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‘SeunrnManMAsT Wem AF ‘To ano ttle 4, Unit Staten Cae, to establish a ext delve for th submieion of applets sgung emergency teatoent Ft ished in sow Depatuwent of Veterans AM medica flies, aml IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘Masini the lig il whieh wwf t He Cite A BILL ‘To umoncl title 88, United States Code, to establish an cestenled deadline for the submission of applications re- ished in non-Depaut te garding emerge ment th ment of Veterms Affairs medical fheilitie, and for other purposes 1 Be it enucted by the Senate and Howse of Representa 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress ussembled, 3. SECTION 1, SHORT TITLE, 4 This Act may be cited as the “Bmergeney Commu 5. nity Care Notification Time Adjustment det of 2 wmccooiezeostezzotnant _(eun997) Misc ese C007 am) GNMRIMASTIMAST.093.XML 2 | SEC. 2, EXTENDED DEADLINE RELATING TO EMERGENCY 2 ‘TREATMENT IN NON:DEPARTMENT OF VET. 3 ERANS AFFAIRS MEDICAL FACILITIES. 4 (a) Exrenpe Deapnank.—Sedtion 1708(a}(8) of 5 title 98, United States Code, is amend 6 (1) by striking “A covered veteran” and insert- 7 ing “(A) A covered veteran”; and 8 Dy adding at the end the following new sub 9 paragraph 10 *(B) In the ease of an emergeney which existell at IL the time of admission of a covered veteran to a health eare 12. provider, the Secretary shall deem any ¢ 13. ceivu by the veteran during the period beginning: at the 14 time of such admission andl ending at the time of aise 15 cliarge trom the facility at which sueh eave oF services 16 wore furnished to be authorized under subparagraph (A) 17 if the om xl veteran (or an individual aetinge on behalf 18 of the covered veteran) submits an epplieation for such 19 authorization by a deadline that the Secretary determines 20 appropriate for purposes of this paragraph, eseept that 21 seh deadline may: not be eartier than 72. hours following 22 such discharge.” 23 (b) ApPLicanitrry.—The amendhnents made by sub- 24 seetion (a) shall apply with respeet to admissions ovenr- 25 ving on or after the date of the enastment of this ct gvmcosiczonteczorie (397) fs soe oor

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