 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-174
<5>[ 9552.520572] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -829
<6>[ 9552.523518] (0)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9552.566694] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9552.567757] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<5>[ 9552.578333] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [GM3_old_data] soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396
fg_v_soc:9338 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:58 vc_mode 1 VBAT 42730 T:[9 V 9 C 12] D0_C 9978
D0_V 9982 CAR[c:-2800 v:-3085] Q:[47883 47883 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1
Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1] Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -10 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0]
Iavg:-174,dis[0 0 0],ncar[7034],dlpt_sd[0]
<5>[ 9552.578435] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9552.578451] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9552.578745] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9552.578760] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9552.578880] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<5>[ 9552.582703] (5)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4272
<5>[ 9552.582785] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9552.582921] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:0 0
<6>[ 9552.616529] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 78, 34, 39,
45, 138, 153, 168, 98, success counter cpu: 10, 3, 3, 2, 16, 24, 4, 5, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 19, 5, 6, 1, 32, 31, 12, 9, o:
0-5, p: , f: , t: 9552828000000, 9553659324492, 9553660383722, 9553660216645,
9553040666415, 9552874449722, 9554630573423, 9553173754569,
<6>[ 9552.685787] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9552.685968] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9552.686574] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9553.196115] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9553.198514] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9553.198606] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x79, req_sta = 0x420020ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9553.199549] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9553.199852] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<5>[ 9553.423552] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [1]
= 2, [2] = 1, [4] = 36, [5] = 19, [6] = 6, [7] = 5, Total = 70, --- SODI: No enter
<6>[ 9553.423649] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 78, 28, 34, 40, 118, 128, 146, 82,
cluster : 82, 30, pause = 93, multi core = 100, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 93, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9553.683647] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9553.683739] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0xa604110c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000a2, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9553.713715] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:44.545307835 UTC
<6>[ 9553.713764] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9553.825245] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9553.825298] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9553.825471] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9553.840405] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9553.848435] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9553.848459] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9553.848480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9553.851514] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9554.075648] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9554.075705] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9554.087033] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9554.087062] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9554.087208] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9554.089283] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9554.092121] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9554.092142] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9554.092189] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9554.092200] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9554.092232] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9554.092571] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9554.094694] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24627464000000
to 2022/02/15 07:43:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:43)
<5>[ 9554.098009] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:43:06 (1)
<5>[ 9554.098170] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9554.098502] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9554.099843] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9554.100562] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9554.101038] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9554.101061] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9554.101447] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9554.101467] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9554.102096] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9554.102504] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
251.038 msecs
<6>[ 9554.107422] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.882 msecs
<6>[ 9554.112459] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.991 msecs
<6>[ 9554.112498] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9554.137909] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.155197] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.155224] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9554.181017] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.199183] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.199210] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9554.224910] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.243179] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.243206] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9554.285963] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.303209] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.303236] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9554.337424] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.355235] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.355359] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9554.381024] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.399269] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.399297] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9554.425244] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9554.443181] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9554.443194] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x7e469af3,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 92910, r13 = 0x8000110c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000a2, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8079781a, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 56
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1427
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47866)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9554.446084] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.838 seconds
<6>[ 9554.446106] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9554.446133] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9554.446352] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9554.447538] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9554.447575] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9554.447623] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9554.447628] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.448089] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.448133] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9554448123191] 2022-02-15
07:42:48.118140 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:42:48.118140
<6>[ 9554.448689] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9554.449981] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9554.450009] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9554.450041] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9554.450045] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.450393] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.451046] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9554.452234] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9554.452261] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9554.452294] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9554.452298] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.452678] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.453450] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9554.455224] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9554.455282] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9554.455350] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9554.455359] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.455926] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.456302] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9554.458223] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9554.459909] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9554.459959] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9554.460016] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9554.460025] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.460527] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.462758] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9554.464411] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9554.464463] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9554.464524] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9554.464533] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.465046] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.467679] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9554.469235] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9554.469287] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9554.469348] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9554.469358] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9554.469870] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9554.475446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9554.478822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.099 msecs
<3>[ 9554.479431] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9554.482700] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.129 msecs
<3>[ 9554.483122] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<5>[ 9554.483150] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9554.484590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9554.484617] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9554.484869] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9554.485251] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9554.486737] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<3>[ 9554.487095] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9554.487481] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9554.487544] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9554.489008] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9554.489837] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9554.489986] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9554.490692] (5)[205:chre_kthread][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<3>[ 9554.491184] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9554.492591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9554.492662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9554.492686] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9554.493111] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9554.493140] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9554.493182] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.448 msecs
<3>[ 9554.495293] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9554.496716] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9554.499122] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<12>[ 9554.505212] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9554.510485] done.
<5>[ 9554.510501] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9554.510519] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9554.510866] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -820
<4>[ 9554.511457] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 17 callbacks
<6>[ 9554.511489] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafc, adc_result=1235
<6>[ 9554.512698] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9554.513429] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9554.514087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9554.515696] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9554.515685] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9554.515984] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9554.516933] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:42:48.186940296 UTC
<12>[ 9554.520707] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9554.525085] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9554.528890] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9554.567620] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9554.567711] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 220, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x201910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9555.724963] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9555.725053] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x2604010c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000a0, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9556.401583] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:42:50.071584527 UTC
<6>[ 9556.401633] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9556.411209] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9556.431247] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9556.475402] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9556.476483] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9556.507392] done.
<6>[ 9556.508840] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9556.508894] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9556.509081] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9556.523581] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9556.531567] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9556.531590] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9556.531611] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9556.534545] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9556.755510] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9556.755567] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9556.766899] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9556.766928] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9556.767076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9556.769161] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9556.772028] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9556.772048] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9556.772098] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9556.772109] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9556.772141] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9556.772480] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9556.774601] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24627464000000
to 2022/02/15 07:43:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:42:49)
<5>[ 9556.777915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:43:06 (1)
<5>[ 9556.778081] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9556.778404] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9556.779748] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9556.780469] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9556.780942] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9556.780967] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9556.781354] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9556.781374] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9556.782018] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9556.782458] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.959 msecs
<6>[ 9556.787431] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.935 msecs
<6>[ 9556.792490] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.014 msecs
<6>[ 9556.792527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9556.817751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9556.835059] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9556.835087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9556.860989] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9556.879057] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9556.879084] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9556.904760] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9556.923051] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9556.923080] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9556.949946] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9556.967096] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9556.967128] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9556.985176] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9557.003103] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9557.003133] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9557.028868] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9557.047079] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9557.047109] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9557.073774] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9557.091003] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9557.091016] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8286dc1d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 313008, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x89ee3a09, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 35
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1428
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47884)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9557.093824] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 9.555 seconds
<6>[ 9557.093846] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9557.093873] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9557.094191] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9557.095375] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9557.095412] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9557.095460] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9557.095465] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.095920] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.095963] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9557095953197] 2022-02-15
07:43:00.321875 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:00.321875
<6>[ 9557.096513] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9557.097820] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9557.097848] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9557.097880] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9557.097885] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.098236] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.098920] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9557.100129] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9557.100156] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9557.100190] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9557.100194] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.100575] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.101369] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9557.103163] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9557.103223] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9557.103292] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9557.103303] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.103867] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.104248] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9557.107103] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9557.108825] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9557.108873] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9557.108929] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9557.108938] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.109436] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.111742] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9557.113320] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9557.113369] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9557.113427] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9557.113437] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.113948] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.116561] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9557.118122] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9557.118173] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9557.118234] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9557.118244] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9557.118749] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9557.124338] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9557.127771] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.147 msecs
<6>[ 9557.131640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.209 msecs
<5>[ 9557.132038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9557.133493] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9557.133768] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9557.134036] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9557.134429] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9557.136008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9557.136684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9557.136745] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9557.138186] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9557.139110] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9557.139263] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9557.139962] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9557.141722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9557.141798] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9557.141822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9557.142262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9557.142291] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9557.142333] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.655 msecs
<6>[ 9557.145841] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9557.157534] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9557.160099] done.
<5>[ 9557.160144] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9557.160167] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9557.160496] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -779
<5>[ 9557.160884] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24627.464000000
<5>[ 9557.160920] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24627464000000
<5>[ 9557.160963] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.693000000
<6>[ 9557.161087] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaff, adc_result=1237
<6>[ 9557.162242] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<12>[ 9557.162323] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.2 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9557.163038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9557.163590] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9557.164703] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9557.164851] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9557.165144] -(7)[23386:CrRendererMain][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9557.166133] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:00.392042911 UTC
<12>[ 9557.171551] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9557.175408] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.1 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9557.251966] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9557.252059] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 485, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext
= 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9557.292239] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9557.292330] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9557.648263] -(5)[0:swapper/5]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 63, 16, 19,
21, 140, 147, 87, 54, success counter cpu: 8, 2, 1, 2, 17, 18, 7, 0, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 28, 3, 1, 0, 34, 31, 12, 6, o:
0-4,6-7, p: , f: , t: 9557820000000, 9558680808953, 9558681060184, 9558680809030,
9557916000000, 9557871110184, 9577391186723, 9558040104184,
<6>[ 9558.033713] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:01.259617988 UTC
<6>[ 9558.033762] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9558.036131] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9558.055538] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9558.099215] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9558.100296] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9558.139170] done.
<6>[ 9558.140616] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9558.140671] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9558.140863] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9558.155317] (0)[300:wdtk-0]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
<6>[ 9558.158956] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.159003] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9558158993430] 2022-02-15
07:43:01.384915 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:01.384915
<4>[ 9558.163284] (elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9558.163332] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9558.163355] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9558.163376] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9558.166321] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9558.387381] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9558.387438] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9558.398765] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9558.398794] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9558.398942] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9558.401034] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9558.403865] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9558.403886] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9558.403934] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9558.403945] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9558.403977] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9558.404315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9558.406437] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24627464000000
to 2022/02/15 07:43:05 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:00)
<5>[ 9558.409690] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:43:06 (1)
<5>[ 9558.409853] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9558.410180] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9558.411527] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9558.412247] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9558.412721] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9558.412746] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9558.413132] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9558.413153] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9558.413767] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9558.414226] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
247.950 msecs
<6>[ 9558.419174] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.912 msecs
<6>[ 9558.424221] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.002 msecs
<6>[ 9558.424260] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9558.449644] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.466930] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.466957] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9558.492870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.510938] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.510966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9558.536659] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.554927] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.554955] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9558.581803] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.598962] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.598994] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9558.625051] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.642923] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.642952] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<6>[ 9558.667687] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9558.668877] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.687041] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.687069] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9558.712987] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9558.730870] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9558.730883] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8b33b88f,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_EINT_EVENT_B, timer_out = 167096, r13 = 0xce04112c, debug_flag = 0x221913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x40, r12_ext = 0x100, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80869195, wake_misc
= 0x10000, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0x8f27bc9a,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 55
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1429
<5>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT_STA:
<5>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT Module -
addr:00000000108033c9,EINT_STA = 0x10000
<5>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]EINT 144 is pending
<5>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9558.733781] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 5.102 seconds
<6>[ 9558.733804] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9558.733830] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9558.734086] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9558.735270] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9558.735306] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9558.735354] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9558.735359] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.735816] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.736391] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9558.737683] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9558.737710] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9558.737743] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9558.737747] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.738106] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.738695] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9558.739985] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9558.740014] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9558.740047] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9558.740051] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.740431] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.741220] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9558.743013] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9558.743073] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9558.743140] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9558.743150] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.743718] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.744096] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9558.747163] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9558.748887] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9558.748938] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9558.748992] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9558.749002] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.749506] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.751839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9558.753417] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9558.753469] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9558.753528] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9558.753537] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.754047] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.756661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9558.758224] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9558.758277] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9558.758336] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9558.758346] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9558.758933] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9558.764436] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9558.767885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.164 msecs
<5>[ 9558.768318] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x534]=0x1
<5>[ 9558.768375] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: rtc_tasklet_handler start
<5>[ 9558.768407] -(5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_hal: pdn1 = 0x 0
<5>[ 9558.768467] (5)[104:pmic_thread]mtk_rtc_common: alarm time is up
<5>[ 9558.770853] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 5, [4]
= 33, [5] = 22, [6] = 8, [7] = 5, Total = 73, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9558.770892] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 62, 18, 22, 25, 110, 137, 83, 57,
cluster : 65, 31, pause = 98, multi core = 84, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 98, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9558.771779] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.224 msecs
<5>[ 9558.772175] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9558.773595] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9558.773623] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9558.773876] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9558.774263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9558.775820] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9558.776472] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9558.776534] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9558.777945] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9558.778835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9558.778984] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9558.779684] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9558.781466] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9558.781543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9558.781566] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9558.781996] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9558.782025] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9558.782067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.256 msecs
<3>[ 9558.785375] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<6>[ 9558.785609] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9558.789484] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<5>[ 9558.797428] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.797484] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9558.797528] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.693000000
<5>[ 9558.799281] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.799438] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9558.799490] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.693000000
<4>[ 9558.799587] done.
<5>[ 9558.799612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9558.799634] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9558.799966] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1452
<6>[ 9558.800570] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb01, adc_result=1237
<6>[ 9558.801662] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9558.804253] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9558.804843] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9558.805971] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9558.806119] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9558.806411] -(7)[369:ueventd][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<12>[ 9558.807146] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9558.807398] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:07.136017142 UTC
<12>[ 9558.810492] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9558.831776] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.831827] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9558.831865] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24681.308000000
<5>[ 9558.848260] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.848311] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9558.848348] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24681.308000000
<5>[ 9558.855309] (4)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.855357] -(4)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9558.855389] (4)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24681.308000000
<5>[ 9558.860316] (5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9558.860385] (5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24681.308000000
<6>[ 9558.867573] (4)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:100:K2D]
Scan flags=0x8 [mac]addr=02:00:00:00:00:00 mask=03:00:00:00:00:00 n_ssids=1:
n_channels=13: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<6>[ 9558.867646] (4)[723:wificond][wlan][723]mtk_cfg80211_scan:(REQ INFO)
n_ssid=(1->0) n_channel(13==>13) wildcard=0x1 random_mac=00:0c:e7:9f:8b:64
<6>[ 9558.867860] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9558.867910] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scanSetRequestChannel:(SCN
INFO) channel num(13=>13) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00003FFE
<6>[ 9558.868111] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]cnmTimerStartTimer:(CNM INFO)
[WLAN-LP] Start timer 15000 ms -handler(aisFsmRunEventIbssAloneTimeOut
<6>[ 9558.868209] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9558.868262] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:200:D2F] ScanReqV2:
=0,Min=0,Func=0x1,Mac=00:0c:e7:9f:8b:64,Ch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<5>[ 9558.870312] (7)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24643.506000000
<6>[ 9558.876835] (5)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[8423 us]
<4>[ 9558.876914] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain]mtk_axi_interrupt: 8 callbacks
<6>[ 9558.876920] -(6)[23386:CrRendererMain][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<6>[ 9558.884482] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicRxCheckWakeupReason:(RX
INFO) MGMT frame subtype: 5 SeqCtrl 46096 wakeup host
<6>[ 9559.386603] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9559.386656] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 1260, r13 = 0x4604612c, debug_flag = 0x201913fc 0x0, r12 = 0x800,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420004e8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4005a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9559.563220] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:07.891836065 UTC
<6>[ 9559.563269] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9559.571988] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9559.591028] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9559.595019] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9559.595055] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,21855,5099), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9559.595127] (0)[0:swapper/0][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-3(status=0x0):33011-33011,
9159-9159, 0-0, 0-0
<5>[ 9559.614996] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap CNT(dpidle): [0] = (36), [1] = (33),
[2] = (25), [3] = (2), [4] = (347), [5] = (360), [6] = (273), [7] = (222),
<5>[ 9559.615036] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 126,
[BY_CLK] = 11,
<5>[ 9559.615073] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap dpidle_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9559.615073]
<6>[ 9559.615099] -(7)[0:swapper/7][resource_req_block] user: 0x40, 0x0
<6>[ 9559.635095] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9559.636175] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9559.673471] done.
<6>[ 9559.675127] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9559.675200] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9559.675371] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9559.686105] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9559.686287] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source: WLAN
<3>[ 9559.686342] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.010
<6>[ 9559.686368] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9559.697315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9559.697343] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9559.697711] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1175
<6>[ 9559.698460] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb01, adc_result=1237
<6>[ 9559.701219] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9559.701376] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9559.702614] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:08.031233834 UTC
<6>[ 9559.905507] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:08.234119988 UTC
<6>[ 9559.905554] (6)[16785:main_thread]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9559.988006] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] scnEventScanDone Version3!size of
ScanDone340,ucCompleteChanCount[13],ucCurrentState7, u4ScanDurBcnCnt[46],Seq[178]
<6>[ 9559.988140] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] 15:
<6>[ 9559.988169] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Country Code = PT, Detected_Channel_Num = 13
<6>[ 9559.988204] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
<6>[ 9559.988257] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
BAndPCnt : 7 2 0 0 0 16 3 8 2 0
5 3 0
<6>[ 9559.988299] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9559.988343] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmRunEventScanDone:(AIS
INFO) ScanDone 178, status(0) native req(178)
<6>[ 9559.988404] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Total:12/15 MEO-9F7B60; MEO-WiFi; MEO-CDFCB0; NOS-8F60_EXT2; NOS-
0ACD; MEO-AC5AD9; NOS-8F60; NOS-EC20; M@M; MEO-87A4B0; NOS-AD36; MEO-1E6475;
<6>[ 9559.989223] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] 15:
<6>[ 9559.989261] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Call cfg80211_scan_done (aborted=0)
<6>[ 9559.989371] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9559.989414] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=0 OwnMac=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<6>[ 9559.989483] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicActivateNetwork:(RSN INFO)
[wlan index]=0 OwnMac1=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<6>[ 9559.993259] (5)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<5>[ 9559.999503] (5)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<4>[ 9559.999562] -(5)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue: 2 callbacks
<5>[ 9559.999573] -(5)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9559.999627] (5)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24681.308000000
<4>[ 9560.014937] done.
<6>[ 9560.016399] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9560.016466] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9560.016803] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ...
<6>[ 9560.028576] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9560.028652] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: WLAN timeout
<3>[ 9560.028749] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing of tasks aborted after 0.011
<6>[ 9560.028776] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9560.047247] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9560.047267] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9560.047594] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -757
<4>[ 9560.048280] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9560.048303] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb02, adc_result=1238
<6>[ 9560.049223] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x679, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9560.049986] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9560.050418] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9560.051275] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9560.051389] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9560.052477] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:08.381102373 UTC
<6>[ 9560.141636] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9560.141717] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9560.459804] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:08.788418450 UTC
<6>[ 9560.459853] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9560.574208] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9560.574262] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9560.574440] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9560.588943] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9560.597043] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9560.597067] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9560.597088] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9560.600131] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<6>[ 9560.600190] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]wlanWakeDumpRes:(OID INFO)
[WLAN-LP] CMD(3:4)= 0x03-1 0x11-2 0x14-1 EVENT(2:2)= 0x0d-1 0x07-1
<5>[ 9560.823263] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9560.823320] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9560.834652] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9560.834682] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9560.834834] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9560.836942] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9560.839809] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9560.839831] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9560.839878] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9560.839889] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9560.839921] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9560.840257] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9560.842376] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:44 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:08)
<5>[ 9560.845634] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:45 (1)
<5>[ 9560.845790] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9560.846128] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9560.847474] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9560.848197] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9560.848674] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9560.848698] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9560.849085] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9560.849105] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9560.849741] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9560.850127] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.046 msecs
<6>[ 9560.855065] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.901 msecs
<6>[ 9560.860159] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.050 msecs
<6>[ 9560.860196] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9560.885527] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9560.902805] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9560.902833] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9560.928772] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9560.946817] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9560.946845] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9560.972519] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9560.990839] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9560.990870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9561.017690] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9561.034854] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9561.034886] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9561.060925] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9561.078802] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9561.078831] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9561.104649] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9561.122897] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9561.122925] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9561.149064] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9561.166803] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9561.166816] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9561.169842] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9561.169967] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]last active wakeup source:
bat_percent_notify_lock wakelock
<6>[ 9561.169978] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9561.171084] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9561.171121] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9561.171172] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9561.171177] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.171607] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.171652] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9561171642360] 2022-02-15
07:43:09.500273 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:09.500273
<6>[ 9561.172176] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9561.173462] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9561.173492] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9561.173528] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9561.173533] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.173876] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.174467] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9561.175632] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9561.175660] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9561.175693] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9561.175698] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.176073] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.176859] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9561.178640] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9561.178702] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9561.178770] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9561.178780] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.179340] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.179718] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9561.181852] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9561.183536] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9561.183588] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9561.183642] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9561.183652] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.184149] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.186363] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9561.187991] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9561.188045] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9561.188105] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9561.188114] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.188617] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.191264] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9561.192811] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9561.192864] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9561.192923] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9561.192932] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9561.193440] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9561.199047] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9561.202437] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.091 msecs
<6>[ 9561.206222] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.026 msecs
<5>[ 9561.206610] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9561.208269] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9561.208302] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9561.208557] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9561.208940] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9561.209283] -(1)[0:swapper/1][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9561.210433] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9561.211454] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9561.211519] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9561.213054] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9561.213840] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9561.213992] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9561.214696] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9561.216542] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9561.216620] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9561.216643] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9561.217311] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9561.217341] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9561.217385] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
11.125 msecs
<6>[ 9561.220934] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9561.227798] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9561.230343] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9561.232660] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9561.234898] done.
<5>[ 9561.234944] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9561.234969] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<12>[ 9561.235175] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9561.235315] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -707
<6>[ 9561.236231] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb02, adc_result=1238
<6>[ 9561.237303] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67a, adc_result=728
<6>[ 9561.238128] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x656, adc_result=712
<6>[ 9561.238860] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9561.240323] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9561.240484] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9561.241929] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:09.570540911 UTC
<6>[ 9561.587907] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9561.588000] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9561.643899] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9561.643947] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,21855,5099), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9562.043885] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:10.372499834 UTC
<6>[ 9562.043934] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9562.053082] (4)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9562.071312] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9562.115251] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9562.116333] (6)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9562.155859] done.
<6>[ 9562.157327] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9562.157381] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9562.157581] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9562.172375] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9562.180383] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9562.180407] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9562.180428] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9562.183518] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9562.403263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9562.403321] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9562.414654] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9562.414682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9562.414832] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9562.416909] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9562.419784] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9562.419805] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9562.419851] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9562.419862] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9562.419894] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9562.420236] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9562.422348] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:43 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:09)
<5>[ 9562.425602] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:44 (1)
<5>[ 9562.425769] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9562.426091] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9562.427443] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9562.428167] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9562.428640] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9562.428664] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9562.429050] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9562.429070] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9562.429722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9562.430107] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
246.638 msecs
<6>[ 9562.435038] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.893 msecs
<6>[ 9562.440097] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.015 msecs
<6>[ 9562.440135] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9562.465493] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.482807] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.482835] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9562.508760] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.526806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.526834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9562.544536] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.562806] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.562834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9562.589678] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.606874] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.606902] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9562.633039] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.650839] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.650871] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9562.676660] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.694894] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.694922] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9562.720550] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9562.738801] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9562.738815] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0x9242ee12,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 643681, r13 = 0x604010c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x420000a0, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa17c81f1, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 53
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1430
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47921)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9562.741688] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 19.649 seconds
<6>[ 9562.741710] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9562.741737] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9562.741955] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9562.743134] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9562.743172] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9562.743219] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9562.743224] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.743686] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.743729] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9562743719055] 2022-02-15
07:43:30.721726 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:30.721726
<6>[ 9562.744287] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9562.745587] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9562.745616] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9562.745648] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9562.745653] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.746001] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.746696] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9562.747907] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9562.747937] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9562.747973] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9562.747977] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.748352] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.749154] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9562.750942] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9562.751004] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9562.751073] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9562.751083] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.751639] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.752012] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9562.755011] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9562.756718] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9562.756768] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9562.756822] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9562.756832] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.757325] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.759629] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9562.761192] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9562.761243] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9562.761302] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9562.761311] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.761817] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.764426] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9562.765982] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9562.766036] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9562.766095] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9562.766105] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9562.766686] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9562.772197] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9562.775682] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.201 msecs
<3>[ 9562.776192] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9562.778711] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9562.779535] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.195 msecs
<5>[ 9562.779924] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9562.781332] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9562.781359] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9562.781612] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9562.782000] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9562.782705] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9562.783494] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9562.784166] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9562.784228] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9562.785651] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9562.786473] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9562.786622] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9562.786787] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9562.787428] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9562.789191] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9562.789269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9562.789292] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9562.789722] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9562.789750] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9562.789792] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.224 msecs
<3>[ 9562.790870] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<6>[ 9562.793263] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Restarting tasks ...
<6>[ 9562.793729] -(3)[0:swapper/3]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 65, 21, 30,
35, 164, 139, 122, 107, success counter cpu: 13, 0, 1, 2, 19, 17, 11, 10, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 25, 2, 1, 1, 33, 30,
19, 22, o: 0-2, p: , f: , t: 9563040127723, 9583021167261, 9583023460185,
9583025813185, 9562972000000, 9562972000000, 9562972000000, 9562972000000,
<3>[ 9562.794961] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9562.798751] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<12>[ 9562.802310] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9562.807680] done.
<5>[ 9562.807727] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9562.807751] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9562.808091] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -807
<6>[ 9562.808661] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb06, adc_result=1240
<6>[ 9562.809902] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9562.810563] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x658, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9562.811447] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9562.812621] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9562.812766] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<12>[ 9562.812958] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.0 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9562.813062] -(6)[2090:batterywarning][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9562.814042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:30.792038374 UTC
<12>[ 9562.815464] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9562.817217] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9562.899287] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9562.899378] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 479, r13 = 0xc600112c, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9562.922688] (6)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9562.942903] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9562.986084] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9562.987153] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9563.339164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:31.317156759 UTC
<6>[ 9563.339213] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9563.455132] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9563.455198] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9563.455434] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9563.469950] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9563.477997] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9563.478020] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9563.478041] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9563.481074] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9563.703130] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9563.703187] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9563.714352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9563.714408] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9563.714499] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9563.714922] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9563.714952] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9563.714992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.464
<6>[ 9563.718756] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9563.732808] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9563.732834] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9563.733184] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -773
<6>[ 9563.733795] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb05, adc_result=1239
<6>[ 9563.737712] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9563.737875] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9563.739348] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:31.717334297 UTC
<5>[ 9563.771086] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [4]
= 19, [5] = 16, [6] = 14, [7] = 11, Total = 62, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9563.771144] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 83, 27, 37, 42, 161, 145, 134, 107,
cluster : 93, 28, pause = 87, multi core = 105, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 87, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9563.841266] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9563.858841] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9563.902013] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9563.903092] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9564.273781] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:32.251772143 UTC
<6>[ 9564.273831] (4)[205:chre_kthread]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<3>[ 9564.342125] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:0, tail:1
<4>[ 9564.379576] done.
<6>[ 9564.381037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9564.381092] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9564.381291] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9564.396017] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9564.404185] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9564.404209] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9564.404229] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9564.407257] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9564.631136] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9564.631194] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9564.642543] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9564.642571] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9564.642724] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9564.644793] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9564.647656] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9564.647678] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9564.647725] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9564.647735] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9564.647768] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9564.648109] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9564.650229] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:44 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:31)
<6>[ 9564.651453] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9564.653579] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:45 (1)
<5>[ 9564.653741] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9564.654067] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9564.655420] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9564.656151] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9564.656629] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9564.656654] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9564.657043] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9564.657063] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9564.657679] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9564.658076] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.865 msecs
<6>[ 9564.663015] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.902 msecs
<6>[ 9564.668072] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.010 msecs
<6>[ 9564.668110] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9564.693394] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.710693] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.710721] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9564.736741] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.754675] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.754704] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9564.780401] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.798672] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.798700] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9564.825438] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.842677] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.842706] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9564.868934] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.886677] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.886706] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9564.912571] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9564.930682] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.930710] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9564.956979] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<4>[ 9564.974634] -(0)[0:swapper/0]process 21315 (CrRendererMain) no longer affine
to cpu6
<6>[ 9564.981047] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42787 cur 270
<6>[ 9564.986602] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9564.986615] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<6>[ 9564.989602] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9564.989720] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: dlpt_notify_lock
<6>[ 9564.989730] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: PTIM_wakelock
<6>[ 9564.989743] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9564.990847] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9564.990883] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9564.990916] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42780 cur 286
<6>[ 9564.990935] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9564.990943] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9564.991417] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9564.991444] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9564991434368] 2022-02-15
07:43:32.969441 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:32.969441
<6>[ 9564.991976] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9564.993187] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9564.993218] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9564.993252] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9564.993257] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9564.993610] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9564.994200] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9564.995362] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9564.995394] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9564.995428] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9564.995433] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9564.995814] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9564.996613] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9564.997324] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42759 cur 550
<6>[ 9564.998398] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9564.998459] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9564.998529] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9564.998539] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9564.999201] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9564.999570] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9565.001802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9565.003486] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9565.003537] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9565.003591] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9565.003601] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9565.004101] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9565.004592] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42756 cur 565
<6>[ 9565.006315] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9565.007920] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9565.007970] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9565.008029] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9565.008039] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9565.008546] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9565.011177] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9565.011875] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42731 cur 584
<6>[ 9565.011896] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<6>[ 9565.012713] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9565.012767] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9565.012829] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9565.012839] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9565.013350] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<5>[ 9565.013760] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x5755, NOW = 0x5792,
CNT = 0
<4>[ 9565.013778] -(0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9565.013793] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6526, adc_result=4267
<6>[ 9565.013811] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4267(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9565.013839] (0)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9565.018973] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9565.022322] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.044 msecs
<6>[ 9565.026249] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.118 msecs
<5>[ 9565.026934] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9565.028377] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9565.028405] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9565.028662] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9565.029055] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<5>[ 9565.029362] -(4)[0:swapper/4][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report valid
<3>[ 9565.030558] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9565.031286] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9565.031350] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9565.032845] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9565.033643] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9565.033792] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9565.034498] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9565.036240] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9565.036319] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9565.036342] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9565.036786] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9565.036815] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9565.036857] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.570 msecs
<6>[ 9565.040426] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9565.054304] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9565.054331] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9565.054735] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -666
<6>[ 9565.055286] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb06, adc_result=1240
<6>[ 9565.056343] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9565.057166] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9565.057705] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64e, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9565.059118] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9565.062517] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9565.064575] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9565.066909] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9565.067041] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9565.068168] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:33.046167143 UTC
<6>[ 9565.079068] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9565.122299] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9565.123375] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9565.476116] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:33.454107528 UTC
<6>[ 9565.476164] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[ 9565.586212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9565.586269] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9565.586453] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9565.600916] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.007 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9565.608940] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9565.608963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9565.608983] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9565.612008] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9565.835131] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9565.835188] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9565.846522] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9565.846550] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9565.846701] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9565.848794] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9565.851624] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9565.851646] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9565.851693] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9565.851704] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9565.851736] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9565.852074] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9565.854200] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:43 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:32)
<5>[ 9565.857484] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:44 (1)
<5>[ 9565.857642] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9565.857974] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9565.859320] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9565.860042] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9565.860518] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9565.860543] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9565.860930] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9565.860950] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9565.861586] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9565.861972] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
250.013 msecs
<6>[ 9565.866977] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
4.966 msecs
<6>[ 9565.872107] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 5.084 msecs
<6>[ 9565.872146] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9565.897402] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9565.914691] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9565.914718] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9565.940524] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9565.958674] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9565.958703] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9565.984394] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9566.002677] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9566.002705] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9566.029417] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9566.046679] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9566.046708] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9566.072850] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9566.090727] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9566.090759] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9566.116531] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9566.134668] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9566.134696] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9566.161106] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9566.178672] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9566.178685] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa427034d,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_CCIF0_EVENT_B, timer_out = 70043, r13 = 0xe400112c, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x100, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x979, req_sta =
0x420020ea, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa5cf6e38, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 50
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1431
<5>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/cif] CCIF wakeup channel: 0x100000
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9566.181543] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 2.140 seconds
<6>[ 9566.181566] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9566.181592] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9566.181812] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9566.183001] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9566.183037] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9566.183085] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9566.183090] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.183547] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.183592] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9566183581678] 2022-02-15
07:43:36.302022 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:43:36.302022
<6>[ 9566.184148] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9566.185437] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9566.185464] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9566.185494] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9566.185499] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.185851] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.186442] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9566.187715] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9566.187742] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9566.187775] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9566.187779] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.188158] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.188931] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9566.190690] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9566.190749] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9566.190815] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9566.190825] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.191381] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.191756] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9566.193704] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9566.195387] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9566.195437] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9566.195489] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9566.195499] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.195994] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.198220] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9566.199851] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9566.199903] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9566.199960] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9566.199970] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.200481] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.203101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9566.204668] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9566.204720] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9566.204780] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9566.204790] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9566.205290] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9566.210816] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9566.214218] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.110 msecs
<6>[ 9566.218029] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.056 msecs
<5>[ 9566.218405] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9566.219944] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9566.219976] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9566.220226] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9566.220605] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9566.222092] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9566.223046] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9566.223109] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9566.224518] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9566.225303] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9566.225451] -(6)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9566.226144] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9566.227881] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9566.227956] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9566.227980] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9566.228421] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9566.228450] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9566.228492] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.427 msecs
<6>[ 9566.231962] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9566.245659] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9566.245686] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9566.246045] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1628
<6>[ 9566.246645] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb07, adc_result=1240
<12>[ 9566.247236] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9566.247870] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67b, adc_result=729
<6>[ 9566.248432] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x657, adc_result=713
<6>[ 9566.248921] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<12>[ 9566.250398] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9566.250664] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9566.250786] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9566.251067] -(7)[551:health@2.0-serv][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9566.251983] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:43:36.370415836 UTC
<12>[ 9566.253826] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9566.255847] (7)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9566.335350] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9566.335427] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1054, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x20191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9567.243212] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:43:37.361636836 UTC
<6>[ 9567.243263] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9567.251770] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9567.271151] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9567.315004] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9567.316086] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9567.356737] done.
<6>[ 9567.358054] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9567.358106] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9567.358315] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9567.372915] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9567.381094] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9567.381118] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9567.381139] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9567.384169] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<3>[ 9567.531210] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][sensorHub] rtc_compensation_suspend
suspend,drop time sync
<5>[ 9567.602948] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9567.603005] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9567.614348] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9567.614376] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9567.614523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9567.616632] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9567.619463] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9567.619484] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9567.619531] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9567.619542] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9567.619574] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9567.619920] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9567.622037] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:43 (now = 2022/02/15 07:43:36)
<5>[ 9567.625352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:44 (1)
<5>[ 9567.625519] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9567.625841] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9567.627192] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9567.627915] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9567.628390] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9567.628415] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9567.628802] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9567.628822] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9567.629432] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9567.629908] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.789 msecs
<6>[ 9567.635040] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.096 msecs
<6>[ 9567.639918] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.827 msecs
<6>[ 9567.639956] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9567.665229] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.682551] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.682580] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9567.708505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.726560] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.726588] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9567.752264] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.770543] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.770572] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9567.797433] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.814584] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.814616] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9567.836766] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.854558] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.854585] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9567.880624] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.898656] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.898684] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9567.924412] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9567.942526] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9567.942541] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xa72d7e9c,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 1404209, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc8626348, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 84
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1432
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47953)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9567.945417] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 42.855 seconds
<6>[ 9567.945439] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9567.945466] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9567.945780] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9567.946965] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9567.947002] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9567.947049] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9567.947054] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.947506] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.947551] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9567947540297] 2022-02-15
07:44:20.921778 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:44:20.921778
<6>[ 9567.948110] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9567.949415] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9567.949444] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9567.949479] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9567.949483] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.949833] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.950481] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9567.951685] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9567.951715] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9567.951749] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9567.951753] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.952134] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.952909] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9567.954702] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9567.954762] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9567.954831] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9567.954841] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.955403] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.955779] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9567.958804] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9567.960523] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9567.960572] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9567.960627] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9567.960637] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.961139] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.963468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9567.965049] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9567.965100] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9567.965160] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9567.965170] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.965682] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.968285] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9567.969853] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9567.969907] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9567.969968] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9567.969978] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9567.970562] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9567.976075] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9567.979609] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.254 msecs
<3>[ 9567.980124] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9567.982482] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9567.983401] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.136 msecs
<5>[ 9567.983790] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9567.985212] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9567.985553] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9567.985818] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9567.986219] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9567.986564] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9567.987727] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9567.988397] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9567.988460] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9567.989923] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<3>[ 9567.990644] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9567.990814] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9567.990962] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9567.991669] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9567.993424] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9567.993500] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9567.993523] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9567.993963] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9567.993992] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9567.994033] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.600 msecs
<6>[ 9567.994042] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 86, 25, 30,
35, 149, 132, 140, 97, success counter cpu: 17, 0, 1, 2, 37, 17, 7, 3, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 2, 0, 1, 45, 27, 13, 12, o:
1-3, p: , f: , t: 9568417598262, 9588225242646, 9588227546800, 9588229849339,
9568172000000, 9568172350723, 9568172000000, 9568172000000,
<3>[ 9567.994726] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<6>[ 9567.997569] (5)[205:chre_kthread]Restarting tasks ...
<3>[ 9567.998455] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9568.002472] (7)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:14, tail:15
<3>[ 9568.006890] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:13, tail:14
<3>[ 9568.011192] (1)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:13, tail:14
<5>[ 9568.011405] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9568.011461] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9568.011503] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 26052.292000000
<4>[ 9568.012102] done.
<5>[ 9568.012136] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9568.012159] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9568.012505] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -766
<6>[ 9568.013076] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb12, adc_result=1245
<6>[ 9568.014222] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x67f, adc_result=730
<4>[ 9568.014313] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:It is
long time (prev(1644910757), now(1644911060), > 300 sec) not to query, query temp
<6>[ 9568.014608] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<3>[ 9568.015704] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:13, tail:14
<12>[ 9568.018757] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9568.020860] -(4)[1347:DeviceStorageMo]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 54 callbacks
<4>[ 9568.020898] -(4)[1347:DeviceStorageMo]btif_bbs_write: 1 callbacks suppressed
<12>[ 9568.024177] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9568.032515] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<12>[ 9568.035009] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9568.042571] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27954 usec
<4>[ 9568.052700] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x7
<6>[ 9568.053261] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x65b, adc_result=714
<6>[ 9568.053724] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x651, adc_result=710
<6>[ 9568.054639] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9568.054719] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9568.054999] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to report
valid temperatures
<6>[ 9568.055800] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:44:21.030032991 UTC
<6>[ 9568.213083] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9568.213174] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 1179, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9568.298587] (4)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9568.304550] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9568.304817] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<5>[ 9568.802245] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 2, [3]
= 1, [4] = 17, [5] = 17, [6] = 6, [7] = 6, Total = 49, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9568.802343] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 79, 23, 25, 28, 124, 84, 118, 78,
cluster : 86, 24, pause = 69, multi core = 71, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 69, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9568.813036] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:44:21.787257915 UTC
<6>[ 9568.813086] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9568.817097] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9568.834725] (5)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9568.878766] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9568.879847] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<4>[ 9568.924643] done.
<6>[ 9568.926065] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9568.926157] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9568.926560] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9568.941059] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9568.949263] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9568.949286] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9568.949307] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9568.952336] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9569.170834] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9569.170890] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<5>[ 9569.182267] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_suspend
<5>[ 9569.182296] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS]
<6>[ 9569.182447] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U backup in suspend
<3>[ 9569.184557] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_suspend 3076: pm suspend
<4>[ 9569.187418] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9569.187439] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 104:
<4>[ 9569.187487] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]usb_6765_dpidle_request: 3 callbacks
<5>[ 9569.187498] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]usb_6765_dpidle_request 97:
<5>[ 9569.187531] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<6>[ 9569.187872] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI suspend
<5>[ 9569.189993] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]alarmtimer_suspend convert 24966009000000
to 2022/02/15 07:48:44 (now = 2022/02/15 07:44:21)
<5>[ 9569.193246] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_common: set al time = 2022/02/15
07:48:45 (1)
<5>[ 9569.193408] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<5>[ 9569.193735] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mtk_rtc_hal_common: mon = 57090, day =
20495, hour = 20487
<6>[ 9569.195114] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_suspend] cam2 - X.
<5>[ 9569.195837] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_suspend
<5>[ 9569.196313] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_suspend ignore
<5>[ 9569.196337] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_suspend usage:0 exec
<5>[ 9569.196724] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_suspend!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0 tmp_intr:0***
<5>[ 9569.196744] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9569.197386] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_suspend: suspend
callback in
<6>[ 9569.197755] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend of devices complete after
245.467 msecs
<6>[ 9569.202844] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: late suspend of devices complete after
5.054 msecs
<6>[ 9569.207685] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq suspend of devices complete
after 4.793 msecs
<6>[ 9569.207722] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[ 9569.233149] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.250438] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.250466] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU1 killed.
<5>[ 9569.276397] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.294432] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.294460] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU2 killed.
<5>[ 9569.320171] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.338434] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.338461] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU3 killed.
<5>[ 9569.365198] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.382476] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.382507] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU4 killed.
<5>[ 9569.416563] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.434470] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.434595] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU5 killed.
<5>[ 9569.464273] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.482415] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.482445] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU6 killed.
<5>[ 9569.508159] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7: shutdown
<6>[ 9569.526416] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: Retrying again to check for CPU kill
<6>[ 9569.526430] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]psci: CPU7 killed.
<5>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][clkchk] unexpected unclosed MTCMOS:
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM-PMIC] [dlpt_R] pre_SOC=95 SOC=95 skip
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] sec = 4800, wakesrc = 0x687ddef (1)
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] wlk_cntcv_l = 0xc99cbc40,
wlk_cntcv_h = 0x4a
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] md_settle = 99, settle = 99
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register start!
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]restore UART register finish!
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] suspend wake up by
R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B, timer_out = 1914089, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x201913ff
0x0, r12 = 0x801, r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x97f, req_sta =
0x42000000, event_reg = 0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc
= 0x0, pcm_flag = 0x80080 0x40, req = 0x0, wlk_cntcv_l = 0xf6e03f63, wlk_cntcv_h =
0x4a, 26M_off_pct = 87
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SPM] dormant = 7, s_ddr = 0, s_vcore = 0,
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]ddr = 0, vcore = 0, sleep_count = 1433
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][SCP] ipi(47964)
id/type/action/event/reserve = 8/71/6/4/0
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Resume caused by IRQ 179, SPM
<6>[ 9569.529302] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Suspended for 58.416 seconds
<6>[ 9569.529324] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register ...11
<6>[ 9569.529352] -(0)[2048:Binder:455_2][ccci1/mcd]Resume cldma pdn register done
<6>[ 9569.529572] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[ 9569.530771] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
<6>[ 9569.530808] -(1)[0:swapper/1]GICv3: CPU1: found redistributor 1 region
<6>[ 9569.530856] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9569.530861] -(1)[0:swapper/1]CPU1: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.531322] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.531366] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9569531356532] 2022-02-15
07:45:20.921736 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:45:20.921736
<6>[ 9569.531921] (0)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU1 is up
<6>[ 9569.533234] -(2)[0:swapper/2]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU2
<6>[ 9569.533261] -(2)[0:swapper/2]GICv3: CPU2: found redistributor 2 region
<6>[ 9569.533294] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9569.533298] -(2)[0:swapper/2]CPU2: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.533644] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.534317] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU2 is up
<6>[ 9569.535533] -(3)[0:swapper/3]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU3
<6>[ 9569.535562] -(3)[0:swapper/3]GICv3: CPU3: found redistributor 3 region
<6>[ 9569.535594] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024
<6>[ 9569.535599] -(3)[0:swapper/3]CPU3: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.535979] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.536757] (1)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU3 is up
<6>[ 9569.538556] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU4
<6>[ 9569.538617] -(4)[0:swapper/4]GICv3: CPU4: found redistributor 100 region
<6>[ 9569.538683] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9569.538694] -(4)[0:swapper/4]CPU4: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.539248] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.539621] (4)[28:cpuhp/4][Power/cpufreq] 4,0,1,0,833,833,833,833
<6>[ 9569.542685] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU4 is up
<6>[ 9569.544407] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU5
<6>[ 9569.544457] -(5)[0:swapper/5]GICv3: CPU5: found redistributor 101 region
<6>[ 9569.544511] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9569.544521] -(5)[0:swapper/5]CPU5: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.545017] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.547325] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU5 is up
<6>[ 9569.548902] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU6
<6>[ 9569.548952] -(6)[0:swapper/6]GICv3: CPU6: found redistributor 102 region
<6>[ 9569.549010] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9569.549019] -(6)[0:swapper/6]CPU6: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.549524] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.552128] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU6 is up
<6>[ 9569.553694] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU7
<6>[ 9569.553746] -(7)[0:swapper/7]GICv3: CPU7: found redistributor 103 region
<6>[ 9569.553805] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: update cpu_capacity 768
<6>[ 9569.553815] -(7)[0:swapper/7]CPU7: Booted secondary processor [410fd034]
<6>[ 9569.554400] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9569.559885] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]CPU7 is up
<6>[ 9569.563302] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: noirq resume of devices complete after
3.138 msecs
<6>[ 9569.567101] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: early resume of devices complete after
3.139 msecs
<5>[ 9569.567493] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Power/PPM] ppm_main_resume: resume
callback in
<5>[ 9569.568918] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]******** battery_resume!! iavg=0 ***GM3
disable:0 0 0 0***
<5>[ 9569.568946] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][enable_bat_temp_det] smart reset not
<5>[ 9569.569203] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_resume ignore
<5>[ 9569.569593] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][Thermal/TZ/CPU]tscpu_thermal_resume
<3>[ 9569.571082] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][WMT-CONSYS-HW]
[E]consys_check_reg_readable(1190):connsys clock check fail 0x18007000(0x50001)
<6>[ 9569.571729] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_resume ok
<6>[ 9569.571791] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][ISP][ISP_resume] cam2 - X. UserCount=0
<3>[ 9569.573220] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][bq2560x]:bq2560x_get_ichg:
[bq2560x_get_ichg] curr=2040000
<6>[ 9569.574042] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][mt_udi] UDI resume
<5>[ 9569.574190] -(4)[2048:Binder:455_2][MUSB]musb_hub_control 379: port status
<3>[ 9569.574990] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][NVT-ts] nvt_pm_resume 3087: pm resume
<6>[ 9569.576754] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][M4U] M4U restore in resume
<5>[ 9569.576829] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] hps_resume
<5>[ 9569.576852] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HPS] state: 1, enabled: 1,
suspend_enabled: 1, rush_boost_enabled: 1
<6>[ 9569.577277] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9569.577306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9569.577349] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after
10.212 msecs
<6>[ 9569.580824] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]Restarting tasks ...
<12>[ 9569.590388] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9569.594794] done.
<5>[ 9569.594846] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9569.594870] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9569.595217] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -732
<6>[ 9569.596192] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb22, adc_result=1252
<6>[ 9569.596781] (0)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<12>[ 9569.599539] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=8.4 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9569.599751] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:CHIP_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x680, adc_result=731
<6>[ 9569.599943] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9569.606080] -(5)[551:health@2.0-serv]btif_bbs_write: 13 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9569.614629] (0)[0:swapper/0][Thermal/TZ/CPU]atm_loop c 26111 p 10600 l
2147483647 ct 9569792403 pt 9569572043 L 26111 LL 26111
<6>[ 9569.614935] (1)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9569.626491] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26544 usec
<4>[ 9569.633446] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x7
<6>[ 9569.634019] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x65c, adc_result=715
<6>[ 9569.634526] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9569.635352] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9569.635468] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<5>[ 9569.635745] -(7)[795:sensors@2.0-ser][Thermal/TZ/CPU]Driver is ready to
report valid temperatures
<6>[ 9569.636674] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:45:21.027045533 UTC
<6>[ 9569.657714] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9569.658796] (4)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<6>[ 9569.834321] (0)[23386:CrRendererMain][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9569.834365] (0)[23386:CrRendererMain][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,21855,5099), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9569.834430] (0)[23386:CrRendererMain][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-
3(status=0x0):33011-33011, 9159-9159, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9569.834515] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9570.129140] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9570.129232] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 1030, r13 = 0x46040124, debug_flag = 0x201913ff 0x0, r12 = 0x801,
r12_ext = 0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x420000c8, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9570.186591] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend entry 2022-02-15
07:45:21.576955533 UTC
<6>[ 9570.186640] -(4)[0:swapper/4]PM: Syncing filesystems ...
<6>[ 9570.264290] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9570.264387] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9570.300517] done.
<6>[ 9570.301953] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 3
<5>[ 9570.302006] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM suspend
<6>[ 9570.302322] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed
0.014 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9570.316843] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]Freezing remaining freezable tasks ...
(elapsed 0.008 seconds) done.
<6>[ 9570.325051] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_cpu_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9570.325074] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2]NO spm_get_is_infra_pdn !!!
<6>[ 9570.325094] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][SLP] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Chip_pm_begin(0)
(0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9570.328179] (7)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_suspend:(REQ
INFO) mtk_cfg80211_suspend
<5>[ 9570.550753] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][msdc]msdc power off
<6>[ 9570.550810] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]ldo vemc disable
<6>[ 9570.561976] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Wakeup pending, aborting suspend
<6>[ 9570.562032] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]active wakeup source: situation_wakelock-
<3>[ 9570.562122] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or
early wake event detected
<6>[ 9570.562532] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(REQ INFO)
<6>[ 9570.562564] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][wlan][2048]mtk_cfg80211_resume:(SCN INFO)
pending 0 sched scan results
<6>[ 9570.562603] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: resume of devices complete after 0.452
<6>[ 9570.566366] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]Restarting tasks ... done.
<5>[ 9570.580162] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CMDQ]cmdq_core_resume_notifier
<5>[ 9570.580190] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][cmdq] mdp buffer pool already created
<5>[ 9570.580558] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -678
<6>[ 9570.581306] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb23, adc_result=1252
<6>[ 9570.582369] (4)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9570.588622] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 47 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9570.610409] (6)[2048:Binder:455_2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 28041 usec
<4>[ 9570.611390] -(6)[0:swapper/6]btif_bbs_write: 15 callbacks suppressed
<4>[ 9570.617879] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][HIF-SDIO][I]wmt_dev_tm_temp_query:
[Thermal] current_temp = 0x7
<4>[ 9570.618427] -(5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9570.618455] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x65c, adc_result=715
<6>[ 9570.618907] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9570.619768] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]vcodec_suspend_notifier ok action = 4
<5>[ 9570.619896] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2][xxxxEEM] Start EEM resume
<6>[ 9570.621121] (5)[2048:Binder:455_2]PM: suspend exit 2022-02-15
07:45:22.011489763 UTC
<6>[ 9570.929355] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9570.929446] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9571.066730] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x1
<5>[ 9571.079966] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 9 PPM logs from last
60203 ms!
<5>[ 9571.080016] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20649)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9571.096499] (1)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9571.096522] -(1)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9571.096534] (1)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 26052.292000000
<5>[ 9571.116769] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24966.009000000
<5>[ 9571.116793] -(6)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24966009000000
<5>[ 9571.116809] (6)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.308000000
<4>[ 9571.138323] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_UNBLANK
<6>[ 9571.138916] (0)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9571.138923] (0)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9571.138934] (0)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9571.140323] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9571.140336] (0)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<6>[ 9571.140630] (5)[743:HwBinder:550_2][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is on (1023), power:(1), pwm id: (0)
<3>[ 9571.140708] (2)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9571.141254] (3)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9571.143828] (6)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6411, adc_result=4221
<6>[ 9571.144427] (6)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x1, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9571.144679] (6)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5733
<6>[ 9571.147559] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb1d, adc_result=1250
<5>[ 9571.147794] (7)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4221,Ibat=-
5962,I=0,VChr=0,T=8,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9571.147850] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<5>[ 9571.148097] (7)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5755
<6>[ 9571.149523] (3)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_resume_power
<6>[ 9571.149528] (3)[743:HwBinder:550_2][LCM]lcm_resume
<15>[ 9571.161417] (2)[25321:Binder:398_3]vold: The trim thread is not running
<15>[ 9571.161703] (2)[25321:Binder:398_3]vold: idle maintenance stopped
<6>[ 9571.172285] (4)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:750:K2D] -->
<6>[ 9571.172340] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSchedScanStopRequest:
(SCN INFO) ucBssIndex = 0
<6>[ 9571.172346] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:850:D2F] sched scan action = 1
<5>[ 9571.172575] (2)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<5>[ 9571.172582] -(2)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24783870000000
<6>[ 9571.174730] (6)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]priv_support_driver_cmd:
(REQ INFO) priv_support_driver_cmd: driver cmd "SETSUSPENDMODE 0" on wlan0
<6>[ 9571.174746] (6)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan]
[16790]priv_driver_set_suspend_mode:(REQ INFO) priv_driver_set_suspend_mode: Set
suspend mode [0]
<5>[ 9571.179778] (7)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<5>[ 9571.179788] -(7)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24783870000000
<6>[ 9571.181511] (4)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[8554 us]
<4>[ 9571.181580] -(2)[1201:system_server]mtk_axi_interrupt: 42 callbacks
<6>[ 9571.181589] -(2)[1201:system_server][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<6>[ 9571.181856] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetMulticastList:(OID
INFO) MCAST white list: total=1 MAC0=01:00:5e:00:00:01 MAC1=00:00:00:00:00:00
MAC2=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC3=00:00:00:00:00:00 MAC4=00:00:00:00:00:00
<6>[ 9571.182079] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[0]
<6>[ 9571.183172] (4)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<6>[ 9571.183440] (7)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetNetworkAddress:
(INIT INFO) Set 0 IPv4 address for BSS[1]
<6>[ 9571.183783] (5)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]wlanNotifyFwSuspend:(REQ
INFO) mdtim [3]
<4>[ 9571.185676] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1]wifi_fw cache is full.
<4>[ 9571.185688] -(7)[24432:kworker/7:1]connlog_log_data_handler: 2 callbacks
<6>[ 9571.185691] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][connlog] bt_fw emi ring is empty!!
<6>[ 9571.185697] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][connlog] irq counter=701 module=0x0001
<6>[ 9571.202972] (7)[723:wificond][wlan][723]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO) [SCN:100:K2D]
Scan flags=0x8 [mac]addr=02:00:00:00:00:00 mask=03:00:00:00:00:00 n_ssids=1:
n_channels=13: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<6>[ 9571.203002] (7)[723:wificond][wlan][723]mtk_cfg80211_scan:(REQ INFO)
n_ssid=(1->0) n_channel(13==>13) wildcard=0x1 random_mac=00:0c:e7:1b:f8:4d
<6>[ 9571.203070] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9571.203088] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scanSetRequestChannel:(SCN
INFO) channel num(13=>13) 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00003FFE
<6>[ 9571.203201] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]cnmTimerStartTimer:(CNM INFO)
[WLAN-LP] Start timer 15000 ms -handler(aisFsmRunEventIbssAloneTimeOut
<6>[ 9571.203239] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9571.203260] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:200:D2F] ScanReqV2:
=0,Min=0,Func=0x1,Mac=00:0c:e7:1b:f8:4d,Ch: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
<5>[ 9571.205362] (0)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<5>[ 9571.205371] -(0)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24783870000000
<6>[ 9571.210408] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicRxCheckWakeupReason:(RX
INFO) MGMT frame subtype: 5 SeqCtrl 24080 wakeup host
<6>[ 9571.213825] (5)[312:mmcqd/0]ldo vemc enable
<6>[ 9571.230453] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<400KHz> Source<400000KHz>
-> sclk<400KHz> timing<0> mode<0> div<250> hs400_div_dis<0>
<6>[ 9571.273391] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc]msdc0 -> !!! Set<200000KHz>
Source<400000KHz> -> sclk<200000KHz> timing<10> mode<3> div<0> hs400_div_dis<1>
<5>[ 9571.274419] (7)[312:mmcqd/0][msdc][AUTOK]eMMC restored timing setting
<14>[ 9571.294629] (0)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24763.976842 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24763.977905
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24763.979695 Done
<5>[ 9571.301680] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<5>[ 9571.305100] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x4
<5>[ 9571.314502] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:1 locked:0
<5>[ 9571.314692] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<5>[ 9571.314755] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff = 1
<6>[ 9571.314759] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(571)
<3>[ 9571.314762] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3034:
event=9, *blank=0
<3>[ 9571.314765] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2881: start
<3>[ 9571.314768] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] update_firmware_request 316:
filename is novatek_ts_djn_fw.bin
<3>[ 9571.314777] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_need_write_size 70:
fw_need_write_size = 110592(0x1b000), NVT end flag
<3>[ 9571.314782] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_bin_header_parser 177:
ovly_info = 1, ilm_dlm_num = 2, ovly_sec_num = 4, info_sec_num = 13, partition = 19
<5>[ 9571.317093] (1)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<3>[ 9571.399902] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_update_firmware 911: Update
firmware success! <85104 us>
<3>[ 9571.400005] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_info 761: fw_ver =
0x0F, fw_type = 0x01
<3>[ 9571.400132] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_read_pid 702: PID=5934
<3>[ 9571.410300] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=1,
<3>[ 9571.410308] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2941: end
<4>[ 9571.410315] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter UNBLANK @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9571.410333] (2)[743:HwBinder:550_2][wlan][743]kalPerMonEnable:(SW4 INFO)
enter kalPerMonEnable
<4>[ 9571.410699] (2)[23773:kworker/2:2][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(3) type(9) start
<6>[ 9571.410735] (2)[23773:kworker/2:2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<14>[ 9571.422809] (3)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogF PropSet
[persist.vendor.sys.pq.picmode]=[1 ]24764.116451 [odm.display_cabc]=[1]24764.120000
<14>[ 9571.422845] (3)[1:init]init 16: processing action (odm.display_cabc=1) from
<6>[ 9571.423674] (7)[366:init]xinj:_###_dsi_display_set_cabc,set_cabc_cmd: 1
<6>[ 9571.430995] (2)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 813), old = 0
<6>[ 9571.431046] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 813 lcd_bl_en = 0
<6>[ 9571.442263] (2)[23773:kworker/2:2][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 31522 usec
<4>[ 9571.442958] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]opfunc_utc_time_sync:Send
<4>[ 9571.442984] (6)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
ON]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:2 lpbk:2 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9571.450130] (2)[23773:kworker/2:2][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3)
type(9) ok
<5>[ 9571.482819] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13170)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9571.496938] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 814 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.513234] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 821 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.529725] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 827 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.546361] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.562804] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.579348] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.595974] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.612337] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.628663] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.645335] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.661877] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.678612] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.711689] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.727902] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9571.882621] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9571.882662] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(1,1), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,21855,5099), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x3,0x81,0x0,0x0)
<6>[ 9572.009081] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.025253] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.041756] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.074828] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<4>[ 9572.074895] -(6)[16537:kworker/u16:11]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9572.074916] (6)[16537:kworker/u16:11]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64c, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9572.075482] (4)[23712:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x659, adc_result=714
<6>[ 9572.091198] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.108020] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.124446] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.141221] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(22526)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9572.141365] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.157046] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.163818] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17126)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9572.190399] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.207032] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.223564] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.238694] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13248)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9572.239922] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.246560] (4)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14226)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9572.256381] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 830 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.289478] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 829 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.294641] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13339)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9572.305980] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 828 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.322553] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 827 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.338965] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 826 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.355404] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 825 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.372066] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 824 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.405209] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 823 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.440646] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] scnEventScanDone Version3!size of
ScanDone340,ucCompleteChanCount[13],ucCurrentState7, u4ScanDurBcnCnt[50],Seq[179]
<6>[ 9572.440764] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:500:F2D] 14:
<6>[ 9572.440793] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Country Code = PT, Detected_Channel_Num = 13
<6>[ 9572.440829] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
Channel : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
<6>[ 9572.440883] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnEventScanDone:(SCN INFO)
BAndPCnt : 8 0 4 7 5 5 1 2 0 3
9 6 0
<6>[ 9572.440929] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]scnFsmSteps:(SCN STATE)
<6>[ 9572.440974] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmRunEventScanDone:(AIS
INFO) ScanDone 179, status(0) native req(179)
<6>[ 9572.441029] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Total:11/14 MEO-CC HOME; MEO-WiFi; NOS-SLD; MEO-A75230;
HPE910.0A8D34; join the dark side_EXT; NOS-CD90; Vodafone-1CE1E7; MEO-F2C15C; MEO-
<6>[ 9572.442335] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] 14:
<6>[ 9572.442370] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]SCANLOG:(SCN INFO)
[SCN:600:D2K] Call cfg80211_scan_done (aborted=0)
<6>[ 9572.442398] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]aisFsmSteps:(AIS STATE)
<6>[ 9572.442423] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=0 OwnMac=b8:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 2
<5>[ 9572.445909] (4)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<4>[ 9572.445949] -(4)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue: 1 callbacks
<5>[ 9572.445955] -(4)[1337:WifiScanningSer]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24783870000000
<6>[ 9572.448000] (4)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<6>[ 9572.455397] (5)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[6590 us]
<6>[ 9572.455612] (6)[16785:main_thread][wlan]
[16785]qmHandleEventBssAbsencePresence:(QM INFO) NAF=0,0,0
<6>[ 9572.479966] (7)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<5>[ 9572.701591] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 0, 3
<6>[ 9572.834308] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 822 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.900235] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 824 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9572.901597] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<14>[ 9572.905580] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-85,4]24765.404255 Done
<6>[ 9572.916823] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 826 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.949781] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 827 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.966321] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 828 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9572.982806] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 829 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9573.004444] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 324, 205, 324,
242, 135, 112, 98, 104, success counter cpu: 78, 24, 90, 77, 4, 7, 4, 11, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 105, 43, 107, 91, 16,
11, 7, 12, o: 3, p: , f: , t: 9573184000000, 9573184000000, 9573184000000,
9573184000000, 9573184000000, 9573184000000, 9573184000000, 9573184000000,
<5>[ 9573.803024] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 4, [5]
= 7, [6] = 4, [7] = 4, Total = 19, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9573.803059] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 362, 260, 409, 302, 99, 100, 82, 86,
cluster : 309, 21, pause = 32, multi core = 38, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 32, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9573.913386] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24783.870000000
<5>[ 9573.913412] -(7)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24783870000000
<6>[ 9573.927179] (6)[1145:RfxSender_4][ccci1/net]ccmni1_Close:cnt=(0, 0)
<5>[ 9574.025282] (4)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24776.722000000
<5>[ 9574.025308] -(4)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24776722000000
<5>[ 9574.062309] (3)[2891:Binder:1201_12]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24776.722000000
<5>[ 9574.062337] -(3)[2891:Binder:1201_12]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24776722000000
<5>[ 9574.106785] (0)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24771.804000000
<5>[ 9574.106805] -(0)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24771804000000
<14>[ 9574.111462] (6)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[false]24766.720085 Done
<5>[ 9574.160589] (5)[2046:Binder:1201_C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24769.995000000
<5>[ 9574.160614] -(5)[2046:Binder:1201_C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24769995000000
<5>[ 9574.161986] (3)[2891:Binder:1201_12]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24769.995000000
<5>[ 9574.261049] (7)[3768:Binder:1201_1B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24769.995000000
<5>[ 9574.435279] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 16 PPM logs from last
2294 ms!
<5>[ 9574.435300] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14565)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9574.568016] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][wlan]
[23853]wlanSetMulticastListWorkQueue:(INIT INFO) ucBssIndex = 0
<4>[ 9574.576659] -(5)[24295:kworker/5:0]connlog_log_data_handler: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9574.576858] (7)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[8586 us]
<4>[ 9574.576919] -(2)[1604:RenderThread]mtk_axi_interrupt: 61 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9574.576926] (5)[24295:kworker/5:0][connlog] irq counter=703 module=0x0001
<6>[ 9574.576929] -(2)[1604:RenderThread][wlan] In HIF ISR.
<6>[ 9574.582753] (1)[16790:wpa_supplicant][wlan][16790]p2pSetMACAddress:(INIT
INFO) [1][4] Set random macaddr to ba:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b.
<6>[ 9574.583209] (1)[24690:kworker/1:2][wlan]
[24690]mtk_p2p_cfg80211_mgmt_frame_register:(P2P ERROR) Ask frog to add code for
<6>[ 9574.594892] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][MTK-WIFI] WIFI_open[I]: major 153
minor 0 (pid 16739)
<6>[ 9574.594933] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][MTK-WIFI] WIFI_write[I]: WIFI_write
0, length 2, copy_size 2
<6>[ 9574.595106] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][wlan][16739]p2pNetUnregister:(INIT
INFO) unregister p2pdev[0]
<6>[ 9574.600561] (6)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetFWOwn:(INIT INFO) FW
<14>[ 9574.605769] (6)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogF PropSet
[]=[wlan0]24767.196819 []=[]24767.286584
<14>[ 9574.605811] (6)[1:init]init 16: Service 'wpa_supplicant' (pid 16790) exited
with status 0
<6>[ 9574.638456] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]wlanoidSetP2pMode:(P2P INFO)
Set P2P(2) enable[0] mode[0]
<6>[ 9574.638482] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]p2pRemove:(P2P INFO)
fgIsP2PRegistered FALSE
<6>[ 9574.638506] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicActivateNetwork:(RSN INFO)
[wlan index]=4 OwnMac4=ba:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 0
<6>[ 9574.638528] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=4 OwnMac=ba:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 0
<6>[ 9574.638549] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
WARN) Network may be deactivated already, ignore
<6>[ 9574.638556] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]p2pRoleFsmUninit:(P2P INFO) -
<6>[ 9574.638597] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicActivateNetwork:(RSN INFO)
[wlan index]=1 OwnMac2=ba:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 1
<6>[ 9574.638619] (5)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]nicDeactivateNetwork:(RSN
INFO) [wlan index]=1 OwnMac=ba:3b:cc:bc:c3:3b BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 BMCIndex = 1
<6>[ 9574.638816] (5)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][wlan][16739]set_p2p_mode_handler:
(INIT INFO) ret = 0x00000000, p2p reg = 0, resetting = 0
<6>[ 9574.638826] (5)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][MTK-WIFI] WIFI_write[I]: Turn off
p2p/ap mode
<4>[ 9574.638839] (5)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][HIF-SDIO]
[I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-exp: OPID(4) type(3) start
<4>[ 9574.638927] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][HIF-SDIO][W]wmtd_worker_thread:opid:
<4>[ 9574.638938] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][WMT-FUNC][W]wmt_func_wifi_off:WMT-FUNC:
wmt wlan func on before wlan remove
<6>[ 9574.638950] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]wlanRemove:(INIT INFO) Remove
<6>[ 9574.638959] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][MTK-WIFI]
register_set_p2p_mode_handler[I]: (pid 733) register set p2p mode handler
<6>[ 9574.638965] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][MTK-WIFI]
update_driver_loaded_status[I]: update_driver_loaded_status: 0
<6>[ 9574.638987] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]kalPerMonDisable:(SW4 INFO)
enter kalPerMonDisable
<6>[ 9574.647010] (7)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]halSetDriverOwn:(INIT INFO)
DRIVER OWN Done[8379 us]
<6>[ 9574.647117] -(5)[593:surfaceflinger][wlan][593]mtk_axi_interrupt:(HAL INFO)
<6>[ 9574.647158] (7)[16786:hif_thread][wlan][16786]hif_thread:(INIT INFO)
hif_thread should stop now...
<6>[ 9574.647173] (4)[16785:main_thread][wlan][16785]main_thread:(INIT INFO)
main_thread should stop now...
<6>[ 9574.647676] (5)[16787:rx_thread][wlan][16787]rx_thread:(INIT INFO) rx_thread
should stop now...
<6>[ 9574.647727] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]wlanOffStopWlanThreads:(INIT
INFO) wlan thread stopped
<6>[ 9574.654490] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]halHifPowerOffWifi:(INIT
INFO) Power off Wi-Fi!
<6>[ 9574.654682] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]wlanCheckWifiFunc:(INIT INFO)
Handle pending interrupt
<4>[ 9574.659411] -(2)[25385:.apps.messaging]wmt_lib_ps_handler: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9574.659421] -(2)[25385:.apps.messaging]conn2ap_btif0_wakeup_out_b EIRQ
<4>[ 9574.659689] -(0)[1413:ndroid.systemui]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 43 callbacks
<4>[ 9574.659700] -(0)[1413:ndroid.systemui]btif_bbs_write: 21 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9574.661974] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][CONN-MD-DFT][I]conn_md_log_print_msg:send
message to Modem, 9549.544 9550.409 9574.661
<6>[ 9574.670294] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]wlanCheckWifiFunc:(INIT INFO)
Wi-Fi power off done!
<6>[ 9574.676461] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]aisFsmUninit:(SW1 INFO) -
<6>[ 9574.676488] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]aisFsmFlushRequest:(AIS INFO)
aisFsmFlushRequest 0
<6>[ 9574.676505] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]rsnFlushPmkid:(RSN INFO) [0]
Flush Pmkid total:0
<6>[ 9574.676512] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]scnUninit:(SCN INFO)
<6>[ 9574.676691] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]wlanRemove:(INIT INFO)
<6>[ 9574.726412] (6)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][wlan][733]halUninitMsduTokenInfo:(HAL
INFO) Msdu Token Uninit: Tot[512] Used[0]
<4>[ 9574.726795] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][WMT-FUNC][W]wmt_func_wifi_off:WMT-FUNC:
wmt call wlan remove ok
<6>[ 9574.726863] (4)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9574.758263] (5)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 31398 usec
<4>[ 9574.758428] (5)[733:mtk_wmtd_worker][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:
[AF FUNC OFF]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:0 lpbk:2 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0
<4>[ 9574.758498] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][HIF-SDIO]
[I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(33) type(3) ok
<6>[ 9574.758509] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][MTK-WIFI] WIFI_write[I]: WMT turn off
WIFI success!
<6>[ 9574.758549] (4)[16739:wifi@1.0-servic][MTK-WIFI] WIFI_close[I]: major 153
minor 0 (pid 16739)
<5>[ 9574.777811] (7)[1333:ClientModeImpl]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24769.995000000
<36>[ 9574.908817] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644910559.280:9841): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ps.walletnfcrel" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c190,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9574.908874] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911126.295:9842): avc:
denied { read } for comm=".apps.messaging" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<6>[ 9574.935223] (7)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<6>[ 9574.958256] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<14>[ 9574.961183] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[wlan.driver.status]=[unloaded]24767.458513 Done
<6>[ 9574.962295] (5)[59:conn-md-thread][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27072 usec
<36>[ 9575.250520] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911126.295:9842): avc:
denied { read } for comm=".apps.messaging" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c182,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9575.250604] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911126.635:9843): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ocess.gservices" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<5>[ 9575.598320] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15203)(0)(0-7)(15)(9)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.600677] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14761)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.603411] (7)[16418:kworker/u16:9][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13941)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.617997] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14907)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.635140] (4)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17592)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.756223] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 1 PPM logs from last
157 ms!
<5>[ 9575.756251] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15248)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.763807] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14356)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.764614] (7)[23769:kworker/u16:5][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14356)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(1)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.781462] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14348)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9575.783068] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14394)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<3>[ 9576.305723] (3)[25459:NPDecoder-CL]Failed to create client debugfs at
<3>[ 9576.305897] (3)[25459:NPDecoder-CL]Failed to create client debugfs at
<36>[ 9576.305946] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911126.635:9843): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ocess.gservices" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9576.305985] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911127.691:9844): avc:
denied { search } for comm="NPDecoder-CL" name="clients" dev="debugfs" ino=7186
scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_ion:s0 tclass=dir
<6>[ 9576.426655] (7)[2480:writer]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_On: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM request
<4>[ 9576.454719] (7)[2480:writer]warn, cannot update irq counter, user_id =
(null), irq1_cnt = 1024
<5>[ 9577.134493] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 4 PPM logs from last
1378 ms!
<5>[ 9577.134556] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15242)(0)(0-7)(15)(9)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.140524] (3)[16418:kworker/u16:9][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14888)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.154461] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13656)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(2)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.176942] (6)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19000)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.188955] (0)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17810)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9577.214085] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9577.214118] (0)[300:wdtk-0][thread:300][RT:9577214110550] 2022-02-15
07:45:28.604491 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:45:28.604491
<5>[ 9577.302413] (0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24776.722000000
<4>[ 9577.302442] -(0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue: 3 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9577.302447] -(0)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24776722000000
<5>[ 9577.362193] (4)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24776.722000000
<5>[ 9577.362257] -(4)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24776722000000
<5>[ 9577.656181] (6)[16537:kworker/u16:11][Power/PPM] Shrink 18 PPM logs from
last 521 ms!
<5>[ 9577.656211] (6)[16537:kworker/u16:11][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14279)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.687995] (4)[16537:kworker/u16:11][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14276)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(4)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.722803] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13934)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(2)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.741175] (6)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13714)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9577.791448] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14351)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9578.005232] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 401, 386, 493,
441, 0, 11, 11, 4, success counter cpu: 91, 100, 199, 140, 0, 2, 2, 0, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 140, 138, 259, 167, 0, 1, 2, 0,
o: 0,3, p: , f: , t: 9578844000000, 9578184000000, 9578195795671, 9578266462801,
9578184000000, 9578184000000, 9578184000000, 9578184000000,
<14>[ 9578.026959] (5)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-81,5]24770.526416 Done
<5>[ 9578.157288] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] Shrink 17 PPM logs from last
501 ms!
<5>[ 9578.157337] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18771)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.204332] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15161)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.300870] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15248)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.320530] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15054)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.364014] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17828)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.681326] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 12 PPM logs from last
524 ms!
<5>[ 9578.681365] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14530)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.696202] (6)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18536)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.712068] (1)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14399)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.731908] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14154)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.762953] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15936)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9578.804082] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9578.804108] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 425, 442, 532, 499, 1, 4, 0, 4,
cluster : 102, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9579.191191] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 25 PPM logs from last
509 ms!
<5>[ 9579.191253] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14269)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.224601] (7)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19471)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(4)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.241141] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13867)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.260555] (6)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14141)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.276043] (4)[24186:kworker/u16:3][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14428)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(1)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.707321] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 15 PPM logs from last
516 ms!
<5>[ 9579.707348] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14428)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(1)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.755627] (6)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14803)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.771996] (4)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14113)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.822711] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13433)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(4)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9579.840538] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14169)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9580.078274] (0)[1413:ndroid.systemui][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9580.078315] (0)[1413:ndroid.systemui][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9580.078372] (0)[1413:ndroid.systemui][ccci1/cldma]net Txq0-
3(status=0x0):33011-33011, 9159-9159, 0-0, 0-0
<6>[ 9580.078446] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9580.382025] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 828 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.431605] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 827 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.448109] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 826 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.464582] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 825 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.481131] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 824 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.493953] (2)[12333:HwBinder:540_4]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_Off: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM
<6>[ 9580.514177] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 823 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.547215] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 822 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9580.590912] (4)[16537:kworker/u16:11][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5805
<6>[ 9580.591504] (4)[16537:kworker/u16:11]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb19, adc_result=1248
<6>[ 9580.613209] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 823 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9580.853426] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9580.853462] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 189, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9581.092250] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 824 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9581.158366] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 822 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9581.356429] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 823 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9581.703297] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 822 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9581.962707] (5)[16418:kworker/u16:9]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<6>[ 9581.963121] (4)[23770:kworker/u16:10]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x653, adc_result=711
<6>[ 9582.033575] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 821 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.050260] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 820 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.066678] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 819 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.083119] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 818 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.116146] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 817 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9582.121867] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 16 PPM logs from last
2414 ms!
<5>[ 9582.121882] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17126)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9582.122357] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9582.122377] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9582.133188] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 816 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.149676] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 815 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.166128] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 814 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.182779] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 813 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.199151] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 812 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.232177] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 811 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9582.232561] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19475)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9582.248342] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 810 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.264879] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 809 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.281389] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 808 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.297971] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 807 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.314474] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 806 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9582.347446] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 805 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9583.011284] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 581, 533, 654,
591, 102, 110, 94, 76, success counter cpu: 125, 92, 200, 155, 15, 20, 11, 2, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 195, 124, 258, 214, 22,
19, 19, 6, o: 1-3,7, p: , f: 0, t: 9583188976878, 9583448600493, 9583644000000,
9583267769724, 9583189651724, 9583309062031, 9583193689420, 9583276067955,
<6>[ 9583.132402] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9583.132438] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 4, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<14>[ 9583.147461] (6)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-85,4]24775.646267 Done
<6>[ 9583.402255] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9583.402295] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9583.402438] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9583.407975] -(7)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9583.408026] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9583.619201] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 804 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9583.652203] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 805 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9583.808678] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: [0] = 1, [4] = 3, [5] = 9, [6] = 6, Total = 19, ---
<6>[ 9583.808713] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 607, 548, 625, 506, 121, 130, 121,
104, cluster : 499, 18, pause = 20, multi core = 53, latency = 0, residency = 1,
last core = 20, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9584.025831] (1)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24780.059000000
<5>[ 9584.025851] -(1)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24780059000000
<6>[ 9584.605092] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9584.605128] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_SCP_IPC_MD2SPM_B,
timer_out = 4, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x800, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x173, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<4>[ 9585.004100] -(5)[205:chre_kthread]sensor_input_event: 21 callbacks suppressed
<3>[ 9585.004108] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:12, tail:13
<6>[ 9585.198262] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9585.457783] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42355 cur 2385
<6>[ 9585.465070] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42347 cur 2319
<6>[ 9585.472310] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42358 cur 2275
<6>[ 9585.479577] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42302 cur 2300
<6>[ 9585.486821] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42352 cur 2316
<6>[ 9585.486833] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9585.488663] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x5792, NOW = 0x5794,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9585.488678] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6443, adc_result=4229
<6>[ 9585.488686] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4229(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9585.488710] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9585.841265] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9585.841301] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 24, r13 = 0xc604112c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x173, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9586.039272] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9586.039308] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 247, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x11, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9586.757265] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 806 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9586.986378] (5)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-88,0]24779.485094 Done
<5>[ 9587.251935] (0)[196:pbm][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)(13)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9587.306726] (5)[24186:kworker/u16:3]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x647, adc_result=706
<6>[ 9587.307152] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x652, adc_result=711
<5>[ 9587.338585] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13486)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.370384] (1)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 25107.498000000
<5>[ 9587.370425] -(1)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25107498000000
<5>[ 9587.370446] (1)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.308000000
<5>[ 9587.375197] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.378457] (4)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.381604] (4)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.381807] (5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9587.381824] -(5)[2045:Binder:1201_B]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9587.383039] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.416942] (4)[16537:kworker/u16:11][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13326)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.430288] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.435720] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.439065] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.440406] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.448109] (6)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.449528] (6)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.452601] (6)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq off
<5>[ 9587.454005] (5)[454:teei_daemon]mmc0: device cq on
<5>[ 9587.470398] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9587.470441] -(0)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9587.472289] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9587.472314] -(0)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9587.655070] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(8801)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.668547] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11540)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.671643] (1)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11787)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.784152] (2)[23773:kworker/2:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11540)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.785801] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11787)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.802639] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.841752] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.866629] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9587.888566] (0)[1232:android.display]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9587.888590] -(0)[1232:android.display]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9587.890691] (2)[1232:android.display]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<6>[ 9587.923758] (5)[2480:writer]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_On: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM request
<4>[ 9587.942619] (7)[2480:writer]warn, cannot update irq counter, user_id =
(null), irq1_cnt = 1024
<5>[ 9588.057008] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16952)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9588.095167] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 807 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.113042] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 809 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9588.116795] (2)[852:mi_thermald][Power/PPM] sys boost by UT: cluster 0
min/max freq = -1/2001000
<5>[ 9588.117310] (2)[852:mi_thermald][Power/PPM] sys boost by UT: cluster 1
min/max freq = -1/1500000
<5>[ 9588.117480] (2)[852:mi_thermald]mtk_cooler_backlight_cus:
thermal/cooler/backlight mtk_cl_backlight_set_cur_state: 2047
<6>[ 9588.117560] (2)[852:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9588.117567] (2)[852:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9588.117582] (2)[852:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9588.118284] (2)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9588.118305] (2)[852:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9588.118642] (2)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9588.119188] (2)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<5>[ 9588.120028] (2)[852:mi_thermald]mtk_cooler_backlight_cus:
thermal/cooler/backlight mtk_cl_backlight_set_cur_state: 2047
<6>[ 9588.126170] (2)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6253, adc_result=4148
<6>[ 9588.126770] (0)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9588.127004] (0)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7204
<6>[ 9588.127496] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb0b, adc_result=1242
<5>[ 9588.127787] (5)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4148,Ibat=-
6792,I=0,VChr=0,T=8,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9588.127847] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 205:
<3>[ 9588.127859] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 207:
usb_plugged_in = 0
<5>[ 9588.128010] (5)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7440
<6>[ 9588.128400] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 811 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.146394] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 812 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.161515] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 814 lcd_bl_en = 1
<3>[ 9588.170474] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 232:
<6>[ 9588.177611] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 815 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.194165] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 817 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9588.206992] (3)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<6>[ 9588.210646] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 819 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.227184] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 859 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.260268] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 860 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.276748] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 861 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9588.277032] (5)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<6>[ 9588.293241] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 865 lcd_bl_en = 1
<36>[ 9588.294077] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911127.691:9845): avc:
denied { search } for comm="NPDecoder-CL" name="clients" dev="debugfs" ino=7186
scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_ion:s0 tclass=dir
<36>[ 9588.294163] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911139.679:9846): avc:
denied { read } for comm="artnerbookmarks" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<5>[ 9588.301117] (0)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9588.301149] (0)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9588.307290] (2)[3752:Binder:1201_1A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9588.307322] (2)[3752:Binder:1201_1A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9588.309722] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 866 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9588.320540] (5)[2840:Binder:1201_F]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9588.320574] (5)[2840:Binder:1201_F]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9588.326390] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 867 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9588.331382] (0)[3752:Binder:1201_1A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9588.331414] (0)[3752:Binder:1201_1A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9588.343281] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 868 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.359352] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 869 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.375746] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 870 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.408918] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 871 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.425305] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 872 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.441880] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 873 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9588.450440] -(1)[0:swapper/1]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 473, 426, 441,
366, 237, 278, 191, 211, success counter cpu: 60, 68, 103, 76, 25, 12, 44, 44, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 101, 112, 139, 105, 39,
15, 58, 50, o: , p: , f: , t: 9588632000000, 9588728000000, 9588632000000,
9588632000000, 9588632000000, 9588632000000, 9588632000000, 9588632000000,
<5>[ 9588.809157] (3)[0:swapper/3]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: [0] = 1, [4] = 11, [5] = 1, [6] = 8, [7] = 10, Total = 31, ---
<6>[ 9588.809189] (3)[0:swapper/3]mcdi cpu: 356, 295, 342, 329, 203, 244, 150,
173, cluster : 291, 75, pause = 31, multi core = 247, latency = 0, residency = 0,
last core = 31, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9589.070450] (3)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<4>[ 9589.070473] -(3)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue: 7 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9589.070476] -(3)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9589.070489] (3)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9589.102536] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 872 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.119828] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 871 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.135504] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 870 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.168601] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 869 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.185041] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 868 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.202356] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 867 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.218495] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 866 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.234661] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 865 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.251205] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 864 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.284231] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 863 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.300712] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 862 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.317382] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 861 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.333977] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 860 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.350352] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 859 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.383514] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 858 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.399871] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 857 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.416361] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 856 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.432876] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 855 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9589.443253] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17207)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9589.449315] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 854 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.465919] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 853 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.499168] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 852 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.515429] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 851 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.531918] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 850 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.548431] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 849 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.564952] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 848 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.581507] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 847 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.614544] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 846 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.630261] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.630266] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.630275] (1)[302:wdtk-1][thread:302][RT:9589630270118] 2022-02-15
07:45:41.20652 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:45:41.20652
<6>[ 9589.631070] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.634257] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.638931] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.643325] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<4>[ 9589.646254] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-k]
<6>[ 9589.647551] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.654264] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.654461] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9589.664057] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.680565] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.697082] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.730131] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.746626] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.763146] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.779662] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9589.789209] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9589.796495] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.812774] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.846268] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.862425] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9589.866488] (5)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-87,-3]24782.365144 Done
<6>[ 9589.878849] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.895296] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9589.912156] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 830 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9590.314430] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9590.826546] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5466
<4>[ 9590.827147] -(5)[25348:kworker/u16:1]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9590.827159] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb0c, adc_result=1242
<5>[ 9590.870579] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9590.968386] (2)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15093)(0)(0-7)(2)(0)
(4)(4) (2)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9590.971567] (6)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x220)(15093)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9591.101340] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15114)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9591.106716] (7)[12333:HwBinder:540_4]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_Off: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM
<5>[ 9591.191702] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9591.307967] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9591.406921] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9591.466403] (6)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-88,-4]24783.965029 Done
<36>[ 9591.554642] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911139.679:9846): avc:
denied { read } for comm="artnerbookmarks" name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0"
dev="tmpfs" ino=430 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9591.554690] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911142.939:9847): avc:
denied { search } for comm="ocessService0:1" name="theme" dev="mmcblk0p41" ino=793
scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0
<4>[ 9591.621837] (3)[25593:ocessService0:1]audit: audit_lost=7906
audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64
<3>[ 9591.621857] (3)[25593:ocessService0:1]audit: rate limit exceeded
<5>[ 9591.943534] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9592.041910] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9592.079426] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9592.079452] -(7)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9592.079471] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9592.079527] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9592.079542] -(7)[1361:miui.fg]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9592.079556] (7)[1361:miui.fg]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9592.341092] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9592.362276] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9592.362319] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9592.455261] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.471838] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9592.479730] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9592.488315] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.504932] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9592.520266] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12752)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9592.521603] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9592.524356] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9592.554511] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.570872] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.587380] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.603937] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.620450] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<36>[ 9592.630910] (6)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911143.007:9853): avc:
denied { search } for comm="ocessService0:1" name="theme" dev="mmcblk0p41" ino=793
scontext=u:r:isolated_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:theme_data_file:s0
tclass=dir permissive=0 duplicate messages suppressed
<36>[ 9592.630960] (6)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911144.015:9871): avc:
denied { read } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331
name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=430
scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<6>[ 9592.636923] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.653455] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.670054] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<36>[ 9592.677332] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911144.015:9871): avc:
denied { read } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331
name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=430
scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9592.677375] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911144.063:9872): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ThermalInfoColl" name="charge_counter" dev="sysfs"
ino=27346 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_batteryinfo:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<6>[ 9592.686750] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9592.691297] (3)[852:mi_thermald][Power/PPM] sys boost by UT: cluster 0
min/max freq = -1/2001000
<5>[ 9592.691721] (3)[852:mi_thermald][Power/PPM] sys boost by UT: cluster 1
min/max freq = -1/1500000
<5>[ 9592.691853] (3)[852:mi_thermald]mtk_cooler_backlight_cus:
thermal/cooler/backlight mtk_cl_backlight_set_cur_state: 2047
<6>[ 9592.691911] (3)[852:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9592.691918] (3)[852:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9592.691935] (3)[852:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9592.692636] (3)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9592.692657] (3)[852:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9592.692992] (3)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9592.693859] (0)[852:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<5>[ 9592.694740] (3)[852:mi_thermald]mtk_cooler_backlight_cus:
thermal/cooler/backlight mtk_cl_backlight_set_cur_state: 2047
<6>[ 9592.697307] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6244, adc_result=4145
<6>[ 9592.697999] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x2, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9592.698453] (5)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7902
<6>[ 9592.699277] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb05, adc_result=1239
<5>[ 9592.699519] (5)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4145,Ibat=-
7763,I=0,VChr=0,T=8,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9592.699579] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 205:
<3>[ 9592.699588] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 207:
usb_plugged_in = 0
<5>[ 9592.699781] (5)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7625
<6>[ 9592.701266] (3)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xb05, adc_result=1239
<6>[ 9592.703185] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.719521] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.736206] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<3>[ 9592.746425] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 232:
<6>[ 9592.769083] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.786363] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.802092] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.818555] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9592.835151] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 830 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9593.161212] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(13054)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9593.452922] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 104, 210, 246,
252, 0, 11, 1, 2, success counter cpu: 31, 68, 71, 79, 0, 2, 0, 1, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 36, 75, 87, 89, 0, 1, 0, 0, o:
0-1,3, p: , f: , t: 9593645671441, 9593820000000, 9593771485879, 9593763695033,
9593632000000, 9593632000000, 9593631896065, 9593632000000,
<5>[ 9593.686601] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14238)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9593.810034] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9593.810074] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 163, 251, 319, 292, 0, 11, 1, 2,
cluster : 73, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000
<5>[ 9593.847370] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9593.974056] (0)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14100)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.097940] (0)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.181692] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20464)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.304348] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.397272] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20465)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.544296] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.629984] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(23256)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.766533] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9594.916734] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(23024)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.064072] (0)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.102093] (4)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14029)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.117678] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12769)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.118422] (4)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12769)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.166846] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.311653] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 2 PPM logs from last
247 ms!
<5>[ 9595.311672] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.374357] (6)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9595.374411] -(6)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9595.374462] (6)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9595.399419] (7)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9595.399468] -(7)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9595.399502] (7)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9595.431175] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.431510] (5)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9595.434598] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9595.472770] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(21861)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.625654] (2)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15112)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.761572] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13010)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.762064] (4)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13010)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.845108] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.845827] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12738)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9595.894676] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12769)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.296911] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 10 PPM logs from last
535 ms!
<5>[ 9596.296946] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(23691)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.456433] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.471649] (1)[24690:kworker/1:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19069)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.484318] (4)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13453)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9596.586488] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-85,0]24789.84993 Done
<5>[ 9596.587797] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13326)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.589143] (6)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13210)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.768978] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13096)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.769841] (7)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13096)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.803535] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13010)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.804890] (7)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12993)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9596.851513] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13326)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.142506] (1)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 4 PPM logs from last
373 ms!
<5>[ 9597.142524] (1)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.247962] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.248438] (7)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12833)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9597.482718] (6)[25355:kworker/u16:13]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64f, adc_result=709
<6>[ 9597.486735] (5)[25355:kworker/u16:13]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<5>[ 9597.502128] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19534)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.639803] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13054)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.660598] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9740)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.664748] (5)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9040)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.695728] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9752)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9597.699964] (5)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9322)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9597.803005] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 829 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.806718] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 830 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.856106] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.872741] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.889331] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.906174] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.922307] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.955252] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.972068] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9597.988574] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.005028] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.007764] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 5 PPM logs from last
367 ms!
<5>[ 9598.007797] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14150)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9598.021346] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.037795] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.071548] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.087298] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.103815] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.120379] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.137490] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.153748] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.169895] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.186538] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.202835] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 846 lcd_bl_en = 1
<36>[ 9598.206867] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911144.063:9872): avc:
denied { read } for comm="ThermalInfoColl" name="charge_counter" dev="sysfs"
ino=27346 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_batteryinfo:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.206906] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9873): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.208257] (2)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9873): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.208293] (2)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9874): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.208452] (2)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9874): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.208471] (2)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9875): avc:
denied { search } for comm="mtkPowerManager" name="1687" dev="proc" ino=14078
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
<6>[ 9598.219367] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 847 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.252472] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 848 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.269025] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 849 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.285437] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 850 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.302137] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 851 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.318708] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 852 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.330305] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9598.335985] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 851 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.337815] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11540)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9598.347124] (6)[23769:kworker/u16:5][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11787)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9598.352698] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 850 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.368132] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 849 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.370996] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11540)(0)(0-7)(9)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9598.378991] (3)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11787)(0)(0-7)(10)
(10)(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9598.384646] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 848 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.401138] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 847 lcd_bl_en = 1
<36>[ 9598.421712] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.595:9875): avc:
denied { search } for comm="mtkPowerManager" name="1687" dev="proc" ino=14078
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
<36>[ 9598.421756] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.807:9876): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.423137] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.807:9876): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9598.423182] (4)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.807:9877): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<6>[ 9598.434090] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 846 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.450636] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.467175] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.483635] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.500476] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.506298] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9598.512048] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9598.512133] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9598.516753] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.545204] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 3 PPM logs from last
214 ms!
<5>[ 9598.545225] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13054)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9598.549959] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.566449] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.574182] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 574, 506, 816,
558, 14, 17, 57, 29, success counter cpu: 161, 124, 215, 178, 0, 3, 3, 9, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 219, 156, 276, 219, 1,
1, 2, 7, o: , p: , f: , t: 9598752000000, 9598752000000, 9599440700001,
9598752000000, 9598752000000, 9598752000000, 9598752000000, 9598752000000,
<6>[ 9598.582913] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.599376] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.616818] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.632450] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.682752] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.698847] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.714927] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.731341] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.747869] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.764368] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.797537] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.811067] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9598.811111] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 515, 465, 744, 518, 14, 17, 57, 30,
cluster : 617, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9598.814176] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.830644] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9598.838361] (7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9598.838392] -(7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9598.838412] (7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9598.838459] (7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9598.838470] -(7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9598.838485] (7)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9598.847139] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.863582] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 846 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.880118] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 847 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.913148] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 848 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.929621] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 849 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.946066] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 850 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.962642] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 851 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.979514] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 852 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9598.995775] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 853 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.028834] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 854 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9599.043763] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9599.043790] -(0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9599.043801] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<5>[ 9599.043836] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9599.043841] -(0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<5>[ 9599.043848] (0)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24795.998000000
<6>[ 9599.045685] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 855 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.061853] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 856 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.078430] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 857 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.094892] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 858 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.111450] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 859 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.144620] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 860 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.161216] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 861 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.177821] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 862 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.193908] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 863 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.210916] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 864 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.243495] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 865 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.260115] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 866 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.276629] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 867 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.293505] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 868 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.309784] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 869 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.326327] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 870 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.359737] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 871 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.376219] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 872 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.392576] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 873 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9599.492211] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20464)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9599.689314] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 871 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.705794] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 870 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.738905] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 868 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.739251] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 866 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.755390] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 864 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.771897] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 863 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.788414] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 861 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.805045] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 859 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.821408] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 858 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.838027] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 856 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.854489] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 855 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.904236] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 854 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9599.920534] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 853 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.003204] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 852 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.036136] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 851 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.052742] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 850 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.069205] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 849 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.085713] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 848 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.118739] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 847 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.135247] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 846 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.151773] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 845 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.168264] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 844 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.184798] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 843 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.201337] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.234363] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 841 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.250963] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 840 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.267379] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 839 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.283883] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 838 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.300409] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 837 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.316928] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 836 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.350005] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 835 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.366480] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 834 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.383198] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 833 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.399529] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 832 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.416038] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 831 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.449177] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 830 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.465727] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 829 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.598263] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9600.680450] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 842 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.696826] (6)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1000), old = 842
<6>[ 9600.696885] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1000 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.720293] (5)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1156), old = 1000
<6>[ 9600.720349] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1156 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.729780] (5)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1306), old = 1156
<6>[ 9600.729833] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1306 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.746556] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1304 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.762943] (4)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1402), old = 1304
<6>[ 9600.763014] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1402 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.779424] (4)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1498), old = 1402
<6>[ 9600.779502] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1498 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.795916] (4)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1594), old = 1498
<6>[ 9600.795985] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1594 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.812478] (7)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1691), old = 1594
<6>[ 9600.812534] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1691 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.829207] (7)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1787), old = 1691
<6>[ 9600.829283] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1787 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.846689] (6)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1887), old = 1787
<6>[ 9600.846741] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1887 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.862177] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1934 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.878472] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1936 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.894990] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1937 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.911515] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1938 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.927999] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1940 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9600.944558] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9601.068637] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.070892] (6)[23712:kworker/u16:0][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -4384
<6>[ 9601.071632] (6)[23712:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xafb, adc_result=1235
<5>[ 9601.079439] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9753)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.094758] (7)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20929)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.100865] (5)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14099)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9601.175894] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1938 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.192815] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1934 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9601.196809] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13471)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<3>[ 9601.204190] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:10, tail:11
<6>[ 9601.209213] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1931 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.225563] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1930 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.242116] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1931 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.258662] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1933 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.275060] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1935 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.291662] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1937 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.308188] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1939 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.324615] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9601.341130] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1943 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9601.692366] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 15 PPM logs from last
623 ms!
<5>[ 9601.692406] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13010)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.692856] (5)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13010)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9601.708935] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-87,2]24794.209404 Done
<5>[ 9601.724961] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13096)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.725779] (6)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13096)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9601.743002] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13099)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.187775] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 13 PPM logs from last
495 ms!
<5>[ 9602.187813] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12993)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.188143] (4)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12993)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.254175] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12993)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.255533] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13468)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.287661] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12993)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.455416] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 2 PPM logs from last
267 ms!
<5>[ 9602.455437] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16952)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.484391] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9237)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.499058] (6)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9464)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.516657] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12216)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9602.532141] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(9528)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9602.563537] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1941 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.602305] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9602.602336] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9602.612829] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.761480] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1939 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.811062] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1938 lcd_bl_en = 1
<11>[ 9602.855645] (6)[1:init]init 16: Received control message 'start' for
'mtdoopslog' from pid: 23609 (com.miui.bugreport). Could not find 'mtdoopslog' for
<6>[ 9602.860981] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9602.872622] (6)[1:init]init 16: Received control message 'stop' for
'dumpstatez' from pid: 23609 (com.miui.bugreport).
<6>[ 9602.877108] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1946 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9602.880387] (4)[1:init]init 16: Received control message 'start' for
'dumpstatez' from pid: 23609 (com.miui.bugreport).
<14>[ 9602.885139] (4)[1:init]init 16: starting service 'dumpstatez'...
<6>[ 9602.893713] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1951 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9602.900533] (4)[25775:init]init 19: disable tcache for dumpstatez
<6>[ 9602.910409] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1955 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9602.911505] (6)[25775:init]init 19: Created socket '/dev/socket/dumpstate',
mode 660, user 2000, group 1007
<6>[ 9602.926712] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1959 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.944136] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1963 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.959722] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9602.976240] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9602.978988] (1)[24690:kworker/1:2][Power/PPM] Shrink 22 PPM logs from last
523 ms!
<5>[ 9602.979022] (1)[24690:kworker/1:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19069)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9602.992657] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1975 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.001202] (7)[25348:kworker/u16:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14294)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9603.001403] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14294)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9603.009131] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1977 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.013162] (4)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14293)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9603.025554] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1979 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.030061] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17439)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9603.042156] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1981 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.058666] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1983 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.075159] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1985 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.091761] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1987 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.108265] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1989 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.124764] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.141626] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.157991] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.174742] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1997 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.191142] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1999 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.207571] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2001 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.223953] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2003 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9603.225528] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[dumpstate.last_id]=[1]24795.722903 Done
<6>[ 9603.240476] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2005 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.256998] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2007 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.273535] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2009 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.289993] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2011 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.306672] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2013 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.308750] (2)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9603.308791] -(2)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<6>[ 9603.323040] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2015 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.324787] (6)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24800.078000000
<5>[ 9603.324825] -(6)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24800078000000
<6>[ 9603.339875] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2017 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.356090] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2019 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.372612] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2021 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.389239] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2023 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.405607] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2025 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.422422] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2027 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.438728] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2029 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.455220] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2031 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.471719] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2033 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.488351] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2035 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.504869] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2037 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.521290] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2039 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.537735] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2041 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.554457] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.570904] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.575891] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 768, 514, 824,
539, 6, 13, 25, 21, success counter cpu: 121, 133, 199, 149, 0, 0, 1, 5, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 171, 168, 234, 182, 0,
0, 1, 7, o: 1-3, p: , f: , t: 9603768000000, 9603773848187, 9604024624415,
9603783941340, 9603756000000, 9603756000000, 9603756000000, 9603756000000,
<6>[ 9603.587297] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2047 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.614300] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 11 PPM logs from last
635 ms!
<5>[ 9603.614337] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18138)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<36>[ 9603.615022] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911149.811:9878): avc:
denied { search } for comm="mtkPowerManager" name="1687" dev="proc" ino=14078
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
<36>[ 9603.615100] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9879): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.617742] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9879): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.617795] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9880): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.617988] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9880): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.618010] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9881): avc:
denied { search } for comm="mtkPowerManager" name="1687" dev="proc" ino=14078
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
<36>[ 9603.678398] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.003:9881): avc:
denied { search } for comm="mtkPowerManager" name="1687" dev="proc" ino=14078
scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tclass=dir
<36>[ 9603.678434] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.063:9882): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.678926] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.063:9882): avc:
denied { read } for comm="com.miui.home" name="boot_mode" dev="sysfs" ino=4963
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_boot_mode:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
<36>[ 9603.678959] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.067:9883): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<4>[ 9603.711257] (2)[1687:com.miui.home]audit: audit_lost=7923 audit_rate_limit=5
<3>[ 9603.711278] (2)[1687:com.miui.home]audit: rate limit exceeded
<6>[ 9603.764487] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.768951] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.785290] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2041 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.801995] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2039 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9603.812034] (0)[0:swapper/0]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9603.812067] (0)[0:swapper/0]mcdi cpu: 776, 543, 841, 550, 6, 13, 25, 20,
cluster : 615, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9603.834918] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2041 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.835367] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.851467] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9603.868022] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2047 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9604.767816] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25851 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9604.768377] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25853 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9604.904153] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16974)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9604.929328] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17905)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9604.951602] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25857 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9604.953021] (6)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25859 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.038177] (6)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25863 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.039319] (2)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25865 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.067716] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.073641] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2039 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.090076] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2035 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.106697] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2031 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.123104] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2027 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.139568] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2023 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.156142] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2019 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.172632] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2015 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.187327] (5)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25869 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.187962] (5)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25871 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.189207] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2011 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.205662] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2007 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.222266] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2003 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.288282] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2001 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.297536] (4)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25875 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.298614] (6)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25877 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.304812] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1999 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.370829] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1998 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.387339] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1997 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.403892] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.420401] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.421289] (2)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25881 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.421775] (2)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25883 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.436911] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.453428] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1989 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.469950] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1987 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.486476] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1985 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.503015] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1983 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.519502] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1981 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.536024] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1979 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.552491] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1977 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.559429] (2)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25886 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.560361] (2)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25888 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.569078] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1975 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.585583] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1973 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.602085] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.618591] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1969 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.635154] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.651665] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1965 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.668174] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1963 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.674263] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9605.684664] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1961 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.701161] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1959 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.717682] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1957 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.734189] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1955 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.750730] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1953 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.761351] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25893 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.763247] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25895 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.767236] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1951 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.783752] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1949 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.800305] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1947 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9605.816759] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1945 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.826739] (6)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25898 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.827210] (6)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25900 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.833268] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1943 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9605.936490] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25903 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9605.937565] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25905 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9605.941576] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41559 cur 6299
<6>[ 9605.948892] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41645 cur 5107
<6>[ 9605.956180] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41627 cur 4916
<6>[ 9605.963485] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41665 cur 5318
<6>[ 9605.970805] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41646 cur 5120
<6>[ 9605.970829] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9605.972597] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x5794, NOW = 0x55b6,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9605.972610] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6286, adc_result=4156
<6>[ 9605.972616] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4156(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9605.972629] (3)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<14>[ 9606.453169] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25909 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9606.456059] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25911 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9606.826436] (6)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogF PropSet
[]=[-89,2]24799.325207 Done
<14>[ 9606.826471] (6)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25914 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9606.829598] (6)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25916 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9606.958283] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16659)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9606.959157] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17596)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9607.155161] (5)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25919 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9607.158925] (5)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25921 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9607.176639] (4)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12522)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.193634] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18510)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.198930] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13321)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.206810] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17593)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.223766] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20569)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.338141] (4)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13861)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.356677] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(17369)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.378595] (7)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(15032)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.388958] (3)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 25680.980000000
<5>[ 9607.388997] -(3)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25680980000000
<5>[ 9607.389016] (3)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.308000000
<5>[ 9607.395594] (4)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13828)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.410454] (4)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13640)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9607.451430] (5)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9607.451461] -(5)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9607.451484] (5)[2041:Binder:1201_A]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24801.308000000
<6>[ 9607.723174] (4)[25352:kworker/u16:4]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63f, adc_result=702
<6>[ 9607.723891] (7)[25355:kworker/u16:13]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64a, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9607.798894] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1944 lcd_bl_en = 1
<14>[ 9607.821887] (7)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25924 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9607.824733] (7)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25926 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9607.997794] (7)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25932 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9608.000664] (7)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25934 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9608.201396] (7)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] Shrink 15 PPM logs from
last 863 ms!
<5>[ 9608.201437] (7)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14362)(0)(0-7)(15)
(9)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.218342] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13965)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.221174] (6)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13895)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.231943] (5)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14222)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.249048] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20798)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9608.385333] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1]binder: undelivered transaction 4871805,
process died.
<14>[ 9608.386992] (7)[1:init]init 9: Service 'vendor.wifi_hal_legacy' (pid 16739)
exited with status 0
<6>[ 9608.578325] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 477, 566, 579,
622, 41, 29, 76, 75, success counter cpu: 106, 79, 165, 146, 7, 7, 4, 19, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 147, 104, 194, 185, 8,
6, 5, 19, o: 0-3, p: , f: 6, t: 9608818514491, 9609908085263, 9608774483110,
9608774537341, 9608771362033, 9608760000000, 9608756000000, 9608760000000,
<5>[ 9608.611332] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9608.611381] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9608.612448] (5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9608.612496] -(5)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9608.633449] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14072)(0)(0-7)(15)
(2)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.642788] (4)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14213)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(5)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.660359] (4)[24865:kworker/4:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20112)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9608.813805] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9608.813860] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 506, 552, 594, 627, 41, 37, 84, 76,
cluster : 229, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<14>[ 9609.131700] (7)[1:init]init 9: Untracked pid 25938 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9609.135996] (7)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25940 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9609.239214] (6)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12804)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(4)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9609.260165] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20112)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9609.267641] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13652)(0)(0-7)(15)
(2)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9609.277007] (5)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14169)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9609.295029] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(20341)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9609.662371] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9609.662444] (5)[306:wdtk-5][thread:306][RT:9609662422320] 2022-02-15
07:46:01.52801 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:46:01.52801
<6>[ 9609.730333] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9609.730516] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9609.734308] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<14>[ 9609.735293] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25943 exited with status 0
<6>[ 9609.738377] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<14>[ 9609.743369] (7)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25945 exited with status 0
<4>[ 9609.746365] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-k]
<6>[ 9609.754533] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9609.754604] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<14>[ 9610.105081] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25951 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9610.106739] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25953 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9610.312472] (5)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14744)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(3)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.329497] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19198)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.369763] (2)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9610.369799] -(2)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9610.551065] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18260)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.638274] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16681)(0)(0-7)(2)(0)
(4)(4) (2)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.652646] (5)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16681)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.689213] (7)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14542)(0)(0-7)(15)
(11)(4)(4) (15)(4)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9610.701978] (7)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13691)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9610.755190] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1943 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9610.794376] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9611.060586] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 16 PPM logs from last
509 ms!
<5>[ 9611.060622] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13012)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.061936] (4)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11760)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.076425] (0)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13493)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.093425] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13296)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.095940] (4)[25355:kworker/u16:13][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12268)(0)(0-7)(15)
(12)(4)(4) (15)(6)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.306729] (5)[23770:kworker/u16:10][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5390
<6>[ 9611.307493] (0)[23770:kworker/u16:10]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaeb, adc_result=1228
<5>[ 9611.322318] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] Shrink 4 PPM logs from last
261 ms!
<5>[ 9611.322362] (7)[23645:kworker/u16:7][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14238)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(1)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.339451] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18512)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.354023] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13856)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9611.370860] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13206)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9611.947864] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-87,0]24804.447458 Done
<14>[ 9612.016769] (5)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25956 exited with status 0
<14>[ 9612.029813] (4)[1:init]init 16: Untracked pid 25958 exited with status 0
<5>[ 9612.325433] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(18511)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9612.362961] (6)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -6701
<6>[ 9612.363573] (5)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae6, adc_result=1226
<5>[ 9612.364022] (5)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 9 lt 8 ht
<5>[ 9612.364320] (5)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<6>[ 9612.366549] (5)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6294, adc_result=4158
<6>[ 9612.366918] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9612.367153] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -6720
<6>[ 9612.367743] (5)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xae4, adc_result=1225
<5>[ 9612.367973] (5)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9612.367986] (5)[249:battery_thread]car[-2899,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 7512 vbat:4158 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9612.368005] (5)[249:battery_thread]tmp:9 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24805 sw_iavg:-1870 -1870 0 nafg_m:169 0 0
<5>[ 9612.368044] (5)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24805 9612 42883 41717
1165 169 -1862
<5>[ 9612.372210] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:1 0
<6>[ 9612.374113] (6)[597:fuelgauged]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6284, adc_result=4156
<5>[ 9612.376085] (6)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7625
<5>[ 9612.379032] (1)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -7443
<5>[ 9612.379914] (2)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [dod_init_result]HW(40588, 7143)
SW(40984, 7624) OLD(40799, 7412) VBAT(40180, 6883) OldCAR(c:-1813 v:-1213)
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init_result]NVRAM_ready 1 Embedded 1 plug_out 0
is_hwocv_unreliable 0 rtc_invalid 0 rtc_ui_soc 7700 two_sec_reboot 0
old_data.ui_soc 7743, nv_fail(0)
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init_result]T_new 17 T_old 18 T_d0 17 shutdown_time 0
pmic_shutdown_time 1800 plugout_time 31 plugout_time_th 32 swocv_oldocv_diff_emb
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init_result]ocv[boot:40590 final:40799 diff:209] thr[10000
10000 10000] tmp[now 17 5] v[lk_v:40180 cur:39640] lk_i:-4410
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init_result]shutdown_car_diff:[ori:0 0]car[pwr_on:-35
init_car:-16 shut+pwr_on+init:-51 lim:484] gap:[-7 -10] c[o:7412 n:7405] v[o:7519
n:7519], ui[o:7743 n:7733]
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init]pl_charger_status:0 qmax:48451 shutdown_car_ratio:1
<5>[ 9612.379914] [dod_init_result] <8> 40794 40884 7733 0 0 1 0
<5>[ 9612.379973] (2)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: {FGADC}soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396
fg_v_soc:9338 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:58 vc_mode 1 VBAT 41520 T:[9 V 9 C 12] D0_C 9978
D0_V 9982 CAR[c:-2800 v:-3085]Q:[47883 47883 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1
Trk[0:0:0] UI[0:1] Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -10 DC_ratio 100 vboot:35977 35730
<6>[ 9612.555579] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1944 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9612.842261] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9612.842286] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9613.590595] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 546, 324, 612,
378, 82, 84, 80, 130, success counter cpu: 83, 47, 176, 123, 21, 18, 12, 28, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 108, 54, 186, 135, 19,
15, 18, 20, o: , p: , f: , t: 9613820000000, 9613772000000, 9613772000000,
9613772000000, 9613772000000, 9613772000000, 9613772130034, 9613772000000,
<6>[ 9613.610346] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9613.616069] -(6)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9613.616132] (5)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<5>[ 9613.814239] (2)[0:swapper/2]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9613.814253] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 513, 319, 590, 380, 82, 76, 73, 133,
cluster : 363, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9613.871285] (5)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(16681)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9614.122369] (5)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9614.122669] (5)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9615.934299] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9616.212928] (4)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14848)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.245451] (6)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14774)(0)(0-7)(15)
(2)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.262044] (4)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14817)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.295909] (4)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14817)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.327929] (6)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14723)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.607666] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] Shrink 5 PPM logs from last
394 ms!
<5>[ 9616.607699] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14919)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.623717] (5)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14768)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.640645] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14158)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.644028] (5)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14190)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.661703] (5)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14148)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.827087] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] Shrink 2 PPM logs from last
219 ms!
<5>[ 9616.827118] (6)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14806)(0)(0-7)(15)
(2)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9616.843332] (4)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14756)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.040736] (4)[23769:kworker/u16:5][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14878)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9617.070708] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-86,0]24809.578309 Done
<5>[ 9617.157558] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14774)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.355365] (6)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14848)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.372354] (4)[24347:kworker/u16:12][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14774)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.419796] (4)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14878)(0)(0-7)(15)
(2)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.433674] (5)[23770:kworker/u16:10][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14801)(0)(0-7)(15)
(8)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.450707] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14148)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<3>[ 9617.604255] (4)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:8, tail:9
<5>[ 9617.672622] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] Shrink 7 PPM logs from last
317 ms!
<5>[ 9617.672652] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14837)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.684470] (5)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14902)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.700919] (4)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14768)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<14>[ 9617.709491] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-83,2]24810.210708 Done
<5>[ 9617.813920] (7)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14848)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.830703] (6)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14703)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.847357] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14774)(0)(0-7)(15)
(1)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.912623] (6)[24349:kworker/u16:16][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14723)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9617.946815] (6)[25169:kworker/6:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14727)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<4>[ 9617.962678] -(2)[25352:kworker/u16:4]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 3 callbacks
<6>[ 9617.962704] (2)[25352:kworker/u16:4]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x649, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9617.963123] (5)[24351:kworker/u16:18]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63f, adc_result=702
<5>[ 9618.103844] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] Shrink 1 PPM logs from last
289 ms!
<5>[ 9618.103905] (4)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12829)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.112894] (0)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12829)(0)(0-7)(15)
(4)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.117402] (7)[25352:kworker/u16:4][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(14889)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.134861] (6)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(11207)(0)(0-7)(15)
(10)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.140648] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19172)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9618.591751] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 807, 597, 592,
643, 13, 15, 22, 78, success counter cpu: 121, 90, 218, 260, 4, 5, 2, 10, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 124, 97, 239, 274, 1,
4, 3, 2, o: 0-1,3, p: , f: , t: 9618776456572, 9618844000000, 9618862935648,
9618772000000, 9618772000000, 9618772000000, 9618773041957, 9618772000000,
<5>[ 9618.619533] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] Shrink 33 PPM logs from last
515 ms!
<5>[ 9618.619559] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13472)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.621216] (6)[24351:kworker/u16:18][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13472)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.624196] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13472)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.639779] (5)[23712:kworker/u16:0][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(13615)(0)(0-7)(15)
(13)(4)(4) (15)(8)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.768543] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(19197)(0)(0-7)(15)(0)
(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<5>[ 9618.815399] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9618.815447] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 832, 602, 640, 668, 14, 15, 21, 75,
cluster : 142, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<5>[ 9619.111019] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap CNT(soidle3): [0] = (791), [1] =
(552), [2] = (234), [3] = (101), [4] = (12888), [5] = (10804), [6] = (7771), [7] =
<5>[ 9619.111077] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap soidle3_block_cnt: [BY_SSR] = 1174,
[BY_CLK] = 462,
<5>[ 9619.111113] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap soidle3_block_mask: 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x307bffa0, 0x00000000, idle_pll_block_mask:
<5>[ 9619.111113]
<6>[ 9619.120724] -(4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9619.120815] -(4)[0:swapper/4][SPM] sodi wake up by R12_EINT_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 257, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x191300 0x0, r12 = 0x41, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x177, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a09a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x200182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9619.125339] (6)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(22396)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9619.260863] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1941 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.343455] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1946 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.359947] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1950 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.376444] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1954 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.392971] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1959 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.409493] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1963 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.426040] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.442521] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.459061] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1974 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.475592] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1976 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.492066] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1978 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.508598] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1980 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.525134] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1982 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.541636] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1984 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.558122] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1986 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.574658] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1988 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.591180] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1990 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.607704] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1992 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.624244] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1994 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.640770] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1996 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.657239] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1998 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.673768] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2000 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.690278] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2002 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.706765] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2004 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.723296] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2006 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.739896] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2008 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.756317] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2010 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.772856] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2012 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.789387] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2014 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.805950] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2016 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.822389] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2018 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.838894] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2020 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.855425] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2022 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.871912] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2024 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.899491] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2026 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.904980] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2028 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.941734] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2030 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.959706] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2032 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.971023] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2034 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9619.987539] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2036 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.005955] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2038 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.020627] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2040 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.037225] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2042 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.053682] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2044 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.070162] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2046 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.086719] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2047 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.708538] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.714447] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2039 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.730783] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2035 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.747312] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2031 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.763881] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2027 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.780341] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2023 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.796840] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2019 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.813364] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2015 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.829892] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2011 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.846417] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2007 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.895980] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2005 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.912458] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2003 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9620.995086] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2001 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.002634] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63c, adc_result=701
<6>[ 9621.003149] (6)[23712:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x646, adc_result=705
<6>[ 9621.011588] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1999 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.028152] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1997 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.034241] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9621.044647] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.061221] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.077631] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.094140] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1989 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.110682] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1987 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.127210] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1985 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.143868] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1983 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.160250] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1981 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.176754] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1979 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.193231] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1977 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.209823] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1975 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.226299] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1973 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.242792] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.259321] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1969 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.275811] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.292363] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1965 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.308926] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1963 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.325449] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1961 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.341886] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1959 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.358496] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1957 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.375053] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1955 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.391395] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1953 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.407930] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1951 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.424437] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1949 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.441031] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1947 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.457559] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1945 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9621.474052] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1943 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9621.550630] (1)[23712:kworker/u16:0][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5711
<6>[ 9621.551240] (1)[23712:kworker/u16:0]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad7, adc_result=1219
<14>[ 9622.825581] (4)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[-89,9]24815.324279 Done
<6>[ 9623.082272] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9623.082296] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9623.571607] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1941 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.588094] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.594306] -(3)[0:swapper/3]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 615, 572, 583,
603, 109, 104, 91, 148, success counter cpu: 176, 135, 143, 152, 6, 11, 22, 11,
fail counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 251, 191, 192,
197, 14, 18, 26, 16, o: , p: , f: 3, t: 9623776000000, 9623776000000,
9623776000000, 9623772000000, 9623773799880, 9623772376931, 9623776000000,
<6>[ 9623.604637] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1938 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.802770] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1942 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9623.816866] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: [0] = 1, [4] = 2, [5] = 1, [6] = 2, Total = 6, ---
<6>[ 9623.816901] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 602, 560, 540, 594, 106, 103, 96, 149,
cluster : 176, 7, pause = 6, multi core = 8, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 6, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9623.835856] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1945 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.852358] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1950 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.868938] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1954 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.885350] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1958 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.901880] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1962 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.918424] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1965 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.934906] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.951419] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1969 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.958020] (2)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'ps.walletnfcrel'
(25182) (tgid 25182), adj 965,
<6>[ 9623.958020] to free 102488kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9623.958020] cache 402068kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9623.958020] Free memory is 2244kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<6>[ 9623.967966] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9623.984534] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1973 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.001066] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1975 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.017479] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1977 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.033998] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1979 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.050510] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1981 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.067074] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1983 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.083546] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1985 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.100073] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1987 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.116591] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1989 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.133095] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.149631] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.166147] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.182652] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1997 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.199169] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1999 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.215708] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2001 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.232187] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2003 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.248668] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2005 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.265211] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2007 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.281670] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2009 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.298229] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2011 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.314753] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2013 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.331616] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2015 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.347926] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2017 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.364325] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2019 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.380850] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2021 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.397432] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2023 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.413978] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2025 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.430521] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2027 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.446860] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2029 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.463398] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2031 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.479870] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2033 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.496473] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2035 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.512942] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2037 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.529484] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2039 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.545946] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2041 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.562489] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2043 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.579289] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9624.595576] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2047 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.062351] (4)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'oadcastreceiver'
(25250) (tgid 25250), adj 955,
<6>[ 9625.062351] to free 90052kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9625.062351] cache 401672kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9625.062351] Free memory is 5236kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<6>[ 9625.300165] (4)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing ''
(25299) (tgid 25299), adj 999,
<6>[ 9625.300165] to free 87148kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9625.300165] cache 400608kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9625.300165] Free memory is 3936kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<5>[ 9625.310701] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x1
<6>[ 9625.514022] (5)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'rrierdefaultapp'
(25356) (tgid 25356), adj 995,
<6>[ 9625.514022] to free 82520kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9625.514022] cache 401828kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9625.514022] Free memory is 3792kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<5>[ 9625.557645] (0)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x4
<6>[ 9625.702782] (1)[2480:writer]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_On: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM request
<5>[ 9625.716094] (0)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(12829)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9625.720489] (3)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'artnerbookmarks'
(25484) (tgid 25484), adj 985,
<6>[ 9625.720489] to free 78836kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9625.720489] cache 392068kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9625.720489] Free memory is 12132kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<4>[ 9625.730564] (0)[2480:writer]warn, cannot update irq counter, user_id =
(null), irq1_cnt = 1024
<6>[ 9625.746871] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.751715] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2047 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.784683] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2045 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.801216] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2041 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.817950] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2037 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.834365] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2033 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.917274] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2031 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.933830] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2029 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.950481] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2027 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9625.966899] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2025 lcd_bl_en = 1
<12>[ 9625.979898] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9625.983256] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2023 lcd_bl_en = 1
<12>[ 9625.985565] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.5 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9626.000999] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2021 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9626.016291] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2019 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9626.033736] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 2017 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9626.034163] (6)[552:light@2.0-servi][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b
backlight: level = 0 lcd_bl_en = 1
<4>[ 9626.053491] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN
<3>[ 9626.053644] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3028:
event=16, *blank=4
<3>[ 9626.053660] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=0,
<3>[ 9626.053665] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2808: cancel
delayed work sync
<3>[ 9626.053678] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2815: start
<6>[ 9626.054019] (0)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9626.054027] (0)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9626.054047] (0)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9626.054748] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9626.054757] (0)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9626.055170] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9626.055764] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9626.058152] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6337, adc_result=4185
<6>[ 9626.058703] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9626.058950] (7)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2810
<6>[ 9626.059572] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad4, adc_result=1218
<5>[ 9626.059811] (7)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4185,Ibat=-
3042,I=0,VChr=0,T=9,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9626.059885] (7)[24432:kworker/7:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<5>[ 9626.060109] (7)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2863
<6>[ 9626.060771] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xad4, adc_result=1218
<6>[ 9626.101431] (7)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 0), old = 2017
<3>[ 9626.110909] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2860: end
<5>[ 9626.147956] (5)[16418:kworker/u16:9][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<6>[ 9626.154293] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9626.181027] (7)[550:composer@2.1-se][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:0
<6>[ 9626.197919] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_suspend
<6>[ 9626.325349] (1)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'id.partnersetup'
(25651) (tgid 25651), adj 975,
<6>[ 9626.325349] to free 78784kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9626.325349] cache 401568kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9626.325349] Free memory is 8868kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<6>[ 9626.354391] (7)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_suspend_power
<6>[ 9626.361632] (7)[550:composer@2.1-se][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is off, power:(0), pwm id: (0)
<3>[ 9626.373996] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][ION]ion_fb_event: + screen-off +
<3>[ 9626.374008] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][ION]ion_fb_event: - screen-off -
<5>[ 9626.374023] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff =
<6>[ 9626.374027] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(578)
<4>[ 9626.374039] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter early POWERDOWN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9626.374788] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9626.381412] -(3)[]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 62 callbacks
<4>[ 9626.381430] -(3)[]btif_bbs_write: 33 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9626.402322] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 27531 usec
<4>[ 9626.403994] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(4) type(9) start
<4>[ 9626.404126] (7)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
OFF]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:0 lpbk:0 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9626.404186] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(4)
type(9) ok
<14>[ 9626.501895] (3)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.orig.alpha]=[NOS,]24819.597 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24819.1786
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24819.2984 [gsm.operator.numeric]=[26803,]24819.4131
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24819.6385 Done
<6>[ 9626.541889] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41983 cur 3957
<6>[ 9626.555010] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42012 cur 3784
<6>[ 9626.561517] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 41965 cur 2668
<5>[ 9626.562300] (3)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9626.562329] -(3)[1458:Binder:1201_3]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<6>[ 9626.568161] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42034 cur 4029
<6>[ 9626.575214] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42006 cur 3033
<6>[ 9626.575258] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9626.577113] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x55b6, NOW = 0x5436,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9626.577160] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x63b2, adc_result=4205
<6>[ 9626.577174] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4205(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9626.577220] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<5>[ 9626.665985] (2)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9626.666019] -(2)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9626.695833] (3)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9626.695871] -(3)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9626.696250] (3)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9626.696267] -(3)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9627.368224] (7)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9627.368259] -(7)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<6>[ 9628.560761] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9628.560852] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] dpidle wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 244, r13 = 0x86040000, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006909a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x100182 0x44, req = 0x81
<6>[ 9628.597448] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 359, 433, 295,
380, 74, 95, 116, 102, success counter cpu: 78, 76, 77, 141, 20, 18, 32, 16, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 88, 95, 84, 141, 18,
17, 37, 21, o: 0-4,7, p: , f: , t: 9628779864573, 9628778468496, 9630008331957,
9630012145572, 9628860000000, 9628892000000, 9628775231113, 9628781938496,
<6>[ 9628.617411] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9628.617503] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] dpidle wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x86040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006909a, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x100182 0x44, req = 0x81
<6>[ 9628.714484] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9628.720634] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9628.720869] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<5>[ 9628.817575] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: [6] = 1, [7] = 2, Total = 3, ---
SODI3: No enter --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9628.817711] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 345, 431, 284, 345, 94, 110, 124, 121,
cluster : 106, 15, pause = 3, multi core = 4, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 3, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9629.087363] (7)[12333:HwBinder:540_4]AudDrv_Emi_Clk_Off: SPM_RESOURCE_DRAM
<6>[ 9629.762407] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9629.762455] (5)[306:wdtk-5][thread:306][RT:9629762444598] 2022-02-15
07:46:21.152825 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:46:21.152825
<6>[ 9629.762631] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9629.801106] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9629.802300] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9629.834600] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9629.838490] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-c]
<4>[ 9629.846476] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-k]
<6>[ 9629.854739] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9630.414870] -(5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9630.414961] -(5)[0:swapper/5][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 8, r13 = 0x26040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<5>[ 9630.689770] (6)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x1
<5>[ 9630.699582] (7)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(21736)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<12>[ 9630.710535] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9630.714603] (6)[3742:Binder:1201_19]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9630.714627] -(6)[3742:Binder:1201_19]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<12>[ 9630.717260] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.7 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<4>[ 9630.746923] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_UNBLANK
<6>[ 9630.747526] (2)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9630.747534] (2)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9630.747546] (2)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9630.748186] (3)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9630.748194] (3)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9630.748745] (1)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9630.749378] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9630.751226] (4)[550:composer@2.1-se][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is on (1023), power:(1), pwm id: (0)
<6>[ 9630.755031] (6)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x63cc, adc_result=4210
<6>[ 9630.755460] (3)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9630.755693] (3)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5041
<6>[ 9630.756290] (0)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaca, adc_result=1213
<5>[ 9630.756515] (0)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4210,Ibat=-
3875,I=0,VChr=0,T=9,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9630.756579] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<5>[ 9630.756789] (0)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5007
<6>[ 9630.757291] (1)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaca, adc_result=1213
<6>[ 9630.758935] (2)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_resume_power
<6>[ 9630.758940] (2)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_resume
<15>[ 9630.794134] (2)[25996:vold]vold: The trim thread is not running
<15>[ 9630.794632] (2)[25996:vold]vold: idle maintenance stopped
<5>[ 9630.827493] (1)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9630.827503] -(1)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9630.893334] (5)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x4
<14>[ 9630.916953] (7)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24823.525889 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24823.530603
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24823.548016 Done
<5>[ 9630.917707] (3)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9630.917716] -(3)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<5>[ 9630.922463] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:1
<5>[ 9630.922656] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<5>[ 9630.922723] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff =
<6>[ 9630.922726] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(571)
<3>[ 9630.922730] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3034:
event=9, *blank=0
<3>[ 9630.922733] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2881: start
<3>[ 9630.922736] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] update_firmware_request 316:
filename is novatek_ts_djn_fw.bin
<3>[ 9630.924192] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_need_write_size 70:
fw_need_write_size = 110592(0x1b000), NVT end flag
<3>[ 9630.924202] (5)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_bin_header_parser 177:
ovly_info = 1, ilm_dlm_num = 2, ovly_sec_num = 4, info_sec_num = 13, partition = 19
<5>[ 9630.945244] (3)[205:chre_kthread]<ALS/PS> [ALS/PS]ps_data_report! 1, 3
<3>[ 9631.008474] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_update_firmware 911: Update
firmware success! <84254 us>
<3>[ 9631.008592] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_get_fw_info 761: fw_ver =
0x0F, fw_type = 0x01
<3>[ 9631.008745] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_read_pid 702: PID=5934
<3>[ 9631.019043] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=1,
<3>[ 9631.019050] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_resume 2941: end
<4>[ 9631.019058] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter UNBLANK @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<4>[ 9631.019420] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(3) type(9) start
<6>[ 9631.019460] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9631.025581] -(6)[310:exe_cq/0]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 15 callbacks
<4>[ 9631.025597] -(6)[310:exe_cq/0]btif_bbs_write: 7 callbacks suppressed
<6>[ 9631.040057] (1)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 1993), old = 0
<6>[ 9631.040107] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 0
<14>[ 9631.044732] (1)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogF PropSet
[persist.vendor.sys.pq.picmode]=[1 ]24823.736197 [odm.display_cabc]=[1]24823.742001
<14>[ 9631.044765] (1)[1:init]init 16: processing action (odm.display_cabc=1) from
<6>[ 9631.046252] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26788 usec
<4>[ 9631.047744] (0)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]opfunc_utc_time_sync:Send
<4>[ 9631.047759] (0)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
ON]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:0 lpbk:2 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9631.048060] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(3)
type(9) ok
<6>[ 9631.049408] (1)[366:init]xinj:_###_dsi_display_set_cabc,set_cabc_cmd: 1
<6>[ 9631.054858] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9631.101504] (3)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(12978)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9631.137713] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.153896] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.170666] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1996 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.188315] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1998 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.203777] (7)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1999 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.274295] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9631.468156] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1997 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.484428] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1995 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.498856] (3)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63c, adc_result=701
<6>[ 9631.501037] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1993 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.517554] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1991 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.534052] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1989 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.550612] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1987 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.566947] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1985 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.583402] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1983 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.599990] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1981 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.616436] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1979 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.633199] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1977 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.649479] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1975 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.666048] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1973 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.682572] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1971 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.698992] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1969 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.717378] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1967 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.732137] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1965 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.749548] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1963 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.765100] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1961 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.781629] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1959 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9631.786972] (0)[25348:kworker/u16:1][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -4422
<4>[ 9631.787618] -(0)[25348:kworker/u16:1]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 1 callbacks
<6>[ 9631.787637] (0)[25348:kworker/u16:1]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaca, adc_result=1213
<6>[ 9631.798598] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1957 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.814942] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1955 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.831382] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1953 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.848192] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1951 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.864676] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1949 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.881093] (0)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1947 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.897599] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1945 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.914412] (2)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1943 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.930722] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1941 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.946872] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1939 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.963400] (6)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1937 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.979695] (1)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1935 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9631.996320] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1933 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9632.008674] (2)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x1
<6>[ 9632.012797] (3)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1931 lcd_bl_en = 1
<5>[ 9632.014180] (1)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x2a0)(16877)(0)(0-7)(0)(0)
(4)(4) (0)(0)(4)(4)
<36>[ 9632.135196] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911155.083:9885): avc:
denied { getattr } for comm="mtkPowerManager" path="/proc/1687" dev="proc"
ino=14078 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_power:s0 tcontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768
tclass=dir permissive=0
<36>[ 9632.135238] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911183.511:9918): avc:
denied { signal } for comm="dumpstate" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0
tcontext=u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 tclass=process permissive=0
<5>[ 9632.252337] (1)[104:pmic_thread][PMIC] [PMIC_INT] Reg[0x91a]=0x4
<5>[ 9632.416096] (0)[609:mtkPowerManager][Power/PPM] (0x220)(12978)(0)(0-7)(15)
(0)(4)(4) (15)(0)(4)(4)
<6>[ 9632.443019] (4)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1930 lcd_bl_en = 1
<6>[ 9632.525439] (5)[856:AALMain][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b backlight:
level = 1931 lcd_bl_en = 1
<12>[ 9632.646892] (6)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9632.649458] (7)[552:light@2.0-servi][LCM]lcm_setbacklight_cmdq,nt36525b
backlight: level = 0 lcd_bl_en = 1
<12>[ 9632.652422] (5)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4272 t=9.9 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9632.659566] (4)[856:AALMain][PWM] disp_pwm_set_backlight_cmdq: (id = 0x1,
level_1024 = 0), old = 1931
<4>[ 9632.677324] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se]thermal_sys:
screen_state_for_thermal_callback: FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN
<3>[ 9632.677398] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_fb_notifier_callback 3028:
event=16, *blank=4
<3>[ 9632.677411] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_irq_enable 261: enable=0,
<3>[ 9632.677416] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2808: cancel
delayed work sync
<3>[ 9632.677427] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2815: start
<6>[ 9632.677877] (2)[848:mi_thermald]charger_manager_set_prop_system_temp_level,
system_temp_level:0 thermal_icl_ua:-1 usb_type:4
<5>[ 9632.677886] (2)[848:mi_thermald]_charger_manager_set_input_current_limit:
idx:0 en:-1
<5>[ 9632.677902] (2)[848:mi_thermald]force:0 thermal:-1,-1 pe4:-1,-1,0
setting:1800 2048 type:0 usb_unlimited:0 usbif:0 usbsm:0 aicl:-1 atm:0
<3>[ 9632.678568] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_set_ichg:
[bq2560x_set_ichg] current has set!
<5>[ 9632.678577] (0)[848:mi_thermald]enable_sw_jeita,current=2048000
<3>[ 9632.678949] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_disable_otg:
bq2560x_disable_otg enter
<3>[ 9632.679538] (0)[848:mi_thermald][bq2560x]:bq2560x_charging: enable charger
<6>[ 9632.682565] (6)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x632d, adc_result=4183
<6>[ 9632.683027] (7)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCDT, channel=2, adc_out=0x0, adc_result=0
<5>[ 9632.683239] (7)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -5019
<6>[ 9632.692314] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xacb, adc_result=1214
<5>[ 9632.692569] (5)[298:charger_thread]Vbat=4183,Ibat=-
2872,I=0,VChr=0,T=10,Soc=94:95,CT:0:0 hv:1 pd:0:0
<3>[ 9632.692628] (5)[23853:kworker/5:1][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_usb_plugin_work_func 201:
tp is suspended, can not to set
<5>[ 9632.692819] (5)[298:charger_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -2542
<6>[ 9632.693331] (5)[298:charger_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xacb, adc_result=1214
<3>[ 9632.738281] (6)[550:composer@2.1-se][NVT-ts] nvt_ts_suspend 2860: end
<14>[ 9632.747944] (0)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[]=[0]24825.440427 Done
<5>[ 9632.772301] (3)[23768:kworker/u16:2][CMDQ][Res]resource clock engine:0x400
<5>[ 9632.805473] (7)[550:composer@2.1-se][CMDQ]cmdq_lock_wake_lock lock:0
<6>[ 9632.821943] (2)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_suspend
<14>[ 9632.953846] (0)[1:init]init 20: ReapLogT PropSet
[gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24825.452078 [gsm.operator.alpha]=[NOS,]24825.453429
[gsm.operator.isroaming]=[false,false]24825.456202 Done
<6>[ 9632.978480] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][LCM]lcm_suspend_power
<6>[ 9632.985721] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][PWM] disp_pwm_backlight_status:
backlight is off, power:(0), pwm id: (0)
<3>[ 9632.987256] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][ION]ion_fb_event: + screen-off +
<3>[ 9632.987271] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][ION]ion_fb_event: - screen-off -
<5>[ 9632.987291] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][Power/PPM] @ppm_lcmoff_switch: onoff =
<6>[ 9632.987297] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se]#@# cm_mgr_fb_notifier_callback(578)
<4>[ 9632.987312] (3)[550:composer@2.1-se][HIF-SDIO]
[W]wmt_fb_notifier_callback:@@@@@@@@@@wmt enter early POWERDOWN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<6>[ 9632.987879] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: STP is
waiting state for ACT, i=1, state = 2
<4>[ 9632.994267] -(1)[2018:MiuiKeyguardPic]btif_bbs_write: 11 callbacks suppressed
<5>[ 9633.001074] (1)[2046:Binder:1201_C]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9633.001112] -(1)[2046:Binder:1201_C]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<6>[ 9633.014333] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][STP-PSM] [I]_stp_psm_do_wait: +Total
waits for ACT takes 26453 usec
<4>[ 9633.016020] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:wmt-
exp: OPID(4) type(9) start
<4>[ 9633.016146] (4)[731:mtk_wmtd][WMT-CORE][I]wmt_core_dump_func_state:[AF FUNC
OFF]status(b:2 f:0 g:0 w:0 lpbk:0 coredump:0 wmt:2 ant:0 sd1:0 sd2:0 stp:0)
<4>[ 9633.016213] (3)[24391:kworker/3:1][HIF-SDIO][I]mtk_wcn_wmt_func_ctrl:OPID(4)
type(9) ok
<5>[ 9633.038910] (0)[1201:system_server]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9633.038950] -(0)[1201:system_server]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<4>[ 9633.047078] -(5)[24218:Signal Catcher]btif_rx_dma_irq_handler: 31 callbacks
<5>[ 9633.148223] (2)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24840.146000000
<5>[ 9633.148253] -(2)[2927:Binder:1201_13]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24840146000000
<6>[ 9633.322423] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9633.322456] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<3>[ 9633.324540] (5)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:6, tail:7
<6>[ 9633.603497] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 385, 314, 371,
321, 185, 179, 186, 169, success counter cpu: 78, 70, 100, 95, 16, 29, 16, 28, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 116, 87, 120, 103, 16,
39, 24, 46, o: 1,3, p: , f: , t: 9633784000000, 9633980000000, 9633784000000,
9633896180343, 9633784000000, 9633784000000, 9633782899960, 9633784000000,
<5>[ 9633.818027] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [4]
= 4, [5] = 15, [6] = 8, [7] = 5, Total = 33, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9633.818079] (7)[0:swapper/7]mcdi cpu: 406, 325, 376, 330, 164, 155, 162,
145, cluster : 162, 1, pause = 33, multi core = 21, latency = 0, residency = 1,
last core = 33, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9635.063718] -(1)[0:swapper/1]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9635.063778] -(1)[0:swapper/1][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 347, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9636.642497] (0)[24294:kworker/0:2]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9636.657659] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42472 cur 1926
<6>[ 9636.665058] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42490 cur 1618
<6>[ 9636.671614] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42503 cur 1766
<6>[ 9636.677950] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42512 cur 1307
<6>[ 9636.685314] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42533 cur 1128
<6>[ 9636.685358] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9636.687254] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x5436, NOW = 0x53aa,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9636.687305] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x64be, adc_result=4250
<6>[ 9636.687321] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4250(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9636.687370] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9637.610008] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9637.610099] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 9, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x11000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x30000000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9638.323737] -(7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9638.323828] -(7)[0:swapper/7][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 24, r13 = 0xe604112c, debug_flag = 0x191000 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x7b, req_sta = 0x420000ea, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x80069095, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9638.611556] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 297, 196, 130,
122, 257, 294, 258, 243, success counter cpu: 48, 30, 30, 13, 33, 56, 28, 55, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 78, 37, 40, 22, 46, 85,
47, 76, o: 0-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9638788778804, 9638788703958, 9638788747112,
9641140719266, 9638868569574, 9638990642035, 9638794874572, 9638783116114,
<5>[ 9638.819246] (7)[0:swapper/7]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [0] = 1, [1]
= 1, [4] = 24, [5] = 21, [6] = 20, [7] = 41, Total = 108, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9638.819264] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 274, 183, 120, 113, 243, 271, 247,
219, cluster : 242, 11, pause = 108, multi core = 102, latency = 0, residency = 2,
last core = 108, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9640.445539] (7)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing 'ocess.gservices'
(25415) (tgid 25415), adj 965,
<6>[ 9640.445539] to free 85764kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9640.445539] cache 400264kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9640.445539] Free memory is 8340kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<6>[ 9640.491525] (6)[25353:kworker/u16:6]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x63f, adc_result=702
<6>[ 9640.492026] (7)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9642.026414] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9642.026726] (4)[25353:kworker/u16:6][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1323
<6>[ 9642.027384] (4)[25353:kworker/u16:6]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xac0, adc_result=1209
<6>[ 9642.309036] (7)[129:kswapd0]lowmemorykiller: Killing '.apps.turbo:aab'
(25660) (tgid 25660), adj 955,
<6>[ 9642.309036] to free 91268kB on behalf of 'kswapd0' (129) because
<6>[ 9642.309036] cache 402040kB is below limit 402560kB for oom_score_adj 950
<6>[ 9642.309036] Free memory is 3940kB above reserved(decrease 0 level)
<6>[ 9643.562507] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9643.562544] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9643.613657] -(0)[0:swapper/0]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 146, 67, 98,
1, 328, 303, 295, 316, success counter cpu: 35, 36, 28, 0, 72, 64, 78, 57, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 60, 44, 43, 1, 111, 98,
122, 94, o: 1-3,5-7, p: , f: , t: 9643791562035, 9650078948650, 9643791753728,
9648401959109, 9643792000000, 9643798176497, 9643996000000, 9643793067730,
<36>[ 9643.705633] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911183.511:9918): avc:
denied { signal } for comm="dumpstate" scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0
tcontext=u:r:app_zygote:s0:c512,c768 tclass=process permissive=0
<36>[ 9643.705700] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911195.091:9919): avc:
granted { read } for comm="dumpstate" name="unusable_index" dev="debugfs" ino=8269
scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file
<36>[ 9643.706106] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911195.091:9919): avc:
granted { read } for comm="dumpstate" name="unusable_index" dev="debugfs" ino=8269
scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file
<36>[ 9643.706144] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911195.091:9920): avc:
granted { read open } for comm="dumpstate"
path="/sys/kernel/debug/extfrag/unusable_index" dev="debugfs" ino=8269
scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file
<6>[ 9643.818379] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<5>[ 9643.820757] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 3, [5]
= 2, [6] = 8, [7] = 9, Total = 22, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9643.820807] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 146, 67, 100, 1, 322, 306, 296, 297,
cluster : 181, 69, pause = 22, multi core = 15, latency = 0, residency = 1, last
core = 22, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9643.824337] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9643.824586] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9644.842598] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9644.842944] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9646.897694] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42583 cur 1009
<6>[ 9646.905025] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42530 cur 848
<6>[ 9646.911512] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42558 cur 1414
<6>[ 9646.918860] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42566 cur 763
<6>[ 9646.926278] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42587 cur 820
<6>[ 9646.926328] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9646.928249] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53aa, NOW = 0x53ad,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9646.928300] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x64f3, adc_result=4258
<6>[ 9646.928327] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4258(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9646.928404] (4)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9647.458522] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9647.474955] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 25087.158000000
<5>[ 9647.474995] -(4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 25087158000000
<5>[ 9647.475021] (4)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24861.307000000
<5>[ 9647.511174] (4)[2890:Binder:1201_11]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24920.206000000
<5>[ 9647.511228] -(4)[2890:Binder:1201_11]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24920206000000
<5>[ 9647.511273] (4)[2890:Binder:1201_11]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 24861.307000000
<6>[ 9647.584191] -(6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap op_cond = 0x1
<6>[ 9647.584270] -(6)[0:swapper/6][SPM] sodi3 wake up by R12_APXGPT1_EVENT_B,
timer_out = 269, r13 = 0x6040000, debug_flag = 0x1910ff 0x0, r12 = 0x10, r12_ext =
0x0, raw_sta = 0x0, idle_sta = 0x17f, req_sta = 0x42000000, event_reg =
0x90100000, isr = 0x0, raw_ext_sta = 0x4006a0aa, wake_misc = 0x0, pcm_flag =
0x204182 0x40, req = 0x0
<6>[ 9648.616907] -(2)[0:swapper/2]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 108, 54, 116,
2, 274, 212, 308, 308, success counter cpu: 28, 16, 40, 0, 56, 44, 78, 72, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 48, 26, 58, 1, 77, 60,
116, 94, o: 0-1,3, p: , f: 2, t: 9648800190805, 9648800034497, 9648794505729,
9650112443573, 9648796000000, 9648808876113, 9648796000000, 9648796000000,
<5>[ 9648.822388] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: [4] = 1, [5]
= 4, [6] = 5, [7] = 1, Total = 11, --- SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9648.822485] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 108, 54, 118, 2, 275, 202, 302, 301,
cluster : 212, 69, pause = 11, multi core = 12, latency = 0, residency = 0, last
core = 11, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9649.195128] (4)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x641, adc_result=703
<6>[ 9649.195624] (7)[25353:kworker/u16:6]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64b, adc_result=707
<6>[ 9649.828993] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.829042] (2)[303:wdtk-2][thread:303][RT:9649829032108] 2022-02-15
07:46:41.219411 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:46:41.219411
<6>[ 9649.852266] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.858385] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.862348] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.901246] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.918449] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.935003] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<4>[ 9649.938332] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-k]
<6>[ 9649.955037] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9649.955126] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9650.749191] (6)[26397:lshal]binder: 26397:26397 transaction failed 29201/-1,
size 192-32 line 4174
<36>[ 9650.750565] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911195.091:9920): avc:
granted { read open } for comm="dumpstate"
path="/sys/kernel/debug/extfrag/unusable_index" dev="debugfs" ino=8269
scontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=file
<36>[ 9650.750639] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911202.135:9921): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[482266]" dev="pipefs" ino=482266
scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd
<5>[ 9652.266992] (6)[24349:kworker/u16:16][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -955
<6>[ 9652.267766] (6)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab9, adc_result=1206
<6>[ 9652.651032] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9653.622785] -(4)[0:swapper/4]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 58, 11, 64, 2,
163, 185, 218, 238, success counter cpu: 10, 0, 17, 0, 69, 76, 76, 71, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 25, 7, 32, 2, 81, 81, 83, 90,
o: 0-3,5,7, p: , f: , t: 9653802363959, 9653801826344, 9653802166344,
9658871642802, 9653823539728, 9653827007802, 9653804000000, 9654241891421,
<6>[ 9653.802595] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9653.802644] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<5>[ 9653.827315] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9653.827400] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 60, 11, 60, 2, 155, 184, 217, 239,
cluster : 115, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core
= 0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5,
system_idle_hint = 00000000
<6>[ 9657.870892] (4)[26463:lshal]binder: 26463:26463 transaction failed 29201/-1,
size 192-32 line 4174
<36>[ 9657.871767] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911202.135:9921): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[482266]" dev="pipefs" ino=482266
scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd
<36>[ 9657.871824] (7)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911209.259:9922): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[529606]" dev="pipefs" ino=529606
scontext=u:r:hal_vibrator_default:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd
<6>[ 9658.625886] -(1)[0:swapper/1]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 48, 8, 22, 0,
113, 166, 334, 301, success counter cpu: 5, 0, 3, 0, 32, 76, 136, 95, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 24, 5, 14, 0, 39, 85, 148, 110,
o: 0,2-3,5,7, p: , f: 1, t: 9658805132575, 9658803575190, 9658805060190,
9658871642802, 9658812000000, 9658998555113, 9658804000000, 9659128828187,
<6>[ 9658.667047] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<5>[ 9658.830452] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9658.830551] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 49, 8, 26, 1, 113, 168, 333, 305,
cluster : 73, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000
<6>[ 9658.922383] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9658.928508] -(5)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9658.928803] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9659.436552] (4)[23769:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x643, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9659.437208] (6)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<5>[ 9662.506764] (7)[23769:kworker/u16:5][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -411
<6>[ 9662.507536] (6)[23769:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab8, adc_result=1205
<6>[ 9663.502955] (4)[26515:lshal]binder: 26515:26515 transaction failed 29201/-1,
size 192-32 line 4174
<36>[ 9663.504087] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911209.259:9922): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[529606]" dev="pipefs" ino=529606
scontext=u:r:hal_vibrator_default:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd
<36>[ 9663.504161] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911214.891:9923): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[530376]" dev="pipefs" ino=530376
scontext=u:r:hwservicemanager:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd permissive=0
<6>[ 9663.626331] -(6)[0:swapper/6]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 55, 13, 25, 1,
92, 222, 315, 223, success counter cpu: 10, 0, 6, 0, 25, 63, 167, 54, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 24, 6, 15, 1, 29, 84, 170, 82,
o: 0-3,7, p: , f: 6, t: 9663808023652, 9663805737652, 9663807959883,
9670212845728, 9663808000000, 9663808000000, 9663804000000, 9663808000000,
<5>[ 9663.838526] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9663.838608] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 52, 13, 22, 0, 92, 225, 311, 225,
cluster : 70, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000
<6>[ 9663.957561] (6)[26520:lshal]binder: 26520:26520 transaction failed 29201/-1,
size 192-32 line 4174
<36>[ 9663.958719] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911214.891:9923): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[530376]" dev="pipefs" ino=530376
scontext=u:r:hwservicemanager:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd permissive=0
<36>[ 9663.958784] (5)[402:logd.auditd]type=1400 audit(1644911215.343:9924): avc:
denied { use } for comm="lshal" path="pipe:[530648]" dev="pipefs" ino=530648
scontext=u:r:system_suspend:s0 tcontext=u:r:dumpstate:s0 tclass=fd permissive=0
<6>[ 9664.042526] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9664.042573] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9664.042637] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9667.378014] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42658 cur 515
<6>[ 9667.385361] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42653 cur 484
<6>[ 9667.392748] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42614 cur 559
<6>[ 9667.399045] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42634 cur 1037
<6>[ 9667.406430] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42640 cur 625
<6>[ 9667.406475] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9667.408460] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x53ad, NOW = 0x5436,
CNT = 0
<6>[ 9667.408513] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x6505, adc_result=4261
<6>[ 9667.408540] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4261(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9667.408631] (5)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<3>[ 9668.330132] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:4, tail:5
<3>[ 9668.334536] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:3, tail:4
<3>[ 9668.338691] (0)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:2, tail:3
<3>[ 9668.343163] (6)[205:chre_kthread]<sensor_event> input buffull, handle:18,
head:1, tail:2
<5>[ 9668.609775] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 2 set 24920.206000000
<5>[ 9668.609824] -(6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarmtimer_enqueue, 24920206000000
<5>[ 9668.609858] (6)[1314:AlarmManager]alarm_dev: alarm 3 set 25041.307000000
<6>[ 9668.630259] -(1)[0:swapper/1]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 48, 7, 25, 0,
165, 139, 240, 271, success counter cpu: 9, 0, 7, 0, 74, 44, 79, 97, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 23, 5, 16, 0, 70, 45, 95, 117,
o: 0,2-3,6-7, p: , f: 1, t: 9668810786960, 9668807827729, 9668810726268,
9670212845728, 9223372036854775807, 9668812000000, 9668808000000, 9668812000000,
<5>[ 9668.842268] (4)[0:swapper/4]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9668.842355] (4)[0:swapper/4]mcdi cpu: 48, 7, 24, 0, 161, 143, 246, 269,
cluster : 71, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000
<6>[ 9669.643118] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9669.675292] (6)[23769:kworker/u16:5]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VPROC_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x644, adc_result=704
<6>[ 9669.675820] (5)[24349:kworker/u16:16]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:VCORE_TEMP, channel=4, adc_out=0x64d, adc_result=708
<6>[ 9669.886580] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9669.886653] (6)[307:wdtk-6][thread:307][RT:9669886631309] 2022-02-15
07:47:01.277010 UTC;android time 2022-02-15 07:47:01.277010
<6>[ 9669.933172] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.001547] (1)[302:wdtk-1][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.018399] (7)[308:wdtk-7][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.035257] (3)[304:wdtk-3][wdk-c]
<4>[ 9670.038391] (4)[305:wdtk-4][wdk-k]
<6>[ 9670.040153] (5)[306:wdtk-5][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.054385] (6)[307:wdtk-6][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.055129] (2)[303:wdtk-2][wdk-c]
<6>[ 9670.055329] (0)[300:wdtk-0][wdk-c]
<5>[ 9672.368566] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -641
<6>[ 9672.369287] (4)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab9, adc_result=1206
<5>[ 9672.369549] (4)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_sw_check] tmp 10 lt 8 ht
<5>[ 9672.369808] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -641
<6>[ 9672.370376] (4)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab9, adc_result=1206
<5>[ 9672.370920] (4)[249:battery_thread][fg_bat_temp_int_internal][FG_TEMP_INT]
T[10] V[10 8] C[22 2] h[12393 11986]
<5>[ 9672.371218] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -839
<6>[ 9672.372869] (4)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:ISENSE, channel=0, adc_out=0x6508, adc_result=4262
<5>[ 9672.373168] (4)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -914
<6>[ 9672.373692] (5)[597:fuelgauged]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xab9, adc_result=1206
<6>[ 9672.374636] (7)[249:battery_thread]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BAT_TEMP, channel=3, adc_out=0xaba, adc_result=1206
<5>[ 9672.376300] (7)[249:battery_thread][read_boot_battery_plug_out_status]
rtc_invalid 0 plugout 0 bat_plug_out_time 31 sp3:0xcd pl:1 0
<12>[ 9672.380672] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4262 t=10.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<6>[ 9672.382434] (5)[597:fuelgauged]do_ptim_internal : bat 42607 cur 968
<5>[ 9672.382451] (7)[249:battery_thread][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -968
<5>[ 9672.382914] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -968
<5>[ 9672.383435] (7)[249:battery_thread]lbat 0 0 1 34500
<5>[ 9672.383484] (7)[249:battery_thread]car[-2933,-2525,-3009,-2719,-2963,
cycle_car:-2722,ncar:7034] c:0 810 vbat:4258 vbus:0 soc:94 95 gm3:0 0 0 0
<5>[ 9672.383533] (7)[249:battery_thread]tmp:10 65535 65535 hcar2:48 lcar2:241
time:24865 sw_iavg:-2040 -2040 0 nafg_m:175 0 0
<5>[ 9672.383603] (7)[249:battery_thread]GM3log-nint-nafg 24865 9672 42883 42629
253 175 2265
<5>[ 9672.406730] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[9888,9785],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=33678 > ori_voltage=33500
<5>[ 9672.406822] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9672.407346] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1480
<5>[ 9672.412598] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
h_percent=[10091,9986],high=96,fg_volt_withIR=35017 > ori_voltage=34500
<5>[ 9672.412746] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG:
<5>[ 9672.413454] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1449
<5>[ 9672.415567] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1395
<5>[ 9672.419839] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1081
<5>[ 9672.421004] (5)[597:fuelgauged]BAT_TEMP_PREV:1206,BAT_TEMP:1206,VBIF28:1796
<5>[ 9672.421589] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_info] tmp:10 10 9 rdnafg:0
vc:1 disable_fg:0:0 fg_v:14:9986:43644:-3085:47996:656:9344:9344 low_temp:0 0 0
<5>[ 9672.421755] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: [FGADC_intr_end]
[FG_INTR_BAT_TEMP_HT]soc:9396 fg_c_soc:9396 fg_v_soc:9344 ui_soc:9545 vc_diff:52
vc_mode 1 VBAT 42580 T:[10 V 10 C 12 avg:26] D0_C 9978 D0_V 9986 CAR[c:-2800 v:-
3085] Q:[47996 47996 48090 48090] aging 10000 bat_cycle 1 Trk[0(-288):0:0] UI[0:1]
Chr[0:10000:10027] pseudo1 -50 DC_ratio 100 dodinit[8][0],ag[0 0 0 1 0 0]I:-2040
<5>[ 9672.424197] (5)[597:fuelgauged][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -1005
<5>[ 9672.427743] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_get_spare_register: cmd[0], get rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<5>[ 9672.427782] -(5)[597:fuelgauged]mtk_rtc_hal_common:
hal_rtc_set_spare_register: cmd[0], set rg[0x5aa, 0xff , 8] = 0xdf
<12>[ 9672.427841] (4)[551:health@2.0-serv]healthd: battery l=95 v=4257 t=10.6 h=2
st=3 fc=5078000 cc=1 chg=
<5>[ 9672.427929] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fg_res] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_CON0_SOC = 9446
<5>[ 9672.446343] (5)[597:fuelgauged]get_shutdown_cond ret:0 0 0 0 vbat:4256
<5>[ 9672.446491] (5)[597:fuelgauged][fr] FG_DAEMON_CMD_SET_FG_TIME = 0 cmd:0 1
<5>[ 9672.446635] (5)[597:fuelgauged]MTK_FG: get_kernel_cmd:0 0
<5>[ 9672.746755] (4)[25353:kworker/u16:6][CH3_DBG] bat_cur = -455
<6>[ 9673.632277] -(1)[0:swapper/1]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 88, 34, 27, 1,
148, 135, 294, 276, success counter cpu: 10, 0, 6, 0, 44, 46, 118, 106, fail
counter cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 27, 6, 15, 1, 48, 48,
133, 125, o: 0,2-3,5, p: , f: , t: 9673813566422, 9673810108499, 9673813482576,
9686609053341, 9673812000000, 9673877757653, 9673812000000, 9673812000000,
<5>[ 9673.856899] (6)[0:swapper/6]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9673.856986] (6)[0:swapper/6]mcdi cpu: 88, 34, 27, 1, 148, 140, 282, 268,
cluster : 97, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000
<6>[ 9674.026375] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status send msg 0
<6>[ 9674.032386] -(4)[15640:kworker/u17:2][ccci1/fsm]received MD status response
<6>[ 9674.032521] (6)[214:ccci_poll1][ccci1/fsm]poll MD status wait done 3749
<6>[ 9674.282609] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni0(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(52872,57616420,39459), tx=(15216,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9674.282655] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1][ccci1/net]ccmni1(0,0), irat_MD1,
rx=(116875,147698246,39459), tx=(26954,0,0), txq_len=(0,0), tx_drop=(0,0,0),
rx_drop=(0,0), tx_busy=(0,0), sta=(0x2,0x80,0x1,0x1)
<6>[ 9675.562499] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] hang_detect thread counts down
2147483647:2147483647, status 0.
<6>[ 9675.562881] (6)[226:hang_detect][Hang_Detect] system_server found pid:1201.
<6>[ 9675.658998] (0)[26020:kworker/0:1]usb_state<DISCONNECTED>
<6>[ 9677.632900] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42662 cur 468
<6>[ 9677.640283] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42597 cur 600
<6>[ 9677.647604] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42647 cur 807
<6>[ 9677.654943] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42642 cur 697
<6>[ 9677.662322] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]do_ptim_internal : bat 42601 cur 895
<6>[ 9677.662372] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][get_dlpt_imix]
<5>[ 9677.664326] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][MDRT_ADC] OLD = 0x5436, NOW = 0x547d,
CNT = 0
<4>[ 9677.664367] -(6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x_auxadc_read_raw: 14 callbacks
<6>[ 9677.664395] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr]mt635x-auxadc mt-pmic:mt635x-auxadc:
name:BATADC, channel=0, adc_out=0x64f5, adc_result=4259
<6>[ 9677.664429] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][PBM] [ma_to_mw] 4259(mV) * 5500(mA) =
<6>[ 9677.664510] (6)[107:dlpt_notify_thr][DLPT_final] 5500,95,95,1,5500
<6>[ 9678.634011] -(7)[0:swapper/7]tick broadcast enter counter cpu: 69, 11, 24, 0,
177, 156, 267, 266, success counter cpu: 6, 0, 6, 0, 75, 83, 89, 69, fail counter
cpu: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, interrupt counter cpu: 23, 5, 15, 0, 72, 78, 102, 90,
o: 0-3,5-6, p: , f: , t: 9678816224422, 9678812022730, 9678816173114,
9686609053341, 9678812000000, 9678889425345, 9679784564344, 9678812000000,
<5>[ 9678.858054] (5)[0:swapper/5]Power/swap DP: No enter --- SODI3: No enter ---
SODI: No enter ---
<6>[ 9678.858141] (5)[0:swapper/5]mcdi cpu: 69, 11, 24, 0, 177, 154, 271, 275,
cluster : 85, 0, pause = 0, multi core = 0, latency = 0, residency = 0, last core =
0, avail cpu = 00ff, cluster = 0003, enabled = 1, max_s_state = 5, system_idle_hint
= 00000000

Skipping '/system/xbin/su root lsof' on user build.


1 /system/bin/init 0
2 [kthreadd] 0
4 [kworker/0:0H] 0
6 [ksoftirqd/0] 0
7 [rcu_preempt] 0
8 [rcu_sched] 0
9 [rcu_bh] 0
10 [migration/0] 0
11 [lru-add-drain] 0
12 [cpuhp/0] 0
13 [cpuhp/1] 0
14 [migration/1] 0
15 [ksoftirqd/1] 0
17 [kworker/1:0H] 0
18 [cpuhp/2] 0
19 [migration/2] 0
20 [ksoftirqd/2] 0
22 [kworker/2:0H] 0
23 [cpuhp/3] 0
24 [migration/3] 0
25 [ksoftirqd/3] 0
27 [kworker/3:0H] 0
28 [cpuhp/4] 0
29 [migration/4] 0
30 [ksoftirqd/4] 0
32 [kworker/4:0H] 0
33 [cpuhp/5] 0
34 [migration/5] 0
35 [ksoftirqd/5] 0
37 [kworker/5:0H] 0
38 [cpuhp/6] 0
39 [migration/6] 0
40 [ksoftirqd/6] 0
42 [kworker/6:0H] 0
43 [cpuhp/7] 0
44 [migration/7] 0
45 [ksoftirqd/7] 0
47 [kworker/7:0H] 0
49 [SSPM_WQ] 0
51 [cmdq_buf_dump] 0
52 [cmdq_timeout_ha] 0
53 [oom_reaper] 0
54 [writeback] 0
55 [kcompactd0] 0
56 [crypto] 0
57 [bioset] 0
58 [kblockd] 0
59 [conn-md-thread] 0
60 [pool_reload_wor] 0
61 [cmdq_flushq] 0
62 [cmdq_flushq] 0
63 [cmdq_flushq] 0
64 [cmdq_flushq] 0
65 [cmdq_flushq] 0
66 [cmdq_flushq] 0
67 [cmdq_flushq] 0
68 [cmdq_flushq] 0
69 [cmdq_flushq] 0
70 [cmdq_flushq] 0
71 [cmdq_flushq] 0
72 [cmdq_flushq] 0
73 [cmdq_flushq] 0
74 [cmdq_flushq] 0
75 [cmdq_flushq] 0
76 [cmdq_flushq] 0
77 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
78 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
79 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
80 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
81 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
82 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
83 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
84 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
85 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
86 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
87 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
88 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
89 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
90 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
91 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
92 [cmdq_auto_relea] 0
93 [cmdq_resource] 0
94 [cmdq_mdp_task] 0
95 [chgdet_thread] 0
96 [tcpc_power_off] 0
97 [charger_in] 0
98 [devfreq_wq] 0
100 [cfg80211] 0
104 [pmic_thread] 0
105 [lbat_service] 0
106 [bat_percent_not] 0
107 [dlpt_notify_thr] 0
108 [mdrt_thread] 0
109 [cfinteractive] 0
111 [ion_mm_heap] 0
113 [ion_mm_heap_for] 0
114 [ion_history] 0
115 [rtmm_pool] 0
116 [rtmm_reclaim] 0
129 [kswapd0] 0
130 [vmstat] 0
163 [bioset] 0
164 [bioset] 0
165 [bioset] 0
166 [bioset] 0
167 [bioset] 0
168 [bioset] 0
169 [bioset] 0
170 [bioset] 0
171 [bioset] 0
172 [bioset] 0
173 [bioset] 0
174 [bioset] 0
175 [bioset] 0
176 [bioset] 0
177 [bioset] 0
178 [bioset] 0
179 [bioset] 0
180 [bioset] 0
181 [bioset] 0
182 [bioset] 0
183 [bioset] 0
184 [bioset] 0
185 [bioset] 0
186 [bioset] 0
187 [bioset] 0
188 [bioset] 0
189 [bioset] 0
190 [bioset] 0
191 [bioset] 0
192 [bioset] 0
193 [bioset] 0
194 [bioset] 0
195 [bioset] 0
196 [pbm] 0
197 [accdet] 0
198 [dismicQueue] 0
199 [accdet_eint] 0
200 [btif_rxd] 0
201 [mtk_vibrator] 0
202 [usb20_st_wq] 0
203 [usb20_low_power] 0
204 [ipi_master] 0
205 [chre_kthread] 0
206 [scp_power_reset] 0
207 [SCP_WQ] 0
208 [SCP_LOG_WQ] 0
209 [SCP_RESET_WQ] 0
210 [ged_notify_sw_v] 0
211 [ged_dump_fw_log] 0
212 [ged_kpi] 0
213 [ccci_fsm1] 0
214 [ccci_poll1] 0
215 [ccci_rpc_k] 0
216 [ccci_udc] 0
217 [ccci_ipc_3] 0
218 [ccci_ipc_6] 0
219 [ccci_ipc_7] 0
220 [ccci_ipc_8] 0
221 [ccci_sys] 0
222 [ccci_ctrl] 0
223 [md1_cldma_worke] 0
224 [ccu-enque] 0
225 [teei_switch_thr] 0
226 [hang_detect] 0
227 [hang_detect1] 0
228 [disp_switch_mod] 0
229 [cpu_freq_wq] 0
230 [cpu_core_wq] 0
231 [dram_vcore_wq] 0
232 [krtatm] 0
233 [mt_usrtch__work] 0
234 [cpu_loading_wor] 0
235 [fpsgo_notifier_] 0
236 [mt_fstb] 0
237 [lt_wq] 0
238 [mem_thrash_dete] 0
239 [mtk_io_boost] 0
240 [spi32766] 0
241 [spi32765] 0
242 [spi32764] 0
243 [spi32763] 0
244 [spi32762] 0
245 [spi32761] 0
246 [uether] 0
247 [uether_rx1] 0
248 [gauge_coulomb_t] 0
249 [battery_thread] 0
250 [power_misc_thre] 0
251 [gauge_timer_thr] 0
252 [dm_bufio_cache] 0
255 [nanohub] 0
261 [ipv6_addrconf] 0
263 [ddp_irq_log_kth] 0
265 [disp_idlemgr] 0
266 [disp_check] 0
267 [decouple_update] 0
268 [decouple_trigge] 0
269 [display_check_a] 0
270 [disp_delay_trig] 0
271 [disp_od_trigger] 0
272 [present_fence_w] 0
273 [ion_fb_heap] 0
274 [ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt] 0
275 [EEM_CTRL_L] 0
276 [EEM_CTRL_2L] 0
277 [EEM_CTRL_CCI] 0
278 [EEM_CTRL_L_HI] 0
279 [EEM_CTRL_2L_HI] 0
280 [Init_1_Stress] 0
281 [hps_main] 0
282 [ksched_hint] 0
283 [accel_polling] 0
284 [baro_polling] 0
285 [pvr_timer] 0
286 [pvr_defer_free] 0
287 [pvr_device_wdg] 0
288 [pvr_cacheop] 0
289 [mwp] 0
290 [pvr_fce_status] 0
291 [sys_timer_wq] 0
292 [mtk-tpd] 0
294 [irq/19-NVT-ts] 0
295 [nvt_fwu_wq] 0
296 [nvt_esd_check_w] 0
297 [nvt_ts_workqueu] 0
298 [charger_thread] 0
299 [mt-wdk] 0
300 [wdtk-0] 0
301 [qos_recv] 0
302 [wdtk-1] 0
303 [wdtk-2] 0
304 [wdtk-3] 0
305 [wdtk-4] 0
306 [wdtk-5] 0
307 [wdtk-6] 0
308 [wdtk-7] 0
310 [exe_cq/0] 0
311 [bioset] 0
312 [mmcqd/0] 0
313 [bioset] 0
314 [mmcqd/0boot0] 0
315 [bioset] 0
316 [mmcqd/0boot1] 0
317 [bioset] 0
318 [mmcqd/0rpmb] 0
320 [kworker/5:1H] 0
322 [kdmflush] 0
323 [bioset] 0
325 [kdmflush] 0
326 [bioset] 0
328 [kdmflush] 0
329 [bioset] 0
330 [jbd2/mmcblk0p13] 0
331 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
334 [kdmflush] 0
335 [bioset] 0
336 [kverityd] 0
337 [bioset] 0
338 [bioset] 0
339 [bioset] 0
340 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
341 [kworker/6:1H] 0
346 [kworker/4:1H] 0
348 [kdmflush] 0
349 [bioset] 0
350 [kverityd] 0
351 [bioset] 0
352 [bioset] 0
353 [bioset] 0
354 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
356 [kdmflush] 0
357 [bioset] 0
358 [kverityd] 0
359 [bioset] 0
360 [bioset] 0
361 [bioset] 0
362 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
363 [kworker/0:1H] 0
364 [kworker/7:1H] 0
366 /system/bin/init 0
367 /system/bin/init 0
369 /system/bin/ueventd 0
371 [kworker/1:1H] 0
380 [loop0] 0
381 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
382 [loop1] 0
383 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
384 /system/bin/logd 0
391 logd.daemon 0
392 logd.loglevel 0
394 logd.reader 0
395 logd.writer 0
396 logd.control 0
402 logd.auditd 0
22504 logd.reader.per 0
23275 logd.reader.per 0
385 /system/bin/servicemanager 0
386 /system/bin/hwservicemanager 0
387 /vendor/bin/vndservicemanager 0
388 /system/vendor/bin/volte_md_status 0
393 volte_md_status 0
390 [kworker/2:1H] 0
397 [kauditd] 0
398 /system/bin/vold 0
403 Binder:398_1 0
404 vold 0
405 Binder:398_2 0
467 HwBinder:398_1 0
522 Binder:398_3 0
25850 Binder:398_4 0
408 [f2fs_flush-259:] 0
409 [f2fs_discard-25] 0
410 [f2fs_gc-259:9] 0
414 [jbd2/mmcblk0p40] 0
415 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
419 [jbd2/mmcblk0p15] 0
420 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
424 [jbd2/mmcblk0p16] 0
425 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
429 [jbd2/mmcblk0p12] 0
430 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
434 [jbd2/mmcblk0p11] 0
435 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
439 [jbd2/mmcblk0p18] 0
440 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
441 /system/xbin/mqsasd 0
446 CaptureServerTh 0
447 mqsasd 0
448 Binder:441_1 0
3506 Binder:441_2 0
3578 Binder:441_3 0
3582 Binder:441_4 0
442 [jbd2/mmcblk0p7-] 0
443 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
449 [f_mtp] 0
450 /vendor/bin/aee_aedv 0
451 /system/bin/aee_aed 0
454 /vendor/bin/teei_daemon 0
455 /system/bin/hw/android.system.suspend@1.0-service 0
464 Binder:455_1 0
465 Binder:455_2 0
2048 Binder:455_2 0
456 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service.beanpod 0
458 /vendor/bin/wmt_launcher 0
462 [Secure Call] 0
485 /system/bin/apexd 0
518 Binder:485_1 0
519 Binder:485_2 0
486 [loop2] 0
488 [kdmflush] 0
489 [bioset] 0
490 [kverityd] 0
491 [bioset] 0
492 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
493 [loop3] 0
495 [kdmflush] 0
496 [bioset] 0
497 [kverityd] 0
498 [bioset] 0
499 [irq/20-11240000] 0
500 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
501 [kworker/3:1H] 0
502 [loop4] 0
505 [kdmflush] 0
506 [bioset] 0
507 [kverityd] 0
508 [bioset] 0
509 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
510 [loop5] 0
511 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
512 [loop6] 0
513 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
514 [loop7] 0
515 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
516 [loop8] 0
517 [ext4-rsv-conver] 0
528 [loop9] 0
536 /system/bin/netd 0
871 netd 0
1004 SkDestroyListen 0
1032 netd 0
1033 netd 0
1034 netd 0
1035 netd 0
1036 NFLogListener 0
1037 netd 0
1042 Binder:536_1 0
1043 Binder:536_2 0
1044 Binder:536_2 0
1045 Binder:536_2 0
1049 HwBinder:536_1 0
1051 Binder:536_4 0
5251 Binder:536_5 0
537 zygote 0
25975 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25976 ReferenceQueueD 0
25977 FinalizerDaemon 0
25978 FinalizerWatchd 0
25979 Jit thread pool 0
539 /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service 0
540 /vendor/bin/hw/ 0
608 Binder:540_1 0
616 Binder:540_2 0
630 HwBinder:540_1 0
631 HwBinder:540_2 0
881 audio@5.0-servi 0
1006 processElementT 0
1007 readSpeechMessa 0
1008 eventThread_540 0
1009 eventThread_540 0
1015 audio@5.0-servi 0
1029 audio@5.0-servi 0
1357 HwBinder:540_3 0
2476 MiSoundSetParam 0
2480 writer 0
7945 readSpeechMessa 0
12333 HwBinder:540_4 0
13679 writer 0
541 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-mediatek 0
563 bt_hal_msg_hand 0
565 HwBinder:541_1 0
4182 bt_hal_msg_hand 0
6915 HwBinder:541_2 0
25862 HwBinder:541_3 0
542 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.cas@1.1-service 0
567 HwBinder:542_1 0
543 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.configstore@1.1-service 0
571 HwBinder:543_1 0
19773 HwBinder:543_2 0
544 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.0-service 0
594 HwBinder:544_1 0
598 HwBinder:544_2 0
25868 HwBinder:544_3 0
545 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.2-service.clearkey 0
583 HwBinder:545_1 0
585 HwBinder:545_2 0
25874 HwBinder:545_3 0
546 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.2-service.widevine 0
600 HwBinder:546_1 0
606 HwBinder:546_2 0
25880 HwBinder:546_3 0
547 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service 0
548 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-mediatek 0
1489 gnss@2.0-servic 0
1490 POSIX timer 0 0
549 /vendor/bin/hw/ 0
624 HwBinder:549_1 0
764 HwBinder:549_2 0
8681 HwBinder:549_3 0
550 /vendor/bin/hw/ 0
572 Binder:550_1 0
574 Binder:550_2 0
613 SWWatchDog 0
614 composer@2.1-se 0
615 composer@2.1-se 0
629 HwBinder:550_1 0
743 HwBinder:550_2 0
751 UEventThreadHWC 0
752 OverlayEngine_0 0
753 Dispatcher_0 0
754 HwBinder:550_2 0
755 HwBinder:550_2 0
756 VSyncThread_0 0
25891 HwBinder:550_3 0
25892 Binder:550_3 0
551 /vendor/bin/hw/ 0
552 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.light@2.0-service-mediatek 0
553 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service 0
554 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service 0
555 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek 0
1360 usb@1.1-service 0
556 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service 0
557 /vendor/bin/hw/vtservice_hidl 0
980 vtservice_hidl 0
981 vtservice_hidl 0
558 /vendor/bin/lbs_hidl_service 0
578 HwBinder:558_1 0
579 HwBinder:558_2 0
625 lbs_hidl_servic 0
626 lbs_hidl_servic 0
627 POSIX timer 0 0
559 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.gpu@1.0-service 0
628 HwBinder:559_1 0
901 gpu@1.0-service 0
560 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0-service 0
609 mtkPowerManager 0
610 mtkPowerService 0
561 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.1-service 0
562 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.nwk_opt@1.0-service 0
586 HwBinder:562_1 0
591 HwBinder:562_2 0
564 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.microtrust.hardware.capi@2.0-service 0
592 HwBinder:564_1 0
566 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0-service 0
584 HwBinder:566_1 0
588 HwBinder:566_2 0
568 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0-service 0
590 HwBinder:568_1 0
596 HwBinder:568_2 0
569 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0-service 0
602 HwBinder:569_1 0
570 /vendor/bin/mlipayd@1.1 0
915 HwBinder:570_1 0
916 HwBinder:570_2 0
573 /vendor/bin/mtd@1.2 0
993 HwBinder:573_1 0
5076 HwBinder:573_2 0
5077 HwBinder:573_3 0
575 /vendor/bin/vsimd 0
601 HwBinder:575_1 0
604 HwBinder:575_2 0
577 /system/bin/ashmemd 0
580 /system/bin/audioserver 0
668 HwBinder:580_1 0
670 HwBinder:580_2 0
673 ApmAudio 0
674 ApmOutput 0
685 Binder:580_1 0
687 Binder:580_2 0
1061 AudioOut_D 0
1086 AudioOut_15 0
1088 AudioOut_1D 0
1352 TimeCheckThread 0
1355 Binder:580_3 0
1356 Binder:580_4 0
2584 Binder:580_5 0
7403 Binder:580_6 0
7404 Binder:580_7 0
7428 Binder:580_8 0
7429 Binder:580_9 0
7430 Binder:580_A 0
22855 Binder:580_B 0
25908 HwBinder:580_3 0
582 /system/bin/gpuservice 0
633 Binder:582_1 0
587 /system/bin/lmkd 0
593 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 0
641 Binder:593_1 0
642 Binder:593_2 0
643 DispSync 0
644 surfaceflinger 0
645 app 0
646 sf 0
647 surfaceflinger 0
648 surfaceflinger 0
737 ged-swd 0
750 HwBinder:593_1 0
908 SWWatchDog 0
1253 Binder:593_3 0
1732 Binder:593_4 0
2348 Binder:593_5 0
17813 Binder:593_5 0
23564 surfaceflinger 0
23565 surfaceflinger 0
23990 surfaceflinger 0
23991 surfaceflinger 0
24493 surfaceflinger 0
24494 surfaceflinger 0
597 /vendor/bin/fuelgauged 0
599 /vendor/bin/ccci_fsd 0
681 ccci_fsd 0
603 /vendor/bin/ccci_fsd 0
605 /vendor/bin/ccci_mdinit 0
632 ccci_mdinit 0
612 /vendor/bin/ccci_rpcd 0
618 /vendor/bin/wfca 0
943 wfca 0
944 wfca 0
945 wfca 0
621 [pvr_misr] 0
622 [pvr_misr] 0
623 [pvr_misr] 0
651 [md1_tx0_worker] 0
652 [md1_tx1_worker] 0
653 [md1_tx2_worker] 0
654 [md1_tx3_worker] 0
655 [md1_rx0_worker] 0
656 [cldma_rxq0] 0
657 [rx0_worker] 0
658 [rx1_worker] 0
659 [rx2_worker] 0
660 [rx3_worker] 0
661 [rx4_worker] 0
662 [rx5_worker] 0
663 [rx6_worker] 0
664 [rx7_worker] 0
672 /system/vendor/bin/mi_thermald 0
825 mi_thermald 0
826 mi_thermald 0
827 mi_thermald 0
828 mi_thermald 0
829 mi_thermald 0
830 mi_thermald 0
831 mi_thermald 0
832 mi_thermald 0
834 mi_thermald 0
835 mi_thermald 0
836 mi_thermald 0
837 mi_thermald 0
838 mi_thermald 0
839 mi_thermald 0
840 mi_thermald 0
841 mi_thermald 0
842 mi_thermald 0
843 mi_thermald 0
844 mi_thermald 0
845 mi_thermald 0
846 mi_thermald 0
848 mi_thermald 0
849 mi_thermald 0
850 mi_thermald 0
851 mi_thermald 0
852 mi_thermald 0
853 mi_thermald 0
675 /vendor/bin/mnld 0
708 mnld 0
709 mnld 0
710 mnld 0
711 mnld 0
712 POSIX timer 0 0
713 POSIX timer 1 0
714 POSIX timer 2 0
715 POSIX timer 3 0
716 POSIX timer 4 0
717 POSIX timer 5 0
718 mnld 0
719 mnld 0
720 POSIX timer 6 0
725 POSIX timer 7 0
727 POSIX timer 8 0
676 /system/bin/lbs_dbg 0
689 lbs_dbg 0
690 lbs_dbg 0
691 lbs_dbg 0
692 HwBinder:676_1 0
678 /system/xbin/shelld 0
879 Binder:678_1 0
4915 Binder:678_2 0
4923 Binder:678_3 0
679 /system/bin/fdpp 0
700 Binder:679_1 0
682 /system/xbin/qadaemon 0
684 /system/bin/cameraserver 0
1014 HwBinder:684_1 0
1016 HwBinder:684_2 0
1197 HwBinder:684_3 0
1198 HwBinder:684_4 0
1303 Binder:684_1 0
1459 Binder:684_2 0
1733 Binder:684_3 0
2557 Binder:684_4 0
8145 Binder:684_5 0
11388 Binder:684_6 0
25091 Binder:684_7 0
686 /system/bin/connsyslogger 0
1013 csl_sock_host 0
688 /system/bin/drmserver 0
874 Binder:688_1 0
1454 Binder:688_1 0
1455 Binder:688_1 0
12145 Binder:688_2 0
694 /system/bin/incidentd 0
724 Binder:694_1 0
729 Binder:694_3 0
695 /system/bin/thermald 0
696 /system/bin/vtservice 0
961 IMCB msg dispat 0
962 IMCB msg handle 0
963 vtservice 0
964 downlink_thread 0
965 Binder:696_1 0
979 HwBinder:696_1 0
697 /system/bin/installd 0
722 Binder:697_1 0
1304 Binder:697_3 0
1305 Binder:697_4 0
21191 Binder:697_5 0
698 /system/bin/keystore 0
749 HwBinder:698_1 0
699 /system/bin/mediadrmserver 0
739 Binder:699_1 0
25931 Binder:699_2 0
701 media.extractor 0
932 Binder:701_1 0
1460 Binder:701_2 0
12200 Binder:701_3 0
12202 Binder:701_4 0
12277 Binder:701_5 0
18227 Binder:701_6 0
19457 Binder:701_7 0
702 media.metrics 0
862 Binder:702_1 0
12203 Binder:702_2 0
18226 Binder:702_3 0
25937 Binder:702_4 0
703 /system/bin/mediaserver 0
925 Binder:703_1 0
1467 HwBinder:703_1 0
1556 Binder:703_2 0
1557 Binder:703_3 0
3602 Binder:703_4 0
3810 Binder:703_5 0
12549 CCodecWatchdog 0
12550 NPDecoder-CL 0
704 /system/xbin/miuibooster 0
747 miuibooster 0
748 Binder:704_2 0
757 Binder:704_1 0
758 miuibooster 0
759 miuibooster 0
762 Binder:704_3 0
705 /system/bin/mobile_log_d 0
872 mobile_log_d.wc 0
706 /system/bin/netdiag 0
741 netdiag 0
707 /system/bin/statsd 0
809 Binder:707_1 0
810 Binder:707_2 0
812 HwBinder:707_1 0
813 Binder:707_3 0
833 statsd.writer 0
25949 Binder:707_4 0
721 /system/bin/storaged 0
865 storaged 0
867 Binder:721_1 0
1216 HwBinder:721_1 0
723 /system/bin/wificond 0
726 [mtk_stp_psm] 0
728 [mtk_stp_btm] 0
730 media.codec 0
855 Binder:730_1 0
858 Binder:730_2 0
863 HwBinder:730_1 0
864 HwBinder:730_2 0
1480 HwBinder:730_3 0
22856 HwBinder:730_4 0
731 [mtk_wmtd] 0
732 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek 0
795 sensors@2.0-ser 0
1300 sensors@2.0-ser 0
733 [mtk_wmtd_worker] 0
734 /vendor/bin/hw/camerahalserver 0
817 ULogGuardMonito 0
899 camerahalserver 0
1195 HwBinder:734_1 0
1196 HwBinder:734_2 0
22189 HwBinder:734_3 0
22316 fpipe.tpi.1 0
22346 MDP-0 0
22347 MDP-1 0
22534 HwBinder:734_4 0
736 /vendor/bin/thermal 0
742 /vendor/bin/thermalloadalgod 0
744 /vendor/bin/ipsec_mon 0
746 /vendor/bin/mtk_agpsd 0
766 mtk_agpsd 0
767 mtk_agpsd 0
769 POSIX timer 0 0
770 POSIX timer 1 0
771 POSIX timer 2 0
772 POSIX timer 3 0
773 POSIX timer 4 0
774 POSIX timer 5 0
775 POSIX timer 6 0
776 POSIX timer 7 0
777 POSIX timer 8 0
778 POSIX timer 9 0
779 POSIX timer 10 0
780 POSIX timer 11 0
781 POSIX timer 12 0
782 POSIX timer 13 0
783 POSIX timer 14 0
784 POSIX timer 15 0
785 POSIX timer 16 0
786 POSIX timer 17 0
787 POSIX timer 18 0
788 POSIX timer 19 0
789 POSIX timer 20 0
790 POSIX timer 21 0
791 mtk_agpsd 0
792 POSIX timer 22 0
796 POSIX timer 23 0
797 POSIX timer 24 0
798 POSIX timer 25 0
799 POSIX timer 26 0
800 POSIX timer 27 0
801 POSIX timer 28 0
802 POSIX timer 29 0
803 POSIX timer 30 0
804 POSIX timer 31 0
805 POSIX timer 32 0
806 POSIX timer 33 0
807 POSIX timer 34 0
816 POSIX timer 35 0
818 POSIX timer 36 0
819 POSIX timer 37 0
820 POSIX timer 38 0
821 POSIX timer 39 0
822 POSIX timer 40 0
823 POSIX timer 41 0
760 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.2-service 0
854 PQServiceHAL 0
856 AALMain 0
857 HwBinder:760_1 0
860 AALLightSensor 0
1362 HwBinder:760_2 0
761 /vendor/bin/wlan_assistant 0
763 media.swcodec 0
905 HwBinder:763_1 0
906 HwBinder:763_2 0
1682 mediaswcodec 0
1683 mediaswcodec 0
1753 HwBinder:763_3 0
1756 HwBinder:763_4 0
1767 HwBinder:763_1 0
12064 HwBinder:763_5 0
12071 HwBinder:763_6 0
12555 HwBinder:763_7 0
13428 HwBinder:763_8 0
22857 HwBinder:763_9 0
24007 HwBinder:763_A 0
768 /system/bin/gatekeeperd 0
793 /system/bin/tombstoned 0
811 /vendor/bin/netdagent 0
893 netdagent 0
894 HwBinder:811_1 0
895 HwBinder:811_2 0
814 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.microtrust.hardware.thh@2.0-service 0
884 [fm_timer_wq] 0
885 [fm_eint_wq] 0
956 /vendor/bin/bip 0
971 bip 0
973 bip 0
975 POSIX timer 0 0
976 POSIX timer 1 0
977 bip 0
957 /vendor/bin/volte_imsm_93 0
968 volte_imsm_93 0
969 volte_imsm_93 0
970 volte_imsm_93 0
972 volte_imsm_93 0
974 volte_imsm_93 0
1053 volte_imsm_93 0
1054 volte_imsm_93 0
959 /vendor/bin/volte_stack 0
996 volte_stack 0
997 volte_stack 0
998 volte_stack 0
999 volte_stack 0
1000 volte_stack 0
1001 volte_stack 0
1002 volte_stack 0
1003 volte_stack 0
960 /vendor/bin/volte_ua 0
995 volte_ua 0
1021 volte_ua 0
1022 volte_ua 0
1023 volte_ua 0
1024 volte_ua 0
1025 volte_ua 0
1026 volte_ua 0
1027 volte_ua 0
1028 volte_ua 0
967 /vendor/bin/volte_imcb 0
989 volte_imcb 0
990 volte_imcb 0
991 volte_imcb 0
992 volte_imcb 0
1046 volte_imcb 0
1047 volte_imcb 0
978 /vendor/bin/epdg_wod 0
1192 epdg_wod 0
1193 epdg_wod 0
1011 /system/bin/emdlogger1 0
1084 mdl_ctrl_reader 0
1085 mdl_log_flow 0
1089 mdl_sock_host 0
1091 log_sdwrite 0
1092 mdl_log_rd 0
1093 mdl_log_wt 0
1094 mdl_log_rate 0
1099 mdl_seek_filter 0
1018 /vendor/bin/gsm0710muxd 0
1055 gsm0710muxd 0
1056 gsm0710muxd 0
1057 gsm0710muxd 0
1058 gsm0710muxd 0
1059 gsm0710muxd 0
1060 gsm0710muxd 0
1062 gsm0710muxd 0
1063 gsm0710muxd 0
1064 gsm0710muxd 0
1065 gsm0710muxd 0
1066 gsm0710muxd 0
1067 gsm0710muxd 0
1068 gsm0710muxd 0
1069 gsm0710muxd 0
1070 gsm0710muxd 0
1071 gsm0710muxd 0
1072 gsm0710muxd 0
1073 gsm0710muxd 0
1074 gsm0710muxd 0
1075 gsm0710muxd 0
1076 gsm0710muxd 0
1077 gsm0710muxd 0
1078 gsm0710muxd 0
1079 gsm0710muxd 0
1080 gsm0710muxd 0
1081 gsm0710muxd 0
1082 gsm0710muxd 0
1095 /vendor/bin/hw/mtkfusionrild 0
1113 mtkfusionrild 0
1115 RILD MCL Dispat 0
1116 POSIX timer 0 0
1117 Ril Proxy Main 0
1119 Ril Proxy reque 0
1120 Ril Proxy reque 0
1121 Ril Proxy reque 0
1122 Ril Proxy reque 0
1123 RfxReader_0 0
1124 RfxSender_0 0
1125 RfxReader_12 0
1126 RfxSender_12 0
1129 RfxReader_1 0
1130 RfxSender_1 0
1131 RfxReader_2 0
1132 RfxSender_2 0
1133 RfxReader_3 0
1134 RfxSender_3 0
1135 RfxReader_4 0
1136 RfxSender_4 0
1137 RfxReader_5 0
1138 RfxSender_5 0
1139 RfxReader_6 0
1140 RfxSender_6 0
1141 RfxReader_7 0
1142 RfxSender_7 0
1143 RfxReader_8 0
1144 RfxSender_8 0
1145 RfxSender_4 0
1146 RfxReader_9 0
1147 RfxSender_9 0
1148 RfxReader_10 0
1149 RfxSender_4 0
1150 RfxSender_10 0
1151 RfxReader_11 0
1152 RfxSender_11 0
1153 RfxReader_13 0
1154 RfxSender_13 0
1155 RfxReader_14 0
1156 RfxSender_14 0
1157 RfxSender_4 0
1159 RfxReader_15 0
1160 RfxSender_11 0
1161 RfxSender_15 0
1162 RfxReader_16 0
1163 RfxSender_11 0
1164 RfxSender_16 0
1165 RfxReader_17 0
1166 RfxSender_17 0
1167 RfxReader_18 0
1168 RfxSender_18 0
1169 RfxReader_19 0
1170 RfxSender_19 0
1171 RfxReader_20 0
1172 RfxSender_20 0
1173 RfxReader_21 0
1174 RfxSender_21 0
1175 RfxReader_22 0
1176 RfxSender_22 0
1177 RfxReader_23 0
1178 RfxSender_23 0
1179 StateThread 0
1180 StateThread 0
1181 RtcAgpsThread 0
1182 RtcSmsThread 0
1183 RfxSender_5 0
1184 CCCIThread 0
1189 RfxSender_8 0
1201 system_server 0
1208 Jit thread pool 0
1209 Signal Catcher 0
1210 HeapTaskDaemon 0
1211 ReferenceQueueD 0
1212 FinalizerDaemon 0
1213 FinalizerWatchd 0
1214 Binder:1201_1 0
1215 Binder:1201_2 0
1229 android.fg 0
1230 android.ui 0
1231 0
1232 android.display 0
1233 android.anim 0
1234 android.anim.lf 0
1235 watchdogWorkerT 0
1236 watchdog 0
1238 0
1239 ActivityManager 0
1240 ActivityManager 0
1241 ActivityManager 0
1242 PeriodicCleaner 0
1243 OomAdjuster 0
1245 batterystats-wo 0
1246 FileObserver 0
1247 CpuTracker 0
1248 AnrMonitorThrea 0
1249 PowerManagerSer 0
1250 HwBinder:1201_1 0
1251 BatteryStats_wa 0
1252 MiuiLightsHandl 0
1254 PackageManager 0
1255 PackageManager 0
1257 Cta_PermRecords 0
1296 PackageInstalle 0
1297 SaveDataTofile 0
1299 HealthServiceRe 0
1301 SensorEventAckR 0
1302 SensorService 0
1306 RollbackManager 0
1307 RollbackPackage 0
1310 AccountManagerS 0
1311 SettingsProvide 0
1313 CompactionThrea 0
1314 AlarmManager 0
1317 DisplayPolicy 0
1319 InputDispatcher 0
1320 InputReader 0
1321 NetworkWatchlis 0
1322 StorageManagerS 0
1324 MiuiActivityCon 0
1327 NetworkStatInte 0
1328 NetworkStats 0
1329 NetworkPolicy 0
1330 tworkPolicy.uid 0
1331 MiuiNetworkPoli 0
1332 WifiService 0
1333 ClientModeImpl 0
1334 WifiP2pService 0
1337 WifiScanningSer 0
1338 ConnectivitySer 0
1339 roid.pacmanager 0
1340 Tethering 0
1341 TetheringIntern 0
1342 NsdService 0
1343 mDnsConnector 0
1344 notification-sq 0
1345 ranker 0
1346 onProviders.ECP 0
1347 DeviceStorageMo 0
1348 LocationPolicy 0
1349 ConnectivityThr 0
1350 HwBinder:1201_2 0
1351 hidl_ssvc_poll 0
1353 AudioService 0
1354 AudioDeviceBrok 0
1358 UEventObserver 0
1361 miui.fg 0
1363 SecurityWriteHa 0
1364 SecurityManager 0
1367 MiuiBackup 0
1368 0
1369 SystemPressureC 0
1370 ProcessManager 0
1371 PowerKeeperPoli 0
1372 ScreenEffectThr 0
1373 backup 0
1374 GraphicsStats-d 0
1375 SliceManagerSer 0
1376 CameraService_p 0
1377 StatsCompanionS 0
1378 PowerHalWifiMon 0
1379 vibrator-inject 0
1380 SyncHandler-0 0
1384 HwBinder:1201_3 0
1385 RedirectListene 0
1386 MiuiWifiService 0
1387 EthernetService 0
1388 TaskSnapshotPer 0
1389 miui.gesture 0
1390 MiuiFreeFormGes 0
1391 OsuServerHandle 0
1394 PhotonicModulat 0
1411 SyncManager 0
1412 UsbService host 0
1431 Thread-7 0
1433 SoundPool 0
1434 SoundPoolThread 0
1436 AsyncTask #1 0
1437 NetworkStatsObs 0
1458 Binder:1201_3 0
1468 EmergencyAfford 0
1485 NetworkTimeUpda 0
1587 Binder:1201_4 0
1618 Binder:1201_5 0
1643 Binder:1201_6 0
1684 Binder:1201_7 0
1686 Thread-9 0
1729 Binder:1201_8 0
1739 BluetoothRouteM 0
1740 AudioPortEventH 0
1745 MissedCallNotif 0
1746 uteStateMachine 0
1747 VoiceReporter 0
1748 RingerFlash 0
1749 CallAudioModeSt 0
1750 ConnectionSvrFo 0
1758 CCodecWatchdog 0
1760 NDK MediaCodec_ 0
1770 HwBinder:1201_4 0
1845 queued-work-loo 0
1994 RenderThread 0
2038 work-thread 0
2039 ged-swd 0
2040 Binder:1201_9 0
2041 Binder:1201_A 0
2045 Binder:1201_B 0
2046 Binder:1201_C 0
2112 Okio Watchdog 0
2520 LazyTaskWriterT 0
2522 pool-1-thread-1 0
2531 GrallocUploadTh 0
2545 Binder:1201_D 0
2562 backup-0 0
2567 pool-3-thread-1 0
2696 Binder:1201_E 0
2840 Binder:1201_F 0
2843 Binder:1201_10 0
2890 Binder:1201_11 0
2891 Binder:1201_12 0
2927 Binder:1201_13 0
2952 Binder:1201_14 0
3011 Binder:1201_15 0
3013 Binder:1201_16 0
3731 Binder:1201_17 0
3740 Binder:1201_18 0
3742 Binder:1201_19 0
3752 Binder:1201_1A 0
3768 Binder:1201_1B 0
3770 Binder:1201_1C 0
4499 MtkAgpsHandler 0
4650 AsyncQueryWorke 0
5574 first_use_threa 0
5660 Binder:1201_1D 0
6146 Binder:1201_1E 0
6414 Binder:1201_1F 0
7141 Binder:1201_20 0
7397 tonegenerator-d 0
7401 CompletableFutu 0
9311 HwBinder:1201_5 0
1413 0
1419 Jit thread pool 0
1420 Runtime worker 0
1421 Runtime worker 0
1422 Runtime worker 0
1423 Runtime worker 0
1424 Signal Catcher 0
1425 HeapTaskDaemon 0
1426 ReferenceQueueD 0
1427 FinalizerDaemon 0
1428 FinalizerWatchd 0
1429 Binder:1413_1 0
1430 Binder:1413_2 0
1432 Binder:1413_3 0
1539 mistat_db 0
1541 FileObserver 0
1542 ImageWallpaper 0
1543 TimeTick 0
1549 mi_analytics_up 0
1550 queued-work-loo 0
1551 pool-3-thread-1 0
1552 SoundPool 0
1553 SoundPoolThread 0
1554 Recents-TaskRes 0
1558 recents.fg 0
1571 0
1604 RenderThread 0
1741 VolumeDialogCon 0
1743 SysUiBg 0
1759 CCodecWatchdog 0
1761 NDK MediaCodec_ 0
1762 HwBinder:1413_1 0
1777 Binder:1413_4 0
1827 SysUiNetBg 0
1828 ConnectivityThr 0
1829 MiuiWifiManager 0
1830 WifiTracker{416 0
1832 StatusBar 0
1837 ToggleManager 0
1900 face_unlock 0
1929 FlashlightContr 0
1970 SysUiBtBg 0
1983 Binder:1413_5 0
1997 RoundedCorners 0
1999 NcSystem 0
2000 Keyboard 0
2006 Binder:1413_6 0
2007 pool-5-thread-1 0
2016 Binder:1413_7 0
2017 ged-swd 0
2018 MiuiKeyguardPic 0
2047 keyguard_analyt 0
2049 SysUiBg 0
2144 SystemUIStat 0
2200 hwuiTask0 0
2201 hwuiTask1 0
2222 Thread-3 0
2279 pool-7-thread-1 0
2406 Binder:1413_8 0
2453 pool-4-thread-1 0
3236 Binder:1413_9 0
3484 Binder:1413_A 0
4267 Recents-TaskRes 0
4268 Recents-TaskRes 0
4269 Recents-TaskRes 0
4270 Recents-TaskRes 0
4271 Recents-TaskRes 0
4273 Recents-TaskRes 0
4274 Recents-TaskRes 0
4275 Recents-TaskRes 0
4277 RSMessageThread 0
8620 Binder:1413_B 0
8803 GrallocUploadTh 0
8828 ScreenOff 0
10265 magnifier pixel 0
10525 Binder:1413_C 0
10570 Binder:1413_D 0
12740 Binder:1413_E 0
12853 Binder:1413_F 0
12876 Binder:1413_10 0
22943 AsyncQueryWorke 0
24369 AsyncTask #16 0
25249 pool-1-thread-2 0
25961 AudioTrack 0
1464 /system/bin/iptables-restore 0
1465 /system/bin/ip6tables-restore 0
1494 webview_zygote 0
25046 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25047 ReferenceQueueD 0
25048 FinalizerDaemon 0
25049 FinalizerWatchd 0
25050 Jit thread pool 0
1612 0
1619 Jit thread pool 0
1629 Signal Catcher 0
1630 HeapTaskDaemon 0
1631 ReferenceQueueD 0
1632 FinalizerDaemon 0
1633 FinalizerWatchd 0
1634 Binder:1612_1 0
1635 Binder:1612_2 0
1685 Binder:1612_3 0
1737 Profile Saver 0
1775 queued-work-loo 0
1799 HwBinder:1612_1 0
1824 PowerSM 0
1833 Thread-2 0
1834 Thread-3 0
1838 Thread-5 0
1840 MiuiIccPhoneBoo 0
1841 MtkGsmCellBroad 0
1844 GsmInboundSmsHa 0
1846 CellBroadcastHa 0
1847 CdmaInboundSmsH 0
1848 CdmaServiceCate 0
1873 MtkHandlerThrea 0
1879 DcHandlerThread 0
1880 DataService 0
1895 Thread-6 0
1896 DcHandlerThread 0
1897 DataService 0
1898 Thread-7 0
1899 ConnectivityThr 0
1901 SSRequestHandle 0
1905 MtkGsmCellBroad 0
1906 GsmInboundSmsHa 0
1908 CellBroadcastHa 0
1909 CdmaInboundSmsH 0
1916 CdmaServiceCate 0
1926 MtkHandlerThrea 0
1927 DcHandlerThread 0
1928 DataService 0
1930 Thread-8 0
1931 DcHandlerThread 0
1932 DataService 0
1938 Thread-9 0
1939 SSRequestHandle 0
1946 0
1966 Binder:1612_4 0
1988 MtkSuppServMana 0
2009 MiuiCloudDataMa 0
2012 PhoneWorkThread 0
2014 HingeNetworkMan 0
2023 Binder:1612_5 0
2024 Binder:1612_6 0
2025 Binder:1612_7 0
2026 UsimPhoneBookMa 0
2027 RilMessageDecod 0
2028 Cat Icon Loader 0
2029 QualifiedNetwor 0
2030 NetworkService 0
2031 NetworkService 0
2033 DataService 0
2034 DataService 0
2036 Binder:1612_8 0
2075 MtkQualifiedNet 0
2076 CellularNetwork 0
2077 IWlanNetworkSer 0
2078 CellularNetwork 0
2079 MtkQualifiedNet 0
2080 IWlanNetworkSer 0
2083 CellularDataSer 0
2084 IwlanDataServic 0
2086 CellularDataSer 0
2087 IwlanDataServic 0
2121 Binder:1612_9 0
2142 ImsServiceContr 0
2166 Binder:1612_A 0
2177 jector.Database 0
2182 Binder:1612_B 0
2183 Binder:1612_C 0
2223 Binder:1612_D 0
2368 ImsServiceContr 0
2409 Stk App Service 0
4687 RenderThread 0
4769 magnifier pixel 0
4843 ONSNetworkScanC 0
4844 ONSProfileSelec 0
7938 AudioTrack 0
8619 Binder:1612_E 0
8929 AsyncTask #4 0
9341 Binder:1612_F 0
10517 Binder:1612_10 0
1687 com.miui.home 0
1694 Jit thread pool 0
1695 Runtime worker 0
1696 Runtime worker 0
1697 Runtime worker 0
1698 Runtime worker 0
1699 Signal Catcher 0
1701 HeapTaskDaemon 0
1702 ReferenceQueueD 0
1703 FinalizerDaemon 0
1704 FinalizerWatchd 0
1705 Binder:1687_1 0
1706 Binder:1687_2 0
1731 Binder:1687_3 0
1769 queued-work-loo 0
1778 cher.Background 0
1789 pool-2-thread-1 0
1791 launcher-loader 0
1792 LauncherTask #1 0
1793 pool-7-thread-1 0
1794 RenderThread 0
1800 pool-2-thread-2 0
1850 pool-6-thread-1 0
1876 UiThreadHelper 0
1884 LauncherTask #2 0
1885 magnifier pixel 0
1891 LauncherTask #3 0
1904 rs_blur 0
1913 AnimThread-1 0
1915 LogThread 0
1933 LauncherTask #4 0
1934 SoundPool 0
1935 SoundPoolThread 0
1937 cmd 0
1940 CCodecWatchdog 0
1941 NDK MediaCodec_ 0
1942 HwBinder:1687_1 0
1944 FsGestureSecond 0
1945 FsGesturePriori 0
1971 Binder:1687_4 0
1976 pool-10-thread- 0
1978 pool-11-thread- 0
1980 pool-12-thread- 0
1981 pool-13-thread- 0
1982 pool-14-thread- 0
2001 AsyncQueryWorke 0
2002 MAML RenderThre 0
2456 hwuiTask0 0
2457 hwuiTask1 0
2504 AnimRunnerThrea 0
2505 AnimThread-2 0
2506 AnimThread-3 0
2507 AnimThread-4 0
2508 AnimThread-5 0
8122 Binder:1687_5 0
8863 pool-15-thread- 0
8944 pool-15-thread- 0
17385 Binder:1687_6 0
22785 ged-swd 0
22948 AsyncTask #1 0
2053 com.mediatek.ims 0
2060 Jit thread pool 0
2065 Signal Catcher 0
2066 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2067 ReferenceQueueD 0
2068 FinalizerDaemon 0
2069 FinalizerWatchd 0
2070 Binder:2053_1 0
2071 Binder:2053_2 0
2072 Binder:2053_3 0
2093 Profile Saver 0
2101 HwBinder:2053_1 0
2106 ImsDcHandlerThr 0
2107 ConnectivityThr 0
2108 ImsDcHandlerThr 0
2109 MtkSSExt 0
2110 ImsConfigThread 0
2111 ImsEventThread- 0
2113 ImsConfigThread 0
2114 ImsEventThread- 0
2115 MwiServiceHandl 0
2117 ProviderHandler 0
2118 Binder:2053_4 0
2122 Binder:2053_5 0
2143 queued-work-loo 0
2165 Binder:2053_6 0
2271 ImsUtImplResult 0
2272 MtkImsUtImplRes 0
2277 ImsUtImplResult 0
2278 MtkImsUtImplRes 0
4664 Binder:2053_7 0
2074 /vendor/bin/charge_logger 0
2082 /vendor/bin/MI_RIC 0
2089 /system/bin/mcd 0
2116 Binder:2089_1 0
2090 /system/bin/batterywarning 0
2281 0
2287 Jit thread pool 0
2292 Signal Catcher 0
2293 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2294 ReferenceQueueD 0
2295 FinalizerDaemon 0
2296 FinalizerWatchd 0
2297 Binder:2281_1 0
2298 Binder:2281_2 0
2305 Profile Saver 0
2367 Binder:2281_3 0
2369 queued-work-loo 0
2979 Primes-1 0
2988 GoogleApiHandle 0
3106 Primes-2 0
3213 Binder:2281_4 0
3860 ProcessStablePh 0
3903 ConnectivityThr 0
3906 ProvisioningSta 0
3913 RCS Engine Hand 0
3927 SimStateTracker 0
3953 ProtoDataStore- 0
3980 ProtoDataStore- 0
3989 ProtoDataStore- 0
4594 Binder:2281_5 0
4595 Binder:2281_6 0
17167 AsyncTask #6 0
2306 0
2312 Jit thread pool 0
2313 Runtime worker 0
2314 Runtime worker 0
2315 Runtime worker 0
2316 Runtime worker 0
2317 Signal Catcher 0
2318 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2319 ReferenceQueueD 0
2320 FinalizerDaemon 0
2321 FinalizerWatchd 0
2322 Binder:2306_1 0
2323 Binder:2306_2 0
2327 Binder:2306_3 0
2354 FileObserver 0
2356 highpool[0] 0
2361 GlobalScheduler 0
2364 highpool[2] 0
2370 GoogleApiHandle 0
2373 GlobalDispatchi 0
2383 ice] processing 0
2384 queued-work-loo 0
2431 Binder:2306_4 0
2440 .gms.persistent 0
2442 ConnectivityThr 0
3201 Binder:2306_5 0
3273 highpool[4] 0
3388 Binder:2306_6 0
3392 Binder:2306_7 0
3489 Binder:2306_8 0
3548 FlpThread 0
3803 GeofencerStateM 0
3962 GoogleLocationS 0
3972 Binder:2306_9 0
4019 DG 0
4025 MSMuxTR-0 0
4044 netscheduler-qu 0
4049 pool-145-thread 0
4054 NearbyDiscovery 0
5580 CronetInit 0
5581 ThreadPoolServi 0
5583 ChromiumNet 0
5586 Network File Th 0
6577 Binder:2306_A 0
6958 tron.oc.mrc.rt 0
6960 Binder:2306_B 0
7976 Binder:2306_C 0
8063 Binder:2306_D 0
8547 resolverService 0
10216 Binder:2306_E 0
10494 Okio Watchdog 0
14270 highpool[9] 0
14420 lowpool[55] 0
14560 Binder:2306_F 0
16699 ThreadPoolForeg 0
16995 Binder:2306_10 0
22889 grpc-timer-0 0
25178 lowpool[84] 0
25350 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25503 lowpool[87] 0
25504 lowpool[88] 0
2377 0
2387 Jit thread pool 0
2388 Runtime worker 0
2389 Runtime worker 0
2390 Runtime worker 0
2391 Runtime worker 0
2392 Signal Catcher 0
2393 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2394 ReferenceQueueD 0
2395 FinalizerDaemon 0
2396 FinalizerWatchd 0
2397 Binder:2377_1 0
2398 Binder:2377_2 0
2399 Binder:2377_3 0
2411 FileObserver 0
2415 GlobalScheduler 0
2418 GlobalDispatchi 0
2424 GoogleApiHandle 0
2425 ice] processing 0
2426 queued-work-loo 0
2626 Binder:2377_4 0
3204 ConnectivityThr 0
3235 Binder:2377_5 0
3386 Binder:2377_6 0
3387 Binder:2377_7 0
3490 Binder:2377_8 0
4104 pool-39-thread- 0
4201 GlobalScheduler 0
4209 GmsDynamite 0
4520 ProcessStablePh 0
4521 GoogleApiHandle 0
5948 GlobalScheduler 0
5950 GlobalDispatchi 0
5952 GoogleApiHandle 0
5954 pool-74-thread- 0
5992 GlobalScheduler 0
6145 ProcessStablePh 0
6148 ProcessStablePh 0
6149 GoogleApiHandle 0
6280 DG 0
6293 Binder:2377_9 0
6294 Binder:2377_A 0
6333 Binder:2377_B 0
6826 Binder:2377_C 0
6831 LIT-TimeoutSche 0
6856 LIT-TimeoutSche 0
6940 AsyncTask #1 0
7654 pool-115-thread 0
7988 grpc-timer-0 0
7990 CronetInit 0
7992 ThreadPoolServi 0
7994 ChromiumNet 0
8001 Network File Th 0
8751 arch_disk_io_0 0
8752 arch_disk_io_1 0
8753 arch_disk_io_2 0
8754 arch_disk_io_3 0
9285 Okio Watchdog 0
14677 lowpool[24] 0
15627 Binder:2377_D 0
16698 ThreadPoolForeg 0
17144 safety-net-call 0
17178 lowpool[25] 0
17179 lowpool[26] 0
21252 Chrome_ProcessL 0
21254 GoogleApiHandle 0
21255 ThreadPoolServi 0
21257 ThreadPoolForeg 0
21259 Chrome_IOThread 0
21260 MemoryInfra 0
21267 AudioThread 0
21271 ThreadPoolSingl 0
21272 NetworkService 0
21279 CookieMonsterCl 0
21280 CookieMonsterBa 0
21285 PlatformService 0
21289 ThreadPoolSingl 0
21294 highpool[8] 0
21295 highpool[9] 0
21296 highpool[10] 0
21298 highpool[12] 0
21313 lowpool[27] 0
21322 CleanupReferenc 0
21324 Chrome_InProcGp 0
21325 Chrome_ChildIOT 0
21326 ged-swd 0
21341 VizCompositorTh 0
21356 JavaBridge 0
24663 ThreadPoolForeg 0
2484 0
2490 Jit thread pool 0
2495 Signal Catcher 0
2496 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2497 ReferenceQueueD 0
2498 FinalizerDaemon 0
2499 FinalizerWatchd 0
2500 Binder:2484_1 0
2501 Binder:2484_2 0
2502 Binder:2484_3 0
2503 Profile Saver 0
2514 queued-work-loo 0
2515 ExUtils-P11-1 0
2549 ExUtils-P9-1 0
3033 MetricsManager 0
3073 Primes-1 0
3085 GoogleApiHandle 0
3100 AnrDetector 0
3124 DecoderWrapper 0
3139 sp-control-1 0
3177 DFacilitator-1 0
3194 ExUtils-P10-1 0
3384 AsyncTask #1 0
3429 GmsDynamite 0
3554 CronetInit 0
3598 ThreadPoolServi 0
3600 ChromiumNet 0
3654 Network File Th 0
3881 Primes-2 0
3895 ProcessStablePh 0
4593 Binder:2484_4 0
5230 Tiresias 0
5243 voice-control-1 0
5257 DecoderWrapper 0
5258 RenderThread 0
5266 DecoderWrapper 0
5488 Binder:2484_5 0
5577 MicoreScheduled 0
13235 MicoreScheduled 0
13236 glide-active-re 0
13237 ExUtils-P1-1 0
13419 Binder:2484_6 0
13527 MicoreScheduled 0
16350 MicoreScheduled 0
16351 MicoreScheduled 0
16352 MicoreScheduled 0
16356 MicoreScheduled 0
16357 MicoreScheduled 0
16694 ThreadPoolForeg 0
17199 Binder:2484_7 0
22878 ged-swd 0
25269 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25293 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25323 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25349 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25374 ExUtils-F-P2-31 0
25375 ExUtils-F-P19-4 0
25527 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25528 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25531 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25532 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25745 ExUtils-F-P10-1 0
25962 ExUtils-F-P19-4 0
26034 ExUtils-F-P19-4 0
2563 0
2570 Jit thread pool 0
2575 Signal Catcher 0
2576 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2577 ReferenceQueueD 0
2578 FinalizerDaemon 0
2579 FinalizerWatchd 0
2580 Binder:2563_1 0
2581 Binder:2563_2 0
2583 Binder:2563_3 0
2743 Profile Saver 0
2950 Blocking Thread 0
2953 Lite Thread #0 0
2958 Primes-1 0
2961 Primes-2 0
3005 GoogleApiHandle 0
3182 BG Thread #0 0
3203 ConnectivityThr 0
3462 Lite Thread #0 0
3493 BG Thread #1 0
3498 BG Thread #2 0
3575 Lite Thread #1 0
3594 BG Thread #3 0
3901 Scheduler Threa 0
4024 Lite Thread #2 0
4027 Lite Thread #3 0
4028 Lite Thread #4 0
4029 AsyncTask #1 0
4418 Lite Thread #5 0
5659 Binder:2563_4 0
5661 queued-work-loo 0
21554 Binder:2563_5 0
2585 com.miui.daemon 0
2593 Jit thread pool 0
2598 Signal Catcher 0
2602 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2603 ReferenceQueueD 0
2604 FinalizerDaemon 0
2605 FinalizerWatchd 0
2606 Binder:2585_1 0
2607 Binder:2585_2 0
2754 Profile Saver 0
2906 MQSActionExecut 0
2907 MQSEventManager 0
2909 HeavyWorkThread 0
2910 WcnsEventManage 0
2911 ConnectivityThr 0
2913 Binder:2585_3 0
2918 TelephonyEventH 0
2929 BluetoothEventH 0
2930 0
2939 AsyncTask #1 0
2942 FileObserver 0
2956 HwBinder:2585_1 0
4204 Binder:2585_4 0
4205 Binder:2585_5 0
6055 HandlerThread 0
6056 NotificationUti 0
6067 Thread-3 0
6069 MiSpeedUtilsHan 0
2608 system 0
2614 Jit thread pool 0
2615 Runtime worker 0
2616 Runtime worker 0
2617 Runtime worker 0
2618 Runtime worker 0
2619 Signal Catcher 0
2620 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2621 ReferenceQueueD 0
2622 FinalizerDaemon 0
2623 FinalizerWatchd 0
2624 Binder:2608_1 0
2625 Binder:2608_2 0
17584 Binder:2608_3 0
2628 0
2640 Jit thread pool 0
2649 Signal Catcher 0
2652 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2653 ReferenceQueueD 0
2654 FinalizerDaemon 0
2655 FinalizerWatchd 0
2656 Binder:2628_1 0
2657 Binder:2628_2 0
2787 Profile Saver 0
17582 Binder:2628_3 0
2645 com.xiaomi.xmsfkeeper 0
2658 Jit thread pool 0
2663 Signal Catcher 0
2664 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2665 ReferenceQueueD 0
2666 FinalizerDaemon 0
2667 FinalizerWatchd 0
2674 Binder:2645_1 0
2676 Binder:2645_2 0
2766 Profile Saver 0
2789 Binder:2645_3 0
2790 ervice_30003000 0
2668 com.xiaomi.finddevice 0
2679 Jit thread pool 0
2684 Signal Catcher 0
2688 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2689 ReferenceQueueD 0
2691 FinalizerDaemon 0
2692 FinalizerWatchd 0
2698 Binder:2668_1 0
2700 Binder:2668_2 0
2883 Profile Saver 0
2902 Binder:2668_3 0
2935 FileObserver 0
2946 AsyncTask #1 0
2947 QueueTaskManage 0
2955 MTService Guard 0
2960 HwBinder:2668_1 0
2976 QueueTaskManage 0
2989 QueueTaskManage 0
3024 pool-3-thread-1 0
3025 QueueTaskManage 0
3034 PackageProcesso 0
3045 pool-4-thread-1 0
3046 QueueTaskManage 0
3069 Binder:2668_4 0
3081 pool-5-thread-1 0
3098 QueueTaskManage 0
3114 rAccountTracker 0
3131 queued-work-loo 0
3198 pool-2-thread-1 0
3483 Binder:2668_5 0
4767 Find device for 0
4771 Find device bac 0
4776 Find device for 0
4781 Find device bac 0
4813 Find device for 0
6996 Binder:2668_6 0
8332 Binder:2668_7 0
11251 Okio Watchdog 0
2685 com.miui.face 0
2701 Jit thread pool 0
2706 Signal Catcher 0
2714 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2715 ReferenceQueueD 0
2716 FinalizerDaemon 0
2717 FinalizerWatchd 0
2720 Binder:2685_1 0
2723 Binder:2685_2 0
2821 Profile Saver 0
2870 auth_worker 0
2919 serv_worker 0
17583 Binder:2685_3 0
2757 com.miui.securitycenter.remote 0
2771 Jit thread pool 0
2781 Signal Catcher 0
2783 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2784 ReferenceQueueD 0
2785 FinalizerDaemon 0
2786 FinalizerWatchd 0
2788 Binder:2757_1 0
2791 Binder:2757_2 0
2814 Binder:2757_3 0
2920 Profile Saver 0
3190 Crashlytics Exc 0
3197 lytics.startup1 0
3209 pool-5-thread-1 0
3212 awaitEvenIfOnMa 0
3216 pool-7-thread-1 0
3224 queued-work-loo 0
3287 AsyncTask #1 0
3330 GmsDynamite 0
3408 pool-10-thread- 0
3482 Binder:2757_4 0
3555 pool-10-thread- 0
3563 pool-10-thread- 0
3593 NetdFirewall 0
3639 TrafficManageSe 0
3649 pool-10-thread- 0
3650 ConnectivityThr 0
3672 pool-10-thread- 0
3706 PowerNoticeUI 0
3717 FileObserver 0
3736 SuperPowerLaunc 0
3778 BatteryHistoryM 0
3787 GuardService 0
3811 pool-10-thread- 0
3812 pool-10-thread- 0
3821 PowerStatistics 0
3877 pool-10-thread- 0
3880 pool-10-thread- 0
4745 pool-10-thread- 0
4773 Binder:2757_5 0
7006 pool-7-thread-2 0
9236 Binder:2757_6 0
11819 SCLIGHTTask #1 0
14402 pool-12-thread- 0
14864 Binder:2757_7 0
15674 Binder:2757_8 0
25017 Binder:2757_9 0
2871 com.xiaomi.xmsf 0
2884 Jit thread pool 0
2889 Signal Catcher 0
2892 HeapTaskDaemon 0
2893 ReferenceQueueD 0
2894 FinalizerDaemon 0
2895 FinalizerWatchd 0
2896 Binder:2871_1 0
2899 Binder:2871_2 0
2900 Binder:2871_3 0
2923 Profile Saver 0
2985 LogFileWriteThr 0
2995 queued-work-loo 0
2997 local_job_dispa 0
3010 pool-2-thread-1 0
3054 pool-4-thread-1 0
3091 pool-5-thread-1 0
3225 Connection Cont 0
3232 pool-3-thread-1 0
3427 Binder:2871_4 0
3657 remote_job_disp 0
7181 Binder:2871_5 0
10692 Binder:2871_6 0
11398 Okio Watchdog 0
11399 pool-8-thread-1 0
11400 PackageProcesso 0
11403 pool-8-thread-2 0
3042 com.xiaomi.location.fused 0
3047 Jit thread pool 0
3052 Signal Catcher 0
3084 HeapTaskDaemon 0
3087 ReferenceQueueD 0
3088 FinalizerDaemon 0
3089 FinalizerWatchd 0
3090 Binder:3042_1 0
3099 Binder:3042_2 0
3128 Binder:3042_3 0
3195 Profile Saver 0
3296 cellmonitor 0
3297 metoknlp_cloud 0
3299 metokflp_privac 0
3301 quality_manager 0
3305 ConnectivityThr 0
3306 wifimonitor 0
3314 btmonitor 0
3316 metoknlp_cl 0
3318 FusionEngine 0
3320 LocationEngine 0
3321 location_usage 0
3322 gpslocation 0
3324 LocationSystemA 0
7129 queued-work-loo 0
14239 Binder:3042_4 0
3409 0
3415 Jit thread pool 0
3420 Signal Catcher 0
3421 HeapTaskDaemon 0
3422 ReferenceQueueD 0
3423 FinalizerDaemon 0
3424 FinalizerWatchd 0
3425 Binder:3409_1 0
3426 Binder:3409_2 0
3430 Binder:3409_3 0
3466 Profile Saver 0
3543 work_permission 0
3549 AppOpsAdapter 0
3550 PermissionRecor 0
3560 mistat_db 0
3565 queued-work-loo 0
3569 FileObserver 0
4013 mi_analytics_up 0
6668 Binder:3409_4 0
8144 Binder:3409_5 0
8280 AsyncTask #4 0
4072 0
4078 Jit thread pool 0
4084 Signal Catcher 0
4085 HeapTaskDaemon 0
4086 ReferenceQueueD 0
4087 FinalizerDaemon 0
4088 FinalizerWatchd 0
4089 Binder:4072_1 0
4091 Binder:4072_2 0
4098 Profile Saver 0
4110 MiStatForBlueto 0
4111 OnetrackForBlue 0
4136 AdapterState 0
4137 bt_stack_manage 0
4138 POSIX timer 0 0
4139 POSIX timer 1 0
4140 alarm_default_c 0
4141 alarm_dispatche 0
4143 BT Service Call 0
4145 BluetoothActive 0
4146 AudioPortEventH 0
4147 BluetoothDataba 0
4148 BTDeviceInfoMan 0
4149 AsyncTask #1 0
4156 Binder:4072_3 0
4169 BondStateMachin 0
4176 BluetoothAdvert 0
4177 BluetoothScanMa 0
4178 queued-work-loo 0
4179 btlogwatcher 0
4180 bt_hci_thread 0
4181 HwBinder:4072_1 0
4185 bt_startup_thre 0
4186 bt_main_thread 0
4189 BT Service Call 0
4190 btif_sock 0
4618 Binder:4072_4 0
20500 Binder:4072_5 0
4227 0
4233 Jit thread pool 0
4238 Signal Catcher 0
4239 HeapTaskDaemon 0
4240 ReferenceQueueD 0
4241 FinalizerDaemon 0
4242 FinalizerWatchd 0
4243 Binder:4227_1 0
4244 Binder:4227_2 0
4245 Binder:4227_3 0
4272 Profile Saver 0
4288 mistat_db 0
4291 FileObserver 0
4300 queued-work-loo 0
4361 mi_analytics_up 0
11247 Okio Watchdog 0
16876 Binder:4227_4 0
25382 UpdateDownloade 0
25383 ApexDownloader 0
8593 [fs_suspend_syss] 0
13683 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.5-service 0
13684 mms@1.5-service 0
13685 HwBinder:13683_ 0
13686 HwBinder:13683_ 0
15640 [kworker/u17:2] 0
15714 0
15720 Jit thread pool 0
15725 Signal Catcher 0
15726 HeapTaskDaemon 0
15727 ReferenceQueueD 0
15728 FinalizerDaemon 0
15729 FinalizerWatchd 0
15730 Binder:15714_1 0
15731 Binder:15714_2 0
15759 Profile Saver 0
15764 onetrack_db 0
15768 pool-1-thread-5 0
15770 AbstractDeliver 0
15771 queued-work-loo 0
15774 pool-1-thread-8 0
16239 Binder:15714_3 0
16319 pool-3-thread-1 0
16321 mi_analytics_up 0
16322 onetrack_pubsub 0
16331 Binder:15714_4 0
16416 Binder:15714_5 0
18326 Binder:15714_6 0
20504 Okio Watchdog 0
15825 0
15837 Jit thread pool 0
15844 Signal Catcher 0
15847 HeapTaskDaemon 0
15848 ReferenceQueueD 0
15849 FinalizerDaemon 0
15851 FinalizerWatchd 0
15852 Binder:15825_1 0
15853 Binder:15825_2 0
15885 Profile Saver 0
20886 Binder:15825_3 0
15939 com.miui.notification:remote 0
15945 Jit thread pool 0
15950 Signal Catcher 0
15951 HeapTaskDaemon 0
15952 ReferenceQueueD 0
15953 FinalizerDaemon 0
15954 FinalizerWatchd 0
15955 Binder:15939_1 0
15956 Binder:15939_2 0
15957 Binder:15939_3 0
15958 Binder:15939_4 0
15960 Profile Saver 0
15965 mistat_db 0
15966 FileObserver 0
15968 DefaultDispatch 0
15969 DefaultDispatch 0
15971 NcBg 0
16025 AsyncTask #1 0
16026 work_thread 0
16027 stat_work_threa 0
16029 queued-work-loo 0
16030 arch_disk_io_0 0
16031 arch_disk_io_1 0
16032 arch_disk_io_2 0
16035 arch_disk_io_3 0
16040 mi_analytics_up 0
15972 com.miui.notification 0
15978 Jit thread pool 0
15983 Signal Catcher 0
15984 HeapTaskDaemon 0
15985 ReferenceQueueD 0
15986 FinalizerDaemon 0
15987 FinalizerWatchd 0
15988 Binder:15972_1 0
15989 Binder:15972_2 0
15990 Binder:15972_3 0
15995 Profile Saver 0
16014 mistat_db 0
16015 FileObserver 0
16043 mi_analytics_up 0
16208 queued-work-loo 0
16130 0
16136 Jit thread pool 0
16141 Signal Catcher 0
16142 HeapTaskDaemon 0
16143 ReferenceQueueD 0
16144 FinalizerDaemon 0
16145 FinalizerWatchd 0
16146 Binder:16130_1 0
16147 Binder:16130_2 0
16148 Binder:16130_3 0
16149 Profile Saver 0
16152 Norm_Shared1 0
16153 Norm_Shared2 0
16155 Norm_Shared3 0
16156 Norm_Shared4 0
16157 Norm_Shared6 0
16158 Norm_Shared5 0
16159 Norm_Shared7 0
16161 Bg_Shared1 0
16162 Norm_Shared8 0
16168 queued-work-loo 0
16177 pool-1-thread-1 0
16182 pool-2-thread-1 0
16740 pool-4-thread-1 0
16834 Binder:16130_4 0
16849 pool-3-thread-1 0
18677 RtiExecutor #1 0
18679 RtiExecutor #2 0
18741 RtiExecutor #3 0
18748 RtiExecutor #4 0
18832 RtiExecutor #5 0
24099 OkHttp Connecti 0
16418 [kworker/u16:9] 0
16537 [kworker/u16:11] 0
18563 [kworker/u17:1] 0
20137 [kworker/2:1] 0
21273 Jit thread pool 0
21274 Runtime worker 0
21275 Runtime worker 0
21276 Runtime worker 0
21277 Runtime worker 0
21278 Signal Catcher 0
21281 HeapTaskDaemon 0
21282 ReferenceQueueD 0
21283 FinalizerDaemon 0
21284 FinalizerWatchd 0
21287 Binder:21261_1 0
21288 Binder:21261_2 0
21290 Binder:21261_3 0
21315 CrRendererMain 0
21329 ThreadPoolServi 0
21332 Chrome_ChildIOT 0
21334 GpuMemoryThread 0
21335 Compositor 0
21336 ThreadPoolSingl 0
21337 CompositorTileW 0
21338 CompositorTileW 0
21390 ThreadPoolForeg 0
21877 MemoryInfra 0
21584 0
21590 Jit thread pool 0
21595 Signal Catcher 0
21596 HeapTaskDaemon 0
21597 ReferenceQueueD 0
21598 FinalizerDaemon 0
21599 FinalizerWatchd 0
21600 Binder:21584_1 0
21601 Binder:21584_2 0
21602 Binder:21584_3 0
21603 Binder:21584_4 0
21604 Profile Saver 0
21607 Blocking Thread 0
21608 Lite Thread #0 0
21609 Primes-1 0
21610 Primes-2 0
21611 GoogleApiHandle 0
21613 BG Thread #0 0
21614 Scheduler Threa 0
21616 BG Thread #1 0
21618 SharedPreferenc 0
21619 SharedPreferenc 0
21620 BG Thread #2 0
21621 Lite Thread #0 0
21622 BG Thread #3 0
21623 ProtoDataStore- 0
21624 pool-3-thread-1 0
21625 Lite Thread #1 0
21626 Lite Thread #2 0
21628 Lite Thread #3 0
21629 Lite Thread #4 0
21630 SharedPreferenc 0
21631 ConnectivityThr 0
21632 Lite Thread #5 0
21634 magnifier pixel 0
21635 RenderThread 0
21636 glide-active-re 0
21644 hwuiTask0 0
21645 hwuiTask1 0
21646 EventBus0 0
21647 TimerThread0 0
21649 queued-work-loo 0
21650 CronetInit 0
21651 AudioPortEventH 0
21677 ThreadPoolServi 0
21678 ThreadPoolForeg 0
21679 ChromiumNet 0
21683 SharedPreferenc 0
21685 Network File Th 0
21688 GoogleApiClient 0
21694 glide-disk-cach 0
21702 GcoreGoogleApiC 0
21718 GmsDynamite 0
21985 Binder:21584_5 0
24063 Cookies thread0 0
24068 CookieMonsterCl 0
24069 CookieMonsterBa 0
24105 Binder:21584_6 0
25380 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25747 Blocking Thread 0
25749 UserFacingBlock 0
25750 UserFacingBlock 0
22068 [kworker/3:0] 0
22475 com.miui.powerkeeper 0
22481 Jit thread pool 0
22482 Runtime worker 0
22483 Runtime worker 0
22484 Runtime worker 0
22485 Runtime worker 0
22486 Signal Catcher 0
22487 HeapTaskDaemon 0
22488 ReferenceQueueD 0
22489 FinalizerDaemon 0
22490 FinalizerWatchd 0
22491 Binder:22475_1 0
22492 Binder:22475_2 0
22494 Binder:22475_3 0
22497 PowerChecker_Se 0
22498 queued-work-loo 0
22499 PowerKeeperServ 0
22500 PowerKeeperPack 0
22501 ProcessObserver 0
22502 0
22503 NativePowerKeep 0
22505 PowerKeeperConf 0
22506 ConnectivityThr 0
22507 Perfengine_clou 0
22508 PeThermalBreak 0
22510 PowerCheckerSer 0
22511 NightStandbyRec 0
22515 pool-2-thread-1 0
22517 PowerStateMachi 0
22518 pool-3-thread-1 0
22519 FeedbackControl 0
22520 pool-4-thread-1 0
22521 ThermalInfoColl 0
22522 pool-1-thread-1 0
22524 FileObserver 0
22531 pool-6-thread-1 0
22646 Binder:22475_4 0
22647 Binder:22475_5 0
22648 Binder:22475_6 0
22649 Binder:22475_7 0
23034 0
23040 Jit thread pool 0
23045 Signal Catcher 0
23046 HeapTaskDaemon 0
23047 ReferenceQueueD 0
23048 FinalizerDaemon 0
23049 FinalizerWatchd 0
23050 Binder:23034_1 0
23051 Binder:23034_2 0
23053 Profile Saver 0
23056 AsyncTask #1 0
23060 RenderThread 0
23062 mistat_db 0
23064 FileObserver 0
23074 pool-5-thread-1 0
23094 ConnectivityThr 0
23096 mi_analytics_up 0
23097 SettingsIntelli 0
23100 Binder:23034_3 0
23133 SettingsIntelli 0
23156 hwuiTask0 0
23157 hwuiTask1 0
23198 queued-work-loo 0
23208 SettingsIntelli 0
23212 Binder:23034_4 0
23214 Binder:23034_5 0
23222 SettingsIntelli 0
23230 SettingsIntelli 0
23249 SettingsIntelli 0
23256 0
23262 Jit thread pool 0
23267 Signal Catcher 0
23268 HeapTaskDaemon 0
23269 ReferenceQueueD 0
23270 FinalizerDaemon 0
23271 FinalizerWatchd 0
23272 Binder:23256_1 0
23273 Binder:23256_2 0
23276 Profile Saver 0
23288 GmsDynamite 0
23289 magnifier pixel 0
23290 GoogleApiHandle 0
23291 RenderThread 0
23292 queued-work-loo 0
23295 Gservices 0
23304 Chrome_ProcessL 0
23330 ThreadPoolServi 0
23334 Chrome_IOThread 0
23335 MemoryInfra 0
23336 ThreadPoolForeg 0
23338 ThreadPoolForeg 0
23339 AudioThread 0
23340 BrowserWatchdog 0
23341 NetworkService 0
23349 ThreadPoolSingl 0
23384 CompositorTileW 0
23387 Binder:23256_3 0
23409 ThreadPoolSingl 0
23412 hwuiTask0 0
23413 hwuiTask1 0
23422 Binder:23256_4 0
23423 Binder:23256_5 0
23424 Binder:23256_6 0
23429 pool-3-thread-1 0
23432 Chrome_DevTools 0
23433 pool-2-thread-1 0
23443 Binder:23256_7 0
23849 Binder:23256_8 0
23984 Binder:23256_9 0
24344 ThreadPoolForeg 0
24345 ThreadPoolForeg 0
24890 Binder:23256_A 0
25514 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25515 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25649 pool-6-thread-1 0
23316 0
25614 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25615 ReferenceQueueD 0
25616 FinalizerDaemon 0
25617 FinalizerWatchd 0
25618 Jit thread pool 0
23361 0
23367 Jit thread pool 0
23372 Signal Catcher 0
23373 HeapTaskDaemon 0
23374 ReferenceQueueD 0
23375 FinalizerDaemon 0
23377 FinalizerWatchd 0
23378 Binder:23361_1 0
23379 Binder:23361_2 0
23385 Profile Saver 0
23388 CrGpuMain 0
23389 GpuWatchdog 0
23391 ged-swd 0
23402 ThreadPoolServi 0
23404 ThreadPoolForeg 0
23406 Chrome_ChildIOT 0
23407 VizCompositorTh 0
23448 ThreadPoolSingl 0
23454 HwBinder:23361_ 0
23526 Binder:23361_3 0
23563 MemoryInfra 0
25555 ThreadPoolForeg 0
23487 [kworker/1:0] 0
23568 [kworker/5:2] 0
23600 [kworker/6:2] 0
23609 com.miui.bugreport 0
23615 Jit thread pool 0
23620 Signal Catcher 0
23621 HeapTaskDaemon 0
23622 ReferenceQueueD 0
23623 FinalizerDaemon 0
23624 FinalizerWatchd 0
23625 Binder:23609_1 0
23626 Binder:23609_2 0
23629 Profile Saver 0
23630 Thread-2 0
23631 Thread-3 0
23632 Thread-4 0
23633 Thread-5 0
23634 Thread-6 0
23635 stageQueue 0
23636 aliverequest 0
23637 pluginQueue 0
23641 Binder:23609_3 0
23642 RenderThread 0
23652 queued-work-loo 0
23653 pool-7-thread-1 0
23657 pool-8-thread-1 0
23659 pool-9-thread-1 0
23663 AnimThread-1 0
23664 LogThread 0
23668 AnimRunnerThrea 0
23670 pool-6-thread-1 0
23672 AnimThread-2 0
23677 AnimThread-3 0
23678 AnimThread-4 0
23679 hwuiTask0 0
23680 hwuiTask1 0
23681 AnimThread-5 0
25720 ged-swd 0
25742 IntentService[B 0
25774 AsyncTask #1 0
23645 [kworker/u16:7] 0
23682 [kworker/7:0] 0
23712 [kworker/u16:0] 0
23717 [kworker/4:0] 0
23768 [kworker/u16:2] 0
23769 [kworker/u16:5] 0
23770 [kworker/u16:10] 0
23773 [kworker/2:2] 0
23791 [kworker/3:2] 0
23853 [kworker/5:1] 0
24003 [kworker/1:1] 0
24005 [kworker/7:2] 0
24186 [kworker/u16:3] 0
24188 [kworker/4:2] 0
24207 0
24213 Jit thread pool 0
24218 Signal Catcher 0
24219 HeapTaskDaemon 0
24220 ReferenceQueueD 0
24221 FinalizerDaemon 0
24222 FinalizerWatchd 0
24223 Binder:24207_1 0
24224 Binder:24207_2 0
24225 Binder:24207_3 0
24226 Profile Saver 0
24233 queued-work-loo 0
24236 Crashlytics Exc 0
24237 lytics.startup1 0
24238 pool-6-thread-1 0
24239 awaitEvenIfOnMa 0
24244 background_task 0
24254 pool-12-thread- 0
24262 pool-14-thread- 0
24266 pool-15-thread- 0
24267 Log2FileHandler 0
24269 pool-18-thread- 0
24273 pool-20-thread- 0
24276 Thread-5 0
24280 Log2FileHandler 0
24281 ConnectivityThr 0
24285 pool-22-thread- 0
25042 Chrome_ProcessL 0
25044 GoogleApiHandle 0
25051 ThreadPoolServi 0
25052 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25053 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25055 Chrome_IOThread 0
25056 MemoryInfra 0
25057 AudioThread 0
25068 ThreadPoolSingl 0
25070 NetworkService 0
25072 CookieMonsterCl 0
25073 CookieMonsterBa 0
25076 PlatformService 0
25078 ThreadPoolSingl 0
25084 pool-25-thread- 0
25093 Binder:24207_4 0
25502 pool-11-thread- 0
24293 [kworker/6:0] 0
24294 [kworker/0:2] 0
24295 [kworker/5:0] 0
24347 [kworker/u16:12] 0
24349 [kworker/u16:16] 0
24351 [kworker/u16:18] 0
24391 [kworker/3:1] 0
24432 [kworker/7:1] 0
24670 0
24676 Jit thread pool 0
24681 Signal Catcher 0
24682 HeapTaskDaemon 0
24683 ReferenceQueueD 0
24684 FinalizerDaemon 0
24685 FinalizerWatchd 0
24686 Binder:24670_1 0
24687 Binder:24670_2 0
24688 Binder:24670_3 0
24689 Profile Saver 0
24691 AsyncTask #1 0
24695 mistat_db 0
24696 queued-work-loo 0
24697 FileObserver 0
24722 mi_analytics_up 0
24690 [kworker/1:2] 0
24700 com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service 0
24706 Jit thread pool 0
24711 Signal Catcher 0
24712 HeapTaskDaemon 0
24713 ReferenceQueueD 0
24714 FinalizerDaemon 0
24715 FinalizerWatchd 0
24716 Binder:24700_1 0
24717 Binder:24700_2 0
24718 Binder:24700_3 0
24719 Profile Saver 0
24723 NsdManager 0
24725 CoapServer(main 0
24726 CoapServer(main 0
24727 CoapServer(main 0
24728 CoapServer(seco 0
24729 CoapServer(seco 0
24730 UDP-Receiver-:: 0
24731 UDP-Sender-::/: 0
24732 BleDiscovery 0
24733 BleAdvertising 0
24734 sendHandlerThre 0
24735 recvHandlerThre 0
24736 queued-work-loo 0
24724 /system/bin/mdnsd 0
24809 com.miui.core 0
24824 Jit thread pool 0
24829 Signal Catcher 0
24830 HeapTaskDaemon 0
24831 ReferenceQueueD 0
24832 FinalizerDaemon 0
24833 FinalizerWatchd 0
24834 Binder:24809_1 0
24835 Binder:24809_2 0
24836 Binder:24809_3 0
24863 Profile Saver 0
24867 queued-work-loo 0
24865 [kworker/4:1] 0
25010 [kworker/0:0] 0
25058 Jit thread pool 0
25059 Runtime worker 0
25060 Runtime worker 0
25061 Runtime worker 0
25062 Runtime worker 0
25063 Signal Catcher 0
25064 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25065 ReferenceQueueD 0
25066 FinalizerDaemon 0
25067 FinalizerWatchd 0
25071 Binder:25045_1 0
25074 Binder:25045_2 0
25079 Binder:25045_3 0
25081 ChildProcessMai 0
25094 com.miui.weather2 0
25100 Jit thread pool 0
25105 Signal Catcher 0
25107 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25108 ReferenceQueueD 0
25109 FinalizerDaemon 0
25110 FinalizerWatchd 0
25111 Binder:25094_1 0
25112 Binder:25094_2 0
25114 Binder:25094_3 0
25119 Profile Saver 0
25138 queued-work-loo 0
25143 Crashlytics Exc 0
25144 lytics.startup1 0
25146 pool-10-thread- 0
25147 awaitEvenIfOnMa 0
25152 AsyncTask #2 0
25157 OkHttp Connecti 0
25158 Okio Watchdog 0
25969 glide-active-re 0
25169 [kworker/6:1] 0
25327 [kworker/2:0] 0
25348 [kworker/u16:1] 0
25352 [kworker/u16:4] 0
25353 [kworker/u16:6] 0
25354 [kworker/u16:8] 0
25355 [kworker/u16:13] 0
25385 0
25391 Jit thread pool 0
25396 Signal Catcher 0
25397 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25398 ReferenceQueueD 0
25399 FinalizerDaemon 0
25400 FinalizerWatchd 0
25402 Binder:25385_1 0
25404 Binder:25385_2 0
25405 Binder:25385_3 0
25407 Profile Saver 0
25408 Blocking Thread 0
25409 BG Thread #0 0
25410 BG Thread #1 0
25411 BG Thread #2 0
25412 BG Thread #3 0
25413 Scheduler Threa 0
25442 GoogleApiHandle 0
25463 Lite Thread #0 0
25464 Lite Thread #1 0
25465 Lite Thread #2 0
25466 Lite Thread #3 0
25467 Lite Thread #4 0
25468 Lite Thread #5 0
25561 Lite Thread #0 0
25564 SimStateTracker 0
25566 AsyncTask #5 0
25568 queued-work-loo 0
25569 pool-4-thread-1 0
25576 Firebase-Messag 0
25578 Firebase-Messag 0
25585 ConnectivityThr 0
25586 GmsDynamite 0
25588 Binder:25385_4 0
25738 Binder:25385_5 0
25619 Jit thread pool 0
25620 Runtime worker 0
25621 Runtime worker 0
25622 Runtime worker 0
25623 Runtime worker 0
25624 Signal Catcher 0
25625 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25626 ReferenceQueueD 0
25627 FinalizerDaemon 0
25628 FinalizerWatchd 0
25629 Binder:25613_1 0
25630 Binder:25613_2 0
25631 Binder:25613_3 0
25633 CrRendererMain 0
25635 ThreadPoolServi 0
25636 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25637 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25638 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25639 Chrome_ChildIOT 0
25640 GpuMemoryThread 0
25641 Compositor 0
25642 ThreadPoolSingl 0
25643 CompositorTileW 0
25644 CompositorTileW 0
25792 MemoryInfra 0
25965 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25966 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25967 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25968 ThreadPoolForeg 0
25768 com.miui.cloudservice:remote 0
25776 Jit thread pool 0
25781 Signal Catcher 0
25782 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25783 ReferenceQueueD 0
25784 FinalizerDaemon 0
25785 FinalizerWatchd 0
25786 Binder:25768_1 0
25787 Binder:25768_2 0
25788 Binder:25768_3 0
25789 Profile Saver 0
25795 AsyncTask #2 0
25799 FileObserver 0
25805 mistat_db 0
25810 pool-3-thread-1 0
25854 mi_analytics_up 0
25928 Binder:25768_4 0
26530 queued-work-loo 0
25775 /system/bin/dumpstate 0
25796 com.xiaomi.simactivate.service 0
25806 Jit thread pool 0
25812 Signal Catcher 0
25814 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25815 ReferenceQueueD 0
25816 FinalizerDaemon 0
25817 FinalizerWatchd 0
25818 Binder:25796_1 0
25819 Binder:25796_2 0
25820 Binder:25796_3 0
25824 Profile Saver 0
25837 mistat_db 0
25838 FileObserver 0
25841 SimActivateExec 0
25842 queued-work-loo 0
25947 mi_analytics_up 0
25963 [kworker/u16:14] 0
25964 [kworker/u16:15] 0
25974 0
25980 Jit thread pool 0
25985 Signal Catcher 0
25986 HeapTaskDaemon 0
25987 ReferenceQueueD 0
25988 FinalizerDaemon 0
25989 FinalizerWatchd 0
25990 Binder:25974_1 0
25991 Binder:25974_2 0
25992 Binder:25974_3 0
25993 Profile Saver 0
25994 background_task 0
25995 pool-2-thread-1 0
26020 [kworker/0:1] 0

------ PROCESS TIMES (pid cmd user system iowait+percentage) ------

1 /system/bin/init 21.32 6.81 0.00
2 [kthreadd] 0.06
6 [ksoftirqd/0] 0.18 0.72
7 [rcu_preempt] 0.12 35.40
8 [rcu_sched] 0.43 4.09
10 [migration/0] 13.14 0.01 0.1%
13 [cpuhp/1] 0.02 3.92
14 [migration/1] 11.32 0.01 0.1%
15 [ksoftirqd/1] 0.07 0.26
17 [kworker/1:0H] 0.04 0.00
18 [cpuhp/2] 3.12
19 [migration/2] 8.43 0.01 0.1%
20 [ksoftirqd/2] 0.20 0.11
22 [kworker/2:0H] 0.04
23 [cpuhp/3] 0.50 2.59
24 [migration/3] 9.68 0.01 0.1%
25 [ksoftirqd/3] 0.06 0.19
27 [kworker/3:0H] 0.04 0.00
28 [cpuhp/4] 7.51
29 [migration/4] 12.51 0.01 0.1%
30 [ksoftirqd/4] 0.08 1.34
32 [kworker/4:0H] 0.04 0.05
33 [cpuhp/5] 5.66
34 [migration/5] 11.14 0.01 0.1%
35 [ksoftirqd/5] 0.04 1.38
37 [kworker/5:0H] 0.08 0.00
38 [cpuhp/6] 5.74
39 [migration/6] 10.66 0.01 0.1%
40 [ksoftirqd/6] 0.30 0.82
42 [kworker/6:0H] 0.08
43 [cpuhp/7] 10.62
44 [migration/7] 10.34 0.01 0.1%
45 [ksoftirqd/7] 0.06 1.57
47 [kworker/7:0H] 0.09
55 [kcompactd0] 8.23
59 [conn-md-thread] 0.01 0.15
104 [pmic_thread] 0.63
106 [bat_percent_not] 0.06
107 [dlpt_notify_thr] 20.08
111 [ion_mm_heap] 2.96 0.05 1.7%
113 [ion_mm_heap_for] 0.16 0.05 31.3%
114 [ion_history] 1.09 0.05 4.6%
116 [rtmm_reclaim] 4.60
129 [kswapd0] 180.83
196 [pbm] 0.01 42.24
200 [btif_rxd] 0.75 0.01 1.3%
205 [chre_kthread] 3.82 0.01 0.3%
213 [ccci_fsm1] 0.03
214 [ccci_poll1] 0.01 0.13
217 [ccci_ipc_3] 0.03
225 [teei_switch_thr] 15.27
226 [hang_detect] 0.28 0.01 3.6%
232 [krtatm] 0.35 0.80
240 [spi32766] 0.01 0.06
241 [spi32765] 0.06
242 [spi32764] 0.07
243 [spi32763] 3.30
244 [spi32762] 0.06
245 [spi32761] 0.05
248 [gauge_coulomb_t] 0.53
249 [battery_thread] 0.90
265 [disp_idlemgr] 12.18
266 [disp_check] 0.07 1.79 0.02 1.1%
269 [display_check_a] 1.21
270 [disp_delay_trig] 5.40 0.02 0.4%
272 [present_fence_w] 20.89 0.02 0.1%
274 [ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt] 27.82
275 [EEM_CTRL_L] 1.31
276 [EEM_CTRL_2L] 0.91
286 [pvr_defer_free] 8.73
287 [pvr_device_wdg] 0.43
288 [pvr_cacheop] 0.06 1.32
294 [irq/19-NVT-ts] 11.61 0.01 0.1%
298 [charger_thread] 5.16
300 [wdtk-0] 0.04 0.01 25.0%
302 [wdtk-1] 0.16 0.01 6.3%
303 [wdtk-2] 0.12 0.01 8.3%
304 [wdtk-3] 0.12 0.01 8.3%
305 [wdtk-4] 0.03 0.19 0.01 4.5%
306 [wdtk-5] 0.20 0.01 5.0%
307 [wdtk-6] 0.02 0.18 0.01 5.0%
308 [wdtk-7] 0.22 0.01 4.5%
310 [exe_cq/0] 191.64 0.01 0.0%
312 [mmcqd/0] 76.21 0.01 0.0%
314 [mmcqd/0boot0] 0.08 0.01 12.5%
316 [mmcqd/0boot1] 0.03 0.09 0.01 8.3%
318 [mmcqd/0rpmb] 0.14 0.01 7.1%
320 [kworker/5:1H] 2.41
330 [jbd2/mmcblk0p13] 0.21
341 [kworker/6:1H] 2.16
346 [kworker/4:1H] 2.55
363 [kworker/0:1H] 0.71
364 [kworker/7:1H] 1.78
366 /system/bin/init 0.36 1.57 0.00
367 /system/bin/init 0.26 0.51 0.00
369 /system/bin/ueventd 94.61 9.46 0.00
371 [kworker/1:1H] 0.60
382 [loop1] 0.23
384 /system/bin/logd 57.87 42.04 0.00
385 /system/bin/servicemanager 10.20 12.69 0.00
386 /system/bin/hwservicemanager 9.76 3.42 0.00
387 /vendor/bin/vndservicemanager 0.01 0.01 0.00
388 /system/vendor/bin/volte_md_status 0.03 0.36 0.00
390 [kworker/2:1H] 0.47
397 [kauditd] 0.39
398 /system/bin/vold 1.07 1.98 0.00
409 [f2fs_discard-25] 0.27
410 [f2fs_gc-259:9] 2.29
414 [jbd2/mmcblk0p40] 0.25
419 [jbd2/mmcblk0p15] 0.27
424 [jbd2/mmcblk0p16] 0.27
429 [jbd2/mmcblk0p12] 0.28
434 [jbd2/mmcblk0p11] 0.31
439 [jbd2/mmcblk0p18] 0.26
441 /system/xbin/mqsasd 0.07 0.87 0.00
442 [jbd2/mmcblk0p7-] 0.22
450 /vendor/bin/aee_aedv 0.07 0.66 0.02 2.7%
451 /system/bin/aee_aed 0.09 0.48 0.02 3.5%
454 /vendor/bin/teei_daemon 0.02 0.94 0.00
455 /system/bin/hw/android.system.suspend@1.0-service 8.93 237.64 0.00
456 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service.beanpod 0.16 0.23 0.00
458 /vendor/bin/wmt_launcher 0.04 0.32 0.00
485 /system/bin/apexd 0.07 0.09 0.00
486 [loop2] 0.61
493 [loop3] 0.09
501 [kworker/3:1H] 0.42
502 [loop4] 0.16
510 [loop5] 0.11
512 [loop6] 0.46
514 [loop7] 5.08
528 [loop9] 7.50
536 /system/bin/netd 4.56 9.89 0.00
537 zygote 3.97 8.80 0.00
539 /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service 0.05 0.06 0.00
540 /vendor/bin/hw/ 346.17 43.84 0.00
541 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-mediatek 0.13 0.87 0.00
542 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.cas@1.1-service 0.04 0.00 0.00
543 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.configstore@1.1-service 0.02 0.06 0.00
544 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.0-service 0.03 0.04 0.00
545 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.2-service.clearkey 0.04 0.02 0.00
546 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.2-service.widevine 0.04 0.04 0.00
547 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service 0.03 0.07 0.00
548 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-mediatek 0.31 0.31 0.00
549 /vendor/bin/hw/ 1.04 5.67 0.00
550 /vendor/bin/hw/ 348.50 600.08
0.01 0.0%
551 /vendor/bin/hw/ 4.21 17.38 0.00
552 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.light@2.0-service-mediatek 1.63 5.74 0.00
553 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service 1.52 2.50 0.00
554 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service 0.02 0.01 0.00
555 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.usb@1.1-service-mediatek 0.23 1.12 0.00
556 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service 0.20 0.64 0.00
557 /vendor/bin/hw/vtservice_hidl 0.03 0.01 0.00
558 /vendor/bin/lbs_hidl_service 0.03 0.06 0.00
559 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.gpu@1.0-service 0.04 0.02 0.00
560 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0-service 30.25 45.14 0.00
561 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.nvram@1.1-service 0.03 0.02 0.00
562 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.nwk_opt@1.0-service 0.03 0.03 0.00
564 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.microtrust.hardware.capi@2.0-service 0.02 0.00 0.00
566 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0-service 0.02 0.01 0.00
568 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0-service 0.02 0.00 0.00
569 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0-service 0.02 0.01 0.00
570 /vendor/bin/mlipayd@1.1 0.02 0.02 0.00
573 /vendor/bin/mtd@1.2 0.07 0.12 0.00
575 /vendor/bin/vsimd 0.02 0.01 0.00
577 /system/bin/ashmemd 5.31 15.50 0.00
580 /system/bin/audioserver 51.77 18.78 0.00
582 /system/bin/gpuservice 0.02 0.04 0.00
587 /system/bin/lmkd 0.94 18.75 0.00
593 /system/bin/surfaceflinger 547.08 425.90 0.00
597 /vendor/bin/fuelgauged 0.39 7.08 0.00
599 /vendor/bin/ccci_fsd 0.51 1.41 0.00
603 /vendor/bin/ccci_fsd 0.05 0.31 0.00
605 /vendor/bin/ccci_mdinit 0.12 0.63 0.00
612 /vendor/bin/ccci_rpcd 0.30 0.40 0.00
618 /vendor/bin/wfca 0.06 1.66 0.00
656 [cldma_rxq0] 6.14
672 /system/vendor/bin/mi_thermald 1.28 8.52 0.00
675 /vendor/bin/mnld 4.33 11.28 0.00
676 /system/bin/lbs_dbg 0.02 0.02 0.00
678 /system/xbin/shelld 0.36 0.10 0.00
679 /system/bin/fdpp 0.02 0.00 0.00
682 /system/xbin/qadaemon 0.03 0.40 0.00
684 /system/bin/cameraserver 2.17 2.15 0.00
686 /system/bin/connsyslogger 0.07 1.06 0.00
688 /system/bin/drmserver 0.45 0.14 0.00
694 /system/bin/incidentd 0.02 0.01 0.00
695 /system/bin/thermald 0.02 0.02 0.00
696 /system/bin/vtservice 0.53 0.49 0.00
697 /system/bin/installd 1.73 4.71 0.00
698 /system/bin/keystore 0.56 0.75 0.00
699 /system/bin/mediadrmserver 0.03 0.03 0.00
701 media.extractor 2.16 1.16 0.00
702 media.metrics 0.32 0.18 0.00
703 /system/bin/mediaserver 5.87 4.86 0.00
704 /system/xbin/miuibooster 0.06 0.36 0.00
705 /system/bin/mobile_log_d 0.01 0.69 0.00
706 /system/bin/netdiag 0.02 0.34 0.00
707 /system/bin/statsd 24.54 8.21 0.00
721 /system/bin/storaged 3.16 1.61 0.00
723 /system/bin/wificond 1.61 0.89 0.00
726 [mtk_stp_psm] 0.45
730 media.codec 596.24 268.24 0.00
731 [mtk_wmtd] 1.04
732 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek 2.28 4.57 0.00
733 [mtk_wmtd_worker] 0.30
734 /vendor/bin/hw/camerahalserver 20.40 8.22 0.00
736 /vendor/bin/thermal 0.23 3.17 0.00
742 /vendor/bin/thermalloadalgod 0.79 3.38 0.00
744 /vendor/bin/ipsec_mon 0.04 0.56 0.00
746 /vendor/bin/mtk_agpsd 0.13 0.39 0.00
760 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.2-service 57.56 55.54 0.00
761 /vendor/bin/wlan_assistant 0.02 0.37 0.00
763 media.swcodec 6.23 3.89 0.00
768 /system/bin/gatekeeperd 0.04 0.06 0.00
793 /system/bin/tombstoned 0.04 0.04 0.00
811 /vendor/bin/netdagent 0.03 0.04 0.00
814 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.microtrust.hardware.thh@2.0-service 0.02 0.01 0.00
956 /vendor/bin/bip 0.22 0.84 0.00
957 /vendor/bin/volte_imsm_93 0.22 1.23 0.00
959 /vendor/bin/volte_stack 0.05 1.07 0.00
960 /vendor/bin/volte_ua 0.09 1.07 0.00
967 /vendor/bin/volte_imcb 0.41 1.63 0.00
978 /vendor/bin/epdg_wod 0.03 0.69 0.00
1011 /system/bin/emdlogger1 1.74 8.04 0.00
1018 /vendor/bin/gsm0710muxd 6.29 12.33 0.00
1095 /vendor/bin/hw/mtkfusionrild 21.03 27.62 0.00
1201 system_server 724.41 352.80 0.00
1413 388.56 133.44 0.00
1464 /system/bin/iptables-restore 0.23 0.92 0.00
1465 /system/bin/ip6tables-restore 0.24 0.88 0.00
1494 webview_zygote 0.08 0.60 0.00
1612 102.96 44.79 0.00
1687 com.miui.home 67.14 24.24 0.00
2053 com.mediatek.ims 2.23 1.43 0.00
2074 /vendor/bin/charge_logger 0.88 3.31 0.00
2082 /vendor/bin/MI_RIC 0.01 0.01 0.00
2089 /system/bin/mcd 0.06 0.16 0.00
2090 /system/bin/batterywarning 0.16 1.30 0.00
2281 2.52 1.65 0.00
2306 151.60 72.46 0.00
2377 107.91 36.03 0.00
2484 30.69 10.99 0.00
2563 1.65 1.29 0.00
2585 com.miui.daemon 6.89 7.00 0.00
2608 system 0.42 0.25 0.00
2628 0.49 0.28 0.00
2645 com.xiaomi.xmsfkeeper 0.53 0.22 0.00
2668 com.xiaomi.finddevice 7.65 2.46 0.00
2685 com.miui.face 0.50 0.34 0.00
2757 com.miui.securitycenter.remote 40.44 12.57 0.00
2871 com.xiaomi.xmsf 3.73 2.29 0.00
3042 com.xiaomi.location.fused 8.61 5.24 0.00
3409 3.32 2.07 0.00
4072 3.24 3.22 0.00
4227 9.67 3.45 0.00
13683 /vendor/bin/hw/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mms@1.5-service 0.58 1.31 0.00
15640 [kworker/u17:2] 0.02 0.81
15714 2.42 1.40 0.00
15825 0.83 0.38 0.00
15939 com.miui.notification:remote 4.12 3.03 0.00
15972 com.miui.notification 3.26 1.94 0.00
16130 3.44 1.19 0.00
16418 [kworker/u16:9] 15.71
16537 [kworker/u16:11] 15.71
18563 [kworker/u17:1] 0.08 0.64
20137 [kworker/2:1] 0.83
3.28 1.00 0.00
21584 18.68 6.02 0.00
22068 [kworker/3:0] 0.61
22475 com.miui.powerkeeper 6.46 3.10 0.00
23034 7.65 2.59 0.00
23256 117.93 71.66 0.00
23316 0.04 0.14 0.00
23361 641.81 329.04 0.00
23487 [kworker/1:0] 0.14
23568 [kworker/5:2] 1.04
23600 [kworker/6:2] 2.42
23609 com.miui.bugreport 2.44 0.99 0.00
23645 [kworker/u16:7] 7.60
23682 [kworker/7:0] 0.32
23712 [kworker/u16:0] 4.72
23717 [kworker/4:0] 0.55
23768 [kworker/u16:2] 4.89
23769 [kworker/u16:5] 4.47
23770 [kworker/u16:10] 8.09
23773 [kworker/2:2] 0.07
23853 [kworker/5:1] 0.04 0.19
24003 [kworker/1:1] 0.06 0.84
24005 [kworker/7:2] 0.01 1.26
24186 [kworker/u16:3] 3.66
24188 [kworker/4:2] 0.30
24207 2.61 1.25 0.00
24293 [kworker/6:0] 0.27
24294 [kworker/0:2] 0.02 0.29
24295 [kworker/5:0] 0.38
24347 [kworker/u16:12] 1.94
24349 [kworker/u16:16] 2.20
24351 [kworker/u16:18] 2.11
24391 [kworker/3:1] 0.06
24432 [kworker/7:1] 0.61
24670 1.17 0.51 0.00
24690 [kworker/1:2] 0.10
24700 com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service 0.66 0.29 0.00
24724 /system/bin/mdnsd 0.00 0.08 0.00
24809 com.miui.core 0.73 0.20 0.00
24865 [kworker/4:1] 0.68
0.44 0.16 0.00
25094 com.miui.weather2 1.60 0.48 0.00
25169 [kworker/6:1] 0.30
25348 [kworker/u16:1] 1.16
25352 [kworker/u16:4] 0.97
25353 [kworker/u16:6] 0.20
25355 [kworker/u16:13] 0.74
25385 2.68 0.74 0.00
0.77 0.43 0.00
25768 com.miui.cloudservice:remote 0.66 0.30 0.00
25775 /system/bin/dumpstate 0.38 2.22 0.00
25796 com.xiaomi.simactivate.service 0.75 0.26 0.00
25974 0.30 0.23 0.00
------ SYSTEM LOG (logcat -v threadtime -v printable -v uid -d *:v) ------
--------- beginning of system
02-15 00:52:42.297 root 398 398 I vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop12: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop10: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop2: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop8: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop15: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop11: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop14: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop13: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:42.305 root 398 398 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64
/dev/block/loop9: No such device or address
02-15 00:52:43.719 root 398 398 I Checkpoint: cp_prepareCheckpoint called
02-15 00:52:43.746 root 398 398 I vold : fscrypt_initialize_systemwide_keys
02-15 00:52:44.289 root 398 398 I vold : List of Keymaster HALs found:
02-15 00:52:44.289 root 398 398 I vold : Keymaster HAL #1:
BeanpodwareKeymasterDevice from Beanpod SecurityLevel: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT HAL:
02-15 00:52:44.291 root 398 398 I vold : Using BeanpodwareKeymasterDevice
from Beanpod for encryption. Security level: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT, HAL:
02-15 00:52:44.296 root 398 398 I vold : Wrote system DE key reference
02-15 00:52:44.297 root 398 398 I vold : Wrote per boot key reference
02-15 00:52:44.300 root 463 463 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 553 ms, interface=android.os.IVold, code=44 oneway=false
02-15 00:52:45.195 root 398 398 I vold : List of Keymaster HALs found:
02-15 00:52:45.195 root 398 398 I vold : Keymaster HAL #1:
BeanpodwareKeymasterDevice from Beanpod SecurityLevel: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT HAL:
02-15 00:52:45.196 root 398 398 I vold : Using BeanpodwareKeymasterDevice
from Beanpod for encryption. Security level: TRUSTED_ENVIRONMENT, HAL:
02-15 00:52:45.201 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy 87887d0012897055
at /data/system_de/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:52:45.201 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy 87887d0012897055
at /data/misc_de/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:52:45.201 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy 87887d0012897055
at /data/vendor_de/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:52:45.203 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy 87887d0012897055
at /data/user_de/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:52:46.336 root 581 581 E BootLogoUpdater: [boot_logo_updater]fail to
open: /sys/class/BOOT/BOOT/boot/boot_mode
02-15 00:52:46.336 root 581 581 E BootLogoUpdater: [boot_logo_updater]update
boot reason = 0, ret = 0
02-15 00:52:46.979 root 697 697 I installd: installd firing up
02-15 00:52:47.128 wifi 723 723 I wificond: wificond is starting up...
02-15 00:52:49.555 1000 593 646 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-sf on
display(0), count=1, avg=733 ms, max=733 ms.
02-15 00:52:52.652 root 721 865 E storaged: getService package_native failed
02-15 00:52:52.654 root 721 865 I storaged: storaged: Start
02-15 00:52:52.677 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InitBeforeStartServices
02-15 00:52:52.684 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system
02-15 00:52:53.303 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartServices
02-15 00:52:53.304 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWatchdog
02-15 00:52:53.312 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
02-15 00:52:53.313 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: ReadingSystemConfig
02-15 00:52:53.314 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartInstaller
02-15 00:52:53.314 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.327 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService
02-15 00:52:53.327 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.330 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: UriGrantsManagerService
02-15 00:52:53.330 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:53.334 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartActivityManager
02-15 00:52:53.334 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:53.377 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:53.388 1000 1201 1237 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:52:53.388 1000 1201 1237 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:52:53.464 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Override mOomMinFree with:
02-15 00:52:53.467 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 256
02-15 00:52:53.478 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package INACTIVE -> PASSED
02-15 00:52:53.479 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package INACTIVE -> PASSED
02-15 00:52:53.479 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package INACTIVE -> PASSED
02-15 00:52:53.479 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package INACTIVE -> PASSED
02-15 00:52:53.479 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package INACTIVE -> PASSED
02-15 00:52:53.486 1000 1201 1237 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:52:53.486 1000 1201 1237 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:52:53.534 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for telephony
02-15 00:52:53.539 1000 1201 1245 I KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader:
02-15 00:52:53.550 1000 1201 1245 W KernelMemoryBandwidthStats: No kernel memory
bandwidth stats available
02-15 00:52:53.666 1000 1201 1201 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
02-15 00:52:53.705 1000 1201 1201 I AnrManager: startAnrManagerService
02-15 00:52:53.824 1000 1201 1201 I AnrManager: prepareStackTraceFile:
02-15 00:52:53.825 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service$Lifecycle took 131 ms in onStart
02-15 00:52:53.825 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartPowerManager
02-15 00:52:53.825 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.835 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartThermalManager
02-15 00:52:53.836 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.837 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InitPowerManagement
02-15 00:52:53.839 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartRecoverySystemService
02-15 00:52:53.839 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.842 1000 1201 1201 W RescueParty: Noticed 1 events for UID 0 in
last 15 sec
02-15 00:52:53.842 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartLightsService
02-15 00:52:53.842 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.853 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSidekickService
02-15 00:52:53.853 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDisplayManager
02-15 00:52:53.853 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:53.859 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: WaitForDisplay
02-15 00:52:53.859 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
02-15 00:52:53.863 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device added:
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Ecrã Integrado": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0}],
colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], HdrCapabilities
android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@40f16308, density 320, 268.941 x 269.139 dpi,
appVsyncOff 8300000, presDeadline 9366667, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 55 -
0, 0) boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(301, 0 - 419, 55), Rect(0, 0 -
0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, address
02-15 00:52:53.871 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
02-15 00:52:53.871 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 00:52:53.872 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartPackageManagerService
02-15 00:52:53.872 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 1
02-15 00:52:54.260 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Unknown element under
<package>: uses-static-lib
02-15 00:52:54.280 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Unknown element under
<package>: uses-static-lib
02-15 00:52:54.746 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/arm: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm
02-15 00:52:54.748 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/oat: Missing base APK in /system/framework/oat
02-15 00:52:54.789 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/priv-
app/GoogleDocumentsUIPrebuilt: Package at
/system/priv-app/GoogleDocumentsUIPrebuilt ignored: updated version 310851020
better than this 291602100
02-15 00:52:54.869 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name
com.miui.player.selfupdate.fileprovider (in package com.miui.player): name already
used by com.miui.player
02-15 00:52:54.909 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/priv-
app/facebook-installer: Package com.facebook.system at /system/priv-app/facebook-
installer ignored: updated version 343768601 better than this 277606816
02-15 00:52:54.917 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/priv-
app/SoundRecorder: Package at
/system/priv-app/SoundRecorder ignored: updated version 1100 better than this 71
02-15 00:52:54.950 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/priv-
app/facebook-services: Package at /system/priv-app/facebook-
services ignored: updated version 343768612 better than this 277606822
02-15 00:52:54.986 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/AnalyticsCore: Package at /system/app/AnalyticsCore
ignored: updated version 2022010700 better than this 2021030300
02-15 00:52:54.993 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/SystemAppUpdater: Package at
/system/app/SystemAppUpdater ignored: updated version 2000592 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.034 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name (in package name already used by
02-15 00:52:55.051 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/PlayAutoInstallStubApp: Package
android.autoinstalls.config.Xiaomi.model at /system/app/PlayAutoInstallStubApp
ignored: updated version 1001 better than this 1
02-15 00:52:55.077 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/MiRadio: Package at /system/app/MiRadio ignored: updated
version 491 better than this 365
02-15 00:52:55.096 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/MiuiScreenRecorder: Package com.miui.screenrecorder at
/system/app/MiuiScreenRecorder ignored: updated version 90 better than this 74
02-15 00:52:55.133 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/Updater: Package at /system/app/Updater ignored:
updated version 755 better than this 743
02-15 00:52:55.136 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/TouchAssistant: Package com.miui.touchassistant at
/system/app/TouchAssistant ignored: updated version 90003000 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.139 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/facebook-appmanager: Package com.facebook.appmanager at
/system/app/facebook-appmanager ignored: updated version 343768673 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.167 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name (in package name
already used by
02-15 00:52:55.244 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/GlobalPackageInstaller: Package at
/system/app/GlobalPackageInstaller ignored: updated version 212 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.320 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/Phonesky: Package at
/product/priv-app/Phonesky ignored: updated version 82911010 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.433 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/GmsCore: Package at
/product/priv-app/GmsCore ignored: updated version 214815026 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.479 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/ModuleMetadataGooglePrebuilt: Package at /product/app/ModuleMetadataGooglePrebuilt
ignored: updated version 311323000 better than this 292700600
02-15 00:52:55.506 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/GooglePay: Package at
/product/app/GooglePay ignored: updated version 930256699 better than this
02-15 00:52:55.525 1000 1201 1201 I PreinstallApp: read new track file content
from /data/miui/pai/pre_install.appsflyer
02-15 00:52:55.528 1000 1201 1201 I PreinstallApp: Nothing need copy for normal
02-15 00:52:55.529 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:55.529 1000 1201 1201 I CloudControlPreinstall: onStart
02-15 00:52:55.529 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:55.529 1000 1201 1201 I AdvancePreinstallService: onStart
02-15 00:52:55.530 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Finished scanning system
apps. Time: 847 ms, packageCount: 253 , timePerPackage: 3 , cached: 270
02-15 00:52:55.542 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package android.autoinstalls.config.Xiaomi.model
02-15 00:52:55.571 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.596 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.651 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Permission from package com.facebook.orca
ignored: original from com.facebook.katana
02-15 00:52:55.651 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Permission
com.facebook.receiver.permission.ACCESS from package com.facebook.orca ignored:
original from com.facebook.katana
02-15 00:52:55.828 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.845 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name (in package name
already used by
02-15 00:52:55.847 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.857 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.861 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.864 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.facebook.appmanager
02-15 00:52:55.877 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.889 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.miui.screenrecorder
02-15 00:52:55.894 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.894 1000 1201 1293 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at /data/app/
21PTl94Q==/base.apk Binary XML file line #30
02-15 00:52:55.895 1000 1201 1293 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at /data/app/
21PTl94Q==/base.apk Binary XML file line #35
02-15 00:52:55.897 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.miui.touchassistant
02-15 00:52:55.902 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.920 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.facebook.system
02-15 00:52:55.925 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.927 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.954 1000 1201 1201 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package
02-15 00:52:55.997 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Finished scanning non-system
apps. Time: 468 ms, packageCount: 47 , timePerPackage: 9 , cached: 45
02-15 00:52:56.013 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 1.331
02-15 00:52:56.016 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.018 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS from package
(protectionLevel=262146 flags=0x205bbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.021 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:52:56.021 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:52:56.022 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20083e45)
02-15 00:52:56.022 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20083e45)
02-15 00:52:56.023 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.023 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.023 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.023 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.029 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.030 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x284bbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.033 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND from package (protectionLevel=49682 flags=0x30483e85)
02-15 00:52:56.034 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3048be45)
02-15 00:52:56.034 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG from package
(protectionLevel=524802 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.034 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package
(protectionLevel=258 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package
(protectionLevel=770 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package
(protectionLevel=770 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS from package
(protectionLevel=770 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS from package
(protectionLevel=131842 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES from package
(protectionLevel=770 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS from package
(protectionLevel=514 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS from package
(protectionLevel=514 flags=0x284abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.045 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x285bbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.046 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STATUS_BAR from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3049be44)
02-15 00:52:56.046 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3049be44)
02-15 00:52:56.046 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.ADJUST_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS_POLICY from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WHITELIST_RESTRICTED_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.KILL_UID from package
(protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_RESTRICTIONS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLE_HOLDERS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.OBSERVE_ROLE_HOLDERS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.ACCESS_SHARED_LIBRARIES from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS from package (protectionLevel=131842 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.047 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.OPEN_ACCESSIBILITY_DETAILS_SETTINGS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e05)
02-15 00:52:56.050 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x3848be45)
02-15 00:52:56.051 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.tencent.igxiaomi
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3048be44)
02-15 00:52:56.052 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLE_HOLDERS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x20cbbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.054 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x284bbe44)
02-15 00:52:56.057 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x20083e45)
02-15 00:52:56.058 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0xa04bbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.059 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.059 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x30483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.059 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.059 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.060 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.060 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.060 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.061 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS from package
(protectionLevel=514 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.061 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0xa04abec5)
02-15 00:52:56.064 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x205bbe44)
02-15 00:52:56.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.069 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package com.zhiliaoapp.musically
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.070 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x3859be44)
02-15 00:52:56.070 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x3859be44)
02-15 00:52:56.070 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x3859be44)
02-15 00:52:56.071 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x304bbe45)
02-15 00:52:56.073 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:52:56.073 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MODIFY_QUIET_MODE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:52:56.075 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.075 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.BATTERY_STATS from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.077 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.orca
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30183e44)
02-15 00:52:56.081 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.miui.weather2
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3849be45)
02-15 00:52:56.089 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package (protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x2059be44)
02-15 00:52:56.091 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.091 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:52:56.093 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.moffice_eng
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.093 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package
cn.wps.moffice_eng (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:52:56.093 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE from package com.miui.core
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x28083e05)
02-15 00:52:56.095 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x304abe45)
02-15 00:52:56.859 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 0
02-15 00:52:56.861 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartOtaDexOptService
02-15 00:52:56.861 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: moveab. Pause count: 1
02-15 00:52:56.863 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: moveab. Pause count: 0
02-15 00:52:56.863 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartUserManagerService
02-15 00:52:56.863 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$LifeCycle
02-15 00:52:56.864 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InitAttributerCache
02-15 00:52:56.865 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: SetSystemProcess
02-15 00:52:56.913 1000 1201 1294 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 628 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 00:52:56.921 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InitWatchdog
02-15 00:52:56.922 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartOverlayManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.337 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSensorPrivacyService
02-15 00:52:57.339 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl:
02-15 00:52:57.339 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBatteryService
02-15 00:52:57.339 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.348 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for telephony
02-15 00:52:57.352 1000 1201 1201 I HealthServiceWrapper: health:
HealthServiceWrapper listening to instance default
02-15 00:52:57.352 1000 1201 1201 I BatteryService: health: Waited 0ms and
received the update.
02-15 00:52:57.355 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartUsageService
02-15 00:52:57.355 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.402 1000 1201 1201 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Rollover
scheduled @ 2022-02-15 12:08:23(1644926903941)
02-15 00:52:57.402 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWebViewUpdateService
02-15 00:52:57.402 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.407 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartCachedDeviceStateService
02-15 00:52:57.407 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.408 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBinderCallsStatsService
02-15 00:52:57.408 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$LifeCycle
02-15 00:52:57.409 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartLooperStatsService
02-15 00:52:57.410 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.411 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartRollbackManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.412 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.423 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBugreportManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.423 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.425 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: GpuService
02-15 00:52:57.425 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.425 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startMtkCoreServices
02-15 00:52:57.425 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.426 1000 1201 1308 I SystemServer: SecondaryZygotePreload
02-15 00:52:57.427 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartKeyChainSystemService
02-15 00:52:57.427 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.428 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSchedulingPolicyService
02-15 00:52:57.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTelecomLoaderService
02-15 00:52:57.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.431 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTelephonyRegistry
02-15 00:52:57.443 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartEntropyMixer
02-15 00:52:57.446 1000 1201 1201 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
02-15 00:52:57.449 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAccountManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.449 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.456 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartContentService
02-15 00:52:57.456 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.458 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InstallSystemProviders
02-15 00:52:57.468 1000 1201 1308 E SystemServer: Unable to preload default
02-15 00:52:57.550 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDropBoxManager
02-15 00:52:57.550 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.552 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartVibratorService
02-15 00:52:57.562 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDynamicSystemService
02-15 00:52:57.564 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartConsumerIrService
02-15 00:52:57.567 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBsGamePadService
02-15 00:52:57.567 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAlarmManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.567 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl:
02-15 00:52:57.569 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.573 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartInputManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.574 1000 1201 1201 I InputManager: Initializing input manager,
02-15 00:52:57.601 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWindowManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.609 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: No existing display settings,
starting empty
02-15 00:52:57.627 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: SetWindowManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.681 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.699 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartInputManager
02-15 00:52:57.699 1000 1201 1201 I InputManager: Starting input manager
02-15 00:52:57.704 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.705 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBluetoothService
02-15 00:52:57.705 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.708 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: IpConnectivityMetrics
02-15 00:52:57.708 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.709 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: NetworkWatchlistService
02-15 00:52:57.709 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.715 1000 1201 1201 I WatchlistSettings: Reload watchlist settings
02-15 00:52:57.717 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: PinnerService
02-15 00:52:57.717 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.718 1000 1201 1321 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: Start aggregating
watchlist records.
02-15 00:52:57.720 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: SignedConfigService
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.721 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.722 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.723 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.727 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.734 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.736 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: Override mOomMinFree with:
02-15 00:52:57.737 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.737 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.742 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.742 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.748 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeDisplayReady
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.749 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.756 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20005df8
{1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.757 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.758 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.759 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Could not pin file
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at Method)
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$1400(
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at$PinnerHandler.handleMessage(
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: at
02-15 00:52:57.760 1000 1201 1238 E PinnerService: Failed to pin file =
02-15 00:52:57.777 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=60007dfc {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long
port ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 00:52:57.784 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartStorageManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.784 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl: PPL not supported,
retruning, will start AOSP StorageManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.784 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.795 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartStorageStatsService
02-15 00:52:57.795 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.802 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartUiModeManager
02-15 00:52:57.803 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.825 1000 1201 1323 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=200 {1.0
?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h
-nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720,
1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 00:52:57.854 1000 1201 1323 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 00:52:57.860 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 55 ms in onStart
02-15 00:52:57.860 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded
02-15 00:52:57.860 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: dexopt. Pause count: 1
02-15 00:52:57.861 1000 1201 1201 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main
thread for reason: dexopt. Pause count: 0
02-15 00:52:57.862 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartLockSettingsService
02-15 00:52:57.862 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.888 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartPersistentDataBlock
02-15 00:52:57.888 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.889 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTestHarnessMode
02-15 00:52:57.889 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.890 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartOemLockService
02-15 00:52:57.890 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.892 1000 1201 1201 I OemLock : OemLock HAL not present on device
02-15 00:52:57.892 1000 1201 1201 I OemLock : Using persistent data block based
02-15 00:52:57.894 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDeviceIdleController
02-15 00:52:57.894 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.910 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDevicePolicyManager
02-15 00:52:57.910 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.917 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartStatusBarManagerService
02-15 00:52:57.922 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAppPredictionService
02-15 00:52:57.922 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.924 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartContentSuggestionsService
02-15 00:52:57.925 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:57.927 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: InitNetworkStackClient
02-15 00:52:57.935 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNetworkManagementService
02-15 00:52:57.942 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartIpSecService
02-15 00:52:57.945 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTextServicesManager
02-15 00:52:57.945 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.947 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:57.947 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.949 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNetworkScoreService
02-15 00:52:57.949 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:57.952 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNetworkStatsService
02-15 00:52:58.001 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:58.009 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWifi
02-15 00:52:58.025 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.259 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWifiScanning
02-15 00:52:58.260 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.263 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWifiP2P
02-15 00:52:58.264 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.275 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartEthernet
02-15 00:52:58.276 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.278 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartConnectivityService
02-15 00:52:58.373 1000 1201 1201 E MtkConnectivityService: Error in
networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 29
02-15 00:52:58.374 1000 1201 1201 E MtkConnectivityService: Error in
networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 40
02-15 00:52:58.398 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNsdService
02-15 00:52:58.402 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:58.403 1000 1201 1201 I SystemUpdateManagerService: No existing info
file /data/system/system-update-info.xml
02-15 00:52:58.404 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartUpdateLockService
02-15 00:52:58.406 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNotificationManager
02-15 00:52:58.406 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.439 1000 1201 1201 I NotificationListeners: Read notification
listener permissions from xml
02-15 00:52:58.439 1000 1201 1201 I NotificationAssistants: Read notification
assistant permissions from xml
02-15 00:52:58.439 1000 1201 1201 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider
permissions from xml
02-15 00:52:58.439 1000 1201 1201 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider
permissions from xml
02-15 00:52:58.468 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDeviceMonitor
02-15 00:52:58.468 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.471 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartLocationManagerService
02-15 00:52:58.477 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartCountryDetectorService
02-15 00:52:58.478 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTimeDetectorService
02-15 00:52:58.478 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.480 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDisplayFeatureService
02-15 00:52:58.554 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSearchManagerService
02-15 00:52:58.554 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.556 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWallpaperManagerService
02-15 00:52:58.556 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.559 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAudioService
02-15 00:52:58.559 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.618 1000 1201 1231 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 112ms
02-15 00:52:58.628 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDockObserver
02-15 00:52:58.629 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.629 1000 1201 1201 W DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock
station support
02-15 00:52:58.631 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartWiredAccessoryManager
02-15 00:52:58.632 1000 1201 1201 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not
have usb audio support
02-15 00:52:58.632 1000 1201 1201 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not
have HDMI audio support
02-15 00:52:58.632 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMidiManager
02-15 00:52:58.633 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.634 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAdbService
02-15 00:52:58.635 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.637 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartUsbService
02-15 00:52:58.637 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.639 1000 1201 1201 E UsbDeviceManager: failed to write to
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: USB GADGET HAL not present
in the device
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager:
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method)
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at<init>(
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at<init>(
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at$Lifecycle.onStart(
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at$
02-15 00:52:58.641 1000 1201 1201 I UsbDeviceManager: at
02-15 00:52:58.642 1000 1201 1201 E UsbDeviceManager: Failed to open control for
02-15 00:52:58.642 1000 1201 1201 E UsbDeviceManager: Failed to open control for
02-15 00:52:58.655 1000 1201 1201 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage
defined yet; hacking together a stub
02-15 00:52:58.660 1000 1201 1350 I UsbPortManager: Usb hal service started
android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb default
02-15 00:52:58.665 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSerialService
02-15 00:52:58.666 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:58.669 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTwilightService
02-15 00:52:58.669 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.670 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartColorDisplay
02-15 00:52:58.670 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.672 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartJobScheduler
02-15 00:52:58.672 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.698 1000 1201 1201 W JobStore: Periodic job for uid='1000'
persisted run-time is too big [42:34:20, 43:46:20]. Clamping to [24:00:20,25:12:20]
02-15 00:52:58.701 1000 1201 1201 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 2
02-15 00:52:58.702 1000 1201 1201 W JobStore: Periodic job for uid='1000'
persisted run-time is too big [42:34:20, 43:46:20]. Clamping to [24:00:20,25:12:20]
02-15 00:52:58.704 1000 1201 1201 W JobStore: Periodic job for uid='1000'
persisted run-time is too big [93:16:20, 95:46:20]. Clamping to [50:00:20,52:30:20]
02-15 00:52:58.705 1000 1201 1201 W JobStore: Periodic job for uid='1000'
persisted run-time is too big [42:34:20, 43:46:20]. Clamping to [24:00:20,25:12:20]
02-15 00:52:58.707 1000 1201 1201 I JobStore: Read 133 jobs
02-15 00:52:58.714 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSoundTrigger
02-15 00:52:58.714 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.716 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartTrustManager
02-15 00:52:58.717 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.768 1000 1201 1201 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames
02-15 00:52:58.768 1000 1201 1201 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames
02-15 00:52:58.824 1000 1201 1294 I PackageManager: Deferred reconcileAppsData
finished 262 packages
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Error reading
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: /data/system/cutout-mode.xml: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at<init>(
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at Method)
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.938 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: ... 9 more
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Error reading
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: /data/system/miui-specail-mode-v2.xml: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at<init>(
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at Method)
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.939 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: ... 9 more
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Error reading
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: /data/system/miui-packages-compat.xml: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at<init>(
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at Method)
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: at
02-15 00:52:58.940 1000 1201 1361 W MiuiCompatModePackages: ... 9 more
02-15 00:52:58.979 1000 1201 1201 E whetstone.activity: could not find
02-15 00:52:58.979 1000 1201 1201 E whetstone.activity: could not find
02-15 00:52:58.987 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.990 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBackupManager
02-15 00:52:58.990 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:58.993 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAppWidgetService
02-15 00:52:58.993 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:58.997 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartRoleManagerService
02-15 00:52:59.000 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartVoiceRecognitionManager
02-15 00:52:59.000 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.013 1000 1201 1201 I RoleUserState: Read roles.xml successfully
02-15 00:52:59.429 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSensorNotification
02-15 00:52:59.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartContextHubSystemService
02-15 00:52:59.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.430 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDiskStatsService
02-15 00:52:59.433 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: RuntimeService
02-15 00:52:59.435 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService
02-15 00:52:59.438 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: CertBlacklister
02-15 00:52:59.439 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:59.439 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.439 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDreamManager
02-15 00:52:59.439 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.441 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: AddGraphicsStatsService
02-15 00:52:59.444 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartPrintManager
02-15 00:52:59.445 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.447 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartCompanionDeviceManager
02-15 00:52:59.448 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.452 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartRestrictionManager
02-15 00:52:59.452 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.456 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMediaSessionService
02-15 00:52:59.456 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.470 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMediaResourceMonitor
02-15 00:52:59.470 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.471 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMediaRouterService
02-15 00:52:59.474 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartBackgroundDexOptService
02-15 00:52:59.475 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService
02-15 00:52:59.476 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:59.477 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle
02-15 00:52:59.477 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:59.480 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartLauncherAppsService
02-15 00:52:59.480 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.483 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartCrossProfileAppsService
02-15 00:52:59.483 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.485 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMediaProjectionManager
02-15 00:52:59.485 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.491 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSliceManagerService
02-15 00:52:59.491 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:59.494 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartCameraServiceProxy
02-15 00:52:59.494 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.498 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartStatsCompanionService
02-15 00:52:59.498 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:59.503 1000 1201 1201 I StatsCompanionService: register thermal
listener successfully
02-15 00:52:59.508 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartIncidentCompanionService
02-15 00:52:59.508 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.510 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartMmsService
02-15 00:52:59.510 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.513 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartAutoFillService
02-15 00:52:59.513 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.516 1000 1201 1201 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service
02-15 00:52:59.518 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartClipboardService
02-15 00:52:59.518 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.521 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: AppServiceManager
02-15 00:52:59.521 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting$Lifecycle
02-15 00:52:59.523 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startOtherMtkService
02-15 00:52:59.524 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl:
02-15 00:52:59.527 1000 1201 1201 E MtkSystemServerImpl:
com.mediatek.fmradio.FmRadioPackageManager not found
02-15 00:52:59.527 1000 1201 1201 I MtkSystemServerImpl: StartPowerHalMgrService
02-15 00:52:59.528 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:52:59.533 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeVibratorServiceReady
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: BOOT FAILURE making BsGamePad
Service ready
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at$
02-15 00:52:59.540 1000 1201 1201 E SystemServer: at
02-15 00:52:59.541 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady
02-15 00:52:59.542 1000 1201 1239 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:52:59.636 1000 1201 1201 I SyntheticPasswordManager: Device does not
support weaver
02-15 00:52:59.638 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Device doesn't
implement AuthSecret HAL
02-15 00:52:59.641 1000 1201 1201 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:59.641 1000 1201 1201 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:59.641 1000 1201 1201 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:59.642 1000 1201 1201 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:59.642 1000 1201 1201 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
02-15 00:52:59.642 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:59.642 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
02-15 00:52:59.647 1000 1201 1201 I DevicePolicyManager: Set ro.device_owner
property to false
02-15 00:52:59.652 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
02-15 00:52:59.652 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:52:59.652 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
02-15 00:52:59.864 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 189 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:52:59.904 1000 1201 1201 I WifiService: WifiService starting up with
Wi-Fi enabled
02-15 00:53:00.134 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi Hal is booting up...
02-15 00:53:00.134 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Registering HAL: android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi with name: default
02-15 00:53:00.137 wifi 1383 1383 I ServiceManagement: Registered
android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi/default (start delay of 225ms)
02-15 00:53:00.143 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No interface is found
02-15 00:53:00.185 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 280 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:53:00.218 1000 1201 1201 W SoundTriggerHelper: listModules status=0, #
of modules=0
02-15 00:53:00.225 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
02-15 00:53:00.225 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady
02-15 00:53:00.259 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakePowerManagerServiceReady
02-15 00:53:00.267 1000 1201 1201 I AutomaticBrightnessControllerInjector:
AUTO_BRIGHTNESS_MIN_NIT_SPLINE: MonotoneCubicSpline{[(10.0, 1.0: 0.2), (15.0, 2.0:
0.2), (20.0, 3.0: 0.2), (25.0, 4.0: 0.2)]}
02-15 00:53:00.269 1000 1201 1201 E DisplayPowerController: failed to set up
display white-balance: java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find sensor
02-15 00:53:00.286 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartPermissionPolicyService
02-15 00:53:00.287 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
02-15 00:53:00.291 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:00.292 1000 1201 1249 W KeyguardServiceDelegate:
onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
02-15 00:53:00.295 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakePackageManagerServiceReady
02-15 00:53:00.295 1000 1201 1249 W BackLightController: brightness dynamic
range not support.
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: Disable greenGuard
agent : [ com.miui.greenguard] failed , package not install
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService:$NameNotFoundException: com.miui.greenguard
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at$
02-15 00:53:00.297 1000 1201 1201 E GreenKidManagerService: at
02-15 00:53:00.307 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Unable to read app idle file
for user 0
02-15 00:53:00.331 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 00:53:00.348 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:00.349 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS from package
(protectionLevel=262146 flags=0x20dbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.353 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:53:00.354 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:53:00.355 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:00.355 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:00.355 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.355 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.355 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.356 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.363 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e45)
02-15 00:53:00.365 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x28cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.368 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND from package (protectionLevel=49682 flags=0x30c83e85)
02-15 00:53:00.369 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 00:53:00.369 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 00:53:00.369 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:00.370 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x30c8be45)
02-15 00:53:00.370 wifi 1383 1383 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 00:53:00.370 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:00.370 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package
(protectionLevel=258 flags=0x28cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.370 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x28cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.372 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 00:53:00.372 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:00.382 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x28dbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.384 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STATUS_BAR from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.384 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.389 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38c8be45)
02-15 00:53:00.390 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.tencent.igxiaomi
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3048be44)
02-15 00:53:00.391 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 32
02-15 00:53:00.392 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 32
02-15 00:53:00.392 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLE_HOLDERS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x20cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.394 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 00:53:00.394 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 00:53:00.394 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x28cbbe44)
02-15 00:53:00.397 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:00.398 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0xa0cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.400 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.400 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.401 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.401 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.401 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS from package
(protectionLevel=514 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.402 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:00.406 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20dbbe44)
02-15 00:53:00.410 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.410 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.410 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.410 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.412 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package com.zhiliaoapp.musically
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:00.414 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.414 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.414 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.415 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:00.417 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:53:00.417 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MODIFY_QUIET_MODE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:53:00.419 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:00.419 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.BATTERY_STATS from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:00.421 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.orca
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30983e44)
02-15 00:53:00.426 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.miui.weather2
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x38c9be45)
02-15 00:53:00.435 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package (protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x20d9be44)
02-15 00:53:00.437 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:53:00.437 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:53:00.439 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.moffice_eng
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.439 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package
cn.wps.moffice_eng (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:00.439 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE from package com.miui.core
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x28883e05)
02-15 00:53:00.441 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30cabe45)
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: PackageNot found:
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy:$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at$200(DefaultPer
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at$1.handleMessage(Defau
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.443 1000 1201 1254 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: at
02-15 00:53:00.460 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.460 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.461 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.461 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.461 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.462 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.462 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.462 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.463 1000 1201 1201 I InstallationStatistic: beginInstallSession:
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: Package not valid
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: No packages staged
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at$
02-15 00:53:00.464 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: Package not valid
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: No packages staged
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at$
02-15 00:53:00.465 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 1
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: Package not valid
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: No packages staged
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at$
02-15 00:53:00.466 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: Package not valid
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: No packages staged
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at$
02-15 00:53:00.467 1000 1201 1201 E PackageInstallerSession: at
02-15 00:53:00.513 1000 1201 1201 W UserDataPreparer: Invalid user directory
02-15 00:53:00.527 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeDisplayManagerServiceReady
02-15 00:53:00.528 1000 1201 1232 E DisplayModeDirector: Asked about unknown
display, returning empty allowed set! (id=0)
02-15 00:53:00.528 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartDeviceSpecificServices
02-15 00:53:00.528 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:53:00.528 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 520
02-15 00:53:00.529 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 520
02-15 00:53:00.533 1000 1201 1201 I SplashScreenServiceDelegate: Register
02-15 00:53:00.534 1000 1201 1201 I SplashScreenServiceDelegate: Register
debugger receiver
02-15 00:53:00.534 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 00:53:00.541 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : Pruning old package
system/$UidState@ad2b0fb: new uid=-1
02-15 00:53:00.543 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityManager: System now ready
02-15 00:53:00.549 1000 1201 1232 I MtkWifiDisplayController: mResolution:0,
resolutionIndex: 5
02-15 00:53:00.600 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=100 {1.0
?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h
-nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720,
1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 00:53:00.601 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 00:53:00.628 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: Making services ready
02-15 00:53:00.628 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase
02-15 00:53:00.628 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
02-15 00:53:00.631 1000 1201 1201 E ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 2.0 service
not connected, trying 1.1.
02-15 00:53:00.633 1000 1201 1201 E ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 1.1 service
not connected, no thermal call back will be called.
02-15 00:53:00.635 1000 1201 1201 I ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 1.0 service
connected, no thermal call back will be called due to legacy API.
02-15 00:53:00.761 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 00:53:00.761 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 00:53:00.765 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:00.767 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 32
02-15 00:53:00.773 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 00:53:00.893 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 00:53:00.897 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:53:00.955 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 00:53:01.290 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 00:53:01.290 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 00:53:01.290 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:01.290 wifi 1383 1383 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 00:53:01.290 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:01.292 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 00:53:01.292 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 00:53:01.309 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 34
02-15 00:53:01.309 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 34
02-15 00:53:01.310 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 00:53:01.310 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 00:53:01.480 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:53:01.741 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service$Lifecycle took 1100 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:53:01.794 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout.
Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 00:53:01.795 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 00:53:01.795 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 00:53:01.797 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:01.907 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service$Lifecycle took 164 ms in
02-15 00:53:01.908 1000 1201 1322 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 7200000
02-15 00:53:01.911 1000 1201 1322 I ExtM : Extm Version 1.0
02-15 00:53:01.912 1000 1201 1322 I ExtM : ExtMemCloudControl value is 0,
thres is 3
02-15 00:53:01.916 1000 1201 1201 I WallpaperManagerService: No static wallpaper
imagery; defaults will be shown
02-15 00:53:01.931 1000 1201 1201 W WallpaperManagerService: Invalid wallpaper
02-15 00:53:01.931 1000 1201 1201 E WallpaperManagerService: Unable to apply new
02-15 00:53:01.934 1000 1201 1201 I AppBindingService: Updating constants with:
02-15 00:53:01.935 1000 1201 1384 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_1: dual-
02-15 00:53:01.937 1000 1201 1229 I UsbPortManager: USB port added:
status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power,
currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data],
contaminantDetectionStatus=0, contaminantProtectionStatus=0}, canChangeMode=false,
canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false, connectedAtMillis=0,
02-15 00:53:02.027 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 107ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:02.027 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 108ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:02.030 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:02.030 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
{} caller=android
02-15 00:53:02.030 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:02.030 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:02.035 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:02.036 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS from package
(protectionLevel=262146 flags=0x20dbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.040 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:53:02.040 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3858be44)
02-15 00:53:02.041 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:02.041 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:02.042 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.042 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.042 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.042 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.048 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x30c83e45)
02-15 00:53:02.050 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x28cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.053 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND from package (protectionLevel=49682 flags=0x30c83e85)
02-15 00:53:02.054 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x30c8be45)
02-15 00:53:02.055 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package
(protectionLevel=258 flags=0x28cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.055 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x28cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.065 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x28dbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STATUS_BAR from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.067 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.071 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x38c8be45)
02-15 00:53:02.072 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.tencent.igxiaomi
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x3048be44)
02-15 00:53:02.074 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLE_HOLDERS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0x20cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.076 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package (protectionLevel=66 flags=0x28cbbe44)
02-15 00:53:02.078 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x20883e45)
02-15 00:53:02.080 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0xa0cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.081 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.082 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.082 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.082 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.083 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS from package
(protectionLevel=514 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.083 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS from package (protectionLevel=258 flags=0xa0cabec5)
02-15 00:53:02.087 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x20dbbe44)
02-15 00:53:02.090 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION from package
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.090 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.090 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.090 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x30583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.092 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package com.zhiliaoapp.musically
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:02.094 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.094 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS from package
(protectionLevel=1218 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.094 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38d9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.095 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30cbbe45)
02-15 00:53:02.097 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS from package (protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:53:02.097 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.MODIFY_QUIET_MODE from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30c9bec5)
02-15 00:53:02.099 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:02.099 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.BATTERY_STATS from package com.facebook.katana
(protectionLevel=50 flags=0x30d83e44)
02-15 00:53:02.101 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package com.facebook.orca
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x30983e44)
02-15 00:53:02.106 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package com.miui.weather2
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x38c9be45)
02-15 00:53:02.114 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package (protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x20d9be44)
02-15 00:53:02.115 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
com.xiaomi.permission.CLOUD_MANAGER from package
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:53:02.115 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES from package
(protectionLevel=66 flags=0x38483e45)
02-15 00:53:02.117 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW from package cn.wps.moffice_eng
(protectionLevel=1250 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.118 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission from package
cn.wps.moffice_eng (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x38583e44)
02-15 00:53:02.118 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE from package com.miui.core
(protectionLevel=18 flags=0x28883e05)
02-15 00:53:02.120 1000 1201 1201 I PackageManager: Un-granting permission
android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES from package (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x30cabe45)
02-15 00:53:02.121 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 186 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:53:02.121 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
02-15 00:53:02.121 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartObservingNativeCrashes
02-15 00:53:02.121 1000 1201 1201 I longcheer: /sys/android_lcd/lcd_lockdown
02-15 00:53:02.122 1000 1201 1309 I SystemServer: WebViewFactoryPreparation
02-15 00:53:02.124 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartSystemUI
02-15 00:53:02.128 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:53:02.132 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeIpSecServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.134 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkStatsServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.167 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeConnectivityServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.173 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
[android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for null caller=Webview
02-15 00:53:02.208 1000 1201 1329 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL:
already false
02-15 00:53:02.221 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkPolicyServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.227 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Process has 1 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification
android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi has clients: 1
02-15 00:53:02.275 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: PhaseThirdPartyAppsCanStart
02-15 00:53:02.275 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
02-15 00:53:02.276 1000 1201 1201 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health checks enabled.
02-15 00:53:02.276 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason:
health check state enabled
02-15 00:53:02.276 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers,
elapsed time: 0ms
02-15 00:53:02.277 1000 1201 1238 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to
02-15 00:53:02.277 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling next state sync
in 1209599946ms
02-15 00:53:02.463 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 172 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:53:02.469 1000 1201 1201 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 00:53:02.474 1000 1201 1201 I StatsCompanionService: Told statsd that
StatsCompanionService is alive.
02-15 00:53:02.498 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 600
02-15 00:53:02.498 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: StartNetworkStack
02-15 00:53:02.501 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeLocationServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.540 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:02.578 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 6 lines
02-15 00:53:02.579 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:02.616 1000 1201 1201 I MiuiGpsProvider: register provider status
02-15 00:53:02.616 1000 1201 1201 I MiuiGpsProvider: create miui gps provider
02-15 00:53:02.616 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer:
02-15 00:53:02.616 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady
02-15 00:53:02.616 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 108ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
02-15 00:53:02.618 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeInputManagerServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.620 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady
02-15 00:53:02.621 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.621 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: MakeMmsServiceReady
02-15 00:53:02.621 1000 1201 1201 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to
MmsService until an API is called
02-15 00:53:02.621 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: IncidentDaemonReady
02-15 00:53:02.623 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: NetworkDataControllerService
02-15 00:53:02.624 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityManager: Current user:0
02-15 00:53:02.624 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onStartUser u0
02-15 00:53:02.675 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 155ms
02-15 00:53:02.702 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:02.702 1000 1201 1229 W LocationProviderProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:02.703 1000 1201 1229 W LocationProviderProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:02.703 1000 1201 1229 W GeocoderProxy: Odd, no component found for
02-15 00:53:02.704 1000 1201 1229 W GeofenceProxy: Odd, no component found for
02-15 00:53:02.705 1000 1201 1229 W ActivityRecognitionProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:02.708 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityManager: Process WebViewLoader-
armeabi-v7a (pid 1438) has died: psvc PER
02-15 00:53:03.013 1000 1201 1201 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 255 ms, interface=android.os.IIdmap2, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:03.125 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:02.041 late=83ms wall=1001ms running=256ms runnable=16ms io=618ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:03.232 1000 1201 1544 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:03.314 1000 1413 1546 I KeyguardWallpaperHelper:
notifyThemeSetSuperWallpaper, isDeviceProvisioned = truemiuiVersionName =
V12miuiVersionCode = 12oldMiuiVersionCode 12
02-15 00:53:03.331 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 00:53:03.332 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.2641277
02-15 00:53:03.608 1000 1201 1201 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 983 ms in onStartUser
02-15 00:53:03.611 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:03.655 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 0
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: Error while reading taskIds
file for user 0
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at$LocalService.startHomeOnAllDisplay
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at$
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 E TaskPersister: at
02-15 00:53:03.728 1000 1201 1201 I ActivityTaskManager: Loaded persisted task
ids for user 0
02-15 00:53:04.132 1000 1201 1233 W Looper : Slow Looper android.anim: doFrame
is 386ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 396ms (seq=44 h=android.os.Handler$1)
02-15 00:53:04.133 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 482ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:04.133 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 476 ms,, code=184 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.136 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 485ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:04.136 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for added application caller=android
02-15 00:53:04.136 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 486ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:04.136 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 486ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:04.137 1000 1201 1201 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system
server main thread loop.
02-15 00:53:04.138 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 6803ms main$H$
$Lambda$gATL8uvTPRd405IfefK1RL9bNqA@a2eca5c m=0
02-15 00:53:04.146 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 439 ms,, code=15 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.147 1000 1201 1229 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 00:53:04.148 1000 1201 1229 W LocationProviderProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:04.149 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 498ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 00:53:04.149 1000 1201 1229 W LocationProviderProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:04.149 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 412ms
JN_ucuI@4d808f4 m=0
02-15 00:53:04.150 1000 1201 1229 W GeocoderProxy: Odd, no component found for
02-15 00:53:04.150 1000 1201 1229 W GeofenceProxy: Odd, no component found for
02-15 00:53:04.151 1000 1201 1229 W ActivityRecognitionProxy: Odd, no component
found for service
02-15 00:53:04.183 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1687:com.miui.home/u0a86 for activity
{com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} caller=null
02-15 00:53:04.184 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:04.185 1000 1413 1571 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 638 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.209 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 0 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.209 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 1 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 2 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 6 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 7 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 10 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 14 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 15 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 16 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 18 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 20 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 21 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 22 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 24 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 26 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 27 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 33 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 34 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 35 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 36 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 37 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 38 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 39 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 41 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 42 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 44 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 45 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 48 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 64 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.210 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 80 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:04.219 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check
requests for packages: {}
02-15 00:53:04.219 1000 1201 1201 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not
ready to get health check supported packages. Binding...
02-15 00:53:04.225 1000 1201 1201 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health check service is bound
02-15 00:53:04.245 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
erviceImpl} caller=android
02-15 00:53:04.314 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=100 {1.0
?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h
-nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720,
1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 00:53:04.317 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 00:53:04.333 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:04.334 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 108ms main$H c=null m=114
02-15 00:53:04.391 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Class:
updatePreBindFeatureEnableState: disable prebind feature for google dialer
02-15 00:53:04.493 1000 1201 1334 E WifiP2pService:
sendP2pConnectionChangedBroadcast(): WifiChannel is null
02-15 00:53:04.582 1000 1201 1739 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.
02-15 00:53:04.598 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SystemStateHelper: Registering car
mode receiver: android.content.IntentFilter@c7ce98a: TS.init@AAA
02-15 00:53:04.609 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute
02-15 00:53:04.609 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.
02-15 00:53:04.611 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController:
mSystemInCallComponentName: TS.init@AAA
02-15 00:53:04.620 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: null.: TS.init->CAMSM.pM_1@AAA
02-15 00:53:04.642 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiMissedCallNotifierImpl:
reloadFromDatabase()...: TS.init@AAA
02-15 00:53:04.642 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiMissedCallNotifierImpl: Boot
not yet complete -- call log db may not be available. Deferring loading until boot
complete.: TS.init@AAA
02-15 00:53:04.656 1000 1201 1436 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for call_log
02-15 00:53:04.656 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being
02-15 00:53:04.657 1000 1201 1201 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
02-15 00:53:04.667 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MtkTelecomServiceImpl:
[publish]adding to ServiceManager
02-15 00:53:04.669 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 335ms main$H c=null m=121
02-15 00:53:04.829 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher
02-15 00:53:04.831 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout
for ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}
02-15 00:53:04.846 1000 1201 1232 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:04.886 1000 1201 1434 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2598 ms,, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.886 1000 1413 1553 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1498 ms,, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.912 1000 1201 1201 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 114ms
02-15 00:53:04.913 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 166ms
02-15 00:53:04.913 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 145ms main$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection@d13147 m=0
02-15 00:53:04.914 1000 1413 1551 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1578 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:04.948 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityTaskManager: user 0 is still locked.
Cannot load recents
02-15 00:53:04.969 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:04.984 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 845ms
late because of 300 msg, msg 71 took 108ms (seq=71 running=19ms io=51ms late=1947ms$H w=114), msg 72 took 335ms (seq=72 running=69ms
runnable=3ms io=221ms late=2055ms$H w=121), msg 287
took 145ms (seq=287 running=4ms io=134ms late=1640ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection)
02-15 00:53:04.989 1000 1201 1201 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:05.358 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:04.258 late=74ms wall=1025ms running=334ms runnable=59ms io=524ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:05.454 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 464ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@5d93de m=0
02-15 00:53:05.454 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 431 ms, interface=android.view.accessibility.IAccessibilityManager, code=5
02-15 00:53:05.459 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService
s.SharedNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.460 1000 1201 1201 W NotificationListeners: Unable to bind
notification listener service: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService
s.SharedNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService (has extras) } in user 0
02-15 00:53:05.461 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService
cmp=com.miui.notification/.NotificationListener } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.461 1000 1201 1201 W NotificationAssistants: Unable to bind
notification assistant service: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService
cmp=com.miui.notification/.NotificationListener (has extras) } in user 0
02-15 00:53:05.483 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
nditionProviderService} caller=android
02-15 00:53:05.524 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@528cb4a already registered for pid 1577, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:05.580 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 119ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@70c0b08 m=0
02-15 00:53:05.586 1000 1201 1201 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:05.587 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:05.588 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:05.589 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.MODE_CHANGED flg=0x10 } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:05.589 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:05.632 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.cloudservice.PasspointService
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/.alipay.provision.PasspointService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.674 1000 1201 1368 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { cmp=com.miui.daemon/.performance.SysoptService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.699 1000 1201 1458 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage
defined yet; hacking together a stub
02-15 00:53:05.757 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 167ms main
h=android.service.notification.ConditionProviderService$H c=null m=3
02-15 00:53:05.765 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-WiredHeadsetManager:
ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@AAE
02-15 00:53:05.773 1000 1201 1201 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health check service is connected
02-15 00:53:05.774 1000 1201 1201 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service
initialized, syncing requests
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 0 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 1 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 2 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 6 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 7 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 10 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 14 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 15 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 16 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 18 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 20 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 21 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.790 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 22 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 24 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 26 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 27 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 33 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 34 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 35 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 36 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 37 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 38 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 39 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 41 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 42 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 44 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 45 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 48 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 64 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I AppOps : setUserRestriction: 80 action:
false from uid: 1000 pid: 1201
02-15 00:53:05.791 1000 1201 1201 I ContentSuggestionsManagerService: Updating
for user 0: disabled=false
02-15 00:53:05.792 1000 1201 1201 I AutofillManagerService: Updating for user 0:
02-15 00:53:05.792 1000 1201 1201 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service
02-15 00:53:05.802 1000 1201 1201 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check
requests for packages: {}
02-15 00:53:05.803 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:05.811 1000 1201 1618 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health check supported packages []
02-15 00:53:05.812 1000 1201 1618 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package PASSED -> PASSED
02-15 00:53:05.812 1000 1201 1618 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package PASSED -> PASSED
02-15 00:53:05.812 1000 1201 1618 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package PASSED -> PASSED
02-15 00:53:05.812 1000 1201 1618 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package PASSED -> PASSED
02-15 00:53:05.812 1000 1201 1618 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state
for package PASSED -> PASSED
02-15 00:53:05.814 1000 1201 1215 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health check requested packages []
02-15 00:53:05.814 1000 1201 1215 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more
health check requests, unbinding...
02-15 00:53:05.817 1000 1201 1215 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit
health check service is unbound
02-15 00:53:05.847 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for telephony
02-15 00:53:05.862 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=android
02-15 00:53:05.942 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.950 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@ef5d879
02-15 00:53:05.968 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:05.969 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@c00bc94
02-15 00:53:05.979 1000 1201 1587 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@9ffd65
02-15 00:53:06.000 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@3a86e51
02-15 00:53:06.012 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@f0bf053
02-15 00:53:06.019 10086 1687 1891 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.mihomemanager.whitelistProvider
02-15 00:53:06.217 1000 1413 1546 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:06.282 1000 1201 1684 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage
defined yet; hacking together a stub
02-15 00:53:06.511 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { dat=app://com.miui.home:10086?
v=10&cv=17 } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:06.528 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onCreate took 770ms
02-15 00:53:06.533 1000 1201 1214 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { dat=app://com.miui.home:10086?
v=10&cv=17 } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:06.666 1000 1201 1215 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:06.678 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=4
plan=00:53:04.326 late=1041ms wall=1310ms running=767ms runnable=52ms io=246ms$H w=159
02-15 00:53:06.678 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 1041ms late (wall=1310ms running=767ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 3
msg, msg 2 took 1025ms (seq=2 running=334ms runnable=59ms io=524ms late=74ms$H w=110)
02-15 00:53:06.678 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 2352ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 4 msg, msg 2 took 1025ms (seq=2 running=334ms runnable=59ms
io=524ms late=74ms$H w=110), msg 4 took 1310ms (seq=4
running=767ms runnable=52ms io=246ms late=1041ms$H
02-15 00:53:06.679 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 2349ms late (wall=1ms running=2ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 5 msg, msg 2 took 1025ms (seq=2 running=334ms runnable=59ms
io=524ms late=74ms$H w=110), msg 4 took 1310ms (seq=4
running=767ms runnable=52ms io=246ms late=1041ms$H
02-15 00:53:06.683 1000 1201 1684 I WifiService: WifiService trying to set
country code to
02-15 00:53:06.686 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 2349ms late (wall=6ms running=2ms
}) because of 6 msg, msg 2 took 1025ms (seq=2 running=334ms runnable=59ms io=524ms
late=74ms$H w=110), msg 4 took 1310ms (seq=4
running=767ms runnable=52ms io=246ms late=1041ms$H
02-15 00:53:06.688 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:06.720 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 1856ms late (wall=15ms running=3ms
}) because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 1025ms (seq=2 running=334ms runnable=59ms io=524ms
late=74ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 1310ms (seq=4
running=767ms runnable=52ms io=246ms late=1041ms$H
02-15 00:53:06.746 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 00:53:06.859 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:06.862 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:06.862 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:06.987 radio 1612 1612 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:06.987 radio 1612 1612 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:07.002 10086 1687 1792 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 249 ms,, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:07.300 radio 1612 1612 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:07.301 radio 1612 1612 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:07.321 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:53:07.328 1000 1413 1743 E NotifiSettingsHelper: Error getPackageUid$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.328 1000 1201 1684 E NotificationPrefHelper:
createDefaultChannelIfNeededLocked - Exception:$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.335 1000 1413 1743 E NotifiSettingsHelper: Error getPackageUid$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.336 1000 1201 1684 E NotificationPrefHelper:
createDefaultChannelIfNeededLocked - Exception:$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.348 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 00:53:07.353 1000 1413 1743 E NotifiSettingsHelper: Error getPackageUid$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.354 1000 1201 1458 E NotificationPrefHelper:
createDefaultChannelIfNeededLocked - Exception:$NameNotFoundException:
02-15 00:53:07.361 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 00:53:07.361 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:07.361 1000 1201 1232 W KeyguardServiceDelegate:
onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
02-15 00:53:07.376 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@f987599 already registered for pid 1854, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:07.387 1000 1201 1215 E SettingsProvider: Requested user 10 does not
02-15 00:53:07.389 1000 1201 1239 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:07.442 1000 1201 1214 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage
defined yet; hacking together a stub
02-15 00:53:07.445 1000 1201 1215 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage
defined yet; hacking together a stub
02-15 00:53:07.582 10086 1687 2001 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for weather
02-15 00:53:07.588 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 186ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 00:53:07.649 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=5
plan=00:53:02.126 late=1003ms wall=4521ms running=1329ms runnable=250ms io=729ms$H w=114
02-15 00:53:07.661 1000 1413 2006 W KeyguardViewMediator: onSystemReady
02-15 00:53:07.677 root 398 398 E Cryptfs : cryptfs_get_password not valid for
file encryption
02-15 00:53:07.681 1000 1413 2006 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 00:53:07.688 1000 1413 2006 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
/system/lib, /product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 00:53:07.694 1000 1413 1413 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:07.715 10086 1687 2001 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for weather
02-15 00:53:07.830 1000 1201 1618 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1824 ms,, code=44 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:07.833 radio 1612 1873 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1831 ms,, code=8
02-15 00:53:07.858 radio 1612 2008 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:07.932 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: new
PstnIncomingCallNotifier for Handler
(com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkGsmCdmaPhone) {aac9e70}
02-15 00:53:07.932 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier:
Registering: Handler (com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkGsmCdmaPhone) {aac9e70}
02-15 00:53:07.932 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry: new
PstnIncomingCallNotifier for Handler
(com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkGsmCdmaPhone) {5ba4645}
02-15 00:53:07.932 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnIncomingCallNotifier:
Registering: Handler (com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkGsmCdmaPhone) {5ba4645}
02-15 00:53:07.975 radio 1612 1612 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:04.149 late=2ms wall=3823ms running=1127ms runnable=241ms io=1368ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:08.073 1000 1201 1684 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.078 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.084 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.088 1000 1201 1684 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.160 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
3607ms late because of 12 msg, msg 1 took 4521ms (seq=5 running=1329ms
runnable=250ms io=729ms late=1003ms$H w=114), msg 10
took 80ms (seq=14 running=31ms runnable=4ms io=32ms late=4047ms$H w=156)
02-15 00:53:08.161 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 77 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 00:53:08.224 1000 1201 1684 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.227 1000 1201 1684 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.235 1000 1201 1684 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.239 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:08.317 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@bffe8ad already registered for pid 1413, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:08.474 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:08.477 1000 1201 1329 W NetworkPolicy: Missing subscriberId for
subId 1
02-15 00:53:08.511 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:08.511 1000 1201 1329 W NetworkPolicy: Missing subscriberId for
subId 1
02-15 00:53:08.785 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:08.787 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:08.818 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - register due to account change.
02-15 00:53:08.822 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(cap: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub -> CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )]: TSI.rPA@AA8
02-15 00:53:08.827 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA@AA8
02-15 00:53:08.828 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:08.833 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:08.833 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:08.861 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Keyguard drawn timeout.
Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 00:53:08.862 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 00:53:08.862 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 00:53:08.863 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:08.865 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: ******** booted=true
msg=false haveBoot=false haveApp=false haveWall=true wallEnabled=true
02-15 00:53:08.867 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: ******** booted=true
msg=false haveBoot=false haveApp=false haveWall=true wallEnabled=true
02-15 00:53:08.967 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:08.997 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:08.998 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:08.999 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:09.018 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:09.018 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:09.022 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:09.023 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:09.023 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:09.068 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: ******** booted=true
msg=false haveBoot=false haveApp=false haveWall=true wallEnabled=true
02-15 00:53:09.069 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: ******* TELLING SURFACE
02-15 00:53:09.075 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: ******************** ENABLING
02-15 00:53:09.083 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:09.083 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:09.085 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityManager: About to commit checkpoint
02-15 00:53:09.086 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:09.086 1000 1201 1232 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
02-15 00:53:09.090 1000 1201 1232 W PeriodicCleaner: set enable state from
database: true
02-15 00:53:09.093 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Force stopping appid=10061 user=-1: vold reset
02-15 00:53:09.157 root 2037 2037 W sdcard : Device explicitly enabled sdcardfs
02-15 00:53:09.289 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:30596 downTime:26509 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:09.293 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 00:53:09.708 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 00:53:09.709 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 00:53:09.715 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 00:53:09.969 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 867 ms,, code=42 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.970 10086 1687 1791 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 864 ms,, code=11 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.971 1000 1201 1229 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to mtp
02-15 00:53:09.971 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 861 ms,, code=13 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.972 radio 1612 1916 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 673 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.972 radio 1612 1905 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 694 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.973 radio 1612 1799 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 723 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.973 1000 1201 1307 I RollbackPackageHealthObserver: Scheduling 10
polls to check and mitigate native crashes
02-15 00:53:09.975 radio 1612 1908 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 684 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.975 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:09.976 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:09.976 1066 707 810 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 265 ms, interface=android.os.IStatsCompanionService, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.977 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 685ms
android.ui$H$13@72ca9b7 m=0
02-15 00:53:09.977 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 685ms
android.ui$PolicyHandler$$Lambda$oXa0y3A-00RiQs6-KTPBgpkGtgw@713c88d m=0
02-15 00:53:09.977 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 00:53:09.979 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 686ms main$NotifierHandler$1@4d82a53 m=0
02-15 00:53:09.979 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 686ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=null m=3030
02-15 00:53:09.979 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 00:53:09.980 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 792 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:09.982 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:09.982 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:09.987 1000 1201 1232 W SystemServiceManager: Service took 855 ms in onBootPhase
02-15 00:53:09.987 1000 1201 1232 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
02-15 00:53:09.990 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:09.990 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:09.993 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from
02-15 00:53:09.997 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: Failed to unlock: Secret
required to unlock secure user 0
02-15 00:53:10.011 1000 1201 1232 I ColorDisplayService: Turning off night
02-15 00:53:10.011 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 00:53:10.029 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 897ms
android.fg$UsbHandlerLegacy c=null m=4
02-15 00:53:10.029 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 897ms
android.fg$AdbDebuggingHandler c=null
02-15 00:53:10.046 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 312 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:10.063 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 00:53:10.063 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 00:53:10.064 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 00:53:10.080 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:10.118 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2053:com.mediatek.ims/1001 for service
02-15 00:53:10.123 1000 1201 2059 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:10.305 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:10.378 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:10.378 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:10.380 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:10.398 1000 1201 1338 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(100,
02-15 00:53:10.442 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:10.443 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:10.450 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:10.450 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:10.472 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:10.475 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:53:10.489 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 00:53:10.490 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 00:53:10.492 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager:
02-15 00:53:10.495 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 00:53:10.556 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:10.627 1000 1201 1201 I SyncManager: Loaded persisted syncs: 14
periodic syncs, 0 oneshot syncs, 39 total system server jobs, JobStats: FirstLoad:
133/27/14 LastSave: -1/-1/-1
02-15 00:53:10.695 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { cmp=com.xiaomi.xmsf/.push.service.HttpService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:10.711 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { cmp=com.xiaomi.xmsf/.push.service.HttpService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:10.739 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:10.749 1000 1201 2041 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:10.859 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=3 {1.0
268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger
-keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.14
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 00:53:10.928 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=3 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.14 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 00:53:10.983 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:11.025 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:11.028 1000 1201 2041 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:11.031 1000 1201 2041 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:53:11.059 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:11.127 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:11.304 1000 1201 2041 I WifiService: WifiService trying to set
country code to pt
02-15 00:53:11.342 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:11.464 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:32770 downTime:32770 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:11.466 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 00:53:11.538 1000 1201 2041 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent {
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 00:53:11.610 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 3171 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:11.616 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:11.620 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:11.655 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:11.655 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:11.657 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:11.699 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:11.699 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:11.705 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:11.705 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:11.710 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
3731ms late because of 184 msg, msg 1 took 397ms (seq=17 running=155ms
runnable=27ms io=53ms late=3607ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 17 took 76ms (seq=33
running=45ms runnable=3ms io=7ms late=3417ms$MyHandler w=10), msg 67 took 181ms (seq=83
running=121ms runnable=17ms io=7ms late=1674ms h=android.os.Handler$1), msg 80 took 506ms (seq=96 running=300ms
runnable=16ms io=151ms late=1695ms h=android.os.Handler$1), msg 83 took 82ms (seq=99 running=45ms
runnable=10ms late=2088ms$MainHandler w=1), msg 117 took
102ms (seq=133 running=93ms runnable=2ms late=1984ms h=android.os.Handler$8), msg 120 took 794ms (seq=136 running=1ms
late=2025ms$H w=1),
msg 139 took 132ms (seq=155 running=85ms runnable=2ms io=28ms late=2568ms$MainHandler w=1), msg 154 took
270ms (seq=170 running=145ms runnable=34ms io=6ms late=2488ms$6 w=1), msg 169 took 748ms
(seq=185 running=535ms runnable=49ms io=8ms late=2784ms h=android.os.Handler$FragmentHostState$1), msg 170 took
253ms (seq=186 running=196ms runnable=10ms late=3532ms h=android.os.Handler$FragmentHostState$1)
02-15 00:53:11.949 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:11.949 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 335 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:12.009 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:12.051 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:12.156 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 204 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:12.157 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.406 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:12.407 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:12.409 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:12.443 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:12.443 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:12.448 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: AccountEntry:
registerMmTelCapabilityCallback: registration failed, no ImsService available.
Exception: CapabilityCallbackManager - MmTelFeature binder is dead. (code: 1)
02-15 00:53:12.448 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:12.481 10104 2123 2123 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:12.481 10104 2123 2123 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:12.534 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 359 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:12.560 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:33866 downTime:32770 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:12.560 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:12.599 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:12.668 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:12.671 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@8728c5e
02-15 00:53:12.720 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.720 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.743 10104 2123 2123 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:12.744 10104 2123 2123 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:12.744 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.763 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:12.764 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@20595f8
02-15 00:53:12.786 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@b4dc936
02-15 00:53:12.795 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { cmp=com.xiaomi.xmsf/.push.service.HttpService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:12.796 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.841 1000 1201 1329 I NetworkPolicy: INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED
02-15 00:53:12.844 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@425130d
02-15 00:53:12.899 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 00:53:12.925 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:53:12.945 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 341 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:12.956 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:12.957 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:12.959 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:12.979 10161 1802 1889 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:12.991 10161 1802 2193 W FileUtils: Failed to
android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:53:12.991 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:12.993 10104 2123 2123 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:11.674 late=4ms wall=1314ms running=678ms runnable=131ms io=426ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:13.017 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:13.023 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:13.034 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:13.051 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:13.057 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:34364 downTime:32770 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:13.058 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:13.060 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:13.087 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:13.105 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:13.105 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:13.114 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:13.122 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:13.158 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2199:com.miui.miservice/u0a88 for broadcast
{com.miui.miservice/com.miui.miservice.push.MiServiceReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:13.191 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1535ms late because of 512 msg, msg 123 took 223ms (seq=408 running=180ms
runnable=7ms late=3146ms h=android.os.Handler$8), msg 229 took 51ms (seq=514 running=45ms
runnable=2ms late=2370ms
02-15 00:53:13.198 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:13.201 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:13.203 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:13.224 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:13.224 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:13.228 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:13.305 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:13.309 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:13.312 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:13.341 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:13.341 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:13.347 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:13.440 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onSubscriptionsChanged - update
02-15 00:53:13.444 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Found 2 phones. Attempting to register.
02-15 00:53:13.446 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id 1
02-15 00:53:13.478 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: registerIfChanged:
subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:13.478 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry: Registered
phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***] with handle:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}
02-15 00:53:13.484 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelecomAccountRegistry:
setupAccounts: Phone with subscription id -1
02-15 00:53:13.579 1000 1201 1458 W OverlayManager: service 'idmap' died
02-15 00:53:13.603 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:13.603 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 651 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:13.621 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:13.634 radio 1612 1612 I chatty : uid=1001(radio)
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:13.654 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier:
handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
02-15 00:53:13.672 1000 1413 1413 I StatusBar: wake up for notification,
02-15 00:53:13.689 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - re-register due to account change.
02-15 00:53:13.693 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(cap: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub ->
SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )]: TSI.rPA@ACc
02-15 00:53:13.697 1000 1201 1618 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA@ACc
02-15 00:53:13.733 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:35039 downTime:35039 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:13.734 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 00:53:13.766 1000 1201 1320 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 30ms
02-15 00:53:13.771 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 00:53:13.789 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 00:53:13.790 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:13.793 1000 1413 2006 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 00:53:13.814 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 00:53:13.816 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 00:53:13.858 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2226:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
berProvider} caller=android
02-15 00:53:13.898 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:35205 downTime:35205 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:13.899 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 00:53:13.951 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 778ms
late because of 303 msg, msg 1 took 133ms (seq=798 running=57ms runnable=12ms
late=1535ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 38 took 81ms (seq=835
running=21ms runnable=1ms late=1422ms$MyHandler w=10), msg 245 took 83ms
(seq=1042 running=46ms runnable=4ms io=5ms late=723ms$H$95$2)
02-15 00:53:13.959 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2246:com.xiaomi.misettings/1000 for broadcast
02-15 00:53:13.997 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 280 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:14.070 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : Carrier-config changed,
checking for phone account updates.
02-15 00:53:14.086 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:14.091 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:14.176 1000 1201 1368 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { cmp=com.miui.daemon/.performance.MiuiPerfService } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:14.196 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 00:53:14.197 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 380ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@69e1dea m=0
02-15 00:53:14.197 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 00:53:14.199 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 426ms main$NotifierHandler$1@b6c38db m=0
02-15 00:53:14.199 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 00:53:14.232 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 00:53:14.232 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 00:53:14.234 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager:
02-15 00:53:14.238 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:14.277 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:35584 downTime:35205 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:14.287 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 00:53:14.298 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 399ms
late because of 222 msg, msg 1 took 94ms (seq=1101 running=69ms runnable=14ms
io=12ms late=778ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:53:14.324 1000 1201 2274 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:14.369 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 130ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 00:53:14.370 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 00:53:14.376 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 00:53:14.377 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 00:53:14.380 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 00:53:14.381 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 591 ms
02-15 00:53:14.387 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 656 ms
02-15 00:53:14.392 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 00:53:14.434 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:53:14.475 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 315 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:14.487 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 00:53:14.509 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:14.579 1000 1201 2299 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:14.648 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 332ms
late because of 92 msg, msg 90 took 169ms (seq=1412 running=123ms runnable=4ms
io=22ms late=201ms$H$C$1)
02-15 00:53:14.714 1000 1201 2304 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:14.753 10080 1947 2020 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms,, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:14.784 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:14.802 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:14.804 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@9c453ac
02-15 00:53:14.936 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:15.054 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:15.139 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 382ms
late because of 55 msg, msg 2 took 322ms (seq=1416 running=231ms runnable=9ms
io=52ms late=346ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1)
02-15 00:53:15.184 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:36491 downTime:35205 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:53:15.654 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:15.977 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 22 lines
02-15 00:53:16.010 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.035 10171 2281 2281 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1088 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:16.042 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.044 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.048 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.055 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.072 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.076 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.163 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 6 lines
02-15 00:53:16.169 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.197 10175 2306 2356 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.201 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.203 10175 2306 2356 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.204 10175 2306 2356 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.205 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.215 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:16.216 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.217 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.323 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 9 lines
02-15 00:53:16.332 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.333 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.336 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:16.337 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.341 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.342 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.343 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.344 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.347 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:16.348 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.349 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.349 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.350 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.351 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.352 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.355 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:16.355 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.361 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.362 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.366 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.376 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 5 lines
02-15 00:53:16.378 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.388 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.389 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.390 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.391 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.392 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.393 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.394 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.395 10175 2306 2359 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.395 10171 2281 2281 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 355 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:16.396 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.396 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.405 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.447 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:16.449 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.449 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:53:16.450 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.451 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.452 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.452 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.453 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.453 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.457 10171 2281 2281 I chatty : uid=10171(
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:16.459 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.459 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.460 10171 2281 2281 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.461 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.466 10171 2281 2281 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:14.559 late=11ms wall=1896ms running=183ms runnable=49ms io=168ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:16.467 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.468 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.491 1000 1201 1321 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: Milliseconds spent
on tryAggregateRecords(): 18774
02-15 00:53:16.492 1000 1201 1321 W Looper : Slow Looper
NetworkWatchlistService: Long Msg: seq=1 plan=00:52:57.716 late=0ms wall=18775ms
running=10419ms runnable=1931ms io=5207ms w=2
02-15 00:53:16.507 10175 2306 2362 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.509 10175 2306 2362 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.528 10175 2306 2371 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.529 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.531 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.537 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 5 lines
02-15 00:53:16.539 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.540 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.541 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.542 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.542 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.545 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.545 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.546 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.547 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.547 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.548 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.550 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.551 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.552 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.552 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.553 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.554 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.555 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.555 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:14.844 late=7ms wall=1703ms running=627ms runnable=110ms io=801ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:16.555 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.556 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.557 1000 1201 1214 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:16.559 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.560 1000 1201 1214 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@83fe8d5
02-15 00:53:16.572 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.573 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.580 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:16.580 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@8ecb7db
02-15 00:53:16.582 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.600 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 8 lines
02-15 00:53:16.607 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.609 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.610 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.611 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.611 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.612 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.613 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.613 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.617 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.619 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.632 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.634 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.635 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:16.636 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.637 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.639 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.649 10161 1802 1883 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.655 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.655 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.660 1000 1201 1458 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:16.669 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.728 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 8 lines
02-15 00:53:16.730 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.732 1000 1201 1643 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:16.733 1000 1201 1643 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@6a1df4d
02-15 00:53:16.761 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.772 10175 2306 2327 I chatty : uid=10175(
Binder:2306_3 identical 5 lines
02-15 00:53:16.777 10175 2306 2327 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.778 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:53:16.792 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.793 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.794 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.796 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.796 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.797 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.799 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.800 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.804 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.847 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.872 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.881 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.882 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.882 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.883 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.884 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.891 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:16.894 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.894 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.902 10175 2306 2372 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.904 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.907 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.907 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.909 10175 2306 2372 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:16.912 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.912 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.914 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.916 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.916 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.920 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.921 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.924 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent {
flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:16.927 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.928 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.929 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.934 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.935 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.937 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:16.939 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.939 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.941 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.943 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.943 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.945 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.945 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.948 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.951 1000 1201 1458 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:16.959 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.966 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.968 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.972 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.973 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.976 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.979 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.980 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.981 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.983 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.983 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.983 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:16.986 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.996 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:16.997 1000 1201 2041 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:17.001 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.003 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:17.004 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.005 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:17.009 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.009 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.011 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.018 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:17.019 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.020 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.021 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.021 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.021 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.022 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:17.023 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.030 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.033 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.034 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:17.034 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.035 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.037 10175 2306 2372 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:17.039 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.039 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.040 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.042 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.065 10175 2306 2372 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 7 lines
02-15 00:53:17.066 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.099 10175 2377 2412 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.103 10175 2377 2412 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:17.104 10175 2377 2412 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.105 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.106 10175 2377 2412 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.107 10175 2377 2412 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.107 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.108 10175 2377 2412 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.109 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.182 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 24 lines
02-15 00:53:17.182 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.183 10175 2377 2416 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.184 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.189 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:17.191 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.193 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.194 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.195 10175 2377 2419 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.196 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.196 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.197 10175 2377 2419 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.198 10175 2377 2419 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.199 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.200 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.201 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.202 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.203 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.204 10175 2377 2419 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.205 10175 2377 2417 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.206 10175 2377 2419 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.210 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.231 10175 2377 2377 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 7 lines
02-15 00:53:17.242 10175 2377 2377 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.243 10175 2377 2424 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.244 10175 2377 2425 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.245 10175 2377 2424 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.245 10175 2377 2424 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.247 1000 1201 1643 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:17.249 10175 2377 2425 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.250 10175 2377 2424 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.251 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@cb6677d
02-15 00:53:17.258 10175 2377 2427 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.261 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.414 10175 2377 2429 I chatty : uid=10175(
identical 31 lines
02-15 00:53:17.415 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.500 10175 2377 2429 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:17.501 10175 2377 2429 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:17.600 10175 2377 2429 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:17.600 10175 2377 2429 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:17.686 10175 2377 2429 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:17.810 10175 2377 2429 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
AdsFdrDynamite.integ_214106404100000.apk Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:17.901 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.902 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.912 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.914 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.924 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { flg=0x9000010 (has extras) } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:17.926 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.992 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 20 lines
02-15 00:53:17.993 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:17.997 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.101 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.165 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 20 lines
02-15 00:53:18.166 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.167 10175 2306 2442 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.168 10175 2306 2442 I chatty : uid=10175(
ConnectivityThr identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:18.170 10175 2306 2442 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.171 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.178 10175 2306 2306 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 7 lines
02-15 00:53:18.181 10175 2306 2306 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.186 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.186 10175 2377 2428 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
AdsFdrDynamite.integ_214106404100000.apk Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:18.190 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.191 10175 2306 2372 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:18.192 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.193 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.195 10175 2306 2372 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.199 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.204 10175 2306 2370 W FileUtils: Failed to
android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:53:18.206 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.211 10175 2306 2370 I chatty : uid=10175(
GoogleApiHandle identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:18.219 10175 2306 2370 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.235 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.253 10175 2306 2374 I chatty : uid=10175 identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:18.254 10175 2306 2374 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.258 10175 2377 2428 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:18.560 1000 1201 1643 E LockSettingsStorage: Cannot read file /data/system_de/0/spblob/fbc246b6466673de.weaver:
open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 00:53:18.564 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.565 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.848 1000 1201 1643 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 286 ms, interface=android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService, code=3
02-15 00:53:18.862 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 340
02-15 00:53:18.866 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 00:53:18.965 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.966 10175 2377 2428 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:18.977 1000 1201 1643 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 00:53:18.992 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 129ms main$2 c=null m=3
02-15 00:53:19.014 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy e82a3dea3e5c3de5
at /data/system_ce/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:53:19.015 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy e82a3dea3e5c3de5
at /data/misc_ce/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:53:19.016 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy e82a3dea3e5c3de5
at /data/vendor_ce/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:53:19.017 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy e82a3dea3e5c3de5
at /data/media/0 which matches expected value
02-15 00:53:19.020 root 398 398 I vold : Found policy e82a3dea3e5c3de5
at /data/data which matches expected value
02-15 00:53:19.022 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:19.028 10175 2377 2429 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 00:53:19.144 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.145 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 00:53:19.146 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.149 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.154 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.163 10175 2377 2428 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:19.226 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { dat=app://com.miui.home:10086?
v=10&cv=17 } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:19.279 10175 2377 2428 W PackageParser: Unknown element under
<manifest>: queries at
AdsFdrDynamite.integ_214106404100000.apk Binary XML file line #11
02-15 00:53:19.294 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 00:53:19.298 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.319 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.489 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:19.489 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=40796 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 00:53:19.489 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:40797
02-15 00:53:19.489 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:19.506 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 00:53:19.506 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.2641277
02-15 00:53:19.531 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2458:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 00:53:19.533 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 00:53:19.873 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:19.874 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@5e0c766
02-15 00:53:19.940 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 00:53:19.964 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: user 0 is still locked.
Cannot load recents
02-15 00:53:20.081 10072 2458 2458 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:20.081 10072 2458 2458 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:20.146 10072 2458 2458 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:20.146 10072 2458 2458 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:20.175 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 690 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:20.195 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 259ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c9fd616 m=0
02-15 00:53:20.198 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 259ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@e4d0b97 m=0
02-15 00:53:20.202 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:20.420 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 652ms
late because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 707ms (seq=534 running=631ms runnable=3ms io=24ms
late=156ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:53:20.421 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:20.665 10086 1687 1687 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 44ms
02-15 00:53:20.731 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:53:20.736 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[48,1383][170,1505] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 00:53:20.821 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:20.865 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:20.868 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:20.898 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:20.937 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityTaskManager: user 0 is still locked.
Cannot load recents
--------- beginning of crash
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 2146
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException:
Unable to start activity
java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage
are not available until after user is unlocked
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at$
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: SharedPreferences in credential encrypted storage
are not available until after user is unlocked
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at ega.b(Unknown
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at gkl.a(PG:3)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at efu.e(PG:2)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at efk.i(PG:16)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at ep.e(PG:8)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at ef.j(PG:8)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at ef.m(Unknown
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at fa.n(PG:8)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at fa.e(PG:4)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at ef.A(PG:2)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at cl.e(Unknown
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at gjs.f(PG:9)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at gjs.d(PG:6)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at glp.c(PG:6)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at gko.c(PG:17)
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: at
02-15 00:53:21.155 10165 2146 2146 E AndroidRuntime: ... 11 more
02-15 00:53:21.159 10165 2146 2146 E MQSEventManagerDelegate: failed to get
02-15 00:53:21.159 10165 2146 2146 E MQSEventManagerDelegate: failed to get
02-15 00:53:21.187 1000 1201 1229 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from
02-15 00:53:21.187 1000 1201 1239 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onUnlockUser
02-15 00:53:21.188 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow Looper android.fg: Long Msg:
seq=294 plan=00:53:19.005 late=0ms wall=2182ms running=128ms runnable=9ms io=4ms
02-15 00:53:21.188 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 2182ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
$Lambda$UserController$stQk1028ON105v_u-VMykVjcxLk@f4ed386 m=0
02-15 00:53:21.189 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 2030ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
$Lambda$LocationManagerService$1$HAAnoF9DI9FvCHK_geH89--2z2I@8a71447 m=0
02-15 00:53:21.190 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:21.280 1000 1201 1239 W SystemServiceManager: Service$Lifecycle took 92 ms in
02-15 00:53:21.285 1000 1201 2521 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_app_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:21.287 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:21.296 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityTaskManager: Force finishing
02-15 00:53:21.329 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2523:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 for service
02-15 00:53:21.370 1000 1201 1201 W InputMethodManagerService: Illegal subtype
state: old subtype = null, new subtype =
02-15 00:53:21.393 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 00:53:21.399 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 2146) has died: vis+99 TOP
02-15 00:53:21.446 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:21.456 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:21.457 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:42764
02-15 00:53:21.457 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:21.473 1000 1201 1239 W SystemServiceManager: Service$Lifecycle took 96 ms in onUnlockUser
02-15 00:53:21.490 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityTaskManager: user 0 is still locked.
Cannot load recents
02-15 00:53:21.510 1000 1201 1373 I BackupManagerService: Starting service for
user: 0
02-15 00:53:21.546 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from
02-15 00:53:21.548 1000 1201 1643 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 00:53:21.549 1000 1201 1229 I ActivityTaskManager: Loading recents for
user 0 into memory.
02-15 00:53:21.550 1000 1201 1643 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 00:53:21.551 1000 1201 1322 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 236 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=44 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:21.555 1000 1413 1545 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 3030 ms,, code=10
02-15 00:53:21.582 1000 1201 1373 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read backup
pw version
02-15 00:53:21.584 1000 1201 1373 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read saved
backup pw hash
02-15 00:53:21.613 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 00:53:21.615 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ceInteractionService} caller=android
02-15 00:53:21.618 1000 1201 1239 W XSpaceManagerService: Reset XSpace enable,
02-15 00:53:21.679 1000 1201 1239 W XSpaceManagerService: XSpace init,
02-15 00:53:21.680 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 132ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.680 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 132ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.683 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.683 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2585:com.miui.daemon/1000 for added application com.miui.daemon caller=android
02-15 00:53:21.683 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.683 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.727 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 126ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.756 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Posting BOOT_COMPLETED user
02-15 00:53:21.757 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 155ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.758 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 157ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.758 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2608:system/u0a55 for added application system caller=android
02-15 00:53:21.758 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 157ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.758 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 157ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.758 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 154ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:21.775 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:53:21.781 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 177ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.784 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:53:21.786 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 182ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.788 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 184ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.788 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for added application caller=android
02-15 00:53:21.788 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 184ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.788 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 184ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.789 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 183ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:21.800 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{37eb69b u0 t-1 f}
02-15 00:53:21.812 1000 1201 1329 I NetworkPolicy: INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED
02-15 00:53:21.816 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 210ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.816 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 211ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.818 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 213ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.818 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2645:com.xiaomi.xmsfkeeper/u0a148 for added application com.xiaomi.xmsfkeeper
02-15 00:53:21.818 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 213ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.819 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 214ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.819 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 212ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:21.864 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 257ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.869 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.870 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 263ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.870 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2668:com.xiaomi.finddevice/9810 for added application com.xiaomi.finddevice
02-15 00:53:21.870 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 263ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.871 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 263ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.871 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 262ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:21.889 1000 1201 1373 I BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => true
02-15 00:53:21.919 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 310ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.935 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 325ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.936 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 327ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.936 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2685:com.miui.face/1000 for added application com.miui.face caller=android
02-15 00:53:21.936 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 327ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.936 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 327ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.937 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 326ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:21.986 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 375ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:21.986 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 376ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:21.988 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 378ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:21.988 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:21.988 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 378ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:21.989 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 379ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:21.989 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 204ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:22.054 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 269ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:22.055 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 269ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:22.056 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 271ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:22.056 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:22.056 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 271ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:22.056 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 271ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:22.057 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 250ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:22.141 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 334ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:22.141 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 335ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:22.142 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 336ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:22.143 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2757:com.miui.securitycenter.remote/1000 for service
02-15 00:53:22.143 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 336ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:22.143 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 337ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:22.143 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 307ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:22.204 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 367ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:22.204 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 368ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:22.206 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 370ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:22.206 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2770:com.milink.service/u0a129 for service
02-15 00:53:22.206 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 370ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:22.206 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 370ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:22.207 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 358ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:22.267 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 419ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:22.293 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 444ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:22.294 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 446ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:22.294 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2795:com.miui.screenrecorder/1000 for service
02-15 00:53:22.294 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 446ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:22.295 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 447ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:22.295 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 381ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:22.321 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 407ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:22.323 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 409ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:22.325 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 410ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:22.325 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:22.325 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 410ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:22.325 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 411ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:22.352 1000 1201 1214 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler from pid=2523
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 00:53:22.396 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2844:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 00:53:22.459 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2871:com.xiaomi.xmsf/u0a99 for service
02-15 00:53:22.607 10114 2523 2767 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 284 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:22.741 10171 2281 2281 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 704 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:22.743 10175 2306 2306 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1192 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:22.744 10175 2377 2377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 975 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:22.852 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 685ms
late because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 65ms (seq=3296 running=14ms runnable=48ms
late=119ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 11 took 451ms
(seq=3306 running=149ms runnable=232ms io=6ms late=132ms h=android.os.Handler$8), msg 16 took 158ms (seq=3311 running=42ms
runnable=50ms late=542ms$MainHandler w=1)
02-15 00:53:22.961 10175 2377 2377 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=19
plan=00:53:21.734 late=0ms wall=1223ms running=29ms runnable=79ms io=53ms$H w=145
02-15 00:53:23.058 1000 2585 2585 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:21.775 late=2ms wall=1282ms running=343ms runnable=487ms io=167ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:23.343 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=27
plan=00:53:21.513 late=0ms wall=1830ms running=91ms runnable=222ms io=111ms$H w=114
02-15 00:53:23.424 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 479ms
late because of 60 msg, msg 52 took 333ms (seq=3370 running=137ms runnable=178ms
late=225ms h=android.os.Handler$8)
02-15 00:53:23.443 10061 2725 2725 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.161 late=18ms wall=1263ms running=271ms runnable=551ms io=220ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:23.462 10086 1687 1687 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1901 ms,, code=1
02-15 00:53:23.462 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=727 plan=00:53:21.560 late=0ms wall=1902ms running=1ms
h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1
02-15 00:53:23.463 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: MotionEvent is
740ms late (event_seq=14, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 1902ms
(seq=727 running=1ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1)
02-15 00:53:23.463 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 740ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=14, seq=260, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 00:53:23.471 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 657ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=22, seq=264, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 00:53:23.475 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:53:23.479 1000 1201 1229 I AppWidgetServiceImpl: Processing of
handleUserUnlocked u0 took 1723 ms
02-15 00:53:23.480 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow Looper android.fg: Long Msg:
seq=360 plan=00:53:21.756 late=0ms wall=1724ms running=3ms io=13ms
02-15 00:53:23.480 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1723ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
$Lambda$UserController$Injector$MYTLl7MOQKjyMJknWdxPeBLoPCc@94f3b63 m=0
02-15 00:53:23.483 1000 1201 1330 W Looper : Slow Looper NetworkPolicy.uid:
Long Msg: seq=42 plan=00:53:21.624 late=3ms wall=1856ms running=3ms runnable=1ms
h=android.os.Handler w=100
02-15 00:53:23.485 10193 2484 2484 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1708 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.491 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=88
plan=00:53:21.775 late=0ms wall=1715ms running=4ms runnable=1ms$H$
02-15 00:53:23.516 10114 2523 2807 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1075 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.517 10114 2523 2718 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 436 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.517 10129 2770 2770 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 590 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.521 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[47,1382][169,1504] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 00:53:23.527 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:21.623 late=3ms wall=1899ms running=376ms runnable=427ms io=1118ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:23.550 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1739ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
$Lambda$UserController$iNxcwiechN4VieHO-D0SwsPl6xc@33d1c9a m=0
02-15 00:53:23.573 10146 2844 2844 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:23.574 10146 2844 2844 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:23.618 1000 1201 1361 W Looper : Slow Looper miui.fg: Long Msg:
seq=127 plan=00:53:21.775 late=0ms wall=1842ms running=1ms runnable=3ms$JobHandler w=6
02-15 00:53:23.618 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=938 plan=00:53:21.776 late=0ms wall=1842ms running=1ms$QcHandler w=3
02-15 00:53:23.618 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1842ms main$QcHandler c=null m=3
02-15 00:53:23.619 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1840ms main
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@360d225 m=0
02-15 00:53:23.621 10114 2523 2523 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1253 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.629 1000 2246 2721 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1614 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.630 1000 2585 2939 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 645 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:23.646 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ice.DrawerOverlayService} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 00:53:23.767 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 130ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:23.771 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 134ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:23.771 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 1970ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 13 msg, msg 1 took 1902ms (seq=727 running=1ms
h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg 2 took 85ms (seq=728 running=3ms
io=11ms late=2009ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg 11 took 71ms
(seq=737 running=5ms runnable=1ms late=1915ms$H$
02-15 00:53:23.774 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 136ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:23.774 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3042:com.xiaomi.location.fused/1000 for service
02-15 00:53:23.774 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 137ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:23.775 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:23.776 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService from pid=2523
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 00:53:23.789 10114 2523 2523 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:21.377 late=22ms wall=2389ms running=231ms runnable=202ms io=276ms
reclaim=1ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:23.825 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 341ms
late because of 49 msg, msg 1 took 113ms (seq=3379 running=39ms runnable=68ms
late=479ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 35 took 68ms (seq=3413
running=18ms runnable=46ms late=295ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$2)
02-15 00:53:23.868 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 170ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:23.900 10146 2844 2844 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:23.900 10146 2844 2844 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:23.934 10171 2281 2281 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=16
plan=00:53:21.784 late=207ms wall=1943ms running=98ms runnable=270ms io=115ms$H$
02-15 00:53:23.935 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 236ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:23.940 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 241ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:23.940 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3092:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 for service
{com.miui.notification/com.miui.notification.NotificationListener} caller=android
02-15 00:53:23.940 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 241ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:23.940 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 242ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:23.943 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 193ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:23.951 1000 1201 1233 W Looper : Slow Looper android.anim: doFrame
is 389ms late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 397ms (seq=402 running=13ms runnable=2ms
late=11ms h=android.os.Handler$1)
02-15 00:53:23.971 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:23.990 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 242ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:24.007 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 260ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:24.008 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:24.008 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
haredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService} caller=android
02-15 00:53:24.008 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:24.008 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:24.009 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 154ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:24.015 1000 1413 1545 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2110 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.026 10114 2523 2767 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1412 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.026 9810 2668 2668 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.000 late=9ms wall=2016ms running=530ms runnable=847ms io=262ms
reclaim=25ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:24.034 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher
02-15 00:53:24.036 10197 2827 2827 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.531 late=6ms wall=1499ms running=234ms runnable=519ms io=309ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:24.050 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout
for ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1}
02-15 00:53:24.059 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 204ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:24.079 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 225ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:24.081 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 226ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:24.081 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:24.081 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 227ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:24.081 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 227ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:24.081 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 134ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 00:53:24.108 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 627ms
late because of 21 msg, msg 1 took 85ms (seq=728 running=3ms io=11ms late=2009ms
h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg 10 took 71ms (seq=737 running=5ms
runnable=1ms late=1915ms$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA), msg 17 took
323ms (seq=744 running=30ms runnable=61ms late=1810ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 00:53:24.110 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 575ms late (wall=2ms running=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 85ms (seq=728 running=3ms io=11ms
late=2009ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg 10 took 71ms (seq=737
running=5ms runnable=1ms late=1915ms$H
$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA), msg 17
took 323ms (seq=744 running=30ms runnable=61ms late=1810ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 00:53:24.114 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 569ms late (wall=4ms running=2ms
}) because of 24 msg, msg 1 took 85ms (seq=728 running=3ms io=11ms late=2009ms
h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg 10 took 71ms (seq=737 running=5ms
runnable=1ms late=1915ms$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA), msg 17 took
323ms (seq=744 running=30ms runnable=61ms late=1810ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 00:53:24.147 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 200ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:24.148 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 200ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:24.149 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 202ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:24.149 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
vity} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 00:53:24.149 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 202ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:24.149 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 202ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:24.351 1000 1201 2046 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/emulated/0
flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:53:24.442 10114 2523 2523 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 629 ms, interface=android.accounts.IAccountManager, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.446 10099 2871 2871 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 700 ms, interface=android.accounts.IAccountManager, code=51 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.448 10099 2871 3091 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 583 ms, interface=android.accounts.IAccountManager, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.458 10175 2306 2370 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 256 ms, interface=android.accounts.IAccountManager, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.549 10099 2871 2871 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.585 late=1ms wall=1963ms running=271ms runnable=440ms io=160ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:24.556 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=3
plan=00:53:21.624 late=1904ms wall=1028ms running=133ms runnable=514ms io=480ms
reclaim=78ms$H w=114
02-15 00:53:24.580 10171 2281 2988 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 444 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 00:53:24.598 1000 3092 3092 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:24.642 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:24.672 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=89
plan=00:53:21.784 late=1707ms wall=1180ms running=182ms runnable=38ms io=23ms
02-15 00:53:24.715 10114 2523 2523 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.783 10146 2844 2844 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.540 late=2ms wall=2223ms running=506ms runnable=1202ms io=195ms
reclaim=38ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:24.792 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 108ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:24.798 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 114ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:24.803 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 120ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:24.803 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:24.804 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 120ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:24.804 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 121ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:24.829 10171 2281 2988 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 229 ms,,
code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.909 10171 2281 3106 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 122ms
02-15 00:53:24.915 1000 1413 1545 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 850 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:24.922 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 109ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:24.925 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:24.925 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:24.925 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:24.926 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 113ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:24.953 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:24.998 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=36 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.098 1000 2757 3170 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 930 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.202 1000 3042 3042 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:23.987 late=5ms wall=1209ms running=262ms runnable=724ms io=181ms
reclaim=15ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:25.318 10175 2377 2424 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 267 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.425 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:25.443 10175 2306 2356 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 762 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.491 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=55
plan=00:53:23.603 late=540ms wall=1347ms running=66ms runnable=269ms io=220ms
reclaim=3ms$H w=121
02-15 00:53:25.502 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:25.505 1000 1854 2400 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:25.509 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:25.517 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:25.518 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:25.586 1000 1854 2400 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:25.588 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:25.754 10193 2484 3085 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 500 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.757 1000 3042 3296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 507 ms,, code=32
02-15 00:53:25.779 1000 3042 3299 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 613 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.780 10061 2725 3210 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1204 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.853 1000 2757 2757 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 314 ms,, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.894 1000 1201 1201 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
e.SyncAdapterService (has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10218 mode : 1
02-15 00:53:25.897 10197 2827 2827 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 301 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.898 1000 1201 1201 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
(has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10216 mode : 1
02-15 00:53:25.912 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=944 plan=00:53:21.779 late=1971ms wall=2161ms running=268ms runnable=45ms
io=1153ms reclaim=12ms$H$
02-15 00:53:25.912 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 2161ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@e448a88 m=0
02-15 00:53:25.912 10175 2377 2398 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 518 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:25.928 10165 3171 3171 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 208 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:53:25.941 1000 1201 1411 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
e.SyncAdapterService (has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10218 mode : 1
02-15 00:53:25.959 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:24.556 late=78ms wall=1325ms running=256ms runnable=101ms io=660ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:25.960 1000 1201 1411 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
(has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10216 mode : 1
02-15 00:53:25.976 10193 2484 3331 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 316 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.024 10173 2563 3005 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1144 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.146 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:26.162 10132 3267 3267 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:25.029 late=9ms wall=1123ms running=203ms runnable=93ms io=700ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:26.179 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:26.192 10175 2377 2424 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 216 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.300 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
{} caller=android
02-15 00:53:26.379 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=771 plan=00:53:23.868 late=592ms wall=1919ms running=106ms runnable=93ms
io=1627ms h=com.miui.home.library.utils.DeferredHandler$Impl w=1
02-15 00:53:26.460 10175 2377 2398 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 303 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.521 10193 2484 3384 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 786 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.611 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
2311ms late because of 67 msg, msg 1 took 344ms (seq=757 running=42ms
runnable=112ms reclaim=25ms late=333ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler
c=com.miui.home.launcher.allapps.category.AllAppsCategoryListContainer$3), msg 15
took 1919ms (seq=771 running=106ms runnable=93ms io=1627ms late=592ms
h=com.miui.home.library.utils.DeferredHandler$Impl w=1)
02-15 00:53:26.719 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onCreate took 701ms
02-15 00:53:26.826 1000 1201 1231 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 211ms
02-15 00:53:26.830 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 363ms
02-15 00:53:26.857 1000 3042 3303 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1618 ms,,
code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.882 1000 2757 3453 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 316 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:26.892 10165 3171 3370 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 258ms
02-15 00:53:26.951 1000 1201 2520 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 122ms
02-15 00:53:26.967 10182 3140 3140 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:24.250 late=20ms wall=2696ms running=253ms runnable=590ms io=1426ms
reclaim=5ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:27.070 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 290ms
02-15 00:53:27.114 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:27.153 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:27.219 1000 1201 1238 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 234ms
02-15 00:53:27.220 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 330ms
02-15 00:53:27.311 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=10
plan=00:53:26.116 late=0ms wall=1195ms running=32ms runnable=16ms io=1077ms
02-15 00:53:27.379 1000 2757 2757 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 217 ms,, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.483 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:27.496 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=3
plan=00:53:24.603 late=1357ms wall=1536ms running=317ms runnable=15ms io=603ms$H w=159
02-15 00:53:27.497 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1357ms late
(wall=1536ms running=317ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 1325ms (seq=2 running=256ms runnable=101ms io=660ms late=78ms$H w=110)
02-15 00:53:27.498 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 2894ms late
(wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 1325ms (seq=2 running=256ms runnable=101ms
io=660ms late=78ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 1536ms (seq=3
running=317ms runnable=15ms io=603ms late=1357ms$H
02-15 00:53:27.544 10068 3409 3409 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:26.230 late=6ms wall=1309ms running=283ms runnable=65ms io=593ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:27.544 1000 2757 2757 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:22.287 late=18ms wall=5239ms running=733ms runnable=961ms io=1747ms
reclaim=140ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:27.585 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d006f2 u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:53:27.606 1000 1201 2040 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 00:53:27.617 media 703 703 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 416 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.618 10061 2725 3470 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 752 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.638 10175 2377 3391 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 832 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.682 1000 1201 3013 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=1 userId=0 size=7
02-15 00:53:27.690 1000 1201 2843 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=8 userId=0 size=5
02-15 00:53:27.696 1000 1201 2927 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=4 userId=0 size=4
02-15 00:53:27.699 1000 1201 3013 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=2 userId=0 size=0
02-15 00:53:27.708 1000 2585 2933 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 734 ms, interface=miui.mqsas.IMQSNative, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.729 1000 1201 2843 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=17 userId=0 size=0
02-15 00:53:27.735 1000 1201 2927 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=32 userId=0 size=0
02-15 00:53:27.741 1000 1201 2927 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=256 userId=0 size=10
02-15 00:53:27.743 10165 3171 3329 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 223 ms,,
code=5 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:27.748 1000 1201 2927 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=128 userId=0 size=4
02-15 00:53:27.756 1000 1201 1729 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathRuleInfos: wakeType=64 userId=0 size=2
02-15 00:53:27.811 1000 1201 3013 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 00:53:27.816 10165 3171 3372 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 435 ms,, code=54
02-15 00:53:27.976 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 108ms
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.004 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.007 1000 1201 3013 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_16
identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.011 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.014 1000 1201 1729 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.016 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.019 1000 1201 2843 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_10
identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.021 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.023 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.025 1000 1201 3013 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.028 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.030 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.032 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10115
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.037 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.054 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3607:com.miui.notification/1000 for service
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.065 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.070 1000 1201 2843 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_10
identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.072 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.074 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.076 1000 1201 2927 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.077 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.089 1000 1201 2843 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_10
identical 6 lines
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : Cannot setMode
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid -1 but it is really 10085
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.091 1000 1201 2843 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:53:28.230 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 705ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 722ms (seq=34 running=228ms runnable=7ms io=165ms
late=15ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:53:28.233 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{9b2b2b7 u0 t149} time:49541
02-15 00:53:28.282 10165 3171 3329 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 455 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:28.301 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to
auto start
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 00:53:28.398 1000 3607 3607 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:28.525 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onStop took 196ms
02-15 00:53:28.650 10056 2226 3485 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 525 ms,, code=118
02-15 00:53:28.705 10193 2484 3194 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 313 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:28.731 1000 1201 1729 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL:
already false
02-15 00:53:28.735 10183 3520 3520 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:27.232 late=6ms wall=1496ms running=186ms runnable=41ms io=586ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:28.869 10175 2377 2377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 431 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.045 1000 1201 1215 W ActivityTaskManager: getTaskSnapshot:
taskId=148 not found
02-15 00:53:29.059 10165 3171 3372 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 936 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.176 10193 2484 3194 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 471 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.212 10165 3171 3329 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 319 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.331 10175 2377 2398 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.345 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto
02-15 00:53:29.349 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 114ms main$WorkerHandler$EnqueueNotificationRun
nable@6a42f0 m=0
02-15 00:53:29.351 10217 3497 3497 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:27.169 late=1ms wall=2180ms running=363ms runnable=358ms io=1102ms
reclaim=260ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:29.391 10165 3171 3394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 470 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.404 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 140ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:53:29.412 10175 2377 2377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 227 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.440 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:53:29.444 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 179ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:53:29.444 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:29.444 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 179ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:53:29.447 1000 1413 1432 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 276 ms,, code=188 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.449 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 185ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:53:29.450 10183 3520 3662 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 290 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.453 10217 3497 3648 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 208 ms,, code=24 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.481 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto
02-15 00:53:29.622 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to
auto start
02-15 00:53:29.625 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 00:53:29.650 1000 3092 3092 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:24.037 late=14ms wall=5599ms running=560ms runnable=1086ms io=2189ms
reclaim=4ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:29.663 10183 3520 3605 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 753 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.669 10165 3171 3393 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 336 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.691 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to
auto start
02-15 00:53:29.699 10183 3520 3659 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 950 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.773 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10000010 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto
02-15 00:53:29.814 10163 3351 3351 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:25.568 late=1ms wall=4234ms running=299ms runnable=296ms io=1743ms
reclaim=4ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:29.850 10173 3026 3026 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:23.873 late=61ms wall=5916ms running=362ms runnable=813ms io=2498ms
reclaim=15ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:29.894 10182 3140 3169 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.920 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 387 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:29.967 1000 1201 1201 I TransportClient: LocalTransportService#0:
Notifying [TransportManager.registerTransport()] transport = IBackupTransport
02-15 00:53:30.010 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:30.036 10183 3520 3605 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 338 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.052 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 00:53:30.194 10165 3171 3370 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 253 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.221 10175 2377 3391 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 465 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.273 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:30.287 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=62
plan=00:53:23.717 late=3488ms wall=3081ms running=284ms runnable=257ms io=1631ms$H w=114
02-15 00:53:30.607 1000 1201 1201 I TransportClient: D2dTransportService#1:
Notifying [TransportManager.registerTransport()] transport = IBackupTransport
02-15 00:53:30.613 10193 2484 3033 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 5889 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.644 10183 3520 3605 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 301 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.699 10171 2281 2281 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 3660 ms,,
code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.720 10171 2281 2281 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=26
plan=00:53:27.036 late=0ms wall=3683ms running=3ms runnable=2ms io=17ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection
02-15 00:53:30.837 10173 2563 3005 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 243 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.905 media 703 1556 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 210 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.907 10061 2725 3864 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 238 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:30.989 10193 2484 3033 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 333 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.047 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing
2199:com.miui.miservice/u0a88 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:31.055 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 679ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 694ms (seq=104 running=292ms runnable=52ms
io=158ms reclaim=1ms late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:53:31.098 10173 3026 3026 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=4
plan=00:53:23.932 late=5919ms wall=1248ms running=179ms runnable=308ms io=657ms
reclaim=185ms$H w=114
02-15 00:53:31.150 10217 3497 3819 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 293 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.222 1000 1201 1201 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#2:
Notifying [TransportManager.registerTransport()] transport = IBackupTransport
02-15 00:53:31.268 10165 3171 3372 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 302 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.342 root 3590 3727 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2086 ms,,
code=1598311760 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.343 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Killing
2246:com.xiaomi.misettings/1000 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:31.350 10175 2377 3840 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 452 ms,, code=3
02-15 00:53:31.379 1000 2585 2907 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 4196 ms, interface=miui.mqsas.IMQSNative, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.445 10165 3171 3393 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1589 ms,, code=1
02-15 00:53:31.507 1000 1201 2562 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup
journal, scheduling
02-15 00:53:31.779 1000 1201 2562 I chatty : uid=1000(system) backup-0
identical 168 lines
02-15 00:53:31.779 1000 1201 2562 I BackupManagerService: Found stale backup
journal, scheduling
02-15 00:53:31.831 10165 3171 3844 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1010 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:31.961 10197 2827 3183 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 5905 ms,, code=11
02-15 00:53:31.992 1000 2757 3453 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1937 ms,, code=11
02-15 00:53:32.068 10193 2484 3073 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 926 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.094 10165 3171 3465 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 5426 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.096 10182 3140 3732 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2671 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.135 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:32.204 10183 3520 3663 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 214 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.282 10173 3026 3921 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 232 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.433 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
} caller=null
02-15 00:53:32.679 10173 2563 2563 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1347 ms,, code=10
02-15 00:53:32.736 10182 3140 3732 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 630 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.738 10165 3171 3465 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 642 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:32.796 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=14
plan=00:53:31.238 late=0ms wall=1557ms running=57ms runnable=16ms io=132ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection
02-15 00:53:32.849 10173 2563 2563 W KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo: No enrollment
application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'null'/pt_PT
02-15 00:53:32.859 10173 2563 2563 W KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo: No enrollment
application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'Ok Google'/pt_BR
02-15 00:53:32.884 10173 2563 2563 W KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo: No enrollment
application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'X Google'/pt_PT
02-15 00:53:32.884 10173 2563 2563 W KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo: No enrollment
application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'X Google'/pt_BR
02-15 00:53:32.924 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{d0d3c6e u0}
02-15 00:53:32.943 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:33.115 10183 3520 3674 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 368 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:53:33.183 10173 2563 4024 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 383 ms,, code=2
02-15 00:53:33.390 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:33.439 10193 2484 3384 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 6913 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:33.511 10173 3026 3597 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 919 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:33.557 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:33.600 1000 1854 2400 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 3 lines
02-15 00:53:33.614 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:33.640 10175 2377 2377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:33.642 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:33.651 1000 1854 2400 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line
02-15 00:53:33.653 1000 1854 2400 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.xiaomi.providers.appindex
02-15 00:53:33.769 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:34.392 10175 2306 2370 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 316 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:34.429 1000 1201 2840 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:34.597 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:35.661 10173 3026 3597 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1810 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:35.910 10175 2377 2377 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=139 plan=00:53:33.532 late=317ms wall=2061ms running=1609ms runnable=77ms
io=106ms$H w=121
02-15 00:53:36.182 10173 3026 3597 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 256 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:37.105 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:37.148 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:37.404 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 351ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 351ms (seq=4392 running=86ms runnable=5ms
02-15 00:53:37.441 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:37.457 1000 1201 4225 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_BOOT
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:37.486 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: Copying /proc/last_kmsg to
02-15 00:53:37.486 1000 1201 4225 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:37.495 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: Copying audit failures to
02-15 00:53:37.496 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: Copied 0 worth of audits to
02-15 00:53:37.496 1000 1201 4225 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_AUDIT
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:53:37.505 1000 1201 4225 W BootReceiver: boot_fs_shutdown, string not
02-15 00:53:37.506 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: Checking for fsck errors
02-15 00:53:37.508 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:cache
02-15 00:53:37.509 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:protect1
02-15 00:53:37.509 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:protect2
02-15 00:53:37.510 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:nvdata
02-15 00:53:37.510 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:nvcfg
02-15 00:53:37.511 1000 1201 4225 I BootReceiver: fs_stat, partition:persist
02-15 00:53:37.556 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
v7a, /system/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a,
/system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 00:53:37.746 9802 4227 4227 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:53:37.749 10165 3171 3171 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 302ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=2, seq=276,
02-15 00:53:37.852 10056 2226 3344 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 9975 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:38.181 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4305:com.longcheertel.secretcode/1000 for broadcast
02-15 00:53:38.426 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4333:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 for broadcast
{com.miui.powerkeeper/com.miui.powerkeeper.PowerKeeperReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:39.222 1000 4333 4333 W PK : main receive BOOT_COMPLETED
02-15 00:53:39.263 10056 2226 3344 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 284 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:39.419 1000 4333 4333 W PK : init EventsAggregator
02-15 00:53:39.492 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:39.719 1000 4333 4333 E PeSchedController: parse default config
error: default_perf_config
02-15 00:53:39.733 1000 1201 2545 W ProcessManager: Permission Denial:
ProcessManager.protectCurrentProcess() from pid=4333, uid=1000
02-15 00:53:39.830 1000 4333 4387 W PK : mipush success
a=0466d2688913577ed382a023ad535b29 i=927
02-15 00:53:39.922 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:40.490 10104 4391 4391 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:40.490 10104 4391 4391 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:40.622 10104 4391 4391 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:40.622 10104 4391 4391 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:40.738 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:40.776 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:53:40.782 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:40.801 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
AppUsageBootCompletedBroadcastReceiver_Receiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:41.071 1000 4333 4375 I DeviceIdleController: DeviceIdleController
02-15 00:53:41.228 1000 4333 4375 I DeviceIdleController: DeviceIdleController
enable end
02-15 00:53:42.001 1000 1201 1201 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
02-15 00:53:42.054 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4481:com.miui.miservice/u0a88 for broadcast
{com.miui.miservice/com.miui.miservice.push.MiServiceReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:42.442 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:42.461 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4502:com.xiaomi.misettings/1000 for broadcast
02-15 00:53:42.951 1000 1201 3742 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.katana/10199 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:53:42.953 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:42.955 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.katana/10199 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:53:42.956 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:53:42.958 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:53:42.959 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:53:42.983 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
erverAndroidService in 1000ms
02-15 00:53:43.304 10182 3140 3830 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 240 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:43.385 1000 1201 1201 I RoleManagerService: Granting default
permissions...for user0
02-15 00:53:43.447 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
RoleControllerServiceImpl} caller=android
02-15 00:53:43.655 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 208ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@97e5556> m=0
02-15 00:53:43.682 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:43.998 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:53:44.003 10089 4556 4587 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:44.003 10089 4556 4587 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:53:44.169 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing
2458:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:44.198 10089 4556 4587 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:53:44.198 10089 4556 4587 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:53:44.257 1000 1201 1232 W Looper : Slow Looper android.display:
doFrame is 862ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 867ms (seq=1083 running=48ms
runnable=13ms io=186ms$InputManagerHandler$
02-15 00:53:44.650 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:44.822 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1411 plan=00:53:43.384 late=26ms wall=1411ms running=145ms runnable=19ms
02-15 00:53:44.822 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1411ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@373f209 m=0
02-15 00:53:44.822 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1438ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@812fc0e m=0
02-15 00:53:45.439 1000 1201 1238 I RoleUserState: Wrote roles.xml successfully
02-15 00:53:45.506 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 172ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=329, seq=325,
02-15 00:53:45.662 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-UserCallIntentProcessor:
sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.663 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-CallIntentProcessor: onReceive -
isUnknownCall: false: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.668 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom : OpTelecomCustomizationFactoryBase:
return default OpTelecomCustomizationFactoryBase: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.673 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 841ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@94ed54b m=0
02-15 00:53:45.682 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-Call: checkCarrierCapability:
mTargetPhoneAccountHandle is null: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.693 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call:
[TC@1, NEW, null, tel:******, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:],
[Properties:]]: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.707 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@1: CREATED, TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.714 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is a
previously incomplete query for handle tel:******. Adding to listeners for this
query.: TSI.pC@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.717 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing
default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AFE
02-15 00:53:45.750 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-TelecomSystem:
CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=*** cookie=TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@AFA
subId=-1: TSI.pC->CILH.sL@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.797 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: miui call outgoing
call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.798 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:53:45.799 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: call outgoing call
suggestion service stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.cOCSS@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.800 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: set outgoing call
phone acct stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.803 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: make room for
outgoing call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.806 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: dialer phone acct
select stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.807 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: post acct
selection stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 00:53:45.887 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@1:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:53:45.940 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, original number: ***: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.964 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, formatted E164 number: null: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.965 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
removePostDialDigits, number after being extracted post dial digits: ***: TSI.pC-
02-15 00:53:45.965 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
PackageName is empty. Not performing user-defined call redirection.: TSI.pC-
02-15 00:53:45.971 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
Cannot get carrier componentNameString.: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.971 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessor: Can make
call redirection with any available service: false: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AFA
02-15 00:53:45.971 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@1, CONNECTING, null, tel:******, A,
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}:
02-15 00:53:45.974 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 00:53:45.974 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 167ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.Runnable$1@38a1390 m=0
02-15 00:53:46.000 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: CI query
for handle tel:****** has completed; notifying all listeners.: TSI.pC->CILH.sL-
02-15 00:53:46.001 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Call: CallerInfo received for
tel:******: com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkCallerInfo@758354 { name null,
phoneNumber non-null }: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AFA
02-15 00:53:46.001 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is
no photo for this contact, skipping photo query: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AFA
02-15 00:53:46.003 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Outgoing caller ID
complete: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC->CM.pCSB@AFA
02-15 00:53:46.515 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:47.279 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:47.307 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-
NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for
[TC@1, CONNECTING, null, tel:******, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]] with data ***: NOCBIR.oR@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.353 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver:
02-15 00:53:47.354 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Creating a new
outgoing call with handle: tel:******: NOCBIR.oR@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.371 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: isSpeakerCarMode:
false,isSpeakerGameBooster: false,isSpeakerVideoCall: false: NOCBIR.oR@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.372 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CallsManager:
isSpeakerphoneEnabledForTablet: NOCBIR.oR@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.379 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 00:53:47.380 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying
lephonyConnectionService}, ***,
onyConnectionService}, ***, UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.384 1000 1201 1750 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: NOCBIR.oR->CSFM.rF@AFQ
02-15 00:53:47.467 1000 1201 1201 I SplashScreenServiceDelegate: Boot completed,
delay to bind SplashScreenService
02-15 00:53:47.470 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing
default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AFg
02-15 00:53:47.475 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiMissedCallNotifierImpl:
reloadFromDatabase()...: TSBCR.oR@AFk
02-15 00:53:47.485 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ServiceBinderConnection: Service
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AFw
02-15 00:53:47.485 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AFw
02-15 00:53:47.490 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@1:
02-15 00:53:47.502 1000 1201 2045 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 00:53:47.524 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bundle[slot_id=-1, is_privileged_dialer=true, subscription_id=-1, phone_id=-1,
telecomm.POST_DIAL_STRING=***, is_launch_incallui=true,,
android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=67206,[B@4c07df0, ]: (SBC.oSC)-
02-15 00:53:47.602 10175 2306 3905 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for instantapp-dev-manager
02-15 00:53:47.615 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from uid
02-15 00:53:47.739 1000 1201 2040 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 27ms
02-15 00:53:47.747 1000 1201 2040 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=9: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:53:47.749 1000 1201 2040 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:******, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: (...-
02-15 00:53:47.750 1000 1201 2040 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@1:
SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (OTHER)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (Connection is null, DIALED_MMI) Tone: (-1) ]:
02-15 00:53:47.758 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@1_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-
02-15 00:53:47.758 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete - Cannot find Connection TC@1_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)-
02-15 00:53:47.760 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 00:53:47.760 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=1: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:53:47.762 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: (...->CS.crCo-
02-15 00:53:47.762 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service
ervice}, from unbind.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC-
02-15 00:53:47.762 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper:
unlinkDeathRecipient: death recipient is null.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 00:53:47.786 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handleConnectionServiceDeath: service [ConnectionServiceWrapper
onyConnectionService}] died: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC-
02-15 00:53:47.786 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@1:
DESTROYED, null: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC->CM.mCAR@E-E-
02-15 00:53:47.861 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 00:53:47.880 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 00:53:47.908 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 150ms
02-15 00:53:47.920 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:47.950 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:47.955 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4669:com.debug.loggerui/u0a135 for broadcast
{com.debug.loggerui/com.debug.loggerui.framework.LogReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:48.012 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : Carrier-config changed,
checking for phone account updates.
02-15 00:53:48.027 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: AccountEntry:
reRegisterPstnPhoneAccount: subId: 1 - no change
02-15 00:53:48.189 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:48.207 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:48.291 1000 1201 2696 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:48.328 1000 1201 2696 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:48.333 radio 1612 1612 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 416ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 107 msg, msg 107 took 260ms (seq=2260 running=146ms
runnable=1ms io=77ms late=156ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:53:48.397 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:48.400 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:48.537 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{a31bfff u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:53:48.542 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:48.553 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:48.561 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:53:48.561 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:53:48.580 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing
2844:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:48.594 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4719:com.miui.cit/1000 for broadcast
{com.miui.cit/com.miui.cit.receiver.CitBroadcastReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:48.754 radio 1612 1612 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 367ms
late because of 12 msg, msg 1 took 173ms (seq=2292 running=23ms runnable=1ms io=6ms
late=78ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 11 took 169ms
(seq=2302 running=45ms runnable=1ms io=62ms late=203ms
h=com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkServiceStateTracker w=4)
02-15 00:53:48.847 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7e4614f u0 t150}
02-15 00:53:49.210 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
2523:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:49.240 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:49.555 1000 1201 3752 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:50.253 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Process com.debug.loggerui
(pid 4669) has died: cch+15 CEM
02-15 00:53:50.418 10070 4747 4747 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:53:49.279 late=2ms wall=1136ms running=478ms runnable=41ms io=485ms$H w=110
02-15 00:53:50.481 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:50.893 1000 4793 4793 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 231 ms, interface=android.os.image.IDynamicSystemService, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:50.897 1000 1201 2046 W DynamicSystemService: gsiservice died;
02-15 00:53:50.903 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
2770:com.milink.service/u0a129 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:50.904 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:53:50.926 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
otReminder} caller=null
02-15 00:53:51.169 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
2795:com.miui.screenrecorder/1000 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:51.262 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:51.731 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:51.844 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:53.142 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{8b96b44 u0}
02-15 00:53:53.636 1000 4870 4870 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 813 ms, interface=miui.IShellService, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:53.869 1000 1201 2045 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@4c2c8dd already registered for pid 4870, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:54.211 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{7cf45d u0 com.miui.powerkeeper/.PowerKeeperBackgroundService}
02-15 00:53:54.299 1000 4870 4870 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 662 ms, interface=miui.IShellService, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:54.350 1000 4870 4870 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=3
plan=00:53:51.917 late=852ms wall=1579ms running=49ms runnable=5ms io=26ms$H w=113
02-15 00:53:54.361 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityManager: Killing
4305:com.longcheertel.secretcode/1000 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:54.368 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:54.654 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{cf0708d u0
02-15 00:53:54.793 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:54.850 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:53:54.892 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{9fca29b u0 com.xiaomi.powerchecker/.PowerCheckerService}
02-15 00:53:55.066 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:55.083 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:53:55.511 1000 1201 2040 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@1dce50d already registered for pid 4747, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:55.774 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@407612a already registered for pid 4929, callerPackage
02-15 00:53:55.798 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:53:56.055 10163 4985 5009 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 303 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:56.157 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing
4502:com.xiaomi.misettings/1000 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:56.158 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing
4481:com.miui.miservice/u0a88 (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:53:56.204 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
5084:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a125 for broadcast
02-15 00:53:56.665 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
astReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:56.959 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
5173:com.facebook.system/u0a83 for content provider
02-15 00:53:57.173 10125 5084 5159 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 233 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:57.212 10125 5084 5159 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect
02-15 00:53:57.322 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
ion.StartDetectionReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:53:57.708 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 109ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@127f2e9 m=0
02-15 00:53:57.874 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:53:58.473 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 00:53:58.740 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 483ms
late because of 11 msg, msg 1 took 861ms (seq=787 running=185ms runnable=13ms
io=361ms late=13ms$MyHandler w=60), msg 5
took 464ms (seq=791 running=298ms runnable=6ms io=130ms late=273ms
h=android.os.Handler c=rmg)
02-15 00:53:58.787 10195 5222 5296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 205 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:58.788 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 403ms
late because of 39 msg, msg 1 took 378ms (seq=798 running=71ms runnable=5ms io=11ms
late=483ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:53:58.964 1000 1201 1201 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
com.miui.server.WMServiceConnection$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:914
02-15 00:53:58.965 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.wmsvc.LINK pkg=com.miui.wmsvc } U=0: not found
02-15 00:53:58.965 1000 1201 1201 E WMServiceConnection: Bind Inspector failed!
02-15 00:53:59.051 10195 5222 5222 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 246 ms,,
code=305 oneway=false
02-15 00:53:59.210 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:53:59.352 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing
4719:com.miui.cit/1000 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:59.353 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:53:59.383 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
enotypeServerRecoveryHandlerImpl} caller=null
02-15 00:53:59.719 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:53:59.737 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5356) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 00:53:59.988 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
tReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:00.495 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:00.566 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
zard.searchselector.notification.NotificationShowUpReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:00.815 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:00.848 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
owth.growthkit.tiktok.GrowthKitBootCompletedListener_Receiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:01.317 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:01.343 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:01.706 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:01.736 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
ibrary.BootReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:02.134 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
.library.BootReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:02.151 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:02.420 10193 2484 2484 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 122ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=0, seq=354,
02-15 00:54:02.424 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:02.448 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
trypoints.restart.RestartReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:03.446 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:03.482 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
leteReceiver_Receiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:04.417 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend package
"": required for package verification
02-15 00:54:04.420 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend the platform
package: android
02-15 00:54:04.431 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend package
"": required for permissions management
02-15 00:54:04.439 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend package
"": is the default dialer
02-15 00:54:04.449 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend package
"": required for package installation
02-15 00:54:04.493 1000 1201 2890 W PackageManager: Cannot suspend package
"com.miui.home": contains the active launcher
02-15 00:54:05.226 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:05.786 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:05.810 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
iver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:06.499 1000 1201 3013 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:06.665 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:54:06.854 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 00:54:06.876 10191 5663 5663 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:05.868 late=1ms wall=1006ms running=318ms runnable=83ms io=395ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:07.114 10191 5663 5692 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 474 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:07.430 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:07.431 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing
5084:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a125 (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:54:07.449 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:08.013 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:08.476 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:09.331 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{cc001f1 u0}
02-15 00:54:09.811 10185 5806 5806 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:08.563 late=1ms wall=1247ms running=482ms runnable=83ms io=470ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:10.094 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { }
U=0: not found
02-15 00:54:10.482 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:11.645 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
RescheduleReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:11.972 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{cb940bd u0}
02-15 00:54:13.268 10173 5959 5959 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:11.690 late=2ms wall=1570ms running=461ms runnable=45ms io=936ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:13.885 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:54:14.226 10173 5959 6021 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 371 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:14.264 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:54:14.560 1000 1201 2545 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:14.711 10173 5959 5959 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=12
plan=00:54:13.404 late=0ms wall=1305ms running=390ms runnable=69ms io=469ms$H w=113
02-15 00:54:14.863 1000 1201 1214 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 81ms
02-15 00:54:14.868 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 104ms
02-15 00:54:14.956 1000 1201 1214 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:14.962 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 202 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:14.987 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:15.001 10173 5959 5959 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 263 ms,, code=39 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.002 10173 2563 2580 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 255 ms,, code=39 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.027 10173 5959 6002 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 290 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.183 10175 2306 3273 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 201 ms, interface=android.accounts.IAccountManager, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.280 10175 2377 3235 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 240 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.286 10175 2306 2370 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 263 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.345 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onResume took 371ms
02-15 00:54:15.355 10173 5959 6015 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 303 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.382 10173 5959 6000 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 333 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.393 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
96296405697|Slow main thread|2
02-15 00:54:15.461 1000 1201 1388 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 156ms
02-15 00:54:15.751 10194 6049 6049 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:14.313 late=7ms wall=1430ms running=204ms runnable=60ms io=1041ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:15.786 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:15.810 10056 2226 3485 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 423 ms,, code=118
02-15 00:54:15.841 10173 5959 6000 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 298 ms,,
code=80 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.888 10165 3171 3394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 518 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:15.902 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
97091705005|Slow main thread|15
02-15 00:54:15.959 10173 2563 2563 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1229 ms,, code=10
02-15 00:54:15.975 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=50
plan=00:54:14.723 late=0ms wall=1251ms running=8ms runnable=3ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection
02-15 00:54:16.209 1000 3042 3296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 628 ms,, code=32
02-15 00:54:16.486 10173 5959 6007 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 582 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:54:17.993 1000 1201 1458 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@21bdd83
02-15 00:54:18.568 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5435) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.622 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5414) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.668 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process com.facebook.system
(pid 5173) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.723 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5550) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.789 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5468) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.825 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5495) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.892 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5523) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 00:54:18.950 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5693) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:21.036 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eInitializerReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:21.271 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
ger} caller=null
02-15 00:54:21.443 10171 2281 2281 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 446 ms,,
code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:21.483 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
} caller=null
02-15 00:54:21.878 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
dat=content:// flg=0x20000000
ContactActivity bnds=[144,663][224,743] (has extras)} from uid 10165
02-15 00:54:21.888 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:3171||230|230|unknown|null||96314144005|Slow main
02-15 00:54:21.888 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
handle traversal|3
02-15 00:54:21.995 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:22.240 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
rvice.LocationAccessCheck$SetupPeriodicBackgroundLocationAccessCheck} caller=null
02-15 00:54:22.640 1000 1201 2545 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:22.651 10183 3520 3520 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
actActivity is 659ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 656ms (seq=86 running=360ms runnable=9ms
io=165ms late=3ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:54:22.738 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ec59fe u0
actActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:54:22.745 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:22.748 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:22.751 1000 1201 1201 I RoleManagerService: Granting default
permissions...for user0
02-15 00:54:22.780 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
ContactsSyncAdapterBroadcastReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:22.834 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:54:23.021 10089 6256 6313 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:23.021 10089 6256 6313 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:23.041 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 200ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@d84d3b3> m=0
02-15 00:54:23.103 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5663) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 00:54:23.122 10183 3520 3520 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 416ms
late because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 430ms (seq=118 running=71ms runnable=1ms io=22ms
late=31ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:54:23.131 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:23.161 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:23.251 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5760) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:23.297 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:54:23.310 10089 6256 6313 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:54:23.310 10089 6256 6313 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:54:23.522 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
BackgroundScanBootReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:23.630 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{addb9fc u0
actActivity t149} time:104938
02-15 00:54:23.639 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:23.683 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5806) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 00:54:23.727 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 972ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c642a78 m=0
02-15 00:54:23.728 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 976ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c66d551 m=0
02-15 00:54:23.888 10183 3520 3661 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 527 ms,,
code=2 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:23.894 10183 3520 3660 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 532 ms,,
code=2 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:24.380 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|3
02-15 00:54:24.609 10175 6361 6361 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:23.369 late=12ms wall=1226ms running=553ms runnable=290ms io=264ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:24.789 10163 6317 6317 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:22.933 late=10ms wall=1838ms running=274ms runnable=209ms io=278ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:25.117 10175 6361 6530 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 241 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:25.227 10175 2377 6280 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 300 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:25.332 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1987 plan=00:54:22.753 late=992ms wall=1586ms running=230ms runnable=46ms
02-15 00:54:25.332 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1586ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@e557e23 m=0
02-15 00:54:25.333 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing
default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AHk
02-15 00:54:25.345 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1600ms late because of 26 msg, msg 3 took 1586ms (seq=1987 running=230ms
runnable=46ms io=327ms late=992ms$H$
02-15 00:54:25.385 1000 1201 2843 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_log
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 00:54:25.465 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:25.488 10188 6388 6388 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:23.639 late=37ms wall=1810ms running=469ms runnable=333ms io=279ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:25.512 10188 6388 6519 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 345 ms,, code=1
02-15 00:54:25.521 10175 2377 2421 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 576 ms,,
code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:25.670 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 115ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 00:54:25.711 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 101ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@906020e m=0
02-15 00:54:25.710 1000 1201 1238 I RoleUserState: Wrote roles.xml successfully
02-15 00:54:25.757 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:54:25.757 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:54:25.757 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:54:25.760 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:54:25.775 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing
default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AHs
02-15 00:54:25.808 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 220ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@d136cce m=0
02-15 00:54:25.946 10056 2226 4555 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 253 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:26.056 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 126ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@ad50548> m=0
02-15 00:54:26.143 10175 2377 6280 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 896 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:54:26.352 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6645:com.mediatek.engineermode/1001 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:26.413 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:26.876 1000 1201 3770 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.mi.globalbrowser/10079 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:26.922 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 00:54:26.954 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6706:com.miui.bugreport/1000 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:27.331 10175 2377 6626 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 441 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:27.492 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6759:com.miui.cloudbackup/u0a76 for broadcast
eiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:28.230 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6835:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:28.835 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6885:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 00:54:28.846 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler from pid=6835
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 00:54:28.957 1000 1201 2891 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService from pid=6835
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 00:54:28.994 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent {
cmp=com.tencent.soter.soterserver/ } U=0: not
02-15 00:54:29.000 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent {
cmp=com.tencent.soter.soterserver/ } U=0: not
02-15 00:54:29.001 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@2e2ccb8
02-15 00:54:29.049 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6916:com.miui.core/u0a138 for broadcast
{com.miui.core/com.miui.internal.server.Receiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:29.671 10146 6885 6885 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:29.672 10146 6885 6885 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:29.885 10146 6885 6885 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:54:29.886 10146 6885 6885 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:54:30.066 10146 6885 6885 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:28.900 late=6ms wall=1160ms running=604ms runnable=324ms io=205ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:30.393 1000 1201 1215 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:30.396 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.miui.notes/10120 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:30.397 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.miui.notes/10120 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:30.418 1000 4333 4333 W PK : cloud receive BOOT_COMPLETED
02-15 00:54:30.484 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
6976:com.miui.screenrecorder/1000 for broadcast
{com.miui.screenrecorder/com.miui.screenrecorder.receiver.BootReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:30.865 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:30.950 1000 1201 1643 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames
02-15 00:54:30.950 1000 1201 1643 I WakePathChecker: updateLauncherPackageNames
02-15 00:54:30.976 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 00:54:30.979 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7017:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for broadcast
{com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.receiver.UpdateWeatherReceiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:31.428 10072 7017 7017 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:31.428 10072 7017 7017 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:31.452 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 202ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@8e94f2c> m=0
02-15 00:54:31.500 10072 7017 7017 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:54:31.500 10072 7017 7017 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:54:31.619 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 448ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@3bc162e m=0
02-15 00:54:31.620 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 449ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@b6ba5cf m=0
02-15 00:54:31.804 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:31.807 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:31.829 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
v7a, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 00:54:32.092 10102 7074 7074 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 00:54:32.332 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 705ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@f666761 m=0
02-15 00:54:32.332 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing
default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AIU
02-15 00:54:32.339 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:32.465 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:32.502 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7131:com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/1000 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:32.858 1000 1201 1729 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.katana/10199 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.863 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.katana/10199 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.866 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:54:32.868 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.katana/10199 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.869 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.870 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 1 line
02-15 00:54:32.871 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.872 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.873 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.874 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.875 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.876 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.881 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 5 lines
02-15 00:54:32.882 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:32.883 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:34.979 1000 1201 6146 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:34.984 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:34.986 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:34.987 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:34.989 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:54:34.990 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:35.024 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
latform.pcp.validity.ValidityController_Receiver} caller=null
02-15 00:54:35.352 1000 1201 6146 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:35.866 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:54:36.304 10173 7188 7188 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:35.063 late=1ms wall=1239ms running=456ms runnable=18ms io=558ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:36.656 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:36.963 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle animation|4
02-15 00:54:36.980 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Finished processing
02-15 00:54:37.021 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7289:com.miui.sysopt/1000 for broadcast
eChangeReceiver} caller=com.xiaomi.finddevice
02-15 00:54:37.287 10173 2563 2563 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 207 ms,, code=10
02-15 00:54:37.578 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7328:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 for broadcast
ver} caller=com.xiaomi.finddevice
02-15 00:54:38.046 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7350:com.miui.micloudsync/u0a114 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:38.133 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:38.526 10114 7350 7350 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:38.526 10114 7350 7350 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:38.580 10114 7350 7350 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:54:38.581 10114 7350 7350 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:54:38.703 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:38.706 1000 1201 1729 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 00:54:38.712 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:38.713 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 00:54:38.713 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 00:54:38.714 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:38.714 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 00:54:39.100 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing
6645:com.mediatek.engineermode/1001 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:39.765 10183 3520 3520 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:54:39.768 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{ dat=tel:xxxxxxxxx
CallActivity (has extras)} from uid 10183
02-15 00:54:39.917 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:40.329 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom-UserCallIntentProcessor:
sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.: TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.329 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom-CallIntentProcessor: onReceive -
isUnknownCall: false: TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.339 1000 1201 1314 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found
02-15 00:54:40.341 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-TelecomSystem:
CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=*** cookie=TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@AIg
subId=-1: TSI.pC->CILH.sL@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.359 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom-Call: checkCarrierCapability:
mTargetPhoneAccountHandle is null: TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.370 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom-LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call:
[TC@2, NEW, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:],
[Properties:]]: TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.377 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2: CREATED, TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.379 1000 1201 1729 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is a
previously incomplete query for handle tel:*********. Adding to listeners for this
query.: TSI.pC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.393 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: miui call outgoing
call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.393 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: call outgoing call
suggestion service stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.cOCSS@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.394 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: set outgoing call
phone acct stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.404 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: make room for
outgoing call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.407 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: dialer phone acct
select stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.407 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: post acct
selection stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 00:54:40.474 1000 1201 2041 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.xiaomi.account/10100 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.xiaomi.action.MICLOUD_SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:40.494 1000 1201 2545 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentInternalReceive
02-15 00:54:40.533 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
Activity is 621ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 621ms (seq=703 running=193ms runnable=2ms
io=285ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:54:40.546 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:40.546 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:40.569 1000 1201 2545 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:54:40.570 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.585 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:40.586 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 00:54:40.586 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 00:54:40.588 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 00:54:40.588 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 00:54:40.589 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 00:54:40.626 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 00:54:40.656 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 00:54:40.657 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering SIM CALL state: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.657 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallAdded:
[TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]; not bound or connected.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 00:54:40.658 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 00:54:40.658 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 00:54:40.660 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CarSwappingInCallServiceConnection:
carmodechange: false => false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.661 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : EmergencyCallHelper:
ShouldGrantTemporaryLocationPermission, disabled by config: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 00:54:40.661 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Attempting to bind to InCall
supportsExternal? true supportsSelfMg?false], with Intent
{ act=android.telecom.InCallService (has
02-15 00:54:40.691 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall: onCallAdded:
[TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.692 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 00:54:40.750 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, original number: ***: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.772 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, formatted E164 number: null: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.773 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
removePostDialDigits, number after being extracted post dial digits: ***: TSI.pC-
02-15 00:54:40.773 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
PackageName is empty. Not performing user-defined call redirection.: TSI.pC-
02-15 00:54:40.778 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
Cannot get carrier componentNameString.: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.778 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessor: Can make
call redirection with any available service: false: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.779 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A,
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}:
02-15 00:54:40.781 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 00:54:40.781 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 373ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.Runnable$1@8bf35b7 m=0
02-15 00:54:40.782 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.783 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 00:54:40.783 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 00:54:40.784 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 00:54:40.785 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state ActiveEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 00:54:40.785 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
02-15 00:54:40.786 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 00:54:40.789 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 00:54:40.789 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 00:54:40.804 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 270ms main
ndler c=null m=0
02-15 00:54:40.819 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: CI query
for handle tel:********* has completed; notifying all listeners.: TSI.pC->CILH.sL-
02-15 00:54:40.819 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Call: CallerInfo received for
tel:*********: com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkCallerInfo@4b6c48e { name non-
null, phoneNumber non-null }: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.820 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is
no photo for this contact, skipping photo query: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AIg
02-15 00:54:40.936 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:54:40.936 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 115ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@58924af m=0
02-15 00:54:40.957 1000 1201 1214 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.xiaomi.account/10100 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.xiaomi.action.MICLOUD_SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 00:54:40.999 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-
NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for
[TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]] with data ***: NOCBIR.oR@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.017 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 00:54:41.090 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver:
02-15 00:54:41.090 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Creating a new
outgoing call with handle: tel:*********: NOCBIR.oR@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.090 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: isSpeakerCarMode:
false,isSpeakerGameBooster: false,isSpeakerVideoCall: false: NOCBIR.oR@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.091 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CallsManager:
isSpeakerphoneEnabledForTablet: NOCBIR.oR@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.097 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 00:54:41.098 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying
lephonyConnectionService}, ***,
onyConnectionService}, ***, UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.099 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 100ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@31f9f31 m=0
02-15 00:54:41.099 1000 1201 1750 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: NOCBIR.oR->CSFM.rF@AI0
02-15 00:54:41.118 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ServiceBinderConnection: Service
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AI4
02-15 00:54:41.118 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AI4
02-15 00:54:41.130 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
START_CONNECTION, tel:*********: SBC.oSC@AI4
02-15 00:54:41.137 1000 1201 1749 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 458 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:41.138 1000 1201 1354 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 351 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:41.138 1000 1201 3013 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 237 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:41.139 1000 1201 7397 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 453 ms,, code=66 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:41.139 1000 1413 1741 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 243 ms,, code=10
02-15 00:54:41.140 10165 3171 3171 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 236 ms,, code=35 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:41.140 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 00:54:41.160 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bundle[slot_id=-1, is_privileged_dialer=true, touchPoint=Point(81, 824),
subscription_id=-1, phone_id=-1,
telecomm.POST_DIAL_STRING=***, is_launch_incallui=true,,
android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=121892,[B@fde395, ]: (SBC.oSC)-
02-15 00:54:41.237 10165 3171 3171 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:54:41.241 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10040000 (has extras)}
from uid 10165
02-15 00:54:41.303 1000 1413 1777 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded true
02-15 00:54:41.308 1000 1201 3768 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 150
02-15 00:54:41.312 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:41.320 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onConnected to
02-15 00:54:41.327 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: Adding 1 calls to
InCallService after onConnected:
including external calls: ICSBC.oSC@AI8
02-15 00:54:41.329 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: 1 calls sent to
InCallService.: ICSBC.oSC@AI8
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : noteOperation
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException:
Specified package under uid 1000 but it is really 10165
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at$
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 E AppOps : at
02-15 00:54:41.335 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when
locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1000
02-15 00:54:41.350 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:41.375 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:41.379 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:41.380 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow main thread|3
02-15 00:54:41.394 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:54:41.460 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 00:54:41.466 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:41.497 1000 1201 3013 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 00:54:41.509 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 00:54:41.514 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.515 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added [[ sup_hld
mut !v2a]]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AI4
02-15 00:54:41.517 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: FOREGROUND_VOIP_MODE_CHANGE.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.518 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.522 1000 1201 2545 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_D
identical 2 lines
02-15 00:54:41.524 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.526 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.527 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
SET_DIALING, successful outgoing call: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.529 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.530 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@2, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:false, DisconnectCause [ Code: (UNKNOWN)
Label: () Description: () Reason: () Tone: (-1) ], oldState:CONNECTING,
newState:DIALING, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false,
isExternalCall() false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AI4
02-15 00:54:41.531 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Acquiring
WakeLock with id: 26: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AI4
02-15 00:54:41.531 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Acquiring full wake lock: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-
02-15 00:54:41.532 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: NEW_ACTIVE_OR_DIALING_CALL.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.534 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 2: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AI4
02-15 00:54:41.535 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]] oldState: 1 newState:3:
02-15 00:54:41.535 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AI4
02-15 00:54:41.536 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 00:54:41.537 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.537 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 00:54:41.538 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.539 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 00:54:41.542 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.545 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.545 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 00:54:41.580 1000 1201 3013 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 00:54:41.677 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@2_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-
02-15 00:54:41.746 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.748 1000 1201 1201 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:54:41.751 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:41.752 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:54:41.753 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:41.754 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:54:41.755 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:41.766 1000 1201 2840 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:41.778 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:41.836 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 346ms
02-15 00:54:41.863 1000 1201 3013 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:41.874 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 566ms late
(wall=1ms running=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 14 msg, msg 1 took 422ms (seq=708 running=34ms runnable=15ms
io=26ms swapin=1ms reclaim=1ms late=231ms$H w=121),
msg 14 took 533ms (seq=721 running=239ms runnable=9ms io=142ms swapin=2ms
reclaim=1ms late=32ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:54:42.035 1000 1201 2840 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:42.101 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
6759:com.miui.cloudbackup/u0a76 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:42.247 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:42.254 10165 3171 3370 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 229 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:42.271 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing
6976:com.miui.screenrecorder/1000 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:42.272 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing
6706:com.miui.bugreport/1000 (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:54:42.274 1000 1201 2041 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{95046e5 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:54:42.347 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 439ms
late because of 40 msg, msg 1 took 533ms (seq=721 running=239ms runnable=9ms
io=142ms swapin=2ms reclaim=1ms late=32ms$H w=159),
msg 5 took 294ms (seq=725 running=97ms runnable=7ms io=2ms swapin=4ms late=545ms
h=android.telecom.InCallService$1 w=2)
02-15 00:54:42.358 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{6b4517f u0 t151} time:123665
02-15 00:54:42.623 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
notifySSNotificationToast notiType = 0 type = 0 code = 1 number = *** index = 0
02-15 00:54:42.625 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
handleSuppServiceNotification: type=0, code=1
02-15 00:54:42.626 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
02-15 00:54:42.629 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 00:54:42.629 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
mediatek.telecom.extra.SS_NOTIFICATION_NUMBER=}]]}: CSW.oCE@AKA
02-15 00:54:42.646 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
02-15 00:54:42.647 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 00:54:42.647 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_TYPE=0}]]}: CSW.oCE@AKE
02-15 00:54:42.686 1000 1201 3768 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:43.218 1000 7442 7442 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=00:54:41.847 late=4ms wall=1366ms running=397ms runnable=183ms io=758ms$H w=110
02-15 00:54:43.245 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing
7017:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:43.253 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1029ms late because of 74 msg, msg 1 took 162ms (seq=761 running=84ms runnable=1ms
io=14ms swapin=7ms late=439ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 27 took 145ms (seq=787
running=57ms runnable=2ms io=43ms late=201ms h=android.os.Handler
c=android.telecom.Call$4), msg 35 took 56ms (seq=795 running=28ms runnable=2ms
swapin=2ms late=428ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4), msg 43 took
65ms (seq=803 running=25ms late=568ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 00:54:43.272 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 00:54:43.318 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:43.344 1000 1201 2840 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:43.916 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:43.980 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:44.205 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:44.375 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:44.433 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:45.163 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing
7289:com.miui.sysopt/1000 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:45.201 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:45.391 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{41d8e49 u0
02-15 00:54:45.445 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing
7328:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:45.463 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:45.675 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Killing
7350:com.miui.micloudsync/u0a114 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:45.749 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:46.205 1000 1201 3742 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@d714a92
02-15 00:54:46.497 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:46.517 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:47.300 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityManager: Killing
6885:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:47.332 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:47.354 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:54:47.845 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{b6d472a u0 com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/.MiConnectService}
02-15 00:54:48.257 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:48.267 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:48.312 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { }
U=0: not found
02-15 00:54:48.558 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:50.103 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@2_1,
02-15 00:54:50.107 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 00:54:50.145 1000 1201 3013 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.160 1000 1201 3013 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.163 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.171 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=3: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.180 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.183 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.184 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED, NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED) Tone:
(27) ]: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.186 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-InCallController:
onCanAddCallChanged : true: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.187 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@2, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 00:54:50.189 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@2, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:true, DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED, NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED) Tone:
(27) ], oldState:DIALING, newState:DISCONNECTED, isConference():false,
isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false, isExternalCall() false: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.190 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged !
isSelfManaged() true shouldCallSelfManagedLogged true: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.191 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-CallLogManager: Country cache is
null. Detecting Country and Setting Cache...: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.229 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: Not ims call:
02-15 00:54:50.239 1000 1201 3752 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
02-15 00:54:50.242 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Releasing
WakeLock with id: 26: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.242 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.243 1000 1201 3752 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.243 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: CSW.sDc-
02-15 00:54:50.244 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 00:54:50.244 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc-
02-15 00:54:50.325 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 00:54:50.326 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 00:54:50.326 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering TONE/HOLDING state: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.327 1000 1201 1739 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager: Message
received: GET_CURRENT_STATE.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->BRM.pM_400@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.334 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 0: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.334 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@2, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]] oldState: 3 newState:7:
02-15 00:54:50.335 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@2, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
false: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.335 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.sDc@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.336 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.337 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.338 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service
ervice}, from unbind.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.338 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper:
unlinkDeathRecipient: death recipient is null.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.342 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handleConnectionServiceDeath: service [ConnectionServiceWrapper
onyConnectionService}] died: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.343 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@2:
02-15 00:54:50.344 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.344 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.345 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallRemoved:
[TC@2, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
02-15 00:54:50.346 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : ProximitySensorManager: All calls
removed, resetting proximity sensor to default state: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.346 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 32: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.346 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AK4
02-15 00:54:50.440 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001-
02-15 00:54:50.441 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 00:54:50.444 1000 1201 7942 I Telecom-InCallTonePlayer:
playToneGeneratorTone: toneType=27: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r@AKw
02-15 00:54:50.488 1000 1201 1329 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 208 ms,, code=46 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:50.540 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|1
02-15 00:54:50.680 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
124583709237|Slow main thread|17
02-15 00:54:50.738 1000 1201 1436 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 384 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 00:54:50.828 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 00:54:50.829 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine:
Abandoning audio focus: now UNFOCUSED: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 00:54:50.831 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=1: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 00:54:50.831 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message SWITCH_FOCUS: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 00:54:50.832 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 00:54:50.832 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
02-15 00:54:50.933 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state ActiveEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 00:54:50.933 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 00:54:50.933 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r-
02-15 00:54:51.008 1000 1201 5660 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 00:54:51.012 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 00:54:51.161 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7956:com.miui.micloudsync/u0a114 for broadcast
02-15 00:54:51.319 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|1
02-15 00:54:51.320 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|1
02-15 00:54:51.613 10114 7956 7956 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:51.613 10114 7956 7956 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:54:51.745 10114 7956 7956 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:54:51.745 10114 7956 7956 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:54:51.841 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:52.002 1000 1201 1458 W Telecom-InCallAdapter: disconnectCall,
unknown call id: TC@2: ICA.dC(InCall package:
02-15 00:54:52.081 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 00:54:52.282 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:52.346 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Disconnect forced!: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR->ICC.oCR@AK4
02-15 00:54:52.625 1000 1413 2016 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded false
02-15 00:54:52.626 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:54:52.629 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:52.631 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:52.635 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:52.669 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ec59fe u0
actActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:54:52.681 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:52.758 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:53.317 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
134524688007|Slow handle traversal|5
02-15 00:54:53.540 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{addb9fc u0
actActivity t149} time:134848
02-15 00:54:53.543 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:55.272 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:136566 downTime:136566 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:54:55.364 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:136671 downTime:136566 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:54:55.395 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:55.398 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:55.417 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle animation|5
02-15 00:54:55.531 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d006f2 u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:54:55.536 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:55.625 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:56.135 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{9b2b2b7 u0 t149} time:137442
02-15 00:54:56.145 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:54:57.186 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@b867c2b
02-15 00:54:58.780 10175 2377 5080 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 62422 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:54:58.974 1000 1201 1201 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
com.miui.server.WMServiceConnection$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:914
02-15 00:54:58.974 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.wmsvc.LINK pkg=com.miui.wmsvc } U=0: not found
02-15 00:54:58.974 1000 1201 1201 E WMServiceConnection: Bind Inspector failed!
02-15 00:54:59.224 10165 3171 3171 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:54:59.230 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{ (has
extras)} from uid 10165
02-15 00:54:59.264 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:59.340 1000 1201 1458 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:54:59.361 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{bb2d55f u0}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:54:59.365 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:59.368 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:59.406 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:54:59.796 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:54:59.917 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f7abb7c u0 t149}
02-15 00:54:59.923 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:55:02.559 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:143866 downTime:143866 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:02.690 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:143996 downTime:143866 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:02.714 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:02.774 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d006f2 u0
ity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:02.780 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:02.857 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:02.904 1000 1201 3770 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:144211 downTime:144211 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:03.003 1000 1201 3770 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:144311 downTime:144211 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:03.033 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.034 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.099 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.254 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 00:55:03.259 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.271 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.370 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.390 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.583 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:03.594 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 408ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 366ms (seq=1019 running=88ms runnable=1ms io=45ms
swapin=94ms late=126ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:55:03.617 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8124:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 00:55:03.879 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:145187
02-15 00:55:03.886 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:55:04.215 10072 8124 8124 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:55:04.215 10072 8124 8124 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 00:55:04.261 10072 8124 8124 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 00:55:04.261 10072 8124 8124 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 00:55:04.284 1000 1201 2952 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:55:04.465 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 916 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 00:55:04.920 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:55:04.926 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[218,1385][340,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 00:55:05.061 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 151ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=35, seq=1070,
02-15 00:55:05.082 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:05.110 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:05.114 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:05.146 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:05.454 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:55:05.801 1000 1201 2952 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:55:05.811 10182 3140 3140 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 732ms late
(wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 732ms (seq=224 running=388ms runnable=21ms
io=195ms swapin=30ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:55:05.900 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:55:05.908 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{274881f u0
ListActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:06.055 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f326f67 u0 t152} time:147363
02-15 00:55:08.843 10182 3140 3140 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:55:08.849 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
from uid 10182
02-15 00:55:08.886 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:09.083 10182 3140 3140 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart
took 134ms
02-15 00:55:09.108 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:55:09.134 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d94f0d6 u0
reen.ConversationActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:09.139 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:09.142 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:09.520 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:09.528 10182 3140 3140 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 388ms
late because of 26 msg, msg 1 took 396ms (seq=468 running=218ms io=7ms late=232ms
02-15 00:55:09.811 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:10.024 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{b712249 u0 t152}
02-15 00:55:10.030 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:55:10.250 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 00:55:11.253 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:55:12.274 1000 1201 2952 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:55:20.609 1000 1201 1684 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:55:20.650 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 00:55:21.116 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
161914195701|Slow handle traversal|2
02-15 00:55:22.999 10175 2377 6234 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 60289 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:55:24.123 1000 1201 2952 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@13dc5a1
02-15 00:55:26.283 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:167566 downTime:167566 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.398 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:167705 downTime:167566 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.429 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.466 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{274881f u0
ListActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:26.471 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.506 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.515 1000 1201 3011 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:167822 downTime:167822 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.534 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 00:55:26.661 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:167969 downTime:167822 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.695 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.702 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.711 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.718 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.737 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:168043 downTime:168043 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.741 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 00:55:26.751 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 00:55:26.758 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.760 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:55:26.767 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.826 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.887 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:55:26.950 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:168256 downTime:168043 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:26.992 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:168298 downTime:168298 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:27.093 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:168401 downTime:168298 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:27.202 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:168510
02-15 00:55:27.207 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:55:27.670 1000 1201 6146 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 00:55:28.217 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 00:55:28.249 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:169556 downTime:169556 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:28.250 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 00:55:28.579 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:169886 downTime:169556 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:55:28.580 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 00:55:28.580 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 00:55:28.584 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 00:55:29.093 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 00:55:29.094 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 00:55:29.115 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 00:55:29.194 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 00:55:29.470 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 291 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 00:55:29.483 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 00:55:29.483 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 00:55:29.489 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 00:55:29.499 1000 1413 1983 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 00:55:29.731 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 00:55:29.732 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.3152302
02-15 00:55:29.853 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 00:55:30.112 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 382ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 390ms (seq=7341 running=110ms runnable=4ms
io=72ms swapin=138ms late=56ms$6 w=1)
02-15 00:55:35.107 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@93b16f2
02-15 00:55:47.541 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 00:55:47.656 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Killing
7956:com.miui.micloudsync/u0a114 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:55:47.658 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:55:48.163 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:55:48.638 10111 8361 8405 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 00:55:48.668 10111 8361 8409 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 00:55:49.277 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 175ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 00:55:49.277 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 175ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 00:55:49.282 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 180ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 00:55:49.282 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
edProcessService0:0/u0ai9000 for
02-15 00:55:49.282 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 180ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 00:55:49.283 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 181ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 00:55:54.418 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative
user/sys time delta for UID=10191
02-15 00:55:54.418 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times:
u=1552000 s=440000 Curr times: u=1252000 s=344000
02-15 00:55:58.980 1000 1201 1201 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
com.miui.server.WMServiceConnection$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:914
02-15 00:55:58.981 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.wmsvc.LINK pkg=com.miui.wmsvc } U=0: not found
02-15 00:55:58.981 1000 1201 1201 E WMServiceConnection: Bind Inspector failed!
02-15 00:55:59.367 10175 2377 5080 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 60165 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:56:03.985 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 00:56:17.800 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 00:56:17.803 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 00:56:19.663 10111 8361 8409 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 00:56:26.493 10175 2377 6250 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 60186 ms,, code=5
02-15 00:56:47.419 1000 1201 4656 I PreinstallApp: No updated system preinstall
apps need to install
02-15 00:56:49.925 10111 8361 8409 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 00:56:58.983 1000 1201 1201 W WMServiceConnection: Cancel bind for
02-15 00:57:20.124 10111 8361 8409 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 00:58:49.330 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:331951 downTime:331951 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:58:49.331 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 00:58:49.354 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 00:58:49.355 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 00:58:49.359 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 00:58:49.362 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 00:58:49.362 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 00:58:49.364 1000 1413 3484 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 00:58:49.383 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:58:49.392 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 00:58:49.409 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 00:58:49.409 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 00:58:49.410 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager:
02-15 00:58:49.494 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 00:58:49.566 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 134ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 00:58:49.567 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 00:58:49.569 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:332191 downTime:331951 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 00:58:49.569 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 00:58:49.571 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 00:58:49.573 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 00:58:49.573 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 211 ms
02-15 00:58:49.670 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 279 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 00:58:49.672 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 344 ms
02-15 00:58:49.673 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 00:58:49.681 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 00:58:50.313 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 00:58:50.351 1000 1201 1587 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 00:58:50.648 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:58:56.263 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 102
02-15 00:58:56.271 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 00:58:56.326 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 00:58:56.335 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 00:58:56.340 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 00:58:56.345 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 00:58:56.577 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.578 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 00:58:56.579 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.581 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.585 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.628 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 00:58:56.633 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.656 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.717 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:58:56.722 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.734 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.799 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:56.799 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=339422 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 00:58:56.799 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:339423
02-15 00:58:56.800 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:58:56.826 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 00:58:56.826 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.11552686
02-15 00:58:56.845 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 00:58:56.932 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 00:58:56.932 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 00:58:56.933 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 00:58:56.933 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 00:58:56.934 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 00:58:57.801 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 880ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@9bc8a43 m=0
02-15 00:58:57.802 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 880ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@a3978c0 m=0
02-15 00:58:57.802 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 00:58:58.254 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 00:58:58.265 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[49,1383][171,1505] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 00:58:58.300 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:58.348 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:58.407 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:58.411 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:58.438 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:58:58.753 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 00:58:58.775 1000 1201 1587 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:58:58.786 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 485ms late
(wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 486ms (seq=1392 running=183ms runnable=3ms
io=167ms swapin=15ms$H w=159)
02-15 00:58:58.804 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f19197c u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:58:58.869 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1c319f9 u0 t153} time:341492
02-15 00:59:00.446 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 323ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 339ms (seq=1514 running=227ms runnable=1ms
io=45ms swapin=2ms late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 00:59:01.328 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:343940 downTime:343940 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:59:01.430 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:344053 downTime:343940 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 00:59:01.494 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:3171||816|230|unknown|null||343541700943|Slow main
02-15 00:59:15.649 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
dat=content:// flg=0x20000000
ContactActivity bnds=[144,700][224,780] (has extras)} from uid 10165
02-15 00:59:15.687 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:59:15.964 1000 1201 3013 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 00:59:16.029 1000 1201 3013 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c9c88ff u0
actActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 00:59:16.034 1000 1201 3013 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:59:16.036 1000 1201 3013 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:59:16.070 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 00:59:16.571 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ce099c3 u0
actActivity t153} time:359194
02-15 00:59:16.577 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:22.887 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:00:23.626 1000 1201 1587 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:426248 downTime:426248 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:23.736 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:426359 downTime:426248 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.149 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10884000} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:24.240 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask"
02-15 01:00:24.255 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 213 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 01:00:24.271 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:24.274 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:426897 downTime:426897 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.277 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:426900 downTime:426897 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.603 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:427226 downTime:427226 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.603 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:24.606 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:427229 downTime:427226 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.608 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:427231 downTime:427231 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:24.611 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 343ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 494ms (seq=10232 running=42ms runnable=4ms
io=124ms swapin=1ms late=23ms$H
w=589824), msg 10 took 322ms (seq=10241 running=200ms runnable=1ms io=59ms
swapin=7ms late=12ms$H w=159)
02-15 01:00:24.614 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 01:00:24.615 1000 1201 1319 I chatty : uid=1000(system) InputDispatcher
identical 1 line
02-15 01:00:24.620 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 01:00:24.718 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 01:00:24.929 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4ca0cf u0}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:24.934 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:24.937 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:24.965 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:25.010 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 331ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 322ms (seq=10241 running=200ms runnable=1ms
io=59ms swapin=7ms late=12ms$H w=159)
02-15 01:00:25.011 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 357ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=702, seq=1978, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 01:00:25.012 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:427635 downTime:427231 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:25.013 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 01:00:25.040 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:25.061 10194 8769 8817 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 381 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:00:25.109 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 459ms
late because of 22 msg, msg 1 took 396ms (seq=10246 running=295ms runnable=3ms
io=3ms swapin=18ms late=331ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 01:00:25.172 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10884000} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:25.173 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask"
02-15 01:00:25.209 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:25.376 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3f017ff u0 t154}
02-15 01:00:25.381 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:27.242 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:true eventTime:429865 downTime:429865 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:27.263 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
427242531948|Slow main thread|1
02-15 01:00:27.263 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
427734753948|Slow main thread|1
02-15 01:00:27.282 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:false eventTime:429904 downTime:429865 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:27.325 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:27.344 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.349 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.356 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.359 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.366 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.407 1000 1201 2041 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:00:27.414 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.427 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.460 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:27.466 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.515 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.547 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:27.704 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:430327
02-15 01:00:27.708 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:28.813 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 01:00:28.816 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[48,1383][170,1505] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 01:00:28.848 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.851 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.864 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.871 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.886 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.895 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.913 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:28.957 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f19197c u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:28.965 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:29.076 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:29.390 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1c319f9 u0 t153} time:432014
02-15 01:00:29.404 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:31.491 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 417ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 431ms (seq=2386 running=285ms runnable=2ms
io=96ms swapin=16ms late=2ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 01:00:34.459 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
handle traversal|4
02-15 01:00:40.216 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-UserCallIntentProcessor:
sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.: TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.216 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-CallIntentProcessor: onReceive -
isUnknownCall: false: TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.253 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-Call: checkCarrierCapability:
mTargetPhoneAccountHandle is null: TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.253 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-TelecomSystem:
CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=*** cookie=TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@APw
subId=-1: TSI.pC->CILH.sL@APw
02-15 01:00:40.266 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call:
[TC@3, NEW, null, tel:*****, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:],
[Properties:]]: TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.267 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@3: CREATED, TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.283 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is a
previously incomplete query for handle tel:*****. Adding to listeners for this
query.: TSI.pC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.333 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: miui call outgoing
call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS@APw
02-15 01:00:40.334 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: call outgoing call
suggestion service stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.cOCSS@APw
02-15 01:00:40.335 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: set outgoing call
phone acct stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA@APw
02-15 01:00:40.339 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: make room for
outgoing call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP@APw
02-15 01:00:40.344 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: dialer phone acct
select stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA@APw
02-15 01:00:40.345 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: post acct
selection stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:00:40.424 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@3:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:00:40.526 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, original number: ***: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@APw
02-15 01:00:40.534 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, formatted E164 number: null: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@APw
02-15 01:00:40.534 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
removePostDialDigits, number after being extracted post dial digits: ***: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:00:40.535 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
PackageName is empty. Not performing user-defined call redirection.: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:00:40.546 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
Cannot get carrier componentNameString.: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@APw
02-15 01:00:40.546 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessor: Can make
call redirection with any available service: false: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@APw
02-15 01:00:40.546 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@3, CONNECTING, null, tel:*****, A,
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}:
02-15 01:00:40.548 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 01:00:40.548 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 203ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.Runnable$1@5035bfb m=0
02-15 01:00:40.579 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: CI query
for handle tel:***** has completed; notifying all listeners.: TSI.pC->CILH.sL-
02-15 01:00:40.580 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Call: CallerInfo received for
tel:*****: com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkCallerInfo@267ce71 { name non-null,
phoneNumber non-null }: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.580 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is
no photo for this contact, skipping photo query: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@APw
02-15 01:00:40.609 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-
NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for
[TC@3, CONNECTING, null, tel:*****, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]] with data ***: NOCBIR.oR@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.666 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver:
02-15 01:00:40.667 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Creating a new
outgoing call with handle: tel:*****: NOCBIR.oR@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.675 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: isSpeakerCarMode:
false,isSpeakerGameBooster: false,isSpeakerVideoCall: false: NOCBIR.oR@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.675 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CallsManager:
isSpeakerphoneEnabledForTablet: NOCBIR.oR@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.688 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 01:00:40.689 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying
lephonyConnectionService}, ***,
onyConnectionService}, ***, UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.691 1000 1201 1750 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: NOCBIR.oR->CSFM.rF@AP0
02-15 01:00:40.735 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ServiceBinderConnection: Service
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AP4
02-15 01:00:40.736 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AP4
02-15 01:00:40.763 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@3:
02-15 01:00:40.776 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 01:00:40.797 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[slot_id=-
1, is_privileged_dialer=true, subscription_id=-1, phone_id=-1,
telecomm.POST_DIAL_STRING=***, is_launch_incallui=true,,
android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=481750,[B@eda3e6d, ]: (SBC.oSC)-
02-15 01:00:40.989 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10800000 (has extras)} from uid
02-15 01:00:41.147 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=9: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:00:41.148 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*****, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: (...-
02-15 01:00:41.149 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@3:
SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (OTHER)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (Connection is null, DIALED_MMI) Tone: (-1) ]:
02-15 01:00:41.151 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@3_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-
02-15 01:00:41.151 radio 1612 1612 W Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete - Cannot find Connection TC@3_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)-
02-15 01:00:41.157 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 01:00:41.157 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=1: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:00:41.158 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: (...->CS.crCo-
02-15 01:00:41.158 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service
ervice}, from unbind.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC-
02-15 01:00:41.158 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper:
unlinkDeathRecipient: death recipient is null.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:00:41.162 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handleConnectionServiceDeath: service [ConnectionServiceWrapper
onyConnectionService}] died: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC-
02-15 01:00:41.162 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@3:
DESTROYED, null: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC->CM.mCAR@E-E-
02-15 01:00:41.199 1000 1201 3013 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.209 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.304 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:00:41.325 1000 1201 3731 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:00:41.341 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.344 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.365 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d8ca04a u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:41.370 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.381 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.392 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:41.392 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:41.677 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{c707bf4 u0 t155}
02-15 01:00:41.979 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 76 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 01:00:42.022 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 01:00:42.737 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:00:51.016 1000 1201 3742 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:true eventTime:453638 downTime:453638 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:51.039 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:false eventTime:453661 downTime:453638 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:51.077 1000 1201 1319 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 0
02-15 01:00:51.138 1000 1201 1319 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.146 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.149 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.151 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.222 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.224 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.234 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:00:51.241 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.246 1000 3042 3296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 219 ms,, code=32
02-15 01:00:51.253 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.279 1000 1201 3013 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:51.287 1000 1201 3013 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.307 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.380 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:51.671 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:454294
02-15 01:00:51.694 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:52.614 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:455235 downTime:455235 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:52.675 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:455298 downTime:455235 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:52.685 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10884000} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:52.707 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask"
02-15 01:00:52.721 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.729 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.768 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.770 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4ca0cf u0}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:52.775 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.784 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.806 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:52.979 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3f017ff u0 t154}
02-15 01:00:52.985 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:53.511 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:456133 downTime:456133 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:53.584 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:456206 downTime:456133 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:53.607 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:53.625 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.631 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.633 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.637 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.641 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.654 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.677 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:00:53.684 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.692 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.706 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:53.714 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.728 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:456351 downTime:456351 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:53.750 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.769 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:53.811 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:456434 downTime:456351 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:53.932 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:456555
02-15 01:00:53.933 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:456553 downTime:456553 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:53.936 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:53.976 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:456599 downTime:456553 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.017 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10884000} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:54.017 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: Ignoring
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT, launchMode is "singleInstance" or "singleTask"
02-15 01:00:54.032 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.039 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.042 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.091 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.093 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4ca0cf u0}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:54.098 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.105 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.136 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:54.313 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3f017ff u0 t154}
02-15 01:00:54.319 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:00:54.366 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
456774636411|Slow handle traversal|5
02-15 01:00:54.445 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:457067 downTime:457067 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.525 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:457147 downTime:457067 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.658 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:457280 downTime:457280 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.724 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:457347 downTime:457280 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.833 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:457455 downTime:457455 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:54.905 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:457528 downTime:457455 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:55.023 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:457645 downTime:457645 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:55.087 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:457709 downTime:457645 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:55.215 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:457837 downTime:457837 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:55.259 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:457882 downTime:457837 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:57.132 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:true eventTime:459755 downTime:459755 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:57.194 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:82
down:false eventTime:459817 downTime:459755 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:00:57.315 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher} from uid 1000
02-15 01:00:57.333 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.336 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.342 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.348 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.350 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.383 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:00:57.390 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.402 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:00:57.413 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.417 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.454 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:00:57.615 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:460238
02-15 01:00:57.618 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:01:01.897 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:01:03.666 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:01:19.004 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing
6835:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:01:19.656 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:482277 downTime:482277 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:01:20.139 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:482760 downTime:482277 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:01:22.418 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8996:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 for broadcast
02-15 01:01:22.989 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
9029:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 01:01:22.993 1000 1201 2891 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler from pid=8996
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 01:01:23.035 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:01:23.054 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService from pid=8996
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 01:01:23.362 10146 9029 9029 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 01:01:23.362 10146 9029 9029 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 01:01:23.461 10146 9029 9029 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 01:01:23.461 10146 9029 9029 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 01:01:23.723 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:02:11.237 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 01:02:11.240 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[51,1386][173,1508] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 01:02:11.275 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.278 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.282 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.308 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.397 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f19197c u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:02:11.404 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.454 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:11.760 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1c319f9 u0 t153} time:534383
02-15 01:02:11.773 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:02:13.708 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom-UserCallIntentProcessor:
sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.: TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.708 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom-CallIntentProcessor: onReceive -
isUnknownCall: false: TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.728 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom-Call: checkCarrierCapability:
mTargetPhoneAccountHandle is null: TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.729 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-TelecomSystem:
CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=*** cookie=TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@AR4
subId=-1: TSI.pC->CILH.sL@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.730 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom-LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call:
[TC@4, NEW, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:],
[Properties:]]: TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.730 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4: CREATED, TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.733 1000 1201 1214 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is a
previously incomplete query for handle tel:*********. Adding to listeners for this
query.: TSI.pC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.782 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: miui call outgoing
call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.783 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: call outgoing call
suggestion service stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.cOCSS@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.783 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: set outgoing call
phone acct stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.787 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: make room for
outgoing call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.791 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: dialer phone acct
select stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.791 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: post acct
selection stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:02:13.817 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.844 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:02:13.844 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:02:13.846 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:02:13.846 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:02:13.847 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:02:13.847 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:02:13.856 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:02:13.856 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallAdded:
[TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]; not bound or connected.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:02:13.856 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering SIM CALL state: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.857 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 01:02:13.858 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 01:02:13.859 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CarSwappingInCallServiceConnection:
carmodechange: false => false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.860 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : EmergencyCallHelper:
ShouldGrantTemporaryLocationPermission, disabled by config: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:02:13.861 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Attempting to bind to InCall
supportsExternal? true supportsSelfMg?false], with Intent
{ act=android.telecom.InCallService (has
02-15 01:02:13.871 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall: onCallAdded:
[TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.872 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:02:13.910 10165 3171 3171 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 01:02:13.915 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10040000 (has extras)}
from uid 10165
02-15 01:02:13.959 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, original number: ***: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.962 1000 1413 1983 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded true
02-15 01:02:13.963 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, formatted E164 number: null: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.963 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
removePostDialDigits, number after being extracted post dial digits: ***: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:02:13.963 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
PackageName is empty. Not performing user-defined call redirection.: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:02:13.965 1000 1201 2891 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 131
02-15 01:02:13.965 1000 1201 2891 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 155
02-15 01:02:13.968 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
Cannot get carrier componentNameString.: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.969 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessor: Can make
call redirection with any available service: false: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.969 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A,
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}:
02-15 01:02:13.970 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:13.970 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 01:02:13.970 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 178ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.Runnable$1@a6a0ff0 m=0
02-15 01:02:13.970 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.971 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:02:13.971 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:02:13.972 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:02:13.972 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state ActiveEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:02:13.973 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:02:13.973 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:02:13.974 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:02:13.974 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:02:13.981 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onConnected to
02-15 01:02:13.981 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: Adding 1 calls to
InCallService after onConnected:
including external calls: ICSBC.oSC@AR8
02-15 01:02:13.982 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: 1 calls sent to
InCallService.: ICSBC.oSC@AR8
02-15 01:02:13.983 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:13.986 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:13.995 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: CI query
for handle tel:********* has completed; notifying all listeners.: TSI.pC->CILH.sL-
02-15 01:02:13.996 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Call: CallerInfo received for
tel:*********: com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkCallerInfo@adbed08 { name non-
null, phoneNumber non-null }: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AR4
02-15 01:02:13.996 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is
no photo for this contact, skipping photo query: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AR4
02-15 01:02:14.026 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:02:14.055 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-
NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for
[TC@4, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]] with data ***: NOCBIR.oR@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.116 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver:
02-15 01:02:14.117 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Creating a new
outgoing call with handle: tel:*********: NOCBIR.oR@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.117 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: isSpeakerCarMode:
false,isSpeakerGameBooster: false,isSpeakerVideoCall: false: NOCBIR.oR@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.117 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CallsManager:
isSpeakerphoneEnabledForTablet: NOCBIR.oR@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.124 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 01:02:14.124 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying
lephonyConnectionService}, ***,
onyConnectionService}, ***, UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.126 1000 1201 1750 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: NOCBIR.oR->CSFM.rF@ASA
02-15 01:02:14.137 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ServiceBinderConnection: Service
ervice}: SBC.oSC@ASE
02-15 01:02:14.137 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: SBC.oSC@ASE
02-15 01:02:14.141 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:02:14.147 1000 1201 2891 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 01:02:14.148 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bundle[slot_id=-1, is_privileged_dialer=true, subscription_id=-1, phone_id=-1,
telecomm.POST_DIAL_STRING=***, is_launch_incallui=true,,
android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=575143,[B@df97537, ]: (SBC.oSC)-
02-15 01:02:14.210 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 172ms
02-15 01:02:14.231 1000 1201 1587 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:02:14.299 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 01:02:14.358 1000 1201 2891 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:02:14.378 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:02:14.380 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:02:14.382 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.382 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added [[ sup_hld
mut !v2a]]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-ASE
02-15 01:02:14.383 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: FOREGROUND_VOIP_MODE_CHANGE.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.384 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.386 1000 1201 1587 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_4
identical 2 lines
02-15 01:02:14.388 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.389 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.389 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
SET_DIALING, successful outgoing call: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.391 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.392 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@4, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:false, DisconnectCause [ Code: (UNKNOWN)
Label: () Description: () Reason: () Tone: (-1) ], oldState:CONNECTING,
newState:DIALING, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false,
isExternalCall() false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-ASE
02-15 01:02:14.392 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Acquiring
WakeLock with id: 26: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-ASE
02-15 01:02:14.393 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Acquiring full wake lock: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-
02-15 01:02:14.393 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: NEW_ACTIVE_OR_DIALING_CALL.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.399 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 2: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-ASE
02-15 01:02:14.399 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]] oldState: 1 newState:3:
02-15 01:02:14.400 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-ASE
02-15 01:02:14.400 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:02:14.401 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.401 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:02:14.402 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.405 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.405 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 01:02:14.405 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:02:14.406 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.406 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:02:14.421 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@4_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-
02-15 01:02:14.475 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.486 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:14.510 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{b6d7826 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:02:14.553 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 302ms
late because of 25 msg, msg 1 took 266ms (seq=2899 running=173ms runnable=4ms
io=22ms swapin=1ms late=7ms$H w=159), msg 6 took 217ms
(seq=2904 running=78ms runnable=4ms io=15ms late=260ms
h=android.telecom.InCallService$1 w=2)
02-15 01:02:14.827 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ab13eec u0 t156} time:537451
02-15 01:02:14.831 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:02:14.880 1000 1201 2891 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:15.288 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 652ms
late because of 54 msg, msg 5 took 80ms (seq=2975 running=42ms runnable=2ms io=4ms
late=35ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4)
02-15 01:02:15.448 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
notifySSNotificationToast notiType = 0 type = 0 code = 1 number = *** index = 0
02-15 01:02:15.449 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
handleSuppServiceNotification: type=0, code=1
02-15 01:02:15.450 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:02:15.451 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 01:02:15.451 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
mediatek.telecom.extra.SS_NOTIFICATION_NUMBER=}]]}: CSW.oCE@ATA
02-15 01:02:15.453 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:02:15.454 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 01:02:15.454 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_TYPE=0}]]}: CSW.oCE@ATE
02-15 01:02:15.477 1000 1201 6414 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:02:15.833 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:02:16.165 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 331 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:02:16.166 1000 1201 1234 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 331 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 01:02:16.182 1000 1201 1234 W Looper : Slow Looper android.anim.lf:
doFrame is 316ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 332ms (seq=1266 running=1ms
02-15 01:02:18.450 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:02:18.453 1000 1201 6414 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:18.476 1000 1201 3770 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:19.017 1000 1201 3770 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@adcafcd
02-15 01:02:21.097 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:02:26.670 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.675 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.678 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.680 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.683 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.684 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added [[]]:
02-15 01:02:26.685 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
SET_ACTIVE, active set explicitly: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.686 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController:
onCanAddCallChanged : true: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.689 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.690 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@4, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:false, DisconnectCause [ Code: (UNKNOWN)
Label: () Description: () Reason: () Tone: (-1) ], oldState:DIALING,
newState:ACTIVE, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false,
isExternalCall() false: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.692 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Releasing
WakeLock with id: 26: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.693 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.694 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:02:26.695 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] oldState: 3 newState:5:
02-15 01:02:26.696 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] mHasRestartRinger: false:
02-15 01:02:26.712 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.sA@ATg
02-15 01:02:26.715 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:02:26.719 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:02:26.719 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ hld sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added
[[ hld]]: CSW.sCC@ATo
02-15 01:02:26.723 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:02:27.193 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 305ms
late because of 41 msg, msg 1 took 84ms (seq=3175 running=50ms runnable=18ms
io=11ms late=33ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4)
02-15 01:02:29.991 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@ccfcfc3
02-15 01:02:41.910 1000 1201 6414 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 01:03:05.655 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:03:05.955 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@4_1,
02-15 01:03:05.960 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 305 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:05.963 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 01:03:06.039 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.041 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.043 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.044 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=3: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.046 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.046 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.047 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_CALL_CLR, NORMAL) Tone: (27) ]:
02-15 01:03:06.049 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@4, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:03:06.050 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@4, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:true, DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_CALL_CLR, NORMAL) Tone: (27) ],
oldState:ACTIVE, newState:DISCONNECTED, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false,
hasParent:false, isExternalCall() false: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.050 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged !
isSelfManaged() true shouldCallSelfManagedLogged true: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.094 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: Not ims call:
02-15 01:03:06.100 1000 1201 3011 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
02-15 01:03:06.101 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.101 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.102 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: CSW.sDc-
02-15 01:03:06.102 1000 1201 3011 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.102 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:03:06.103 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc-
02-15 01:03:06.109 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:03:06.110 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:03:06.110 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering TONE/HOLDING state: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.111 1000 1201 1739 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager: Message
received: GET_CURRENT_STATE.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->BRM.pM_400@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.117 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 0: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.118 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@4, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] oldState: 5 newState:7:
02-15 01:03:06.118 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@4, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] mHasRestartRinger: false:
02-15 01:03:06.121 1000 1201 3011 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.sDc@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.122 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.123 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.125 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service
ervice}, from unbind.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.125 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper:
unlinkDeathRecipient: death recipient is null.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.129 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handleConnectionServiceDeath: service [ConnectionServiceWrapper
onyConnectionService}] died: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.130 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@4:
02-15 01:03:06.131 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.131 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.132 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallRemoved:
[TC@4, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Properties:]]: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.132 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : ProximitySensorManager: All calls
removed, resetting proximity sensor to default state: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.132 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 32: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.132 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AUE
02-15 01:03:06.139 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001-
02-15 01:03:06.139 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:03:06.153 1000 1201 9173 I Telecom-InCallTonePlayer:
playToneGeneratorTone: toneType=27: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r@AT8
02-15 01:03:06.204 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 01:03:06.235 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
574458789110|Slow issue draw commands|6
02-15 01:03:06.480 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:03:06.481 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine:
Abandoning audio focus: now UNFOCUSED: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:03:06.483 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=1: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:03:06.484 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message SWITCH_FOCUS: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:03:06.484 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:03:06.485 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
02-15 01:03:06.570 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state ActiveEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:03:06.570 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:03:06.570 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r-
02-15 01:03:06.692 1000 1201 1749 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 209 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:06.692 1000 1201 1354 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 206 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:06.701 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|2
02-15 01:03:06.830 1000 1201 2696 W Telecom-InCallAdapter: disconnectCall,
unknown call id: TC@4: ICA.dC(InCall package:
02-15 01:03:07.994 1000 1201 1587 W Telecom-InCallAdapter: disconnectCall,
unknown call id: TC@4: ICA.dC(InCall package:
02-15 01:03:08.133 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Disconnect forced!: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR->ICC.oCR@AUE
02-15 01:03:08.248 1000 1413 8620 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded false
02-15 01:03:08.248 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:03:08.252 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:08.255 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:08.371 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f19197c u0
ity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:03:08.377 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:08.476 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:09.272 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1c319f9 u0 t153} time:577652
02-15 01:03:09.275 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:03:10.255 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:578635 downTime:578635 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:10.384 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:578764 downTime:578635 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:10.422 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.424 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.427 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.435 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.439 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.448 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.461 1000 1201 2696 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:03:10.467 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.480 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.480 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:03:10.485 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.510 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.550 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:578930 downTime:578930 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:10.567 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 01:03:10.596 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:03:10.674 1000 1201 1587 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:579054 downTime:578930 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:10.806 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:579186 downTime:579186 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:10.891 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:579271
02-15 01:03:10.894 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:03:10.945 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:579325 downTime:579186 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:11.653 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:580032 downTime:580032 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:11.654 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:03:11.854 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:580234 downTime:580032 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:11.854 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:03:11.855 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 01:03:11.857 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 01:03:12.239 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 01:03:12.240 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 01:03:12.257 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 01:03:12.308 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:03:12.619 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 326 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:12.625 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 01:03:12.625 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:03:12.629 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 01:03:12.657 1000 1413 2406 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 01:03:12.744 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 01:03:12.744 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 01:03:12.822 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 01:03:13.195 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:03:47.721 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:596472 downTime:596472 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:47.722 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:03:47.736 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 01:03:47.737 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 01:03:47.740 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 01:03:47.752 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 01:03:47.752 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 01:03:47.757 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:03:47.758 1000 1413 1983 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 01:03:47.761 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 01:03:47.761 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 01:03:47.762 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager:
02-15 01:03:47.772 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:03:47.814 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 01:03:47.828 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 01:03:47.831 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 01:03:47.832 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 01:03:47.838 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:596703 downTime:596472 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:03:47.838 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 01:03:47.839 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 87 ms
02-15 01:03:48.038 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 266 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:48.039 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 433 ms
02-15 01:03:48.040 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 01:03:48.047 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:03:48.937 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
597221362342|Slow issue draw commands|20
02-15 01:03:54.454 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 999): empty #13
02-15 01:04:00.622 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:609486 downTime:609486 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:04:00.623 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:04:00.843 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:609708 downTime:609486 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:04:00.843 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:04:00.844 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 01:04:00.847 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 01:04:01.219 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 01:04:01.220 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 01:04:01.233 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 01:04:01.261 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:04:01.553 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 292 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:04:01.558 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:04:01.559 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 288 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:04:01.559 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 01:04:01.560 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:04:01.565 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 01:04:01.613 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 01:05:05.577 1000 1201 2952 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoIdleKill
from pid=4333
02-15 01:05:06.115 1000 1201 2840 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:05:06.125 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:05:06.132 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:05:06.312 1000 1201 2840 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:05:06.317 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:05:06.319 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:05:16.529 1000 1201 1458 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=keymaster
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
02-15 01:05:27.195 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:05:27.196 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:07:07.429 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 726 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:07:07.676 10175 2377 6280 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 524815 ms,, code=5
02-15 01:07:08.132 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent {
flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:07:10.598 10175 2377 6280 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2914 ms,, code=5
02-15 01:11:44.100 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:02.893 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:667614 downTime:667614 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:12:02.894 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:12:02.927 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 01:12:02.931 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 01:12:02.934 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 01:12:02.942 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 01:12:02.942 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 01:12:02.947 1000 1413 8620 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 01:12:02.959 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:12:02.969 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:12:02.981 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 01:12:02.981 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 01:12:02.981 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager:
02-15 01:12:02.989 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 01:12:03.048 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:667810 downTime:667614 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:12:03.062 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 01:12:03.064 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 01:12:03.065 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 01:12:03.067 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 01:12:03.067 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 125 ms
02-15 01:12:03.224 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:03.226 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 375 ms
02-15 01:12:03.226 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 01:12:03.239 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 238 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:03.772 1000 1201 1587 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 01:12:03.832 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:12:04.163 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:12:05.520 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
668050077577|Slow issue draw commands|4
02-15 01:12:07.447 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 103
02-15 01:12:07.454 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 01:12:07.503 1000 1201 1587 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 01:12:07.504 1000 1201 1587 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 01:12:07.507 1000 1201 1587 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 01:12:07.510 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 01:12:07.725 1000 1201 1215 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.726 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 01:12:07.727 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.730 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.737 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.745 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.760 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:12:07.765 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.779 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.781 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:12:07.787 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.828 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.874 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:07.874 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=672636 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 01:12:07.874 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:672637
02-15 01:12:07.874 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:12:07.902 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 01:12:07.902 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 01:12:07.915 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 01:12:08.056 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 01:12:08.057 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 01:12:08.057 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 01:12:08.061 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 01:12:08.074 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 01:12:08.701 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
9367:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 for service
cUpdateJob} caller=android
02-15 01:12:08.724 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 01:12:08.728 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[51,1386][173,1508] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 01:12:08.837 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:08.890 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
673050019732|Slow handle traversal|17
02-15 01:12:08.892 1000 1201 3013 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:09.074 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:09.078 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:09.089 1000 1201 1215 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:12:09.112 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:09.137 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1eeeae8 u0
ity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:12:09.156 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=13736 plan=01:12:08.047 late=102ms wall=1007ms running=145ms runnable=23ms
02-15 01:12:09.156 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1007ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@4054dfb m=0
02-15 01:12:09.164 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1117ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@f26de18 m=0
02-15 01:12:09.174 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 01:12:09.177 1000 1201 1411 W SyncManager: Clock is valid now.
02-15 01:12:09.323 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent {
flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:12:09.380 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 01:12:09.429 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{81bfbc5 u0 t157} time:674192
02-15 01:12:09.442 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:12:09.696 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 384ms
late because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 396ms (seq=3615 running=225ms runnable=26ms
io=70ms late=19ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 01:12:09.840 10175 2377 9398 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 498 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:11.231 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
trypoints.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService} caller=android
02-15 01:12:11.279 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
obServiceMain} caller=android
02-15 01:12:11.329 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
meTaskService} caller=android
02-15 01:12:11.415 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
.scheduled.ScheduledTaskService} caller=android
02-15 01:12:11.704 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-UserCallIntentProcessor:
sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.: TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.704 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-CallIntentProcessor: onReceive -
isUnknownCall: false: TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.734 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-Call: checkCarrierCapability:
mTargetPhoneAccountHandle is null: TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.737 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-LogUtils: EventRecord added as Call:
[TC@5, NEW, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:],
[Properties:]]: TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.737 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-TelecomSystem:
CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=*** cookie=TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.sL@AXA
subId=-1: TSI.pC->CILH.sL@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.737 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5: CREATED, TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.743 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is a
previously incomplete query for handle tel:*********. Adding to listeners for this
query.: TSI.pC@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.775 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: miui call outgoing
call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.775 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: call outgoing call
suggestion service stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.cOCSS@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.776 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: set outgoing call
phone acct stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.778 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: make room for
outgoing call stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.781 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: dialer phone acct
select stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.782 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: post acct
selection stage: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:12:11.808 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0}: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.824 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:12:11.824 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:12:11.825 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:12:11.826 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:12:11.826 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:12:11.831 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:12:11.837 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:12:11.837 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallAdded:
[TC@5, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]; not bound or connected.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:12:11.837 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering SIM CALL state: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.838 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 01:12:11.838 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: defaultDialer:
02-15 01:12:11.839 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CarSwappingInCallServiceConnection:
carmodechange: false => false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.840 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : EmergencyCallHelper:
ShouldGrantTemporaryLocationPermission, disabled by config: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:12:11.840 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Attempting to bind to InCall
supportsExternal? true supportsSelfMg?false], with Intent
{ act=android.telecom.InCallService (has
02-15 01:12:11.848 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall: onCallAdded:
[TC@5, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.864 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:12:11.889 10165 3171 3171 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 01:12:11.893 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10040000 (has extras)}
from uid 10165
02-15 01:12:11.930 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, original number: ***: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.940 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
formatNumberToE164, formatted E164 number: null: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.940 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
removePostDialDigits, number after being extracted post dial digits: ***: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:12:11.941 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
PackageName is empty. Not performing user-defined call redirection.: TSI.pC-
02-15 01:12:11.944 1000 1413 3236 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded true
02-15 01:12:11.947 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessorHelper:
Cannot get carrier componentNameString.: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.947 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallRedirectionProcessor: Can make
call redirection with any available service: false: TSI.pC->CIP.sNOCI@AXA
02-15 01:12:11.947 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@5, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A,
childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}:
02-15 01:12:11.952 1000 1201 1215 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:11.962 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:11.964 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:11.968 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom : Logging: Log.endSession was called
with no session active.
02-15 01:12:11.969 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 187ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.Runnable$1@c107a8e m=0
02-15 01:12:11.969 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.970 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA-
02-15 01:12:11.970 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-QuiescentEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:12:11.971 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:12:11.972 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state ActiveEarpieceRoute: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS-
02-15 01:12:11.973 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:12:11.973 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP->CM.dSPA-
02-15 01:12:11.974 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP->CM.mCOCSS->CM.sOCPA->CM.dSMCP-
02-15 01:12:11.974 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: TSI.pC->CM.fOCP-
02-15 01:12:11.985 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onConnected to
02-15 01:12:11.985 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: Adding 1 calls to
InCallService after onConnected:
including external calls: ICSBC.oSC@AXE
02-15 01:12:12.005 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: 1 calls sent to
InCallService.: ICSBC.oSC@AXE
02-15 01:12:12.023 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:12:12.045 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: CI query
for handle tel:********* has completed; notifying all listeners.: TSI.pC->CILH.sL-
02-15 01:12:12.046 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-Call: CallerInfo received for
tel:*********: com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkCallerInfo@a4d0ec0 { name non-
null, phoneNumber non-null }: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AXA
02-15 01:12:12.046 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : CallerInfoLookupHelper: There is
no photo for this contact, skipping photo query: TSI.pC->CILH.sL->CILH.oQC@AXA
02-15 01:12:12.114 1000 1201 1749 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:12.115 1000 1201 7397 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 253 ms,, code=66 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:12.168 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-
NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for
[TC@5, CONNECTING, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Capabilities:], [Properties:]] with data ***: NOCBIR.oR@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.245 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster:
Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver:
02-15 01:12:12.246 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: Creating a new
outgoing call with handle: tel:*********: NOCBIR.oR@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.246 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: isSpeakerCarMode:
false,isSpeakerGameBooster: false,isSpeakerVideoCall: false: NOCBIR.oR@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.247 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CallsManager:
isSpeakerphoneEnabledForTablet: NOCBIR.oR@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.258 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
02-15 01:12:12.260 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-CreateConnectionProcessor: Trying
lephonyConnectionService}, ***,
onyConnectionService}, ***, UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.264 1000 1201 1750 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: NOCBIR.oR->CSFM.rF@AXI
02-15 01:12:12.370 10165 3171 3171 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 328ms
02-15 01:12:12.432 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:12:12.442 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 494ms late
(wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 8 msg, msg 8 took 486ms (seq=3758 running=188ms runnable=6ms
io=151ms late=6ms$H w=159)
02-15 01:12:12.459 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ServiceBinderConnection: Service
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AXM
02-15 01:12:12.459 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
ervice}: SBC.oSC@AXM
02-15 01:12:12.476 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:12:12.488 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null: (...-
02-15 01:12:12.499 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bundle[slot_id=-1, is_privileged_dialer=true, subscription_id=-1, phone_id=-1,
telecomm.POST_DIAL_STRING=***, is_launch_incallui=true,,
android.telecom.extra.CALL_TELECOM_ROUTING_START_TIME_MILLIS=1173127,[B@943ef74, ]: (SBC.oSC)-
02-15 01:12:12.628 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 01:12:12.792 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 01:12:12.849 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:12:12.887 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{e89d026 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:12:12.892 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:12:12.936 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:12:12.938 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
677221546501|Slow issue draw commands|4
02-15 01:12:12.945 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:], [Properties:]]:
02-15 01:12:12.948 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.949 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added [[ sup_hld
mut !v2a]]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AXM
02-15 01:12:12.952 10190 9477 9564 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:12.957 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: FOREGROUND_VOIP_MODE_CHANGE.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:12.960 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.960 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 501ms
late because of 24 msg, msg 1 took 486ms (seq=3758 running=188ms runnable=6ms
io=151ms late=6ms$H w=159), msg 6 took 300ms (seq=3763
running=81ms runnable=11ms io=73ms late=459ms h=android.telecom.InCallService$1
02-15 01:12:12.966 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
uled.ScheduledTaskService} caller=android
02-15 01:12:12.972 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.973 1000 1201 3740 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_18
identical 1 line
02-15 01:12:12.980 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, CONNECTING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.984 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{bf8f81d u0 t158} time:677747
02-15 01:12:12.986 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.987 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
SET_DIALING, successful outgoing call: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:12.988 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:12.989 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@5, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:false, DisconnectCause [ Code: (UNKNOWN)
Label: () Description: () Reason: () Tone: (-1) ], oldState:CONNECTING,
newState:DIALING, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false,
isExternalCall() false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AXM
02-15 01:12:12.989 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Acquiring
WakeLock with id: 26: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AXM
02-15 01:12:12.990 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Acquiring full wake lock: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-
02-15 01:12:12.996 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
received: NEW_ACTIVE_OR_DIALING_CALL.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:13.004 10195 9504 9504 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:11.364 late=3ms wall=1636ms running=253ms runnable=159ms io=1069ms$H w=110
02-15 01:12:13.101 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 2: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AXM
02-15 01:12:13.102 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], [Properties:]] oldState: 1 newState:3:
02-15 01:12:13.102 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
false: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)->CSW.hCCC@E-E-AXM
02-15 01:12:13.103 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:12:13.104 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:12:13.105 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:13.105 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:13.105 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:13.105 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo-
02-15 01:12:13.106 1000 1201 2843 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 01:12:13.107 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:13.107 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: (...->CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo->H.CS.crCo.pICR)-
02-15 01:12:13.156 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService:
notifyCreateConnectionComplete TC@5_1: (...->CSW.hCCC)->CS.crCoC->H.CS.crCoC@E-E-E-
02-15 01:12:13.203 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 380ms
late because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 193ms (seq=3782 running=74ms runnable=13ms
io=54ms late=501ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 18 took 143ms
(seq=3799 running=14ms runnable=1ms late=299ms h=android.os.Handler c=uqk)
02-15 01:12:13.236 10191 9537 9537 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 211 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:13.366 10191 9537 9537 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:11.452 late=2ms wall=1912ms running=331ms runnable=136ms io=629ms$H w=110
02-15 01:12:13.412 10163 9494 9494 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:11.358 late=2ms wall=2051ms running=272ms runnable=92ms io=565ms$H w=110
02-15 01:12:13.439 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:13.458 1000 1201 7141 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:13.530 10190 9477 9564 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 338 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:13.734 10165 3171 3372 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 247 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:13.770 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
678059013424|Slow handle traversal|6
02-15 01:12:13.844 1000 1201 3752 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:13.869 10191 9537 9584 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 208 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:13.911 1000 3042 3296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 209 ms,, code=32
02-15 01:12:13.932 10191 9537 9745 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 201 ms,, code=5
02-15 01:12:13.978 10191 9537 9609 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1418 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:14.016 10066 9612 9612 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:12.735 late=12ms wall=1268ms running=348ms runnable=379ms io=496ms
reclaim=18ms$H w=110
02-15 01:12:14.039 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
notifySSNotificationToast notiType = 0 type = 0 code = 1 number = *** index = 0
02-15 01:12:14.039 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: MtkGsmCdmaConnection:
handleSuppServiceNotification: type=0, code=1
02-15 01:12:14.040 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:12:14.041 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 01:12:14.041 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
mediatek.telecom.extra.SS_NOTIFICATION_NUMBER=}]]}: CSW.oCE@AYI
02-15 01:12:14.052 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:12:14.053 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-InCallController:
notifyConnectionEvent {Call: [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
[Bundle[{android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE=Encaminhando Chamada
02-15 01:12:14.053 1000 1201 5660 I Telecom-InCallController: Em Condicional,
android.telephony.extra.NOTIFICATION_TYPE=0}]]}: CSW.oCE@AYM
02-15 01:12:14.081 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:12:14.170 1000 1201 1411 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
e.SyncAdapterService (has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10218 mode : 1
02-15 01:12:14.171 1000 1201 1411 E SyncManager: Bind attempt failed - target:
02-15 01:12:14.194 1000 1201 1411 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent { act=android.content.SyncAdapter
(has extras) } userId : 0 uid : 10216 mode : 1
02-15 01:12:14.194 1000 1201 1411 E SyncManager: Bind attempt failed - target:
02-15 01:12:14.210 10190 9477 9662 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 249 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:14.241 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 441ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 444ms (seq=17364 running=154ms runnable=100ms
io=158ms swapin=22ms reclaim=2ms late=28ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler
02-15 01:12:14.314 10163 9494 9644 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 423 ms,,
code=3 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:14.318 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 815ms
late because of 54 msg, msg 1 took 110ms (seq=3837 running=11ms runnable=1ms
late=248ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 6 took 54ms (seq=3842
running=24ms runnable=2ms late=370ms h=android.os.Handler
c=android.telecom.Call$4), msg 10 took 81ms (seq=3846 running=28ms runnable=4ms
late=442ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4), msg 14 took 85ms
(seq=3850 running=24ms runnable=3ms reclaim=1ms late=545ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 01:12:14.614 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:12:15.226 10185 9676 9676 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:13.096 late=5ms wall=2124ms running=375ms runnable=267ms io=1247ms
reclaim=36ms$H w=110
02-15 01:12:15.659 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { }
U=0: not found
02-15 01:12:17.182 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:12:17.191 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:17.192 1000 1201 1587 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:17.597 1000 1201 1729 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@7a35c36
02-15 01:12:18.501 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
679134648347|Slow main thread|10
02-15 01:12:23.316 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 01:12:23.403 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:12:23.612 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:12:23.764 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
688210440579|Slow handle traversal|1
02-15 01:12:23.785 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:12:24.714 1000 1201 6146 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.720 1000 1201 6146 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.728 1000 1201 6146 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DIALING,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.730 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.732 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.733 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added [[]]:
02-15 01:12:24.734 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
SET_ACTIVE, active set explicitly: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.735 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController:
onCanAddCallChanged : true: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.738 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.738 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@5, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:false, DisconnectCause [ Code: (UNKNOWN)
Label: () Description: () Reason: () Tone: (-1) ], oldState:DIALING,
newState:ACTIVE, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false, hasParent:false,
isExternalCall() false: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.739 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: Releasing
WakeLock with id: 26: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.740 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.746 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:12:24.746 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] oldState: 3 newState:5:
02-15 01:12:24.747 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] mHasRestartRinger: false:
02-15 01:12:24.768 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.sA@AYo
02-15 01:12:24.771 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities:
02-15 01:12:24.773 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:12:24.774 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
CAPABILITY_CHANGE, Current: [[ hld sup_hld mut !v2a]], Removed [[]], Added
[[ hld]]: CSW.sCC@AYw
02-15 01:12:24.777 1000 1201 3740 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:12:24.891 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:12:25.236 10165 3171 3171 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 352ms
late because of 24 msg, msg 9 took 124ms (seq=4035 running=55ms runnable=1ms
io=42ms late=51ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4), msg 21 took 51ms
(seq=4047 running=28ms late=300ms h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Call$4)
02-15 01:12:26.213 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Killing
9029:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:26.449 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|3
02-15 01:12:28.582 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@cd663e8
02-15 01:12:28.967 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:31.158 1000 1201 1230 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 37ms
02-15 01:12:31.212 1000 1201 1729 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 01:12:31.802 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:12:32.096 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 294 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:12:34.908 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:39.464 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
8996:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:39.475 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
9367:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 (adj 965): empty #14
02-15 01:12:39.485 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
8124:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 975): empty #15
02-15 01:12:50.026 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
2226:android.process.acore/u0a56 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:12:51.035 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
10071:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 for broadcast
02-15 01:12:52.371 10225 10071 10071 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:12:51.114 late=0ms wall=1255ms running=224ms runnable=10ms io=173ms$H w=110
02-15 01:13:06.776 1000 1201 1249 E BatteryStatsImpl: All kernel wakelocks had
time of zero
02-15 01:13:06.842 1000 1201 1249 E BatteryStatsImpl: All kernel wakelocks were
set stale. new version=100
02-15 01:13:06.845 1000 1201 1239 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:13:06.866 1000 1201 1239 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:13:06.877 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:13:06.995 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
696042617656|Slow issue draw commands|4
02-15 01:13:07.212 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 336 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:07.486 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
716251592042|Slow issue draw commands|4
02-15 01:13:08.019 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:13:08.327 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 307 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:08.863 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:13:08.864 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:13:12.296 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:13:12.623 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 327 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:12.630 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:13:12.930 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 280 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:13.488 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:13:13.549 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
719380890042|Slow issue draw commands|1
02-15 01:13:13.803 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 315 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:14.180 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:13:14.486 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{837b3d2 10225/u0 ReceiverList{b455e5d 10071
com.facebook.orca/10225/u0 remote:3aa4034}}
02-15 01:13:14.492 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 313 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:14.600 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:13:14.874 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 275 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:18.177 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:13:18.494 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 316 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:18.500 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:13:18.501 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 291 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:18.777 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 277 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:18.929 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
725560966889|Slow issue draw commands|7
02-15 01:13:19.299 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 01:13:19.499 radio 1612 1612 I Telephony: : onDisconnect: callId=TC@5_1,
02-15 01:13:19.503 1000 1201 1327 I MtkNetworkStatsService: onCallStateChanged
02-15 01:13:19.573 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.575 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.577 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.578 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : AutoRedial: redial=false, when
redial times=0, disconnect cause code=3: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.585 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, ACTIVE,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.586 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager: setCallState
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.587 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
SET_DISCONNECTED, disconnected set explicitly> DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_CALL_CLR, NORMAL) Tone: (27) ]:
02-15 01:13:19.589 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-InCallController: Components
Sending updateCall [TC@5, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
02-15 01:13:19.589 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged
[TC@5, tel:*********] isNewlyDisconnected:true, DisconnectCause [ Code: (REMOTE)
Label: () Description: () Reason: (CM_NORMAL_CALL_CLR, NORMAL) Tone: (27) ],
oldState:ACTIVE, newState:DISCONNECTED, isConference():false, isCallCanceled:false,
hasParent:false, isExternalCall() false: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.589 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom-CallLogManager: onCallStateChanged !
isSelfManaged() true shouldCallSelfManagedLogged true: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.638 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : SimpleFeatures: Not ims call:
02-15 01:13:19.648 1000 1201 1215 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
02-15 01:13:19.649 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.649 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.650 1000 1201 1215 W Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
[getCallForVoiceRecord] no call is recording: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.650 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE=1201, arg1=0: CSW.sDc-
02-15 01:13:19.651 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:13:19.651 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc-
02-15 01:13:19.660 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:13:19.662 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:13:19.662 1000 1201 1739 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager: Message
received: GET_CURRENT_STATE.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->BRM.pM_400@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.662 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Audio
focus entering TONE/HOLDING state: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.679 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : PhoneStateBroadcaster: Broadcasted
state change: 0: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.680 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : MiuiScreenCall:
onCallStateChanged: [TC@5, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] oldState: 5 newState:7:
02-15 01:13:19.680 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : VoiceReporter:
onCallStateChanged(): [TC@5, DISCONNECTED,,
tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD
M_CAPABILITY_CAPABILITY_CALL_RECORDING], [Properties:]] mHasRestartRinger: false:
02-15 01:13:19.716 1000 1201 1215 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.sDc@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.728 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper: Service
ervice}, from unbind.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.728 1000 1201 1201 W Telecom-ConnectionServiceWrapper:
unlinkDeathRecipient: death recipient is null.: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.738 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-MiuiCallsManager:
handleConnectionServiceDeath: service [ConnectionServiceWrapper
onyConnectionService}] died: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.738 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry TC@5:
02-15 01:13:19.739 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 26: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.739 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : InCallWakeLockController:
Releasing full wake lock: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.740 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-InCallController: onCallRemoved:
[TC@5, DISCONNECTED, null, tel:*********, A, childs(0), has_parent(false),
[Properties:]]: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.740 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : ProximitySensorManager: All calls
removed, resetting proximity sensor to default state: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.740 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : TelecomWakeLock: WakeLock already
released with id: 32: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.740 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom : IncomingCallNotifier:
updateIncomingCall: foundIncomingcall = null: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR@AZc
02-15 01:13:19.743 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.744 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-InCallController: Calling
onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]: CSW.sDc->CARSM.pM_UPDATE_SYSTEM_AUDIO_ROUTE@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.747 1000 1201 10274 I Telecom-InCallTonePlayer:
playToneGeneratorTone: toneType=27: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r@AZU
02-15 01:13:19.778 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=2: CSW.sDc->CAMSM.pM_1001-
02-15 01:13:19.779 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
02-15 01:13:19.800 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
10276:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
02-15 01:13:20.107 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message
02-15 01:13:20.107 1000 1201 1749 I Telecom-CallAudioModeStateMachine:
Abandoning audio focus: now UNFOCUSED: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:13:20.109 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message
received: SWITCH_FOCUS=4001, arg1=1: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:13:20.109 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-ActiveEarpieceRoute: Processing
message SWITCH_FOCUS: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:13:20.110 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning
speaker phone false: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP->CAMSM.pM_3002-
02-15 01:13:20.111 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
02-15 01:13:20.184 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state ActiveEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:13:20.184 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom : Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT:
AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r->ICTP.cUTP-
02-15 01:13:20.184 1000 1201 1746 I Telecom-BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.: CSW.sDc->ICTP.r-
02-15 01:13:20.539 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 01:13:21.250 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|2
02-15 01:13:21.740 1000 1201 1201 I Telecom-EmergencyInCallServiceConnection:
Disconnect forced!: CSW.rC->CM.mCAR->ICC.oCR@AZc
02-15 01:13:21.900 1000 1413 8620 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded false
02-15 01:13:21.905 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:21.907 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:21.915 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:13:21.976 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1eeeae8 u0
ity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:13:21.983 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:22.113 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:22.898 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{81bfbc5 u0 t157} time:729639
02-15 01:13:22.902 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:13:24.778 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:731513 downTime:731513 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:24.852 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:731592 downTime:731513 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:24.894 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:24.896 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:24.904 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:13:24.911 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:24.920 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:24.932 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:24.977 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:731717 downTime:731717 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:24.997 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 01:13:25.003 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 01:13:25.008 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:25.031 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:25.166 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 01:13:25.194 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 01:13:25.206 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:731947 downTime:731717 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:25.215 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
10335:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 01:13:25.272 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:732012 downTime:732012 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48 deviceId:-
1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:25.401 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:732141 downTime:732012 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:25.473 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:732214
02-15 01:13:25.484 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): empty #13
02-15 01:13:25.495 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 01:13:25.536 1000 1201 3740 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
RestartService packageName uid : 10217
02-15 01:13:26.081 10072 10335 10335 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 01:13:26.081 10072 10335 10335 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 01:13:26.126 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:732865 downTime:732865 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:26.135 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:13:26.176 10072 10335 10335 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 01:13:26.177 10072 10335 10335 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 01:13:26.306 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1164 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:26.383 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:733123 downTime:732865 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 01:13:26.384 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:13:26.384 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 01:13:26.386 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 01:13:26.818 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 01:13:26.837 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 18 ms
02-15 01:13:26.860 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 01:13:26.910 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:13:27.233 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 341 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:13:27.240 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 01:13:27.240 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:13:27.247 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 01:13:27.268 1000 1413 8620 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 01:13:27.362 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 01:13:27.363 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.2641277
02-15 01:13:27.386 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 01:13:27.898 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:13:30.686 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:13:50.509 1000 3042 3296 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 286 ms,, code=32
02-15 01:13:50.717 10217 10413 10413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:13:30.760 late=4ms wall=1662ms running=387ms runnable=35ms io=462ms$H w=110
02-15 01:13:50.739 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 01:13:53.814 10185 9676 10489 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 595 ms,, code=5
02-15 01:15:26.639 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:15:35.589 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:15:35.688 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 3520
02-15 01:17:54.011 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -5m0s867ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 01:17:54.068 1000 1201 1361 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:18:11.485 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:18:12.746 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 744ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 01:18:41.653 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 150ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=68
02-15 01:24:42.642 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:25:52.875 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 763 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:25:53.129 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1076 ms,, code=16
02-15 01:25:53.333 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:27:24.644 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:27:24.815 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 207 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 01:27:24.880 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:27:25.456 10175 2377 10522 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 577 ms,, code=5
02-15 01:27:38.943 10175 2306 2306 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 631 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 01:29:18.753 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:836481 downTime:836481 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:29:18.754 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:29:18.854 1000 1201 1320 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 25ms
02-15 01:29:18.876 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 01:29:18.877 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 01:29:18.880 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 01:29:18.884 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 01:29:18.884 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 01:29:18.912 1000 1413 1983 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 01:29:18.921 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:836711 downTime:836481 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:29:18.926 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 01:29:18.995 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 01:29:19.014 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 01:29:19.014 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 01:29:19.015 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager:
02-15 01:29:19.197 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 271 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:29:19.234 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 01:29:19.366 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 485ms
android.ui$2 c=null m=1
02-15 01:29:19.370 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 440ms
android.ui h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate
c=null m=2
02-15 01:29:19.447 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow Looper android.ui: doFrame is
378ms late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 485ms (seq=1949 running=20ms runnable=2ms
io=360ms$2 w=1)
02-15 01:29:19.448 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 01:29:19.452 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 01:29:19.485 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 01:29:19.485 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 01:29:19.485 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 601 ms
02-15 01:29:19.491 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 801 ms
02-15 01:29:19.492 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 01:29:19.518 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 01:29:20.095 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:837885 downTime:837885 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:29:20.096 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 01:29:20.333 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:838123 downTime:837885 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 01:29:20.333 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:29:20.334 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 01:29:20.337 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 01:29:20.705 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 01:29:20.715 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 10 ms
02-15 01:29:20.721 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 01:29:20.739 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 01:29:21.020 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 281 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 01:29:21.025 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 238 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:29:21.027 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 01:29:21.027 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 01:29:21.032 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 01:29:21.099 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 01:42:25.649 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:42:25.808 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 107ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 01:42:25.809 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 107ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 01:42:25.813 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 01:42:25.814 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
{} caller=android
02-15 01:42:25.814 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 01:42:25.814 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 113ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 01:42:25.852 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
v7a, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 01:42:26.333 10102 10571 10571 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:42:26.567 1000 1201 1215 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:42:26.579 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:42:26.580 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:42:26.789 1000 1201 5660 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 01:42:26.794 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 01:42:26.795 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 01:42:26.860 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 01:42:26.897 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 01:42:27.291 10102 10571 10623 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 471 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:52:39.777 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
AutoLockOffCleanByPriority from pid=4333
02-15 01:52:39.811 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=910 State=19
02-15 01:52:39.811 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 910): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:39.813 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=955 State=20
02-15 01:52:39.814 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:39.815 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 01:52:39.815 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:39.816 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=965 State=20
02-15 01:52:39.816 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.047 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.047 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.049 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.050 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.057 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver
[background] BroadcastRecord{4424d2f u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to
ReceiverList{43b0acc 10413 remote:182cff}:
process gone or crashing
02-15 01:52:47.079 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 3140
02-15 01:52:47.088 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=965 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.089 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.094 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.facebook.orca Adj=975 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.094 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
10071:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 (adj 975): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.096 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.miui.weather2 Adj=945 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.096 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
10335:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 945): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.097 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.097 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.102 1000 4333 4409 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 874 ms, interface=miui.IProcessManager, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 01:52:47.108 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 01:52:47.112 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffClean in night
02-15 01:52:47.113 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoLockOffClean
from pid=4333
02-15 01:52:47.122 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: mLruProcesses size=45
02-15 01:52:47.128 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=900 State=19
02-15 01:52:47.128 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.137 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.137 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.139 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 01:52:47.139 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.142 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=500 State=11
02-15 01:52:47.142 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 500): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.144 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=7
02-15 01:52:47.144 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.145 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=800 State=11
02-15 01:52:47.146 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 800): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.147 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=250 State=6
02-15 01:52:47.148 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 250):
02-15 01:52:47.149 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
cessService0:0 Adj=100 State=9
02-15 01:52:47.149 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
edProcessService0:0/u0a111i0 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.150 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=9
02-15 01:52:47.151 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.153 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification:remote Adj=100 State=5
02-15 01:52:47.153 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
3092:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.155 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification Adj=100 State=5
02-15 01:52:47.155 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
3607:com.miui.notification/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 01:52:47.223 1000 4333 4409 W ProcessUtils: killProcess failed []
02-15 01:52:47.236 1000 1201 2843 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
aredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService in 1000ms
02-15 01:52:47.247 1000 1201 1618 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 10991ms
02-15 01:52:47.265 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 20974ms
02-15 01:52:47.275 1000 1201 7141 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
com.miui.notification/ in 30964ms
02-15 01:52:47.283 1000 1201 2843 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationCenterService in 30956ms
02-15 01:52:47.284 1000 1201 2843 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationListener in 1698020ms
02-15 01:52:47.298 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 40940ms
02-15 01:52:47.324 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 01:52:47.329 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 3171
02-15 01:52:47.339 1000 1201 2696 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 01:52:58.468 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
haredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService} caller=android
02-15 01:53:11.298 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
10717:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 for service
02-15 01:53:11.345 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative
user/sys time delta for UID=10182
02-15 01:53:11.345 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times:
u=17176000 s=4552000 Curr times: u=15084000 s=3844000
02-15 01:53:39.558 1000 1201 1201 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 606 ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:53:39.559 1000 10717 10717 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 614 ms, interface=android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager, code=1
02-15 01:53:39.561 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 626ms main$WorkerHandler$PostNotificationRunnab
le@1af6588 m=0
02-15 01:53:39.562 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 621ms main$WorkerHandler$NotificationListeners$
2@7cddb21 m=0
02-15 01:53:39.565 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 01:53:39.745 1000 10717 10717 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.262 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
10749:com.miui.notification/1000 for service
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 01:53:40.439 1000 10749 10749 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 01:53:41.209 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 748ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 01:53:41.210 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 749ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 01:53:41.212 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 751ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 01:53:41.212 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 01:53:41.212 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 751ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 01:53:41.213 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 752ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 01:53:41.436 1000 10749 10749 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:53:40.323 late=3ms wall=1109ms running=308ms runnable=27ms io=61ms$H w=110
02-15 01:53:42.214 1000 10717 10743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 663 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 01:53:50.284 1000 10717 10717 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 3025 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:53:50.318 1000 10770 10770 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:53:41.292 late=2ms wall=2224ms running=470ms runnable=20ms io=423ms$H w=110
02-15 01:53:50.353 1000 10717 10717 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:53:11.407 late=5ms wall=4628ms running=662ms runnable=51ms io=135ms$H w=110
02-15 01:53:50.641 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:57:52.571 10111 10813 10844 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 635 ms,, code=13 oneway=false
02-15 01:57:52.592 10111 10813 10813 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 657 ms,, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 01:57:52.635 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:57:52.701 10175 2306 10534 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:57:52.763 10111 10813 10813 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=01:53:50.749 late=10ms wall=1315ms running=379ms runnable=41ms io=81ms$H w=110
02-15 01:57:53.065 10111 10813 10884 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 01:57:53.098 10111 10813 10880 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 01:57:54.050 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 01:57:54.220 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 01:57:54.321 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 01:57:54.709 1000 1201 1643 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { (has
extras) } U=0: not found
02-15 01:58:43.715 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:58:43.861 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 01:58:46.835 1000 1201 1361 I JobServiceContext: MIUILOG- Reject Start
Job, cancelJob uid : 10217 jobId :7
02-15 01:58:46.894 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
vice} caller=android
02-15 01:58:46.940 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 01:58:46.975 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
mJobService} caller=android
02-15 01:58:47.113 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 01:58:47.189 10159 11006 11006 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.200 10159 11006 11006 I chatty :
uid=10159( identical 3 lines
02-15 01:58:47.204 10159 11006 11006 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.228 10170 11020 11091 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.230 10170 11020 11020 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.242 10170 11020 11091 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.269 10170 11020 11095 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.499 10170 11020 11095 I chatty : uid=10170 identical 9 lines
02-15 01:58:47.501 10170 11020 11095 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.518 10190 11042 11042 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.547 10190 11042 11042 I chatty :
uid=10190( identical 2 lines
02-15 01:58:47.563 10190 11042 11042 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.574 10170 11020 11092 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.575 10190 11042 11042 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.577 10190 11042 11042 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.611 10190 11042 11124 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.618 10170 11020 11102 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.626 10190 11042 11124 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 01:58:47.689 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 01:58:47.968 10170 11020 11102 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 01:58:47.968 10190 11042 11124 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 330 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 02:01:57.205 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 579ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.-$
$Lambda$SessionManager$VyH2gT1EjIvzDy_C9JfTT60CISM@7eca9ea m=0
02-15 02:01:57.206 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 02:02:39.646 10175 2377 7985 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 705 ms,, code=3
02-15 02:02:43.633 10175 2306 4044 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 735 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 02:02:43.689 10175 2377 7985 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 685 ms,, code=3
02-15 02:19:02.721 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 02:19:02.769 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 02:19:02.791 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 02:23:41.751 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:23:41.990 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:23:43.176 1000 1201 2046 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 02:23:43.181 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 02:23:43.182 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 02:23:43.274 1000 1201 3770 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 02:23:43.280 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 02:23:43.281 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 02:23:49.888 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 133ms
c=null m=3
02-15 02:23:51.553 1000 1201 1232 E SensorNotificationService: Invalid local
geomagnetic field, ignore.
02-15 02:23:54.049 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 02:23:55.206 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11292:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 for broadcast
02-15 02:23:55.821 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11328:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 02:23:55.823 1000 1201 3770 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler from pid=11292
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 02:23:55.888 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService from pid=11292
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 02:23:56.299 10146 11328 11328 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 02:23:56.300 10146 11328 11328 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 02:23:56.454 10146 11328 11328 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 02:23:56.454 10146 11328 11328 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 02:23:56.508 1000 1201 2041 E NotificationService: Error creating
vibration waveform with pattern: [0]
02-15 02:24:01.666 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@6c97931 already registered for pid 11328,
callerPackage is com.xiaomi.simactivate.service
02-15 02:24:19.996 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 02:24:20.038 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 02:24:20.056 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 02:25:55.705 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:25:55.948 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:38:42.679 1000 10717 11177 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 653 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 02:43:42.749 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:43:42.963 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 02:52:47.745 1000 1201 7141 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 03:03:44.783 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:03:45.024 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:03:45.036 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:03:45.066 1000 1201 1239 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ActivityManager
identical 2 lines
02-15 03:03:45.082 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:17:56.011 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:1156765 downTime:1156765 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:17:56.012 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 03:17:56.024 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 03:17:56.025 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 03:17:56.035 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 03:17:56.035 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 03:17:56.035 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 03:17:56.037 1000 1413 10570 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 03:17:56.054 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 03:17:56.131 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:17:56.149 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:1156942 downTime:1156765 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:17:56.156 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 03:17:56.157 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 03:17:56.158 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager:
02-15 03:17:56.164 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 03:17:56.232 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 03:17:56.234 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 03:17:56.266 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 03:17:56.266 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 03:17:56.267 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 231 ms
02-15 03:17:56.270 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:17:56.328 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 274 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 03:17:56.330 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 359 ms
02-15 03:17:56.331 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 03:17:56.929 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 03:17:57.131 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:17:57.463 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:17:58.135 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1157245129991|Slow issue draw commands|8
02-15 03:17:59.001 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 51
02-15 03:17:59.004 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 03:17:59.035 1000 1201 2040 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 03:17:59.035 1000 1201 2040 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 03:17:59.038 1000 1201 2040 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 03:17:59.039 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 03:17:59.282 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.283 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 03:17:59.284 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.286 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.288 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.295 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.367 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 03:17:59.372 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.393 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.410 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:17:59.416 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.481 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.508 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11488:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 03:17:59.517 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:17:59.517 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:1160312
02-15 03:17:59.518 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:17:59.519 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=1160311 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 03:17:59.544 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 03:17:59.544 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 03:17:59.598 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 03:17:59.840 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:17:59.841 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:17:59.842 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:17:59.843 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:17:59.843 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 03:18:00.004 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:18:00.047 1000 1201 1215 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:18:00.089 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:18:00.126 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 03:18:00.257 10072 11488 11488 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 03:18:00.257 10072 11488 11488 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 03:18:00.286 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 03:18:00.335 10072 11488 11488 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 03:18:00.336 10072 11488 11488 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 03:18:00.384 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 556ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@21db044 m=0
02-15 03:18:00.384 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 555ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@af0f52d m=0
02-15 03:18:00.394 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1160697209145|Slow main thread|10
02-15 03:18:00.416 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 03:18:00.504 1000 1201 1215 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 03:18:00.512 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 03:18:00.513 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 03:18:00.594 10173 7862 11518 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 356 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:00.610 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1132 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:00.644 10072 11488 11488 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=03:17:59.581 late=2ms wall=1060ms running=486ms runnable=212ms io=289ms$H w=110
02-15 03:18:00.670 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 03:18:00.674 1000 1201 2046 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 03:18:00.681 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 03:18:00.682 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 03:18:01.404 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|1162019386684|Slow issue draw commands|21
02-15 03:18:02.769 1000 1201 1201 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 3600000
02-15 03:18:10.339 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:18:10.343 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity bnds=[555,474][677,596] (has
extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 03:18:10.421 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11603:com.facebook.katana/u0a199 for activity
{com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 03:18:10.502 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:10.807 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:18:12.202 10199 11603 11603 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity onCreate took 706ms
02-15 03:18:12.322 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:18:12.334 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity is 931ms late (wall=927ms running=461ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 929ms (seq=2 running=272ms runnable=4ms io=118ms late=6ms$H w=110)
02-15 03:18:12.334 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity is 1858ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 929ms (seq=2 running=272ms runnable=4ms
io=118ms late=6ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 927ms (seq=3
running=461ms runnable=37ms io=92ms swapin=4ms late=931ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:18:12.416 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8de43aa u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:18:12.567 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t159} time:1173362
02-15 03:18:13.302 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 345ms
late because of 25 msg, msg 1 took 341ms (seq=58 running=259ms runnable=13ms io=1ms
late=271ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 03:18:13.983 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 423ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 426ms (seq=171 running=55ms late=22ms
02-15 03:18:15.627 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11782:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a125 for content provider
ttributionProvider} caller=com.facebook.katana
02-15 03:18:15.928 10199 11603 11731 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 324 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:16.436 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 03:18:16.459 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11837:com.facebook.system/u0a83 for content provider
02-15 03:18:16.661 10125 11782 11815 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 248 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:16.693 10125 11782 11815 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect
02-15 03:18:19.551 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
11889:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 for content provider
02-15 03:18:19.912 10199 11603 11888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 393 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:19.982 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:18:19.987 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.orca.diode.DiodeMessengerActivity (has extras)} from uid
02-15 03:18:20.015 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 570ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=57, seq=4977,
02-15 03:18:20.017 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 560ms
02-15 03:18:20.069 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:20.103 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:18:20.106 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb-messenger-secure://accounts/triggersso
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:18:20.358 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:18:20.367 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.orca.diode.DiodeMessengerActivity is 302ms late (wall=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 7 msg, msg 7 took 295ms (seq=801 running=155ms runnable=2ms
io=72ms late=7ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:18:20.406 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{fd1ba53 u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:18:20.469 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.orca.diode.DiodeMessengerActivity is 338ms late (wall=8ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 295ms (seq=801 running=155ms runnable=2ms
io=72ms late=7ms$H w=159), msg 4 took 89ms (seq=804
running=45ms runnable=1ms io=4ms late=288ms
02-15 03:18:20.494 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:20.495 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.orca.diode.DiodeMessengerActivity is 338ms late (wall=26ms
}) because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 295ms (seq=801 running=155ms runnable=2ms io=72ms
late=7ms$H w=159), msg 4 took 89ms (seq=804
running=45ms runnable=1ms io=4ms late=288ms
02-15 03:18:20.503 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:20.525 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:20.689 10199 11603 11888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 776 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:20.855 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:18:20.858 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=com.facebook.messaging.accountswitch.TRIGGER_SSO flg=0x4000000
(has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:18:21.069 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:18:21.079 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=03:18:19.598 late=1ms wall=1480ms running=411ms runnable=19ms io=142ms$H w=110
02-15 03:18:21.080 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.SecureIntentHandlerActivity is
561ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 1480ms (seq=2 running=411ms runnable=19ms
io=142ms late=1ms$H w=110)
02-15 03:18:21.136 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:21.185 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{9997d81 u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:18:21.503 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
onStart took 168ms
02-15 03:18:21.544 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:18:21.552 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:18:21.563 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.accountswitch.SwitchAccountActivity is
463ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 60ms (seq=9 running=5ms late=198ms$H w=159), msg 6 took 365ms (seq=14 running=182ms
runnable=14ms io=78ms late=96ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:18:21.666 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1fd7e4f u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:18:21.741 10225 11889 11940 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 372 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:21.965 10225 11889 11944 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 206 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:22.068 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 387ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 365ms (seq=14 running=182ms runnable=14ms io=78ms
late=96ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:18:22.074 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{85e1aa1 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messaging.accountswitch.SwitchAccountActivity t161}
02-15 03:18:22.111 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 508ms
late because of 11 msg, msg 1 took 475ms (seq=18 running=211ms runnable=15ms
io=32ms reclaim=1ms late=387ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 03:18:22.463 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1182211751993|Slow issue draw commands|5
02-15 03:18:23.395 10225 11889 11944 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1260 ms,, code=5
02-15 03:18:23.708 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{a355c78 10225/u0 ReceiverList{21f49db 11889
com.facebook.orca/10225/u0 remote:4ded2ea}}
02-15 03:18:23.867 10225 11889 11944 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 426 ms,, code=5
02-15 03:18:25.343 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 75 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 03:18:25.397 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:18:25.448 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{24de5f8 10199/u0 ReceiverList{786095b 11603
com.facebook.katana/10199/u0 remote:bb2e06a}}
02-15 03:18:25.475 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 139ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@67769a4 m=0
02-15 03:18:25.596 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1186356 downTime:1186356 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:18:25.641 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1186435 downTime:1186356 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:18:25.747 media 703 12143 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 453 ms,, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:25.762 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 113ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=1, seq=4985,
02-15 03:18:25.800 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:25.813 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:25.964 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:25.967 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:25.975 media 703 12143 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 215 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:26.083 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8de43aa u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:18:26.106 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:26.205 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:18:26.308 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing
10276:android.process.acore/u0a56 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 03:18:26.610 10199 11603 11715 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:18:26.989 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t159} time:1187783
02-15 03:18:26.992 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:18:37.439 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 03:18:39.106 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Killing
11328:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 03:18:43.012 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 975): empty #13
02-15 03:18:44.879 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:18:45.080 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 274 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 03:18:45.202 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:18:48.388 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
11292:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 (adj 975): empty #13
02-15 03:18:58.278 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 03:18:58.426 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 03:19:11.652 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:19:25.563 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 03:19:25.564 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 03:19:25.569 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 03:19:26.012 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 03:19:26.013 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 03:19:26.029 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 03:19:26.099 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 03:19:26.132 10199 11603 11603 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity onPause took 74ms
02-15 03:19:26.456 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 358 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 03:19:26.465 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 03:19:26.465 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 03:19:26.470 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 03:19:26.496 1000 1413 1429 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 03:19:26.571 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 03:19:26.572 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 03:19:26.675 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 123ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@b8a0dbe m=0
02-15 03:19:26.679 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 03:19:26.849 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -1m4s987ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:19:26.904 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 315ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 321ms (seq=23758 running=102ms runnable=9ms
io=82ms swapin=15ms late=11ms$6 w=1)
02-15 03:19:27.179 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 03:19:27.696 10111 12293 12293 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms, interface=android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager, code=1
02-15 03:19:27.698 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 295 ms,, code=40 oneway=false
02-15 03:19:32.586 10199 11603 11731 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 667 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 03:19:48.946 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:1260161 downTime:1260161 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:19:48.947 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 03:19:48.975 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 03:19:48.976 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 03:19:48.979 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 03:19:48.989 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 03:19:48.989 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 03:19:48.990 1000 1413 1429 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 03:19:49.015 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:19:49.024 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 03:19:49.024 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 03:19:49.025 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager:
02-15 03:19:49.025 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 03:19:49.034 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:1260358 downTime:1260161 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:19:49.105 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11889 uid=10225
pkg=com.facebook.orca startFg?=false
02-15 03:19:49.112 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 03:19:49.140 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 122ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 03:19:49.140 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 03:19:49.143 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 03:19:49.165 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 03:19:49.165 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 03:19:49.165 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 176 ms
02-15 03:19:49.297 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 03:19:49.298 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 463 ms
02-15 03:19:49.299 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 03:19:49.307 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 256 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 03:19:49.897 1000 1201 1684 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 03:19:49.923 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:19:50.254 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:19:50.759 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1260702275920|Slow issue draw commands|7
02-15 03:19:51.663 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 62
02-15 03:19:51.666 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 03:19:51.697 1000 1201 2952 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 03:19:51.697 1000 1201 2952 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 03:19:51.701 1000 1201 2952 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 03:19:51.702 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 03:19:51.931 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:19:51.932 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 03:19:51.934 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:19:51.937 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:19:52.058 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8de43aa u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:19:52.060 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:19:52.130 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:19:52.130 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=1263454 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 03:19:52.144 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 03:19:52.144 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 03:19:52.189 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 03:19:52.210 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:19:52.210 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:19:52.211 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:19:52.211 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:19:52.211 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 03:19:52.446 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t159} time:1263771
02-15 03:19:52.452 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:19:53.047 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 844ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@7b90170 m=0
02-15 03:19:53.047 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 845ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@4d5ece9 m=0
02-15 03:19:53.048 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 03:19:53.212 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1263989500613|Slow main thread|24
02-15 03:19:58.635 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity|1269076638152|Slow handle
02-15 03:20:00.764 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity|1270585144690|Slow handle
02-15 03:20:37.374 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 03:20:50.957 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:20:50.965 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x20000
cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity (has
extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:20:51.012 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:51.356 10199 11603 11603 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity onStart took
02-15 03:20:51.388 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:20:51.396 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity is 386ms late
(wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 7 msg, msg 7 took 379ms (seq=12075 running=266ms runnable=1ms
io=54ms late=7ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:20:51.422 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{5eb30ad u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:20:51.434 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:51.437 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:51.476 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 372ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 379ms (seq=12075 running=266ms runnable=1ms
io=54ms late=7ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:20:51.493 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:51.535 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:51.916 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:20:51.921 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:20:51.953 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2151def u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity t159}
02-15 03:20:51.958 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:20:52.025 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:52.156 1000 1201 7141 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:20:52.258 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:52.280 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f2058e u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:20:52.286 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:52.398 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:52.927 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{6790bf4 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.privacy.educator.AudienceEducatorActivity t159}
02-15 03:20:52.930 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:20:53.596 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1324904 downTime:1324904 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:20:53.653 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1324978 downTime:1324904 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:20:53.707 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:53.713 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:53.778 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{5eb30ad u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:20:53.782 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:53.814 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:54.316 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2151def u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.composer.activity.ComposerActivity t159}
02-15 03:20:54.321 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:20:54.621 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1325945 downTime:1325945 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:20:54.733 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1326058 downTime:1325945 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:20:54.834 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:54.910 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8de43aa u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:20:54.915 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:54.956 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:20:55.323 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t159} time:1326648
02-15 03:20:55.328 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:03.152 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:21:03.170 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:21:03.192 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 03:21:03.225 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:03.328 1000 1201 1684 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:03.338 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f610b75 u0
}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:03.343 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:03.346 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:03.425 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:03.668 10199 11603 11653 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 511 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:21:03.845 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f330b4d u0
t159} time:1335170
02-15 03:21:03.849 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:04.629 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1335953 downTime:1335953 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:04.759 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1336084 downTime:1335953 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:04.805 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:04.810 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:04.867 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8de43aa u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:04.873 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:04.911 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.331 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ebf492c u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t159} time:1336657
02-15 03:21:05.336 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:05.520 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1336844 downTime:1336844 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:05.652 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1336976 downTime:1336844 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:05.705 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.708 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.737 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.747 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.767 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.771 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.825 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 03:21:05.830 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.846 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.918 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:05.925 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.965 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:05.990 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:06.289 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:1337615
02-15 03:21:06.297 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:08.776 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:21:08.778 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity bnds=[553,541][675,663] (has
extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 03:21:08.814 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:08.856 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:08.859 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:08.867 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:08.894 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:08.966 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:09.008 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f1313de u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:09.196 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{592e90b u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t162} time:1340521
02-15 03:21:09.202 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:12.398 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:21:12.402 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb-messenger://threads
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.IntentHandlerActivity (has
extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:21:12.430 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 116ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=2181, seq=7580,
02-15 03:21:12.464 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:12.612 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:21:12.615 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {dat=fb-
messenger://threads cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity
(has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:21:12.674 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:12.684 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d81a28f u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.IntentHandlerActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:12.758 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:21:12.992 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 145ms
02-15 03:21:13.149 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:13.155 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity is 416ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 14 msg, msg 13 took 366ms (seq=666 running=269ms runnable=2ms
io=48ms late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:21:13.189 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:21:13.249 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:21:13.508 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 395ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 5 took 366ms (seq=666 running=269ms runnable=2ms io=48ms
late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 03:21:13.513 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:1344838
02-15 03:21:13.573 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 395ms
late because of 17 msg, msg 1 took 335ms (seq=671 running=235ms runnable=2ms
io=33ms late=395ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 6 took 55ms (seq=676
running=41ms late=649ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.1cm)
02-15 03:21:15.200 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|1346340541695|Slow main
02-15 03:21:16.617 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 422ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 435ms (seq=1204 running=387ms runnable=1ms
io=16ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:21:17.593 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|1348171975695|Slow main
02-15 03:21:26.872 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:36.038 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1367361 downTime:1367361 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:36.083 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1367408 downTime:1367361 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:42.844 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:46.132 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:47.979 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:21:51.032 1000 1201 3011 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1382356 downTime:1382356 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:21:51.096 1000 1201 3011 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1382421 downTime:1382356 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:01.814 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:01.819 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:22:01.865 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.893 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:01.895 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ttingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:22:01.926 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:01.944 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.946 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.950 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ce457cb u0
y}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:01.955 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.957 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.972 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.974 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:01.984 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:02.088 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:02.101 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{fbd1d16 u0
sActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:02.106 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:02.109 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:02.156 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:02.328 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f5341db u0
sActivity t164} time:1393653
02-15 03:22:02.331 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:22:02.633 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 529ms
late because of 16 msg, msg 1 took 51ms (seq=3512 running=29ms late=130ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 133ms (seq=3515
running=113ms runnable=1ms io=4ms late=116ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 5
took 64ms (seq=3516 running=50ms runnable=2ms late=247ms h=android.os.Handler
c=X.4x1), msg 13 took 55ms (seq=3524 running=43ms runnable=1ms late=445ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:22:03.164 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:03.276 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:03.338 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:03.338 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:1394664
02-15 03:22:03.339 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:22:03.426 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:04.196 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: MotionEvent is
500ms late (event_seq=1501, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 747ms
(seq=3654 running=583ms runnable=4ms io=5ms late=98ms
02-15 03:22:04.196 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 500ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=1501, seq=9004, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 03:22:04.199 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 480ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=1506, seq=9006, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 03:22:04.247 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 778ms
late because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 747ms (seq=3654 running=583ms runnable=4ms
io=5ms late=98ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 03:22:04.739 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 306ms
late because of 139 msg, msg 5 took 64ms (seq=3681 running=58ms runnable=1ms
late=796ms h=X.02l w=1), msg 10 took 224ms (seq=3686 running=200ms runnable=3ms
late=671ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.0zT)
02-15 03:22:05.848 1000 1201 3011 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1397173 downTime:1397173 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:05.902 1000 1201 3011 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1397227 downTime:1397173 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:07.542 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:07.545 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:22:07.580 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.602 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:07.604 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ttingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:22:07.633 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:07.652 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.656 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{31c58e3 u0
y}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:07.661 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.664 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.678 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.680 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.685 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.750 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:07.762 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{29cf10e u0
sActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:07.767 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.769 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.808 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:07.976 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{e464cf3 u0
sActivity t164} time:1399302
02-15 03:22:07.980 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:22:08.164 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 395ms
late because of 15 msg, msg 6 took 62ms (seq=4069 running=49ms late=157ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 7 took 52ms (seq=4070 running=51ms late=218ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:22:11.643 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:13.996 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -3m59s290ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:22:14.639 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:14.643 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb://profile/100002207608307
cmp=com.facebook.katana/.IntentUriHandler (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:22:14.703 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 163
02-15 03:22:14.708 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:14.800 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:14.817 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:14.851 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:14.853 1000 1201 2890 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:22:14.872 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:14.874 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:22:14.955 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:15.137 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:15.153 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{2438ae1 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:15.160 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:15.164 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:15.233 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:15.234 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{394f8c9 u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t162}
02-15 03:22:15.234 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:22:16.818 1000 1201 1684 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:23.027 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1414350 downTime:1414350 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:23.071 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1414396 downTime:1414350 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:23.900 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1415224 downTime:1415224 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:23.971 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1415295 downTime:1415224 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:22:29.467 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:22:29.471 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:22:29.510 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:29.636 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:29.768 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{da8d411 u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:22:29.773 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:29.776 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:29.821 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:22:29.880 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow main thread|3
02-15 03:22:30.240 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{eb79725 u0
com.facebook.katana/ t162}
02-15 03:22:30.246 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:22:51.048 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:22:51.066 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 102ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=3574, seq=10654,
02-15 03:22:52.267 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1442739254701|Slow main thread|9
02-15 03:23:00.417 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1451741 downTime:1451741 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:23:00.504 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1451829 downTime:1451741 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:23:16.087 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -4m54s225ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:23:36.402 1000 1201 2046 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:23:36.412 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 109ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=5045, seq=12500,
02-15 03:23:38.612 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1487796537011|Slow main thread|2
02-15 03:23:45.166 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1496490 downTime:1496490 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:23:45.239 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1496563 downTime:1496490 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:23:56.659 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:23:56.670 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 102ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=6081, seq=13654,
02-15 03:23:58.930 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1508219823628|Slow main thread|2
02-15 03:24:00.476 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1511800 downTime:1511800 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:24:00.523 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1511848 downTime:1511800 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:24:13.451 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:24:13.460 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 113ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=6637, seq=14348,
02-15 03:24:15.294 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1525019528936|Slow main thread|5
02-15 03:24:15.296 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1526451737167|Slow main thread|4
02-15 03:24:18.183 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1526447527090|Slow main thread|3
02-15 03:24:29.883 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1541207 downTime:1541207 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:24:29.972 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1541297 downTime:1541207 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:25:15.356 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1585158954478|Slow main thread|3
02-15 03:25:45.832 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1610922324557|Slow handle traversal|4
02-15 03:25:56.633 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:25:56.867 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 11535) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 03:25:56.907 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:25:56.914 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 11042) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 03:26:27.932 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 11006) has died: cch+99 CEM
02-15 03:26:36.669 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1666978267868|Slow handle traversal|2
02-15 03:26:41.633 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 11020) has died: cch+95 CEM
02-15 03:26:41.665 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 10770) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 03:26:49.172 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process com.facebook.system
(pid 11837) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 03:26:49.378 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 11821) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 03:26:49.497 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 12151) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 03:26:49.513 10199 11603 12652 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 210 ms,, code=85 oneway=false
02-15 03:26:50.523 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 03:26:50.872 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1680798344330|Slow main thread|4
02-15 03:26:51.167 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1680805125176|Slow main thread|5
02-15 03:26:54.136 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 74 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 03:26:54.192 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:27:22.184 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Process
com.facebook.appmanager (pid 11782) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 03:28:03.795 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1754915783488|Slow main thread|18
02-15 03:28:05.406 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1754902280411|Slow main thread|2
02-15 03:28:48.741 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:28:56.596 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1806123689338|Slow swap buffers|32
02-15 03:28:56.892 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1806133431184|Slow handle traversal|22
02-15 03:29:05.632 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1816591564954|Slow swap buffers|43
02-15 03:29:06.041 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1816597161415|Slow handle traversal|62
02-15 03:29:17.243 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:30:23.897 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
1894822793651|Slow main thread|12
02-15 03:30:53.386 1000 1201 3742 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1924710 downTime:1924710 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:30:53.492 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1924817 downTime:1924710 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:31:13.285 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:31:47.760 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1979083 downTime:1979083 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:31:47.863 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1979187 downTime:1979083 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:31:47.934 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:48.001 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{2438ae1 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=8
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:31:48.019 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:48.101 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:48.467 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{394f8c9 u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t162}
02-15 03:31:48.470 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:31:52.335 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:1983659 downTime:1983659 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:31:52.437 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:1983762 downTime:1983659 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:31:52.482 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:52.564 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f1313de u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:31:52.568 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:52.632 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:31:53.010 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{592e90b u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t162} time:1984335
02-15 03:31:53.015 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:32:20.384 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2011708 downTime:2011708 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:20.490 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2011815 downTime:2011708 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:20.536 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:20.538 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:20.546 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:20.674 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2011998 downTime:2011998 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:20.684 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 03:32:20.753 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
sActivity onStart took 195ms
02-15 03:32:20.793 1000 1201 3742 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{29cf10e u0
sActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:32:20.798 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:20.953 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:20.974 1000 1201 2696 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2012299 downTime:2011998 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:20.987 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: KeyEvent is
314ms late (event_seq=1537, code=KEYCODE_BACK, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 4
msg, msg 1 took 241ms (seq=4454 running=102ms runnable=3ms io=117ms late=17ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 143ms (seq=4455 running=9ms
late=218ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 52ms (seq=4457
running=47ms runnable=1ms io=1ms late=283ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:32:20.987 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 314ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=1537, seq=29544, code=KEYCODE_BACK,
02-15 03:32:20.991 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: KeyEvent is
319ms late (event_seq=147, code=KEYCODE_BACK, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 2 msg
02-15 03:32:20.992 10193 2484 2484 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 319ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=147, seq=1, code=KEYCODE_BACK,
02-15 03:32:21.147 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 330ms
late because of 26 msg, msg 1 took 143ms (seq=4455 running=9ms late=218ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 3 took 52ms (seq=4457
running=47ms runnable=1ms io=1ms late=283ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:32:21.176 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:21.336 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 131ms
02-15 03:32:21.363 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:32:21.482 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:21.565 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:2012890
02-15 03:32:21.751 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:32:22.116 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2013437 downTime:2013437 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.233 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2013558 downTime:2013437 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.366 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 130ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=1540, seq=29556,
02-15 03:32:22.368 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2013692 downTime:2013692 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.482 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2013806 downTime:2013692 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.503 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: moveTaskToBack:
TaskRecord{5902c99 #164 A=com.facebook.orca U=0 StackId=17 sz=1}
02-15 03:32:22.534 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.556 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.559 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.566 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2013891 downTime:2013891 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.570 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 03:32:22.574 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.577 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.614 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.667 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 03:32:22.673 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.693 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.795 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:32:22.824 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2014149 downTime:2013891 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:22.846 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 03:32:22.852 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:32:23.102 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:2014427
02-15 03:32:23.107 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:32:24.018 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:2015339 downTime:2015339 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:24.033 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 03:32:24.204 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:2015528 downTime:2015339 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:32:24.204 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 03:32:24.205 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 03:32:24.207 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 03:32:24.614 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 03:32:24.615 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 03:32:24.629 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 03:32:24.734 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 03:32:24.992 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 313 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 03:32:24.998 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 03:32:25.007 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 03:32:25.007 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 03:32:25.011 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 03:32:25.019 1000 1413 10525 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 03:32:25.160 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 03:32:25.161 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 03:32:25.325 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 03:32:25.453 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 350ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 341ms (seq=30362 running=108ms runnable=9ms
io=145ms late=16ms$6 w=1)
02-15 03:32:49.379 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 657ms
02-15 03:32:58.044 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 697ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 03:33:40.615 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 269ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.-$
$Lambda$SessionManager$VyH2gT1EjIvzDy_C9JfTT60CISM@7eca9ea m=0
02-15 03:33:40.627 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 03:35:26.886 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:35:26.942 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 112ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=68
02-15 03:35:27.136 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 200ms main$CcHandler c=null m=1
02-15 03:35:27.158 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:35:27.166 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 03:37:58.427 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -19m43s721ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:40:28.505 1000 1201 6414 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 03:40:28.515 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 03:40:28.516 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 03:40:28.687 1000 1201 3752 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 03:40:28.692 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 03:40:28.692 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 03:41:34.513 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 758ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 03:50:33.890 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:50:34.105 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:50:55.545 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 139ms main
$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@6bb7d95 m=0
02-15 03:50:56.612 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -18m35s392ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:52:39.913 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 104ms main$AlarmHandler$
$Lambda$AlarmManagerService$2$Eo-D98J-N9R2METkD-12gPs320c@9d521fe m=0
02-15 03:52:39.989 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
AutoLockOffCleanByPriority from pid=4333
02-15 03:52:40.002 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=955 State=20
02-15 03:52:40.002 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:52:40.005 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 03:52:40.006 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:52:40.007 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 03:52:40.008 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:52:40.009 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.miui.weather2 Adj=935 State=20
02-15 03:52:40.009 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
11488:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 935): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:52:40.011 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=945 State=20
02-15 03:52:40.011 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:52:40.014 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 03:54:59.355 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:2153501 downTime:2153501 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:54:59.357 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 03:54:59.371 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 03:54:59.371 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 03:54:59.374 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 03:54:59.385 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 03:54:59.385 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 03:54:59.411 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 03:54:59.444 1000 1413 12876 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 03:54:59.460 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:2153646 downTime:2153501 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 03:54:59.504 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:54:59.519 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 03:54:59.519 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 03:54:59.520 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager:
02-15 03:54:59.532 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 03:54:59.532 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 03:54:59.549 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 03:54:59.585 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 03:54:59.585 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 03:54:59.585 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 200 ms
02-15 03:54:59.595 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:54:59.687 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 276 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 03:54:59.690 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 375 ms
02-15 03:54:59.690 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 03:55:00.216 1000 1201 3770 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 03:55:00.281 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 03:55:00.608 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:01.055 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2154365370974|Slow handle traversal|32
02-15 03:55:01.876 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 73
02-15 03:55:01.879 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 03:55:01.913 1000 1201 3752 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 03:55:01.914 1000 1201 3752 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 03:55:01.917 1000 1201 3752 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 03:55:01.918 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 03:55:02.140 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.141 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 03:55:02.143 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.145 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.149 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.155 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.181 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 03:55:02.187 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.199 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:02.208 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.289 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.314 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=2156500 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 03:55:02.314 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:02.314 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:2156501
02-15 03:55:02.314 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:02.340 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 03:55:02.340 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 03:55:02.368 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
12972:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 03:55:02.399 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 03:55:02.469 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:55:02.472 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:55:02.475 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:55:02.476 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 03:55:02.476 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 03:55:03.394 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 856ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@cfdd672 m=0
02-15 03:55:03.395 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 934ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@d973ac3 m=0
02-15 03:55:03.404 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 03:55:03.506 10072 12972 12972 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 03:55:03.506 10072 12972 12972 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 03:55:03.631 10072 12972 12972 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 03:55:03.632 10072 12972 12972 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 03:55:03.922 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1611 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:55:04.834 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2157087546205|Slow main thread|24
02-15 03:55:10.200 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 03:55:13.507 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:55:13.510 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity bnds=[552,478][674,600] (has
extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 03:55:13.547 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:13.634 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:13.641 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:13.671 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:13.758 1000 1201 3752 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:55:13.804 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f284532 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:13.977 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1e2bc6e u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t166} time:2168164
02-15 03:55:13.982 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:21.599 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity|2175271527206|Slow issue draw
02-15 03:55:32.546 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:55:32.552 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.react.ImmersiveReactActivity (has extras)} from
uid 10199
02-15 03:55:32.599 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:32.676 1000 1201 3770 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:55:32.688 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c269a49 u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:32.694 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:32.697 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:32.734 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:32.897 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity|2186915101360|Slow main
02-15 03:55:33.153 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{9944bdd u0
com.facebook.katana/.activity.react.ImmersiveReactActivity t166} time:2187339
02-15 03:55:33.157 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:34.998 1000 1201 3770 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2189144 downTime:2189144 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:35.083 1000 1201 3770 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2189269 downTime:2189144 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:35.119 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:35.178 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f284532 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:35.183 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:35.221 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:35.597 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1e2bc6e u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t166} time:2189783
02-15 03:55:35.602 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:36.915 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:55:36.920 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:55:36.961 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:37.016 1000 1201 3752 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:55:37.027 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{9af1d37 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:37.033 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:37.035 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:37.070 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:37.283 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{4b49c6b u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t166}
02-15 03:55:37.287 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:39.351 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.EXPIRE_CONNECTION
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11889 uid=10225
pkg=com.facebook.orca startFg?=false
02-15 03:55:39.365 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11889 uid=10225
pkg=com.facebook.orca startFg?=false
02-15 03:55:40.188 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 03:55:45.856 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2200040 downTime:2200040 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:45.985 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2200171 downTime:2200040 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:46.029 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:46.078 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f284532 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:46.082 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:46.117 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:46.498 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1e2bc6e u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t166} time:2200684
02-15 03:55:46.503 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:46.731 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2200915 downTime:2200915 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:46.892 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2201078 downTime:2200915 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:55:49.995 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:55:49.999 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb-messenger://threads
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.IntentHandlerActivity (has
extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 03:55:50.051 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.133 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 03:55:50.136 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {dat=fb-
messenger://threads cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity
(has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 03:55:50.188 1000 1201 3770 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:55:50.198 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{5a2b3b8 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.IntentHandlerActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:50.280 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.283 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.288 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.290 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.414 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.416 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.422 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.426 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.430 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:55:50.436 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.536 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 03:55:50.957 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:2205144
02-15 03:55:50.961 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 03:55:53.211 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 73 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 03:55:53.268 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 03:55:53.579 10170 13167 13167 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:55:53.581 10170 13167 13187 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:55:53.592 10170 13167 13187 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:55:53.594 10170 13167 13167 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:55:53.644 10170 13167 13167 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 03:56:00.632 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 03:56:00.973 10170 13167 13188 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 398 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:56:05.524 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 315ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 314ms (seq=5406 running=256ms io=35ms late=1ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 03:56:05.571 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 324ms
late because of 24 msg, msg 1 took 298ms (seq=5407 running=259ms runnable=1ms
io=3ms late=315ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 03:56:06.042 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2219766062131|Slow main
02-15 03:56:20.175 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:56:20.204 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 03:56:20.346 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 506ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 511ms (seq=1852 running=295ms runnable=2ms
io=139ms swapin=39ms late=39ms$MyHandler
02-15 03:56:29.804 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 319ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 193ms (seq=2058 running=58ms runnable=11ms io=1ms
swapin=2ms$MyHandler w=32), msg 3 took
127ms (seq=2060 running=1ms late=193ms$MyHandler w=90)
02-15 03:56:29.852 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
13255:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
02-15 03:56:30.318 10193 2484 3194 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 510 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 03:56:32.587 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
InputMethod|2244003760518|Slow main thread|1
02-15 03:56:44.390 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 370ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 187ms (seq=2240 running=69ms runnable=7ms
swapin=3ms$MyHandler w=32), msg 3 took
199ms (seq=2242 running=2ms late=186ms$MyHandler w=90)
02-15 03:56:45.041 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2258705636518|Slow main
02-15 03:56:50.982 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -1m36s179ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 03:57:03.796 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2277980 downTime:2277980 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:03.949 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2278134 downTime:2277980 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:04.005 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 03:57:04.645 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2278830 downTime:2278830 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:04.791 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2278977 downTime:2278830 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:14.244 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2284441471981|Slow main
02-15 03:57:15.104 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:57:15.118 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 03:57:15.550 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2289527250905|Slow handle traversal|16
02-15 03:57:16.462 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2290646 downTime:2290646 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:16.583 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2290769 downTime:2290646 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:16.620 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 03:57:39.735 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2313918 downTime:2313918 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:39.878 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2314064 downTime:2313918 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:57:39.998 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 115ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=2093, seq=31180,
02-15 03:58:57.239 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2388836525603|Slow main
02-15 03:58:57.274 1000 1201 1684 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:59:01.193 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 03:59:15.353 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2409379566066|Slow main
02-15 03:59:16.262 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2409419769143|Slow main
02-15 03:59:18.479 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2410449246374|Slow main
02-15 03:59:20.819 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2415004 downTime:2415004 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:59:20.908 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2415094 downTime:2415004 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 03:59:22.795 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 03:59:22.818 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 03:59:31.646 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 371ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 156ms (seq=2351 running=13ms io=6ms$MyHandler w=90), msg 2 took 122ms (seq=2352
running=56ms runnable=4ms late=154ms$MyHandler w=32), msg 4 took 221ms (seq=2354
running=2ms runnable=1ms late=275ms$MyHandler w=90)
02-15 03:59:32.205 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2425881522298|Slow main
02-15 03:59:37.368 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
InputMethod|2425842490298|Slow main thread|1
02-15 03:59:38.883 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 03:59:52.175 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 03:59:52.327 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 04:00:16.010 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2470195 downTime:2470195 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:16.145 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2470331 downTime:2470195 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:16.185 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 04:00:16.826 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2471011 downTime:2471011 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:16.955 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2471141 downTime:2471011 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:36.344 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
handle traversal|3
02-15 04:00:37.302 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:00:37.323 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 04:00:40.108 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 317ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 192ms (seq=2592 running=66ms runnable=14ms io=1ms
swapin=1ms late=1ms$MyHandler w=32), msg 3
took 135ms (seq=2594 running=2ms runnable=1ms late=192ms$MyHandler w=90)
02-15 04:00:40.841 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2494556563840|Slow main thread|3
02-15 04:00:43.014 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2497197 downTime:2497197 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:43.116 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2497302 downTime:2497197 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:43.155 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 04:00:43.283 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2497468 downTime:2497468 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:43.397 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2497583 downTime:2497468 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:49.426 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2503611 downTime:2503611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:00:49.541 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2503727 downTime:2503611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:01:14.238 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2524681673688|Slow main
02-15 04:01:16.457 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2530641 downTime:2530641 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:01:16.553 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2530739 downTime:2530641 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:02:01.358 10225 11889 11889 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 324ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 328ms (seq=14892 running=275ms runnable=1ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 04:02:04.103 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2575829403691|Slow main
02-15 04:02:05.255 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:02:05.274 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 04:02:17.162 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2590803955077|Slow main
02-15 04:02:28.036 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 04:02:39.925 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2602658240385|Slow handle traversal|7
02-15 04:02:43.484 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2617110696694|Slow main
02-15 04:03:02.278 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2636462 downTime:2636462 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:02.372 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2636558 downTime:2636462 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:12.401 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2646586 downTime:2646586 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:12.554 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2646739 downTime:2646586 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:12.676 10225 11889 11889 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 119ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=3673, seq=33035,
02-15 04:03:17.696 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2647222034695|Slow main
02-15 04:03:27.178 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:03:28.849 1000 1201 3740 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:03:31.672 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:03:31.677 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb://profile/100000549860611
cmp=com.facebook.katana/.IntentUriHandler (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 04:03:31.761 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 167
02-15 04:03:31.766 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:31.823 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:31.842 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.062 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:03:32.065 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 04:03:32.091 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:03:32.093 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 04:03:32.192 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.IntentUriHandler is 431ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 430ms (seq=96573 running=120ms runnable=10ms
io=230ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:03:32.192 10199 11603 11603 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 422ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 430ms (seq=96573 running=120ms runnable=10ms
io=230ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:03:32.219 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.221 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.419 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:03:32.435 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{b05892e u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:03:32.441 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.445 1000 1201 3752 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.575 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:32.575 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{baacccd u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t166}
02-15 04:03:32.576 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:03:35.082 1000 1201 3742 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:03:43.699 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2677884 downTime:2677884 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:43.802 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2677988 downTime:2677884 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:03:50.910 10199 11603 11603 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:03:50.914 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 04:03:50.950 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:51.042 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:03:51.055 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{44e549e u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:03:51.059 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:51.062 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:51.106 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:03:51.310 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow main thread|3
02-15 04:03:51.526 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f29fa2 u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t166}
02-15 04:03:51.536 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:03:53.969 1000 1201 2890 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:04:01.130 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2695315 downTime:2695315 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:01.259 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2695445 downTime:2695315 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:02.395 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2696580 downTime:2696580 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:02.580 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2696763 downTime:2696580 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:02.645 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:04:02.677 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{b05892e u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=8
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:04:02.682 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:04:02.717 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:04:03.088 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{baacccd u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t166}
02-15 04:04:03.093 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:04:07.953 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle animation|1
02-15 04:04:10.639 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle animation|29
02-15 04:04:27.624 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:04:27.637 10199 11603 11603 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 166ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=20484, seq=33719,
02-15 04:04:27.779 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:04:32.671 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -32m11s451ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 04:04:42.512 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2736697 downTime:2736697 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:42.632 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2736818 downTime:2736697 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:44.624 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2738809 downTime:2738809 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:44.762 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2738948 downTime:2738809 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:04:45.508 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow main thread|3
02-15 04:05:33.943 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:05:34.211 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:06:04.851 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:06:09.801 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2823985 downTime:2823985 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:09.963 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2824148 downTime:2823985 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:24.462 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:06:24.916 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|2
02-15 04:06:25.604 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2839789 downTime:2839789 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:25.792 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2839978 downTime:2839789 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:38.592 1000 1201 3742 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:06:47.789 1000 1201 3742 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2861974 downTime:2861974 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:47.952 1000 1201 3742 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2862137 downTime:2861974 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:49.049 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2863234 downTime:2863234 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:06:49.216 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2863402 downTime:2863234 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:08.370 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 72 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:07:26.225 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:07:47.607 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2921792 downTime:2921792 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:47.745 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2921931 downTime:2921792 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:48.334 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2922518 downTime:2922518 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:48.430 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2922616 downTime:2922518 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:49.118 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|7
02-15 04:07:57.400 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2931585 downTime:2931585 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:57.539 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2931724 downTime:2931585 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:57.599 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:57.726 1000 1201 3742 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f284532 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:07:57.731 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:57.823 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:58.193 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1e2bc6e u0 com.facebook.katana/.LoginActivity t166} time:2932379
02-15 04:07:58.198 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:07:58.564 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2932749 downTime:2932749 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:58.695 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2932881 downTime:2932749 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:07:58.749 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:58.751 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:58.758 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:58.950 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 184ms
02-15 04:07:59.052 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:07:59.058 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:07:59.271 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:00.060 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:2934246
02-15 04:08:00.063 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:08:00.212 10199 11603 13827 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 207 ms,, code=85 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:01.208 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2935392 downTime:2935392 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:01.312 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2935498 downTime:2935392 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:03.785 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2935957344482|Slow main
02-15 04:08:06.195 10225 11889 11889 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:08:06.201 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
MePreferenceActivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 04:08:06.257 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:06.418 10225 11889 11889 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
ferenceActivity onStart took 108ms
02-15 04:08:06.455 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:08:06.493 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{cb2cf82 u0
ferenceActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:08:06.498 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:06.501 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:06.641 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:07.145 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{6ea2907 u0
ferenceActivity t164} time:2941331
02-15 04:08:07.152 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:08:08.305 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2942490 downTime:2942490 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:08.356 1000 1201 5660 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2942542 downTime:2942490 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:08.379 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:08.447 1000 1201 3742 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8503581 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:08:08.452 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:08.485 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:08.994 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:2943181
02-15 04:08:08.998 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:08:21.036 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2955220 downTime:2955220 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:21.164 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2955350 downTime:2955220 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:21.318 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2955502 downTime:2955502 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:21.318 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|2953502717483|Slow main
02-15 04:08:21.430 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2955615 downTime:2955502 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:21.438 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: moveTaskToBack:
TaskRecord{5902c99 #164 A=com.facebook.orca U=0 StackId=17 sz=1}
02-15 04:08:21.465 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.489 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.491 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.513 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.521 1000 1201 2890 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.532 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.548 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.651 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 04:08:21.657 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.665 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.785 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:08:21.791 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.829 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:21.909 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:22.208 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:2956394
02-15 04:08:22.213 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:08:23.691 1000 1201 2843 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:08:23.748 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 205ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=6463, seq=37637,
02-15 04:08:25.174 1000 1201 1338 E MtkConnectivityService: BUG:
NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason:
(unspecified), extra: umts, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]}
network{100} nethandle{432902426637} lp{{InterfaceName: ccmni0 LinkAddresses:
[ ] DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: null
MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576 Routes:
[ -> ccmni0, -> ccmni0 ]}}
nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{50} everValidated{true}
lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false}
acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{true}
lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} captivePortalValidationPending{false}
partialConnectivity{false} acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null,
mIface: null, mState: IDLE} } lost immutable capabilities:immutable capabilities
02-15 04:08:25.371 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 128ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 04:08:25.372 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 128ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 04:08:25.401 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 157ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 04:08:25.401 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 04:08:25.401 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 157ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 04:08:25.402 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 158ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 04:08:25.601 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:25.739 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 04:08:25.740 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 04:08:25.766 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 04:08:25.825 1000 1201 3742 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 04:08:25.831 1000 1201 1338 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 295 ms,, code=9 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:25.852 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 04:08:25.872 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 652ms
android.fg$CallbackHandler c=null m=524292
02-15 04:08:25.873 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 493ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
_c6XiA@6aa9f57 m=0
02-15 04:08:25.911 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:08:26.063 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:26.342 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 34
02-15 04:08:26.390 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 04:08:26.558 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2959573943022|Slow main thread|9
02-15 04:08:26.558 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2959817975637|Slow bitmap uploads|1
02-15 04:08:26.564 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 04:08:26.760 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 04:08:26.798 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 04:08:26.798 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 04:08:26.798 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:26.798 wifi 1383 1383 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 04:08:26.798 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:26.804 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 04:08:26.804 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:26.838 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 36
02-15 04:08:26.839 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 36
02-15 04:08:26.857 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 04:08:26.859 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 04:08:26.893 1000 2757 2757 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1133 ms,, code=48 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:26.894 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 281 ms,, code=48 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:26.902 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 04:08:26.902 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 04:08:26.909 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:26.911 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 36
02-15 04:08:26.919 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 04:08:26.926 1000 2757 2757 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=2241 plan=04:08:25.427 late=320ms wall=1178ms running=7ms runnable=6ms io=28ms
02-15 04:08:27.044 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 04:08:27.119 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 04:08:27.304 10171 2281 3913 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1486 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:27.452 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 04:08:27.452 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 04:08:27.452 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:27.452 wifi 1383 1383 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 04:08:27.452 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:27.454 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 04:08:27.454 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:27.469 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 38
02-15 04:08:27.469 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 38
02-15 04:08:27.470 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 04:08:27.470 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 04:08:27.539 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 131ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=6495, seq=37701,
02-15 04:08:27.705 1000 1201 2890 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 04:08:27.773 1000 2757 2757 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 832 ms,, code=48 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:27.794 10182 13966 14028 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 229 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:27.887 1000 13952 13952 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:08:26.171 late=6ms wall=1709ms running=434ms runnable=124ms io=1095ms
swapin=2ms$H w=110
02-15 04:08:27.929 1000 1201 3770 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:27.932 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:27.932 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:29.057 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@7de7ef already registered for pid 13952, callerPackage
02-15 04:08:32.851 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2967026 downTime:2967026 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:32.963 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2967148 downTime:2967026 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:33.058 1000 1201 3770 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:08:35.367 1000 1201 3742 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:08:41.895 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2976081 downTime:2976081 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:42.016 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2976202 downTime:2976081 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:42.076 1000 1201 2890 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:08:42.465 1000 1201 3742 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:2976651 downTime:2976651 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:42.632 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:2976818 downTime:2976651 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:42.702 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 04:08:43.310 10182 13966 14042 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 831 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:45.408 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:2979576 downTime:2979576 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:45.409 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:08:45.668 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:2979853 downTime:2979576 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:45.676 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:08:45.676 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:08:45.679 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:08:46.086 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 309ms
late because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 325ms (seq=39357 running=7ms runnable=2ms io=36ms$2 w=321)
02-15 04:08:46.245 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:08:46.278 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 34 ms
02-15 04:08:46.315 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:08:46.455 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:08:46.489 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|2977392180100|Slow handle traversal|6
02-15 04:08:46.791 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 348 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:46.796 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:2980980 downTime:2980980 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:46.796 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:08:46.805 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:08:46.806 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:08:46.810 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:08:46.819 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:08:46.821 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:08:46.826 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:08:46.827 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:08:46.841 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 04:08:46.863 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:08:46.863 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:08:46.939 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:08:46.946 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:08:46.959 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:2981144 downTime:2980980 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:08:47.099 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 277ms
android.ui$2 c=null m=1
02-15 04:08:47.100 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 270ms
JN_ucuI@4d808f4 m=0
02-15 04:08:47.172 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:08:47.189 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 292 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:08:47.203 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 04:08:47.204 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 04:08:47.237 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:08:47.353 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 04:08:47.534 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:08:47.550 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:08:47.550 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:08:47.550 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:08:47.551 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:08:47.551 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:08:47.551 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:08:47.557 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:08:47.557 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 731 ms
02-15 04:08:47.560 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 766 ms
02-15 04:08:47.561 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:08:47.648 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2980283574100|Slow main thread|1
02-15 04:08:47.653 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 590ms
late because of 38 msg, msg 1 took 532ms (seq=39424 running=82ms runnable=10ms
io=190ms swapin=147ms late=95ms$6 w=1)
02-15 04:08:47.858 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:08:48.202 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display doComposition took 51 ms
02-15 04:08:48.209 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 04:08:50.004 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
2984185849023|Slow issue draw commands|97
02-15 04:08:53.913 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 04:08:53.914 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:53.916 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 04:08:53.969 1000 1201 7141 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 04:08:53.970 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:54.041 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 38
02-15 04:08:54.077 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 04:08:54.185 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 04:08:54.225 1000 1201 5660 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:08:54.323 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 04:08:54.342 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 04:08:54.342 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 04:08:54.342 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:54.342 wifi 1383 1383 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 04:08:54.342 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:54.344 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 04:08:54.344 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:08:54.361 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 40
02-15 04:08:54.361 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 40
02-15 04:08:54.364 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 04:08:54.365 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 04:08:59.918 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -13m45s116ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 04:09:02.809 1000 1201 3742 W WindowManager: thawDisplayRotation
displayId=0 by pid=1413
02-15 04:09:03.673 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.674 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:09:03.684 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.687 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.687 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:09:03.688 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.688 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.MODE_CHANGED flg=0x10 } to
02-15 04:09:03.688 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.MODE_CHANGED flg=0x10 } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:09:03.696 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.703 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:09:03.704 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.705 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.705 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:09:03.706 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.location.PROVIDERS_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
02-15 04:09:03.762 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 04:09:03.882 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 194ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@2bf639d m=0
02-15 04:09:03.890 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 205ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@4457012 m=0
02-15 04:09:03.897 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 04:09:03.897 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 04:09:03.903 wifi 1383 1383 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 04:09:03.904 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:09:03.911 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 40
02-15 04:09:03.924 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 04:09:04.082 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 04:09:04.104 10175 2306 14275 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:09:04.118 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10000000 (has
extras)} from uid 10175
02-15 04:09:04.245 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
02-15 04:09:04.297 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:04.324 10173 7862 13906 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 632 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:04.794 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{3c601c2 u0 t169}
02-15 04:09:04.794 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout
for ActivityRecord{3c601c2 u0 t169}
02-15 04:09:04.796 1000 1201 1232 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:05.343 1000 1201 1729 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{9a971b8 Top #17951} whose proc state 1
is better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (0 skipped)
02-15 04:09:05.514 1000 1201 1729 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:09:05.558 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:09:05.564 10175 14284 14284 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 897ms late
(wall=377ms running=202ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 891ms (seq=2 running=498ms runnable=28ms io=288ms late=8ms$H w=110)
02-15 04:09:05.567 10175 14284 14284 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1275ms late
(wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 891ms (seq=2 running=498ms runnable=28ms
io=288ms late=8ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 377ms (seq=3
running=202ms runnable=6ms io=84ms swapin=8ms late=897ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:09:05.568 10175 14284 14284 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1273ms late
(wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 4 msg, msg 2 took 891ms (seq=2 running=498ms runnable=28ms
io=288ms late=8ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 377ms (seq=3
running=202ms runnable=6ms io=84ms swapin=8ms late=897ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:09:05.576 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:05.588 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:05.632 10175 14284 14284 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took
02-15 04:09:05.633 10175 14284 14284 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1274ms late
(wall=65ms running=11ms
}) because of 5 msg, msg 2 took 891ms (seq=2 running=498ms runnable=28ms io=288ms
late=8ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 377ms (seq=3
running=202ms runnable=6ms io=84ms swapin=8ms late=897ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:09:05.639 10175 14284 14284 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 836ms late
(wall=5ms running=3ms
}) because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 891ms (seq=2 running=498ms runnable=28ms io=288ms
late=8ms$H w=110), msg 2 took 377ms (seq=3
running=202ms runnable=6ms io=84ms swapin=8ms late=897ms$H w=159), msg 5 took 65ms (seq=6 running=11ms
runnable=3ms late=1274ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:09:05.658 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:05.661 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:09:05.661 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:09:05.831 1000 1201 1729 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-15 04:09:14.351 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Process has 0 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification
android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi has clients: 0
02-15 04:09:14.351 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Trying to exit HAL. No clients in use for any service in process.
02-15 04:09:14.354 wifi 1383 1383 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Unregistered all clients and exiting
02-15 04:09:14.622 1000 1201 1729 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:09:18.779 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3012957 downTime:3012957 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:18.780 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:09:18.953 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{e5e0119 u0
keyguard_camera}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:09:18.995 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3013180 downTime:3012957 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:18.995 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:09:18.999 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:09:19.006 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:19.419 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:09:19.420 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 04:09:19.442 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:09:19.480 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:09:19.756 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3013940 downTime:3013940 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:19.756 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:09:19.767 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 287 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:19.769 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:19.773 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:09:19.774 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:09:19.779 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:19.782 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:09:19.788 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:09:19.788 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:09:19.799 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:09:19.839 1000 1413 12740 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:09:19.888 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:09:19.906 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:09:19.906 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:09:19.907 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:09:19.944 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 116ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 04:09:19.954 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:09:19.954 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:09:19.971 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:09:19.978 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:09:19.978 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 190 ms
02-15 04:09:20.033 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3014219 downTime:3013940 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:20.075 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 275 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:20.076 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 322 ms
02-15 04:09:20.076 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:09:20.085 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 256 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:20.207 1000 1201 2890 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11603 uid=10199
pkg=com.facebook.katana startFg?=false
02-15 04:09:20.680 1000 1201 3742 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:09:20.770 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:09:21.094 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:09:22.139 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3016323 downTime:3016323 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:22.140 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:09:22.223 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -37m1s3ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 04:09:22.346 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3016532 downTime:3016323 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:22.347 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:09:22.347 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:09:22.351 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:22.735 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:09:22.736 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 04:09:22.748 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:09:22.772 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:09:23.065 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 292 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:23.071 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 243 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:23.085 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:09:23.085 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:09:23.092 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:24.057 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3018242 downTime:3018242 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:24.058 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:09:24.069 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:09:24.070 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:09:24.072 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:09:24.077 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:09:24.077 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:09:24.078 1000 1413 10570 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:09:24.086 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:09:24.093 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:09:24.093 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:09:24.093 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:09:24.096 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:09:24.112 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:09:24.113 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:09:24.165 1000 1201 7141 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11603 uid=10199
pkg=com.facebook.katana startFg?=false
02-15 04:09:24.176 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11889 uid=10225
pkg=com.facebook.orca startFg?=false
02-15 04:09:24.191 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:09:24.197 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:09:24.197 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 121 ms
02-15 04:09:24.236 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3018421 downTime:3018242 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:24.366 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 273 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:24.367 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 311 ms
02-15 04:09:24.367 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:09:24.373 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 252 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:24.373 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 220 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:25.265 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
3019255523410|Slow issue draw commands|41
02-15 04:09:25.289 1000 1201 5660 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:09:27.195 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3021380 downTime:3021380 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:27.197 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:09:27.432 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3021617 downTime:3021380 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:09:27.433 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:09:27.433 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:09:27.436 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:27.823 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:09:27.824 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 04:09:27.830 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:09:27.844 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:09:28.168 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 323 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:28.173 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 279 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:09:28.175 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:09:28.175 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:09:28.180 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:09:39.501 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:09:39.706 1000 4333 4385 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 215 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:10:00.497 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 656ms
02-15 04:10:15.254 radio 1612 1966 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 672 ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:10:15.293 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 720 ms,, code=40 oneway=false
02-15 04:10:16.985 radio 1612 2121 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 646 ms,, code=42 oneway=false
02-15 04:10:16.989 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 651 ms,, code=107
02-15 04:10:20.516 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 360ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=android.telecom.Logging.-$
$Lambda$SessionManager$VyH2gT1EjIvzDy_C9JfTT60CISM@7eca9ea m=0
02-15 04:10:20.524 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:11:01.439 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:01.508 1000 1201 1231 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
02-15 04:11:01.524 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:01.524 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:01.525 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:11:01.534 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:01.540 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 72 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:11:01.541 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_PLUGGED_IN,
02-15 04:11:01.577 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:11:01.577 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:11:01.578 1000 1413 10525 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:11:01.596 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:01.597 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:01.662 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 125ms main
$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@136f163 m=0
02-15 04:11:01.665 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:11:01.714 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:11:01.719 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:11:01.761 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 157ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 04:11:01.764 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 219ms main$NotifierHandler c=null m=1
02-15 04:11:01.808 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:11:01.854 10199 11603 11603 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 324 ms,, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:01.885 10225 11889 11889 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 351 ms,, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:01.925 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11603 uid=10199
pkg=com.facebook.katana startFg?=false
02-15 04:11:01.928 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent { act=Orca.PERSISTENT_KICK_SKIP_PING
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService (has extras) } to
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService from pid=11889 uid=10225
pkg=com.facebook.orca startFg?=false
02-15 04:11:01.973 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 309 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:02.066 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 247ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 04:11:02.068 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 263ms
android.ui h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=null m=6
02-15 04:11:02.090 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:11:02.243 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:11:02.243 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:11:02.244 1000 1201 3742 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:11:02.247 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:11:02.247 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:11:02.253 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:11:02.260 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:11:02.260 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 684 ms
02-15 04:11:02.262 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 722 ms
02-15 04:11:02.263 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:11:02.276 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:11:02.288 1000 2757 14402 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 322 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:02.336 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 352ms
late because of 59 msg, msg 1 took 703ms (seq=43532 running=210ms runnable=28ms
io=311ms swapin=3ms$H$
02-15 04:11:02.421 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:02.459 10175 2377 2377 W QueuedWork: Slow Operation: QueueWork
waitToFinish took 221ms
02-15 04:11:02.533 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:11:02.602 10175 2377 14404 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 616 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:02.628 media 703 14415 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 210 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:02.766 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 04:11:02.771 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 442 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:02.808 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:03.063 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 264 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:03.105 10175 2377 14403 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 360 ms,, code=5
02-15 04:11:03.277 1000 1201 3740 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:11:03.300 10173 2563 4028 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1405 ms,, code=2
02-15 04:11:03.598 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:03.808 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
3077869007875|Slow main thread|7
02-15 04:11:03.827 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Process
com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service (pid 7131) has died: cch+65 SVC
02-15 04:11:03.829 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/.MiConnectService in 1000ms
02-15 04:11:03.966 10161 14432 14432 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:11:02.857 late=7ms wall=1101ms running=316ms runnable=55ms io=703ms$H w=110
02-15 04:11:04.156 10175 2306 12866 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 384 ms, interface=android.view.IGraphicsStats, code=1598311760 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:04.217 1000 1201 1729 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:11:04.223 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:04.224 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:11:04.608 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3079870 downTime:3079870 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:11:04.609 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:11:04.718 1000 1201 2952 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 04:11:04.852 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
14503:com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/1000 for service
02-15 04:11:04.864 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3080127 downTime:3079870 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:11:04.865 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:11:04.881 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:11:04.887 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:11:05.106 1000 1201 3740 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:11:05.112 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:05.114 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:11:05.307 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:11:05.307 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 04:11:05.307 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:11:05.336 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:11:05.430 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:05.599 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.core (pid
6916) has died: cch+65 SVC
02-15 04:11:05.601 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.core/miui.autoinstall.config.service.AutoInstallService in
02-15 04:11:05.649 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 313 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:05.654 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:05.654 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:11:05.654 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:11:05.658 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:11:06.206 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:06.404 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 10813) has died: cch+55 TRNB
02-15 04:11:06.406 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 04:11:06.434 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 234 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:06.472 1000 1201 1729 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:11:06.478 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:11:06.479 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:11:06.639 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
14554:com.miui.core/u0a138 for service
02-15 04:11:10.471 10175 2306 14424 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 611 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:14.680 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 73 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:11:14.750 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:15.194 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:11:15.391 1000 2757 9236 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 203 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:15.571 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 387 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:11:24.587 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 213ms main
h=com.miui.server.SplashScreenServiceDelegate$5 c=null m=1
02-15 04:11:24.637 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:11:25.312 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:11:25.593 10111 14579 14622 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 04:11:59.175 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Killing
13255:android.process.acore/u0a56 (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 04:12:43.126 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 74 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:12:43.162 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:12:43.362 1000 2757 3287 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 207 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:12:43.639 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:12:43.948 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 320 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:13:07.428 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:13:07.650 1000 2757 3482 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 228 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:13:07.818 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 402 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:13:52.741 10175 2377 8699 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 693 ms,, code=3
02-15 04:13:53.687 10175 2377 8699 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 693 ms,, code=3
02-15 04:14:16.673 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 75 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:14:16.767 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:14:17.091 1000 2757 3287 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 340 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:14:17.225 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:14:17.437 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 261 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:15:50.128 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 76 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:15:50.171 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:15:50.648 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:15:51.009 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 371 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:16:52.862 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:16:53.065 1000 2757 2791 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 208 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:16:53.239 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 388 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:17:24.530 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 77 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:17:24.599 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:17:25.044 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:17:25.244 1000 2757 3482 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 205 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:17:25.414 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 379 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:18:58.895 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 78 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:18:58.945 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:18:59.413 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:18:59.800 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 396 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:19:01.477 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:19:01.696 1000 2757 2791 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 224 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:19:01.952 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 484 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:20:32.789 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 79 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:20:32.829 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:20:33.310 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:20:33.507 1000 2757 3482 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 202 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:20:33.674 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 375 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:22:06.484 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 80 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:22:06.547 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:22:06.997 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:22:07.369 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 383 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:22:37.166 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 371ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 04:23:40.537 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 81 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:23:40.565 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:23:41.057 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:23:41.452 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 406 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:24:12.046 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 373ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 04:25:14.262 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 82 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:25:14.297 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:25:15.855 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 781 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:25:15.946 10175 2306 2306 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 865 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:25:15.969 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 110ms main
$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@9204fb1 m=0
02-15 04:25:15.983 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 897ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 04:25:16.071 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:25:16.074 1000 2757 3287 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1027 ms,, code=16
02-15 04:25:16.185 1000 2757 9236 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 214 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:25:16.308 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 467 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:25:58.961 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:25:59.170 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 1 line
02-15 04:25:59.385 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:25:59.589 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 209 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:25:59.596 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:25:59.868 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 1 line
02-15 04:26:06.462 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:26:06.715 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 268 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:26:06.792 1000 1201 1684 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app for broadcast Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto
02-15 04:26:07.544 1000 1201 1587 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{823625b ImpFg #19570} whose
proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{c6acaf8} proc state 3 (10 skipped)
02-15 04:26:07.632 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 138ms main$CcHandler c=null m=1
02-15 04:26:07.652 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
vice} caller=android
02-15 04:26:07.690 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 04:26:07.769 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:26:13.585 1000 1201 2952 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=keymaster
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
02-15 04:26:13.761 1000 1201 2952 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=keymaster
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
02-15 04:26:15.623 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:26:15.624 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:26:15.780 1000 1201 2952 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:26:15.785 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:26:15.786 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:26:30.095 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 04:26:50.710 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Killing
12972:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 04:26:54.847 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 83 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:26:54.938 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:26:55.179 1000 2757 3287 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 250 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:26:55.358 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:26:55.646 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 296 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:28:30.988 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 84 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:28:31.014 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:28:31.057 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 04:28:31.229 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 167ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 04:28:31.231 1000 2757 3287 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 235 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:28:31.503 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:28:31.889 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 397 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:28:41.592 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:28:41.958 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 376 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:29:17.761 root 398 14686 I vold : Trimmed 18612224 bytes on
/metadata in 3ms
02-15 04:29:19.292 root 398 14686 I vold : Trimmed 17552072704 bytes on /data
in 1529ms
02-15 04:29:19.304 root 398 14686 I vold : Trimmed 407474176 bytes on /cache
in 11ms
02-15 04:29:19.305 root 398 14686 W vold : Failed to open
/mnt/vendor/protect_f: Permission denied
02-15 04:29:19.305 root 398 14686 W vold : Failed to open
/mnt/vendor/protect_s: Permission denied
02-15 04:29:19.305 root 398 14686 W vold : Failed to open /mnt/vendor/nvdata:
Permission denied
02-15 04:29:19.305 root 398 14686 W vold : Failed to open /mnt/vendor/nvcfg:
Permission denied
02-15 04:29:19.306 root 398 14686 W vold : Failed to open
/mnt/vendor/persist: Permission denied
02-15 04:29:19.329 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdler: Got mount service
completion callback
02-15 04:29:19.330 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 7200000
02-15 04:29:52.887 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:29:53.237 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 362 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:30:12.721 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 85 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:30:12.761 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:30:13.235 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:30:13.451 1000 2757 3482 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 221 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:30:13.625 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 401 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:31:54.858 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 86 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:31:54.905 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:31:55.370 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:31:55.572 1000 2757 2791 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 203 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:31:55.773 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 412 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:33:22.270 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:33:41.358 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 87 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:33:41.424 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:33:41.871 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:33:42.253 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 392 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:35:37.157 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 88 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:35:37.214 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:35:37.670 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:35:38.052 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 392 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:37:27.865 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 624 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:37:41.554 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 89 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:37:41.634 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:37:42.067 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:37:42.448 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 391 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:37:49.889 radio 1612 1966 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 664 ms,, code=42 oneway=false
02-15 04:37:49.891 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 667 ms,, code=107
02-15 04:37:50.772 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 671 ms,, code=40 oneway=false
02-15 04:38:11.557 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 04:38:11.711 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 04:39:57.591 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 90 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:39:57.626 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:39:57.767 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:39:57.782 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 129ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@76a9b1d m=0
02-15 04:39:57.914 1000 4333 4414 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 210 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:58.110 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:39:58.113 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
14825:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
02-15 04:39:58.355 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 259 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:58.781 10173 7862 14819 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 343 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:59.102 10173 7862 14822 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1038 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:59.325 10173 7862 14822 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 222 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:59.905 10056 14825 14855 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 265 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:39:59.935 10173 7862 7893 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 346 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:40:29.422 1000 1201 1238 I ProcessStatsService: Pruning old
procstats: /data/system/procstats/state-2022-02-12-16-57-45.bin
02-15 04:40:38.829 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 04:42:24.066 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 91 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:42:24.125 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:42:24.585 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:42:24.784 1000 2757 2791 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 203 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 04:42:24.967 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 392 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:43:41.339 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 131ms main$AlarmHandler$
$Lambda$AlarmManagerService$2$Eo-D98J-N9R2METkD-12gPs320c@76ef12 m=0
02-15 04:43:41.349 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:43:41.388 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
AutoLockOffCleanByPriority from pid=4333
02-15 04:43:41.407 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.407 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935):
02-15 04:43:41.409 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=955 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.409 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 04:43:41.411 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.411 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915):
02-15 04:43:41.413 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=945 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.413 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945):
02-15 04:43:41.414 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.415 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 04:43:41.416 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=945 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.416 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 04:43:41.418 1000 1201 5660 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.418 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 04:43:41.419 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 04:43:41.422 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffClean in night
02-15 04:43:41.423 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoLockOffClean
from pid=4333
02-15 04:43:41.458 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: mLruProcesses size=47
02-15 04:43:41.463 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.facebook.orca Adj=700 State=16
02-15 04:43:41.463 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
11889:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 (adj 700): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.465 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.facebook.katana Adj=900 State=19
02-15 04:43:41.465 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
11603:com.facebook.katana/u0a199 (adj 900): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.468 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=905 State=20
02-15 04:43:41.468 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 905): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.471 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=9
02-15 04:43:41.471 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.474 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=7
02-15 04:43:41.474 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.481 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=800 State=11
02-15 04:43:41.481 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 800): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.482 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification Adj=100 State=5
02-15 04:43:41.483 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
10749:com.miui.notification/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.484 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification:remote Adj=100 State=5
02-15 04:43:41.484 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing
10717:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 04:43:41.495 1000 1201 3752 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=250 State=6
02-15 04:43:41.495 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 250):
02-15 04:43:41.503 1000 4333 4409 W ProcessUtils: killProcess failed []
02-15 04:43:41.568 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
com.miui.notification/ in 1000ms
02-15 04:43:41.571 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:43:41.590 1000 1201 2890 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationCenterService in 1000ms
02-15 04:43:41.591 1000 1201 2890 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationListener in 6792080ms
02-15 04:43:41.599 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 10991ms
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: unable to notify
listener (removed):
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners:
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at$
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at$
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at$NotificationListeners$3.
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at$
02-15 04:43:41.602 1000 1201 1201 E NotificationListeners: at
02-15 04:43:41.606 1000 1201 2840 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
aredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService in 20984ms
02-15 04:43:41.634 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 04:43:41.694 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 04:43:41.728 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:43:41.766 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{8503581 u0
02-15 04:43:41.845 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 11889
02-15 04:43:41.893 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 11603
02-15 04:43:42.720 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
14867:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 for service
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 04:43:46.566 1000 14867 14867 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:47.071 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
14899:com.miui.notification/1000 for service
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 04:43:51.482 1000 14899 14899 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 04:43:51.728 1000 14899 14899 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:43:47.139 late=1ms wall=1038ms running=315ms runnable=20ms$H w=110
02-15 04:43:51.736 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 04:43:53.264 1000 14867 14867 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1575 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:43:53.297 1000 14925 14925 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:43:51.785 late=2ms wall=1509ms running=417ms runnable=13ms io=387ms$H w=110
02-15 04:43:53.340 1000 14867 14867 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:43:46.390 late=3ms wall=3399ms running=689ms runnable=77ms io=252ms$H w=110
02-15 04:43:54.414 1000 1201 1618 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@c286b56 already registered for pid 14925,
callerPackage is
02-15 04:43:55.495 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@1125da9 already registered for pid 14867,
callerPackage is com.miui.notification
02-15 04:43:56.772 1000 1201 1618 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@f640248 already registered for pid 14899,
callerPackage is com.miui.notification
02-15 04:44:01.897 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 256ms main
h=com.miui.server.SplashScreenServiceDelegate$5 c=null m=1
02-15 04:44:01.902 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:44:01.946 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:44:06.899 10111 14965 14998 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 643 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:44:06.940 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:44:07.017 10111 14965 14965 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=04:44:02.038 late=3ms wall=1268ms running=313ms runnable=42ms io=113ms$H w=110
02-15 04:44:07.312 10111 14965 15008 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 04:44:38.201 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
haredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService} caller=android
02-15 04:45:00.904 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:45:03.573 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 92 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:45:03.591 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:03.685 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 04:45:03.995 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 04:45:04.085 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:04.317 10170 15153 15153 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 354 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:04.341 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 264 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:27.881 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:27.891 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 92 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:45:27.899 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_PLUGGED_IN,
02-15 04:45:27.904 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:45:27.904 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:45:27.904 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:45:27.905 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:45:27.906 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:45:27.907 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:45:27.914 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:45:27.914 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:45:27.914 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:45:27.918 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:45:27.919 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:45:27.921 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:45:27.921 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:45:27.926 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:45:27.928 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 23 ms
02-15 04:45:27.949 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:45:27.951 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:45:27.956 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:45:28.052 1000 1201 1245 I BatteryStatsImpl: Resetting battery stats:
level=92 status=2 dischargeLevel=92 lowAmount=24 highAmount=27
02-15 04:45:28.144 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 136ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@2102eec m=0
02-15 04:45:28.147 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:45:28.176 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:28.177 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 141ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 04:45:28.273 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:28.296 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 349 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:28.297 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 399 ms
02-15 04:45:28.298 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:45:28.397 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:45:28.501 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 04:45:28.569 1000 1201 2046 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=keymaster
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
02-15 04:45:30.582 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:45:30.583 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:45:30.749 1000 1201 2952 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:45:30.755 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:45:30.755 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:45:39.033 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3818000 downTime:3818000 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:45:39.034 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:45:39.267 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3818234 downTime:3818000 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:45:39.267 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:45:39.268 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:45:39.271 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:45:39.646 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:45:39.646 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 04:45:39.657 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:45:39.680 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:45:40.007 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 328 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:40.012 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 276 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:40.029 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:45:40.030 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:45:40.036 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:45:40.274 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 04:45:40.971 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3819937 downTime:3819937 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:45:40.973 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:45:40.986 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:45:40.987 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:45:40.989 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:45:40.993 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:45:40.993 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:45:40.994 1000 1413 12876 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:45:41.006 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:45:41.008 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:45:41.010 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:45:41.010 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:45:41.012 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:45:41.025 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:45:41.027 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:45:41.098 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:45:41.105 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:45:41.106 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 112 ms
02-15 04:45:41.204 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3820170 downTime:3819937 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:45:41.285 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:41.286 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 317 ms
02-15 04:45:41.287 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:45:41.293 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:41.293 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 222 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:42.391 1000 2585 2606 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
3820592124150|Slow issue draw commands|20
02-15 04:45:42.446 1000 1201 3011 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:45:42.584 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:45:42.916 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:45:44.338 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 100
02-15 04:45:44.342 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 04:45:44.378 1000 1201 6146 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 04:45:44.379 1000 1201 6146 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 04:45:44.384 1000 1201 6146 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 04:45:44.388 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 04:45:44.649 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.650 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 2
02-15 04:45:44.651 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.654 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.657 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.725 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 04:45:44.733 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.748 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.778 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:45:44.784 1000 1201 3011 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.854 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.865 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:44.865 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=3823833 fadeoutDuration=0
02-15 04:45:44.866 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:3823833
02-15 04:45:44.866 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:45:44.885 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
15350:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 04:45:44.893 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 04:45:44.895 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 04:45:44.924 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 04:45:44.945 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:45:44.946 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:45:44.946 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:45:44.946 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:45:44.947 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 04:45:45.461 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 523ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@5df04cf m=0
02-15 04:45:45.462 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 523ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@a864e5c m=0
02-15 04:45:45.463 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 04:45:45.501 10072 15350 15350 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 04:45:45.501 10072 15350 15350 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 04:45:45.625 10072 15350 15350 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 04:45:45.625 10072 15350 15350 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 04:45:45.797 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 944 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 04:45:46.219 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 04:45:52.748 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:45:52.751 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity bnds=[49,1059]
[171,1181] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 04:45:52.846 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
15419:com.miui.calculator/u0a139 for activity
02-15 04:45:52.888 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 169
02-15 04:45:52.898 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:45:53.192 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.voiceassist.mvs.client.ACTION_MI_VOICE_SERVICE
cmp=com.miui.voiceassist/.mvs.server.MvsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
02-15 04:45:53.194 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { act=com.miui.voiceassist.mvs.client.ACTION_MI_VOICE_SERVICE
cmp=com.miui.voiceassist/.mvs.server.MvsService (has extras) } U=0: not found
02-15 04:45:53.205 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:45:53.318 1000 1201 2927 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:45:53.335 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:45:53.339 10139 15419 15419 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity is 451ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 171ms (seq=2 running=116ms io=27ms late=5ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 277ms (seq=3 running=189ms
runnable=1ms io=44ms late=174ms$H w=159)
02-15 04:45:53.744 1000 1201 3011 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ea9a4aa u0
com.miui.calculator/}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:45:53.817 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7c24853 u0 com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t170}
02-15 04:45:53.859 10139 15419 15419 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 466ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 468ms (seq=7 running=224ms io=13ms swapin=1ms
late=8ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 04:45:53.960 1000 1201 3011 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:46:40.209 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:3879176 downTime:3879176 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:46:40.246 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:3879213 downTime:3879176 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:46:40.277 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.282 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.298 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.304 1000 1201 1214 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.310 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.329 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 04:46:40.334 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.334 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:46:40.340 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.362 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.443 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:40.753 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:3879721
02-15 04:46:40.759 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:46:41.329 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 04:46:41.332 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity bnds=[49,1059]
[171,1181] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 04:46:41.365 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:41.374 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:41.376 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:41.410 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:46:41.451 1000 1201 2843 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 04:46:41.602 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{277652c u0
com.miui.calculator/}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:46:41.725 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7ac4fc u0 com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t171}
02-15 04:46:41.731 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:47:36.384 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:3935351 downTime:3935351 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:37.797 1000 1201 2843 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:3936764 downTime:3935351 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:38.071 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3937038 downTime:3937038 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:38.072 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:47:38.245 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3937211 downTime:3937038 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:38.245 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:47:38.246 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:47:38.248 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:47:38.632 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:47:38.633 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 04:47:38.644 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:47:38.698 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:47:39.012 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 319 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:47:39.019 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:47:39.020 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:47:39.023 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:47:39.034 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 04:47:39.037 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:3938003 downTime:3938003 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:39.037 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:47:39.046 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:47:39.049 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:47:39.052 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:47:39.052 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:47:39.058 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:47:39.062 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:47:39.069 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:39.069 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:47:39.104 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:47:39.107 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 04:47:39.107 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 04:47:39.201 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:3938168 downTime:3938003 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:47:39.215 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:47:39.215 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:47:39.215 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:47:39.216 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:47:39.216 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:47:39.216 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:47:39.224 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:47:39.224 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 172 ms
02-15 04:47:39.314 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:47:39.335 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 269 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:47:39.336 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 300 ms
02-15 04:47:39.339 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:47:40.194 1000 1201 2843 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:47:40.290 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:47:40.621 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:47:41.911 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 41
02-15 04:47:41.914 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 04:47:41.937 1000 1201 2843 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 04:47:41.937 1000 1201 2843 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 04:47:41.938 1000 1201 2843 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 04:47:41.940 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 04:47:42.175 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.175 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 04:47:42.178 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.181 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.194 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.198 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.204 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{277652c u0
com.miui.calculator/}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 04:47:42.206 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.242 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=3941209 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 04:47:42.242 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 04:47:42.263 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 04:47:42.264 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 04:47:42.294 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 04:47:42.305 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:47:42.306 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:47:42.306 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:47:42.315 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 04:47:42.315 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 04:47:42.565 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7ac4fc u0 com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t171}
02-15 04:47:42.568 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 04:48:01.936 1000 1201 2843 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 04:48:01.955 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 04:48:01.956 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:49:18.686 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:49:18.687 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:49:18.697 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:49:19.115 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:49:19.116 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 04:49:19.131 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:49:19.191 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:49:19.474 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 291 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:49:19.480 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:49:19.480 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:49:19.484 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:49:19.495 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 04:49:19.550 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 04:49:19.551 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 04:50:09.401 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 773ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 04:50:39.126 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:4050761 downTime:4050761 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:50:39.127 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:50:39.140 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 04:50:39.140 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 04:50:39.143 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 04:50:39.148 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 04:50:39.148 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 04:50:39.148 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 04:50:39.156 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 04:50:39.159 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:50:39.176 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 04:50:39.176 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 04:50:39.178 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager:
02-15 04:50:39.238 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 04:50:39.240 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 04:50:39.241 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 04:50:39.246 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 04:50:39.246 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 99 ms
02-15 04:50:39.335 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:4050972 downTime:4050761 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:50:39.431 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 276 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:50:39.432 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 309 ms
02-15 04:50:39.432 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 04:50:39.445 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 233 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:50:40.904 1000 2585 2606 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
4051606413548|Slow issue draw commands|34
02-15 04:50:48.742 1000 1201 1643 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:50:57.315 1000 1201 2843 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:51:04.877 1000 1201 1643 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 04:51:09.239 1000 1201 1231 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
02-15 04:51:09.239 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:09.246 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:51:09.257 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 92 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:51:09.258 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:51:09.259 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 04:51:09.259 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:51:09.274 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:51:09.274 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 04:51:09.945 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:10.466 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 04:51:10.480 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:10.993 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:11.919 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:4083554 downTime:4083554 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:51:11.920 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 04:51:12.020 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:12.189 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:4083826 downTime:4083554 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 04:51:12.190 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:51:12.190 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 04:51:12.194 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 04:51:12.564 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 04:51:12.565 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 04:51:12.565 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 04:51:12.581 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 04:51:12.708 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:51:12.865 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 284 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 04:51:12.871 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 248 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 04:51:12.871 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 04:51:12.872 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 04:51:12.879 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 04:51:13.458 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:52:59.298 10175 2306 12866 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 681 ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:53:42.203 1000 1201 1377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 245 ms, interface=android.os.IStatsManager, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 04:53:42.473 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:53:52.502 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 93 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:53:52.558 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:53:53.015 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:56:49.887 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 94 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 04:56:49.965 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:56:50.405 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:57:05.033 10175 2306 12888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 635 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:57:05.065 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 04:57:10.177 10175 2306 12888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 679 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:57:11.047 10175 2306 12888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 268 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:57:15.317 10175 2306 12888 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 678 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 04:57:20.413 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 639 ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:00:14.507 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 762ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 05:00:17.360 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 95 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:00:17.397 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:00:17.501 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 113ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 05:00:17.880 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:00:29.193 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 2 lines
02-15 05:00:29.443 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:02:13.294 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:02:13.415 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 1 line
02-15 05:02:13.768 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:04:25.605 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 96 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:04:25.669 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:04:26.118 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:08:27.223 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 97 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:08:27.267 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:08:27.744 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:13:14.033 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 98 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:13:14.053 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:13:14.546 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:15:54.366 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 05:17:13.428 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 130ms main$AlarmHandler$
$Lambda$AlarmManagerService$2$Eo-D98J-N9R2METkD-12gPs320c@f1c374c m=0
02-15 05:17:13.430 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 108ms
android.fg$MyHandler c=null m=0
02-15 05:17:13.452 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:17:13.500 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
AutoLockOffCleanByPriority from pid=4333
02-15 05:17:13.508 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=945 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.509 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.514 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.515 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.519 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.519 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925):
02-15 05:17:13.522 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.522 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.523 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.miui.weather2 Adj=945 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.523 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing
15350:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 945): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.526 1000 1201 1214 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.526 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.531 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 05:17:13.538 1000 4333 4409 W PK : AutoLockOffClean in night
02-15 05:17:13.540 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoLockOffClean
from pid=4333
02-15 05:17:13.545 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: mLruProcesses size=45
02-15 05:17:13.551 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=905 State=20
02-15 05:17:13.551 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 905): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.558 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=500 State=11
02-15 05:17:13.558 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 500): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.559 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=250 State=6
02-15 05:17:13.560 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 250):
02-15 05:17:13.561 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=9
02-15 05:17:13.561 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.563 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill Adj=100 State=7
02-15 05:17:13.564 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.566 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification:remote Adj=100 State=5
02-15 05:17:13.566 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing
14867:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.567 1000 1201 3731 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffClean: kill
com.miui.notification Adj=100 State=5
02-15 05:17:13.568 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing
14899:com.miui.notification/1000 (adj 100): AutoLockOffClean
02-15 05:17:13.577 1000 4333 4409 W ProcessUtils: killProcess failed []
02-15 05:17:13.664 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
aredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService in 1000ms
02-15 05:17:13.678 1000 1201 1729 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 10986ms
02-15 05:17:13.686 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationCenterService in 20978ms
02-15 05:17:13.687 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.notification/.NotificationListener in 27168320ms
02-15 05:17:13.688 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 253 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:13.723 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:17:13.764 1000 1201 3013 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: Exception when unbinding
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager:
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at$Stub$Proxy.scheduleUnbindService(IApplicationThread.
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at$ServiceDispatcher$
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at$
02-15 05:17:13.797 1000 1201 1201 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 05:17:13.807 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
} caller=android
02-15 05:17:13.815 1000 1201 1361 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent {
cmp=com.facebook.katana/ }
userId : 0 uid : 10199 mode : 1
02-15 05:17:13.816 1000 1201 1361 I JobServiceContext: MIUILOG- Reject Start
Job, cancelJob uid : 10199 jobId :2
02-15 05:17:13.820 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:17:13.846 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
obServiceMain} caller=android
02-15 05:17:13.920 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
{} caller=android
02-15 05:17:13.938 1000 1201 1361 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent {
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService } userId
: 0 uid : 10225 mode : 1
02-15 05:17:13.939 1000 1201 1361 I JobServiceContext: MIUILOG- Reject Start
Job, cancelJob uid : 10225 jobId :2131364856
02-15 05:17:13.942 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 170ms
android.fg$MyHandler c=null m=0
02-15 05:17:13.942 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 141ms main$QcHandler c=null m=3
02-15 05:17:13.972 1000 1201 2545 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 05:17:14.010 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 206 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:14.012 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:17:14.016 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:17:14.044 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 05:17:14.159 1000 1201 2840 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 05:17:14.165 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:17:14.166 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:17:14.352 10175 2377 7985 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 373 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:14.706 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
haredNotificationListenerManager$ListenerService} caller=android
02-15 05:17:14.766 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 05:17:15.020 10163 15694 15783 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 288 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:15.079 10163 15694 15694 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:17:13.911 late=5ms wall=1162ms running=291ms runnable=38ms io=200ms$H w=110
02-15 05:17:15.306 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:17:22.527 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
15939:com.miui.notification:remote/1000 for service
02-15 05:17:27.169 1000 1201 1201 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 644 ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:27.177 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 666ms main$WorkerHandler$PostNotificationRunnab
le@ae83d47 m=0
02-15 05:17:27.177 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 662ms main$WorkerHandler$NotificationListeners$
2@377e974 m=0
02-15 05:17:27.179 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 05:17:27.378 1000 15939 15939 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.761 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
15972:com.miui.notification/1000 for service
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/app/NotificationCenter/NotificationCenter.apk!/lib/armeabi, /system/lib,
/product/lib, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 05:17:27.980 1000 15972 15972 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 05:17:27.990 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
caller=com.miui.notification enableBoost=true
02-15 05:17:32.600 1000 15939 15939 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1278 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:32.631 1000 15991 15991 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:17:28.083 late=2ms wall=1161ms running=312ms runnable=12ms io=197ms$H w=110
02-15 05:17:32.664 1000 15939 15939 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:17:22.627 late=6ms wall=2778ms running=609ms runnable=72ms io=68ms$H w=110
02-15 05:17:33.725 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@113a346 already registered for pid 15991,
callerPackage is
02-15 05:17:42.761 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@b04cf1b already registered for pid 15939,
callerPackage is com.miui.notification
02-15 05:17:47.627 10163 15694 15786 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 660 ms, interface=android.ashmemd.IAshmemDeviceService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:17:47.646 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@e822f82 already registered for pid 15972,
callerPackage is com.miui.notification
02-15 05:18:13.663 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:18:18.858 10111 16049 16049 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:18:13.775 late=8ms wall=1210ms running=345ms runnable=50ms io=106ms$H w=110
02-15 05:18:23.507 10111 16049 16111 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 674 ms,, code=5 oneway=false
02-15 05:18:23.512 10111 16049 16092 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 681 ms,, code=54 oneway=false
02-15 05:18:23.535 10111 16049 16110 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 703 ms,, code=71 oneway=false
02-15 05:18:23.684 10111 16049 16092 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 05:18:45.071 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:18:49.410 10091 16130 16130 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:18:45.159 late=8ms wall=1122ms running=329ms runnable=42ms io=72ms$H w=110
02-15 05:18:49.938 10091 16130 16130 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 264 ms, interface=android.os.IUserManager, code=52 oneway=false
02-15 05:18:51.950 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 99 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:18:52.000 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:18:52.053 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 05:18:52.465 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:20:08.048 10175 2377 7985 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 273 ms,, code=3
02-15 05:22:58.045 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 645 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 05:23:44.125 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 653 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 05:24:50.695 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 05:24:50.879 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 05:26:15.555 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 2 isPlugged: 1 level: 100 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:26:15.609 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty for 1898s
02-15 05:26:15.659 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:26:15.699 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 14284
02-15 05:26:16.074 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:33:43.719 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:33:50.101 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 1 line
02-15 05:33:50.236 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:39:46.726 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 719ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 05:39:51.905 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 5 isPlugged: 1 level: 100 wireState: 11
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:39:52.417 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:39:52.648 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 241 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 05:44:11.126 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 284 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:44:11.970 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 999): empty for 1919s
02-15 05:44:12.314 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
vice} caller=android
02-15 05:44:12.368 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 05:44:12.440 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:48:50.387 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:48:50.503 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:48:50.723 1000 1201 2040 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 05:48:50.806 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:48:50.807 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:48:50.844 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:48:50.994 1000 1201 1214 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 05:48:51.000 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:48:51.002 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:50:06.396 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:51:33.292 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 666 ms,, code=1
02-15 05:52:27.415 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:5448669 downTime:5448669 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:27.416 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:52:27.434 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 05:52:27.436 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 05:52:27.440 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 05:52:27.449 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 05:52:27.449 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 05:52:27.450 1000 1413 10570 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 05:52:27.455 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:52:27.458 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 05:52:27.458 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 05:52:27.459 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager:
02-15 05:52:27.470 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 05:52:27.490 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 05:52:27.492 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 05:52:27.514 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:5448808 downTime:5448669 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:27.524 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:27.573 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 05:52:27.581 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 05:52:27.581 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 132 ms
02-15 05:52:27.675 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:5448970 downTime:5448970 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:27.675 1000 1201 1320 I WindowManager: Power button double tap
gesture detected, null. Interval=260ms
02-15 05:52:27.676 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:52:27.742 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:27.743 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 369 ms
02-15 05:52:27.743 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 05:52:27.752 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 217 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:27.867 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:5449162 downTime:5448970 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:27.868 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 05:52:27.868 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 05:52:27.874 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 05:52:27.908 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:28.259 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 05:52:28.260 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 05:52:28.260 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 05:52:28.277 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 05:52:28.545 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:5449839 downTime:5449839 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:28.546 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:52:28.557 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 05:52:28.557 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 05:52:28.558 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 05:52:28.558 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 05:52:28.559 1000 1413 10570 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 05:52:28.559 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 05:52:28.559 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 05:52:28.559 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 05:52:28.560 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager:
02-15 05:52:28.560 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 05:52:28.560 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 05:52:28.560 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 05:52:28.561 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 05:52:28.569 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 292 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:28.572 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 258 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:28.574 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 05:52:28.574 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 16 ms
02-15 05:52:28.576 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 05:52:28.638 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:52:28.659 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:28.667 1000 2585 2606 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5449538521862|Slow issue draw commands|33
02-15 05:52:28.758 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:5450053 downTime:5449839 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:28.851 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 275 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:28.853 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 309 ms
02-15 05:52:28.855 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 05:52:28.863 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 287 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:28.918 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:52:29.164 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:30.677 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:5451971 downTime:5451971 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:30.677 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:52:31.335 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:31.456 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:31.458 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 05:52:31.459 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 5 isPlugged: 0 level: 100 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:52:31.464 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:52:31.481 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 05:52:31.481 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED
flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } to
02-15 05:52:31.495 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 100 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 05:52:31.513 1000 1201 1245 I BatteryStatsImpl: Resetting battery stats:
level=100 status=5 dischargeLevel=100 lowAmount=0 highAmount=0
02-15 05:52:31.525 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:31.584 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:31.625 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 05:52:31.674 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 05:52:31.691 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:5452986 downTime:5451971 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:52:43.545 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 05:52:43.546 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 05:52:43.555 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 05:52:43.981 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 05:52:43.981 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 05:52:43.996 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 05:52:44.020 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 05:52:44.292 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 05:52:44.326 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 307 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:44.332 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 05:52:44.332 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 05:52:44.333 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 242 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:52:44.336 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 05:52:44.901 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:53:10.614 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:5470529 downTime:5470529 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:10.616 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:53:10.655 1000 1201 1320 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 37ms
02-15 05:53:10.659 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 05:53:10.659 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 05:53:10.662 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 05:53:10.690 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 05:53:10.690 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 05:53:10.695 1000 1413 2016 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 05:53:10.700 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 05:53:10.731 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:53:10.734 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 05:53:10.734 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 05:53:10.737 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager:
02-15 05:53:10.744 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:5470707 downTime:5470529 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:10.828 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 05:53:10.830 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 05:53:10.831 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 05:53:10.837 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 05:53:10.837 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 147 ms
02-15 05:53:10.972 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:10.973 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 408 ms
02-15 05:53:10.974 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 05:53:10.987 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 215 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:12.710 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5471260417479|Slow issue draw commands|19
02-15 05:53:13.050 1000 1201 3731 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:53:13.843 1000 1201 3731 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:53:13.944 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:53:14.276 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:15.449 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 73
02-15 05:53:15.457 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 05:53:15.478 1000 1201 6414 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 05:53:15.479 1000 1201 6414 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 05:53:15.480 1000 1201 6414 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 05:53:15.482 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 05:53:15.715 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:15.716 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 05:53:15.718 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:15.721 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:15.744 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{277652c u0
com.miui.calculator/}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:15.746 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:15.787 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:15.787 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=5475751 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 05:53:15.803 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 05:53:15.803 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 05:53:15.853 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 05:53:15.860 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:53:15.860 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:53:15.860 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:53:15.861 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:53:15.861 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 05:53:16.104 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7ac4fc u0 com.miui.calculator/.cal.CalculatorActivity t171}
02-15 05:53:16.107 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:53:16.958 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5476919 downTime:5476919 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.061 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5477025 downTime:5476919 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.114 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.116 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.119 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.125 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.132 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.142 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.157 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 05:53:17.162 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.182 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.186 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5477149 downTime:5477149 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.209 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 05:53:17.223 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:17.228 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.289 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.318 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:17.331 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
16542:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 05:53:17.348 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5477311 downTime:5477149 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.355 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5476288791249|Slow main thread|23
02-15 05:53:17.381 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5477343 downTime:5477343 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.385 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 05:53:17.477 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5477439 downTime:5477343 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:17.625 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:5477589
02-15 05:53:17.631 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:53:17.993 10072 16542 16542 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 05:53:17.993 10072 16542 16542 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 05:53:18.106 10072 16542 16542 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 05:53:18.107 10072 16542 16542 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 05:53:18.269 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 982 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:18.711 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager: cDdsRzU4elRVdjJZL3Ztd
02-15 05:53:18.930 10086 1687 1687 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms,, code=5 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:18.945 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:19.596 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onResume took 228ms
02-15 05:53:19.607 1000 1201 6414 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:53:19.614 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
hNowActivity is 671ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 3 took 658ms (seq=3451 running=451ms runnable=2ms
io=160ms late=13ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:53:19.622 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:19.685 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ec98d70 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:19.691 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:19.782 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 654ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 658ms (seq=3451 running=451ms runnable=2ms
io=160ms late=13ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:53:19.797 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:20.445 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:20.469 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 05:53:20.564 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{e0ae828 u0
hNowActivity t172} time:5480528
02-15 05:53:20.567 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:53:20.570 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 464ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 470ms (seq=3083 running=277ms runnable=7ms
io=131ms swapin=29ms late=7ms$MyHandler
02-15 05:53:24.535 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 101ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 05:53:24.535 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i1 for
02-15 05:53:24.535 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 101ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 05:53:24.536 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 102ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 05:53:25.124 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 971ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 961ms (seq=3667 running=420ms runnable=5ms
io=397ms swapin=2ms late=5ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 05:53:25.697 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5485178156788|Slow main
02-15 05:53:37.913 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 05:53:40.513 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5498171038096|Slow main
02-15 05:53:40.514 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5498564807711|Slow main
02-15 05:53:40.516 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5500474513327|Slow issue
draw commands|99
02-15 05:53:42.871 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5502832416558|Slow issue
draw commands|120
02-15 05:53:43.074 1000 1201 2545 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:53:45.483 1000 1201 1338 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(101,
02-15 05:53:45.975 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 05:53:46.022 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:53:46.148 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent {
flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 05:53:46.333 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi Hal is booting up...
02-15 05:53:46.334 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Registering HAL: android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi with name: default
02-15 05:53:46.344 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 142ms main$QcHandler c=null m=3
02-15 05:53:46.355 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
mJobService} caller=android
02-15 05:53:46.543 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL started
02-15 05:53:46.804 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 05:53:47.093 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5507035180558|Slow issue
draw commands|73
02-15 05:53:47.187 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for wlan0
02-15 05:53:47.187 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Adding interface handle for p2p0
02-15 05:53:47.187 wifi 16739 16739 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 05:53:47.187 wifi 16739 16739 E android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Failed to register radio mode change callback
02-15 05:53:47.187 wifi 16739 16739 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 05:53:47.202 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Configured chip in mode 0
02-15 05:53:47.202 wifi 16739 16739 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 05:53:47.373 wifi 723 723 I wificond: create scanner for interface with
index: 42
02-15 05:53:47.373 wifi 723 723 I wificond: subscribe scan result for
interface with index: 42
02-15 05:53:47.395 wifi 723 723 E wificond: No Offload Service available
02-15 05:53:47.397 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Offload HAL not supported
02-15 05:53:47.592 10171 2281 3913 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1668 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:47.804 10182 16711 16711 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:53:46.115 late=5ms wall=1659ms running=285ms runnable=293ms io=966ms$H w=110
02-15 05:53:47.808 1000 1201 2545 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 05:53:47.862 10171 2281 3913 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 265 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:48.328 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5506923649712|Slow issue draw commands|44
02-15 05:53:48.330 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5507927577558|Slow main thread|20
02-15 05:53:48.452 10182 16711 16844 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 239 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:48.573 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Process has 1 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification
android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi has clients: 1
02-15 05:53:49.041 1000 1201 1230 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 38ms
02-15 05:53:49.089 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 106ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=8635, seq=42409,
02-15 05:53:49.181 1000 1201 3752 E NotificationService: Error creating
vibration waveform with pattern: [0]
02-15 05:53:49.287 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5509248729020|Slow issue
draw commands|120
02-15 05:53:49.341 1000 1201 2927 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:53:49.365 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 276 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:49.387 10190 16760 16760 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:53:46.487 late=13ms wall=2886ms running=455ms runnable=292ms io=1905ms$H w=110
02-15 05:53:49.526 1000 16802 16802 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:53:46.889 late=13ms wall=2624ms running=448ms runnable=279ms io=1809ms$H w=110
02-15 05:53:49.649 10182 16711 16842 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 213 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:49.899 10182 16711 16854 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 505 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:53:50.303 1000 1201 2545 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.facebook.orca/10225 for broadcast Intent
{ act=com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE cat=[com.facebook.orca] flg=0x10
pkg=com.facebook.orca (has extras) }: process is not permitted to auto start
02-15 05:53:50.305 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 05:53:50.391 10182 16711 16856 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 286 ms,, code=5
02-15 05:53:50.890 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5510828 downTime:5510828 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:50.995 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5510958 downTime:5510828 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:53:51.078 10173 7862 7862 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 156ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=235, seq=42447,
02-15 05:53:51.428 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:53:51.543 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.545 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.568 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.584 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.620 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.655 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 05:53:51.690 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5509524863943|Slow main thread|5
02-15 05:53:51.698 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.717 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.764 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:51.769 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.805 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:51.907 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:52.176 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:5512140
02-15 05:53:52.181 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:53:52.494 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onDestroy took 133ms
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:53:53.452 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityTaskManager: Y3duV25saTdXVWNqTGx1U
02-15 05:53:53.512 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:54.230 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onResume took 223ms
02-15 05:53:54.240 1000 1201 1643 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:53:54.273 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
hNowActivity is 765ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 3 took 748ms (seq=4911 running=431ms runnable=4ms
io=260ms late=18ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:53:54.282 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:54.321 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1a78c88 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:54.326 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:54.412 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 746ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 748ms (seq=4911 running=431ms runnable=4ms
io=260ms late=18ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:53:54.424 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:53:55.061 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:53:55.075 1000 1201 3768 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 05:53:55.098 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 528ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 531ms (seq=3332 running=76ms runnable=7ms
io=412ms late=27ms$MyHandler w=60)
02-15 05:53:55.198 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173} time:5515162
02-15 05:53:55.201 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:53:58.503 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5518057355174|Slow main
02-15 05:54:05.230 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
17019:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 for broadcast
02-15 05:54:06.710 10225 17019 17019 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:54:05.407 late=1ms wall=1301ms running=227ms runnable=6ms io=175ms$H w=110
02-15 05:54:07.059 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:07.770 10225 17019 17064 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 239 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:07.798 1000 1201 3742 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 05:54:08.551 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 359ms
late because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 255ms (seq=5606 running=83ms runnable=2ms
io=145ms late=201ms h=android.os.Handler, msg 5 took 54ms (seq=5610
running=12ms runnable=1ms io=40ms late=457ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 05:54:09.875 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5528678738175|Slow main
02-15 05:54:09.945 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 05:54:10.866 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 439ms
late because of 15 msg, msg 1 took 430ms (seq=5754 running=144ms runnable=5ms
io=253ms late=82ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 05:54:11.114 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:54:11.538 10175 2377 11534 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 247 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:11.973 10173 17149 17149 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:54:10.399 late=9ms wall=1551ms running=437ms runnable=120ms io=923ms$H w=110
02-15 05:54:12.330 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5531085074713|Slow main
02-15 05:54:12.342 10225 17019 17066 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 344 ms,, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:12.438 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:54:12.636 10173 7862 7900 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 780 ms,, code=5
02-15 05:54:13.553 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{cff7b44 10225/u0 ReceiverList{f8eb457 17019
com.facebook.orca/10225/u0 remote:42fa9d6}}
02-15 05:54:13.575 10175 2377 11534 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 347 ms,, code=5
02-15 05:54:14.125 10175 17226 17226 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:54:12.490 late=3ms wall=1631ms running=531ms runnable=144ms io=742ms
reclaim=12ms$H w=110
02-15 05:54:14.519 10194 17181 17181 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=8
plan=05:54:12.740 late=0ms wall=1779ms running=372ms runnable=130ms io=1180ms
reclaim=14ms h=android.os.Handler c=EA1
02-15 05:54:15.063 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 527ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 05:54:15.065 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 529ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 05:54:15.067 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 531ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 05:54:15.067 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:0/u0ai0 for
02-15 05:54:15.067 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 531ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 05:54:15.067 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 531ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 05:54:15.068 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 445ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 05:54:15.121 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 499ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 05:54:15.121 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 499ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 05:54:15.124 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 502ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 05:54:15.124 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:54:15.124 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 502ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 05:54:15.124 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 502ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 05:54:15.187 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 113ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 05:54:15.200 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 126ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 05:54:15.209 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 05:54:15.209 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 05:54:15.209 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 05:54:15.209 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 135ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 05:54:15.235 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:15.511 10173 7862 7862 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 156ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=237, seq=42567,
02-15 05:54:15.580 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:15.644 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:15.978 10194 17181 17284 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 913 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:16.192 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ce} caller=android
02-15 05:54:17.241 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:19.533 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Process
com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service (pid 14503) has died: cch+65 SVC
02-15 05:54:19.540 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/.MiConnectService in 1000ms
02-15 05:54:20.129 1000 1201 3742 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.core (pid
14554) has died: cch+65 SVC
02-15 05:54:20.131 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.core/miui.autoinstall.config.service.AutoInstallService in
02-15 05:54:20.594 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
17507:com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/1000 for service
02-15 05:54:20.714 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 16802) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 05:54:21.714 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5539678710560|Slow handle traversal|27
02-15 05:54:22.275 10183 17412 17439 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 5322 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:30.574 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
17561:com.miui.core/u0a138 for service
02-15 05:54:30.964 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 16760) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 05:54:32.070 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:54:32.183 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 137ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable@5d2ab14
02-15 05:54:32.214 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(96, 0 -
1545, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.26
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:54:32.545 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(96, 0 - 1545, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.26 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:54:32.732 10183 17412 17412 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 486 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:32.738 10173 7862 7862 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 363 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:32.742 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 365ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 365ms (seq=7271 h=cz w=0)
02-15 05:54:32.742 10175 2377 2377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 348 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:32.826 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display prepareFrame took 95 ms
02-15 05:54:32.842 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 112ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 05:54:33.003 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 15991) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 05:54:33.136 1000 1201 1231 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 292 ms,, code=90
02-15 05:54:33.513 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onPause took 477ms
02-15 05:54:33.657 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onStop took 104ms
02-15 05:54:33.659 10099 2871 2871 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=496 plan=05:54:32.533 late=0ms wall=1125ms running=23ms runnable=11ms io=16ms
swapin=1019ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:33.780 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 16364) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 05:54:33.834 10171 2281 2281 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=178 plan=05:54:32.551 late=1ms wall=1282ms running=30ms runnable=5ms io=133ms
swapin=1047ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:33.862 9810 2668 2668 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=981 plan=05:54:32.544 late=1ms wall=1316ms running=25ms runnable=1ms io=19ms
swapin=1198ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:33.903 1000 2585 2585 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1105 plan=05:54:32.565 late=0ms wall=1293ms running=21ms runnable=3ms io=2ms
swapin=1197ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:33.975 10068 3409 3409 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=168 plan=05:54:32.541 late=2ms wall=1385ms running=24ms runnable=7ms io=13ms
swapin=1271ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.070 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout
02-15 05:54:34.074 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
02-15 05:54:34.075 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 05:54:34.075 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{1a78c88 u0
02-15 05:54:34.094 radio 1612 1612 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=18582 plan=05:54:32.542 late=0ms wall=1551ms running=40ms runnable=20ms
io=93ms swapin=1324ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.136 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onDestroy took 233ms
02-15 05:54:34.171 1000 3042 3042 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1922 plan=05:54:32.567 late=1ms wall=1602ms running=27ms runnable=16ms io=24ms
swapin=1470ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.190 1000 2757 2757 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=5241 plan=05:54:32.532 late=0ms wall=1658ms running=54ms runnable=45ms
io=389ms swapin=1082ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.194 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=6134 plan=05:54:32.544 late=0ms wall=1650ms running=32ms runnable=52ms
swapin=1484ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.249 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display doComposition took 68 ms
02-15 05:54:34.269 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=185 plan=05:54:32.548 late=1ms wall=1719ms running=27ms runnable=9ms io=3ms
swapin=1606ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.328 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=5309 plan=05:54:32.547 late=2ms wall=1778ms running=27ms runnable=9ms io=31ms
swapin=1626ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.611 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: App freeze timeout expired.
02-15 05:54:34.611 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing freeze:
AppWindowToken{5c6db66 token=Token{8d7c1 ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173}}}
02-15 05:54:34.611 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +2s539ms
due to AppWindowToken{5c6db66 token=Token{8d7c1 ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173}}}
02-15 05:54:34.694 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=56582 plan=05:54:32.539 late=0ms wall=2155ms running=135ms runnable=43ms
io=169ms swapin=1658ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.844 radio 2053 2053 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=478 plan=05:54:33.303 late=1ms wall=1475ms running=20ms runnable=6ms io=7ms
swapin=1379ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.864 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=3508 plan=05:54:32.572 late=0ms wall=2292ms running=109ms runnable=9ms
io=650ms swapin=1354ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.885 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 479ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 2292ms (seq=3508 running=109ms runnable=9ms
io=650ms swapin=1354ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:54:34.939 10148 2645 2645 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=14
plan=05:54:33.561 late=1ms wall=1367ms running=30ms runnable=10ms io=5ms
swapin=1263ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.952 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onCreate took 723ms
02-15 05:54:34.964 1068 2628 2628 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=13
plan=05:54:33.620 late=1ms wall=1334ms running=29ms runnable=13ms swapin=1239ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:34.988 1000 2685 2685 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=19
plan=05:54:33.358 late=1ms wall=1614ms running=31ms runnable=17ms io=5ms
swapin=1500ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:35.019 10055 2608 2608 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=11
plan=05:54:33.808 late=0ms wall=1193ms running=30ms runnable=14ms swapin=1103ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:35.033 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:54:35.096 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display doComposition took 373 ms
02-15 05:54:35.105 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=7274 plan=05:54:32.598 late=300ms wall=2207ms running=399ms runnable=20ms
io=1602ms$H w=159
02-15 05:54:35.185 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{6746df8 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:54:35.257 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
2401ms late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 156ms (seq=7273 running=34ms io=112ms
late=217ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 2207ms (seq=7274
running=399ms runnable=20ms io=1602ms late=300ms$H
02-15 05:54:35.260 1000 1201 1233 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:54:35.260 1000 1201 1233 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:54:35.371 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.79
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:54:35.426 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.79 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:54:35.544 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 373ms
late because of 26 msg, msg 1 took 102ms (seq=7278 running=31ms runnable=1ms
io=24ms late=2401ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 2 took 65ms (seq=7279
running=2ms late=2ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=android.view.-$
$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$7A_3tkr_Kw4TZAeIUGVlOoTcZhg), msg 21 took 172ms (seq=7298
running=1ms late=651ms w=0)
02-15 05:54:35.666 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 787ms
late because of 52 msg, msg 1 took 2155ms (seq=56582 running=135ms runnable=43ms
io=169ms swapin=1658ms$H w=159), msg 8 took 506ms
(seq=56589 running=171ms runnable=28ms io=119ms swapin=107ms late=2088ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 05:54:35.903 1000 1201 2927 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:54:35.928 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7caf93b u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:54:35.962 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 368ms
late because of 12 msg, msg 7 took 290ms (seq=7313 running=213ms runnable=1ms
io=37ms late=134ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:54:35.968 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173} time:5555932
02-15 05:54:35.982 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +722ms due
to Window{7caf93b u0
02-15 05:54:36.055 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 05:54:36.068 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 697ms
late because of 99 msg, msg 1 took 423ms (seq=56634 running=120ms runnable=3ms
io=10ms swapin=7ms late=787ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 93 took 129ms
(seq=56726 running=109ms runnable=1ms io=1ms swapin=4ms late=531ms
h=android.os.Handler$1), msg 94 took 58ms
(seq=56727 running=52ms runnable=1ms swapin=2ms late=654ms
02-15 05:54:36.068 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 367ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=8728, seq=42595, action=ACTION_OUTSIDE)
02-15 05:54:36.069 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: MotionEvent is
368ms late (event_seq=8730, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 52 msg, msg 45 took
129ms (seq=56726 running=109ms runnable=1ms io=1ms swapin=4ms late=531ms
h=android.os.Handler$1), msg 46 took 58ms
(seq=56727 running=52ms runnable=1ms swapin=2ms late=654ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1), msg 52 took 122ms
(seq=56733 running=44ms io=4ms swapin=1ms late=697ms
02-15 05:54:36.069 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 368ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=8730, seq=42596, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 05:54:36.232 1000 1201 5660 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:54:36.677 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 483ms
late because of 110 msg, msg 1 took 122ms (seq=56733 running=44ms io=4ms swapin=1ms
late=697ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 8 took 70ms (seq=56740
running=57ms runnable=5ms late=669ms$H w=159), msg 15
took 155ms (seq=56747 running=107ms runnable=6ms late=671ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 05:54:36.951 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 462ms
late because of 175 msg, msg 1 took 235ms (seq=56843 running=128ms runnable=3ms
io=3ms swapin=29ms late=483ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 83 took 95ms
(seq=56925 running=72ms runnable=6ms io=3ms late=440ms
02-15 05:54:37.921 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5557352183023|Slow main thread|24
02-15 05:54:40.711 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.settings.LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS flg=0x14000000$LocationSettingsActivity} from uid 1000
02-15 05:54:40.748 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:54:41.076 1000 1413 10267 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 366 ms,, code=119 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:41.081 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 365 ms, interface=android.view.IWindowSession, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 05:54:41.121 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 379ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 379ms (seq=57361 running=5ms runnable=1ms
swapin=8ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 05:54:41.185 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5556770297484|Slow main
02-15 05:54:41.189 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
02-15 05:54:41.298 1000 1201 2545 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 129
02-15 05:54:41.331 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:54:41.380 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 05:54:41.385 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
com.facebook.orca Adj=800 State=11
02-15 05:54:41.385 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
17019:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 (adj 800): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 05:54:41.446 1000 1201 7141 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
RestartService packageName :com.facebook.orca uid : 10225
02-15 05:54:42.089 1000 17617 17657 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.qti.smq.Feedback.provider
02-15 05:54:42.130 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:54:42.192 1000 1201 3752 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction
queried by uid 1000 (com.miui.misound et al): null
02-15 05:54:42.203 1000 1201 3731 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction
queried by uid 1000 (com.miui.misound et al): null
02-15 05:54:42.212 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5561326824100|Slow handle traversal|13
02-15 05:54:42.750 1000 17617 17617 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity$LocationSettingsActivity is 582ms late (wall=869ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 571ms (seq=2 running=287ms runnable=5ms io=242ms late=15ms$H w=110)
02-15 05:54:42.751 1000 17617 17617 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity$LocationSettingsActivity is 1446ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 571ms (seq=2 running=287ms runnable=5ms
io=242ms late=15ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 869ms (seq=3
running=335ms runnable=3ms io=418ms swapin=12ms reclaim=4ms late=582ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:54:42.776 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4c4cc26 u0$LocationSettingsActivity}:
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:54:43.014 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7debae1 u0$LocationSettingsActivity t174} time:5562977
02-15 05:54:43.381 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:54:43.711 10175 2377 17672 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 240 ms,, code=5
02-15 05:55:03.404 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5583347 downTime:5583347 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:03.415 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5556640163561|Slow main thread|3
02-15 05:55:03.539 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5583503 downTime:5583347 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:04.181 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:55:05.606 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5585570 downTime:5585570 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:05.745 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5585708 downTime:5585570 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:05.791 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:05.794 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:05.795 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:05.825 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7caf93b u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:05.832 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:05.884 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:06.681 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173} time:5586645
02-15 05:55:06.687 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:55:08.550 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:55:08.552 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:55:08.636 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(96, 0 -
1545, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.130
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:55:08.675 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(96, 0 - 1545, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_270} s.130 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:55:08.998 1000 1201 2520 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 168ms
02-15 05:55:09.162 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 377ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 389ms (seq=60213 running=102ms runnable=11ms
io=239ms late=38ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:09.436 1000 1201 2041 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:55:09.468 1000 1201 2696 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{286ebc1 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:09.507 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 495ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 4 took 64ms (seq=8098 running=4ms io=55ms late=208ms
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate w=2), msg 7
took 386ms (seq=8101 running=228ms runnable=3ms io=96ms late=105ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:09.514 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173} time:5589478
02-15 05:55:09.525 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +973ms due
to Window{286ebc1 u0
02-15 05:55:10.399 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5589737039102|Slow main thread|6
02-15 05:55:10.512 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5590169227409|Slow main
02-15 05:55:24.801 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5604763 downTime:5604763 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:24.822 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5604785 downTime:5604763 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:25.801 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5605509452179|Slow handle
02-15 05:55:25.950 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:55:25.952 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:55:26.045 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.180
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:55:26.076 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.180 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:55:26.470 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:55:26.501 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c2e360c u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:26.545 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{67bf0a8 u0
hNowActivity t173} time:5606509
02-15 05:55:26.683 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +731ms due
to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 05:55:29.588 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5606941464179|Slow main thread|5
02-15 05:55:39.524 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5619486 downTime:5619486 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:39.672 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5619635 downTime:5619486 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:39.736 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.744 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.757 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5607279447718|Slow main
02-15 05:55:39.760 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.766 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.781 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.861 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 05:55:39.866 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.867 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:39.873 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.920 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:39.932 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:40.100 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:40.408 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:5620372
02-15 05:55:40.414 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:55:41.545 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager: aVNWKzY4a2NRQndEK0x5S
02-15 05:55:41.605 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:41.985 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onResume took 175ms
02-15 05:55:41.995 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:55:42.001 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
hNowActivity is 399ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 3 took 386ms (seq=9770 running=317ms runnable=2ms
io=24ms late=13ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:42.010 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:42.042 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebd3594 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:42.047 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:42.098 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 375ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 386ms (seq=9770 running=317ms runnable=2ms
io=24ms late=13ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:42.109 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:42.495 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:42.528 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 322ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 331ms (seq=3629 running=84ms runnable=4ms
io=176ms swapin=20ms late=11ms$MyHandler
02-15 05:55:42.883 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{99d94f6 u0
hNowActivity t175} time:5622847
02-15 05:55:42.886 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:55:42.940 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 05:55:42.971 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 389ms
late because of 13 msg, msg 7 took 361ms (seq=3640 running=262ms runnable=4ms
io=61ms swapin=16ms late=79ms h=android.os.Handler c=rmg)
02-15 05:55:44.115 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 05:55:45.736 10173 7862 16565 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 319 ms,,
code=1 oneway=false
02-15 05:55:45.821 1000 1201 7141 I WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH
pushWakePathWhiteList: userId=0 size=3
02-15 05:55:46.572 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5625423627181|Slow main
02-15 05:55:54.094 10173 7862 7862 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 05:55:54.104 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= (has
extras)} from uid 10173
02-15 05:55:54.182 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:54.355 10194 17181 17181 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 05:55:54.359 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= flg=0x800000
(has extras)} from uid 10194
02-15 05:55:54.458 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:54.460 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:54.637 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 05:55:54.958 10194 17181 17284 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 361 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 05:55:55.073 1000 1201 7141 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:55:55.143 10194 17181 17181 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is
688ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 5 msg, msg 5 took 627ms (seq=89 running=188ms runnable=2ms
io=356ms late=6ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:55.162 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{3c5a99c u0}:
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:55:55.168 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:55.170 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:55.319 10194 17181 17181 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 440ms
late because of 17 msg, msg 1 took 627ms (seq=89 running=188ms runnable=2ms
io=356ms late=6ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:55:55.488 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:55.494 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:1/u0ai1 for
02-15 05:55:55.523 10194 17181 17181 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 305ms
late because of 18 msg, msg 1 took 172ms (seq=106 running=22ms io=2ms late=440ms
02-15 05:55:55.740 10194 17181 17327 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 216 ms,, code=5
02-15 05:55:55.882 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:1/u0a194i-8999 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:56.087 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:2/u0ai2 for
02-15 05:55:56.301 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:2/u0a194i-8998 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:56.368 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5636014381027|Slow main thread|2
02-15 05:55:56.505 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:55:56.528 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:3/u0ai3 for
02-15 05:55:56.724 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{c99190c u0 t175}
02-15 05:55:56.727 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:55:56.814 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:3/u0a194i-8997 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:56.851 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:4/u0ai4 for
02-15 05:55:57.058 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:4/u0a194i-8996 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:57.101 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:5/u0ai5 for
02-15 05:55:57.287 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:5/u0a194i-8995 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:58.365 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:6/u0ai6 for
02-15 05:55:58.561 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:6/u0a194i-8994 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:55:59.844 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5639795 downTime:5639795 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:55:59.960 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5639923 downTime:5639795 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:56:00.028 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:00.044 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:00.142 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebd3594 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:56:00.148 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:00.233 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:00.242 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{99d94f6 u0
hNowActivity t175} time:5640205
02-15 05:56:00.420 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 15694) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 05:56:00.480 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:56:00.622 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 05:56:00.622 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:7/u0ai7 for
02-15 05:56:00.622 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 05:56:00.622 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 05:56:00.828 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5640790 downTime:5640790 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:56:00.873 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:0/u0a194i-9000 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 05:56:00.926 1000 1201 2890 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5640889 downTime:5640790 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:56:00.951 10194 17181 17181 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop
took 184ms
02-15 05:56:00.973 1000 1201 7141 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access
to, application is not in focus neither is a system service for
user 0
02-15 05:56:01.021 10173 7862 7896 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 224 ms,, code=6
02-15 05:56:01.084 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.086 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.090 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.101 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.114 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.206 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 05:56:01.212 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.220 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.275 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:56:01.280 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.296 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.325 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:01.629 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:5641593
02-15 05:56:01.634 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:56:02.485 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 05:56:02.869 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 05:56:03.317 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 05:56:05.282 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 05:56:05.677 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 05:56:08.537 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 05:56:09.629 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityTaskManager: YU5Kdzk2eXFHKzBvT1diM
02-15 05:56:09.670 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:10.234 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onResume took 190ms
02-15 05:56:10.243 1000 1201 6414 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:56:10.252 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
hNowActivity is 586ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 3 took 571ms (seq=11097 running=344ms runnable=2ms
io=172ms late=15ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:56:10.259 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:10.284 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7748392 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:56:10.289 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:10.390 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 566ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 571ms (seq=11097 running=344ms runnable=2ms
io=172ms late=15ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:56:10.400 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:56:10.700 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:56:10.723 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 05:56:11.175 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{d7892d7 u0
hNowActivity t176} time:5651139
02-15 05:56:11.179 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:56:12.098 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 05:56:12.843 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5652391585567|Slow main
02-15 05:56:14.342 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5653849479490|Slow main
02-15 05:56:16.892 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||5656545778106|Slow issue
draw commands|16
02-15 05:56:39.874 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:5679835 downTime:5679835 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:56:42.276 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:5682238 downTime:5679835 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:57:09.581 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:5709542 downTime:5709542 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:57:09.714 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:5709678 downTime:5709542 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:57:11.595 1000 1201 6414 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:57:13.643 1000 1201 2843 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:57:18.933 1000 1201 2545 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:57:20.255 1000 1201 2545 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:57:21.969 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:57:21.973 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
17996:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 for service
ce} caller=com.facebook.orca
02-15 05:57:23.564 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=05:57:22.176 late=3ms wall=1384ms running=224ms runnable=8ms io=141ms$H w=110
02-15 05:57:23.702 10225 17996 18079 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 05:57:23.707 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=com.facebook.orca.notify.SECURE_VIEW dat=fb-messenger://user/100047412555062
(has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 05:57:23.747 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 05:57:23.793 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 130
02-15 05:57:23.797 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:23.884 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 05:57:23.888 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
com.miui.calculator Adj=920 State=19
02-15 05:57:23.889 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
15419:com.miui.calculator/u0a139 (adj 920): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 05:57:23.918 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 15419
02-15 05:57:23.993 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 05:57:23.997 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x4000000
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity (has extras)} from
uid 10225
02-15 05:57:24.154 1000 1201 2891 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:57:24.165 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.intents.SecureIntentHandlerActivity is
370ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 369ms (seq=6 running=181ms runnable=5ms
io=105ms late=1ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:57:24.191 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:24.192 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c6cba20 u0
Splash Screen com.facebook.orca}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:57:24.198 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:24.202 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:24.206 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ea105aa u0
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:57:24.214 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:24.251 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:57:25.054 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:57:25.475 1000 1201 1214 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:57:25.484 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=15
plan=05:57:24.187 late=230ms wall=1067ms running=885ms runnable=4ms io=39ms$H w=159
02-15 05:57:25.485 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity is 1297ms late (wall=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 9 msg, msg 4 took 212ms (seq=12 running=15ms runnable=2ms
io=18ms late=45ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 7 took 1067ms (seq=15
running=885ms runnable=4ms io=39ms late=230ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:57:25.563 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{aada6d1 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:57:25.897 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1244ms late because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 212ms (seq=12 running=15ms runnable=2ms
io=18ms late=45ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 1067ms (seq=15
running=885ms runnable=4ms io=39ms late=230ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:57:25.903 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:5725867
02-15 05:57:26.024 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 495ms
late because of 37 msg, msg 1 took 396ms (seq=22 running=279ms runnable=2ms io=8ms
late=1244ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 05:57:26.330 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onStop took 118ms
02-15 05:57:28.786 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{8cf3b4c 10225/u0 ReceiverList{394cf7f 17996
com.facebook.orca/10225/u0 remote:56e189e}}
02-15 05:57:29.306 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5727993329494|Slow main thread|10
02-15 05:57:30.649 1000 1201 3013 W WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH: call was
rejected by wakepath. userId= 0 caller= com.facebook.orca callee=
com.facebook.katana classname=com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
action=null wakeType=4
02-15 05:57:30.650 10225 17996 18042 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
02-15 05:57:33.363 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:5733306 downTime:5733306 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:57:38.653 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:57:38.655 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:57:38.774 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 123ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable@d3a34d5
02-15 05:57:38.802 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.230
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:57:38.905 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.230 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:57:39.066 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onPause took 111ms
02-15 05:57:39.069 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display prepareFrame took 76 ms
02-15 05:57:39.870 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 462ms
02-15 05:57:39.989 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:57:39.996 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=66078 plan=05:57:38.905 late=1ms wall=1086ms running=121ms runnable=50ms
io=608ms swapin=262ms$H w=159
02-15 05:57:39.996 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1197 plan=05:57:38.953 late=0ms wall=1042ms running=647ms runnable=4ms
io=250ms$H w=159
02-15 05:57:40.044 1000 1201 2890 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{f0ec431 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:57:40.045 1000 17617 17617 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=190 plan=05:57:38.900 late=2ms wall=1143ms running=47ms runnable=91ms io=970ms$H w=159
02-15 05:57:40.046 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=3829 plan=05:57:38.916 late=0ms wall=1129ms running=93ms runnable=10ms
io=683ms swapin=278ms$H w=159
02-15 05:57:40.236 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 859ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 1042ms (seq=1197 running=647ms runnable=4ms
io=250ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:57:40.241 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:5740205
02-15 05:57:40.534 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 509ms
late because of 51 msg, msg 1 took 1086ms (seq=66078 running=121ms runnable=50ms
io=608ms swapin=262ms late=1ms$H w=159), msg 10 took
292ms (seq=66087 running=145ms runnable=37ms io=65ms swapin=1ms late=1021ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 05:57:40.567 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s911ms
due to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 05:57:40.875 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 477ms
late because of 113 msg, msg 1 took 193ms (seq=66129 running=94ms runnable=15ms
io=6ms swapin=1ms late=509ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 109 took 83ms
(seq=66237 running=69ms runnable=5ms late=413ms
02-15 05:57:41.245 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 351ms
late because of 59 msg, msg 1 took 54ms (seq=66242 running=27ms late=477ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 11 took 226ms
(seq=66252 running=112ms runnable=7ms io=97ms late=257ms$H$C$1)
02-15 05:57:41.875 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5741256807572|Slow main thread|5
02-15 05:57:54.088 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:57:54.091 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 05:57:54.181 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.279
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 05:57:54.214 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.279 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 05:57:54.637 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:5754600 downTime:5733306 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:57:54.788 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 354ms
02-15 05:57:54.898 1000 1201 1729 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 05:57:54.935 1000 1201 2843 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c3ded0d u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:57:55.150 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 571ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 646ms (seq=1382 running=543ms runnable=7ms
io=14ms$H w=159)
02-15 05:57:55.156 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:5755119
02-15 05:57:55.166 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s76ms due
to Window{c3ded0d u0 com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}
02-15 05:57:55.169 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow Looper android.ui:
MotionEvent is 615ms late (event_seq=45689, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 05:57:55.169 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 615ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=45689, seq=45713, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 05:57:55.169 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: MotionEvent is
615ms late (event_seq=9732, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 205 msg, msg 1 took
136ms (seq=67948 running=103ms late=224ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5), msg 69 took 133ms (seq=68016
running=75ms runnable=3ms late=229ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 137 took 64ms
(seq=68084 running=56ms late=251ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1)
02-15 05:57:55.169 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 615ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=9732, seq=45712, action=ACTION_DOWN)
02-15 05:57:55.169 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 515ms
android.ui h=android.view.GestureDetector$GestureHandler c=null m=1
02-15 05:57:55.170 1000 1413 1413 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 574ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=9739, seq=45722, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 05:57:55.172 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 576ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=45699, seq=45723, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 05:57:55.172 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 536ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=45702, seq=45725, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP,
02-15 05:57:55.173 10225 17996 17996 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 537ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=660, seq=45724, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP,
02-15 05:57:55.251 10193 2484 2484 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 615ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=1320, seq=1, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP,
02-15 05:57:55.278 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 360ms
late because of 29 msg, msg 1 took 246ms (seq=1391 running=196ms runnable=1ms
late=571ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 05:57:59.901 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5755059648419|Slow main thread|4
02-15 05:58:26.220 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 05:58:54.647 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 05:58:54.648 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 05:58:54.654 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 05:58:55.108 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 05:58:55.144 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 35 ms
02-15 05:58:55.156 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 05:58:55.236 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 05:58:55.306 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onPause took 114ms
02-15 05:58:55.598 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 384 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:58:55.612 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 05:58:55.612 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 05:58:55.618 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 05:58:55.633 1000 1413 12740 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 05:58:55.746 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 05:58:55.747 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 05:58:55.918 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 115ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@c2b5571 m=0
02-15 05:58:55.963 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 05:58:56.067 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 308ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 308ms (seq=69579 running=113ms runnable=23ms
io=64ms swapin=5ms late=15ms$6
02-15 05:58:56.468 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 05:59:05.817 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:5820786 downTime:5820786 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:05.832 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 05:59:05.860 1000 1201 1320 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 25ms
02-15 05:59:05.863 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 05:59:05.864 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 05:59:05.868 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 05:59:05.872 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 05:59:05.873 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 05:59:05.873 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:5820951 downTime:5820786 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:05.877 1000 1413 12740 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 05:59:05.908 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 05:59:05.918 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:59:05.936 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 05:59:05.936 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 05:59:05.937 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager:
02-15 05:59:05.985 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 05:59:06.062 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 108ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 05:59:06.091 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 05:59:06.094 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 05:59:06.099 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 05:59:06.111 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 05:59:06.111 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 239 ms
02-15 05:59:06.190 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 282 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 05:59:06.191 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 494 ms
02-15 05:59:06.192 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 05:59:06.204 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 241 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 05:59:07.135 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5821863171654|Slow issue draw commands|36
02-15 05:59:08.761 1000 1201 1458 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 05:59:08.834 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 05:59:09.160 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:59:10.523 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 90
02-15 05:59:10.526 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 05:59:10.554 1000 1201 2891 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 05:59:10.555 1000 1201 2891 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 05:59:10.561 1000 1201 2891 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 05:59:10.565 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 05:59:10.806 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:59:10.806 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 05:59:10.808 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:59:10.811 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:59:10.948 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity onStart took 133ms
02-15 05:59:10.998 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c3ded0d u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:59:11.000 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:59:11.048 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 05:59:11.048 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=5826136 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 05:59:11.063 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 05:59:11.063 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 05:59:11.110 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 05:59:11.174 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:59:11.178 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:59:11.178 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:59:11.178 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 05:59:11.179 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 05:59:11.370 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:5826458
02-15 05:59:11.374 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 05:59:11.842 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 686ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@691ef17 m=0
02-15 05:59:11.843 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 686ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@5c5ff04 m=0
02-15 05:59:11.917 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 05:59:12.145 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5826334949423|Slow main thread|3
02-15 05:59:14.524 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5829599874577|Slow main
02-15 05:59:14.679 1000 1201 1214 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 05:59:15.274 1000 1201 1214 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 05:59:15.350 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 496ms
late because of 11 msg, msg 1 took 59ms (seq=3888 running=12ms late=253ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 5 took 475ms (seq=3892
running=359ms runnable=2ms io=89ms swapin=1ms late=102ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 05:59:33.940 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5848922022425|Slow main thread|7
02-15 05:59:36.763 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:5851850 downTime:5851850 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:38.030 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:5853117 downTime:5851850 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:38.659 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:5853746 downTime:5853746 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:38.835 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:5853923 downTime:5853746 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:40.485 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:5855573 downTime:5855573 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:40.601 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:5855689 downTime:5855573 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:42.536 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5857393540425|Slow main
02-15 05:59:45.192 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5858433888348|Slow main thread|6
02-15 05:59:51.552 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5865542701733|Slow handle animation|6
02-15 05:59:56.570 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:5871656 downTime:5871656 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:56.789 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:5871877 downTime:5871656 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:57.112 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:5872198 downTime:5872198 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 05:59:57.303 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:5872391 downTime:5872198 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:00:31.766 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:00:31.938 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:00:53.664 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
InputMethod|5919420712583|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:00:54.836 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
InputMethod|5929122266429|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:01:19.182 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5952552610123|Slow main
02-15 06:01:40.618 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5974839462048|Slow main thread|13
02-15 06:01:42.897 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
InputMethod|5952534019354|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:01:45.646 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:01:46.486 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 06:01:49.756 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|5984324269510|Slow main thread|5
02-15 06:01:53.626 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:01:53.633 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.CallPermissionsActivity (has
extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 06:01:53.703 1000 1201 2545 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 132
02-15 06:01:53.703 1000 1201 2545 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 177
02-15 06:01:53.708 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:53.748 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 06:01:53.829 1000 1201 2545 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:01:53.839 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7663734 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.CallPermissionsActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:01:53.903 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
.GrantPermissionsActivity} caller=com.facebook.orca
02-15 06:01:53.913 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 06:01:53.948 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:54.309 10089 18619 18619 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:01:54.309 10089 18619 18619 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:01:54.353 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:54.382 10089 18619 18619 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:01:54.382 10089 18619 18619 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:01:54.706 1000 1201 3770 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:01:54.715 10089 18619 18619 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
GrantPermissionsActivity is 775ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 147ms (seq=2 running=106ms runnable=1ms
io=28ms late=8ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 625ms (seq=3
running=242ms runnable=3ms io=290ms swapin=4ms late=151ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:01:54.732 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{eae61da u0
GrantPermissionsActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:01:54.738 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:54.741 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:54.939 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:54.940 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{b54c3c3 u0
GrantPermissionsActivity t178} time:5990028
02-15 06:01:54.940 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{7258c27 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.CallPermissionsActivity t178}
02-15 06:01:54.940 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:01:56.627 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:56.627 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:01:57.460 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:01:57.463 1000 1201 3013 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=com.facebook.rtc.fbwebrtc.intent.action.HOSTED_FRAGMENT_SHOW_UI flg=0x10010000
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity (has extras)} from
uid 10225
02-15 06:01:57.557 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
onActivityResult took 946ms
02-15 06:01:57.791 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:01:57.810 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #13
02-15 06:01:57.865 1000 1413 2016 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded true
02-15 06:01:58.316 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity onStart took 419ms
02-15 06:01:58.343 1000 1201 2040 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:01:58.349 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity is 594ms late
(wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 15 msg, msg 1 took 54ms (seq=9853 late=265ms$H w=159), msg 15 took 520ms (seq=9867 running=380ms
runnable=4ms io=50ms swapin=4ms late=73ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:01:58.582 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:01:58.802 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{4329476 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:01:58.976 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 466ms
late because of 68 msg, msg 1 took 403ms (seq=9975 running=323ms runnable=2ms
io=29ms late=100ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:01:58.982 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{dba9eb7 u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.rtc.activities.InCallActivity t179} time:5994071
02-15 06:01:59.176 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5993196655972|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:01:59.365 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
18680:com.facebook.katana/u0a199 for broadcast
02-15 06:02:00.734 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:01:59.412 late=2ms wall=1317ms running=351ms runnable=11ms io=217ms$H w=110
02-15 06:02:00.775 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 17412) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:02:06.993 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
5994433806587|Slow handle traversal|1
02-15 06:02:07.204 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 17734) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:02:07.261 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process
ice0:7 (pid 17927) has died: cch+95 CEM
02-15 06:02:07.263 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 1000ms
02-15 06:02:07.337 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.weather2
(pid 16542) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 06:02:08.035 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
main thread|2
02-15 06:02:08.578 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial:
broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4200010 (has
extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver
BroadcastFilter{80702e8 10199/u0 ReceiverList{8ec40b 18680
com.facebook.katana/10199/u0 remote:8b417da}}
02-15 06:02:08.979 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
18863:com.facebook.appmanager/u0a125 for content provider
rstPartyCrashReporterProvider} caller=com.facebook.katana
02-15 06:02:09.124 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 16711) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:02:09.370 10199 18680 18787 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 425 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:02:09.563 10199 18680 18758 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 06:02:09.764 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
18908:com.facebook.system/u0a83 for content provider
02-15 06:02:09.969 10125 18863 18902 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 231 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:02:10.008 10125 18863 18902 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.appmanager.nekodirect
02-15 06:02:10.720 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 15854) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:02:10.839 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 15732) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:02:11.402 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:02:11.733 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 331 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:03:29.213 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -1m23s67ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 06:03:43.918 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 06:03:44.027 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 06:03:57.687 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 103ms main$1 c=null m=10001
02-15 06:04:34.775 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 06:04:35.072 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 298 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:04:37.371 1000 1201 1215 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:04:37.670 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 537ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 627ms (seq=11206 running=303ms runnable=3ms
io=214ms late=18ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.1cm)
02-15 06:04:46.439 1000 1413 10525 I KeyguardViewMediator: setOccluded false
02-15 06:04:46.443 1000 1201 1215 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.445 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.445 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:04:46.601 1000 1201 1215 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c3ded0d u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:04:46.606 1000 1201 1215 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.654 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.671 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.672 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 6361) has died: cch+75 HVY
02-15 06:04:46.690 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:04:46.690 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:6161779
02-15 06:04:46.690 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:04:46.702 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 1000ms
02-15 06:04:47.737 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:04:48.552 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:04:48.870 10175 19007 19007 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 341 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:04:49.045 1000 1201 3013 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6164126 downTime:6164126 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:04:49.151 1000 1201 3013 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6164239 downTime:6164126 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:04:49.608 10175 19007 19007 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:04:47.895 late=3ms wall=1700ms running=694ms runnable=30ms io=529ms$H w=110
02-15 06:04:51.891 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
handle traversal|18
02-15 06:04:59.749 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Process
android.process.acore (pid 14825) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:05:03.380 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|6175145836675|Slow main
02-15 06:05:06.067 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:05:06.087 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 06:05:16.669 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 511ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 218ms (seq=4905 running=63ms runnable=10ms io=4ms$MyHandler w=32), msg 3 took 303ms (seq=4907
running=2ms runnable=1ms late=217ms$MyHandler w=90)
02-15 06:05:16.978 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|6191929492830|Slow main
02-15 06:05:23.600 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6198687 downTime:6198687 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:05:23.686 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6198774 downTime:6198687 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:05:23.728 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 06:05:24.523 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6199611 downTime:6199611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:05:24.629 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6199717 downTime:6199611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:06:00.942 1000 1201 3013 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6236029 downTime:6236029 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:06:01.157 1000 1201 3013 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6236244 downTime:6236029 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:06:01.282 10225 17996 17996 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 121ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=1160, seq=47138,
02-15 06:06:01.344 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|6232362650601|Slow main thread|4
02-15 06:06:52.320 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6287407 downTime:6287407 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:06:52.461 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6287549 downTime:6287407 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:06:52.583 10225 17996 17996 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 118ms in main thread! (KeyEvent: event_seq=1919, seq=47938,
02-15 06:07:19.111 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:07:19.581 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|6314394096529|Slow main
02-15 06:07:25.920 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6321008 downTime:6321008 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:07:26.092 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6321180 downTime:6321008 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:07:26.644 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 18274) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:07:29.696 1000 1201 2840 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:07:31.184 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:07:31.557 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:07:31.702 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:07:33.884 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity|6324974533222|Slow main
02-15 06:07:34.150 1000 1201 2840 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:07:35.490 1000 1201 5660 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:07:37.149 1000 1201 1618 W WindowManager: Attempted to add application
window with unknown token null. Aborting.
02-15 06:08:02.736 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:08:04.291 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
handle traversal|6
02-15 06:08:08.827 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:08.830 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 06:08:08.878 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:08.921 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:08.924 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
ttingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 06:08:08.954 1000 1201 6414 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:08.964 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{2349cc3 u0
y}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:08:09.007 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:09.013 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:09.128 1000 1201 3742 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:09.141 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1663cb3 u0
sActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:08:09.146 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:09.149 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:09.194 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:09.369 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f73d8d3 u0
sActivity t164} time:6364457
02-15 06:08:09.372 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:08:09.647 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 482ms
late because of 15 msg, msg 5 took 92ms (seq=17718 running=70ms io=16ms late=101ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 6 took 59ms (seq=17719 running=45ms late=191ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 11 took 52ms (seq=17724 running=49ms late=366ms
h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 12 took 56ms (seq=17725 running=52ms
runnable=1ms late=394ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 13 took 63ms (seq=17726
running=47ms late=450ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1)
02-15 06:08:09.673 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 18619) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:08:09.677 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 18619
02-15 06:08:19.903 1000 1201 3742 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:22.207 10225 17996 17996 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:22.211 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=fb://profile/100007899034806
cmp=com.facebook.katana/.IntentUriHandler (has extras)} from uid 10225
02-15 06:08:22.287 1000 1201 3742 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 178
02-15 06:08:22.291 1000 1201 3742 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:22.387 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:22.404 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:22.708 10199 18680 18680 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:22.711 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
(has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 06:08:22.734 10199 18680 18680 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:22.736 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 06:08:22.901 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.IntentUriHandler is 608ms late (wall=0ms running=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 608ms (seq=119 running=281ms runnable=4ms
io=221ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:08:22.946 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:23.532 1000 1201 3013 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:23.542 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity is 612ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 5 msg, msg 5 took 583ms (seq=128 running=311ms runnable=3ms
io=214ms late=30ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:08:23.607 1000 1201 1214 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c868823 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:08:23.740 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:08:23.969 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{792c4cf u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t181}
02-15 06:08:24.086 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 452ms
late because of 18 msg, msg 1 took 370ms (seq=146 running=234ms runnable=3ms
io=13ms late=56ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 14 took 61ms (seq=159
running=38ms runnable=1ms io=5ms late=421ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.72v)
02-15 06:08:31.210 10199 18680 18680 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:08:31.218 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity (has extras)} from uid 10199
02-15 06:08:31.281 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:31.438 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:31.454 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{983181b u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:08:31.460 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:31.463 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:31.547 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:08:31.963 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8ebc00f u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t181}
02-15 06:08:31.968 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:08:34.791 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:39.844 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:45.524 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6400587 downTime:6400587 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:08:45.695 1000 1201 3013 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6400783 downTime:6400587 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:08:46.293 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|2
02-15 06:08:46.453 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:08:50.347 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6405435 downTime:6405435 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:08:50.450 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6405538 downTime:6405435 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:08:52.048 1000 15972 16208 W FileUtils: Failed to
android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 06:09:09.317 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|9
02-15 06:09:24.559 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -12m0s206ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 06:09:42.696 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:09:51.553 1000 1201 3013 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:09:51.590 10199 18680 18680 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 219ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=790, seq=49521,
02-15 06:09:52.137 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Process com.facebook.system
(pid 18908) has died: cch+45 CEM
02-15 06:10:03.133 1000 1201 1214 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 06:10:03.143 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 06:10:03.150 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 06:10:03.746 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:10:03.748 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:10:03.873 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 127ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable@d3a34d5
02-15 06:10:03.904 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.328
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:10:04.061 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.328 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:10:04.296 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display prepareFrame took 73 ms
02-15 06:10:04.698 1000 1201 1231 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 335 ms,, code=90
02-15 06:10:05.041 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8ebc00f u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t181}
02-15 06:10:05.143 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display doComposition took 59 ms
02-15 06:10:05.163 10175 2306 2306 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=6608 plan=06:10:04.087 late=0ms wall=1076ms running=21ms runnable=12ms
swapin=1003ms reclaim=2ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.512 10194 17181 17181 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=431 plan=06:10:04.062 late=1ms wall=1447ms running=61ms runnable=68ms
io=1268ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.557 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=201 plan=06:10:04.063 late=0ms wall=1484ms running=37ms runnable=22ms io=561ms
swapin=805ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.591 1000 17617 17617 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=196 plan=06:10:04.068 late=0ms wall=1522ms running=49ms runnable=50ms
io=1373ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.626 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=16294 plan=06:10:04.061 late=1ms wall=1564ms running=70ms runnable=66ms
io=1366ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.630 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
Slow handle traversal|4
02-15 06:10:05.645 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=74231 plan=06:10:04.061 late=0ms wall=1583ms running=147ms runnable=56ms
io=630ms swapin=616ms reclaim=4ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.726 1000 1201 1643 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19007) has died: cch+25 CEM
02-15 06:10:05.747 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout
02-15 06:10:05.747 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
02-15 06:10:05.747 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:10:05.761 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +2s13ms due
to Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
02-15 06:10:05.814 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=5031 plan=06:10:04.118 late=0ms wall=1695ms running=101ms runnable=4ms
io=945ms swapin=465ms$H w=159
02-15 06:10:05.851 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 490ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 1695ms (seq=5031 running=101ms runnable=4ms
io=945ms swapin=465ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:10:06.239 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 710ms
late because of 47 msg, msg 1 took 1583ms (seq=74231 running=147ms runnable=56ms
io=630ms swapin=616ms reclaim=4ms$H w=159), msg 8 took
362ms (seq=74238 running=155ms runnable=8ms io=138ms swapin=10ms late=1430ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:10:06.475 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 387ms
late because of 94 msg, msg 1 took 203ms (seq=74278 running=90ms runnable=1ms
io=19ms swapin=10ms late=710ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:10:08.020 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
6481644083001|Slow main thread|3
02-15 06:10:10.742 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:6485803 downTime:6485803 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:10.960 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:6486047 downTime:6485803 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:20.149 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:10:20.150 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:10:20.241 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.371
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:10:20.294 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.371 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:10:20.824 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 383ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 460ms (seq=6161 running=250ms runnable=10ms
io=147ms late=2ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:10:20.824 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8ebc00f u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t181}
02-15 06:10:20.845 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +695ms due
to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:10:20.846 10199 18680 18680 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 698ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=1401, seq=50348, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 06:10:20.846 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 698ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=50416, seq=50349, action=ACTION_UP)
02-15 06:10:21.083 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 357ms
late because of 101 msg, msg 1 took 132ms (seq=75387 running=81ms runnable=11ms
late=227ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 97 took 85ms
(seq=75483 running=69ms runnable=3ms io=1ms late=276ms
02-15 06:10:22.118 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
6496268930309|Slow main thread|5
02-15 06:10:22.188 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6497264 downTime:6497264 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:22.235 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
6495804529463|Slow main thread|2
02-15 06:10:22.297 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6497385 downTime:6497264 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:22.444 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:22.516 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c868823 u0
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity}: oldVis=8
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:10:22.521 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:22.574 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:22.952 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{792c4cf u0 com.facebook.katana/.activity.ImmersiveActivity t181}
02-15 06:10:22.960 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:10:24.681 1000 1201 6146 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:10:28.048 1000 1201 6146 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:10:30.194 1000 1201 2040 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:10:35.225 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6510312 downTime:6510312 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:35.361 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6510449 downTime:6510312 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:35.423 1000 1201 2040 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:10:40.734 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6515821 downTime:6515821 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:40.938 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6516026 downTime:6515821 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:40.989 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:41.409 10199 18680 18680 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.account.login.activity.SimpleLoginActivity is
426ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 3 took 420ms (seq=6701 running=164ms runnable=1ms
io=202ms late=6ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:10:41.441 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
19380:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
02-15 06:10:41.457 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:41.459 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:41.468 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:41.772 10225 17996 17996 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
sActivity onStart took 294ms
02-15 06:10:41.806 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{1663cb3 u0
sActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:10:41.813 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:41.998 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 323ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 333ms (seq=18274 running=99ms runnable=2ms
io=213ms late=17ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:10:42.019 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:42.272 10225 17996 17996 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 451ms
late because of 23 msg, msg 1 took 195ms (seq=18275 running=9ms late=323ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 3 took 89ms (seq=18277
running=74ms runnable=1ms io=8ms late=379ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 4
took 68ms (seq=18278 running=47ms late=465ms h=android.os.Handler c=X.4x1), msg 23
took 52ms (seq=18297 running=40ms runnable=1ms late=420ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 06:10:42.394 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f73d8d3 u0
sActivity t164} time:6517483
02-15 06:10:42.413 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:10:42.495 10199 18680 19290 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1023 ms,, code=5
02-15 06:10:42.566 10199 18680 19318 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1189 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:10:42.889 10199 18680 19290 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 244 ms,, code=5
02-15 06:10:42.986 10199 18680 19318 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 408 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:10:43.358 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6518445 downTime:6518445 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:43.503 1000 1201 2046 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6518591 downTime:6518445 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:43.529 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:43.610 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c3ded0d u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:10:43.712 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:10:43.712 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{3817cec u0
com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.messenger.neue.MainActivity t164} time:6518801
02-15 06:10:43.712 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:10:44.050 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6519137 downTime:6519137 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:10:44.131 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6519219 downTime:6519137 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:11:10.496 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 16049) has died: cch+55 TRNB
02-15 06:11:10.498 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 06:11:14.537 1000 1201 1214 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6549624 downTime:6549624 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:11:14.661 1000 1201 1214 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6549749 downTime:6549624 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:11:14.670 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityTaskManager: moveTaskToBack:
TaskRecord{5902c99 #164 A=com.facebook.orca U=0 StackId=17 sz=1}
02-15 06:11:14.722 1000 1201 1214 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:14.724 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:14.782 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:15.005 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onStart took 172ms
02-15 06:11:15.180 1000 1201 2046 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7748392 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:11:15.199 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:15.595 1000 1201 1214 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6550683 downTime:6550683 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:11:15.636 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 06:11:15.663 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 301ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 310ms (seq=16316 running=46ms runnable=1ms
io=247ms late=65ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:11:15.686 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:15.721 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6550809 downTime:6550683 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:11:15.750 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 514ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 568ms (seq=16317 running=27ms io=125ms late=301ms
02-15 06:11:16.053 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 99 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 06:11:16.180 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:11:16.481 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{d7892d7 u0
hNowActivity t176} time:6551570
02-15 06:11:16.485 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:11:16.588 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:16.590 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:16.645 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:16.684 1000 1201 2046 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:16.698 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:16.924 10173 7862 19491 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 270 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:11:16.974 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onStart took 284ms
02-15 06:11:17.068 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:11:17.073 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.093 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.220 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:11:17.227 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.298 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.374 1000 1201 6414 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.504 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 331ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 337ms (seq=5934 running=23ms runnable=1ms
io=146ms swapin=148ms late=102ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:11:17.613 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:17.632 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 590ms
late because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 481ms (seq=5935 running=53ms io=79ms swapin=15ms
late=331ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 6 took 121ms (seq=5940
running=6ms io=95ms swapin=15ms late=508ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 06:11:17.674 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
19523:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 06:11:17.768 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6552857
02-15 06:11:17.921 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:11:18.076 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 17341) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:11:18.078 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 1000ms
02-15 06:11:18.272 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 17181) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:11:18.276 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
ce in 1000ms
02-15 06:11:18.460 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onStop took 198ms
02-15 06:11:18.580 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onDestroy took 115ms
02-15 06:11:18.605 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 343ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 342ms (seq=16534 running=62ms runnable=2ms
io=249ms late=333ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:11:18.809 10170 19498 19498 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:11:17.466 late=6ms wall=1325ms running=232ms runnable=51ms io=925ms$H w=110
02-15 06:11:19.210 10072 19523 19523 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:11:19.211 10072 19523 19523 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:11:19.333 10072 19523 19523 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:11:19.333 10072 19523 19523 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager:
02-15 06:11:19.548 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityTaskManager: Vis2OGtjUUJ3RCtMeUhnQ
02-15 06:11:19.602 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 2094 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:11:19.616 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:20.245 10173 7862 7862 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
hNowActivity onResume took 187ms
02-15 06:11:20.253 1000 1201 1458 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:11:20.281 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
hNowActivity is 670ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 59ms (seq=16584 running=7ms io=29ms
h=android.os.Handler w=1), msg 3 took 620ms (seq=16586 running=344ms runnable=3ms
io=227ms late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:11:20.287 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:20.319 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ccb5132 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:11:20.324 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:20.396 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 616ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 620ms (seq=16586 running=344ms runnable=3ms
io=227ms late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:11:20.407 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:11:20.573 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:11:20.901 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:11:20.932 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 425ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 432ms (seq=5110 running=91ms runnable=10ms
io=208ms swapin=12ms late=10ms$MyHandler
02-15 06:11:21.010 10173 7862 19493 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 475 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:11:21.170 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{68376b3 u0
hNowActivity t182} time:6556258
02-15 06:11:21.174 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:11:21.354 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 06:11:21.394 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 401ms
late because of 13 msg, msg 8 took 371ms (seq=5122 running=235ms runnable=3ms
io=98ms swapin=18ms late=63ms h=android.os.Handler c=rmg)
02-15 06:11:25.584 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 06:11:26.435 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6561052548852|Slow main
02-15 06:11:27.054 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:11:27.753 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6562170335852|Slow main
02-15 06:11:27.830 10173 7862 7899 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 230 ms,, code=5
02-15 06:11:28.939 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 373ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:11:28.939 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 373ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:11:28.941 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 375ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:11:28.941 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:0/u0ai0 for
02-15 06:11:28.941 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 375ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:11:28.942 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 375ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:11:28.942 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 333ms so
far, now at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
02-15 06:11:28.962 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 353ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:11:28.963 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 353ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:11:28.964 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 355ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:11:28.965 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:11:28.965 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 355ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:11:28.966 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 356ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:11:28.994 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:11:28.999 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:11:29.001 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 113ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:11:29.001 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:11:29.001 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 113ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:11:29.003 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 114ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:11:29.228 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Process
com.facebook.appmanager (pid 18863) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:11:29.321 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:11:29.374 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Process
android.process.acore (pid 19380) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:11:29.426 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 18570) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:11:29.577 1000 4333 4385 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 321 ms,, code=16 oneway=false
02-15 06:11:29.792 10194 19628 19695 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 905 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:11:37.610 1000 1201 2045 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:11:38.033 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:11:38.055 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 06:11:38.090 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 483ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=5212 running=199ms runnable=2ms
io=152ms swapin=3ms$MyHandler w=60)
02-15 06:11:38.803 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6573532927545|Slow handle
02-15 06:11:39.788 1000 1201 2952 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:11:40.554 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:11:41.559 10111 19787 19832 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:11:41.627 10111 19787 19869 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:11:41.946 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:11:42.136 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 174ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:11:42.136 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 174ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:11:42.137 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:11:42.137 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i2 for
02-15 06:11:42.137 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:11:42.138 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:11:42.175 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19498) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:11:42.400 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.weather2
(pid 19523) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:11:42.408 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a199 -9m36s262ms com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 06:11:56.529 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 06:11:59.579 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 585ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 587ms (seq=19480 running=320ms runnable=13ms
io=134ms late=1ms h=android.os.Handler
02-15 06:11:59.639 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6593296896854|Slow issue
draw commands|3
02-15 06:11:59.848 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6594857010931|Slow main
02-15 06:12:05.071 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6600131 downTime:6600131 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:05.168 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6600256 downTime:6600131 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:16.341 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Stopping service due to app
idle: u0a225 -14m51s988ms com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
02-15 06:12:17.936 10173 7862 7862 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:12:17.946 1000 1201 6146 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= (has
extras)} from uid 10173
02-15 06:12:18.138 1000 1201 2843 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:18.294 10194 19628 19628 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:12:18.299 1000 1201 6146 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= flg=0x800000
(has extras)} from uid 10194
02-15 06:12:18.368 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:18.370 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:18.505 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:12:18.715 10194 19628 19663 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 233 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:12:18.924 1000 1201 6146 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:12:18.983 10194 19628 19628 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is
617ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 5 msg, msg 5 took 569ms (seq=67 running=176ms runnable=3ms
io=320ms swapin=5ms late=11ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:12:18.996 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{b01168b u0}:
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:12:19.000 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:19.003 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:19.285 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:20.497 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:20.726 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{fa2e6ab u0 t182}
02-15 06:12:20.730 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:12:29.368 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6624444 downTime:6624444 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:29.496 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6624584 downTime:6624444 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:33.110 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 17617) has died: cch+20 CRE
02-15 06:12:33.135 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 17617
02-15 06:12:39.886 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6634973 downTime:6634973 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:40.053 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6635141 downTime:6634973 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:12:40.129 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:40.148 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:40.246 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ccb5132 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:12:40.253 1000 1201 6146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:40.359 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:12:40.369 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{68376b3 u0
hNowActivity t182} time:6635458
02-15 06:12:40.605 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:12:40.684 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:1/u0ai1 for
02-15 06:12:40.932 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:0/u0a194i-9000 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 06:12:41.030 10194 19628 19628 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop
took 343ms
02-15 06:12:41.045 1000 1201 3740 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access
to, application is not in focus neither is a system service for
user 0
02-15 06:12:41.082 10194 19628 19628 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 454ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 439ms (seq=276 running=123ms runnable=54ms
io=188ms late=39ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:12:42.950 10111 19787 19824 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:12:46.756 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19727) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:13:15.525 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6670506440243|Slow issue
draw commands|12
02-15 06:13:43.074 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6697348843244|Slow issue
draw commands|90
02-15 06:13:53.070 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6706790019937|Slow issue
draw commands|11
02-15 06:13:54.154 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6709150947476|Slow issue
draw commands|41
02-15 06:13:56.390 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6710948400168|Slow issue
draw commands|44
02-15 06:13:57.443 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6712431351322|Slow issue
draw commands|39
02-15 06:14:01.092 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6715708170630|Slow issue
draw commands|32
02-15 06:14:02.512 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
null||6717480669092|Slow issue
draw commands|54
02-15 06:14:08.924 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:14:37.227 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:14:41.053 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6756140 downTime:6756140 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:41.204 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6756291 downTime:6756140 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:41.362 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19880) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:14:45.149 10173 7862 7862 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:14:45.155 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= (has
extras)} from uid 10173
02-15 06:14:45.209 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:45.245 10194 19628 19628 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:14:45.250 1000 1201 3740 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE]
dat= flg=0x800000
(has extras)} from uid 10194
02-15 06:14:45.310 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:45.312 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:45.392 1000 1201 2545 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:14:45.442 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{7ad2bc2 u0}:
oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:14:45.460 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:45.463 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:45.591 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:46.746 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:46.977 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{118759d u0 t182}
02-15 06:14:46.984 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:14:48.565 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6763653 downTime:6763653 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:48.710 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6763798 downTime:6763653 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:48.754 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:48.764 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:48.792 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ccb5132 u0
hNowActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:14:48.798 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:48.838 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:14:48.843 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{68376b3 u0
hNowActivity t182} time:6763932
02-15 06:14:49.078 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:14:49.173 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:1/u0a194i-8999 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 06:14:49.192 1000 1201 1458 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access
to, application is not in focus neither is a system service for
user 0
02-15 06:14:49.256 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:2/u0ai2 for
02-15 06:14:53.726 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6768813 downTime:6768813 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:53.847 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6768935 downTime:6768813 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:54.431 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:3/u0ai3 for
02-15 06:14:55.601 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6770688 downTime:6770688 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:14:55.731 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6770819 downTime:6770688 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:15:23.299 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6798385 downTime:6798385 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:15:23.462 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6798548 downTime:6798385 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:15:23.652 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6798739 downTime:6798739 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:15:23.773 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6798861 downTime:6798739 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:15:23.892 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.897 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.910 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.926 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.933 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.959 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:23.969 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19028) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:15:24.036 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:15:24.046 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:24.060 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:24.136 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:15:24.143 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:24.222 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:24.301 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:24.396 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20249:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 06:15:24.586 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6799674
02-15 06:15:24.590 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:15:24.712 1000 1201 2045 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20107) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:15:24.898 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19981) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:15:25.212 10072 20249 20249 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:15:25.212 10072 20249 20249 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:15:25.329 10072 20249 20249 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:15:25.329 10072 20249 20249 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:15:25.617 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1357 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:30.646 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:15:30.649 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=miui.intent.action.GARBAGE_CLEANUP cat=[android.intent.category.DEFAULT]
flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity
bnds=[556,1121][678,1243] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:15:30.746 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20302:com.miui.cleanmaster/1000 for activity
{com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:15:30.807 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:30.844 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 06:15:30.847 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
com.facebook.katana Adj=910 State=19
02-15 06:15:30.847 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
18680:com.facebook.katana/u0a199 (adj 910): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:15:31.113 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:15:31.588 1000 20302 20302 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity is 398ms late (wall=396ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 394ms (seq=2 running=232ms runnable=1ms io=130ms late=6ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:15:31.589 1000 20302 20302 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity is 794ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 394ms (seq=2 running=232ms runnable=1ms
io=130ms late=6ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 396ms (seq=3
running=231ms runnable=3ms io=89ms swapin=12ms late=398ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:15:31.607 1000 1201 1215 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8292707 u0
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:15:31.688 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:15:31.998 1000 20302 20302 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 391ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 391ms (seq=18 running=116ms runnable=4ms io=29ms
swapin=4ms late=8ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:15:32.001 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f7fced1 u0
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity t183} time:6807090
02-15 06:15:32.587 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20404:com.miui.cleanmaster:micleansdk/1000 for service
{com.miui.cleanmaster/com.xiaomi.CleanService} caller=com.miui.cleanmaster
02-15 06:15:32.600 1000 20302 20334 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 936 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:32.611 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:15:32.945 1000 20302 20355 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 914 ms,, code=1
02-15 06:15:33.185 1000 1201 1643 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1671 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:33.186 1000 20302 20348 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1691 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:33.194 1000 20302 20349 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 652 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:33.341 1000 20302 20453 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:15:33.355 1000 20302 20453 I chatty : uid=1000(system)
com.miui.cleanmaster identical 1 line
02-15 06:15:33.570 1000 20302 20453 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:15:33.654 1000 20302 20349 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 422 ms, interface=com.xiaomi.sdk.IXiaomiCleaner, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:33.807 1000 20302 20400 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 399 ms, interface=com.xiaomi.sdk.IXiaomiCleaner, code=25 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:33.825 1000 20302 20331 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 285 ms, interface=com.xiaomi.sdk.IXiaomiCleaner, code=26 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:34.114 1000 1201 1643 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 905 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:34.114 1000 20302 20348 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 908 ms,, code=9 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:35.353 1000 1201 1643 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 377 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=9 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:35.353 1000 20302 20348 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 379 ms,, code=7 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:35.455 1000 1201 3013 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{ flg=0x10008000
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.AddItemActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000
02-15 06:15:35.526 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:35.638 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:35.638 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:15:38.086 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:15:42.046 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: Kill reason GarbageClean
from pid=20302
02-15 06:15:42.092 1000 1201 1215 I ProcessManager: GarbageClean: kill
com.facebook.orca Adj=915 State=20
02-15 06:15:42.094 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Killing
17996:com.facebook.orca/u0a225 (adj 915): GarbageClean
02-15 06:15:42.183 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{c3ded0d u0
02-15 06:15:42.247 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 17996
02-15 06:15:42.584 1000 1201 1255 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 589 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:45.324 1000 20302 20453 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:15:45.324 1000 20302 20451 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:15:45.372 1000 20302 20451 I chatty : uid=1000(system)
com.miui.cleanmaster identical 1 line
02-15 06:15:45.447 1000 20302 20451 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:15:46.079 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity|6821038040483|Slow handle
02-15 06:15:54.201 1000 20302 20302 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:15:54.278 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20544:com.miui.securitycenter/1000 for content provider
02-15 06:15:54.741 1000 1201 7141 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 514 ms, interface=com.miui.server.ISplashScreenService, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:54.741 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
cmp=com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity (has extras)}
from uid 1000
02-15 06:15:54.854 1000 20302 20302 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 652 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:54.856 1000 20302 20302 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 644ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 657ms (seq=1179 running=3ms runnable=3ms late=3ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=android.widget.AbsListView$3)
02-15 06:15:54.870 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:55.040 10111 19787 20395 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 794 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:55.246 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:15:55.341 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20618:com.miui.guardprovider/u0a103 for content provider
02-15 06:15:55.575 1000 20544 20544 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity is 708ms late
(wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 703ms (seq=2 running=398ms runnable=7ms
io=238ms late=3ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 514ms (seq=4
running=319ms runnable=10ms io=92ms swapin=2ms late=194ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:15:55.581 1000 20544 20592 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 352 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:55.636 1000 20544 20617 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 319 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:55.640 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:55.644 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:55.877 1000 20544 20592 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 249 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:15:56.062 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{95c8996 u0
com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:15:56.068 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:56.192 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:56.207 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:15:56.242 1000 20544 20544 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 612ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 598ms (seq=24 running=337ms runnable=3ms io=23ms
swapin=2ms late=58ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:15:56.708 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{e445fe u0
com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.antivirus.activity.MainActivity t183} time:6831797
02-15 06:15:56.712 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:03.433 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:03.436 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:03.453 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8292707 u0
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:03.459 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:03.521 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:04.025 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{f7fced1 u0
com.miui.cleanmaster/com.miui.optimizecenter.MainActivity t183} time:6839114
02-15 06:16:04.030 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:06.534 1000 1201 2045 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6841594 downTime:6841594 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:06.652 1000 1201 2952 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6841740 downTime:6841594 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:06.696 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.698 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.703 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.708 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.714 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.720 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.762 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:16:06.770 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.785 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.870 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:06.875 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.889 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:06.927 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:07.229 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6842318
02-15 06:16:07.235 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:10.973 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:16:11.830 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:16:11.832 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[387,1274][509,1396]
(has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:16:11.929 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
{} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:16:12.001 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:12.320 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:12.495 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:16:12.633 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:16:12.702 1000 20691 20691 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 310ms late (wall=402ms running=214ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 305ms (seq=2 running=230ms runnable=1ms io=49ms late=7ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:16:12.702 1000 20691 20691 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 712ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 305ms (seq=2 running=230ms runnable=1ms
io=49ms late=7ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 402ms (seq=3
running=214ms runnable=4ms io=98ms late=310ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:16:12.708 1000 20691 20731 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 234 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:12.728 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{e70fa16 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:12.962 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{ac12be9 u0 t185} time:6848050
02-15 06:16:13.033 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6848120 downTime:6848120 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:13.190 1000 20691 20731 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 214 ms, interface=android.service.settings.suggestions.ISuggestionService,
code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:13.213 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6848301 downTime:6848120 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:13.223 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all
activities already finished
02-15 06:16:13.229 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{ac12be9 u0 t185 f}
02-15 06:16:13.246 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.259 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.261 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.275 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.281 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:16:13.288 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.291 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:13.298 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.304 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.311 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.335 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.383 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:13.686 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6848774
02-15 06:16:13.692 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:15.599 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:16:15.603 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity bnds=[219,1275]
[341,1397] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:16:15.698 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueueInjector: Unable to launch app
com.mi.globalbrowser/10079 for broadcast Intent
{ act=miui.intent.action.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH flg=0x1000010 (has extras) }: process
is not permitted to auto start
02-15 06:16:15.732 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
20787:com.crazy.juicer.xm/u0a210 for activity
{com.crazy.juicer.xm/com.crazy.juicer.xm.UnityPlayerActivity} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:16:15.845 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
{} caller=null
02-15 06:16:16.017 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:16.032 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 06:16:16.035 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 06:16:16.036 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:16:16.038 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
ice0:3 Adj=975 State=20
02-15 06:16:16.038 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:3/u0a194i-8997 (adj 975): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:16:16.039 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
ice0:2 Adj=985 State=20
02-15 06:16:16.039 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:2/u0a194i-8998 (adj 985): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:16:16.040 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 06:16:16.040 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: Unable to instantiate
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Didn't find class "" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
v7a, /system/lib, /product/lib]]
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at$1500(
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at$H.handleMessage(
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at$
02-15 06:16:16.062 10102 20803 20803 E LoadedApk: at
02-15 06:16:16.081 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 1000ms
02-15 06:16:16.100 1000 1201 2045 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 10981ms
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: Exception when unbinding
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager:
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at$Stub$Proxy.scheduleUnbindService(IApplicationThread.
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied(ActivityM
02-15 06:16:16.135 1000 1201 2952 W ActivityManager: at
02-15 06:16:16.337 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:16.461 10102 20803 20877 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:16:16.527 1000 1201 7141 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:16:16.536 10210 20787 20787 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity is 530ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 232ms (seq=2 running=134ms runnable=2ms
io=61ms late=7ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 294ms (seq=3
running=111ms runnable=2ms io=83ms late=236ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:16:16.545 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{a33abed u0
com.crazy.juicer.xm/com.crazy.juicer.xm.UnityPlayerActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:16.594 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2f5a898 u0 com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity t186}
02-15 06:16:16.606 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:6851691 downTime:6851691 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:16.607 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:16:17.325 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 195ms
android.ui$PolicyHandler c=null m=14
02-15 06:16:17.648 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 165ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:16:18.558 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:6853645 downTime:6851691 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:18.825 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:16:18.949 10210 20787 20847 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 209 ms,, code=11
02-15 06:16:19.927 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:16:20.107 1000 1201 1230 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$000:82$1.onCommand:127
02-15 06:16:22.112 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 498ms
android.ui$7 c=null m=0
02-15 06:16:22.113 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 483ms before
dispatchInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=54726, seq=54593, action=ACTION_CANCEL)
02-15 06:16:22.114 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 501ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler
c=miui.maml.RenderVsyncUpdater$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@a83c7db m=0
02-15 06:16:22.114 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow Looper android.ui: doFrame is
486ms late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 498ms (seq=7249 running=451ms runnable=2ms
io=2ms late=5ms$7 w=0)
02-15 06:16:22.302 1000 1201 6414 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@19fa890
02-15 06:16:22.437 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
6855636804485|Slow main thread|4
02-15 06:16:23.939 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ver} caller=com.crazy.juicer.xm
02-15 06:16:24.067 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:16:24.071 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i3 for
02-15 06:16:24.330 1000 1201 6414 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service
Intent { } U=0: not found
02-15 06:16:24.331 1000 1201 6414 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not
find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@5bc0f26
02-15 06:16:24.864 10210 20787 20787 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=130 plan=06:16:23.079 late=1ms wall=1783ms running=990ms runnable=13ms
io=545ms reclaim=15ms h=android.os.Handler$1$1$1
02-15 06:16:25.137 10210 20787 20787 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 502ms
late because of 17 msg, msg 1 took 1783ms (seq=130 running=990ms runnable=13ms
io=545ms reclaim=15ms late=1ms h=android.os.Handler$1$1$1)
02-15 06:16:25.545 1000 1201 5574 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 304 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=17 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:25.596 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20420) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:16:26.182 10210 20787 20787 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=151 plan=06:16:25.159 late=6ms wall=1017ms running=437ms runnable=37ms
io=340ms reclaim=9ms h=android.os.Handler$4
02-15 06:16:26.339 1000 1201 7141 W WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH: call was
rejected by wakepath. userId= 0 caller= com.crazy.juicer.xm callee=
com.facebook.katana classname=com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
action=null wakeType=4
02-15 06:16:26.339 10210 20787 21228 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
02-15 06:16:26.423 1000 1201 7141 W WakePathChecker: MIUILOG-WAKEPATH: call was
rejected by wakepath. userId= 0 caller= com.crazy.juicer.xm callee=
com.facebook.katana classname=com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
action=null wakeType=4
02-15 06:16:26.423 10210 20787 21230 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
02-15 06:16:27.263 1000 1201 3013 I ActivityManager: Process
com.miui.cleanmaster:micleansdk (pid 20404) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 06:16:27.361 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i4 for
02-15 06:16:27.376 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Process
com.miui.guardprovider (pid 20618) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:16:27.411 10210 20787 21199 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 804 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:27.461 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20733) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:16:27.502 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20755) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:16:27.598 1000 1201 6146 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 20803) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:16:27.936 10175 2377 2424 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 301 ms,,
code=5 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:28.219 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 19591) has died: cch+35 CEM
02-15 06:16:29.236 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display prepareFrame took 57 ms
02-15 06:16:29.844 10175 2377 2377 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 436ms
late because of 16 msg, msg 1 took 692ms (seq=6115 running=132ms runnable=20ms
io=327ms, msg 9 took 342ms (seq=6123 running=2ms
late=369ms$CallbackHandler w=524290)
02-15 06:16:30.125 10163 20936 20978 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 267 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:33.297 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@f3cddb8
02-15 06:16:35.582 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.weather2
(pid 20249) has died: cch+35 CEM
02-15 06:16:35.699 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 20936) has died: cch+25 CEM
02-15 06:16:36.315 1000 1201 5574 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 10712 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:36.558 1000 1201 5574 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 222 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=14 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:36.860 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 125ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:16:36.860 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 126ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:16:36.866 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 132ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:16:36.867 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:16:36.867 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 132ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:16:36.868 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 133ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:16:38.347 10163 21422 21453 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 06:16:38.353 10163 21422 21453 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 06:16:38.480 10163 21422 21422 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:16:36.989 late=9ms wall=1482ms running=330ms runnable=111ms io=457ms$H w=110
02-15 06:16:38.952 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process
com.miui.cleanmaster (pid 20302) has died: cch+20 CRE
02-15 06:16:42.181 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:true eventTime:6877250 downTime:6877250 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:42.204 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:3
down:false eventTime:6877292 downTime:6877250 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:42.224 1000 1201 1319 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100
cmp=com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher (has extras)} from uid 0
02-15 06:16:42.288 1000 1201 1319 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.336 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.341 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.349 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.388 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.432 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:16:42.441 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.463 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.612 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6877699 downTime:6877699 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:42.633 10210 20787 20787 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.crazy.juicer.xm/.UnityPlayerActivity onPause took 343ms
02-15 06:16:42.650 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:16:42.657 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 06:16:42.750 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 136ms
android.ui$H$13@918ce3b m=0
02-15 06:16:42.760 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21097) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 06:16:42.770 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6877859 downTime:6877699 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:42.777 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:16:42.777 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
21531:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 06:16:42.777 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:16:42.777 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:16:42.794 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display doComposition took 101 ms
02-15 06:16:42.853 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20691) has died: cch CRE
02-15 06:16:42.891 1000 1201 1587 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d2ec031 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:16:42.911 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: KeyEvent is
301ms late (event_seq=2143, code=KEYCODE_BACK, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of 10
msg, msg 5 took 146ms (seq=5577 running=11ms runnable=3ms io=126ms late=5ms$MyHandler w=32)
02-15 06:16:42.912 10193 2484 2484 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 301ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=2143, seq=1, code=KEYCODE_BACK,
02-15 06:16:42.942 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:16:42.954 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:16:43.053 10173 7862 7862 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 466ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 485ms (seq=30758 running=42ms runnable=2ms
io=412ms h=android.os.Handler w=1)
02-15 06:16:43.057 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6878146
02-15 06:16:43.294 1000 1201 6146 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{d2ec031 u0
02-15 06:16:43.299 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 7862) has died: cch CRE
02-15 06:16:43.313 1000 1201 3011 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service
ce.DrawerOverlayService in 1000ms
02-15 06:16:43.324 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a173i1 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 06:16:43.326 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 7862
02-15 06:16:43.343 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative
user/sys time delta for UID=10194
02-15 06:16:43.343 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times:
u=40688000 s=16804000 Curr times: u=34840000 s=13884000
02-15 06:16:43.750 10072 21531 21531 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:16:43.750 10072 21531 21531 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:16:43.846 10072 21531 21531 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:16:43.846 10072 21531 21531 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:16:44.078 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1469 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:44.359 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ice.DrawerOverlayService} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:16:45.912 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:16:44.440 late=3ms wall=1467ms running=635ms runnable=20ms io=653ms$H w=110
02-15 06:16:46.948 1000 1201 7141 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:16:47.575 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:16:47.907 10173 21584 21633 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 405 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:16:48.891 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6883953 downTime:6883953 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:48.996 1000 1201 6146 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6884084 downTime:6883953 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:16:49.059 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|6882651166717|Slow issue draw commands|12
02-15 06:17:00.712 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6895799 downTime:6895799 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:00.862 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6895950 downTime:6895799 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:02.604 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:17:13.498 1000 593 645 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-app on
display(0), count=1, avg=30 ms, max=30 ms.
02-15 06:17:16.932 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:17:16.935 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[551,182][673,304] (has
extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:17:17.031 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
{} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:17:17.327 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:17:17.335 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:17.474 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 268ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=54914, seq=54795,
02-15 06:17:17.478 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 265ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=31
02-15 06:17:17.563 1000 1201 1233 W Looper : Slow Looper android.anim: doFrame
is 569ms late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 574ms (seq=12581 running=76ms
runnable=2ms io=472ms late=6ms h=android.os.Handler$1)
02-15 06:17:17.576 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:17.579 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:17.614 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:17:17.614 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:17.808 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:17:17.923 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:17:18.132 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:17:18.276 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:17:18.369 1000 21725 21764 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 259 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:18.420 1000 21725 21725 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 669ms late (wall=518ms running=210ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 669ms (seq=2 running=321ms runnable=4ms io=306ms late=1ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:17:18.420 1000 21725 21725 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1187ms late (wall=1ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 669ms (seq=2 running=321ms runnable=4ms
io=306ms late=1ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 518ms (seq=3
running=210ms runnable=2ms io=225ms late=669ms$H
02-15 06:17:18.440 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{46126a0 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:17:18.719 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2c89849 u0 t187} time:6913808
02-15 06:17:18.963 1000 21725 21764 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 243 ms, interface=android.service.settings.suggestions.ISuggestionService,
code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:20.448 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6915508 downTime:6915508 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:20.509 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6915597 downTime:6915508 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:20.518 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all
activities already finished
02-15 06:17:20.519 1000 1201 1684 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{2c89849 u0 t187 f}
02-15 06:17:20.535 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.549 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.552 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.563 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.572 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.584 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:17:20.589 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.596 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.630 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:17:20.634 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.640 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.691 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:20.992 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6916080
02-15 06:17:20.998 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:17:26.042 1000 593 645 W EventThreadInspector: slow VSync-app on
display(0), count=2, avg=30 ms, max=30 ms.
02-15 06:17:27.632 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6922719 downTime:6922719 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:27.776 1000 1201 7141 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6922864 downTime:6922719 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:27.792 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:17:29.636 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:17:31.706 10194 21825 21864 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for media
02-15 06:17:32.651 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|6923352812258|Slow handle traversal|4
02-15 06:17:32.670 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:17:33.792 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:17:34.992 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:17:34.995 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[218,1385][340,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:17:35.098 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 123ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=1253, seq=55164,
02-15 06:17:35.144 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
nListActivity} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:17:35.247 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:35.307 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 06:17:35.310 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill Adj=905 State=20
02-15 06:17:35.310 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 905): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:17:35.561 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:17:36.248 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
21922:android.process.acore/u0a56 for content provider
02-15 06:17:36.583 10182 21880 21880 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 358 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:36.594 10182 21880 21880 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onCreate took 702ms
02-15 06:17:36.713 1000 1201 3770 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:17:36.727 10182 21880 21880 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 510ms late
(wall=966ms running=295ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 510ms (seq=2 running=209ms runnable=2ms io=267ms late=2ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:17:36.728 10182 21880 21880 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1476ms late
(wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 510ms (seq=2 running=209ms runnable=2ms
io=267ms late=2ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 966ms (seq=3
running=295ms runnable=2ms io=218ms late=510ms$H
02-15 06:17:36.821 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{93bd5ed u0
ListActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:17:37.083 10182 21880 21880 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 318ms
late because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 321ms (seq=26 running=63ms io=23ms late=29ms
02-15 06:17:37.083 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{252de81 u0 t188} time:6932171
02-15 06:17:37.622 10182 21880 21919 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 241 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:38.227 10182 21880 21917 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1072 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:38.565 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:17:39.635 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6934678 downTime:6934678 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:39.734 1000 1201 2891 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6934823 downTime:6934678 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:17:39.834 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:39.849 1000 1201 2891 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:39.857 1000 1201 2952 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:39.955 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21652) has died: cch+35 CEM
02-15 06:17:39.994 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21765) has died: cch+15 CEM
02-15 06:17:40.119 10217 21996 22052 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 154ms
02-15 06:17:40.144 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 149ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 06:17:40.302 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:17:40.341 1000 1413 8620 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 203 ms,, code=188 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:40.349 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:40.366 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:40.404 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21025) has died: cch+15 CEM
02-15 06:17:40.542 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 593ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 571ms (seq=7537 running=42ms io=420ms late=69ms
02-15 06:17:40.548 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:40.552 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:17:40.656 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 559ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 575ms (seq=399 running=26ms io=493ms
h=android.os.Handler w=1)
02-15 06:17:40.786 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21789) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 06:17:40.826 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6935914
02-15 06:17:40.832 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:17:40.898 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21725) has died: cch CRE
02-15 06:17:40.903 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 21725
02-15 06:17:41.103 10182 21880 21880 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 174ms
02-15 06:17:42.377 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
6935974207951|Slow issue draw commands|17
02-15 06:17:42.663 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:17:42.993 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:17:43.849 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:17:43.852 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[551,1382][673,1504] (has
extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:17:44.216 10086 1687 1687 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 367 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:44.218 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 373ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=1301, seq=55304,
02-15 06:17:44.219 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 373ms
late because of 1 msg
02-15 06:17:44.288 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
{} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:17:44.454 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:17:44.474 1000 1201 1370 I ProcessManager: boost camera with free
mem:489444KB, kill 0 processes, will free memory:0KB
02-15 06:17:44.760 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:17:45.506 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:17:44.469 late=5ms wall=1033ms running=363ms runnable=3ms io=502ms
swapin=2ms$H w=110
02-15 06:17:46.277 10070 22073 22131 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 456 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:46.469 10070 22073 22096 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 665 ms, interface=android.hardware.ICameraService, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:46.595 10070 22073 22073 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 746ms
02-15 06:17:46.835 10070 22073 22073 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onResume took 238ms
02-15 06:17:46.913 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:17:46.913 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:17:46.913 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:17:46.913 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:17:46.931 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:17:47.449 10070 22073 22096 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 960 ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=1
02-15 06:17:47.627 1000 1201 1618 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:17:47.643 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=3
plan=06:17:44.472 late=1034ms wall=2136ms running=587ms runnable=5ms io=1276ms
swapin=9ms$H w=159
02-15 06:17:47.643 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1034ms late (wall=2136ms running=587ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 1033ms (seq=2 running=363ms runnable=3ms io=502ms swapin=2ms
late=5ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:17:47.658 10070 22073 22131 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 801 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:47.748 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 3275ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 1033ms (seq=2 running=363ms runnable=3ms
io=502ms swapin=2ms late=5ms$H w=110), msg 3 took
2136ms (seq=3 running=587ms runnable=5ms io=1276ms swapin=9ms late=1034ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:17:48.159 10092 22150 22150 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:17:47.018 late=2ms wall=1135ms running=203ms runnable=8ms io=833ms
swapin=1ms$H w=110
02-15 06:17:48.727 10070 22073 22095 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 329 ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=6
02-15 06:17:49.294 10070 22073 22073 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1468 ms,, code=1
02-15 06:17:49.331 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=11
plan=06:17:45.869 late=1880ms wall=1582ms running=20ms io=87ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection
02-15 06:17:49.349 10173 21584 21611 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 402 ms,,
code=46 oneway=false
02-15 06:17:49.496 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 118ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable@d3a34d5
02-15 06:17:50.104 1000 1201 3013 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{71c909d u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:17:50.683 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=21
plan=06:17:47.628 late=1819ms wall=1235ms running=99ms runnable=2ms io=751ms
02-15 06:17:50.683 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1819ms late because of 18 msg, msg 1 took 2136ms (seq=3 running=587ms runnable=5ms
io=1276ms swapin=9ms late=1034ms$H w=159), msg 9 took
1582ms (seq=11 running=20ms io=87ms late=1880ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection), msg 16 took 75ms (seq=18
running=2ms late=2470ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler
02-15 06:17:50.718 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityManager: Process
com.miui.powerkeeper (pid 4333) has died: svcb SVC
02-15 06:17:50.779 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.powerkeeper/.statemachine.PowerStateMachineService in
02-15 06:17:50.780 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.xiaomi.powerchecker/.PowerCheckerService in 10999ms
02-15 06:17:50.780 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.powerkeeper/.powerchecker.PowerCheckerService in 20999ms
02-15 06:17:50.781 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.powerkeeper/.stepsprovider.StepsService in 30999ms
02-15 06:17:50.781 1000 1201 3752 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.powerkeeper/.PowerKeeperBackgroundService in 40998ms
02-15 06:17:50.819 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 105ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@3345411 m=0
02-15 06:17:51.204 1000 1201 1333 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 241 ms,, code=170
02-15 06:17:51.781 1000 1201 1239 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.powerkeeper/.statemachine.PowerStateMachineService in
02-15 06:17:51.946 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
2359ms late because of 11 msg, msg 1 took 1235ms (seq=21 running=99ms runnable=2ms
io=751ms late=1819ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 3 took 185ms (seq=23
running=4ms io=171ms late=3517ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1), msg
11 took 398ms (seq=31 running=36ms io=326ms late=2549ms h=android.os.Handler$ScheduledRunnable)
02-15 06:17:52.478 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 587ms
late because of 14 msg, msg 1 took 75ms (seq=32 running=6ms late=2359ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 7 took 52ms (seq=38
running=2ms io=48ms late=1156ms$H$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection), msg 14 took 414ms (seq=45
running=63ms io=331ms late=210ms h=android.os.Handler$2)
02-15 06:17:52.484 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{b9db994 u0 t189} time:6947572
02-15 06:17:52.762 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onStop took 252ms
02-15 06:17:52.832 1000 15939 16029 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 128ms
02-15 06:17:52.843 10092 22150 22227 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.miui.cloudservice.GalleryProxySecurityDeviceCredentialProvider
02-15 06:17:53.330 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 449ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=55188, seq=55310,
02-15 06:17:53.372 1000 1201 1230 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 41ms
02-15 06:17:53.561 10175 2377 2377 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=6360 plan=06:17:50.815 late=2ms wall=2743ms running=14ms runnable=5ms io=233ms
02-15 06:17:54.029 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:22073||310|310|unknown|null||6948692699106|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:18:01.233 10070 22073 22096 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 424 ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=1
02-15 06:18:01.626 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:22073||505|232|unknown|null||6956319413568|Slow main thread|14
02-15 06:18:01.656 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Process
android.process.acore (pid 21922) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 06:18:01.765 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.weather2
(pid 21531) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 06:18:01.826 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
22475:com.miui.powerkeeper/1000 for service
02-15 06:18:01.977 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21880) has died: cch CRE
02-15 06:18:01.989 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 21880
02-15 06:18:02.472 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 21996) has died: cch+5 CEM
02-15 06:18:02.717 1000 22475 22499 W Utils : increaseStartTimes current=2
02-15 06:18:02.765 1000 22475 22475 W PK : init EventsAggregator
02-15 06:18:03.114 1000 22475 22475 E PeSchedController: parse default config
error: default_perf_config
02-15 06:18:03.129 1000 1201 2696 W ProcessManager: Permission Denial:
ProcessManager.protectCurrentProcess() from pid=22475, uid=1000
02-15 06:18:03.349 1000 22475 22520 W PK : mipush success
a=0466d2688913577ed382a023ad535b29 i=927
02-15 06:18:04.213 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityManager: Process
com.miui.securitycenter (pid 20544) has died: vis TRNB
02-15 06:18:04.220 10111 19787 19787 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content
02-15 06:18:04.221 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 20544
02-15 06:18:04.372 1000 22475 22505 I DeviceIdleController: DeviceIdleController
02-15 06:18:04.516 1000 22475 22505 I DeviceIdleController: DeviceIdleController
enable end
02-15 06:18:10.031 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:22073||296|61|unknown|null||6963493495107|Slow issue draw
02-15 06:18:32.816 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:18:41.487 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6996536 downTime:6996536 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:18:41.612 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6996700 downTime:6996536 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:18:41.929 10070 22073 22096 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 261 ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=1
02-15 06:18:42.381 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:6997469 downTime:6997469 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:18:42.503 1000 1201 1643 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:6997591 downTime:6997469 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:18:42.747 10070 22073 22073 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 203ms
02-15 06:18:42.762 1000 1201 3768 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.765 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.786 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.789 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.797 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.899 1000 1201 1643 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:18:42.925 1000 1201 1643 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:42.948 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.078 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.108 1000 1201 2040 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:18:43.116 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.184 1000 1201 2040 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.211 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.303 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:43.313 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 438ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 410ms (seq=7688 running=49ms runnable=1ms io=48ms
late=52ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:18:43.373 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
22788:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for content provider
02-15 06:18:43.540 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:22073||284|271|unknown|null||6997917520570|Slow main thread|2
02-15 06:18:43.608 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:6998697
02-15 06:18:43.614 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:18:44.003 10070 22073 22073 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 158ms
02-15 06:18:44.227 10070 22073 22073 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onDestroy took 168ms
02-15 06:18:44.295 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 660ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 189ms (seq=3614 running=16ms runnable=4ms
io=119ms late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 2 took 486ms (seq=3615
running=60ms runnable=13ms io=293ms late=198ms$H
02-15 06:18:44.343 10070 22073 22096 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 265 ms, interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser, code=1
02-15 06:18:44.385 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:18:44.760 10072 22788 22788 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:18:44.760 10072 22788 22788 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:18:44.884 10072 22788 22788 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:18:44.884 10072 22788 22788 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:18:45.081 10086 1687 2001 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1809 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:18:45.105 10072 22788 22788 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:18:43.910 late=8ms wall=1186ms running=538ms runnable=19ms io=546ms$H w=110
02-15 06:18:45.480 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|6999669360339|Slow issue draw commands|5
02-15 06:18:52.475 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:18:54.070 10111 19787 22845 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.miui.weather2.splashAd
02-15 06:18:54.086 1000 1201 2040 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x34000000
cmp=com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain} from uid 10086
02-15 06:18:54.146 10086 1687 1687 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: Dispatching
InputEvent took 122ms in main thread! (MotionEvent: event_seq=1538, seq=56919,
02-15 06:18:54.162 1000 1201 1587 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 157
02-15 06:18:54.166 1000 1201 1587 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:54.202 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:54.245 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
PeriodicCleaner(4) from pid=1201
02-15 06:18:54.248 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
com.crazy.juicer.xm Adj=700 State=16
02-15 06:18:54.248 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
20787:com.crazy.juicer.xm/u0a210 (adj 700): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:18:54.249 1000 1201 1242 I ProcessManager: PeriodicCleaner(4): kill
cessService0:0 Adj=700 State=16
02-15 06:18:54.250 1000 1201 1242 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a210i3 (adj 700): PeriodicCleaner(4)
02-15 06:18:54.312 1000 1201 1643 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
RestartService packageName :com.crazy.juicer.xm uid : 10210
02-15 06:18:54.341 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{a33abed u0
02-15 06:18:54.399 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:54.422 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 20787
02-15 06:18:54.763 10072 22788 22788 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain onCreate took 541ms
02-15 06:18:54.963 1000 1201 3731 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:18:55.011 1000 1201 3731 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:18:55.023 10072 22788 22788 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain is 859ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 855ms (seq=15 running=389ms runnable=12ms
io=223ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:18:55.074 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:55.077 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:55.218 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{3df5c9c u0
com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivityWeatherMain}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:18:55.223 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:55.269 10072 22788 22788 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 324ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 855ms (seq=15 running=389ms runnable=12ms
io=223ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:18:55.276 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:55.288 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:18:56.057 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{70fca51 u0 com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain t190}
02-15 06:18:56.063 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:19:00.648 1000 1201 3731 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:19:00.763 10072 22788 22788 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:19:00.770 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{cmp=com.miui.weather2/.ActivitySearchCity (has extras)} from uid 10072
02-15 06:19:00.799 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:00.938 1000 1201 6414 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:19:00.975 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{a5c80de u0
com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivitySearchCity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:19:00.982 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:00.986 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:01.025 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:01.523 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{d5662a9 u0 com.miui.weather2/.ActivitySearchCity t190}
02-15 06:19:01.527 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:19:01.798 1000 1201 6414 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{8cc3115 u0
InputMethod}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:19:01.819 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 498
02-15 06:19:01.902 10193 2484 2484 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 475ms
late because of 5 msg, msg 1 took 493ms (seq=5685 running=220ms runnable=2ms
io=234ms swapin=9ms late=28ms$MyHandler
02-15 06:19:04.146 1000 1201 2927 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.
02-15 06:19:15.141 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@6f1b939
02-15 06:19:17.348 10072 22788 22788 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:19:17.357 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain (has extras)} from uid
02-15 06:19:17.366 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{d5662a9 u0 com.miui.weather2/.ActivitySearchCity t190 f}
02-15 06:19:17.651 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:17.667 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager: input method visible height
changed 0
02-15 06:19:17.669 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:17.730 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{3df5c9c u0
com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivityWeatherMain}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:19:17.735 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:17.798 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:19:18.319 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{70fca51 u0 com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain t190}
02-15 06:19:18.323 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:20:28.384 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7103445 downTime:7103445 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:20:28.470 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7103558 downTime:7103445 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:20:28.506 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.516 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.526 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.532 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.561 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:20:28.568 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.584 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.611 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:20:28.617 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.692 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:28.731 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:29.025 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7104114
02-15 06:20:29.032 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:20:29.673 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:20:30.747 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:20:32.053 10111 19787 22952 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.miui.weather2.splashAd
02-15 06:20:32.056 1000 1201 1729 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x34000000
cmp=com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain} from uid 10086
02-15 06:20:32.085 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:32.125 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:32.260 1000 1201 1729 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:20:32.295 1000 1201 1618 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{9492fc5 u0
com.miui.weather2/com.miui.weather2.ActivityWeatherMain}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:20:32.301 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:32.305 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:32.377 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:33.154 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{da731e3 u0 com.miui.weather2/.ActivityWeatherMain t191}
02-15 06:20:33.158 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:20:35.236 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7110323 downTime:7110323 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:20:35.382 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7110470 downTime:7110323 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:20:35.432 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.435 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.438 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.443 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.452 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.467 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:20:35.472 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.484 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:20:35.491 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.494 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.525 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.542 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:20:35.847 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7110936
02-15 06:20:35.855 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:20:35.852 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 98 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 06:20:35.885 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Negative
user/sys time delta for UID=10210
02-15 06:20:35.885 1000 1201 1245 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Prev times:
u=37776000 s=12588000 Curr times: u=33848000 s=11144000
02-15 06:20:35.927 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:21:08.039 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:21:09.560 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:21:11.551 1000 1201 2696 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:21:28.773 1000 1201 1729 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:21:30.435 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:21:30.718 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:21:50.898 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:21:53.691 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:22:04.822 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:22:05.312 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:22:05.396 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:22:08.871 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:22:10.543 1000 2585 2913 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher|7204037205429|Slow handle traversal|9
02-15 06:22:20.596 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7215682 downTime:7215682 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:20.910 1000 1201 3731 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7215999 downTime:7215682 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:21.801 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 0
02-15 06:22:25.294 1000 1201 1370 I ProcessManager: Low mem maintenance over
+2h0m0s112ms low RAM for +34m7s797ms
02-15 06:22:26.674 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: setLauncherState= 1
02-15 06:22:31.637 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:22:31.719 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:22:34.348 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:22:34.352 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[441,1387][563,1509]
(has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:22:34.434 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
{} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:22:34.501 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:34.816 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:22:35.053 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:22:35.198 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:22:35.261 1000 23034 23074 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 231 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:22:35.316 1000 23034 23034 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 390ms late (wall=436ms running=206ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }) because of 2
msg, msg 2 took 387ms (seq=2 running=246ms runnable=2ms io=108ms late=6ms$H w=110)
02-15 06:22:35.316 1000 23034 23034 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 826ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 387ms (seq=2 running=246ms runnable=2ms
io=108ms late=6ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 436ms (seq=3
running=206ms runnable=2ms io=144ms late=390ms$H
02-15 06:22:35.334 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{80b3120 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:22:35.547 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2203518 u0 t192} time:7230636
02-15 06:22:35.769 1000 23034 23074 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 215 ms, interface=android.service.settings.suggestions.ISuggestionService,
code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:22:36.713 1000 23034 23034 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:22:36.716 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)}
from uid 1000
02-15 06:22:36.741 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:36.777 1000 23034 23056 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.qti.smq.Feedback.provider
02-15 06:22:36.832 1000 1201 3731 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction
queried by uid 1000 (com.miui.misound et al): null
02-15 06:22:36.879 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:22:36.898 1000 23034 23148 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.miui.aod.settings
02-15 06:22:36.916 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{866fde0 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:22:36.921 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:36.923 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:37.108 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:37.308 1000 23034 23056 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 451 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:22:37.619 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{2168d5f u0 t192} time:7232707
02-15 06:22:37.623 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:22:38.353 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7233441 downTime:7233441 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:38.484 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7233573 downTime:7233441 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:38.505 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.531 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{80b3120 u0}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:22:38.535 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.578 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.660 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7233747 downTime:7233747 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:38.774 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7233862 downTime:7233747 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:22:38.788 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all
activities already finished
02-15 06:22:38.789 1000 1201 3731 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{2203518 u0 t192 f}
02-15 06:22:38.817 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.819 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.830 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.833 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.844 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.860 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:22:38.866 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.879 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.883 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:22:38.890 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.928 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:38.951 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:39.255 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7234343
02-15 06:22:39.262 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:22:44.310 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:22:44.315 1000 1201 1618 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[439,1385][561,1507]
(has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:22:44.352 1000 1201 1618 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:44.366 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:44.369 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:44.405 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:22:44.537 1000 1201 1729 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c6b6162 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:22:44.709 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:22:44.722 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{89ee79e u0 t193} time:7239810
02-15 06:23:11.629 1000 23034 23034 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:23:11.633 1000 1201 3731 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)}
from uid 1000
02-15 06:23:11.661 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:11.690 1000 23034 23056 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
for com.qti.smq.Feedback.provider
02-15 06:23:11.979 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{68a4f31 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:23:11.984 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:11.987 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:12.102 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:12.551 1000 1201 2927 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 754 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=10 oneway=false
02-15 06:23:12.552 1000 23034 23056 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 767 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:23:12.599 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{c750afd u0 t193} time:7267688
02-15 06:23:12.603 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:23:47.773 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7302860 downTime:7302860 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:23:47.910 1000 1201 3740 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7302998 downTime:7302860 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:23:47.957 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.006 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c6b6162 u0}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:23:48.011 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.053 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.126 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7303213 downTime:7303213 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:23:48.291 1000 1201 2927 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7303378 downTime:7303213 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:23:48.304 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all
activities already finished
02-15 06:23:48.304 1000 1201 2927 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{89ee79e u0 t193 f}
02-15 06:23:48.327 1000 1201 2840 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.329 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.332 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.339 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.345 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.365 1000 1201 2927 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:23:48.369 1000 1201 2927 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.377 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.384 1000 1201 3731 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:23:48.390 1000 1201 3731 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.421 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.503 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:23:48.804 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7303893
02-15 06:23:48.809 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:23:57.801 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 06:23:57.961 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 06:24:31.187 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7346275 downTime:7346275 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:31.316 1000 1201 1684 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7346404 downTime:7346275 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:32.525 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7347611 downTime:7347611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:32.603 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7347691 downTime:7347611 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:34.167 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:24:34.169 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 bnds=[439,1385][561,1507]
(has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:24:34.204 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:34.231 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:34.234 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:34.241 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:34.265 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:34.367 1000 1201 2840 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{808fb6 u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:24:34.571 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{10b501 u0 t194} time:7349660
02-15 06:24:34.577 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:24:35.337 1000 1201 2696 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:7350424 downTime:7350424 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:35.369 1000 1201 2696 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:7350458 downTime:7350424 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:24:35.387 1000 1201 2696 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all
activities already finished
02-15 06:24:35.387 1000 1201 2696 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{10b501 u0 t194 f}
02-15 06:24:35.402 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.406 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.415 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.418 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.434 1000 1201 2696 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:24:35.439 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.446 1000 1201 2696 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:24:35.453 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.455 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.472 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.501 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:35.812 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7350901
02-15 06:24:35.819 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:24:37.874 10086 1687 1687 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:24:37.877 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
bnds=[302,1385][424,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10086
02-15 06:24:37.952 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
{} caller=com.miui.home
02-15 06:24:38.002 1000 1201 3740 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 171
02-15 06:24:38.016 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:24:38.323 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:24:38.604 1000 1201 2696 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:24:38.613 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 610ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 2 took 258ms (seq=2 running=153ms runnable=2ms
io=72ms late=6ms$H w=110), msg 3 took 348ms (seq=3
running=202ms runnable=2ms io=60ms late=262ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:24:38.637 1000 1201 3740 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d4ac10c u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:24:38.725 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:24:38.741 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7353830
02-15 06:24:39.004 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 06:24:39.005 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 261ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 06:24:39.006 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 262ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 06:24:39.006 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:0/u0ai0 for
02-15 06:24:39.006 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 262ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 06:24:39.006 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 263ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 06:24:39.058 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:24:39.691 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1034ms late because of 17 msg, msg 1 took 121ms (seq=17 running=30ms
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 221ms (seq=20
running=108ms runnable=2ms io=101ms h=android.os.Handler c=EA1)
02-15 06:24:55.005 1000 1201 3768 I ActivityManager: Process
com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service (pid 17507) has died: cch+75 SVC
02-15 06:24:55.008 1000 1201 3768 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/.MiConnectService in 1000ms
02-15 06:24:55.311 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 367ms
late because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 379ms (seq=98754 running=133ms runnable=56ms
io=147ms h=android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler w=1)
02-15 06:24:56.049 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23491:com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/1000 for service
02-15 06:24:59.909 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7370406530746|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:25:07.940 1000 1201 2927 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:07.941 1000 1201 2927 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:08.195 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.413
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:25:08.338 1000 1201 2927 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.413 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:25:08.483 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 543 ms,, code=41 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:08.509 10175 2377 21295 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 373 ms,, code=24 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:08.607 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.core (pid
17561) has died: cch+95 SVC
02-15 06:25:08.609 1000 1201 6414 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.core/miui.autoinstall.config.service.AutoInstallService in
02-15 06:25:08.710 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 100ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 06:25:08.909 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 21422) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 06:25:08.984 10072 22788 22788 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 639ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 598ms (seq=23269 running=17ms runnable=64ms
io=481ms late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:25:08.991 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 563ms
02-15 06:25:09.001 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 606ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
angeItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 481ms (seq=350 running=72ms runnable=12ms
io=219ms late=563ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:09.005 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7384094
02-15 06:25:09.062 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 388ms
late because of 12 msg, msg 1 took 481ms (seq=350 running=72ms runnable=12ms
io=219ms late=563ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:09.096 1000 1201 1231 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 556 ms,, code=90
02-15 06:25:09.271 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7384359
02-15 06:25:09.276 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 22978) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:25:09.515 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=98966 plan=06:25:08.341 late=2ms wall=1171ms running=143ms runnable=106ms
io=860ms$H w=159
02-15 06:25:09.543 10092 22150 22150 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=53
plan=06:25:08.336 late=3ms wall=1203ms running=50ms runnable=185ms io=907ms$H w=159
02-15 06:25:09.586 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=14110 plan=06:25:08.340 late=0ms wall=1245ms running=51ms runnable=108ms
io=1028ms$H w=159
02-15 06:25:09.629 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=235 plan=06:25:08.342 late=1ms wall=1285ms running=48ms runnable=107ms
io=1094ms$H w=159
02-15 06:25:09.631 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23577:com.miui.core/u0a138 for service
02-15 06:25:09.636 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1044 plan=06:25:08.335 late=3ms wall=1299ms running=64ms runnable=205ms
io=982ms swapin=8ms$H w=159
02-15 06:25:09.940 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout
02-15 06:25:09.941 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
02-15 06:25:09.941 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation
change: Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:25:09.951 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +2s10ms due
to Window{41afa9e u0 NavigationBar}
02-15 06:25:10.084 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 22150) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:25:10.099 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 468ms
late because of 58 msg, msg 1 took 1171ms (seq=98966 running=143ms runnable=106ms
io=860ms late=2ms$H w=159), msg 8 took 284ms
(seq=98973 running=146ms runnable=3ms io=90ms late=1047ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:25:10.189 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23135) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:25:10.481 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 590ms
late because of 104 msg, msg 1 took 262ms (seq=99024 running=82ms runnable=5ms
late=468ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 94 took 51ms
(seq=99117 running=48ms late=491ms h=android.os.Handler$1), msg 95 took 62ms (seq=99118 running=55ms
runnable=1ms late=542ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1)
02-15 06:25:11.987 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7385682042439|Slow main thread|6
02-15 06:25:27.526 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7402613 downTime:7402613 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:27.579 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7402613 downTime:7402613 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:27.704 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7402791 downTime:7402613 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:27.705 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7402791 downTime:7402613 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.119 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7403206 downTime:7403206 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.174 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7403261 downTime:7403261 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.298 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7403385 downTime:7403261 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.299 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7403386 downTime:7403261 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.464 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7403552 downTime:7403552 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.644 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7403731 downTime:7403552 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:28.826 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7403913 downTime:7403913 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.286 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7404374 downTime:7403913 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.428 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7404516 downTime:7404516 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.432 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7404516 downTime:7404516 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.630 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7404718 downTime:7404516 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.666 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7404753 downTime:7404516 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.858 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7404943 downTime:7404943 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:29.905 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7404992 downTime:7404992 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.091 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7405179 downTime:7404992 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.092 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7405179 downTime:7404992 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.226 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7405313 downTime:7405313 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.233 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7405314 downTime:7405314 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.248 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: DumpLog
02-15 06:25:30.407 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23609:com.miui.bugreport/1000 for broadcast
02-15 06:25:30.520 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 161ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:25:30.860 1000 23609 23609 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:25:30.865 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity (has extras)} from
uid 1000
02-15 06:25:30.909 1000 1201 5660 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:30.911 1000 1201 5660 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:1201_1D
identical 1 line
02-15 06:25:30.915 1000 1201 5660 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:30.916 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7406004 downTime:7405314 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.916 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7406004 downTime:7405314 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:30.950 1000 1201 2696 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:30.950 1000 1201 2696 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:31.054 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 124ms
02-15 06:25:31.074 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.465
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:25:31.151 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.465 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:25:31.163 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7406249 downTime:7406249 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:31.184 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7406249 downTime:7406249 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:31.217 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.224 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.225 10173 21584 21584 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms, interface=android.view.IWindowSession, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:31.233 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.243 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task
ignored for non-existent task 174
02-15 06:25:31.248 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.257 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.337 1000 1201 1230 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.355 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.442 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onStart took 216ms
02-15 06:25:31.486 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 205 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:31.494 1000 1201 2696 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 06:25:31.499 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.522 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.623 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 702ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
angeItem] }) because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=425 running=40ms runnable=8ms
io=27ms late=4ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 128ms (seq=426
running=18ms runnable=26ms io=81ms late=575ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=4)
02-15 06:25:31.722 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.727 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.734 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7406819 downTime:7406249 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:31.773 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7406861 downTime:7406249 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:31.817 1000 1201 2696 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.864 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 309ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 312ms (seq=14122 running=11ms runnable=4ms
io=191ms reclaim=4ms late=210ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:25:31.872 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:31.872 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7406961
02-15 06:25:31.873 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:25:31.903 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7406991 downTime:7406991 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:31.943 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1052 plan=06:25:30.938 late=0ms wall=1005ms running=60ms runnable=72ms
io=595ms reclaim=4ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:31.976 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher is 722ms late (wall=42ms running=16ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
angeItem] }) because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 312ms (seq=14122 running=11ms
runnable=4ms io=191ms reclaim=4ms late=210ms$H w=159),
msg 2 took 420ms (seq=14123 running=109ms runnable=30ms io=54ms swapin=7ms
reclaim=4ms late=309ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 63ms (seq=14125
running=17ms runnable=37ms late=722ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:25:32.000 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 698ms
late because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=425 running=40ms runnable=8ms io=27ms
late=4ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 128ms (seq=426
running=18ms runnable=26ms io=81ms late=575ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=4)
02-15 06:25:32.001 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:23256||1206|1043|unknown|null||7384242623670|Slow main
02-15 06:25:32.008 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7407092 downTime:7406991 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:32.037 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 826ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
angeItem] }) because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=425 running=40ms runnable=8ms
io=27ms late=4ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 128ms (seq=426
running=18ms runnable=26ms io=81ms late=575ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=4), msg 5 took 364ms (seq=429
running=65ms runnable=124ms io=1ms late=698ms
02-15 06:25:32.039 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 809ms late (wall=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] })
because of 12 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=425 running=40ms runnable=8ms io=27ms
late=4ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 128ms (seq=426
running=18ms runnable=26ms io=81ms late=575ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=4), msg 5 took 364ms (seq=429
running=65ms runnable=124ms io=1ms late=698ms
02-15 06:25:32.047 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7407136
02-15 06:25:32.053 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 811ms late (wall=11ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
em] }) because of 13 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=425 running=40ms runnable=8ms
io=27ms late=4ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 128ms (seq=426
running=18ms runnable=26ms io=81ms late=575ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=4), msg 5 took 364ms (seq=429
running=65ms runnable=124ms io=1ms late=698ms
02-15 06:25:32.100 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:25:32.156 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 548ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 420ms (seq=14123 running=109ms runnable=30ms
io=54ms swapin=7ms reclaim=4ms late=309ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 3 took 63ms (seq=14125
running=17ms runnable=37ms late=722ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:25:32.156 1000 23609 23609 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity onCreate took 721ms
02-15 06:25:32.165 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 449ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 1005ms (seq=1052 running=60ms runnable=72ms
io=595ms reclaim=4ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 7 took 109ms (seq=1058
running=13ms runnable=5ms io=74ms late=504ms h=android.os.Handler w=1)
02-15 06:25:32.173 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:7407262
02-15 06:25:32.188 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity is 928ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 2 msg, msg 1 took 133ms (seq=6 running=19ms runnable=104ms
late=1ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 912ms (seq=7
running=291ms runnable=27ms io=476ms swapin=9ms reclaim=13ms late=18ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:25:32.335 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 525ms
late because of 51 msg, msg 1 took 724ms (seq=100590 running=123ms runnable=141ms
io=378ms reclaim=5ms$H w=159), msg 4 took 283ms
(seq=100593 running=132ms runnable=65ms io=19ms late=655ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:25:32.336 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7385573380593|Slow main thread|2
02-15 06:25:32.354 1000 1201 1230 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.
pkg=android callback=android.widget.Toast$TN@5a5f28
02-15 06:25:32.495 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{a9907f8 u0
com.miui.bugreport/com.miui.bugreport.ui.SubmitDialogActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:25:32.559 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{cdf7cb4 u0 com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity t196}
02-15 06:25:32.570 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s620ms
due to Window{62cb26a u0
02-15 06:25:32.576 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 06:25:32.577 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow Looper android.ui: KeyEvent
is 1416ms late (event_seq=66504, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, action=ACTION_DOWN)
because of 33 msg
02-15 06:25:32.577 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 1416ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=66504, seq=75414, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.596 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 344ms
late because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 349ms (seq=22 running=51ms runnable=5ms io=93ms
late=52ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:32.596 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: KeyEvent is
1436ms late (event_seq=0, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of
26 msg, msg 1 took 133ms (seq=6 running=19ms runnable=104ms late=1ms$H w=159), msg 2 took 912ms (seq=7 running=291ms
runnable=27ms io=476ms swapin=9ms reclaim=13ms late=18ms$H w=159), msg 17 took 349ms (seq=22 running=51ms
runnable=5ms io=93ms late=52ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:32.596 1000 23609 23609 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 1436ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=0, seq=75413, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.613 1000 23609 23609 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 841ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=2, seq=75417, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.613 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 841ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=66510, seq=75418, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.616 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow Looper android.ui: KeyEvent
is 713ms late (event_seq=66513, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, action=ACTION_DOWN)
because of 8 msg
02-15 06:25:32.616 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: KeyEvent is
713ms late (event_seq=3, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN, action=ACTION_DOWN) because of
29 msg, msg 1 took 912ms (seq=7 running=291ms runnable=27ms io=476ms swapin=9ms
reclaim=13ms late=18ms$H w=159), msg 16 took 349ms
(seq=22 running=51ms runnable=5ms io=93ms late=52ms
02-15 06:25:32.616 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 713ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=66513, seq=75420, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.616 1000 23609 23609 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 713ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=3, seq=75419, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.618 1000 1201 1230 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 615ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=66516, seq=75422, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:32.625 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 387ms
late because of 123 msg, msg 1 took 145ms (seq=100641 running=89ms runnable=9ms
io=5ms late=525ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 118 took 117ms
(seq=100758 running=78ms runnable=10ms io=9ms late=278ms
02-15 06:25:32.822 1000 23609 23609 W InputEventReceiver: App Input: 818ms before
dispatchInputEvent (KeyEvent: event_seq=4, seq=75421, code=KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN,
02-15 06:25:33.654 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7408741 downTime:7408741 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:33.857 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Unable to start animation,
surface is null or no children.
02-15 06:25:33.867 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7408954 downTime:7408741 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.042 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7409129 downTime:7409129 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.099 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7409184 downTime:7409184 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.137 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7408511879748|Slow main thread|31
02-15 06:25:34.285 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7409371 downTime:7409184 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.286 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7409371 downTime:7409184 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.379 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7409466 downTime:7409466 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.417 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7409504 downTime:7409504 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.582 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7409669 downTime:7409504 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.582 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7409669 downTime:7409504 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.792 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7409879 downTime:7409879 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.799 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:7409879 downTime:7409879 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:34.800 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: DumpLog
02-15 06:25:34.853 1000 23609 23609 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request
02-15 06:25:34.865 1000 1201 1684 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity (has extras)} from
uid 1000
02-15 06:25:34.993 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 126ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:25:35.094 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7410181 downTime:7409879 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:35.094 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:7410181 downTime:7409879 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:36.865 1000 1201 1230 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.
pkg=android callback=android.widget.Toast$TN@2549188
02-15 06:25:36.964 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7412051 downTime:7412051 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:37.240 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7412327 downTime:7412051 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:37.449 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7412536 downTime:7412536 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:37.739 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7412827 downTime:7412536 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:38.012 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7413100 downTime:7413100 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:38.255 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7413341 downTime:7413100 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:38.357 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Unable to start animation,
surface is null or no children.
02-15 06:25:38.509 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7413595 downTime:7413595 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:38.748 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7413836 downTime:7413595 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:40.619 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-15 06:25:40.734 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{ (has extras)} from uid 1000
02-15 06:25:40.735 1000 1201 5660 W ActivityTaskManager: startActivity called
from non-Activity context; forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK for: Intent
{ flg=0x800000 (has extras) }
02-15 06:25:40.760 1000 1201 5660 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:40.771 1000 1201 5660 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:40.782 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:40.883 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d166382 u0}: oldVis=4
newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:25:40.888 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:40.891 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:40.917 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:40.917 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{faa5df6 u0 t195}
02-15 06:25:40.918 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:25:41.327 1000 1201 7141 E WindowManager: App trying to use insecure
02-15 06:25:43.327 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@47898d8
02-15 06:25:43.846 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:7418933 downTime:7418933 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:44.291 1000 1201 7141 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:44.293 1000 1201 7141 W WindowManager: Ignoring move of always-on-
top$TaskStackContainers@2eb5b65 to
02-15 06:25:44.300 1000 1201 7141 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:44.300 1000 1201 7141 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:25:44.410 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.514
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:25:44.452 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.514 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:25:44.530 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:44.531 1000 1201 7141 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:25:44.539 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 253 ms,, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:44.540 1000 1413 1558 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 254 ms,, code=113 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:44.549 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 232 ms, interface=android.view.IWindowSession, code=9 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:44.565 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:25:44.566 1000 1201 5660 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:25:44.571 1000 23609 23609 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 269 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:25:44.675 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity
ActivityRecord{faa5df6 u0 t195 f}
being finished, but not in LRU list
02-15 06:25:44.806 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:23256||349|185|unknown|null||7416401787287|Slow handle
02-15 06:25:44.912 1000 1201 1587 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@2781889
02-15 06:25:44.970 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7420059
02-15 06:25:45.133 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:7420221 downTime:7418933 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:25:45.157 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 418ms
late because of 16 msg, msg 3 took 134ms (seq=101849 running=98ms runnable=18ms
late=115ms$H w=159), msg 14 took 251ms (seq=101860
running=148ms runnable=41ms late=192ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler
02-15 06:25:45.179 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +878ms due
to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:25:45.185 1000 1201 3768 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish
request for ActivityRecord{faa5df6 u0 t195 f}
02-15 06:25:45.186 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 577ms late (wall=1ms running=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] })
because of 38 msg, msg 1 took 134ms (seq=101849 running=98ms runnable=18ms
late=115ms$H w=159), msg 12 took 251ms (seq=101860
running=148ms runnable=41ms late=192ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler
w=5), msg 15 took 176ms (seq=101863 running=103ms runnable=8ms late=418ms
02-15 06:25:45.188 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 577ms late (wall=2ms running=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
em] }) because of 39 msg, msg 1 took 134ms (seq=101849 running=98ms runnable=18ms
late=115ms$H w=159), msg 12 took 251ms (seq=101860
running=148ms runnable=41ms late=192ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler
w=5), msg 15 took 176ms (seq=101863 running=103ms runnable=8ms late=418ms
02-15 06:25:45.370 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 320ms
late because of 177 msg, msg 1 took 176ms (seq=101863 running=103ms runnable=8ms
late=418ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:25:46.200 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7420660065057|Slow main thread|6
02-15 06:25:47.841 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@97fa535
02-15 06:25:55.629 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@2e8e0da
02-15 06:26:14.725 1000 1201 1361 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject
service :Intent {
cmp=com.facebook.orca/com.facebook.analytics2.logger.LollipopUploadService } userId
: 0 uid : 10225 mode : 1
02-15 06:26:14.734 1000 1201 1361 I JobServiceContext: MIUILOG- Reject Start
Job, cancelJob uid : 10225 jobId :2131364856
02-15 06:28:08.475 1000 1201 2041 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoIdleKill
from pid=22475
02-15 06:29:49.398 1000 1201 1201 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 3600000
02-15 06:32:40.720 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Killing
22788:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 (adj 910): excessive cpu 30620 during 300089
dur=724060 limit=10
02-15 06:32:40.782 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on
unknown pid: 22788
02-15 06:33:19.242 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 97 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 06:33:19.342 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:34:50.495 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-15 06:34:56.015 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:7971102 downTime:7971102 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:34:56.016 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:34:56.284 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:7971372 downTime:7971102 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:34:56.291 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:34:56.292 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 06:34:56.296 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 06:34:56.625 1000 1201 3768 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=keymaster
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
02-15 06:34:56.690 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 06:34:56.698 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 8 ms
02-15 06:34:56.709 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 06:34:56.767 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:34:56.797 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 57ms
02-15 06:34:56.915 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:7972002 downTime:7972002 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:34:56.915 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:34:56.923 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 06:34:56.924 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 06:34:56.932 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 06:34:56.932 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 06:34:56.954 1000 1413 2016 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 06:34:56.955 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 06:34:56.960 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:34:56.960 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:34:56.965 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 06:34:56.965 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 06:34:56.965 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager:
02-15 06:34:56.966 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 06:34:56.968 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 06:34:56.968 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 06:34:56.968 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 06:34:56.972 1000 1413 8620 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 06:34:56.973 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 40 ms
02-15 06:34:56.993 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 06:34:57.054 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 06:34:57.054 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.14901248
02-15 06:34:57.056 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 306 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.082 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 197ms
02-15 06:34:57.092 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:34:57.092 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:34:57.185 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:7972273 downTime:7972002 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:34:57.339 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.339 1000 1201 1234 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 262 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.339 1000 1201 1230 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 243 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.344 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 430 ms
02-15 06:34:57.344 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 06:34:57.410 1000 1201 1230 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.563
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:34:57.467 1000 1201 1230 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.563 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:34:57.535 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 06:34:57.550 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 431 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.554 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 170ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@658d4be m=0
02-15 06:34:57.555 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 390 ms,, code=62 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.561 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 494ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:34:57.561 1000 22475 22503 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 458 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.563 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 544ms
android.ui$H c=null m=2
02-15 06:34:57.573 10194 23256 23304 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 451 ms,, code=27 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.586 10175 2377 21298 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 289 ms,, code=24 oneway=false
02-15 06:34:57.595 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:34:57.596 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout
for ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:34:57.598 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:34:57.689 1000 1201 1684 I NotificationService: cancelToast$Stub$Proxy@c1a9b58
02-15 06:34:57.689 1000 1201 1684 W NotificationService: Toast already
02-15 06:34:57.706 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 779ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 281ms (seq=660 running=46ms runnable=5ms io=115ms
late=21ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:57.883 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 147ms
02-15 06:34:57.905 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 159ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@7eb9c21 m=0
02-15 06:34:58.023 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 06:34:58.068 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1119ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 9 msg, msg 1 took 281ms (seq=660 running=46ms runnable=5ms
io=115ms late=21ms$H w=137), msg 9 took 184ms (seq=668
running=25ms runnable=7ms io=123ms late=770ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:58.097 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1116ms late (wall=28ms
m }) because of 10 msg, msg 1 took 281ms (seq=660 running=46ms runnable=5ms
io=115ms late=21ms$H w=137), msg 9 took 184ms (seq=668
running=25ms runnable=7ms io=123ms late=770ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:58.146 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1106ms late (wall=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 16 msg, msg 1 took 281ms (seq=660 running=46ms runnable=5ms
io=115ms late=21ms$H w=137), msg 9 took 184ms (seq=668
running=25ms runnable=7ms io=123ms late=770ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:58.175 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 1107ms late (wall=30ms
}) because of 17 msg, msg 1 took 281ms (seq=660 running=46ms runnable=5ms io=115ms
late=21ms$H w=137), msg 9 took 184ms (seq=668
running=25ms runnable=7ms io=123ms late=770ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:58.336 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 649ms late (wall=68ms
}) because of 32 msg, msg 8 took 184ms (seq=668 running=25ms runnable=7ms io=123ms
late=770ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:34:58.352 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 631ms
late because of 32 msg, msg 5 took 184ms (seq=668 running=25ms runnable=7ms
io=123ms late=770ms$H w=137), msg 30 took 68ms
(seq=693 running=25ms runnable=6ms io=16ms late=649ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:34:58.373 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 883ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 885ms (seq=106075 running=90ms runnable=12ms
io=254ms swapin=18ms late=14ms$6 w=1)
02-15 06:34:58.397 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s305ms
due to Window{61ebf59 u0}
02-15 06:34:58.574 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityTaskManager: Activity reported stop,
but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:34:58.652 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 06:34:58.658 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 06:34:58.699 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:34:58.707 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:34:58.782 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 06:34:58.874 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 839ms
late because of 132 msg, msg 1 took 499ms (seq=106078 running=261ms runnable=14ms
io=71ms swapin=13ms late=883ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 21 took 117ms
(seq=106098 running=3ms late=1345ms$2
w=335), msg 33 took 99ms (seq=106110 running=63ms runnable=5ms io=19ms late=1037ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:34:59.051 1000 1201 6146 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:34:59.113 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:34:59.225 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 455ms
late because of 189 msg, msg 1 took 159ms (seq=106210 running=102ms runnable=18ms
swapin=2ms late=839ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 54 took 55ms
(seq=106263 running=14ms runnable=1ms late=1ms
h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler w=0), msg 141 took 60ms (seq=106350
running=54ms late=486ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1)
02-15 06:34:59.280 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 302ms
late because of 207 msg, msg 1 took 55ms (seq=106263 running=14ms runnable=1ms
late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler w=0), msg 88 took 60ms
(seq=106350 running=54ms late=486ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1)
02-15 06:34:59.437 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:35:00.016 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7974458381705|Slow main thread|5
02-15 06:35:00.967 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 136
02-15 06:35:00.973 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 06:35:01.026 1000 1201 3740 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 06:35:01.027 1000 1201 3740 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 06:35:01.032 1000 1201 3740 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 06:35:01.034 1000 1413 19349 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 202 ms,, code=10
02-15 06:35:01.042 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 06:35:01.257 1000 1201 3740 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.258 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 06:35:01.260 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.263 1000 1201 1684 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.304 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.308 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.349 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=7976437 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 06:35:01.349 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:35:01.364 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 06:35:01.365 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.14901248
02-15 06:35:01.404 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 06:35:01.413 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:35:01.414 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:35:01.414 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:35:01.415 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:35:01.415 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 06:35:01.433 1000 1201 5660 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d4ac10c u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:35:01.686 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:35:01.780 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:7976869
02-15 06:35:01.888 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 481ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@1c90974 m=0
02-15 06:35:01.888 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 481ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@7328e9d m=0
02-15 06:35:01.933 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:35:02.364 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
7977039447859|Slow handle traversal|24
02-15 06:35:55.296 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:8030362 downTime:8030362 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:35:56.700 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:8031786 downTime:8030362 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:36:57.786 1000 1201 1215 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:36:57.787 1000 1201 1215 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:36:57.987 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.612
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:36:58.046 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.612 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:36:58.115 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 331 ms,, code=41 oneway=false
02-15 06:36:58.709 10070 22073 22073 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 596ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 607ms (seq=69813 running=26ms runnable=92ms
io=481ms late=50ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:36:58.724 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:8093812
02-15 06:36:59.030 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 482ms
late because of 48 msg, msg 1 took 590ms (seq=107929 running=125ms runnable=59ms
io=312ms late=1ms$H w=159), msg 8 took 245ms
(seq=107936 running=160ms runnable=14ms io=26ms late=554ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:36:59.041 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s255ms
due to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:37:00.048 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
8094373004097|Slow main thread|3
02-15 06:37:01.547 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23075) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:37:01.587 1000 1201 7141 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23098) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:37:01.712 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 22162) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:37:13.677 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:37:33.014 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:37:33.180 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:37:33.619 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:37:40.848 1000 1201 1239 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 910): excessive cpu 15410 during 300139
dur=1137239 limit=2
02-15 06:37:40.870 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:37:46.167 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:8141254 downTime:8141254 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:37:46.359 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:8141446 downTime:8141254 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:37:47.007 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:8142094 downTime:8142094 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:37:47.193 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:8142279 downTime:8142094 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:37:47.872 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:8142959 downTime:8142959 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:37:48.039 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:8143126 downTime:8142959 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:39:04.938 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:39:05.096 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:39:05.844 10173 21584 24017 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 969 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:39:06.961 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:39:25.044 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:40:25.462 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:40:25.692 1000 1201 2040 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_log
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 06:40:25.701 1000 1201 2040 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 06:40:25.703 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 06:40:25.704 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 06:40:25.710 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 06:40:25.720 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 06:41:05.466 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:41:25.463 wifi 723 723 I chatty : uid=1010(wifi)
/system/bin/wificond identical 1 line
02-15 06:41:45.535 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:43:06.992 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:43:26.670 1000 1201 1230 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 25ms
02-15 06:44:03.684 1000 1201 1238 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage
stats to disk
02-15 06:44:03.795 1000 1201 1238 E AppIdleHistory: Error writing app idle file
for user 0
02-15 06:44:12.636 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
vice} caller=android
02-15 06:44:13.076 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 06:45:26.584 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 96 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 06:49:13.421 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23296) has died: cch+95 CEM
02-15 06:49:15.389 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
8827859684833|Slow main thread|3
02-15 06:50:03.357 1000 1201 2843 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23792) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 06:50:05.823 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Process
(pid 19787) has died: cch+75 TRNB
02-15 06:50:05.834 1000 1201 2041 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in
02-15 06:50:05.843 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a111i2 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 06:50:45.872 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:50:46.899 10111 24207 24250 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 06:50:53.516 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24018) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:52:05.353 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:52:05.446 1000 1201 1245 I chatty : uid=1000(system) batterystats-wo
identical 1 line
02-15 06:52:38.715 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:52:38.746 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 06:52:38.845 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 06:52:38.982 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24070) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:52:47.537 1000 1201 1377 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 267 ms, interface=android.os.IStatsManager, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:53:36.191 1000 1201 1232 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
02-15 06:54:01.086 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:true eventTime:9116173 downTime:9116173 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:01.553 1000 1201 2041 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24119) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:54:02.953 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:24
down:false eventTime:9118040 downTime:9116173 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:03.484 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9118572 downTime:9118572 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:03.486 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:54:03.804 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9118892 downTime:9118572 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:03.805 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:54:03.805 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 06:54:03.808 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 06:54:03.948 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:9119036 downTime:9119036 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:04.203 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9119096876235|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:54:04.248 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 06:54:04.248 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 06:54:04.273 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 06:54:04.343 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:54:04.561 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 231ms
02-15 06:54:04.663 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 318 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:04.686 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 06:54:04.686 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:54:04.691 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 06:54:04.701 1000 1413 3484 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 06:54:04.843 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 103ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@11ebe52 m=0
02-15 06:54:04.845 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 06:54:04.846 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.14901248
02-15 06:54:04.921 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 192ms
02-15 06:54:04.939 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:9120025 downTime:9119036 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:05.040 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 06:54:05.066 1000 1201 2696 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:54:05.101 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.662
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:54:05.272 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.662 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:54:05.305 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 246 ms, interface=android.view.IWindowSession, code=4 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:05.341 1000 1413 1551 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 202 ms,, code=138 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:05.353 1000 1413 1743 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 213 ms, interface=android.content.IContentService, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:05.431 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 603ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }
) because of 8 msg, msg 1 took 380ms (seq=1936 running=45ms runnable=19ms io=167ms
late=28ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 251ms (seq=1938
running=3ms late=297ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 4 took 65ms (seq=1939
running=4ms io=21ms late=559ms
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate w=2)
02-15 06:54:05.784 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 327ms
late because of 10 msg, msg 2 took 184ms (seq=1946 running=4ms io=173ms late=545ms
h=android.os.Handler c=ix1), msg 4 took 51ms (seq=1948 running=32ms runnable=2ms
io=12ms late=446ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: can't store negative
values key=0xa7d010e index=0 value=-1093309 -- SparseMappingTable.Table{mSequence=2
mParent.mSequence=2 mParent.mLongs.size()=2 mSize=14 mTable=[0x0/0x1/0x97a,
0x1/0x1/0x979, 0x3/0x1/0x992, 0xe/0x1/0xa7d, 0x14/0x1/0x8ff, 0x15/0x1/0x8fe,
0x17/0x1/0x8fc, 0x18/0x1/0x8fd, 0x19/0x1/0x903, 0x1a/0x1/0x902, 0x1d/0x1/0x9a5,
0x1e/0x1/0x9b9, 0x1f/0x1/0x9b8, 0x22/0x1/0x9ba, 0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0,
0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0, 0x0/0x0/0x0]}
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Stack trace
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at$400(SparseMappingTable
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at$Table.setValue(SparseMappingT
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at$Table.setValue(SparseMappingT
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at$Stub.onTransact(
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:05.892 1000 1201 1618 E SparseMappingTable: at
02-15 06:54:06.641 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=115668 plan=06:54:04.708 late=653ms wall=1280ms running=362ms runnable=81ms
io=673ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:54:06.641 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 653ms
late because of 12 msg, msg 1 took 56ms (seq=115656 running=9ms runnable=3ms
io=29ms$6 w=5), msg 9 took
580ms (seq=115664 running=122ms runnable=26ms io=150ms late=52ms$6 w=1)
02-15 06:54:06.786 1000 20358 20358 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=32
plan=06:54:05.268 late=5ms wall=1503ms running=66ms runnable=145ms io=1248ms$H w=159
02-15 06:54:06.787 1000 23034 23034 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1282 plan=06:54:05.274 late=12ms wall=1491ms running=69ms runnable=101ms
io=1241ms$H w=159
02-15 06:54:06.794 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=14388 plan=06:54:05.282 late=1ms wall=1511ms running=63ms runnable=123ms
io=1266ms$H w=159
02-15 06:54:06.835 10173 2563 2563 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=255 plan=06:54:05.278 late=3ms wall=1553ms running=64ms runnable=57ms
io=1307ms$H w=159
02-15 06:54:06.842 10173 21584 21584 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=1197 plan=06:54:05.267 late=7ms wall=1567ms running=79ms runnable=138ms
io=1287ms$H w=159
02-15 06:54:07.023 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is
1447ms late because of 101 msg, msg 1 took 1280ms (seq=115668 running=362ms
runnable=81ms io=673ms late=653ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 11 took 54ms
(seq=115678 running=13ms runnable=2ms io=34ms late=1859ms
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate w=2), msg
65 took 83ms (seq=115732 running=61ms runnable=6ms io=8ms late=1453ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:54:07.166 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:54:07.519 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 604ms
late because of 154 msg, msg 1 took 198ms (seq=115769 running=126ms runnable=5ms
io=11ms late=1447ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 104 took 102ms
(seq=115872 running=78ms late=579ms h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler$1)
02-15 06:54:07.566 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:9122648 downTime:9122648 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:07.567 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:54:07.868 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:9122955 downTime:9122648 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:08.281 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #34973} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (23 skipped)
02-15 06:54:08.318 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9123404 downTime:9123404 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:08.319 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:54:08.340 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 06:54:08.340 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 06:54:08.343 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 06:54:08.352 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 06:54:08.352 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 06:54:08.355 1000 1413 2406 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 06:54:08.380 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:54:08.399 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 06:54:08.400 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 06:54:08.401 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager:
02-15 06:54:08.406 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 06:54:08.467 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 06:54:08.487 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9123575 downTime:9123404 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:08.557 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 145ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:54:08.558 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 06:54:08.561 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 06:54:08.573 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 06:54:08.576 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 06:54:08.576 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 225 ms
02-15 06:54:08.696 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 289 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:08.697 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 382 ms
02-15 06:54:08.698 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 06:54:08.720 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 238 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:08.725 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 254 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:09.016 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:9124104 downTime:9124104 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:09.017 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:54:09.589 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9123867416081|Slow issue draw commands|6
02-15 06:54:09.590 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9124598361081|Slow main thread|3
02-15 06:54:10.427 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:9125515 downTime:9124104 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:11.295 1000 1201 7141 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:54:11.313 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:54:11.648 1000 1201 7141 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:54:13.051 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 64
02-15 06:54:13.055 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 06:54:13.082 1000 1201 1458 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 06:54:13.083 1000 1201 1458 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 06:54:13.086 1000 1201 1458 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 06:54:13.088 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 06:54:13.355 1000 1201 3770 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.356 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 06:54:13.359 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.363 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.365 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.399 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.408 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.411 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.450 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=9128538 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 06:54:13.450 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:54:13.462 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 06:54:13.463 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.14901248
02-15 06:54:13.498 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 06:54:13.510 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:54:13.512 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:54:13.539 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:54:13.545 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 06:54:13.545 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 06:54:13.557 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 119ms
02-15 06:54:13.615 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:54:13.735 1000 1201 2891 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d4ac10c u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:54:13.789 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:54:13.856 10194 23256 23331 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 298 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:13.942 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 439ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@1007952 m=0
02-15 06:54:13.942 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 439ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@996d423 m=0
02-15 06:54:13.951 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:54:13.963 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:54:13.964 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:54:14.080 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 117ms
android.ui h=android.os.Handler$OrientationListener$UpdateRunnable@d3a34d5
02-15 06:54:14.111 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.707
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:54:14.206 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.707 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:54:14.273 10175 2377 21295 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 254 ms,, code=24 oneway=false
02-15 06:54:14.291 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:9129379
02-15 06:54:14.583 1000 1201 1231 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 202 ms,, code=90
02-15 06:54:14.730 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9128844573543|Slow main thread|4
02-15 06:54:14.731 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9129815986159|Slow main thread|2
02-15 06:54:14.758 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 448ms
late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 449ms (seq=116830 running=113ms runnable=80ms
io=222ms reclaim=17ms late=11ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:54:15.158 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 344ms
late because of 76 msg, msg 1 took 91ms (seq=116831 running=29ms runnable=4ms
late=448ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 10 took 237ms
(seq=116840 running=142ms runnable=15ms io=34ms late=495ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:54:15.168 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s205ms
due to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:54:16.716 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9130958590543|Slow main thread|26
02-15 06:54:18.726 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9133196730774|Slow main thread|1
02-15 06:54:23.930 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9139010 downTime:9139010 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:23.948 1000 1201 2040 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9139035 downTime:9139010 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:29.202 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:54:29.203 1000 1201 1230 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:54:29.297 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.754
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:54:29.325 1000 1201 1232 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.754 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:54:29.812 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:9144900
02-15 06:54:29.822 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:23256||155|118|unknown|null||9144642158698|Slow handle
02-15 06:54:29.930 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +727ms due
to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:54:30.799 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9145345085929|Slow main thread|8
02-15 06:54:37.402 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9152489 downTime:9152489 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:37.515 1000 1201 3768 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9152602 downTime:9152489 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:54:38.136 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24540:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 for service
cUpdateJob} caller=android
02-15 06:54:38.725 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24562:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 for service
02-15 06:54:39.389 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24595:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 06:54:39.405 1000 1201 3768 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.PushMessageHandler from pid=24562
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 06:54:39.504 1000 1201 1458 W ActivityManager: Background start not
allowed: service Intent {
cmp=com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService } to
com.miui.cloudservice/com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.MessageHandleService from pid=24562
uid=10114 pkg=com.miui.cloudservice startFg?=false
02-15 06:54:39.844 10146 24595 24595 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:54:39.845 10146 24595 24595 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 06:54:39.953 10146 24595 24595 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 06:54:39.954 10146 24595 24595 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 06:54:40.307 1000 15972 16208 W FileUtils: Failed to
android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
02-15 06:55:33.735 1000 1201 2046 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20358) has died: cch+99 SVC
02-15 06:55:33.737 1000 1201 2046 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service in 1000ms
02-15 06:55:34.776 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 06:55:35.346 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process
com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service (pid 23491) has died: cch+55 SVC
02-15 06:55:35.348 1000 1201 1214 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/.MiConnectService in 1000ms
02-15 06:55:35.431 1000 1201 2696 I ActivityManager: Process com.miui.core (pid
23577) has died: cch+99 SVC
02-15 06:55:35.434 1000 1201 2696 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of
crashed service com.miui.core/miui.autoinstall.config.service.AutoInstallService in
02-15 06:55:36.401 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24700:com.xiaomi.mi_connect_service/1000 for service
02-15 06:55:39.927 1000 1201 1214 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 20597) has died: cch+95 CEM
02-15 06:55:41.227 1000 1201 2891 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24141) has died: cch+85 CEM
02-15 06:55:41.608 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 23722) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 06:55:46.382 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24809:com.miui.core/u0a138 for service
02-15 06:55:46.679 1000 1201 5660 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 24297) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 06:55:46.884 1000 1201 1215 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 22651) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 06:55:49.609 1000 1201 2952 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:55:49.610 1000 1201 2952 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:55:49.786 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml long land finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720) mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 -
1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.801
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:55:49.843 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w724dp h332dp 320dpi nrml
long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 720)
mAppBounds=Rect(55, 0 - 1504, 720) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_90} s.801 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:55:49.920 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 313 ms,, code=41 oneway=false
02-15 06:55:50.093 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 329ms
late because of 1 msg
02-15 06:55:50.355 1000 593 593 W SurfaceFlingerInspector: Slow frame
composition: Internal display prepareFrame took 76 ms
02-15 06:55:50.392 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:9225481
02-15 06:55:50.761 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 336ms
late because of 51 msg, msg 1 took 620ms (seq=119872 running=141ms runnable=70ms
io=351ms reclaim=12ms late=1ms$H w=159), msg 8 took
165ms (seq=119879 running=110ms runnable=2ms io=24ms late=561ms
h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler w=5)
02-15 06:55:50.777 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s166ms
due to Window{ffbd24a u0 StatusBar}
02-15 06:55:53.320 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9226122599164|Slow main thread|3
02-15 06:56:00.599 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unexpected empty scan result!
02-15 06:56:02.799 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9237877 downTime:9237877 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:02.807 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:56:02.967 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9238055 downTime:9237877 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:02.968 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:56:02.969 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 06:56:02.972 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 06:56:03.414 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 06:56:03.414 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 06:56:03.432 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 06:56:03.487 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:56:03.619 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onPause took 142ms
02-15 06:56:03.654 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9238742 downTime:9238742 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:03.655 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:56:03.664 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 06:56:03.664 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 06:56:03.670 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 06:56:03.670 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 06:56:03.676 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 06:56:03.684 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 06:56:03.685 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 06:56:03.685 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 06:56:03.686 1000 1201 2952 I WindowManager:
02-15 06:56:03.686 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 06:56:03.688 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 06:56:03.688 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 06:56:03.689 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 06:56:03.692 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 06:56:03.692 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 06:56:03.694 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 06:56:03.700 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 30 ms
02-15 06:56:03.719 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 06:56:03.782 1000 1201 2952 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:56:03.783 1000 1201 2952 E DEBUG_HOME:
isNextAppTransitionSeemlesslyRotate = mNextAppTransition=TRANSIT_UNSET
isStartFromHome() false isBackHome() false isStartActivityFromRecents = false
02-15 06:56:03.814 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 328 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:03.858 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9238946 downTime:9238742 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:03.916 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480
{1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml long port finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 -
720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen
mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846
themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData = Bundle[{}]}
02-15 06:56:03.960 1000 1201 2952 I ActivityTaskManager: Override config
changes=20000480 {1.0 268mcc3mnc [pt_PT] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h724dp 320dpi nrml
long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 55 - 720, 1504) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.846 themeChanged=0 themeChangedFlags=0 extraData =
Bundle[{}]} for displayId=0
02-15 06:56:03.995 10194 23256 23256 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 214 ms,, code=41 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:03.998 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 211ms
android.ui h=android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler c=android.view.-$
$Lambda$ViewRootImpl$7A_3tkr_Kw4TZAeIUGVlOoTcZhg@5790611 m=0
02-15 06:56:03.998 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow delivery took 260ms
android.ui$H c=null m=2
02-15 06:56:04.010 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 281ms main
$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@686f376 m=0
02-15 06:56:04.011 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 295ms main
h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate c=null m=2
02-15 06:56:04.015 1000 1413 1413 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 237 ms,, code=185 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:04.016 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:56:04.022 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 06:56:04.023 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.14901248
02-15 06:56:04.037 1000 22475 22503 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 284 ms,, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:04.037 1000 1413 1551 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 263 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:04.057 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 06:56:04.081 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 06:56:04.116 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 343ms
02-15 06:56:04.135 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 310 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:04.144 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 491 ms
02-15 06:56:04.155 1000 1201 1234 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 333 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=8 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:04.166 1000 1201 1234 W Looper : Slow Looper android.anim.lf:
doFrame is 320ms late because of 1 msg, msg 1 took 333ms (seq=7020 running=1ms
late=2ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 06:56:04.219 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 06:56:04.224 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 163ms
android.ui h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@f5dae45 m=0
02-15 06:56:04.250 1000 1201 1587 I ActivityTaskManager: Activity reported stop,
but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:56:04.266 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed
state loss timeout for ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:56:04.267 1000 1201 1232 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout
for ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195}
02-15 06:56:04.373 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 107ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@52af862 m=0
02-15 06:56:04.417 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 06:56:04.441 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 761ms late (wall=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=3740 running=30ms runnable=68ms
io=82ms late=29ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 98ms (seq=3742
running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms late=605ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:56:04.469 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 758ms late (wall=27ms
m }) because of 4 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=3740 running=30ms runnable=68ms
io=82ms late=29ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 98ms (seq=3742
running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms late=605ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:56:04.486 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 719ms late (wall=1ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 13 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=3740 running=30ms runnable=68ms
io=82ms late=29ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 98ms (seq=3742
running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms late=605ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:56:04.508 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 719ms late (wall=23ms
}) because of 14 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=3740 running=30ms runnable=68ms io=82ms
late=29ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 98ms (seq=3742
running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms late=605ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:56:04.612 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 726ms
late because of 16 msg, msg 1 took 484ms (seq=3740 running=30ms runnable=68ms
io=82ms late=29ms$H w=137), msg 3 took 98ms (seq=3742
running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms late=605ms$H w=137)
02-15 06:56:04.680 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 461ms
late because of 7 msg, msg 1 took 460ms (seq=120972 running=80ms runnable=9ms
io=46ms late=5ms$6 w=1)
02-15 06:56:04.694 1000 1201 1233 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +912ms due
to Window{61ebf59 u0}
02-15 06:56:04.829 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStop took 147ms
02-15 06:56:04.836 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity is 404ms late (wall=156ms
}) because of 33 msg, msg 1 took 98ms (seq=3742 running=17ms runnable=14ms io=16ms
late=605ms$H w=137), msg 15 took 92ms (seq=3756
running=39ms runnable=4ms io=1ms late=726ms
02-15 06:56:04.948 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:56:05.112 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 06:56:05.118 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 785ms
late because of 133 msg, msg 1 took 519ms (seq=120979 running=286ms runnable=16ms
io=22ms late=461ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 37 took 96ms
(seq=121015 running=3ms late=940ms$2
w=335), msg 42 took 77ms (seq=121020 running=61ms runnable=6ms late=844ms$H w=159)
02-15 06:56:05.428 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 418ms
late because of 185 msg, msg 1 took 163ms (seq=121112 running=113ms runnable=4ms
io=9ms late=785ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver), msg 124 took 80ms
(seq=121235 running=70ms runnable=1ms late=573ms
02-15 06:56:06.396 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9240633499627|Slow main thread|5
02-15 06:56:08.327 1000 1201 2843 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{733ae9 Top #35827} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (102 skipped)
02-15 06:56:12.186 1000 1201 2040 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 06:56:12.217 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:56:12.549 1000 1201 3768 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 06:56:19.977 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9255065 downTime:9255065 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:19.978 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:56:20.044 1000 1201 2843 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #35838} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (5 skipped)
02-15 06:56:20.131 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9255219 downTime:9255065 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:20.132 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:56:20.133 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 06:56:20.136 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 06:56:20.516 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 06:56:20.516 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 06:56:20.527 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 06:56:20.561 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:56:20.879 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 318 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:20.885 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 274 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:56:20.907 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 06:56:20.907 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:56:20.916 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 06:56:20.967 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 06:56:59.855 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9260518 downTime:9260518 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:56:59.855 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 06:56:59.867 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 06:56:59.875 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 06:56:59.880 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 06:56:59.880 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 06:56:59.882 1000 1413 1430 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 06:56:59.883 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 06:56:59.883 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 06:56:59.884 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager:
02-15 06:56:59.894 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 06:56:59.894 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 06:56:59.899 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 06:56:59.904 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 06:56:59.909 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 06:56:59.913 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 06:56:59.913 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 34 ms
02-15 06:56:59.927 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 06:56:59.942 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 06:57:00.075 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9260787 downTime:9260518 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 06:57:00.121 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:57:00.172 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 269 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:00.174 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 368 ms
02-15 06:57:00.174 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 06:57:00.181 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 223 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:01.998 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9260933026782|Slow issue draw commands|3
02-15 06:57:09.806 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:57:09.807 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 06:57:09.816 1000 1201 1201 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36073} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (118 skipped)
02-15 06:57:09.818 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 06:57:10.203 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 06:57:10.204 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 06:57:10.215 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 06:57:10.244 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 06:57:10.513 1000 1413 1413 I MiuiChargeManager:
notifyBatteryStatusChanged: status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 95 wireState: -1
chargeSpeed: 0 mWiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
02-15 06:57:10.559 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eryStatusChangedReceiver} caller=android
02-15 06:57:10.566 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 322 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:10.570 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:10.571 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 06:57:10.572 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 06:57:10.630 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 104ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@363b879 m=0
02-15 06:57:10.637 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 06:57:10.684 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 06:57:11.152 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 06:57:12.347 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 624ms
02-15 06:57:12.357 10175 24980 24980 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 627 ms,, code=37 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:12.543 10170 24953 24953 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 1067 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 06:57:12.630 10170 24953 24953 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2
plan=06:57:10.879 late=3ms wall=1387ms running=185ms runnable=12ms io=62ms$H w=110
02-15 06:59:22.061 10175 2306 24409 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 845 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 06:59:22.137 10175 2306 23819 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 920 ms,, code=29 oneway=false
02-15 06:59:22.144 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 138ms main
$Lambda$BatteryService$2x73lvpB0jctMSVP4qb9sHAqRPw@4e30863 m=0
02-15 06:59:22.146 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 925ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=53
02-15 07:00:01.001 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 770ms main$AlarmHandler c=null m=4
02-15 07:00:01.009 10175 2306 4044 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 773 ms, interface=android.os.IPowerManager, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 07:00:01.140 1000 1201 1363 I AlarmManager: remove power off alarm pacakge
name android
02-15 07:00:34.996 1041 580 2584 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 650 ms,, code=9 oneway=false
02-15 07:00:35.081 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:00:35.227 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:02:33.875 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 638 ms,, code=37 oneway=false
02-15 07:02:39.013 1000 2757 3778 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 648 ms, interface=android.hardware.display.IDisplayManager, code=1
02-15 07:02:39.052 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36256} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (109 skipped)
02-15 07:02:49.823 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:04:55.139 1000 1201 2040 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36275} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (14 skipped)
02-15 07:05:37.265 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9296233 downTime:9296233 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:05:37.266 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:05:37.296 1000 1201 1320 W MtkBoostFramework: Slow Operation:
MtkBoostFramework perfLockAcquire took 27ms
02-15 07:05:37.301 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 07:05:37.302 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 07:05:37.312 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 07:05:37.324 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 07:05:37.324 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 07:05:37.324 1000 1413 1983 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 07:05:37.329 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 07:05:37.333 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:05:37.333 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 07:05:37.334 1000 1201 3770 I WindowManager:
02-15 07:05:37.337 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 07:05:37.352 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9296367 downTime:9296233 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:05:37.370 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 07:05:37.440 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 07:05:37.442 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 07:05:37.443 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 07:05:37.449 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 07:05:37.449 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 126 ms
02-15 07:05:37.614 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 277 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:05:37.615 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 398 ms
02-15 07:05:37.616 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 07:05:37.623 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 245 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 07:05:37.623 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 215 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 07:05:38.240 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9297252 downTime:9297252 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:05:38.240 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:05:38.449 1000 2585 2607 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9296971912399|Slow issue draw commands|21
02-15 07:05:38.475 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9297490 downTime:9297252 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:05:38.475 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:05:38.476 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 07:05:38.478 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 07:05:38.852 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 07:05:38.853 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 07:05:38.863 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 07:05:38.892 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 07:05:39.203 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 312 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:05:39.209 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 07:05:39.210 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 07:05:39.210 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:05:39.219 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 07:05:39.267 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 07:05:43.640 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 649ms
02-15 07:11:22.108 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:11:22.237 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:11:22.268 10111 24207 24885 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 07:11:22.856 1000 1201 1684 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36504} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (117 skipped)
02-15 07:11:22.888 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 103ms so
far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
02-15 07:11:22.888 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 104ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
02-15 07:11:22.890 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so
far, now at startProcess: building log message
02-15 07:11:22.890 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i5 for
02-15 07:11:22.890 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 105ms so
far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
02-15 07:11:22.890 1000 1201 1240 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 106ms so
far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
02-15 07:12:33.039 10111 24207 24207 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 652 ms,, code=15 oneway=false
02-15 07:17:10.066 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{f0ea763 Top #36532} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{c6acaf8} proc state 3 (26 skipped)
02-15 07:17:46.099 1000 15972 16043 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 659 ms,, code=13 oneway=false
02-15 07:17:46.103 1000 15939 16040 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 663 ms,, code=13 oneway=false
02-15 07:20:44.954 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 103ms
android.ui$UiHandler c=null m=68
02-15 07:20:45.025 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25094:com.miui.weather2/u0a72 for service
02-15 07:20:45.808 1000 1201 6414 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=event_data
isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 07:20:45.821 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 07:20:45.822 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 07:20:45.916 10072 25094 25094 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 07:20:45.917 10072 25094 25094 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 07:20:45.971 1000 1201 2696 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=platform_stats_bookmark isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
02-15 07:20:45.976 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to
02-15 07:20:45.977 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10
(has extras) } to$PersistentTrustedReceiver
02-15 07:20:46.054 10072 25094 25094 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 07:20:46.054 10072 25094 25094 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 07:20:50.499 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 101ms main$CcHandler c=null m=1
02-15 07:20:54.151 1000 1201 1238 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{3422bb1 Top #36702} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (83 skipped)
02-15 07:28:06.128 1000 1201 1201 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36733} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (31 skipped)
02-15 07:28:06.245 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:28:06.323 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: Kill reason
AutoLockOffCleanByPriority from pid=22475
02-15 07:28:06.346 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=955 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.347 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.349 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.xiaomi.simactivate.service Adj=965 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.349 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing
24595:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 (adj 965): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.350 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=915 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.350 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.351 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=925 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.352 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.353 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill com.miui.cloudservice Adj=985 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.353 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing
24562:com.miui.cloudservice/u0a114 (adj 985): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.354 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=945 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.355 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945):
02-15 07:28:06.356 1000 1201 3770 I ProcessManager: AutoLockOffCleanByPriority:
kill Adj=935 State=20
02-15 07:28:06.356 1000 1201 3770 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.359 1000 22475 22517 W PK : AutoLockOffCleanByPriority
02-15 07:28:06.415 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:33:32.413 1000 1201 1684 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36760} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (16 skipped)
02-15 07:33:33.933 10111 24207 24244 I Ad : isPersonalizedAdEnabled
getAdSettings: 3
02-15 07:34:23.001 1000 1201 1618 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36763} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (0 skipped)
02-15 07:34:27.624 10175 2377 14677 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 639 ms,, code=3
02-15 07:34:54.554 1000 1201 3768 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36764} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (0 skipped)
02-15 07:35:14.691 1000 1201 3768 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{f0ea763 Top #36769} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{c6acaf8} proc state 5 (0 skipped)
02-15 07:35:38.005 1000 1201 1684 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36773} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (1 skipped)
02-15 07:35:55.651 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36778} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (1 skipped)
02-15 07:35:56.600 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:35:58.926 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
mJobService} caller=android
02-15 07:35:59.669 10190 25182 25182 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:35:59.741 10190 25182 25182 I chatty :
uid=10190( identical 4 lines
02-15 07:35:59.743 10190 25182 25182 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:35:59.777 10190 25182 25212 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:35:59.823 10190 25182 25212 I chatty :
uid=10190( identical 5 lines
02-15 07:35:59.832 10190 25182 25212 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:00.048 10190 25182 25229 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:00.291 10190 25182 25229 I chatty :
uid=10190( identical 78 lines
02-15 07:36:00.293 10190 25182 25229 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:01.020 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 112ms main$CcHandler c=null m=1
02-15 07:36:01.076 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdler: Got mount service
completion callback
02-15 07:36:01.076 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 7200000
02-15 07:36:01.079 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdler: Got mount service
completion callback
02-15 07:36:01.080 1000 1201 1238 I MountServiceIdlerInjector: sNextTrimDuration
: 7200000
02-15 07:36:05.715 1000 1201 1238 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8a19de1 Top #36940} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (120 skipped)
02-15 07:36:06.830 10190 25182 25245 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:06.832 10190 25182 25213 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:06.837 10190 25182 25209 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:06.878 10190 25182 25209 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info
02-15 07:36:30.391 1000 1201 6414 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36961} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (12 skipped)
02-15 07:37:54.398 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 720ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$HandlerChecker@166689d m=0
02-15 07:38:07.145 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36965} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (3 skipped)
02-15 07:39:03.900 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:true eventTime:9500965 downTime:9500965 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:39:03.901 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:39:03.914 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9500965 downTime:9500965 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:39:03.915 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:39:03.932 1000 1201 2045 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #36973} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (3 skipped)
02-15 07:39:03.933 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 07:39:03.938 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 07:39:03.943 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 07:39:03.943 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 07:39:03.948 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 07:39:03.962 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 07:39:03.993 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:25
down:false eventTime:9501100 downTime:9500965 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:39:04.014 1000 1413 12853 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 07:39:04.016 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:39:04.016 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 07:39:04.018 1000 1201 1684 I WindowManager:
02-15 07:39:04.054 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 07:39:04.065 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 117ms
android.ui$2 c=null m=1
02-15 07:39:04.066 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9501116 downTime:9500965 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:39:04.066 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 07:39:04.157 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
eceiver} caller=android
02-15 07:39:04.168 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 07:39:04.172 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 07:39:04.183 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 07:39:04.188 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 07:39:04.189 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 245 ms
02-15 07:39:04.234 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 272 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:39:04.237 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 379 ms
02-15 07:39:04.237 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 07:39:13.858 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
timeout (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:39:13.859 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 07:39:13.869 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 07:39:14.321 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 07:39:14.322 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
02-15 07:39:14.338 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 07:39:14.371 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 07:39:14.688 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 317 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:39:14.693 1000 1413 2018 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 283 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 07:39:14.695 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 07:39:14.695 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:39:14.698 1000 1201 1201 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37092} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (62 skipped)
02-15 07:39:14.700 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 07:39:14.767 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan started for all supported
02-15 07:39:15.052 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 07:41:03.088 1000 1201 6414 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37214} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (59 skipped)
02-15 07:42:40.147 1000 1201 1239 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37223} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (3 skipped)
02-15 07:43:07.203 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:43:07.334 1000 1201 1245 E BatteryExternalStatsWorker: no controller
energy info supplied for bluetooth
02-15 07:43:09.573 1000 1201 3768 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37233} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (3 skipped)
02-15 07:43:31.709 1000 15939 16040 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 277 ms,, code=13 oneway=false
02-15 07:43:31.710 1000 15972 16043 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 278 ms,, code=3 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:22.459 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9571244 downTime:9571244 policyFlags:2000000 flags:8 deviceId:4
isScreenOn:false keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:22.460 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:45:22.474 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Asleep
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_POWER_BUTTON, details=android.policy:POWER)...
02-15 07:45:22.475 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:15
02-15 07:45:22.478 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started waking up...
02-15 07:45:22.482 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
02-15 07:45:22.482 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turning on...
02-15 07:45:22.493 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 07:45:22.494 1000 1413 12876 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenOn
02-15 07:45:22.496 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:45:22.496 1000 1413 1413 W KeyguardViewMediator: notifyDrawn
02-15 07:45:22.497 1000 1201 3768 I WindowManager:
02-15 07:45:22.515 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", ON
02-15 07:45:22.564 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Pno scan stopped
02-15 07:45:22.612 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting mKeyguardDrawComplete
02-15 07:45:22.615 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: All windows ready for
02-15 07:45:22.620 1000 1201 1230 W WindowManager: Setting
02-15 07:45:22.624 1000 1201 1230 I WindowManager: Finished screen turning on...
02-15 07:45:22.624 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on
after 142 ms
02-15 07:45:22.680 1000 1201 2045 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37273} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (19 skipped)
02-15 07:45:22.696 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9571482 downTime:9571244 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:true repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:22.801 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 286 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:22.803 1000 1201 1249 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 346 ms
02-15 07:45:22.803 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished waking up...
02-15 07:45:22.810 1000 1413 1604 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 218 ms, interface=android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer, code=2 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:23.636 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9571898418954|Slow issue draw commands|18
02-15 07:45:25.385 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
02-15 07:45:25.587 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 289ms
android.fg$CallbackHandler c=null m=524292
02-15 07:45:25.589 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Slow delivery took 269ms
android.fg h=android.os.Handler$
_c6XiA@489b1a2 m=0
02-15 07:45:25.589 1000 1201 1311 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 107ms
02-15 07:45:25.680 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 07:45:25.697 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9574482902416|Slow issue draw commands|19
02-15 07:45:25.701 1000 1201 1229 W Looper : Drained
02-15 07:45:25.842 wifi 723 723 W wificond: No pno scan started
02-15 07:45:25.842 wifi 723 723 W wificond: Scheduled scan is not running!
02-15 07:45:25.843 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 07:45:25.886 wifi 16739 16739 W android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: No active wlan interfaces in use! Using default
02-15 07:45:25.892 1000 1201 3768 I Telecom-Common: isInEmergencyCall: false:
02-15 07:45:25.949 wifi 723 723 I wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for
interface with index: 42
02-15 07:45:25.981 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Legacy HAL stop complete callback received
02-15 07:45:26.151 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Wifi HAL stopped
02-15 07:45:26.172 1000 1201 3768 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x4000010
(has extras) } to
02-15 07:45:26.274 10171 2281 3913 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 629 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:26.362 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 07:45:26.632 10182 25385 25410 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 300 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:26.667 10171 2281 3913 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 392 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=21 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:29.378 1000 1201 2045 W NotificationService: Toast already killed.$Stub$Proxy@1b11e3
02-15 07:45:32.440 1000 1201 1729 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:45:32.465 1000 1413 1413 E miui_face: start face unlock
02-15 07:45:32.800 1000 1201 2045 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{41afa9e u0
NavigationBar}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 07:45:33.354 1000 1201 2045 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{8ab24d3 Top #37405} whose proc state 1 is
better than process ProcessState{a1bab91} proc state 2 (63 skipped)
02-15 07:45:38.795 1000 1413 1413 I miui_keyguard_password: pattern unlock
duration 153
02-15 07:45:38.799 1000 1413 1413 W miui_keyguard: unlock keyguard by pw
02-15 07:45:38.850 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Unlocking user 0 with
secret only, length 32
02-15 07:45:38.851 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Disabling escrow token
on user 0
02-15 07:45:38.857 1000 1201 2041 I LockSettingsService: Caching SP for user 0
02-15 07:45:38.861 1000 1413 24369 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 219 ms,, code=10
02-15 07:45:38.863 1000 1201 1201 I LockSettingsService: Removing SP from cache
for user 0
02-15 07:45:39.155 1000 1201 2045 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.156 1000 1413 2453 I KeyguardViewMediator: call fw
keyguardGoingAway: flags = 8
02-15 07:45:39.157 1000 1201 1230 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 110ms
android.ui h=android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerGlobal$DisplayListenerDelegate
c=null m=2
02-15 07:45:39.158 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.161 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.203 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.206 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.243 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:39.244 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator:
handleStartKeyguardExitAnimation startTime=9588030 fadeoutDuration=300
02-15 07:45:39.275 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:18
02-15 07:45:39.275 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 07:45:39.332 1000 1413 1413 I miui_face: face unlock success
02-15 07:45:39.341 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onStart took 130ms
02-15 07:45:39.386 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 07:45:39.387 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 07:45:39.387 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 07:45:39.388 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
02-15 07:45:39.390 1000 1201 1239 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not
allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
to com.zhiliaoapp.musically/
02-15 07:45:39.418 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
02-15 07:45:39.565 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 07:45:39.613 10194 23256 23256 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity onResume took 254ms
02-15 07:45:39.674 10194 23256 24344 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 332 ms,, code=20 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:39.738 1000 1201 3752 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{d4ac10c u0}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 07:45:39.829 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 480ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 405ms (seq=4081 running=52ms runnable=11ms
io=203ms late=152ms$H w=159)
02-15 07:45:40.148 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{1ffbd9e u0 t195} time:9588935
02-15 07:45:40.431 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg:
seq=61326 plan=07:45:39.366 late=0ms wall=1064ms running=133ms runnable=9ms
02-15 07:45:40.431 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 1064ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@fccb73a m=0
02-15 07:45:40.431 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Slow delivery took 1064ms main$H$
$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@ad9dfeb m=0
02-15 07:45:40.463 1000 1201 1201 W WindowManager: removeWindowToken: Attempted
to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@5b3ca75
02-15 07:45:40.488 1000 1201 1201 W Looper : Drained
02-15 07:45:40.524 1000 2585 4204 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
9588463309955|Slow main thread|8
02-15 07:45:40.855 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9589623 downTime:9589623 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:40.997 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9589784 downTime:9589623 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.029 10182 25385 25440 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 262 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-15 07:45:42.262 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9591048 downTime:9591048 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.359 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9591146 downTime:9591048 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.492 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9591279 downTime:9591279 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.584 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9591369 downTime:9591279 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.699 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9591485 downTime:9591485 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.797 1000 1201 3752 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9591584 downTime:9591485 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:42.847 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:1/u0ai1 for
02-15 07:45:42.972 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:2/u0ai2 for
02-15 07:45:43.148 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:1/u0a194i-8999 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 07:45:43.509 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
vice} caller=android
02-15 07:45:43.529 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
ibrary.InferAppBucketsJob} caller=android
02-15 07:45:43.706 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:0/u0a194i-9000 (adj 0): isolated not needed
02-15 07:45:43.731 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9592517 downTime:9592517 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:43.870 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9592657 downTime:9592517 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:43.889 10194 23256 23256 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 507ms
02-15 07:45:43.899 1000 1201 3752 I ActivityTaskManager: moveTaskToBack:
TaskRecord{3f4b307 #195 U=0 StackId=51 sz=1}
02-15 07:45:43.978 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9592765 downTime:9592765 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:44.012 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 07:45:44.016 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:23256||272|85|unknown|null||9591459728494|Slow handle
02-15 07:45:44.069 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.071 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.095 1000 1201 1458 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{62cb26a u0
com.miui.bugreport/com.miui.bugreport.ui.SubmitDialogActivity}: oldVis=8 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 07:45:44.103 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.118 1000 1201 1458 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.129 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.132 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.145 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.177 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9592964 downTime:9592765 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:44.179 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 07:45:44.180 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9592967 downTime:9592967 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:44.296 1000 1201 2041 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ef20984 u0
com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange =
02-15 07:45:44.302 1000 1201 2041 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.322 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.374 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.377 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity is 317ms late (wall=0ms running=0ms
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] }) because of 4 msg, msg 3 took 307ms (seq=393 running=15ms runnable=6ms
io=113ms late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 07:45:44.379 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.382 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 07:45:44.385 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9593171 downTime:9592967 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:44.388 1000 1201 1319 W WindowManager: Failed looking up window
<bottom of call stack>
02-15 07:45:44.389 1000 1201 2545 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9593175 downTime:9593175 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:44.412 1000 23609 23609 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Activity
com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity is 314ms late (wall=36ms running=9ms
m }) because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 307ms (seq=393 running=15ms runnable=6ms io=113ms
late=1ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 07:45:44.417 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{a9907f8 u0
com.miui.bugreport/com.miui.bugreport.ui.SubmitDialogActivity}: oldVis=4 newVis=0
focusMayChange = true
02-15 07:45:44.423 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.451 1000 1201 2545 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{ebb3276 u0
LauncherMinusOneScreen}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-15 07:45:44.459 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.466 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.486 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.491 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.499 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.508 1000 2585 4205 W MiuiPerfServiceClient:
interceptAndQueuing:23256||886|712|unknown|null||9592966067032|Slow main
02-15 07:45:44.522 1000 1201 2545 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.548 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.602 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:44.622 10086 1687 1687 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 347ms
late because of 3 msg, msg 1 took 350ms (seq=14519 running=121ms runnable=11ms
io=94ms swapin=3ms late=78ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
02-15 07:45:44.627 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9593414 downTime:9593175 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.081 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9593867 downTime:9593867 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.268 1000 1201 1618 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9594054 downTime:9593867 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.366 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9594151 downTime:9594151 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.375 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{8b27921 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t1} time:9594163
02-15 07:45:45.376 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible
id: ActivityRecord{cdf7cb4 u0 com.miui.bugreport/.ui.SubmitDialogActivity t196}
02-15 07:45:45.379 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 07:45:45.488 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9594275 downTime:9594151 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.573 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9594360 downTime:9594360 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.695 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9594482 downTime:9594360 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.788 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9594574 downTime:9594574 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:45.935 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9594722 downTime:9594574 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.022 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9594807 downTime:9594807 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.157 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9594944 downTime:9594807 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.308 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9595094 downTime:9595094 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.454 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9595241 downTime:9595094 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.566 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9595352 downTime:9595352 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.703 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9595489 downTime:9595352 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:46.863 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9595649 downTime:9595649 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:47.016 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9595803 downTime:9595649 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:47.688 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9596474 downTime:9596474 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:47.856 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9596640 downTime:9596474 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:48.374 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9597159 downTime:9597159 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:48.540 1000 1201 1729 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9597327 downTime:9597159 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:49.435 1000 1201 1729 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready
02-15 07:45:49.524 1000 1201 1233 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped
02-15 07:45:49.590 1000 1201 2840 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9598377 downTime:9598377 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:49.799 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9598586 downTime:9598377 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:51.016 1000 1201 2545 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:45:53.707 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9602493 downTime:9602493 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:53.846 1000 1201 2041 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9602633 downTime:9602493 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:45:53.897 1000 1201 2041 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:45:54.249 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25768:com.miui.cloudservice:remote/u0a114 for broadcast
{com.miui.cloudservice/miui.util.Log$DumpLogReceiver} caller=com.miui.bugreport
02-15 07:45:54.971 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25796:com.xiaomi.simactivate.service/u0a146 for service
02-15 07:45:55.404 10146 25796 25796 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_system_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 07:45:55.404 10146 25796 25796 I SystemConfig: Non-xml file
/system/etc/permissions/pms_sysapp_removable_vendor_list.txt in
/system/etc/permissions directory, ignoring
02-15 07:45:55.537 10146 25796 25796 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/sysconfig, skipping
02-15 07:45:55.537 10146 25796 25796 W SystemConfig: No directory
/product_services/etc/permissions, skipping
02-15 07:45:56.381 1000 1201 1618 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:45:59.761 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Process has 0 (of 1 available) client(s) in use after notification
android.hardware.wifi@1.3::IWifi has clients: 0
02-15 07:45:59.761 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Trying to exit HAL. No clients in use for any service in process.
02-15 07:45:59.764 wifi 16739 16739 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service-lazy-
mediatek: Unregistered all clients and exiting
02-15 07:46:05.128 1000 23609 23609 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 486 ms,, code=6 oneway=false
02-15 07:46:05.129 radio 1612 1612 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 441 ms,, code=5 oneway=false
02-15 07:46:05.832 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 402ms
late because of 2 msg, msg 2 took 402ms (seq=130208 running=18ms late=14ms
02-15 07:46:09.344 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9618131 downTime:9618131 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:09.494 1000 1201 6414 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9618281 downTime:9618131 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:10.540 1000 1201 2840 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:46:11.462 1000 1201 2840 I ActivityManager: Killing
24540:com.xiaomi.finddevice:securitypush/9810 (adj 965): empty #13
02-15 07:46:12.008 1000 1201 3742 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:46:14.862 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:true eventTime:9623649 downTime:9623649 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:48
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:14.879 1000 1201 1458 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:4
down:false eventTime:9623666 downTime:9623649 policyFlags:2b000002 flags:68
deviceId:-1 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:14.916 1000 1201 1458 W UriGrantsManagerService: For security
reasons, the system cannot issue a Uri permission grant to
content://com.miui.networkassistant.fileprovider/res/tmp.png [user 0]; use
startActivityAsCaller() instead
02-15 07:46:15.376 1000 1201 3011 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25182) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-15 07:46:16.470 1000 1201 6414 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25250) has died: cch+55 CEM
02-15 07:46:16.702 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:true eventTime:9625488 downTime:9625488 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:16.702 1000 1201 1320 E systemui_boost: render-thread tid = 0, do
not boost
02-15 07:46:16.709 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25299) has died: cch+99 CEM
02-15 07:46:16.922 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25356) has died: cch+95 CEM
02-15 07:46:16.949 1000 1201 1320 W BaseMiuiPhoneWindowManager: keyCode:26
down:false eventTime:9625735 downTime:9625488 policyFlags:22000000 flags:8
deviceId:4 isScreenOn:true keyguardActive:false repeatCount:0
02-15 07:46:16.949 1000 1201 1320 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:46:16.950 1000 1201 1201 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:16
02-15 07:46:16.952 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Started going to sleep...
02-15 07:46:17.130 1000 1201 2545 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25484) has died: cch+85 CEM
--------- beginning of main
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "FinalizerDaemon" daemon
prio=5 tid=11 Waiting
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="system" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0610 self=0xe763d000
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21283 nice=4
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xca540230
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 6262692 3966310 21 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xca43d000-
0xca43f000 stackSize=1040KB
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: - waiting on <0x06a2d4e4>
(a java.lang.Object)
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: - locked <0x06a2d4e4> (a
02-15 07:46:17.183 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "Binder:21261_1" prio=5
tid=12 Native
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="main" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0688 self=0xdbf02a00
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21287 nice=0
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xc367e230
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 1882385 333539 6 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xc3583000-
0xc3585000 stackSize=1008KB
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
000964d0 /apex/ (__ioctl+8)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
00064e21 /apex/ (ioctl+28)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
0003ab79 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
0003acc9 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #04 pc
0003b2b7 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #05 pc
00054065 /system/lib/ (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+12)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #06 pc
0000d8b3 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+182)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #07 pc
00082b8d /system/lib/
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #08 pc
000a6293 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+20)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #09 pc
00060803 /apex/ (__start_thread+30)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: (no managed stack frames)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "Binder:21261_2" prio=5
tid=13 Native
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="main" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0700 self=0xe7643200
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21288 nice=0
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xc357d230
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 4394002 2887306 13 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xc3482000-
0xc3484000 stackSize=1008KB
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
000964d0 /apex/ (__ioctl+8)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
00064e21 /apex/ (ioctl+28)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
0003ab79 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.184 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
0003acc9 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #04 pc
0003b2b7 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #05 pc
00054065 /system/lib/ (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+12)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #06 pc
0000d8b3 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+182)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #07 pc
00082b8d /system/lib/
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #08 pc
000a6293 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+20)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #09 pc
00060803 /apex/ (__start_thread+30)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: (no managed stack frames)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "Binder:21261_3" prio=5
tid=14 Native
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="main" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0778 self=0xdbf03800
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21290 nice=0
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xc347c230
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 74613076 162928310 232 ) utm=4 stm=3 core=6 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xc3381000-
0xc3383000 stackSize=1008KB
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
000964d0 /apex/ (__ioctl+8)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
00064e21 /apex/ (ioctl+28)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
0003ab79 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
0003acc9 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #04 pc
0003b2b7 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #05 pc
00054065 /system/lib/ (android::PoolThread::threadLoop()+12)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #06 pc
0000d8b3 /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+182)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #07 pc
00082b8d /system/lib/
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #08 pc
000a6293 /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+20)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #09 pc
00060803 /apex/ (__start_thread+30)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: (no managed stack frames)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "ChildProcessMain" prio=5
tid=15 Native
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="main" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc07f0 self=0xd4136000
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21315 nice=0
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xc2fa4230
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 1551473082 327234012 1190 ) utm=123 stm=31 core=5 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xc2ea1000-
0xc2ea3000 stackSize=1040KB
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a854 /apex/ (syscall+32)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a5ac5 /apex/
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01bdb1ad /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at J.N.M1Y_XVCN(Native
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: at
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "MemoryInfra" prio=5 tid=16
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | group="main" sCount=1
dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12cc0ae0 self=0xdbf05400
02-15 07:46:17.185 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21877 nice=0
cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0xc2e9b230
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 37732306 2506618 26 ) utm=2 stm=1 core=6 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | stack=0xc2da0000-
0xc2da2000 stackSize=1008KB
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | held mutexes=
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: (no managed stack frames)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "ThreadPoolServi" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21329 nice=0
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 1725076 2364617 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
00096394 /apex/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
00068d45 /apex/ (epoll_wait+16)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
01b3ab5f /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "Chrome_ChildIOT" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21332 nice=-4
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 107921700 48760680 429 ) utm=5 stm=4 core=7 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
00096394 /apex/ (__epoll_pwait+20)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
00068d45 /apex/ (epoll_wait+16)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
01b3ab5f /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "GpuMemoryThread" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21334 nice=0
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 857461 5266154 7 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "Compositor" prio=5 (not
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21335 nice=-4
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 16831228 3424311 45 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=4 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "ThreadPoolSingl" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21336 nice=0
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 398999 1923231 3 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "CompositorTileW" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21337 nice=0
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 510770 201692 4 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "CompositorTileW" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21338 nice=10
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 113692 41462 1 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=2 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.186 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a850 /apex/ (syscall+28)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a59fd /apex/ (pthread_cond_wait+32)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01c5c631 /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: "ThreadPoolForeg" prio=5
(not attached)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | sysTid=21390 nice=0
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: | state=S
schedstat=( 90498154 82152844 62 ) utm=7 stm=1 core=4 HZ=100
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: kernel: (couldn't read
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #00 pc
0005a854 /apex/ (syscall+32)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #01 pc
0005fc07 /apex/ (__futex_wait_ex(void
volatile*, bool, int, bool, timespec const*)+86)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #02 pc
000a5ac5 /apex/
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: native: #03 pc
01bdb1ad /product/app/TrichromeLibrary/TrichromeLibrary.apk!
(offset 644000) (???)
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0:: ----- end 21261 -----
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 I ocessService0::
02-15 07:46:17.187 99004 21261 21278 E ocessService0:: Failed to write stack traces
to tombstoned
02-15 07:46:17.308 1000 760 856 D AAL : 02-15 07:46:17.175 BL=2045,ESS=
256, 02-15 07:46:17.191 BL=2041,ESS= 256, 02-15 07:46:17.208 BL=2037,ESS= 256, 02-
15 07:46:17.224 BL=2033,ESS= 256, 02-15 07:46:17.308 BL=2031,ESS= 256,
02-15 07:46:17.356 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen off
02-15 07:46:17.356 1000 1201 1394 D HBMFeatureControl: brightness=0
02-15 07:46:17.357 1000 1201 1249 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen off
after 0 ms
02-15 07:46:17.374 1000 1201 1249 I WindowManager: Screen turned off...
02-15 07:46:17.374 1000 1201 9311 D BatteryService: shouldShutdownLocked
02-15 07:46:17.374 1000 1201 9311 D BatteryService: shutdownIfOverTempLocked
02-15 07:46:17.379 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast
02-15 07:46:17.391 1000 760 856 D AAL : 02-15 07:46:17.324 BL=2029,ESS=
256, 02-15 07:46:17.341 BL=2027,ESS= 256, 02-15 07:46:17.357 BL=2025,ESS= 256, 02-
15 07:46:17.373 BL=2023,ESS= 256, 02-15 07:46:17.391 BL=2021,ESS= 256,
02-15 07:46:17.398 1000 2757 2757 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
02-15 07:46:17.402 1000 1201 1394 D HBMFeatureControl: setBrightness,mNTCTemp11
02-15 07:46:17.412 1000 22475 22510 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged,
mBatteryLevel = 95, status = 3, level = 95, plug = 0, scale = 100
02-15 07:46:17.418 1000 1413 12876 D KeyguardViewMediator: notifyScreenTurnedOff
02-15 07:46:17.418 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:46:17.419 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:17.421 1000 732 732 I Situation: enable: handle:26, en:0 \r
02-15 07:46:17.424 1000 552 552 D lights : write_int open fd=7
02-15 07:46:17.425 1000 1201 1249 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:17.426 1000 593 641 I BufferQueueProducer: [ColorFade#0]
(this:0xf39bd000,id:459,api:1,p:1201,c:593) disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:17.428 1000 1201 1249 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown
buffer: 0xbe79bb40
02-15 07:46:17.428 1000 1201 1249 E IMGSRV : :0: QueueCancelBufferWrapper:
Failed to cancel buffer 0xbe6b3be8 (-22)
02-15 07:46:17.431 1000 1201 1232 I DisplayManagerService: Display device
changed state: "Ecrã Integrado", OFF
02-15 07:46:17.431 1000 593 593 D SurfaceFlinger: Setting power mode 0 on
display 0
02-15 07:46:17.433 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
10175, uidState = 6
02-15 07:46:17.433 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
10086, uidState = 7
02-15 07:46:17.433 1000 760 854 D PQ : ccorr table index=0
02-15 07:46:17.434 1000 760 854 D PQ : [PQ_SERVICE] setPQParamWithFilter
configFlag: 1
02-15 07:46:17.439 1000 760 856 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: 2047/1023 ->
02-15 07:46:17.439 1000 760 856 D AAL : onBacklightChanged: change screen
state 3(On) -> 0(Off)
02-15 07:46:17.439 1000 760 856 D AALLightSensor: AALLightSensor setEnabled
02-15 07:46:17.441 1000 550 550 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] Display(0)
02-15 07:46:17.446 root 672 848 I /system/vendor/bin/mi_thermald:
generic_set_level: set generic device battery to 0
02-15 07:46:17.453 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher.Lifecycle:
02-15 07:46:17.453 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine:
02-15 07:46:17.476 10086 1687 1687 D ScreenElementRoot: pause
02-15 07:46:17.478 10086 1687 1687 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher onPause took 59ms
02-15 07:46:17.483 1000 1413 1552 D AudioTrack: setVolume(120): 0xdbf5a500, left
= 0.000000, right = 0.000000
02-15 07:46:17.488 10086 1687 1687 W Launcher: onDisplayChanged: newRotation=0,
02-15 07:46:17.488 1000 732 732 I Light : enable: handle:4, en:0 \r
02-15 07:46:17.491 1000 760 856 D AALLightSensor: AALLightSensor Disabled
02-15 07:46:17.503 1000 1413 1552 D AudioTrack: stop(120): 0xdbf5a500, prior
02-15 07:46:17.503 1041 580 7429 E AudioFlinger_Threads: open
/proc/1413/cmdline error
02-15 07:46:17.504 1041 580 7429 I AudioFlinger_Threads: setAppName(), name=[],
02-15 07:46:17.504 1041 540 631 V EffectMiSound: MiSound_command() start,
02-15 07:46:17.504 1041 540 631 V EffectMiSound: MiSound_Command
EFFECT_CMD_SET_APP_NAME: stream=1, name=-
02-15 07:46:17.504 1000 1413 1552 D AudioTrack: stop(120): 0xdbf5a500 stop done
02-15 07:46:17.531 1041 580 674 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput portId
02-15 07:46:17.531 1041 580 674 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput() output
13, stream 1, session 1321
02-15 07:46:17.613 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine:
setPrepare on screen off
02-15 07:46:17.645 10086 1687 1778 D StatusBarController: handleMessage: flag
800000 disable false
02-15 07:46:17.646 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c!s >
disable2<q i n g r >
02-15 07:46:17.646 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock
02-15 07:46:17.651 1000 593 1253 I BufferQueueProducer:
(this:0xf39d8000,id:456,api:1,p:1687,c:593) queueBuffer: fps=0.06 dur=17612.01
max=17612.01 min=17612.01
02-15 07:46:17.656 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher.Lifecycle:
02-15 07:46:17.657 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine:
setPrepare onstop
02-15 07:46:17.679 10086 1687 1687 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-15 07:46:17.685 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils:
02-15 07:46:17.721 radio 1612 1612 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=-1
02-15 07:46:17.742 1000 1201 1458 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 25651) has died: cch+75 CEM
02-15 07:46:17.743 root 537 537 I Zygote : Process 25651 exited due to signal
9 (Killed)
02-15 07:46:17.743 1000 1201 1241 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10159 pid 25651 in 0ms
02-15 07:46:17.746 1000 560 609 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:25651, STATE_DEAD
02-15 07:46:17.746 1000 560 609 D RilUtility: notify_rild_crash_pid_set
certPid:-1, crash:25651, scn:0x0
02-15 07:46:17.750 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid =
02-15 07:46:17.765 1000 593 593 D SurfaceFlinger: Finished setting power mode
0 on display 0
02-15 07:46:17.765 1000 1201 1394 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact
took 335 ms, interface=android.ui.ISurfaceComposer, code=19 oneway=false
02-15 07:46:17.766 1000 1201 1394 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in
02-15 07:46:17.766 1000 560 610 I power@1.3-impl: setInteractive Disable All
35 24819
02-15 07:46:17.766 1000 560 609 I powerd : [powerd_req]
02-15 07:46:17.782 1000 1201 1994 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100,
eOrigin 2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-15 07:46:17.806 10193 2484 2484 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():744
onTrimMemory(): 5
02-15 07:46:17.832 10193 2484 2484 I GoogleInputMethodService:
GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4503 onTrimMemory(): 5
02-15 07:46:17.855 gps 675 719 E flp : flp_screen_monitor_thread: Screen
02-15 07:46:17.856 gps 675 718 D MNLD : mnld_main_thread: flp2mnl_hdlr msg
02-15 07:46:17.856 gps 675 718 D MNLD : mnld_main_thread: n=2
02-15 07:46:17.856 gps 675 718 D MNLD : mnld_main_thread: gfc2mnl_hdlr msg
02-15 07:46:17.856 gps 675 718 D MNLD : main_event_hdlr:
02-15 07:46:17.894 10072 25094 25094 D Wth2:WeatherApplicationDelegate:
onTrimMemory() level=60
02-15 07:46:17.917 1000 1201 1249 W DreamManagerService: Dream
ComponentInfo{com.miui.aod/com.miui.aod.doze.DozeService} does not exist
02-15 07:46:17.917 1000 1201 1249 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
02-15 07:46:17.921 1000 1201 1201 I WindowManager: Finished going to sleep...
02-15 07:46:17.927 1000 1413 12740 D KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:46:17.927 1000 1413 12740 D KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:46:17.952 1000 1413 12740 W KeyguardViewMediator: doKeyguard: showing
the lock screen
02-15 07:46:17.952 1000 1201 1201 D zhoumingliang-windowmanager: set vrtest flag
-- false
02-15 07:46:17.952 1000 1413 12740 D KeyguardViewMediator: showLocked
02-15 07:46:17.959 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewMediator:
02-15 07:46:17.960 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:17.960 1000 1413 1413 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false
02-15 07:46:17.961 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false
02-15 07:46:17.961 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.002 10173 21584 21584 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity:
visibility = 4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@c5baa41, this =
02-15 07:46:18.005 1000 1201 1333 E WifiClientModeImpl: getWifiLinkLayerStats
called without an interface
02-15 07:46:18.013 1000 1201 1333 D WifiConnectivityManager:
handleScreenStateChanged: screenOn=false
02-15 07:46:18.013 1000 1201 1333 D WifiConnectivityManager:
startConnectivityScan: screenOn=false wifiState=transitioning scanImmediately=false
wifiEnabled=false wifiConnectivityManagerEnabled=true
02-15 07:46:18.017 1000 1201 1201 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
02-15 07:46:18.021 10173 21584 21646 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword
detection immediately - true
02-15 07:46:18.029 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.030 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.030 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode()
02-15 07:46:18.030 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState()
02-15 07:46:18.031 10173 21584 21635 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.032 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.034 1000 593 641 I BufferQueueProducer:
disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:18.035 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
02-15 07:46:18.036 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag
2, mode 0
02-15 07:46:18.036 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewMediator: handleShow
02-15 07:46:18.037 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardCameraView: addViewToWindow false
02-15 07:46:18.038 1000 1413 1413 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
02-15 07:46:18.042 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
setScreenState(), flag = 2, rate = 1024, mInterrupt = 0.021333, mode = 0,
sample_rate(target) = 48000, buffer_size = 8192, channel = 2, format = 4,
reduceInterruptSize = 1024
02-15 07:46:18.042 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag
8, mode 0
02-15 07:46:18.042 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag
65536, mode 0
02-15 07:46:18.042 1041 540 631 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
02-15 07:46:18.044 1000 1413 1743 D QSTile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState:
mTargetEnable = falsemController.getBluetoothState() = 10
02-15 07:46:18.055 1000 1413 2018 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.055 1000 1413 1413 D ViewRootImpl[keyguard_camera]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
02-15 07:46:18.057 1000 593 641 I BufferQueueProducer:
(this:0xf1570000,id:6,api:1,p:1413,c:593) disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:18.110 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine:
setPrepare on screen off from receiver
02-15 07:46:18.145 10173 21584 21584 I A : Trimming objects from memory,
since app is in the background.
02-15 07:46:18.158 1000 1413 1413 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle:
02-15 07:46:18.168 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.169 1000 1201 1232 W UsageStatsService: Event reported without a
package name, eventType:17
02-15 07:46:18.170 1000 1201 1232 I WindowManager: updateContrastOverlay,
darkmode: true isContrastEnabled: false alpha: 0.0
02-15 07:46:18.179 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.180 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.186 10173 21584 21584 I A : Trimming objects from memory,
since app is in the background.
02-15 07:46:18.199 10173 21584 21635 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100,
eOrigin 2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-15 07:46:18.227 10086 1687 1794 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.228 1000 593 2348 I BufferQueueProducer:
(this:0xf39d8000,id:456,api:1,p:1687,c:593) disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:18.232 1000 593 641 I BufferQueue: [LauncherMinusOneScreen#0]
(this:0xefe93000,id:458,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
02-15 07:46:18.233 10193 2484 2484 I DeviceStatusMonitor:
DeviceStatusMonitor$1.onReceive():57 onReceive() : Action =
02-15 07:46:18.239 10086 1687 1687 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity:
visibility = 4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@584fafb, this =
02-15 07:46:18.239 10086 1687 1687 D Launcher.Lifecycle:
02-15 07:46:18.258 10193 2484 2484 I InputBundle: InputBundle.consumeEvent():960
Skip consuming an event as imeStatus is 0
02-15 07:46:18.259 10193 2484 2484 I DeviceStatusMonitor:
DeviceStatusMonitor.updateCountryInfo():117 updateCountryInfo(), notifyAnyway =
02-15 07:46:18.271 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
10086, uidState = 6
02-15 07:46:18.288 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback
02-15 07:46:18.288 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister
callback for null
02-15 07:46:18.334 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode
02-15 07:46:18.334 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityView:
02-15 07:46:18.334 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardSecurityView:
02-15 07:46:18.334 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityView: inflating id =
02-15 07:46:18.383 10173 21584 25750 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted
sessionId[94929080801475363] from persistence.
02-15 07:46:18.384 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback
02-15 07:46:18.384 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister
callback for null
02-15 07:46:18.384 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.384 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.401 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode
02-15 07:46:18.438 10194 23256 23304 I cr_BindingManager: onTrimMemory: level=80,
02-15 07:46:18.453 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.454 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** register callback
02-15 07:46:18.454 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: *** unregister
callback for null
02-15 07:46:18.459 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode
02-15 07:46:18.461 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.464 1000 1413 1413 I StatusBar: updateDozing: mDozing:false
02-15 07:46:18.469 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator: setAodShowing: false
02-15 07:46:18.469 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.469 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.480 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.483 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardIndication: updateIndication:
mVisible true mDozing false mTransientIndication null mPowerPluggedIn false
mUpArrowIndication null
02-15 07:46:18.486 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.486 1000 1413 1413 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line
02-15 07:46:18.486 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.508 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.512 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode
02-15 07:46:18.512 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updatePublicMode()
02-15 07:46:18.512 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updateStackScrollerState()
02-15 07:46:18.514 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.514 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s >
disable2<q i n g r >
02-15 07:46:18.514 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock
02-15 07:46:18.516 1000 1413 1743 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver:
02-15 07:46:18.530 1000 1413 1743 D BrightnessController: UpdateSliderRunnable:
value: 2047
02-15 07:46:18.531 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked:
mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x1e00000
02-15 07:46:18.532 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewBase: show()
02-15 07:46:18.535 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityModel: getSecurityMode
02-15 07:46:18.535 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardSecurityView:
02-15 07:46:18.535 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardSecurityView:
02-15 07:46:18.537 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.537 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.537 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardViewMediator: getBouncerPromptReason
trust = false fingerprint = false faceUnlock = false bleUnlock = false strongAuth =
0, userId = 0
02-15 07:46:18.538 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardViewMediator: adjustStatusBarLocked:
mShowing=true mOccluded=false force=false --> flags=0x1e00000
02-15 07:46:18.541 1000 1413 1413 I KeyguardDisplayManager: Do not show
KeyguardPresentation on the default display
02-15 07:46:18.542 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.542 1000 1413 1413 I chatty : uid=1000(system) identical 1 line
02-15 07:46:18.542 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.542 1000 1413 1413 D LockScreenMagazineClient: hideOverlay
02-15 07:46:18.544 1000 1413 1413 D FaceManagerImpl_client: inernational:true
supportR:[ALL] nowR:PT
02-15 07:46:18.544 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.547 1000 1413 1743 D QSTile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState:
mTargetEnable = falsemController.getBluetoothState() = 10
02-15 07:46:18.551 1000 1413 1413 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The
application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
02-15 07:46:18.564 1000 1413 1743 D QSTile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState:
mTargetEnable = falsemController.getBluetoothState() = 10
02-15 07:46:18.573 1000 1413 1413 V LockPatternView: LockPatternView dimensions:
02-15 07:46:18.578 1000 1413 1413 V LockPatternView: LockPatternView dimensions:
02-15 07:46:18.582 1000 593 2348 I BufferQueueConsumer: [StatusBar#0]
(this:0xf394d000,id:3,api:1,p:1413,c:593) setDefaultBufferSize: width=720
02-15 07:46:18.586 10194 23256 23291 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100,
eOrigin 2, final_idx 2, oppidx_max 2, oppidx_min 0
02-15 07:46:18.595 1000 1413 1413 V LockPatternView: LockPatternView dimensions:
02-15 07:46:18.597 1000 1413 1604 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.599 1000 593 2348 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#0]
(this:0xf394d000,id:3,api:1,p:1413,c:593) disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:18.600 1000 1413 1604 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.601 1000 1413 1743 D BrightnessController: BrightnessObserver:
02-15 07:46:18.601 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.602 1000 593 2348 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#0]
(this:0xf394d000,id:3,api:1,p:1413,c:593) connect(P): api=1
producer=( producerControlledByApp=false
02-15 07:46:18.602 1000 1413 1413 W HeadsUpManager: removeHeadsUpNotification()
no heads up notification on show
02-15 07:46:18.605 1000 1413 1604 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.625 1000 2757 2757 D PowerNoticeUI: ScreenOffEvent
02-15 07:46:18.642 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.642 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.651 1000 1413 1604 D Surface :
02-15 07:46:18.652 1000 593 641 I BufferQueueProducer: [NavigationBar#0]
(this:0xf0d29000,id:451,api:1,p:1413,c:593) disconnect(P): api 1
02-15 07:46:18.664 1000 1413 1413 W Looper : Slow Looper main: doFrame is 502ms
late because of 6 msg, msg 1 took 507ms (seq=131113 running=97ms runnable=8ms
io=244ms late=77ms$6 w=1)
02-15 07:46:18.665 1000 1413 1413 I vol.MiuiVolumeDialogImp: dismissH
mShowing:false dialog showing:false reason:4
02-15 07:46:18.666 1000 1413 1413 D miui_face: updateShowingStatus showing=true
02-15 07:46:18.670 1000 593 593 I BufferQueue: [NavigationBar#0]
(this:0xf0d29000,id:451,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) ~BufferQueueCore
02-15 07:46:18.671 1000 1413 1413 D EventBus: [1413, u0]
02-15 07:46:18.671 1000 1413 1413 D EventBus: [1413, u0] ->
ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x3018589, P1]
02-15 07:46:18.671 1000 1413 1413 D EventBus: [1413, u0]
onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 54 microseconds, avg: 928
02-15 07:46:18.691 1000 1413 1413 D BluetoothController: fireStateChange
02-15 07:46:18.691 1000 1413 1413 D PhoneStatusBarPolicy: updateBluetooth
bluetoothEnabled = false bluetoothBattery visible=false
02-15 07:46:18.691 1000 1413 1413 D QSTile.BluetoothTile:
onBluetoothStateChange: enabled = false
02-15 07:46:18.692 1000 1413 1743 D QSTile.BluetoothTile: handleUpdateState:
mTargetEnable = falsemController.getBluetoothState() = 10
02-15 07:46:18.693 1000 1413 1413 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleKeyguardReset
02-15 07:46:18.693 1000 1413 1413 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor:
02-15 07:46:18.699 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.702 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s B!H!R!C!s >
disable2<q i n g r >
02-15 07:46:18.706 1000 1413 1413 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView:
setDisabledFlags back:true home:true recent:true
02-15 07:46:18.706 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBarClock: isNormalMode= true clock
02-15 07:46:18.720 10173 21584 21646 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
02-15 07:46:18.723 1000 1413 1413 D NavBarTintController:
updateSamplingListener false
02-15 07:46:18.724 10182 25385 25410 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl:
Reclaiming memory at level: 40
02-15 07:46:18.724 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: onNotificationPosted key=0|
com.miui.bugreport|13|null|1000 isUpdate=true
02-15 07:46:18.726 10182 25385 25410 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl:
Reclaiming memory at level: 60
02-15 07:46:18.736 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Screen is locked [CONTEXT
service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.741 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.755 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Failed to stop scanning
because weren't scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.755 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Stopping discovery because
the screen is locked. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.759 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Can't stop advertising
FastInitiation. Not advertising. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.760 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Stopping Fast Init
advertisement because Bluetooth is off. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.760 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Stopping advertising because
the screen is locked. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.760 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Stopping FastInitiation
scanning because the screen is locked. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.760 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: No peeking: not in use: 0|
02-15 07:46:18.760 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updateHeadsUp wasHeadsUp=false
shouldPeek=false alertAgain=true
02-15 07:46:18.766 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Can't stop scanning for
FastInitiation. Not scanning. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.766 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use
notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.769 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:18.770 1000 1413 1413 D NavBarTintController:
updateSamplingListener false
02-15 07:46:18.771 10173 21584 21646 I A : cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-
02-15 07:46:18.783 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Fast Initiation Scanning has
stopped [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.783 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Dismissing HUN as there's no
device nearby. [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.783 10175 2306 14270 I NearbySharing: Cancelling in use
notification [CONTEXT service_id=194 ]
02-15 07:46:18.800 10173 21584 21646 I MicroDetectionState: Should stop hotword
detection immediately - true
02-15 07:46:18.800 10175 2306 4054 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPairHandler: Received
action android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
02-15 07:46:18.820 10175 2306 4054 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPairScanner2:
isScreenOn=false, scanWithScreenOff=false, isLocationEnabled=false,
disableLocationRequirement=false, isDiscoveryScanningEnabled=true [CONTEXT
service_id=49 ]
02-15 07:46:18.831 10175 2306 4054 D BluetoothAdapter: isLeEnabled(): BLE_ON
02-15 07:46:18.832 10175 2306 4054 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPairScanner2:
eventType=SCREEN_OFF, intReq=false, scanning=false, scanAllowed=false,
bleEnabled=true, bleScanAvailable=true, lockScanRate=false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
02-15 07:46:18.856 10194 23256 23256 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: SurfaceState :
detach from parent : 0
02-15 07:46:18.857 10194 23256 23256 D ForceDarkHelper: updateByCheckExcludeList:
pkg: activity:
02-15 07:46:18.857 root 536 536 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap()
02-15 07:46:18.860 10072 25094 25094 D Wth2:WeatherApplicationDelegate:
onTrimMemory() level=80
02-15 07:46:18.862 10182 25385 25411 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl:
Reclaiming memory at level: 60
02-15 07:46:18.866 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
99004, uidState = 12
02-15 07:46:18.866 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
90002, uidState = 12
02-15 07:46:18.866 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
10194, uidState = 12
02-15 07:46:18.866 10194 23256 23256 D ForceDarkHelper: updateByCheckExcludeList:
pkg: activity:
02-15 07:46:18.867 10194 23256 23256 E cr_CompositorSurfaceMgr: Transitioning to
surface with format : -3
02-15 07:46:18.880 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
99004, uidState = 14
02-15 07:46:18.880 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
90002, uidState = 16
02-15 07:46:18.880 1000 1201 1331 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid =
10194, uidState = 16
02-15 07:46:18.880 10111 24207 24244 E AD-PLUGIN-SplashController: get broadcast
sender : android
02-15 07:46:18.881 1000 22475 22510 D PowerCheckerService: foreground, uid =
10086, app = com.miui.home
02-15 07:46:18.882 10194 23256 23304 I cr_BindingManager: onTrimMemory: level=80,
02-15 07:46:18.894 10175 2306 2306 D BoundBrokerSvc: onRebind: Intent
{ }
02-15 07:46:18.900 10094 15714 16319 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID
02-15 07:46:18.908 1000 24700 24700 D MiConnectService: screenOff,call stop
02-15 07:46:18.911 10094 15714 16319 D IdProviderImpl: getVAID
02-15 07:46:18.918 10182 25385 25412 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl:
Reclaiming memory at level: 60
02-15 07:46:18.935 10094 15714 16319 D IdProviderImpl: getUDID
02-15 07:46:18.942 10173 21584 21584 I A : Trimming objects from memory,
since app is in the background.
02-15 07:46:18.946 root 537 537 D Zygote : Forked child process 25974
02-15 07:46:18.947 root 25974 25974 I Zygote : DropCapabilitiesBoundingSet
02-15 07:46:18.954 root 536 536 D OemNetd : setPidForPackage:, pid=25974, pid=10111
02-15 07:46:18.954 1000 1201 1240 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
02-15 07:46:19.124 10111 25974 25974 E Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-15 07:46:19.219 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: onNotificationPosted key=0|
com.miui.bugreport|13|null|1000 isUpdate=true
02-15 07:46:19.237 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:19.250 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: No peeking: not in use: 0|
02-15 07:46:19.250 1000 1413 1413 D StatusBar: updateHeadsUp wasHeadsUp=false
shouldPeek=false alertAgain=true
02-15 07:46:19.262 1000 1413 1413 E DeviceLevelUtils: isLowGpuDevice:1
02-15 07:46:19.634 10111 25974 25974 I FeatureParser: can't find dandelion.xml in
assets/device_features/,it may be in /vendor/etc/device_features
02-15 07:46:20.117 1000 732 795 E Situation: processEvent, handle:71,
02-15 07:46:20.117 1000 732 795 E Situation: processEvent, handle:71,
02-15 07:46:20.129 radio 1612 1612 I SarSensor: mainState 2 mainStateBefore>>
02-15 07:46:20.130 radio 1612 1612 I SarService.Utils: gpio: false receiver:
false sarsensor: 2
02-15 07:46:20.130 radio 1612 1612 D SarService: updateSarsensorData: rlei
dsiBefore>>2 dsIvalues>>4
02-15 07:46:20.130 radio 1612 1612 D SarService: setDSIValuesOnMtk: value>>4
02-15 07:46:20.130 radio 1612 1612 D SarService.Utils: sendAtCmd:
atCmdLine>>AT+ERFIDX=1,4 mPhone>>Handler
(com.mediatek.internal.telephony.MtkGsmCdmaPhone) {aac9e70} message>>{ when=-
2h40m28s917ms what=1004 target=com.longcheertel.sarauth.SarSensorService$1

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